HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 7THE CANADIANS' GREAT FIGf1T.
!ought Until Every Man
Killed or Wounded.
Iluspllnl Corps Neer the Pros,.[.
Ten uppearauce In the list of care
milder of tow nage of a member of
i the Hospital Corps indicated that
Wasthe terse war pretty well tip near
tole firing tine. Title Is borne out by
Cul. Featly Is*na ug e, In which he
coupler the Field Iluspltal with the
Mounted ItUkee and stater that they
bad undergone a revere teat credit-
THE LA ice. CAPTAIN e111.I,Il.AN.
KILLEDs wPteouNnoty. , 13Onto.f,
until oho date ut hlr enllstment last
January. wur captain In the 46th
• lourham Reglmeut, under Col Jahn
Hughes and Major 11..t. Ward, M. P.
• Previously Ice had served in the 48th
el Lr.l sit the Dead an: N ounJc4 No 'tensility* Men Among Them Su H1gelanttera, Toronto, and had Igen
1 -,cten et the Killen Itclonged to Ontario—The Canadians Were MaJor In command of Durham Field
(Battery. He was Mao a noted rifle -
in ehargc et the Baggage and Repelled Attack After Attack— map, and atatiogulrhed himself at the
umdhing About the [Rad ■ns Wounded Descrl Ilan of the Battle D. R. A. and at at Sley pati gim-
p Medea. When the Second Mounted
1 he Lasl Cansdien Emptied His llenJul,er and Broke tile Rifle as
lie fell rlortally '.VounJed.
London, April 4. -There was revere
egleing all 'IW long OD March 81
re the neighhorhool of Bart's laver,
m the south'vegleru extremity of
:he Transvaal, bet weer' part of Gen.
l;luduvner'r force anti the forces of
Gene. Jl larsy noel Kemp. resulting
In the repulse of the Boer* after
heave tosser on both sties.
'the cenedl"n KI8N especlrlly die.
Ueetoshed themselves. Oue party,
eetene tided by Lleuleaseic ll, nee
I as tut isere, 110101 lig Ir' punt tin sees).
set, ,s.. k1.led or wounded.
Lon! Kitchener's official report,
tinted from Pretoria yesterday even-
ing. guy's :
tics. Kitchener (Lewd Kitchener's
brudter) rest Cols. Kele and tooneen
Irma t rlekail, Western Tre iavaul, on
yard, 31, to recouuoltro\tuwurde
Sart'. River. Tues 6000 at sit k die
trark of gene, and carried on a run -
ting figut for thh. ethic, fuiluwiug
the Oak throng,' the bush. Emerg-
ing fel a plata, large Buer rtdnfura•r
Igrets alvauced agutmrt their Iluuke,
forcing the British troolNe to take
up a (1.fensible position. which they
hastily entrenched. elghUng leveler
at clew' quartere untli the Boers
were repulsed ou all riles.
--}Marey, Kelap au d other leaders
vainly attempted to persbale their
sea t•. renew the action. Fifteen
hundre•1 Boers purticipatwl In the
e ngagemuent; but they had suffered
tear heavily and clearexl away to the
e orthwert and south. The 11riUrh
)neeee were also severe.
The Canadian Rifles especially dls-
tfegulsb"(I .themselves one party
coivautnled by Lieutenant Bruce Car-
ruthers holding Its post till every
man was killed or wounded. Others
of the forces showed greet ateadl-
neee', eti ewing the Boers to advance
'valeta two hundred yards of them
and repelling them with a ■toady
rule lire," --
Ottawa, April 6. -For the past48
freer.. in fact ever since the newi of
the K,•lnlsarolt'e laver eugngemeot
and teat the Canadians were in the
tack eef the fight, war received, there
hate [.eon telegrams of inquiry from
all pieta of Canada to the Militia De-
partment. Yesterday was as big a
day of reapenas° as Friday. The news-
paper eorreepondeata were constant-
ly or' daty, foregoing their visual
Weenie afteriOnn holiday In ord r
to serve the pithiest. It was not until
too n'elock thin afternoon that a
teleplone melange Crum Government
Howe apprised the waiting newspap-
ermen that a partial list of catered -
tier had been received, and town the
despatch was on the wires to every
part of Canada.
Today ■ het of killed and wounded
umbers 30, a total of 34 received so
1. ierinding Lisette. Ryan. McKay.
eta kl.ein, and Laudon. already pub -
i. sly vee the (int official derpatoh
..1 '.;t, the name* of 19 men
late sell to be received. To -day's
4,1 fee,•eve:
111e. KILLED.
