HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 5TELE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO.
W. Acheson & Son
OUR imports and purchases for the season are the largest
and heaviest we have ever made for one season in the
history °four business. There is a great advantage to us in
buying large lots. We offer new goods as we have received
them. Two days' extraordinary selling for rapid clearing
out in many lines which are very heavy and desirable.
2000 yards Dresl4 Goods at one sale price.
Blesk all wool C.sbmere Bayes, blank small llloured Sodium. Lustre' and
Crimmins. all wool, 42 to 46 Inches wile, regular 60). 850 and 31.00 a yard,
Friday sad Saturday, °leering a', or yard.....
150 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains,
54 to 56 took« wide, 3i yards long, to whim only, sum. to light ►goy sets,
rooms to heavy. bold, hsodeome doslgue. .pls.did up to -dee pet cera, ng
alar 31 25 and 31.50 per pa r, your choice 1
1000 yards Art Cretons,
Hnvy American p ye. nerd, .30 to 32 loon= wide, feat oolors and is all ool.
ere, floral sad scroll dewlaps, and • brio, Rood o(otb, suitable for clubbed',
apMislertsg or .what.., regular price 154 and 180, Friday and Saturday, at
per yard
Ladles' Hosiery,
Lodes' 2.1 and 4 1 ribbed and plain black Cashmere Hoe. in a floe, .oft,
b•a,y make. eromless nod double heels and thee, extra aimed sole, • toed,
wowing, nl=blo.irking, sizes 8i, 9, 9ii. regular value 400, at per pair ...
250 pairs Corsets,
Ie the fellewfni makes : K & ('., W.Ich.priog, Crompton's, }'„tui, Core
11.e. every els. from 18 to 30, eewest style and prefect goods, steel cited,
regular 75o, 31 00. and 31.25 qualities. at, per pair
Floor 011 Cloth_s,
tlwrj dtatty sad well gea.000d, is now deeigns, floral and block patterns,
1, li. lj, 2 yarde wide, regelar value 1. 300 • yard, Ftiday sod se,urd.', at
per yard.. ...
600 yards English Tapestry Carpets,
Kura bin.v sad well e.'ynred, 27 inches wide, location hoer denttuod 1a
.11 leadtag color.. saltab1er for wy room or hall, regular'value, per yard, 650,
.t, p.r yard.... . .
prohibition of bha liquor traffic ; that on
ohls question 1 w111 out Irresputi•...1 a I
party claims, a neither ('untort..ne nor
Liberal, but probtb,ttoopt; and .I t6.re
ebuulu be In the Heide an ludepeadeot
probablUoob► 1 will nee my vote witb bp,
irr.epseU,. of party, •e • balauotog power
for problbttluo.
The le•rtb resolution was sej-ot•d. to
was to the •fleet that eke 000•mlion diyldo
loco troupe •oourdlue ►o their repeuure
pat else 116s4 memorialize their roopeotive
party o*avaoHoa to bring oue . prehibi.
U.a e*aaidate, sash diploma= •igoios nob
KwolutIo. 6 • lime copies of the rnolu
done peened at this oorveotton dealing with
the political situation be seat to the Weil-
deot• of the Liberal and Conserno•, ..
isolations of the rid.u, at woe. tarried
Resolution 6: That five persue be
=looted from 161. wa•.otloo to wait upon
the, Reform sod Chem v•.:;•e oandldate at
each of the 000yaottooe and rent•• their
signatories to the pledge as demanded by
dna 000ventloo.
'the wit wrested, sod the following were
appointed as such oommlttee : 0. M.
Elliott, Uoderlob, president of the Alllaooe:
K W. 34oKe,rfs, God•riob ; Rev. T R
Whole, Duaga0000; James Scott, Uhntoo;
Rev. 8. 11. Whaley, S• Henna
Roy 1. R. McNair then moved, seoouded
by G. 8totha..tb•t If ooly hoof the parties
briars out a satisfactory o•edlJate the moo
emotion pledges Hall to support each oaodt
After *aroma apaches by K. W. MoK•o.
z • and L Lewitt, of Uoderich, the mo
lion wit corded by • atendlig vote. More
thou half of the delegates had set by ibis
time, but of the remaining camber, about
forty, nearly *11 Hood up.
