HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 44 THOMMDAT, April 10, 1104. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH ONTARIO 1 A Wearable Suit ... • • Meu's attention today is showing a tendency to revert to Colonial tithes. There was no "shoddy" cloth purchased then. A gentleman desired to dress plainly, but well. Your if bggought ben, is euro to be a wearable suit Our spring Mock is very Suit a fit andII glee good ekt factionde . lIf for us sod every goods don't turaoutment is right..eamakei t right with you. I We are proud of our stock of Boys' Clothing . . And you will be prowl of "the little WWI" with 000 of our suite on him. We have them at any prose you want, from 11 35 to $7 00. Hats, Shirstv1te11 See our Police Braoe Its the beet weers, etc are here in rge havquantities ue etrus Anand latest for the money. C. PRIDHAZLwARiD FURNISHER ?J�1111u1U11111i1�11�1�1U111111�11 Il radioed rit►Mag Clothier* BoomMcLean's B1..k. CLOTHIER mn►mmnrmmtmmrmmttimm Garden Tools... HOES, RAKES and MANURE FORKS, SPADES, SHOVELS, PRUNING SAWS, PRUNING SHEAR S, PRUNING KNIVES, HEDGE CLIPPERS and E SHEEP SHEARS. Ramsay's EE Ready -nixed Paints • are trie best Paints on earth. Us* no other. We alw.y. 100.1 In • White Lead, Oils, Dry Colors and Varnishes You oan 8a Money by Dealing with Us ati ALLA & McIVER. do"- Tho 1..+.,1,ug Hardware Firm. Honest Goods at Honest Prices. 'Phone 57. Skt A,gnaz, It roosaman EVERY THURSDAY MORNING •T D. aesWdmNi SODHRiOH. THURSDAY. APRIL 10„ 1St muster had all boss stoics.. Hs •pp•at•d, no mild, between too prominent moo of two polfti• tel parties .a m codependent-(langhtor)- to imp the other fellows straight. He thought .1 Bret that the giving of this toast to him--tran•purtattoo-wee • rmfisotion upon his natlooallty, for Irishmen In old days knew a good daol about trao.portatioe of soother sort. (L•oshter) Th. tr•nepor tattoo toast, he said, woe the Digress out - tract be bed et er undertaken. It wee • WEST HURON'S MEMBER problem that had battled stems. u e' OW U r. •olmee tentrlb.It* a Speech le Ib. midget Debate. The speech by R. Holmes, M P for hies Heron, last week to the debate on the bud. get le reported as follows by The t:lobe : Mr. Robert Hotmee pointed out the la. oe.eteteeey of Mr. Ro•amood and other tweeters, who bad been loitered to admit that great prosperity albite, but to order to motorce their argument* In favor of protec- tion arteod that C...da ooald Dot aojoy that prosperity wbiob we ought to without an Increase to the tariff. Opposition spat- es had taunted members on the right of the . ,eater with lack of unanimity in opinion apse the tiara! question. 'rel* Dame with Md ere Irom gentlemen who themselves gave expresaioD to views so widely divergent as bad been Uttered by g.otlsmsn ea the Opposition beeches. Mr. Smith (West• worth) bed pr0000Doed to favor of a tariff which would exclude Imports altogether. Mr. Brook wu entirely opposed to Mr. Smith's view*, and emoted • reciprocity treaty with tb. Galled Stan*. if 1t ooald be obtained, while Mr. Kemp MI/Nod from both and wanted to build op an locoweed trod* with Germany. tteplying to br. Resamood'• r•1.rsooes to tee woollen i•da•. My, dr. Holme said that with • tariff pro- tection of 25 per oent. and the advantage o1 tb. freight from Great Britain, woollen manuf.otoren ought to be satisfied. He doabtea the ',mutton that the woollen la. dutry was.nff.rlog, and asked ,0o.e site were oompl•lelog to give further .yldesos Met they were Iojored helots their com- plaints wore heeded. Ho