HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 8NSO
liaise. sweet ttu, . w'it li ,I. Ir u i
thenar to rnj-ry it. there IN u.o Our. se h-nnt•.
•\.tiO\ ,.0 lir teble• and a few
another wbjict would rouse him
from hie mood of despondency.
"Did you observe toe country as
you atone WOOS, vow4ii ? it begins
to look very green need lovely.'
"Very lovely, Maggie."
"But 1 Intppure the trees aril more
forward with you south than they
ore here."
"Yes, 1 support: No."
lllr face looked so dark and mo de-
epairiitg au Ice sat there, .uppurt-
'ing It open lila hand, that the tibias
heart bled for ham. He mutt not re-
proach himoelf tow' much for it
mere accident. What could she ray
to recall hte mind to hap-
pier thoughts? In her anxiety to
1'omfort. she prutietl the would which
agonised him.
d !tope" -rhe began. with some
degree of hewtlatiwt-tor Maggie had
not yet learned to speak the name
4.+4iy y+
......+49++444.y au freely as she should have dans u
'ir it T 'i' •l hope ('cerin Thomad, that you
IIIS It ft hely Ethel quite wee "
•But had site been prepared for
t Int electrical effect of her words,
sie Ow never would have uttered them.
Colonel Bainbridge, with a tlolent
etpresabn (rbc was not quite sure
wliat it wase. started from Itis chair
and rushed toward tho window, as
L_.Ltholigtt ho worn going right through
41454141414"4"4"4"4146444h"4"4rq,L ,.66l4kd�is "4". it"For l}od'r salts, ho cried vehe-
mently, "don't mention her to Inc!"
At title outburst, so unexpected
and apparently uncalled tor. Mag-
gio turned white with apprehension.
\Abet horrible tragedy could have
happened in that eetablishmeut, the
mhttrees of which she had often been
weak enough to envy ? She regard-
ed her cousin o silent dismay.
"lou will think me a great fool,"
Ise said, presently, passant a hand-
kerchief over his clammy brow ; "end
ado I am -tike greatest fool that
was ever born -but i would rather
dlscum any subject bot that of my
wife at present. Aad now." return -
Ing to the table, "let me have the
cup of coffee you promised, Maggie,
after which, as 1 am not to Nee
my mother yet, I will go to my
The path of wisdom Is not always
• happy path. let Solomon say what
he will. It 1e to. hard path ; some-
times It Is bitterly. cruelly hard,
stained with the blood of feet un-
used to tread It. and the tears of
ryes that have wept themselves
blind before they found It ; and
slaps it Is so, we have no right to
amity It should be otherwise.
For, though Bard uta titter. it
is the furnace that purifies the gold
-and there 1s another fact to be
borne In mind ;,it le the only emcrl-
(ies we have In our power to ren-
ter up to Him who has done all for
os. This sacrifice of self. our tears
and sighs. fierce re.oluttons, 'and
ultimate victories -gifts of His own
though the;' be -are the rode offer-
ings He oan take from our hands;
because they only typify our ore
and whole subtnlwion• to Him. and we
have nothing else to give. Nor are
they lost In His Immensity ; we all
know that. He sets our tears as
Jewell. In Ells crown, and gives us
to exchange eternal smiles.
Hhall we have time to think about
them then? But betwixt "then" And
"Dow" how wide a difference He
Ito was human knows.
With the excitement of her twee -
in and Lady Ethrl•s visit over, and
the • ace of Slater Margaret's com-
po put. Maggio Henderson Rome -
those elt as though her mere ex-
istence were a calamity too heavy
to be .rue. She was neither dem-
pairing n • r jealous ; 'lie no longer
gave way o violent burets of grtoC
she did not even deeire things to
be other tan they were; yet
All the light Ode and the sun-
shine seemed a have died out of
her life, And let • tier stranded on
the barren shore • her dull thoughts,
front which she often had not
strength to rise to Ryer or prntee.
She went through er routine of
Mlle dating carefully being even
more punctual. Polled i , s, and af-
fectionate, than usual . that Aunt
Letty was deceived by ice demean-
or, and Mee. Bainbridge did not
orae question the fact of h com-
plete contentment.
But one person did; one
(thong!: )*known to hlmeelf
drawing near to the confines of
other world ,and had his sy mpal hi
p.rhape, quickened by -the unseen In-
fla:ncee lie was approaching : and
that was her uncle, Mr. Bain-
bridge had never been quite him- 1 I
*elf- since the departure of his son. up
He had gone about Ids farm as usual, w
It Is true; settled bargalne with his .ge11
I11; an
(!oh,nel Bainbridge alighted hur-
riedly tetra the hind tel nIe which
Mut eouveycd..him to has father's ;lour,
Wel, without Inquiry, passed nt ober
Into the dining -10 ea. There was no
one there but Haggle Henderietn
She was lo. king pule uti.l tired. for
she h:ul sat up for two nights at her
uncle's bed:4de ; nod as 'the came fur-
w'atei an placed her hand In Colonel
$alabrhlgoa la; guessed at unix that
ha haat arrived tau lute
"Oh, Cousin Melons, I eco thank-
ful you ere come ! Aunt Idzsi,t will
b• sat glad to see you -but We nil
Hie ',rower() had tri power to make
!her blush or trh all' then : but ber
sad. i i rti, trsirrunt.• oyer forted onim-
Iy mem elm. ate though he had 'ndeetet
ben the brother to Jier which he
called Minn ll
Colon. f nab brktge broke away frow
mer kindly grueli, and, - atuklag lute
!n elude, for a moment concenlo.t his
face from view.