The exioutiee of tn. Allison and the
oommlttee of live were icetructed to meet
after the party oonvouons to decide N to
whether the cendidate, ars *a1Isf.0 cry.
The convention .dfoto ned about 6 o'olook
1. the eveDlag a mars meeting was held
at the Tempereuo. Hail sod was largely .0-
teoded. Mr Nicholls. the Athena orgso•
fzer, spoke for an hour, sed addresses were
sire by !others. A malosl program
e lse was rendered.
. lrert.g Wesae■ *bald be k aged
b1 the •.metal Advise or this Algoma
BLIND Kryzit, Oat., April 7th, (Special.)
59c -Mees Emily Liddell, of this place, say*,
• ould most heartily ad viae •11 youot wo.
men troubled with female wake..- la any
form. to try Dodo's Kidney Pills.
"For monthe at a time I eras so low and
weak ibat 1 found ft Impossible to attend
to my hoaebold duties, my book used to
ache something dreadful. Now 1 feel
•trooper and better Chao ever I did, and
1)odef'e Kldoey Pills did It all. They .re
worth their weight In rold to any young
woman •uffenog as I used to troffer.
'•They built me up wonderfully, and 1
0woot spook too highly of Dodd's Kidney
Pills se a medials. for Wok women,"
Scotch Linoleums,
2 yards wider, 1a sew dorms .Ad heavy, dna, eork filled, regular 450 ..d 500
• rases yard, as p.r yard 35c
400 yards errs heavy onb;eaohad Shooting, twilled or plain, good value al
Por yard 2bo, Friday .od Sates clay. p.r yard 15c
W. Acheson & Son.
Attlee = be Taken Regarding the West
Waren [lefties.
The pro8lblllon convection for West
Hone, held In the Temperance Hall on Fri.
day let, was a litres and reon,aothtive
/uh.,lal. defo.gsres befog pewee fres
*early all parts of flee riding. The peel
cleat of the W
rt Huron Prohibition AIIL
axle, G. M. Elliott, of liadorte", oocupied
the ebe,, and D. E Monroe, of Auburn,
secremry, discharged 16• duties of 16al et•
Tn. president to hie oponioe address. geld
he hoped party politica would not be Intro -
dewed is the osetleg, and t1 anyone started
tip a giv. Mr. Row a tool toogu•thresblog
Sr commeoned to pitch into Mr. W tinnier he
would be ruled oat of order. He spoke e1
the al=ts .t the noyeonon at Totoeto 1n
advistag that es large a vow se powtble be
polled to prohibition on the refereedom,
sod he endorsed this notion H• thought,
too. U was time to t•k• soon action to res
pard to P.rh•m.nt•ry esodldate.. H. had
so ■e for p*rtyIsm and for Metal/ wit
prepared to work and aoa for • Inas of
'test 'de o1 point= who was gaunt o$ she
prohibition question
J A. Nw6otb, orgoolur for the ik•
mimeo Alberta, "boo oddr...o/1 the none'
Moo. He read tbe montfeeto .ant out to 16o
prohlrutlo.iste of Galeria I6 .hioh the A111
ane advised two linos of action : to noun
the nomination •ad ideation of probiblrloo
eodld•tes, and to organize to ..cu'. ea
large • vote es pwalble on the referendum.
io •000rd•oea with thio .dy oe, the epesker
urged 16.t to the election to tbe LrglWaxre
problblUon be made the two mesion, Ro-
N ordiog the referendum, he did not know
whether they world win or not, hoe *bele
ditty was to baht to hope of •lo*cry The
result of t6o voting on the referendum 1n
Manitoba ha demented as griovous demo
pelotm..t ; tt was hrought about by the
dlesolon of t6m prohibitionist* os aPlose
the united .ed or.seipeel •Icor{ of the I geor
Nee. A higher vote than had ever been
pelld before en prohibition In Manitobe
had resulted Is a majority of 6.000 ytlns►
prohibition. The result in Manitoba
*bowed the .awldom of the policy of non
voting ; It was • popsy that ooald not b.
mrrld eat, as thews were Nome men rhe
held that every time they had • chains M
oast • Tete against the liquor traffic It we.
their ditty N east It. Hs believed they
would poll In O.:•:lo • larger vote than
ever before, sad .tri 11 they oould net
Mob the Dumber of Totes demanded they
OHM make snob a etiowlte as would enable
Nem to brlag preaun to bear upon the
R iv, F .1. O.ten, of Ashfield, belle•ed
$6. time wit wasted 1n Manistee f6e ref
weodem He moved that tin question of
the "ferend.m be led oo the noble.
