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The Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 7
)RNE TiklIS : Cask or Prod makers, Pr. cos : $1.26, ),$2 00. 00 old 1 right. 01.15. $2.00 Withal laalioa, $1 75, a Gingham,. A htg range and all new. 8r, 1J.,. 120, leo and 20.,. Prints. 0000 Tarda, 6o. 8o, 103 and 120. All new this spring, White Skirt", White Waists, White Drawers, White Gowns. Black Cashmere Hose. 1104 to 66u. Nowa Hem In..- an. THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. W. Acheson&Son Al MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF Carpets, Curtains and Draperies� With some very special prices for this week and next. never had such an exhibit of Carpets and Curtains as we are now showing on our entire second floor. No other store in the county carries nearly so largo a stock. Our prices are equal to the best and closest in Canada, as the greater part of our stock is bought di- rect from the manufacturers at first price, which our position now enables us to do. Beat English Body Brussels Carpet. A magnificent assorted range of new designs in dorsi, scroll and ori- ental effect., with oolorings of green, blue, crimson, terra, fawn, ecru, suitable for parlor, ball or stairs, regular $1.10 to *1.25 carpets, 1.00 special. per yard English Tapestry Carpet. 1200 yards ot extra heavy and well covered Tapestry Carpet, in ef- fects and patterns which have never been produced until this season, in a dozen different colors and effect., suitable for parlor, sitting - room or hall, very special at, per yard 50c China and Japan Matting. .2:t bales of China and Japan Matting., 36 inches wide, all good re- versible patterns and colors and heavy cotton warp, special, per yard 12Yc, 20c, 25c $2.50 Nottingham Curtains, $1 75 au pairs fine duality Nottingham Lace Curtains, 51 to GO Inches wide, yards long, m white, beautiful new patterns, a regular L_.:10 and $a 110 curtain, special sale Damask Curtains. Entirely new effects in 50 -inches wide Damask, 31 yards long, Cur• tains, with heavy fringe scroll and oriental patterns and in Bagdat stripes, in c( lore, blues, re'ls, fawns and greens, a really magnificent drapery, epecial at, per pair Scotch Linolenms. .quare yards extra quality, heavy Scotch Linoleum, 2, 3 and 4 yards wide, in light and medium colorings, suitable for dining roomy, kiichens, halls or offioe•, our regular price, GOc a square yard, special, per yard liuttentk's Patterns for May all in stock. Thu Delineator for sale at 1&: a copy or $1.00 a yc.tr. Subscriptions received. Festoon Sheets tree. 1,75 3.00 50c • W. Acheson & Son. 1 )1E TOWN COUNCIL. meaeler wren.[ of the T•e•a gathers en Friday greaten. Tre regular manilla of the town *orison Ws. held of Friday •veolog 11 ayor Cam• coo seas •has.t at Dungannon, and AoNag Mayor 1tompeo■ oocapied the chair. The other nreoo'l ors were all premien. T. (i. Williamwo, the special auditor, 'Omitted • list of deeds bold by the cor- poration, the properties they represent and their present valuattoe by tbe tows &neater, •e follows Agricultural park $5,000 00 Maitland cemetery 1.500 00 Town hall 4,000 00 Harbor park 1,600 00 Markt .... 1,000 00 Old show grounds , 1,250 00 T.mr.ranoe Hall •. 1,000 00 Mwbaclo.' lestitate lot..... . 125 00 trs•odptpe lot 125 00 Town 1 pits 300 00 Waterworks (apar•t.Iv valued). Pak at north end of Victoria at. 200 00 (IODI:RICH 1 ulutuuuu�u�u � $16,000 00 Schools - Collegiate Ia.Ml.te $12 000 00 Citral school 6,000 00 8t Patric►'1 *oboe& 1.800 00 9t David's eohool 1,500 00 81. Andrew's school.... . ......1,500 00 $22 800 00 There wet also a list of deeds held repro - eating property ore valued. The auditor 'Abed to bevel the list ez•mloed an to whether it was template and comsat. Re- ared to public works oommletee. 