The Signal, 1902-5-8, Page 3JA••It�"�il-4/,jL.i�iLil.il►..it Jt Jet41-.1111.411.41. ! oillteig. tat M 1st. Seen in Woman's World Gossip About tete fashions Beauty flints- Matters of Etiquette and General Chat for t entinine Readers. tune-�� plrTlr' /rale -darer sr srYr'Ilr /it'dT7lydtr'ilrYt 'dr'n►'Or41tr'r/1r7r'7r-.r•,PV'ew A woman wilt often say no, when elle Doane yea. but never yes, when she ruiunu no. The normal woman Is capable 01 love and fifty affair* A woman's cluarity ►aut+tlmee be- gin* away from Hume, fwd then re - mallet there, A young girl• Is the nenreet 'ap- proach to an angel that we have - Lod the motet exuNperuting. It lits ueve•r yet been deolded win►• trier u woman a happier when happy ur whin miserable. When a wttntan to thoroughly tired. Wee tltld. nothing so n4rerldng as a Moe, long talk --May .(mart Bet. jili there Is ay of genua athero are , u.t• I` eight-gored oft ten dimples,' by rts are very mt he lee tit wit a „f pretty ones which hovel tertical lurking and plaiting so and original 'ouches, gioing much In et Weems that the gores aro every appearance of belul ' uhu..wl tutl..IWi. The mo Int frith ties d o noel. lluUUtt ')oats oand tut•king stitched down below the w, °b1, `hquite our. Os luudurtta theyvare i outt,, inthe veryltemOb poptt popug lar r ft to owing batt+te And s,r uv,rebyy beyond uuythinglmuti4u. a1ie1, bad before, arptroally thole pA ei are designed for tku matru le, wade of loco and %ilk. ick 1haatelo it the popular lace yeti etre lung, louse coat. of o, ,tell ur caper, wade oath u feted hn.rig, and folishcd %villa or too fIouucee of the lace a cope collier of lune. '1., 1 Uee•tulueee anti t+tr:aty two rgs out ultireuuiudewhite letakable. . rind uf black. be adjoined lweo a aOW UtitChell le required. recto' tile tcurtd have a drees) tile luny' Y 1114 wrap anti aur which eau won it the afternoon ur well. the Lace chat you bee the full ring tesettet w.ta a lace cult and k nod eel a u deep cellar of O a lace 'aa ebu.va In the ee'CvuJ Oratlpo to black taffeta cuate are more fdl mud juvt ay gaud .tyle. Obey taturlly, •pluitud tool mounted A yoke, winch le cotere1 by a oe wear, or nut in a partially emir eimpe wbb a hes .sew r* the Wet. et there are all munuer of modus :ua au.1 nut of the prettiest A pretty model without tucke line three narrow blas ruiner around the Item, 1(111 lntertlonr of arum rtitchleat met 1u aronthl the hips 11 yoke form, retch lisle turning at the hark and exletelhtg down to the ruffle«. This may be revermetl, the hong Innes ex- tending down the front. t five-gifrwt skirt may be arrang- ed very prettily int/hallow box plaits till around and stitched dawn to the knee In .the uburti way. A band of enlbr•nbtlery, or ince, or a group of tucks aro a pretty finish at the hem. teklrt* of mix and right gorea hate a seam dirrr+tty In front, of course, which Is very ghat fur linen. The ream le often Jolliest with treading, croon -stitching or feirtit ly hidden ltv n group of fine to •k, 1(t either Ode. It le bineel a 11111,•, of roer,w•. and that glow a pretty flare to the dklrt. A chic model for crepe dr chine or pongee is Dhow t in the Illustrntlon, trimmed elaborately with In.tertlone of filet lire romhlneal With r;uipurr. The skirt has a plain hip •yoke etiteh- M on to the lower part anti teat in eeallopetl fisc*. stele Irtr two box plaits down the esho t Wald Vele. ek uitc duan either *kite of the The woman who prefers to make n me yo,t,•, aid 11100 emertlun fol- has them made by the home *Pain- -_ 1 au the motto between. .igloo I stream., may find orate very delight- r Vlaitr art swede wider and tel patternw in separate embrol- ' Sews ut I. renc•h Modes. named tauten the ueutre with lace, tiered fronts to comtene with three Trlalr stiortened at the back.' uch not, 'towhee either rale of . welwtt. The material In many of Blue amt green coiublued with black foot. ( theme dainty viewless le white lawn, and white. file bros.l collars are usually of though the vitriol', grades of linen •e, lace awl tuck,rl batiste cum- in white end color, are aloe oven. The Two kink of lace used on one 'Waimea ut dream ire, owe.. attaacbel to on In- her own start wilder, or at East 1 lir Iforryurooa. till E. "I don't think anybody dreams That I'm a beide. You notelet try to hold my hand; • Bu dignified! And try to look at ease sad MOM - Tho sway I do - lot 1f our got'' oft alone Were notliwg new. Aril when 1 ark you thing", first grow ,011. 