HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-10, Page 1tatty tattled for their stylish
superior fitting qualities'
date styles. A thoroughly
shoe of unusual merit et e
-from the light and dainty
o to the must substantial
I.y. Exquisite Styles.
ur and Queen Quality,
'spoor to 1'. T. HALLS
Ro OHS Farm Muss AcT. -
.iog point ID m0sectios with the
is Ael comes up to an appeal
Khoo Jaime', the Toronto Trot
against the du reoeotly imposed
pee Ilaglsirete Denison for •n lo.
o1 , he sot. Toe appellant Donato
es barrels of the apple 10 yeas•
held to storage. sod were sat be.
tor sale. Tb• other *Vet bor.
,im•. had been ovarlac.d but war -
at the otiose ere 1, and the origin.
or.ped off, making the branded
hu .opt* so understand u e
soosid-rably'clerlor to the op.
M•gutrat.1).•ison bold that
of tb• borrel .0 tee few, but
Jame* says, 1s over admitted by
farm With rog•rd to the ten bar
to storage, Mr. James bolds that
were off•rod for sale they wore
to fine. 1f the magistrate's ruling
any lora* /rower packing hie fruit
ID t0• orobard aad Int•ndto
Illy to r -tock for export might be
• to • Hu of $1 per barrel on the
:k, In sant seasons 100,(00 ber•
toyed lo (-aned', sad is the hut*
DM 'oder raver are packed ane a
id should Col. Dasloon's decision
beaker would be • dangerous one.
Sad tDOOR was, ser
■a UILT•6 ST.
:re are good. 1f we
to this store. The
Ines of this business,
to. You can depend
) not turn out to your
we will make it right.
a Dress you naturally
Trimmings. We pay par -
these stocks. No store
es such a wide range of
nd our linings are reliable
) their shape and wear
u buy Kid Gloves it
get good. There
ny in buying cheap
ves going out of this
lepended on in every
low grade or poor
it place on our shelves.
spring are here, and
)otter an assortment
ree prices. All guar -
111.25, •1.50.
)-stairs of our store has
and turned into a large
e -Furnishing Department.
lest and best carpet room
country. We have stocked
e range of Carpets, Cur-
hades and Curtain Poles.
len exercised in selecting
has been bought for cash
urces-colorings and pat -
newest, and you will find
1, with values very much in
'ore have ckrpet or curtain
spring do not do it until
in our New Carpet Room.
your while to do so.
s, 121, 15, 20 and 25c.
25, 35, 45 and 50c.
►rpets, 75, 85 and 90c.
pets, 28, 35, 50 and 75c.
$1, $1.10 and $1.25
his, 25c to $1 per pair•
;n.,,.. 75c to $5.
urtaina, $4.75 to $6.50.
1, Cto $
$1 00.
THREE • A 8 e'
FOR (] 02n
. . .1902
YEAR 2877
Oooalt10.. Apr.9 . 1901
y all Wheat,
y Icor, tsm. cwt.... ...•_.. 2 10 to
trout. leat.-....--...• 11 3) to
Bran, 16 JO to
Shorts, l ton ...... 16 00 b
:Acrimonies, per eat
Ityr, per bush..
liuokwhe•t, per buab
Oats, • bosh ......,....,-.-•,
owes,. per bush
Hey. 0 ton...
Potatoes, p bush,.
1'beoee. per
n ags, trash sagela01L * ales_
Hides. ..•••--•••rmomw •••
Twin •••-••
1 -ire lions ........es.•
I,ree•ed Hoge
H.00n. .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ilam. per Ib.. .........-..
Lard. per Ib.
t tressed Beef. 011.4"
tattle, Export
1 00 to
0 55 to
75 to
60 to
00 101
20 to
17 to
10 to
10 to
Il to
60 to
11 to
00 to
50 to
12 to
15 to
t J to
00 to
60 to
611 to
Notioe of 'Menges mast be left et this
Officio not later than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
mast be left not b tor Mem Mon -
,lay noon. Casual Advertisements
sooepted so to not n Wednesday of
each week.
Tesrher of Fletcher music method. will re.
wive puplie es 0*, studio, above Mr. Neftel's
losur•ace omoe, Hamill ,n street For tutor
motion apply either at studio or at re "(dance.
SL Pstr0L'e strait.
Organist sed muelval director of North street
Methodist church, teacher of piano. Woe or
gas and theory Pupils prepared for all et•
smtastlo■e of the 'foronto Conservatory of
Munlc. Will be pleases to rewire appllca-
ttonsfrom all dove req tiring such Hiroo'.
thio at his new studio over Thomson's mu to
store, Iles of plan' for pratloe may be ar.
ranged for. 611
For Bale.
ulna wader osepeta etc- Apply at Tan
ft I,.•IL 011100.
I' eolith shop aad dwelling at Carlow, oono-
t. of Huron) with tools complete; goof d we'd-
ing house. ell rooms ntootry, wood shed and
ollloutbelldlsUS •'t complete and In moot
order. There are also some go.,d fruit trees
• •t0e pgertssa A good trade than always
beets dose. Te ms rrssooable. Apply to A.
A. YOUNG. Carlow P. U . or to W M. JONES,
as fieri•... 77 Im
r eft, !mews ao MolarsapplytoNOW..tC Distiller/ par-
r the west half of lot 15. eon. 7, West Ws.
wow.). comprising 50 to res Apply to HEN-
RY FOWLER, Dungannon. or to Philip Heft,
Barrister God.ich.
VOR SALK -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118. 119
. and 118 In Hutohleoc's survey. all In
pod.rto0. nor psrt(onlat• apply to
K•rH-tar. to., Goderich.
Merob lith. D00. Dot
For Rent.
1[l O .St ':00e
0 RKEtc
. To
rest iso t0• a.roerNT of nrnAoe sodHOUR\'ictorts
arrests, About five minor-• wall from the
Square. Apollo to N. W. NUTT, o
I Ing house. with Doe acre of land. in rho
town of Guder,oh. convenient t, the &Joao'. ;
good barmy priml....04 -owe Yoke fruit.
Apply to It. O. HAYS, narrater, .odertcb.
Rooms to Iwt.