'Wiest were being formed, re great
war his enthusiasm that he re•
gigue,: him eumwlrrlon and enlisted
ns' a private. Captain Milligan was
FiSHEII, J. C.. age,[ 27, cowtoe, a wealthy farmer, and leaver a wife.
burn Huntington. B.C.; outran Char- -Lee Ulm Robertson, of Lindsay. and
• lotto A. Goes, Adioroft, It.t, Ei;tet- moverul oleldreu. When Col. Sam
eel at eenetouver, l C. Hughes. M. P.. wen notified by the
SHELTON, L., private, aged :18, Mtsir(er that he was 'mound In com-
rutcher, bons ut \Vetlla Walla, mind of the Royal Canadian lege
Wash., U. Fl. A.; next of kin, etre, meat I0 1899, and believing 4ltal
F. Shelton, Walla Walla, Wavle, a company would be mimed in the
U. 8. A. Enlisted at Virden, Maul. teird military dletrtrt. he rhose Cap-
HODGF^ F. B., aged 24, farmer, tale Milligan to command toe come
learn London, Eng., next of kin, pang.
Horatio Hodges 844 Wert Oreen --
ltd.. Tottenham. London, Eng- En- SEIto;T. PERRY,
Rated at Virden. Man. Sergeant Perry was a eon of Mr.
DENNEHI', F. W.. eget 37. ruse:her, John Perry, of Galt, a nephew of
bore India, next of kin, Mary Den- Mr. J. B. Perry, of Bedford goal, In
nehy, Calgary. Enitetetl at Cul- Toronto, and of etre. Baird, wife of
gar,. N. W. T. Rev. Dr. Baird, of Manitoba College.
DEItJt.t41, ('halmer L. ager[ 28, a lie was born In Galt, where the fam-
bhackamith, Hartland, Carleton liy lure lived for many years, and It
Qnnnty, N. B.; father James Der- was there he repent his boyhood. lie
rah, Hartland. Enlisted at 8t. adopted soldiering as a profession,John, N. B. ami before the outbreak of the South
GUNN, J. G., of tho teen Melilla'
Company, aged 22, mwlleal Ntanl-
ent, born Brerona, Wales; father
John Gunn, ALI. ('ring, Ont.
e1isitit • Wounded.
African war watt a member a the
Caiiulian Mounted Dragoons in Win-
nipeg. Ho went to tk,uth Africa with
the first contingent, awl wan in the
tattle of i'anrdeberg and other
()THEN, C. It., sergeant, Brandon. engagements. Invalided home after an
Man. attack of fever. Iso reoelveal a public
WFknERN. Thomas, sergeant, fort- Ont., and perhaps should be clanged
age la Pralfte. as' an O,tar o min, which would make
1'O11,TEY, A., private, Winnipeg eltd►t killexl from (his Province.
SIMONS. J., private, Nelson, B. C.
HENDYX, P., private, Rowland, B.C. (ORP. KN ISE.I.N V.
M'DONALD, Alexander, private, Fort
Steele. B. C.
HAWES, II., Private, Halifax. N.S.
BISWANUEIt, J. N., private. Hall-
. fax. N. el, Tenth Canadian Field
Previously Iteporled Wenner&
Lieut. R. IL Ryan, Keatvllle, N. S.
Lieut. Q. B. Mackay, Montreal
Lieut. R. Ie'. Markham, St. John. N.
B.' (slight ly).
Lieut. W. J. Loudon, Toronto
The reatives of the killed were
notUte.t'by telegram tits afternoon
of the death of their loved ones -
The mee'•age shows that two de-
tachments of the RUlee, both Evans'
and Merritt e. were In the fight, as
one of tee fiele hospital men who
went out wit!: l'olouol Evans In the
'Victor—Mit 1s sr-ve sly wounded. Indl-
Ieating teat the two detachments
had elided. Looking at the above
1 list ,e will be uo'erv.d that ever
I Provineee. except Pr,nce Edward Iso
and ti represented on the list of
crea te's lluaor loop.
Ottawtl as •. 1
t • :yd a tan eMounted Rifle*
In their first engagement et Klein
Hart's River, ou March 31, was
recr Ived In port this aftentoon at
Goternmout Howse.
The following 1s the carnally flet
at far as received by 1'rotkmcca;
Ontario -Killed, 7 -Sergeant J.
Campbell ferry, Guelph ; Corporal Al-
fred thereat, Guelph ; Pte. M. E.
Huston, Laudon; Pte. C. N. Etanei,
London ; l'tc. W. P. 1 . Mtlllga0,
Pettrtoru'. Repertei by televised •
men an killed -Corporal W. ('. Knel-
l/Y. Toronto, Pte. T. B. Day, To-
ronto. Severely wounded, t -John
Grant Gwen, Lobelon FicW Hospital
Total 8
Corp. Knlscley, D. C. M, came from
Selkirk, In the County or Hal:llmnud,
and was rt (arm. -r. Ho belong.•.I to
the 87th R,wm nt, Halilm' n* 1ttR'•�,
and volunteered from It to the let
Battalion. Caesurae Mounted RUIN,
Sherrill war a flue, all-round ath-
lete, a boxer, a jumper and t► good
sprinter. lie weighed ubOut 185
pouudr, and war a epleudll pity/ileal
specimen of the young Cauu,line. tie-
o-ing out orlgtually with the (Ire toou-
thigent, iee went through every'en-
gagemeut of the ex►wpsaign, and was
never sick a day. Sherrill was the moo
of a mWleter, and leaves a widowed
mother and several deters ill Brant-
ford. Ile was le the Toronto com-
pany of the Chet ouutluguut, and es-
ltated at Guelph for hie last cam.