1 don't know:" Why doer that horrid man back ther3 (rut at me so? Could he have gummed? Or does be just Think I look nice ?" RE. F:. • Or course be does! But, dear, your hat ke elite with rice:" --New York Nowa PALE AND LISTLESS A Condition That Affects Very Many Women. dal tr loc. w i'. ti app er leftist. or Curio, torr, there le &sf.k which K ypnie, c:auvar in weave, a slit louse wee, ue. while fur travel11ug , %uitira very tetyt►rL (mats are ifie ut wool c4.Ittl a ami lined with ogee Those are usually of full „tt att7 La -tial wilt' deep prhar u euffoOA elute ba011 emLroWerod ' bawl. Or tti.wt 01111 embroidery M irr 'WS w arllsticulr that neatly dressy! bright rye need embroidered desIRns o prenti well over each elle of the front, some in Mack, scene to white. while other fetching pattern. are in ecru. -Nall and Expecte,. The (skirl Who 11 alk* (' tit. The girl who walks correctly Is a joy to hermit and to all who be- hold her. Rhe hue .cane purpose ll life, She in, nine timet. nut of ten, have 1.. • appearance or be . rvsmbi. by h. u t eume of these Itneu ,line, have t/rleutal colors worked wit the white, or, purrlely, u Iti- s bla k velvetldssseboU threaded Irceer I.ieutttu rout* ire made in the ale free dolor, of ttiotb cant*. ulsd it. ate.; of . hitt• in the same male- aia A while cloth coat of three - tarter len4111 \iI�i very ewcll cat with ' le West germ 01 the back and trio- I al with wide iompy dib braid. 'also ; shite does' the fronto ao.l arouud l to eillfe and trullak. Among the «ripe eon need not be I uproot t., find romething wh c!a in Ili r revolabilns the old-time dolman smog ,a ,ou." sort of hood effeot,the cge `.,t :,ret ani turned under on ke ea..; ..I :.ruun.t. Thies falls a lit - in ts:lee 111'- 0 1. t line, below witch ke ttnrm int flarev►, erevertng .be en- . Oven. sedition Jackele. The ,hint walk.ug Jackets of black *(late t.. w•,•,�r w th arty skirt are donut. gent *tyle, aril One little tomo ha, the Proud Gebsuu plait t the beck, *tampin( to 'narrow at be egret lune, where It forme arced- . ail The t. p, of thin plait le in ;hope of tiny tuck's, which meet at d e ben. The Nolo in tucked In the sante nanntr and the collar is a triple' se .1 Ince rn.l hewn and .ilk. The 1N•l em tu.kt.l to, the elbows are Leong in .hep,- below, over an uu- leolerte 1(t lawn and Ince. New !tkieta. The black taffetn skirt continuer b logic, stud it iw with tilts e1ltut lbe taffeta J icket is Mbuwu at Its len. Tb • tt,ple skirt seems to be one 11 the Into!' renews, but 1l 1e triple • Wog only, nn I uccurnpliebel by lbnr ritrinr 11. emcee, beginning at tither tele of a narrow front breadth, Ike t; p i attached tit a hip yoke K Lct_:w Lao* of the )material. Again.. n 1. made by tieing 'two flounces, Maw 'eraigltt or elteular, and fin bhing the upper skirt like a tante to Isll circ the upper flmtecp. Ifetl'rable sweat (hi- thin gown+' p_the fart that the five, nine and the Appetite falls-btreneth Departs ant the sufferer !eerie that Lite le Iteally a Ilurdes. Wrenn The Topic. Petrolra, Out.) It la impurstblo that u medicine eau b0 to widely knowu anti incl 1(r are Dr. Wllltitwr' I'luh lilts without striking reveille frequently b u•tuttig Lattice strapping le the prettiest yet. l'arleiennes will not desert the bercmfng Ilton. Trailing Iskirts shortened ' lmme• dittely across the back are supposed ' by the wily French woman to make her -appear younger. Vox -plaited box coats sre�extrr•me- ly inedible Lots of hip tt•Imming, which. slender women tike'. HORRIBLE PAINS Wotl'f.le\'T Vol' I'.t L 1' 1.0t'F, WiTH THE WEARER? known mud the merit■ of this great remedy for the uummoa iiiKneotr ilf MLitt stud woutuuklud Lowe a l•u, listed. Mee 'rhumas Kettle, of I'etrulea, Owt., it it care iu pwut. )ire. Kettle lo au old retldeat ul thlr dblrict and is well kiowu. Chatting with a re. porter of the toplo the other tkay the tonvereatton drifted uu the subj ct d medlctuer, when Mrs. Kettle awoke lee the hlgheet praise of Ur. Wildumse Pink Pills, which, rhe awtJ, had cured her of a long Woe's. Our reporter, being natural y interested made fur therengulries, when Mrs. Kettle gate h im 'the following particulars: "1 nm the mother of twelve children, and Ili spite of the oonetant strain and worry the rulslug of eo. large a faintly eatalled upon me, in addition to my housework. I was for uuauy years blessed with splendid health. However, after the birth df my tart child my strength seemed to fall me aired Melt that my hMatth watt gradu- laity go:rig• 1 coosultol a doctor and oottinue+t under his treatment for some months, but the only result that 1 could see was that I grew steadily worse. l could not name any particuler aliment that 1 /suffered from, but I was all "run down.' My appetite failed me. my strength seemed all gone, and 1 became pale and Ilstlesm, scarcely able to drag myself around, mud much of the time Itt bed. I became alarmed at my long continued 111 health. 