Rev. N. M Whaley, et, Se. Hsi..., re -
Nod the motion, sliding that he thought
It veal possible tm rte no t6e referendum,
sod it was sot wise to talk of Impos'bilt•
Hee led find fault with she refer.adum now
It watt • fact.
Mr. Nleholte said that at %Vingham the
define was to tel..11 the referendum. The
aoo•ent.inn had orfgerned from Wingham
to Godsatoh without taklog ..tion on this
motion, and he bettered they should now
tees • resolution to work for the riles*..
Mr. Whaley asked Mr. Osteo to °hang•
6b motion to wit this.
Rey. J. A. Anders no of Goderloh,
brought to • mortoo to work on t*• referen-
dum, which was seossded_by Wm, Ore
hall, of Go/.rich
The point o' order eras then raised that
no amendment 000ld b• made to • motion
to lay en the table, nor could snob • motion
be dlecsesed. There wit • lively nime over
this, one or two of the delegates p•rrs►1.g
In talkiop. Mr. Whieey withdrew3his
seoeodieg of Mr. O.ten'. motion. Anotbor
dottiest* seconded it, hot oo being pot be
the convention 1t woe d•f.ated by • hors
lo order te (ac,htat• the business of the
oon•eetIon • oommittea was formed to pre
pare rosolat•one to be plated before the
cooynt ion. This eom1*11:1 a eat oom pond
tet the following : W. 1) Gardner. A•h6eid;
Wm. W•uon, West Wawwceh; N. H.
Campbell, East Waw.00eh ; A. E. Allen,
Colborne ; John Winos', Hallett ; J. E.
Tom, Uoderloh ; A. J. Courtloa, Goderloh
township; Jae, Soots, Clinton; h. H.
Young, Myth. 'Then biting oo ooe p 0
Irom W m.ham, Rey. 8. M. Whaley wit
added to the committee to represent t6.'
Rev. Mr. Anderson's motion was rsoewd,
herr • .horter and more sample nos brought
in by R... T. K McNair, of Dung
wee adopted, to the stint th.t, to h.rmooy
with the viele of rho Provincial A11i.nselez•
enders, the temper•noe people do thole 0t•
most to secure the largest rot. on the refer.
1'6e oom.nitt a withdrew and In the is.
team aridness were given by Mr. Nicholls
and others.
TH2 *10.IL0Tlo,e.
The Bret revolution sent or by the mom
mittwe wee ea fellow§ : That this cenven•
two declare Its purpose to do Its otmoat
alone political line to tants • prohibition
r.pre.nt.tlya of this riding in the Ontario
Parliament. This was adoplyd.
K.wolor'on 2 wase follows That this
convention appoint oommir=ee to attend
the nomla.tIng cnoyention of ••oh political
peril,. of this constituency and tee their
tit most.odsavor to obtain a eaodld•re who
will sooport the enforoemeot of the liquor
at of 1902 If o•rrl.d, and In the event of
its failure •dvoe.'s orohihttory le/elation
to the 1.11 intone of the r'rovlooe's power,
Irree000tlye of party. Carried
No. 3 was as follows : I1 nether party
brings out • *aodldat In favor of she
l.'goor Aoe to be vo=d nn to the referendum
nal for prohibitory legl.latloe wl1htn Pro-
•Ioola) larlsdiotlon a 0nvention be milled to
consider the question of bringing out an
Independ.et prohibition oandidate.
This we esrrled, with an addition pre
reed by Row. M J. Wilton, of Nile, that
the following be the form of pledge to be
presented to nan*ldates
I promise that should i 6e ideated is *
member of the Ontario Pro•IoWid l'arli
meet is *h• fnrthonmtn* e'eotlon nn the
gnestlnn of prohlhltion i will em70000.,
vote for and uta my In9nence to bring In
any manure and the prosiest measure with•
in the jorl.4totirn of the Provisos for the
The bent time to rester.
o,char4 pests le
before they are hatched.