1'k1'kltM AN 1)1.1) LONDONER.
Peters', one of the k4led classed att
true Britldt Columbia, where he en-
listed. was orlglaally from Luudou,
listed here. Gunn, who hr reported
severely wounded, was a medial
student at the Western University,
and was recruited for the hospital
Corps. He was about 2s yeare of
age. Ho Is is run of hr. John GuoD.
of Allem Venlig, gond a nephew of
Mr. D. Gun', of Gunn Brod. h Cu.,
of Toronto.
('API AIN 11141 (1' o'.litltl 1 IIF.Its.
Something About line (.,dl,utl litmus
Captain Bruce Carruthere ie un ex=
ceedingly well-known m lith officer
and a promesent figure lit political
and social circles In Klugetou. He le
the son of the late John Carruthere,
a well-known sural wealthy mercbunt
of Kt/getou, ani wits educated rat
the R. M. C., where he wee a mentor
classm'tn to 8 r Percy Gironar d, [coir
director of the Imperial Military Rail-
ways of Berth Africa. Captain Car-
ruthere Joined the 21st Hussars, as
they were then, retiring after come
)ears' service. Ho was extensively
Interested In the west and traveled
a goat deal in Arizona and New Mex-
ico. He was a prominent figure In
Kingston, testa Prerklent of the Re-
form Aicoclation and teas n Vico-
I'reellent of the Kingston Scheel e,f
Melee, to which its father contri-
buted larged; . 1n fact the home of
the .school le known nit the John
Carruthers Hall, It having been built
,hiough his genero,ity. When the war
broke out Captain Carruthers, who
wad an officer In the 14th P. W.
O. R., mile -nod his oommlesieu and
enlisted as :a private. He was made
sergeant, and when Lieut. A. Clyde
Cut ;well organised the rig lalling sec-
tion, which did such good service
throughout the camp:,lgn, 8erat.
Carruthers became hie non-com. He
was well acquainted with ,[gnu ani;,
having mastered It when In the' 1st
Huseers. 8-'rgt. Carruthers knew
Limit. Cal.iwell inttmatiey.aele was
ooh hie senior, but mutual tact car-
ried off what might have been a dif-
ficult situation. 8ergt. Carruthers
t served till the returli of the con-
tingent. winning high praline for his
work. At Pru.rleberg, for Instance,
the 'sedan did excellent work In
keeping up commuelcatlon.
rquatrous of the 2nt1 C. M. R., D, E
and F', which gulled firer to Setae
Africa, [Live beep lit 1110 general
nelghborhood of Klerkwlorp, owing to
the fact that a caeanity report a
few deed ego mentlo'tei the rick mein
aa being 111 hoeplual at that place.
\%'.\%T 1'O Fill 111'
Hnlifax, N. S.. April 8.—Thoint
epeclaI Service Battalion Royal na-
/alina, now attritional at nubbly,
have volubteerad for aery:cit w
eoutli Africa. 1.leut.-Col. White stater
that a large percentage of the oft-
cerw and mets aro nnxlow to go to
oho front. Tho regiment la compere,[
.J nearly 1,000 men, it having been
strengthened recently by et large
iumtwr of reoruitr. who enllrted at
varietal polutg 1r' the lower l'rovtooee.
It le probable that the offer ref the
,e-rv".cee of the regiment will be re-
commended to the War Officio.
Regulars sire Autloum.
Toronto, April 7. -Moet of tine rul-
eders at Stanley Barracks have been
on pile and needles since the first
conte of the fight at Harter River,
waiting for the' basualty 11st.
OOP effect the Ilst of casualties has
had 1. to fire the local repreNnenta-
th"e's of permanent oorps with e► hot
desire to go out to South Africa and
get even. Well -posted repreeepta-
tiv-ee of the 11. C. D. and R. R. qt.
sskl that every memher of their re-
spective mors. lit Toronto - want[
volunteer for service with the pro-
po-rd new contingent.
Thn see:Won was being very seri-
cite! dlecussed by a group In the
es' rgeantie men last night. Quarter-
master Galloway, who wait with the
first contingent ; Be rgt.-Major W1t1-
gerv, formerly Of Hamilton. who was
with the serond contingent ; 8egt.
Patton, who hate recently returned
from the. Canadian Scouts, and Rev-
ue[ other soldiers, some of wheat
were wearing a portion of the khaki
uniform which was mupplted them In
&,eth Afrl-a, were expreesang their
regret that e e m any go) 11.Bowe had
met misfortune.
A l;.N.LANT li'Iti'RT.
5 st a.sdIM 11+ F'ou'jht to the Leet bleu
and Repelled Itepeartd Attacks.