1111 a* doctor'. medicine had clone me no good I de- termined tee try Dr. Willlame' Pink Yll(m I feerehaasd a box and thought It did m nolge good. so I got six boxer mor ani before 1 had finished taking the *scour I felt a lot better WW1 by the\time l had finished the moven b►xep I had perfectly re gained my health, had gttlne l weight and felt better than 1 had for some years. I conrbter the pills n splen- did mesllolne, a real giitaend to weak awl ailing women. and have frequent ly recommended them to my frlendn and used them with my cjiildren. al- ways with good res lltl' ' Judging rows Mrs. Kettle's healthy appear- ance today none would imagine .h.' had ever known what n day'. illneem meant. lir. Wlllfame' leek Pills! are n poet tiro torr for nil o NPneen arising from Impoverlehed h1 N.ee..e.l ei wo..6'Fr. Nf94,,:-.-le''w,:.-.-.er.ed'=eiagewilr: THE VERB .aa TO SHY." Iluw Its )leaslai Was Illus rated 1n r Western Court. i THE FARMERS' FRIEND. How to turc ur Prevent Smut In Wheat A Great Movement in • Vast Cougar) --Our Soli and Climate -How to Reach the earmer-- Smut in Grain -Its a' Preveullon and Curd, raver•. >,+,�drp✓,✓ofe'riRteRSM miser eee'.rorser )� XI It Isle difficult a any �i relent, durito sthet whiter fix itg lite r p liver 111.0110111agricultural, educational, 111.0110111 c, a•..t grabs anti twain their deadly to reach all the people in it %/ VA country like Catadn, caber(' 01 1)1110 of theta, kiting Iwlutrtl fr ellen other, are engaged lit doing tudlt4ht- 111y work whielt woul l be done hotter Int co-opera1toe. Of °sir while I0p11- latlou 45 per ceent bele'',• to falai- of or a weak or^tatterel condition, of the nervone .yetem. such 1(e .pile ter. St. Viten' donee, parnlye!s. rti.d natilrr, - nrl- atlra, heart tro'uble's, Anaemia, etc. Thtrte pelt. are :deo :•t euro for the ailments that matt• the Ilt•rp of sd many women et constant rjtt.ery. Itol,1 hy dt+lggtett, ar sent by plan, post paid. 1(t 50 rentor n box, ort,wlx boyed for ,!leash, by tie -Mooning ',the Dr. Wllllami' Mnllclaw Company, iroek nark 'dewily tater the 1110e1i is rawThe affect tie' plant makes a rk:kly growth. Jure giuerelit hru is 10wer 004 00101.t1 hat hater In lite eteaeint lisp lite healthy pinulr: therefore, tlit• to of damage to the crop le not notieemble by mutual lied engaged bt farmi ni. ,1 ii l ' are utheadvtitioll. It ie Largely due to ,them engaged In 1ndti•1iiem wloch re- theme Into that. -*mitt has been ly on Il '0lturtt for 411,1c toot •ace. able G, Invade cr ati. ft, 114 unnot- There are flour and oatmeal sutler* 1 by the farmer until It has who have had a hno.l In prepartmt the products of grain, for the home and foreign ,market.; there aro the curerm and packers of meats and the manufacturers of cheat uul buster; there are thgee engaged ht the trans- portation and commerce of grain, hay, live Mock, meats, butter, eh'ese. pies 1- _ try and fruit, as vtell as the canners oeeure frotu a drug .tore 0110 pound of fruit and tegetablr, and the rale- or u pint of formaldehyde, some - era of poultry ,and eggs, thuer called formalin. Put into a In Full and (Ilmato barrel cyr cask 50 gallons of water ulal pour In tho one pound of for - Canada Is unsurpeored In suitability muldehyde liquid to make the pru- for lnrnwg out flue qualitl a of the per aolulion. Dep out about one-half main footle of the northeru peoples of the solution tutu auothcr of the world ; our people urs among cork, In Order to treat the most intelligent. rerouruefut, and two cock,( of grata at the same time, energttle of workmen, and it le more thus facllltallug thi, work. Plu''t their ml.fortune than their fault about two bushel. of the reed grain that they lack a clear understand- (tt each of two gunny atacke or large iag of the arleettlfl^ prinetpler wblclt bags, and submerge the grain in the underlie the most profitable methods ,solution for twenty mtnutem. Then and 13stemt of farm nttuutgt•ment and Oft the backs from the. tusks an.I let work. Ree,s,nitime that tiewrpnp••rb-1 them deals for n minute or two 1.0 healthy. Watch her wed you «111 e ( Vothing Iw more Chic titan pnngar• Gott the ,ball of tee foot Is the cc Ian imhroi tory. nrr upon which the weight of the There nee additional lingerie ef- t ' body swinge, and that span the. heel 1 is In drowses. _ and tho toe arra s yrla.tationt: of 1'o;nt ,1e Fie mires )' the .testis, if meant may he rtr4t"$ ar� modish. bei ailed upon ' d h l there l au even balan^r - o ad, the heel not rig c t p 1( gtfete are -now ,quite with to rho more tittle the loam, or the out rt+ oil tee. more than the ,heel, while the t Bull mote In the medium between the two ' designee. extremes!. BRttvin in oorreet walking the foot le i tare, Imre on. placed evenly upon the surface, with Tolle is dtlt a very delimits voile. the premiere upon the heel, thea I Louts le.. scat talln are hung sato upon the hall of the foot anti then auvthing alto French (ientleman's Sufferings are ltcyood Description. N atty Mortars I reeled film, but wllh- ou1 ...fleeces - l)udd'a Kldury 1'111• lured Illnl and now Lite 1s • Premiere to Ulm -tae 1elte the Story. et. IOWA, cur., April L'7.-1Rpecial.t '-fearful Indeed hue beeu the exper- ience t4 Narelime Barrette, of tilt Dice. For Bitten long all wearlsumr Piano 110 Ilam suffered with til acute Malady of tho Kidneys and hack wl+ich has caused him the most agou- Wee palnm. lie e�•neultal physician after physl- s4n mei loilowee their treatment patiently and carefully Some of them rood him ii little temporary' rite he, witch was lee Omit a great 1.1'•11- lag, but the p..11 atwaye came bark nerve to accentuate lace hrnld, with buttons, edges elite, Ont. ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• SNORT CATECUISM ON i LOVE AND COURTSfltP• r the belt. upas the Ire s. From the betel of the 1;in striped sided taffetas are the foot enc' the toes the ImprtttN anti Infest toy. elactiaty of the stride originate. 1'nron.�p ,.haps wedges may let to 1(r Many p •rwnnw In endeavoring f tt fullnr.l Into skirt. walk curreetly, make the mbt.tak•^ of vol tint our AM tetrad. the nor• putting too weal weight upon the Inctlo hnt dont t heel. The+ In not n,. lin I ate putting n 11"1ratr tat oinpt i yoke effect too mttoh weight upon tete torn. The servo* to perfect the f of many it ega+lr*t methal of learning0i,ethow to ,cream skirt. walk MrreatlY fit tU pattern after the parson who kitnwo tow lee wLTI.- t Inellndrlprd,t Ledger. BABY'S OWN TABLETS. k' torl.urt lutea ilaara.-ert►eso lore. die:Halto«1(t added Its terrors 1p lib ; lr.••wly great burden of winery, and lie rife woo a 1m(ce'etehm "awe of the most violent pain. 1t Ono roar been the hit of tiny mortal son td, endure, ZIP dory tie toll by Mons. Barre tie blmnaf IN In part as follows : "ho' more titan Lfteen yearn i Idf- ferel ltith a Revere einlady of the heck and Kidneys', whiff cnn,.rd me berrlf�. print in the beck. 'I trial many Of etors, hat the re - 1 got Wan owly temporary, and re Melody ninety .1 frtnniio 1. May enf- olling Iran no great at timer that 1t "As almrmgt twofer., endurnree. '1 hnd itheumallem net well an the Ian lee my Ii'ck, and between Oi.'m wast it'll ly tried i wofhl ratter d1" .Mme Puffer again the way 1 .11 1. .1 et bow life IN ter% peeniant for me and 1 1$ Ahthai« to live. "Von oak m' tow I was enrt.l T niter lot ,tc In thin rho- ttnrt tre+ltmente and almond ettry ••'uat flee. 1 began to „t - '.lii. 1.:'r. hw'n to me the gee:nowt ntt.ltcute Int W the work,, Uo•k1'n Kidney slot rRy s ort lir p.tne ell left m'• at'.rte•t elm, et like ntnelr. t Ilsrn, In ferf.el hrnllh find work "rey .lay." TRIPLE GIBSON. )tether's Heat Help 11 hen tier I.1,1 Ile lea-- a -a I nom. Every mother steeds nt 'tome tin n medicine for her little ones. and Hat,y:e- Owe Taliledo-,Fast the beet medicine In the world for ronetipn• tion, sour stomach. iadlgestlon, rltarrho.•n, coli', 'simple fevers and the troubles of teething children. The Tablet, have heap In ole for years, and thtowands of mothers tiny that nothing oleo nes no gteek• ly and relieve.' and rarer little ones so merely. Mrs. 11. it. f.e Rn,*, Moun- tain. Ont, steeply voices the exper line,* of other htotheru when why nevi: "1 can reeewnneenel Ileby'* Own Tablets to nil mothern who Wave emote or delir:ate cheltiren. I ole not know how 1 could get eking without them." Children take Dean Tablets se readily 1(e randy, and if crushed to a powder they ran he given with nh.tNirte .safety to the tiniest, wenit.Pl lethite. There ,e n cure in esery Tnblrt nn -1 they are gnaran• I,'.I t•' r,mtelit 1(r' Opiate or other her -.1n0 dirieg. Lon inn got the Tnbb•ry from nny dealer 11( Medicine it t. 1(q Wnwirn. er they aid hes went poet paid at 1)wlfty Shirt -Wald Isle of I.Ineo With eflIrhIn*w. n plwMt, atjllah. trip h O b n plait in nary pleasing. The 111aelra- tiom 1't taken from R shirt -weld Wulf of fk►e though heavy w!dtr. Innen, };Rah of the pinite which rxtrndl down the back RI«n, I. stretched tire.!' times with black, the, wnme triply' e tllahinR bltig nerd to lander the narrow ,I•e•ntrr plait, the belt, the entre, .the flounce top and for (treks i iu the top of the flnnn•r. Tllltrlr't•tllph- ' inns e,1.