HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 2�__ -�
Darlwg the ('rimeall \Par, 17utionail (lueen.
Talleyrand, fearful that the /
Tire Signal
tvi•lee urge., Ilia' pian upon the Uu%-
Ewperor's ruled was warped
of this most
duct u! ('rurria in this trAnanetion kltated &e,evellug to parentage, and
rroweet. He Nae refusal,' first im
by the uttraetlUTr
Iuahllat,ng and beautiful woman, In-
• pill U
clic grtwu.lr of ex{rsllrney . and later,
War Office flirt d Nath Jill'
terfered ly the uUg1%orfalioa, and w
Mlow Tsluupar mealriwe
Wh#.n the
8=lstmtol,ol by Ilia
never felt safe wtlil Frederick Wil- e
sat D, 2L.Oonaaouesm. l
offer to relucu
rrcret Invention, It hill down wtipu-
liam arrived, wall by intervening In p
latluna DUlKbmlld wuul;i not see•ept.
the eunverratlou allowed Napuleou to if
THURBD.\Y, AYlt1L IU. l:n'
O.1 the efficiency of his mcU u:l lie
er'ape." Had her husband been of li
cbuructrce, That Ir the ottly rataottal
offered to risk lite and reputatiuu,
the same calibre 'aa' Quecu Luulen, n
'1'KNI-El4a C K AND 1'KGHIB-
lilt the Government recalled from'
lilt. history of Furope might have
acceptance, What war tills plan, too
breu different. Mr. Thuratuu questor
Jubk F. Mitchell and Rendul 1.1101,
terrible ere" for wnr,.thuugh i11(:illl-
three opinions expressed in 180.5: Bir
the Brltlsh Ambos-
U( Marr:ora. have pablishott a book-
I I • a&I irrew"llble ? There Ir mo hint
George Jack@un, C
Berlin, entered In bid diary,
let of 3:: possess un "Tempe•rntrpe #tell
:LV to Its nature, except that, Otte-'
the secret would be patent
„adur at I
••Nobody knows how Prudmia call A
plohiblltuu," ill which it iscuntentld
tin I lit 1&ay nation'a cummitmi, )tut
stand ttoK,f except perhaps the King." ,
that "lemptrrltoe u principle,
Ilei 111 the lu'p a'7,
• i rd lh at Ona la' la I
Ddiato nal•l Ix I �
a than .%a-
t ten A r
le cb 1
r et rill
PIILL l Ill . I
N'IT'e•l. N Iwtabllshtd
ge :,w marl controls thn appetites.
%%4.ul-I oufflco for nil time• anti 7Pmke
basundor at Berhu, records Ilia opin- e
habilr ail desire's of thio flesh. )eery
%kar impowlble throu6hl fear of it.
toil that Frederick William was under +
%gopxtrlumlty to knotho ge that Ir, 1•+-
\\illi the possemsior lit that secret
the hllluetlet• of arae adviser Ib the I
at►tra: antes the sudllirluul lilt much
me command of lisp Canadian forces,
pay. elf Francs,, wad Judlcater Lom-
rtromger, lir, ill other-Nordo, build@
tilt. Im",le of thin ,uuntry Will nut
bail by name. Mr. Fox, referring in
up naw: wtlruffible s Nilh+u h1U1 Chid
Irate to t:lko trick talk (rum any-
the House u( Commons to the e4nor-
tnuc;ifle of teMPerunce. 170.1 doer
deet of the Prusa'asu Govcr[tm'e1t,
D M i N i N S
There will be three regiments, sad a grmtt lnten.rtwuul domuurtru,l
lid fasrl A. *raeh V atoblllgal It will u[ c,n,lnrota) alwf A nerJeaa pro -1,i r
tw sent to lies trout. . rympwlhlusrr fes Jutta L7, ihr ,i ,
Vlnc tlllal Intl hrty wounded-t1t/4
our mnrrlLadae@11 I TN
the su•oalled evil things, aur doer lie
duct u! ('rurria in this trAnanetion kltated &e,evellug to parentage, and
wHmt the th:ngr rrmuved. Hili appur-•
Miscuselmg the one-lnuguage proal'
tkxmmwlrl mon will be of King LMward'r elorotalioa Procen-
TwPuty-ftve hundred horsed will be
yah purptr is to exude us to fight,
fu the Jlg1.
io conte tiblc bei marvl!lty wllh
m tante 18T Orrre burn abroad, Had of
At lette/ a
recruited Wert of TurWltu, motility t.11n. All the prtrllue,r burl •tl'•.; ,
Territories and fitlgium. Hollau 1, Fr•tuce, G,•rWoq
Atrn from l'wawda to tiuuth .Afrka
stun !lir n+uutb Afrlat
Calaaliau experience, the (;lobe
rlerythlus that la' odious ILL rapac- tlw same number the parents u( 'LT6
develop yurer, rtrmypce duel uoWer
that the recur clifticull exist•
Iter The tatter page■ of the Uook were Ixorto ablosd. O every
cbuructrce, That Ir the ottly rataottal
from m"nitolwt, tike ,
ti",Nh Uulll be tete lu- Itus►by rho lJnlled Bl n I,:.
.till like next Contingent "f -'tom
w .lu lit Duildins up the principJe of
lrr�!n in Fruth Afr.oa ;
art too to ba' filosOrlxvt
trmperanee. TL . liberty of cho!ce hr
rlclue•ul strung
tit Iran untter pnwenl c tud,twu4
Thu t' much o! ialrrr@t la' ueer@tar- _
st of a r te.
ll,,1,n, ) will he celiac Hart lit Ttr vltr%1 by tt gy/r,I+tl clroulur notes, lo•
the Transvaal legation
Itvt. As the British (iuvernment will
thf.ugi, tile.` p.roportww any be
sly omitted in a volume of thlr wirer' When Mr. Greenway took over
to man. Evert' effort should be made
v i atlun. Tho air
ehrulge.: b,'
atter, the author must be creditevf
fill: , +ince' Af hind tO antldy
to cult+%ale Allot streusthen it to all,
roato. Probably 500 vrt11 ba' taken . i1rPd y al
uy the rulDlg market price fur the
from Ontnrb,. nuat the balance from Itnl.sels, to Adorn their hurry ,ell4
M'eiritlme Provincor. Tran-vu.11 and Orange Statt• ting.,
orsrr, prarrou Blabtl uI 011awe will
witut nWWeume ruoW ss there fur
ly�urll*w atal till+
'lRter„ will likely bu more recruiting' anti to send telemgrame to Mr. Krug»r,
aro another chance lu witty
disouursr uu Orders
_ r
for the Enrolment of
,%,luta' lu clic wart the 11 1+ere•rufore, Thn ,mann Iw iatBriti aa' a lh•m'an-
of lbrlla- aratlun ngelnrt RAltrh tP,•hn�r un
utlgreguti,n with u
v:uuly enolcavurlug to remove all oar
uuwl ties ww+lent mrmlurs
to suggest a few
the Klaus coronation.
C;illod evils from humanity's reach.
Irene awl he tuark,t pine'. lou can
1 went will be ached
Thu• lairgain under which Mr.
'Iergnp's *-andinaviwl immigrants
Ire to pay for their pus►age to this
:uuntry In labor, pulp wood, or sumo
other prahret of their labor. woos
o way
iter{xelr,l by wuirlxnl� in \+ r
or Sweden aa' a cure of selling lute
duvery. Perhaps the powers that
at. in Norway do out like to part
with nWe-budied mea.
