HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 88 T April 3, 11)2 THE`:SIGNAL : GODERIQH ONTARIO. Dress Goods and Millinery for Spring Wear. NEW clothes for spring are Natural ! Doesn't nature dress anew ? If not today she will tomorrow, if not tomorrow, then the day after. The Newest Spring Dress Materials are here in great profusion -Crepe de Chenes, Venetians, Bro.. dcloths, Cheviots, Serges-all prices. The Newest Spring Hats, ready to put on or trimmed to your order with the latest touches of fashion. The Newest Dress Trimmings, black,cream and linen shade, silk appliques. The Newest Muslins in Linen Shades, Linen Batistes, New Prints, Ginghams and Cottons. LADIES' WATERPROOFS. Oomptete range of a llers, sa•y, greys, blacks, $2.75 to $8.00 Is the new raglan shape. prices from We still give the Premiums on all Cash Purchases ---Handsome Chairs, Tables and Silverware. 0 " wIn' de w Ib sat lien's Bats, Clothing and Furnishings. As with the Ladies, so with the Men. When spring comes they must dress up, shed their winter coat and don the spring attire. We have the Newest Cuts in Spring Suits, and latest colors. The Newest Things in Boys' Clothing. The Newest Spring Overcoats and Sep- arate P gets. Bargains In 1•!en's Hats. See our styles, special lot, best grades, Fur Felt Soft Hats in blacks, greys and brown, regular $2.00, for $1.50 New Colored Shirts for boys and men, 50c, 75c and $1.00 CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. ebLUEVALtt. MONDAY, Mar 24tb. Mies Jessie Holmes ie 111 this week. Doff & Stewart skipped a ostload of rollers this week. Mise Amur Spenoe Is 111 this week with •osIe1 lever. Charles Carnios moved to his farm near Belgraye last week. Thomas Oorltes bad • very eaoo.sefol wood bee os Moody. James Bargees returned on 'atorday from Strathroy dairy o°hool. A carload of bogs were shipped trout this Mattes to Palmerton last '1 bonds.. Mb. May Davidson, of Wnzeter, was visiting her brother to Morris lest week. Mites Katbl.ss and Annie Swann are hose from Ferree vWtlog their parquets. Promotion ersmbsatlons were hold in the atheist Thursday and Friday of last week. Donald Maori* and Claris. Coultas, of Moleswortb, visited relatives here on Moo• day. Mn. Adam Cleethorn, of the Mineral* read, 1. Sok this week will Iofammatl.e e1 the lenge. Henry MOHardy bad the miefortns te Saye a nasty cut bnfLoted oo his band to the taw sill Doe day tut week. Aroblbald Paterson is away this week reore.eating the Rinevale Chosen Friends at the Uraod C0000ll mestl.g in Torooto. BENMILLER. TriADAT. Apra] 1. Oniraaay.-Died at his late reslde,oe, Maitland oonomalen, Colborne township. Huron oouoty, en the 30th day of Marob, John Roesler, an the Alia year of his age The deeea.W was well known in these part., having resided here from the time he left his Ism In London, Ont., some twelve years ago. H. never married and ender the oars of his bosaekeeper, Mrs Wblte, be breathed his 1st, The subject of this nettoe was born In Grenville pariah, In the Island et 'ferny, BngR.h Chancel. and was pesse.e.d of considerable wealth, derived from the sale of hie properties In that Island, sed as one time was the owner of a Jerre avant of land near the village of B.nslllsr TIe funeral, whaeh took plane on tbs let of April, was largely attended, both at the hese* tad at the Colborne osmetery, this testifying to the general esteem and worth et the deesesed. TM °sly relative present was Mr Pinot, from London, Ont., • amain. The funeral obsequies were oonduoted by th• Re►. A E. Shaw, Methodlet minister of the alroalt, and the poll bearers were Npbeo Butu, Peter Esher, William Dant, Thomas Gum, John Motiibbosr end Cheri.