•• outline the nrnm� ('fa'tty nal dainty turnover.; for thi. .mart Kttl• .alt 1(r• shriven nn the *tack: An' h moo tltttlte tlreed witnen h binckl F'rcttel tiote.Meek 1 AC,t- It's a talunble I the pattern dream, an.I twits! bre efKrlitr in Chhtn or •le•rp blur, wi111 while *tltelah'Rs. Itrwel* 1(r .en'nt, rnNtor or gray would noes 0be,lr felonies! t+ta{tnall'etn d itching. 1 pnik; Oleo on linen Deno. Jumm.er eig.thle.._ le arrangement of the `u 1 ruffs In the 't ape ,r gained a strong foothold. Preveutios Is 'setter Ilion ('urs. Instead of the farmer allowing auto to develop. be can 1rou1 Ills Neter In enroll a manner as w pre- vent It altogether. if fifty bushels f seed grain are to be treated. rn,l claw pe•rlrtdt.:als are more eager- tat to fare solution. htapty the set^ ly sought after, and more readily on it threshing floor or ou a canna■ perused when at head, than Govern- to dry, and proceed as before, using meet blue books, the Dominion 1)e- the lame socks for the remainder of pitrtmeut of Agrleullure eolltIted the the grain. •o -operation of the press. andgrate-1t 1s Not Polaoaous. Nilo acknowledge. the unanimity Title 'solution is not poisonous, it vs ith w Melt the Trading repreeenta- tt 111 not Injure the wanks or clothing Gee newspaper. of Canada ince coming in contact with it ; it le reed - placed their columns at the dt+posal II: .u:ublo In water, and It is cold at of title Department, for the dlssem- :uatlon, weekly, of agricultural news iutercrling to all leaders, supplement- , t f the latest uliout 50 cents ler pound.It 1. well to treat the seed grain el b haat accounts o two or three days before sowing, ref e•xperRS 10 give it ample lime to dry. Goveilmenta fwd Experimental at the If the seeds be shovelled over a few antinunetit Euserilntntal F'nrm t. timer It will facilitate the drying anti information ireful to agrlcultur- very much, awl no difficulty will her tittm, burtioulturlttw, arborl uilurlta experienced rowing with feeder or men. brultryr, stockralbert, laky- I drill. Tito treated seeds eon be sown men, poultry men„ bre ksrperr and whit a force-feed drill or wieder wh •n others. quite damp, but the machine should ('ruse of $nwut. be stet teo that It will Indicate rowing ebmut In grain IN caused by lung- about A peck more titan tete quan- ous growths on the grain plant. illy desired per acre, because slur eventually destroying the seed of oat. are swollen anti wd1 not run the uJfecttd plant, and contaminat- quite ee freely an dry reeds. •••••••••••••••••N••••••e What are turtle doves? Sweetheart.. Whnt aro sweet hearts 7 A youth and it mail to love. Whit do you mtsau by "in lave"? A condition of rtcetucy. Tlicy [111111, believe that there eon be no earth- ly blies etatpnrable to thiirsat tido nlpreme moment. Why do they keep thele head, so eloee toget het? Becaewe thole heart* are leo. Who in the youth? The maiden think, he 1e the only titan on earth. Who in the maiden? The youth know -4 thnt she is the loveliest bring that ever breathed the breath of life. Do they tell each other so? Orer and over anti over and over and over and over again. But doesn't It grow m000tono'us Never. Are they talking about It new, do you Imagine? Well, It's safe to bet that they are not talking •bout the peeve of gro- ceries and coal bilin and hard times and small wages and baby wagons. Why tart? This is not the time for that. What time is this Coni rt t.hip. Oh, yen; and c.alrtehlp times Is the idyllic time? • It la a fairy tale. Does it enmr to all? 1f it didn't life wouldn't be worth living. Then it most he is good thing? -The beet that ever happened. 1* trtin infinite joo we are talking about a bloating of youth only ? Nay, nay, Pauline; they way that Ulu old fools are the biggest fools. Foote ? Aye, rooks. le this bliss, them, PO foolish? Cynical say so. f Why? 1 They Ref It in not borne out hy the facts. - How long doe's the beatific state of courtwhlp continue Until marriage, And does that cold tt ? Well, when you hire run yourself out of brenth to catch a ntree•t car end staff it, yen, donee ran awy Ifr- ther, do you ? big the seed of the healthy plants by the weltering of spores largely during tho ripening period of the grain. The dust -like spores. when dry. are readily blown to adjacent plactte, or routing to direct contact with healthy one*, Inoculate