HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 4THURSDAY, May 8, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIUH ONTARIO w Very sip a lye. 1'r toss, 810.00 to $17 50, Nigh -grade, Ready-to-wear CLOTHING. THE clutblog we are shoe toe this NYOo exceeds anything that bee ester been at- tempted here before. They are nut the or diner, ready -medic but "Wetly high clew tattered garments. cut on aoteutlto pried plea by the very beet nutters, made from floe Imported worsteds, cheviots, Berges and tweeds aid can be compared only to the high -clime ordered weak-eaoept to prior. There i. • big dlffereeee there. Our sales of these goods during the past mouth have boon large. People appreciate good goods and good work. Call and see them. W" oats fit you out with a good suit and yet not Children's is • specialty with es. tt'e hate a very large .took to choose L om, of the leading Ameraoai styles and prose to suit everyone, nrg.oe Clothing.. from $l 35 to 85 00 p.r Butt. We are •xolu.Ive egesta for the famous OAK Hall clothing They are the eckuowt.dg.d peers to ('.nada for ohddren's clothing, The ladlog styles for this season are the Mo very Norfolk sktu its, We would be pleased to have the opP rten'ty of showing youY stylish W. C. PRIDHAZ1, Perfect Flttting Clothleg House, M�c` a s Block. 1toor .idy's CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER Sole ght 10 ITTILLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING sir D. Ne niace*e* *ODZRICU. THURSDAY. MAY 0, 190L IS ITA MATTER OF PRINCIPLE 7 WHEN the temperance mass meet- ing was held in Goderich about • month ago JAMES MITCHELL was one of the orators, and told the audience that he was glad to stand upon the temperance platform — "that good old platform," be called it—that he had stood upon for some thirty years. He was applauded to the echo, and looked upon with pride by his hearers, as a man of principle. Shortly afterwards the Conserva- tive convention met at Smith's Hill, and owing to the unwillingness of Postmaster MURRo, of Auburn. to immolate himself upon the altar of his party, JAMES MITCHRLL was se- lected to fit the occssion, and he ac• copied the Whitney policy, and the Conseryative convention accepted him without any pledge that he would be true to Toryism and WIIITxIY in the fitime—to come. They were sure of him —a pledge was not needed. Afterwards the executive of the riding temperance people met at Goderich, and JAMES MITCHELL ap- peered before them, chaperoned by WILLLIAM COMPBELL. First the Whit- ney candidate pleaded that his record of thirty years in the temperance ranks should be a sufficient guarantee that be was of the real Strom PURR variety of prohibitionists, and when to that little story a deaf ear was turned to by the executive he began to dick- er with them like a hukster at a fair. "If 1 take that pledge," said he, "I shall lose a lot of votes, and how am I to be compensated 1" " It I sign that pledge will you sign one to vote for me t" And so on, and so on. A man of principle, who believed he was right, would have signed the document at once or have refused to do so, hut this prohibitionist of thirty years' standing was fishing for votes, and knowing that there were sixteen members of the executive ab the meet- ing that day he strove to work them in on his line in the ratio of 16 to 1. After completing his deal JAMIA MITCHELL was through for the time being with the prohibitionists, and at once affiliated with his old political associates. