HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 5TERNS : ecel Cask or Prod )inghams. A Ns range sad all new. 81, 10d. 120, no aid 20,. Prints. fndand 12;o. LB Row this .prlsg. White Skirts, Whit. Waists. White Drawer., White Uowos, Slack Oashinere Bose. 203 t. 683. Cotton Hose 103 to 40,. ea as there it no better )RNI3 SOW YOUR OATS JE to destroy stout. Inexpensive. :•pipe Varnish or 11.00 Garden Seeds BEDFORD BLOCK... the Air KEEP OUT s and )squitos. s s rs adjustable to HT. VIE, fetich, Ont. (TOCK. d and undimmed hats. of inspect. HAMILTON STREET.. . �.S &\\SON Busin I, a'nd ne mine ever JELL ever r be- en at' rprisingly applied .11 the thirty years of ex' linen i. worth eon' in Console, also our t w„ hate. It in our Roes. mi. Standard. and toe I tor ten year.. ir, Mesio Book., .to. rail nn you. a i _r a 30N, (IODERICH l�Ne w. A MAO 41 With some THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. TauguDAY, May 8, 1902. a �1 �� � ��0 � Son ed rather ►usploloae and he thought the muter should be referred to dui Humber and H• was euyp leu. byM M It ey,.E and Tatter should white Mesas. Muroum litoU and MuLtm won m tayur tet aou.Dllor the AN OPEN LEI TER TO PRONIBIT ION IST LIBERALS. .ri fly o . w J U o1.I h sVVeere LO be idi• •rally rgr•ed that the C re oaudi date fur West tiu,ou hoe uv uhanoe, and yrobabiy ■o hope, of beteg Mooted without your aid, I tr.t that thump. of you to whom u be or In, Irteade may appeal will a oat their guard against m•kinv any raeb Medals le bis favor, and that those who may bat,• already, without due oostl.o w too. d to support him will on uH.owuD see their mistake an 1 withdraw tit. it promises. la painful 'mankind Kidney Disi the deadliest malady is pithiest. Pills will aid mow hich to odd Dodd's sure any Mesas. • ►IFICENT DISPLAY OF ir y urge ts, 7urtains and 0 )raperies•!altar `�T Pery special prices for this week and next. offer. A inutiou to ',coot the proposition and o 0oe were au •uteodu.ot to refer twwata bath lust ea tie votes, and the matter was dropped without any aotlua being taken. Au •p plloatloo from J. J. N right ler eermieslen to remove the wblte payor tree to front of the Park House wee Nut to the yubito works son.mitt•• A number of residents of 81. (home's ward p.Ntlusd for thin Dlwlog of ao IB 01111 1111101100 light tr at the comer'Mui Uourohd and heleon 't[Nle. Mr. 12uKim mored that toe request he granted. H• raid the ether ooanualors bad light% oppoolta their doors, sad be thought be wee eautled to • re- triytlegt The ptltloo eau rs ferred to the water and light pet tion was T'ite following accounts wen sent ►o the finance committee: 0. U. Whitely, rend, $9 ; Mre. D. M•oglllivray, ler nursing Mr,. John Hvelop. 410; F Swart•, livery. i2; Canadlan General Eleotrlo Co., Toronto, 1a the first phot Mr. Machell, against whose private awa.ter or persooal bioses 1 have tr..logtosay, olalthtneonedot of Liberal lr,hlbltlonute on the atoned that be her taken the pledge re reared by the el• triune wine of the prohibitionist party, and that Mr. Cameros bas refused to do so. how tt soy LMral ithy hellnro that nbsMr.Dodd'• Kers Drake Idth with the prohibitionist party, and that theetots to punish him list 1, bentUoter.m.nt should be turmoil out tf power, eyes though sob a course should pot hook tor away yeas, a. It undoubtedly wit„u ,w... -_.