HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 88 '(tit Vital , April 10, 19t)2 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH ONTARIO. Iress Goods and ililinery for Spring Wear. NEW clothes for spring are Natural ! Doesn't nature dress anew 3 If not today she will tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after. The Newest Spring Dross Materials are here in great profusion -Crepe de Chenos, Venetians, Broadcloths, Cheviots, Serges-all prices. The Newest Spring Ilats, ready to put on or trimmed ( to your order with the latest touches of f7A fashion. The Newest Dress Trimmings, black,cream and linen shade, silk appliques. 'he Newest Muslins in Linen Shades, Linen Batistes, New 'saints, Ginghams and Cottons. , ADZES' WATERPROOFS. c OomptsW am"' of solo's, o•vy., gv., blanks, $2.75 to $8.00 in the new raslau shape, prices from •p We still give the Premiums on all Cash Purchases ---Handsome Chairs, Tables and Silverware. 0at will pay you to trade with ■.. Men's Hats, Clothing and Furnishings. Wel* of friends wish them • happy future. The slumbers of the fair ser to the Tonally of the temperaaue hall were suddenly in- terrupted s-terrupted the other monolog by the heavy cru' el the noble cherry tree ow the hill site of the tall Is'rl • farm. Is was out down for firewood by the laird and els nephew altar being • landmark for maay years sod affordlos shads for the wayfarer. DUNLOP MIINnAY, Apr. 7.h. The familiar Mote of our popular resi• dente, Mr. sod Mrs. A. C. MacDonald, alar ao sb.enoe of three month' In Gods rwh, ere Wes •gala amongst us Both are to the beet of be.ltb, and •re receiving • hearty wsloonie from old !Asad' and uelgb ban. Oar former residents, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Horton, receatly kept their eil•er wedding as their new hums al Sault S's. Marc. There was a gathering of many friend' and reletl•se, sod quite • number of presents wet• renewed by the eu,d couple from their relatives sad friends ►t ere and also to Huron 000nty. They were married in I)o.g•000n In 1877. Mr.. Horton is the eldest daughter of the late A. here. As with the Ladies, so with the Men. When spring comes they must dress up, shed their winter coat and don the spring attire. We have the Newest ('uts in Spring Suits, and latest colors. The Newest Things in Boys' Clothing. The Newest Spring Overcoats and Sep- arate Pants. Bargains in tlen's Hats. See our styles, special lot, best grades, Fur Felt Soft Hats in blacks, greys and brown, regular $2.00, for $ 1.50 New Colored Shirts for boys and men, 50c, 75c and $ 1.00 CASH OR PRODUCE. Br&s&Co 000ERICHTOWNSHIP Mofrn&T, Mask M. The foll.wtng Is the report of the peptic el 8. 8. Ne. 6, (loderloh township, for the meath of Marob, arranged to order of merit: Fourth oleo. - A. Koss, M. Milieus. E Hewitt, E. Rosa, L. Edmiston, 1'. Kees, J. Mollwale, K Jeho.tee, E. Johnston, A. Johaseea. Sr. third. -111. Ross, 1. John aeon, J. Johnston, M. Riches. O. Elliott, R. Orr. H. MoAlltster, A. Williamson, W. Jobssaas, Jr. third. -E. Wile&o, B EI Sett, C. Mollwaio. Sr. S.00sd.-T Joho• @ too, 5 Wilson. J. Johosbo, R. Johnston, M. Johnston. R R Oban D. Elliott. Jr. seoo.d.-E. Edmoreoo, E. Mcllwalo, R. Mollwaio, R. Johnston, B Wllium@os, Part 1.-K. Rees. W. H. Etter., Teacher. PORTER'S HILL. Mooli.y, April 7. Jim. Shaw Suadaysd at Grand Band. ' Mise J. Burke le the guest td r.latives to Leedoe. Mise Annie McPhail has returned from Grantor. Mies L.ggit hes retuto.d to her brine to Alleghany. Mise Nell McDougall returned to Egmoo• villa on Thursday. Chao. N•wtoa has resumed duties al his school in Colborne. Mies Walker returned to her home Io Centralia on Saturday. Mrs. Coition, e1 Ripley, Is vleltlog her amain, Miss Sarah Cor. Mir Minnie 'rob)), of Summerhill, Is the guest of Mies Maggie Com Thomas [Bogart Ie vialsbn/ to (7lmtoo, •s the meet of his Bieber, Mts. M, Murray. Mrs. McC.are r.t.rsed oo Saturday attar after • week's visit with r.letives In Mich. Muter Laurier Dyke, of Goderloh, erect part of Iasi weak •t tbs home of his uncle Jae. Torrance. Glen Mol)ooald has gone to T.esw.ter, where he h.. ramrod • school at • salary o1 1525, per &ouzo. James Elliott is transplanting some apple trees that have been in the grotod about tem years. Chas. McPhail bar been Informed that be le promoted from lieutenant to captain .f oomp•oy No 7. 