HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 7NOK' NO. 14, 190-D stiolltltaa CHANCKa. ---T - aatf ►'Olt itVAL IWTATr. Olt 141.4 ue. , rt- rlalitr wIto" it 1.. Stud dra," A wad ,i.r,J priav .ud [et Orr 144-1 fur 1. r -.h I.n. i1Ne"t iFbaurt. old lu.,y til Ckaryaby, 'If rt W'All, Cau4d4. Pa rKNTB. _� ATHN lit l'AY6ATI l'BA I,I, 11.— etc. Noor or fur•Iarl 1ro'ured 4ud n-. iLad. Iluuklet w, 14t.ot, free. Thn p ,,at, rbante and /r„a.tu-nut t'omlwby. 1"%,,.e Ildlp@, Toronle. 4I BUICK STOHk TO hrNT THE ItEh;• u.,}prruer Nand 10 B- u.aNa AP It ,„ It +trutaer,ti London, Dat. Ira Wluabw's iaahlaa Ny wyV ,huuld ,my. be rand fur t'btl.lren Tn &'o-,• Il the Ihe child, .,true. l he y uu,•. cam -iWl ie wad a. the tru,t retweely tw Uiarrhe.. vet• %%ANT Tie BUY A VAN%I 1`: Wwwru OuL,tno. air city of 1•ord"u, - otrban pratry•rly, writ,• raw oar 1Nuit,l 11.(: a..11cndid tmtrraiu.. WV.tr ra Itatl I:., •,,, /ERY -LO RATE S Every day duri ng tae mouth. „t arch and April, IDOL•, the i ,, , WIFIC will sell Cblontat 011,1 „,1 A040 At the followicag rat,•. , FROII, Ylasouul MIVKR `20.00 Tr ll@Oen wnA map Lake City. 20.00 to Butte, Au... .. Mad Helen. 322 50 Te apukame. X22.50 Te Pulete o w i h, U►vat V u rl I, e . . )., apokaue to woa,.teaee Iuc.,.1. unlisatuo sod apokaue. 625.00 Te Pelat, ea t:,,.. Ile►tle.re Ny..w.n. r Weaalekee via lluullaalou .,,n pohaae. 625.00 ro PertlaaA,l.,.,m,. and %eatil. 626,00 ..A.h,l.ad,4 , uA lutrrn-p..t. 'olate. Isclodlna Itr4nch Lie,. „4 . P. Co., south of Portland, vie 'ortlama. 625.00 To Man liroo-i �o. Loa Auaelre .-A cher Callferala Polios. FulY�lafovmallon , (keTft.I1% ria Wted on appilt:ulbo to G. G. HERRING, G.A., IY8 Woodveard Aerea-, Detroit, Irhk. ,ban its Weakest Link ��l'rtka■ its Upright,. Nn erne 61Wuid cap., / Dance w haW up m v- bttvaecfe aha Iwai•. The F,o�t rant; ht w, -r• a e Ir rSc .nal .rrows.'II,- res• i I,oclt Ir,lde these NIn P rt and rtrh aut•l+.•rt it♦ n .hare of the Wright. 1.iRht tie wool, vs fro support. Bending l., I.r eraken. them and they are top, 1. weak when the vtrain i+ ooev.•rr. Frost Fence llr ver break.. W'dt• for Cateleteme. ■ IMIT[O. Wg�LAND. owT. rhlrk it ovrr wile', 1011 pan,' y'nr i,nn+e• It mpnnr res Int. Bn) t' • I..t p,1t•itt lou Can g,•t . {aunt- -.., n well , motel nn n reptitatk, , � "Iy y,-nr' s1nn,Ung. But• RAMSAY'S PAINTS Tier test grr',ml, the purrat r•,I"rN the irtrnngeat oil, mad-• to Iw,u�' '► ilia• h(n,mp. to preserve lt. to 1: e It n stand uniolwat Its n,,igl,t .r. Tliere to tie%er Anvtfting, Oinl-hf :,Mint n hetiole palated with I .,m may'. PaIllts. lirvop ns n enrol rind ark f•.. It(1nhI4.1r NO. 11. 1 lwlF . slwawl•lg Conte Of heautdul I'mp. Yeat a blt"heel 1842. A.G. B AMSAY'S SONS AfhYTRT-AL. Paint Lok •r 5E, MONTREAL .o Ji A I, Sl�OR i'. ATA OG [1 E C L i'RA 110NS (IF cold Requisite EE Aoo�e�ss PLES ; vent art often as desir- n to Mail Orders. CO., MONTREAL NO HOOPS. 1 NO JOINTS. NO SP.AM4. YS NOL EA K S. RATED FIBREWARE imperfw to the amts ary artlele/ for baa/stle e@a TRY ThL4. alewa, Ii — -_ - – _ _ --' --- r ill o uu �f the WuukL erre ingUM v' cwt+, "Jim re t1or h A radar p! yrtar CECIL R N 0 DES I S DEAD. t1E PEACE DELEGATES will ar be it an . fur brlutYllg gain pest rs. for hnr, its after a few lice war la ni cud. THE I N QU ES minilem Mra �Ittlrl' 1110. 4h@ to fr un T Unni ruuuw'ugewaut, buwevsr, Ir rt+axl wJth her tiarrvativu She hod run deiYvexl irom taw wtnduc:l of aUtetat dlrrt•tly utfula to llr TaHir room. dt-Aare ncgutlalfuur. A lung u:bin %llrwt titin, ant told wlwt Dtynn Iwd d„•imitub Irum lord Mlluer reached 0 N JIM QUI ertkl, &al rhe Only Tomewbored w•elug )i a LOOKING FOR STEYN. !de 'hawhoer"ht ui Culaun�Uf- r tilt- roll p+wt In hall twfure The Great South African I lSS(d Away Ilco ei.telda It war evident) u! Mike falutnd, Like first lwpurlauiee, fur wpled were - .- Mrs. quirk war quustluu r to her U -day mtule by euutWrutlul clurkr null wtil hLMAM*W'■ 111rurienc auJ d thorn - by rixmilal mel+reugerr to Mr. Ar- wur $1'_.500, but ouul I not me"dic"s thur Balfuw•, Uoveratuet leadter u! His Wife and Partner Give all thebompunkma. Her husband had . tie Huume of Cutuwc►u@ ; Sir MiChael Elven her u V,000 policy In the Home 1 r fen Thousand More Troops t0 be Hicks -Beach• Chancellor of the Ez_ C'trelee flu• horretf anti two ellil,lrr•lc, Cape Town, March z6—Cecil Rhodes is Dead. lhequer; the Maryut. of Lnuadow'ne, Their Evidence, unit a $,11110 pulioy he the F.xcelrlor Vorelgn Secretary ; and the Maryut. Lift- far heree[f. echo did trot know to Cape Town, March 201. -Mr. Rhodon at Eton, &till until recently tour to ' of Saferbury, Ptiwe Minister. A oupy whom the other {olblas were amid-, diel peataeefully at 5.57 p m. He slept I commeak' Of Uo feet (}(oyul) Drn- Sent to South Af acne war ulw rent to the Duke of Devwt- - 1"tyabi% .luring tit- afternoon, but bis torrnlh- l kouns' He returned receutly Matu- rhire, the Llbnral-Uuiutafst leader lu Julur To„Ir, 1 he Partner. lu Deeame more dif0cult, Doff tits I a d admi tai +eke llr. limew,u'r ter of the Mwlrtry, who Is is Parts. 'There NOTHING NEW DISCOVERED. [ as tido lititrattar durlug rho latter. mtmlNrr of the tiuverfemtstt turiu A ruttier ruenc earner TOIJ1 . th etrsagth p(rurptlbly dims ,1.{nptl until I %bits E:uru{oe w,th Mr. Chauaberlain the Eaeoutits rxl In like e%Wecloe til Johu .