HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 9OLLANLI'S QUEEN LAW; GREAT ANXIETY FELT. it nvathy of the World Goes Out to the Sufferer. „erre: tlengarisu 'town l=ire -Swept and Zoo houses Destroyed Railway 1),,ader is, Germany In Which Several are Killed tttz Row at a rmnn People's Party fleeting In Ylenna--t'ultce Had to LI he Hall, Ter .Hague, May 5.-A message rout ('a.110 Lou. watt at 7 teelai k ,N morning, rade (:lien Wllhrlruiau . still 4LIIVe.' None of the dootorm attending her 11iltr ry left the patient tart eight, teat w Ither the (luecu mother aur the Tiac,• convert went to tell. Grrrt Auxtel) Melt. Til,• mare zieseuriug tone of flee „eren.yt'm u1110,:11 11111°1111 till lith, to Ilny Ire amp. ltt'tldoHr of the public ng tee culief,toll of lee QJueta 'lir rlrt els ere dotted with despond - •,t ere•aps of people, ituxiea.ely .IIs- u.iuc leu 4.1peiklinglY Well( hJoe- 14.,14 per Hai tltxl to leak out The gee. of. -.the official newspapers q,•re• t.e.icge.l ttlUi inquirers nal eur- stasi,.l ogle awaiting bulletins. resp, my of inquiry arrived from nit )urs,, , f itre World. AD the foreign eaes,etimts either 1r•reonally railed h,r u'•w's or sent their aeeretrtrier to a,k IuqulNer about her Majesty's hesltlt. s Thr Hague, May 5.-A bulletin poet - el at (A.G./ 'Lot, at p. 01. to -day aIIonnetd that the condition of Queen wash/one, cur satiefuutory up to the present. T1..• 1 nf•vorsI'le The longue, %fey 5.-!t transpires. tent the first disquieting Mymptorns the (!neon' n,rhldtlon mun11olitexl tnwus.•he' during Mntturday even- ing. An urgent wimmtNle was des- poiled for nut accomrheur, who re- inserted at I(er -Majesty's bottaide all nein 1ong, :i n.1 summoned Dr. Room - /Inge and 1'rufaror Kouwer, the eynen.b•i:iet Of l!tr'ehl Uulverldly, who arrived et Castle Loo yreeter- inl nfrerr'aon. The symptom'. of ,,ra,p(e:.t,olw became more and more prunounceel, and the a,uelai in of the Queen was eueehlereitl extremely grave. The Queen mother aunt the Prince Cuoeort tiki not dare leave the bedetile. 'Downed• nightfall the patient became wt.ree end 'mitered tincture pain. The moan erftical time war reached between 10.:10 anti 11 p.m., and there war tar relaxation ltt to extreme ~penes of ail pre - welt in the Met ea,m until the due - tore ut about midnight were able to anneune.. that the actouchmeut was over. AuNrut 1'.,0u 1 -err Stvty.t. Hiatt 1'41t11, llurtgnry, llyy liululrel house* ort fl►rtt.11, tie. fain - Iso, health resort, have been destroy- ed by fire. ele%er:al persaeis were Pi- Jurd. Tiartfeit has it pr.puhltion of chant r .Old, and it it very ancient toren, with at hetrsleome city hall, which war built in the fifteenth cen- tury Hallway tereek Is /:rraur,ty L Lode, Saxony, May 5. --Shortly after the express trait' left bl.r•t this morning for Berlin, an axle of the reader broke, tlue train was derail..d, nn 1 Herr Friedel, it member of the 120•Ichstag, rind two other Iwreour were killed, and six people were in- jured. Vienna. May b -The congress of the Orman finial •'r Party h' 1,1 lien+ yesterday erelong Iva.. 11r•ken tip by the followers of Herr Schmierer, 1'a.- 1;ortnee. who, Inmeili:utl, after herr Wolff, the7'no-Germtn lender, a.m rat need the opening address, bom herded the platform with lumps of auger and paper bell,. A fres' fight ensued between the different fa.c- flons, and tie police wIIJt difficult• chewed the hall. . 01,0113 HUSBAND SHOOTS Four limes Wounded Victim Uses a Pistol, SHATTERS ASSAILANT'S WRIST. (1trngu, May r,. -warned In a Mem that he was about W have serious trouble, Itubert Bremner, 610 years .t.t, pocketed his revolver when be left his Irene. at 262 Ifalntel street yesterday, /aims then vlcfte.l the „'tare of Lewis H. Sfltcheli, Ilia rtfr'v nttnrtm•y, at 17.1 La Salle /trtwt. ,t anal followed, to w tech the 1a'ywr, wt" le 60 years old, was prnbrthly fatally, wounded, and is •'rtes+ the: huibnn.t suffered a artist - terse writ. Bremner. w&. Is a plum- ber, w'ns lacteal up and M ttel..