The New York Journal of Cons
nerve has been doL,ig some figuring
b.•1 vooat people taken anuy from
regarding Hanover, raid•: The con- on the population of the United
the su•oalled evil things, aur doer lie
7111•. I,A%GUAe,11; Qt K,%I'IUN•
duct u! ('rurria in this trAnanetion kltated &e,evellug to parentage, and
wHmt the th:ngr rrmuved. Hili appur-•
Miscuselmg the one-lnuguage proal'
is a compound of everything that it finds that of every 1,000 suhabl.
yah purptr is to exude us to fight,
fu the Jlg1.
io conte tiblc bei marvl!lty wllh
m tante 18T Orrre burn abroad, Had of
ronIost ami overcome, alai by,w doing
stun !lir n+uutb Afrlat
Calaaliau experience, the (;lobe
rlerythlus that la' odious ILL rapac- tlw same number the parents u( 'LT6
develop yurer, rtrmypce duel uoWer
that the recur clifticull exist•
Iter The tatter page■ of the Uook were Ixorto ablosd. O every
cbuructrce, That Ir the ottly rataottal
the Dutch
tial with the Incideatr in which there are 118, one or both parents
Ilion u( Allealruce-8,000 Duerr huWrrds
w .lu lit Duildins up the principJe of
lrr�!n in Fruth Afr.oa ;
art too to ba' filosOrlxvt
prince Bismarck was a chief Acton u( such of whom were Wru abroad.
trmperanee. TL . liberty of cho!ce hr
rlclue•ul strung
tit Iran untter pnwenl c tud,twu4
Thu t' much o! ialrrr@t la' ueer@tar- _
the Rrewlert !toll most wolslerful gift
thf.ugi, tile.` p.roportww any be
sly omitted in a volume of thlr wirer' When Mr. Greenway took over
to man. Evert' effort should be made
v i atlun. Tho air
ehrulge.: b,'
atter, the author must be creditevf
fill: , +ince' Af hind tO antldy
to cult+%ale Allot streusthen it to all,
of n natfounl►ty Ill n morn
with laving made excellent u/a of Ultl Prorlaoe's claim xgetnst the
but {pore eelpteially on the young.
tlifficult, Jab than pK,Utirtl throrlsts
the ,rpaoe al Ills IftrpOsal� ][. & N. qt., R. what #t row the lbrler
witut nWWeume ruoW ss there fur
ItllaCiae. ohm call forbld the use of a
_ ralswd. Now nobody questions the
murk along Blown, lueco, Instead of
hinaua a to n 1.°girlature and in
A 1.110 -HUNK GNUWI. wi+n)uln O[ the hnrguin; In fact, a
v:uuly enolcavurlug to remove all oar
4.1chtl f c,umco�.r but :not In the
Thr uf[ldal statement u( Lha facts ins t tart of the revenue ill the
Ii ' I
C;illod evils from humanity's reach.
Irene awl he tuark,t pine'. lou can
re ardlu the atrocities eumwitted
g g
by officers o[ the Burhvrldl iiulrls7s Government last y cur came
' TtMperAncu refurut can Ire uccow
by development of Inlet.
T-n•Irial tilt e+wher t° use• it In the
Carblueers Hud the puutrhmrut from that land. As the years gohy
1•Isdled unly
• iloui, but u cannot iweveut
witlelt followed triter s craditable Ne ceoMe more land more to see how
plumed, to - wtliell both rider tout
• Joel UIKI mural courage. Fur y err
m h agIt
thtrr hour W ell w mualt agunuoa In
mother fro. Ik'nIf it to thu child.
It w'ouli
dlevw lug [lir Lurd Kitchener. !t Ir foolish we were to ive Hwa w
to be rt etted, however, that [tome lI y
ill aur
If ouch a thing Mr txwsible
,other puninishment than merely seed- many million acres of our North -
rather than run the chatter of clic-
regard lv leen hots
be a piece „f in Ierable opprt•rdiOli.
Lots him home, could not have Tern Newt to railway argl land compact-
d+rcotuu that I►tlle atlrutou hum
\ It1nn'r right to s sok #tny lausuus°
wrUvt lit to tete commanding ufp
been given to lem;seruttce ib Itrutber
1i' Pleases, ctrl rte a'c'ed [woks Hud
aer meg was aware of the crimen
fault mire rational arp(cts. Hereon
new•stwperr in that lunquxge, 1' sae-
wall neglected to reytort them. Even
though a number of C'arbineers had Tito running Qf the main Ione traitor
b:.s brew the ohter evil of sue@ Aglta-
ions not only 4110ded the
rt 1. Evei hl the cuurtp the prohiLd-
twen ill treated by Boers the ucttou" of rte Grand Trunk through Brabt-
tion that It
o.tsels Of the nation w that oma
ton lc rise u certain larigunge Is poli-
vuly to a limited ea�ent. %%'hat,
of the British roldierd would
twen inexcusable. The fact Ir, though, ford will involve au extra haul of
pilrt)' dtspirer the other, but also has
tax itlstanc. will you do th a wit -
that them war nu Uh-treatment aa' 8,74 miles, the distance from Lyndon
been the clause of much neglect ill lite
p, ro" whOsu evWeooe you iel ire, ntKl
alleged-Biftalo Express. to parts v is Harrlrlmrg and St.
Tue Buffalo Exprevrr does riot Per•
rat.uual de%elupmes+t of the general
w hu Cin give It only In Du li or
wit any opportunity, real lir fancied, Gmcge bring 1_.83 m11Pe, while the
pt in.ciyle oI temp rattce. lute.
in 1'rrmcb '! The ruck and the tj(uml -
to without a mean ilius or ugly distance via Brantford Is 16.57 miles.
pernrlCe In liquor+lrintulg bar
screw woulu be powerlesw to ebftYrce
insinuation against the British ill It will be necessary to construct four
e,•mpietely oierslladowe.l e,eryth lag
:, .•one-IanKunge' law in rateh a east'.
South Atrra. Its Water awwus Iw lnllea of aces veld frotp Lyndon to
an uatl.-r Vwa-.t AiLe.Ao" ,s�
Bn-• amutb •aaf.dlss 1
clot., anti 'sO-esllerl LrRlpernnee w•urk-
I- It worth while to make no muc'4
.ado plain by the past sentence in a (point on the Bfaatford and Harris-
ere hnve agitated fur that which
fits about Itugaage? Tito MontrAal
the torGgohlg {wragrnph. ]t tram IKIrK brnah, ant: to rebuild or
they cumnot get ubd could nut sou-
%%l,nesa, while fitimittlug that differ-
`6o knowledge of the case, beyond the strengthen a couple of brldgee, tit
murk if it tcul be. lib-
rnt•Pm of language are nlvayle a very
fn tr stated lu the report, yet it ten outL•Iv of about $3s(x).00G. Toward
tamed. lu other word', they Ilay'e
ale.Jnnctve force, ami tlmt people
bully dfit" the report W u,,ts•ur• this amount, Brantford is asked to
striven to do by legislation tiro
naturally thluk each olhrr torelgn
Whett It tack# the semblance of es- contribite $57.000, and if the rail=
spiritual work lit weu'r hearts, sad
whro they cannot uuderstawl each
case for starling at the British, it way company at tiny time decides
bare Ir(t tine noble work oI level
other, points Out that the French and
Invents excuses, and yet it seeks to to revert to Ike: old route, $50.000
he•adlas W keit markets.
