HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 6MON$O Advice to Bachelors.. • ' get rhe girl yin wool. von MA y n.e well be ,wedded to i4ON- Y1M)\ T.:, It t •, n': r•4are y u'r n u,1 nose ler turd .it nil gl•t.oers'. I,r:ul peackIt8. 84.414,111*** site*** *tit* t9ittoki,Iti9t4401,4•21, EAL'S DAU6IITERJjTIIE • +4'++446++++++4' +4464 ++++444 # Lady Ethel returnail no answer to hit, anrioms remarks. She kept her eye. determinedly fixed the other way, and had bitten her lip 1111 the blood came. In her endeavor to keep down thy+ emotion whin), rho felt gaining the eetoiery 0ter her. Her Interview with Lady Clcterlon, and the allusion which bad been made during the course of 1t, bad revived her old pato more bit- terly than she find calculated on. .tt last her husband became :Alarmed .it her loog wile/toe. "'Ethel. 1 am sure that you are tonceating something from me; uud it you refuse to tell me what It la. t shall send for Dr. Chalmere as noon as we get home. and ask him to hod out the truth; for you are mueb too precious for me to have your health trifled with to the ellebtest degree." but the mention of Dr. Chalmers name wag just the feather needed to overbalance the woman's tot- tering etrength of mind, and, turn- ing quiekly from the window to the reutro of the carriage, aha hid her face to her halide and buret into a stortn of tears. 'Oh heavens!" .he said Impatient- ly, between her sobs, "what have 1 ,lone that I am to be worried - worried -worried -in this way. atld never allowed to have a peaceful mo- ment to myself ? I hate It -1 am rick of It -this constant surveillance; ore riot to less, be orlittle able to eat a e toold one's tongue fur fife minutes together, without be- ing Wrought to book for it, like a cblki. You'll kill me, Colonel Baln- brklge, If you go on In this way; no woman on mirth could stabil it. It's ethongli to make one wlsh on•'d sell iu the grate!" :to rhe dee•lalmed with her iutpetu nue little tongue, while her hear) was weighing it very different mat ter, and he, deeply wuund,•d by ber tact_er, and still more by her words. ma quietly In his corner of the car rlage lilt /the should have concluded When that occurred she expected ttia at the least he would hate reproacher. 1.r; but a1111 he eat eileut, thong, his cuunteuaure war very grave. At teat she lifted up her head. die clueing an inflamed and tear .wnllrt: face, on which the traces of violen emotion were too evident- They war' driving, then, toward the park. "Don't you think we had better ge home?" remarked her hudbant quietly. 'Yea" said Lady Ethel, In it low voice. She wished that he would fly out at her to return; ehe did not un tlerrtand baring her turbulent pan .lone treated with so muct roulneee and she was atinoet reproaching him with Itis indifference during the rouse of their drive homct Yrt del did not relax In any eyf him (sunt at tentlons to her, but having handed her out of the carriage and Into the drawing room summoned Louise to her aeelirtance before he yen lured to leave her nlone But then hP walked off -tr his club, and did not appear again 1111 Dinner -time, during which in- terval Lady Ethel found It exceed- ingly dui', and had ocoaeton mere than once to mins tho manifold eer- t1'ee of love with whish of late her life had been surrounded. "Ho doesn't care for we!" she murmured, with female. Inconel,t- ency. ''No man who cared for a wo- man would walk out of the boueo to that way, on a horrible dull af- ternoon, and leave tier to look af- ter herself. They are all alike! There le not one of them letter than another. 1 wish to goodneee 1 Imo never ret eye. upcn ht man at alll•' t HAI'TER XXX. Colonel Bainbridge, far (rum re- proaching his wife for the burst of temper elle had exhibited toward ham, did not even allude to it, but spent blie evening as usual, by her bide, anti made no difference either In his manner or itis words. But tide was no proof tact he had not felt ttte olreomstanee. Sorely agation hie will Ile had been forced of late to acknowledge that Lady Ethel was not the perfect crea- ture for which he had taken her. nor responded to hie love ae he would have her to do; tett still hie generous heert framed excuses for her on the scorn of youth anti faulty training. and liup+(i agnlnet hope that her indifference was only 'manner.' For ter he argued), without caring tut him, what reason could elle have bad for becoming his wife? Her momentary impatience In the marriage he attributal, upon reflee. Hem. to the feet abet It was the hest time site bad felted the 'totem In !'ark Lane since her (alher'd death end her attachment to tele memory, no leen than the painful [fifth that 1,0 had left one who was more than a estranger le her (for the mitten) dislike of Lady Ethel and her stege mother though not Ito ranee, wad well known to Colonel Bainbridge) In the position which she ought to here (erupted premed aiffieient ren.on. In Idg le.alent judgment, for rendering her a little Irritable and unwilling to have her .ile.u'e broken in rpm lie wished with n deep Nigh. thnt b1, dearest girt ("mold love him well enough to turn to him in nil her doubt* and dlffbenitlea tint he trust eti that the day might come when elle would di so, when pntenei .houle. Itnvr „her perfect wort. and Lady Ethel would find that hie unfailing wympathy had become one of the nee. pwserie. of her life. How little he thought that, far from grieving for her Fiend tether. whom, aheenee from a world which ehe fnan't en hitter lady Ethel had Already learned to rejnlee nt. every nerve of her well hod been quivering at the freed, wrenehlsg murder of wounds whoa. edeea though unenrurlmiely to hera'1( frost already nun rneineet to eloe.