The Signal, 1902-5-15, Page 2C• „ The Signal iof Outurio. Mr. A. W. Wright, now ('11" the orgaulsees fur tttoL}oaderva- Itordon wow: "And oro 1 ray to you there in no grat-r trek the Con,er. five party, and u carwcu.mru,uer all, "r1 I1.-B,u_Ut _,Q,;yl rt t rile the m, •1-.er Till„ 1-111 p,palartty far NI r. 1'+,w( -II soi clearable tlml Mr. Whit- poll4tilil by flip' Conwirvat;ve lit Cuti•4da to-tt" th:u1 to w,u tillm� Ir etrl.temau VV"Y THU1011DAY 114111N1Ns, erIHllent in IS -j5 to iuquiru Tutu lhu,tµbur laws uT flow Duwtii:inti great Prot'n'e 0: Outarlu, as -1 1be- Il/ltdo this ubverv'aCulr: "Nh.r4- I,tlet if you s -t yu,:rrah'ee'tu the' tty 11- It,Vill.1.6.1eNv. Were Is still u good dual Lot 6`1164" disk us yul ahut.l:, that the 1'110- --- lutiuls which we Labor, craukh lL,uk, lit►.•e will Is, %toil, hard that It wf-1 ' THf'7w.lT, MAY 15, IW:!. rhouhl be euw aet(d, 1 taIF,. w LIWt Ontario hail Il,t '&'Loch to b► + but a st.eppin9 "tone lu tile will- !" mourn from any titate of the Union nleg of this whole U0.1,114,110" at Else -_ _-__-. at)LU\1%Atli\ Isle/kt"IUlge'ItI la tttir rurpeot, uaJ is immearurit' lu ,tdvluluu of most s]4 w.' lh,r-til.t!,w next general tlett.uus." t•Fvalid Mr. 11101111 report of Mr. Thomas Eloath- 1f after all r labor leglrlat.wt. if hutultuo ILUA ITA 111 1c.ill, the Iiuveru- quctiotiun,:' tt,bor +,1,,•,rniu, "tion call run that worth, Director of Coloflisattoq, just worth, assent udopte it. gaut•rltl policy fur flair . t . n. p .in, 'roiu 1+ I to., the t onNerva. toe ut t a•nitlg up- oho ct y null I rty +1• wit C ,• 1'r Alicht p e" folate d b tine Ontnrlo mt ,4 . 7 J _ -- __ . LAI Xviayf cwlduymaft to Luba=: -._WL L "i - -no;--- n'tn vrtrtario. that Crown Laud*, has boon received. It tllpre given A ramamary of thi work that it ther4 to ark furl 11,U1 protection for Witgl•r, Lfu ant lyllb, uJ m• t-.,�.r., may IR, dc%e-ops" u 1 done during the •alit with ubuuthiut cwpluywfnt, lu•..v..,l, Lilt at ly 10 will Ontario its it Etas been past year In the, settlement of New Ontarlo, the w•orkii clamored of Utltar,u art- the luvuroJ us] the cuutlueot, Itsau for future ,victory in ant e•mbodiee much UbefUl 11)(Ur'mtt. ,nal luowl I LLal curl• wheat lbti e1ee11on oho ue1Ct la.-min,ns thctiuu. .\flu++' ho Iltxit lou 4• Way t!,:vt I .,clan uNlct aur tics] nor to the cOn.htl0fas art life lu euwcr prouu4t :ar-.tt kill. "ail .11' (trg-'t tit NliVw 1in gro-of Ctru- lite new bettl4,ment mild the methoodlo IP%v days. they will 'list p-ull.eaf:y tmpk.ysd In familiarizing tire public their ubl.gatlusim W ill,- t;uterh luout which plttee.l diem ander ouch ,steel lax be aw•lu either a blcpping- sur the with the advantages presented bit happy. L•u1ia11t.unr. ,taut: or as a.ul,ki-y Cilkluv t.ourerv,at.ro party lit uttiawn. T',e New Orators. The returns from tits and Leglalature is to look nit. -I ,f .it largo crowd of pople front the local Crown Lauds agents allow that -- _ ... -. .. ,- - Fii16"1 +.(-r 7tertt.,u. shift from tilt' run -i it e- ,ural Willett they tr.uin",ILI. the total number, of those taking ill, . .Ttt,"!rr t1' IfFLFw -4 f4►1r:lc Works relltwwkwl- t14:tt thin locations In 1901 was 1.917• of which - the forty estivate a curd, alis fu;leJtt 1'ru�iuce would afford theme m urd.•r' 9:07 bottled In Temlakumlug and __L .alk..)! .110". -lu.-- "nava ti.m .._ft t•' stel)., into lr)Iv,•r_at Otldwta nhJ -uppp lu It,uny Serer. The area taken u{ ly.11p woof. IN tail flit• nlnr:ct'p11eN not flair mrr(ls, le rvpugneltit war Cn8.7bu ncrtia. Thea* fl urre air, ,it tits, •price, tier Lim,_situ r„moire 1 for cutting tit, m, �s n Ciihtitia or untur.u. %1', �` souij I"ora h,4'-puL_4 tRtt buiaiAati,it Olelurive lot a large cumber LOW are merely msluatterr, nod who, Iliad us]% by the w•orknghtin %utj,l. • Th -t Go,tertlwent taker 40 ✓R•itao7t to juie1 stat carry ius- Ela• uppla•.1 for holdings in tilt- 'regular -+till: am lir loll on each amt 0; . - ,atrlatlle party Lit Ottawvu T I o ► way, alai alto, ul tho laboa•e•rs an, pruee cut am- Lho_Crowu_tar) Its. and 'Ley want to, u.a thi "roroureve ural mechan.ca who found pmhloymeut in iwe the money ter Pro%ioc a1 ex- •ittr ritve;luvh e.f uutariq for tire Lees axuhderuble number* At Vault Ste ;) to fiturer, joint as ,.t1t al-ev and used miluuu tUodl•w " ill mere at. trio l Mare, Sudbury anti other is:uaN„l lit. stianptage feud ear P-1111, Tit.' `hggchtwu lel'.• flail I: they•a',rlLd centre*, or un ratatwas-aa4t"ruelfu+•ca.trket prier of th- p•dp-w&*I •w 11- .q. reve01 t_,bu puu,r wLtrw he work. 31any of these will evedtuall; iary its t.l:fvrant-lova;ill-r, b. -Ing In- Lia• 11r„vItVe vau,ill It, :.pp.b•t take up laui. By far the larger pro I utitvd by r,pply cad dcwund. If , r pot.tie.t •p:srpo•:ee Y Wl;e.l tit y �' !u+!!rod. over `6._w'- e1+.• portion of the settlers are from o1• 1 .he 4pru:'e forest goal the pulp ml[ .,! , r.o w,t.y p.,.rocl :,- nut fur iur.,t Outar:u. and there Is alma a consld ,rte far It11an•I, No that It will cost land Li .,c.altina of,. +,qulrr wG able Influx from ,Quebec. The (alien ore to met ill,- the pulp to awr- :ming; Ut'le ft.11uwtr.. L th'.( were portlou of tile, report decal• will, �iO et the rh•e that watt I,*, pal l rot : . P `,sou"littl b� th. I t,eturu ill pod.eS- -i,on •'uf our iltuh 4 re•r: rvc* %%uuld Trunsath►ntle i igratiun an q 111. 