The Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 6TuURsDAY, May 8, 1902.
M viry tap a 1vr. I'no.,$10,00to$1750,
Nigh -grade,
THE oluthiog we are shoeing this season
exceeds anything that bas ever been .1•
tempted here odor'. They are out the or
dio.ryready rade., but strictly high class
tail(red garments, cut on soleotlbo prlocl
pies by the very best Outten, made from
line Imported worsteds, cheviots, forges and
tweeds sod oto be compered only to the
high .:w ordered work -except In pride.
There Is • big difference there. Our sales
of these goods aortae the put month bare
Wen hires. People appreciate Rood goods
.od good work. Call and see them. We
Oso tit you out with a good snit sad yet out
Children's is a epeolalty with us. Ws have a very Iarte stook to choose 1.0m,
of the leading Amerioan styles and prime to suit everyone. r•vg.00
Clothing. . from 81 35 to 85 00 per suit. We ere exclusive agents for the famous
nen Hall clothing. They are the eckaowledged peers la C.uad• for ohildreo•s clothing.
The leading styles ter this season are the Blouse end Norfolk sults, We would be pleased
to have the opp,rtre'ty of showing you these very stylish setts.
Perisol Fluting Clothing House,
Agents for cLlook. Christy's CLO. CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER
z gnat,
DY D. rrSR,YCi,wi
WHEN the temperance mus meet-
ing was held in Goderich about •
month ago JAMES MITCHELL was one
of the orators, and told the audience
that he was glad to stand upon the
temperance platform — "that good
old platform," he called it—that he
had stood upon for some thirty years.
He was applauded to the echo, and
looked upon with pride by his hearers,
Si a man of principle.
Shortly afterwards the Conserva-
tive convention met at Smith's Hill,
and owing to the unwillingness of
Postmaster Mosso, of Auburn. to
immolate himself upon the altar of
his party, JAMIE MITCHELL was se-
lected to fit the occasion, and he ac•
cepted the Whitney policy, and the
Conservative convention accepted him
without any pledge that he would be
true to Toryism and WHITNEY in the
time to come. They were sure of him
—a pledge was not needed.
Afterwards the executive of the
riding temperance people met at
Goderich, and JAMES MITCHELL ap-
peared before them, chaperoned by
ney candidate pleaded that his record
of thirty years in the temperance
ranks should be a sufficient guarantee
that he was of the real Stools Putts
variety of prohibitionists, and when to
that little story a deaf ear was turned
to by the executive he began to dick-
er with them like a hukster at a fair.
"If 1 take that pledge," said he, "1
@hall lose a lot of votes, and how am I
to be compensated 1" " It I sign that
pledge will you sign one to vote for
met" And so on, and so on.
A man of principle, who believed
he was right, would, -have signed the
document at once or have refused to
do so, but this prohibitionist of thirty
years' standing was fishing for votes,
and knowing that there were sixteen
members of the executive ab the meet-
ing that day he strove to work them
in on his line in the ratio of 16 to 1.
After completing his deal .JAM[R
MITCHELL was through for the time
being with the prohibitionists, and at
once affiliated with his old political
associates. WILLIAM CAMPHELL, presi-
dent of the Goderich Conservative
association—who had, on behalf of
the Conservative party, protested
against MITCHELL'S signing the pro-
hibitionist pledge—again took the
candidate to his bosom, and congratu-
lated him upon the manner in which
be had pulled the wool over the eyes
of the executive. Major Jog BECK—
who makes no claim to be a pro-
hitiitioniet—at.o tools MtrcusLL ten.
der his wing, and was his guide,
philosopher and political friend in a
pilgrimage through the riding.. Thts
was s cage of interest, not principle.
JAMKE MlTCiuiLt. is out after vote)
and whether he getsethem by swallow-
ing a pledge which he never in
tends to carry out, or succeeds
through the canvassing powers and
genial ,lualitiee of Major Beck
amongst the hotel men, he cares not.