'fns purchase of a °ergo of coal was re, red to the water and light oommletee, d the Mark was instructed to ark for tenders. A ,ommooioatton from Wm. Holland, kite for sewer connection for his naw nom on Trafalgar street, was sent to the *blio works oommlttee. W. Proudfoot, In behalf of the ladies who 1*oitb. hospital matter In (Merge, wrote king what assistaooe towards tae project tont be 010.00 3 from the 000001!. Toe *dies thought that the town Omelet supply hem with • free site for the twirling. He ederetood there wee now some or motion n grin' the old show groeods. If the *nun, it could not viva th✓, end • portion of she resent market lot Is used for this public d rather suspioloua and he thought the ostler should be referred to committee. He was supporta l by M number and 'reuwp.uu, while Myhre. Macey. Ellwt► sod M.Klul were to least of ea0eptln, %Ise oder. A minims to at coo the proposition and w aosedmene to refer to °palmate' wets both b it on tie yore, mid the meteor was dropped without ay anon belog taken. An •uplioatlon from J J. N right for oermise era to nems•• the white poplar tree to front of the Perk House was est to the public works °omotttte* A number of residents of St. O**rste'• ward pont nod for the plaolog of an lo• oaiilsswol light at kite ooraor 01 Cburob and Nelson streets. Mr. MuKlm moved that the requset be greeted, lie raid the ether oo000Illore had light. opposite their doors, and he tbougbt be wet entitled to • similar pr:nlsg.. The petitloo wet rs• ferred to the water and light committee, The following 100000 s were sent to the thence committee: O. C. Whitely, relief, $9 ; Mr.. 1). Maogillivray, tar nuruog Mrs. John Hyslop. $10 ; F Swot., livery, $2 ; Csosdia° General Electric Co., Toronto. supplies, $2 60 ; 1.. Roy Cbemiosl Mtg. Go., Toronto, oa, $34 20; Blake brothers. for pane of g'•as in 1'. T. Dean's store broken by tramp, $7.85. The special coition tee recommended that the usual grant of $200 be made to the Minkel Soolely, the baud to play dxteea nights on the 'alters as dlreuted by the committee, any cbsop that may be made to be sublet to the order of the council. The committee reported that they had .pPcmt •d H. Phalen as day °ositable a1 a salary of $25 per month during the wish of the 0ouo- oll, and had allowed him the sum of $15 towards purchasing • polloeneo'a su.t. The clause regaralag the band grant wet amended by making the 000dlt io0s that the band play sixteen 'sights, commencing on Thurslay. May 15th, and play sash Tours. day, night for two hours, oommeooing at 8 o'olock ; any changes to be •utje.t to the order of the oounoil, and the grant to be payable monthly. The report as amended was •dop'•1. The publto works committee reported that they bad awarded the 000tr•ot for supplying three hundred young maple tree. to Thomas Gino, at 9k rents. They ream mended that Joseph Jardine h• paid the cam of $8 l0 1e11 of 111s claim agcma the town ; that • 6.1n. sewer be laid for Mr. Kelly is front of he property, on the usual terms ; that the •ppllostions of Mr. Pillow std Mr. Doty for sewer oonnsotlon on Anglesee street and Brook street be grant - .d, on the usual terms ; that cinders be put on the south olds of Trafalgar street oppo.it. Jas. Wilson's property. The con - erect for Lying fns 115115 oa Britannia rutd, Amglsses unset and Lighthouse had been •warded to Le. & Shephard, the lowest tend . The report was adopted Mr. Knox, In moving that • bylaw be prepared "refitmlog the appo'ntmeat of the day oon.teh:e and dstineg hu duties, took the °ppaetosity to ay that It was not only the oow bylaw teat was to he entorce1, hut all the other bylaws of the town alto. Tbe mutton then adjourned library, he asked If the balance of the rose kat lot might not be conveyed to the beepit•I trust, or sold and the process's stun. The ;noosed' would supply the seceesary funds with whioh to atquue an ether use. Mr. Proudfoot was pretest and was 15 quieted to address the oouncil He sad that although there See an impression that the oouncil at one time 000aderd favor- ably avorably the Idea of giving the hospital trust • site at the t Id show 'round., he did not believe that the oounctl mad. any promise to this Idiot The nggeetion was made that the