Wn r:nray,ng tee. at
A mistime of nil awl
water pot nn le the winter
will prevent tra kind of
beg,-ey, worm or pirnaTle
.er seetrg the light a '
spring day
A c,rtatn core for eau
mit wale
e t.tT,t1.h • fine hank
. 11 .t.n..I win,., 'preying
sad every nth, 1,n4 n/
spaying which N.N. w41
g ladly m.11 flee tnany-
one wrl .
t owe o.., Oaf.
Uouooll met March 22nd. Member, all
premdt. A deleyatioa ce0si.ting of Meseta
Geo. Hawkins, W. b. Hew bias, W. Grey
and Jame Hayden waited oo the council
=klieg that • depatatloo f• not to Ottawa
to loteryl.w the Government regarding cer
talo Improvemenu at Port Albert barbor
Th• loon viewers, pound keepers sod path
masters were appointed u follows: Joon
Hewitt, H. Snyder, Ju, McN.., Thai.
Nclotyre, Wm t'-ar.y, Joo. MoWhlnney,
.lm. Tigert, F. Willis, A. E. Brown, Geo.
Barrows. Geo. Johnston. Ju. Hayden, K.
Higgins, 1) Jardta*, H. Augustine, Wm.
~=ware, R. Flnoegao, Frank Hayden, Taw
Gauls', J. Wile, W. MoCorthy, H. Slake,
J. C. Dalton, e. Clare, J... Culbert, W, ,
Lannon, P. Morsel, W. Matthews, K
J*baato*, O. Hull, Jr. anther, D.
token Joo.
McBride, eel s, A• H Reid, Jae.
t..o., K Henry, Jas. Hooked, Wm
fwemioy, .1. H. (iardoer, R. N.zoo, R.
Andrew, 1). Stroud, W. Hunter, Ja., Baird.
Jas, Clartson, Joo. MoKeit6, 1) It Mo.
Keats, Jas Helm, M. Horan, Ju Pinker.
ID., E. C. Joho.too, D. MoKeozie, Jno K.
MoDesald, D. Rose, A. MoDumald,
0. Rutherford, A. MoDooald K.
Hamilton, Geo. Hutchinson, Jno. Flo•
I•y.on, Jos. Cowan, K. McLean, D. Comer
on, S. MoNair, ,loo, Murray, H. Moloto•b,
S. Phillip. Ju. Johnston, Thos. Sault,.
Geo. Danman, Jes. Alto°. R. Howard, R
MoKeore, Joo Webster, W Powell, Joo
Covey, Jas. Griffin, Jno. Style, Joo Mo-
Doosld, D Farrah, Tim McCarthy, A Mo.
Uermetd, Jae, Lurolo, Jno. Graben), S
Pentland, W. ,lohe.ton, C. O'Connor, R.
Cooein., Joe. K4patrlok A. Anderson, P.
Hoge,, Moe. Wirgto., W. Mallough, Joo.
Sullivan, J. Flynn, N Shackleton, Jno,
MoKay, Jas. McGregor, R Douglas, .Jiro
Walker, R Walker, Jo.. Courtney, Thom
(Jesgram, S Treleaven, Wm. Riohardsoo,
Jno. Campbell, John D.ck,on, A F. Matzo,
Thos. Richardson, B O'Loogbllo, H Rivet.,
Peter Shields, 'Thos. Gino, Joo. Bowles,
C Bowles, Chu. Uaaar, Geo. McIntyre, J
K ennedy, W H Ma'r', W S Holmes, .1
Sullivan, Jno. Bhearboero, Thos. Dieher,
11 De.,, K Durnio, Jnn. Reid, P. M Sulli-
van, EA. Flynn, Wm. Cook, Joo, Griffin,
Jas. Quaid, W B H•wkloa, Wm. Mo('on
mill, Wean viewers: John MoDonyh,Jos.
Hackett, M McLennan, Jno. Bleck, H CIu&,
A Draoey, K A (amok, Thos. L
Wm. Powell, Joe Twos, W .1 MoMlllian,
.lne ESullivan .od D MoKenzle. P000d
keonera: Pool Reid, John MoDonogh, Jas.