1 %111 bl lower than that *os] l,ey tetRwc rue tu;i,h,rd tis rdt• a., [totes s coalltiuetl ittcreaso to list paid its n inure favorably .situat'xl turod aLui f %%uul l t11+- couari fth r h were 6 Wim Der of arrivals. w r G , C u - a th. u r o••nllt I n nay ail y t eft t - N i1 1 1. Irl 11 IC 'II t 7 ail y &3A during 19111. ar 9:7 tai . alt- _ neeltt6y Mttieme of requiring tilt uwtTtlt art_ for p -.Iii _ bu.Idinizv ire it' ,tied nN flip t ,ntract for Ili'. 4,9ba tot 190(1, ba•/ng an, inc er ut rvcllpu ail lipernt.on of a pulp ,.in; cert : Lha ll .or ., t unveil brl.lge ; 1,871. The proportion of f�arm la r „ill, gar, 011e\uf the votRtitloiw upon If lir. jk r.;f a la:d s I +, ".be u, IN) - larN was net large, the naafaber n A-hleh the lir�.tle to cul-pruc:• 1.- i'r-ions of ilii beau .m's], 01 L1111%;1 - being sufficient to •suppl \the de i \ , 1utod. will a amp.0ytncnt-; anti 'n.l we N JI imitr- t , I .tad w • wili mprove lir IcgL I:t,t ,n, %•r will fustur '>oauL The report pp'.nts out that ill, wages to the se tvr. Hu cane lav, .,a trade, we til I, at !%. I oil It* tit:nn-• same wares whl.h renin L,rm�l;tp la Ontario In tical I.r td�llre Of wUr Illg for alit! pulp :ILI'lUM6, ore W,I. ,,, 'It li il)r A,•t lb In a,,' Um till, liUt b, t:rud;e source are alloec ,I* vomprinw eat to ,Inl.,V rouge, Or diva .lit In Britain, sad that the rural I. ,y ilio b, at Au Lau 11 P,r utrt tut jo im ab•- !:unor., iat, ba h,a41 vviAvntl- nu- ►arts Iden LI h1. grind. If .o caul trkta there have b,•ea Iargr•ly the won 1 he cola vu ibo L'roLrn „limb lu.v tfffkv uvve- Yr. Rlilu:ey'h ' plrted d their popnlatluu nailing t, nd : or lie, ono talk* a home ` tlesntarrFi gooA Waal %,•II. r-lt fi , an' the mtgratlun to the towns t elt14.L It IR lawny IlkNly. therefore- uta -11U ta•aal apt, uB►d. _tab Lt _c Lan Etc -• ) * t r . - ts.0 rdfully tial .g 1 'the M . , 1 , Cy a~. u:b-'•r,+ or ci`.: C$iioo rViG that any very oonel.lerable uuna l was for him tlCsormg, ma -11 the Npru%e Live party who til, r Jar— tit at th it of immngrainte can be secured he A• J lu tilt, pulp m.11 at lh rulhau its a Ing a:rl li ail iia' 1.hder of Ili, k.t-Ku1K a, the btrlctly hgriewturel prle For tont,- OW Cantldiil� Willi Oppi)..Li-m proration, a-, u.,. th.-m for clue. !torn in to be hoped from til, til ikr wh,Bl the would dead G �''1=' p.uty yOapulr., n. ver ru_cica4;td lurg.• number of young ecu whu.nr- d4win,um leaning farming. man. _ ! 1 n1 .bogpm pal urntd l0 c . an .,+14.10, &*, 4W/Vt1. nal--twi�pl.- 1. yon;: l of Of whom can tromwau•I home vu{wtso . 11,1, , for cultivation; wit - w(l,aiphce Err ti 1. h • a:'o.:ell 'uier an: tf ylr. %Chi. •:- r• a rl 'I Lhc nal kook forward to settling Ott Ian . itI.that *t ltetw la ,that o\-11�11-1*" •t•lttitry d:gid 3Ir. rtAldru t::auitt.I fu M) ,NN,n :In they have acquired lh_ - ._ is w (Atttil• abld to well •nrr,.zwtt-t-lin-'I rtt'l:IPI'tn pcpicF9`dt remful.ltc trulAng Thh+ clams sire fall porter. It( tre woi11 l find err. Whitley I113inK In Incrra►Ing numbcrm to th. aaoJ faihit raAw:a)Weil. 4 - 4r buhrervL••tst." . LivCrpool agency for informnt.on re in -it thr.mtur4o,ruuby . . _._ $ip ecting Ontarlo, land .0 number tar. .. est• paiaeilwit tar tvo Tose act to which the Reporter re- Nxiw'cted to come out thin spring Tile present depressed condition o Ucl for ollvt•". ', il•t Pagriculture Itt it 1- LAPAl. Val'),I s 1;E 1II :' In Britain in considered Iustry noill d. ( the settte, .lt 31s os] us] Tu,.-Iiiy, bavll-II,it- Lv� to offer ora favorable opportunity to, tire, Uatclr:'- wast olio rai:wlt• - - ' 1 ,ta as c:,h r Lau bt,.r. Luh ,.:c. .-•-.L-\-• a., lar.* had uvuu p.i.xdud flat prem•nttYK the advantag:•s offpret- ,, by Ontario to the tvnnnt film r .or the 11•tl1UCY UlJ Ulml , i ,,rt U 1 c L"y,.1 L41a l u.s „ ' Lab, herr far $iomr time Meed- et rug U I them Witt I - ell aI;.I - PP Y .... 1,11.,1a7i.x1 )...Llan, of a'U ai.U. en 'p-•luputot- Kling r,talnet ndvernp o,)nditions tit ,uem cumfortlabse, het a the, i1 a=ut•I Liter .l treats.rt h,,.ru" Thr. immlar,etld,n nor ataatesatie. .. - -•' - ;, k wtrrauts has Almost ceased. ------ "...,... ••••.. ...-- ..s.. ,irplu., .6 meati, C.1. A Iu�ub app, 6,- !t is a grulul thing fur uy' coca- Li is •,,rl:,1. tau, '.prte.:u,rd a,t to Tlllt. 1 `6110-1-'A4'p:l/ will'1'SK.Y. try, toe hav'o fi Hiuterla;ibJ, t u whf4ae ,,.,rte.,$ 9,L rr{s, ll.l.t aa.l...•.'•a+, also Wrplu ai,pulnefuti eau we to •,,•icil V.an pr,tear. I ILL k4f- e,I!A u- 1C4+-ldhar n hl. atm ur ti. it. st Iv ',y %1'. Jr. tau•L TME -114t, Of coerce coact any msa ttrslre thea that hles ja+atous rival ehoul l prelim 1t. And tJnt Is the tribute Premlot Rosa received at North flay last tdgbt when Mr. Whitney c(mingeodet. in an unqualified mauner the Wrr d the Ooverument ratlway into Liao Temalskaming district. In fact, tho-_ Opptrultlun )canter's only criticism ""'IHgwtotl of compkii that there wave too outsets delay. . Doismi to Min and (other at•owlalm, w'lAch away be goal politics at Nord. Day. Yr. 'Whttncy 4rw(w to the ptu- ple tilt Toronto, &till of Ontario gen- PTILIly an explanath►n. Why dill It p,rmat, rr iamtrues-far prlvatr molffierm do not ouabe motoncil os] questleeN of policy on .their own Initintive--()"e of Ills rupporters in the Home to move an tametlrlment whk,ln, If It meant anything mpevific On,4uit delay d t,e Tominkaming Itntl%ay project for at Irssit s year. nal If It didn't m•+an anything mart trier, %itll the rxtepti'm of it,,, sock sock 'such a txonserat•ttee, hence t r pawple emigrate -in sw'aruut_lu- ip forelgn land puvsctWy iwesWe court- arfm+41. F.,r a Campo u( goueralion.