•11 was taken to a hoapttal. Jesileitsy is Kala to have prompted thrquaarrel which ended In the sheot- tng. itrimner is saki to be of a j. al- te, d.*pue.tlou. Ile tad s•paratiel from las wife, and IoW hie domestic tre,ul,les to Mitchell, who had ret - el st Ler come. -lir to several cares Ilrn. in -teener liter with her daugh- ters nal a run, at 221 Peoria street. +ecoid :.Q to the statement made by Hrenrler, he had not lived with his rite (,r soma time. She first met Mitchell, neer/dew to Bremner. flue years aro, when he was retained am a,r 4g,1 mildew in the disposition M sem, rent eetnte. From that time "tea »,v••,rQwt to Bremner, his trou- hies lei nno,01. ehhil,•;1 is mnreed and bit with iie wife et 1,655 Fulton 'greet. .tarvr.ling to the account, which socket. with Areastrer's story, fon several minutes after the slanting tee lawyer and the plumber 'trug- elect. 11 t. a 11 although four timer wounded, mnnngrrl to turn a re- volver nit hid neetilar,t and the (Ifth Wed, intended for his body. pent. - tread the loft wrist of Bremner. It war at this pinta that .1 A. Rath, n real estate dealer, who has an olfiee in the •came suite with lilt. ewe, rant from his room and /limp- ed opot Itretuner, }net as Mitchell reentered and fell to the floor. af- ter it meperate struggle 31r. Ruth nnnnge.l t,. throw Bremner upon the flour .Iltt tithe 1M est wets him un- til tiff ser (smrtney Appeared and tisk charge of the prisoner. 11I11NAPPEO CHINESE BRIDE New York Celestials Much xrited Over it. GIRL A CULTURED BEAUTY. prtitching marriage ins epre:ul throng!' Chinatown, Ling Foy wile approached by a committee of the Hlghbineters nand n.ekel to contribute $1,(11N) fere a general merry making autong hie people. The men -tient flatly referred. The next night the girl was carried away In rt carriage` and the weinan to whore care .be was ahko disappeared. AUSTRALIAN DEFENCE. General Slut tee Regards ('umputsorl• 8er.lre a' 1'nn^ressary•, Sydney, Nlny 1. -'General Hutton'• reememeudati ons to the government as comm oder-In-chief of the Come itiOneeaiilll forces. constitute an on portant mortification of the miuie- try's original drastic scheme. urn. Hutton regards eunlpeltory movie,. am unnMemel ry. and recom mend., o fence of 44.218 ofilmes, mud men. of sill Arnw, coaafating of a garrison force of 15.170, ens n field Torre of 28.7414, the latter to be nvnilable, if geceseary for service abroad, wlth tr6 gene. GLOOMY OUTLOOK IN INDIA Plague and M'setlnr Worse Than Ever, Kepeclalll lu Pitedaub. LOndiu, May 4. -There are gloomy ptophrciee na to the outdo k In Delia Both the plague and the lander',p- lseatr to b' worse than ever, and the unfortunate countr_ is threatened alai even greater hnrrorn that) dur- ing the stent fearer nod disease. • The Id.agae ham now spread o'er IIPPer indt. lee in elm -ming manner, and a peeuharl ;ir.tlent In the Pun - Jogs. Efforts to the enrlter stager to "tamp it sett Hy ese rearre tntol,l'g ro.rclnn were emlrrlp Ineffoetnarl heslles enlister popneir dlie,tutant. which tlirentene•el to Weenie no siert Ms that the tapre•m^-(io'.rumeot was .forrea to rti f. -rt' Willi 1 b cal nuH,orltl,- THE loCORONATION ORDER. Anintaresting Oficial Docu- ment Issued, COUCHED IN QUAINT PHRASES. London, trey 6. -An (frim document has teem Witted de- scribing the netted coronation ceremony hn .Weetmineter Abbey. entitled, "The form and order of service 'arid eerpruoniee at the cor- onation of their Makarties Edward VII, and Queen Alexandra, In the Abbey Church of at. I'etsr, levet- mired re .1'tno 28." Tin 'locomen which is tory Tong. IN div'Idrd Into numerous