'spmeut ut the grace o[. temperance
Angk►gazoa pruples of N'•rth Amer-
' put the hest appewralloe un til' Wal- w11I be refutoded.
la everything else to grow like the
ilia so look on each rather witllont
ler case, 14 which a United Stater
/eeol In the parable tat fell un the
noegnnte reason. The• same Geula or
,offier is accused oil the statements
with the remarks of Rev.
tl:oruy and btuo y ground. The hila-
Celts Inhablteil Fr:tnre and Britain
r. Bol n
Hl Of Ottawa, lir Berm
oL tomont.g to Aeand
of solos
-tnke that is gevoerally made -is
emnr's time. ThP #.Mere tol0poatte
}'llipiuod Ito the most brutal acrd
i , I C i-
t 1 d iloevl C than
Two Thousand Men, iew pLooll" wldrro mel' o ," w• Ube b
rtwrullhltt centras will
"1. Some new
airs, lu all likelihood be, rrtabllslTed
\'racked by The
_ _- I lu OutarlO, It Is expected that tilt.
be in ri,wtlnmw to
huneluu, April i.--\ drrpa tri l,uu,
Lord Kltchetwr affords a gltuapr,c ,.
first regiment will
heave In a moolAWN time. Talo two
the methods by which Colonel %%'to'!.
. ottler regiment■ will follow uL iU-
Snnlpron ro efficiently a'er%ed lie,,.
tervals of a tortallso
Bruce Hamilton. Thin Intelligence o!
Nu difficulty In obtaining recruit@ Is
liver, it appears, works with track
who bout fur ills "rhea r," lir
mor, evpeelully allies the
foul -{atilt. u( the euem 's bur.••-,
w lit n t Klein Hurl'r River.
I;a 'f`m I
t It •
thulr ra la t t t
su ,
n rat u ,
Ih�rauuum Iaard'. Kerrgrrrd The
b+nrll.l mpirll of the yutiaK Cauu-
be lir fully uruurud
letpretrtlun of the�marka However,
&clluu itruger'f lion 1'Ttker lila e:Jamp
seems w
lit any time durlug t1u, war, anti
the grtem la' eM►Ir,ratevt, Its surce. et.
l T the capture of WutulaGdo ult,•,
Ilion u( Allealruce-8,000 Duerr huWrrds
of appllattlonr are pouring
commando by forced n,sht, lltau+nelt
,1111 in list rijoild-The 1'eree til
upon the departm,13t. There Ir n('
applicants [lir con-suldolons.
ovebtuall,y romplelely whook lir
k Paill lel tut, s. ,ufflclent
ha%lnl; been alreudf r',-
'wever of else Men against wheat
It w,tw emplovel. .%r a ttonrfNpu•ser
elorlA, April id.-Uelulls received cel,e.l
to provide the• force with the
60 or 70 officer-'
they became reluctant to bivousv ,
e of tbeh rear guanl aur
Who will oulninubd the resign ntr
wltdu forty miles of Brltlsh +rel iicr.,
which now adds grogtly to it"• tiff
1. bet
the night of Atareh 81, 10etwera 'm"
not yet beau determined. C:ot
fhsulty of getting to otos#. quer
Se and Dragoon Guards ill Col. L.
-.sand might 11 ve, it command It he
tern." ,
s ('erlamn suit tike Doerr, near ov.lred,
but It will depend upon hid
wlshed whether he @ to go
hop. allow that u force p•r.onal
mot. 011e thing la' tulle Rear, that
1►eNe1's Krupp'. F.,eed.
Britsu, wally emleal%oring to 'lir
the [loatfer of rtflclency anti mar-
I'rrlurin, .lyra 4.-Turrr• hrnpl.
,rtna• a Boer lunger un u ,lark t ,
ial e-pirit the a*vie force will not be
glias lave been capture 1 by Cto.onel
strulght tutu a torcv uI I lu
any respect deficient.
hivec. twlumn In Llee \Ir•T
it, [ode
Boers. Tia Burro were hidden
River. a war on the wag I'lsl"q�
Ylel Rlrer that le avec war hn"ticd
u drat. and up weal fire from al-
A Pro -hoer 1>eraoratrrlluu'
by oar columns before Life flrat great
under till Leg d ill the British
London, April T -The Brussels ror-
drive was put Into operation His
a". A fierce hand to-ltaud strug- revpondent
of the &s.ndard reports
guns were doubtless an enrumbr:ine,-'
plumed, to - wtliell both rider tout
Ur. Iw yds ld ut,wt to orgnblw
tet Ida, and he appears to have .Iedt
Used the WLt ends la'[ thtllr
t.,1 to oouoeal them In tilt• .cream
e.. The Britian regained the ridge
rather than run the chatter of clic-
y had Jast Wit and oummeneed a
being captured by the Ilr.tlol'
r ij[,lard action.
1 life meuatLMe a strong force of
rm lit(,I lrefllul Ti road �� Of
Thr cuwlug Of
The Markets
---- -_._ _ _ -
The Signal
BrlUrin cfimp
hglt enabled Cul. Lawley to ace
t the (ivanlm were hard presided.
� '... ....
Ito deslaWied reinforcements,
to their anslstanoe.
IvrouT,., ernw•rs• Market.
h two gww,
o relnforeelaient" ►our compelled
April T.-[lraln reoelpts were ITshL
oil the street uinrket this Worulmg.
Boers to retreat.
Guards had had a very hard
only N00 bushels uttering. P►Ww
it, and were ordered to retire
d deputed
were steady.
%%'hout-Was steady, 1(X1 bushels of
Tom. lir s.tw.fpMo.,
Oa• cow rho le adv 9 si ....... ...... ...
squadron. Tito Boers
Laeh of the rued wltl the
whit, selllrlg at 7!W per tmnrhrl.utN1
n5ermuothaht, .............. o'
ental and coutlnually sttrmptM to
::(ll/ burshrlr of gfwrc at lilliyc par
Ods year. ............I.. 1 r
them, shouting "Hands lip t" At
taken up, the
limy -was steady, ;X) loads selling
Advertising taw.
eh succesodre position
list, appeared 1n diminished num-
Lighter the elm
at $11 to $l3 per ton Our timothy
atilt $7.50 per toll fur clover.
L�ludothwoasualvtr•rrr,fow, V,,
I.n, R,r er•t t1,.rtio ,. an 11 n+�, . ,�.• � ..
for na It grew
Boers Improvet propo rtlou
Iltraw•-Was greatly, L bads seU-
for esrb.rb-raestlawrtito Ijf w1.,..: ,.r
PIi' following incident of the tight
lug at $9 per ton.
Bret is firmer. selling at $8 to
a nonpar.il .•-ala
H'ue•een cul. K•is us••and Led- N or'
Ig mportel:
$10.50 per cwt. fur hlnelti,irrWr■nod
Adrertleao•nts of IA"t. ranged, a 11"ll-+
Ommabata Olt I'rrtoriitt, Rho wag
$1.50 and $7 per cwt retr forequar-
easier, Balt-
an uatl.-r Vwa-.t AiLe.Ao" ,s�
Bn-• amutb •aaf.dlss 1
pture l the previous day in a
LI eiiarge of home National
trrr. Bllring Jacobs are
ftgp at $5 to $T each.
lie R r~itb tl
H•,s,ra nes Sabo wad r►rht• s,, Acle. ' or •e
rt. waw
The scoutM role into A partyr
K heat, white 77 to Tile ; red. 6S
ax,rard a lines. 41 for Int m•tw'I,. W, Nr ."'o
Ito"res dressed t'e khaki. OUPlamdag
to 80; hoose. 66%; spring. 6Tc. Illy,-.
senouatonoeta, Lars•rstint..na a,.
Any special sold.••. the ob)wot of wt. h 1.
rm to ise BrlUdl troops. The
.,peso Birley, atoll, b4 to Goti c ; fetal•
r�'til• psemwlmrr ter res► nodi
ru opened fire and Pretorlua es
ri;1 to &W. Oats 46 to A§C-
cuter ,,ac.wy.t,b. wTeT,d .n ,d•:en7-.
pet In the confusion. One report
he *am allot as he fled.