McDonald, John Sohoenhai., Frank Scott,
M Fidler and W .1 Mountain,
Council •dj.urned to meet again on the
31.e day of May, Court of Revision to nom-
mean its Bret sittings at 2 o'clock P. M. on
that day. WM. STO'rH len
D...... 1. Curable.
Huff from Impaired hearing will he
glad to know that their efHlotion is probably
not due to any organic defeat in 16s ear, but
results probably from • thickening of the
lining of the middle ear waned by o.0arrbsl
inflammation. Hundreds of perfect ma -
erne as • remit of the Inhalation of Catarr.
hrzooe ars reported, sod oo the highest
authority we recommend this treatment to
our reader,. (i.tar;hnznoe getakly restore
lost hooting, and noffiulenoy ti plated tie
good depute by the . of Mr. Fon)), of
St. Thomas, who recta ,d perfect heatlog
by meta Cetarbozone, alter years of deaf.
nes.. Pres 31 Al drugpis*a or by mel,
from Polson & Co., Kingston, Oat.
The '•royal r..kwka."
The opening op of the Highland. of
Ontario, Commie, and the beaondal Muekok•
Lake region, has been • ventral* labor of
lore to the advertising department of the
Grand Trunk Rahway and the Doming Sum.
mor pr•tmue. •ooh an infho of American
tourists as will amply justify eh. outlay *n
her! s000mmodatton which has hien made,
The "Royal Muskoka," In f.oe, promisee
= beonme to Canada, In .nmmer, what the
"Royal Pooelen." le to Florida, In the
winter mnath,, the fashionable resort of the
onotMaet, where the rnmaa'to and the
beentlfnl oan d. enjoyed with all the lotary
and onmfnrt of thee moa, modern hotel life.
The "Royal Muskoka," whish has hese
built at • nest of one finales/ sod fifty
thousand dollars, very maoh re emAlso the
serhltectore of the famous Feller hotel,
✓ ot* gray to 'moo wall., tlmh.tel'crow sonar
It' rad tiled roof, with deep. noel verandahs,
enmmanding views of the surrounding lakes
tend l :and. 11 hay anoommodation for 400
pages aid le the finest ■mmata, het.l le
Cosed& it will de opened on don 16'6.
For .11 InformVlnn as to riser, route, tern.,
. 114 Illn.trared dwor,ptive Hi.ratere, apply
se 0. T. Bell, Oleeral Paeans= and noire.
Anat. Grand Trotk Railway System,
Mineral, Caere.
Blyth John a. T1,Isr, 1R 1, piudo.l
Apt Dorms high s.beel, eras • Metier N lee
h ome .f hl. Detear iters WA week.
W'io,thuu : H S.o.11oe,rl Youth.mp' „n. •
former rwol•ot .1 N' Ing tau, hot , p. u•d •
bon and shoe •cure m 8odbue y.
Blyth : Was Maggio 8rew•rt has once to
Poetess La Prone, w6.re .a* will reside
James Stewart tad MIs. Serab Swart will
leave sbortly for Toronto to rend.,
Seaford' : Deores Stewart Telt oat Taw•
day morellos for MauI*oba. It 6. Tike tn.
memoir' sod o.o •emote • suitable bungee
he will move hie family thea to • short
Egmoodvilte : =les Or.oe Torr•noe, of
0.soyaville, wa viaitlog Ler p4reht. lit El.
moodvOle Mtge Torrance left for Fort lido-
Leod Monday to take 1 pesitlou In the
public echos'. then.
W tugham : Andrew W il.00 sod lamely
lsit last week fur their new home to Cat.
hem Mr, Wilson will hod leu new hum* a
m,..• central pola0 for him as doodling
agent for the Dario' Mahinery
Beth : Between throw and lour o'ulook
on Saturday morning, 29:h sit., ire was
duoovued In John ilhe,rli,'. .bo. .601* and
beton the *nolo* and brigade rut to work
bLe building and nootents wore destroyed,
Myth : John M. 'Taylor, of Perteee 1.
Prairie, .rrt,d hero tut west. He lee he
home in the wet when h. !*arced of his
t.tber'• er1 0. illness, but did not arrive
Gere until the day following hie father'.