(wile, the hu parsed away. It lr batroly u quarter o(a oeulury rertiuu of tin Cabluet. partner curt Jumtke tyeta•k tit the (ow- --- mince llr. Htwder first Infected rt the unadlan'a Plucky Chole Ile Preferred Uealli to Surrender Prayers for Presumably Lurd Kitchener ural mutive halal. tie w nu Amertoau, u Capes 17ncs.e who only know ind It Lural Mlluer love heefa nuufe nes:- uuhce d lbtlrvihe, Yn., 4aY told ilio Cage Tuwi, Muruh 28. -The Risht Afe•oA ae It lr twiny would iltid It Peace The llraves u1 the Csnadfana Ht1Urh Lltxral• 1May Cualer Jury lbat he hod hecu cu ap0rking Ham Cwill Rhodes tiled peacefully ddtieull to rwtlzo the atrtolute cum- qualutrd with rice test-. m wldch the 1'1-r Itrn Ituy til,,, 1 , n U 1. slur) iruuractavus with quirk. war to poil With Leyde Women Shot by Boers BuXicr Dunne Invalided-- Boer leaders are prepare) to make Murder Wa- t ,raen,ttard la IAe"' L.ar fur a lime, en,gagn,l iu the bol- curly 17h1r morulug. Hu rJrpt durlog mralp etre th di which ruled ia- peace, 'These terror are believo,l to the atteraoary but lair breathing prime bPR,re rho dbcovary of the dfa Krilzlnesr N'on't be Shut I brie t asadlaar Sltk coutalu suwething that war pro- 1'hau Ten Minulra• t ilter--Thn ta- wur busotutarr, wur ulurk u( the uourt, wuthi wuntr li 1887. Wbeo Ids. vluu.ly reJeuted; and Lurd Kllehrn- wurdeu tY Ule prlaron, went tutu the brcnme more dffflcult nod his lthrxhw urrved hu rutoro(1 a country queal AAJuurur4'1'111 April •21101. flute: bur:uetlr, uud finally before Ilia strength peroeptibiy diwudnitel ua- I slunk into n vo-ritable slough tit dow- London, March 28 -'Tile Dally Mall , lu the lattpr'r hour eunWed most er and Lord M+Iner ore underntoud to luttet %entura wad fur a year u dw til hu {Nataecxl away• He Wad,uunaaciour j ouci from which, however, the dia- rtoleus to trave Information that the of the Burgher. to a -wage. The have uubled iu drtull tht•Ir reuwmd Brantford, Manh Y7. -Nothing to Baur prlruucrr totalled 171► mea, in- fur Lhiunkiag that cuucs6riunr shudd lid hjut adiked hi tadvi for bo JCurw ,anew b.5, p. m., Bank lie w. Tito IDigNI uuae.� veru ruou to extdelate uegotlatl(ou@ ►u progress between tlw clear away ille mystery that cur- leu U:ud tte#(d tits advroe abet tool- a Int- words aus rank qui.It a Tad i her. ur. Wi(xtem And 1'. ll. Hudd, a ex -L ag Cutnowndant 1, of Kl and now It- aaade. lfoPr IexMfers fu South Atrfcu Inrplre ex-Lundru�t raeothibnt, tit Klerk.- 11 Ir uodrrrtootl that the Borr lead- roulda the doath of Jhn Qutrk de- thug In CuttArrutr, asd the flatter bad uaturdlate oaurn of his duuta war C'awbrhige Aunn, purahsretl n uuurtpr the [realest lwpefuliwss. The abs&- dorp. era now dewaud @nine furl of assur- vWulaW ut tlw luqutwt, which wur muggerhxl We luting Oval! of the two ruccesklve attacks ut�Ilcurt fail. I olatnt efarh In "BrutOr's Guely•" They lute sincerity of Acting Prerldent Froun the drat prisoners cupture•cl attce lu rtgard to the duration Of continued to-ni t, and tho tact that (owiurrolAl ilotel. Tuulu cum& hero, ore. 1 s auak n( at i wealth ir. Rh , and It cru o err Dr Jnw a. ll war Yarned that General Drl4rry tics tranritlwl period preceding tide [b puroh,aeef It In the &;awe of lallrk'r Al hIr bcdrfd w l wan,, nut lu Ig tNfurn ![r. Rhalew wAs ro halkburgex sId his collpag"es is htturrU vMar uutkidc the actual our- e►lablrrhwelt ui uulwluwous gov_ un euljuurumunt of thrtw wenkd was wile. pnyln,f 31.TGU, tit wab.loLli'amounl Ut. ,i. 1\', Nwurll, Lhr Cummu ura. o a milifoutilr' . Lt w,am the reooncentru- ulkkNabtable. They will do their ut- duu, lu ying slept fume distance west- 0ruwtmtl lu the late Bepubllus. Tlnsy asked fur by the Crown would met•Be quirk cuutrlbutet Duly >x?tU f1utIl tit Public 1\'oaks, tkil>v Elmrhuret j tiov of LjuP'Duluscrable rival ¢Dt1 dl- ,it,dt to bring about u rpedy 114- yard. tut Ll.tieuberg. Keep and are +tiro t►elteved to have insisted to /how root only that the autlurl- but p;Irturre aero tc bank nociptI- South Director of Sorce. tg of the! Pki ted &til eva us mi orlglKim- Di.l llr. (jttirk wt- to 4ruu uL South Afrlcuu FYrld Fbrce, nod Mr. I eaurlerl to the vartlrwa" minew at Kim - other Boer cummfanders were beside is' A KWifl"utiuu of the iN3alrhunaDt y 1 bt•sley whch mad fax Mr. Ithodom a tlrwrui If Yr. Steyr wall agree, the column of troops. chorea of Iart uutumu, awl also that liar have as eztrrmel b t that Ttia ut.e, a,, 4I rom Ulf uirk met- -t -r of , tit Purt El►lwbulh, u wem- I f `- Tho first dotty, vonml.tlug of :,bout pf'ruusstun be iven to releela to aal difficult anar, urs Iwud, but that Tey lc rocryvrvt from Dry t dirk n carat- b•r tit tltn AmrrmblY I:un.,m%t r0 the l a tar n iluatiolnl Delegate Itltwdfuldrd. ;,O{) Boers, highted at 10 u'cl(wk in It -aye South Arica should they so they fare deterwined to make th6 tel murtgage. Thertory told by 1'oaic Mr. Rtale@' tart wools were the ,liplom:atlmt of the , runt. Krounwtsdt• Orange River Colony• the mortdi,t. March _4, retreated at dr+ire. Other ■tlpulationm aro for must thorough luv'estfyatiun. The of (he occurrences tit tIto eveniu sumer tit Itis brother +Mail rum" Oftlle In due ea•um Air, Hhalos Pnterrd /lurch Yf.-Tann wrmbero of the full rperd, waklrag fur n gap bl•twwerl the n•builditig of buruel hunlrrtradr rfa,rlor of all Llw witferrstw AIO fur cram very much as liar been desorlbe ulhrr^ yloreni, wIllcIl worn meeut to lite I,eg ,t;tve A@r iY, rad, tin the i rho Bleed, r nking r. A race fur the aid adbauaer drum the I hottie l Ez- be-foro. He lulu lett Quirk downstairs be good.bJes. Tho only perwu who roallfnatlun of lits onluu Sprigg, 'Trarwvnsl tlovernment, headed by apetdng ah col t practically ag�rree opcxl 'tile malu In- and guae to late* room, unit, taking Ltended hhu during Ids 'linear• Intl I tuck ills I'rrmler's, ie ono clnhn a chequer tat easy terms to mulble cldentr tit Sduday night hart, :and it hu wur cul preactat til tits deathbod.. tit have nddcd nearly t see n.n.rterm i Actfug 1'revhfrot Sclulkburger, ar- llrltish mounted Infantry, which burgLerk who nave muttered by the the Crown hnr any UnPurtuat evl- tri retl,I, when"ura lytillk opened the m Dr. Stevenwwl. All his boy's (of A mtlllon rrluarn nillow to Uue Brlt- rivel here Sunday• On 11fou ay mora- fwd Alrustaly rl,Weu upwards of fifty war to restart w life. donee to Offer it hats not yet seen door and k,tU that rowetlib+g war iia •IN raw ti der%agin were admitted I ,slit F'mplre. in 1>!J8 ❑fad 1 97 he pail