HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 108 Tui BDAY, May N, 1902.
Do you want
Dress Goods or Silks
Now is your chance: April 25 and 26
and following week
Largo stock of newest Spring Goods going at
Reduced Prices for ten days.
Every shrine, every kind is here, and during
this Sale at Reduced Prices.
Ladies' Slack Silk Taffeta Waists, all tucked
and hemstitched, a regular $5.00 Waist,
for $3.75.
Do you wan
clothing or Gents' Fuishings
Boys' Suits,
Boys' Pants,
Men's Suits,
Men's Pants,
Men' Overcoaos,
Men's Waterproofs,
Coupons on Chairs on
all purchases.
'Smith Bro's Sc Co.
BENMILLER• ( esteem for Mr and Mrs.Grummett,,nd hope•
Toffees/. Meg. 6th.
W elllartos Edwards is Imptovtog kfs
property by betiding a sew teens d it,
sod deo raising his hoot lar atone work
and brick.
Uiitt aur. -There died at his late rest -
demos on the fourth oonoes,t o, Colborne
township, on the 3rd lost., of heart dinette.
Klokard Rowdes, In bis slaty -first year.
'rhe &.owed was o native of Devonshire,
Ebglaad, sod oame to Cooed. when too
years of Dae, first Bottling with his parents
at Port Hops. H. came to Colborne thirty•
Ave years ago end resided up to the day of
kb death oo the seme 0000iesloo bot at dif•
forest term.. The obesqulee oo Monday
were 000daoted by the members of tktl
Meeeale traterslty (Moroiog Star I
No. 309! and were hugely attended, theles
being over oo. kasdred vehicles la the fM-
oral prooesdoa The pail. bearers
Alex. RobertssR-T Gledhill, at
Jobs', Andrew Young, A Y. Gledhill sad
Samuel Bueett, tt1 m.mk.re 01 1M 'townie
order. The diseased wee • highly teepee',
ed member of moldy, and his lose will be
mesh felt, both by his sorrowing widow and
a large Mettle ot Meade and n,ighoors. In
Polities he was o.teuooh Reformer. The
funeral melee ab the bons. of mourning and
a1 the grave was onduot.d by Ker. N A.
Shaw, of the ll.omlll.r airopll.
hopes for proluegtog of tad. Svc. until the
silver may Into me the golden anniversary.
were noticeable to sects speech, and of'er a
vary happily neat evening all returned to
their homes satisfied witlr e gladsome hod
obeery way in wbloh thin landmark in life
ltd boon observed.
Mn. Mary El:rabeth Either, of Colborne,
hie been oommltted to 'In j ol as insane and
dangerous, sod will be brought hefor, the
lodge ors Satordoy for eismlooWeo,
R.,. Dr. Decibel gave bus lecture "Swing
of the Century," to goof 'Ludo -nee •1
Holmssville oo Mndey evening last. On
the 1'tb he will lecture In the Smith's Hill
Preebyterlsn @nureb.
811.vaa N ebnrve.-Oa Friday everting,
May 2nd, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Grommet!, Nile, • large Dumber of
friends sod raistives assembled W offer
their ooagratulatloue upon the arrival of
the lweaty-filth boot y of their
wedding day. Among throe pr.ewe were
persons from Clinton, Holmesvdle, God*.
rich, Dmng•noo0 and the surrouodlog
country. While about eirty-tiv• were
present • large somber on aouuot of der
Mhos oould not be preeeet, but .eget and
tokens of esteem were received from rola•
Close bt Louisville, Brooklyn. Buffalo, To-
ronto sod other plum. The hostess, .a
silted by her slater, Mies Kate Reid, of
Goderlob, welcomed the guests at the door,
while Mies A. Drammen rwtved upstairs.
The tables under the skillful ma.•g•most of
Mule Reid, were beautifully decorated In
;Ask end white and laden with viands
tasteful and nob. Most ootloesble was IM
artistloslty designed weddiog oak• tearing
Moo detail iBT7 sod 1902. Another table
was (severed with the many sod valuable
promote received, prominent among which
were te be noticed a handsome gold watch
and chain from th• hostess' mother, Mrs.