bed himself been Informed by • woollen m.nofnotorer that tb. woollen mills bad bean running oy•r- time and hod all the work they could do. Mr. Holmes 000gratulated the Goyramest spoil having restated the prwar• to 1•. .reuse the tariff, and while not opposed to the commit Industry, the yaloe of wbtob b* •ppreolated, be sxpreeeed the view that the tariff protection of 42i Dents per buret, with tks &dvanite, in freight they enjoyed. pave C•todlm manufacturers • protection of 75 cents per barrel, which was, b• thought, authotsn►. Heals* took Issue with Mm obarge. of Iho Opposition that the ad- mission of flee ooro b.d Injard the fuming bedeetry and redacted the price o1 soar*, R•ls, and °failuge() proof of the *ton meet. (h the other hand. tree Dere bad on- •blad the farmer to 8o1.h his cattle .t re - dewed out. Mr. Holm*, was surprised that the Opposition should bring forward s,.111 the old poltoy of protection, whloh 0.d been rejested at the polls In two g.o.r• a1 el.otfoos, and which had been rsoently rejeoted to Lleese and Beaaharnols. Tie ✓ wlotios was amply • play upon words, and w.s designed to draw oat Some mem- ben of MN G.verem.ot before going to tb. awroo•tloo and solosial nonlireoce, In order M .mmll them to some Ifog of policy, In the hope Was they would not '000eed 1n e arrytog It one so that the Opposition osald orltiolzs th.lr failure. The Oppce4 Moo oould net by any boon' peons persuade the farmers that they would be made pros- perous by Increased taxatloe. Mr. H.Imes wmmeod.d the aotloo of the Government [• rodasing tb• duty on paper, la otiose queens of the dleolosors by the commission of the fact that • oombloe slated among paper manataotaren. The proposal to dlo tato to Great Britain voles ber oolloy should be with d to the Imposition o1 • duty upon wheat wee an import losses, and name wtth brad grace from the party whloh ehc.v.d the daaeration that If British oom motion 'offered Irom the nperatloo of the National Polloy, so much the worm for British 000n.otto0. The demand of the peoples today was. he said, for tariff reform, and Mr. Holmes expreseed the firm belief that it would have boon letter for the oa•etry If the National Policy bad Debar M•e beard of. CANADIAN CLUB BANQUET. TM Testi Auul Masque' of the Club • sorrow. (From The Hamilton MDoctator.t The tenth I banquet of M• Cana. dlu (Jab was held 1n tem Hotel Royal at Hamilton het Thursday e.enlrc and woe • d.Nded ea•e.a* 1s clary way. The menu, ',woes and made were •11 gond. Cho gouts of h••or, mated on either 51.1. of 10. pes,dmpt et Aho olah, R. A Rebrrtaen, were Rea. Oberles Fltzps$rlob, Dominion Minato' of .lostioe ; Hos. Geo K. Foster, I)se. Mdlllliooddy, H. Uar.o•llan, K.0 , 11.L A., T. R. MaePhereas, ax M P., and Jobe Oeotsr. K.U. The toast list leeladed flee f.11ewlsg Th. Klee-- Kespeeded to by the company. cased•-Ranponded to by Hen. Cheri.. iitrn.trtek. Great Britain, iroised, and the British T0mlalene Beyond the Raine-Respendef to by Ron Ase. E Foster. 'rt.. Trsn.portatice ietors.to of Congas Re peadcd to by 1)•s. Ma(ilhlcuddy, of Gostx1.6 Oar Geas0e-Prepeesd by Jobs ()war, respeedoi to by Meagre Fite 50M0t. costar and McGllltnadd♦ 1'bo three Important .pSsntee o1 the eve Wu were game, earth e1 Gem. Mr. Fia- palrieh was eorelol In Ms bandling of hie e o►lelet, saslsl.g himself lamely to note*. MR pester, oe was adInittad by I0..Ma e sposhrs. ma4c • wsederinl'y conA apeenh, Me. PitepsWI t •tnve.stag the noisiest that N Wall as bear to Canada that there was ...sere/ sesw.g her .111,... • Inas acts se▪ .Mmest ell Mr forth Goo see 1 ( Metlillio.ddy'eCanadian INN wet 0esitOy, bat what Ie Metro/ In issgth b aegis op Mr is wit, .01'0 salted UmgeAlnp jest as well. le,aplrl.f to the freaspert$Uas Ie S.n1ss of ().sada, Mr. M.