All urcr 1' he muttered. h 'arsely ;
• all-qulte-quite over: It Arum.••
tore timet -rued yet it Is tart what 1
expected When did It happen. Mag-
R91is rupeareing nt four o'clock.' she
wfilsprreli "110 went so happily ; ser
fell of (attn. end hope, and love. Hod
telt been here, you could never have
forgotten it. ile sake tin heed but one
it Leh left ungrattnod,"
"Anil that was--"
'To see yourself. Oh, cousin ! wky
did you not point] ,W soon w you re-
eofv,.! the telegram ?"
"1 ailed reeelve It;" lir answered,
brar•luely ; "1 ens at n. party that
night, And s1111 asleep the following
nsrruing w11en your .•*seed meaeogu
came 1.s. than', I tat:artwl at 004* an it
was IirectOlnble,"
"And gout s.trvnnta never gave It
to you on your return ? blow very
cureless of Thom ! If they had only
kinown the oeurn ueare•a tuiolvesd la
their neglect '
"it Is u1 Ito ,tee talking of it. to
slid moonily. ''linw 1s my mother,
Maggio? flow doer she bear all
who) ''Oh,' mho has been in de epalr, otxt-
,sin; and when thy, carriage cams
ie bark from Borthwlek ytiwtentity lwitbi-
nut y. nm, i thought she would hnv.•
-Wife. will with fear. She- imnginrd
+uemethhtg Intuit Ie. wrung. But nine.'
nen tilts morning, saw has been
:eh quieter, uud, ::hr's 1 ''vent
earn alsout half au hour age:
fast asleep upon her had Pour
she (fns not closet her eyes
afore fence uncle war taken
sloe ix unused to retie -tie.
nut Mtall.l lea .lier you
drovers, checked hie Matilde a accent
ho,ka, and determined what
works were to be Net in operation -moo
daring the :owning 'mason. And yet are Iserehe. like Maggie, end lout the cheer- "By no
ful activity which rhnracterized nt' slap wide
al" former movements; noel the girl flan troth, 1
perceived the change, and attribnt- countering he
M It to the dlanpp tntment he had read reproach
experienced le her cousin's marriage: iter [yew"
She knew what gni.. home had been "Oh, Cotpsln ! y0 will (never dee
and the knowledge draw her closer that. Mie love ye too fondly, 9he
to Islet. ae, that theme •two became will feel nt onus th, It could only
tory aympmth:ole: neral near friendshope arisen from a tstakn,"
daring the Inst weeks of "1t id /In awful ah " he eon -
their companionship together. Gruel. priwmtly. "Vo. m"es.t4e
Not (hat Maggie iter told :MI' not preps,re me for .) •sudden
her uncle of her tr,.able. nor he at termination. Maggie."
expressed what he felt to Ids niece . "Not the third one?" . o in -
het whenever the .klys labor left an putrid.
Interval of quiet, the till ova♦ to be "Wow there a third one?" h in-
toond by the old mann wide, walking qulrnd, indifferently..
with him, fennel It hand, or sitting "Of course, there wna. I dispa
at hb feet, or leaning with her head --tet- It nhxtt R o'clock. It mixt het
:ton his thnnlderi; and th:y both retched Curzon street before 701
f•it heppler and more contented when steeled. The first arae necessarily
It wax en. Afterwards he took It as wonted with Nome uncertainty, but
,t Agri of Gods goal will that she directly Dr. Mackensle prouounuel
had been left an sweet n legacy of him to bet sinking. I went another.
love by him who had stoat in the to LM•e�mare, _Oft for the *nett. Did
'anew of her own father to her. you not ?Melte that. either 74 -
One aftprnonn In May, the :ams "'No."
day oil whlrh Lady Ethel destroyed 1 "But at went .hnu- and you leave
the telegram Mr. Bainbridge, to the town„ cousin T'
ronstwroatlen of the he:melto'd, wasI "Ily the 8 o'clock train."
soddenly taken with a stroke s-: "And It hnil net reacher1 your
faralyela found prostrate and help -I -Mee,
before that time?"