Clinton : Mr. Bios has sold his house and
lot oo Huron etret to Rey J. G The
property Is • comfortable one sod 'abaci
to the osigbborbood of 3700. Mr. Rios and
family left town tut week and will reside
roar Centralia,
Wlugb•m: Milton Shaver, of Arthur, has
become • reideut of Wingb.m. Prior to
hls departure from Arthur Mr. Shaver was
pre•nted with an address sod a ouff and
collar bog or the memb.rs of the Methodist
choir In that plan..
Seaforth : Gooses' sorrow was telt over
the death of Mr. Roberts, for so many
years • genial, well.koowo potion to poorly
•veryone in town. For olo.ten° ylrs b•
b•t boon engtoowr el the waterworks and
has dlso6•rged his duties most effioleotly.
Ile king a t'., ■ Carer
Is 1'ttu•m's Patois= Corn Eztreotor,
crowed by years of sitcoms', regal boos..m
uneppro•ohed and ooapprosch.ble, holding
away In thfe con*li•nt owing to to .sport
orlty. 1'uto.m'. Pimple= Corn and Ware
Exrraotor. Sold by •Il druggist.. or nut
67 matt by N. C. Poison & Co., Klog.too,
Oat., on reeelpe of 25 ruts.
Tatesrr&y, April I.1.
Alvin Doocao, of (tread Valley, touted
frleod■ bore the week
Mies Agnes Herbert visited ire adl at
Louden during the holidays,
Itair Ethel Knight, of It ill y, ,luted
Mia Meal Coaltee this wink.
Mrs. Robert King, of Toronto, is visiting
relptivw to and about Bluevsle.
Mr, Carry, of Brood., woe •n the vlllag•
list wink pruning and ',Asking trees.
Re.. W, J. West .Ltted his father, who
is to yery poor bealth, at Woodstock, lot
Frank (Steinway, of Toronto, is visiting
..datives to the ylllage during the Muter
if us K ilea. of W.lkertoo, and Mrs,
t/.miltoo, of Tara, vested the Mice. Blsok
the week
Miss Litz'e Johnston and 6fi.• Etta
Saone, of Oodertob, rotted at John John.
Hon's in the holidays.
Wm Stewart lett on Saturday for Howl.
tog Grees near (lead Valley, where his hos
seemed • situs/foo as narpeoter.
Mo.yoar, March 31.
Oeo; Clark, of L'eh•lsb, 'poet Sunday ah
his hoot. here.
Dr. C. K. Henderson is at preeeat visiting
at W. E. Gordon's.
Y. A Beckett, of Knox College, Toronto,
celled on friends hen last week.
Oar teacher, C. A. Teboutl, I. apendlug
hie vacation at Ws home near Clinton,
Mies Mabel.od,Muter Tom MacDonald,
of W'inghant, •re visitiog at their graod-
par•nts' Thee. Todd's.
Joe. Stuart left lost Thursday for Indian
Heal, Alberts, N. W. T , where he naiads
spending the ooming samovar.
Most of the farmers of this vloinity have
engaged their hired help for the Doming
Bummer, The wares asked this year are
exceptionally high.
MW 6f1ry Clerk, dies. Webster, Thos.
O'Loughlin and Rob Miller, of the Oodertch
C. I., are at preeot ■peodlog their holidays
at their homes here,
Mo'DAT, Apr• 7th.
W . MacDonald hes returned to his home
m Wrotator.
Mr.. Brown,00mbe moved this week t'
the house recently nodded by Angn' Mao.
D o.I4,
A. F MacDonsld went hie Easter vaso,
rico with friends in Wrosater. Brothels and
Grey township.
Mies Mary Woods, after having spent
several months in Toronto, has again worn -
ed to her home.
Mie Mary Clark, Thos. O'Loughlin, Geo.
Weh-ter sod Rob 61,11.) leave today for
Ooderioh, haying spent the Kuter '*oatlos
at home.
' We are pleased to know that Mester
Stewed Pennell, who has been suffering
from • =yore. attack of nronobltla Is some-
what Improved.
We notice by The Globe the doth of Dr.
