The Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 44 TIVRIDAT, May 15, 1904. ass's �9«'='4 r t, tc,,.'.'" a •+��^'0"&"t"e'�aa+ r',' THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO 4 Our I902 Model. t The new Shirts show decided im- provements over the old cues. You will went to discard some of the old ones when you study the 1902 model. Quiet, good taste, beauty of material, breadth, ampleness and beauty of stitching—all distinguish the new ar- rivals. All the way from. 50c to $1.75. Boys' Shirt Waists. We have secured just what many mothers were asking fur last summer, and what certainly is going to be very popular this season, namely, Shirt NVaista for the boys. They are made of very nobby patterns, iu blues and pinks, in American C,auibrics and English Madras goods. We have them for boys of all ages from t to 1:1 years. Price.... 75c and 90c. Boys' Clothing. Our sales of boys Clothing have been very large. Tho reason doubtless is because we havesuth a large range of the nowost stylus at the right prices. The blouse suit and the Norfolk suite aro the most popular this year. We invite your inspection. Boys' Knickers for 50e, worth 75c to $1.011. W. O. PR/DHAM. the Signal, 1 FOILmE&D EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ■Y e. lemelLIACTSIDI aODIHICH. THURSDAY. MAY 15, I. FACING BOTH WAYS. THE "two faced" candidate in West Huron is having anything but a pleasant time trying to square himself with his friends on both sides of the fence—the prohibitionists and the antis. For his prohibition friends he has a nice little friendly document from a Methodist preacher who for- merly resided in (i Aerial, which states that "prohibition is dearer to me than party," and from ALEX. 'W. WSIOHT, the Conservative organ- izer he shows the antis a hitter from which can easily be read, "party is dearer to me than prohibition." When it is remelet ered that this is the same11X. W. WRIGHT who, in pas: years, shoulder to shoulder with E. K o DODDS in fighting against the Dudkin Act and the Scott Act from one end of Ontario to the other our temperance friends will be able to appreciate the joke that the "two-faced" candidate has put tea on them. THE MAJOR IS ALL RIGHT. -- OUR esteemed local contemporary says : THE SIGNAL is busy painting Bata u a very bad man. All of w means that be was ono., if not twi elected by the votes of the people." To which Tns SIGNAL mildly re- marks that no effort has been made to paint the gallant Major a had man. Hes • little off color posing as a pro- hibitionist companion to JAMES MIT cusLL, but otherwise he is a jolly rod fellow. Ily the way, we don't see deet whether the gonial Major is good or bad has anything to do with the claim made by The Star that "he was once, if not twice elected.' Our esteemed contemporary's deductions are rather far fetched. Sound, says he found nothing to in- dicate a lauk of warmth and every- thing proved the assertion that the whole district was suitable for the cultivation of fruit, ranging from small fruits to cherries, plums, ap- ples, pears, peaches and grapes. He not only found these fruits growing but found nature endorsing by her own unguided efforts the claim of this whole region to be regarded as • fruit country. The country bor- dering ou Lake St, Clair, Lake Huron and part of the Georgian flay will de thinks play a Targe part In the production of apples for ex- port. On this point he says : "The soul in most places is of the right kind, tpiug largely mixed with lime, and the climate being cooler than that oar Lake Erie, the fruit will be later in ripening and hence will keep better . . Pete.. en (olerich and Southampton the forest eserywhere proved the estimate I bel formed of it on the lower part of Lake Iluron held good. The same terms may be applied to the lower part of the Bruce peninsula, and thecountry between Southampton and Owen Sound. Instead the whole district extending almost to Collingwood, may be included in the future apple -growing area of W'esterp