* Ohs. For several years the deceased had bees in feeble health and his meatal fecal Nes had two muck Impaired by s woke of paralysis which affected him to the last. SHEPPARDTON. Monte, Marob 3I. The following is a list of the mils pro. meted at ree.ot ,zaminatlon• : Pt. I :o Pt 1I. -Marl• Hawkins, Harold Bogie. Lind say Barrows, Vera Barrows. P. 11 to Seoond.-Daisy Johnston, Reggie Burrows Seoond to Jr.Thlyd -Wm. Bogie, Jae John . ton. Jr TbIrd to Sr. Third -Eva MoN ., Vera MoNee, Annie Young, P.roy Graham. Sr. Third to Fourth. -Violet Bogie, F.dgar Dougherty, Lorne Graham. T. M. UoaDov, Teacher. CARLOW TreersT, April DE Miss Fotberingham, of Braosfleld, rston- .4 te her home on Tuesday, after spending • orupls of wake yie111ag 1n Carlow and L•sbero. Ju. Hooper, who hal barn in (,Isysland tor a numb.r of year., returned lost week, and Is enraged for the summer as foreman ter Thomas Barna. Jou. MoPhee, of Detroit, was •typing bis mother Isere, returning tut week It is several years vino. Mr. MoPoee'e last visit te his .Id borne I0 (slow. A aslon seating of the cesgr.rstione of auburn and Smith's Hill was held o0 Mon day, resulting In • unanimous o.11 to th• Rev. Mr. Kemp, formerly of the Kootenay district but latterly of Toronto. Mn. R. Heodersos, of Hamilton, i. .pending the Ea.t.r neuron visiting argoa)o tepees around her old home at Carlow and in Auboro. W• are pleesed to know that Mrs. Hoedown is meek Improved in health. Harry '1'ewdey leaves the old home this week It le his intention to go west about the middle of the present month. His sole en Marob 2401 was ons of the largest and moat suoow(ol to tib1a notion tor • good many years. LOYAL. Tttg.DA,, April 1. There are many westing sad tarns this week to our neighborhood owing to tr.. do. parlors of our youog men Inc th• North. west. Henry Green has rented hie farm for a bomber of years. and his sale of farm .took More New Wall Papers. EVERYONE Likes, and we have been Enjoying the friendliest kind of in- terest in, our New Wall Papers ever since we commenced showing them Another large shipment just passed through the Customs. It is Fine in Texture, Original in Design and Bewildering in Variety. The floor may be carpeted, draperiesmay be abundant and beautiful, but without a background the effect is very poor. PORTER'S BOOK STORE Our Telephone is No. 100 B. (Inert. House Naar*, (indetinh. sad Impl•se.N lake. plaoe tomorrow. April 4. U 1. Moylee has made quite so mprove• a eat Is frost of his .tors by oaths, it Wire', sod ed it number of loam, to draw gravel oil Monday l••4. R the t N•1 on, after two years' tontines Into, hu sold his farm and is now nerd us 1u Uod.ries. Mr Wt •, of Ooderloh, who has puroba . 1 :lis 1.1m, tuck pee.ssleo 61.ndey last. _ LEtBURN• Mo,uaT, March 31. Mies L. Horton spent Easter at Strut lord. Mr. Foley hes bad his hedge trimmed •loos t1s meld road. Was Mary MaoMaous returned to Gales hit's, Dakota, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mudd, of Beam Iter, were 1h. guava et Mr. and Mn. Zsiloot at Birch - view farm o0 the 2211. Early plowing was engaged in last week by toe farmers around here. This year oor freed Mr. Zelloor did the Ent 'owing of grato, ahead of Mr. Mcebr, who hu been the Bret for the put taw years. This year Mr Z. sewed oats on the running of the 27ab. PORTER'S HILL. Moen,Y, Mar. 31st. Mtn Freak Melwllaod lett for Ditrou on Saturday. Mise Mabe) I'toot, of Uedulob,ep.ot Su• day it S..wait MoDougall's. Mr. and Mus Walker, of (.otralia, are goose of Mus Crowle Elliott. D.yld Elliott is engaged with R chard Porter, 4 b 000., for the summer, Will Ws•i0, and Diok MaLellaod sent to Sault Ste. Marie, s.tob., oo Monday last. Mn. Morgan and two daurbters, of (Joderlel, are visiting relatives in Ible ylaol y. Fred Merges bee again started his groo cry waggon. D. D. Willson's egg wagon limo every week to the eters. DUNLOP M,,.pay, March 31. James L Tobin. of the Free Prose aeff, London, .pent I,aeter ben with bl. rola Ryes. Mr. sad Mn, Ches. Speer., of the Huron road, Goderich township. were the guests of Mr. and Mn. A. A. µ'111l.,0. en Easter M ond.y. Oar college of Isomer closed on Than• day of last week for the Easter holidays. 