HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 3HEALTH IN SPRING.
Nature Requires Assistance
During These Months.
'1• help threw eftbe Imearttle• that
live Accumulated Daring the
toter Months - rurgetive•
should nut be Used --It is a
ionic That Is Needed.
)u blur thtmite there are tunny refs -
woes fee
/N win people t all
ru+ y 1 p out ofg our
lu the owing mouths. 1'urlups the
cuter of thaw 1r the lung hours lu
luticrfectly vent detest ofIwee, situps
end Mousses "Snug the wtuter mouths.
you maty feel that there la uothlug
serious the matter , yuu are only a
bolo tired utter Might exertluu, ur
I...eaves' your appetite la fluklu, ur
l.tlu palmier or eruptluue un the
re•u allow that the Wood Ls not an
Lure as It rhuUIt lea. If you (eel
at. why, not holy your conduit but
your health demuads teat you take
piupur strew to cleanse yourself of
o,e hk,ud Impurities that are re-
.you.lble for your conwlttlon. Yuu
need a tonic, bloat), purifier, nerve
rtr•ngthenslr and general up -lifter of
the entire motion. Ur. Williams'
Peek fills for rale People meet all
Howe requirements more perfectly
than any other merlirlue. Tttttse are
tonic pills aloe tui 'luletlt. and weak -
,sing like purgative medldnea
Vetere does not require a violent
wi'asure to 'miring, but aottelptng hard
rt. throw off tete Imesesitioa which
Wive ercumulatrd during the winter,
and .o to .Ing and etreugthenlug
fiery organ and function that a
- tvndltlo:r of perfect health vele. pre -
'ail. everyoneeoh1 and youne-
ought to take Dr. Willi am.i 1'iak
pale in the sprtug. There 1. no other
lu.dletne will tf0 you so much go •d.
Mr. James Sitcom, pertmaster, Nal -
tu=t Creek, N. R., says 'Lost 'tering
t was reeling decidedly unwell. 1 war
ea•iik, dizzy nt lint,•», and routlnu-
aily felt tired. My appetite wag poor
and I wee luring lo weight. 1 tried
gooiest! medicines, bit nothing d11 wr
euv good until I began the use of
Dr. Williams' ('Ink I IIIc, niet a few
butes of these made me heel like a
New penmen. 1 would advise all who
feel ruu down nod out of sorts to
take Dr. Williams' Pink 1 Ills.'
Lr. tVIlllaata' fink 1 ills ore also
e ffeettvs In the cure of all dlmenses
Hite to poor, thin, watery bluest or
weak nerves. Ito not take a Nwbstl-
lute for these pills -It is a Waste of
eoeley and a menace to health to do
l,. S•e that the full name 'Dr
William,' Pink 1'111* for Pale I'eople,"
14 ion the wrapper eruutui every box.
&old by all medicine dealers, or sent
It.stpaLl nt 'Scl rents a box, or isle
touter for S::..0. hp a.hlresstng the
Dr. William* Me,td.lne Co.. Bro••k-
,elle, Ont.
lever Seer Tits Doe*?
fere sten come In together. Each
asks of all the others, "What are
you goirtg to have?' The bartender
spreads out hie handy on the edge
of the bar, atteutive and erepur-
ed to work quickly. (;very man te-
nets on "buying' .omet11lug to
drink in hie turn. Erich takeis what
tie others Insist on giving haat.
}.ach thinks that he IN horpitehle.
Lot the bartender knows that there
wen belong to the treat American
Associ)ation for the Manufacture of
DrunL,irde through ^treating: Each Th,
of those utero might perhaps, take
Ids glass of beer, or something
worse, with relative safety, But
w .tupdtly ne etanlpe.le.l animal.
Pushing each other over a precipice,
eaclr lu.t.ts oa Iruyiug polson :n till
turn. And every one "spends 1114
,coney 10 nuke every other one, if
is,ee,lble, n hard drinking and
seemed than. -New York Journal.
1 eelhlug Its Yount Heroin'.
bion after the 0011'., birth, tootle -
tag trroublee mart, although In the
majority of eased of only =east Im-
I•ur'tence. Animate have what Ore
knove as milk, ur colo ur temporary
teeth, and a permanent Net. Thu
In of the permanents" le =ben
elOr bin rests.'I'ltu permuaaut
gr (molars) pub11 up from below
amt force OM t:ruwnr off. Marry of
these Growled are (ousel to the feed-
ing' borne of •
)ouuK horror
timer, however, the crowed
elute ten lc
tooth) are nut steel ur they should
io. fund gaiters 1urlerneath, ur the
wheel, edger press the setae with
tat the cult recuses
teed, slobbery badly, and feed -lot
many care) bring 'mooted up,"
Ise ltrte a bud breatL- The usual per -
for thio to happen IN during tee
eeepd, third and fourth 'years of
the holt'* life. When rush rymp^
tome appear, soft masher e•Iwul.I take
Ute plies of lar,( grain, the relit,Wotan should be oourultet), and
eliatory croons removed. If title Is
dune, the improvement notice( by
the owner will h:' almost meeteil.
The grinder+ (molars, are the teeth
usually affected, the'nippers rarely
so. Ch'ange's, however, occur in those
teeth during a Ithood, b.- mean* of
Witch the oteservan1 ora able to tell
Ute animal's age : At three years the
centre/sloe of temporary nippers arc
changed for the larger anti permanent
anee; at four, the pairs next th•.