--- rig, care of Bright's Tn.y h.re sever f0llod r ono single coos. They all the only remedy that soar hal cursed 1t, and they ars the only remedy that ORAL There are inutetlone of Kidney P boa and name -but 1111'6-11.1W none are dangerous. The original and unl7 feneles curs for Bright's D6roaMY A sr. - • - upplement to "'Mc i'ignal." CUUNTY CURRENCY. mea Cootrsetor I. lor Las Miltaoomw Ip w meseed Most work for lir offices -1 il' rise. O K. I ••tbsrd•le has perob•eed , Ian oP Bawd, 1,,0 of crop grey hones from 0. L 1 al•+ice GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, MAY 8'rir, 1002. newt .ervlos she bed readers& to Ne ar ohuruh daring poet yes. (Rote.; Mr, and Mrs. •.dray U'bald.e• 1oa Ideugbter of Jas. Foramen) left on Mon lay starooan of last week tot Redlands, (2.1 . where they will live for some year, at Matt. Mr. 0•b•Ideeton hoe been toubled i with rheumatism. and by going to Captor Jlea sato d W. Ju IuoUavlo I oda bopes to vee relieved from at, N'slts when they in Sesfertb Agues Tovell, wile sad tuned tate the great lakeser t10 tee• sooting riven dude( the pest three or four weeks. The W iednor Record says : The tiny fish have been taken by roll and shipped by boat to Kinney 11e, I. vmtagto., R,nde.u, fort Stapler, 11.0'100, G•d• riuh, Niagara Fslle, lar l'nl.t, Pioche 1.. land arid to 'Toronto. and the 1t•n•er went to Sarnia en Monday eight with 3 000,000. Bytom 11r •O of I/. U. Twenty million were liberated and swam n ad to lbeetoiy, on1 tato the river pear the hatchery oa e, cwt in I, Converts, sod Beloit et John S nuh sod Alex Monday night, Preparations are cow uod .d with le l• Etf locate. pickers It<t 1,Jert nosotly took to • l St.w.rt, of thN town, dead d b.!. hoow le easy set the hatohwr to ger:+les fist ,Buby. It"Ispawn. which +a etprotad about the middle :yin„1 run • Weds e¢g mwuatnv 2 i early I•woe of twen'y years land' stereo l of Bet; .tcath 1 A., I. 1'n. maohitry •s .1„ by mid weighing 4 ter e. p•I.1hsm 1 he old .grlou1 tont hall• mouth•. The temaltu were brought bar+ the hatchery a quiet now, having been ta die sM "e.used eburrmt N the gaud re. MI" (lutes . The firs carload of cement for Jams, .nimuirr tacks, air red here motet lot 11.5 tea wa1al9• be M laid thio 'mea y.1, L, Killoran war In Ala II Ilich:¢su, o° Saturday, Aga 26 yen,, h, warns" the lateral oI his uoole, the la o Ir B!••• ...torch 1(o"t. Kemp, son of Mrs. 1'. U. I+, ,i., p•s•ed his second year examine. rot ,aer•croal science, I0 120(1111 PWeirs. Ir, 'desire"! 1 Reimpose : (.ergo /leery, an otd and ,MwtedrMlAset el E.et yy.w•.Mb, dud AA Week at rte resnteeee el ole Goo in law, mad Nimrod la t. Harpurbsy cemetery. Uoderloh township • Mn. Samuel Roto - lo .11• titter of W. Dudaeorth, of the 16'.b o,.„ died at her rest -Nous in V•Im0n Arm• H l% , on April 15:b, aged fifty four yens it a *wally uderetood Ib•t by Old retdsoa well remember M•e Itantl.l', tl.0 the numbor of fish hatobe w ho left ben tor the Coast twenty threei sat In wlonia'..d. Tn. e..•oo 2e o m 0 ovation ootiunou•ly Mobs last horemNr. Tbe reader may wonder how the Dumber o' these little fish le arrived at The egoism is me•earei by the gill and then counted. es ultipllee• 0d wet e'er bout years ago. Her hothead and three •on• i another itors motbwill Doreceived orowde hays Gerrie▪ rvive. : weer. thunder spasted to over the •lololty Friday. iSbIabst and there. were fol y the. hudr.d peop • there from D.ttoit and Wtd%or o0 Son day last. situated iso the edge of 111e v the*. but BOOKS AND PERIOOICAL3• owing to the united •fiorts it the tllt•ger• the Sr. was extrng•iabd before it