HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 64 T.DaeDaT, May 15, 1004. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO Our 1902 Model. The new Shirts show decided im- provements over the old Dues. You will saint to discard sows of the old ones when you study the 1902 model. Quiet, good taste, beauty of material, breadth, ampleness and betwty of stitching—all distinguish the new at rivals. All the way from.... 50c to $ 1.75. Boys' Shirt Waists. We have secured just what many mothers were asking for last summer, and what certainly is going to be very popular this season, namely, Shirt Waists for the boys. They are made of very nobby patterns, iu blues and Oaks, in American cawbrics and English Madras goals. We have them for boys of all ages from 6 to 15 years. Price. , , , 75c and 90c. .4116, — Boys' Clothing. Our sales of boys Clothing have been very large. The reason doubtless is because we have 'nth • large range of the newest styles at the right prices. The blouse suit and the Norfolk suite are the most popular this year. We invite your inspection. !toys' Knickers for 50c, worth 75c to $1.00. W. O. PR/DRAM. Wit �irga�i. owarbs�- EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Et .. feenawe.N1 ' I00MRICL TBUUUDLT. MAT U. INI. FACING BOTH WAYS. THE "two faoed" candidate iu West Huron is having anything but a pleasant time trying to square himself with his friends on both sides of the fence—the prohibitionists and the •Otis. For his prohibition friends he has a nice little friendly document from a Methodist preacher who for- merly resided in (:xderich, which states that "prohibition is dearer to me than party," and from Ates. W. WRIGHT, the Conservative organ- izer he shows the antis a letter from which can easily be road, "party is dearet to me than prohibition." When it is rememt ered that this is the same AMC W. WRIGHT who, in past years, stool shoulder to shoulder with E. Klan DODDS in fighting against the Dunkin Act and the Scott Act from one end of Ontario to the other oar temperance friends will be able to appreciate the joke that the "two-faced" candidate has put op on them. THE MAJOR IS ALL RIGHT. OUIt esteemed local contemporary says : Tnr 9tuvAL is busy painting Maier BECK u a very held man. All of which means that he was once, if not twice, elected by the votes of the people." To which Tits SIGNAL mildly re- marks that no effort has been made to paint the gallant Major a bad man. Hes a little off-color posing as a pro- hibitionist companion to JAM/18 MIT Cu&Lig but otherwise he is a jolly RNA fellow. By tbs ay, we don't see Oct whether the gen Major is good or bad has anything do with the claim made hy The Star that "he was once, if not twice elected.' Our esteemed contemporary's d actions are rather far fetched. THE GAR DENOF CANADA. A WELL-KNOWN politician stated that wherever be went be way always told by local enthusiasts that he war in "the Garden of Ontario And they were right, only they might have better called it "the Garden of °►nada," for Ontario, the old Province, is one vast fruit belt Of course some portions of it are more favorable than others for certain kinds of fruit. This county, for instance, is pre eminently an apple, pear and plum district. Nowhere on God's green footstool can these three fruits be raised to more perfection ; and what a noble trio they make In the county of Huron (here are 14 1213 acres in orchard and garden, besides 190 acres in grapes—fruit that would not nerd to hide if cont pared with those historic clusters of Nichol. We have nearly half • mil - lou apple trees In thls county, jsnd most of thein are of besring xgn. nforfunatily all these were lotted with judgment, and many of them are practically worthless for oominercial purposes. But there is no reason why another half million of apple trees, judiciously chosen, may not be pianted, and these would bring a rich return when they came into bearing. There is no danger of an orchard of good apples being other than a paying investment. There is room for more good trees. Test summer l'rof. John Macoun of the Geological Survey, walked over a large portion of western Ontario, with his peck on his back, collecting botanical specimens and examining the coentry rvgarling its fruit -pro clueing capacity. Nothing better indicates the cli matte conditions of a region than its wild plant life, and Prof. Ma- t -eon, after gathering 1,400 .'peri meas between Niagara and Owen ISound, says he found nothing to in- dicate • laok of warmth and every. thing proved the assertion that the whole district was suitable for the - cultivation of fruit, ranging from small fruits to cherries, plums, ap pies, pears, peaches and grape.. He not only found these fruits growing but found nature endorsing by her own unguided efforts the claim of this whole region to be regarded as • fruit country. The country bor- dering ou Lake St, Clair, Lake Huron and part of the Georgian Bay will do,thinks play a largepart to the production of apples for ex- port. On this point he says: "The sod in most places ie of the right kind, teing largely mixed with lime, and th• (Innate being cooler than that an Lake Erie, the fruit will be later in ripening and hence will keep better , . Bete,. en (lo.lerieb and Southampton the forest everywhere proved the estimate I had formed of it on the lower part of Lake Huru) hull good. The same terms may be applied to the lower part of the Bruce peninsula, and the country between Southampton and Owen Sound. Instead the whole district extending almost "to Collingwooil. may be included in the future apple -growing area of Western Ontario." SNAP SHOTS• — WILLIAM ('aMrICLL denies tint he tcuk Candidate MITI naLL to his bosom. Well, we don't blame you, R