Ira on his study floor. and unable tel- "I do not know -1 was from boas."
articulate mere thnn the word, I Ike wild, tuienully, and then, after n
"Thoma'," as hr wax earrlel to hlt pause, "the fact le. 1 left Curzon
fwd. in tide dilemma, by which both •tenet at 0110 o'clock, and did not re -
Mrs Bainbridge and Miss Lloyd were turn there again."
overwhelmed, Mni(elr preyed the "tri !' replied Maggie, thinking the
guardian angel of the family it wile proceedings pounded unusual, but tg-
the was dt'epatrhrd n mranenger meant what remark to make upon It,
pont-haste for meliral old . wbo Then there mug the silence of a min -
wrote arm sent Ibr telegram to stn between them, during which the
Curzon ferret, and then took abhor 'lock on the mento)-pteoe ticked as
etatbn at the sick neon t side, ready tuiwgb It had been the only live thing
to interpret to her aunt each feeble present,
natkm by which lie etruve to make "Won't you leave .an. brenkfast,
fila wlahe. understood. I Gbualto Thomas ?' else inquired, ttmt-
The doctor conn. and ,tnyel all idly, as tee servant appeared with
night, during which the feeble flame tfio tet and coffee ; "It to quite
of life was flickering to end fro, ! rrauly now "
and keeping them in miserable sus -_,._1 "No, thunk you, my deal., I bete no
pence; aa.l by the rinwning Mrtappvtltr,"
Ralohrlrlgo watt so mesh weaker that A oup of coffee," sir anid, c•wving-
It was conal:Ivrea doubtful whether ly; "you really shnnld try food tuky
h• coda survive to see hie son again. (emceeing lifter year lime journey.
Het he wan .1111 neve wipe the Remember how magi there will ht
. carriage want to flurthwick...tu-.-..[us You to do and think of. Altai/
meet the mall train, and re- Unto will depend :m yin to do rv.'ry-
turnei to them -empty ; no (Intone' tfitng."
Bainbridge (having arrlve.t by It. "Well, n cup of coffee, Linn;' re-
nts mother was almost in dee- plied Colonel ft:.lnbrldg:, though h(
pair. Rh. Insfeted that Thomas; mutt mode 110 Attempt to leave the nim-
bi* 111 himself, enable to quit the «heir Into whlnh he hod thrown him-
hoase, perhaps his bed ; for nothing Pelf and approdoh the table,
vise would have detained him from "He suffered no win," continued
his dying father ; and sbe was the girl, mtftit, to Itlhn took up her
about to lose beth of them at once. Mutton hetlinf the breakfast equip -
It Wu In vain that Maggie re- 1 ago, and tried to think of m omethlnI4
presented to her that In such It I that ah wild anisole her comet'
ease they also would have had a mew- I "Dr. Markenzie., who haus been with
sage ; and that by far the likelier i him from first to last. and only
volution of the mystery was that her I went to lie down about an hour
coeatn and Jody Ethel were away ago• tol,l me htnne:lf, that in al
from hem:. Ura. itainbridge was It practice he leut never seen It
quite r.rtaln elle was to be render- more p•neeful :lentil -bed, and that
ad ehlldleae es wr11 itt widower, and thoetght ought to he n uoafetrt to
Pens, Maggie. Let her
he can; - tall to speak
in't feel equal to en -
Just yet. I fear to
my tarnth:erg in
Perceiving how he had alarmed Iris
cousin (for Maggie's hand riook as
w(t.e poured out the coffee for hhuf.
be tried to converse more calmly af-
ter that, and entered into several
(hatter concerning hie own Journey
tool els father's illness; bat she
w,te quite unable to lmltate his af-
fected ease. She ooukl not eluate
off tbo remembrance of that.
sodden ejaoulntioi and the tone in
which It bad beet, ottered; It penr-
trat.d evert the end subject on which
they were engaged; and full of fore-
bodings for his happiness. and dread
of forthcoming revelations, ■he eat
'Oman jet silence, until relieved by
the entrance of the doctor, who had
bell Informed of Colonel Bnlnbridge'n
arrival,. and on whose appearance she
ripped out of the rooms
Dr. Mackenzie was an old roan. who
had knottn the Bainbridge family for
years, and hes greeting to tire Non
of the house was as cordial its the
circtmrtanew under whirl• they met
"How do ,vat do, my dear colonel?
very glad to see you." -with a pro-
longed shaking of hands -" though
you have only cone in time to hear
bad news."
"I wee prepared for it, doctor, and
have, at all events the comfort of
feeling that, since you were here.
nothing further could have been done
for him."
"Too are very good to say eo, my
dear dr, very gout," 'can the doc-
tor's reply ; "sad 1 think I might
Affirm. that no amount of skill !tent
have save] your father's fife. Him
constitution received so severe a
slsw:k in the tint seizure that, hnd
he not been a remarkably hale man.
be could not have survived to have
a aloond, which he, did yeeterday af-
t y were not
ternoon. It wase pity you er
tanre-a great pity !"
It was ImpowrUdr," said Colonel
Balnbriege. brokenly,. "I have been
captaining the circumstance■ thatde-.
tained mo to my coueta I woukl
have given workle to be present,"
'Well --well! we must look upon the
bright tele of things- Ho died easy
in mint and body, and we :Mall be
lucky if our friends can may as
much for tie, toy and by -Ph :' Craa-
.ehawe 1e looking very pleasant, sir,
}.eat now."
'Very pleasant,' wap the mechanl-
cal reply,
'You will find plenty of work up
here, colonel, both for . your hands
sod head!. itt a fine estate: i
euppowt 70,'11 bo for selling out of
the army now, and settling down
a" a country gentleman, eh?'
"i don't know , I have no time to
hank about It."
Ah 1 I expect that la what the
.old gentleman intended you
0 do, though. But, per -
you would not care to
tem v yourself In the country just
pull tl
for you.