Icy,,., Brett. cwt., Job. Malike. $10 to
$17. rel clover. $7.50 to $9.50; tim-
agent and ^barged arrordi"
tyo.01.. •at p'd
1 ani.dilalid
COmmaadabt Prlamluco Ir alw in
ploy. 1T.Tb LO $A.LU. Hay. timothy.
l.oe•.1 ,,.toes Ia ordlwwry rradlnm tip• res. •
to have been killed Ito the
as other floes of-
$11 to 513; clover. $7.50 to $9.
Straw, $9. Butter, Ib. ro11r. lA t0
me to p.r werA. N•not tell ter 1.-- u,.n 9a'.
Na,ea.rorebwrebrawdother ",'*,A ad
as well
":iu ; trucks, 15 to 17c. kilge. new
►eui0last lmetltuteem@, Wf rat•
Tile ltrltlrh wounded who fell tato
lald, 1210.
tea M ravel r• res A61 •
..•r hands were well treated by the
he•adlas W keit markets.
r.prlarlr ba' �wtl well arrler a tae aa' 1,. .
gularlyb y i nit
Followi are the closing giels-
ewllbla `w of tits tad M lir early w dwt•-6
blawlag Dao thing u( which intent- cheat Britain 1m .till cidled Breton tLendlml, manner. a whK I lie Omer r►nac pa _--
•rate often 1, triode fur the crAl re• b.. til F Pn,h and Brittnny by the thins[ of the triutiom• aa' "the patriotism of pigs The 1lrrgooa.' 11'Iaht
tions at I portant wheat centres
r W r•a w r►.wm• d ad&ran Is deslnd b"I
re old lid tb waw adorer all"Id be at uA
W P r N hat do Catadlane
cull . wherevts the cause at the Etogllsh. The name Te•utouic tribes looking fur more @will," the titratford lompro. April 6. 7`110 month African I[laoeh. July. ----
very root of the matter i, lack of mrrrwn both cuuutrtrs. Thr Brltbh tourer of thbt jourhal, which while Beacon says: "It Is one that allows caguulty lint shows that tine 10631" Now York
_ sePkitlg their support dally outrages ...... .... $- $77 r■►n•r.rs w.uea.
control of the tendency to excess. �orn*•mnn mai ihr Free Air. filnnd's tine @ease .d refinement, "n*Lalntsl by the BecOnot Dragoon t fikago »,.•,.•• -.. 70 1-{ 71, 1 4 1. a t m rrrosel. ea' ntwle r1rr, bar keen •t'
There in Iw royal road to learning. to the lluardn In their whArp rear guard .Ldp . - 76 3,4 73P1.8 rotnt•d L aeol TtwvWns Ageatlkitleld
r I• happened to be the Angle's 'Tito [ur_the tor. of GtnMlet Ca, bore4 A@b/NA .•el
t-wr/e� -tti�
tier W there ally royal rued to t -•w. gutter anti-Brittall element among R' ,
perauee; no dart cuts. Developing Nor
• the prin(•lple of temperance male be
n slow'Aroce"d, but It I@ a cure one.' tile
Vvery Conquest In smaller things oth
jive@ ■treagth that helps in future Gn
nPpl. Even suppose It were possible root
to of once eal.off wrua° of t .e means Ii.l
lit Indulgence, aievil Na ophrituoun tI
lieluorm,' It Is quits, probable that fie
intemperener e,plgl1." as marked int
wutdd mnuNPml itaedt ,to ether direr- til
items tx.cause of lack of restraint. Tio
OO the tither 'luantl, .when the [rower
to resist hito @pen wl and duly w
exercised. wr ueett taut ft. r in canes ,,d
of new Px PPrleDrp/ an- circuli
1 bet
1 if the
IA dal
a 1 t
s. I
t L n
danM 1
world would be bettl�r to -daffy load p+'
there never been nn>• Ilyud+• lin- ha
Tented. The hearts Uf men would ,(
hxva been Jlltrt ws evil. and while ill
many would not it.' fallen. many
would 1101, tie us strong.' "
Thr second chapter dent" with the o
C toureh to relation to tennperanee. tcv
lite third Mo tahtd Hints t0 i:pf.wm til
Pro. and the fourth and fifth are be
devoted to Prohlbltioa.
-���� .[
�- LILT ('ANAL►1'K 11:NM11111:e HK•
The hLttntreat Star's London car• t
respondent states on Authority that ,11
Lord IMndonald will succ Ped General IN
fl'Grady-Hnly in the command of the a
1'autndlnn militia. If lie hringa his It
family secret with him, onr Yankee 1
neighburs will halve to ba' on their %%
good behavior and Lt will be pnldent l
for them to abandon their ridiculous I'
clairns with ref,yard to the Ala"lLn
Isnmdary slid other quentlons ho d1p-
trlte between Canada and the United
States, "lest a worse thing IN•fnll i.
them." There lei a class or knorw- i
ledge never eonernittfsl to print or f
manuscript, hat handed down from I
father to still by word of mnOth. (
3cich im the reclp• for mnking ihr
paper on which Monk of FnRlnn,l
notes are print• -L ihr recipe for East
de (blogne, etc. Such n recipe in the
rme rPlattrix to the plan or warlare
Invented by Thomas Cochrane, F•nrl
of Dundonald, who wan born in 177:0
anti died in 186(1, for the Irresistible
and absolute destruction of an en-
emy. Nut only was Dundonald the
Dreyfus of Britnln awl tilt, Iibcrntor
of Mouth America from Kranlsh do-
minion, but hit mast Main rank with
oar greatest admirals. He Invented
or discovpred a plan by which the
fprces of an enemy w,anld ba' Utter-
ly dastronyesl. Whitt thin plan or In-
vention In. its melhesl rind menna, ire
wrapped In tier prtofoumteat m? mtery.
Tile nlonp Is known thal It wuul'1
Involve tbs. roihlnse rrealdng lir nn-
�lkllation of the enemy.
In 1!!47 a (yrmmim.lnn w•ns ap
pOlntgd to esnolder the plan ntrretiv
sobmltted by Fart humiOn:lbl. The
(Commission reported ngalnst any
nxperlta^nt4, ell tine ferret wool) iw•
thou divulged, sad further, In Ito
toplalon, would not ner,-rd with the
fowling" anti rorincipl"" 'if c1vllsc,l
warfare. Forty ypara heforn the
ROgre I appcotnt.d n Secret Commit
tin to 0nnslder I7endoneld'aw�'
rpprwtatl litat t!@ Owthod
trrefloilwo rill I dollible, boot shrank
floss recomo lmilus 1's aduptur,
O England Its name, nal the tleshlpof the Prineeof I Pace. hat o in
"comes who gave tie name to its rcndarsl
grtrttlagutherltogof will# must hove
Nlxmab+ly, while the French got - resulted from that mermen." Itut the
U name tree ikr. Frnntn, un- RNN+O a b+�; Reacurs misses one point: What a lot '&
er Trutonle people, who entered fl
URRENT COMMENT • °f eolie is a "Ilam luck tuL
lit, farther earth. TIle chlet tilt- � C Why, he is almuet as m,+ch tailed o!