* beneath Hoe balm of hie nffe tion. Ile treated her that evening mesh se ogle treate a child that Is a {Iola art of torts: that la, with- rimK further Into the. ia�' her dbttrsus. he petted and tenured her whenever he haul an ups lr.rtunity; and, peranuiing tier to leu t'erly to bed, sat for a couple of hour. by himself. buried in ttnug)tts as to the beet m^thod by which he could procure her amuse- ment and dlatractkpn. Actin: on the decbion he arrived it; ile .milled forth the next mora-, deg, and bought her what she had ,..ore titan truce atepressed a wish to have -tin opera box for the area - A., O. But it woe a stall box ou the w•cond tier, and by no mesa. came 'ile to Lady F;thel's ideas of what was befitting her rank and eircum- etancew• "Why couldn't you have ort tae kl.ow before you got it," elm said fraetouely; "moo always snake wine •tupkl mietake when they me dertnke to do litinge th. y know nothing about." -My darling, there be not n hot no the grand tier to be had. 'I hi: - in the bust procurable, 1 can wiser. yt.'Mg ': et aril1t,"I lead no end of 'Doubt, "'Well, your trouble lute been thrown away,'then, for I'm not go- ing; to alt In It." At this Colonel Bniabrklge frown cel, and looked gravely at the bit of paper, representing so many waster! iionnde. which elle had tweed to one Nide.. lie was beginning to dant Lady Ethel's caprice might be car ri•d a little too tar. "Very" well, then," lie rejoined coolly. "I .will give It to some one who' will. Only rm not going to bey two boxes to a eeaeen, remem- b 'fee Oho glanced rip quickly. He hart never premium(' before to use so au- thoritative a tone to her. Was 1t prnsible he could be In earnest ? 1u r dread of it, she so far forgot her pride as to stretch alt jter hand ane plaer it on the paper. "That I am sure you 'haul!" she +esti. Lair-alenantly; "it is mine. Col- onel Bainbridge; you gave It tome." Ile eniled at her vehemence; far to ewe her interested in anything war pleamnre to him; and hie eye. totigrtn told her eo- 31y dear.,.[ Ethel. you know that •vervthing I have 1s yours. How annld it be otherwise? lout what Is the• nes to y041 of an opera -box Im which you declare you wUl not mit?'' "I cannot at on the second tier and so • far from the stage: f etlotld never see 'anything that 'wow going oil, and the' g.tr- lglts make my head ache. ilut you stallrut s.rich " enge it for n couple of "'Wc$ik1 you really rather have tau .falls?" "Yeas. since this box 1e tat small to admit any hut ourselves." "1 t11os,ght it would be so oozy," lamented Colonel Bainbridge. He 11041 not been married long enough In mind being adult up alone with hip wlfr for two or three hours. "loo cosy, in my estimation," re- ) inset Lady Ethel. "It would be rm hurt, as it furnace. And eating there alone. too, night after night ; fancy Iwo stupid."` Ile dill not answer lier directly: Cthot)A,War1L gazing dze'aauiiy at Lilo tabde- ' Well, Colonel Bninbridg'," impo- tfrrotly, "aro you going to change tide hcrx /or mt' or not Y' "Colonel Bainbridge will do noth- ing for you. lady Ethel." he maid. gently, "but your htwbnud aid. 1f yr41 yak hint" Her peri,tenre in caning him by !ii h bnrnnmr' haul become 0 'tourer, „f greet dimtrwe to hltn; for, unable to blind biome!! lunger to h.'r in- ditrerrner, 'tie mid nppellative 'stung him to ..the uutck ellen time ebo• need It. But as yet he had faciol In per ia.ling her to nban,lon it; and as he nliuded to the cus- tom now, Are termed her Ince awiy from We scrutiny. 'Which of no le to go, Ethel?" he continued, playfully. "Yon are." "And wpm nm 1?" coming round to her ell., ern"Yatrself, 1 suppose ;" nb1 then the without bnrtt from him almost withorl how meaning It . Olt, 110 darling, why can't you te- a little kinder . Yon know how I am tonging, day after dry, to hear yon +ay Toe care for me," few font down an the nearest ehalr and -pet her feet up on the fender, and was elkent. He stood by her for a moment, ex- protant of an atvwer, brit none cone ins, be went on ltAaelonately : "Hay ionm•tltlzg, anything, to me b •fern I go." "I have eine! aomething-I've told Con to ehmngn that opera -box for emir; and when people prnfeere to be so very loud of one another, they genii orally care to do the things that nr.' "eked of them" He molted up luta hat and gloves, thrltet the