arena* of the market lots might b. .cid and the proceeds 00000 to the hos pital. Tho** interested In the hospital knew the poettloo of tits town and did not want to emha It. The ladles had Is view • 1110 opposite Sheriff Reynolds' whioh could be had for $565 1 hey were anxious to have the matter decided et as early • date as moonlit.. They had • cam of money whioh they oousidersd sutliotent to justify them to pr0000diog to build, and as the season was getup, on they wished to know what the town would 4o. For himself he thought that the tewo, poor as It was, could afford to make a roust Who tint to primers • site. After an Informal discussion the matter WS, 1.Id over, to be taken up again at the epeeist meeting thio week. Some of the oounolllors wished to bays a definite prop** al from the ladles as to what they wished the oounoil to do In the matter, and Mr. I'roodfoot promised to have this ready for tbe .pec1.1 manor. A proposition from the Packard Electric Co. regarding the repiaomg of oorned•oot tramformere brooeht on a discussion In whioh every member of the council took part. the Company agreed to replace two now burn. 12.7 -light type "1)" um•formoa, o .d tut, also the remaining six, as they burn out, with their new type "1:' of 150 lights, as • °oat of $62 50 each, the old transform- ers to be returned to them. It was explained by Councillors Morey and McKim that new trarsformere were e eosesery, and the Company, In order to prevent env feeling of diasat(sfectto0 wet willing to put In the ere, traoeform•re, of greater capacity, at the reduoed 11101. Tn. regular price was $1`) : the old trans formers were worth only their valve as w ren. Mr. Knox thought the taut that the Com- pany wet tbrnwtng $.36 50 off the price look• arae Arrivals of Spring Goods ave Been Placed in M°KENZIE & HOWELL'S STOCK DASHWOOD. Tr ...I,AY, April 2'1. Mere Heli has returned to her home near London. M. Y. MoLesn, of Seatortb, wet la tG village last week. W. are glad to see Alex. 1. mmer around •gala after his 111001.. J. Kellerman to bavtrg his baro moved, aad raised for a foondaticn. Mr. and Mrs Henry Fiokbelner, of Cred lion, are visiting at C. Fiokbelner'e. The Mims ftemao, 0%etsoo, and Beaver, of Creditoo, spent Sunday with treads here. Mr and Mrs. Jobe E..dt were called to Hamburg on Friday to attend the funeral of a islets.. m Holt, of F:tk n, Mob , f,-merly of this place, was In the v Lege several aye during the past week. A 511.0414 program was glees I.et Tours. day wooing •t the literary and burins,' meeting of the V. P. A. AN OPEN LE1 TER TO PROHIBITION 1ST LIBERALS. GreTL.YUIe,-As it appears to M gen- erally agreed that the C iv condi date for Wane Hiroo has use tobacco. anti probably ■u hope, of beteg Mooted without Your e1. , 1 cruet that Ihose'bf you to whom be or his trisad• may appeal will be on their guard agues% melting any rash clod/e5 to his favor. and that thole who may have already, without due ounead.ratiuu, agreed to eupuort him will too rwtl.otwu 0** their mutate au t withdraw titer promises. lo the first place Mr. Mitchell, against whose private oharaeter or personal fitness 1 have nothing to toy, claims rho support of Liberal pr.hlbltloouta on the gtuu0d that he has taken the pledge required by the ex - trema wing of the prohibitionist party, and that Mr. Cameros has refuted to do so. Now 1t any Liberal really batters that Mr. Kone broke filth with the prohibitionist Duty, and that therefore to punish blas the 1. beret Uurerom•nt should be turned out t1 power, .San though such • course should pat eau' for many years, as 1t undoubtedly would,tbs progress ot the prohlbition cause, and should prove desr,mental to the beat Intone.* of the Province 1n other respects, 1 oan u• deretaod be voting fur Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Whitney. 