Reid, (ioderloh ; • beautiful tea service
from relatives In Goderioh ; a podding dish,
fruit dteh, oak• h:.,k.1, cheese dish, pickle
*root, various kinds of koiver, forks sad
.poos and ether awful articles and valuable
whose of r.speot and esteem from relatives
wllinf,0-tie. Before going to supper Mr.
ass -Urs Grummet% were rolled tot the
beak parlor, where the pastor. Rey. Mr.
Wilson, on behalf of the asa.mbled *empties},
presented them with the table of ore.esY, t
to whew Mr. Grumman made • .nitNls
reply. After the guest. had unused them.
soiree in various ways • program oondarlog
of speeches, duets, solos, toilsome otitis sad
r.olu'Inae was rendered. Expressions of
received the Ontario 8 stuns. r Edward
1902, for ted outlined magistrates and of-
ficiate entitled to receive the rine.
Si M Clerk of • Poses.
the nodanfgoed, sed sodoreed "Tender
for Ruppl fog Cosi for the Dominion Build.
ing•. will be received at tills o810 until
Tuesday. 3rd Jure, 2901, inclusively. for the
.apply of ('pal for the 1'ublie Buildings
throughout the Dominion.
Combined specification and fnrm of tender
Oea be obralned on &ppllculon et this ogler
Persons tendering are noUled that teoders
will not her considered notes. mode un the
Printed form supplied. and signed with their
a. trial sig nal ores.
Tech tender mart be 0000mpsbled by an
accepted cheque on o chutrred bank. made
payable to the order of the Honourable the
Minister of Public Work., equal to ten per
wtt. of antou0t of Moder, wbl:h will be for-
feited if the party decd: ne to enter into a con-
tract woes called upon to do no, or it 0e fit
to complete the work contracted for It the
tender be not aooepted the cheque will be re
The Department does sot bled Itself to 10
rept the lowest or an tender.
By Order.
Department of Public Works.
Ottawa. Ind May. 1801
Newipop.ra touting thus advertisement
wltboot authority from the Department will
not be paid for it.
West side of Monro.
Night nolle promptly answered.
ILWaI1 Paper a.
Window Shade Sale.
During that month of May we Intend closing out our stack of Window
Shades. Also ninny line, of Wall Paper
000 Rolle Wall Paper regular (k, sale price 4c per roll.
500 Rolls Wall Paper regular 6c, 7c and 8c, sale price
5c and 6c per roll.
'We have still several hundred rolls of Amnricnn Gilt and Plain Wal
Paper, regular 10c and 12e, special 'tale price t•t• end is per roll borders to
match 2c and 21c per yard. 1
Another shipment of Art Wall Papers rnngtng in prier. from 12c per
roll to 50c per roll. The swelled line ehown in America for the [Honey.
Really 25 per cent. less than city price.
Window Shades.
Plain water colored Shade'', complete with goal spring rollers, 2:ie.
Plain Oil Shades, complete with good spring rollers, 35c ; and the same
Shade (complete) with lace, 40c.
Telephone No 100 it. Court House Square, Goderich.
Meetiugs in the interest of the Lib
eral candidate in West Huron will be
held at :
BKNMJLL$R-O1edhill's Hall -Mon-
day, May 12,
I'ORTRR'a HILL -Temperance lfall-
Tuesday, May 13.
POST Anima -Town Hall -Wed-
nesday, May 14.
Auuuax-Temperance !fall-Thure-
day, May 15.
HOLLISevILLS-Township Hall -Fri-
day, May 16. 4
NILS -Temperance Hall -Saturday,
May 17.
Each meeting will commence at b
o'clock P. M.
the Libera candidate, and other
speaker will be present.
The Conservative candidate is in-
Keep Your Feet
is 14,
Warm at Night
A Not Water
Bottle -
W 11.1.
DO 1'1'.