Ontario." BNAP'$HOTtl. —WILLIAM Cajrsaut denies that he trok Candidate Mir:HILL to his boeum. Well, we don t blame you, W ILLIAu. —It seems a fair argument that the party which saved New Ontario to the Province should be kept its power Lo-prweeute the work of development. —Mr. Mr1CHIILLposing in the Legislature as a prohibitionist among a party of auti- prohib tioniste wou'd be a good deal like a pumpkin on a crab apple tree. ==The prohibition and the LonservatiLa organizations in West Huron are not work• nag together, though they aro both working for one man. They wouldn't mix very 11, you know. THE GARDEN OF CANADA. A WELL-KNOWN politician has stated that wherever he went he was always told by local enthusiasts that he was in "the Garden of Ontario And they were nght, only they might have better called it "the Garden of Canada," for • Ontario, the old Province, is one vast fruit belt Of course some portions of it are more favorable than others for certain kinds of fruit. this county, for instance, is pre eminently an apple, pear and plum district. Nowhere on God's green footstool can these three fruits be raised to more perfection ; and what a noble trio they make In the county of Huron there are 14 120 acres in orchard and garden, besides 190 acres In grapes—fruit that would not need to hide if cow pared with those historic clusters of Rachel. We hove nearly ball s mil- ieu apple tress in this ooenty, and meet of them ere of bearing ago. Unfortunately ail these ware not se lected with judgment, and many of them are practically worthless for commercial purpodres. Rut there is no reason why another half million of apple tree', ,judiciously chosen, may not be planted, and these would bring a rich return when\they cAme into hearing. There is no danger of an orchard of good apples being other than • paying investment. There is room for more good trees. Last summer Prof. John Macoun of the Geological Survey, walker over a large portion of western Ontario, with hie pack on his back, collecting botanical specimens and examining the reentry regarding it. fruit.prn diming capacity. Nothing better indicates the di mstic conditions of a region than tar wild plant life, and Prof. Ma- den, altar gathering 1,400 .peri mew between Niagara and Owen -'Neither Mr. Mrr iisz.i. nor his paper, Fhe titer, has yet discovered that Mr. WHtemkv is opposed to prohibition. Th" "wicked partner" must be keeping the can. didate in the dark. —When Candidate MITt'RELL's paper prints list of the things Mr Witersev wou'd do if he got into power it always emitm,to say that he would give prohibition the cold shoulder. — A Huron Old Boy, S F WASHINGTON, K C , ie contesting West Hamilton is the Liberal interests, and he is making the Tory Ohl boys of the Ambitions City get their heat gait on. • —The Star wants an honest fight. Well, that's easy. All it has to do is to keep die own fellow! straight. The Liberals are playing fair ; they haven't even put up • two laced caudiaata. —The Tory canvassers who are at work on the concession roads and sidelines in the interests of Mr. Weren't", mast chuckle to themselves over the idea that they are lab• ()ring iti the canes of prohibition. —One of the humors of the West Huron campaign is to be discovered in the-oaoiei of the men who are working Inc the "pro hibition" candidate in West Huron. The names are familiar enough, but not just in connection with prohibition. — The Star braces WHITNEY and MIT- cnxt.r. as its candidates tor the Premiership end the represenativ el West Huron. re epectively. Prohibitionists can euiely see by this time that a vote for Mrronstd. means • vote for the liquor interest for which WHITZIIY sande. — The Star says that West Huron ham not in the past bad a *lean record in elec- tion metiers WM oar 000i.Npsrsry sad denly been brought to repentance for the tactics which elected .1 (' Psi-ri /4ml in Weer Harnn tome years ago ? — They must be hard to suit, indeed, who aro not satisfied with what the Conserve fives offer them in West Huron 1f you want prohibition, vote for Mr. Idr rnti•i, the prohibition candidate ; dl you don't want prohibition, vote for Mr. Mir rrst.t. the WHITNEY candidate —An rept Into THS Si,.SAI. last week in the statement that "the temper- ance candidata in West Iluron has got one good wool to may for M , the former Tory' chief and present temperance Candi• date in Norm Toronto." "Got" *hoes! he "not." Mr. Urn HELL hes no nee for any- one who Pt not running on the Whitney ticket. --Several mtrangan are in West rims in Raw a interests. (Isar frights ,braid watch them very elo.ely.