1 may Wolk, as 1 certainly do, •soh a course very narrow- minded and cowl's, but .1 la at last e• minable and 000slet50t. All 1 can *ay to •sub • Liberal Is to are him la &ti tiarneee to consider the whole situation once more very carefully, before finally deciding that ooh at, estrous* course is neoosaary. L.0 him bear In mind the following toots. Mr. Roar, thougb • Illeloog temperance advo• cat. ani • prohibitionist to principle, was elected act as • prohib.tloutst but as • Liberal ; be was made Minister of Educe. [Jon not b•eaue• he was • prohibitionist but because of hit epeeist fitness for the position In other respects, and, finally, he was 11. 100 ted a Premier not as a prohibitionist hue •a the ablest and the but gnalifird Liberal In the House. As Premier, there - tore, when It fell to hie lot, in fulfilment of the promise whieb Mr. Mowat had given and he (Mr. Roes) bad endorsed, to pass • prohibitory law for the Proviso', 1t was his bounden duty to 000sider the wishes and toterasu not merely of the prohibitions, party, nor of the Lteral party alone - which. by the way, bet never formally adopted prohibition as • plank to its pias• form -tut of the whole Provlooe for whioh he was legtelaltog. He had further to take Into acoount the foot* that such • law as he had the ocusNtution•l power to pees would be ptoh,b.tory :n part ocly, affecting cola tbe ssleand ootthe manufacture or Importa• Goo, that he oould cot look for the support of ble political opponents in enforcing the Iso, that its aperatlui would be .trsnsogs• Iv opposed and thwarted in every possible way, and that, in fact,lt would be Lreotlsal ly Impossible to enforce 1t nolo.• there was an u0m •:akatly ,troog moral (oro• hack of It and ready to sustain the Government to Its enfcrc.ment. With theme facts before him, and Iooktug alto to the, publicly ex- pressed *pintoes ot such clear-headed, .ober• minded and Ittlueuti,l leaders of men as l'rloclpal Caven and CDaoo.11or Burwaeh, 1 think that Mr. Ka. was amply justified in big deo.elou to refer the matter specially to rite.leotere, and to require • vote whtub would lurnub •al.factory tvidence that • amt./10;y of the elec,orato wire in favor of cath • law and •bided the Government to uodenake is entoroen.ca1• lu el ser, it would not Duly bav• bo,en political folly - aod w• must remember that attic all Gov- ernment* are pintos! and not moral k- sti'ottone--but would have been morally uojuattIabl• to past and undertake to en - torte • m.asur• involving suoh sertous issues without unmistakable evidence that the electorate world enppnrt him in doing se. Fur my own part, hal I been In Mr, Ross's p'aoe I should Issas felt justified to requiting that the bill should have sten • larger proportion of the electorate In It• favor Liao la domande! by the Referendum Aot. 11 this Province o•0 have the blessing, of prohibition to addition to the b'ee.loss of Lberal rule, well and god ; but .tete Mr. Whitney ir+okly .ale that he wail not betp to give us prohibitloO, I see no reason why Liberal proh,bit:ool.ts should stultify them selves and iojure the 0000try by helping to pat him In poser. W hat shall be said, however, of those who have promised to support Mr. Mitobell under.the Impassion that they are thereby go!or to advance the cense of prohibition?. It Is (Moult to u .derdand how any In• telllge.t Liberal 0.0 thus delude himself. Suppose Mr Slitch.11 to be elected, how wall the c base of prohtbltion le benefited If the Government 1e sustained and the referendum is carried the Government will, as in duty bound, put the law In force. In deice so Mr. M,t•bell will, let us assume, Rapport them, but so would Mr. ('amerce, so where would be the gain? 10 the refer sedum falls to "sours the required m•j.iri'.y the question of a prohibitory law will have to stand •std• for some years. Mr. ll hit - ivy will not take It up, neither will the Government. %% bat tan could Mr. Mitchell do? On the other hand, If the lloyeroment 1. defeated at the teeming election and Mr. Whitney octal' Into power, the InevPeblet result, as every one oan see, will bs the de• fest ot the referendum, for what will be the use then of voting for 1s In the faoe of Mr. Whltaey's