Ing nun of the Boer delegates was mUBe` c prrkked I,pelr tired homer life- Pi•nee cannot he negutlated with nt to produce It. Those people who wrong Ili 4e barn, but the 'thought tit hu Inst. I rt•veral vtsita to Fatglaal I Co lnea- i y gave out, whorl the men out much delay and argument, but were ironern to be up in the hotel Joe the hostler, was drunk agn11a. Td , burly will be taken to oroore tical with the Jnmawon rat , end his rreurted tleruugh the lieitlrh filter• jumpe4l o:f and raetd forward ou (horn• Ir little doubt that the victor. blhrlfuW(d, uv lorrrtwck, awl un- tout. Num of tin wuwattrl Ont+n. wUl b, inn aanitnoar If Lhr Efuerm m arouitl tlw Uma the murder wur Tito witness, however, rememtx,rod -Chu r, his rrhldenee near Cape Town• otwsduct In the mottos. www arloud,v P ctwimttted, hdLV0 given their tertl- that Joe wat" lie tort, and lie started .on a vial train to-ruurroN'• There criticlzet. I Jar a white fle to meet 1'reridunt however, were alike Lu gallop right abuudun the• domand filer nationality' y to pull on ht@ boots. IlPftxe he could it will ntbnbly Ile bn /tate fur u day � fir Jamermm.,in a number o remfn- g, wnu nnJ Irum their ■tatem"its the y iranence/ of llr. Rha1e@, amp sizer Lnto the tp Just otic. f Of the burgh- auJ alba the Wooxhrlabwd luAP tit i r'u•J n Taw dolegate liar not yet re ere, whom the mot with a warm South Africa to be murdnrtxl wnu war out of tlulr rlgh( get trail how, ver, Yrs. lilt rk wvnm ur two, nnJ the ubllu will bt ad- ; fire. painted all Br[t- at hnr door agulu A11d held for Gol'r mittt•d t %iew It. Il has not et beets lurnexd. Tale other wrmbnrs of the Y fax not more +ban tai mlautoa. Thn J' the kitRtly feeling he alweym h 1 fur• Left red• am Om -11 Rhodes would have tloclur who perfurmetl th0 autopsy wake to hurr u , the natives, pointing out tha tie party are quartered iu a private There troo{,r also succeelel in driv- mmhl. The Spectator and other jour tins not yon been called to give his a p. that Jtm was tlelnlI bas hu tla where Mr. Rhales 111111 louse, where they are allowed cou6W- Ing buck arwUu•r body of ' Ot) BLerm, nulla enforce the moral ut Granl'r ttll(d. 1Vhen Toole ntacbe! rho txara lw buried. li war I with tMt Ile l erwnld not hN• ehnr[Ob with any ha sal- ) f upinbu ar to the cause of +death- he found .ftm Quirk lying ►n the liar- .hcwtld bo urieI tit MaI Wo Hllld, 1 ufmp 10 the tiatives or awe npgI t arable litlertY. Ttwy will pr,baably re- who were forced to desert lite (tuns n-gutlations with Lee, and urge that they haul cAptun•J from the \'uu tin surrender rbN,uhl tx trwprred by 1 he luqurst Itesuuled. nP"s-room. He .hook him aid cL11Pd Rhode"ht. (' rtntn Of lilm trirudr will i d duly In hW management of Rh &win hero several day.. Ikey cuuvoy nes Feuin ti. Thn th much nder and kb tem sr pOr• to him, but Quirk wo-4 dead. Frum pn,cced to toppo Hills to deter- adn.. Doul trityl to get through .serial nil m amt that the tluidDtm tit the When the laquest was resumed to- ale barn tho witness returned to Nine mine whelLa• it is practicable to � To Mr. ithodes Is due the orpolt o night the fiswt witaosrs calleA war hotel and +vent to the room of little carry out the wish. tatAbli"htnh peace 1n Matabeleland, I later l anadl. be 11 upetiingii, Wt Oti carin ocuuton were Bo,evs niter their gallant rtrng[IP Edward Kennedy, tit- bel{ boy tit ,Myrilo Quirk as I eudra%(wed to quiet The featured f the dead man are %vnM1 the natives were In revolt. Ile fotc,d tO double book, until they sioull by respe-ted. These pbeadiata Uttrwa. M/rrch 27.-llr. l'bnmtreT- tlw (:ummercb►1 Hotel, who grave the her, anti after be had done this he plarid• unl a nth mark of them went Into their very milwt without ultimately found a gup uud purred without doubt reflect public opinion. Lou aablPd w l.on1 Hltitu to -day tut of aIle Brlll„du Iln(w wltlr Et 1lrhme',, trop to thein"ales., re• aiurm on trearing Uae noire (rum the wstit atala to til, barn. The whnrss will bu toren. any weapotoa, and by [rleoflY oounwl tiwt Arthur James Dray• E. 1XV161011• .n rliytt of Klrrkv,deirp, light (ell th- K barn al the night of the murder. wit:, questioned closely ad to what A Male "uncral. Rut them to nccvpt reasonable term■ _ /peat mud admire the )lurthirs for dna , end 1 oa rho gewun,l vldii t0 like (et w4tlPmrnt. t. C. IlloemfulHolu, "God March. Kenn a rather intelligent looking I p Thr Government a ,leelded to ice ,Isl DavW Porter, A. flfr►rluu to A. l.'., fora UIe purw:ug culumur could uver- tilt wonderful cat"paign fought under [ take Lite Bclera tromendoas dbtndvantagea, land wish You°g fellow of ulghiu0n, wur naked tlnrn. lie moved the loo ly un the seo- its. Khfslf s ens Premier of Ca{w , Muzamb 21st Mardi, are danger- by Crown Attorney \\ills" ar to the uud occasion, and, talking /oma m'kney Csail FUwltia u publl tuuural. Hl/ re- Tony till I8N8, holding until 1994 Five Cauadlaam, who fell out of to be, gvnerour Lie the final settlement , .sly 111 with eutork, Inver. Fathers two art that ekland between the out tit tau p clic t 11:aiJ[w It with- malum will bf Dru ht koro from the uffke of Comslgehiner of ('town tLelr eofimm� and 1r-011 tO work ib^Ir Amt make the submlerbn as little N .lumen A. Dray, V4 Starr oeI rteL, Hai- two parties, Quirk ctrl Toole, auld so- out coutilluR IC to a mesa uumexl 0rooty ric hour for the ,urL11 servloe, L,tu d•,, and from 1894 to 1898 wits ,fns, N. K ; and \V. 1'urtrr, SML- any buck, were ►urrcw .1 ed by a ent ti e t y ill In l of At the aver- quay that Ile Il h nave. Ileurd atiy Rui•r furca, and rood. a s{,IeuJk1 de- ant time they will Irualmt upon hacltit oeotge Taylor, who was in like bane. wfilch will be hail in ie ostfieNiral. Mlnlmter Or Nntfve .lffntrg. After ,-uuL, N. W. T. frnitr. lfut flnell�, wr•elnR their rust prrneam•nt I,racP wlthnnl tike can quurrelllug. Un tlw night til lice lrtag- ,l c01'nputtW ten/ rtauvling ioxlc the Tbw t►otly will than tNe t ken Dnck t0 the JnmvN,+1a sold he ens nominnllY Ernest t)atull, C. Divihlou, N. .