IL[.taa. —It seems a fair argument that the party which saral New Ontario to the Prorince should be kept in power to prosecute the work of development. — Mr. MITtvsu. posing in the l.egi.lature as a prohibitionist among a party of auti• prohib tioniste wou'd be a good deal like a pumpkin on a crab apple tree --The prohibition and the Conservative organization► in West Huron are not work- ing together, though they are both working for one min. They wouldn't mix very well, you know. — Neither Mr. Mlrcesu nor his paper. The Star, has yet discovered that Mr. Whirnrr is opposed to prohibition. The "wicked partner" must be keeping the nazi• didate in the dark. —When Candidate iferce LL's paper prince a bat of the things Mr WHITAcr wou'd do if he got into power it always smite;to say that he would give prohibition the cold shoulder. —A Huron Old Boy, 8 1 WASHINGTON, K C , is contesting West Hassilton is Ike Liberal interests, and he is waking the Torr 01.1 Boys of the Ambitiess City get their pit at. — The 8 wants an honest fight. Well, that'* map tl it has to do is to keep ice own fellows straight. The Liberate are playing fair ; they haven't even put up a two faced candidate. — The Tory c•meseets who are at work on the conreuion 'coeds and sidelines in the interest.' of Mr, Mrrcristt. must chuckle to themselves over the idea that they are lab- oring in the cause of prohibition. —One of the humors of the West Huron campaign in to be discovered in the names of the men who are working for the "pro hibition" candidate in West Huron. The names are lumbar enough, but not just in connection with probibition. —Tin Star braces IVHIT+ev and MIT - encu, as its candidates tor the Premiership and the repreaentatir of Whet Huron, re spectively. Prohibitionists can finely see hy this time that a vote for MITruat.i. means • v,M-Ie, chs bower inteweeiec.-fee wleiesis Wivw,ev stands. — The Star says that West Huron has not in the past hail • clean record in ales• metter. Ilam our e.mL... reify- denly been brought to repentance for the tactics which elected .1 C l'Arrrtwts in West Huron some years ago —They nmst be herd to anit, indeed, who are not satisfied with what the Conserv tires offer them in West Huron if you want prohibition, vote for Mrs MITCH gLI.. the prohibition candidate; it you don't want prohibition, vote for Mr. tarn Hat,. the Wuttnsy candidate. — An error crept into Tes MP+NAL, beat week in the statement that "the temper• anter eanlodate in West Huron has got one good word to may Inc MA , the former Tory chief and present temperance randi• date in Norte Toronto." "Ont" shonld be "not." Yr. Mirtntrt.i. has no bee for any- one who is not running on the Whitney ticket. —Several strangers are in West Huron in Roan interests. Our friends ennead watch them ver, elneely.—Oeelsrirh afar. The only arranger" we know of in West Hums at present are Mr. Nrceou. , Mr. 1 e n fs 1 $ PI iv • to fa hi al do a4 dt of by sr Y Y• ee 3 00 AO TM to a0 us tb. ort Pc h• oe MS Olt or DO te R. ra Ms le sou Sp gale sal has toe cid ser the ale bsf MI .et Bucuas&N and Mist Wioutss, It is cruel of The Star to state that they are here in the interests of Mr. Rose, gaud that they require watching. —The Star is • kweer kuss. It says there is "conclusive evtdeuos" that "the machine" is already in this riding. and the "oonc'usive evidence" appears to be that three member* of the "pug' have "already appeared in the southern part of West i•ambtuu " But, then, of couree, the editor of The Star doesn't find it hard to imagine • Ewa in two places at once ; he has • sort m ('PressTEM: NIttffttttttlttlttlttlttl tttlrtttltltltt1111 lG I Je He COCOLBORNE Cask or prod Keep Your Grass Cut 1 iDr". Muslin.' a Blank. Colored. B:aok and White owl Welts Is prloas, 0,, 9,, And your Lawn looking green and tidy. 14,, 15,, 17a, 25,, 30,, 350 and b0,. The o irangeol Ureas Masilw ever Nsa 1w tiederteb. Parasols. U,re» tram the gaskets, aad at Hsi R.ok Prose : 50 3. 73,. 1100. =1 50. $1.75 $1 9)11200, 112 25. *2.73, *3 00 esti $1 00 •a1 va'ses rtghh, Shirt Walnut. Oinghiirat A Ms rang. esti all new 81. 10,, 121 • 15, and 2J,. P}'lnta mug t aad t.. i. LIl stew yr 8 Mr. thus.. • • 6 health. TiTh s pet had been suffering Inc a long petted with acute kidney disease. He endured mach pate and distress, and slthoush he had triad many rentedlea, he found no abatement whatever la his per, tins of suffering. At last by the •delete of • rrlend hs bessn a Ireaimtese et Dodd'. Kidney Rils Ire was o Bred, and new he says "1 can hardly "spree" In words the gond Dedd'. Kidney P.11e hays done me. For the benefit of suffering humanity as wall as to ohne my thankfulness', 1 maks lists gent.men► "-- ------- • Hares 000017 Christian F.odeaver sad day $ebeol Annotation •ill meet Ie lbsfil.h Presbyterian ohereb es Wednee- 40g I d Thursday, ,lune 111 h and 19.11. We are headquarters for__ Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Eavestroughing, Plumbing, Heating, Etc., Etc. Lee &Sheliiri N Wennwlfh Plsitioe stn Oederieli ate.: a fIrti Even if you do rent internd to env Inez now call be the hed co4rimiiiiiiiml ls will Ise plaitest) to ekpar business to ehow you the superior points of our in*trnmemta We have a few gond wood hand Organs. ` In Sewing Machines we still "ell the White Irntery And vibrator). New Williams. 8tanderd,and A Queen. All suppled with the latest attachments and gnsrantee 1 for ten years. A We carry a full line of (;sitars, Mandoline, Violin*, Aecorrleons, Harmonicas, Str nge, Sheet Musie, Mimic Books, etc. 1 1f yon do not live in town write and we will he ple•eed to esnd you eataingnes of our tondo, or to call on yaw. 1 GEO. W. T HOMSO 1 WEST SIDE OF SQUARE N SON, 111 �„ 1 - aODEIIICH �N �N ui�ui�u��u�uru��liuuu