mt,'Upr,m, 111ea: *TVA kW/ 1-I'r1' sr in(etr ring of Their Mn}emtiete will pass tow.lvde the throne rind cake their bumble udorutluh, kuneliog at the laid• etrsdr, and then Nit in ehalre be- low the thrones The document continues to de- scribe tho curium. ceremony of re cognition t,nd tho other ceremunles. Thos, above mentioned occur be fore the coronation proper. PRISONERS (TONE. crptured (Guard, Disarmed Hirt mud Fled. Chicago. May 5. -Two ',riruuers tat Jort Sheridan escaped yesterday n:,d here not been recaptured. In a quiet spot In .the rtMorattion they sprung upon their guard, des timed him, tied Ilia hee.lr, gagged Item, anti at th.e feint of hiss own gun marched him severed males up the Like Adore, where Lite) roe/third him esti find. The prisoners Were A. F. Butterfield, under sentento of two years for de- sertion, and Robert flatlet), serv- ing three year's for the Name offence. 'INSTANTLY KILLED, Toronto, May 5. -Arthur Swtaat- 100ny Kon of Ithibup )wcatman, of this olty, wee instantly killed at the tntrauoe to High Park, near Kunl- un. by the fust train from the wart, o Quo here at 12.25, to -day. Mr. leweatman, , who was about 30 Years obi, had Just tome house from (uatfortun, where he had begtt retlole:1te HP was seen to walkout I from thM at 'trk eti r:to. and de- libcr:,telr to throw hellio ( hi.frout of tips quickly tuoving train. It in will that a note iaLK fuuitd p;nued In riwe:ttnt:al's Cloth/11M stowing 1 hie intention to commit suicide. t Bishop Rieattnun :Ftuutof the city w at present, hot ling a count Coo myrtles,.myrtles,.in Erinrvllle. STEIN SENT FOR HIS FAMILY. Botha's Nephew and Twelve Others Captured. LORD ROSSLYN'S CLAIM. Fes Ming lu Refund t2. Advaac-ed to film et Pretoria -1trltels 8en- leaced-I)eaUla la l'uuceutretten ('antes-canrdlaus 151. London, May 2. -In tits, Ilouee of Lone to -day the Earl of Roselyn, who (Nerved with Tltorneyoroft'e Horse to South Africa, and anted as war ourreepondent for it newspaper, portioned the Government on the eub}eot of the money dletributed to British prisoners. of war In Pretoria early to 1900 by the late Adelbert J; on . Hay, when he was United States Consul at Pretoria. The Earl Saki 'lie Ind a personal tot ereet In he matter, dace, If the money was Mended as a gift, he was entitled r. a share of 1t, a' a prisoner of nr. [ The Under Seoretnry o War, Lord (aglan, replied that nu particular thin to payment of a fine of £100. These reutrnoes ruse been redWol to V five arW une year rerp.toth'ely. At the Treason lourt eight rebels were gmvlotnl of treason in that they had taken up arena and acted ar offletal• under the Repetitioans. teu- tellpea were puttied un them varying from rix months' imprisonment and £150and£500 tine fluto 18 menthe' lmpMn rumeot s, Mande Botha Captured. London, May 2. -Despatches from Routh Africa report the capture of ('o'nmuneittet Mantes Botlot and tweisit other Boers on Aprll Srd near Frank- fort, no Ir It nephew of Commandant - (len. Botha, and war Oen. De Wets aWost lieutenant. Oen. Kitchener re- ported on Feb. 28th that Manln Bother had been killed, showing that there le a mistake somewhere. One desgettch stater that au en- gagement occurred un April 28th at Rockfort, In which it 11..1,1 cornet was killed another wounded, and one Boer captured. 