offending bit of paper t intently Into lite weletcoat-pocket, and turning on !delimit left the room wlthortt another word. He waidee- perntely In love, but he brut some prt.to ae well as herself. The stalle were procured, rind from that day Lady Ethel, although not particularly food of emote, war to be leen at the opera- at. least three lame. n week, Her hnaharrt wan astnniehel at the pertinacity with which she went there, the excitement she be- trayed In going, and the extreme languor whirl, attached her Com- ing home, and more than once re- monetrated with her eerlouily on the amonnt of tenpin which ah. enoonn- teref Mut Laity Ethel. as neural, was not well dispersed to listen to any nooneel tont ran counter to her Inclinations. !ilio wan living at thin tum^ antler a eonttnnel fear of meetint the )largo!• de Lae rrrrr again, and yet there wee nothing that she desired metre than to meet him - Rhe di1 not know ihow much Lady (1e•ednn might not have revealed to him or the feeling she had dim - covered in herself, nor to what motive he attributed iter hasty men- rlage, and she lunged by her ea - dart to make him believe that she had grown utterly Indifferent to the claims he once had upon her. At the awe time she could not be lure t Maw far she might fruit ber pride and twurage 1n seconding her will. and she thirsted to have the ordeal over, and feel that she war safe. It was only the first sudden meeting that she dreaded , for after-luter- course elle could depeud upon Wior- ✓ t•If. Bat day succeeded day, and neither at the opera nor In the park did she roe anything of the mar- quis. and she could not bring her - ✓ eef to ask her stepmother when he was expected to return. One evening Lady Ethel was par- ticularly pale and languid, leo much en that her brubarnl entreated her to glee up the opera and remain gnletly at home; but rhe perrlstel 1n going. and had not b'en seated In the house many :Mantes before, overcome by the heat coed glare, she fainted away. She did not even have any warn- ing of what was gong to happen to her, but, quietly lost coasoloue- oess while sitting by her husband's Ode, and remembered nothing more until she fount herself supported in tube arms in the crnub-room, with tume one stabling over Iter with a gleam of water. 'Where nm 1 " oh ! where nm I ?" she exclaimed, in the vague manner in which people always pit that meatier' on first coming to them - staves. "Here, (Jeereota with me; vat are quite safe," replied Colonel Betio - bridge, whore face with alarm was elmeett as pato as her own. "Yo1 /tare been 1U, my dear." In- terposed the unwelcome tones of Lady elevation; "you fainted to your Wail; but It i, all right now, and 'the carrlage will be here In n initiate to take you home." "Lady Ethel'. carriage Is aJrenuly- In welting," replied a voice, the round of which thrilled through her languid nerves like an electric whock. 'and if she will permit me to offer Iter my arm. 1 will hare the plea - dare of conducting her to it ;" and cooking PaImost with horror, LadyEthel encountered the dark eyes of Victor de Lecarraa. "Yes! do, Victor," said Lady Cleve - ton, familiarly ; "the sooner she gets home the better ; such a strange at- tack. and so very sudden!" "Thanks, monsieur," answered Lady Ethel, coldly, es rhe attempted to rise from her recumbent posture. 'but Colonel Bainbridge."' support will be sufficient for me :" and she turned toward her husband, who wgerly responded to the appeal. Rut she had miscalculated tier strength ; her weakened frame was is yet enable to sustain Iter with - oat further aid, and Colonel Bain- orddge was compelled t° demand for Iter what she had refusal for !ter- telf, "I must ask you to support Lady Ethel on the other side," he raid to the. marqula, "for she is . uite powerless to stand by herself ;" and then, as between them they eon - Meted the sinking girl down -stairs newt placed her In the carriage, lie Wed. "I am sure I am Inflnitely I obliged to you for all the trouble! you have taken; 1 scarcely know what 1 should have done without your awlstaoce," The marquis only anewerel by raising hie hat respectfully to Lady Ethel, and, as they trove away from tlie opera- tion.«•, the tort thing oho saw wits lila figure, et -analog bareheaded on the pavement. She lay beck on -the cosh -teas with o)oseel eves, passively leaving the fiend which Iter husband had claspeo ia Itis where he tial placed it, and, W&4. silent. She never asked where the Mnrgnie de Lacarras had come from, or how tie' happened to be there: ehe felt too weak to enter upon that or any other subject. But the next morning, when, by the rd- ' rine of Dr, Chalmers, (whom Colonel llaiebridge had Inested upon summon- ,ng). elle kept high holiday in bet. hear husband came and sat by her. .uel told her the whole .tory. "You frightened ate most dread- fully. my darling;" ye bagan, In his food way. an be played with the tong tremolo of hair whlah lay open Iter pillow; "for 1 was occupied with the stage and what wan going