(l•Illleuddy •ea- Oniall le s b.m.n.• woe tint tits Htiedi r ada for many vers. 'lh. first ossa m- sda ever ooatempI led was one from God, - rich to H.mutoo, an,' be belteyed it bad to•o et•rtd, setting as far w Dianthus, where 1t met • dietlllery Goa .topped. the water bot hong able to get put the whisky. (L.ogbtsr ) Tie l;eorglea hay oanal e ob.ms was still being ooe.ldered, and by man who It would cot bs tboaght had th. maggot 1e their beads at a11. (Laughter.) A man named McLeod Stews, o1 Ottawa, had a sohems for • canal to the Rock e. 1t esu only • em•II thing for • 000otry with an overflowing ry ant lot. of •ourprl«, but 11 Mr. Stewart lived to see it finished he'll be putting Methu.•- 1•b out of buuo•es. (L.urbter.) Speaking seriously. Mr. McGillleuddy sdevoated the improvement of the water• ways and lee tnduorog of American capital to Dome into Canada •n.1 do bu.lnees oy.r them. In the matter of railways, he claimed that tie oompaeles wait gives Canadians the worst of it .11 the time, dlscrtmlo•ttea b.Ing u•d• always In favor of through trsi]i^. Len•dl.ns wanted the railways to do for the., what they were doing for people in the Ualted States. Nor will they be happy 1111 they get It. "I .m an Irlsbmw,said Mr. MoG6• liouddy, '• not of Wexford and Water• ford, but Kerry os beth side. I came to this land wbee 1 wee six vests old, and all my Dopes and aspirations are in this land. My p.reite .re barled here and I married a C.n.den girl, my oblldr•o .re Caosdl.os and I .m proud of it. Some men will try that the fountain of law la Canada 1. .t O.goods boll. It is not. 10 is in the home of Comdisco They say the I000t.10 head of education le the Normal college. It is not. It to at the little red school house where the fou.datlon■ were Mid. To... are the thing. that hey. made C..dlane tee finest people oo th. fact of the earth. Tell .bout the [Jolted States; why we give th.m moot of the good things they h... W. gays them Jim Hill to teach teem transportation and Callaway to show them how to do it. We have gtlan them professors, and lawyers (cot •11 of Gigm,) but we haws saved mouth to mak• of C.n.ds the gresteet soustry on the Moe of the globe. ((,beers ) Tho.. Amert- osee-rime of them-telk "beat amnia over and taking ne 1o. They should remain. her that theytried it ogee or twice before It oould'nt be doers, and some of the meg who cam* rem•lod permanently with u., bat Oslo put out of bottom'. (lenghter ) the people who oo•ot oonquer heli-ol.d, halt wild Filipinos whose wsapo00 are meetly bows and arrows, o•eoot hope to take • country peopled by the "Men of the Northern 7..',o..' (Chosen 1 Th* witty slier closed his address with somplimentery reference to Hamilton se being the mother of transportation In West - .re Canada, with Iia Great N mere, North Western, and W.11logteo• Grey sod Brace railway., for whlon his trend, Adam Brown, with eo many Hamilton men. had fought so nobly. (Chasm ) ogee may demand sailktoe "wad." We Nu not looreue regular maul outlay without ioorwlog •uou.l Income How oan t bo does' 1 do not fool teat we wcald De pay• 1.g m unreasonable price for such an object but I would tike to me a Maslow hk• coo - adoration of the fi.anoe. Wo h..