openly .sowed policy ? Who will tike tn• matter up then ? Mr. White ney wall not and the Liberal party as her tainly .111 net. Doss any elscror of Wast Huron be0lrv. that 11r. Mitchell under the olroomuaocss and with Mr. Matter's fats before him would become the champion of Prohibition ? Even If he did, what could he •000mplish for the cause? How then, I ask •halo, can soy Liberal elector Imagine that he is smog to help the noes of prohibition by votIng tor Mr. Whitney and the party represented hy each • paper as The Mol and Empire?Liltr..rtoL. Thee. Snell, principal of the T),ehwool school, wet laid of work the latter ,tart of last week, owing to Illness. Rev. Mr. Morlock returned on Widnes day from Chslay, where the oonferenoe of the F:?angelical Association wee la melon. PORTER'S HILL. Mose.ty, Aprli 28 h. 1902, i. 51cPh•fl. team ran away on Monday and smashed hs wagon. Wm. 1'obb, of Summerhill, spent Sunday at the borne ot Jno. Cor. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westop spent Saturday with friends to Seator►h. J. T. Elliott expects to leave for Saul', Ste. Mule on Wedoseday of this week. Mier Jordan, of Summerhill, spent Sun- day at tho horns of her sister, Mra. Currie. Mr and Mrs. Adam Cantelon, of the 3 h °inceuloo, spent Sunday at Kobt. Bssoom's, M toe Amy Cox, who sleet toe whiter a0 her home here, has resumed her mesio tesohup In the "knotty of Kincard,ne. M. Y. MaLeao, the South Huron oapdi• date, spent last week In this ylainny. It bile hide h. was the guest of Jgo Torrance. Col. Varooe. of Colborne, and Dr. Shaw, of Chilton, inspected the memory at Brae. Ode on Monday. Capt. C MoPball, who (�� •a of WQI has lately been given oommandD ► 7, Is well aided for the r fli to. He ie a die• tineolehe4 looking young man and bis gen cal ways w.11 no doubt make him a general fav:rite with all who sera under hint. fur gale of Fencing and Fencing Material this year is unprecedented. Barb Wire with us Still $2.85. 3t a have the very but. of No. 9 Coiled Steel \Vire. We got our' direct rom the wire mile in Cleveland. Perhaps you didn't know of a difference. A new Woven Fence made upright and lateral wires, all No. 9 steel wire a% come, and is, as the none implies, an ideal Fence. Come and see it. e can give you almost any kind of fence you want, and all good. AHEM - AX, IDEAL, FROST and GEM, four complete fences. SCREEN DOORS and WINDOWS, GARDEN HOSE and DARDEN 'i4tl:Sa wed RAKILt3. HOUSE PATNT, inside and out. The beet of them �l the Hollyrood make, more lasting, better finish and guaranteed to give tisfaction, ELEPHANT PURE WHITS LEAD and the best of Linseed Oil. We can plea,. you on your Wirdwaro requirements. 11'1 cKI NZI E & HO W EL L THE PLA(7K TO BUY ALL HARDWARE CHEAP. EAST SIDE SQUARE. ©ODERICH. RIGHTS ISEASE is the deadliest and goat painful malady to which [[unkind is sub set. Dodd's Kidney Pills will sure etas case of Bright's Dienes. They have smear raLLed la one single case. They .s. the only remedy that ever RAS cured It, and they are the only remedy that eau. There are Mutations of Dodd's Kidney PW.- yyU1LL1 t lmlta� hos and name bet (Ions are dangerous. The original and only genuine cur* for Bright's 14eaas 1. ODD'S KIDNEY PILLS Dodd's Kidney Pills are ?Ry cents a box .t all II druggists. pleasant event occurred loot Wednesday. when Mrs. Kennedy became the bride of 11.01.1 Carney, of Colborne. Rev. Father MoCorm•ok performed the ceremony. The bride was becomingly attired in • gra tallormade wit, and was assisted by Mus K. Whiny, of Metall, who wore • oatum* of old rose, Jas. Senoot, brother of the bride, rioted as best man. After the seremony the brldel party drove to the home of the bride, where they partook of • sumptuous repast. W. wish the happy couple many happy days of wedded life. The heavy rein last Saturday gave the farmers • rest, E. Campion, of Goderloh, was hero on buttons last '1hurediv. Teethache Cured is One Mlswte. Saturate tome batting with Poison's Nervilioe and place In the cavity of the tooth. Rub the