their neighbors witch in turn conttoue to propagate the meet -les. From field testn that haves Leon Made In Wlsconetn, putt by the testi mony of many reputable farmer.", no deterlmental cffectm o:, the gdrmino ilon of, the seed have been detected, whilst Ih!a treatment facititater thy• epeoutlntr. Department tment of Agrtoulture,bltawa, April 2, 1902. (Inc of the easiest way* fur a law- yer to etraluee it vainest* Is to make hint rxl ► weaning Few lwoptnudebut. aword satl«- fncwMly, even if they know its weaning. .t Western lawyer wast crossoexani Maga a teem( woman who hail a very is.gllly temper. Ae- curtieg to the lees Angeles Herald. she hall testified that she had sena the 411111d,u1i "slty" a hook at the plaintiff. 'rhe lawyer mixed on the word. "'.•+fly ?"relly' a book? What do you 14104111 by that' 11911 yah "hoe plait to the court what the word 'shy' meaau'•' The girl leaned over the desk be- neath the wU Iter.-l►ox, picked up a law book and threw it NO accurately HMI ISO foreihly at the lawyer that hr had hall work to dodge It. "1 thbtk the court now uuderstawds the me atlie& of the word 'shy,'" said the Judge, gravely,. The girl was allowed to finish her testimony. PREPARING CHEESE FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM. • Ce -operation In Production -Proper Cheese Boxes - Flavor and Body Talk on Temperature - Improving Old Curing Rooms. ...o.e.../-/...v% 1' Professor Robertson, the Dom - Inion Commissioner of .egrlcUi- ttrre and' Dairying, has fre- quently urged tint there te not a department lee the whole of our ag- ricultural oommorce in Canasta where any market Improvement has been made, remelting In an Increased pro- duction, and the development of our &port trade, except along the linen f increasing the lutelligence of the i fuser, of enlarging Ms practical Ability for ornretrtnotive productive An old curing room of the erdln- work, and of bringing era'bouts co-op- a open construction may be Im- eruton between the operators In >7 ➢ manufacturing, the operators In proved materially and beneficially commerce, the managing operators In by adopting the followidg method : traiaiportalloe, and the producers. Thoroughly cieanee the whole In- Pl its by the application of these Ado by a liberal use of boiling wet fundamental principle,. to every clogs rr, to ten found, of whh'h one of agricultural work that paying re- Pound of carbolic acid should be melte can be 'secured. • • added. The place sbonld then be About Beeina Cheese. whitewashed with freak anted A faker Charles DL SeIrWd') or pinln woman mean (wile in her sante n box by .rakIreasIng the freadei n Lenuilfut woman In her en- 11' Will time' Mi' ;Trine Co., Brock. imam Zj MEN WHO DO �j( WOMEN'S WORK. (vw�` v`^^�`rvtiN•e • while, to a great extent it Is true that women have of late years taker to men'b wark, It 1s also true that hotnit men du women's work. Tete famous meg dreesestakerl of l'arta have oounterpartI la other rwtntrlee. The largest producer of drtdr patterns for women in New perk 10 a m -+u, althovrg1i lila ta►dnetie has for many yware been yonducted ht the moue of hit. wife. The moat expeuiire and the best fitting draweels that women wear ars -tailor Wade" by men. The deslgnr for new dresses are mostly made by ''len. The moot expenrlre woaimes Mate are made by men. In the department of nursing, which leas been considered specially wumra's work, many men are em - +reed. When patients are helpless ntul require much lifting It due been f.atnd uecewssry to engage etrueg Inep, because women are not equal to the labor. The very Retest and best paid sew- ing is dove by men in fancy tailoring. S taco the Introduction of the sewing machine the proportion of men rowers i, increased la lho.e trrnucses in which the 'work In heave and requires strength for lung hears of labor. The beast cooks ire men. in the clubs, boteli, re.taur.uats and In pri- vate Itoree where expert woke are rt•qulred they are mica. Men lave made oonking one of the fine arta '1. In true, however, that the great artlett In food chorale to be railed ,.Nike, and are known an chef,, and they Tomitytnd .:U,trime of which the m ore goo lawyer wdoid be proud. Hnurieleaning ie no longer «o- men's own work. There are estab- liehweate that will clean n house front top to bottom. and put It to 1, , oleo, and employ men to do tt. Bnnnfing honer keeping In minty e women', Walrus -to, but tier, ere many large an ante maul Ie.arding homers In film city that are tonnage., by mien. The tendency of men In the bu.ineae in to enlarge 1t, ru es to make their establineme•ntN amount• the character of botNt. It is rarely that n wuvina ksepe hotel. 