The Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO.
W. Acheson &Son
WE place on special sale Brand New (,carpets and
Curtains at prices much below regular values. Our
new stock is nearly double what we have ordinarily imported
for spring season and comprises a magnificent choice.
English Tapestry Carpets
in good patterns, 1500 yards,
at per yard ....25c, 35c and 45c.
1630 yards extra heavy
Tapestry Brussels Carpet,
20 first-class patterns and
colorings. The best value
we ever had at 65e, at per
yard, special 55c.
Body Brussels Carpet.
800 yards English Body Brus-
sels Carpets, regular 11.00
and 11.10, at per yard . ....95c.
Axminster Carpets.
1000 yards English Aatrnin-
sters, choice colorings'\and
designs, special, per yard
at 11.15
All -Wool Carpets.
36 inches wide all -wool Re-
versible ('arpeta, new,
bright and beautiful color-
ings, at per yard 50c, 63c and 75c.
IUnion Carpets.
i 36 inches wide Reversible
Heavy Union Carpet in
deairable colorings, at per
yard 25c, 30c and 40c.
Scotch Linoleuuls, 2, 3 art -1 4
yards wide, A 1 patterns,
at per yard 37,i and 50c.
Inlaid Linoleums.
Best Inlaid Linoleums, 2
yards wide, perfect goods,
regular $1.25 a square
yard, at per yard 11.10
Lace Curtains
160 pairs Nottingha Lace
Curtains, 60 incheb wide,
34 yards long, in ,light
floral or fern pattern or
with plain panel centre ef-
fects in fine Brussels net,
regular $2 Curtain, at pet
pair $1.25
Butterick's Patterns.
We carry in stock all the New
Spring Patterns. April Fashion
Sheets free for the asking.
W. Acheson & Son.
Morrie : T. Aga has gone to Manitoba,
where ba will jolt bu broth..
S,alerth : Tbs hor.sters have presented
themslvat with three ba,,deom• new uh•in,
ousting them 1110.
Cuomo : H !'luminal was obi* o •alt
hi. .ewe for • short time rsoe.11y, the fins
He. to many week..
Morris : allies Masa sed Rill. Bewley
k.•• escorted for • trip t0 Woleal.y. A..0/ -
In a, whea one of they brothers reed...
Grey : Mr.. Owen Smith ..o daughters
reviewed to Oidph on Monday of last weak,
where they expeet te ma►e their horn..
CI1.on : R. Raoelori, late of Belbvllle,
whose home is in Clinton, he soot teller
la this loos' brool of the Dominion Kok.
Brothels : Th. !age .table .ear the new
residua*, et' J. Leckie 1. bolo, totem down.
Y.•.,lal well be nelliasd in oastruotlog sm-
other house.
K Inlhom A. J. Seha*tlaa, el Toronto,
was sailing on •Id frl•nd. io tows recently.
He Telt Toronto for North Dakota on Twee
day of Int week.
Hettsoll : J. debugger, who bas bus ohlef
helper w100 Mr Hopktre, and Erne** Dar,
Il.1., et tb. R. Pickard Co., left Jon week
far Hreadoo, Man.
W ingh•m : Mrs. N m. Formant and Idles
Teensy left o. Thursday moraine of Iasi
weak for H•lvoke, M.wa., as wbtoh plan
they Intend rending.
Brunets : F. R. and Mr.. Horsley w111
lake ep hoasekeeptog fa the apartments In
the bookie hlook emoted by Mtn 11 Friss.
Me, who has removed Io Pert Dever.
Clans : John Forrester returned home
afoedly night of lest week trout Mediotn•
N. W T., where he was for over two
Yeats He was'Desired In raiohleg.
any : Jets D McNeil has porrhand let
25. nae 13, from 8. S Cob. of E'th.l, •1
*3.100. It is .s unimproved Iot,lrom *blob
cons,dn•bI• umbar has beep tattoo by Mr.
Honest' : Woe Peart 1.f1 last week f.,
Mullahs, where be porpoise reeding In 10.
intone. He intend" taking up land, sad as
novas wattled will b• joined by his wife sad
8safortb: Herber) Box leaven shortie
alter Raster for the old oiotry, where he
wall togs a mood p0011100 Iv the English
warehouse of the l ..oed• 1' nroltan Mop.
Tartish : Matin Kruse hs dlepewad of his
dwelling to own fur *750 to Joeep. Z.otel,
of the lolled Ilse.. Mr. Krol sad family
Intend removing to M1,hleaa lbs latter
part of April.