'Heys' treads tor 111, 1''Mutlly, It le stated that ex-Preeldent Steyn, of the Orange Free State, re- called hie wife from Europe after the Treace con(ereuce at Klerksdnrp Site and her children 'darted for Snit!. Africa a week ago. Relief of t)•t/klrp. Cape Town, Slay "-Reports which have retched here stn Port Molloth, Western ('ape Colony, dated April lath, are to the effect that the 'tra- it columns are now in chore leech with British gnrrlronr nt 0Ok1e1, Cal"at,-ntne.y m"Ies banal from Port Molloth, nail that relief of the ltrillslt force there to practically compL•tevl. The plucky little garr►ttn at O'Okiep hum been closely lnveeted by the ltoerw for weeks pant, anti has put up a defence whirr may be oom- pared to that of Maft•king. The de - Nor 1-„rk, Unity 5, -Wee Lung Fonts. heeitifel Chino,. girl, who wait firelight In New York three weeks ten to leeienn the wife of Ling Foy, ► wealthy Ninth street tea mer- rhant, has been kidnapped by High- bn'1i'rs, an,/ Intense excitement pre- vails in Chinatown. Thu wedding romany was to have been perfnrm- M et the ,tows, Ifousn 1n Mott street, mt.tnl+lnight too -night, and extender p►slstrnthitt* ha.' berm made for the rent' The merchant has not yet Isere t,eld oR the ,ilwtppearanne of his tixrtrr,., and the news will be kept !tool hint until the blit moment Itt the he'pe Ilnt the girl may be Mend. Linz* P,'.v ies tdkl to ice ono of the 'toothiest Chinamen In America. N'ar hong Kong, he haunt aeon et isene- rtt,aaRfri. whom be del ermined to pi/ r• Mt. 1.0T.n wife. 10 ngent was sent hiert where the girl wee p'irel,ns- HI rr"m her father for geese `I,r• trnrhed New T .rk three weeks ntto (,rtite earn rut nn aml*marv. enol wets 111'411 i 1 tin hnnet* of n resident of 'trot, whn waw In'trtet.d t.. 1111"M' net person to see her. ghurt•ly after the news of the np church. Section a -The recognition. Section 4 -The Ianny, eon,mt.ninn neo wsevtwea. election 7 -The oath. Section 8 -Tho anointing. Secthtn 9 -Presenting the spurs and sword, and gird.ig with the ewor). Section 10-Invoilimg with the:lr- mtlla and imperistl mantle, and 1,' livery of the roil. Section 11 -Investiture per lum et baculum. Section 12 -Crowning. Bretton 13-Piesentimg thn itoly Elble. Seetiom 14 -The hehorliction )lid TO Denm. Section 15 -The enthrotesetton. The document throughout in merle et tet gnnlnt Rlblloal hinginge. It ememeneem with it driver. Milne of how on the morning of Cewonntion Day care In to by Caton that the ampulla Ie filled with nil, and with a melon laid ready upon the alter. Thr nrehblehotta and hiwhups. being ntrendy trate) with liter role's. tthl form a proves/ion no) .11.' t hu wart door ens) ,.welt not,t'e of lift' nppro:teh of their Mn) -Wits before moving into the ehireh. Their tfsj ,•sutra will hes reeehe.l with the an hem, 'Peso,. be within Thy Walls." nems• fee Simile of the Royal Invitation to the Coronation Ceremony at Westminster. � 'rHre+ i • e•• 7 One• • f k the 1I oyal family of Great Britain and Ireland, Imperial India and the British Colonial (possessions Beyond the Seas • Greetetb tbee and commarldcth thy presence at the Abbey of Tlestminster in the ,Ancient City of Landon on the Cwenty:eighth day of lune two n'mtni nncfccn hundred and two, Amo 1Renni one thousand and two n + on t ' 4 the a occasion of 1ht -ol.mn ceremony Abe Coronation of toe ion and heir of the reigning house and prince of the blood royal IAlbert Edward George !Plantagenet William St. Leger '(henry Gnelth James YBittinger Gower tiltettin f itz.fiBaurice 1night of the golden Fleece, 'tight of the Garter, tLnight of the )atb and possessor 5f numerous and various other moat noble aril exalted titles as Edward the Seventh by the Grace of God, of the United 1kingdom of Great Britain and Breland, Defender of the faith and ,Emperor of India. thaec pro amicitia noatra. CORONATION OF ALFONSO, Youthful Monarch to Wear 50 Uniforms at it. -AND-EFS TO KE ii'HESENT - London, May 4. -The SpanlaM' scan to be monewhnt din, ontr•nted ver the conlpnrathely em ill num- berof fore ea irriricee sib a -WT1T at- tend the ceremony of the coronation nal taklnk of the oath by Alfonso XiTI.