'I'I • •0 even "men charnber- warls.'On NtPpmbonttl and stsam- • aha erwnrk is many Caanadinit cheese factories dials by .sen, ex on ears all of its is. cause. many of the fnnit■ whish are. }.vett In large (warding houses it has complained of by the cheese ex' ,teen found expedient. to Lave meg porter., a, well os by the sec 01'0 e.1 perature in the curing rooms of eh ie mu,.t of it mL I It eiverr to do the thambcr work. of cheese In Great Britain. if the tit the Parlfle ('coast Chinese mea temperature risen . nos high no 70 aro largely employed as domestic degrees. or higher, the cheese bury- rpnante. ern complain of n heated flavor, or It le curious how differently a China - reject it altogether a■ being "off• man ea uvan iron from d the mrtno fhtcored" employed by women. When • woma■ '1'0 Improve a. (-arlsg Rows. Irons she erste It at the right heat for use, stud conAe uently it wo1 d oolw, and she consumes much time iu changing her Irene. The Chinaman. .wt the contrary, gets hie iron mneh loo hot for use. When he begins to use Isis iron he plunges it gnlokly into cold water. .hie cools the surface for a mualent. The heat from the intrrlor then be- gin. to conte to the surface and co.- • 11me. 'lin make the 010 fluor close. Onus." to 110 so for temp tone, abort It w111 be neeeestry to put two n* fast as 11 le cooled by t1.., so that thkikness.. •f banding paper over the necessity for the frequent sbaog- It, and a new flier !lonely laid on 1 Ing of Irons is obviated. Ute top of the paper. If the Instae walls of .the old curio& ream he of lumber or planter, two thickneneet of budding paper m.•'iv be put on. and o+'er them one thickness of matched lumber, dreened on no Irate one Nide. The ceiling ebouhl he marls elute 1't it „Imilar way. Th. wirelesses' ,.11o11.1 le• nitul. rItN.', and double door. and w trireme should he pee. on for ase In rummer, ON will RS during the late summa and winter. late Dairymen theoughout the Dominion might with advantage take a feat mart of rho boot of their Prince 11 - ward !slaw! brerth"et In the matter o[ haitaiug chewase. When we dart- ed to Prince Edward Leland to make and ehlp cheese to the Dritish mar- ket the dairymen there were put on right lines from the begitrning, and now teal than throe per cent. of the hoxee which come from that Pro- vince are broken when landed In the United Kingdom, no against forty per cent. of breakage from Name other part, of Canada. TIt.1 bootee which are used in Prince Fetward I.latkl are" made a bilrh Intetend of elm ; and 1t invitee a tougher and better box than elm. An entr'rpriefng man who will de- viate a really strung light box, easily adjustable to the exact alae of the temente to be carried la It, has & fortune awaltiug hies. In handling cheese It le Import- ant to make the box tit th.cheese. If thio rule he Ignored. boles get broken and their content, diamag• ed, to the disparagement of Cana- (b*t tied KPeulte. - In a curing room an feet by PA feet, these improvements woell only nowt betnveen $12.1 and $200 for I material and labor, according to the eeMllliotl of the roes,, the price of Kimber, the own of labor, and the rite, In the locality. At n factory turning out about 300 large cho,•sew per ott.nth, much a curing room might be no used as to avoid sonar of the shrinkage In weight which would dlait credit In dairying. occur in an ordinary cnrhtg room, Flavor and toady. where the therm ,Doter fluctuated be - Flavor and hod are the two tween 70 and S0 degrees. The saving 7 might be one posed per rheene. The.qualitieswhich determine the rel*- Injilry to the flavor rind body of the live market price of cheese. and the cheese from over -heating might In a character of these quail tied le large- great menwlre *leo be preventetl. ly determined by the process of The extra value wh!olt might be real- curlttg. A fairly steady tempers"- Izeil out of the cheese from dimin- ttwe, not over 00 degrees 1'ahreo• &shed .hrinkage and superior qunlity heft In the curing room, give, the wool!, In a f.tctory of the+ else men - beet resnite. At that temperature ',toned, probably bit not lees than $4?O low In weight by the .hrinkago Of during .the erasers. Above nil eine, the. einem". to Mtom tethem-ti� 1j PRT g11�j i larding befiellt WORM ma .tilt to 'the slower trade If all the. cheapen of Canada erre cored In a prop^r mentor. 