1 how."
Colonel 1
were] ftnnl,
"(smite wet
"Alt! s11P'. a
it's not often
in these ports. .
health, eh ? Ver,
ion, I implicate?'
"Very gay."
"Dancing all night a 1
day, eft ? Not quite th
to preserve good looks,
It colonel7" -
"I suppose not."
(To be Continued.)
:hinted between her dentre to rash
off to town to err after her eon
herself, and the duly which kept.
her at the ib.d.klo of her hoehnnd.
"It is melees to attempt anything
like argument with your good aunt,"
ebser•ed the deter, confidentially,
to Waggle, "but If Colonel ibnln-
irldge. le to ewe hie father again
the, yon :not send another tele-
gram at once,"
And .' t:he sewed telegram,
which wall still more atrnngly word•
M than the first, rettelme London
sheet neon, seal he awme evsnlfg
new Its rr.rlplent on hie war to
Oraeshaw a.
Agee of Aelaals and Birds.
A sheep Urea ten years.
A mit liver flttwtt yearn
A lion lives twisty genre.
A camel lives forty years. ,
A bear Uvos tweaty yearn
A dog lives fourths:: yearn
A squirrel liver eight years
A oraary will live six years
A crow will 11ve fifteen years.
An ox lives twenty-five years.
A guinea-pig lives seven ) ears.
A horse lives twenty-five years.
A swan will lire twenty-five year.,
A whale Ilves three hundred yearn
A tortoni* term one hendrel veers.
An elephant lives four hundred
A parrot lives one hundred and
twenty-five years
An Impossible thine to first ft. a
plaster equaled to "The D. & L."
Menthol, which is being imitated.
Get the genuine. I'or *Ale nchee,
lut'Y+tehee, stitches, nothing equals
it. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co.,
Teo fete.
Hewitt -My wife Wvttd me at first
Jewitt -1'11 wager that alts is now
a believer in second sight.
Mluard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Thea wad Nuw.
If your Grocer cannot supply write (0
ronto, shading the name and address
of your grocer, and a trial sample of
Sunlight Soap will be sent you free.
Ask ter flu Menem .sr (as
Too IlWntly Rut,
Thr sublout of a young lady's es -
any, who wets graduated from a Dele-
ware county Vigil school bet *shi-
nes was "Hawthorne," and In her
edam she said: "At the age of eo
Hawthorne married anti took hie wife
to the old nutn.e." The dayafter the
e n:met:cement two nt the Village
women were talking over the affair,
and one of them remarked
"Wasn't It awful that Maude should
say sunk a thing In her essay ?"
Her friend inquired what who al-
Ilalat to
"Why, she- raid at the age of fel)
Hawthorne married and took his wife
to the oat man's" - Philadelphia
Timer. '
If bedroom" are property furutett- „ON/,S THIS
el with airedrugs or matting, well air
and sunned every day, and eleane.l We offer One ltmhlre.l Dollars' Reward for
weekly there will Me no need of any nay raw- of Catarrh that cannot he cured by
green tearing up for bourecleaning, liens Catarrh Cure.
The old fashioned heavy furniture, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
N'., the to u,Irrlgn.•.L bite kni,wu F. J.
n tense imp:.satin to lift about, of tbit,.', for the test 1tS prase sod belhevr hit
tet, hnrtrivrtng 0 yam's dt7)oslt of l erlr.•tly honorable h, all hurlers trans-
ramduet, gave rise to a very necessary i mine., nod financially Able W tarry out any
}-ratty cleaning, attended with a eblteutlou mode b their arm.
To -
great exertion and much dieaomfor! ~leas, itter •. Tiaras �'hulewle UruggtLts, To-
t,. the whole L•inuli. Wat.ntxn, KINNIN • M•avty, Wholesale
'rte Witte room with Its tiles or urugglsta, Toted,, 0,
washable ra rnlrhrvt walls, els vas- Hall's t'atarrh Cure is taken lnternally,net-
ily removed rug., aced ter dally poi- ;w:''. t IJteirstt.tn. Tirtlmonlsla 'e.- tai r,
'sung of (ii itotit and basin*, the I I rir,-75e mar t.ottle. Mold by all druaglstr.
wee•hl,i' flat:lane of p.p.w with dials- I Hall's retells Plllr. Air 11.' fret•
tertantr, will need tat little extra!
huusueleaning.-Philadelphia Ledger •'• r:ANCU
ets. OND y "gyp is power) will be f..und very
;AA eleePielite.elei.eiefelesIer40414.0".w.
In washing woollens and flannels, Lever's
Oa the Reeks of Ike 111ya.
(Pagan Sot.) Whatever may be the explanation
New Arrival -Who was that party Iw to why rota ittg In the form of
who laughed so derisively when I clgarettee haw becuwe ao enormously
tuid the prise flet story r p..pular during the pant decade, there
Old Shade -Oh, that was Jonah. cab be no denying that popularity
from the fart that 1t has let to a
A GREAT SUFFERER FROM very sharp industrial war. Haptens
of public money have been Invested
in cigarette -mating companies. ('ig-
arettete are the eubjeet of advertlse-
ment In the daily tapers on au entir-
niouw scale utterly Ificomparatee with
that on which tobacco and cigar.
are advertised.