got very IatoeioI,es'. nirrlow 'In modey by ( oo tea y meat headway. P vr Hodmesvllls: Pretemor Hare of 11•.t.05,. wr.ters. Wish the oirp+ocoo of the o"0otry sapertnt•odest of the Poultry F,ttentnr De- � toe old local em vanishes A u r country w u Is Holm•.ylio woolly la) grows big people. Then •raia.l .b• liyle n represented In the two ,r .t serial. by K•ohard Hardlsg Davin and F. Hopklneoa Ymltb, and by Bye short stories of gnat variety to @abject and obarwter. Potations Gilman ooncladee his remtnlsoeoc•w with "Seine I'l••eant Ino dente," oemine dowo at late u the '.le 200th .nolvereary oelebr.- 1100, and ending with 1)r. De'mon'. latest .oademle achievement, the formation of Mr. re eleven o'olnck, sod N • e-oeeryueooe 11tht ▪ struck Heeetee Kra ' fine tank barn• Caroegle's gnat N+n"nal Ii.tttn.loe, Dr. Oilm.o 1,52151 la h'■ Asper some of the inside of , 0r that philanthropic enterprise. Mir Jtnut.l MAo•A/I'C ANn Rr.'1e •« rug F• Farmer Ring' le preaeoted 1u op pinto"- sod poem "Back to Ire- ' by Samuel lr. l'ye, of the Metho- dist Book (oot:Ar , le • fie. illustrated solo to Yr. James' Irish articles "Bar. bad. 'Little E.glan4.' by Rev. T. W. Hester, and "Te Translormst'u1 of Bor. I ma," by U. Harmer, illustrate the sr - rheum • rat Haw t. '1 he first port of "Oa the N tY Shore of C• cute, d y F. •. Wlgbtm0a, itis map the rem1ee .• • d berolem of sub• Arno and Artlo ezp'oratl . "Out of I) ors with the 1 Artists" Is a tin pica for nnthand art tutees fr .m Data The Immortal Loy loam mounts, ' by Rev. Dr J se S. G loam es t .etblestory Ahelard sod Helots'. 'CI: atmos EYan1" roltas the religiose roman of W.11 W. Therm strong merlthe res iew departifi"otby Can•diso 1 I) ' ars 1)ewart treats some uherae erlsetce of t . •'New Theo- logy." Cb"oo.Uor Bo.waeb , 10,[1111•11' The Problem ot s,01,0S•Ivatlo, " Poultfey • Boer war. o' "Antics• sr. from 's and oron- w. Pesti delivwmll tt•r'•I••t• whobas "barge 0s a al treetmeot 11 increasing gtw•is : pt. Snider sad f•mlly, (nrmerly o infinite" with i. 1: Ellod, "malt, ase 000 rMidenis tel 1 •yuva, of the poultry ted .110 FI'and ord bail four 1ar & 02 ',Metall rp•Csnaciao yl . itz ae. rem/minify the 14 grow, rleanai eaatoa Br 111 y t�'• Weald l e , me'ieg /ken "QS") i k pttto4s"-'vee world a hun trod y aatKottv Post;1)3ver moo at this p ate. t• Oub,ton. each w is • eked w of 220 Mac ser letding mel ere pl.0• tbhaat, .:r meet wo'O. now, and with the aid ot several Ow ,. of rhea he bas a *eked w•.th lack eggs ta.iwtl • William oo'oslook has tor. west E(2 C•teaiaa'B ttosgdence. togather me its 6•e scree ia.,a.i.tiee• 1'M price pail sin !2550. asthma The W,otbfq haver factory, .lava this yew tOdes the meet e Dt. Uavis.1st. of tit Marys oroamery. ewe ready for •pseas1ss. Nuns Tu May of last weal tire. R tbs. urea" sot did tree left Itru•se), fur boas Used as .o •rp•rlme0t. He had codiffelder• ,•tee. Halifax • S F Hesetie. f2 themeby a ergs, a lb 1 »•t naml»t of b.eotiOff.v Illustrated.Conn .ret o1. 00 p. ao rn. theme diol •g¢•, hut it 1e riposted •r8 rot d.. g,p1. S. of th• II'r pro.u•dy p:ctupe. ! y . 1..04'1 supply will be greyer. A. the re- 1d de.c'1 toe 0l the Eastern T•.on•hi � ter; $1 C) for • t months ho awl.ITS VERA WrE1 . alt of the h about and etwoow thicken. for oot sl Lmdri •eel.