'settee ones are exrIutn,*ed, find at
five years old the corner permanents
appear, at which time the hoe !s
Mid to hate a full mouth And Lax
arrbel nt taeterltv,_Fermeri Ail -
A Serious Case of This Painful
Diocese is Restored to flood
etlsfectury Itapr 4eut Leads to
Centleued 1'restest of welch Kesel l•
Its a Colonist* Cure -Au later. -.Hua
Story which will uo doubt 1',,,tit
A buasrleg welt Lout baso.
Holyrood, Ont., March i4.-(dpec-
tati-Mr• hat. Plnustl, of this place,
his hifur the
pion two ears been a
grout eufferer with that wort pain-
ful end etubbrru dtseaee-Lulrugu.
The patio lie muttered wits alumni
beyond deocriptiou, ted teat!)' wets
tete wedhluer tend treatment. he used
to to try to get route relief. However,g he hl outldue could feud seemed to help
awl Wm In the Iodate and he beoawe very
At last wmeuno suggested Dod,l's
Kidney Pill[. sad Mr. Pinnell, al-
though very ekeptk:ul, thought be
would make one snore trial for a
cure, earl begat' to use them.
The first box did not du hint very
much good, but after be had used
port of the swoosh he began to feel
i1 cemtlge for the better, so he kept
on until hs had uset In all seven
boxes, when he was delighted to find
that every symptom of the Lumbago
(tad entirely dl0apeared.
Hir general health much im-
prorerl, and he feels ter to -day
than he has for years.
To hay that Mor. Pinnell please.]
doer not begin to express l Only
three who have suffered as a did
with this very painful disetme can
underetaad the extreme ratlefactipn
of one who 11as found a complete cure
and restoration to health and
Lumbago is a direct remelt of rite -
ordered kidneys and [Would alwhys
be treated a. a KWney Disease.
Efforts to cure or oven relieve by
outward application's are interlably
unsuccessful. Rubbing nifty In itself
for the ante being produce a tittle
relief, bat in order to secure( a com-
plete cure It le absolutely necessary
to go right to the root( of the trou-
The Kldoeyw must be restored to
their normal condition. This 1s just
Ir what Dodd'." Kidney Pills do, and
u-' this done the Lumbago very Noon
it leave/, for without diseased Kidneys
1., there can be no Lumbago.
Care of 11
The 1,1e of a set of harness may be
seer considerably prolonged by tete
exerclre of a little cute to its treat-
ment. Whee from aocllu1t 014•1144:1,C1.
harness had bees soled, it caa ea.liy
be cleaned bo wuslh •; with castle•
1(4111(0. As a 41P0e1tug (ur keeping
or Ivo -fiefs pliable, there arc
many preparations up,u the w:arket.
thud liter oil of tin cheaper grades 1e
how largely etnploy.sl for this pui-
poee no tool of she Host's -foot ell
"likh our forefathers used in su
quaa.11y for the preservation uf th.
lutrnowa. O.,o of the groat lidos
lager of using cod liver o11 1s tie
rate 441)41 mice usually give a wi
berth to any berme+. or other ap-
Idtances dreamed with 111"
1'llllzs the fly-1'roouete.
Une a( the: rt•aeoes ativatictd by
('aaadrau phekere for the utheutuge
the Amer.C.o. packer haus over them
its being eel* 1+., pity, un the wbul
setter wets for lite stock, le th
feet that the American uttizer lite
by-pruutacte. Front the blood u g
albumen, meed 44 the arta and 1
weenie burns and houfr used fu
gelatine, ilei handler fur brushes, fu
bultous, rte.; bristle. for breathe
tea kage for artificial manure1 au.t
w1 :so that, am 11 -Sainte' put, "unit
hag no lost in the pig but the .qu.al.
With an the above, the packer Iota
been looking kw further prutlte, aOtooting. to the National 1'rotlstune
w ho stater as follows:
' The oily, greasy, thick plg skin 1
e nsuring new Intermit. Heretofur
the slaughter hones has not scooted
+r,theret Itself .,beet ek,nhtug alt
x: wits , his green hide left on th
cerrare an.) uaeneumtered with ex
pestle brought b cents per pound at
more as pork, or l.1 cents per pout"
when Weighed 'In in curet loco o
.oNicoll. The ecicnte.l =iii nu
let thing. aims, however, and it may
yet ped- to etrp the heie drum th
hog for commercial purpose's. Th
leather splitter bas demonstrated lel
nbdtty to shave. hides almost Int=t
theme leather. With this Implemee
int lab command and a new proem;
on his porreetston, an Amerteau in
venter claim. that he can mplit n pi
seen, to the (mines* of a cologne loot
tlee+stzopper 'serer 4141 tnanufaetur
that article at a ridiculously low;
pricy. Ito can make the linnet of lin
ported' eel globe stock, can depletedeplete(Mee paper with a letter awl a
cheaper article. and t10 the.ume Will
the fine texture of rubber Roale no
newel for west "'Melee .t hog hide cal
be treaty.) err finely and split Into
sen net by separate ek nm as to nstoun,
the mettltloteal. With thin proepeet
testae'. It, the hog akin been a right to
come off .awl to expect much, in tile
near future." -Farmers' Advocate.
mug of the roil, and will tend to
carry the crop through a drouth
without injury..