• ;,wag Croundiaw ewlgrat4d in largo Iusuben to the UttGted. fitates, but .%itil,Mmtltou -mlld Nevr-01"I'lt, penes up, by ttaalwa3m, there is.;ui .,,tiger wCunlU4t or excuse for i,uc! :xpatriatiun. Neth Elie settutnctit o: oke north eumndry, the -re vt'ill b• it k.etll drtuatul for meejaneicr star.$ pro .ewm-*jwll ecu, as Nell si a larges urd prufallabie mark,tt for tilt- pro lusts Of, Ilum4iton factories. That i .Vint ,the policy of lite Ross Goverc>- .sent ie. duinic for unlariu. S1AICI4) NO DO.%iC-.Y 11I.N4,IiN1•. film. John Dryden skid ,it Ills W-,41 irrrk $ifw+ech that there lm $1,000, d00,Ow Investe,l iso agriculture It, )atarlo, mild the annual produce ,4 tdre to ltlk, 4xceptlou to the (iovern- gt,tut ca rrying out till* worklie war lt'lUd that the farm••ry were making M exuy with reknurd to Me right of %nay &nal hu prt.lh•te'd tut et,teuriuo of the r4tad, r, I,nt, afl,•r the Wn• hilt oi: acr'4•v of e• '1'CwlNlsanitllof di - tract hitt been r•ae,ed, It would prco- eeed to open up t-Iw elztesu million uury to tlw north twat utrrthweet. Tut+ railway will tea at little over lull m,l,•a long, %itnn the northern termlous Lit %%cab," Itny, fake Tem- torknmlt'g. '1'1:,+ ',e•*t difficult part +,f the rv"„1 Ie, lmne-iliately ourth of K.•rth Rosy, where a hlib. Ittotsy ridge runty ucrsal the tfue. Tile hlgh- c.A elevati..0 Is encountered %vithlu tw4ylfty-five IWIC l of the tows], laud !d ubiwrt six huttdrd fsot abuse Italic NiptedA9, or .1;1.30 feet II till Pntluve the we level. Al, no point, i i,oiliever, are tilt dlifloultles rich eIh tip ctivae various doltay or trouble to o,iisolructlerl. From woutln-ro to nortlwru term!uud It will run through at a ui try rich lit tltalber and winer- 1 al wealth, awl at Temiaka aing psr- ticu•►arly, will al" .tap one of the fiue.t and larg-wt' agricultural rn•e- LKsone of tire, Provinlee. The auatherw, Uj N"slisrbl:yTit:sa ssairswuwcl,l with. tine C. P. It. nod G. T. It., solid with ,1, Mutt to the east at Scotia Junction aver the Canndr Allamtic, and Will Dire-, Imve dlrtot water wanecllou LLU14 lite U.t„rgian ikity vis %-aka Niv4saiug coal tiv,omgiau flay Canal. All the morchantable timber on the right of Way -tarts• tlero In tuy quaotly e,l Jt -Ya to be utilla.•41 for rnitw•ray It --m, frm-e pats, telegraph p 4ouo oat all hocea:ary work of a Ilk-, twiturt: It le I..ped that the Uake will Is, eg ayalad,d Lt two year*' time. Teralurm for a-le-dritis the right -of way over tilt- fin,t twenity mile* od rokid levo In-ou endh•d for, slid will be opctsed au the 23rd Jost. ­ilplu-,a i t ,nor w.em pab.l to b„U%t' a wrpfos. Thin at}p.-oF}c 6-_W,- W ;w i.,lar Is r, s,l't•hr•nL.-.I to i,o part of tit, - it it a ',1Werale taltcmpt to further ynm!'U4 rho p,:,-pGl u! unlariu. l., I. A, Elm:. lar it e)uingN i ]That resi)ect o - u u puri -le -Lull -for u Premier valyl l% th ,e ulity of ouch a d(liberate lit- „n+pt to dacetse •-1 ton Lunscr- c., tor. . Our Tory conlcmpurnry might err .11 N1110:1 11 ntattu•r thr..ugh Igr.oritaatr. ill ►o ..Mr. tleLd,YNon. Ile knotva I,el- ;i1, it 114i if he made any such state - Ili -til Le 1vaso ualer-ng Ittlseht_0.11, L,;uwlligly. To IN.giu %'ith, the com- ust..luatrs .'o in tiro Milia report -tate! that the bulunoa of'the etate- T"Ilt tlumi,erel 8 "would bac. prop ,rly :4,erlllal us a surplus." Tho state - in tit prcpAr.".trell by Ar." g Lro, brin- ti{C tilt? C mbdt<IsiunertY statCmr'nt tip Low Oro. ::1, ISW, wail ■umlbttdl to vie Leilum.seioni rat, B. L. Walk r, oeaer.,l yhtnuger tit the'ltuok of Lum- 4N4"N44*as+++"++No CURRENT COMMENT ]%'him the Tory speakers talk ubout the large sums exp •ndei by the Ou- tarlu Govenuu4ut they w!eely avokl trying to bhovr the Iteme they ob- JlK ted to. Tlae I[me fair a ch.tnge III Whet, ,h:ugs are not going well and whttn `?romprovemrnl I* to, -be expectetl frim ehatsift,g. That to not the ena^ the Qn.Arto *leder* ILlrc ti) deal with Tatlt ab.wt helpkatR to develop Ono- ar o; 'Why the-Oppoaltlou actually vol -1 In laQl(J to strike out the larratt to the r Dairy Farm auaflf ie grunt k 7nieeWeatern Dairy Sclu)ol. I . Tire Ttoriee tried to deprive On- t:,ri;e'of all right of public property Ili tee riveror mail rlreanl+ of the Province. Tile Untnrio Oppt.itlon twice- (4)anally voted Againrnt the Province In the hatter. filerinot in tote thrvernment for t'nk- %%'&r IliLw4r,aw,wo- ...... .. •t,•,__ in looking after, and the On ,'auto General Trusts Corporation, ing up the scheme nt all'.' a .vuttit ,INI Angus hl,lth:n 1. ylnnag,r or the Till„ 1-111 p,palartty far NI r. 1'+,w( -II soi clearable tlml Mr. Whit- atria Government has taut btv,tl Ii,gleettul or the duty. fly the s]0 iStu,k ill �loulrc:al, Toronto, Hatt wrist my to rs•tlro It, cooks nfrorl to pine* land dLrcctlun of the tgot ;-y term exaudncd, npprovwt, nch41 4141 wb.be followupp in n false poral- -letaneo ,ign-d. • 'Tat Mr. Hetidersrn knew tion 7-Toronko Star. ____ .1L'Ettaa£tlt. _ort ._1\gK!cuItpra.. _ uvor - litiot �nsttrr -mem -- -_._.. - -___ vhlch ]Ir. Dry Ira prtwdoa, the pn Lt'.6l:k- I'llip.scAi, LAItOit i:A - --of _- _. _._-- lucUpt ut butte, TN►con anti Iwo Lisa start, silk.; the original .!ovum:•tit wit - In lila Cornwall