HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 6• smite -en " te4A e2;et, Ably, 4,4S etztier -4 .(4erveSt;it, ifea, 4/471 "44 t The ' day -mail passed through i. tough to do tei keep myself from li dfig Dorthwick during the forenoonand shaken to plecen" the travellers were oledged to leave ' Ile sighed heavily and turned his Crenshaw@ by nine o'clock. Lady attention to the view from the op Ethel, holding to her determine- polte window. tlaw Agee", refuleed to appear at COILAPTEle XXIX. em not to **peak to her fa theren- breakfnet, and the carriage was The house tit Careen etreet, welch et•utling at the door, when. !etyma leei been taken and lune/Med for the parted with. Mies Lloyd and Mrs. bride end bridegroom by 'the ileeral- Bainbridge on the upper landing, 'Me ity of Mr. litaiutyriege, was mealy descended to the hall. rattle for their receptive:I; ath.:, after • few Wien spout at • 'hotel, theY eutered on their fain experiment in Ittrucieleeping. It wee mew the end of April ; Lon- don was/LI:lug fart ; and between the excitemeet of meetium !Ureter faced, I/rotting her nenv. residence in or- d kw tau atutelee Lady label Stook oft inuon of her previews lethargy. ant ttlipear oil wore like tiered( thee ale hied doue 'Luce her father's death. See feel not vented Clews% biece that 'One ; furl reviewIng old scenes and , evising 'old memorioe lent her, for _-__-_- have knows yow In the street." At thla remark CuRotel belubridge bentime aerlowely anxious. "Do you ree.Dy taut rho looks so Ili?" he exclaimed aud Deltic lila guise 440.41.4*Itsitritrtritstedegtok+okti THE EARL'S DAUNTER 446.4446444446446464,61646464•464,4t Meggle Hendt•reoa WAN there. so perintending with. Colonel Bainbridge the packing of the luggage. Iler eyes wen, beefy anti her face pale. for bhe illted been grieving not oily for Ler uncle a -tel aunt &who felt the rutkien departure of their tem acute. lye but for her cousin, who . was wareely less diaries& than tile parents; 'tad in her loyalty to- ward these'. three, so dear to her, her feelings r the caprieloue crea- ture ho whad en the cause of all tlrelr annoyanc were anything but , ... moment, a fakes stimulative friendly. Vet when lady hot stood (vane e etch might well be mistaken for laid edgy of tbe *ease and call- haPPInese by Have who were unto> quiet/toil wit the siyeret of her ed her by name, th attraction dime too forcibly upfl her-. that benrt. Maggie could not he anewering 8 -ie never aP J 'tired of relining ut from elemeto 'hp to edict wIth alacrity. "Yoe here I am. Can tlo any- ot,,aments for the Meeiyration of het theiwing-room or tielmelf. or of re - thing for tote?" turtling the visits of her numerous "No. thank yon ; Louise latedone ao mend:indite while Colonel Bain - everything. I oaly wanted tWgive jbritge, delighted at the- wen:eons yeti this." And Lady Ethel hetet cleinge la her demenuiw, permitted a la -see gold eirose into her ha . her to di, exactly ad she chose. Maggiedld not anaw what to D.. Ile had not turgotten-fer from it wee; bet phe was sure that rile c Id -the dleagreeable circunettaneee at uot taccept it. Deviant ou tbeir jeurney north; but 'Oil 1 not -pray don't -it is not fl ale the merest allusion to Cranslmw. fee me -I mart pot take it„ Lady appearee to ref Ive lile wiftes Immo' Ethel." • ruh.j.ct wait sellout mentioned be "What 'immense! If it Is not fit tv •en them, nue he tried hard ti for oii, 1 nit mire it is still lees so le It the uupletteaut memory, a. foe tue ; I have not much .to do with lobe emed to have doue. touch things!" with a little, grating i iwliiIe. there were few unions laugh; and then, es her companion the un arrled portion of bit tenial elect] eilehtle regarding the orna- adinaln ancee who were not Ms mph, i.itli o 1wrp1eed expreapoloo of IR 'RP& fit hat juncture to envy Lad) Ethel fur le posse/stun uf one of thi ?..editeutihee. eke added harriedly, 'Don't lorget me, tetiggie. I fei I au pr,•ttleist 11 uses, the best appoint. ed egaipagew and the west indalgen* tit NMI, I eavinkl be safer if yeu think of um- eueitaineet io your prayers." in wn. :the was Ala; forward1 hen, in iib?