* Woo over free 1. the put la epeodl.r money without knot/lag whore It was coming tros. Tits Sirs -The propc0al Is to move the "market" to the old fair ground" •.d See see p site for the library Now I believe 1t would be better for us to do with. out the library Lean tote this step ted the folios/mg .ra my rw001 t;cdench 1s • groerlog pro ar0esIvo town and all mob tied • good market ; it 1a • 000y•ntww sod b•oeht to the bousekeepor ; U attracts the farmer by promoting competition for bis goods .* n •Itrw.4 *sport buyers -tee In. ore.eed country trade leaves more mousey In town and belps all slums. T.. preempt marks' dose ooze of the things bet last year • oommlttoe of tb? heard of trade 1.• v•.uaatod this m•itor and 1.1d It bolero the town oouooll. 1 bey pawed • 1•tor.ble favorable not* on *b• scheme and further loformatiom esu to have been obtained by the oommttee Tbla was oeglsoted ted the scheme held up thereby, but • plan was Prepared which, as en outlay of ler tem 11000 would provide •ocommodanoD ample for moo, years to Dome, This plus Is still In the possession of some member of that oommltl 0, and the lotentioo w.e to revive and proceed with tie whims this sauce. The town is very fortunate io having eo -entre' • loretioo as the preeeot noe and 11 the other 1e careen it w111 be 01101w to pre Deed. Alt our citizens trod* oa the Square, therefore con* would have to go out of the way to v1•11 • market on this .ie--0early all would hove to if It were on the other. Promo% site w o•.tr.l, the other very one- adod three blocks north of It pr•otloally bring a• to town limits ; throe blocks to the .oath hrioi u only to Vfatorissl. oborch. which some wy t. Dear the centre of the town plan. Naos • mew market on the ors sent sin and we eon probably m.k• 11 suc- ceed (smaller town are (1oleg so); on the otter tb.re 1. no chance We bite. helped motorise as mach as wo oan ler tet+ pretreat, why cot t.k• up the market ..xt' Why 1111 the .neem* umeoewarlly` There u• plenty of ether site -one just tortes the rood, three on West stn, one on North at, one oo Kingston et., and R M•Lesa is gtr• log up hie shop, why not try for (bat site'. Remember 101•. It will oost as much, or more, to most that Aid building and put it in good condition as It will to bay a site. Thanking you for .poo*, Yours ete. Crrizun, THE LIBRARY QUESTION. To the Igdltor of Tng elnIAL Sts, -At • meeting of elitism' held oa Friday might lost resolutions were passed 10 favor of aoompttog Mr. Caroegle's offer al 110.000 and of .rsotl*g • library buildtoe 011 the present market site, the latter to be re moved 10 the loot of Hamilton .t, Now I have no desire whatever to dlsoourage the library scheme, is it would glee no • vary fine addition to the town but I do thlok that fi0anolal and businees conditions ehoald receive the foll..s ooselder•tlob before • float d.isioe le arrived a1. Lest no not be ova, h• ty but look Into the matter folly. 1 desire to preset • few farts sod argue meats on, 1st, bosoms, god, the .10.. TugFtn.ncge.-W• are told that 1100 additional trout the torpors*, Ily will be sofffolset tint in whitlows the town meet supply looandmsosnt light to the amount of 1488 per year end water to the amount of 125 00. Apparently we ars asked to neo elder time two items as of me emit to tbo town. but let u r.membsr that we ars run- nier oar water and heht pleb► at a 1e. Farther, i am loformd, that noe bores power to requited for e.e,y 10 beets, so that ter the 60 sight's proposed 6 Berea Mw« •etre will be reg.'rod. it •ppeen therefor• that theta Dema rept-sent shoot the imam outlay at the paver honest. Than what about