Imp lrtan t Matters Consider
ed Last Thursday Evening
t■Mrlem Ropers (mei she Special A■dller
wlsrlN. that Varierle' are mot raring
t■Welot Tasea-t' accepts ■r. lar
•e.1.'e Ower Other testae...
!there would he nothing to go osbbut water
and .lwtr.o light ratty.
Hu Worship thou res 1 three iat.rlm f••
porta he had received from the syn. ,udi•
tor, which, though they duelved so extra-
ordluary'tato of .8.tt.. were dealt with by
the oouood with but little comment. Tae
reports, with the motioas passed In oonneo•
tion therewith, were se follows :
March 27, 1902.
M. O. C•m•ron, Mayor.Duk Sta.-10 my axomlsoies Into the
affairs of Oh. mooiolp.l1ty 1 hove dlscuver.d
that the Uoderiob Knitting Co. 1• 0. -
sidermbly to satyr with regard 'to •obool
tele+. The otroum•taoues are they :
0a the 29.0 November, 1895, as recorded
la minute of o•uooil, • oommuoluatioo was
read from Mr. R. C. Hoye, ••king that the
said Company he granted privilegee similar
to tb0 . eojoyd by other todustres to
tows. This oommunio•tlaa was retorted to
the •(•eeul 000101111,d,
Oa 00. 20'•b Deo•mber 1895, this oom-
mattes r.00mmoded to warm! "that the
request of the Company for ezempltoo from
taxes 00 'improvements, and fres use of
water for drink og purpose end 6,. pro-
tatioo, be gr•ot d for ten y.sts. providing
the Company employ on an ge ten
person' per day durlog the term. Kx•mp-
11055 to owes upon their not 000201710g
with they conditions."
The exemption took the form of • fixed
5 ,eat at - low rate, not to Inelude
tmprovetneh s then 000templtt•d• Udder
this arrangement, all taxes, iooludion
euto,l boxes, have been ,.id •ab year o0
an 505555ment o11400. 1 atm trfurm.d that
a fair asseesmetr now would be about $15,•
!t to not oleo th.t the mauotl Intended
10 exempt school axes, but if It did so
toted titers oan be iso doubt that it •x
oe•ded its powers. See R S 0 ,'hap. 223,
..o. 411, .blot was repealed 1n 1899. when
toe Dowers of e0000ils In 'nub motive were
stall larthur reartoted.
11 la my duty to o.11 your attention to
thug matter, sol to sea you to l0siruos your
others to tske steps to wllect the
as promptly as may be. Toe seeessor
should prepare a ■0.temwt tor each year,
booed upon s fair ....moment for such year,
aod deducting In 5auh rase the 1400 upon
whioh taxa+ have already been paid. 1
should be Bled, before • settlement is made,
to have the oppe rtunny of satisfy mg myself
that toe yearly m5
ms earl •eme
mese to bays been
o.loolated o0 • basis fair to the manlmp•lity
1 may odd that 1 base atrial, conversed
w ith Mr. Hay on this matter, and 00 Das
e lven instructions that all oe0es.ry in.
formation be levee se to Dost of improve -
moots aod the mars In which
Doty were
made. 1 am, dear sir.
Yours faithfully,
T. ti WILLtAMNON, Auditor.
Mr. MoK m movW, .wooded by Mr
Elliott, that the a....or be m511001ed t ,
pompon • statement for each you from lb`i5
100.10g the voter •esasment of the
Knitting Co 'e property It sccordaoe with
the report of the muolo.pel auditor dead
March 27, 1902, and promptly ooll•ot each
arrears; the ststeme0t to be first submitted
to the auditor. Carried.
March 27, 1902.
M 0. Cameron, Eel., Mayor.
DOAIO Sin, -10 my axsmte•ttoo into the
•ff.tre oI illi- maetolpalny, 1 find that the
Goderlob Organ Co. Is In with re
g srd to school axe.
Is the m notes of commit meeting of 17 h
Maroh, 1899, a oommanlostloo from this
Company is referrer! to, asking for ex,mo
tions from water meta and uses. This woo
referred to the special oommlttee.
to the minutes el 7th April, 1819, 1 find
toe lollow,■g : "Dour oommlttoo, h.vl.g
co0sdered the letter •44ress.1 to the oeun
oil hum the Goderich Organ Co., •d... the
oousotl to exempt the proposed new •d
dory to their Isotory from taxes. and 00.t
their movement and water rate rem•10 as
It is at promo t.'
The Company pays lull taxes on 16 000
I am whorled that the value which It plumy
on Its ow■ property is shout 523,000 The
•,teNore vain• it •t 150,000 to 560.000.
The oommitte• bed recommended that •
bylaw be prepared to cover thy" vamp
twos. but It does not appear that this was
ever done. The matter is further oomph --
rotted by the tat that 'hap. 26 of 1899.
whioh compels ooanmle to submit 111 pro-
posed exemption' to the r•tep5yery 515 as
'sated to on the let April, 1899, wh
the coucc.l did not grant theezemptiOS till
toe 7th idem. lo fa.ie of tits It would 5p•
pear that the 000004's at was ultra vires.
Sours steps will be nec.r.ry to remedy this
foists position.
Wherever m.y reel' as to the 1
t (les, there can b• no doubt that the 'oboe'
cal ueume014 have been sadly depleted
L le my duty 1n mill your attentto•t to this
matter, an 1 to ask you to tns'raot your of.
Hoer' to 11k• step' to collect the ear se
ear umpdy as pomible.
1 sm not, swats at what time the pre.•ot
owlet., assumed eontrol If It oa0 be dote
with juatlm, the as.esements would be re
vexed from that 4.te 1 sm, dear ear,
Your' feithtoiy,
T. O. %Vu,LI AMOot, Auditor.
A m.tlag of the town council was held
on Thursday •yeniog, In lieu of the regular
mooting on 44riday evening. AU the mem•
Mrs were prompt.