►y.are th•eeewnrtoytooii'f - .,.r . wpt •Mst 3000 dui. •Aft bovkssl 11''• ears •ei1 throa¢hmt the day. mutat. ll•. Blfeed w rev+wtvtng • number botanic The oiterN•• mod lighter 1••'u-•• t\'en i�.0 up ani work or plea, of white Wyatttetteand hone a ion rock chtrkf'are as antert.taIUI N -o. _ TO rhdgk . n�9 01u Lvo alwal es. from T• r,.'o.nd will la i•a • case of ler TAY MAY- Lor•IF'• Howse J.rt'tNAl. - 1 ,.,(,t witty; tff T to which place Yr• each for lenhe . Cork, Ireland. . TheW ole, r ck n I From sot ol.arming co r by Allo -t1 H.rtar sr.-b....ed, s:bil,tbr0 nth chicken., is...., Tr. L,dtee . was win several weeks aro. lel Te M•y member. late to an eon • , isle Nero •:o•Ibo► material. , Jo :n Inca port r•V1tIY+m B gg- currant M ntreal : L. - aro +.wo awl ekM swaths aW�•nt+. Nies-l.at�+aal�the Y• W Kot It'. 'wither thing. •e night.. 112.. 1r l A. F.iu leery last wink I will M led Gr three week., as Nome J,•urn•l travels la ell seeramping Thg Tn rt alon. by ..e'1r at n r•! le ,rxary awl eruuk•ry busses 1.0 are a greatest demand la tie Old G,u4try i a .set oesi Th ret Tn,whumps g teats tette department o r , ly. qt.g till reef, w lea .halrp winds bite, fol E•oest T'bon•ys'n.=•bo'1 dep.rtmeot for W toot. wrier. A. Y. T' ,.. of s po •e iro and ter new merk.u. - I b„yr, wh-ch a written 'and 'leetr•ted by urpbtw has totes porM,e.o■ OUNGANNON• I th . bowie naturalist author • tot, Lad lt's very wet ernes clave are new, y• just ee Warms • ti. E Kato has sold Ida n In Tlun,tanron TNR810•tat.0 b the ogre •f J 0. Ward,, volt Ie • v. Personal woe, wit' .f the And look 0s weal a they 40 Dee, 4nWe terse w . Yr. Trot M. of Bowies, Nrrrterw. -The 100.1 •gen 7 'Nosy Ueeuon,y who know. Pesti 1 t Rnao To *hist' they'll . east," rnrahe n • I W1'rme .whey: tis. Mr. Tatter M plop 1 J. 1'.. eav7lecn� �.raeiog aul lob '"Ouldocr !res • The •� ii Kimelaerind to give 88°8446 - er t bane► tho.marve oat "•],them work, amouete W '• ,tis. tir-t rt. o CONtat.rsl'u. Ws, .1001 with tis. many a del.gh'iu1 story W Iran• - . frieed% sod "um"' s q u'0'ano1" of celled "Tne lodifleireceof Jolter." Nellj e know that h tells •'How the girds it ti'd Their E The Division between good and Indifferent Drugs and Medicines Is strongly defied here. The Indite fereot kind are never orderad and Dover permitted to form part of onr stock. 0 My goads of undouotsd purity are cffered to customer.. Our stook of PleOprleitary Medielnes Is very large. Prices are low, E. JORDAN, 212.2)ICAI. HALL. HELLO THE OLD" RELIABLE. is a u lad or fee re who will Id at and !Wen K. fir o g -•w11i,, ..a..I-•tit• lira rise: ardor t n'rarip oo. .d+ f I s story rel her his.. Batt when the holes heals is chow, !flew removed Ao std Wri wdl•kaeww b lei for the eam. fi •erne c,p Jas beuttoo. ho to Mm eet of t dint Ism our midst h thef v ADr 2q h• yl s is GI a 3 irb4ts sen 1 p• What in thew al's • man to do 8porer„ at fbe 0/0 • 1 l 5 !t ahmorid vµ i oo► a info t? t,'• were weal when rkirs are clear, Wimp frit•'s are tram and lames dear, To think y'e'll pant through lite nae fetr- W not s wifei ; .oty•tll yestl ad leer seat a. irfertk: Yre•A,lkwdfeet sad family till. Jae. Walker, ate p -f leased w re •n° .o no lain i week fox h etewei where Mier Witt elle a gradually recovering from her recent A t...,,,, sand Will IS diry show. the ben• tears m tartare Mt. is •oadfo.t paraoau/d dines*. 1 1. a fine isle . f d t of "1he R•.dl.y Houle" lir. Boh'• eeresem wane • Isniteroi become that' •law walks aM• ourimrninn o,. Lt0 2.N. -•f vee well uo0wo ahem a Union: But 21-11reN, of CI otos. sow prnunetor of Om !