on there, when down dropped your dent bend upon my shoulder, and yon looked jest ne If yeti were dead. i didn't know whet to do with you at first, when the Marmite de Lacarrae leaped over the front of his box (he wee In ono of the ground tier with Lady Cieveodon) and canto and help- ed me to carry you out. But you ninde quite a sensation. I can as- ,enreyou. There Watt not a man in the staple that didn't want to help too. I never likely De Lacnrras In the old dry', Ethel, but I .uppoen that was only be cause 1 fancied be war to love with you, for he seems a very nice fellow. Ton can't thinks how good-natured and active he wee tart night ; it wait raining herd you know, but he went out 1n it all to look for the carriage, though I.atly Clevedon weemel to be In a green state of mind lest he should come to harm. Is there nnything be- tween those two, Ethel? They ap- pear very Intimate with one an- other. "You had better odd Laity Cleve - .Jon yourself, if you are cunlou. on the rubient, 1 am not In her cun- f(debco." Ah! well, I abouhln't wonder If there were, for It looked like It. By the way, Lady Clevexdon exprescet eo much surprise at your feinting. She sikt It was ga unlike your usual habit, rind that when you enteral the theatre Atte thought you looked sir web. You went off bet as she was pointing you out to the notice of no Lacunae," "Indeed! a remarkable colnetdenee. L'ollinrl Bainbridge, 1 think if you were to leave me to wyeelf a little while that I could sleep." Sleep! that was a strange sleep that attacked Lady Ethel an noon as 4101 was left alone. am, with a horning head and throbbing r•ye- Irollm, she turned restlessly on her uneasy pillow. no by an unhappy peel1'nt ehe Mut felled (wlthdx,t r•,nnlaancee on her pen rt, torr elte had been quite unne/aro of the penitence of the Mnrgnle des f.acerrae in the r peva lean.'.) at the tory time to which Atte had been looking forward to dlaplay her oe.orage, and her pride quelled nt the thtrnght of the con- 0tnu tk))o which would lit pot npun her rominet, bath by the Counteme of elevation and her lover. Fainted! d 1 tiff lifdrree-at deo mrrsment w en hit eye wan first directed toward her, when he might raeaernably *impose .hr• elm° lino naught sight of him, rind in the emhtrn of a crowded Orate. Ae lady Ethel tone:tot on It. Mtn agthcalghteliMt.that fate mhst sorely '- her. oro be Continue I.) The author who hope. to get tern net t•tlrloee poetagr. re Some penpls are naturally )milts „nal other* have fames to ask. One werMan whit Sunlight Soap will do qulrkef ES work than 1 iu is ill with impure *Bp.EXPEREDUCNsf... itt Ask for the °mare list" if year groom mama emptily, write b 1JPr* ))OTRZ)S =Nit, Tomato, madtug kis name soul metross, sad • trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be peat Tse fres K eget f 'Ube Awarekbi. Ys 1s no son of Freedoms giant race, TIJ' A►tarch-eallbe 1Vtoeu, Jtidar hands Betray they embrace --- This fool -fiend marked as man, Whoss black biuret-wa,ineer, raven- ing and Wind, \Vouk1 make the areessln's code a IOW for all mankind ! whlle Now when the world, growo conwt- uus of its strength, fa 'weeping Frohn 1te shores Tide tyrantt and of kings, abreak', at lengttn Their dNad Ster t'hatutwr tka,re, t4htt11 this velle,1 terror .hduk,P Freetkem'e Krunnd I pl1fl Iia lead and r,•ign, n derp'.t, though utter „whal Nay, coward murder ntteseg where It alma And emltec at it. uwlt cause; The eialn of tyra,te le u%e their Mar- tyred num,* Each one a mar that drawn The saner world (beau -rooted through the naatlt. On by broad htghw•ay« ..lowly, up to Freedom's light. -hoodoo Da1Lv t'bn.nlcie. Romeo 1e California. Retired BrItialt army officer, resid- ing In roost desirable rection of Cali- fornia, has agtmei fur sale of orange, lemon, olive "ltd peach orchards, also tracts of unimproved land. Reliable information ftlrulaltel to Inquirers aeruilug addressed envel.,pe to 'Y'ap- taln W. J M.," Freeman's Hotel, Placer i A shorn }lacer Co.,California. 1 oro Ia Tour- ists T r tats met. Rotel at depot. Peer Hubby's biz. Tbu fdbwiag story le taw going the round.: A married couple ar- ritt•d at a bail, ant in entering the 110.140 the husband ellppel on the elates and fell, turf rent the knee of his troueere. Already late, he was agitaet at the disaster. Ute wife, ',tweeter, carne to hie reetu", 1,114 said: "Never mina. 1t i, late, and nulono will be In the women's dr •es - lug room. twile there wits, me, an I 1'11 mend then. for you." To hear war to obey, Lett wham elelee the dressing roots was reached thin tide mild, "Nell, ytw know, I can't mead diem while you have titan on; awl the tractable hu.bat4d took the troure-s off and hooded *hem user for repay. But this domestic emote wee interrupted by other be- lated gueets who nought to enter oriel attest them'ieltes of wraps. "etual gracioe« ecoid the hurb►ad, "what shall I do now?" "(:et Into tine closet," .adri,e,1 fiin reernrceful spouse, "end 1'd get ell orf these people le a jiffy " anti the words she