''-'be Moyer read a notification he
hat: removed of the •oouel meeting
of the (;oderiob Elevator Co. on Toes
dal, 810 lass. Tee t,wa to still a share-
barocolder of the Company, and Hu Worship
was authorized to represent the town •t the
Hb Worship elated that an agreemeos
had bey signed for the bulldtog of a new
G. T R station st Godertoh. He had met
the other day • number of the ofiluuls of
the railway, who were ID town for the
purpose of looking oyer the grounds and
6ziog tris Iw•tlou of the new building,
5oloh was to oat 112,000 end wit to bo
*retool at once. There was • smell pt•y
of land whioh toe railway ..ked from the
town, and no doubt the request would be
A letter trine R. Halmos, M. P , elated
that in regard to the .rmory m50ter the
Militia Department claimed that (.odsnob
offered to prov•de a room fur the armory if
the battalion armory were located here.
H• wit writing the Department so as to
gas an official reply.
H . Worship stated that $250 had .1 -
ready Mtn p.i 1 as rent for the armory
roam, ad a lea d.y. ago he had meds
another payment of $62,50, first, however,
memorise the 1lec0tio0 of an agreement by
Mr. DJolop th,t the town was to be let out
. t the sod o1 the year. Mr. Holm*, 4. 1.,
also referred to the vete for the comme-olsl
docks •e Doderioh. The resident engineer
hod stated that $6.500 would be neoeeNry
for this work, aod It had bey•rnsge1 that
• tote of 000
should be toore.sd to
thts •moa01.
A lett.* from the Pnvtooinl 9wretary
n otified the 0000ml of a meeting of the
Aseoclatloo tor the Yr.v.otloa of Tuberoul
nee to Ctoads, to be held at 0: taws April
17 an 1 18 The town was &eked to soil •
✓ epresent.tive The matter was refetrod
to Pb. @poo'el pommitte-.
Mrs. Cal•tou wrote the Jnuooll to regard
to her water ratty, and on motion she wit
. flowed • rebut* for two months during
whlo0 she was 555y.
The M.y,r informed the. 'waned tb.t h*
h ad
hod to e•ga • note iur 11.500, orders for
$1,468 tome, hyo 'swot for whlott there
were no funds to the batik. .1 he borrowing
powers of the town wore now 5110.80 ex
hewed they, w •r. Witton 11 000 of the
limit, and until th, axes should tome In
street at present occupied by L. N. [Awls
IN Iew ofi+ee' :., UI obangc lora 010.11 store if
s*cees•r7. Or rooms over Wei Cameron's
LKWl0.a front and rear Menus. K. N.
SPRING.- 1902.
We have • fun Hoe of fruit end ornamental
Ire., 'throne, e0•, All our stock Ie guaranteed
tote strictly first -oleos. To *wore the vsrl
.ties Ton woo. order. abould be planed early.
Correepondeooe whetted.
74 m llesmlller. Huron Co. , Oat.
Public; Notloe
All kinds of Speoanles anti E7eglaese' made
to order Spooled it -relation given to fitting the
()Mor' b7 mall promptly attended to. Be-
ware of parties rising my name, as I employ
0o l ran sitter move whatever.
S•tiif•etlon lloaranteed. Entab)'shed 1871.
tdsuranos. eta
6iltuatione Vaewnt.
U twos. t0lrteea 5.4 001... yeses of age.
Extra good
w & to
O..ersl Insurance Agent, Goderich,
Auction Bale
The undersigned has nwived instructive'
from Mr..1 T (aoldthorpe to sell by mobile
miction. 5t (undry's suction mug Goderich,
• tletnrtla7, April 19 h. 1971, commencing at
one o'clock p.m.. the following valtuble prop
err 7 :
710.1 -1300th !half lot No. 791. on Gmbrla
No. 2-Soutb half lot No. 622, on Albert
No. 2 North half lot No, 6"s', on Albert
No. 1 South half lot No. 623. on Albert
.tee. •-
On each of the oho," premises there re -
new frame house, •tory-and-s half, :1,27. six
or rooms, also kitchen. pantry. wash-
room. closet. etc. and • good .tone founda-
tion and cellar. The four dwellings are con -
ported .Iib the town water proem. This 1.
• .p enA IA oha0oe to secure deslrahte sod
01.24501e town property, at a revonable prim
and on favorable terms. as ell ore new and up
to date. and the Proprietor desires to mrr7 00
more extensive', other projects Any or sit
of three properties an be Inspected by intend -
Ing oireh••nra iron April 441 1*(. Intensive,
by contort on E Strsughan.
Term. --(0 per cent of the •pnrehaee money
t , be paid at time of Nle. the balenen avoid.
b' daysor arrangements
toe t+lanw Of purchase money on easy Motel -
I'roprla2or. Auctioneer.
NJ ANCI and real state agent. Moe. tee
finny. met of P.O.. 0oderloh. Agent for th.
leading motasl fire Insilra0m oompaotet and
leading stock oompanl..
Mercantile and manufactlt og risks t
ower rates. Call at *Sloe.
Accountant and Inguranoe Agent.
Ps sod amounts made up.
el ham. noted and reek eolleoted.
Insurance la British mod (`en■dtss
t(HS QI Pre feet t Hale *Mos, North
SURANCE and Real Rotate .1001.
PIM. Life, Amidoatand Plato (naris In.nranra
.Seem on mats•1 or o•e0 Alen at 105es4
arta , eon his.
He , English and Canadian eompael0 reg-
ret e1.
041 ,, nett door to (barrow Ic Darrow. Far
tear, Hamilton Htreet.
sad 0Mvlsu.. Omee la Rank of Com -
stems ba1MI.E, west Ude of Rclnare. Night
rile at r.•Ide,ee. Stein at. W.'Penne M.
Mortgage Save •
the year 1896 sod et watt year thereafter of
the property of the (.oderiob Sawmill
Company; this to be submitted to thew
smitten. Carried.