Pnee between alae French and F.ng- u as the well-proportbourd Lasa who
1 Is that Gant. having irPPn toere %�N...N opN aorta nes slap window lay figure for t
Kroughly conquered than Britain,
qutred find retained the Lstn Ian ThOwt. C. ttadiwnw tnow inn' to ikr, dlgpiay o[ [Inc ho@lery..%nd Isn't
fiKilt. t stmt someth{ngt tl
age, while the Arogler have, fur
e roost part, retalnntL their own. r
e harrier being language, tvhitt we l'hlc:kgo M iNglnning a camiKaign ,\ -fellow aim•%i T. 8t. John liaff-
nat In canaria is eflucatim that ngntnst so-called milk preservuti,es' ney, New York, writer to the New:
1 brernk Hutt barrier clown. %n example is to be made or users of Ycirk Non dcmnntling that the Monroe
Woreca• iselh. awKla. formalln, etd. diwtribe be invoked to prevent Can -
Thr French in Canada learn EusliNl
Ptty well, the Engltph learn French C'waadian pluck and persistency ndu tram sin i nti troops H Bald
illi at all, allot arc.ln Consequence l7rrnt Brllahn lin her warn. Hear him
aro ts, much fur ihr Boerw. }%,'en C'twlnr the Dlonroe lktctrhnr, we
apldly supenllhollr tuNards it. It Irelar*•y Rawl Kemp could nut nerve
l'g le have claim a peramenlntcy over Lilts colf-
thP Pane your young Peop tt'eir followers to cuatinue the fight tamenrt, but wt. emnuut object to Itiw
pout ba acquiring Latin had been "9,tttnrtt them. Mit tr Fratd•e Invading and holding
p.nt ion giving thein a working know- -_ Lanndian territory, should (}median
Ise of French. we arc not sure that The receipts of the British Exche• trfaprr les employed agalb@t them.
( ongrered wtwuld protest. therefore,
P iutelltetlal beueflt would halve quer for the iloancial year that without delay ag1►Inst the drafting
ettnny lewd, while the better under- ended yesterday were 9142,997,999, of cat adiau troo{,e lb Bettaln'a wart
anditlg that would have prevai101 nn increase of L12,618,115 over last uT la+ It Is prepared to abandon the
teen our peopfea wonhl have year. and L,5iL',999 over tine estLmate. rights we claim un'ter the motet %flat
anA fundumenlnl principle, u( our
tea worth a great deal to the weld- Intlonai polity.
g of onr nationality. As it it the Kitchener i;r nrrt glv'en to rfupping Should oar Government now by iteo
esu peoples reading exclusively tholr over. A few- weretm of e7ummeadation milrnce mecmingo ndulit the right lit
vn language, awl having their dis- from hhu reenn moot'. Anda he says (trent Britain to r-orult her armles
nrtivr ralhrt' their t1s,4r Gummuto lime Glnailialw dlstlnKntwfied there frim AmerEean dependencies, we may
ntlmewll" cutoelantl,v appeaiei to yet have+ to face the prospect of the
rt.•, in thchr thbdling, getting more .vd%em. It iii a eumlrlimenl North hue- dlmnPmterment of (Xaua[1a and her
ant more apart. 'It Id uuly right Iag. nppfrtlonmrnt among the European
n sty that a err-viewot rM•tml - IonWrrw when the Inevitable day of
rr"t hs a peril` to\ally country. Tin• greet natural gees wells# cif In- reckoning comt+s for the British I:m-
'hat we want L; to Nave all our dinuu are gi%llit out, and thecort o[ Plrel r
seoplc trained at ilchoO In cunlmoa pumping; hes groNing greater year by That Gaffney fellow better let lip,
are and ilk a commotl patrlotism. or If he doesn't we'll rend the (;our -
year. C"nir'e* the oompanler are al-
lo%%e,l to charge L.5 cents a thousatdl ley anti the C'nmerion over to wallop
EIINOPIKAN RU I,KILLJ IN 1'11111: him oat of'hts byots-If they cats drag
trot they efiy they mart ger out lit
NIN11:1'16K\'I'll CI•:NIfIIY, him (Art from under the b!"1. what a
business' hA of fan a "protest" ono" as he suK-
\'ohnoe Vi. of 'The Nlnet til -
.•ntury aPrlad," publiki ' bk t e Accor -ling to a Washington corm- g"An would prodoce!
dnerotl Publishing COmpany, Brant spuldlent the United States stanch
ord, is written by Percy M. Thorn- w the sole barrier between Chlua The discovery that Karl i allman,
on, a member of the British House a her. lip oliation by the great pow- the bend of the Welland ('anal .lyna
ommons. Before starting to nar- f bina seems to be In a (temperate mllerm, Is Luke Dillon, memter lit ihr
rate the evrntw of the cw)tnry the Chun-na-Gail TrinnglP Hud arenp•r of
eAralt. But perhaps the Washingtt10 the '`removed" Ior. C`ronle. in of
,utlsor nnppll'•R a few preliminary chap May he aggravating tiro dlffi- world-wlde Interest, and the i.%-
•hapt•rm on I't•uawLan history, the cnity. press carefally prepared demorintra•
luul kingrlom of Austria Hnrigary, tion of that fact arouses the atten-
Cnr '•erlb'�oet eo IP rc grumlr tion of the whole civilised world. The
BtieeiFi wn,l tin Froneh Revolution. P 1' Importance of the discovery Ir not
Thr biography of \aloolron Bona- Illnsyf that they cannut rapidly diminished by the silence of the
parte 1's [-,•even lit c•onnlderai,le length, t'n,migh get their wheat to market. Brltlsh and (anadlan Governments on
anti bis character and abilities are Thnt is to IIP rfilrretlell, bill it In bet- the aub1Pet. tt iw not to hn expected
err to amble fur that then to tltet they , , I want to taclta elfuttu
contrasted with theme of Frederick Ra' wt resent.. which are prwdlllrt
\Gilliam Ili. of Pruxmin and of Alex Rrumble Me,on+ta there 1a' no whPnt pn forigh. even though the Clnn net -
ander 1. of Itunsia. Ample Juatee Is to dull. Gnet lisp long COasetl to be an we.
luny to the banutilul Quern Louisa of five factor In Irish affalrm,-Huffalo
I`rnean. ihr Heather of Emperor all- Tic's" wbu Klanee et l a' reprrtn News.
O'mI treat an engagO Zt't0 which The Canadian (7overnmint If not
Bila 1. and tike tireet grandmother
of ihr present }:mperur of Germany nine men err klll,--1 ales u eemab\eclair ^stntwllnR nRhnpt," lir ratting lip
chnnire their vlewd when tba men nay Other fnntoomtle dib, over the
"FuropP owes Lt to Qneen Loulss killed are thrtor Own brothesbo, \ statement or onr Huffaln contrm-
that )ter own convictions snit deep neighbors. That sort of thing brdngm rxrnry that Knrl ilallman 1- Loke
Into the heart and Intelligence Of tho wnr n*»rer house 1111kon. and meat M the Cnnadinn
her second sun, the future Emperor pe•Ople win neer happenP-I to hear
Wltllam, a youth of tender years, cwt Efforts are tying made by the U �' , the nnmp ref Lekr Melon In runner
whose early llnprpspinnR, learnt at Reptiblleanox to postpone the vote on'
i thoh with tar ivy ('mnln Pplwode hid
his adored mother'n knee, were of the ahtp subaldles bill till atter the I Mng ago, forgotten that such an In
the highest patriotic nhnracter' The PloNetlon, for fist of littering ihr 11,0wil rilate.l. Kallman Or Dillon.