- The els mont leave which Colonel flielmeti to 11, $011111U10418 1110111 her lois- Bainbridge had obtained upon 111 marriage, extene over the season band. when elle haste,. reterneil, atel eonsequently e had nuthitig lt casting her arms &roam' Nag- do exeept to frequ t hie club aft1 go".. neck. kissed Iter three or este dance tittendance on de lovely wif, times upon the cheek. The girl though Lady Ethel thi ght that ash Stroked op, half -startled by the no- would have gladly di need witl tioci, anti saw chat tears were steed- the littler oblIgetion, h I she beei. Ing in Lady Ethers round, bine eyes. o do Ito Titer, at e someAa It triad - Settee of his well g out of t • army and irettnag dowe quietly nt uorue but love for his profession a great horror of Idleness, had pre nt el hits hitherto from taking it arm; In this matter. It woull be te enough. he thought, to come to a de when his p leave had ez p1 red, For Colonel Bainbridge, though le ..pent thiensamie yenrly, Was, witl the exeeption of his regimental pay entirely dependent on lila father. He was rut sure of reee!ving his an-, mud income am though it had been legally Ids own. but every shilling of the money lie expended had been mined by the sweat of the paterna. brow at Birmingham : end though be accepted it from the patereni hane with as 111116 scruple RR he hae done half-crowne whore, it boy, yet he lisid all an Engliehreareet pride at the thoaght of rersigniag the late merits of independeace lie possessed. At his father's death h.s knew that all would bo his own, to do with at. he tleought beet ; hut nntli that event took place lie did not renal" the bleat of relinquishing hie profession Even to think upon the subj•ct writ an evil day which 110 put off ;belong an ; Ito hail not to do iti the preseht bet to enjoy himself. April slipped unoreinctounly into May, anti lady Ethers moods of et- eitement iteepenel deity. film *bald go out driving in the park Pettey afterneon, rind return home 'Whit brigiit carmine mot in elteer cheek and pyre* of unturned brilliancy : anti her husband, without gursaIng tie rectelon of It, maw (rely that It madi her look more leauttful. rind - knew hy experience that elle did not lite to have the alteratlon notified. But attributing the change to her in- creased content he only treated that les 'lading would not over -DWI -tie herself nor injure her lienIth by too much exertion. Meanwhile Lady Ethel vine await- ing. With mingled drend and longing. an event which PlItt knew to be int- intnent-the advent of her step- mother In bontkne tVoulti •lie be accompanied by him'? At Mat It neenrrntl. Triwarti .the mitkIle of May the Morning Post an- /Ned/leo/ thAt 1110 Cmintown of tervp. don had arrived a t her town re.itlenee for the nennon ; and lady Ethel knew that, If the rourteelem ef 'society were to be kept tin between 11i1'111. It etuto Imperative that ,.he alienist be a/none the firm to pay the teen- plintent of a rail In Park Lane. She deemed herself most carefully for the aeonsion. returning &gatefold merlin to .her glans te be certain thAt her bonnet waa hemming. anti net n block or beak] of her hair out nt olnee, and thet Rho looked just tax ft lieppy twide ought to do; no that, when whe dencentled to the enrrbitge, ler hillthend. wbo seemnpanled her, wee loud In Ilia approval of her gen- eral appenrrince. They found Lady Clevesion nt Inc. and Ethane. flewitelhingly attired In the faint- est of linIf mourning 1011 with her dell coil, of lintr nrrringed In the moat glrltdi fnehien. the mintiest* did not look it y older 1 ha n 0110 er two and twenty , and laity Ethel. liful brewed lierwelf up to the went of meeting leer eurfereinfie rival amkilsa it crowd of chattering gtt.-t, grew dendly pill,/ ass she entimitted her hum to the undivided wridiny of her young a.m.) reittent-looking MP:1MM Imr. Lady rAoreden was lone In law swimmeret/0t0n of her tap- pet ranee. Afy dear Ethel!" wltli wpfUted kande, "what IMMO you been doing with yourself ? why yon are a per- fect ghost ! 1 &labile* I nhouldn't Trutt Met Wee .11 P MU c en .,wit the teen toe upon Maggie** heartand, opening her army, she fettled her coueln's wife In a warm embrace. 'I won't forget you. I will prey for you every tiny." elm whimpered. elholl Mews 'you ; try to make hint happy': "EOM, ray dearest, everything 'Is rarely !" exclaimed teilonel Bain- lerkige. And Menet* fled away, to tilde her wet eyeteln the dining -room. Ae Lady F.thei passed the Threshold, Mr. Bainbridge stood upen it. 