runnier aspens'. The 5260 of proy• Inot•1 grans must all he mood far the par. ohme 11 books, sea.; therefore the esti. meted ame•et available ler nursing expe•ee fs •epooted to b. Town grata ........1500 00 (at prmena110 le 400) 3 a J. W. SMITH wishes to announce that he is handling the oelebrated 5 STAR braids FLOUR 3 STAR of•••• made by the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Co, and is prepared to fill all orders promptly at the following prices for SPOT CASH : 5 Star Brand, $3.90 bbl. 3 at as 3.60 .1 fiie.m•tte Pallas tared by gervaltse, The le the testimony of Mr. Bsoj•sln Dillon, o1 lewd*, Ontario., who *aye : I feel it my duty 0.orsol.im the muyelloas value of Poison'. Nrrvihoe a .n infallible ours for rheumatic pain. ; It ours" them sooty time N. thing 1 know of equal" it re • hoasabel 1 liniment, and mothers should feel 1t as neeewuy as bred itself. Nery lline has oared rheumatism of thirty years' standing, and oan our. you. Instant toilet, absolute curs, large mettle 2.5o. He will also handle the Kee- watin Flour. J. W. SMITH, East SI 'Phone 86 J. H. COLBORNE' COSMOPOLITAN PATTERNS foe e.1. 18 GENTS. The Division bet worm good and Indifferent Drugs and M.dielnes le strongly d.find bore. 'the 'odd. forest kind are DOT'S ordered Sad permitted to form part of one stook. Only goods of oodoautsd purity ars offered to em•tomere. Our stook .1 Proprietary Medloin•a Is very lar'. Photo aro low. BOOKS AND (PERIODICALS Lamm' Hoes JOURNAL -Chid mesa/ the attractive features of the Fester Ladles' Home Journal 1• the opening lbetellmeot of Helen Keller's own story of her life. The Mot that this, and all toe ealobterrapby which le to follow, wore •ota•Ily written by the wonderful gi.l Ismail is only equalled by the remarkable 140r.ry merit of her Production. 'there 1e • derlighttol personal article •bout •'The President's Dsoghter," .000mp•old by a hitherto unpubll.bsd picture of Mies Roosevelt, and • pretty story of the Seeing of Fester carols le • Now Voile belfry 00 Eater mnntlor. Nett)* Hlanchan tolls "Why the Birds Come and Go," and T'0. Journal'. two epleedld striate 'Thom Days in Old Virginia" and "The Howells to Chicago." are given ewe. The new ohlldree'a department, celled "rhe Good•Time Darden," twins le this Domino Mr. Bok dieoueees eeyr.l timely .ahjeote on the editorial pap, ohm} among them the g rowing tendency ••f the Amerloaa tetter to neglect the oompenlonehlp of hie children, The illustrations, which are beautiful and n umerous. latitude one of Mr. Taylor's ax - vivito pletures of Southrro life, and • doable page et college girls at their studies. The dcnartmente are more interesting and helpful than ever. the basatltal Fater rover 1. the work of A. K. Fortnum The Counts Pablbbino Compose, Pbll.delphl•. Ten ante • oopy; obs dollar • year C.onnty Sale of meiosis's Garde and Bow 1500 20,00 75.00 Total ....1610.00 New whet outlay tee to be set •gsd.•t ibis. It U olalmml that Mr Gall Is walls/ to be beth librartas .n4 j..1Mt for 1250 yearly. io b asset •area•oe.ble t. impost 00.0 •soh .n ernngemwnt u fhb can 00•• Mane. 1. lobster at least • janitor is deed- ed oonetankty In ettendaoee, end It the .set et thetas awn a Dowered by 1500 • year the matey le mndrate end r•.enahle. The 1ern.m* would require .t lout 20 inns w1 coal, at 16 60 worth 1130, er ever 5100 mere the •t. present. Repo... 1050.55 •ed N- o dowels will be fully 5100 per year. Tele totals 1730 to to against our 1610, whish sheerly tooled*" an Nereus 0f 5100 W. "held t h•r.lrs Imes to dip duper Gats at pretest by probably 1500 iri ell i.s,wd 01 1100 Ret tr. we wet Is doer« of Ending the insule104 poekct empty • W a haws Mon ter years living 'good ear fae•e.