The reason is not far tot seek; the
cigarette h 'cheep. and, more than
that, It Is a convenient form of
"smoke." The good (agar is not
cheap, It Ir comintrntively bulky, and
it takes Rome time to finish. The
lin E. O, MOORE, of 7 Phillips
• street,. hingslaed, a tys :
" I war a great .mutterer from
Rheumatism for many years, during
Which time i i:1 1 many remedies,
from which I receivee:1 but very little
relief. Bring cadvieel 10 use St.
Jacob,* 0.1, 1 did wt, and nm eaPR, pipe meet be kept clean, it required
to :ay that atter a few appl;oationa to Ice tilted, ani a pouch court jte
i (el, great' relief, and continuing carried to contain the tobacco. The
eel ase i con now any I nm perfeetly cigarette is ready to smoke, scorns
well. St. Jacob:: OA Is, in m. n14 .- ran be carried In the pocket, and one
ion, a !ling whichthtuld be In every can be smoked Ina snatched pensees
household." cat an hour. The cigarette Ir, there-
Wbat a blessing, and what bourn fore, popular, probably maldy be-
ar cuttrrtag, pain ,and miser( would •• cease of Its convenience.
have been tved had Mr. Moore . That -bring so It It Important to
adopted the wiser course and used ronrlder whether cigarette smoking
-1aeetsr0il at carat,--tnetes. to of--tw-more lnjurtous from the point of
waiRlhg time and :money on worthless view of health than in the smoking of
..mbrocations ' and nostrums with reviser or,10. pipe To begin with. a
which, unfortunately. the market le ! much milder tobacco can be smoke!
flooded. The public should not lose i in cigarettes than in the pipe, and
•fight of the foot that St. Jacobs I we, fee this fact is In favor of the
Ch haat corga'red pain for more than cigarette. The usually mild tobacco
fifty years, end it Isn't icing to stop in: the clgarstte.1. "hat" In the pipe.
&slog the tam" thing now or at any { Ths cigarette.
future disc. Fifty yearn record at { Is practically in dlr-
Pabt conquered la a record to In- pet contact with the air from the
spire confidence. lighted end to the mouthpiece. and
1 wo \'tows.
Hostotdan-Boston 11 all rigTlt. aha, other hand !a more like
New Yoriter-et out ;It's a tOIgh rr&.rt In which to tonne extent ::-
place; even the "tenets are crooked. ttrttetive
diellllntlon with lhP tormn-
tioa of secret oils 1s set up. One vera
Nieces objection to the cigarette,
however. 1s that the ares of cow -
beetle') la very close l0 the nose and
mouth and thus air inconstantly and
invariably Inhaled containing emote
from the lighter{ end which Is usual-
ly of s. very pungent typo, infinitely
more pungent than Is the smoke
drown through the cigarette.
Much of the mischief from cigar-
ette smoking arises from this fact,
the cigarette being persistently held
In the month until Morning of the
lips IR threatened. If the smoke from
thet burning tip of a cigarette he
purpoiwly inhaled for a time a seen
of stupor seta In, while the smoke
ihrogh (it-rbigarette may he
breathe) in the same way with com-
parative impunity. The name re-
sult itt obtainot with the cigar, but
in a atilt more emphatic way. The
me of the cigarette or, cigar holder,
le, therefore, catcnlntod to obviate
two soareeA of mtschlef-the Inhale-
ttm of the powerful pungent emote
from the lighted wall, and the Intro-
duction of tohtcco Juice and nils Into
the month. A long and cleanly -
kept pipe filled with mild tobacco.
prrworven the smoker against both
When, however. the cigarette Is
rationally smokeet and net to erceRn,
it I" (probably the mildest form form of
amokhng, and thin fact, couple) with
Itt. convenience and rheaphega, io n
sufficient renew; for its. Immense
popularity. And It t. Interfering to
note that the tntarcn war arose,
etre on areount of the pipe or the
cigar, het beeline.) of the rigaretle.
thee the emote is Invariably enol.
. while the products of combustion are
ea'en'nte() to he compacts The pipe,
Mtnard'e Liniment
A Delve at Rustem.
'New York Thus.,
How would 1t do to fight the Fill.
piece wall the jawbone of an nee?
Send the talking Funston back
Kinard'. Liniment Cures Diphtheria
Twice -Soused Me.sy.
IN. Y. H.rald.l
Flirt Dentist -Do you have any
trouble in collenting your bills?
colonelYou'll wait till you've I Second Dontlst-Yee, it's like pul-
a Almon bw3d artaling teeth to get monej out of some
hustle (town about your earsl+ peract
Ilow is her Indysllip? well, - Stratford; 4th Aug., 1893.
Inbrld r wlnecl, but ons k}Joasra. C. C. Itlt'H,(.t . & CO.