specv1s, Hun. O. W. ,.ry lull been revohatlonize,l, ita•n ps,hiUOtd nod handed to the GPIo-i- Rows mentioned a few things (hit( Lho production of chose: five nto , tt,--hraltrr, that ion Might • $i Eli ., tht+ Liberal Governmeet of Oularl. .old fruit hats been rt:Juallal..vi ,,tm. ,";IifTllri,t,lawl-ravoll'tiie ptrtst. Ilam clone In the Interest of labor, r.very udvas]ee is] thu gnalay ,tn+. NOW If Ilernlarhoti had not .omo etll taclnrling the mechanics' Nen law, by laantlly of Ontario farm prolir.., ,I r Nt-I. lu stTte by oro uiug, Icby 1 J 1 L'_�:` which the wages 6f matehonles alta, "d0a e -r --T #- K-'fib'ia-updii'T6o pdifiTe':1f -_ s - .. -- kl I,e e• e(ort l0 th- o m.loet drrcrl: e t laborer* are rnsurrd, vten when alp• Ontario tower an e+tler, for wh••: „y hid 1M{trwn, that Lous(f tator'I c ontractor broomnm Itlmohent , tilt the farmer* ,have tours m,u,•y t - Gate. -Were 800 bushels sell ae w Love for oompenvatlon for accidents y,elid than town people get.,cure TN: 11 rvKAttliti It.ltLtf'm on rntlwnys or LI fabtorf-a ; the fac ,work to dol And receive more !n Bard SH to 89 for clover. tory inspectlou sort, to protect Lila tvagete and profits. lion. F. R. Latchford turnod6 the heAlth of emploYeer, tile. prot•drioll Ilan. G. W. Butyl ani hiscoilvagli-M first "I of theTemiskahing haifil ay' for the Rrtlb•m-'tit of tilrputes, unit twvo acted on the belief that till .it Trout Lslke, near North ilay. on the alien Inixor law. TIMre Ita►+e-bon• -fit!•T-wrr,-t}rp 47%c. Peas, lite. May. timoltly $L planned elnc" the I,Itmvralparty color and Leglalature is to look nit. -I ,f .it largo crowd of pople front the luttv,prawpr 33 different sawta, ,r titer the aftaira of Ontario) and secure •„rruundinx territory. Tho 11104ter ono a year, dealing %143% Ilia l iter•,t tire pttrapnirity of the Prrwislee 'Tb, -4 f4►1r:lc Works relltwwkwl- t14:tt thin of the working clas6ee of Oaturlo, T r 'We.l ie, that the Ontario Lr ,iovarnmcnt hall undertaken fur the aDiZn-^nddUlun an rl cuim : mpn o Iwlalurt• shout 1 be lived to help th firs time what had proiprrly and ne- hare Wen Khen extenmlvo authority Tories unto office got OttAw•n an, ,•rraanrtli', iporhapo, been heretofore - 1a/ pass by-l.►Ws dou141g With Jwpa, t.►.aiaap throw► bllere.-tial. iiesas Over those of her oppantnts, always (,very minbles, achoola for arllnan" ;Mention to this in tial 8aru,t primp. A new Iden% was prevnlling, tabottarads, stn. Iin+1:,K rcg.lrJ to the -ppo•ch. tie guided 9(r merles Cup .an Idea, wan gaining grown" In the lm,litl<tal privllegem of the working perm MI for an nllnneo b4•twero minds of t1w1k,vtple land of shows V►hu , L%Nmk4, pteh,p# the stif;rall,, rc4l,tra- the Dominion moil Prov'Inrial ('on- lrglslnt" for IIt" people, that It would Ikon act In one of the moist cumpre- ,.ervntite interests. to W194 -h b,: a Womt tiling for live Ifuvernment husaidi . measures ever nibfullted to Mr. Whitney had repli,d: "Lit the ,if Itar-I( to.undertakn'the ron4true- the le-gislature, un.l ui dor this not yearn that h:avo- goal by, we train not tion of It line (it rnllway w!soost workingmen, mooing an they iorce.f- had the united effort. or elle Cun., r- ritual one end toAhe other, len.11n.j wLrlly ,ki from city to rl(y, maty by vtithe party of t'nnnda to h^Ip us through property owned t* the r•trilatretkm mature the right to votes at t Fetions for the Legislative Aar in the eketwrtis, local we must have it not►.' s -Ir l Wart,'a Tupper was evi- ----_. -_.:-_-.w ---_: _--_.-_- Crown, nn.l whkh wool l rn- rtMill y, end ms the Domlulon Isar- nil d(vnsly, In 1896, conking a bargain glass 4M in VAtiilr, every" fifiifir 7t (,amen[ Adopted the I'rotlnclfl with Mr. tlhlluey for his Infhlemer by the eonnlritetion of watch ar"I Ttler Imams" for c•lectlons to the Hoven of an Ita,ler or the oplwt,ltion with the Iry ter- Gnver"ment Itself. is l ommoa-. tri,- anme ph 1, U 9, I s a lea IANIerNtanding, of eonrrv, that when were funny Rp-*tall reatirvna why that Inih ria-etionn. it mhonld not to for- the• Pro%lne4wl eiretlona wm'll enol, work, nndcr thn p:'collar elrt•am. gotteci that thin not wage elronRli ca,, am they still tnlnr in Irlll13, Sir .tnm'rm, exlrang in the n(viliern part opened by kfr. Meredith wh-n lewder Chnrlem Tupper would r, tart the of the tenantry. mhonld be andertnk"n tot the Oppoaitlon, anti by Mr %Mall- e•ompllnlratt. 8 r I lwrl, is TuI p r fill et by the Oovernmrnt It-elr. There ney and the fail strength of tilt' in 18t06, no Mr. %%Idtney ,:It In Igoe were Innny will) were Nkeptleal nm f'ooservalhe party. In hart, It 4raiI Not mall-fI(,t, howrv,•r, with there. for the proprl-ty of tire Oovernment only by it whole night wiring of the bdf rv•Crlv,,I In loth enlace the, tendo' 'in+l+-rtnklnac $inch a Work. Thome I,nh-1I.ttare lhnt th+Opp-.Lton Willie of the Oppostnil ling reastwrd the who Were ekrlNMal'have gradually forresl to ylrl,! and the hill wam car- wiOdr of warfare Whined by hill pr•or- 'twokonrd, limit tndmy thronahorst riwl thrmgtl the L ioglhlnture dttceewor alt at ep,-ech delivered tit f`lanndn thi•rt• will be twiml clot few Commenting on the labor law■ of Toronto on the Lath May, 1801. Mr. mon of a pwbllo Character who ven. I', the two or three yonrs of the went a grest dual ' has been dyne to give an , im- peiurl to Elsedevelopment of Ontario; "I.I ut.)at,of Clw good work was op- ttil