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, presi- dent of the Goderich Conservative association—who had, on behalf of the Conservative party, protested against MercIRLt's signing the pro- hibitionist pledge—again took the candidate to his bosom, and congratu- lated him upon the manner in which be had pulled the wool over the eyes of the executive. Major J••E Bumf— who makes no claim to be a pro. hibitioni t -also took Mtrcnai. un- der his wing, and was his guide, philosopher and political friend in a pilgrimage through the riding. This was a case of interest, not principle. JAMES MITCIIRLI. it out after yotei and whether he getsathem by swallow- ing a pledge which he never in tends to carry out, or succeeds through the canvassing powers and genial qualities of Major BECK amongst the hotel men, he cares not. All is grist that comes to his mill and any old vote is good enough for him. if the prohibitionists like that style of doing business they are welcome to It, but honest men will prefer honest methods in politics,and cannot but Yea pact the candidate who will not bar ter his political prindiples for voteo,nor sell his birthright for a hoped-for mea of pottage. cum', in West Huron and McLu4 in South Huron, the solid conservatives ob- jected to carrying out the tail end of the proposition. - Was it principle or self-interest that caused the "double header" candidate in West Huron to make the dicker with the temperance executive! -In the flood ot election talk Mr. MIT- (HILt'a paper, The Star, cannot stop long enough to say one little word against Mr. WHITNEY on the prohibition question. P. 1) MLCALLUIe, the former P. 1'. A. re- presentative of East Lembton, is running there again u a WHITNEY candidate. Mr. W'IIITNEy hu all sorts ot eggs in his basket. —It took JAMas MITCHILL al long time t0 make up his mind to sign the pledge. and he did not do it until he stipulated that he should receive the straight temperance vote. - — - - - We entice that thetemperanee candidate in Fest Huron has got one good word to say for Meerut, the former Tory chief and present temperatrs candidate ill North Toronto. - The strange story of Dr. JerYia, and Mr. HYDE is discounted by the curious case of the man who seeks election as a prohibi. tionist and u the canoidate of an anti -pro. hibition party, -Anil now the W'H1rNkx candidate in West lluron claims that the pledge to the Alliance executive "really deem t mean anything," and that he bad to take ft so that "Grit votes_ might be obtained." -Temperance Liberals should not forget that HARRY EILREI, the Whitney anti prohibition-t,.ndi late in South Huron, was the sponsor of .1 AM Ea MITCHELL, the alleged prohibition candidate in Wes% Huron. SNAP SHOT& -When the temperance organ zer at Holasevilla maid that it war the duty of lie temper•me electors to aepoort Myr- 1 fr 1 - The alleged temperance candidate has been canvassing the riding. aided and as misted by Major JOSEPH BECK, and some of the electors hays noticed that the Bu'e part of the combination predominated in the cantons — Ttere is every reason to believe that the fore and aft candidate in West Huron is likely to encounter exceedingly stormy weather between now and election day. 1t is hard for Wilmer and prohibi- tion to sail in the same boat. lvotive caadldate la West Hama, who his Pledged himself (o euppi rt • pruhlb W' y I.w He has also pledged himself to the 1' the ooeveunuu to eupport Mr. N bitotyThee we ha•• Mr. Vox to West Victors, taking a diieirnt Isaue with bis leader aro the question of bonuses to railway. Mr. Whitney has eta ed that he to totally opposed so such bonuses, but Mr. Fox is mot so opposed when tbers 1@ s obaooe to foster a railway for West Victoria. 'Truly the C thea of the Previa** are • happy and harmoowue family' THE . ATTI.E y1'AKANTI.NE, Weekly Sun : While the maintenance of the ninety day. quarantine against animals comb` to from Creat Britain dose not •p pear to have been made • condition of the gement with the United States Uovr e rnmeol for the admission o1 our oattle to the United States without quarantine, it 1s likely that It we aboll.b.d the quarantine •`abet Great Britain the Bolted Suttee gearaati0e easiest our utile would be re stored. It would be most unwise for us to take any wtlon that would Imperil our p••• sent cement with the ('uttsd States. 