Gentlemen. -My neighbor's tl♦. 4
rold.fell mato tub of boll)
years a u ng
thank r
yam" water eel got scalded fearfully. A
beautiful creature; few day" Tater his legs swelled to
sob the like of her threw times their natural size and
.o "he keeps her broke out In running sorsa. 111e par-
gny up 1" 'Ain" antis coulol get nothing to help him
till 1 recommended MINARD'8 LiNI-
tlre Int all WENT, which, after tieing two bet -
D time, completely cured him, and I
best thing know of several oases around here
hough; Is almost as remarkable, cared by the
same Liniment and f rain trrtlt say 1
never handled n mrdlrinr which ha"
had air good a male 0r git en smelt uni-
vercal satisfaction. H. HIihF.ItT,
General Merchant.
Steps the Meek
and Works Of the Cold,
Laxative Eromo-Qulnlae Tablets mire
a cold In one day. No Cure. No Pay.
Price 11li cantle
Higher Prlrea.
(Baltimore Ainerinas.l
'How's thine' asked the eustomer
In the hook "tore "Last week the
lit:alp!• t:e erne... prl R on Baena and ',arab were
"Oat In Rent tie." eni.1 n 1.1 ntcinn,
-they are wrought up over n fact
t.hitl 4n13IItiiist, or student of let-_.bcwasfaue
atony. ham himself 1,.•um" Iusahe, bi•gi0 cor
They regarded that at n si ng.ulnr But the
Hut it In not, as 0 to •worn sea
ter of fru•t, sltbgnlar at all. it Is an before the pr
1.srurrenee only tau common. 'Haat theatre, alto.
father of I:ustnve FInuM•rt, the
French nevellit, was nn ntienlst, nal
Idyl intone, There ere 1(1) other
sech (-amen. nn.l I knew In title city
three or four alloniwts who err
queer. rind win will, nndonbt.•rliv, to he Well Shalt
Isenor :Ley. go quite out of their A young Scotch Iatleile ha
mtndtt. Three farts yon might think, selves! a deme of medicine,
prove that tngnnity, like diphtheria, father bald with [tome exeltem
or the •mnllprt, 1e vontaglnite. i1 quite forgot to *shake that i
le net (mite tet teal OP that, however. :lore Mein' .TO It, Robbie, Come he
lio• truth of the Metter le that the Beebe; obeyed. and, much to his
and new you u hetve
them up to j1.'
oil see,' etphhied tka
"alma: the Meat Treat
erinR Aupptra"--
etnsler hurried away
for "A Texas Steer'
ea went up at the
Mlnard'e Liniment
urea Oarg.t In
DR. A. W. CHASE'S 25
Is. sent direct to Ib. da.a..d
pare k rh. Improved 'hewer.
l f..1. by
alae♦ e,s.r. ,b* ate
ranges. nope dtoppin i. dr
throat and permanent conn
l.at.rrb and Ha) P.. ho..
free. An dealers, or Bra. M.( bawl
M.dlres C•S. Terms sae llsii.
The ('henries; Season.
Mee. Rettereoe-What ! You've had
fourteen cooks in three months.
Mrs. Catt.rson-Yes. sial 1 didn't
Wetter any of them.-I.Ife.
Jute re- Keep your .Yes open and be sate
en hl. that when yeti eek for Perry DavhA
t I Peinkiller pito get Just that and
tele tit/thing rine. Ute it promptly to
e' core cramp., diarrhoea ami all
other bowel trompinints in summer.
pbiyalclan who itaw a strong inellna- may, was ntbJected to a vigornu
tw, rouwln," I t•Inn toward the etndt of 'fluently stating from the strong arms of the
"'Yee! 1 nm thankful to hear It t'
"Anal In tarveral eonrrrenti :ni that
dear 'mete amt i hod together, pre -
tins to hip being taken I!1, het tokl
net what n conenlntiou It was to
! moat ponaree a p.rulier mind -a err- parent, at the ooncllwton of wlaleh
I twin tenelttre. dellcwtr, alightly mor- he waw rrlrawesl with the remark
!lad mite) Thls mind receiving dolly "There, ■y laddie, that'll dee It
fon ytor. Itnpreseinne that err hos- tshonkd he gey west rut Zell up eta, , but
steals and strange, heeemem In the dost let me tempt again."
'pati• ('rnnwhaws en.l-ns.-that le. Iend. mmnutlmr•a. it Reif iflse ifful 140,11
Mint. Iwetty and Aunt Lizzie, yon - know what le the per•.tningr of nllen-
know-to the rare of nen wile he Iota woe have mow ntad. bet 1 filmy
felt would look niter them toot in j that It most Ile large"
the rears way he Mhostkl hate tone
'1.167 -what 7-1 iteg your per -
don l" pleb:lined Colonel Bainbridge. Tails Lalatlye brume giants* Tab:
(Sorting from n reverie, lets. All dreggt.te rafond th. moss,
Hw wow et l'entle tint warning to If It falls to cure C W Grove's stg-
her; Add prwsenti7 Maggie tried It velar. Is .a melt has, M8a.
T Inns,
Prhapr 1t is a gond thing the way
of r trnnegreesor is hard; other-
wise t might rot bear the traffic --
Page Wo
en Wire Fence
Owing to the Tarlac . nt the l'snaltan climes.
considerable. alInwanra net to rout• in ail tamer
for ,oetrartien and ergs 101, 1rhurh maks an er
dlnary stirs tenet. nn.rrnr hl., as wain .t expand.