1 he pr.oeplraw, Mies Cooper, went te Clinton for the 'wattled with relative. there. '1 esd.y of this week quite a gap in oar moist Ciro'• w1)1 be made In the departure of Ju. 1'000g, jr., who Waver for the sail. Ing season on the waters of the upper lakes of Canada. He w1)1 oe to the engineering department of • large propellor. The closing week of March saw plowing to full motion on the meaty farms In our section Albert Quaid and Wm. Tobin turned over the Bret tad 00 the peep of day oo the 26th aut. W. F. Young, a lading former o1 Loyal, was also on the hustle sod s /wed the brit grain on the 27th. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Br.akfes: banns. pork rolls, and ohole* bulled bum at STIMAar s gruoery. A VO parlor telt given away with a $2 parcel of grinds. Call and see. G. E. Klt.u, .V to Khan,. Purchase your seeds from ',Tits% ART. 11 • 11 .1114 H. will advise you a• to the beat varletiw to sow. IVs loo sole agoutis for the It taw of ole cores -the genuine sad poly ' Osie Balla: U. K Kinn, Wb4bam. TutIAaouiaae -10 000 bo peekag. Meek 10 peekages tor Ms. Clover, timothy, • pelts, coos* wheat, e0.., for sats. Liao. E. KIND, Wlogbsw. Oyster., always fresh, at the old reliable oyster house, Motor's Restaurant, Wrst- e t., to bulk or served all et tries. los Dream, fruit, oonleotloo.zy, claws *to. O. BLAC0• NTVNE. 1•o THE Laine.-Aarut'a SNaiIL, pater hanger ant d.oerator, Is In lows at the British Erobosge H.,.), mins Isere nose of wall paper., and le prepared to take onus twit, for w.Il papenor sod house (broom, - log et ressonable priors. A,,uoe ooat.m- plating hawlae Well papering dons should inspect his wimples. Paper hinging .ad decorating a sproialty. J. W. SM1TH wishes to announce that he is handling the celebrated 5 STAR brads FLOUR 3 STAR •f•••• made by the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Co., and is prepared to fill all orders promptly at the following prices for Sear CASH : 5 Star Brand, $3.90 bbl. 3 " 44 3.60 ee He will also handle the Kee- watin Flour. J. W. SMITH, East Street. Militia order, reoeotly lathed slag, notioe Paper of the granting of the °clouts' auzlliery'QJforces long service model to the following members of the 33rd regiment . Sergt. J. MoMath ; .Sorge. Major S. Mola•tb ; Sergi L. o. Corpteo ; Col steprgt. As q, obi , ijeIIllllOuI. Lance torT. Haoketep 1b• formatloof the Goderich Township Rifle As'oolatios, with bsadgosrar• at God.rtob, le author's ed. MARRIED. CURRIR JERVI8. At the reeldenor of P. Jervis, father of the bride, Ooderloh town. ship, on Wednesday, Marob 26th, by Rev. J. Raesar, M. Nellie Jervis to D..1. Onrrt•, also of Oovler'oh township. WEBB-sTRRL)L-At Bt. Peter's, by Rev. fr. West,on Monday, March 31st, May Steele to James Webb, both of Gods/doh. DItO. ROBRRTB - At Beeforth, on Good Friday. Maroh lktb, Robert S. Roberta. aged 66 years and 6 months. NOW Flour, Provision and Seed Storer I have opened out the store on HAMILTON STREET, next to T. Hall's Shoe Store, with a stock of all kinds of MILL PRO- DUCTS, BREAD STUFFS, BREAK- FAST FOODS, SEEDS, etc., etc., and respectfully request a portion of your trade. I am agent for the London Stearn Bakery, and will deliver Bread to any part of the town. Leave your order and my wagon will call at your house every day. Best brands of Flour, includ- ing the Lake Huron anti Mani- toba Milling Co.'s and Star Mill products. BREAKFAST FOODS a specialty. SEEDS for Field and Garden. CSA callsolicited. W. P. WESTOBY, Hamilton Street. 