wldrked him through the dour an 1 slammed 6t after him. It clo«et with a spring leek. Then she sped toward the tiresoing room door to edm•rt the now clamorous guests. Jest as elle tenehed It slw was stayed by a 'toweling on the other door, and the imploring tolee of her hntliautt. "For " he derided. "let me back. you're shirt nie roots." Snap Shiite. There L plenty of space to let In the Immense room fur improvement. Tuve may not lie blhel nt the kart. Mit It 1r never able to wee Its finish. Few men have enough sell-ruufl- drnce lu ennMe thele to Ignore their o tv'u mtetaker. When Iwo wo,nefl ,(ire bitter e'nP- mirr there is nl*aji. name man at the tx,ttinn of it. - • i was cured of a bad ease of Drip by MINA RID'S I.INIIt116NT. Ayilney. C. ik 1'. I. LAOUE. 1 wnr cared of lots of voice by D11N.11U'J LINIMENT. CI1,IRLE3 PLUMMER, Yarmouth. I wan cartel of Sciatica Itheamatio= by )1L[' N.ARD'K LINIMENT. LF,Wl4 M. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld. ''rue Klorlda ledeleaea. I war walking, near Miami, at a rather brisk twee one morning, when I parrot a lonesome slhauty. A white man eat upon the rude piazza, and another man anti a boy stood ,ear by,. "Are you going to work to -,ley , asked the boy of the sitter, "No," ane the answer. "ti hay not "" "1 ain't Kul tome,'-llu4t0n Evening Tranecrlpt. Mlnnrd's Natant Lumhermit ,'. Friend. -- Her tapholes. Ids. Quinn -1 never gash spoil such beautiful bric-a-brae ae the Hareroo'la hate In their parlor, Ana they've toad It for years. Mrs. Quoin lenin(empinotlwiyl -Oh. It just *howl. that they can't afford to keep a arrtant. If they had if. maid thnt brie -e -brae would never be (here so lung," --Chicago Nitwit. I awhM heed) IMO M advantage over Other amp powddee ittssmtteh amt oleo a.b As a dam fecktnt, 111 the cattle to Una. diet ('jerk -You ra6't get a room for him here. Hr s drunk \Vette (alpportli'g tits " weary" frlendl-f ktiow ite to What of that y clerk lacornlully/--Teets is a tem pt entice hotel Wytte--Well, Ire'. too kr un- tilt difference • New York Central and Hud,o■ River it,.Ilroad• The above flame la a house -bold word, and the superior excellence of the road should be sufflolent to at- tract moat people, but now that tote rate 1, the sense to New York anti pointe east as by other lines no fur- ther renommendatton should be sought. Everybody will tell you it la the best. A NEIG•HBOILLY ACT. tire. Blob -H ,rrors ! Uncle Jekn I has sent a glut for little Johnn). 13r'll be *tire to kilt lhueelf. Hr. H--Inde'ed he will. iMea't let him wee it, "But what ehvll i do with the thing 1" "Giro It to thnt boy next door." SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST Chicago & Northwestern Railway ; every day daring March and Apr11.1 Colonist one-way second -clash tick- et. at very low rates from Chi - (ergo to pointe In Colorado, Utah, 1 Montana. Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, California, Victoria. Vancouver, New Westminster. Hel- ena, Rowland and other points In Kootenay district. Also special rotund trip Homeereekers' tickets on first and third Tucesdaya, beareh, April and )6ty. Pull particnlarm from nearest tloket agent or & H. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 Ernst King street, To- roa:o, Ont. Knowledge and timber should he well seer 0004 before being put to nor. ('heap Exeur.lons to t sllfornla. For the meeting of the Independ- ent Omer of Foreateru at loos An- geles, Aprtl 29th, cheep route] trip rases will b' in etfret t1 t the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern line. Rate from Toronto 8112,00, am/ twa- leortlonately low rates from other pointe in Canada. Three through tretns dally from ('hlengo, with Pull- mans. tourist /deeper& and tree re- clining rhielr cart. Select the best matte, affording finest scenery and qulckret time, ('choice of reifies re- turning, roll information emu epee - lid folder of thin excursion can be obtained from B. H Bennett, General Agent, 2 King street Pest, Tomato, Ont. SLIGHTLY A IIKENT MINDED. "1)mir coir hnoband ever help you about taking caro of the baby ?" wart anted the wife of n Young prnfes- eeor. "Not often, though sometimes he does. Lest evening he sold he'd take Willie few au nirIeg, as ha woof going to walk down to the port-of- f1ee. Half an hour later I env' my husband sitting In the parlor rend- ing it oarlentIfie magnetise, but 1 eowlld wee nothing of the baby. "Where's Willie? What have vol done with him?' T asked. 