It bat -omen .e low* as to pre of little rale. Nolo
Iliosaiatlaseva roll; Rri1►ky� *aka• It •lids and salt r toting lib. Pegs
Wire Teas. 1e male of "Pare"Pare'-, ark Ip *w1..mistreat ...nolo* wire Prime are
rst.wlarl lo. thtseoa. '',e. t.. -les NMM Taro Mara. now In nes aim sake Oates
I. ; hi Ps f 1 e4 1 - 1
Mr. W. Shaw Sparrow contributes
nu article to the Magazine of Art
on "Hirsute Adornments nod their
Lore," In which he touches on the
origin of the custom of obeying. MJ
uwD theory, lie rays, le that the ori.
r -
.tlu of shaving Is to be found in the
trey pramltlil, custom of painting
the body. Now in more barbarous
lime' this old vanity was miry•
where -more narked, .,nil gtrnco we
nifty *oppose that no painted tithes
ItL.,i theirskin dreorntleuuw to he
Ithacat from vie.: by a Yell of hair.
Heic. they removed 1hr uffeu.h,R
things. as the Itwd Indians even' to
tour wt1I,esr, and their variegated
Mt lien became the fleet public exhi-
bition of tt crudely realistic ort.
Again. all printitlte VIM llug told. like
razors of nbrhllau, pr.cc.le1 any In
rtrument which could 1t11n the hale
neatly, anti time our pre historic hun-
ter artist. whose bean) cnmr to +t
faint, and who::: ,.besting tartlet. +rrie
SO well known, in hit. drawiug, knew
not the beginning of the barber's
croft. It may helve been those tae•
ties that made it n . y for his
ancestors t•i shine both their faces
and heads, for cunsl.tor how flowing
beards and long hair must have
caught la every bush and bramble a*
th • uushavea hun'er erawled along
Lha ground after his dangerous
quarry. Title th o:'v Is quite In line
with the Malone fact that Alexan-
der the (creat put an end to beards
In the Mae. -:Ionian army only be-
etusethey were pulled la hal IPt. Last
of all, the fleet prehistoric man who
joined two metal ensure together.
introduced the art of (lipping the
beard to a point. Mane bronze tits-'
or: lin v,• been e\hutue.i In areeoe. aol
are at loaet An old as those Sicilian
ones with which bklpio Africanus e•t
the fnshio'i of elmv:n; In Rome; but
they were modelled. probably, on
other ouch Instruments need in
times vastly more primitive.
New Yort (`eutral sad Hudson River
The above Dame L it house -bold
word, and the superior excellenos of
the road should be sufflolent to ot-
traot most people, but now that the
rate ta the raise to New York and
pants Beet as by other lines no fur-
ther recommendation should be
sought. Everyt o ly will tell you it
Ir th. best.
[corse Health
is one of the most important
things fur every farmer to
Blood Purifier
gill build up a run down horse.
It tones up the system, rids
stomach of bots, worms and
other parasites which under-
mine an animal's health.
So cts. a package.
AGENT*. - •-. •• MONTREAL.
Wr$M far limb es K.rses and e.ttl..
17 Is. F*EE.
Prevented and Cured.
rear (marvelous free remedies for all
sefferera rcadl.g this paper. Now
cure far Tuberculosls,Cosaump-
ties. Weak Lungs, Catarrb,
and a rundown system,
Do you cough ?
Do your lungs pain you ?
Is your throat sore and iniaaid?
De you spit up phlegm ?
Does your head ache?
Is your appetite bad?
Are your lungs delicate?
Are you losing flash?
Are you pale and thin?
Do you lack stamina?
These symptom. are proof that yes Tuesday, May 6th. fel owed M the
have in your body the seeds .t this mod steamer "apnrtnn" Friday. May 1)th,
dangerous malady that has ever deem: -amt thereafter Tneednys and Fri -
latest the earth -consumption. daps dmrin month f May.
You AN h..Ged te. tet what this swum wattle for R n ytln le 7
yon, if you us ark, by writing for a Hamilton to Montreal eewrn'tux
FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Toronto toMontreal anw.w ii�°.0
and the Paw Pi.. Preparation will be fnrw talus you
at ewer, wit%ron.ptet. d,rra.e..• for n...
'In Sterne Syron is •F. -001,v cur. for Cenwmp.
., ..
tieat ....e d;nw Long
foe g
Trenble and D..onLn. c, ppi1sr td 1. l.e.. d
Flesh. Coven. Catarrh. Anima, Worlds. and
Wart Troubles.
S..tpirrite u %r
ow T A. .w C1.n.i,at
[ended. orroN.es Wet, T..o.t.
firing pat ion ..d e.pr... &Aron ad the too
Window (eke sloe..[ C,...1 .dl
Preto.. i. Canals snow dorm a bits Oro is
Americaa pavan waw rat.. -...d kw re M
Tet- stn. Mentor th,. poem,.
ISSUE NO. 19. 1902.
That's a good name for
Scott's Emulsion, Children
are like young plants. Soma
will grow in ordinary soil.
Others need fertilizers.
The nature of some children
prevents them from thriving
on ordinary food Such chil-
dren grow right if treated right,
( All they need is a little fer-
tilizcr-a little extra richness.