—(ktderieh Star. Brcuait s and !lin Wlooiss, It a cruel tofheTiuSrtueaUtooate Kau,heycadehaht the: es XMr'tt t tttttt titttttttttttt il` require watchdog. —The Stu is • kweer kusa. 11 says there is "conclusive evidence" that "the machine" is already in this riding. and the "cone'usive evidence' appears to be that three members of the "gang' have "already appeared in the southern put of West Lambtou " But, then, of course, the editor of The Star doesn't find it hard to imagine a man iu t►u places at ewe ; he has a sort of double per'oua'ity himself, you see —It is not likely that Mr 1Yhi ney's candidate in West Huron will ba aided on the pltt!orm by Mr. Whitney's ar- dent supporter, Mr. E King Dodds.— Toronto bar. No, it would not look well; but when Donut he"1 of MirctitLL's defeat on elev. tion night he will say, "There's auother of our hien gone." But, we forget, Didn't E Kis,: Dobbs' o'dime an i prohibi'ion running wave, A. W. WaluuT, send Mr. 61irtusi.L aclean hilt of heal h, poli ically. — Tbe Star probably knows, but wishes is readers to be ignorant of the fact, that the Ontario Government does not give away one foot of pulpsoad lands. Only the right to cut pulpwood off the land is given, and for this wood the companies pay 40 Lents a oord,or any greater prioe the Gov. eminent sees fit to impose, in addition, each company is bound to expend a large amount of money iu erecting a mill, must employ • large number of men, and must manufacture pulp or paper on the premises and cannot sell the pulpwood to be taken out of the country It was the Cuoserya• rite Government at Ottawa that tried to give away the lands of New Ontario to its friends for a mere song, a scheme that Sir Out is MuwsT knocked en the bead. —Up to date the temperance outfit that has Dome into West Huron to give aid, comfort and assistance to the Janus-faced candidate has been of the "small beer" variety, —When Miss Wtooixs, of Toronto, undertakes to keep track of the political affiliations of her uncle and h r brothers she evidently has to work her imagination harder than should be necesa try: —Will some of the Reform temper- ance men who are supporting MIT- CHELL and his pledge be good enough ro tell us what MITCHELL and The fiat are doing for Temperance, or what they have ever done. — "I am here representing the Con- servative party and I protest against Mr. MITCHLLL signing that pledge - 1 protest, 1 protest."—WlLLIAW CAtmr- DtLL �E AM 'Tealporence —nee meeting in Goderich, Friday, April 16. POLITICAL 'POIhTERS. The oomplete cwt eta o1 text hooks for the public schools his tario Is $5 77. The Doss In the I States of the Amerl• ono Union rose all the way from $7.30 to $11 48. In 1875 Ontario had a Boseeed drinkioe plane for *nob 278 persons. Udder ■000'ss- iye intruding laws passed by L•bersl Gov arum tots the somber of Iiwosee bas fallen to Doe for "soh 700 persons. Rather salts - factory progress, le It net? lo the thirty odd years that the Liberals hire ruled to Oatarlo they have handled about one haodred and eleven millions of dollars, and tkse has Dever btu a serious asousation of it,. aieapplioatloo of s single dear of the Immense sum. Coder the Russ Government off •nders against the elections law,, members of both polities' parties have Does fined to the tune of $7 500. When will punishment ►ng-e!el by a Uooservative Government upon offend- ers reported by the e•eotdon courts? St. Marys Arens. Mr. Whitney sod h's Mends say they ane going to maks s groat effort to secure a pare election. Ie le to be hoped they will w owed. 11 the William Stones and the Chamberlains and that ilk are kept away from the poll. by their berme then will be some grounds to hope for a fair elsotlon. Several things have bees mad" clear: 1 No pulpwood areas have been ellen away. 2 Ther" was not a secret •greemett la viewer lar any one of them. 3. The Coo.ervattvss gave their (opent to alt out of f them and moved ne amendment to the eeveoth when 11 was attest. dhscusslon.