by 'Air. \%'llllnvy. bo the people w.l.!n tho pr :i, y of prog ema reverNo 7 Mr. Mulock say* that tho people herr a right to demand now and cleans ono rand two dollar bills from Liao- i,tuikr, therefore it ilia their own fault It lhvy handle dirty money. With this hint frau htgu quarterm, the nntatnce so long complaated of should Iw spcodily ablated, a S,,eaktng of the pulp syndicates at rlts of "shall continue to be assessable and Iho St. Ilsary's meeting, Mr. Foy ONES TO LEND -.t LARGE AMm >r territory. Some pulitkians Are tatable for municipal purposes as Buminems at Pnafle ('oust Points hale laid '•Tragi, to tat rlwawfWsi. - - THE MARKETS ext rstMaad cape •soon first elect mcrIm'. .v "Ply to bloklnruu b Garro-. - - - -- -` ' Tin gentleman who. according to be Asked ! judge for tilt" npp("torkeut of a rnnl- - ALCTIONUKRING. ' d i not co cwt up a m�h, but that slit not compel but The Mall and Empire, one Of TRADE WITn uRIITAiN. sl. ROMAp GUNDRY, AUCTION tt A' j OVal MA5or,GoDRY..Ost. ONStiten•% uinl iprlueuoo to the Buse Govern- ----_-----twlab--paoallar--to-lt, 16 teles to - - to in any part of the Wunty. . -- ---- __ - talent Ii the same man of whothe them to cut." Mr. Foy dwuld re- Statement of CarmeAlewDone-sew 1n TOHN [NO GENCRAL AtArlIVVgIK i ,pn'ct film liearerm' gar)d menace. Many Teroate barwaers• Market. .,f them know till about shot terulr of My 1E.-�lrala *coapt* tblr mora• also CUIICea@hllr, dll,l I11VYtl WI d,+ Ing wereaIJttlu heavier than u•nAI mus] fo ria a very low east of of late, TLerao were 1,000 bushels Mr. Foy. Why, talk.) the case of the received. Prices were steady. Kt-ewatha Power Cu., it mart vpcnd %%'heat -Was steady, 100 bushels Rev. Dr. Get* 4lrttut, are near^the him enimeat rer%ices lliroughauton." ,at whit* selling at 79 to bJo per at (wast $1,50(1,000 In building, Ole., bushel. and 1W bwb•Ir of 90010 and mums aoutlnuuucl )lo lion 5 employ Y wt t/tw per bushel. fewer than 500 mon. Will It, tows Gate. -Were 800 bushels sell ae w Mr. Foy think, bull l inch a plant and Ing at 47 to 47ikc por burllul. Hay -Was steady, 1S lord* askillialf Italy *m y Ibis all army of mon to du timothy alt ill! to $13 par tea for timothy rn)tbing i' Bard SH to 89 for clover. Wheat fl CIOO Strew -War rteatLy, two loadssell- Hurper's Weekly mayor the Bible Ing All 00 to $9 per tun. 74 Ir ln•Itw translated Into Holt Filipino Wheat, white, 79 to Bib; red. bo goow,rprlug. OT to stale ts. 1►u't that It wa*te of Ia oro! 7.10. Hys, g8c. Barley, cull, 54 to %%'heat Urn. J. lierst Smith and Lieut. 00%0; teed. 110 to 54c. Oats, 47 to W. Nero Waller get through with 47%c. Peas, lite. May. timoltly $L their "beuc+oltut aaeltuilaliuu' pro- to $1.87 clover, $8 to $9 Straw, 38 to $9. Sutter, Ib. rolls, 18 to :'OC I e im1 there won't lit- copyF'ili Ino* lett P crockr, 15 to 170. Figs, new laid, to read It. 12 to 18c. ilcy_.ill-.of-th--aiawlug.,ln puu Leading Wheat elarkete. )Yhart Mr. Wflittiey 'talks about Kort -told Insanity of Ralph Herm,t- rlectigl corruptloti, the yeupin are I'ullowing are the closing quotS- tiobut-ns ut hupostant wheat ouutr0r not imprejured. They know the talk y is rootreeabe matt oro match bunconte. A Carla slept. man who is silent in the (rite of his Now York ...-.... ... $-- $0 9 3-4 iri,ti:e tulydee is ua l col -By abusive Chicago ............... -- 0741-8 Over those of her oppantnts, always Tulodu ..... .... ..oat 1-4 077 1-a Duluth. Na 1 -north 0763-8 0771 -ti falls to Itnpresn: Kiag.tou Whig. Duluth, No. 1 bard 0793-8 - Hormes, E3,000. /'urouto Live Slook Market. tumtralLet lmp,rrts great qu intltie6 Eastport catuv, 0"ork, per OWL lm 73 W A 3e ,of paper, of furniture. and of steel du modlam .......-..,, 4 0e to 3 se rails. Canada will "it till list n ori- fou do Woo. 9 W to J 1d hatchers caulo loom...... d N te 3 ora 4 30 to a tion to hupply the sister colony. us] routes, r. cost.le, a ...... .,0 autrhon'cattle. fair.. a SS to 30 terms which %%Ill defy c0ntpetltloll. ........ do oommw ......... ..... 1 N lo4 7S Tito Gaspe leper mills and the Syd- decuws _._.........,,.... JN w 40e neer steel works tiro exceptionally do battle.................- x e0 to 3 36 F•ed•r., siert-ke............ 4 le to N well Isolated for foreign trade. do ta.dtum...... i a to 00 (Stocker*. 1.eW w I.IM Ido....... 4 ,e to Its - - ---" -- do light- ...... t 75 to go Tile Lo•tkloo Free Prime Galls tile Mllch."w-, o.cn. .... ,....... N til to 50 N award elf the caurt in the Yukon sheopp ewe., per owl. .......... 4 00 to 4 Ie l.mbea Per OW...... 6 So to 3 50 , rerl... ga L Itavlway cave '•snia,tt mutley." That a dooeoh«. catch .............. a W to 5 Wl Et u to 0 00 l� r 74 r+• D• cwt......... . e N i" nalt oro rr out. lconal*v x11 I's rm4art for the turpitude of Sir g., light, per owL............ @ 75 to Bass amt, per cwt ............ a 73 W 0 m Mackenzie I)uwell mini the Senate lea - General Client" Markets. j ,rity wile tit the behewlt (of a forelgl► Belleville, May 10. -Today there or, lAverthnrli• wtoppoil the bu/Whig were 7511 white aril SO colored of' fervi all sold at lea runawayf Else runaway and )pave the great- mphlllc, May 1O. -The first re- or part of the trade of tike Yukon sulcer Besetting d the Ketal lu held least o-aes to them U. 13 oompno,". Diet tae .Cheese Board was eveu- irtlltttae t0 Ouhs.ln get.thedr Vey In 1 with a large attendance. Only l�l bows Oufh T Was K as mull, as IR coat the were 5 white. :us] ox lag ,colored mad 'L5 white. Every bol country In it" salt' was add at 11 1 8a � - Cornwall. May 10 -At the Cora- ��e Probably It Ir true that f:alnadm wall Cbeee0 Board this afteruoou gap -lit least F:ft llah' Cauadmi-It. loyal to the Imperial Government 18 the Moo" were boarded• and alt were aloud on ape board. There were 8:10 wh tte, which brought 11 116o. grad matter of the war in South Africa- 939 colored which sold at 11 180. but it Is sllflcant that the enlist ,tu In the Canadlau militia have Mallures In April. fatless off to practieally-tsotbing. Ttw - R. 0. Dun ! Co. r •P�(i llahlllttof Cxperl(ave of being ordered to for- elommes'olal fa/t lltire for the first eitpt her%loe In Mr. C'hunaberinlu'a welt of May $1.6-.8.447, against $1t- quilrrel It" nppartully dantptd the 663,653 tart year, and $.:.641. •10 mlfittey ardor of the Canadian youth. two years ago. Failures this lvrek In --Cb:cago Chronicle. the United states aro 218, agalurt Th:•rc *poke Idttornnae and Anglo- =15 Last work, 212 the pnoedlnjil phobia. NO Canautans have been week. ali(1 187 the corrempontnulll "ordered to for(•Ign service;' Oppor- weak laat year, ami lit l'ana,la '•4, tunity has been given for a certain inz lweek aatagart 17 stL'6 Inst IS r.• of u! fah- nurnber to volunteer, null for every strong this week in the T'nited Rtates (nie'wanted dosesmOffered. So great w.to the rah that lite Govrrnnw t 80 were In the tort, 78 Oma 50 VICKI, and 13 in file Paolrlc tot test 50 liabilities Its, Willi oblige -1 to stipulate that only so .)nil report of or sure. ma5ly would Ifs taken _from each des- urarietrwet-a as rrade-- tr):t. What the U. 8, Briti-h-hating orgittw arc not know about Can ula Wholesale trade At Montreal has been qulte active this week. Coun would fill a t'aBLegle llbrary• try remittance" have b, -en +cry fair . fur May. .Ott Toronto this w( -Pk the Mr. Whitney aims to give lhn mn- demand for scaeonubir goo Is was c: c,llaa ice TTits lie•uerit oT all tairN largely afterted by the ♦n PIAlt1N wea- raclx til the awe alluded to. Tole Gov_ they. Payments thin week on May ( rnwent plays u grab game and cop- 4th paper have been well metthe p,•t•r everything In right. -Galt Ite_ number of renewals having been porter. light. Little change top noticed Its Don't be so del At one time the y luedmeu circles at Quebee during the past week. Trade at Hamilton this municipality lu which the head office week bar been good. Orders from of one of these great Corporation* nearby points to sort retail stooks, wow situated grabbed all the Lazes. mat from distant secticwss of the Country, partleniallr the Northwt'gt, Tose act to which the Reporter re- ars very encouraging. T,,is, ship- 1 i l l k 1 fere taker fur the ganl or the Waitaki an,, goof s I s wee ILLS been heatllq Thi; e,Aagervative t)ppoant)on in Provluce the heat► office taxes, bat are h, and the a calling nod mipt nrr• holey on Driers calling for prompt Ontario gave Kir .folia lracdonakl leave" the munlcipalities free to delivery. There 1s a goat demand for their hearty sttppxt lit trying to iopsrbn thrsp cumpntslem on alt 1,1161- money. Berliners at Winnipeg is quite take from the Province the rich ter -attire In erholmsalst circles- Laidig nre.t dune In these motslclpnhtlpm. Thr last month the number of Immigrants ritory now Whotvrn tie Now Ontario. tet playa disitinetdy that do far tin packaging through Wlnrl wne t0, Yet they uuw Ignore the hardihould till, munlcipalitles are concerned, 000. and In addition to that num. Us, claim teat the Liberals have not her many came noose the border with the exception noted, they Into the Province at various points, The Signal � w wsaaaD ■TgRT THURSDAY 11011NINO BY L. MaiOlLLICUa)DY. Toro• e1 aebwdyYua, One montk, in adv.u4to.................. I U Three mouth., As fill mouth*. " .. ...,-..... k Ous reef. ................. , _ 1 4 Ad.rrYdaa taw, Legal mad otber oa..u61 a't V. VIlenmete., 11., yawI 'lardrdtd.•rC: ail le to mfr tip, fur e.ab .,IA -meat la.er,, m. Nua ,red 0, 'a nonyywwroll r ale. Bueluo•. Laird. of six IL.es and yder. M ea re1r. Advertl•olnoata of Lint, sued, elrt,,4 flilualiun• V.."est, Rltu..loa. w►atrl.n/ Bu.loee. Chance. waut• A net e1 ah4116t t 11'... nonw,roll, 11 per m't .6. lluaeov coo tiala.nd rarrea on said, mot as ex.x••d a It,,". pl for dna most., h. talo For .ys enquenl amnesia. Iart(-,-tela• to pr.,�p,,,Ki; Amy drowI&l Note, h•objrot of wulghl,,a maleate the po„uutar) bruaat of .or t,-d1t,i. nal or Wrapaey, tt be alae• red .n odv,rliy m..t and oharma.l a"wall fly. LnLaI unu� o„ ll, a,.nratr•typeor-s.)nut Pd word. no moll." loan than '60. Local aotlaee in ddimary reading typist. eenu per woe.. No notice for k- . than sq, Nodoe. for ohuro►•a and other tdl�ioud .,A 0111, Wtltatao.", half most. a.hol.rfbers who tall M renal we Talk Rias.% regularly by m,.tl will c„nfur a t.,rs, I Is quills. nag an of the laical at w "It, ad'"" poriblo. a4rG/, W hem a obanrte d mdd,san to dank ) tae eld ad the mew addrem should bts gL: •. r.blisher's N.tA-. J. n I'm TO"O' of "lurch. ►.o Iv'e ., pointed Loral Travelling ♦pot far Ili.. , Wps of Oodorlch. l'o►orme. A•Lse1,: ., a wanoah. Loam postmasters over the dWrIet &r,.. ,A etnpalsered to reoN we .allsorlpU„6. ,,. , ,,, alUnxl- AL calm mlalesttees most be addrw•d D. MoQli.Llo'CD1,y, Tin aro+.. trek*bsTCallla Gode,,ot�,.