'My dear," he wild, almost humble', "%o11 will not reeve to give yeur hand In peeling to an old man wbo may hare blundered, but had not the intention to offend you ?" to wait a different creature then to niult she hrul been • moment be- fore. She placol her hand in that of 'her father-in-law, It is true, but no forgiveness shone out of the cold face Ate turned upon MM. "Of conree .die won't. father r' ex - drama! Colonel Bainbridge, promptlY. trying to make up by Ma own hearti- ness for the shortoomings of his wife. "F.thel knows as well nal I do that you meant It ter the beast." But the old man it not heed hie son's remark. je, wes 'still holding the inualL gloved hand nhe had deliv- ered to him, and gating up earnestly Into her beautiful, Unmoved faer. 'May God Almighty blows you.' be melerettly , 'fuel make you a bless- ing y ant 111144)111,1 and your chil- dren, if you he e any. *Lel grant 1 lint we mny meet above, my denr tiood.bye.'' And abruptly dropping her hand. with n "farewell grIlwit hie mon. Ile 1 rimed away and walked 'dimly back into the house. Colonel Bainbridge having watched lint figure till it stleappeartel behind the entety door, put 111M W1IP into the carriage and got In after her. "Tiw dear old man," bet salt mum. ingly. it. they drove ti way ; ••1 nm mire he didn't mean to be rode to yon, .Ethel. He hat a blunt way of mpeak but it le meetly dun tui sle coantry mannere." She did not immediate!" reply and he tlionght ehe might lint., been tnorbett by the hurt words of ige father. 'Dont you think ert, wy ileneeet I Can't you make a few ellown nee* for an old 111111111 who lime seldom had to do with much a dainty bit of goods as 0111 are?" "It le of no 1111P your speaking to me while we are jolting over these horrid rondo Colonel Bainbridge. I t•an't 1110fir half you may, and hays in upoil the p•allid fi.aturee of lila wif,.. "I 4111.1 [Mg muskier mho was at her heat lit Souitlauti. but she reems to ate to have improved f10 much elms lour return to town." . -Well, ray dear oolonel, ado may !MVP improved -1 don't deny ('AI - bol there tenet have twee room for it. Nhe kmkat quite* shucking to me." "1 em pares:41y well, neverthe- less," sad Lndy Ethel. with •11 her old hauteur, for alio read the mean - log welch underlay hie* eteposotle•r'e oompauettoaate remarks, and never felt better tu au life. When del you arrive lu town, elertruiki?" "Isar Thursday I ought te have been Imre sootier, only Vietor-you remember your old friend Munsteur de lamarries - war suddenly call - eel over to Parte; and lila do - preparations)." earturtt rather delayed rue In my Her gray eyed were staring lady Ethel full in the fnee as she delivered title sentence, but the blue °nee which teey ellouuutered were a twitch ter them, and If the girls teeth clinched beneath her firmly - closed lipe no one Wttlt the wiser for it but herself. Indeed 1 I irappoee Temple Grentee has been very full of company tills spring?' " Pretty well. Oh, we managed to 1..njoy ourselves." with it .mile of eecret satiefactkm " And you -you .ilise have been very gay, I presune, At (*remelt:Awe Castle 7'' " Well, I am afrnkl pour Ethel can ecarcelysite: that,' interposed Cole.nel BasInbrelge. smiling, "for my father and mother are a very old-fashioned tauple, who live in the 1.1ept lir of the ountry, and have not much opportun- ity to give their friend's more than a hearty welcome." " We dld not go there for &eddy," interposed Isis wife. " Ala! toolitude was no detriment In your eyes. !dare say. le:thel. We nil know that newly married people Adult no company so charming as that of each other." At this Colonel Bainbridge rolored. Litell laughed, and Welted eltyly at ids erne In the etup14 way that even Nen- Ible men adopt when twitted on :heir most sacred feelinge; but «he was cocupleit apperently, with 84C- imIlinest ibutograpli upoe t`tbe teble " HOW le Allured?" she 'said, pre- iontly. '' I hare not neked after him, Gertruder " 011! your dear little brother How Medd I be so 'forgetful 7' deg - Lug the bell : ''of course you mwit twe 'dm ' : and then, as the servant up - peered, she gave the .Order fee Lord flevedcre to be brought down at ones': .and the subsequent arrival Lief his Lordalilp, in b. lagIlly-ellibr(gdff Intl and blue -ribboned- condition, turned the converaution to another tilrectien. '01.. you davit clineiged liba muerte INC.' eXt Lamed Lady Ethel. She still wore nmerning heerelfnitheugli the 1,1 not drees exclusively In black ; liel that the heir 'to her father's title* and estates stiould be per- mitted to dl,card it before the usual ttrm hail expired appeared to her tether right nor reit...mettle. Lady Clelimkm colored. e Weil: lie 1,4 bet an infant, you -eel" she repliod. a pi iloget lea: ly ; and, finder the eircutastancee-agd with (ftp season venting 4/U- my '1'14'Dm1/4 thought -that 14. 