-Titry"aeem to the* test titers ought to be a few crownel heads to emphasise the dignity of Spain and recall her ancient glories. The list, hewcver, In a pretty hong one ; Engine 1, the Duke of ('onneught, with the Duke of Wellington, who as a Duke Ciudad Rodrigo, Is a erendee 11 Spaua; Germany, Prince Albert of I'tn .'la and Prince Joachim Albert of Pren ft . Au-trin, Ar•h.;ake Fagot.; Denmark, Prince Christian Charles, theme, Praise Nicholas; Italy, the Hake of Genoa , Monaco. the Crown Pine e : Petalled. the Infante Dom Al - reeve, nn I the Duke Vladimir; Sw- en, the Crown Prince Eugene; Siam, e frown Prime, All other counted•'.. w l be r. prevented by spp,•olal .nibaiwlea.' The young King Aeonert will wear fl'ty''Ifferent uniforms dui leg the lea. 11,111e' attendant nn hit accession to the throne, awl orders have boreal.. trlheted seeing ell the heading tailor* of $ndrkh Seteeral of the uniforms s to b' worts by the young Parmelee ere wonderfully ppleturm.gor, bens - Wel, find closely copied from the Mediaeval rena rte which have bo(a kept lu tbi Haesri.t. euggeetione in regard to the Qls- trihutkon, of the n ,n,'y were sent to Mr. Hny. The nerney was merely au tulrance, as it wail prnaumexl the pri- enners would be in want of money. It was left to lir, flay to dispose of the funds as it eeemed best to him. Certain civilians', "tnclueling the noble Earl, wino ranted the question," tical been reoiplents of the funds. Lard Rossiya tensing Inti led tint he oonedderel the money to bee gift, the War Sec netaary, !word La1M1- IhPAN nt, with -Mame remarkednrtotit, remarke Hattttte uuoruy was intended as an 'ulvatitn, to officers, abd that the amounts paid W civilians were pall vel the enelerwtnrefing that they would be refinish -it. ether recepicnts, more eu ,i1T to puhlin g!•ncrtnitty, taut repaid the money without com- ptit nt. Lord Roselyn hail been ap- plied to (or repayteet by the Gov- ernment. "a'lficfi lfkf not know ire man." The noble Lon( replied that It was ererwlaktus to ask rur repay- ment, and refused to recoup the Gov- ernment. The War Secretary was surprised that Lword Meanly', should wish to have the fact pruubimel. lewd Rosalyn, in rep y, el %ling" that hie p'mtltlon was entirely right, hut if the War Office wanton the 1:25 ad- vatncel to him it roukf have It. 01,11 Sent one .ng 1:, 1. 1,, Allwnl North, May 2. -The iourt- m.,rttal here has pummel sentence on 12 rebels who were caught with arms In their p„tseesion near Berkey Inst, In the arse of six who were eitedemn- el to death by aho.tltyf, the aril - 01/43/111 were commutes( to pemtl tier - elide kw life. Tb.: 'onto' ce of tf, y acre' Impri'rrnoent pnaoel on two of the prisoner.' hen been commuted to IEsertsoamen( until the ceam,lll,), s hoattlillra, while Iron others, *e'n tenond to 15 tine :l11 years,' Imprison - meet rer.psetivelr, have had their 'sentence* ennfirmrd. Of the remnIle- one had been log yenr�' impel/anent arid the et impel/eminent to three years' hllprlaonmeet, le aekll- fenders of O'Oklep suffered compara- tively few ansualtiee, but were ' ib- ject 10 esns.tnnt ''sniping," and had ts:caslunal chirp brushes. with the Boren. r On the night of April 15th forty Boers rushed nn outpost on it b'pe+ held by twenty of the British gar. Anon. The Boers, were repulsed, and the Brltieh had four men wounibel Heliographic communication hen now been pstahll'hed between O'Oklep awl Klipfonteln, bo toiler. 'R•rrtavrrt.- It tete iso this. wny berm heeroel that the women and rile!. ren nt O'Oklep have takers refuge In the fortified-sttoolhonee, . -..,.i aial..,awl .. i netatlatl._ Daft. Londe.%, May 2.-A dempnteh from I'ietermaritsherg reports 11101 the t.eglelntive Aaaeuthly nt Natal Itne adopted a. snot lost altered/6g contributeprinciple that toward', heocoet ofthenavy, and "suggesting the disennelon of the quewtlon at t of conference of colonial Premiere to be held In I.otidon In June. Transvaal ltwrying (emend. London. May 2.