- 1ar borrowing sewers •ppr.ssh the Molt. W. are deep In ss the hank. Th. dseatas sot "butter us 16,000 sed • mettle mal Hale\ C....H. 0.000... The retards hay been broken, ruthlessly shattered, my Ralph Connor's splendid tele o1 the lumbermen of the Getaw. Valley, "Tho Man from Uleo.arry " 'I hat onoom- meely popular book "David Horner" bold • long bad error other works of conrcn,porary fintloe. bet the ()anodise book has fu oat- .trlppod its American oompetltor. It. re- eerd of 25,000 copies le lour months le doable' that of "David Rerem" in the same length of time ; and the psbllehor experts the (tens w111 save remitted poorly double 001e somber before the end of the year Thorn aro 'ropy who prefer "Ronk Rook" r "The Sky Piet," but If popular sale may be taken at th. rlarlmp e1 merit, R.Iph Coo. •er has pat is bah work feta ••Tee Man from Glengarry." WHAT OTHERS ARE SATING. New Spring Stock Now Complete. DRESS GOODS 131aok . and Do).ored 1N ALIS 1155 ASW USIA Black Voile. Black Chevaline. Black Pamirs. Black Poplin. Black Venetian. Black French Cord. Black Serge.. Black Henrietta. Black Homespun.. Black Brocades. Black Silks. Black Silk Grenadines. Black Satins. Black Satin ltoyal. Black Lustre•. Colored DRESS GOODS. Grey Homespun.. Brown Homespun.. Fawn Venetians. Navy Venetians. Navy Serge•. Navy Tweed C. H. finish. Blue-Urey Venetian.. Fawn -Blue Ladies Cloth. Blue and Green Satin Royal. Fawn Box Cloth. Bluetts Suiting Cioth. Slate Poplinette. Bronze Grey Suiting. A Lot of Henriettes in all the leadiug Staple Colors. Grey Lustre's BLOUSE WAIST STUFFS. Black and White French Flannels. " " " " Detainer. Embroidered French Flannels. Plain French Flaunele. Figured Detainee. Figured Satannu. Plain Sstanna.. Fanny Silks. Striped Silks. Plain Silk. Cream Serge.. Cream Henrietta.. These Goods are all New for this boring's Trade BED ROCK PRICES FOR SPOT CASH ANCl ONE PRICE TO ALL, WHITEWEAR. B'• Stook le Gowns, Skirt", Draws.. and Const W. ate. 1 EMBROIDERIES m Law. and Moaho from 5 ots. to 90 tto large amertmee•. Silk AII.Over Embroidery 11 25 and it 75 AllOverLaos-White sad Block. OVER 10000 YDS. OF VALKNCIF.NNK' and 1'ORCHON LACES FROM 1 CENT UP. CORSETS • Parisian Ergot Form Corsets at $1.00 • Parlalan Straight Front Corsets at 60o Twee tee some of Out .ew5,0 makes et C.rst% perfect to fit, sway to the form and gaaroatesd to rive satlslactlon ta every way. Drew Mudlos, D.mUlos, Grea•dlnee, Detainee, Ologh•me, Irani 8 omits to 25 oats, to the leading 0.w oolorlag• for spring and Summar and all new this .easoo. Prints, from 5 0nte to l2e mom, all new this 'prise, as we did not carry over one yard of print or mulls from last year. A large wrtmeet of Laos Curtsies, (llis Art Ida, Mos ie Art N tits, and FrilledCCae..rtNess .ad Mulls', Madras wlsdo• Mu Hosiery, Oloys bad Sm•lrwares suitable for the e•a.00. Japanese Haitian's, Valera ted Homo Comas at prtoss that will maks you bay. J. H. C04_BORN E. BUPEEEA A. ICLBNNAN'S LINIENT For external sat oily, 1e m positive caro far Spinal Demme, Hip Dines.., 1.0.mmatory Rheumatism, Lame Busk, Lumbego, Moro Throat, auk and Son I ones. Brine... Serous, 5,15 Joints, Rupture, Aad all kin- dred diseases. It h.s also been found • oar. for Throat Affections to horse. hoes coronas .aeons havleg the trod• mark on labels sod wrappers and E. A. Id,'Lu,*AN'. 