.)amosown • iteagald, sen of ,1ame.
teethes 1. home for Enter from the 0. -
term Arr4enitaral Conoco. This le lib
mooed arm He 1. to the dairy deportees*
latterly and likes 10.
Clinton : Mies Parker, who has bees In
th• earvlo. of Mre. MoTagrart ,r. for
rweoty-three years, aft ea Tseday of last
nook for Nag., Mo., where she will make
bar home with relo8yee.
Human : F. R. Karn, ex-man*gif N oh.
Molaoi"s book, leaven own 11:1 s taw doss be
.0iept a portion with the yew S,,erelgn
hank. H. is .uooeeded tare by Mr. B111 -
Ing., of St. Thomas, as manager.
Hayfield : Mist Meru°, trio has bees et
death's door for merino months past, 1. abl•
to take • drive. Her raovery as IOW,
. tort of L mlr&ole and bar one has Winced
the undemanding of phyaloiaa.,
Brasses : U0 Thursday. of Iasi week,
Thomas Eutawtaaderd the lumina of
Mn. Farrow'• meths,, ra y, of West
Nleeoerl township. sear Loge o, The old
'.des was 10 the n'ntteth year of her age.
Zurich: A law part■erehlp hat beet form
. d In Sudbury composed of ,1 H. Clay, 0.
E Buchan.. and A. D Meldrhm. Mr. Bo.
• banao referred to *hovels a woe of Dr 11.
sheath, and bas been In Sudbury foe about
• year.
Yesforth : George Stovd )1 hod the ml. -
fortune to hay* asotbm Boiler take,, ob,hy
a m.Ohi50 l0 the furniture faetery '0t
Thursday morning of last week. lr 1• only
• few weeks ago that Mr. Stogdlll met with
• somewhat similar no adorers,
S.atorth Wm. lltll s three-year eld
oblld bad lbs misfortune to brook hie arm
ea Tuesday of last weak. H. was moodier
on a ober a* th• window watobt.R hl.
father leaving for work when be lost b!, b•1"
toe and fell heavily to the floor.
(troy : Last wink William Taylor and
family removal from the Inch on, to 10.1,
thole oaroh•sed farm new Clinton. John
R 011•er, of the 9th con , who bought Mr
Taylor's farm, has takers pons•sith and
moyd his family to their new home.
Tu.keremlth : Thomas Murray. H. A ,
has 000.einel to the prloolp$lehip of the
(;vll•gio . Institute of that r.pldly growing
and proaporuns town. TO. salary le *1,500
a nor. Mr. Murray Is • nal.• of Tooker
smith, •nd to • Imo of ,lames Murray, ex -
Laminar of that lown.bip, and now of Hso•
Clinton: Mra. Hannah Watwreen, of
Toronto, was found dead l,, hod. Hurt fail -
o re was the those of death's •orldep •am
mon.. To. deosaed, who was in 0.r sixty
seventh year, was • forma resident of Olio -
ten hot .boon • deoad. ago took op bar
abode 4. the city. The remains were
brought to Clinton.
Brasses : Some parson or persons entered
A. Vtraohan'. store a shore time ago by
prying open the book dor with a chisel,
stolen from Sp•Irars's wagon shop. Abool
$5 in change was taken from the oath
drawer, end that and • pair of No 9 boots
was all that was missed ilpwards of forty
huroed matches were left lying on the Boor
There to no clue to the perpetrators.
Basset' : Saturday morning, Mor. 22n11,
the town h.11 was packed to the dors with
both town and 000ntry people to hear the
trial *genet Mr Wm. and Mn Ookb , of
(iry,for whipping the little girl Elsie Vas
dyke, who h.s lived with them for the put
year lire charge against Mr•. Oakley was
proceeded with fiat, and after .50.0.1 wit
neon had teen %t.mined, 0. 0, Blair, on
Mihail of th• soothed. pleaded guilty •1 the
offrenet, whamapoo the magutrolo Imposed
a floe of *20 and mists The charges against
Spraying Potatoes
-with the
eldSome t ,. they cal... ahookt ,tee horn Pate •
Might ed Hop In es. •pennon I/no man
0:0 • SPRAMblOR can .pray 20 acres In 7• \
TM ITRAMOTOR dr1•.a nut • p.d.., /"."7\111,
,.4 dar'eminng peaty ve.tig. or Noe planes
3i -w
later, 140. lt'a ehr only war to gnus imam. �. _
preatahiy, mei will Melee the crops u • - -
tneteg rm.'n
S..1 M year Mowand well mall you free �4'`i.
an •e page lN.smo.l Tread.. on Spoilt'', 'r• v'
esti fall p•rtieulm, sot the SPR AMt)T,,R•. ..7,-...11.