-A 1'retoria dee. patch reports that proclamatione have been issued mak;ng provision for the exproprintion of hand for the pnrpo*n of burial grounds for members of the imperial ami rob omni forces of the Into Republics of the (/rang.. Fres State and the Trenavnnl who died from wounds or otherwise during rho "ntnpnign, Aunt Orr "Shut" hoodoo. i' nr•mfnnteln. !Nay 2, - The proposed tit n1 M.o. the finer t•rfngeea as 0,M.r ors bee been favor'aldy entertained, bet di/Pretty le n111101411 (,1 In get Grog them nrxnmtonted to regular toll, se a recant typical In„(inner .till show, Four etervine frn'ehm, n nakof far ch-- -- m 'Ment, who offered them to J hilat) at gardening. promising to pay !N a day ATOR WALL FELL BURYIN TWO FIREMEN. Brooklyn Political Leader Falls a Victim to the Mafia. Panic at a tine in New York Leads to ■ Crush in Whkh Two Persons are Killed and Many Others Injured -Mayor of Chksgo's Chinatown Burled WIUt (Treat Pomp Death of an E..centrlc Veteran---flob lerrosazes a Wisconsin Town. Buffalo, N. Y., May 5.-.(t 1.80 tide morning rho (root wall of the burn- ing Wells Elevator fell, b,rrying two Bremen, Lieut. John ifuelcle and l'Ipeuan John Kennel. The lettere' Wetter aro mak! to be fatal. Heel - chi war able to walk to the hoepttpt. Ylclltu of Matta? New Turk, May 5. -Frank Dktons•t. a political lcuuirr atuoug the eateril- lsod eitisear In the Willlaweburg sec- thHt of ikl•noki ti, has been shot and instantly killed by two unknown risen. The police believe he was a sicthn of the Mafia. The eliooting 's.'eurrtd lti Briggs: avenue. Two shots were heard ctrl two ontoti were teen running from the body of tho fallen Bellew Tho motive-Coe-thie--alui^ttler 14 10. mysterious as the Identity of the assassin& theorise, who was 41) years old, and Ih'el with its wife and three children ab 540 Drigge avenue, war a power la a political way. Me aid was weight by different leader• on so - count of his influence with hie fellow - countrymen. Mot, lee orized r 'Twin. Ratline, cls., May 3.-A aloe caw Ihdiutl's crazy front liquor. has ruled the town of Curtisss Seven miles west of Isere, terrorizing the people, and hiving all citizens from the 'streets Two women word wounded ellghtls by revolver !meets and two men were cut by knives In the Juand,, of the invaders% Help wee aske,i from this city. and Sheriff HT! It nn. with a poem of deputies, drove 10 Corliss, Where order woe restored after a each. On the first day be found the four Boers smoking under the hedge. They had hired two Kaffir.. nt half n crown a day to do the work for them. Col. Gorden Appointed. Montreal; May 2. -Lieut. Col. W. U. Gordon, D. O. C., of Na. 5 Military Ulstrtct, was notified to -day of hie appointment as second in command of the With regiment of the fourth contingent. Col. Gordon has already served In South Africa. He lett in February, 1900, with the second contingent, /ctrl Was for a year and -a half it majoron the transportation stuff. He n'as stricken with fever. and was Invalided;some, arriving here in Feb runty, Just two years after he bad left. l'auadlans Dangerously 1I1. Ottawa, May 2 -Lori Moot, 1s In receipt of the following oable from the casualty department : "Danger. ously •111, April 27th, Johannesburg, 2raig'. M. R., Michael Murphy, wounds; Albert Pearson, enteric fever. Mur. pitywas wounded at Klelnhardt'' River, March 81st, and hit father, Conner Murphy, liven at Peterbor- ough. Pearsou's father lives at Malt Irtrtd, Ont. Deaths In (;amp, London, May 2.--A White Paper 7s - sued the other day 'gives the provls- tonal rtatlntl. a of mortality In the r•nrtcentration camp' up to 29th Match. The total cumber df deaths ,luring Mer•h was outs 402, as com- pared with 628 during February. The death -rate per 1,000 per an- num ham fallen to 45, as against 72 III February. This Is }in olmo„t in- '•redible Improvr•meeit on the figure :t::s, which was r'achai 'ht October. 