As I rail, It elnnrld be our alm to
feet) all or pearly all we raise on
our farms for the purpose of keeping
e'• up the fertility or the farm, and 1
0 believe It to be more profitable to
yell our produce in the form of but-
ter, beet, pork, etc., than to sell it
11 In the rough. I believe our produce
✓ fed to good 'tock will bring us more
t than twice what It will sell for on
• • the market. For eiample, 1 can feed
e41 a cow tor 12%c per day, and have her
h- bring in :::)e per lay,or more for
butter alone, and I believe the same
to bo true with all other kinds of
(stock. --, -.
r, Many advocate the use of emu-
-merctal fertiliser. Of course, the bails
r 1
of all our fertility le the al0Ont of
M ; nitrogen, potash and plwspftortc acid
Y a soli contains. When we consider
a that an ordinary crap of wheat of
e '• ; bosheloo per acre remoter about
a! 158.75 worth of these elements from
the soil, and a crop of corn nearly as
1 much, we rat. rendlly lief' that when a
r Noll is Pill/tweed of these element.,
t it is quite rxpenwlpp to replace them
I. s1
tering mtnmercinl fertilisers. Now
e if we need our crops on tie farm, we
o can return about 80 per cent, of these
01 elements to the roil in the manure,
o and at the same Ones get twice the
t market value of our produce, We can
a j readily' see that It le more profitable
to farm so ad to improve our soil,
g than to sell our crops on the market,
and at shy wio• UAW be losing bea-
u tidy In the fertility of the roil.er
I would not ndveate the feeding
of wheat, but wuuLt ..•il it and pur-
e chose bran ur cot ton Need meal,
which is worth more for feed thaw
1 wheat, -and lots about double the
w uutnurinl value. If I sold match wheat
u 1, =tend use commercial fertilizer=
freely, ,for it IN hnpoo.wlble to keep
I up the farm, aid Hell grain without
their too. i( we grow all the forage
crops we ran and teed them ou the
farm, carefully save and return the
manure, we need Inve but little fear
about the fertility of the land.
One of the most delightful spots
00 the American continent, and more
easily reached via Union Pacific than
1 a any other line la the Vellowetone
National Park. The stage ride from
Moneta by the pnittlnt Concord
(',aches of the Moneta &''ellowntone
b age Company M through meenery
I.erdly Interior to the park Itself.
elite trip, from °onl••n, Utah, or Po-
, atnno Idaho, vitt Moneta. and Mon-
sln a Yellowstone stage Co., in both
directions, will be tarnistiied holders
of all tickets Lone way first and se-
cond class, regular tourist, or spee-
InW round-trip elcureion tickets), sold
at Denver, Cheyenne and points eget,
plowing through Ogden or Pocatello
to pointe In the elate', of California,
(o, aria, Oregon, Wes44ngton and
tt.nt part of erlteet Crrlumhln lying
north of the State of Washtrngton,
upon applteatioe to 0. 't. L. agents
et either Ogden or Pocatello, at the
very low rate of 11404.50.
Title rats will intuits rail and stage
covering moven n a
nd tit -tont
dove' trip, including nit meats and
logging beyond Monl.la.
si (.0 Deering, (I. A.. 1:'el 1‘ faeloc ted
.,'mons, Det rot, Mesh. -`
At the evening meal that olrticlime
table delicacy k44,w11 u" mermnlRdn
nieeoher being
llaPt! R,8lad the ther,tR her, boy'
r, helprl llrnself IN.untlfully when
the 8(1111erry Waw laid before biro,
trherrupun 1814 yuut11(111 Jester looked
thoughttod for several secondly and
tinnily remarked: "I think that bet-
ter be caned papalade,"
A AlanItebe Mother titres Poe: Mal
*tires ea the ('..re of Ambles.
It la well known that oasarly 'dila-
tant troubles 'Trine from it .lisor-
dere.l erminrth. Inrltgwwtion In a rhil.l
will cause nt first pt'nvletmeaa land
aleapleaanns* tart otier mare serious
troubles will follow fast, Nueh its
roti,, or cramps, eon..dlpntlon In Norte
"sae., dlarrtwtan in others', with fetal
rr.ult. In m411(117 estee+s. The mother
who neglecte hating constantly nt
hnml the means lex treating three
111. taken an awful rink. Afro. 1!. L.
Mc11111Nn, ieerreole Man+, 1n ono
another who Ie particularly well fitted
beetle's ndvtce on the care of babies'.
Her vendee! meet -ice for the minor
ailment* of Nor tittle one. 1. Itnhy'w
Hain 'lhhiesta, nkat who sNvw "They
erq the hest Melldne t have peer used
lot Infant ailments'. I have elven
them ie my baby for inllgeetlonand
*tomorh troubles and they are prompt
nn,l ,h•vrouerh In making a cure. No
neither ehm.tjd he a mingle day with-
out the Tahlete In the hours:'
liehv'e' Own Tehlron ars for chit -
roe of nil setore, bmf w111 lore .oris
% millet•* as reonetlpwttlon' rolls, emir
forefeet, diarrhoea, and simple revere.
'neer ere invaluable for teething
eI1IMr•m and will Krista up raids arnI
prevent enema (luarenteed to eon -
sen not opiate or othee harmful drug.