All is grist that comes to his mill and
any old vote is good enough for him.
i1 the prohibitionists like that style
of doing business they are welcome to
it, hut honest )nen will prefer honest
methods in politics,and cannot but res
pest the candidate who will not bar
ter his politioal principles for voten,nor
,yell his birthright for a hoped-for
mea of pottage.
—W hen the temperance organ ver ai
Hnitwville maid that. it' wade the lint)- of
tate temperance eleotors to .upport MIT
CHaLL in West Huron and McLssi in
South Huron, the solid Conservatives ob.
jected to carrying out the tail end of the
— Was it principle or self interest that
caused the "double header' candidate in
Wed Huron to Ruske the dicker with the
temperance executive!
— In the flood of election talk Mr. Mir.
HELL'S paper, The Star, cannot stop long
enough to nay one little word against Mr.
WiterseY on the prohibition question.
1'. D M• CALLCM. the former P. 1'. A. re.
presentative of East lambtnn, la running
there again as a WHITNEY candidate. Mr.
WHITELY 111.11 all sorte of eggs in his basket.
— It took JAMse MITCHELL a long time 10
make up his mind to sign the pledge. and
he did not do it until he stipulated tnat he
should reoeive the straight temperance
— We notice that thetemperancecandid:tte
in West Huron has got one good word
to ray for MARTI'', the former Tory chief
and present temperaire candidate in Korth
— The strange story of 1)r. JaKYII, and
Mr. HYps is discounted by the curious case
of the man who seeks election as a prohibi•
tionist and as the canoidate of an anti -pro•
hibition party.
—And now the WHITNEY candidate in
West Huron claims that the pledge to the
Alliance executive "really doesdt moan
anything,' and that he had to take it so
that "Grit votes might be obtainel."
— Temperance Liberal. should not forget
that HARRY Fiume, the Whitney anti
prohibition candidate in South Huron, was
Die sponsor of JAMss MirciegI.L, the alleged
prohibition candidate in West Huron.
— The alleged temperance candidate has
bean canvassing the riding, aided and as
listed by Major Jossru BMA, and some of
the electors have noticed that the Esta
part of the combination predominated in
the sanctum
— TI -ere is every reason to believe
that the fore ami aft candidata in West
Huron is likely to encounter exceedingly
stormy weather between now and election
day. It is hard for WHITNEY and prohibi
non to sail in the same boat.
—WII.,.IAMCAMPuLE,whoat the meeting
of the temperance executive said, "On be
half of the Conservative Association I ob ter( t
to Mr. MI•n'tlst.t'e signiug the temperance
pledge," is now working tooth and nail for
the mac who signed the pledge.
— The taking of the temperance pledge by
the Tory candidate in West Huron was not
a natter of principle. It was simply e
business deal to gel votes, and he would
not sign the document until he had tied up
the temperance executive to vote for him,
Young ratan. the Liberal Government of
Ontario has riven you the privilege of yot•
ing if you art over twenty-one years of age
and will take the trouble to register, if you
name is notralready on the list. The tint
four days of next week is the time to regis-
— According to The Star and other Tory
organs Mr. WIIITNtr is still offering noth-
ing but "goal intentions." Comparing
this with the progreesire policy of the
Liberal party in the past and tor the future
the ('ooservative leader must think the else•
tom are to be caught with chaff.
00 Ht' Both READ DIMS NoviI.S.
Toronto Star : Bore sometimes read dime
noy.Ie became they are denied open and
honest armies to any other kind of reading
;het has 'Dough 111. In 1t to lateroet them.
MR. MIT, Hal.l.'S e'IR,'I'e T
Sesforth Erpatter : The Uoderleh Ste r,
of which Mr. Mitchell, the 1',n Ire
oaadldote In West Huron, le editor, h►t as
yet not let the public, Into the secret as to
how )net gentlemen is to play the double
snuffle of prohibitionist and anti prnhlbittea
IN, at nae and the ...ns time. It. would he
tot Int needier and would osrtalaly help
the electors of that Odle, lo tri eominr
election. Come on, Mr. Star, let ns 'es
how Il is done.