E. P. Gordon at San Franclsoo, Cal, 1)r.
Gordon was a son of William Gordon, form -
only merohaot of this plan,
Smith McLean, of Luoknow, ogled on
friends here last week, and expressed him
telt as being greatly delighted with hte
repot trip to Florida and other of the
'southern States,
The may friends of S. E. Bwkett, form-
.rty teaoher In Flatfeet eohool, will be pine
el to know that he has bees wnoeetul 1,,
nntsining a echolarehlp, worth $50, given to
flat )err etude's= of Knot Uolloge, Tor•
Mr. Yule, organizer for The Canadian
Order of borenten, was In this vielntty fast
week working in the intermits of th* Order,
and, as a result, Rome tee or • dozen of the
ywttl, mea aro *attempt "ridlog the gnat"
Tb. biggest April fool joke of the attic n
W.s lorpotratd by the wether man to turn.
ea a snowstorm when we were etiolating
"etbereal mlldere."
"Credit Lost is like
a broken glass."
It's Makers dare not
discredit what cost so
much to establish,
viz: -
The wide reput-
ation, and standard
value of -
"The Slater Shoe"
V srNje.r rsdld' ^,j
WE. Serum* ,•Jr. • Sole Laud Algal
Programs fee the VioWria 1)ay rases, to
be 5.1d In Wlegh.= oo May 24th, bare
heti trued. 36001• befog offered to purer
too proem's' 2 50 ola.., trot or pew,
owns 3150 ; 2 is paw .uJ 2,26 'roe, puts.
3150 ; 2 19 p.r sod 2 16 trot, puree
'E s...tu.l joint *enrolee of the West
and South Huron Ferment' loeulatea to the
Ontario Agrloultunl College will be bold .a
Fn.t.y, Jae 20:6. The •sourslou .111
prob.bly be Hui from putties snug the I.ou-
duo, Huron & Brae,, berth and south, .td
.iso from the Buffalo wd Oudertob braoohes.
The bond of Rowse nmmlwtoo.rs fes
Wet Heron will met •0 the In.pwtor'..1-
Bw, Chotoo, oo Thursday. April 17th, at
5 r.r , to ouneider the aoplloatiooe for the
Wenn y.,.r tf 19023 Luo year t6e hold-
en of I.Uau.e wire 30 hotel) and 2 -hero
sod t6o year there are epplicatlous for 31
bo:ela and 2 abope, t6• new •pplioans
befog 8. Pake, of the Wayert.y hotel, l Ile•
is Rheumatism of tb. facer
Uric Acid Ie1 in the blood
by disordered kidneys
lodges along the nerve
which branches from the
eye over the forehead, and
across the cheek to the
side of the noes The
cause le the same as In all
Rheumatism- disordered
Kidneys. The core la lines
Wile the eumr-
Eavestrou hing,
Metal Roofing and
Dairy Tinware,
Iron Pipe and
Fittings .
The Board of Leone, Oomm migners .111
meet at the
Inspector's Offloe, Clinton
Thursday, April 17111, 1902
to oon'der th. •pplloatiene for the bones
year of 1003-1002.
All petitions or applloatlon• to len fent to
W. J. Paisley, Inspector, Clinton.
The number of Iloeaes for the year 1001 1002
was 30 hotel. and 2 shone The Dumber of art
pllratlone for the year 1001 1003 is 31 hotels and
2 .hop.
New applloallono--- S. Pike, Waverley
Hour., Clinton. No Ilona granted to any
betel which le, any kind of • s of maehlne on
Its premises. W. J. PAI4LRY,
10 Inspector. Clinton.
New Flour, Provision
and Seed Store. •
I have opened out the store
T. Hall's Shoe Store, with a
stock of all kinds of MILL PRO-
FAST FOODS, SEEDS, etc,, etc,, and
respectfully request a portion of
your trade:
I am agent for the London
Steam Bakery, and will deliver
Bread to any part of the town.
Leave your order and my wagon
will call at your house every
Best brands of Flour, includ-
ing the Lake Huron and Mani-
toba Milling Co.'s and Star Mill
BREAKFAST FOODS a specialty.
SEEDS for Field and Garda.
rirA call�sollcited.
Hamilton Street.
First in 7888 --
Foremost ever since.
To have been "first"
merely proves antiquity.
To have remained brat
proves merit.
T[oUDAT, April 10, 1902. 5
Jordan Mc K I 11�I'S aodell'Ich,
Ladies' Night Robes.