DlaAhrad In wetter they 00tH be given
with perfect Safety to a new born
ken' `lnld by all dealers In mrd'
tile! re hex h n ent post paid at R cents +1
riming than Ar. WVllllnms
Nstliolne Co nrocy►Ille, °Wt.
1 ILl'S Y.
r. W. Ilndwm, 1.,tr Steck a ental lencr
"We all know that it 1s very de-
sirable to have a fertile soil In
which to grow crape," says F. P.
Peck, of Michigan. "For Nnteeee 111
farming rw a de
g ods pr♦ largely on the
fertility of the Ione. Every one
knew. of Irony, once fertile farms
0'. 11411 are not new producing half
oha they ehoult4.-.ecnrccly enough
to pry for the tither necessary to
prcrlte.•e n erop.'It la more prone,
nbfe to faria,,so ns to maintain
or Improve the roll than It. ie to
rob the Noll /of Its tertlllty, and in
the err( Willi rule to the owner of
the tarn.'' -
HoW Is ,(Ale to be done? I believe
our greatest loss of fertility hs the
loom of Menne. A soil without hmmus
will not ' carry a crop 'successfully
thronth n droath. A clay soil ,1e -
void of humus Will be lumpy and
hard, and will not retain moisture
for very long. We nil know the ef-
fect on the Prop, and the great
amount of Inbor retalrol to pre -
pore etch a piece of ground for n
crop. hence our nim should be to
farm so as to proximo and leave
ns touch humus in the ground not
possible. TATO 111 beet emennottafrrvf
by a rotation of Props, ,end en t
crop In the rotation should be
.,lover...1bich Is our, grentm*t soil
renovator. Wr .hldounim IO -TO f -
everything, or nearly everything
prodoiced on the fnrm. and It we
ode( a little loran or eoneo'ntratel
feed to the ration of ench nnimnl,
and carefully .ave and apply nll
the manure, it I. easyto see that
we shell mnintnln. ninprobably ne)
to the fertility of the soil.
Many ndvoeate the ploughing lin-
der of green crep., tett unless o
berm Is Very mach run dliwn, i
would not poultice title, unless It
he to !soy a irconid crop of clover,
or n clover crop 400Wel to protect
the grouts! during the winter. A
rover trop "bruit ntn'nyM br WOW -
NI whenever a place of grtarnd re -
melee Idle during the fall and wai-
ter. Atony times we have os piece
of atubble which we Intend to plant
to corn or Willem,. On this we
ern grow n crop of ryn or awns
and barley, either of which will
nriko' n Inrge growth end can lie
ploughed under In time to plant to
corn. Th14 adds largely to the hu-
Take Laxative Boone Qnlotss Tale
lets. An droggluts refund tee newsy
If It (all* to mire. 6. W Groves sig'
..,dare M ea smelt 1... We.
Stops the Cough
and Works OR the ('old.
Laxative Drones -Quinine Tabletserp
a cold In one day. No Curs, Me Pay.
Price O5 cents.
1 1 I
Oki C
Mete B
IinrL .
Limo getting ml
y boarder.' uop In the
morning. I've trlwl b)ell•ringtnt gong-
hranging, deor-knocking, and every-
Itoanlor--Tlutt *hours that the
sense of bearing b not easily aroused
An steeples( persona.
i &honks say It wasn't."
"Vo; there's no doubt on that
subject. Try awakening the ern ke err
"Small?' But bowie'
"I think thei color of a broiling pot,
tel lie s's() =took . might he effective."
MUNI':s 111•:1.1' N'RM.I': TO Merl.
We are nuthorized to state by Mr.
Carl Kunz, Second and Brady streets,
Davenport, Iowa, tout any than who
la nervous and debilitated or who 1■
suffering from r.nv of the various
troubles resulting from overwork,
excesses or abuse, Finch as nervous
.debility, exhausted vitality, lost
vigor, unneturnl drain,. and loseets,
lack of derelo mnnt, etc., can write
to him in strict eonfklence and re-
ceive, FREE OF CHARGE, full in-
structions how to be thoroughly
Mr. Kunz heaeelf wee, for a long
time, it sufferer from above troubles,
and n(ier trying In ruin many adver-
tinel remedies, became nlmoat en-
tirely discouraged and hopeless. 1-
ally he a'nflded In an old clergyman,
whose k'od and benest advice enabled
him to speedily obtain a perfect and
pfermnnent pure. Knowing to htm own
sorrow that eo many poor surf
are being Imposed upon by anierupu-
bus weeks, Mr. Kunz considers It
hle dry, as an honest man, to give
hie fellow men the benefit of lila ex-
perience an.l n.slet to a cure. Rating
nothing to wit, he leek, for no money,
the prow! satisfaction of having
done a groat service to one In seed
he rightly eon.ldera an ample reward
for his trouble. 1f yon write to Mr.
Linz, and follow him ad•Ice, you cnn
rely upon being cured and upon nb*o-
lute secrecy as well.
Address as above, Pnstortng a
Stamp. No atteotioa will be given
to those writing ort of kite earlos-
Ity, therefore state tont you really
S eed a oars.