painful part of chs face with Ner•Iline, b.od to • hot flannel, and the toothache will disappear Immediately. Ner►illne Is • splendid household remedy tor swamps, Indlgeetteo, summer oomplalo►, rheumatism, oeuralg a ant toothache. Powerful, penetrating, safe and pleasant for loliroal and sternal use. fife. 25.1. Try Nervilioe. Use l)r, Hamilton's pills for biliousness. COLBORNE. CARLOW, Apr. '‘'.14. Colborne eounoll met in the towoship hall, all the members present, the minutes of the last meeting read and signed. The •ppol0t• moot of • solicitor fur the town hip was disagreed. and on motion of Rubertsoo and Attrill was left over. The petitirn to change W. J. Graham's lot from union school section No. 5, Colborne, to unwa sohool .ectto0 No. 11, Atbbsld, was taken op. It was moved by Anse. Robertson, seconded by Wm. Hill, that no •ctloo be token. Carred, Mr. Jewell voting nay. James'l'•hr presented • petit:no asking for wire for tones in front of he lot. Moved by Ater. Kotrerteon, seconded by R. Jewell, that he receive the usual grant of 15, per rod for 80 rods. Carried. An •ocouot of 1'hu, Gundry of $10 for serving notice on Mrs. Hall wet presented. Alex. Robertson moved that geld •coouot was too high, and should not he paid In fall. Robertson Vet- ting no seconder, Wm Hill moved, wooed ed by K Jewell, that said aoc000t le paid In lad Carried. Rohrrt•on voting nay. Wm. 1141 moved, seconded by Alex Rob- ertrcn, that the , Mr. Attrill and the i clerk be apDelated • otmmittee to at the necessary advice In retard to submitting a bylaw to the township re the electric rail toad: Carried. The following resolution was 'roved by Alex. Robertson, emended 1 y K. Jewell, that oo parson receive money for shoveling snow, or any other road wn-k, unless by order of • counolllor, and the amt ant to he vouched for by him, and forth sr, Litt no councillor let a emirate or issue a ons roe for • greater amut.nt than $3 with eoesast of • m.j,rlly ,t the council, and that all some •nose that amount be paid 10 the board. Carried. The following 00 genets were p•aeed : Pant M**dl., repair• fag road, $.5 01); John Jenklo., .bo..ltn gravel throe day., $3 75: James Adams. ehov.11ag gravel one and one half days, $1.05 ; J. A. Stalker, ills oalvsrt, $2 00 ; ,lobo Barker, Noddle/ fence and forel.hlne material at gravel pit, $4 (0: John marker, graveling Deelop's Hill, $4 50 i .1ehs Har ker, eletalnr petal pie, $2 50. Oe motion of Attrill and Jewell the meson adjourned to meas May 71011 as a Deere of revision and he other busking. F. W. Monosson, Clerk. nLLIEVALL. TCoNUAY, April 29. James Burgas visited In Woodst11k last week. Miss Mary Altohesoo is muoh better this week, we are glad to say. Mise Lottie Coad, of Trowbridge, visited relatives here this week. A oar load of hog. were shipped from this station to l'almenton on Monday morning. Rev. Mr. Wardrobe, of Teamster, preaobed in the Presbyterian oherch last Sabbath morclog. John Burgessatteodel the quarterly audit of the Canadian Order of Foresters et Brantford last week. F:1. Coultes will teaoh the entrench class to 15Memo school from the let ret May until the summer holidays. LEtBURN. MiNDAy, Apr. 28. ft Carney, jr., went to Manitoba Thur.• day of lest week. Measles to eoa'n in our burg after" three moot be' vaoatloo. Muter Home Clutton has the first hrood of chickens hatohed here. They came out on the 21st. Dunlop is behind shies trots Mr. and Mre. R. Folioed leave on Tuoe. day •f this week to visit their daughirr, Mrs. W. 0'. Slower, at t;•leehorg, N. Da- kota. During their e'ny they w101 meet many former tendril!" of this section that are located there. Last week we spoke of our former to. os. man, Dr. W. 10. Ciu t: n going to practice at Seek tile. Marls. But when he was at his former home at Edger, closing op hie boldness, ha was taken serian•iy 111 and at the time of writing there are only slight helm. of hie reeoylry There was a o:easent gathering of -re 0.10,.. act friends at the residence of S,m• u.l Morrie on the