0.1 Wednesday soeniov of last week at the parsonage, Hayfield. Jas. Harrison and Mies leaders Elliott, eldest daughter of William Elliott, were united In matrimony. Rev, Mr. Y.Ilaod performed the ceremony. • The bride was becembsly attired In a suit of oa•y Aloe with bat to match. The brld,sm•I1 was MON McDougall, of Ermon vtlle, and the groomsman Thomas Elliott Mr. and Mn. H.rrisus will take up the.r residence on tins out Iia.. All job■ to wish log the young couple moon happiness. Jno. Torrance has moved and raised his baro oo the 511 ceo. Joespb Brown, Bay• Meld, has the minima of build's, the stone wall. Jas. Stirling killed a hog the other day, which drse..d 400 lbs. After keeping the t ome and 60 Ibe of lard they e.1.ot to mato $36 by selling the remainder. Another of Mr. Lambe/tee' twos, Merges, has the harm at the cheese factory. Mlle Aam•i rag bee aro Thursday was largely attended by the 'owes iodise of tis• •hinge and vIotalty wad of Leerier, the represaotativs of the bows of Godoriob add• ed muoo to the swayer of the bee. All spent a few hours yery enioiably, The members o1 the O.M. B.A. gave as oyster supper to Youngs Hall, whlob was a grand suoome. The latter part •f the *Teo log wet spent to progressive euchre. the tint prize toeing carried of by Mrs. T. Styles the touby pr rt was takes al u by • yo.og lady. PORT ALBERT • Togah.T. Apr. 8, 1902. 'There will be a servioe (D. V.) ea Sun• day night deet In Christ chetah. Dr. T. R, Hawkins of Oomeroti, Wieoon els, 1s here 0o a •bit to bb mother. Mir Cua.ingham and welter B Hawkins left for their r•rp:ollee schools yesterday morning. hire. J. B. Hestia. and ohlldres. of l;cderich, (pint the Eater 00001100 all thee. Hawkins. Mr. Aaderecn, of Constance. the vewly appointed Weedier, entered upon his duties oo Monday last. Mrs. Adam Bohaefer, of Mllr.rtoo, ie vtaitbg at the home of her parents, Mr. and hire. Jas. Quaid. Rey. Mr. Rutherford, of St Helens, but las of N.w Fork, preached to the Presby• mean oh.reh on .uoday last. W. T. Pillow and family are again r.@id• ins In our midst, and tbeir many friend. In this locality ars Fled to see them back. LEtBURN. TI'1811Ar, April 1. Mist J.s•'.s Lloklater, of the Stratford Collegiate institute, le .pending her Easter holidays here. Mr. Linkl•ter Intends shortly to sink an artesian well on his farm hers. This will maks four of these welts very close to earth ether, as James Uhieholm'e well 1s •boat a quarter of • mile southward of John 111' h olm'' wet1. Theo from his well acmes the Lake Shore road is Jas. Horteh's well west- ward lees than a quarter of • mile. The wind will have something to do In pumping around that part of our neighborhood. Tutelar, April 8 C Stewart lett on Tuesday of last weak for Winnipeg. Henry Green's sale was largely attended es Friday afternoon. Ju. Rome, from Moekoka, is •idtlmg his Oster, Mrs. Wm. Bogle. MIs' Kau Reid returned home last week after spending six months In Toronto. Mise Wionle Shaw west to Ooderioh Monday ot this week to resume her studies at the Collegiate. Have you 'see t6• new paint Woe/411,1,M selling, not half the price of oll falote. If you Intend t0 use any pint nail and get samples. Among Easter week visitors were Mir Jessica Link later, of the Stretford Col leelets Institute, and Mus Whaling. from Stratlord, Herbert Taylor, of Hamilton and Ben Shaw. of Gorier ch. On Wednesday smiling of last week Archie Horton, eeoond son of