1t a far men important to the farm- e rs of this country that cur arraagemeat with the United States should be oontinued than that Beltish cattle should be admitted to Canada quarantine Ire.. The stleot of lbs sotloo of Mr. Dryden and Mr. Fisher at Washington toaecurlog the removal of the quorautlo• has been most beoetluent to the tanners of Canada. It bac out only resulted to • lot of ready money befog pu' In circulation through the purchase of our stockers for export across the line, but the demand which the export trade has created has had the effect ot looreuinv the price of cattle g IIS throughout the country. SUDDEN ('ONVEEs1ONe, Bru.eds Pest : Cry's osaatlful elegy says "The path of Elegy leads but to the grays.' Had Mr. Gray known as much about politica as he did about poetry btv would possibly hay. empbasited bra "pinto. on this point. A case illustrating tb• chances for • "funeral" Is appereat now to Wail Harsh. The prohibitionist Liberals ars threatening to turn down M. O. Cam iron, tie pa'ty nominee, because he declines to sign their pledge, he agreeing to ce as Inc In his support as his leader. James MI shell, the Coeseryarive candidate, has ekes the pledge and the stiff Coneetyatives are up to rebellion exam's Lim and demand another s;aadard•bearer who w111 stand by J. P. Wbltcey's policy of opposition to the prohibitory legislation rather than back op the statute awaiting the people's ,.`diet sexy Jeoomber. Tela should be so Ryer opener to prohibitionists in clearly d.mo0- e tratlog that the tsars befog shed over the 'sutr•geons" way In which lion. G. W. Hos treated the temper•ece people and nrgiog that the said temperance vote he recorded for Mr. Whimsy were of the crocodile variety. Wiles The London Free Press and The Toronto World devote their columns to publishing editorials Irom The Cnnatiso Guardian, the organ of the Methodist cherish, and speeches of Hey. I)r. (Jarman o0 this prohibltiun gOestloo, you may gems 'there is something to the wlod, as their re• cord is of the bl•ckeet and dirtiest type along these Ifose other than at e'ection time when they fiddle purely and 'Imp'y for party purposes. If you don't talieve tbls, untie reader, watch their columns and the tone of speechifying by some of their ".r dent` supporters after the 29.11 of M.y. Compare the record of the two parties to Parllamsol n• the temperans notation and we ars satisfied to abide by the copse gae0ese. A NEWFOUNDLAND LETTER I.hoaeded Gratitude for • [emarkahte ('ore rrow,pts the writer, Bracco, Newfoundland, May 5sh,!Spe- sial) -Mr. Joseph Stioklaod, of 11i!o plan., has sent the tollowlog letter to the I (add's Mediates Co. : "I was • great sufferer for two yeara and eoald and no ren tidy My doctor could do aothteg tor me, and besides the dootore I had tried all the medicines 1 could bear of. ''Ths deletion told ms I had an stases' t o the liver. 1 could not tell night from day. the polo was so great. Lib did not seem worth llying 1f I had to endure soon @tape tying pain. 'E'ghl boxes of Do.ld's Kidney PJIs cured me, acd 1 butt col had an Bebe or pain a'noe „ — W1I.1.IAMCAMrBEI.E,whoat the meeting of the temperance executive bid, "On be- half of the Conservative Associatton I ob'ec4 to Mr. MIT, HELL'S signing the temperance pledge," is now working tooth and nail for the man who signed the pledge. - The taking of the temperance pledge by the Tory candidate in West Huron was not a matter of principle. it was pimply n business deal to gee votes, and he would not sign the document until be had tied up the temperance executive to vote for him, Young man, the Liberal Government of Ontario hu riven you the privilege of Sot• ing if you art over twenty one years of age and will take the trouble to register, if you name is not already on the list. The first four days of mixt weak Is the time to regis. ter. — According to The Star and other Tory organs Mr. WIIITNIY is still offering noth- ing but "good intentions." Comparing this with the