•moue hit Pride 1 thesue New 1 niter., and Mr. Mobilo l0 L'nool.. ha, anmmeo-ed hie.0 alantol I l.npannnn and o•her p .ase to the! h.2,11 ant sever•' flew bee s bb. and .uwo+hlys Of Aehfiefd, II iron a-rsd t%4I. I advice ennMe d lo'.rMNng fame good,d of the various .re ane - Maty Ye Real •taint, wee wee laid up act essllpoe st the I.lolalto0 bo•p" al lo ]welts, m gettlag bettor, we u/ •l.d to fro borne. departments, the..._.- 'Mlrrtocl e1 metcb. a tot osteo ek shit mud, I'Wa.ltr+ n' RAPID' o -'i S o'h•re sat ( sl par tmly automotive. R: The Curtis r'nb• rears they will oo. ince i,t.oeGe. K. S. I atatl ae f P rse, o• e o na.l tour ;u- t he►. literate I.I1 diode with the reading of Ye;w, of rows, bas .. ,cyt0d a eta-tle° eye tins 6t m. R'tetbrep : Ooe of the moot tntere.tlar house", • large ahnreb etw Husk! Idle. Stony, sea. n 1 tAau1hter e! f faooAattierm-wltiab es& “E him bitty the i remain* brier tf illustrate i oa's "May- .oR"• theta u a beery sdt•wa' r n•rroIIV •drm P m. S any. D,eame the b: i i• of mew Tb. follow sR so r ( J •yl Connolly, ery a wl r +d.eo, B,rwlck. i inn dwelling hoose. bit S•ohers hue y 1 e • Dumber "' budding e. n'r end NNrai bsre perudea Sol ,i43,, . M•¢.z eolorf May. 1 i color by m-kmg Rn' probe•. in the rtes Ssmel Kceeh'e new euro and I 1 .h.nr lore itov, Philadelphia. a emote •o Y: nee Ar lar•year. l'r,ebreok Alfred and Yrs. Rsymane and rehire°, of Detroit, wore woloom• whore hire for taw days• levy tats last cwt (o• San ',cambia*. CA, where they rums ro king their home Irate:: Mrs. Evwssel B melt sad two dlbtes and Mr,: Wm. Hadden and shad, At Woodsy of leeI weep for Crystal t'•ty. Ile; whin they will pia Weir Ihaeb00da oat make their (mats home. Year.: John Lawton, 8 b 1100, will vials N'1 relatives and and fronds la Lsnlrk Co. te1t1ee. He hos sold his 200 sores to Mil emu, elle are eW lis po.,euion, and mil .11 y a • ell earned test. es are, ''.n 'M (Iris l of - James . • tie a eI ave ehpe,'atoferednby1he! adventures '"On • h•r'h Sea Smack" Thom whit M 111her, (lit uetrbed by M. J. Burn') --another of Blabf,u' 1 highest 4'with 373, and those 'nimlt•b(efishing like, che'whiohhave (HU Glover. . d 11, the hiehe.r were aiready -put lit. Connolly la the bruit rank J nnwith, 370 befog rutulaie of writer, of the Pre : an excitor "1iy-ice wl0aen of ,he or zte. the wog with a Mutkell0oge," by Johe 11. 8.'hom, thein on the 0 eaec•ss• who 1„ 1 tery'brtef .11. q'ves the reader IfITllra ARD THI,R. - JO.1. Hirer, re. .11 the lone that an expert Bohannon easy of Unclench, sod now of S mates', re's in lending • gamy 6•h (illuanted with ral&tl tY'wenNh, a 00 • ti'hnR . ep r ted picture by A 11 1011 poem by 'John bootie s ,• rotative' in A•hfidd and vicinity, an d there 's an "1'.+117 Msy" P y I Hairs•, on roue to strath Atrium friends and acyusiot.oces in Dorisi)0 0 5 the I tIorrnog4r. F a'loa t0 mist entertairslosl aril vicinity. Ne were plowed to .'e t -e i - --�NN / 2,.I. venerable m. MOIT to. i ooer,r(odaiohi 1.11 j111T11 t'!!'t, hale Wm. farmers la h f en la the ouitphborhocd. INDS OF But clouds will come the strait athart, L 1 female tumuli p•rrt cheer your OAL' ALWAYS ON HAND T11E BRIT ScraIltoIl Bard Coal IN; THIS MARKET Al Coal woigh•d on the Market scales where you get Mitt Ihe. for a ton. ,.,.1ani' arertf j WM. LEE. les thea sap saddened heart I Like • deaf weft,! young and kale:- Orden left at LEE at SHEPHO&il'S We feta weal when y Store promptly attended to. Rot when reit adid, ard crez td, and frail, And your blithe .p Its 'ete to fail, Ye it w.nt • whey. lint mayh'p then