—Kingston Whig. Whitney bar the aulaeity to talk 'boot the Ontario Government as being "the e 1 Inc corporations," yrs it lm - pond tales .o corporations, the, measure basing yielded over $600 000 tar. Who hey has publtoly said : "1 moved the six months hoist of the b111, sod to a few months 1 hops to sake off' the firm burden of direct taxation ever levied on the Brlt:sb people of the Province of Ontario." Who I1 the tool of the ooh *ions! §imoo. lidera era Saaforth Exposit, r : The Goderleb Star, to ep eking of the probable tesults in the Heron", says : • In the Hitt, ?dr. 9p ,futon Is a young man full of pluck and energy, •ed with splendid chane., of sleo•loa.' Mr. `(porton may hays lots of pluck and energy, but h" will need It all. As to his ohseese e! election, tiny are about se remote se he n orth pole. At thele", tie -Olen, Mr. Ir,s had a majority of 498 over Mr. Mooney, t local mu, and It a not likely that an out. 1)11er will be able to redone Ibis oval.rty very mach. le Not, rd able reports from teal Ndd g Indicate that Mr. Hislop .111 1 e elected eth a mach larval* majo-ity 'ban b'lo-m Tula is the way The 'bar GIMP. oat • n.ej y for Mr. Whitney. MR. WINKELMAN OF STANLEY 5,111.h r'elaam►la tieutireas■ whe hes Forced • trewrdr for Aral, aldar, etas... STA.I.gr, B (1, May 12 5, (Simotsl) — Mr. I, Winkelman, of (Inc alto", 1e en- thusiastic over hit re toralion to rood health. Th s goer kolas had been suffrrleg for. Ions wand with sante kidney fitment He rodered mach pato and dis,rers, and .Itbnugh he had tried many remedies, h, found no abatement whatever In hie per• ties nt suffering, A, last by the •delm of • friend he beach a treatment of Goad's Kidney P, Is 11. was , ,red, sed now he sere: "1 can hardly empress In words the gond I)odd's Kidney falls hays dens me. For the benefit of suffering humanity as well as to thew my t'snkfolnees, I mak, thin statement " so�n. only 'transom we know of m Woo l the Heron musty Christi's 1':1lMres 1.y Reboot Aeseei,tlen a 111 meet le yth I'rembete►l.n ohurek ea Tiede'. Hurts" at present are Mr. Nlr:uouw, Mr der sod Thursday, June 18 h end 19: h. EE E AP— r f - K V G Ctl eep our rass u our rass u And your Lawn looking green and tidy. 'We are sole agents for the famous Universal ball-bearing Lawn -Mowers The Very Best on the Market. GARDEN HOSE and LAWN RAKES. We have a large and well assorted stock of Garden Idose, Hose Couplings, Hose Menders, Bands, Nozz'es, Lswn Rakes, Hedge Clippers, Turt Edgers and everything in the line of Garden Too's. 6ne as a call. We will do our best to please you. ALLAN & McIVER Tho Leading Hardware sod Sieve Met. Honest Goods at Honest Prices 'Phone 57. a a .r —4P -moi a �J�III�III III Ill�tll111111111111�1�111111 fi BROPHY & SON —1115 I.IADiSO — Futuro.\ DI.rttkorg.aratt YAmetx\fMet s . Orders carefully aileaded to a/ all boors, Bigler or day. eeebee avast. The Change of Weather and the Fly remind us that now is the time for J. tie COLBORNE TENS : Cain or Dress Muslim'. Blank. Colored. Hack and White and W bite is Prima, 83, 93. 101, 12 1, 14r, 151, 17o, 20 t, 22e, 26u, 30,, 35c and 601 The largest raogeot Dress Manlius over seen le Ooderioo. Lase Curtains 601, 751, 85c, 90a, 11 00. $1 25,$1 50, $1 75. $2.00, 112 25, $250,$275$300, $3 25, $3 50 and $4 50. W hits and colored Cur• tale Muslin', frlllel. Frilled Curtain Brussels Ne/ cad Art Hushes. Parasols. Hirers from the 'siker', and at 8.4 R elk Prw el S0r. 7.11, *100. $1.25, $1 60, $1.7S $1 9012 00, $2 25, $2.75, 13 00 aad $1 00. eel vases' right. Shirt Walsts. 