progressive policy of the Liberal party in the past and tor the future the Conservative leader must think the exec• tors are to he .aught with chaff. WHA r 01 HERS ARE SAYING. will' ROTS READ OHMS ROIE1s. --Torsete Star Boys rem,Nmee read dime novels b.css.r they are denied open and hosed abuse to soy other kind of reading :bat bee enough lite In It to interest them. MR. MITA 811.1,0 IR.'1'01�T Ss•lorth Expositor : The (ioderioh Star, of whloh Mr. Mitchell, the (' mairvathe, eaedid■te to West Huron, Is editor, has as yet not let the puebo Into the secret u to how that gentleman is ,n play the double snuffle ot prohibit onise and anti prnhlbttion tel, at coo and the seine time. It would he 1h Inv needier and world oertably help the electors of that riding to lee cousin. election. Cease oe, Mr. Star, let no see hew It le done. ONTARIO OOy ERN KENT 1.►At>1.! 9t. John, N. B.. Telegraph: Now Got an elution is no in Ontario we are nnrprleed to learn from the Tory erases of that Prov - hoe that the Hon (ten. W. Hue b a bold, ked man, and the. Ontario Government a lest of • rraptdon. Dawn hero by the tea ere all, irresoeetl•e of party Inc.. have the Idea that (haute. has lees the best gn• ersed Proviso* In the Demister Os,Wel r to Isvlelatice hes been oopled by every ether Province is the Dominion. A HArry FAMILY S'. Mary'` Argos : Ths Lladsa Warder, .weed by Cel. Sam Huhu. f4 1' Mr Whitey o'e1e1y that It I. totally ep treed to the .end ha kae taken sed rennet salvors him in It, as ,t behaves ,h. ,afar tandem le the proper mane .1 ascertaining the people'. will nn the roosting of prehl- MtIme. Fgeslly at varieties 1s the Pena r• DUNLOP. Hotelier, April 28. Mark Horton, formerly • resident here. w111 again reside here fhb summer, and with his wheel will make weekly visite to Dun. gs0000. The recent rainstorm coined • landslide en the northeast ode of the bridge croselrr Clic barn near i he postoffioe The demsge war repaired by J. H. Berber. As the electric railway re below talked of we think the amity fathers sbould reploos this bridge with •.ton. oulvert Malibu to the e ns ander the (;. T. R track at I'Iatt's mill, Goderlab. [ladled la the Rare. This is an uifailtea sign of oatarrh, and If not checked will ultimately result to Jsaf- nue. The simplest remedy b l,aterrhr zone, whiob, 11 labeled a few times daily, prso.oto the oat,rrb.l eonditloo from epreadlnw. ('atarrhoz,oe quickly stops the rioting 10 the ser., head noise, y.yee permanent re- lit t to catarrhal deafness. For catarrh l0 lust, part of the system, bronohlti,. asthma. lung or throat troubles, ('atarrbrros. Is • e pe,•lhe, and Is guaranteed to permoeot:v Dare or your money book. Large' zs, al 00. trial size, 2S:. Draggers! or Polson & (,o., Klsr.too, Ont. L)r. Hamilton's phie cure w asNpat on. bbeys Eftervescen! Salt The bestTonic and System Regulator for Spring It purifies the blood and improves the tonc of every organ in thc body. A teaspoonful in a glass of water in thc morning after breakfast. Sold by ell druggists. f mmnrmmmmmmnmmnnnm 1 Keep Your Grass Cut !�, And your Lawn looking green and tidy. We are sole agents for the fanwue Universal ball-bearing Lawn -Mowers The Very Beet on the Market. 3 a .r a GARDEN HOSE and LOIN RAKES, We have a Targe and %ell aesorte•l 'tock of Garden Hose, Hose Couplings, !lose Menders, 11:ui.1., Norr'e., Lawn Rakes, --tee Hedge Clippers, Turt E,i ;,ars an.l eterything In the line of r ve•rden Tools. , —so Ain is a call. AC ft ill do our best to please you. EThe Leading Ir ALLAN -`c McIVER ware trod Move �IUU I''" J. H. COLBORNE Cash icel Dress Muslim. Black. Colored, Black and White and White la primes. So, Yo, 100, 121, 14o, 150, 17o, 2J 2 c, 25e, 30o, 350 and 50o. The largest raageof Drell Musltaa ever seen to Oudot 'ch. Laos Curtains. 500, 750, 85e, 90o, 81 00, 11 2511 50, $ 1 75 82.00, 1225, 8250 $275.11300, 8325, 1350 aad $450. 