2 dozen Samples of TAPE"TRY PAPEN.S from 10o to 35e. 50 Semple. of INURAINS, all abodes and colon with o•Illog and b,rder to m.l ob. 100 Samples GILT KMROSSED, ern oon•eotlonal and floral designs. 2 dozes Sarnplu WASHABLE TILE PAPERS for bath room or kitchen. We tan thew you a larger nag* of Sample@ than you can see 1n a °Ity like Toronto. let as prey It. We hays also some of the prettiest bre papers, imitable for bed rooms- " DAINTY DESIGNS." W• take the cootrain to do your 100m. W• have just r•oelved a 000■lgom,nt of French Organdie, Crepe°, King Ed ward, Mottled Bond, Royal Velvet, Ye English. Sloe Denobe, and other most fashioeabl• Note Papers and i.ovelopam. KIDD'S BOOK STORE, Goderich. FENCING T WILL SOON BE HERE 1 M°KENZIE cf HOWELL Have made heavy purchases of all kinds of Fencing Material to avoid the wire famine like boat year, and buying in quantities we get better prices, so we can sell cheaper. We are therefore prepared to tell extremely low. We will sell and PUT UP THREE of the Beet Fences Made. The American Field Fence. We sold over 4,000 rods boat season. The Frost Fence. Made of No. 9 roiled spring wire and No. 7 upright. The Gun or Carter. Made of No, 9 coiled wire and wove with galvanised wire. We are prepared to sell either at store or put op by competent builders We have a very low quotation on Manure Forks of the beat grade. 11'1 cKENZI L & HOWELL THE PLA(7R TO RUE ALL HARDWARE CHEAP Veep Your Feet Warm at Night A Hot Water Bottle--• W1Ll. DO IT We Have Them-• FROM THE CHEAPEST TO THIS BEST. F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS r. Owner of West et.and the square. Cloth Top. Amors gas THAT THIS 5 BRANDIED ON wags aNOr W. HURON LIBERALS The annual meeting of the Lib- erals of the West Riding of Huron will be heli at DUNGANNON, ON Monday, April 7th, 1912, at 1 o'clock p.m. In addition to the regular busi- ness of the meeting, the conven- tion will select a candidate for the approaching election to the Pro- vincial Legislature. Each polling sub -division is re- quested to send delegates. W. COATS, W. Pt0UDFOOT, Secretary. President Light as A Feather They are justly footed for their stylish elrgauce, superior fitting qualities and up-to-date styles. A thoroughly high-grade shoe of unusual merit at a sensible price. All styles -from the light and dainty drew shoe to the most substantia/ street boot, ONE PRICE $3.75 Very Dressy. Exquisite Styles, Bole gent In Qoderleh for Walk -Over and Queen quality, E. DOWN/NG. ^8uooessor to P. T. HALLS AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sale bilis printed at this omue will ase a tree notion inserted to this Ibt oo to the Goma sales. THrsotao, April 3rd -Auction sal. of brewery pleat and Saturn at the "(iodenob Brewery." at 1 o'olook r r. Tune. (.cN- DRT, auctioneer. 1! 0.1D0Y, April 4th -Auction sale et farm .Ccek sod Implements, also a quantity of household fortifier*, at south halt lot 9, 000ewloD 10, W, 1). Coition's, commstloiog at 1 o'olook P. M. Haar Lazo., proprle- 0.r. THOMAS Ue.D.T, aoottosear SATr.DAY, April 511.-Usreeerysd sous tion ,tile of stook sod fixtures 000tained In the Scut, feed and seed .tor• lately cou- pled by T. J Vmu., Kut street, oom- menoing a'. 1 o'clock. 'IRON. (luNDtcY, auotlonser. WZONE1DAY, April 9.1.