'Why Wald the prnf.m*or, '1 forgot ell about hlm1 I think he 1m tatting In the pest -office' " !te'ottisk-American k to DR. A. W. CHASE'S 0 CATARRH CURE 4 sent direct to the pari qty the 1a,prood biome Head In. won. man Mega th throat ee, sop'+ a Mona mhrwl and pry mess Catarrh and Hay P Ree. Alt deiehe ,o )Jit IN 1bdW.e Co.. Teases ed •-••••••••••••• *See 4.4.104•4404 • WOMEN AND • WOMEN IN BUSINESS. wee+Ne1 404114 4441 1Ne14 NH Timms without number it ham been noticed that women will tolerate and even be friendly with the most ordinary kind of wen, ticugli they way hold altW from and show Jo/el- m/0y ouour of most charming members of their owe. set here le the etplaaa• tion offered by an "bisecting and philoeuphlcai Ir teet y leader "Il 1. not bemuse woman are wo men that they are tie/liked by their own ..et in iwMuers 1t Is because the evtreg' 'home woman' et:won't un Avert( and She 1. usually mouarrh of her home, atrndutely the meet Im- portant person to It, and rhe lore" the true apprecstlou of the import- ance of other people outside it. A nuut lit boldness le eoartantly brought In contact t11tt !nen Wit.) are itlr espial.' or euperiorm, who have sinal righter with him, whereas a woman may upend two Inouye n day visiting with cedierr of her own grade of intelligence, am against elcteen spent with the uhlldren and the ,ervaune When rhe thees meet men fl le either In the capnelty of grocery team w• ('perks whore Owl near It I. to defer to her opinion. how- ever Illogical, or In a ruclal way, when It isn't worth while to combat her ideas U they happen to be er Fettle- 14o that unless she makes a tory great effort rite hetvtmee poal. tl,e nod etogrnatic, and 'when she mart, other women where there le te elaueh te( lntereaa she rtpet't• the Mixte deference from them that she receiver In her tally ourrunding, frau .nett, end thin it In it great measure the reaeou why women's dt.cussion when It strays outside the ✓ ealties of dress and he idea. le not al w-uey« an peaceful an Ir deafrable F',ve 1111 le ,u'neut e•ot are all the time Petr. Dili to' I'aiukiller ureas tat stop n eitalldlrlt ache, .ren when It le . lutrp .tough to mike a strong luau ISSUE NO. 15, 190;;, L � ON for the Children. Give them oil —cod-liver oil, It'M curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret. ful child, and he laughs- Give it to the pate, anaemic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take a fiat chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give hint the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest. This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. Send for free sample. SCOTT a DOWNY r.eana, fee rad p w 811 dr.,gwta C'W� BUSINESS CRANCgn- Cate FOR RZAL IDKPATg lot bCal l� nes•. ne matter where it a- Mewl e.o.,} thou a0d mash ,rite quad hrr r plat, for od lugetah buyers. Patent Inabamrd 1,ire malt O aps.y, Terorte, t'ue•as. Intent. Don't be fooled be imltetl•'n•. - ----- --- • nu I 'Oe. NArItNTM. less. Advice to the Husbee r d .Brooklyn Niaaeard Tbs. Hoboken young women who have been praying for nine days for hu4Aratal« would make much lat- ter prtrgrese of they resorted to the eoOiparttieely worldly ehureh am 1n1.1.'. keen Mlttar.t'a I.lmhurst la the Hoe., 110'• • )llareeaeer. T,ro ts. V.... Iter t:. S Blau.t'r fiery sermon In Ottawa In which he applied the gad to t1,c utpntri otic ledge in power, who want every t,irig from England ales wl.•,i to Kiva nothl•ig In return. Lodi rat e0 that thy• preacher has been tub -.named fir Omuta; have been called Rev S. r; Thunder ),Ilnard'e Liniment it owed by i'fiy- deln no. HOME GURE:S. PvseiI.al Reieedles keeumgasaded by tic. Fetidly l'htsi.1... l,imewater and .sweet oil applied linmellat•ly will take lite Iain from a burn. For nervous headache bathe the bark of the nock with hot water. For seek httwidartre rnh peppermint an on the temple«. Tincture of armee Ie the beat app `"titan for epruin« or bruises. For Lillian* conn try aorta esti ate.••-� ger itt Inst water. or Sere throat lac a comprew of cot'I water. For a cold m than ulnad try rnufflag powdered borax up the nootrils. :;huffing tannin is •rem cif the hart remedies for a veri..us tease u' bleed- ing at the none. For neuralgia try wet clothe of al- cohol or water. or paregoric, or laud- anum, and water, late on a bo: water (.:tile and the pert 'teemed over it. T, keep the elhlldr.i, In good health de, not glee them strong tea, coffee or melt chocolate while they are very young, plenty of good milk In thy' beet drink for growing children An excellent remedy flat the Ger- mane nee for curing at cold is file yolk of an egg beaten in a pint of wetter, a little butter, three lumps of eager ami a tahlesprtonfol of whiskey. When It heguie to boll pour It track and forth from the saace-pan to another until "month and frothy; allow it to cold, then take a tea- Spuomful every half hour, Ilse tarcater tit awn Man L'raneiseo )Wilson•, "Yon are not rick. Job," said one of the friends. "You only think yon are." "Only think 1 nm, eh?" "Yee. It Is merely a delusion." "Well. then, nll Fie got to say 1n. 1'd rather be nick that' leave thio deliMMlon," Viol then poor old Job went ex- ploring for u new boll that had Just made Its debut on the hack of his neck M. at.h.titute for 'The D. & Menthol Plaster, nitho,ug:t some me- eerufeuloun dialers truly may there Ie. Recommended by doctors, by hon- p[taJe, by The clergy, hy ever -bedy, for rtlffnema, p.leurley, etc. Made by Deivle E iayrrence Co„ Iota. The New Po/Icemen. Magistrate (to • new policeman) - Mel yon notice no suspicious char- acter abort the neighborhood? New Policeman -Shure, yer Honor. I saw but one man, an' I asked tem what he a -a* doing there at that time o' night. Set he, "a have no bus- iness here just mrw,,,hut 1 expect to open a jewelry *there in the vicinity hater on-" Al thnt 1 mays "I wish you nieces', war." Magistrate (dlmgo.tedr -Yea, and he did open a Jewelry mtory in the vldn- 1»' later nn, and 'tole seventeen wet tense. New Policeman (after a pause)- Be- gnrra, yer annoy . the man may have been n thate, but he was no I►nr !