\. C'.. edy he laud guile to bed tit 11.30, batt and Ulla tin reMOV ed Out of Groote Achurr, nal will r entually till dl promin0nt was ho{s•lese, four of the Canadhanr vwatlons which cony become a Pource 7• Ngrncrd. He ens a .r rh►tigerrusly ell At 1'n•turin. Hlr Tracing in tin oftiuo Toole, \\hit- W ifed muadtis o�c the touttltm of like bur►ert tat lfat0p(xo Illus. a tlgurn pnrdy In the lkrer war, asd .urretdenfl. The faith, 1+ON'd:rr, 0f routrntlon nml Jf•nloury, Ilke the t.ttlarr it H. Caton, 1Jtl Blrecksr taker, a boarder, Luu Belfry, Frank cutter, he Patti, were nut from hit-. Since llr. Itlwdew took tib bell �u'rrt, is H, O. Indlgaandy refused to throw rlow)1 two treaties mode Dy rlladmtone tit• tlmlth, a boulder, And Bub Jtyan, the was In Klmb•risy a defe the flege, tale arm., and cvutlnued a slnde- ter the flrrt Boer war. There will three week. hh frletNL aef btwn funded G cook. Kennedy slept ou I tlw third A Letter Front Detrrlt. �• tx Ing arMve to the dpfpneP 0f the ght until ho %vee ki lel. Iwt nn armlatlee antll the Boer nP tkor, tnchlg tate Darn, the window inomat anxious that Ito should rtccrwer City. PrevWpnt Kruger. It Is @ntd, Prayers fur Pr.,rr. P Y Mr. W ilk" queet'.onel the witness mutfhtlentl to bo taken buck o Eng- j This W" rrigan)ed as one of the most gattatorN offer roof that the are kfu out ou tlw 10-11. It offered i-S,IgO for blrn. dwa4 or bode L,•rethm, Mnnh _7.-1'li,- B bletil l lnteroslfag lack}Puls of the da•v. horaltldy Ln Parnest, and not bent E us to whether he had any reamm to lAud. The cottngw where he dt 1 wan war s clear, nboutallght, night, believe that Qulrlt had any quarrel' ,t simple itim"ide oablti, small and On the relict of KlmtN•rlry Mr. Rhale@ I.on,k,n, St. Allmll'-, ""d lta,berter An hutauep of the rrsuurcPtulnPmr upon wamtttlg alms. ami Ills window war closet, with ani one.tUr. Tuole fe Ilud not' went to Cape Town and rPsnmal the have appeule.1 lu lho•ir tiime.es to of the B�ers wur Riven by idebeu- Lord MUnOr ctould not have known J P close to the rallrund. It ens ill-! rod Ido hind tlee11 nbuut ten ur Ilftecu {,.fore the user, but after souee tare 0f his flnnnclal 111tprawtr. F►lucu .p,ahall) platy un +.uud Pal•lay"TUAIL berg and heveral huildrwl men. Tat- the attltuofp of Mr. Steyr and Chris• minute. lu. the rflUm whoa he heard p' to be a sick chamber• although ho then he had bei,en several timer fn tl bad occurred he had receive"I utmost war done to improve the v I- I.,tie .Wer m:ay be granted tltr temper 1Wi aslvuttttgc of the confu.lou tit the tl:ta Do Wet wholki he ctibled tut a� tfbatfou and ma$0 It more comfor - f tw( ( prrcAlnnkt•n, uud ibaF Outlet. drlre, hr and his fullealvdro assum••d npparputly these lintraoeelgeantoo had [roans cotnlag Isom like directiuul of u letter from a roan 1:1 l)etrult, wbu F,n •loud, null In his bile titteranoes, e may cuter. The a fo:asatluo rilall,r to Haat t a Brft- M Pn la roeimanlcatlon with the the bairn. He raised the window, maks hr bad sworn to take vengeance ,able• lh•. NtoveneOn "dept by Ilt ►slth In Englah d and South Afrlca, Ill.'n•y and yewo heard the roanin continued• nzld Quirk. The wltueNd laud huudod patient every night that he might N{rlkp hopefully of the future of Booth uppeul concluder : We rtanii tet fur- ++tit colnlati, aril muvinR close lu „n,• Trn nm1'anl rncoyw 4wfoM the Inttrr brxtuwl alarmed r an down bfalf on get slut dwilar pruJ era ate being of tae Idumeroud g:aV. i.I Harr Brlllsh mnd,• overtures. All the lnformntlon lig tl.ls over to the police, and wur in at- lit rewdlnosr to ndminlsler uzygen, :\frlca wheo the war is en(Lp(L and dressed to the rax uuJ !lour. where cLLtied to lac" w,we credotice fm It. uttered to lir Del, 11 ehurchtw at hues, soccendekd In reaching thl- oxen available, here agrpPs that If Chris• Mr. Tpole'r root- wur floor. 1, end p which practically kept Sir. Ithotles Yen 14,990 te- t tit tin eral is[ twfute their ruse Nnh detectpl, tlan DO Wet amt 9teyn remain Irre- lea the family appeared to know the alive. a fun of the Onloaning, old unit aww. lore tuna." ronellable the rAandivanlore will re culled him. Ile was at the befall Of -moa. He had at first thought that Last Sunday the patient lost till w I b• npcompilmhl,d anti working __ and got mutely away. tlw stairs et the time, aDaut fUteen The guar etahUnrel from t-oa (lest' to rontlntie the fight, which death was the result tit an Accident. Intere"t in everything, and efface thio wf In four far five ymars. Grave- tit ( anadwre- nono{is convoy were brilliantly re- wool') mean surrender on the fprmm Yard" away from Toole's rout". but on his second visit to lir barn lee tk,&ef tho hour. away. His rally M }thalnN' rerrPr►tl0ns wrrP some - Ott it/&, Cool., March _7 -Hoc. capturel by ilia- Sottish Hurst-• ulo of LOula Rotten, Delarry anrd two- There were three ruouad there• the changed that oplmon, am there was from the crhris of Tlu•sdny left but I what diversified, ratiglug from the Felker Cleary. of Qartre, has becti cluargel u{, to rice muzzles of the I►'LrAs of the ttowrm now In tike npld. Ilrst occuyted by Mr. and Orr. recotldrag in the t►nru Quirk could thO tatntest bops@ for his altlmnte c011ee tig 0f wild nnlmalm to gur- iu town momc day.. uti,l it ar 1cr nrtlllr•ry, :amt roles the Boer gunn••rr Military Pxpr,rtm from Ronth Afrlca Quirk, the second by rheic daughter, tall on tO cans,• such cut.. Thn N'h rexovery. 