James Horton. war wedded to Mee K Glidden, third deuvhuer of K. Wieder, by the Rev. Mr. Will•°, of Nile, to the presence of • large Meals of relatives of the contracting parties. The yens/ couple will enter upon the journey of life together on a farm that Mr. Horton has rented Deer Cerlew. A Iarg. more New Wall Papers. EVERYONE Likert, and we have been Enjoying the friendliest kind of in- terest in, our New Wall Papers over since we commenced showing them Another large shipment just passed through the Customs. It is Fine in Texture, Original in Design and Bewildering in Variety. The floor may be carpeted, draperiesmay be abundant and beautiful, but without. a background the effect is very poor. PORTER'S BOOK STORE (Ute► Telwplsrwsst is No. 100 K 1 ;.Orf. lints Square, (lrx,arinh. To UAaaotrIao -10,000 5o pookss• reds, 10 paokag•s for 260. Clover, timothy, ' pelts, .u,ee wheal, ea., for sale. Geo. E. KtNo, Wlogbam. Oysters, sissy, fresh, •t the old reliable oyster hones, Viotoria Restaurant, West. e t., to bulk or d all toy's'', los Dream. fruit, cool•ollomery, Mears ea. 0. Blrt'K- STUNK KINTAIL. Mw'n.t', Apr. 7. Joe Griffin returned home last week. Orlando Griffin spent Sunday with friends in Ashfield. The I.O.F. gave an oyster supper and hop in McDonald's hall. Mir Kite. W bitty returned home from London Academy tut week. M Whim bavlog sold Mb driver has pus chased another hone of Morris Wallace. A. Young porcheoed • fictions year-old of John Farrish for the sum of $100 00, a good price for a yearling oolt. The people of the vicinity spent r very eojoyahle eve0t01 ae the home of J. Flynn lase week. There were some °ode - r oh guests there also. Christopher Lamberton hes rented bis farm to hie son James, sad will live roared. LOOK OUT FOR THE Kensington Furniture Company's Retail Show Rooms ON THE SQUARE CHURCH NOTES. 1 he adi turned Muter vestry meeting to 0000eot,00 with St. lleorge'e obutoh will he held nest Monday •yobg to the school room, Instead of Monday of this week as before aanounoed. 1'he cell film Manchester and Smith's Wall Paper ij811'1ffiBll1. 2 dozes Samples of TAPESTRY PAPERS from loo to 351. 50 Samples of INGRAINS, ell .6ades and colors with wiling sod birder to matob. 100 Samples GILT EMBOSSED. esu- 000•.ntlonsl and floral d«Igeo. 2 drove Samples WASHABLE TILE PAPERS for bath room or kitchen. We can show you • larger range of Samples than you can tee In a city like Toronto. Let u. prove It. Ws hay• also sums of the prettiest 51 papers. suitable 1-.r bed rooms - "DAINTY DESIGN'S.' W. aka the contract to do your 000m. We have jest revolved a consignment of Fr.nob Organdie, Crepon, Kin, Ed- ward, Mottled Bond, R••y•i Velvet, Ve English, Blue Danube, and other most fasbiorable Note Papers and h,velopes. KIDD BOOK STORE, Uoderich. mmnrnmmtnttnm►ft Are you looking for snaps ,NWIiEELS WE HAVE THEM THE COMMON SENSE, - $30.00 THE GODERICH, - - 25.00 - Fitteti with Dunlop Tires. Everything up-to-date. Guaranteed for one year. EE & SHEPHARD Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc. Plumbing and Heating a Specialty. FENCING- your Feet warm at Night A Not Water Bottle- W1L1. DO rr We Have Them -0 KKIIH 'ISI ('11EA1'E:,I' To THE BEM F. M. BUM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS f. Corner of West at. and the Square. Hid te Rey. A E. Camp, H. A., war .us - abed by the Pr•ebytery of Huron, al 1t@ regular meeting at Clinton oo Tuesday. The nail was stewed by unit hundred sad forty oommunloaots and ninety two ad - hermit., and promised • salary of $800, a year with • manse. Mr. Camp has not yet Intimated his mind 000wroiog It. Oa Good Friday Inspector Tom, tf Gods Hob ; Dr. Fowler, Wbgbam ; Rey. W. G. Howson, Rey, G. A. (h8ord,f1R. Holmes and H. Rorke, Citation, ani J. O. Stene man, Hsneallrepresenting the ereoatlye of the ('0ooty S S. end O.K. Arootat:on, mak In Clinton for the purpose of srr•ogiog ter