1t is noteworthy that the total number of children in the campeonly slightly exceeds' that of the women (48,3:t6 as againet 42.941). Before the war families of seven, eight, or (One children were common. The camps have left.•a:h mother witha frectioo over one child. The total population In the Natal ,'amps C.D.72le dors not ;greatly ex- ceed that of last :Month (19,175). The inference le that the promos -a exo- duw to the coast to relieve thew errt- gestlon Inlnn+f has not continued. Similarly, the population of the Cape camp'. ha' Mere/teed only by 70. l.nn.ton, Miry 4. -There le authority for saving that the mein factor which ham determined the Ib,er lead - ere to ductile firer peace, for there is no doubt tint they made that 'tech.. Inn, was the concession concerning the Cape 'rebels. Them men were Mable to death or Imprisonment, conflsoatloh of their property, atml deprivation of their eonstllutlnnnl rights. 11.p pxtrpme punishment that can be meted out to *heat twee, Recording to the -pre.e mime formally reside try lord Milner. le etslfir''atinn nail rliefrnnehivemen4, whirr, after all, I. not a very mere new -lttl[ttrtW- nairmlefh n.e- n111 f't enthe faein ortlleedr�t, env.. their properly, whilee the hops, with full parental approval, went Into the commando. to tills concession, lit formed premiere. have been given theft the banishment proclamation Issued by Lord Kitchener will not he rigiri- ly enforced, and that general am- neaty will not be nudely delayed. There haat never been any diffi- culty in regard to rebuilding the fnrmetetule that have been demtrny- el and rertreking the farm*. The general coefldenoe that le felt here In the haute le shown by the fact that the bishops are considering s form of *pedal Lhenkegiving service for the rewtorntlnn of pestle. Dr. Leyd* is at Utrecht interview - Ing' Mr. Kruger. Alt.srk Ott Lord Roberts, London, May 4. -There are miens of is rnnnwa1l nt ecprmaslon* of dis- Mtntrnt et the War Office'. )nmth• ,mum and 111” new rognintione for '0111ntrera winder hnvm already been .Iisienaind in thee.• drspnfehea. They hove .enamel ronsllr'rnble (loan tin. fait Ito, reverie Ily PI 01 they reeler M It immoveable for many volenteerm to remain '0 the service. It wee ergrvl that the volunteers meet he merle a thoroughly effle • short but exciting encounter its the at mets. Two of the Italians are under ar- rest, and the other's have fled to es.. cape the wrath ui those they at• tacked. F ctrl Fire fault. New York, May 5. -Flee was eel- cuterel to -day In a three-story buikling at :104 Pearl street, this city, o cupled Try the Eureka Bedding* Company. Many employees of the company were 111 the building, and there was a franti:; rush for the etalrs and fire weaprs. A man and u woman were kalol and one woman WAS fatuity burned. Mtauy other per- suhr were i.Jurpd. Mayor ur I1'lsalewa Marled. Chicago, lit., May 5. -With alm•,rt Pomp nal mage III.'enoe, Sum !bey, the late Mayor of Chinatown, has been intoe through the etr•etm of ('hioago, ad hie body laid to res( 111 Inose Hill cemetery. One hundred thousand Chi- aagoetne. did honor to &tm'a memory, el,her through filridship or ouriomlty, mud probably no cltiseu of Chicago titer went to hie grave with such et eonglomoration of color settings, weird mu.•Iu, dficordant nolsem and tatttiastic funeral rites. Deputattoe.s from New York, San Francisco, Portland, Ore.. Boston and other Chinese Ileadgtutrtsrs In the United States tied illth one another in doing honor to the dead orlef. With Itis Itouts on, New Volk, May 5.