1 'wartee '• vied. to mit off Clack with the total wentlier. "I dare pay it Is more csonsIstent you elioukt do *)," said Lade Ethel labely, it, stte liftee the child upon her knee. She Iillid never evinced mud& af- footle 11 for her infant brother ; .for beyond the feet of being her fath- er's son, lie did not appear to have Anj cialmeupen Itereebe the image of Ida mother, and b..irilg no r ambiance whatever to the Carr... "Well. Alureci," aloe mkt, am he turned lila full grey eyes upon her, "Imve you quite forgotten sne ?" The youthful Earl of Clevedon. who. Among other maternal virtue* had inherited the gift of it very long oboe, was able to make !emelt !loony well guderstood In reply. 'M don't know who you are" "Why. l'at your Astor, you ungrate- ful Bele creature! Don't you re- member me at Temple Grange ?" "I rethember Temple Grange and Victor. *anima," raining Ills voice, " WIIPII 181 Vietor coming back ?" "Soon, etarelng. very soon!" ex- claimed Lady" Clevedon, In the millet of it converention with Colonel Bain- bridge; and the knees which imp - ported tho h1ttl que.tl0041r trembled beneath hint. "And so you !MVO orgottun Sinter Ethel a tog. itlier r remittal the iptIvering lips. , "Yea I suppose so, ith amusing eartuestners; 'but perhaPs I mend re- member if I triod. Did pet ever give lee bonbon'? Victor used tq give me large bozos* of boobies -so large te „leeping both Ills rosy 1talJi tu- tu another moment. greatly lex lile Minartrit Liniment is used by Phy- Tether. surprise, he found linseedt depoettod upon the carpet. "Colonel Bainbridge, I think It ei tin- that wo were going." " duet as you please, Iny loxe," lie :inswered, riming to his Afeet. "no Felon !' recladaked the countess*. "why, tills to quite a formal tisit. Von most hoot come heti dine with tut. moose ftening--outte by 1 UreP1V011, fillt. WWI 1111114 Mild!, 1119 80111e1.11111IR 1 he coeffewtlittfia other half. entre Julian Itainit in the hew York Mail RUPTU glen linty 1 j0*.n7 ths ',Wooden 611,131.00.11ie mint 801 1 11Mit 'ire witless V(11.1111,...4 1111.11. 1.1'11011PP Learn hem teloorretnit- ly nalnlwr itt 11.1I)/ 11 MNu ntniiiiiit ami kar-alran trninere 11 inwiii,11 MOO( ~VI IV ,-mmetei Will A...rapture .1 •it eee,e, how1 havr, •feoT 181 pier" pr.1,11,*. 11.1s!iamb iiiieunkor•loei r14,01r, pr 10 my pa - WORM 10imemei Inns tatilinm f e lirrn he I fifties. ele• esse , *IMO • 11,11rWr 1,o1,1 by my Aistinnati. 1,1 Lateen •thet (es Itripinro ramitly Id m1n1 haw 1 ergot 61111,011111. fially arsrl Inmptentiodr •• MAIL. WomterweIr3.121Clit 1mmr minllown itekok•triak swami 11.41 ww, CRAB. CILWTerlik re t 1441 Rt., Now Yee* trety. twiezit4amnit tenni. IIIISPTIONIL PURTII N urge. ell point* of the 0ritat Went fur pleaeure, beelume Tbe Ualon Pacifte bits aettiorised the toilet/dog excursion rate.. 'twenty-five alolLirl trout giteauurt Rhea meets to t'uldorula, Oregon mad Washington po,uts evier.Y traY during March &LC. April. Plensomeuully to rates to the PacUlo Coast lied leternitenate points'. Seigle trip Colonists,' tickets open to all during the commit spring and sum - Meer. speciel email trip excuraos rates will be sold to the Pacific Coast at less than oue teat per tulle. Chores of routes returning People kleottfied with local later - eats sit various potpie eu route will show you every attentene It will be to your ewer:iota-go to wake la - gutsy in regard to there low rates to the Pacific Conet before deckling on the trip. Call or minimum medal eard to O. 0 Herring. 