the 00611o, 000vsntloo, which is to be held a: Blyth on Jove 19 20 Su!able .ubieok. WILL SOON BE HERE! M°KENZIE cP HOWELL. THE RED FRONT SHOE YOU CANNOT AFFORD... . STORE To run around in the mud and slush uniess your feet are well clad. This we can do for you in any style of FOOTWEAR you want, and at a price within the reach of everyone. E. DOWN/NG, Successor to P. T. HALLS Bole Agent In Ooderloh for Walk -Over and Queen Quality, and speak.rs were foliated and as as.s.a1. Iy interesting gathering 1. looked tor. Th• congregational meeting held b North street Methodist church on Wed needs), eveuing of tut week, to consider and disown the adyteeblbty of erecting a new ohurob edifice, was attended by a large number ot members and adherents of the church. A number of the mors prominent members of the ohuroh placed their views before the resting. The 000 teases of opinion was that something should he done, either to the way sf eolarglag and nmrdelliog the present structure or In the building of an entirely new cherish, sod the majtinty of those preeeot snored to (seer tte latter Doane to pretereooe to spending large sem of money in Improving the presses building. 1 he question was re - (erred bark to the quarterly board for turtbur oonslderatlo• and for ws.ultatloa with the trustee board. TLLtr/est Mo. fid. HODGENS BROS. slag su d De WEST r I ■awu.»r IT. A Kid dove Bargain Have made heavy purchases of all kinds of Fencing Material to avoid the wire famine like last year, and buying in quantities we get better prices, eo we can sell cheaper. \WA are therefore prepared to sell extremely low. We will Bell and PUT UP THREE of the Best Fenoes Made. i The American Field Fence. We sold over 4,000 rods last season. The Frost Fence. Made of No. 9 coiled spring wire and upright. No. 7 The Gun or Carter. Made of No, 9 coiled wire and wove with galvanized wire. We ere prcperrol to will either at store or put tip by competent builders We have. a very low quotation on Manure Forks of the bed grad& McKJ3NZIE & HOWELL THe PLACE TO BUT ALL HARDWARE CHKAP. 0/ 0141411411W1teMo►ij111j11 Mi tli tai tl NitiI tk O 1I/ 1 iliAL1ij11I11 AG 75 Pairs Kid Gloves at t 50c instead of $1.00 t N Saturday, April l2th, we place on sale 75 pairs of kid Gloves, at half price and Tess. They are the last pairs of several lines that sold at $1.00 and $ 1.25, and which we are dropping from stock. All are standard makes, and it is because we are going to confine ourselves to our three well- known and popular lines at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, that we are clearing these out. About 50 pairs black and 25 colored in the lot. Sizes 51 to 6i. 75 pairs kid tlloves, blank and oolar•d, good totalities, 4 button lariat h, roost of them ', b 6}, some b; in the int, lost pairs of Imes shit sold at $1 00 and 11 25, your choice.• Saturday sic iood Black Dress Goods. If you are going to buy a black dress this spring, in justice to yourself you should see this stock. Everything that is fashionable in black dress stuffs, from the thin light weight Voiles and Grena- dines to the heavier and more substan- tial Broadcloth and Homespuns, is rep- resented in it. There is variety enough to suit almost every taste. The quali- ties are good. They are made from pure wool, and the dyes are absolutely fast and unchangeable. Just a few price hints : All wool Frond' serge, Bootle fold, makes op well for sults or skirts, elves satisfactory wear, per yard_ 42 Inch all wool storm serge, bard wonted finish, well not hold or cetnb dost, gond weight, extra @peolal value, per yard • • " 44•'nob all pure wool E,temioe, t'rtestley'e make, Cheviot finish, makes stylish sed serviceable sults or skirt, per yard 46.ieob Cheviot Serge, good weight, all wool, one of 75cour beet selling floes, per yard Fine French Serge, 46 Inches wide. Priestley'smake, pp crotch used for mourning purposes. per