� 't
emir4. la ...Mai tM fors... .0 Cooed. d lar
'h•••t..nd. M dellnte' 1t will twee
nth*, tante wee. /Or i
The *mita** Co., Um" tent 'e
glweeled well the STRAMO TOR .111
..tied► .r.14•te Moused full yae-
Magma M aur risk' m ayrsrly.
Mr. U.kley was withdrawn, se there did
out appear' to be aut8otmat evldeow to oa.-
•lot. The theta old be In the catibuthoted
of 1100, owing, to several outside dower*
being ua►led.
F.nmoodvllle : 'Eno death oeaurred In Eg-
eoud•llls o• Saturday, the 22nd ult , of
David Manson. Mt. Moamar was bora 10
Kis kmad brim btables. Soot/awl, ty six
years ago. He tame to Tuckenraltb about
files ysore ago mad naiad on • farm uan ! he
retired a short time ago to live to Egmoud
elle, Mr. Mans., was •uoIaaelul is bast
G ees .ad an honored, enplaned map. Hs is
survived by his Into, his sea Joan, of Da
iota, aid soros daughter,.
Bruewb ; 7 he Barrie (Ont.) Examiner, of
Meth 20th, says of a former highly es.
teemed resident of Brunets : Mrs. Garlick
of Omaha, Nob., who oam5 to •tsii 4er ale
ter, Mrs. (R.• 14. J (loohro., two mouth•
ago, dud on Mere' 19"b after a week'. 111
sus with po.umosla mad j•uodi.. She
w n fifty two roars of age and lny.s a hue
band and one married daughter in Omaha.
Mr. I :arll.k seconded Ob. Imolai, tater-
meat laking path In Thornton en Saturday.
?seder Gro,
Se(t corns, Dors of all Made removed with
out pal° or sore spots by Putnam's Pension
Corn and Wart Extractor. Thousands
testify that It le oerealn, painless and
prompt. B•w%re of substitutes offered for
the minutia •' Putnam'." Extroter. Sur.,
safe, barmine. Al .11 druggists or seat by
mad upon receipt of twenty fins outs. N
0, Poison & 1'e , Kingston, Oot,
natality at Gerrie. •
Gorr., March 24. -A attaage tatallty
0000,0ed In Gorda Obls yeoing, wblob rs.
suited In the death of Mr Henry Sanderson.
contractor, of this ol•o.. He was In the
an of 8sbing Dear the badge, when hie
dabhg pole Dome 10 00010,1 WW1 a /IV*
eleotrlo hent wire, .rid se a oonmqu50o, b•
was lostsntly killed Deoea.ed was In hie
420a year, and leaves a widow and o family
of three o mourn bi.lose,
Perfect !'are ler ar.aehlll.,
This dins* o00 be treated cooly by a
remedy oarrled to the affected parts Moog
with the air breathed, for nature intended
thnm organs for the passage of a1, alone,
and spray., atomizers and Internal mdt
aloes utterly fell. But Catarrbozoa.
4eee0 t fsi1, for It Row wherever the slr
breathed goes, and its heating antisepsis
vapor is sure to reech syery .Heated Wirt
C frozen• is inhaled at the mouth and
•tear passing through every air Dell of Rha
breathing organ• 1s slowly exhaled through
the aoatrils Catarrbozone promote and
heels the aflame surf...., relieves 00n•
.eeNoa, allays fotlammatOon, and perfectly
tares all bronchial affections. Pries $1.
Small see 253. Druggl.ts or Ponos & Co.,
L og.toa. Oil.
A Maadeeme Mean Card.
It le a notlofable toot that the dining oar
department of the (:rand Trunk Railway
System 0 eeoond to none on th• Amerloao
oo0ttoent, and Dew Improvements sod mod
ern l0yovat.on• are continually being made
The tele. patlor oars which have boon run
fling o0 nearly all of the divisions of tht.
groat ■yet.m are • commit .°ortts of praise
from the travelling public. The oompaey
has recently altered tits .tyle of the menu
Dade heed on all of the dloiop oars and
oafs -parlor oar., and Oats gotten up a very
handsome and neat bill of tare that appeals
to th• artistic sons, The neck noel Is
what Is known oe U d Eogll.k Ruetlo Brt•
tot of fine texture, .ad mist grey to color
The (Irani Trunk trade mak In oloh &p-
ones at the op left -band oorner surrounded
by a neat combination of scroll work of
Iallao reaatssanos daslgo, prinad to gold
and embossed in high relied The name of
the meal he also emho•asd to high relief, sod
the nus ensemble is a plowing and artlst:o
oombiaatioo, Toe wine lino have the same
deafen) at op, sod are printed on the same
quality osrd. but an olivytte oolor for d..