Scott's Emulsion i • the right
Fertilizers make thingsgrow.
That's just what Scott's Enlul-
siou does. It makes children
grow in flesh, grow in strength,
grow rich blood. grow in mind,
grow happy. That's what we
make it for.
Send for free sample.
SC07T It ROW NE 7"r„n•o. Canada.
Six and Ill am, all dr•,i,ue.
N1181NK(D (•HAN('K.+.
C'A(H roes [MAI. g8TATF u1: to .1
nes,, so metier setter. It 1t.. Mend d..cr i,
lion and rah prier and rel our plan for and
lag roma bosom Talent Kitchener end bow.
want Co moony. Torr u, Canada.
1•A 1 ICMTtti.
etc. Home or foreign Froeunad and nt.
plotted. Booklet on p. -lento frog. Th. Patent
Asrbance and loseotment Company, rythariu
Ytd1hig, Toronto, Ont.
Mr*, Window liut:Moog Syrup .br•,bt
always b• need tor Children Teethlni. It
es.ihss Our child, soften. 'be gum., ruts. wind
so:lc and vitae bee remade for Werra/ea.
Western Ontario, or city of len.don, or
suburban pen asset. waste for our prtoi.d tier,
Prow splendid IA.rg.ia.. Wint.rr Rea gslat.
Exchange, l.ondou. .
ropy lettere, address envelopes at
hum., anywhere: day er erenttga:'strictly
g••nulne employment. Add... FxrrlalnrMnn•
'tincturing 1'o., Mint Ion 11, 1 let elated. O.
11 know tytal wl.ettic 1'nli.hing Fibu, th..
I chemically prepared -bit. clean. silverware.
Jewellery and all br gilt metal. Ick. msg•^. N.
lIw fir Iewdsr what...r ,• seat orae : w de
egblful sstasis. Pearn Y', rent.. !told l,g' dr.e.
. t.s1 Is, Yon . u, .rorore It whole..le frwn tk •
1 Dominion Ur u t'e. ll.mlltun. The Monarch
Co., rig t'atbaRnee, Mfrs, vend trial comets•
i w rrqurret-
Kart 1. the NI Ara Pommel*, at
moon, 10 miler from Hamilton oS two ran-
' wars. 171 acre. In all, 7• of wblc it is in frets,
mrtly peanb.a Will 1.. .eft In one passel or
divided Into :ote of IS t. 10 acre tc .alt par
obwiews. Til. 1. .4.144.4 borraln ♦ddir.s.
Jonathan ()arpaow. P. O. bot at. WInon.
I Ontario
sn.lAw1.F. WANTED
Ali *NT't
We want at once trustworthy men and we -
men in es cry locality. local or let: ding. to in
Wainer it new discovery and keep our .ku..
tante Anti .dt.Rl.ing matter tacked op corns.
aplrnous alarm throuabout the town and
enuntry. Steady em le )'mint year round
commiwlon or .slaty, 'whey per month and
etWwrntaerfoo, rndpan1.tc.'u:l[ateresd. Itnoptorfdcawy.b
ot W
fins. DOWN ItI rntt 1'1t1:a1tL]T
Thr report for 1101 .bowel ree,seis a.
tai mower over flan.. In the fallowing Item..
New hoiden. Merene•d itt . ,4 aye, i nh
Premium t.,ron,. i.,-ree.tei I.y , - n11,312
'Pots' Income increment by 4Y,A?3
Aosrts Inrrenw.•4 I. 48,(:11.
I mournsrela force l reitmrd by 1,11011,466
t'entln.ntal LIM Fellatea are wtwteell d for
at triplicity nail liberality.' Awente wanted
ti go. B. 1V1N)Iet, t'l1Ak. H. FI'l,tYM,
lienernl M.i.t.'►. Secretor.
Steamer ' Hamilton" loaves
MOS 1, 1 p• m. nu.1 Toronto 7.10 p.
fQYbntreal. Tiienlav, .April 2fjth
Ilio will lenve nn her second trip
\teals and Kurth Includirt.
The above cheep rates to Montre:.l
are In effect for May only. Only nee
running rapid.,
For further Information apply te
agents, or write
K. Y«ur Chaffee, we.tarn Paanneer
Agent, r King to reel Fut, Triennia, Ont.
People who are 'nutted to a put° r
licitly must expert pot Inch.
Paint up your home. your hullding•,
your barns, your F•nera, with paint
hat paints well ani 10oke r1 -nn and
Aright In epite_of the hot sun and
storm or rain,
are made from tits beat Minton t..
pare off and tnrpentlne, wear het
ter than white len,!, mnrr eenn„mb
eel. snider to work, hrnnttfnl entnre,
lin Mly packages, and at the right
price for the hurt paint. Drop ns A
rar.l and alk for
elbowing how some Itrimea are painted
Eitabllahsd 18*E.
MONT'RE(L. Paint Maker.
'41..d Light .'• Seo
"Eagle." tee sad 2.o
"Ykterta •"
el i(ll. Gomel."
THP. P1N11-57 MATCMI'* ee TING WAii.&
Per sale by all the principal tresses.