A Klerkedorp despatch says: " De-
tails received of the We at Doom -
ball Farm, March 81. in which the
British had three office and tweeety-
four men killed, and slxteen officers
and 131 melt wounded, while the
Boers had 18T men killed or wound-
ed, show that quite two thousand
Boers opened a strong attack from
different p)htte with three guns And
a peon -pow. This attack wag mode
at a moment when" the Britleh hart
eft their baggage 1n a burger, In
charge of the Canadian contingent,
and were galloping acro.. the epee
plain with the intention of capturing
1'T, A. W., corporal, aged Quebtc-Dangerously wounded, since
tssetke , born Lo:aden. Ont.. dead -Pte. A. West, Montreal. Dan -
arc ,•f kilt a Janette Ilh.rritt, genteelly wounded,[ -Corporal F. 8.
Bran. feed, Oa tsted at Guelph. 1W L. Howard. Montreal. Totnl, 2.
tOLLi,.v'I'8 Ns', "1, r:.n'h„r, Manitoba -DIM frrom wounds --Pte.
Uunehareh, M1laktlkn, Out.: . H. Campbell, Brandon. Severely
Irtt ,•1 kin (.'1tas Vogralh, else- wounded, _ Shoemgemlttt W H.
strong, B. C. Enlisted at Reve4 Hunter, Winnipeg; Pte. F. B. Hodges,
deb-, B. C. Virden. Slightly wounded. 3--88 rtjt. C.
WL8L', A., age e1, gardener.
buret. born Sussex, England. father
I Rist, Maple Leine, Guslaluret,
Ken , Leyland. Enlisted at Mont-
t'ellPL'Il.L, D. 11., Bran lo shoeing
.al.h aged 25, born PnLeley, Itl'ta.e
coon; . • 0e.(., next of kip Dougn
Camfie 0, Pose, I11. Enlisted sit
ETAf3 1'. N., I.ou'loa, Ont.• tra.har,
aged 27, born "Port Hope . father
Jas. Frans, Port Hope, Oat. Eo -
titled at London.
EVRTON el. O. A., tinsmith, aged
.1. born Perth, 0 it.; soother Mnry
A. Huston, 8t. Mary's, Ont. Es -
hetet at I.ondon.
YILLIllAN, W. P. K.. aged 89, farmer,
(earn Clarke, Durham, County , next
et kin Margaret Milligan, Ciente,
Ont. Fe Istel at I'etcrb,ro'.
PERRY, John Cnmpb 11, sergeant, age
le seedier, barn Orlllia ; next of
kin Jeer' Perry, of Galt. Enlisted
at Giulia.
PETEI;B, W. T., aged :ll, woo,lturner.
born (:"mo, Htuoa County ; next of
kin. skeet, Mee Jas. Dawes, of 108
A,:,t.ilde street, London. Esthete I at
`: aaanwel ; -13. C.
Repo.ted 11111e4.
Niel', It., private, aged 24, teacher,
mfae hey t few, Orey county, elide
li C. Day, Shallow Nike,
Om, Fellatio! at Toronto.
KNOILLS. W. A., corporal, aged 26.
falter, horn at Selkirk, Norfolk
wealy, n here father realties. 1•:n-
listei nt Tor.
1)engernual Wauedrd.
HOWARD, T. S. mob., corporal, aged
�`• evil engineer, born Toronto ;
father t;tunrt Floweret, 27 St. Luke
'trent, t,entreal. Enlleted nt Mont-
S NI.. private. aged 29.
nimele•r, born Pittston, Grenville,
(hut,; father 8. M. I.lesert, sen.,
f'ittetnn, Ont. Lnlletrl at tran-
RR }pl J. C., prlvnte, MOO %,
;1101entkor, born Mnrtlnel,nr�,
'an•• 1„ 18.; father Martin llraffinws
wanileillprE- Enlisted at C'ran-
kok. n. C.
evrr,IV WnunAed.
M1iVF', 1 , wergen tit. aged 24
Pilcher. irnrn Dublin, (rotund; WO-
Themme Milne. Calgary, (Pah
1numw1 nt l etlsfary.
pt'N'Prn. 11.. ngrel 24, ahoe1f1
71ith. born PNtrrl'orn. flnt4 fa-
r r tinnier. pfiilndeIphlati 11, R.
A• rnlete,i nt Winnipeg.
R. Othen Brannon . :Sergi. Thomern
Western, Portage la Prnirle ; Pte.
A. Feeney. Winnipeg. Total. 8.
Northwest Territories, - Severely
wounded. 3-Sergt A. Milne, Calgary:
Pte L. Shelton, Uooecenin; Pte. F.
W. R. Donnelly, Calgary. Total, 3.
liritiah ('otenst la-Ktllesl. 2 -Pte. W.
T. Peters. C ranbrook ; i'te. W. Voll-
rath. Revplatnkr. DangerWiel?' wmi-nil-
1. 2 -Pte, S. M. LAerart. Crnnbrook ;
e. J. C. Ornfflns, Cranbrook. Pe-
veiyely wounded, 1 -Pte. J. C. Fisher.
Va ever. Slightly wounded. 8 -
1'te. 3. Sumas, Nelsen; Pte. P. Hen-
dry. Roseland; (884) Pte. Alois. Mc-
Donald. Fort Steele. Total S.