yard 855 All -wool Valles, 42 to 46 Mabee wile, will be very mach used this summer, will make a handsome dress, /t per yard. 50c,75c, $1.00 25c 40 loch Broadcloth, gaol weight, firm 555v0 bright n60c t finish, nitre speolol value at per yard b2-1ooh Brcedoloth Salting, brl,bt finish and good weight, will wear well and make a stylish owtuw,•, 1.00 Per yard. 44 look Matin Clot6s,sl1 pare wool, him, close weave and Hob win fields, will give excellent wear. twn qualities, per yard 60c, $1.00 Floe wool Grea.dlnes, 38 to 44 Moises, near deluges, 50c, 75e, $1.00 floe' quality silt Grenadines, new and handsem. de Ngae,44 inches wide, per yard $1.50, $2.00, $2 50 Cashmere Hosiery Underpriced. Two bargains in Cashmere hose. They are just the weightfor early spring wear, and are a good deal Net- ter value than you can usually get at these prices. At 25o • Ladles' Black Oashm•r Hese, lull fa.hlo.ed, ream Moe feet. .plleed noel and tee. salt and dee, regular Abe 1,161117, per Weir 25o At: 30o Led ire' elhb•d Oeobmere Rose, assorted:rthe, spliced bowie and .alert, soft fi.leh, will wear will, regular 40e and 45e ponds, per pair 300 Best Tib to Buy Carpets. There isn't a better time to buy Car- pets than now. The stocks are at their best and there is a better variety to choose from than there will be later. If you have any carpet buying to do come and see the brand new stock we have in our new carpet room. It is the best, largest and brightest carpet room in the county. There is room enough and light enough for you to see the car- pets just as you ought to see them. The stock is good in every way. The colorings and patterns are the newest to be had, and we are willing to have you snatch values with any you will get anywhere. Hemp Carpets, raverslide patterns, strips sed doral designs . 124c, 18c, 20c Llano Carpet', eiders will not run, • big mage 25c. 3?4c, 50c Tapestry Carpets, road qualities, • Ms nage oftorn Osg' 28c. 374c, 50c, 65c Body Brussels, 44asdb frame, sew deal's' St -$110,$1.25 WI.dew Shades, monetod os spring rollers 30c to 760 Curtain Poles, wood or braes trimmings.. 25c to:76o Japanese Mattings. New Japanese Mattings came inlast week. They came to us direct from the Japanese makers. Patterns are new, some a decided change from the ordinary.' They are made from clean, live straw, well woven, and will wear well. A dozen or more patterns to se• lett from. PRICES, 12ic TO 35c April and May 1)K- RII+NER and TAT• TFRNS now in. HODGENS BROS. C}ODRICH. TH ea WM. THE FIFTY THE WEE, yJl la' beat Flour. 15tu117' dour. Daunt. Was. tl ton.. - Baoru. 5 Ina Sou-rulugs. Do K7" per bush pyeogee V pay, Ill balk. • • paster, oar ba Hay g too Ibutoe•• a be Buller, ver Ib ( setrash an Pelts • Drowsed sloeCon s tfM, 'ewed t hest wooed Mag. Gula, rpt et -fin _ TO I Notion of ter Office no noon. 7 mast he cloy n00n ,••Opted esrh west situ K\IITE:R' run lipid sand Stei•011 BURLItUItr fl)00Ug. LT ed. br 1r Qtalo gpDoc McUAN 1.1x4 COL Teacher of sal e el•r pupil. et 150105.•0 o'ac motion apply fn. Patrice e 5l W t,LEN Organist and i Methodist obc g er and them. amu/et tons of Music. III firms from •11 nee sable nes etwe• les sal eyed for. FOR SALE Stu In bel Apply to gl)v Wet. (foible. OLD PAP Mee end em'.A1. Ones p05 MALI r smith .ba ly cf Huron, s lag house. pis all1est bTheledie re m▪ ike room teem dose. A, YOUNU, ( M Prembr. VOR MALI .r the west weaceb. oomI 57 PUWI KF Barrister l►ot POKSALN ✓ and 111 aoderlch. Ft March 11th, LET Ing hone bows of (lode pod (ern o0 pphtoR.1. 