the 1 dear Will ties'. your aft ro wt' it sneer, It -ranee ye're GrankY. grey, and sere, t'e'll get nee wmay. Then hoot* ye haste, ye silly loon; Row up and Bork .hoot the tone: And get Hasve0'0 greatest earthly been- Awoe btwttey. Strange isn't it ! Just .s the birds hive come book for the summer the tree' m. le.vlDl. A. 3 Cooper I.st week ehip;ied 6 000 •) of oat• to Portl.od, 1. among the arm bailee potatoes for ehipneor. if • repasts � r runty. Eutsr W. J. Seeders, of Ki'larrsey, I p I Be se giving note. 11w , way united In m.rrIa . no tyedoM • Bead suPV y "y. April 23 4, to • klie■ Powell. Mt. bushel for /nod q set, and Mr,. '4ttier. formerly ridded here sod 001 • 1 (}gtle0 ern t101711,lb- - at of the l.t• tithe S+n 4.re. Walter Sten art, of Luoknow, who some Mlyth Mrs. R 'hard Sellae west to ye.rs past wore ....teemed residents of UJo• (n•onto tlovle mnrotor o1 Ivt week def .noon, were on Mond°► Ib1 Baas" of Mt. .Toesdey e••n•r returned here with her ani Mn. James vt.lk.. -- -Wugr typhoid M and Mrs. Jamas 1rn Albert, who hos Man to Grows ho.pltal ('rneble, of holiest, visited.R'.I►er, on r for pot Icor months dok with yP .net, r. odnMnes Z ver Mond• and ren•wnd !miner scq ►- y M serer fl.r1. SHwar:, ermoed -- kra..ls A .pine of Norwegian situ® rhtoa rt --ring rernr•d • i Poul le nnw driven by Walter Lower. elle Smolt site Mane, 1 He(02'het..1. Pcboorston. They a%tfMN ,A onm•nena. ha 1w.ld,•r-il• •ilen'loo, parlieulerl1 �11k1 d ;stow portion ot the sommaolty. Barfield : Mrs. Mn•rsy. of London, who teat beam+ the {flit wan'. hotel, has moved net of her h„nesbold goods here and 0o the too of 01,y (hat favorite hostelry wawa the note) 2... oeae and becomes • boarding t.,.ee rely. 'Fh it s Wlooh-m A•Tvuoe : Mr. .It her. on Wrdaeed-y e f last wsek with t site and lam'Iy tor Uodsrleh, where '"•r wdl rselde to future. Billy will he r1rwtly min.& 1a Brlbays, asp,etally by tee toff, desk,.. founts: W. D. Coeds!, who attended the S'r1thr0y 0a ry S,bonl, stood toarth to . Let of elvhty.ono students at his .r- +einvine. He has taken • Poem" 05 "1•••r..- of the Stratford stew• factory u. Olden, son of A. ltewa .It hen t- good position •s • an einem there. i_ 00 'Pete •v OF LOCAL INTEREST• A Fi:tT1'" FAMILY -VIrtarOrimewh'r'i10 Is a mil of Prof Odium, of Vancouver, B.C., well known in Goierlch, hos received • sw- e„w,m,Nlno at lieutenant In the fourth Gm r- adian contingent for Sou'11 Airiest. IC. private, the bet eoatingant as p • with first de. _- serc, 1 .red returned to (JansA- with the fly Es lowing of irvanded t',edian*. 'The fn1- lowing fe'l h. went to Toronto end entered Victoria 1'nv. r dry, where • h e . outset n' he has ldat n.ss•A his noel ix1+0mina+'� tlam4 ns tor the degree .t( ti, A V. brother G,rnet le now i0 V„nth Africa, and • °hulas, Eldred 1. Uttem, tt'oot,t0ak, has enlisted with the nnnttnrent FO^W awn oa•. • brother of Gagne', and Vmtnr Edward, the Halifax Odlaro, een0 wdhdenleped mill• mmmmmmmtI main rrmmi HAVE YOU HEARD of the great snaps that... LEE & SHEPHLRD are offering in B-I---C_Y CLE. -S A $45.00 Wheel for $25.00, "Goderich $55.00 '44 _3' $30.00, "Common -Sense" - These Wheels are fitted with Dunlop 'fires, are up-to-date in every respect and guar- anteed for one year. Mill Wood FOR SALE The above is cut into stove wood 'math and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. - Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention. 'Phone PETER McEWAN. (l h, N„t•,•mt.•r 21st, 12(90. 