New Rrhnewlek-Severely wounded,
1 -Pte. Chn)Jner A. Derrah, St. John.
Total 1.
Nova Seotla--Sllghtly wounded. 2 -
Pte. H. Ilawes, Halifax ; Pte. J. R.
Biswanger, ifalifax. Total 2.
The seminary of
ported Is AC follows:
Ontario -Seven k111ei
mo far re-
1111- 1,IR'Eraty'
Quebec -One died'from reoundw, one
dangeronely wounded.
Manitoba -Ona dial from wounds,
two ',severely woeedani, throe slightly.
Nerthweet Territories -Three
verely wounded.
British f tolambla-Toe ktltes?;
dangerously wounded. one severely
wounded. three slightly.
New itrnnswlek - 011r prverely
Nova Scotia -Two 'light Iy wnnndel.
Col. havens' Maceagr.
Ceti. Lion. le. W. Borden lent night
received the following message from
Lieut. -Cal. Evans, of the 2m1 *met-
ed Rifles:
"Cape Town. April :t. --Regiment and
Field Hospital under evert. test.
Have acquitted lhemeelvr•m crrdlt•
ably. Regret hen vy en lee.
(Signed) Fvane."
A reply one wont by Col. Borden. In
the following terms: "Evane, some
mending second Canadian RIfMe ron-
Sratolete your regiment on It. brav-
ery, but deplore heavy Wares."
Lord Iland"u*td•e Appreciation.
he a appointed `
tothe. command , who will of(Id'
Canadian M11111a. lout no lime In
cabling hoe sppreelitton in a mem
Mee ter
.,1 Minna elted rl
a from His lw
. Lor shit by the the
hitter says: "Many enegratolntlons
*tint heartfelt Aympathy Inc glnrlone
Mimes. (Planed) ilvindnnnld."
SI. John. N.R., Wortlded,
Brantford, Killed.
P11. 1011)0%,
loronto, \\ounded
(terwnni.' known as the Royal Cana -
'ben Dragoon'. At the fight at LiIIl-
onte 1 , Knl.edry greatly distinguished o
ttfne.11 In the affair, for which Major
'o'kburn was awarded the V. C. he 1
Alter hit return Capt. Cnrrutherc
ons much Intercede.' in the subject
t AR -milling, it paper which he real
o mllttnry-asmoeaatlon 1:i Kingston
n alvocacr of It. more extenelve
practice in Canada and of the rRtab-
le.hment of a elgentling drpnrement
attracting much reeler. On the =n1
'. M. tt. being raised Cnpt. Carruth-
ers watt gtrrn n commission. Shortie
before he Joined his regiment he was
serried 40 Mine Maoldter.on, of Meg-
Montreal. April (t -The only Mont-
realer given in the casualties from
Booth Africa Is Corp. iloward. who
In 27 year,' old, and a non of Mr.
Stewart Howard, Aealatant ('ity
Surveyor, of Montreal. Corp. How-
ard was formerly connected with
the Montreal (Meehan Artillery.
son+ given the made( her dtstingulshed
conduct 1,1 the field. On returubtg 1
to Canada he resealed hes service fen
the 87th, ani was made staff -ser- {
geanl n,s1 orderly -room (1-rk. He
served In tlmt rapacity a' the last
Nlegara camp and at the royal re-
view. 01 this 1a0t o•ca Fro 1 he torten,
lie D. C M. from the iia&7s of the
Prince. H^ went to the front agnea
with the 20,1 C. M. It. Kalmrley,-who
at the I:Ifefontele it ht allowed des-
perate ooar..ge, Wag & very quiet and
exeeodingl,r modest man.
SON F: Ole THE 111'.ItOF.s.
I'arlleslar• Ahout Other Vetere)
Men Who Fell Vletlm•.
London, Ont.. April 6.-Oreat ex-
citement prevailed In the city to-
day when the casualty list at
Hart's River was bulletined by the
newspaper officer. George Hendon.
who le among the killed, was well
known herr, end profe m e "minim -
thy /an expreeeel . for him widowed
mother, who lives In St. Mary'm.
Two of his minter:" nlwi reel ie in
that town. Menton had been In
Lohdon alput five yeara and wife
employed by the Acetylene iliac Co.
when he .'*silted. lie wait formerly
it member of ole 7th Battalion. He
wan .2:; years of age. Evans, came
froth ['ort Hope, and merely ere
'Welcome nnsl the preennt of a gold
eaten on hon return to him natlre
totem. When his health was somewhat
nattered he volunteered for 'service
again tent autumn, ant went back to
Month Africa with the bast contin-
gent. Sef'geant Perry had a great
liking for •barge, and gree.[ 'kill In
their management. While In Winni-
peg he wee rintnlled for epeelal .er-
vLce In breaking awl training unruly
mounts, and him servtool with the
tient contingent as 'coot and rough
rider wan of n very valuable kind.
He was nn only son, and whIle of
genuinely ,soldierly bearing and
cplrlt, he w -ns a young men of moat
oottrtennn dluponitlon, trod nf a .4n-
gntarly pure And likeable ehwraeter.