A full range of all .tyles, and Mune
50o to 32.50
45o te 33.60
25o to 75o
45o to 31.00
SKIRTS, lovely styles,
CHEMISES pre half pros
A few Chemises wo oarrted from Lse year
at half prloe.
Fine English Cambric.
, Good roles its 124o, for Bop
reale' ell 31.00 sad 31.25 sad al. M Sano°
These aro oat speaeal, made el
nary 0.e1w, Ilan fronts and
heads, • r.g.kr 75e gritty, at
tear for t Tbs.
Ladle - We understood your waotlog re have • Hai funks any *Mr la Iowa.
Don's rod away for one. pay • big prim and ma the *boon of tering sae that will
make yon look • guy. M188 JORDAN can trim one to your tate (ye, dw't bays N
rake It 0111t is) al lees moony taxa lou will p.y away from home, sod ate woo else will
have one 11k• 11, w .be makes no two the same. Mies Jordan kat not o.1y worked la
large establishments bat has boon te spans of them fee fire years, Her espriease y
ample, but we *ay "Nothing too good for Godorloh,"
A Great Snap
Is am Grover Snap, at 5s a
pound, of which we sells barrel • week.
This lw'e our only snap, u ws bossy
•verytbing that no be found la an ap-
ha da= grocery .tor., rand our prloes
are right. The tartan know that they
o.o always get from us •.imp tor their
produce. We draw the line at o0
legtoit.te Inds - •verything goes :
Glassware or potatoes, eludes stuff or
oholoa.t table Cbtos. Ws deal to .11
of them.
Redford blook, U ,d•rioh
1 bar received my New Sart of
Suitings, Tronserings,
etc., for Spring and
Bummer Wear.
1f you are getting a sew spring suit,
a light ovlrc*at, or toylbing In my Iles,
1 can plea*. you 1■ goods, 61 and prion.
n)(tesdy.0004, trebling 1■ mark.
Scr11t011 g
and Coal
Al Coal weights] on dm Market armies
whore you get NM lbs. for • ton.
Orden left at LU sit BSEpILLIUYB
8=n promptly attended Co.
1908 . 1808
t C�„
I. movies forward. Wisest Nem Midas Jno.
1. 0000. Our rates w rsoohable, oar snarese
of study thorough and preottoel. Send for or
Journal ad .e. what we teach. asi don's my
enter at any time Two cowry et study.
Commeeol.l and *bortlaad
Owen loose, 1.1Msw.i.
■cY Ileo llllrtlralj Pine Ium,aoe G.
t ' V*lue of Proprty loured op to lasers.
ewes tt1LSe
orrlcar. AND DIILOOTOBa.
J. H. McLean, pre. . T. Freest, vloe•eres, ;
Joan Connolly, W. Dale W. 0, areadtest, J.
Watt, Jas. trona, .1. U. Grieve, J. Beaaewela.
director; W. R. Broadfo)o. Heolppnb, Mews -
for of logy ; T. L Heys, Seetorth, aa..etery-
J. es, AGENT/.
W, Y
Aotmes•tne; Jamas Commis/
E*moodvale ; It MoMilian, asster05; H
Smith, Harlook
Polley -holden can pay aeseesmsota tad get
t6alr Dards noelpted at Mr. Coate'. Cllntot_ w
ar MoL.an Brom.' P•laoe Clothed .ton, Hod*
Mill Wood
The •hove is out into stove wood
len./th and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orden received by telephone or
left at rysidenoe, 128 Oambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98,
Oud rich, November 21.t, 1899. 53-3m
- THAI LI*DItl, -
Yulnera0\ 11. yee.tortft oC6&
Il. mon\caters
Order earettolU mama/ N Y .11
Yam might or day.
4lmebee smt.es.
OTTR Business has grora to such dimensions the* -.
we have decided to 02076 to larger premises,
and will in consequenoe offer our whole stook of
Pianos, Organs,
Violins, Guitars, it ,;i'i
- Music, Sewing Machines, &c.
at Genuine Bargain Prices until the
15th Feb., 1902.
Remember, this L a Genuine Bargain Sale, and
the chance is one you may never meet again.
Music and Bicycle Dealers, • GODERICH
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from uv. .50c a Ih. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hop.). Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Carden Seeds. We have a
doll aas�rtment.
Telephone No. 91
STTe7notrZin at CO.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Oodarich, Ont.