55 hoe end colored Cur. Lala i1 usher, frilled. Frilled ('urta•n Mussels Nes sod Art Musiau., Parasols Dime. from the makers, and at Ked Hoek Press: SOu. 75o. 1100, $1.25. 81 50, 81 75 $1.90,82 00, 82 25. 82.75, 83 00 and $4 00, aad ya!oss right. Shirt Waists, la Black Settat st,81,15, 81.115, 81.50. 81 75, 82.00 and 8.50. White Waists and white toe Mu.lius, 85,, 11.00. 81.25, 81 75, 12 00 aad 82 25 Stacie Batanna Skirts. 81.00. $1 50 81 75, 82 00. Ginghams. A hug range aad all sew, 1210, 16o and 20,. Prints. 8000 yards, So, 8o, 101 and 121,. AB new title spring, 11, bite Skirt., W hit. Waists. White Drawers, Whiles Dawns, Bison Cashmere! Hoe*. 201 to 651. Colrain Hew 101 to 40,. We wish to call special attention to the above lines as there is no better value to be found anywhere. J. H. COLBORNE FARMERS! DON'T SOW YOUR OATS until you have treated them withFORMALDEHYDE to destroy smut. Much better than the old way. Inexpensive. We furnish Directions. Climax Furniture Polish Ileatemall Stovepipe Varnish Makes .II s.ruashe,l work look like i 25c, 5 for $1.00 new. l'ualtiyely the hest. —we—we Disinfectants Household Aetmseia Flower Seeds Gardee Seeds Honest Goods at Honest Prices. • ' W. C. GOODE, Chemist, U1U1��1UUIfi A SPRING ODE Two Feet to a Line. V.3o\:vt\ Ixeutticr, LA•ttka \)oCtO' \Itcu CONSULT... SHOEMAN THE — ...AS TO PRICES. Bei BEDFORD 13LOCK.. Strain the Air AND KEEP OUT Flies, Bugs and 1• Mosquitos. \\•I: 11.1\"1: Screen Doors and Windows made up in Standard Sizes. Others adjustable to any desired size. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. HARMAN, N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. CUR SPR„ING.STOCK J BROPHEY & SON — THs LEAD(NH — V AASH o.\ Vve tctor g and IIAmookro..ra. order, carefully •tlraded 1* at all herr., aline .r day. Q.ehee alrrel. The Change of Weather and the Fly remind us that now is the time for -_ Screen flOOr$illd Windows, aad Refrigerators Wr have a large Just arrived. We inspection. awn tment invite your We aro hrndquarters for Paints, Oils and Varnishes, Eavestroughing, Plumbing, Heating, Etc., Etc. Lee & Silepilard Is now ready for inspection, both in trimmed an,1 untiimmtxl hats. Ti`immed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Saito . from 15c up. Ot stock is complete in es cry line. (;all anti inapect. MISS ' ERON, Tk1T,ON 1mmtImmmtmtl4tri!,rtrtmttttiltt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ItttlItItrIMM !tt til III t IMM e CEO. W. THaMSCN &SON 'so. E have been .. the ' Bicycle Busin ever i...„' since a Bicycle s a Bicycle, ft'nd ne r bezill - fore have we had such a variety to make a choice from r has the value ever en SO goo(!. '- -' ..r STEARNS BRANTFORD RACYCLE 1'1ITCHELL \ CRESCENT WORLD HYSLOP a ADLAKE CROWN Etc. • Also a number of used Wheels, some almost as' good as new, attrprisingly low prices. If you need anything in Bicycle Repairs we carry a full line, and nur repair department in supplied with all MO equipment necessary to turn out god work, and Is in chsrgo of a trot ..lass repair -man. In the Piano and Organ Business we are no novices. prrr thirty year' ear ex' siderafile to you iia,*you even nur peri 10 im worth Yon` Dominion Pianos and Organs. the hent value made in Canada, also oar Wormwith Pianos and Goderioh Organs. ,r business to show you the nuperior pointe of our inetrnmente We have a few greet encond ham! (realm Even if You do not Intend to buy duet, now call on is and we will IM plo.teed to pillow you what we have. 11 is our 1 In Sewing Machines wn.I,II well the White (rotary ,and vibrator), New Williams. Standard, and 1 Queen, All supplied with the latent attachment* and guarantee 1 tear ten yearn. a We carry a full line of Gutters, Mandoline, Vinline, Acenrdeons, Harmonica., Str nem, Sheet Music, Mimic Books, eta. 3 If you do not live in town write and we will be pinauel to mood yon eatwlogne. of our antras, or to rail on volt. GEO. we HOMSON SON, 1 & ir WEST SIDE 01' SQUARE GODERICH 3 711110110 lU1U111M Ml1U111 U M £ r