0. A., 1'e6 Woodward *Venue, Detroit. Mich. SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST Chicago & Northwestern Railway : every day during March aud April. Cutouts% one-way second-class trek- ete at very low rates from Cle- ves° to pointIn Colorado, Utah. Montana, Nevada. Idaho, Oregon, Washington. Californie. Victoria, Vancouver, New Weettnineter, Net - .011. Rowland and other points in Kteitenay diattrict. Ahoy special round trip Homeseekers' tlekets on first and third Tueslayis, Ilford*, Aprli and May. Full particular.' from nearest ticket agent or B. H. Bennett. Oeu- eral Aimee, 2 Eaat King street, To- ron.o, Ost Cossileg Out of Church. -There he goes --coming out the wort door eow. Oh, girlie beat he lovely? Mod to think of his marrying a withrw. Ind you hear how it wits?" Chorus' of negatives,. "Well, he told my nrother Ent, we I Anew Wit all right. You gee, he al- waytried to Mee every girl he 1LPPW aboutthe third Lime he called, and if kite girl would:et let him lie dropped her at once beratme idle was it iirteke. an I if she then he eat,' lie tle't knew how ninny other fellow@ elm fidget kl-e to e o he nlways thonght be was Fern -ally oaf • and wo .11 n vete get married And ono day he gui on Mee John. to stee her /dere and 111.s IIIPCP wan out (ir 1,1.0/Ming of •oinething. and he k iiie.l the Widow 11114 she 1.4 him -she sail it wan just a motherly kiss nail no one mule nh pest to that. So mor they're married. tilde don't Lang I s.; here roman the minister." Oise fart I•better lenli Abk Dr. Bursterssuetleemitel for Insane, Montreal. wisi•re they tirtyP It for rare. for hin opinion of "The D. & L." Menthol Plarter. Get the vendee. nettle hy DAVIN & Law- rence tea, Ltd. - -- Reneetteas of r Bachelor. Take tare of the pennies anti the P011.1816 Will spend them/Arleen. What a man wantei to tio with a W4.41W141 le to love her in her way sol let her love ban in the same way. You oall fool i woman tate think - lag she le fooling you, but you can't fool her into thinking you, are fool- ing her. When a woman tow into a dry gouda shop to buy a spool of thread she levies by pricing *2,740 itiinsian miens. Whim a Mari soya it le snowing 1 IRSI POEM. How To • IONG1 MOW'S • • •• *5 rea b.y 10 or lei years, atteuding the distrlet school mar ids house In Pertised. Me., his teacher requested lieu one .tay to write it composition to be honied in the next morning. Very lintel' disturbed 111 U111141, Yining Henry bought n I ;AI • information as to how he should go about ids leek, and was told to ;art rite Iiin thoughts upon any thing he 'taw or hen rd, or It1111 miPPI1 or heard. Title was 1101 of very notch amilataitoe, is3 he went duleftill) house, and itai no till/piratical omelets' to a•one on the way be retire! to the here to stall - tate. Willie setting there a turnip growing Peet over the fence in 1110 garden of him fs.1 her's next door neighbor, Mr. Finney, at ewe hie fancy, and proved to he the inoipir- Mein' lie Wttti looking for. Th• next morning abutter Henry handed tit the following eompueltion to his teacher : Mr. Finney had at turnip And 11 grew behind the bare It grew there and it grew there, Atel the turnip did uo kerne It grew end it grew, Till it code not get no taller, Ifr. Elmore pullet it up Awl put .1 iti his cellar. It My there 181 11 My there, Till It begnit to rot, Ittda lighter Silly teok 11 up, %rid mit it in the pot. elle boned it and elm boiled It; .ks long as she wax able; Ms daughter Peggy fished it out And put it on the table. Mr. Finney and ids wife They sat down to sup, • tett they nte, and they ate. Till they ate the turnip up. _ •••••••• Henry IV. Lungfellow, the Anotrietin poet, was a little, 1'. C. 111CHARDS • Co. Deer Sire -For rolee t airs 1 hare Wel ouly partial inc of sny Firm, (aimed by redden etrain. I have usel every remedy without effect', L gut it wimple hottle of MIN- AHD'S I.INIMENT. The benefit I received teem it CII11411•41 me to con - titter Ito use. 711141 fIOW 4 am happy (41 sty iny O&M is completely restored. tdatele, Ont. It. W. If titiliSt)N. Wisdoms. filiee-Oh. I don't think Solotnoo was P411'211 a wire untie fie -Well. he wan for thesis times. 41414 Y. Of couree, that was before you and your mother came to this eurth. Minard's Lin/aunt Lumber mane, Friend. leumbasts Needed. Miter -Look here! lu apeaelier ot YOUM onponeat's asininit.‘ .