1l.lment, Gocterioh, Ont., stamped oa wax awl on each bottle. Manafantared only by EUPHKMIA A. McLENNAN, solo paten t • and preprteuwt.. li d*ries, Oat, E. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL. 1r,5A50 51700* war 7011001111'. Stratford B..w: The Meatrel Wit.... quote' • leader of the Literal party wbtee nam• l net m..Nend in .newer to the ehargs that stow the pollU0.l enmpleden of the R••••* hu hoe. nh•og.A we .h.11 hue board th• Motel Smote rderm. H• dentes that the administration hes frgellss Ib prefab..., bet points net filo' nothing could he dose while the ('oneervatlyes wore still is the m•jertty In the Upysr Hon.*. A Aug* 1• the wn.tltstlen N being eeatcm 'hwood whlnb will he .whmlN.d is M• p.nele er approval end whiner et noun* most later ...Nes Imperial .unties, L. natters is sN dlvslg•d: probably It has set yet Mas datrtateed. A Clear Complexion can be the possession only of the man or woman whose digestive functions are in perfect order. Abbey� sac taken regularly\ will keep the stomach in good condition, the blood pure, and the coiu- plexion clear. All druggists sell it. 4* 44•4,4n 410. 10,0 ><In,4•0•urT J SIIARMAN'S is the place to buy 3 Shoes at lowest prices • for the 3 4Aini tlfw maim wwoww*: Ladies, 3 3 Men, 3 Boys 3 • and •i • Babies. 3 1pfeitufvfolvoirfnewtoturfoft 1 EVEt Y BUYER" PLEASED N 1 T ►. OUR SHOES la the Spd.g Your Horse Needs a Tonic oar CONDITION t'OwDER "apples the meed. 1t repose maty tomes 1►. out. MAMA', better ciao be u.od-25o, 5 ford' 00. English Healing 011 1s the greatest heater known for all kind* .f wren, outs, etc. Keep It en band -25c, 5 for 51 00, In the Spring..... All are Benefitted by • good B1.0O1).OURIFYING MEDI C1NE, tibiae ootiat•r•ote she 111 *fleas of damp atmosphere, fr•gaeet o►wags and the 1oefl••m•a of sister, Ate. Such • midi aim 1• Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters fay. • ver *1.15. 11 1• • good, pure, strum mediates whlo0 h.. •zosllen0 results. Voss mosey book 11 It does you es good. W. C. GOODE, Chemist, For.•td.erde ver smut 1n Nle V.eellere Nibs. PscOaa. 4:aree■ Seo... Dets1ateetnate. /IIOFORO as ILOOK.. . at SPR/Nle ARRIVALS ! �� \Ve have dust received • large shipment of Spring Good., which we offer at very low rates. Bottum' Wire Plyn, 9 Nob.. ...300, 10 . ....360. Galvanized Wire. 9 'o Ib. Illock Wire, 11 and 12 gear, 34e Ib. Wire Staples 5e Ib. Malleable lroo Baku. 12 tooth 26c *soh drool Rakes, carved tooth, 12 toots 450 •• Sisal Robes. caned tootle. 14 tooth 500 .molt Sl asl 11.e s, 7 la. blade, socket nooks 360 ' solid moos 30e " U beadle Stool Spades . 900 " Long b.ed'd round mouth d Shovel" 90o " Pare White t.ead, any et.sd'f m'ke 6fo Ib, A oarlo.d et dub Wire t. arrive April 1st >' 33 Ib. N. D. ROUGV I E, Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. IO R S ' � NG STOCS Ts now ready for inspection, both in trimmed .ad unttimmed hats. immed Hats from $1. Ready-to-wear Hats fr 'Sailors from 15c up. \. Our stock is complete in every line. Nil and inspect. MISS CAMERON,ON RX T . . Before Buying I see our line of IIEATERS RANGES.... We will save youlmoney and give you the choice of the best lines on t h e Canadian market. Every Mere folly Gbarantw.d . LBB & EBPHARD, 1)0DRRICH. Coal! Coall JUST Rh)EIVID 1 Car jllissillon Washed Nut Coal. This Utsi 1• ',owl fee stoves snit Illpbs1-'d wily 1',01•.1 g,SS amt • treat Mat. 1 Car sat Virginia Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Moallleo *anima Nat 30 Oa per 100 1h', ar aus.ISO per esti (IiVK iT A TRiAi•. -- Wm. Campbell. gederls0. Maria 10th 12061.