afternoon of the 21st of April, to /fah h:m many happy returns of the day, in was the eighty seventh anel- ry of hie tirthday. Mr. Morris was horn in'Vmetbury, 5,mer•st Co., England, and In 11131 oam• to Canada with his parents, the late Mr. and Mr.. dos. Morris, who for r I year" Heed •0 Dundee, the latter inning to the Huron Treat in 1834 Rut Mr, Monis did not come here until about 1850, living In the neighborhood of llond•s until tree. Th.r. he burial his first wits, and of 0.. children by her, only one son, Kenneth, curet,... to agile worried alai toe can o to live here and his wife le still olive and also one sen Abner. Mr. Merrl. I. hale, hearty sill riotous and dvss strong promise of ree0hlnr his century. We were unable to he present at the party het with • large Heel" of Meade and rela• live. jnlo In esngratulations. KINOSBRIOOE• MnIDAT, April 24th. Mi.. Waite Moisten lease nest Ideal for Detrol', WtDD.D At ST, J09111461, -A very sad Neeplru. 'there is just one ours and that le plenty ti food for tee blood, and nerves, which I. beet supplied In Ferrczmoe, than whioh no blood boll -ler, nerve toxic or strength pro dater is better. Ferri zone promotes healthy digestion, whioh resulte to Improv - d satrltlo0. The blood grows rtah and rd, turetah11 stabil.ty to the entire system, and the store of force and energy In- crease* daily. A Rebuilding ot the oonetitu• [loo, new spirits, health and strength, all Dome from the use of Ferrcz tne. This marvelous renovator is sold by druggists for 500 • box, or fix boxes for tl2 50. By mail from Polson & Co., Ktogston, Ont. 4111111.111, Tg0MIDAT, May 8, 1902. 6 Jordan Mc K I M' S ck Uoderich, Ont. A Corset Event. We secured 220 pairs of • maoufapturer's job o1 New Corona They are short froal, fear clasp, mad• of good jean, with faooy uteeo strapping, filled with ribs and side steels, cicely trimmed with lace, good Taloa you would say at 39c 50c, we got • bargalo so that we will sill them at Coronation Corsets. You can't wear the new style of skirl without • pair of these. 'There's • demand Mr these, and they were made to meet M. Straight (rout, short waist, with long hip, $2 00 Black Skirts for $1 25. Clinton : H. 0. Hell, who has boon man ager of the W ins/barn furniture factory stone tbe Canada Furnit ore Manufsot urers Asecolattoo took charge, has received notice to remove to Woodstock, where he takes the menarem•nt of the Company's factory, and will leave for there to • few weeks. Mr. Bell has boon a resident of W,ngbam sinee boyhood and le a soa•in law of Mr. and Mra. J. Bell, of town. He 1e well known and has many friends here, who are pleased to Isar. of the promotion. Millinery, Ore have now some short ends of brimming which we make up t'10o rhe newest sIsle et Hate at a half of their regular pike, ll y..0 wast to trim your own has we kava feathers, tlowers, etc., •t • very low price. Cloth• You want • Suit old you want one for Oita boy. and you want ing dop.nd•ble up -to date good., and you dos'[ want to pay too mach for them. We have the artlole you are looking for, and at • leas price than you expect to pay. M EN'S PURE WORSTED 80118 -blood farmer's "min Ilolog and mobalr sleeve, well rude, good Inters, sad tae pries is not $10.00 but $7.00 BUYS' SUITS. -We hays some special vales at $2 00, and others up to $5,00, sad all •t • clean saving of Iron 600 nob up Io $2 00. 0 "Great cry and little wool." Great appearance ani little service l Beware of false "window shoes"! Look for the symbol of responsibility -the Makers' price and pledge, on the sole of "The Slater Shoe" Goodyear Welter n MCKIM'S BUSY STORE. Pictures Free. Until the 1st of Juno we will give Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Local Agent. West -Ft. Bakery. With Every $5.00 Purchase of Wall Paper One of our Beautiful Pic- tures 12 x 14. These pic- tures are mounted on grey mat, nicely framed, and the favorite subjects of the day : Baby Stuart, Countess Potocka, Golf Girl. With every $2.00 pur- chase one of our 8 x 10 Framed