53•3m Jordan Block. McKIM'S Ooderich, Ont. A Corset Event. We immured 220 pairs of • manufaoturet'e job of New Corsets. They are short frost, fear clasp, made of good Wan, with fanoy'saton strapping, filled with rib. sod side steel., oloely trimmed with lace, good value you would say as 39c 603, w. got • bargain so that we will sell them at Coronation Corsets. N oat 000"1 wear the sew style of skirt without a pole of tome. There's • demand In thew, and they were made to meet 11. Straight trout, short waist, with loot, hip. $2 00 Blank Skirts for $l 26. Millinery. We have now some short ends of trimming which w• mak• up into the news.. style 1f Hate •I • half of their regular prtoe. 11 yeti went to trim your own has w• kava feathers, bowers, etc., at • very low prloe. 1'ou wast Suit .red wast one for that boy, and you wank Clothing dopoodablo up•to•date rooyoud., you do0'e went to pay too mash for them. We have the artiole you are looking for, and at • lees primp than you etpee0 to y$7. MEN'S PYRE WORSTED SUIT -flood farmer's satin lining and mohair dose., well wads, good fitbre, acid the prim la not 410.00 but $7.00 BOYS' SUITS.- Ws bays some special vales at f2 00, and others up to Wb,00, and all at • clean saving of from 60o *soh up to 42 00, McKIM'S BUSY STORE. Pictures Free. Until the 1st of Juno we will give With Every $5.00 Purchase of Wall Paper One of our Beautiful Pic- tures 12 x 14. These pic- tures are mounted on grey sat, nicely framed, and he favorite subjects of .he day : Baby Stuart, Countess Potocka, Golf Girl. Coall Coal! JUiT itKUEIVED 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. \. We have a complete nie of Screen Doory.and (1 Windows, White Lead, Oils, ;: It a sea of Jae. and Mrs. Uoaeiey, of h d f e a year m Refrigerators, etc. I'll e : Oe events" ,y.eetly, . ranee ,ar stran.in Thos 4 _ n• 4+4' held for Rey. 1t,. 1. seem, w and t.0 str.ln i' that bat M. �E S1 r die, Iln'tart (lees 0*1. men Mn.t tea. deposit i gel■ 0r..r- y,a Mn. K. bowl , when Ton Su']A1. meottoned th• dlpks here. Mgt los d gentleman ho w • Ill on whitefish try "hued u to Me m4rlsv•. Darin stir• doh wan from the Uove PHARD d bowled d prevt• I in tit. 1 1 dvaft•gs of the brkie s resume These dlmte whin bee ,11 'present her with a b.sn'fnl 0 yr table •rnment W ehsr, at Song 'doh, NgilNRttMw reoognitlos ot the rimy kindly aid pe0• huodrot million of them have been rateed, 0sy book g th. evening m t McKJ3NZ E & HOWELL TRH I'LACK TO MTV ALL HARDWARK CHEAP. EAST BIDE SQUARE. OODERICH. el,n. ; .1. A. W alter, tile culvert, 42 00; Jolla Harker, building, fence and fornlebl.R material at gravel pit, 44 (A : John Harker, graveling Doelop'e Hel, N 50; Jetta Bar ler. oleeter grovel pie, 42 50. Oe motion of Attrill and Jewell th•..Berl! adjourned to moot May 27th as a aunt of revision sed fee other business. F. W. MDDDNAun, Clerk. This Coal Is good for stoves and grates Is easily lighted and mites out a great hest. 1 Car West Virginia_Lump Coal. With every $2.00 pur- hase one of our 8 x 10 ramed Pictures, with a umber of pictures to loose from. Remember, the number ' these pictures is limited. Id You See The beautiful Gilt Em- bossed Paper• in our win- dow this week. 25c and 30c a roll, reduce to 3c. ��IDD'S 1908 - 1909 L/STOWEL ialifa Is moving forward. Winter term begins Jan. 1. 1W1. Our ratty aro reasonable, our onerMs of study thorough and praot lost. Sandbar a m Journal and ase what we traob. 