familiar story of her IntrrvlewR with party chances. The went Is agwVnat I lir whatever hilt name may he, Ip
Napoleon Le narrated. •'when dwell the colossal ■teal propropesl, anti the more tehlnti the Mrs of Kingston
long on the woes of her husband and want Is powerful enough naw to -ie- ppnitenibory. and there he would re
r ueen To,...Iaa ea' nition. I I I
rt' Pranrtan people, Q Mimi sec. g mnln f t Witt. dlnr•ovpred that hip
toot tier aelf-command for w few ____._------- -- other name via, nmver Cleveland or
moments, /hPdding tents freely. and The rinimin of missionaries In (7hanOepy IMppw lir Thwndorp Poress
then, thinking from Napolron'm man ('hUtn, amounting to $'',0(IO,1a10, lore telt, lnatrn'l nr Luke Dillon. Hr
nar that he might rwmdtly relent. now bforn the I1 14. Coagr,•ap, end well /nnArted and sentpOPrI n(ter
IL Iw mnhl that nell mi-Rhonnry n'nl'
pin ronernlraln,l all her remalning , felr tolwl fir w 'lallorrdly rrhme
enhrgl go nn a prayer that Mngdp mrnt In an strong I,ernnmp of air I r•Ommlti-I he t'nnwdFi. and If nm• -d
hers might al least. be aparnd It kw)ting by mhsmlonarir.. ills, I PyIIlia PyrnpathlsPra from the UtilIrI
Is aalti that this Interview Ploming early not by pasaeol tt aunt lays" I RtntOm undertook* to rnmrup Im.
wltlroal any definite rrrnit lit her McOn pretty bad if 't Rhnched ('On I thmy will Mata thR argnwintanen of
offorts being announceld to til* lira w. cold lead or w stout ape
tr on w 7$rrtlraear Bosch ua \tor'... 701-Y -- �paw.noeh. --
an'm Kop flooring the evening of Duluth. Na 1 hard... 731-2 - I,." porumasidneorer the awtNetmre.l•a
M arch 31 were severe. '(`wo otfhcerr Toronto corstry Produce. auwr� rad u t•eelr• .■tt.•r1pt4M w t,u
were killed anti five were wotindert. AW r onesetostleo. oast be &Urwnd
lid eighteen men were killed and I Torouto, April T. -Butter- Choice D. Yooll.l.l+'UDDY.As, .
fty-eight were wounder- [.airless a.re quite scarce and Jew (trade Ona Ia .Ona
no I medium ones Gra' eurreapundhngly WW*Pbrgf =
yon of Kreger t1vltbM BabJrrl. nnm••rious. The demand, th,refore,
11 6. -Cas lir Kruger, (Lucia ereamrries the pel•,elp:tl sul•ply. THURBUAY. AI'ItiL 1(►. tat_.
Pretoria, .%pr P 1 Thr latter ire offering fairly lltx•r-
he eld"t tam of former President I fill;. Thr m:ukpt in quiet and steady.
Kruger.' And :;4 other relatives Of I %%'-• quote TUATr.LL1rl1G OVIVIL'
Mr. Kruger, hearing the same ram- (•reemerp, pilau, 3 to E^c . solda, - -- - - -_ - - -- -
y tutme, are among theme who have •'1 to ^Er : second*, lel to �Or.: dn.irY. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY.
t'c'entlp taken the oath Of allegiance lawind roilm, ehelce, 1R to .Oc , large -
o /heat Britain. Celle, eholoe, 17 to 17 l -:.c . titre. 14
-- to 16c , maHum an,I low, 10 10 ��ffltnd I1 ea' a m.
Nnlnl Invwsloa \lit confirmed• 1" I -_c. fI.11 •e/ lei prem..... Lf p :e
'.lee .
, 11 6. -Dr. LP dw lin- £Kgs-OfferingR routh.ue qullr Iflr jlixed.
y V gee [: lir........ ....... .
.. tale t
1a' 1 p
n. t. - w
I.unb )'r
call% nu
mired in nota of Nnmed by British fre4 wad to a. tPri ea' are steady OWN"•
Hntha la aw,t cowtlrtat'd by Brltlsh from Jay to dr• . Man good [xpe•eaa.................. .. r ti.
ai t l c per dose a. �1 end [ r I r..w............. . t "• , T
wonn•es. There L* uO Jnatlflaato- Potatowsr-)lilt rotvtthrr him tn- D1 "* Leen
[tor the theory that Bntha and I>r- rreaMat the offerings. Prtred are tot
@trey were making a precuncerted
very- firm. ►Kit ere• eat present .teatdy. DtIfTlfrsT.
neve hent etent find went. while Cars oh the track here are quoted _ _ _
SCIII0kblrger was duping the Brltlsh nt 55 to 5Tc. Putatoes out of ntore NICHOIJION. I,.D.P..
staff Ln thecentre with illnmlve Pette-' ,wit at 66 to Toe. Bf. PLWTAL @caesew.
negotlatlonw. The B over 4orcen are Ptyultry-The numrket Iw very quiet. R000n •�ro.1a tae ►est Orates
too far apart for conference or co- whit a good demand and light offer- �G.ot•l�d ruling. (4•w■ .ad Yellre We•ls '
rgo:•ratlon. The burgher., like the logs. Prices are steady al 1_ 1-_ to Sp Terer. grprlrpa
1YotnmiPp:' will makO n bnRlnrns of 13r fpr well-fattsol fresh kI11P1 tar y. MARL i IRA. LD.@.--DrlRil
fighting until peace to proclaimed. keys azod 60 to 90c for chickens. L. Inr/Issr_Lteet gn,(.per•,rd Hata' Q -
I$sled My ls stently at $10 for Nn, for ail dental op, -Lit c Pro.nrtw,!.@ of n,s
8,000 SAW 1w Firld. 1 timothy on track herr, Demand Is rasrroll testa a .pwdwhr- t �uc•MNrI
P li t and offerings rtre liberal. M. gad Asmara t■r aWn•/
London. April 8.-A new. to nets g1►
de.,pNttch., front 1'reloria attempt* Acted draw la' quiet and In Ilght Telephone No. 10.
t. ghr, a careful computwtlun of demand at 1i on track heYP, Offer - Y. TURNBULL, D.DR.. L-Da.-ptiN
the Beero now In the firld. Omitting Oahe are Ilio sal. J• Rol 8lir�we,* Q,rt,ly as.o-,staid w, 6
ire details. whlcll Must be purely 1'oromto Live Klock Market. Dr.Dlsoe.=600ir•all On1A and I-MM'A,a
tvonjrrtnrnl. tin total is plttcerl al arl/@afal Leah oountal oe seld -m ri*10-1+4
F;rport mkl" choloa per cwt P In b 0 76 ka„aa A�ec•,fa1 altanllr g1r.a to it a /r-
anmelhing over 8000, mcnttered do mddonal .... ... ._.... Ilia M 1911 Tetter of tae tte.11 t.eta. (, Ir. ,.
fromel 7.outpanrl "berg. un the north, to do cew. - ...» 500 to ISO heave ww b(owk._ _----- ¢wt
Rwtrher" cat ala Alcked...... Sit to S b
liuthetliilVl oil tis wrath. Hill eller Hntrher.'fat-tel choice........ 6 y.% 10 S'is L=aaL
Onriem oo lilt• well[, to l'iel Relb•f Nutrhet■'cattle, fair............ 7th% lin t2A - -DLJ
on the Past. The same despatch. do cbnmo*................ 3 2A 10 7 G CAYPfUN. 40.--RAHRIm1 Lit
devaling with the Cape Colony. gave do raw......•....... ........ I w to J Sn E. after. NtNsrr. lLtx Om^• o'^ ill.1•• w
do belle.. t :Vl to .y •St )fall Square. Goderle►.