-Tlt-Bite. AIM for Kinard's end take no other. Precocity In ls.elloha. u Portage 1• Prairie (irnpb ir. t The other tiny In one of the prim- ary roma at the central the word "royalty" came up In the retiree of e reading hewn). and the terrines, enreful that te, word mhmlld he mis- enderetoro.( derided to test the knowledge of the cirri on Ihl. mat- ter, "All who know what royalty mean/ w111 hold rip their handle" Plaid the lonelier. Up went the penal proportion of Minds. "Now, But, what hoes it mean"" ,.Kings, Queen, and Jacks," promptly replied Rad. and then wondered if the teacher took file frequently. A Donnie Norsemen -One bottle of FBRlielt Spavin Liniment completely n'tnntel a cnrb front my horn,. 1 t(,ke pleomure In rer•umntending the remedy, as it nett with myetnrldu ProtnPtnese In the remove' from hnnr.i. of Med, soft or callr.ttiwl memo', i,IOr41 spavin, splints, rneba, *weeny, allflrs and eprnln■. OFTHIog RODD, Farmer. ,J(arkiiain, Ont. NAM by all drnggtsts. "If you split toms 40e4 i'll gin you a good meal,' said the, house keapr`r• "Nu 'sorry, lady.' mail the hobo, madly, "hitt 1 nerve begin breakfast with a choq" .1eltaVita%Vs1ar Isla 1 llllifllillll�llf� 1 Ii1H1111ali1a11!! 111111lillIflht l l 1 • .. ruusan•euaauaaa Page Metal OrnamentalFeet a '" "1' "4" 1015 Nei is oert.dajly cheap. 1 IAA whet ma very end nry i' m Mee, parte. ettnnOw fences In tore Iota, grieve ya+d� ^^,kens els. 11 M t1 eft. put RUNNING FOOT. pMe rt a r, 5 ai rale J tit (hart nt it. Lely seed y,r, x,11 prtlrs1r,t, W. al" mak, tarn, fensa emery nMtl.g. s.t Ii .1ep1Y. The P. iv,* Fast, %A tlotted. WNbtrft ., eat. 6 i)aTaNTw, caviare. T1iteD4 Y,tkge, 4 as. Roue. w tr'etia premne� w a4 es- ploi t 1. Book let an =pe1Nt• Pa xr►anse and Invmtmmat CMlwy, Pygly aelletag, Tonna*. Oat. \ I`RUIT FARM 'Oa sALa--0wt or TIN teem la the N • Peunauta at laces,& 10 edam from U*aINw on two sea ware. arses la a or which t. 1■ bolo. essay pw►aa win le. sold law tame a 41,14.4 lab kernel late le spree tr raft •r Marisa TIM Y • d�ed 14.4414 Js e.a Cerpwbr, malP O. ba .IS haair „AND 0000 I0P1s$uggPgg. chemically •meared tyi4s riot! • 1... did era a )eeema .11ery and all bright Metal. like magi, itn pa.b or Powder what.•er la required : w 4e tf tsl artlele. {'ries 1 dam. 1.14 by dyyyr 1 n. Yotej �mysg eruct?, It wholesale frau ye (e. I4. Y ooarch ttrinee. Mfr ?woad trial ...elm 0• revort.�_..-- WANTED !tenants Era t)< vary ioca;tty thrortgb.,ut t .,sada to introduce our gooate,laakt., up 'Mew ,.rd. on tress,fencw,elwryytt made and all runup,. nen p1..e.. ■Mo t'btrtbntleg .mall tolt ert,eey matter. CNn.l,adun or .dare. else tier 41,14(5 and 'opens.. not to .•seed Pt r per day heady employment 1, gond, hw„•t, Il• . No, p.rieoce naad(81 Writ, far fall TM? Repute 1rurlclr e0, ono, y Blood Catarrh Cannot be Cured with Ll('AL APPLiCAT1oN., s• they cam not reach t1..s•t of the d I...asc. Catarrh le a bond or comet net loos' dl.ea,.and In order to cut, It you must take le wool remedies. Ball's Hon. Jn Dryden. 1'rm..ulHt. ('atarrh (urs N Lien lnternaltr, sed art. The report for 111)1 mhowl4 1" dlrr.'tlr on the blond and mumu, andlels.,, maria bl6.1 lacreasw Durr IpW, in the 11.11'. Catarrh ('.nr 1. not a ,fusel m«dMla.. It woe prerrtbod hy one of the be.! ph %telam foliowing Items : --- New hualuees increased by!}360,70S Premium Income increased by 39,51! Total Income income/el by 42,575 Assets Incrreeee,l by ,4;1,9.14 Insurance in force, in- ereaneel by ... ... 1.71!9,446 Continental Life polklee are 41- excelled for simplicity and llberslity. Agents! wanted. GEO. B. WOObt), CHAS- H. PULLER. General Manager. ' . •retail Wheats animal is all rue down, hem a rough coat and s tight h,de anyone knows that bis blood it oto of order- To keep eo animal rem:. inically lee must be an goal hea:tl. DICK'S BLOOD PURIFIER is a necessity where the best ree,lte from feeding would be obtains!. It tout up the system, ride the stomach of bots, warms and othe, parasites that suck the life blood IN wet r. Nothing like Dick's powder f„r a ran down bene. 60 (oats a package Loemfag, Mils B Ge., Agaatm, f1ORTRBAL. Wray fere Mak ea Cattle and CONTINENTAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY e Iblit ounto for )ran. and b, a rare ar pre• aryl plion. 