'Ttlewe euro entirely nbaan- dpning tn-1 rending 11Im classics. He nal ar aettlel lh:at Ile will ill off iLrlr fw•t before tike tart.. Lne1 now here ronndpntly derinrp that. the third by Toole. When Kennedy nein wa■ eiankme,l at some length doned with the renewed attack tit I r(xdn dally two hours, beginning tit e a rrnrvel o! the arrwure of tike Trnam- wllW. Mra pp ariM In her aA to when he had ex Irate fur loath Af. -he to luctile ;a dwtico lu fire. Quirk a r pen"mPd t Ie tloun to day. o'eloet In the roorning. fin went In vaalpre. Iwud Kltchwnpr conlol and n hl dress, upened her betdrtx,w opinion that it war foul play, ant Tlir news of hIN death sprevad Ins el f the graves of Ct►nadlave who ore i[ g y ur . On TR. wfxxountflln he ,.Irepaug htmn alb the veld:. l wun,.l L•.r.,IP slryw, woeftl dispose of T)e Wet and Ida men dtor nod asked, •'Whnt'r the wet- ttonglt !t wan nils. hiss second vi•It lhrongh Cape lbws between T end 8 I nrwe cniturP. On Table 1Loaotain he His suggestion to tike Cnnldnaru Pro tun&• Mareb 2N: Ac Ung I'reai_ within plc weeks. ter r" Kennedy replied, "9e,wolxxl)' to law burn• when hu had waaminei tialuck tIl1r evrtifug nail caumal pro- kept n mrringprin of Ilon@, sebrms, y,utle Afncune Mrwunul .\sw,ciatiu,a dent krLulkburger rod the vtfi,r„ Publer• npdnlon among all classes In lm hurt in the barn; I heard them the cuts. The witness dettied the eel fouml grl,•f. All placed of nmusement ' lPar nad nit ktmt. -of eY. -; to rete:, several suitable dpti mrmb el of like Transvaal .)Lh-wl England is ,tr•Otltly tl favor of prate groIaning." To this Mrs. Quirk "uid, ,hence of [lob Ryan, the conk, that %vera liume,llately closed. An open-ulr liotrr w,,re caged bat the others ran ,.rod to remuve the budkes now barked are .till at Kroonrt:adt. They have "Pon env hnn0rallP tprmw shot! oI ' 1 think Mr. Tfoole is la hit- rtww." the ln(lrr hod knocktd tit hW dour concert w'nm stoppwl, nod th0 nudl- withiu a gi%evt radius to one of thee.• Boer lndpaendence• Ut-rover) of I,.r Rudy. and told him Jim was dying. It was .nen uncocoroel while the hand play_ v►1W In hafle Inclaecd trnot@ on the int yet wwexdef in grttiag la tneposrlbin for Bob to have knocked ,sol that •'iNtrad March." The people Inotintnln side. Whemn In Cape Town arw graver, IAJ them ride by side, touch with Mr. Stryn. Pre-lJenl of ---' lu the meanthue, tI.e cook. Itynn' Int the door and called film and hr It WAIN bid Clacton] to visit lair 11011■ and then phu•n uvcr the grave a that Orange Free State. The situ- hoer Dele{r•tle D%-ya Peare la rear. who was downrtalrs, heard that silently dlsp(weed. 1 Peery clay. Hl@ roading of the claaw brsetlful beadetuue. a tribute ural- trot hear lt. 1 anion b tun hanged. .Dcmpntch rider , {arm, ural called up tint Ile 111-1.-1 the examtnntion of this alt \a Iual h-ugrr 1+"11'1. loiflwl him to make n� very floe oM- ime•ton frum Canadian; at lM,m^. Thin. Tgrw. %iamb 110, -The Journal pub new land concluded the Crown Attor- London, bfarch 27.-A new er ars, sc•ekbhg. Li.ti ht serrral dlreellon. t o Ill 'tools ens In 1@x1. Kennedy spnp ldrtlaro 0f thorn. and ho +tad a aw•pnr- It is thOaght, lr (far terptrrablo to Posrlbly It will b'i some da s before I Mite« an Inter%lew Nith Boer delegutn Haan ran downstairs and found tint n -•y asked for an adjournment for hero eeportr that when Mr. Kruger me 1lbrary of ty{lewrltten trandla- 1r,A,t,ug a little headrtusm ower they can beats film. P160tarr11 who Weedoold on hia return tiom the United Ityan had gone to the barn. Hr` romp time, as there wait co iodderaMr wild lnforw(%[ of Mr. Rhodes' death dont- specially prepared for him. tach grave wen• taken an the re•crmt, drive west Sttttr. lie doclarod that something fuliowod hive there, nod Ityun woe Invemtigation work yet to be done. lie merely anll: "Thn I.Orld giveth --- ward from Klerkrdorp ray that Mr. might com,• of ICA %lett, but the inter- Jort coming out of lice dour of the Hp suggrated three weekm, and an and the Lord taketh away; blowituil I 1115 ROMANTIC CARKY.R. le',eral Leade- @ abet Le) (1- sten and General tie Wet vera re- harass room. Tu Kennedy's yue"- J slower remarks u{wu hIN mclanchofy ndjournmrnt was mode ted April 21, Ile the eunwe of the Locd." � The ■tory Of CtrU Abodes wr- nlr. ile r;,uko without conviction, null tion. ur what war the matter, ltyan At 8 o'clock In the evening. passes In filet wtuat would be deemed Lu@tlOa. 11aroh 117. - The Figaro Gently' at In rk/dotp eclitrrntig with re lied, ' It's Mr. Quirk; 1 think he's t has morning says tial. It ha/ strong Uevleral DelAnty, ' if he id not ui,courugei he Ir evident- P �- T Loudon l•rems t'nmment. I lit most a neo nes to t as and a noreL ,.atu,n■ W bplleve that an interview -- dead." Both wont in eturn er. look- Irl could lgcovt to fit eondltloar of ly drprfasaved. \Yewels dental that he el tit hnr ho,f and returncil. Th,, Brsoifotd, llnrda IIO.-Thr (juirk 1.otxion, Match Q.-Ttie Daily a[1V1at to ttak,• pace between Lord ll.,rr. Shut t\"oml a' T1y'uor•1 ut thin death o: Mr. Ithahrr htxl" was lyf til the foot of the munler mystery, remains &till ua- Mall demoritwe Coell }tti0'les ns the Present ep itury life, c.awtrpry, sir Ilenry Cnmpb•11-Bon- Knsgklun, Dal., Mwroh .111. -Dr. ROs+ Ito N•rarl•1 Mol ndmlt that Its. Ithodew Y solved; Inst lneepector Murray, wllu mucceh&Ur of Lord Clive nod •Warren � A native of England, a mlnlrter'r ; , rman, the Duke of Devonshire, smi Inas a letter from a troo ter at Brl- face a Like brad ngning ro well, Pon, t roll netRhoden, n w i f wnw the cell Retilui of the Trnnsranl, hod t►ecn working on the cur,•, Il:Ir llneU r, ntwl wt s: ':1 he vlrulom u I `� p rit of uirr Liberal leadrrs, who are now fast, South Afrlca, who, referrin to face apt the head beltig prewtd up Y alvpnlare tcok Rhodes to Arrlcrt, [ Hurl a&id hP wax atrticinucd slat►+ cepa and leanit ains. the wall. Ken- b r n able w RlAutwtly get togeUu r with whh h he ens hul[d abroad su s: if \Ir. Rhoda. had never Ilvpd, t110 et till J.,. favi@ tmrroundln • the dentll. wlaera he eat;apte l Ln dlazoond min - in +•;trim, aM1 Ur. LPyds, the Europena alar capture or VflJoen. !' nedy then returned to fico hou+e, 1. ld the mexaruro of his service to r,-prPaamtative of the Transvaal. •'It was Me who attacked Bel- N'ar gouil have come just the name. In h.