1'011('0144,. a lt('.Itttt
Corporal Alf. W. Merritt, of Brant-
ford, was s noted bicycle rider ani
holder of the HehampIotethip of Can-
ada it few pare ago. The season Of
1807 wan perhaps the moot mnecees-
fel a Nm career, and that year he
won 110 first and 14 prmnd prises. In
IRO he wee Rent to Vienne, Austria.
nm the Canadian representative In
the work['. cnaroptonship 'testing.
('.%NAI)A 14) 111.14 SONS.
Ottawa, April 8. -The Governor-
General has sent the following
cablegram to the general In com-
mand at Cape Towu: -
"Ottawa, April 8. -Please com-
municate to officer commanding
Canadian Mo.mted Rifler': Hearty
congratulations to all rank,' on
their nplendld euccene; deeply 'le -
p krrr ttnnvy toss.
— '(Signed) Minto."
a 110er convoy, which had been d1r-
covered five miles ahead. The Britteh
retired steadily, and, having dis-
mounted, tested a return fuelllade
on the, Boers. 471i11e the baggage
in charge of the C: seelleos was rent
for, the Praia!' formed a cunip, and
started digging time:hem,. The shell-
ing of the Jtoure stampeded the melee
carrying provisions, and caused cop-
ra -ion but otherwl.ee it wan not very
effec(tv., nuluuy eNell. fal:nng to ex-
plode,. The Canaduut trout was at-
tacked in strong numbers, but they
gallantly e repelled every utternpt
male by the !goers to break through.
One party of the Canalianm tonight
until all wero killed or wounded, ani
the taut man, although mortally
w ousted, emptied two br udoller 01
cartridges at the enemy, and then
broke bin rifle. The, fighting waN
.severe and general fur fully three
bourn, but after the Mittel" had en-
trenched, and the guns got into
action, they repelled numerous and
determined attacks male under the
personal exhortations of the Boer
leaflets. Toward. night the Ilse
gradually ceased, and the [eters re-
tired. The llritisk then telegraphed
for nM and farther entrenettui1 their
camp for the night and to await the
arrival of General Kitchener, but the
Boers !nails. no attempt to renew the
attack "
'rt!(: enru:alty Iiet.1)f_.17Jt.kiUett and
wattµ:el fit an a(1e(aate proof of the
t'.wtwerate fighting between the two
fence,•I it le feared that the official
lig(. plat be tucomptlote. as.the casa-
ssltien among the Canadian Mount&
Itefhw who fore the brunt of the lit -
leek are Ina serious than wee an-
t t Ipatol. Fuels details as have been
receival eluow that Delarey and
Kamp were In hiding not far from the
,erne of I.ord efethuen'a .surprise and
'lefe,,t. and that Cookson and Keir, In
rnntocting the reconnaissance, were
s'rawn or' until they were confronted
by a mom rum force, nal forced to
Beit on the defensives. The Britteln
f,mvn.R teeing em -.Cane[ trwtpte, nal
well supporter by the artillery, hell
[[leer green.; derrpite tin eerie. of
18rt'k ttmaanit.. leenree'e burghere
set.tn eel not only severe Inc..'., hat
n flee' "e. defeat.
The Btrleye nttarked with great de-
t.rminalirltl dent the Canadian eoo-
lingpi•l and two agnadrona of Ye0-
menry len,"11.Colonel Crwoksnet. aril
the nrtlllrry mixt MnnntM Rines, nn-
s:er ('olnnel Kelt, preeente'I snob n
drool front Ihnt the httrgherm were.
fleetly forced to reeterat.
areae sod Ii•o"I ailed t .uulugrnl'a 4' Ight
The nation 111 ohne•!, the Canadians!
were Involved took place 0.1 the Klein
Harts, or Little Halts River, the
. ou thernlnoat branch of the Harte
River. Lord Methuen'c disaster at
Tweebowch occurred a 11411 • to the
north of the same river. No spelt
place 'as Vrelkull can ion fount on
,he map, but the spelling iN poreiblyy
an error for DrIekull. A farm of
%hie name le eight or ten miles eolith
of the Little Hartle Ricer. 1t le neer
the western termination nt n ri)a'l
or track which rune nlmumt dun west
from Klerkwlorp. From Lichtenberg
to Mafeking IN forty mules. From
Klerkwlorp to Lichtenberg le about
sixty metre. The forte of the Harts
River, which are shown on the mein,
are about forty melee east of the
railway line. RoolrnieltJeefonteln,
nhlrJi In .'town. IN the place where
Lon! Methnrn ALA C4 Grenfell were
to inset. Vrybnru• from whl.•h Lewd
Mother/1 marehe.l. IN strut seventy
re lees .onitlteast of Twee•ttorcn.
The lwIteailnnr are lhnt IIto Cnnn-
r • tight war on Ike noel hero bunk
of a Little Hartle, north of
Jt ha been nesr.al.rl that the three
11 hose Party of Caaadiaas Won Geo. Kitcheeer's Special Praise.