Pictures; with a number of pictures to choose from. Remember, the number of these pictures is limited. Did You ,.dee The beautiful Gilt Em- bossed Papers in our win- dow this week. 25c and 30c a roll, reduced to 3c. 18ta ieoa L/STOWEL (3;16/ 0' Is moving forward. Winter term begins Jan. Y, 1101. Our rates are reasonable, our animas of ,coal thorough and practical. Send for our Journal and see what we teach. Students may anter •0 any time. Two courses of study. Commercial and Bhortl504 C. A. PLEMING, A. L. McINTYRE, Pres. 8.a. Owen Bourse. Lbetow.L KIDD'S TAILORINC... BOOK STORE, Ooderich. i have bought out D. CAN- TELON'S Baking business, and will keep on hand bread made from the best Manitoba flour that via bo bought. I ate introducing all kinds of bread Vienna Bread Whole Wheat Bread Graham Bread Malt Bread Currant Bread Steam and Cream Loaves Twist nod will make w specialty of Pure Home-made Bread This bread is matte from hops and malt yeast, which is pronounced by the medical health officers of Paris and Old London, Eng , as the most wholesome bread, and they condemn the forced -raising -yeast process that is used hy bakers in factories as being unypolesome and indigestible. The Kensington Furniture Co.� 1 hays received my New sicca .0 Suitings, Trouserings, etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. if you are getting • new sprlog sett, • light overcoat, or anything in my line, 1 oan please you in goods, fit and pries. tl'aeadyNade Clothing In 515.0. S. DUNLOP, ; ;`e1T Mcliillop Motu Fire Iwruoe G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWS PROP- ERTY INSURED. I [Value of Property Insures tip to January, 1901 $3,1114,6,11171.011 HAVE APPOINTED RHYNAS & CORNELL retail agents for their line of Furniture for Gi derloh. D. J. CURRY. This celebrated, tip-to.date line of Bedroom Suites has taken the trade of ('.nada by storm. The demand for goods from one end of the 0oaol.y to lb* other i5 the beet Proof ot the (entity ot the artists. " OFricKntt AND DI0&CTOae. J. 10 McLean, pros : T. Frs..r vice -pre.. • Jess Connolly. O. Dale, W. O. f roadtest, J. Watt, Jas. Evans, J. O. Grieve, J. Hennewela. directors; W. O. Broadfovt, Boaforth, Inapeo- tor of losses ; T. E. Hays, Beatorth, seoretary• treasurer. AGENTS, .1 W. Yeo, Holmesville; James ramming Egniondville : It. MoMlllan, Beaforth Smith, Hartwig. Policy -holders can pay aase•ements and get their oardo recelpted at Mr. Coati. Clinton. or at McLean Bros.' Palace Clothing Store, (lode rloh The Kensington Retail Store is on the !Square. R. BARLO' HOLMES keeps constantly on hand and sells st the lowest prices Hard and Soft Coal, Cannel Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Charcoal, Wood, St. Mary's Lime, The beet brands of Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe, Firebrick, Fireclay. it will pay you to inspecthig stock and get prices before purchasing. Mee and l"ards al the heart of Nelson Street. Ooderioh. of all else.. TO ADVEHTIBERB. Notice of cnanger meet be left at this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not it ter bhan Mon day noon. Casual Advertisemente ecoepted ao to nor n Wednesday of each week. WORSELL'S IS THE PLACE TO GET Eavestroughing, Metal to Roofing and Siding, Dairy Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittings . , CHEAP. N A 6refai Saap� le oar Ginger Snap, at So. a pound, of which we sell • barrel • week. This Isn't our only snap. as we carry everything that oan be found In an ap- to.date erooery store, and our prime toe right. The farmers know that they con alanyl get from tie • soap ler thole prodnce. We drew the line ab no legitimate trade - everything goes r (flatware or potatoes, garden stuff or 00,0(0010. table China. Ws deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Radford block, Gderleh ANT A SPEP -LADDER? We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. Tho step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a fill I:asst. rtment. Telephone No. 91. STVR=Y dr, CO. THE OROOUIR$e