1 /110 KENT 1 1 street at le las •(siert mssemry. (1 O m with fit BNItM11.1 We hove a Mop. shrub* % to strictly W IN you wet Corresponds 71m N011r5 after the lks date here 1leaeen held t eating liquor Tawe. to Fre will be . our ('nmmtulnoe }Iwo. Dated at 0, 11.1969 7th PROF. v, MANI 1'111 411 kinds a %order tip We. Orden by 1 .ase of pant De 1M"Ilun. S NlisIUHM CRAM R. ANcR: ROOT Y suet of I.M;mutt . Mercentlle sweet rater Mats and tidings bani lea le Gods /I. Rs F dftons,A e% smite adv.._ Kart' res M. rs esti re HN DR W sad Nt 47 at rolli EVERYONE Likert, and we have been Enjoying the friendliest kind of in- terest in, our New Wall Papers over since we commenced showing them Another large shipment just passed through the Customs. It is Fine in Texture, Original in Design and Bewildering in Variety. The floor may be carpeted, draperiesmay be abundant and beautiful, but without. a background the effect is very poor. PORTER'S BOOK STORE (Ute► Telwplsrwsst is No. 100 K 1 ;.Orf. lints Square, (lrx,arinh. To UAaaotrIao -10,000 5o pookss• reds, 10 paokag•s for 260. Clover, timothy, ' pelts, .u,ee wheal, ea., for sale. Geo. E. KtNo, Wlogbam. Oysters, sissy, fresh, •t the old reliable oyster hones, Viotoria Restaurant, West. e t., to bulk or d all toy's'', los Dream. fruit, cool•ollomery, Mears ea. 0. Blrt'K- STUNK KINTAIL. Mw'n.t', Apr. 7. Joe Griffin returned home last week. Ott tido Griffin spent Sunday with friends in Ashfield. The 1.0.F. gave an oyster supper and hop in McDonald's hall. Mir Kite. W bitty returned home from London Academy tut week. M Whim bavlog sold Mb driver has pus chased another hone of Morris Wallace. A. Yruog porcheoed • fictions year-old of John Farrisb for the sum of $100 00, a good price for a yearling oolt. The people of the vicinity spent r very eojoyahle eve0t01 ae the home of J. Flynn lase week. There were some °ode - r oh guests there also. Christopher Lamberton hes rented bis farm to hie son James, sad will live roared. LOOK OUT FOR THE Kensington Furniture Company's Retail Show Rooms ON THE SQUARE CHURCH NOTES. 1 he adi turned Muter vestry meeting to 0000eot,00 with St. lleorge'e obutoh will he held nest Monday •yobg to the school room, Instead of Monday of this week as before aanounoed. 1'he cell film Manchester and Smith's Wall Paper ij811'1ffiBll1. 2 dozes Samples of TAPESTRY PAPERS from loo to 351. 50 Samples of INGRAINS, ell .6ades and colors with wiling sod birder to matob. 100 Samples GILT EMBOSSED. esu- 000•.ntlonsl and floral d«Igeo. 2 drove Samples WASHABLE TILE PAPERS for bath room or kitchen. We can show you • larger range of Samples than you can tee In a city like Toronto. Let u. prove It. Ws hay• also sums of the prettiest 51 papers. suitable 1-.r bed rooms - "DAINTY DESIGN'S.' W. aka the contract to do your 000m. We have jest revolved a consignment of Fr.nob Organdie, Crepon, Kin, Ed- ward, Mottled Bond, R••y•i Velvet, Ve English, Blue Danube, and other most fasbiorable Note Papers and h,velopes. KIDD BOOK STORE, Uoderich. mmnrnmmtnttnm►ft Are you looking for snaps ,NWIiEELS WE HAVE THEM THE COMMON SENSE, - $30.00 THE GODERICH, - - 25.00 - Fitteti with Dunlop Tires. Everything up-to-date. Guaranteed for one year. EE & SHEPHARD Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, etc. Plumbing and Heating a Specialty. FENCING- your Feet warm at Night A Not Water Bottle- W1L1. DO rr We Have Them -0 KKIIH 'ISI ('11EA1'E:,I' To THE BEM F. M. BUM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS f. Corner of West at. and the Square. Hid te Rey. A E. Camp, H. A., war .us - abed by the Pr•ebytery of Huron, al 1t@ regular meeting at Clinton oo Tuesday. The nail was stewed by unit hundred sad forty oommunloaots and ninety two ad - hermit., and promised • salary of $800, a year with • manse. Mr. Camp has not yet Intimated his mind 000wroiog It. Oa Good Friday Inspector Tom, tf Gods Hob ; Dr. Fowler, Wbgbam ; Rey. W. G. Howson, Rey, G. A. (h8ord,f1R. Holmes and H. Rorke, Citation, ani J. O. Stene man, Hsneallrepresenting the ereoatlye of the ('0ooty S S. end O.K. Arootat:on, mak In Clinton for the purpose of srr•ogiog ter the 00611o, 000vsntloo, which is to be held a: Blyth on Jove 19 20 Su!able .ubieok. WILL SOON BE HERE! M°KENZIE cP HOWELL. THE RED FRONT SHOE YOU CANNOT