We Have
EKOM '11116
THE 155'1
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of West et. and the Siivare.
TRaR...,RSe. r.
11 Dainty Muslin
A Great Collection for May Selling
'THE first leading event on the May program at this store is a great sale of fine
muslin undewear. We have been planning for months for this special sell-
ing, and it will be an occasion of uncommon interest to the ladies of this vicin-
ity. Instead of putting these garments on sale in the mid -winter months be-
fore they are needed, we have them ready just when they are wanted -ready in
all their daintiness and freshness, just as they came out of the cases direct from
the factory. This white underwear is made by the leading factory in Canada.
Hundreds and hundreds of operators are kept busy all the year round to supply
the demand for it. It is well made from good cotton and cambrics, and good
quality laces and embroideries are used for trimmings. The garments are
modeled after the most popular American styles, each Is full size and as near
perfection in every little detail as it is possible to get. In no case is 'there any
skimping of material or workmanship in order to get a low price.
We will be ready on
with a great display of dainty white underwear, and invite you to come and see
it. Not necessarily to buy -there will not be a hint of that unless you wish it -
but just to see i.he finest collection of ladies' muslin underwear that has ever
been shown in Goderich. Here are some hints of styles and values ; but the
best and most satisfactory way to judge of their goodness will be to see the
goods in the store.
the country over are careful to
look for this stamp when buying
It's the .nark of quality.
It's a guarantee of comfort and
It's an assurance that you're not
paying mo • than is necessary for all that', of value In
women's sh•: Queen Quality shoes have elegance, and
with it they gl e a perfect fit and glorious comfor`, and
they're only
The eyelets in Qu$n Quality shoes, like all the
trimmings, are the finest to be had. They're
"fest color" --,never tarn brassy.
Sole agent for Queen Quality shoes or women and Walk Over
shoes for men.
Ear Repairing done ve neatly.
The Rod Front Shoe Store, The Square, 0oderii.
That is made in Parnell -Dean's Bakery is
baked in ovens made by the most expert
oven makers. It is baked by mei who
understand their business, and who have
had long experience in bread making.
The Best No. 1 Lard W heat
Manitoba Flours are used,
And everything that goers into the making of our Breads
Is the best that money can procure. So in buying Parnell-
-:- Dean's breads you buy bread that you can eat, and bread
that i9 always the same.
ilamilton Street, Goderich.
Mill Products, Bread Stuffs, Breakfast Foods, Seeds, etc.
Best brande of Flour, including lute Huron and Manitoba Milling Co.'s
end the Star Mill products.
Breakfast Foods a Specialty.
Seeds for Field and (larded
HE Wll_1. BE AT
Wednesday, May 14th
tt'Ith HAIR (.ODDS, Lades.' and (lents' RIGS, TOUPEES,
BA NUS. WAV sad PLAIN FRONT•, SW111III. of every d..
.orlptl.n, ere.
If • Oen imprnye year p.reesal appearance.
Plain Intone and
disfigured heads waned
through the Ines .f hair
WE m.1. petfonHnn.
�OREri Theoesada owe steer
a \ fin. Inks to the 51111 of
i . „/ , '� -E ,� f I'rnl. Dnrenw.nel
Homan hair adores
and protects the head.
Don't fell tow hie new PAM? HAiR MTRIi('TI'RR, patented all eve, the world.
Remember for Only One Day
First Mare est hair, e.p.elolly prey and white ha'r, Ialien In eoohseg•,
Many different styles to select from, but all are good, and bet-
ter than you can make, yourself.