A o.rtifiu•te from Jame Youo., d
)Og the summer hotel, was to the afoot that
the value of the *root ions and the lauds was
not los than $:2,000. His Worship st+ted
that the mortgage had Mon mooed aod
•poroyed by the solloitors, but when the/
title/ was e.rshed some d
el,0e lo had bo
duoovered. The ■oltoiton, however, had
given •u uudsrtaktor that Mr. Uarrow, who
formerly hel4 the land, would guaranty the
Litho Mr, Smith .eked an &drape, of fifty
per ant.. or P1 000
A bylaw was passed author )tog the
Mayor to borrow money fur au it alvaoce,
under the special powers conferred upon
the town by the Legislature to 1b• Aot
repectiog t0• summer hotel loon. Tbep
the question arose as to who should pay the
interest on this.dvsnce durog the period
of three months or so b+fore the issuing of
the debentures for this loan. Ftnedy the
ettlemeut of tills matter was left to the
Mayor, Councillor 1'hompsc0, however,
e ntering • protest against paying anytbmg
over until the title was made sattdatory
The 00estwo of Mr. Coo:mote's offer ler
the public library was than brought up,
e evar.l members of the Ilbia•y board Wino
present in th. oonomitloo. Mr. Colborne.
of Colborne, & Burrows, stated that the firm
would not ratty any obstacle to the re
moval of their warehouse from the south-
west to the northwest porter of 10. property
to which It le propo.ed to move the market
to order to make way for the library build
mg. The 00000d then poised a motion
aooepttog the oo0dltloDs of Mr. ('.ro•gie s
ufier, teeing • suitable site sod 10e
m+mtanlnce of the building at • net of not
lee than ten per oe0t. of the grant.
The spool.' committee was empowered to
act In regard to the improving of the parks
and the appointing of a caretaker tor the
wan e
'(b• publio works ocmmittee was given
power to in rega-d to •eourlog • new
stoat sprinkler, Mr Thompson 05.105 re•
potted that the old Doe was dooe fur.
1'he same oommlt.e was •uthorizd to
✓ inare pricer fur the supply 01 three hood
red shad* trees.
The water and light committee reoom
tnendo1 that proem be obtained tor the
ply 600featnt 4 in. water-nistaDI e. one
. t • ow•eear
• th t h
bydrent and specials7
authority be given to obtain an electric
alarm ■yst.m Mtweeo the waterworks
building and the •taolp'pe, to Intimate the
amount of water to the standpipe and
remedy ovsifiowinl ; that the clerk be in
a dormers
werrs c ,' Cr ■
.tracreA to r.t• for p
Sod In the meantime one be parohaed from
The iiuron and Brace
Loan and Investment Co.
We are prepsrwl to receive Deposit.
from Trustees, Parente or Children, in
sums of from Fifty Cents to Three
Thousand Dollar*, and allow compound
interest, added every nix month. at
rote as agreed upon Cheques ere
given Depositors. leo that they may
draw upon thee, deposits at any time
3, 31 and 4 ler cent interest allowed
on i eppoaatte according to amount and
time left.
N,1% -Pursuant to • late Aet of
Parliament married women and miners
have the right to deposit aad draw out
money in their own name.
Depoeite can be went by mall at the
risk of sender,
Remove from your houses temptation
to burglars and food for the flames.
As the Company makes loans only on
first clash farm property, depositors
hie,. the strongest security for their in
1'ni.r and 9ar155nt to the power of sale
(oot..nol In a (orale mortgage hearing date
21.4wale to
A• ).gag and m
of Jae A. t IMR
tho Condors. these will he sold ey pohllo sue:
4on ot hnttoe'. Hotel. la th0 Town of Oode-
rkh, by John got, •s,tleerar on Tnaaday.
the 1Ah Ay of April. 1911, at 12 n'oloik n000 ;
the following property, namely, lot MS le the
55(4 Town M (Ondinieh,L9m this property
r5 n
A •
halt frame bon.; Omni •m also • an ether
n trove,
ed Bale : Tea per cent of pnr0hr1
money 1. earth, and the Wm an thirty Oars
For further parttoalare.l.ty10 tkd 150.
40(45••KINy0 7Rhev 'PHMIPyrHOLT
L64d Mr P111.k. U9fV'Nrs'
‘Vm Campbell, who was Apron perm!.
don to mask, stated in regard to 1hie m,'154
that there was provlsiuo in the Aot of 1899
that ne5otietloue going on .t the time of the
passage of the Aot and completed within a
*smith time their.•fter would not be effect
.d by the Aot No bylaw, however, was
poo• 1 by the council.
Oa motion of Messrs McKim and Thomp
sou the a.Sscr wit Inetruoted to onllr; t at
owe the arrear. of school )stet owing by
the Godenoh Or;an Co. , first submitting his
statement of web arrear. to the auditor.
Maroh 27, 1902
X. O. Cameron. Beg . Mayor.
This Compsity m pre pared to loan on
the shortest notice any sum upon find
clan;security. Terms are made to suit
borrowers. Straight loans and simple
-n F
particulars call at the Company's offlm,
sneer of Market Square and North
Streot, (loderich
Manager. President.
ITil. PROUDFOOT, Vim Prssi.IenL
I/1RD HTRATfr(OIA. J. M. Rnl'ERT',
FRAM 95 .loRDAR, H. 1)lei.nr.
WW. Peon MOO?. HuaY liowroe.K.C.
D. J. 1fAFfmr. rinsil }Io
Look out
for the...
Dom Yin --io the council's minatos,
under date of lit May. 1895, 1 find the
following recorded : "Commuolo51eo read
'tom Goo. Thome.'., to of the Ode
rioh Saw Mill Co., coking for remission of
taxes for a term of ten yen, alio for tree
water for fire protection. oro., oto." This
was referred to the special nominal...
Os the oro July. 1896, the council!
•Aopted the report of the oommietee "that
tbo taxos be 'remitted' as asked for." The
question of free water for fire prot•ottos
was referred to the waterworks 0ommltly,
with what result i .m net yet aware.
1t would appear that the 0000il, having
'rented et.mptioo, did not oosdder It
neoeee5ry •vn i to .114055 the (7os,eey. The
fat that tho mill is built on tlnverem•et.
teed may possibly have had something to
do with this. The assessor inform' m• that,
In 1899, he looked up the low slid found
that he was entitled to ream the property,
whioh he did at 12,000. The Comp•oy
again spoiled for 'remotion (ane minutes 6
Oat , 1899), whioh was rites' I es 1710
November. 1399-
Tbhl case requiter careful Invest!.
ration, whioh 1 .hall etre as soon as
•5 1 ovum from Toronto- It 1. .leer that
the 'Wool roses from 1896 to 1893 meet M
paid Tho r•ets.r had hotter furnish .