%itti spell stelnIntt.t 'wit h two les. Poilticinit-vreti, a was a pretty In! ease. • To provo to you .that Dr. (Kew'. Ointment tr. a eartem mid sleulote cure for eaeh nisi every fcem of itetena bleedIngroid pro rudieg pike. the manen.etnewo hese .11Arlinteed 0. See ter thstomune In t ;mu Ind mik your neurip Piles t.-. ttnk or Von pin n.clt siet he meaniet hat It id •now ing now : b°r" woman 0113111 tbnIfi ww• 800w int! :1711.0.14rm or 1,1,118•141MOR.BATER & 1 el.:lomat& roteeffittite-nwatr-tu-tat'"*"`'' D "Chine% OintM or thnt fit Is doing etlything but snowing now. -N. Y. Preis. K.., et) Minard's Liniment iis the Bombe. Ills Answer. 'Wily I Rive eutu r' Marti the tack, Becauee to find to such a why - Will It anewee wbat you ask That yam are you auk I alio I. If I toll of eyes astd hair. Make Dirt of climates, long. Incom pieta, Time will 1,01110, inark each lore fair-- Ee es ititil 11104, ewert handl' U1111 fee4. nut love take* little heed of time. And so you nee there is no why - Rut reason Kee mese sort of rhyme 1. 31141 tar.) you ato.1 1 UT 1 Deur. be content to have It to Leave pedaestat thelr Insistent why, And Count it wisdom poet to know That you ere you iti)i 1 eel 1 .--Weiteminetter Gazet te 6141111 1111. TUB COCKTAIL • the Name Julien hateh Give% to the Moralise Bath. I have recently A -tufted forty of the nette4r class flute uptenvil on the went Ode anti hare learned a great deal snout hew- the (Mow half ...eel know; and I'll Wet one or IWC of Ethers obi friend's to meet yoll• tad Fxpress As tt is fifteen OM 141 put a !little rota' in your face, my denr. or lee Isbell hare peop!e mute( that the eoionel lialflt tr'at- id Wen." tatty Ethel turned upon tier cheeks of flee. ' She doesn't look pale now," mid f'olomil Bainbridge, eagerly. No : lett that be not naturni Per- haps' the room Ilse been too warm for her. I. advise yea to Ko into ill" perk, my dear, and 'get a Ilttie ap- petite kir, dinner. 1 age-..11110N-eTi.41 feedlot eat enough." Her remarka went home to Clblottel Bainbridge , end thoitgli 1413 Ethek ititeett., denied the truth. lie could not Seiko off Um isepreesion thy."' reads, upon him ; and as soon as they wern In the oitrriage he allotted to it. '•Etliel. my deoreint, Toady nevedon ham murk) me no unhappy ! Is it renlly true that you are not feeling well ? Let nte look at your Inc.' But nba Mut pitting with her back toward him, gvuanrg oet of tho op- ponite window, and relieved to yield to the gentle forces vettli witted he tried to filen leer round. "What noneense ' Do !rave me nlone I Yon heard what I Nal,' to I1PT. 1 am am mill as ever I wan in my liftt !" -But people Inc not alwayw tire heat Judges; of their own health. Ethel. And, now. I cone, to think of Ityou do not eat iso leech an you ought to do. How toteernieit I Seined twirl! you were to fall ill." "I lave rilrecoly bold pm that 1 am not III." -DO why, then, do you look ro thin ?" "I always' was thin. "01.. no, I am mere yen were not env when I first knew yogrAnul yon are paler •thaa yaw owed to he and I know yea the not Weep well at n*ht " Clio be Cent newel - - - A Plitsbli ilitineresme. Gain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a pound a day by taking an ounte of SCUMS EMUL- SION. It is strange, but it often happens. Somehow the ounce produces the pound; it seems to start the digestive machinery going prop- erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food, which he could not do be- fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking WON'S p111181011 You will find it lust as useful in anima as in winter, and if you ars thriving upon It don't stop because the weather is wenn. Ft se, al 4,48W1a.. 111COT & MOW Nt, T... micr, Camarl• New lurk 4 entr•I sad Molitor. Itivive iteliroad The above name Is a house -hold word, mid the auperlor excellence of the road (Mould bufficient to at- tract moat people, but now that the rate is the seine to New York end peints east as by other lines no fur- tbrr recommendation oliotild be sought. le•erybody will tell you it Is • beet. Ittl FARM IfOR SALO-ONE or THE 1' In Ms Nieces Peolasula at Wirione. 