AFFORD... . STORE To run around in the mud and slush uniess your feet are well clad. This we can do for you in any style of FOOTWEAR you want, and at a price within the reach of everyone. E. DOWN/NG, Successor to P. T. HALLS Bole Agent In Ooderloh for Walk -Over and Queen Quality, and speak.rs were foliated and as as.s.a1. Iy interesting gathering 1. looked tor. Th• congregational meeting held b North street Methodist church on Wed needs), eveuing of tut week, to consider and disown the adyteeblbty of erecting a new ohurob edifice, was attended by a large number ot members and adherents of the church. A number of the mors prominent members of the ohuroh placed their views before the resting. The 000 teases of opinion was that something should he done, either to the way sf eolarglag and nmrdelliog the present structure or In the building of an entirely new cherish, sod the majtinty of those preeeot snored to (seer tte latter Doane to pretereooe to spending large sem of money in Improving the presses building. 1 he question was re - (erred bark to the quarterly board for turtbur oonslderatlo• and for ws.ultatloa with the trustee board. TLLtr/est Mo. fid. HODGENS BROS. slag su d De WEST r I ■awu.»r IT. A Kid dove Bargain Have made heavy purchases of all kinds of Fencing Material to avoid the wire famine like last year, and buying in quantities we get better prices, eo we can sell cheaper. \WA are therefore prepared to sell extremely low. We will Bell and PUT UP THREE of the Best Fenoes Made. i The American Field Fence. We sold over 4,000 rods last season. The Frost Fence. Made of No. 9 coiled spring wire and upright. No. 7 The Gun or Carter. Made of No, 9 coiled wire and wove with galvanized wire. We ere prcperrol to will either at store or put tip by competent builders We have. a very low quotation on Manure Forks of the bed grad& McKJ3NZIE & HOWELL THe PLACE TO BUT ALL HARDWARE CHKAP. 0/ 0141411411W1teMo►ij111j11 Mi tli tai tl NitiI tk O 1I/ 1 iliAL1ij11I11 AG 75 Pairs Kid Gloves at t 50c instead of $1.00 t N Saturday, April l2th, we place on sale 75 pairs of kid Gloves, at half price and Tess. They are the last pairs of several lines that sold at $1.00 and $ 1.25, and which we are dropping from stock. All are standard makes, and it is because we are going to confine ourselves to our three well- known and popular lines at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, that we are clearing these out. About 50 pairs black and 25 colored in the lot. Sizes 51 to 6i. 75 pairs kid tlloves, blank and oolar•d, good totalities, 4 button lariat h, roost of them ', b 6}, some b; in the int, lost pairs of Imes shit sold at $1 00 and 11 25, your choice.• Saturday sic iood Black Dress Goods. If you are going to buy a black dress this spring, in justice to yourself you should see this stock. Everything that is fashionable in black dress stuffs, from the thin light weight Voiles and Grena- dines to the heavier and more substan- tial Broadcloth and Homespuns, is rep- resented in it. There is variety enough to suit almost every taste. The quali- ties are good. They are made from pure wool, and the dyes are absolutely fast and unchangeable. Just a few price hints : All wool Frond' serge, Bootle fold, makes op well for sults or skirts, elves satisfactory wear, per yard_ 42 Inch all wool storm serge, bard wonted finish, well not hold or cetnb dost, gond weight, extra @peolal value, per yard • • " 44•'nob all pure wool E,temioe, t'rtestley'e make, Cheviot finish, makes stylish sed serviceable sults or skirt, per yard 46.ieob Cheviot Serge, good weight, all wool, one of 75cour beet selling floes, per yard Fine French Serge, 46 Inches wide. Priestley'smake, pp crotch used for mourning purposes. per yard 855 All -wool Valles, 42 to 46 Mabee wile, will be very mach used this summer, will make a handsome dress, /t per yard. 50c,75c, $1.00 25c 40 loch