Summery Fashion Whims:
Every Woman A Summer (i i rl
(4 Int rt
'Pliers livers too woman with soul so
dead or body s0 old that some na-
ttering spirt of rummer girlie= way
out be found within. Were she in
wast advanced 'stager
of xr-
al ire
Iwt(torr glance at the spring
01ltrdowr would waken her. Test
glutaoer week! draw her Leto the 'store
on summer bargain." latent, while a
third glance would feud tier home
determined to construct herded( u
gown that would plate her In the
summer girlhood.
But you cannot be u .unmet girl
Iii it linen skirt and a shirtwaist
with a wimple bailor atop your low-
ly head.
You trust furs and frill, tuck aid
cord, lace and ewbroljer until you
have dollen away the accusation of
elmpllclty as well as the hoop of see-
1rl$y trona tour metered. Tho
rummer girl lig an awWtlour daugh-
Yet there are these who amaert that
there are two styled of summer girl -
the outing girl with her blue can-
ted skirt and her white rhirtWuIet,
crowned with strew sailor. white
felt fedora, flat -topple' Tam of *straw,
or ready-to-wear hat. sad the 1rlli-
ml summer girl, she with theflounces
rued the furbelow=, the one who lute
been caller( the fluffy rvminer Kiri.
hold the elbow, nail then there and a
fiat band of heavy 'Incite ao arrattgwl
that tt sets close to the arm.
Thin maker a sltort (sleeve, as you
c 1
yell ma r but 1 1•ta
K b t a ort s. r bre
4 1
(tr 1I1Wlal Ir.
'Ile �1'
p� id a is In loco, rut to n
point above stud 111`10w the belt,
/iron( and beck, ales neva with ellk
a Dal boned, aid all fol t. [Int the
lining and the hones de not show.
Adel the Ince girdle Is eertafuly
the skirt 1r as tight as it can
puerility be. nod bucked with the
finest of arks, ruuuiug straight
down from the w,tlet to the nary
shoe tope. Teen c•ono'• a heed of
lane starve a flounce,
"the name "morning glory" gown
1r tw,rrowiel front the flouin•e, which
1s very full and Is set upon the
skirt very near the hettow to hake
the sutkieu fiery -the uloriingglury
flare -around the foot.
Every rummer woman should here
one of these *townie anti why nut
espy the uornipg glory gown" 1t
is so simple to urtke.
No Mor. Wash Dresses.
Cotton gowns are ai(pposed to he
wash gowns. whether they are in
muslinlawn, satiate, cheviot, Ma-
dras, mercerized material or ehal-
Iie. The very ldci.t of a cotton gown,
towed with ttgrrow white satin
Abbott., The sleeved are to the el
bow with their frill of lace. And. lest
the fingers of the dressmaker grow
Idle. there are insertionm of lace,
only an tech wide, set In rows around
the sailor collar, and upon the blouse
watat and in tll.t /leev/s row after
row. .
♦.N•N♦.N. ♦N♦♦•♦•N••.N
t.ght. a round weed, cut on the j•
.-lurtwulet order, and plaits, •1ruight ii
skirt, tg sweep length, close at the •
Our the I. le siaire• 13.r Harry Johnston Le the lutes'
N nen the dtclure Hutt there b no cueeect
Gown este completed, all betto,.0 ilio w,..ral Nouse of u pt.
ri a,1% to err put on, shah each .,ram of the degree uf modesty they t.u.-
eems and the ussuuut of clotbiug they
wear. t
When Spoke discovered the very
latelligwut people of Uganda, ou the
northern sb ,ret of Victoria N auLa,
to Make a 1 Older ler the elect. Two he found to hie surprise that they
rued of them wore set in, ono above were elfin from tread to (trot lu bark
the either, and rotates 1 un. ltj the cloth. The) touk tea (Ibruur tuner
middle 1.4 the trent the flower design bark of u eertaln tree and by lwund-
wkieued nod came up to u grout Jug and working It made a fair) ser-
ppyramel with the pyut at the very sorosis rub ult- - fur cloths, r
top uWl seethes 11.v wide/lag tutu the e
lily dot t• wide/
•♦M�♦♦♦♦NON ♦♦o♦♦N♦s♦e
to ,
ee west ate.( eery Landilttg touch rp-
pLeu. thou come the real workmae-
Uu1 u( route tepontrh 1140++ were cut
rt doe flowers, mast theme eosins applied
belt line, u p;ruwkl .d SPeelah lace 8peke lute seen nu other oaths., on
Iluwtre applied to 1111." 4umoolo(ed his long Afoot') Journey, who Were
batiste, not rather ,auitlly attired. But the
Ttzn "valet wits .trimntel with two Itagnoda bolo,. (r
roes of there (saver, 0110' anoint! the ' anrtu he 'wan
outer them from neck to heel. In
w,i.al and une utound the yoke. or (act, there were very few triter
+titre the yoke eolith come. The throughout tropical Airiest that ore
g -
1 shotes ita't a few floater* appliqued su eOarpletrly clothed as the Ha
upon (heal+ 441wht,
1'uuaily, In lite process of making a when Bta, l.y' vhltel lb. same
sutumsr gown. Dame ohs appilculbOlt proplr, year* later, he fusee that
44 blank actin ribliem to the drew'. Arab mt•relu.nte butt carried tour of
Thio was put tat In ru=e from ties .utton cloth to the gree; Jukes. Well -
hot tom of tha* ek rt up to the wnbre to-do Bogan 1n wero wearing flowing
she ruw., four eiseher apart, no as to robes of Manchester 000 ton ur 'Merl -
the .kirk from top to bottom. .,ant," us (hy called the product Or
Phe earth., ribhvn was cunningly elite flee Now Euglanwd loose*. );very mag
ped in under thin lace figure* told the am! Noonan was fully dressed, all
.ace lay ober them 1'rotabiy tea wanted cotton (-tote, and Stanley
striping wa■ dense before the lace predicted a great market for sottone
leaves. were vomited. There wisest belt ns soon as cheaper transportation
141 1 stick of whilst .houl:l lessen the Dost.