- Uaresrvdauo. tlos sale of the farm stock sod implements of the labs JOYES Tucat.ou. at lot 9, 000 1, tioderick towa.hip (21i alio south of Godsl•b), oommwoine at 1 o'clock Mrs. MART A. '1 ural.uw, •dministratriz. T GUMMY, so. tioCwsr. Von Enter pa a.og•r traffic in and out of Goderich was very hoary thle year. RivaawNu THE Faorc MARRS Aug - An inter•eting point In 000neotlw with the Fruit Marks Act Domes up 1s an appeal entered by Khoo James, flu Taruet° fruit marabout., against the dee recently Imposed opoo blm by Magistrate Denison for so lo. trlogemsat of rh. sot. Toe.ppell.nt points out that ten b.rr.l• of Ih• apples to quire `Don were held in storage, and were sot b• leg offered tor sale. The other eight her. tele, he Mame, bad beth overfaced but were rebrsnd.d at th• outer col, and the orlgla. al brood scraped off, making the breaded teed, or what apple see .0deselsad as • taped end,•onsid.rably Warier to the op. potato earl. Magistrate Denison held that either end of th• barrel was the face, but Dile. Mr James says, Is never odmltted by apple d.sltre With regard to the ten b.r. relit hold Is storage, Mr. James holds that until they were offered for sale they were not liable to One. 11 the magtsttnte's ruing is upheld any largerrower packing his fruit }, r storage to the orchard load Intendlog subsequently to reoack for export mint be held heti!. to a Hae of $1 per barrel out the .•Iran pack. In many ssasoa. 100,000 Mr rats or. stored to Corrode, sad to the hate to get them under Dover are pocked is s burry, sad should Col. LMoI'on's decision bold the badness would be • dangerous one. TU&ITNai se. SS . HODGENS BROS. Ind wee W4.T or ■aMILTeg IT. Good Goods Always. WE want to emphasize the fact that goods bought here are good. 1f we know it, no unworthy qualities find an entrance to this store. The selling of good goods only is one of the corner stones of this business, and a part of our business policy that is rigidly adhered to. You can depend absolutely on what you buy here. If at any time things do not turn out to your satisfaction we would like you to let ua know about it and we will make it right. A Great Dress Goods Stock. We would like you to get better ac- quainted with this Dress Goods stock of ours. It has been, gathered from the very best sources. Wherever good Dress Goods were to be had we looked for them. From Eng- land, from France, from Germany, and from the best Canadian mills we have drawn our supply. There is not a popular material or color missing. Weave, dye and finish are absolutely correct. You may rely with con- fidence upon Dress Goods bought here. They will be right in every way, and there is a better assortment to select from than in most stores hereabouts. We print a few price hints that will give you an idea of what we are doing. Plain Al1.Wool Serve, 1u11 36 inches wide, w111 give ex oelle.l wear, 10 oavy, brown, green, cardinal, oink, Dream, pale blue and blaok, per yard. 25c. 30c. Alt. Wool Vlgerosat, 36 'oohs. wide, good weight, salt able for waists, dresses or skirts, to medium, dark and bine grey, per yard All Wool Cashmere, good 'relight, silky Solon, 44lnohes wide, very mooh wore tor w•late, In *bade, of .0y, pink, old roes, (Helical, Dream, navy, per yard...... New Colored Lostree, 44 to 46 Inches wide, bright silky finish, to pink, sky. navy, cream •red blank, per yard 50 and 75c. Wool Crspelene, • light weight all-weol material that makes • handsome spring or summer costume, In fawn, grey, blue sod brown, 44 Moho. wide, per yard All -Wool Amazon Cloth, good weight, nrigbt Eni.h, soluble for tailored suite 0r repents skirts, to oavy, red, brown, grey, fawn, bl.rk, wil give imminent wear, per yard 50 and 60c. All Wool Voiles, • light weight woolen m.f•r1.1 ler summer wear, 44 Itches wide, In halte of grey, lawn, bloc sod black, nor yard 50c. 50c. 75c. All Wool Wh;p (:urd, 40 Mahn wide, will make • sly 11.6 and servlo.ahi. volt. In n•vy, lawn, rr.y and Mack, per yard • 50c. (trey iNR.tis, all pure wool, good welght, very►ult•bls Inc elderly 1.dle., will not carols the do.t. 1s medium and dark ,Asch, epeeist value, ac per yard 50C. All Wool Serge, Whys weight, hard .orated Rolsb, will not catch dust, "Priestley'.' make, mak.