11 I. .ompo..d of the hat oinks known, combined with the had blood pert dere, satin. directly on the mucous surface*. The perfrrt combination of the tan ingredi- ents 4 what produce. ,act. «ooderrul reaming 10 miring('st.rrh. fiend for lwtimo his f.. H RN IY a ('(t„ t'rop . noise*fres. a told by dr,rhetssttew,, prk,e Hall's r.m[ly.'ill. are the beet. Mrs. Winslow'” Boot tang !Tete •aoay •Iw.y. he mead for (hlldren TaNsttllt.g, It .00(1,es the child, softens thermaa .♦ w coke sad a Me best remedy ler thermals eriae, GOOD PAINT Don't atm skean Paint on yn11r ho or the Ifnt blwnt of ttnrnr and re or bot summer soon make it loot rhnhby. ('heap paint ,with no ripu- talken le deer paint -_._-.. RAMSAY'S —T- PAINT is the purest paint. the til lest end Iwst-known lu (*Amide. n,a.L• from purr materials. made right. to pre' weave your lomat.. to bennilfy it, 10 snake It look track and bright. Ready for rise said sold by All deniers e1 the right price fur the I,e.1 that goes In paint making. Drop u. n card and nmk for R(x)I( LET NO 11 1' if R 1•' rh,.wtng elite of beautiful i' etabllsheel 1f142 - A. G. BAMSAY'S SONS Iit)NTRRA L, Point Irak•re. PflIU TUBS ansa N NO MOPS. EDDY'S NO JOINTS. NO SEAMS, NO LUAU. INDURIThD FiBREWMIE aro ~fly t1 1111s evils cry Itoolurradro fee 4eats/M •••. TRY TTIM.M. >ti telt fil all 111tH Maas Malan" Wil! THE CAN1 Fought Until Killed oI LI EVEN HEROF I'ouallia of the Dead an.; Wound 1 ar----',c'.en blithe Killed lie 1 ell in Charge of the (biggest tion.ething About the land al . the lest Canadian l:mptn Ile I ell rlurtally Wounded, l.oadou, April 4. -There %rev a, v.• figlr,ing u11 dad' long on Mir, h i, the ,u-ighborhoul of Ilart e Mee jp the wuth,vertorn eatrem;t1 :ht• Transvaal, between pert of tic Ktuht*nrr'r force aril the forcer Gear. ()clarity nod Kemp, reumlt(r la the repulse of the Boers aft hoof losses on both skies I I"• t atwdlaa Rides espet'lally 11 utu%ul.bed lbem•eltea. Our port ...u,u,;faded by Lleulcurut' 11 u e .o lul urn, holdlug It. pest 1111 est aha .,.1 kitten ur Wuuuded. trent Kitchener's official • repo dated from Pretorl:l yesterday eve hog, rays "demi. Kitchener (Lord kitcbene btvdter) neat Cole. Yell Cooky tout' 1 rlckud, (Voetera Tra rvaal, Parch al, to recouuoitre town t ,• l, later, Tear e won ,d v liar �u k t Y n ark of gums, :old carried uu h► ru meg eget for (t.,h. tarter, luiluwi We trait tbroagtr the bush, Em»r fog u,i a plain, large Boer rchdurz wets advanced agatnet their Ilan forcing the Selina► troops to la up a Uvfen.lhle po.ltlon, which tk !Melly entreochud. Fighting t•u.0 et Close Quarters) until the Box teen• repwlrtrd on rill soles. "lue+arey. Kemp and other lead vainly attempted to perrbade Ib aeu t.i renew the action. Fitt lunare,) tboera participated In engagement, but they had suf(e Lou b'•ailly and cleared away to eorihwesl anti south. The hell -Ewe* were also severe. The ('an.,dlan Rifles eeprlally d tingutrhe,l themselves, one pt cuturo feted by Lieutenant Bruce C ruttier, holding Its post till ev tau war killed or woubdeu. Oth of the forcer allowed great site m.. nih.wtng the Hoerr to mita nrttt., tau hundred )arts 01 th and repelling them with a rte rills Iwo." Ottawa, April 0. -For the Past Mntr !n Dat ever demos the newt► the klelnlwnit's 1(Iver eugagem sot cad the Canadians were In truck ..f the fight, was received, th have twee telegram. of Inquiry f all; rte of Canada to the Militia parti,tent. Yesterday was as bl day .4 ,uapenee as Friday. The oe paper correspondents were coast ty on duty, foregoing their u to serve the pubile. It was oot u two ,010eit ttlie afternoon thin pipit, tele meertage from I:overage Hon*, apprised the waiting news amen that a partied Iiiit of ear 'ors had been received, and moon despiteh was on the wires to er port of Canada. Tiedny's Ilse of lolled and woun reuntore 30, a total of 84 receiv , we/luting Ryau, Mc 3ht and Loudon. aireaely eh As the first official deep sa, wimp* of 19 hat II to be received. To -d 10111-110kLaaL01;:fordtp.r.u,C. Owttm...Enl laded at Gue sett of kin Cline. Vogr.ttli, A ttiotig. B. C. Erillated at Re agree, 21, ran, buret. torn Sussex, Englattd. 14 lt.eaRl'Ort, Maple lane. Ootalidi Caned. II, l'esie, Ill. Enlisted E Jia4r% LA:471 'mit I if :2 :;117:inis‘b:ori.,;1% Por1:1:01:;:uri°11tat:pell°Q,IIPt0e".; tteafra IttlfT05 M. 0. A., tInirmith. betel at London. P"literninit.lir.,C:e'llin:likPnPaCrnuainryr,ilo"n(11(3, at flu, lph. 178, ma.iii.r. barn Orlilin., net County , :4144"kib°4:1:4.,kinigestt.tali,4:::1.:;1‘1k't!.171i.T,'W-tr:.:oretil.leirirloPAI.naik.'!,:t.ttlei orfiriPrnET884.4porrilk)oftre°:tairwtki:::n.leY5:, bA Ai‘; : .1 ,T1 : :. ,ri , ir we le vt a, tf eir .an d i r e to -1 1. 2E; i I ti vs at ime:Antnyl.,,Itril.r:r8e, mobittlic:reorreepoleir:. Lietf:thfrzei.e31:::15MItrius:Prirtnrelktuela:1,111;:wrElinni.17;:tenet.:171211g8t,„.1.1 211. eivil engineer, born Tor. iittm°11PEtirt...*:;i1.rwhnorcfrla:Or"::::t.C8i,EFnprM.stiii.wemivlettattlet":1Pransitg' illitwmillilibt'll., imil'1...ntect.! ifitihireirryM.artin Or taislif,,i_.!.\..tei:e:rptr:hlr.f.Tri.rial,,rtil,:rv,Irn:nlin,nr.:,n14"1::.rotkl.twiri,nriiss:ria.n.ttnnerin:ini:ilit.mrtrorairc.la:r:•::hol.::::,(....17:::