At 50c -
Gown of send quality Knelt.h ooltno,
y,ke 6 claviers of fitn took., I nen hal-
too., Dollar and cuff. Ir 0.in.1 .I
fie•_ o.mbna trunnion"
At 65c -
down made of at,nd E,aluh 0.•t•. n,
yoke hem witched boa tucked, I.n o
townies, 31aeh Diller, eso,Iar an: naffs
trimmed trials embroidery trtmmleg,
At $ I.00 -
(;owns mads of goad geallty Eogliah
orettero, V shooed Duller, ootltr,
yoke and Doffs trimmed with floe
cambric embro dery, hem-stltehed
yoke eith wide open work inter -
non, e.oh
At $1.00 -
Gown of fine English oottoo, yoke of
clusters ot Looks end open work 1n
B enno, collar, yoke wed uses of
two ludo oembrio embroidery,
double across shoulder, peer! but•
tons, each .......
fit 00
At $1.25 ---
Gown. made from flue Fagll.k toot on,
fancy yokes of disaooal tacks and
haw *united, open work Insertion
down frcnl.douol• sorose eboulJ.rs,
collar and oufls of ambrio embroi-
dery, pearl buttons, each
At $1.25 -
Gowns of fine English cotton, ne.k
.Snare at (root, yoke of allover em•
brotdery, insertion with baby rib-
bon around cook, yoke, beck ant
naffs edged with Nino fiobbtog
braid, neck and oofls of embroider,.
do.bl. screw 'boulder, pearl but-
tons, each ..., r -ilio
\� �At $2.00
At 75c -
Gown of good Eoglbeh cotton, Yoko hem
s•Itcbed and wide rooks, collar and
toffs trireme 1 with two loon noon work
enihro deny frill., extra .pectsl vaiesbe
At 85c -
Gown mad• of good 1•:oglieh oottoo, vok•
of open we k IrRertton and floe tucks,
doable acre as ahoolden, collar, frost
and yoke trimmed with good oambdo
f Idling. each
At $1.50--
1.50-.Gown of fine b:.wlMh cotton, oam`,ri o
&ot.h, yoke of narrow stuped ot.10
work 'unction, V shooed neck,
double soros' eboulden, neck sad
ods of 2j•looh line embroidery.
pearl buttons, insertion around
yoke, etch.
$1 50
At $1.50 -
Gown of fio• English cotton, oambr.o
finish, yoke of torohoo taw •n•1 Io•
sorties, end rows of fine tuck.,
cambric frilling, 2loch torohen
law erouod bottom eat yoke Ind
eons, Deck atsd frost trimmed with
;noh {oration lace, pearl buttons,
each. .... ........ ... .... .. $1.50
(lows made of floe 1•agllsh Dorton,
to mbrlo fioisb, low ulnare nook,
silk ribbon, ine.rtloo sad .mbrol•
dery across front, shoulders and
heat trimmed with losertbon and
wide cambric' embroidery, oufls Use
me, neck embroldory trimmed,
1111 buttons, ear* . ... ... . $2,00
At $2.25-
l:owe wary res E.gllah cotton,
briers eambr:o Aatab, .quare out
y, k• of floe tucked muslin and law
ins'rtlon, front of hue tacks, cam•
brio frllt.eg and lace around nook,
cuffs of tusk, trimmed with cam•
brie Irilitog edged with leoe, bows
cf silk r.bb.o at weak, eaoo ... $2 25
At $3.00-
(i..wo cf very fine osmbrio lawn,
neck cat square. front of eery floe
tocktng,new of fine te..reloo sorer
top of rooks rid. o1 (root, shoulders,
n eck sod cuffs of S lo* fine mueslis
embroidery, each 113.00
At $L00.
All our good skirts are made with an inner dust frill, which protects
the trimming and adds to the life of the garment. Therrys a positive : t v-
ing in buying any of these.
At 35c.
Skirts made of hoolish coitus, lj.Iseh hem, 3
rows of tock. ,. . 35o
At 50c.
Skirts mads of Orono English oottoo, draw
string and 6 !ooh fill, etch
Skirts me . of gond E.,l.sh cotton,
draw eta p, thee, toes of tuck,,
frill of 9 I b cambric embroidery,
u"der frill o' co.too, each. . ..
$1 00
At. $1.00.
(klrte made of etroo:ailleh oottoo,
seems doable sewn, oder frill of
cambric frilling, 10 Iodk outer frill
of muslin with cluster? of teaks
and hem atltobed, • vara marries
o bis garment, each. - .. , . $1 00
At $1.25.