• capital skirts, 44 toohes w1d•, epeoial value, •t per yard Broad Cloth Suiting., toll 50 t.54 Inobos wide. all wool bright fin eh, rood wsieht, ie red, fawn, blue, brown ! and blank, per yard ,D1.00 Fm• Snitinge, all shsdes,tw.ad cloth finish, U.met..hair and plain ninth., no Iwo.Lk., per .sit.... 16 and $7 54 lash Homespun, all pare wool, will glue 'toenail wrar, Mack or gray, .0H. spools' value, p.r yard85C. 54 Inches Wonted Serge, hard t.wl.t and helsh, made from pule selaot.d yarns, will Hand no end of rough wear, geed weigh•, does set require hsing, Meek slily. earn sped*, value, at per yard 85c and $ 1 All h Wool Vases i 46 !soh** avid.. 75c• 11 and $1.1 a he* qualities is Neske... , 50c. April DESIGNER and PATTERNS Now in Linings and Trimmings. When you buy a Dress you naturally want Linings and Trinliuings. We pay par- ticular attention to these stocks. No store in these parts ;tarries such a wide range of Dress Trimmings, and our linings are reliable qualities that keep their shape and wear well. KID GLOVES. When you buy Kid Gloves it pays you to get good. There is no economy in buying cheap Gloves. • Gloves going out of this store can be depended on in every way, for no low grade or poor quality finds a placeon our shelves. New lines for spring are here, and there is no better an assortment in town. Three prices. All guar- anteed. 51.00, 91.26, 91.50. A Brand New Carpet Stock. The entire up -stairs of our store has been remodeled and turned into a large Carpet and House -Furnishing Department, It will be 'the largest and best carpet mom in this part of the country. We have stocked it with a complete range of Carpets, Cur- tains, Window Shades and Curtain Poles. Great care has been exercised in selecting the stock, and it has been bought for cash from the best sources -colorings and pat- terns are the very newest, and you will find the qualities good, with values very much in your favor. If you have carpet or curtain buying to do this spring do not do it until you see the stock in our New Carpet Room. It will he worth your while to do so. Hemp Carpets, 12, 15. 20 and 25c. Union " 25, 35, 45 and 50e. Pure Wool carpets, 75, 85 and 90e. Tapestry carpets, 28, 35, 50 and 75c. Brussels " $1, $1.10 and $1.25 Scotch Curtains, 25c to $1 per pair. Nottingham ;";;;,,.. 75c to $5. Swiss Lace Curtains, $4.75 to $6.50. Blinds, 30c to $1.00. Curtain Poles, 25c to $1.00. HODGNs�BROS. C3 0 ERIOH. THIS w TH FIFT' THE WEI ran Wheat, r icor, faintly, rtour.poteol .a Hr, ton... [thorn, V ton twenties*. p Rye, bus uokwbbsat, Oats, r both t'•.a, 9 bath. Harter. per bi Har. • ton. . 1'u'aroes, a bi Sults. 1'becte. net 11 Hats, teeth amu Hides. -. I.1,0 Hors ., I tressed Hogs. Hoon. Ham. per lb,. wa rD� .e Dreamed Beer, ('acts, *reset •O dlw TO Notice of Office n (10cn. mast be lay be accepted each wee MISS co 1 Teacher of wire pupils tosur 00s motion apply 8t Petr•bi. W. OLE Orgaa.let sad Met hodlot oh gag and tbeo amination* o Mimic. Will none from sl Doo •t ilia n• store. Use o raoired for. OD Pal tins he H4.aat Qm L1OK MAL r mob eh tag of Huron, in house. alfn lontbalidi order. ne •rte bees dose A. YOUNU, amt P sml•es. L'OR SAL r ertr bee t'od'ay. app LM)K SA T tbt wort motion. iso RY I'OWIR Barrister O l(rORSAL i' and 1 Oodertoh, March lit HDUSK rent on attests, A Sloane. AP street flk) LET Ing bon town of Ood good barrio Apply to R. rpo REN street es haw oM eecegary. store with LRWId, We have trees, elm to to strict *Hempen w Carrespon rem PROF. Maxi r All kind to order eye. Orden b wan of pa 00ln% ells 'lath ast :S1 RICH 1HAy, ANC 1 nor rest le.d lug m leafing s Msroant owest n 51•A IMnke Hni1d1 r!r* 1 Compsni. UToe-- Oest O j. rim Li . !Noted o ata , 14. i 4. n gee M. Ula Da ban M ruder e1,ntam he 21st the rend bon 01 rirh, by IM 15th the fon esidpoy,, h if Its frnit tsar Terme moans i ther•ar 4 Par f tb20 r