� TRPIMAT.'Y.1Y 1--, 1is1 TRATCLUXQ GgIDL ------------ GRAND TRV?-- RAiLWAT. "Am y", Mand Hi .. M .ii'md =s~K.................... 11 u r ,� Ilxed ... I ., Mall mad gxpreas..................... ILN,.,a arA". Mail and Cr pr•a. ................... I H a tit M.fl and Krs rr.s... t,w a •, Mixed .. ILLS p.n. O KNTISTtt 7. hie NiCHOLSON. L D.a.. D[wTAL er R•e w, }}tta000m. oQto•ito uo Pad Odd lilllag, Vrowo ad *Wart s /prcWtl. N Taaff gzporleaaw LLW MAB[C D.D.8. LDJL-pl!. At . a,lrg•oo-1�taet a Nls•f met• t for all dental over.tl tea va,tea o- tl. Batumi teeth a apelelal Cor. H r . t sand ag caro lap , Itpaq on % ort 'l'elophonr No. eft - iM. TCRNRUf.InD.a. LOJ1.-DRY. • tal 9nr``oom. 1 r17 aaam•lcb0 ill h Dr. bion of Mie rad.l OMA and ptrr.t.4a arll@cial troth alouuted on avid or alun-lana be -*L apo�-W •tteetloa gives N the r".ve ..Lion of the natarol beaL Uses II Ve kraal's hew blook. a a" ■ was FCAMPION. la0 -BA110-191-r-It what a star. Notary. to Office wer is1aI ,m, HAII_Squo re, Oo,lerlei ___ AlO. JOHNICTON--AAKlttt4'ldt . e1pw, Vamusoufo-lone AL, l 7W„ loan . ('e.. uaih,;;Iar, A, . - Oor.w Hou dom" bloderiah. (ML.x , ROUDi00T At HAT f4 BARIjiM" Ft T) eetatrNe ii -Le pecovtore--tryn Marginal Court kc. Omee: 4 -&-th at. en doer -Jlaval, otaon Private Fined* to WT..! or lo. tad►alto of mtnrwL '-" W. L•ROUD►OUT. L C. lilt Y+ I lNl1ON krGARROt1, BARltltl'rl Il- 12-.­ I l- rx-.t-,. 17HIL1-P IOLT' K.C. BAHRI3T[dt• ,, I n„r.. airy WLilc. into. Omeo root l hurt Hu,us• agnam. -:n xlowy to loan a• . rata of int, r -•t. CHAR @ItAGIR - BARRIBT[R, e.:7, leper, notagry zed osevityaseer. 4)?",o, ppee {$�amUton street ep to tl,e Cult e Hite% lir 4erl, d 1'rl I'saeM W IemA ,a erm 1rta uEaL 0 per a" bNrML Fann•If --..a--- U. W ARD. CONT[T 4/.1-6,12. ale., Also* j • semm 1,eksm•r !nr a„a,ms solid r•, recega,un.w of ►.u. .lad6vl.s or .Aalas, '113064, e,.ponldon• or solemn dee1.-e U.ea Is or eee-ruin amy .,-Lima. •nit or sameeodty b th. Hlah Coast of junta".the (loofa of Ar►•ai ter Onterle. or in any Ceumty at Monson Cowl A it a aaeeouem a".Ily and prem tit aee executed. R"ideand P. O. 6fdreK►--�ia. germ... Ont. . LOAIrs "a Llml{Tt+llwolf, , dote, thole duty Its regard to that "shall continue to be assessable and Trade at London has been very fair. ONES TO LEND -.t LARGE AMm >r territory. Some pulitkians Are tatable for municipal purposes as Buminems at Pnafle ('oust Points hale Ji orprivaterundmfnrtn+•eetmehtmt !,N rlwawfWsi. - - Lerestutore." Whlit more cab fa try rat ►leen very active In mercantile Clrotem ext rstMaad cape •soon first elect mcrIm'. .v "Ply to bloklnruu b Garro-. - - - -- -` ' Tin gentleman who. according to be Asked ! judge for tilt" npp("torkeut of a rnnl- - ALCTIONUKRING. ' NlahsQeicr CrtraLrailga, sold hie vote The Mall and Empire, one Of TRADE WITn uRIITAiN. sl. ROMAp GUNDRY, AUCTION tt A' j OVal MA5or,GoDRY..Ost. ONStiten•% uinl iprlueuoo to the Buse Govern- ----_-----twlab--paoallar--to-lt, 16 teles to - - to in any part of the Wunty. . -- ---- __ - talent Ii the same man of whothe Ontario Llbersls ***pond_ Statement of CarmeAlewDone-sew 1n TOHN [NO GENCRAL AtArlIVVgIK i Lord BtrulllconA wtOtm: retase "in Prince Edward Im- Last Kour Months. end l,&nd Valu,mtor.Goderklo,0.4. )lm. tagbad cunddemble erperUaw ,s ale aille "%II iliac know anything of Queen'svery farmer pays a tax ba*1A Lorrhn, May L". -Tho hoard of u„e••nng trada, ba is 1.s rtamtdw N c. hitn tNh u-faethep all err. Collpgr, ain't of Itm l'r,ucipal, tit(' acreage he hits under cul- Trade returns for the ast fuer p 1•dtlon• estruAll to him. Orale ash Ng Rev. Dr. Get* 4lrttut, are near^the him enimeat rer%ices lliroughauton." That Is s far-fetched ar- montha show the following itnerens,tor In British Imports from Clan&41a : mt'. Hotel or cent by *toil Mlilh ddr�ut derieh P.O., carefully attrmdd to. I'do 1--.-OX. flutoma,biie. He made application for has EXODUS TO UNITED STATES County 1nAat� i hat. N@i_ -tZ 91 -iuW& _ji,jamatioa uomtimber ails not mlxeerralm. lie lar 000. _ .as in le ttion o Dle live by fnnnhlg and fishing. Wheat fl CIOO List ass ally, and, foe nue, 1 gain proud to eswtilt Ism us a friend." Their Legislature Is n , Leg K od-sited Bacon, C5 ,000. Hamm, LAL',(M. WNL 1ggU[R O� G fl We ANIL def er " - ` ` 06RYjr" Couhcil; �epreeenting about Better, L3b,(100. ssomWdery� Now Mr. Whitney neriss to lural 100,000 people, and It looks aft -r Tho decreases are: Oi nT HALMOSCOPi: I RLI.. OP cr•.iit for th-i Ontario Government's roads And brldgpn, schools land chart- Sheep and lambs, C8,000. Oats. L89,000. grieve. Mr. Brandreth waw w(nrmed ilcy_.ill-.of-th--aiawlug.,ln puu tie, doing much of Lila work Thal time, CBp,000. Kort -told Insanity of Ralph Herm,t- Onturlu of timber cul on Crown our municipal cobnciln tlo here, and (hreae, L9a.000. reth. hla::la. Ile ray's he move,l It In the of course collecting Its, revenue as Eam C1L"000. flown woof, 18.000. New ]'ark, )any L". -Thoma Ntlfus t,f Lrglnlnturo In 1897. What he dawx mmdtl 1 revetme In colimted in On. pa Sawn wool, C52,000. rlppr(ow011ttlg apoplexy or brat', par - nut tell Is that ho moved it after tario. The P. I,. I. people are Hormes, E3,000. nly',rkr whioh the ophlhalmoeoope re - it wast common knowledge that the thrifty, with well -tilled farm-# ,End The Imports of canno.d salmon vealed some six weeks ago In the P>'e Govvirrig rent load such A measure in lily promperoda towns, but they have totalled E883,000, Canned lobster, L9,000. of Italph Brarnlroth &rat the, rapid rrn.d)ncsns and Lass determined to tit P ;to room for ez nslon, and the r g Dn Y +un The exports to Canada fticreasedl: development of the dieeteme after the It thrnnQh-_-_13m- muUun--was..