Iles of (air'•0emente on the property, year
by year, sod 0 wan h• d.eId.d 5050 wonld
h. a (.'r olalm naAer theolreemmta0ees.
I •m,
the Packard Electric Co. as agreed upon by
the Company ; that toe use of water for
t he bo len ot the Lek, Huron & M.oit0u
Mdlmg Co apps their agsei01 to t.ks the
water stiher by tooter mrseuremeol or by
the regular rote ; it by meter they to far
ash the meter ; that Me Sown.. re quire In.
.0 the matter of the •apply of w,t•r to the
l.ollequte Institute ; that toe clerk Acquire
into the water rate agreement with the
Grand Trunk ; test the afplioatloo of
Chas A. N.tro tor elsotrto light eervloe to
,;ranted and that the 0eceeeary wire. oto.,
be ordered. The report was adopted.
Eagles/ear Kelly submitted • report of the
water servo)* s1 the Cultegiate 1petitote,
whioh was r.Aved to the water and light
The ooaoctl tins adjourned.
ev.alag. Atter the opeolog hymn and •
well rendered visual duo by the Miaow
8y.10.., Dr. Daniel rose, .oil from start to
[tomb held the-tent100 of to. hearers ae he
*bow..) by taronial 000tr•51. the •demow
mode during the past hundred more In
. coma* and itiventloa. For sit thousand
yea's the world 1.8 slumbered, hu: with
the eotrenoe of the oloetee0th votary was
sabered in •s era of progress, sad, although
• d anormnut wit malts by *low degrees
after all, we were now Ilviuv In • pre.) aod
glorious age whoa men hod toasted to fear
the foroes of mature and had made them his
servants to do bit work, while he saw 01m -
self le his true pceui0a-• man, not •
machine, a lime, not a slaw. At the cloy
of the lytare tiro. Acheron moved a vote
of tb•ok• to Dr. Daniel, whioh was heartily
applauded. The nett and last of the series
will be on "William Pitt "
ULATII or PAT/1.15K L.ox -Death t.
slowly but •ur•ly olapmloy t0• old bottlers
01 Huron uouoty. The death of Patrick
Lynn, which 000urreJ 0o Wednesday,
April 2nd, took from us one of the oldest
and bat known moderato of the wonky.
For id* put five months the deceased, who
had attained his eighty third veer, had
oomplan.d of not tooling well, but bit tib
o ssa dol not aseums a erlou, aspect 001)4
about two months .go. The family phy•
swam was thou o.11ed to, but to spite of
medioal std end tb• unremitting attention
a lits devoted wife toe p.t:10t gradually
became weaker until death you'd. Mr.
Lyao'etiolated 00Dw10050es5 to the last and
o n tb• der ptooaidmg his de.tb bode his
family a last 1•rewell. Deceased was •
twit,* of County Mayo, lretand, anti was
bora Morrill 16144, 1819 lo 1831 he name
to Cenad• with his oerents and seven
brushers and two enters, who settl.l rear
K nottoo, On'. Only two of this large
family wryly. him : Edward J, Lynn, of
Detroit, Mirth , who is well known In the
United States, Cuba and Central America
.■ an •z Confeder•t• offto.r, lumbermen
anal miner, and who is seriously 111 at
peewit: and Michael, the yourgeet of the
family, who le the owner of the (.moue
Buena Vista ranch near can Joe•, Califoram,
Mr. Lynn's early idle was slant to the
tomb...'it to loess along the Ott-wa and
St, Lawrence rivers In 1846 he was
monied lea ostport. Iwede county, to
Mary Lyoett, who diad seven years later,
leaving thine
and Thorns.,
• children : James 7 h m
both oI Catatonia. and MrsJ oh0,
who resides sear Danbury, la. l0 1862 Mr.
Lyoo marred Jane Quota, and by this
osppy union thine were twe;re children;
seven woos -William, who as suporloendeor
of one of Kpreokel'• large ranches near King
. ; u •• Dennis,leoamwho Is
'.t 1 t rot
for h . brother William; John, of timid
Rapids. Miob; Pal,,, 41 and Joseph, of
Detroit, Mich.; Edward, of town, sod As-
tir**. who hoe been •tteoSnt to lege at
SAr.dwich-and 6 e deugbt r• -Kate, of
Danbury. I..; Mary and Mrs. 1) B. Faust,
of Detroit, Mich.; S seer Adelaide of St.
Joseph's 000van0, Loudon. Ont., sod Jenol.,
IIs lives •t home. In 1'54 Mr. Lynn and
family moved west and mottled to Morrie
town.hip. whioh was • wilderness at that
time. H• had trooy d.fftoulties to en -
actuator In the new oouotry, but his grime
ambition and hard I•tor crowned his efforts
with wooers. and the result was that be
✓ on had a oomforable borne and • good
farm whioh w*t excelled by few In the
county of Huron. He lived oo this farm
until 1882, when the t.mlly moved to Gode-
rich, where they 0688 wince resided.
Personally, the late Mr. Lyon possessed an
agreeable manner whioh won for him • wide
(circle of friends to town and tbrougbout the
000oty. H. was a devout Catholics. honest
.)o •11 buoys* transaction., • devotod
husband and • kind and loving father.
The funeral took plso• from his 1st* reel.
doom Buena Vista, corner of Welll.gton
and 8t. Pot risk's striate, o0 Friday morn
ing st 9 o'clock and prnwede1 to St.
Petat'• church, where • large number o1
e ,rrowlne friends gathered to wee the last
rites of the churob performed. The servlose
e t the church and gr... were conducted by
Ile•. Father West. The pall hewers wars
tour sons of the nece•.•d, Patrick, Edward,
Andrew and Joseph. and two nephews,
John and William Heffroo, of Blyth.
MISS CAMi'nrLL s DEATH -M re H. A•al.