0,1 ARI, nar1RNMENT
John, N. B., Telegraph how Diel
an 'Motion Is nn In Ontario we are eerprls.d
to leers from the Tory ergaas of that Prov-
ince that the Hon. Geo. W. Rnma le a bold,
bad mac, and the. Ontario Government a
g est it enruptlnn. Down here by the tea
we .11, irrespective of party liner, have the
Idea that llotarlo has teen tl.e heat goy
erose, Province In the Dominion Osttalsly
11 lee'slatica has been eopled by every
ether Province to the Dominion.
A tearer /ARMY
M. Mary'. Argas : The Lindsay Warder,
*weed ray (:o1, Sam. Herpes. M i' . te11.
Mr Whitney p'asaly that 10 11 totally "p
pnseA to the stand he h.s taken ein4 cannot
• rapport him In 1t, as it believes the ,der•
sadism Ie the peeper means of aseertalntag
the people's will osi the roasting of orehl•
tattles. Eonally at variant's Is the liens r•
votive candidate le West Heron, who bis
pledged himself to supp, rt • probib to y
1.w. He bas alto pledged bls.lf to the
coot ooerenuou to support Mr.
N bituty. Theo as bare Mr. Fax In West
Victor a, tithing • different testa with his
leader uo the question of Locums to railway.
Mr. Whlta•y has eta ed that he is totally
opposed to sarh toouses, but Mr. Fox is sot
so apposed when there Is • ohaoos to foster
• railway for West Victoria. Truly the
Cocservatires of 19. Provines are • happy
and harmonious family'
THS arms Vh'AKA'TIi't.
Weekly Sun : While the maloteeenes of
the otoety Jays' guaranties against animals
oomtnr lo from (treat Britain doss not ap
pear to bars been made a 000dltioo of the
Gement with the United States Gov•
e rnmeot for the admission of our cattle to
the United Sates without guaranties, it
1e likely that 11 we abolished the quarantine
agalmt Ureal Britain the United States
gUaraDtin• against our cattle would be re
stored. It would be most nowise for os to
oaks any soden that would Imo..! our pre-
sent arraogemeat with the L'oltsd Stats'.
10 11 far more important to the f.ros
ars of this country that our arrangemect
with the United Suter enooil 1.. .....•t••••A
that tha
to Caned
the aetlo
at Wash'
the quest
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to olroub
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"The doot
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Mark nor
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The reoenl
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Klor.toD, O.
eoestlpat On.
Mill IJ• H. COLBORNE Cas .or ProdKt]
Keep Your G ss Cut ! 1,
a' Dress Mullion
Aud your Lawn looking green and tidy.
Blank. Colored. Black
and White and White to
prices. Do, Yu, 10o, 12o.
14o, 15o, 17o, 2) 22c,
25e, 300, 354 and bOo
Th. largest rangeof Drees
Maedas over seta In
Lase Curtains.
500, 75; 85c, 90o, 81 00,
11 25, $1 50, 81 75 82.00,
82 25, $2 50 82 75.83 00,
83 25, 83 50 asd $4 60.
tt bite and oolored Cur -
tale Mastitis. frilled.
Frilled Curtain lir weak
Nee and Art Mustiae.
1)treoe from the makers,
and at Ked Rock frees
btu. 750. 81 00. 11.25.
11 50. 81 7b 11 90,82 00,
82 25. $2.73, 83 00 and
$4 00, and ya'nee rlebt,
Shirt Waists,
Is Black Settataa,$1,15,
81.25, 81.50, 81 75, 12.00
and 12.50. White Waists
aad whits floe Maelios,
8502_11.00. 81.25. 81 75.
Bleak Catalan,
'f1. ft /0.
A hat rang•saad all new.
1J,, 120, 160 and
8000 yards, So, 8o, 100
and 1211,. All new tbts
White Skirts,
White Widow,
White Drawers,
Wb1N Gowan. s
t•.*. Oates Hew
It pill
and itr
of eve
morning atter breakfast.
Sold by all druggists.
E WEST SIDE 01 5Ul1AilE - - a I (10E)ERICH
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