1.0NI)ON I Itte.so 1'RAISM:y THE 1101'8.
London. April b. -else gallantry of the Canadian troops at the .•u-
gsagemettt wool. the &►ere near Ha rt's River, Southwestern leaps -
vital .on Manch 31st. attracts ups tinted prelim Croon the British press.
liese comments form it striking contrast to the recently prluted
notification that the attention of Lord Roberta the Connuauder-l0-
(ltlef, had been drawn to vartou. oases where colonials who hod
been awarded oomnllerbonr ware t reated as Inferiors by the regular
officers and otherwise tirade tt feel that they were only members of
the mem by sufferance. Lord Rob erta It was semlofflc►alty an.
nounced, ons making an lnvestlgat ion, and intended to Inflict the most
written permit; on any British off' cern found guilty of each conduct.
Privately. and In letters to the press. many colonial officers have
frequently complained that "they are good enough at the front. but
are not wanted at a Cape Lown hotel or In a London drawing -
WAIL OFPICK '10 1,0141) N1STO.
Ottawa, April 0.-(8ptchtl.)-Coal Minto received a cable from An,
War Office this morning stating that the names of the officers In the
cacunity list at Klein Harte River has been sent forward, and that as
roue ar the list of rank arab file has been received It would also be sent.
8o far It had not been received. 'Cove offteaers were tfour mentlod
yeeteyday. The Oovernor-General cabled yesterday forhe. the toll IWt n►of
1 ' ns' UEST(' Tho u1.1 mar. olid almost oneroonie
[CIL RHODES' by the news, but left at pecedorl'hil-
L • odrlfdlia, tum[ surd he expoaetod to gall
immeliately Inc Europe to claim hie
for t e n.%
Among hid fellows at Lakewood,
Lhioter releteutuehhp to the "Empire
builder" of South Africa was un-
known until the despatolt arrive,,
Those he told low story, aceonhug to
which ire es a (trait ccuslu of Cecil
1; badesi.
"Cecil," be raid, .'was going to
Eton when I came to America,. 1
went to Canada and later to Buffalo.
From the latter city I moved to 1'btl-
udelphia, but a few years atop !tidied
In the grocery banners, and was com-
pelled to earn a living by doing )an-
tler work.
"Rhodes, and myself never got along
very well togoUrer, me our tamilied
hal always. disagreed over relgious
ma teem I wrote hue in 18[18 and
told him that I war not doing very
well, awl would Ike to go to South
Afr:ou. He rent me a curt note say -
Ing that there were enough Rhodes's
8 f • . anti re1ta4m4_ to help
London, April e. -The war In
South Africa, politics and every
topic neurally of interest were for-
gotten toelay Ln the absorbing d1. -
cession of Cecil Rhodes' will. Regard-
ing that extraordinary document, the
Aee.Ochtiel Press has ascertained
come new facts. The total of Mr.
Rhoden' fortune is like) to prove 45.
be L1,000,000 or slightly under that
amount. The executors, to whom he
bequeathed the residue of his eetntte
will eitvl'fe about £1,000,000 or
L1,"00,000 between them. According
to the terms of lids legacy, the
amount le to be divided during their
life time , but as each legatee dies
his mbar.. goes to n common fowl
until the surviving legatee becomes
he reel,. owner. Hence, one of the
executors, the mnjorlty of whom are
enormously wealthy, will one day
inherit what will then have prob-
ably accumulated Into nearly 1;2,000,-
000e The executors, the Aeroclatoe.
braes tablet bearingtlae words "Here Press kerne, have m,umunlly full
r t)owern, and can construe and ndel
lie the remains of Cecil ,John [tholes.' .0 btu, wall am eee•ms fit. Henan the
No one ',Weldon of British Columbia, Neva
Seottn an -1 other Canadian pruvineee
from the list of echolarehip' Is quit••
I;kely to be corrected, and each pro -
vino. of ('annda may tat put on tile
,ewe footing as the American States.
One of Mr.:Rhodes* most Intimate
associate« maid to a representative
of the A..orlated Preen. "Ile drew
op him will In the some opted in whk'h
hn approached all great undertak-
ings. in his most important tanks
he merely sketched the outlines and
left um to f111 in the details. His
trustees are given plenary powers.
In the matter Af the srholar,hips•
Mr. Rhoden saw the neheme was so
want that any attempt to too rightly
lay down the lines might remelt In
harm. no, beyond endeavoring tr.
meet the legal requirements. he
tried to leave the fulfilment of his
plane to thome with whom during
stn ole -deli he and fregeestly die.
enneat them."
Regarding the American bequests
the same authority maid: "In offer-
tnee AmO.'
erlrane and rmanm induce-
ments to go to OxfordModem, Mr. Modem
had a dual ABM. -First, putting the
youth of England In Intimate tone),
with what he termed the two most
progremvr nationhe s of tworld, eo
that they might be broadened and
'purred to more etrrunot,s efforts.