'rhe demand from the Prrellent of eon -timer. In (.real Arltnin wouli he ..MOtt ...AIM re espiclally ,.hen the ,ju,reneel, easterly. rids of Iola 110 Il , Niemen are new. To,, high it 1r•nn mer.',toe. would bo decreased. rat higher pointe. A dry nttno.phrrt tonere the cheese to tone in weight by the evaporation of the moisture. end It may *MOO cause smell .reeks fond of poker, ens, when 11( (,t i. ;.nog ;remise tly ' neon n h 1 n ly ' ti • flit Ars benne Oce evening them 1 titer, Inert ern tem tt'me Omit woo tib.g. Mr. ttcherehe and ono o: mime together With good tmrnl* til ter a *tiff mien or two the °therm dropped ut. and the bet+ went hark and fort nntti the in ran hml no 'more nay. "T wnnt ( rwlwe von, t4hw-atr," lee sell. ',lite I .rt tip an 1 0 U7" "IDonk like t take pateer in a cord game," rsel1 th wtPP' man: 'id eon nen A were yen en the Omit earls wilier/II you your trousers?" temei aro t y worth 7'salt• e1 the. tnerehnnt. "Pei them In for 1]f¢0," sliid Mr. RrrtrW"t8/ Sia entity] the iter nod won. "I'll helve to ttun•el. voA';rar thow,* tron.ares," he wall Its leo party pre. pared to leave, the fort room. '(ain't I Mend them to poi in the morning?' mid tit* aloes. %In "I need them t0 r, hermit In" "Can't welt t'11 morning," .gfel ire. 6tt* rst, firmly, "hut I'II Irian yon it Unel dueler.' 'Abel In that the men•IrantMOM .nl'atrr geode, n P tteblrg mereltant, Better rhs,l a■ Apology. Your old-fashioned southerner le polite at all limos awl to all per- sons. but tae reaches the pinnacle of gallantry whet' there 1w a pretty young woman in the ease. A /tooth 141,1,' girl of •harming raw" nn, man- ner declares' that the prettiest ores- phmettt ever paid Mr waw tittered by an ekderly gentlemen who stepped t►at her foot! In a crowded street car not long ago. She aid her mother were on their way downtown when the elderly nein entered end stood up. In fronts of them. Hp was stout and dignified in appenranee, wore a *touch hat and in rime way iglpreetn- ed the .% ming woman with the lees t►tnt kin ha11M from the Ninny wrath. 'thin lmpreentnn erne oonflrme.l alma Pito heard him *peak to the condeo- tor, the wort r-leie accent being' un- mietakable. .t tercet of the ear threw him slightly off his ieilance and he eteppeel an Ilse girl's, font. He at poce raised his hat and wit..vldently About to apologise, bit did not de so. The. girl nmlled to retleve him a hire ehag•rtn and then he said i• the most courtly fat/Ilion: "\iter looking at you closely. mildnm, i haus decided not to apolo- gise, berating If and haw made snob a beautiful woman with a foot es small that f rangiest sow it, enroly 1 sownnot br mauler' The girl Miall dl ferianely, hot Pt wee with plwaslrr, end her mother rolored up too. but troth howoll their thn.nkis for the putt v apemen. and 1 1(w the 4111110mntlwtu say, the ineldest wee closed. . pring Medicine That is a True Tonic. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Builds Blood, Creates Nerve Force, Increases Flesh and WeIght, and Makes Weak, Sickly People Strong and Well. Tiro elite red ewrenpnritla*, euipl'nr And errem rot feriae, And tall■ nor spring medlrine haw gone by. People are heginn(ng 11( Itnten to the advice of their physician. and build up their *dieter,* by the ane of mics preparations n+ 1►r. Ctroore s Nervi Food. The tdroug point In favor of Bolo great food core Ie the fact ttlnn It aetnally creates row, eta% IMe- tnlwlnlninfi Mnml, It" halide tip the ',eaten] RradtraIly and naturally. For flita reason tt la the not matla- fartery f.p:ting medicine that you cats ponalbly obtain, and Om orenita aro perleanen*ly henefirinl Thr tired tnnauld feelings that tell of low vIlnllly And an ethanol"' oo7Rtlon of the. .totem *non canoe appear before the vitalising, *whin,1ing Influenre of this greet restorative. It enneriere Macaw by filling the wy.tem it i111 broil'', energy and vigor. - t ter, R Thompwnn, 240 bittern .,tont, Te'ronto. Onl.. .tat*.: 1 w whir!' ran down In health. age. whenever 1 everted myself mere than loom l I hoot weer, itlatkeof 41111 tine headache, .0•) we,. very 1(ae• v„1(., so nt,t :t .dr tli-1t 1 emit(' not rpt well 1(t nights. (tier ii.ir1R iir. Cheeses Nerve Fool 1 tonne! that my nervre w•0V otwn,tler, l .•it nlet reel And elm" bolter then I have fee a Iona time, and was entirely free frees hendprhes. 1 inn .peak eery highly of til• prcperetinn for nervone trouble. iir. (tete , Nerve Fund has theenrlor.eirunt of the heat people la the lafsl--p!.t'•+!rlanw And lay lava alike 11 I•• Mone I t.' benefit any Mie a h.. moo It, bnrnn r 1. is eotitpuet.1 of the afoot Po; • It redtnr*rives of nature. 1,0 it•111,+ n.hut, 6 bottom for 12.50. At all dealers. or Crlikasss. natal a to , Toronto •