C.mpbe l pawed away on Saturday •t the
home of her mother, Mrs. John Tott, atter
• long Illr.e+s of om.eumptlno. The de-
o.55ed wee twenty -lour years of age. Be-
sides bar mother. *ho I • brother, Keo
etch, of 1blo4o, 0 , and • mister, Mus Ka'e.
at home. The funeral took place from the
lemtly residence, William street, on Monday
%fter000n, the interment being made In
Maitland cemetery. Rev. Jas, A. Ander-
500, pastor of Knot onurob. 000duoled the
N rvlral.
avow of the shareholders of the (lode
rich Elevator and Transit Co , L'mlterd,
teas h+Id on Tuesday, There were pradot
.1 ()oldie, Ayr; M. McLtuohlto, Toronto;
N. Otranto', -Barrie; Henry Mooen, Koine -
ton; H, K Stout, Mitchell; John Hunt,
L-odoo; L. ()oldie, Guelph; J. Fair, Clio -
ton, widths following resident shareholders:
C. J. S. Nebel, D. McIver. fr., W. L
Horton, C. Shephard, J.me- Clark, A. Mu
D. Allan and H 7. Mnoero; also Mayor
Cameron. The meeting did not oonoto1e
its biotin's. sod adjourned for one month,
Years faithfully,
T 0. W11.11A181105, AnAlter.
Move/ by Mr. Thompson, seconded by
Mr. Hasler. that the assessor he le,trnot•A
M at ogee prepsom • •*stamaie shawls. •
fair ggspmsset *soh year fee sad I.sl.dl.R
£0 31.1C 84-10001. Boas. -The regular
meeting 01 the puhllo "Wool board wen held
on Monday •vewIse. TO* prteolpal'• report
showed an avatars •tten,l.noe during
March of 444 (211 boyo and 233 etr;sl, being
86 per omit of the number Garotted. The
work wee 1.•trut•d to prepare • roam
meodetton tor the late orl.oipal, Mr.
Stewart, to be signed by the oharman awl
secretary sed pryeted st the neer meeting
of the board. Th. oont ogent committee
wit inetruoted to ot'end to the Insurance
claim an eonoeottnn with ohm recent fire at
St Andreas ward school and •I•o to •
complaint of the 00.5011 ry condition o1
the otoe*W at lite central school. Aomao4
of Jos. Jardine, 18; U. A Humber, 13, and
Geo. Potter, $9, •.•e 91110.1,
Nominate Mayor Cameron for
the Legislature.
A Messier C..,e.U.■, In Nile of adeer..
- weal
Delegation Wean' ■r. lama -
era,. Defers Deckles•.
Th. heavy soows0orm o0 Monday was
*Dough to ruin the pros1,.oto of any meeting
sod anyone who did not know the tenter
of the Liberals et Wet Huron would have
• ep•uted • wry mowers •lt•oduy et the
m■vattoo oilled for that day •s Dasgan-
non ; but In spoor of storm and mold the
delegate gathered In full tome from all
o.ru of the rid405, some 0t them braving
the raw, blelo5 wind tor • dmtaaw ot
twenty moles or more. Every polling sub
division to the riding wit fully repre•eoted,
and In .444110. to the regular delegates the
woveotlua was evaded by • large Dumber
of Liberals from dittos -eat porta of the rid
mg anxious to show by their pr••eaw their
fealty to the oause of good govar0meet.
Tho.• who have •traded the Duag
000ventlo0s m th* poet bay• sew some
g reat gatherings, but we Wive Monday's
o•ppwl thorn all to •franchises .o4 in the
Totem** displayed In the buslo•es of iO.
Tb• president, Wm. Proudtoot, opened
the mooting, stating that It had boos mailed
both 5s eb• annual mooting and tor the par
pore of choosing • oandld•te for the sp.
prowling election to the Legislature.
The first nast0ee was the election of
otliwrs, whioh molted as follows : Prost -
dent, Wm. I'roudfoot, llod•rloh (re .leoted);
prat vlo•pretdent Morgan Dalton, Ashfield
('e•eleoted); •Rood v,w president, Jas.
Youoa. Auburn (raelwtd); timed vlos
presldeal, H J. Morris, Colborne (melees -
ed); ewreary•treuurer, Wm. Coate, Clin-
ton (re-elected) ; auditor, D. Itce•ryle,
Chairmen of polling tub-divl.loos were
then elated, se follow* :
Ashfield -No 1, A. Daher, Dungannon;
No. 2, Anson Finley, Metekioo ; No. 3,
o Aadrew, Lookoow ; No 4, J
Crawford, )'ort Albert ; No. 5, J. E. Salle•
van, KAog*bridge ; No. 6. Donald MuLeao,
Luoksow ; No. 7, John J.mlosoo, Lander.
Blyrb-No. 1, H. Mctjuarrle ; No. 2, N.
Glo:os-D F.
Colboroe-No. 1, W. Hill, 8enmlller ;
No. 2. J. Sands. Selelord ; No 3. Jos. Bell,
Codas ; No. 4, D Cumming, Dunlop.
Goderich Towship-Ne- 1, Joseph Mal.
keld ; No 2, Geo. Cot, Porier's Hill 1 No,
5, J. W. Yw, Holmesvllle.
Goderic0 town -A. Monodies.
W Angb•m-Abner Cosees.
Hullett-No. b, Ju- 8,usboomke, kilo
too ; No 6, Humphrey Snell, Loodeeboro ;
No. 7, ,lord Fmgland, Auburn,
Ease Wawanmb-No. 1, R C. Mo(low•a,
Blyth ; No. 2, T. H. Taylor, Idol ; No
3, John Sblell, W minim ; No. 4, John
GI leapt*, Wbttechorob.
We. W•wanoeb-Ne. 1, Chas. Ulrelo,
Nile ; No. 2, 1'. Radcliffe. Auburn ; No. 3,
Thom. White, !t. Robins ; No. 4, Alex.
S n•rt, St. Helene : No. 5, John Sheriff,
A debgstlon from the recent prohibition
eon von tion for West hurom. oompoeed of
Rev. 8. M. Whaley, St. Helios; Key. '1.11.