• eOafuniou ariring fromtlire first E hind." tog. Born fang its un with added The Figaro ta►ys Dr. Leyda reached fart wlmr limn a His men were and atter trlcph e w for llr. Digby tolloh, rntr Lb4r ag F:ny;lxtNd wtwbl Macro ylPWed to the r�clvcment u[ tLe crime coneLleruW�' alto lkall Ohrotible @syr: "Thprs Y g ho naadPrtewt addad arts frnm Itrumeels Inst afRht, !uo frightened to attack the ata- Qui gewho some water for ]ifs. y to hl" fortune" Tia robr net of 1 temptntlon of the mint+r..I(e sail like diffdcvlty war expertencrd lu nscer- wits nothir fu lho career of L'eell i4 fico whew the soldiers were, but, {,resent negoiLk0onr were, serlour. Quirk, waw ane In s faimt fn the Ig tulning every mhlulu clrcummlalr''' Rbcxles to ru rt tho aha o that "dlamrwd kln{I" w•:ar Ia1N for twenty --- of douraw, not to, frighteTned tofire ••} believe and hods•;' he added, heoepn t room oo the o,)l flier. lwftrtn oc the Incidents Ot Bullln p(� ,fears, In on C in t. His otitic r soadlnm Hel--rurrrn,rnt.• i f. the cam slid "Lout lite bel less he o n f lhu room of vi JNA sou, g Y Ire ens t► vulgar maney-grabbair, L R P "that {.Paco W tlrawial; nearer. I tlo talRlat. there ens tiolhltlg emnll nloout hbn, n the Carpe CRbinet. HIN pt►Ilttcal London, March 1:T.-Tlip Winr orrice i women and chlldren. Tie killed one not way that ai idoal, tut a sattsfkie n young teltow Of 17, to wnko him. Ono startling filet trout had been . c►{dnl0nd favorel self-governm^tit W to no way relating ICN Pffort■ to woman, wowldcd another nod two lacy, peace w3i bee cural by mutual but although he went Into him room ,l4:coverel W that the murderer pre. o)vpn hIN blenders were c inter l." throughout tit+ Brlttab empire until t,• Load Klta:hener Pnipplled with an childteit Ruth chlilreen died M thclr qqrcp and spoke to him, he war unable to. like Mr. News, which hltterly tit- wlthtn ver recent }•ears. While n ep eopcnPehons. Xeverlhele@s, oar tmlc- Kennedy then found Ityan, and the harm hhl sono bre Quitntl. In the tnc•kN Sir. Rhodes on npcoent of tin � adequate number of men, and wtthlo I wonad s." - lotaulener. meet Is• resirveteJ." luvrnrms-room• where Quirk wa■ kill- Jnwew,n Raid, declaring that not, home errl p hr lw "aid 50 hove film Mr. Wcewels refused to define his two, going to young Toole'. rookii. oil, to R lass door o min on to Lila, n Palstcrlptlun of jo0,000 to the mouth cave left E mere these uth i succeeded In rousing him. When Keu- R M' t tpie Lord rn brills Churohe "tint- NntionnlimtN of Irpinnd. -zxl will Mee left Eaghand for South Itozrrr nanny luv,dldr,l nr.dcretan ItnR or In(tPpitidPnop• Hp )torn. Acrs,e this w OUIII was pinned reset n nwro brllllaet career irY u rricu. On thin 17th and 18th overt London, March 24. -Bugler Dunne, said the Borrel were Indlrferent re- Iei7 TBtLLTI1fYl Irum thle blrn, It- a lkiP rUb•, \YlllCh w/ouhd COACl,t1I LIIC AA ( Coonan of tin itical h nduc1 Itarlitlg a at.andiag army, bot die- sow Tvoole in tho office putting O11 uffalr. All thueo who went into the Intro eonmp fro net of fully, alto I Afrlca Com{Many hIN pollllcnl condlct I s)t) men railed. On tho 2_11,7 Abeint the LLLtle hero of Colea@o, who hae hnr cont. The latter went. out to olofende titin from the cbnrte of and abonotar wer were AOmbAnwl l 111111. lkt the :'8tle two morn mill- been ttatiooe.l tit [lover mitice Ids 'armament eau+ IMI)ORSWtn, do view Ot hnrnhaw room offs.. the ohne temttfy Y ib the armor nutivla lie added that the barn, asst Kenntxly met hit- re- IsolleY-srubblrrg. In the rc tut Iwltnllons sail, via.. the :1rJ Inst- .return from tho front with the dr- to thlN. Hu alwt probably turnr,.l on 1 P mu0t10n of Iroperl&Ilam, Iwlt x Hr Impnt and rho 4th thcritkburger, Reitz, Ftteyn. anti the turning , when hp ran tO the bnrn the clrctrle light befuroharNl. Tide fhb ►Illy Team guilh way. "lf I for ti time on feederal prinelplew. H•+ talion FNP R tiallm of him regiment, the RON111 1,110 srcurrl thu^. Cccll ItINs1eN ens guilty of n blue- trodlcted n nf-w irlpnl (ttmmunity Ih,•vnl Uublln F'u-illus. Thl/ vcros0l Dubllu F'urillerx, dear taken his dim- "tike. Doer Irnderm load Roan spore, mny In tact iC1vn pityei s part In der in 1NU5, hp paid ns dearly for 1 tool NPrat o. high clharacter. They )Ira. Quirk'. EoIldeace. ale plan to lura Quirk out t1wrP It uw his wort bitter duo could wink. I to b+ tmllel "[)nitpd $@nth Afrlrn," will shill take drafts of Royal En- charge from the army Owing to the toot- the rpa+ourofw they onn srlll lar which hP rc Nineerd, Flpnfurth IBghlanifera still state of Ids health. Yrs. Jrmde Quirk, wlte of lhedeal Tlin munlcrur, whexver he wtu1, N'nm Now that hr 111111 passod beyond the lN+otrefl to low the hr&'1. comrrmnd, and will act for the bfvlt men. dremsed fa deep mourning, was :u all probiblllty known to Quirk, rwuh of wuligully ur censure, Duly In eornbineatien with Dr. JamPmon he Royal Army lfedical Corps. and will Tau Ind Iw snfftvriaq fawn valvular Interrwt" of the Boers. it wait not callpd, anti questioned by tine Cruwn fatal was qulto unsumpeeled. H^ Miami I CxRantzel n pearly In 9nath AfrMn, harp about 1,Wi) offlrers Intl men dbom o tit thin heart. He had been in for the R000r repnvwPntntilrPs in F.n- Attorney regarding the Wls II rel:a- have .vmmonrxl Qtutrk from the bar• tile inn nlficeat services lie renil(-- whcsln fmlptoolp was to rpaard thei •m board. Ir,mpltnl tit the Western Hrfght@ of ropp. shelterwl from danger, to 1st axl rho wpiro hq loved will he te- I rlghtm of the foreigners, refuserd by Eiarly In April the embeirkntlun of Dover for about two months. tions that exlkted Det voeti James nrxl pevtinpy {rolntml out the Rlrnn(+ memberivl." ' morp wart kr than those fighting. Ile Quirk and lite partner, Toole. The of light which wvul:l rltaw faintly I lift Tlmem PATH, In nn elll0rial : l eul Inane plie the entm, Bo