At $1.25.
At 75c.
Skirts made of strong English owes, 11•Issk
r•flt., 2 loch hem and row of 2$ `it IIRsiosa
Isco, order fill of cotton, earth
At 75c.
Skirts merle of l'ntlIsh cotton, draw shfst, 3
rose of narrow tucks, frill of 6-1och Gembrlo
embroidery, under frill of oottoo, each..
Skirts made of strong Fngbea oiltni.,
mime doable sewn, doahls frill, 21
Inches deep, Inner of ooltem with 4
loch (tuning, outer of muslin with
3 blasters of narrow Locks and 11.
(ooh hem, *sob $1 25
At $1.50.
Skirts of good Roglieh cotton, reams
double sewn, 14.1ooh doable trill,
Inner el fine oottoowIth 4 .00h
%frilling, outer of ma'and 4 Inch
torohoo Ince and 1jdoch Insertion,
each... .... ....... ........... ,1 50
At $1.50.
Skirts made of good Meghsh Cotten, Skirts made of fine Eng'ith cotton,
seams double sewn, double 1.111. In - seams double sewn, 13.Inoh d ,nble
her of floe oottoo, eater ot II Ir, h frill• toner of onteon with 4 ,nnh
motilin with toots edged with 4 frill, outer of muslin with 51 Inch
Isiah torohoo Igoe, each 51. open work emhroOlsry, *soh ... $1.50
At $2.25.
Skirts of floe Raellsh cotton, name
doable seer, 20 Blob doable irill,
.inter of muslin looked and edged
with 2 Inob lace, .soh $2 25
At $2.25.
Skirts male of vary fine English out.
too, 13 Inch doable (rill, outer of
fine mn..in with three rows of law
insertion sed one o1 2lriooh law$2 25
At $3.25.
Skirts of very floe I:nglleh cotton,
cambric finish, seams doable sewn.
14 Inch double frill, outer of muslin
with two oloetore of narrow tacks,
and one row of Ij t.c1 losertioo
and 3 inoh ton:hon Ism., earth 53.25
At $2.75.
Skirts made of very floe F,glisb Dote
ton, rl.,abte frill, eater 20 footles
deep with truer clusters of floe
tacks and Ion Inch handsome 0100•
lin embruMe,y, eaeh 52.7.5
D1 -W ERS -
It cannot possihl { ; y you to make them up yourself, when you can get
them ready-made at th t e prices. All qualities are good and they are per-
fect in every detail.
At 50c.
Drawer. mode of go • • lIah mottos,
'same doable sawn, , rows of nor
row tueks and 4:s lejrtll of cern
2.5o brim embroidery at bottrm, per pr
At 25c.
Drawers made of English entree,
seams double sewn, clusters of nar-
row took* and else r.w of torohea
nee, per palr
At 37ie.
Drawers mad* of fine English Gotten,
w on double sewn, cheaters of nor
row locks, 2j Inoh osmbrle tem
breldery &resod holtors, gates►
opee!aI vales all par pair
At 75c.
Drsw.rs of fine I•;nelish ont.tnn, rpm'
donhle recto, 5 inch frill of flog
Malin with lurks end vsIiooleo
3710 loos around bn•t.om. tier pair
Better garments made of fine cambric muslin,
trimmed with lace and embroidery, at per pair
$1.25 and $ I.50.
At 85c.
Drawers .t very Pse Kogllsh cotton.
seams donhle sewn, shaped band,
cl stirs of narrow tucks end 6 tech
frill n1 hao'I.emn muslin embroidery
mooed lietnei, per pelt
At $ I.00.
Doman made of Ase aamhrio, shaped
bond, .e.ms double sewn, ewe eine•
tars of narrow tools and frill of 4
lbs boob meed.rt sm►rnldety, per pair. 81 00
cit bee hewn seams, handsomely
IMay and .Ione K•
SifiNER and T-
TKRNS now in.