MoN•.r, Duog•noon ; R W. McKeort. •0o
i:. M, Elliott. Godertoh, was present to wait
upon the convention, and ah invitation was
eztendd to they hreotlem.o to platy their
wishes before the meetlog Rev. Mr. Whal
•y spoke first, aod attar thanking Otto 000•
veotlon for the ouurtey extended to them
he read the resolutions passed .t the 000vw-
tion of problbl0omsts to Uodertoh last Fri
day. (Thew resolatioo• ore publubed with
the report of the prohibition cooventloo on
pare 5 of THs SIGNAL this week.) lIr
Whaley made some [artier remarks In re
gard to the position of the problbltlonets,
ail Rey. Mr. McN.ir also spok.,'.far
whioh the deputation 5tlhdr5w from the
The president then mailed for nominations
for the Liberal oandldate f..r the rooming
election. and Ili shore or ter the following
Dames were propped : M. l:. Com•roo,
(.oderioh ; John T. Currie, reeve of East
W •weoo•h ; Wm Prosdtoot. Godertoh ;
Alet. Stuart, West W•wanoth ; Morgan
ot A.h6eld ; H. J. Morrie,
Colberoe; John N. MoK•czle, Ashfield;
W m, Loa•, Goderich ; 0. McGillicuddy,
Goderieh t Major W, M. Young, Cotter's;
John K•Ily, Blyth ; Jas. Young, Auburn ;
chair. Sawyer, (lnderlch ; N. H. Young,
Blyth ; J. U. Martin, Godertoh ; Wm.
floats, Clinton ; A Looe, Wlogham ; 1.A,
Morton, Wiagbam; Jas. boots, CI.Oteo;
H. H Cooper, Cliotoo ; Dr. Shaw, Clinton.
All the nominees withdraw Stmpt Mr.
('es.roo, Mr. Carrie, Mr. Stuart, Mr. Dal
coo and Mr. Lana. The balloting then pro-
e.ed•d and resulted In the ohotw of Mr.
Cameron, who was tee favorite from the
Mr. Cameron was greeted with enthuela
la cheers why he rose to address the ono
veotloo. Hs was unable, he said, to Hod
word■ to vote.. his •ppr•cwuon of rho
honor they had be.towM upon him. H•
hoped his candidature would be estld.otory
-n all. He was prepared to follow oo osn•
•..tont a temperance man as the Hoo. (1. W.
Rose, and he did not Ihlok It would be right
tor him to go farther. If prohibition were
to make any headway It weeld be with the
.upport of tho Liberal pert,, and the speak
r would follow Mr Rose to his temotrano.
p •hay •s well as to regard to the other
ul.nks of his platform. His was not able to
,ny definitely that he meld aroma this
nnmlo.tton, and asked for tan days Wore
.nnuaooing his decoke Mr. Cameron
Llo..d a heel hut admirable .ddr.s by ex
pressing hie confidence in the Worn of the i
Liberal Government.
R Holmes, M I'., said he would de
tbtng he o,uld to .gist Mr. C•m•ron
a. • supporter of the Hon. O. W. Rnee,
whose prohibition policy h• non.idered
remperasce man was hound to support.
Resolutions were passed by the oeeven-
(ien *tweeting ranfidone• in the Onarte
11overoment and In the oandld•te chosen by
the oonvsntlon In behalf of that Govern
mint ; pledging th• nnntinu0d support of
the Liberals of Wet Huron to the Goyim -
moot of Sir Wilfrid Lander ; conveying t0o
sympathy of the ooaventlo0 to the Hoe 0
W. )toss In his riven* berea,•moot through
the lose of his wife, and expressing gratifi
Ntlon at the elevation of the Hoe. .1. T.
U.rrow to the h-nnh of the Court o1 Aimeel.
The convention olw•d with ob.ere for the
King, Sir Wlltrld Laurier, Premier Ross
wad the osndld•te.
"So may men, so many minds," In most
things , but In tailoring so many men, so
many repetitions of the eamemind- Pridham's
for all fins tailoring.
Who le PRIK,'ILLA!
byme ran
sum of s se was lostsome A I W
to one of our et roots let week. The owner
can get track of It by 0511100.1 Tut SIGNAL
o's (511 to bur the bras. ban 1 and also
the string band from Clinton .t the Salve
tion Army Tnanday night. Everybody
Captain Fife and Lieut. Oke, 08i1er• of
the Salvation Army, who have been etstlon-
ed is God.ri044 for •omo limo, ars saying
good bye on Hu0d•v. April 13-h. Every-
one le invited to hear them.
Keep Thur.Jay evening, Apr 24th, open
for the entertainment under the anspioes of
the l-ollogi•te Institute L'ter•ry Society -
Geo. Fox, the celebrated violinist, and Mrs.
Kennedy. vomiter, of Toronto.
Mn. W. C Hutton, of Kzeter, who ha
been 74.1001 her mother, Mr.. Rusk, In
term, on Sunday eveolog rendered • solo,
"The K•eniog Star.' 10 Vtotorla st.
Mothodt.t church, and was heard with
maob 91.5.0,. by those present.
Copt. Norman Mr(.ulre desires us to ex.
proem his thaoke and those of the family of
his brother, the late Murdock McGuire, to
thou who were •ng.ged In the sear00 for
the body of the deoe..d, and also to all
others who en kindly rendered assi,tanoe
during the time of distress and trouble.
AT THR LAKR 71(45NT. --The first boat to
elder from Got -tench h.rbnr this Har was
th, tog Hes (I loon, (apt. Norman MoD,n
alA, wbtoh lett early &turd.), morning ter
the Dack l.land., oarrying supplies for the
flsh.rm•n. 0. Sunday the tug Thiole loft
tot South-mpinn, whom it will be engwed
in fishing darieg the m rasa). The toga Sea
Kies std Sea Oull .re ell ready to wart for
Sloth flat se soon 15 the weather Is favor.
able The solo Kolfa's, ('apt. John
A1nl)nealA, srrl,.l at noon .,o Moody from
Chatham, Ilgh', belay the Hr.tern v,I of the
.Nano ..The etr.0',dregs w5. wopeoted
In 0.1 snot at I1 0'11000 en4 the other
boat of tie Algoma Central Ilse. the King
Edward le ',sprinted to oomm.noe her tripe
immediately The time tab!, for this lin.
.111 probably ore to toe bands o1 the smolt
hers Meetly TAe folie. K•ahAle is
ready for era and will be sway Bonn.
"Swim. nt THg ClteTORT".-The (earth
el Df. D•n'M'. ',polar sortie •1 Irrtu,.e
was sej'yed by • Ialr•elpd E.dtasee Is
Nerfa•* . Methoilst 'burst' MO Maeda,
At the largest and most repre-
sentative Liberal convention ever
held in West Huron, Mayor CAME-
RON, of Goderich, was chosed on
Monday last to carry the Reform
standard in the ensuing campaign.