1e Blank Motteess.$1 16, 111.25. $1 50, 11 75. i2 00 sad 6250. Welt. Waits sad welts gee Waiies, 851, $1.00, 61 25, $l 75, $2 03 •ed $2 25. Blank 19atanna Skirts. $100, 61 60, $1 75, 12 00. Gingham, A hd1 rang, as1 all aew. 81, 101 1,, , 14 15) sod 20). Prllnta . 8000 yards, 63, 8i, spring10, aad 1211. AU sew the , While Skirt',, Wblle W811•117801;,..,ti W5I . Drawers, «.aa WhleeGowns, Blank Cashmere Hosee- 2Jt to 65,. Cottee Hop 10o 40t. We wish to call special attention to the above linos as value to be found anywhere. Feeble§ Sheets for May and June ready. The latssl op to -date Patterns for sale, 15o, 2 for *1'. 1r there is no better J. H. COLBORNE tar F ARMERSI-DerprElOW VOU R OATS until you have treated them with FORMALOENYDE to de.tro y smut. Muoh better 1> • read way. Inexpensive. We furnish DI Climax Fursiture Polish Makes all varnished work look like new. Positively the beet. Disiafectaats lIoaseholl Annuls Beatevall Stovepipe Vanish 25o, 5 for $1.00 Flower Seeds Gado Seeds W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD •LOOK. . Strain the Air AND KEEP OUT Flies, t# a, - Bugs and Mosquitos. WE HAVE Screen Doors and Windows made up in Standard Sizes. Others adjustable to any desired size. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. QJJR SPRING STOP$ Is now ready for inspection, both in trimmed and untrimmed hate. Trimmed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Sailors from 15c up. i to Our stock is oomplete in every line. Coll and imps" MISS CAMERON, rmmttIttlitt11/Itr111MITIMMITItitttIMM111t1tItttIttlIt/IMMIO HAMILTON STREET, . . 'Pt .1 ❑t dee▪ — r so have B STEARNS\ BRANTFORD RACYCLE f11TCHELL ...1111111111111111L..-.., ..111111110111MINSOL—..-- CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP ADLAKE CROWN Etc. Also a number of used Wheels, soma almost as good as new, at surprisingly low prices. 1f you need anything in Bicycle Reining we carry a hill line, and our repair depirtment ie 'emptier) with all the atuipment nocoessry to turn out good work, and le in charge of a first clam repair man. rtes e 3 •'"ah�r„3x53 trAt CEO. W. THOMSON & SON E have been in the Bicycle Business ever since a Bicycle was a Bicycle, and never be - we had such a variety to make a choice from, nor has the value ever been Refrigerators We have a large assortment just arrived. We invite your inspeotioo: to 1:t. We ore headquarters for Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Eavestroughing, Plumbing, Heating, Etc., Etc. Lee &SION In the Piano and Organ Business we are no irlerahle to you Have gnu seen nor pominien Pianos and Organs, Wormwith Planus and Goderich Organs. Even if you do not intend to buy just now call on u• and we will Ire 1115s1IPr1 to *how yrnl what we hate. Lw,nees In show yrs., the superior points of our instrument* We has e a few gond) *,rand hand Organs. novices. tier thirty year* of ex' perienne it worth con. the best wine made in Canada, also our I it is onr In Sewing Machines a w. still *all ten White (rotary and vibrator), New Wililame. Standard, and a Queen. All supplies with the latest attachments and gm* row ,me 1 for ten reins E We tarry a full line of Guitars, Mandolins, Violin*. Arcorilenn., Harmrmlea., Str ng* Sheet Mose% Musie Bonk*, if yon do not lire to town writ, and we will he pleased to *anti -yob eataingneut of nor emelt. nr to call On V(m E GEO. W. THOMSON di SON, a • WEST SIDE OF SQUARE - - GODERICH a HAVE AV E you seen 1 our stock of SPRING AND SUrI1'1ER SHOES We carry every line of seasonable Footwear at reasonable prices. We quote a few special lines just here and invite you to come at any time to in- spect our stock. W. SIIARMAN EVERY BUYER PLEASED WITH OUR SHOES. BROPHY & SON —1115 I.IADiSO — Futuro.\ DI.rttkorg.aratt YAmetx\fMet s . Orders carefully aileaded to a/ all boors, Bigler or day. eeebee avast. The Change of Weather and the Fly remind us that now is the time for J. tie COLBORNE TENS : Cain or Dress Muslim'. Blank. Colored. Hack and White and W bite is Prima, 83, 93. 