-1iaw-people vmlgrate. If they 11&41 a Mitt 11,000. examination were c:etalled._ta _s._ party csipitsal-and ttat'm what Mr. or•th Colon try, milli a Ro+N to develop COttOp piece good,, 165,000, liiloriff'm Ivry In Kinlre acuity, 14 10k R'Ilitnry necks to time it for now. it, they' would be sal happy a■ no Linen piece goods, C8,000. Bilk, C9,000.the revolt that It ,located the welts- mnJu' Nuaflowrrs. Wootton tissues, L46,000. Eby ttnlwInsa o. the Breport 11r. Whitney hail P'nl an ens to the Worsted thanes, C60,000. of tile piny Is Insane. '1'tle report of We et,.... tI..., 1.1, 1, nautelti ill in.tl.r.T ieQ"--_.___..- __. __ Jury and Lire Ctlwamisdonatrr appoluL-_ I•kalninit hallway. Illm drelarati,on that hr pr„p,omev that the line Nhall bnbbl.-la or the Toronto Olobe.-M:tll and Empire. to Why. toren, dna he put tip hill hench- men to move oplooAtion to the scheme wbell It states In -fore the Honme T Why 111.1 Iv. when Ile might here helpal it., give It him slroligrat opposition nail tame up hl+ most vigorotislne9qut- pedatLen n Ij.•ctivom In deuunelntlon of � , T", 1TATf aThr mptM artmlta that In (;,urtwo the arrangemt-nts for the Anlo (it pulp w.oal do not prevent it hosing sent In the rough to the United litttea, but it eonternta that the con- ditions In Que-tses areal better than In On4trictt bcomws% It says, "l,taelice simply losmors a Ibennn lt+'+o I for ons year, anll reaewiat V thereafter anion - ally." 'pito Orman does not, however, teak„ Intocon•I.hr-ill -n the fnet that In Ontario the Iloenmer In 1'omnd to oort„te r,gul,titone, ant the 4iovrrn- anent Is free t0 raise the prier nal the mark^t wnrranta, nhilp hol,tirw him to Uio letter of her contract. ps,eltor minted out that -of every laltlery. 14,000. ad to oowluct the lnwronity procC d, 4FlO0 expended by the Ontario Uov- Hardware, C2,000. Inge, has awn turned over to Orn, ; tort &McCormack. eoun.wtl for t , nT7tM1r-*20'9T MRS' Bar ren. L7A BrntNlreth family. tipoes the f(n,TTtl/rs flor Elie maintenance of public lasts- Sheets and boiler platen, C1A,000. WAy will appeal t) a Aipremo C.nurt intlonm." On Which the Kprciator Galvanized @beet. 020,000. judge for tilt" npp("torkeut of a rnnl- c+mlmeutr : "To pay nn army or ago Tln plates. IL81,0w. (]est find wrought Iron, C17,000. minae of the pervert nntl eortate. Mr. BraMlretth U baiting treated In Ies.4 ,tfficlals whose clll.d ,Italy In to Unwrought steel, t4-IAM*this Blointuttngtlnle Intention, Anylsm. if" L,k.• part fn elvellons." la Until n Tinberdnrlary, [14,1100. is forty-oewt year@ oh1 arwl M the ,,cent or fair way to mpeak of the Decreasingly were: were: yoragpet of Dr. Benjamin Bran - aloes men nod wonaeo who care for th i.e Spiritist, SAW. C(hniont, C8,000. dreth, who mate a Wargo forten" wits a patent mecticine snot who ICrt blind prat dent And dumb, nal the In- Fnrthenwnre, L5,000. the bii Arw-m to his warke. Mr. BrAtNt- -urlu- I ('ould conr6enesn go farther 7 Itnila totalled, Cn'sli00. rtrth hnd been an athipte until It INxIR the SlocotatOr ellnrge that tile Rrrnrtng apparel, watorproof d C11l neR tretnrprrlof4Yd. year r gco. became .flwhen lie, esnantto a MI take 0111- 4lwvated hooly of Government enlpfoy- ,000; Cfl8000. of rxero4ing, uRnl tits enrrlAKe or "M At the Haallton Amylum for the flutoma,biie. He made application for lnRann du nOt rostra nil they get -that EXODUS TO UNITED STATES a new popsy fclr S"O'Ouo fur Ini nt•- they ere were hpnnKs pron the part) -him. 4 T Anti (anrlRtiania, anne and two phyrclalnn examinrrl They fround no Indication Of Or - yet If that In art Its fallen- May 1'L. -The newn- garlic treltde until tbe•y exantinr,l tion words iwve no mmni"g. We papers are printing alarmist■ arts- iib eyes throwigh the opith"Ira"wo, think that n kook nvrr lhn roll will 10104 fm aronlint of the recent In orlpe. The PJM showed m(tttrs of An mvatimty way rrnsnnnbin man that crease In emigration from Norway I to the iTnited Stntwa. in npprooks,'harng stroke, of apoplexy or thois employers tire. not overpnpl, ! it estimate al that 80,0W) Norwegians have hrwM paraiyein. MT. ilrarnir4th's two brothrre were awl tbmt they 11aTA very Important 1 mtlhvl to America thin year-aloohlso. informerl tbvt the t+ottrti,tion ase Wort to do, And thpJ do It well. The the number for the mime perifai Inst grieve. Mr. Brandreth waw w(nrmed tlp,etat.lr known that, hnt In order to,lt the T.Iliernl (iovrrnmrnt year• Emigration has not laminated still that oton*letm mnMal rstat Anvl -!Ally physlrnl exerclwp wenn ell thwt c(wttl tit It in prnportiont More ihn Lima of the save liters Ansi he, went At , to tho map w iI11nK to, mlAnder and hell" r% Pry � ffnminr, forty yenrm ego, Extremely *lark trade, hellos, r tRaflon, BMomM1ng+falm Asylum. He hcKAn a blit man ani woman In the Oovernmrnr Anti R poor fishing creation am given aslhe e+rm"o of gymnnstlr Pxprekw•, k was tOD late and early Ills April employ. IOIAm• on atoh 000dect I O&ROW of the exodws, brain parallysts est In.