• l:ee.l. sunuuewr gown 'this year is a The railroad Is note completed,
remotloa, each all individual dream. though not yet open to freight traf-
wrought out in wonderful colors Rnel fie. The Buganda will be *0040 able
cr,tculsd with aha fk101117 t; a (ins." to buy 511 the cheap cotton cloth
awl ctrer.tlo0. lou 0040'1 maks 01101 fn they wart, for frelghte will be re -
day and you will do well to 4,;et cue diced to about one-fourth of the
up 1n n week, even with the ah1 of a price charged those many years for
aenmstrerr. But ).e1 cern save mouoy ,•u"oly carrl•.ge un the berets of mea.
on your material, if yuu cannot on After llvinef .toting toe Uagauda for
gout timet it is just ilia enneon for a long 114441+ ser Hurry Johnoton has
the mating of yonr own gowns 0o to recently returnee to Fiaglasd. Me
work or be willing to pry the prion has wenn' IntereetIng (acts to tell
the Modiste' chargee Awl It lea fat about these hundrede of thousands
sum. of people who live OD the shores of
There a''e all kin▪ dia of glris--" the greatest African+ lake.
!le runs the topical *ung. And thin Ho says that though they are a
wnuner the sash girl will be added 'cry carefully clothed 44atlou and are
to the number. Thio oarlr•Kirl is 000 alonosit mor.• squeamish about any
00ho .,luny[ =Pura a oxen Alt her cxpoettre of the poem) than •Euro-
Klm"ns aro built for ')iii ornament, peace, are, min they are very lax
^d sato ix niter aero eiihrslt Tt. tae morale. They are decidedly 1p-
llo'r tea ioNi for ==sing le may 1w• ferias' In this respect to the Kevlr-
..no of several. oa,bo tribe who live to the month -
Why rhe Wears a Saab. east'0f then.. The kavirondo, Intact.
Tho sash girl max wear a .aril oro Quito pnoctlllous !n their de-
it is fubllfutr,eble. Wo'tmetMt•
Bite may wear It bec•tttre she lx (tut 1 Tito triers*flog dfytlractlon to be
a, rho buck -hollow tr.ctteel. 1c0100le belweeo these tribes Is that
fibs may wear it burette. It ghee while the Baganola, one of the few
height. Iempletely.treHuet tribes to tropical
titre. may wear a 11114-14 bo'cauq., a -hark''', hat., no moral stole worth
'ae,ash of ell things dresses up it gown i mentioning, n* far ns relation* be-
trust, tween the sexes are oose'ern!d, the
Perhap=s elle 'tears 1, because the Kavlruvldo, "TMs of the few tribes Is
intpxorted Perls goons uewrlt all des- tropk•al Africa that wear no cloth -
play tb. . I frig of any description, millet/1.m a
icor barb may 1n+ a ribbon o4e, and comparatively high etnndard of mor -
for thL, plurpsorre tilers come r(bbows1al.ty.
sae delicate eoe millfeery rlbtroas, thin , Tho eon trrast between thea two
mousseline rlblruua and soft figured; pules 1e (he beret ..trlkong Hlag-
latisto peer, 1'rrJupw shy cling= to trution• yet adduced In support of
the liberty toe! th+i yaune ribbons Or tit+• assertion, often made, that the
<N decorative enough to want the big ihe+ral standarde kr vogue Helena
fluwerutl affairs that come a foot , the 10, measured
peoples of Africacas-
wtde and Neff very hlgli, elo tr• measured by the .,=ouch of
;The made MIeII of the doors motor- ckothIng they wear.
dal !s n than( that Ir area uport (he . Thr. Moaet, women niers• who live
ilnporteid gowns, Icy daelgn !s very further must, are completely' dlffer-
linple, In the front 1t le tucked, e'etluted from il*s half-clad s1s-
there are Imre to shape it and term 41t 0th. r trlhes by the fiat that
tha long point. At the *ides it no no lien III Ib:• world are inure com-
od Into x soft bond;' what, nt pletely clothed than they oro. Every
k it Id fled ll, h tiny bow
. Ito 01 their forum is entirely yelled
o standing loops but very by the+ tlowhig robot that are tart.
long °nett. This, thought a French enol irrottn i their necks and drop
Ha alt, la c led the princess,
for th•, I to their feet, but no ,ire had ever
reason pro shay that it 1s worn No, thought '11114 the Unseal women
much with t prtnceem gowns, wbl••h w re +at all pradl►h
are so eery t Ing WIthontt the anal., I traveller who Ise recently' its
telt or waist t "mming of some sort. htJlo' room the line of the Uganda
The Dutch .Holt, mo called, id a poen^ Railroad Bays that a section of the
An Atter-Easter Gunn to Make girl', Eyes Snap.