design the 8,U(lll imi,prlal TeomwnrY al AI- -- m.farnssed the hope that an honorable two &ern had beers engaged as @port- from tho window, lit that fiaannor In .,W'ith kill life unleninblet fn titif 1 culminaterl In tike dlfflrnl4 b ween derr�plt will start- AATroon AN tl'Psp W'un•t !,h"nl KrilzlnRrr. pracp might he wlgrNvl fax the Boors• Ing partncres fur twenty year. past• w'hlch the robov wan hung, n" evl- hid to tin al Il lo of 18red bot wren men have. gone the Duke of Athol[ r_!po •hy,rn, Af arch 28. -It I" n- nod olaclrtred,thnt Mr. Krng(•t• N•o"ld rho crrorm whkh wnrrel hnr noble tM, Tranmvnnl It N Toole mann{i✓ialg Laud baoting Quirk dance tint pomp0rie wu/ wt th• re. elruillo mol the Brlt- r r O k l'a•ft Rha les rinnds sari h roi w r , Imh Y far Oo prom It 0f w Irl r n e. tl tinct h 1 M . Glaicl- uo r r tip♦ fT . ll '1 will .nice fan0thpr company (tip fifth) dprst0 ,�1 ttrtt Kitchener hAm de- nplxove It. whin he was n footrunorr. T 1 Mr. 'hod goys 1 7 • d thin EI(ottlrh Horse to rpinforce the awed nit to proceed further with the -- 1N twlco a widower• Ilia second wife to pat lonfprs out of the burn on or im around tory the trnJftiuon 11tonp ane +hon the henr7. Thw gross n•giment fn (south Africa. which lie trial of Kritdrger on a charge of ilritish Offlcrr"' E:xecu11011. having died aoowt foul cars rag0. o ImPPrtnl lllwlory-Nllt o1°IR•' Inlur whit of til" tgoin on. to the' t nmmnmled by hlm Pon, the Marquis mnnler, and thrat he will he tried Y alt tits wh y rho +that u re [pff Open, Y IiMhrnlrm•, March :50.-Otflrlal d1P- The Commercial Hotel was pnrchnsrd and It may be that Quirt wan, In- war which Im now going nn. "f Tuflibardtme, D. lS. O. ,;be Ouar,in as a prisoner of war, to Await till, little of the execution of Australian lay the partners three years ago ,m ,{need to Ro with the murderpr In \ ttltlKlr 111Ut:IL\I'll V. j CPcB county ane I Frit neon t hl" trill also shortly fnrnlAh nnnthpr end of ttuwtwtles officers for having shot unarmed Quirk's suggestion. Toole putting In tho belief olthar that some tramp . nndlvo country Rw ti TFrttbh patriot mn'lnt(d Infantry company for the Mer forlPonors In South AfArn ore the money, cad the arrangem^nt wam o,it there nxl(ooke or momponn won t Knrnrgttvlr tnRnpnCt- tit HM , nnA ly eotfnnr OponrA tfatvefl,y front. i.onlon, Manch 30. -There lifts anxfcwnmly Rivalled. Taw wife of Vent. waw that Mrs. Quirt ■hould b' bo nee- trllnt; lu steal his gotten cocks. A" Llfr. Pnldlrly ronfprrwi upon him the de - Thorp are In imll,a n huge nuur grown ap during the wrr•k a vague HRokOck. one of tho offirrre, was kprpPr, Toole to IlavP Lhr offiwe ,l,drk entrrpll the harneus Timm It In Thn '10ii, Hon. Cecil 101-14m, 'rx- 19f►ro 0f doctor of r1 ri IaW n rent1. ,•er of drivers and noncotumisslontvl best unlnlivtaking opthnism re•gardeng not aware of hid foto until the. news aloof mouse and Quirk himself to take flnfte evident that tin wt- struck Prim,- Minister at the Cal "•, was "rl rdtivr wrrr Brltlmh Interests �rficers o! the Royal IlorNp kind the pro"Profs of Penre in &,nth At- wng finhilghrd yesterday. elinrgP of tho har. Tite money' three duet- In gtAck succession. I tit h0mrt Hoof nbrortd to lite tng big 1 r,ht Artillery In PxcPas of tilt- ('m- rlcit. it IN base] nut only ons the Trio night flan. rAmnnd Barton, however,was banked In 11IQuirk'@ either wHh n hntcll"er'6T_1M'licn tlaC routlh rvu of tau Into Hpv'. E'• 1 ttwt rcrry ntm,x nffecting ills hlbhmernt, and or these It Im in- pre,lent action of the Transvaal Premier of the Alwtralian Common- name, she hnviug chnrgP of the P�. Wtolem,'vloar of Bishop Snort- f health wits rl0mwl•Y wnteltf I. pl'h0 t,•nded to t0nu n Daly of aNnentad g tsar. atNf Like lady phtcpd fn the p,ml- nm(mnt Of him art Ort IN b+pond com- offklnlp but on a atnkin tenturP wlxaltb, h:eg awn+ fa mPaAaRP t0 L0n1 Dank nccnnnl, Thp hoLLsrhubl bills tion, tie found• by tbro murderer. R,rd, Herts, and ens burn 4t tint I poutfatlon. Cull Rlimlen wRN About 4f infantry, who will emisark fur South Of the L•ate"t drive against Delnrey. Kitchener asking for pnrticulers of were paid weekly• but Quirk blink•", i.leeo on July nth, 18:,8.. Hu was edu- %frktn tie moon ns ready. It im tit Inst discovered (iiia Brit- the nffnlr. - the I•ar reepiptr is hnr wlte'd name A othaer Anuasmmu Letter. ,mt� �•�„�4,��-ssqu►tttaR 3twrm of agP. — It IA clear that m m�prrmf+ ef- lath lruo,plo. "tripped of artillery -- &till gnve noted for the Inver bills, 1 new develrvpcel fentnre is tIl,• rp- Illm"elf there, nee Is told, crenlltably. fort I” to hp made daring the rom- guns anti till hupe,dimpnia, onnmove ,4tll In Nrmrrll ,If Steyn, which were taken tilt by cheque trlpt of another anonymmoo letter Thenev, the state'of ilia health tm•lut; TWO TRAGIC DLATHS. i,w Mouth African winlpr. nil fnmt nei the Boerm. Lord KltchrneP Pretoria, March 10.-T1en effortn�Ot "lill by Ills wife. Thr bar receipts by the Courier• this time from filet- et matter of Pump concern, he left I.or.l Rots•rta, when In Dublin, In- ro�turda that him cohmm covered 80 > wt•re wnpp0tted to be banked Avery rain. FnRl11t,d td Juin film cldemt brothpr, Aeans B rl, to o n nPgOulrger, of the day, but Mrs. uirk testiflel that Mblprm DIe \\'Ithtn i Ft . T1mp et .p,vtool the Tripp Ilona, ander tike nllrm In 24 hour". Everybody` won- Transvaal, to open negotlwttons 111th Q Th1.e Ir the 'h a @sit was ap letter oil that, Who wnN pl:tnting In Notal. the recmpts for Thnr"d&), E'rl,lfay K.srh 1►Ihpr. cnmTnUnd of I.orr1 Longford, who derd ally till/ wag nut tlono many Mr. Steyn, have hltherto proved nn_ In the snap. The fltmt ens rPcelvef Un lho dOriqu la of es shun cr- y pr(ncewil to South Af- uNlnthx ie o, tut ho pm nre venter- and Rnturday' previous to tike mur- :.r,• elhortl t0 R P pupcpmstul. Wen. Ik+ ant and M.n by the Conrlrr, from WoxlNrrxtk. the ginga In GrlgttnLind tVrst, Mr. Her- levlllP, Mnrcll :FO. -MI/" B.nura rien. "Ona great thing yon must tnlnel that lhdm Imarovrment Rlo11P Ntpyn crosmM Ilse mnln Ilne of the der had not been deposited. It wns wpennd by Tooln, from Detrult, and IN•rt RhotlPs took part to the "rush," Penny wnu► lived in Tleorlow, north tpnrn;' sold hip TAOrdmhlP, "im t0 may eol the war In the near future. railwtiy gning wrest. Ther were eat- ti drPOMarr from tike usual prncllre now. thlN One trnm BTvuffnbo. All of and N'ns shortly nfterwnr,ta }fined t S tion Trunk }tAyeater vy at - look after Der horses. [ur If like Thr Inst of tnoDllity of the Bret- n0rtnl by Cclmmnndmantm VannlP- tint ThatPda)''m nn•I Frkdny'd n•refpts them have been handed -to the police. by bad yuunK,•r btvtA+r. Nnt longJwt- tM+ Btatlon D'trotofflpo ypmtPnlnY af- strmes of ny mounteel regiment are jets columns fine been ilia fnscrutn_ mhnnld not Ilnvp been dPpomllel, nnA fury thL.1 cmil Rhoden detormhaed to trrrNNm, and wtar n Cro/sing the tisk mini Vam iMr Mnrww Thiry have They neem Ln be written _bt the tttttnln rt ui;fverhli doo rep. Hp nes InefrielPnt that r lment trtelf IN blom stPryor ihw enlirp e.nnpniga bprn traced to Parys by Col. Gar- lar alt threw dost Mrs. Quirt ptii11- .Paine min, and ft looks am though y g tracks 011 her way homey ki struAs pr:artlrnlly tit n0 a�irp. At last an achievement Ir recorleA IAtdxd the rerwiptg t0 1►e around jL:O• the wf•re Intended fur a blind, eordingly Ianhnged, whllr carrying (in I by nn englno Hoof Instantly kIIIM. A/ sell. Mrs, Qnlrk had not known of thle Y %work on Dew nelM, to do prone read- tulip wA" alxwnt to cross the dine ehe "i,ortl Kitchpnier writes to mp: 'i In which the Brttlwh columnA, ewim- --- till the followin Mond On the IL lm ng follows: saw a trnln a orone•hin and ntP harp thin tantpat difrlonlly in the ed h uns rand n Nn 111 (rain. g "� Ing, null ri ma oil etN,llgh Of rnch PI R DPool w„stir fn � g � y [ II Y Revv Itnut..v4,k ?bait III. nlRht of the ntnrder Mra Quirk tPs- "Bnffnl0. N. V. ,far tit Oftel Collrgr, to qualify for vn t0 xnOtlNvr trnpt to arolft It, A mountin men i have got, have not bnly moved n” rn1,1III ' n" "To Thr ilrnntford Coorlhr, Itrant- hi and hp mnyg, •ik,n't mpml mo not. any the Dopes, but hnve virtually gattlp Ottawa, Ont., ll bei RO.telve fol- 10.30 that she eep rellrlk &loot htmhehur. Ilght rilick, which wem id she on ImirP mounted men unlrwm they knflw th h their llnnac, and then wheel- bwlrag cnbin hwm bran revawivel by }0.10 and end if, the when dh^heard ford, fI wisl0.: Tile hero of Khartoum n,[ a h to til" tree it s heel hpe end aha fell rotlg Lord Minto from then Cfa"lraltY De- some onP .fall In the boll. Rhe earn- `lir.-i wlmfi t0 r n mp form.. hoer (and n liking f/x nn,l n Idgh how to Iexok atter their hnrmpm, for ext afmwt mrd rlrlvpn the Pneutl liar- ' hrnpnto the wheel", her boelY awd ht- w c - la rot Int nm rotor ant nitho u h f tit f tco e f v o a pm a ti t n far the t l 0 I P• r 1 11 tN•11 b, t 111 K roll II 1 ec .a ,1 8th. o o r wnu fa h of lsdorA a ae f Cllnnot on mouritln men tlmr forp them. Operntionm of this kind Par Whit Cwan 'hewn, Match 2 rd the I 0 , ,,,inion of Mr, Rhos+ f nn b Rei R '•W'llllnm Lmllow W"rlRht, F fMet- tips thprP wan troablw In the boot. wrlting. to the Pffn,t float Lhat o0n- hgntttvl 0n his Inst ralsgl0n to tie wa" 49 y(+ars or agp. after Unto &std wpet after wpot wprp Common enodgh Ip the Amer- slon, N. A. C., rinngrronMly Ill with Rha weilt through her dtiught,r'm mlrmmate prof. }illy (Loyd, will "nrely with bnrmps thnt fare not taken ktan (Ivll Wnr. whpn envalry raids enteric fever, March Cath, at Vet room• adjnintn Into that of Mr. meet with what tip dP@rrve", even tam °'„Mian• wrolw -f him, rna th the The by t e eat 1 of h was fel. (Are of.'- 11117-1 n prdwtilnpnt fenlnre, tint the R. )rnanR prohtcltih-for tin 11-10 then In lowarl by the death of her stater, w rUh promise torero In fiat the River; father, J.'WriKht, 54 Onllfcml Too e, and told him. He wow Sitting miry nm Qndrk f@ now dent. The the LpRYalallve Ammemubiy-to join v%'Ith whom who lived. a short time ttrept, 8t. John west• N. A with nem c::at and h(vents off, rraA- warm; of tha two Is yet Ilving, ypt film am prlvatev sorretnry. n[tprwardoo. Thi" lady, who had for Death HriI Swrrrnil- clown guerllino. Inmtend of doling Ing a Paper. Coming batik to her In constant dread, Tie don+ not many CPpll Rhodow wad one of n family Pomn tlmn brwn cimflnel to bed by wtwrl t and light, and doubling '-- -_ - mom, Mrs. Qnlrk Put on s skirt need ^mond Detroit. Klnh., and mnkps of whom seven worn sans. Thn eldest, Illnexal, was Pa, affectetd whwti Inform- arPtenrin, Tran rvaal Colony, March � blrnlmp woof wnikal Ont Inty tike hall :A.-Abtmt 1,►,(N) Boers. under De- in.•nok with the PnPmy. have MNn Blr Chwrlrs G'nmpton, Fath warlaw Chatham his hOMe. But there nrp HPrbort, was t'IIM while elophant al of her "iptpr's tragic dpr►th that lar►y, L(pbanbert, Kemp and wail• employer+ In Mow concentric driving of CommaMre Arlatrw of tllo wnnhlp I he Wllnras (►vercotne. thtvme who keep a constant lookout hunting In the lS:dpr dl.trint. Thai @he dlarl within a few minutes after moral@ wprp wtthlo the wrpa of mrr•empntn n" Plalw,rate n" Aller- (k►mkvr, nfte.r In Troticrlltlong at Vio- fair the villain, altd the will angel _ Lord Kltwero w lin th mo•e. i of "bot mtinopvvrrm. If the secrets 0f rosin, olrclArn@ that the vpsswl was Thr w[tnryal bwrrkw down MlmpletP{y y Y reml d * /pbein till moldlwrs, the the still aww/ hod bpwi e+he bu IpAll t . nI(I"ngh pnrPrlmpA by thin raPldltY knoblllty and rrnath riding havph-11 unstable, unde,cvfflrrred and linter- kad ktwokwlrokt hovwRya asd colet get titin. VprY trhly (fit dpi). �d� D. 5 OI �o lw#A educated I Wether, w "Imtpre 11111 it- burled t0- di"pb"yM by the Rvitl@h troop/ gtapa learntd In DPlarey'@ dl@trdet, the manwed Ka c f % a - - - - --- - - -- --- - - - ----