(1Ptallm whieb ,,just Wt, nmxe Or Iran Feedsim shart-keeps............ 3 a) to L 9S ---
(temlbtfni, adding nn enormous tract i do medium ................. 3 10 a'0 170 `na O. JOANRTON-RAI(If IY1I-N. -"'
of country where the Boers are able &esker", 1,o00te Lim The...... 1 m to 1 2S IT I0 rues, Coatml.-= a,, Slon•.
do Ilgbt 190 to 1 to lean. omar, (wt., HamWon bill mt. A'� "
ter wnrr,iPr, and enyR tint while tl I Mhrh ones-, "ell ... " 36 (A le t.0 M ,./
In difficult to realise there in yet Ain•vp ewe. Wp•t.r cwt .... .... 3,60 to 100 @Wveb, �ondh. Ont
wrarrely n Neer rnmmendn that Lm Lwmba, y9arlinp. p,wewt ..... I M t^ 6 7s +��f a BATA, HARRIbTFRIF
tart Mahle to he disturbed any day do sppring. sash t s to S n Y slfasvtrs, n„L^Mf* seb a -'"ton In II
Nogs. ehht.. pee cwt........... s of to 0 00 Maritime (bort Rr. Ome•: N rill A- , r t
b] tin RTltlsh a»liana. I Hog., fat. t, p•r cwt............ e • W 0 fo doer SIGNAL Ofil.s. Private rund. teblrl at
1 Homs fat Dor cwt ............. 990 to 600 ' wt.
to nes rates of tnteseNL RU. If YvI
lolkh. to lluy Nu1P's. Bradstreet'• et. rrado. w. PAROUDITOOT. - -.
iw)ndon, April 5. -The American Trade has been active at Aloe- It. KINHON k(:AItROW,HIRI:f�TErt
hint. steamer Philadelphia, which I � Attu n •• llollARR etc, %pl:t,T
1Prt Arwtthn...i to.. at noee !-'-day -trawl for the present period of the i. Alto tteliesa: T *rm Oi s- (J.dr• t•
for New York by any of Cherboaeg, ymr. The tieing In whOlrRFile Mtef- ,o 1
Jpial on btnrd twenty BLkhs, who nes. circled In Oheerfel anti In 11,HILiP HOLT, R.C.. BAIl1tl+Tlt1,.
rrrenlly arrlvrcf In England from eta or, Notary Pubila aro omro r•,st Io
recently They aro In charge fr a Createer shown In many departments (r��loat`eegnnre. Money tolo.o' a' i""
British officer, and ire gn:ng to of wholesale trate.
Knnenp Cit and Texas in irncchasel Bdttlnow at flamlltnn haw hear T�Uirt.KY HOI.MKK SARKMTkyL ,, c--lf4II --
y r D eltor. Nntwry Public. etc.
trifles floor the British army. I rood thto wrist. Thw wMrhNralw htwwes ( � Kest urcPf. lo('iH,r:Y HltIAMt
Ate h0ookeA many order* Th^ aellr
ley in trade at ewwntry pNrintw Burinngg I ��g� 8sAGIR'- BARR(RTY". Wl'
hH11e P...gr.ew Mede. the Easter season having stlmelatisd li Niter notary ams mnve}M•eer..Oeln
Kre"nlstrid. Orange Rhror t'ulony.I the detnand from many sprtion* of ( tlausHtee sued a t^ t.ba COIF
April 6. -Owing to the Brent dies- the country. Wttolwssle firma are I Ham• Oodeefek Ptlesb f°1ds 91 1099n %,
tine separating the members of busy now shipping goods to the west swrtre d•at 6 r+lr deet. interest
the Tranwv'nnl mission here from atrl other points, and from prawat _� Ar(y
%it.. 4(eyn nil() lien. Delnrey, the'appe,ttroonew it look, as if they will e. wA Rh. CO19T �t+ *Ca.r rbaneaiW
tie it httionex Iwt,%'Pell the Boer frail' I ap ea a nc O Pt1 In attln ant � • e"rrwlreor fat ta►Smg wall
lin+ In w*alb AfrlOs lownkin M the ! y mag g g reeagmim.~ •f MII. fakdavi's or more&
g the g'eodm for some wank@. err, dopssdtiwne or eslar."We-, taw. I@ or
+voneluNdon of the war have made tt Winnipeg, s* reported to RraA- •w��r* agy avowal reit lir AIN iNo 1.9 In
he OorA of JwMe.. the tfeart .d A►►^w
little progress. it la Pxpww•tb( haw- I atrwPt's tills weak, trade ham re0nv- Ht,b
ever, that Mr. W.halkhotloger and hi■ owed la I from the affects of the ; Ca ( � ea' im gar ra■*iy ea' Me'p Y
eo11Pa n* nn the mimplon .111 whorl- 1 tg" y Oegrt ♦a la' artna•eMr aa•etray Gil ill+ vires
gn recent heav snowstorm@ and flood@ ' •afertad, Redder ane r. o. 644 -rt
1y I , here for a more convenient (n the Province, I Someone, Ort
rpntre feat which to cotMnct The Trade at thin PAotfle Coast I@ lank
nrgntinllone. I Ing up. There hes* teen an aetiva de• LOAN* MM DOWL M
morel for go ods for shipment to do
Fhe Nrw C.,ntlnaena. northern country. , 1♦/ON6:Y TO LItN[1 -A LAHUK ANot >T
Ottawa, A r11 6.-On►Pr•n will go Out _ .11 or Drtvwte hide onr Invalm m wt lop'
p est ray. gid a:rem ,r On 1r,d�olaM M r1@ga
to -morrow for the eorolmend mnd Court Got nn.y. ---L- t' Ir_Irklrm0n__ Oarrow.,�--__
Mrothing Of the stew Canwdlnn AUCTIORRRILIIIG.
flrl.P of S:,OfKI min f'r rY111Rh Afrlra. A crlabt•atM iwwywr 1n Nnva t'icxotlw, ( HUMA!• GUNppRY�� AlJ(Tt0?igsR ANI•
Pr elat-ly tfw amt. rvyTtrwa will ba' win wrltem uMwr the amt tip plumb I A YahaNer,Oe/ri 0.1. iikootlPnd••,I
purmaeri, M r tgnrd to raising, oat- 'art Juvenla, is noted for hl@ eArelp@e. tolaanr /enef tba" if.
fttllrur Final trnnaptnrting thin con- ; owes In drev�r, vrWh fact anncrys the ---_____.- __ --
tirtgrn,t ap to taw rapes of the 2nA mrmher7 of tlwo bar PxrpMlrtRty. Ila- 1 *O11M 2NO1 62.149IA; InN[tr
N'twlMovl Rifles, which ha* nlrpady ' tering iho court room n One % gad fait airmter.Od i a.r. ilw•
r[ rd W.M4 u►le 47'erl@ar 'a the •n•
won n mpArrultd Haan (lir ItvPlf. The nernml'm mimic w nanM1O, t }edge llesserlag tree. be t¢@ ra a p-@Nld" t0 da
Rrltinh (invoornmeert will provide nrnla rrrrnvwtt him, rwylvlg that the law .pyo wItw tberoa@1 •11m1tA.I Nt all era►
nivel ammntnitlOn ins ties mpn nttA rPgnlrM hem to .war trttn. aw �rot+rg•tps ire@ Na. ovhis �1 si
t rn nw(rnrf t hem to Cnpe Town lir "Oh vaa. your 1lrirdor. 1 know It. , gstoe'e Ratti aa' @ssfaat ba' sl•tt to %t• ulJd�rfIN
Dnrhan, whirhavar may he derided was the answer, "hart It doves not qa ••L. t. G., rr.htl) atta,.A•d r. ttir r
y 01 Mrs\ ♦aer@eMr, rm
neon wa the place- of dlmPmhwrk ttlesn. whern to wear It." I _
\Inloltlswtlrwn will take platcn wt fiat- As he aPOte hes ptdlM It cit of hl• YAt{1tA�t [tai riga
Ifnr, rTrit QnebO. wMf ale iroonmpnrtm 1roNi*pv's pextwl. Tiro eoart wa■ /nO IA
will be fitted lip aewl anppllal ,with Aesy to allude farther to the sat. LA3m �Q p/ MARuWtr
stores by the imperial anthorttota Me.-bt@adtas Law ita+law. @ t1mmA SMetc M
, �� �_-A,
Nature Requires Assistant
During These Months.