011118 front Elmaliton on two rail- ways. LIP Mime lo .11,56 (.4 Wh1ch is, trete mewls peaMme. Will be •old we parcel rot divided Into IMAM 1510 acme Lc. suit per Mumma 'MR la • donated twmge.la Adam'. Jonethas Carpools's% boa eall, Winona Ontario NI-ANTED_G, HoUtik:KEICPKIte To e know Mai e ric VoluthIng Filo.. the ch t teically preps, t loth, t WI% erwarr. jewellery and all hrlirtyt metals like Waffle. No ea -tete powder whet ter i- re. lured , a de I fitful article. Prue d drug. .4.. You tau rocure wholegale frau the Iminion lirug 'o., flantl)too. The Menoreh 10., et. Catharine& • fre..\pend trial women" Irate Father -I thought you said you were worth ten thousand A Veal?. Would -he Suitor -Yes, .Ir; but I only get mix hundred, WANTED !:.'n r.:17. 4 thro out, toted& toe , otred==e iireod..iaLk!ants al Mon,. 14,111; IL.1.48. . alliisolleitait in. email 17rt1.1'ng 11 molter. rillaiinbidon or eatery. Ali 1/40- 1 lotioth and expeller Mit to exceed .50 per Idfty steed> employment to good, h mt. re liable men. Nu experience needful 1NOtte for i tfuoll..paLortnicd.oltrao. Vnil.10 Efirtlik: elEDICslINE I _ I Auk for Min:tiers and take no other. ?Ire TOW too ---I la v yott 111117 Clown neighbors, dear Mrs. Hubbubs -Yes, they are an chow. So Howe that you rotildn't bor- row ti flatiron (yr 1 eUli of auger to v .iue Our 1110 Catarrh Cannot bc Cuced with LOCAL Arri.ICA •• they not reach the .51 0? the dPeaiu 4 et iyrth 1.. blood or consti tot limel atoms.. iturt in order to cute it yOU muo take internal remedies. flails Catarrh Cure is token internally. nod Man directly on the blow nod moron. aurfeete. Mlle Catarrh Core i• not n quark torAlpflte, It WRi preecribed by one of the bed physician. h. this count ly for year.. NIA 1- ,1 regider pre ..ersetteeti im ironwood of the lirrt known. combined with the Itit•I 1,1.04 pun- gent, 1141, it,5 directly it 11e mucous iterfiares. The perfect combhstion of the two ingrxdl- ent. is what produce, such wonderful revolts In curing t'atarrh. Mend for testimonial+ free. V. J CHENEY • Ce.. Preps.. Toledo. O. sem by demerits. she Ttc N olte Faintly P111. ru te bed. trek yeare wilwe I house hunted anti Mt -hunted the Met time, I nm able IP FPO what chaugee the yearn 1lAti• .nought about In Isom* accenearide 1 int' only seen tine apartment hoes, ;vithout an elevator -thaugit th it tram one of the newasst, best bnili, iest "'heated and mont attractlf ill the bulklingn I mawA.ktnuntiaters a the kitchens were new ti my eye.. Flint clumsy, unworthy de ye id n eell button in a hole In the' carpet , toolt 1111118•1148104 feet, i saw Leo eaten - : MCP W0111(1 have been too often. Fin- ally, the NILO, 11111811, cootIlliene MI ,usportanc• off the Natation' Wog Itt Impreweive cluing" 11411n14 my lett tour. .1 empty 11(811PR. A11.1 It In 110U 0110 111 the city t Mat I fin•I two imithr,mtiv- In ninny npartments, mid two r tam .. ei many hotiones, but teen In the r tint • try liftmen, *herr a int;veable tab aged very (viten to nerve a family. 1 no* find tWo or three bathrooms ene to every two sleeping-roomi in nice hooter* and one for ever, nicest - I n 'pro to in groat and entity Isle ti• erten...et,. like thieve in the Mcielew- brieek relent'. 1 ttn, 11 it believe flint o ir neon', lott,p any mote thee they ton,' to. hut the moriting•I lib hribil hell grieve tipton them to n remark/dole extent. 'ITh' morning -11M habit Itim nidlline to (10 with derinlinent and 111 (1,' etel- neellon with bathing. It lia a ("I'm .., !veiny 'pick me -up '-n cerporril eektall-a livening 'tiara OM wellies lip the system .4 man ran tub In tle, usual way every morning of his er• 'owl he tried 1 brs none the elevtter file the prnetlee were It net for Um toweling he gives Itheself. ticembeter and e wintolnletv a Ill net tike out the pain Of nu itlilin•I it Pliny. hut Perry Nolte Priliikeler will de ito every thee. triply it with your finger In the sore etre. Price 2fic. and i.Oe. , lieber's Yam rime. Minh 'groin (owlet fib.. tun SPELTZ-1 v. it1m &taloa FARM ' SEEDS !Skit: NO. 14. 190 tlIPSINKSB CHAIACIte. raid! 5011 !MAL EliTA'rE lo uts• , welter wilier, it M. Stint di. eee price mita get oar pls. fi..t 108 emk buyer.. ?mem Ikeiwayte 1.., 1140111, Cu& P4MPW• TOralui r"W"m Pa runTs. L%otted. flautist us patent., Ir,-... change sad lei tetwent Coutimuy, NENT. 1141 -- - burner stead ln Fli weals. , Vritrutliera Loudon. Oat. Mrs. Winslow's noothille Syrup •it always be mad fur Cliildram Tmilus• . 00 1,. the child. istflost• I he g uiu•. 