Broadcloth, gaol weight, firm 555v0 bright n60c t finish, nitre speolol value at per yard b2-1ooh Brcedoloth Salting, brl,bt finish and good weight, will wear well and make a stylish owtuw,•, 1.00 Per yard. 44 look Matin Clot6s,sl1 pare wool, him, close weave and Hob win fields, will give excellent wear. twn qualities, per yard 60c, $1.00 Floe wool Grea.dlnes, 38 to 44 Moises, near deluges, 50c, 75e, $1.00 floe' quality silt Grenadines, new and handsem. de Ngae,44 inches wide, per yard $1.50, $2.00, $2 50 Cashmere Hosiery Underpriced. Two bargains in Cashmere hose. They are just the weightfor early spring wear, and are a good deal Net- ter value than you can usually get at these prices. At 25o • Ladles' Black Oashm•r Hese, lull fa.hlo.ed, ream Moe feet. .plleed noel and tee. salt and dee, regular Abe 1,161117, per Weir 25o At: 30o Led ire' elhb•d Oeobmere Rose, assorted:rthe, spliced bowie and .alert, soft fi.leh, will wear will, regular 40e and 45e ponds, per pair 300 Best Tib to Buy Carpets. There isn't a better time to buy Car- pets than now. The stocks are at their best and there is a better variety to choose from than there will be later. If you have any carpet buying to do come and see the brand new stock we have in our new carpet room. It is the best, largest and brightest carpet room in the county. There is room enough and light enough for you to see the car- pets just as you ought to see them. The stock is good in every way. The colorings and patterns are the newest to be had, and we are willing to have you snatch values with any you will get anywhere. Hemp Carpets, raverslide patterns, strips sed doral designs . 124c, 18c, 20c Llano Carpet', eiders will not run, • big mage 25c. 3?4c, 50c Tapestry Carpets, road qualities, • Ms nage oftorn Osg' 28c. 374c, 50c, 65c Body Brussels, 44asdb frame, sew deal's' St -$110,$1.25 WI.dew Shades, monetod os spring rollers 30c to 760 Curtain Poles, wood or braes trimmings.. 25c to:76o Japanese Mattings. New Japanese Mattings came inlast week. They came to us direct from the Japanese makers. Patterns are new, some a decided change from the ordinary.' They are made from clean, live straw, well woven, and will wear well. A dozen or more patterns to se• lett from. PRICES, 12ic TO 35c April and May 1)K- RII+NER and TAT• TFRNS now in. HODGENS BROS. C}ODRICH. TH ea WM. THE FIFTY THE WEE, yJl la' beat Flour. 15tu117' dour. Daunt. Was. tl ton.. - Baoru. 5 Ina Sou-rulugs. Do K7" per bush pyeogee V pay, Ill balk. • • paster, oar ba Hay g too Ibutoe•• a be Buller, ver Ib ( setrash an Pelts • Drowsed sloeCon s tfM, 'ewed t hest wooed Mag. Gula, rpt et -fin _ TO I Notion of ter Office no noon. 7 mast he cloy n00n ,••Opted esrh west situ K\IITE:R' run lipid sand Stei•011 BURLItUItr fl)00Ug. LT ed. br 1r Qtalo gpDoc McUAN 1.1x4 COL Teacher of sal e el•r pupil. et 150105.•0 o'ac motion apply fn. Patrice e 5l W t,LEN Organist and i Methodist obc g er and them. amu/et tons of Music. III firms from •11 nee sable nes etwe• les sal eyed for. FOR SALE Stu In bel Apply to gl)v Wet. (foible. OLD PAP Mee end em'.A1. Ones p05 MALI r smith .ba ly cf Huron, s lag house. pis all1est bTheledie re m▪ ike room teem dose. A, YOUNU, ( M Prembr. VOR MALI .r the west weaceb. oomI 57 PUWI KF Barrister l►ot POKSALN ✓ and 111 aoderlch. Ft March 11th, LET Ing hone bows of (lode pod (ern o0 pphtoR.1. 1 /110 KENT 1 1 street at le las •(siert mssemry. (1 O m with fit BNItM11.1 We hove a Mop. shrub* % to strictly W IN you wet Corresponds 71m N011r5 after the lks date here 1leaeen held t eating liquor Tawe. to Fre will be . our ('nmmtulnoe }Iwo. Dated at 0, 11.1969 7th PROF. v, MANI 1'111 411 kinds a %order tip We. Orden by 1 .ase of pant De 1M"Ilun. S NlisIUHM CRAM R. ANcR: ROOT Y suet of I.M;mutt . Mercentlle sweet rater Mats and tidings bani lea le Gods /I. Rs F dftons,A e% smite adv.._ Kart' res M. rs esti re HN DR W sad Nt 47 at rolli