Be that melt may -two kind's or on
-It b certain tent for it long 11181
to come, certnll.ly untit the glorirnn
Folrth rends its erreerh into the air
it is the fluffy fun/mer glri tont w
/Mall lune In our midst and ern -we .h
14 here. or comhig fust, is it no
1 •,
Met t
O study Id 1
t tP
w Newport Sustnwcr.
The moods and the tenses of ei
summer girl are many. It too earl
mated that fora Newport Rummy
no lrRs.thnn forty huffy (ireenet ort
needed. TIAs ghee one a 'few gots,'
a ."day. counting the NPagou at less
than two morale. •
To the credit of the coming fluffy
mummer gown It irony he stated that 1
can be reworn In the fall, for 1t I" o
a keel that IR difficult to dlslinguiv
from the conventional gown of the
Alonso. And 1t 1. certainly cheaper
han a rine reception or afternoon
A Woman -inch an ex! ravagnnt
home+ woman -la making herself a
gown ch week she ealeulatesthat
by the IOgnth of June she will have ten
or a doses of the prettiest Rummer
(ingenues iib the world. She Is buying
the mnterlacheap, for a few fonts
Peyte( higher duct
,1 "Ike 1s picking up
moi the leer -
lard, silk immitis
e int Potence of recommendation as
e well at of deelrabilbty. Iln. (O the
fact that it will wash.
Bnt, do you realize It, the cotton c
0e gowns of 'hie gummier ,are not In-
t tended to be laundered. They are! t
t 044-0 elaborately made for that. Their i
llrringv are too fine, the4r plan too
complicated, their trlmmiege too ti
good n melding soap x..
nen thew, If npplinrl with .e
itf Ilotasklee and it waelt-
r boned.
m, with 11111., • Massa( people seems to he threatened
windmill bows, at tide hock of the belt,
web extlnotlon The daoghtero nod
A foot lower the ritttron I. tl.d inmothers among them took 0 great
another Inti.• lrtnnrh of krnlis ilPlrr•r. Caney to the Indian 000liew who grad.
Ode the rode hang add there
urn 1 of the mashed, and when the work
trunche4- of hm,pm near the Pod of Parl, 1 ens cjnne, and hvmlri'dv of tete nattva
Ss difficult etre these an es to t1.. 141 M.tin 1 tt of tin fasNRI eoumtry a
1 key aro or floe m t part went with to nu, thio atttl.r wome44
An and tilr tlrirr,v Johnston says that
Futter 1 through the efforts of the numerous
ftrlt. misatonarlea who are working among
\" them, the Beganda, on the whole, are
\+t moting toward a hither plana of
morality. Th,.. excellent men who
ve, at learn nominally, converted
ny thousands of thn natives to the
harming for light consideration.
((0 t'Mtsllnn htlth. are relieved of one
They are brit of the thinnest ma burden which their brethren in some
stint. other parts mf Africa have thought
Indio lawn I" a favorite; linen it Important to onetime. A* the
f agenda
bttlrt01 1 ore
a N thefl II r
entailer. Fine s fully Int
f o Ilnen comer he
crit r1 it
els year of just the right stiffness Y to agitate In favor of
or handsome gowns, and there ar•r;rlolhlilg reform
, very many of the "beer linens n 'At "In,' n( the C:t,ngu mission eta.
with mercerized intrtaeee. They are; tis' On the other hand, the tach.
silk arid expensive, bait yon really, i'T"• whether wtsrly or mot. Insist la
If you have 000elal ambition., meat i dreMng the ehlllren of their schools
*.awm one at leapt, for It will bell muni ns country bony, and girls In
the accepted gown of sonnet for i America are doomed. Not a few 889-
nice Ocenx11111.. p( otter. of tnlx.ioonry woterprlse ah
A woman who dresses a great wool Ine'linest to think that these teacher/
nae plRnnnd n White Iudla linen are making a mistake in view of the
gown for a .Font wording. As a gur.t f,wt hat scanty attire In that rP.
rt t. will M• gu=ise hi thlN,1r.' made glob does not promote immorality or
a Kinard white lining.
suggest Impropriety and that the pt•
Beautiful la.'p imitation will trim tle boys and girls are undoubtedly
en (skirt a little below the knPPw, oneomeortnble In a land of steady
sem ruw" of it (Cuing around the skirt, heat by being compelled to wetter
Blow this there will come more of clothing that Is bettor adapted far
,a temperate climate.
that they f
made before they are put
fastened with n hook ,on1 eye
the stow at the back of the
Tlutt Is rattily the beet way to m
The All-Wlelte ((owns.
The all -white g'own's are too dell-
pldrined and too beautifully
' There died In New York the other
i day nn old woman who made a fat
living waralling valuable (aces and
fi,o ' !Wenn for the Vanderb lie, Bel-
.' rite Reid other wealthy folk. At
lI the time of her demise she was et.
( 1'wurk upon n Venetian lace article
h i which cost $,000. pot .yenta who•
! cleared theme fine Itutlerlalq with
tinphthn nod with peculiar wa.hlbg ti
1 arunpounde of her own.
ft weniki pay nny glimmer woman
to glee Iho' euhjcct of Jaundering
her fine gowns careful attention,
for the modistes declare that the
chief obstacle to the lnekint of
pretty /simmer gowns 1s the tact
that they moll sadly and must too
that etcc(nnt be tubbed.