8tud.4m mal enter at any time. Two courses of study. ('ommerolal and Shorthand C. A. v1.EMIN0, A. L. MoINTYRE. Preto, Seo,. Owen boon'!. 1lstowsL. BOOK STORE, Ooderich. Hard Coal. 2 Car Scranton n Har 2laslllen Washed Not 30 ate. • per 100 lb.. or f 5.80 Per 05- RIVE ea. RIVE iT A TRiAL. Wm. Campbell. ,Ooderlob, March 10 h •.. century. 0?. wore unable to h. prosect .t the party bat with a large ants of Irleade and rela- tives Iola In oengrstulatione. KINOSBRIOGE. YnrnAT, April 2141h. Miss Minnie Mointov loaves nest FrIesy for MIND, WRDDzD AT 9'r, J(lasrn'%.-A 'try , -__. .. „ as pronounced by the medical health officers of Paris and Old London, Eng , as the most wholesome bread, and they condemn the forced•r.i.tng yea.t process that is used by bakers in factories as being unwholesome and indigestible. D. J. CURRY. The Kensington Furniture Co. -0 TAILORING... 1 hays received my Now `81.5.9 of Suitings, Trouserings. etc., for Spring and Summer Wear. 1f you aro getting • new option Witt • light overcoat, or anything In my Ile. I oan please you In goods, tit and prloe. t rteady•Made 4lotaing 1■ reek. H, DUNLOP, ; *B Mcklilop MIntulj Fire lawruce G. FARM AND ISOLATED TOW', PROP- ERTY INSURED. 1 [value Of Property lneurei up to January, 19(11 e3,eeems,es OrrICICIW AND DIRLCTORB. J. B Maclean. pros : T. Fraser, vloe•ere.. : Connolly. onnolly. 0. Dale. W. 0. (ro.dfoat, J. Watt, J.,. Eosins, J. G. 0rlevc. J. Bennewela. directory; W. 0. Broadtolt, 8eaforth, Inspec- tor of looms; T. E. Hays, Se.forth, esoret.ry treasurer. A06NTN, ]. W. Yeo, Holmesvtlle ; James Cumming Egmtondvllle : It. MoMlllan, 8e.forth ; 13natb, Harlook. Polley -holders 0110 pay •memmente and gat their cards recopied at Yr. Coats'. Clinton. or .t McLean Bros.' I'alaoeClothtog Store,0ode rloh HAVE APPOINTED HYNAS & CORNELL agents for their line of Furniture for Golerloh. isle oelebr•ted, ap•to•d•te Ilse of lodrom finites has taken the trade 1 Coned• by storm. The demand ,r goods from one end of the matey to the other is the hest toot of the quality of the •rtlole. _ Kensington Retail SIOive is on the !Square. F. BARLOV1 BOMBS keeps constantly on hand and sells at the lowest prices Hard and Soft Coal, Cannel Coal, Blacksmith Coal, Charcoal, Wood, St. Mary's Lime. The best brands of Portland Cement, Sewer Pipe, Firebrick, Fireclay. It will pay you to inspect hill stock and get prices before purchasing. Office and hard• .t the head of Nelson Street• Oodertob. of all Blew TO ADVEIRTISERS. e of cnangns most be left at this toe not later than Batnrday m. The Copy for changes et be left not Ir ter than Mom ► noon. O.maal Adverti.ementa •paid an to nor n Wednesday of h week. WORSELL'S I RE PUCE 10 GET Eavestroughing, Metal Roofing and Siding,' Dairy Tinware, Iron Pipe and Fittings . , .\ CHEAP. A Great Snap_. 1 I. our Ginger Soap, at 5o. . pound, of which we sell a barrel a week. This le.'1 our only seep. as we carry everything that oars be found In an up- to-date grocery .tore, and oar prices are right. The tanners know that they o•n skyey* get from we • soap for their produce. We draw the line •t no lebtimete node - everything goes t 01 weever* or potatoes, garden staff or ohnlo.et table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., K•iford blook. Oderioh NT A STEP -LADDER? Wo give one away with each pound of Pure Cream flaking Powder purchased from us. 50o a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a f ul bane• rtment. sz�vmRaY at co. Telephone No. 91. THE GROCER ii