Te hely tbr0w of ase Impurities tr
11p,e Accumakulrted Ue+rlug lb
N,uler Mosotho l',ug.11ve•
.huuld Nut be l'.ed IL 1. r
1 unto Tbrt 1. Needed.
lu Oils clllaate thcr,• ,are Many r,
sour why people feri ail out of s.
lu tit" -primp Mouthb. Perhaps i
cuuf ill Lhelds tr LL* lung hours
lallu'rftrtly vealll'"eal olitues, ser
Hun 1, 111 •s eluriut( ,les Whiter Mout
),Ue luny feel tat Here Is Huth
.er,uuo the matter , yuu are only
little tired atter rllght exerlltxr,
/,trtukpv your apputitr Is (Icklu,
Ir,tlu 1,hwpler lir eruptiuur w+
ek,ti show Mutt the Wood W not
pury :w 1t rhoul•t W. !f you I
xlatr w•ay, nut ugly yur comfort
ieopart"loops to aeallrony urself
i' Itnimrllisr dial are
the trlexxl ,
apuustblt+ fur your couditlou.
„-rd a tout,, bluutl purifier, lie
arengtlleuer Hud general up-hftei
lite entire system. Dr. Willie
%ll� 1 rlequl ements Imore° prrfe(
chum any other melt. -hue. There
ionic 1,111.0 a,ld UOL I Iu1011G and we
,.ling like purgativu meds^h
r,iture does not require a viol
eu.•nsure lu spring, but a�helping h
10 throw off lite IRlpolititler wl
IULTO acculnulrtid duritig the will
rn.l -•o elf ,Ing and rtreugthet
r%ery' organ ,&roil function that
,un,utto:l or perfect health w1tLl
1:,11 Everyone -old and yowl
ought to take Dr. Williams' I
little In the spring. There is no of
lutdtelau will rho yuu w much K
Vr. Jumcs S'Imu, poatmastor.
tuwl Crock, \. B., ease., 'l,+art 0011
I was feeling decidedly unwell. 1
Nenk, dlssy ni tim,+•, Hold rout
eliv felt turd. Yy 11I;,t,te was I
sand I wet. luwlng In W'.-taht. I t
F.•, -'Tat usedfcluee, 1)Lt nothing,itI
r,.uy good until 1 twillA n the, tiff
Dr. William" I'luk I Ill", allot #t
Is,ie' of tiles,- mitde tau• f • I Iii
pew person. I would adsi,u :ill
f-•,•1 no, flown allot Hui of "arts
t.,ke Dr. William,' Plak I ill"-'
lll.. Williams' pink Illi" ure
, ffe:ctive In the cure of nil dire
a:,ke to poor, thin, watery Woos
wink nerves. D./ not ,take a put
lute for these pills -It Is a wast
Rooney and a nlpnaeo to health t
S•e that the rail unmr
51'Rifim,' Pink flit" fur 1 :al: Pee
1..Wo tit" wrapper arousl every
I:t.,Ll by all medicine dealer,,, or
1--tpald at- 8111 cents a box, or
lsives f9r 52•;,0, f.y addressing
Dr, William■ Medicine CO., Br
%.lie. Ont,
Kver Seer Tb/f Done :'
Flea meal come In together.
arks of all the others, "What
yuu going to have?' The btrte
spreads out Ills hands on the
of the bar, attentive and pre
rot to work quickly. Every akar
sifts on "@Hying' sometlilug
drink In him ^urn. Encu takes u
ii,e others forint on giving
}.fell tttlukR Hutt he I" haslet
but the burto•nder know$ that I
tacn belong to the (;went .%mel
.%.ro�J atiou for tile Mannfnetul
l,runborda through ^Irfa-ITU-S
of those men might pr•rhnpor
his gins@ of bi, r, lir dowel
worse, whit relative parrty.
u vinlKllly fin "tanhpede.l ail
Installing Patch ,Ther u,er u preel
each ibdsls od Imlyles pwhw)u
turn. Allot "very nue "pends
.obey t0 nwke P1er� other or
Isawible, n har-I drinking al
warted Mali.-%ew pork Jourt
One of tis+ moat delightful
oil the American continent, and
,.telly reached via Union Pttelfic
,.0 any otlwr line, Is the Yellow
k. to sill
e ride
ti sal Tt g
u u Par
U011ldn by this palatial Cu
Couches of the Monkla A Yellow
btage Company M through me
lerdly inferior to the park Itml
.Aide trip, front Og%len, Utah, e
, ateilo Iolalto, via Notrhda sad
join A inllowalOtie xtnge Co., In
dirrotlrnm, will WP furnished he
of all (lockets tone way first ILI
t tml claw, regular t(mlrisl, or
iii round-trip rxcuralton tickets
rt l,enver, Cheyenne and points
pudding tbtvagh Ogden Or Pec
to points In CM States of carr
N.,.4a, Oregon. WaNdngtoi
tt.et part of Brltlsh G,lumbin
Ilurth Of the State of N'aaide
upon application to O. K L. a
at eltlxr Ogden or P N1,11410, ,
verb low rate d 149.50.
Tlil@ rate will Include rail and
(e.rn emering @even and At
ufa}s' trip, including nil meal"
b.lging beyond Monida.
•: U. Herring, 0. A., ICei %%no
a' enne, Detroit, Mich.,__
At the evening meal that de
tnWle delbacy known us morn
% as being pa,rstvl, and the
ri-ther d(eilued It. Hi,► father
-•v- r, helped hilt apir Is,untlrully
tiie preserrr• was Iald before
whereuposc► lbs. touthful Jester
thealghtful fly several seconds
fimlly remarked : "I think the
tow be called papalade."
A llanitoba Mother lllve@ Pr.
Advice or the Core of Brbl
It in Orgill IntOwti tet umlLrly
fent tr(K,blen sprinft from fi
dr•ral wtomnOh. Intligeation to
will cause nt fleet petiovlallnem
elerTl"xnc•ww, bet otter more
tro'llrlee will follow faint, e,
Poll, or cramps, constipation 1
eapea diarrlwwa In others. wit
rc,fuita in natmy cases. Thn
win negler,to hncing constat
11411111 the manna for treating
Ill- takpa nn awful risk. Morn
Mrllillaxl, TAW01k Man,, I
m0lher who In particularly we
tryglve ndvicn on the tarn of
Her ftandnr,l medirlrn for the
atlmento of Iver little ones is
Own Tahlectll and' she @avn:
are the heat me,R(4Ro@ 1 have ev
for Infnn't nflmente. i hav
them to mT toothy for IMBgeal
otomneh tronLle• nail thPy a.re
ton -1 '�Nmonigh In making w r
AWI,,•r Abotdtl he a "Inglo tin
eat the Tnbleta In the fnumse.-
ItAlWoo, Own Tahlyda era h
tvwl of nil ngem, rLntd will sur
tr•rw'h1Oe ao mnatlpntlon, rot
fitNnnPit, dlarrhorva, anti almplr
T ev are Inviotti ,, for t
OhiddrflM Firki will brrisk up r,
prevent croup. Ouarwnteerl
4tH net optesta Or other hnrml
"Ololved In wnt(w trey ern 1
c'N•h perfect wfety to a rte
titwin. 9rAd by ill Qeal"m I'
sine' "r ,pnot poet pal'\ lit 25
�l by arldt+•sming alp, fir %'
Mldloine Ca, flrectsvllla, Galt.