So far as ability, power of ex-
pression and knowledge of the po-
litical situation are concerned no
better man could be chosen. Mayor
CAMERON bas all the advantages
that superior education and a long
legal experience can give; he has
also run the municipal gamut from
town councillor to mayor of his
native town, and this coupled with
his first-class platform power
should make him a strong candi-
Mayor CAMERON has a strong
following where he is best known,
and the fact that at the last muni-
cipal election the ratepayers of his
native town, irrespective of poli-
tics. unanimously endorsed him for
mayor, proves that the wave of
popularity is with him.
Let every Liberal now get in
line so that on the evening of elec-
tion day West Huron will be found
supporting Hon. G. W. Ross and a
continuance of good government in
THE news from South Africa is not
of •cheering kind. Whet looks very muoh
like a reveres to British arms is reported
from Herta river, soil the sorrow of it is
that Canada mounts the loss of • number of
her sons.
True, according to the despatches,
Canadians gave • good account of them•
selves and showed how men can die teeing
heavy odds, bur that is not compensation
after all for the hears that mourn from one
mad to the other of this broad Dominion,
where RACHLL is weeping fur her children
and will not be oomforted because they aro
This terrible war, which was declared
ended by proclamation more than • year
ago, is .till doing rte woeful work. The
War Department still continues to bungle,
the Generals keep up the reo-rd for inoom•
potence, and the inferior oMoers sod men
aro eternally getting into every manner of
trouble that geographical conditions are ow
on to and Boer ingeneity can devise.
Meantime the Empire is being bled white
doth in men and treasure. 1t is • question
if Kiio uLN,.R is any nearer the goal than
was Ro,LuTS when he deluded the Bntish
nation that the (all of Pretoria closed the
campaign. Men and munitions aro stili
pressed into service and the hurry call for
four additional regiments of Canadians
does not look as if the beginning of the end
had been reached.
What is really wanted is that some dip.
lomat with beim; and heart -not • blood
and iron machine such as Krrettstelo-
shouln lea, sent to the scene of operations by
the British Government, with power to act
AS Right and Justice) should dictate, and
endeavor to settle the matter at once and
forever. Now that Cacti. RHODES has
poee«1 away, there should be less difficulty
in coming to an amicable settlement.
A11 the diamonds iu South Africa ',rent
worth the blood of the humblest Canadian
who ham did for the flag in that [seaway
W. are mole agent. for the king of silo
corns -the genitive .nd only "Oslo Baily."
0. IE KING, W taghsm.
WANTED -Egg- 12o. Firing your hatter
sod eget to W Ingham and gob that $50.00
parlor suit. O. E. KIN),
Ci111710e Or Bt ,utne.--J. A Wai.RLR b
back at hu old stand. the DOMINION CAR-
RIAiiL WORKS, 0101 a now ready to take
eiders for any new work and will alto do
•11 repair. w.oted.
SATURDAY. Apr 12th. Anotien solo of
horsy, eattle, harness, new and wooed hand
boggles, Nn , •t (iuodry'a •uotlnn market,
H.mtlton et., at . o'olook r. 0. Tno.
Gustier, Auotloneer.
FRIDAY, Apr. 18th. -Chattel mortgage
•.I* of goods old utensils at tit. premises
known se the Godarteh Brewery, oommenn
iag at 1 o'olook. Horsy., Larn.m, waggons,
and all utensils will be sold s.per.t.ly,
without reserve Thos MINIMA, Auotloe-
WEnvasnAV, Apr. .loth ---Clearing •wee
tt0s sole o1 householdiur ere t
furnl•hla e
n • residence an-
• deffects ether em e(Mr•. K Shim -
non Charoh of. (:eAarloh. 1.pythte5 le
nnmp•ratively new. aod will he sold with
netomesrv5, as Mrs. !Bannon Is learn,
(led.rloh. 'there will alai he fold two
fosforahle dwmllo.. Tilos. Gunnar,
- "Remember hoes" is written large over
West Huron.
-West Huron has Lever yet been oat d
line for Liberalism. -THE SIGNAL'S principles are strongly
temperance, but not "loony."
-SID. up Rosa and WHITNEY from - Gm.peranon standpoint, and then poll your vote.
- The politicians aro getting on their
warpaint, and some of them are beginning
to look gay.
- If some of our good temperance friends
would save their energy until the referen-
dum tit on, there would be a tetter chance
for prohibition after December 4th.
--The preacher who ham the will 0f the
Master at heart doesn't spend his time run•
ning around pulling chestnuts out of rho
tire tor ambitious political nonentities.
CART'S.. - le Oederl.h. on Raster Monday,
e1ebt0 alto to Mr. sod M will J.('
Mrs. sur
tar, • as.
WHITE. In Oo.i.rleh township, en `aoeday,
April Alb. Jae. Rohinaen, 51fe of John
hill Maitland 0•en metes, aged 41 foam
MINER. At Cblaago, Irl. es Monday. M••oh
51• latest see of W. R. •s0 Allis TreInee
-When you make • cast-iron contract
with • man it is because yon have little or
nn Oon6denos in his integrity. Minimize A
man's integrity and what kind o1 man is
--Mayor CAMnwo h•5 teken ton day to
consoler the advisability of /tempting the
Liberal nomination for Wait Huron. Wheg
then ten day.' probation is up look out for
hot 0lection news.
-The sudden death of TRA. A. WAa•
DILL, ex•M.PP., of Wentworth, is deplored
by tho politiciana nn both aides of polities.
WinTtEv .offera the loss of an •hie Ieuten
ant, and the Conservative party loamy •
stanch advocate, and many Liberals deplore
the paring away of 5 personal friend
-.IArEw Mroosst.I., of The Star, re
miv.d the Tory nmoinattnn at Smith's
Hill v-tarvlay, He hasn't yet .nlwursl,ad
to the Iemp•rao15 resolution of the Alli-
ance, Ant we expect to see ME swallow the
halt -honk, lire and sinker -and alley•
wards endorse W s1T,s7t', pslMy.