1. toile and 4. lha toe•t remedy for 1.14Rirl,.. is Yet' WANT TO BUY A 1 \ 11 11 Wieteru Deism... ON city o tburban Ift0fierty. Writ,. for too' • • as.klidid t•att- .33 I :• Exchange. imetion. i.s T 11 .1.111 VERY LO RATES Every day during the laeuth March and April, 1.002, t he \ PACIFIC will well Colonlet on, ttokets at the following rat,. F0011, littga $20.00 T• Ogdmi snit isii• City $20.00 a...indult:v.; .A.116 C $22 50 To Spokane. $22.50 "Puinta " time' 00.1 a).. Spokee• to Nmoatebee lur Huntinetun mot Ikpeltmoa $25 00 10 1'..,,MOO 1 Northsre Ky. et Illes•teloe• •la Mooney/too SpOlgaite. $25.00 rol'ortiaad, 1 • mid Simile $25.00 to Amdmid,lo •eit leterrue Pol•te. IscludIng Bernell Lis D . P. C.., south of Poetised 55111 • • • , \ la ▪ io1 0110 1.1110. , WSW rertlase. $25.00 lo lin Los Ample. ether t adifersla Potato. „es Fulf Information cl rierfth, ▪ on applleation 11 G. G. HERRING, G. 120 oedema -al A•litta Oetroll, ti r . 54 fret A, II 1, a A Chain is no Stronger than its Weakest Lin and a Wire Fence is no Stronger than its Uprights strongest lock No one should cape, , leave to MAI up 01 cm betwecit the p•••,-. 11. F too mo iy; e • . 14.4 r r Pit7clyty 1167.klis -'J o‘t in pt. e 11 41,•• weight. Light tie wilt. Sig* PO support. Bending te weaken. them and they are apt I break when the strain 1, severe Made. Prost Fence U Ver. break.. Weite for Cotalosoo. THE FROGT WIRE FENCE CO., • WELLAND, On PAINTED WIN Ramsay's Paints Thetk it over when tett Pal holier. it meanie a lot. Bey 'melts you ean get : paint well , sold on a reputatioa yerine min titling. buy RAMSAY'S PAINTS The lieet ground. the pit the ortrimgest oll. made to beantIty the honer.. to preserve tO It a stand amongst it. beIghborse Terre le net er a fly t Wag :emelt it honer pal:Bell With RI�. me, ton Paiute. Drop i'm died and noir ter BOOKLET NO. 11. 1 eta- Si4ityleg cute of ivestuldul ,,e,, Eldt trilatiod 1812 1,000,000 Customers .........., Pic..n1 4.1 an• teedminimii 00 MSC and yava lira trirebin4...11 le, pitr..i% 41,1, =Nra" M: jii;'‘'‘',; em' *ones., oft•• • /10 WORTN FOR 150 • will wail /Tun reemipe of 1:14 1,, .3.40 our groat yaitiolimiptii, worth 11.00.60 t0 wi• inUa 10,000 lar.ow 07 rarilminir, together s itti mom • Po ,-os Mewl wit t t, plw, poir111011T m...143 OW win art • Platt with. nprin -ri•ilin of lel lit ea, ts Lasaillakeznii-, *1,41'. 0.14.54 mma.o. - Meliwils.10 W. ri•em ik• tor Os, MI.. WWI 1', eC• UiLt, 0.4 no. The Flow of Milk will be increased. Wily go to ail the trouble of keeping cows and get only about half the tnilk they Rhould pro- cltt e. Dick's Blood Purifier strengthen6 the Aigestion slid invi- winkles the vvliole system sO that t he nutriment i• nil drawn frontthe food. It takes just the same trete hie to care for a ,,'ow when she gives three toads as when she gives s pail. Dick's Blood Purifier will pay back its cost with good interest in a few week.. fie cents* package. Leeralag, Miles It Co., Agests. rhMITREAL. Wire I 1. Minimk•at note., and Cone free A.G. RAMSAY'S SONS M0NTREAL. Paint II ak Js COLONIAL HOUSE. MONTREAL .04 DEPARTMENTAL STORE NEW SPRING CATALOGU will! ILLUSTRATIONS OF Every Household Requisite FIREIE "TO *NV A COMMIE/SS SAMPLES Of NEW SPRING GOODS sent as often as (lest and Special Attention given to Mail Orders. *eel. HENRY MORGAN & CO., MONTREAL %Nomisomo PAILS AND TUM Mf1Dh Of EDDY'S NO 11007. JsOpIANTS, PIO LEAKS. INDURATED FIBREIN are 'sally anterior to the wails ory Weed•eware artieled for donor tk • ea TRY TIMM. Ter sale by ell first *lase erieieve. AKE Fen eanailian Pet WI gri Loreto' claims I, negot tut Dofer let t lye grel late al amitsubt4 haws% ti tintuetit Kroun /larch Tranato .veting rived he ing 041e .-,vurte. Wistful* tier a II eteyn. turned. part: healre. I erable to3111 11 Otto' Lou es Watt Al A. C to(' Da, Messrs misty e dames . N eonte. I Krum' us daily either n1 reel, Londe .010011, 1411 i• 11 1.041Lall with an -r pet aerey appeal get tin .ffered lot tori irth:pilMaletypielsgunril 0:1)1,thi,11.11w; wttlitti rid Irettoll 1 In 1 p smug ear h g t liM1114A t religion 1. aix tier Par t WEIN The P.tris Icon: IA ID -t 11101 joieqw vu. k13130 tifePtrkebil 1000. It *yid altec Isp .1 te h .4r h tIl ,yal ;fot gn . r r11111 t l , 114 tend 111 tat 11 bit ttg took ner, hat en I Itt 1 . itr.iv en i 011 1