101, 12 1, 14r, 151, 17o, 20 t, 22e, 26u, 30,, 35c and 601 The largest raogeot Dress Manlius over seen le Ooderioo. Lase Curtains 601, 751, 85c, 90a, 11 00. $1 25,$1 50, $1 75. $2.00, 112 25, $250,$275$300, $3 25, $3 50 and $4 50. W hits and colored Cur• tale Muslin', frlllel. Frilled Curtain Brussels Ne/ cad Art Hushes. Parasols. Hirers from the 'siker', and at 8.4 R elk Prw el S0r. 7.11, *100. $1.25, $1 60, $1.7S $1 9012 00, $2 25, $2.75, 13 00 aad $1 00. eel vases' right. Shirt Walsts. 1e Blank Motteess.$1 16, 111.25. $1 50, 11 75. i2 00 sad 6250. Welt. Waits sad welts gee Waiies, 851, $1.00, 61 25, $l 75, $2 03 •ed $2 25. Blank 19atanna Skirts. $100, 61 60, $1 75, 12 00. Gingham, A hd1 rang, as1 all aew. 81, 101 1,, , 14 15) sod 20). Prllnta . 8000 yards, 63, 8i, spring10, aad 1211. AU sew the , While Skirt',, Wblle W811•117801;,..,ti W5I . Drawers, «.aa WhleeGowns, Blank Cashmere Hosee- 2Jt to 65,. Cottee Hop 10o 40t. We wish to call special attention to the above linos as value to be found anywhere. Feeble§ Sheets for May and June ready. The latssl op to -date Patterns for sale, 15o, 2 for *1'. 1r there is no better J. H. COLBORNE tar F ARMERSI-DerprElOW VOU R OATS until you have treated them with FORMALOENYDE to de.tro y smut. Muoh better 1> • read way. Inexpensive. We furnish DI Climax Fursiture Polish Makes all varnished work look like new. Positively the beet. Disiafectaats lIoaseholl Annuls Beatevall Stovepipe Vanish 25o, 5 for $1.00 Flower Seeds Gado Seeds W. C. GOODE, Chemist, BEDFORD •LOOK. . Strain the Air AND KEEP OUT Flies, t# a, - Bugs and Mosquitos. WE HAVE Screen Doors and Windows made up in Standard Sizes. Others adjustable to any desired size. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. QJJR SPRING STOP$ Is now ready for inspection, both in trimmed and untrimmed hate. Trimmed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Sailors from 15c up. i to Our stock is oomplete in every line. Coll and imps" MISS CAMERON, rmmttIttlitt11/Itr111MITIMMITItitttIMM111t1tItttIttlIt/IMMIO HAMILTON STREET, . . 'Pt .1 ❑t dee▪ — r so have B STEARNS\ BRANTFORD RACYCLE f11TCHELL ...1111111111111111L..-.., ..111111110111MINSOL—..-- CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP ADLAKE CROWN Etc. Also a number of used Wheels, soma almost as good as new, at surprisingly low prices. 1f you need anything in Bicycle Reining we carry a hill line, and our repair depirtment ie 'emptier) with all the atuipment nocoessry to turn out good work, and le in charge of a first clam repair man. rtes e 3 •'"ah�r„3x53 trAt CEO. W. THOMSON & SON E have been in the Bicycle Business ever since a Bicycle was a Bicycle, and never be - we had such a variety to make a choice from, nor has the value ever been Refrigerators We have a large assortment just arrived. We invite your inspeotioo: to 1:t. We ore headquarters for Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Eavestroughing, Plumbing, Heating, Etc., Etc. Lee &SION In the Piano and Organ Business we are no irlerahle to you Have gnu seen nor pominien Pianos and Organs, Wormwith Planus and Goderich Organs. Even if you do not intend to buy just now call on u• and we will Ire 1115s1IPr1 to *how yrnl what we hate. Lw,nees In show yrs., the superior points of our instrument* We has e a few gond) *,rand hand Organs. novices. tier thirty year* of ex' perienne it worth con. the best wine made in Canada, also our I it is onr In Sewing Machines a w. still *all ten White (rotary and vibrator), New Wililame. Standard, and a Queen. All supplies with the latest attachments and gm* row ,me 1 for ten reins E We tarry a full line of Guitars, Mandolins, Violin*. Arcorilenn., Harmrmlea., Str ng* Sheet Mose% Musie Bonk*, if yon do not lire to town writ, and we will he pleased to *anti -yob eataingneut of nor emelt. nr to call On V(m E GEO. W. THOMSON di SON, a • WEST SIDE OF SQUARE - - GODERICH a