- Capt. Hiram 'Pugh. who limn just dl.,( at Bridge. town, N. J., hail not ,dept in a 11.41 glace he returned from the Civil War. When Ile wit, taken 111 541)010 week,, ago has doctors ordered Linn to bedi but he reedited all ef(orla to make him obey the order, aril diel "with Ills loots on." ant body, and must be thoroughly trained to field tactics in open order, and not merely In drill halls and on parade grounds. Lord Stan- ley, when risked in Parliament whe- ther the War Otfloe was taking steps to secure open spaces for the Loudon volunteers, who are it large and fine body of men, re- plied that the cost or secur,ng much places In the immediate vicinity wets prohlbiRlve. It is generally demanded that the volunteers shall have the case of Richmond Park, which Is kept up at public expense, and is admirably adapted for these purposes. The members of the Cabinet, however, are malting the excuse in Parlia- ment of the fear of "Injuring wikf birds, especially herons." Other people, who are lest eharihable, mug• gest that the Government is 'mere (Icing the volunteers to the phea- trent preservers. Tho press its protesting vigorously against the example of retuning the means which in professes to advo- cate of securing efficiency. The Saturday Review, in n savage nr- tle(o under the head, "The Ituberts Ring," declares that triage in the array aro worse than ever, and in• fluence Is now more than ever the only sure road to success. Tile ile- vlew accuses Lore Roberts point blank of countenancing if not ne- tively patronising, ahemes. It says: "He may sometime.. merely acme. pace, but some of the worst Ocoee Of Jobs In Mouth Africa were ser talnly due to him ls•retonal initiative. and the Impression them created In confirmed by many officers who served under him when he held the Indian oonamand. In a word his character le con*plculoualy lacking in fatrnom." in Camp at: Halifax. Halifax, N. S•, Mety 4.- Ther.. are 1,750 troops at the military camp In tide city, and the first regiment• oonimaoalal by Ltd. )Yid Hams, ler needy for embarkation. The troopship ('ertrlan will not 'all for South AfrIen. however, before Thursday. Two thotunnd tone of ooal are to be tnkrn nl„tarsi. Col. Wllllnms held an inspection of the Third Regiment on Saturday ef• ternoon, and expreened himself as well pleased. He remarked on the good conduct of the whole camp, say. ing that rifleo the men began to annemble there had only been two n rreette rr.v Besides the Third Regiment. .a • rt Iqua.drons of the Fourth Regiment, nnder‘Col. Itoulnner, will mall by the Cestrlan. The officers selected their horses on Retard/Ay. It Is probable tint there will he a mounted *tempt parade on Tumidity. INVADE ENEMY'S COUNTRY. British Tobacco company to Menu• racier.. Mohr 1 tilted Sta1M, London, May 4 - Among thee s o nnngrrn the ateaamer S,xonla pars. Moser”- Clarke, 1'I:ty.'r and Oiun, who are minent the touts.. Mr. Dunnrepree sentstnhhell ilia Tot:stare Co. The . h, e:• g' p:1 to'vt x 1 1 make n Tong ti'.It to the hulled Staters 1n beltnlf of the fmperlatl Te.- bncou Co. It fa understood that they will commence to arrange mnnuMc luring tobaeon In the finited States In oppodtton to the American Tr, - bacon Co. TWO LIVES LOST l)wlne to the Nervousness of a Wo- man et the Party, Pembroke, Ont., May 5. - John Fitzpatrick, hie wife and two me- ters, Minnie nn.l Fannie, were orowling the Ottawa River in n rowboat, from AllumptDi !eland t0 Westmeath yesterday and were neer Paquette Repels and about ten feet from tine West men ti 'More when Mrs Fltxpetmet became fritthtenel and Jumped not of the hunt. Her heath/old followed to saves her, nod the two reached "entre anfely. in the meentima the brat tenth the tw,,Irl.. drft«o 1 nit Intel the rnplde and ripest end both esecupante were *frowned The bodies" have not yet been recovered The Rime were delight two of Theme* ):'ifspetriek steel nerd ntxwtt 22 and 17 years reepwet i v sly •