Take aitch a gown as hasolust been
blade for the emmmer campaign. Its
lir ubndwork, or, better to say, Itij
mnterlal, le ft very little enno(Aorel
entiete, alt yellow, without even one
li11le tsnt1n oJJ�p�tt. to iter it out.
1t it ureae'iolte elbow sleeveq. vas,
it yard, neve
hall a dollar,
odd* amt end. (rf
root Rule hita of
end imitative.
in it -mishits cotton N nods a prize,
for it matee tip Tilts til Thy Hir=ers
(rem a Reif -trimming with In-
genuity, and a little pia lawn of
the rnlor of the flowers so met run
be done in the way of .kir floune-
loge, stock. and the ublqultoa mesa
A %ler ulna Glory (4e1re,
A morning glory gown rival.,
prettinnee It. nttraettve name. 1t
apple green with little pink flowers
qm,n It. The flownra bre delicately
nnehtmelte, n* 110=0)'4+ 101)0,1 a eot-
t,ru gown should be, soil they show
n tend.giy to .Reappear at the out-
line., not /landing ont In as mush
leadne.n AR the o vigor print. of two
years ago.
The walla 1s tight fit ung and cord-
ed. No, that la not the way to tell
It. it Is a thin -weed with fine
Owlet it is fitted in the beck ,end
so arrengrd et the sides that trines
ran be .tipped In the lining amt hold
It to the flgior.. The front 14 n tri-
fle baggy .o that 1t ran be piled
net over the girdle -far there la n
The pin tucking is so fine that
for your life you cannot dl.tingnl.h
between torte and rutds The
.leets., are turke.1In'1,1.1 fine mnaser
right to the sib,ww Then (hero 1.
a riff of pale gook silky lawn. Just to
the insertion, put on In the Van
Dyck order, all painte, top and bot-
tom, to make n pointed lace trim -
Tim: 00011 OF A CHFSBE.
mol floonee, which in the back IN lions timn ago the etationmaarter
quite deep. Between the lace points se a small country village received a
tucked lawn will la' Net in tinnily, large etieene decArielly "high." ad
there w111 be n delleate lace ruffle .trewee.l to a Mr. Rlrtenk. and labeled
three limbo; wide around the foot. "Tie he calls for," Baty* Answer*. A
Could anything prettier be Imagined horst/tight reseer1, het no one cozen
than thee white linen ggown, crimp, to. take It a=ny, no the following
'ewer anoT of sill Fry whItrfm*wi ' onto www dewp,ntr'tw'.i to the emitters
The watt 111 quite n poem In the "I1 tato t'hro'w. which Wile sent here
shape of n hlai"ed *oiler wnl*t, With nrldrew*etl t,+ Vr Black. la nM claimed
daeep (jot collar and baggy 1rout.11li u tem day. 1t will lee killed:' '-
The Conductor's Second Letter
Confirms Nis Cure of Two Years Ago, and Proves that it was Permanent Warm Words
of Praise for Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills.
Many readers of this per, and eeprv'lnlly rnitroader., will remember the care of C. P. R. Condee-
Berrymmn, of At. (Step , \ B. In n letter receive) last week the oonductor states that he le
rent elj, and that hie on e, after ten yeore of "suffering with kidney dist.,
had a tcleh of hl/ o tee U pSrrmarteht
IA trbublO for tart rztys, not Aa.t
Y as
M Berrymen's can& was mace n levers one, and hie cure en remnrkah)e, that many write to ask
him nitro it. 1(o never; tires of recommending Dr. (donee'. Kidney -Liver Pips, hart, on the contrary, 1. glad
of an op tenity to, tell follow-*nfferere how hes, was clre1.
In his ter of ,April L4, 1000, In which his case is dreerlbed, (bndur. for Berrvnrnn wrote
e'I have n rAj(row4brtf for '011 loans, and for t-. -
Peas and haokt, , b trouble common to rnllrctttrt men. ft need me nil w'pdtroot a Revere retie oo walk, and fitter alkindg p die.
1 would toms to w t)owo to get re(, ley leak wearer bad. i could not phew more Stein Ielf the night, sal
then didn't sown t get any rireale:,
I" had need alt ',aorta of snOdleInes arra ewe pretty badly dlisno4raged when 1 heard of hr. ('haim'. Kid-
ney -Liver PIlig. After awing two 1(00x14m of thin trP►tmr-nt 1 emend 1t was helping me, and five bottom have matte
a complete cure. f now rest and *leep well, my bark le rooms. and this ne trouble iian entirely disappear -
write me.'
P1. Many pnwhomope• to whom t have reemmmended three pill. have been cnvsd. Anyone wishing Nether particulars
Tno 'There n.toubtIng the efflrleney of Dr. Chase'. Kl4txy Uver Pills as a thorough cure for heekaih♦, kdd-
nwy different'', end liver n.mplalnt Ther (hare n dtrset action on the kidneys liver ani !vowels, e-hlnh is boned
to strengthen, intitorate. sed regoliot, three organo (inc pili a doge, tis emote a bot. At all dealers, sr ft.
atatrmun, Item* nod Co., Toronto. •