44eeondly, bringing tow beet newel -
menet of luterlenn. and Gr.rrstanm nn
such term,' with the English people a better and custom,' that they might be-
oome missionaries of in-
ternati onal nnderetanding."
When the trowteem ran meet and
all the prellmirwtry detail', are PM-
tin',n reeving will be made to IP, -
oral leading Americans to form a
/solemn ter in the 1-elt,d StHtem If. net
in rnn)unetion with the F.ngdieh berry
endnumnme resrtnln rn.poneihllties for
which the executor./ are palpably nn-
flttr,rt hoth by Merano' from the Un-
ited Fitateee and Ign waeoe of Its
custom. 1
Some Particulars of ,the Re-
markable Will.
'.undo'', April 4, be will of Cull
Rhoden provider for the establleh-
Ineat of colonial mcftolarmhlpe, ua pre.
kitties annue ncod, and two Amer lean
eclolars'ltipr to each of the prereut
Matey and territories of the Unit-
e) States.
The will of Mr. Rhuites also pro-
vides for flee .cboterships for stud -
Nita of Germs': birth. at Oxford,
to be nominated by Emperor Wil-
liam. and
queet, Mr. Rhodes, in u codicil tele.-
greplled from South Africa. said:
"For a good understanding between
Britain, Germany wind the United
States will secure the peace of the
world and educational relations'
form the strongest tie."
All the Rho fee ecbolar,hipe, Am-
erican, colonial anti German, areal
Mr. Rhode,' wUl is a remarkable
and voluminous document. It was ex-
ecuted In 1809. There fit a codicil at-
tachedon the day of the deeeaaed's
bast departure from England, and
:toot her, cabled from Cape Town,
Irwve'm L4,000 yearly to keep up the
.pot in the Matoppo Hills where hisLel
,y is to be burled. The will fur-
ther directs that a railroad exten-
triou be made Into the Matoppo Hills,
no that visitors may go there at
the week -end to instinct the ivajesty
and glory of their eurroundinge.
Mr. Rhoden expllcitcly says that
ho Is to b' leveled in an aperture, cut
In the scud rock, surmounted by a
else Is to tit burled
there who has not deserved well of
his country.
Mr. Rhodes bs'giu'atier all tele land -
p11 property near Bulutenyo and dal-
lebury. both 1n Mntnbnlelatrl. to trum-
tees, whom he d&mete to cultivate
the lani for oho lnsetructlon of the
people of Rhodesia. His celebrated
country place at Groot 14ol uer, not
far from Cape Town, Mr. Itleedee
leaven a reklence for the Prime Min -
inter of the Federal Government of
South Afrk'n," with f 1,000 yearly for
its malntesasoa
The (Irxrrnaent le
i:otinttng fur the porch
:•-tread estate, 1(1 Ottawa,
for the''Isterla nomorlal M
to i►gt ee-
nf the
a a site
London, April ta-Ithodes will de-
sire" that the students should not
patronise any particular college, but
distribute themselves throughout the
Unlveretty. Trustees are allowed to
ntepenl or remove any scholar at
their discretion.
Mr. Rhodes expresses the hope that
the tru.(eec will arrange an an-
nual dinner and re -union for all rea-
dents and scholarship graduate's who
are able to attend are" Invite there-
to air guests "persona who have
shown sympathy with the views ex.
verseexl by me in my will."
Another provision In that 510 stu-
dent sliall be qualified or disqualified
for Meriden to a sehelrr.hlp on se -
moot of race or religious opinion.
In a edflefl to him will, Cecil Rhodes
eettlen the Dedham hall estate on
hie brother, Col. Francis William
itlrelew and him male. helm, with re-
mainder to him brother, Ernest Fred-
erick Rlvode'e, enc the melee of hoe
helm. in a slaume referring to thin
mettlement, sir. Rhoda' expresses, his
objection to the expectant heir de-
vr.loping Into a "loafer," and pay.
that the e.eettoe M a proper life is
that every man Rhone' have a defin-
ite occupation tiering of eubutential
period of his career. ie the disposi-
tion of the Wham Hall .'tate, It
provided that the imeeennor to the'te-
tate mast have ye
been 10 ars, In Dusi-
nems or 10 profeeesion other than the
army, or, In the' rave of ._n Infant
h eft, he mast enter trominaac and re-
main there for ten years, otherwise,
the entail will terminate. The will
guardlt strictly against enceimbering
the rat a t e.
NRR lest. April fie-tieorge Rhoden.
n f*kewond, N1 .1.. Janitor, has re -
The Buffalo Expreua' Washington
eorreepon eat snym the U. ft Have
ordered nn Ineniry Into the alleged
rrnwavnl ht an Alaskan huosdary
mark by n Canadian mlrveyot.
`mith'N Emile has had tin MIND of
.reellpne, hot Is nnw Akar n1 the
di There are three sew rases
rebel a despatch from hie sen et In Almnnt.rwhore the Initial MM
l'hilndelpina, ag(yleg that Cro,l wits not et first recognised. There
Rhoden left him a legacy of $80.000. 1 le, also another earls at Copper Clllff,