Tar Coaorot.rrA,t.- ' tVkat Women
Like in lien," "What Men Lite' in
Women," and "Husbands and Wives,' are
Da titles of L aeries of vary Intnest(eg
papers by Belford Pike, the third of wh(00
appears is The Cosmopolitan for April
The same number of Tim Coemopollt.0
Huts of Prion Hoary'r voile, with a tortes
of beautifully printed photographs, natal*
the title of "A Unser Emperor had • Coo.
federation of Nations." F. Hopkin•
woe Smith, Inset Z.ngwIll, Bret Hart. ted
Maarten Maarten" sr• among the other near
trlboton to Dos number, wblob ie annually
god to Botlon.
LirrrocorC, -The fa.olnatloo. of %'ager
doo are widely fell and little understood.
There are bus who lave over seen a Hellen
darrno, and of thews none has described it as
does Hon. John 8. Durham in his tory,
"Diane, 1'rintes. of Hs,tt," which 1. the
complete novel of Ltpploott'. Mmgszid. for
April. Mr. Durham was the United Stater
Minister to Haiti and Santo Domingo under
Prslde,,t Hanson's sdmlnl.tratloo and
thus had opportunities tor ening Haitian
life such as hove fallen to few who have also
pew d the gift of portraytne its °fetor"
esqusuon, ire potation, and its eometlmre
track barbarity. "Dine" to • Nye .tory of
eiogular sweetness woven through episodes
of diplomacy, revolution, and the cart hap
parting, of a blas k president who 1.. despot.
Troptoal oolor and •niton with peonage* of
humor glee lite to the novel, sod tender leve
paseag.s abound in It.
AN EASTER Nt'MO[R - A handsome
oo•sr by a Canadian artist *oolong the
Eater Ince of the C•nadao Magezln•
Adds from the Easter features of the nam•
her, there ars several valuable %roots.
.!oho K. Monro writes of ending In Gonads
In • way to interest both curlers and gen•
era! ruder- Arthur H. U. Oolgnhoae
Rives maty Intersti0g reminlaoennn of
Lord 11,Reri,,. Albert R. Carman relates
enure poiltloal expenenou io England ander
the title "John Boll is Polittn." Toe pro
Motive vela of vaccination Is told by John
Ferguson, M.D. The oeeeee of Henry Hod
on, thv discoverer of Hudson H.y, Is do
thrilled to a delightful way by George
Johnson, the Dominlo etetlsttoio, All
lover. of nature w111 be pawed with Fritz
Hops'• profanely illustrated article on the
bank swallow. No f•etldion* ',odor of ogee•
root literature oould demand more than 1e
contained In this etodlent East., number.
MiTnoit&S MAOAZ.IRI AND Ravin.. rot
Aron. -The Illonrated articles on "The
Irish Palatines In Clinch," by C. C. James,
Deputy Minister of Aerloultore, are attract-
ing muoh •Lteetloo, TO. half tong .re
from his own photo. made In Ireland A•
article on "Legal Laminate.. of Enclose,"
by Dr. 8 R Cedmae, abounds In savor
sk.tehe. •ad good portraits of living or
recent Rritieb jddges. "The Treaterss.
tion of Burma,' by 1'. H. Harmer, a bleb
authority, show., with iraphle plasm, the
beinefceooe of Health role. Paster Felix
(A ,l. Lockhart) gives an admirable study
of Henry Timrd, a Southern pest, "04.41.
len, the Indian," in both Coeds sea ►hs
United 8tat•s, le the •objsoI of two Illus.
Mated articles by expert antborilles. "'1 he
Martyrdom of an Empress' tolls th• traria
ale of the life and death o1 the Empress
Elizabeth of Matra -one nl the saddest
tales in all history. masons Horton's
tenably* story, "The WMd1ng Rio,," 1s a
enemy plea for prohibition, "Cohltee'.'
aortal grew. In power. In Motors, aid
poems Rha number has a striking Faster
flavor Toronto ; William Rrlgn. Meet.
reel : C. W. Doane. Rental : 8 F Hun.
04.. 8200•Year ;11 001asir menthe
Slit r 400 Mx AHIM -Sort boa's Mega
,In. for April h0gias a novae's! by Retard
Harding D.vta--o mot of the Bret Impar
Meth to ell lover* et good Ratan "(tap
rain Mantilla," whleh Milne in 11118 nomher,
is the lenges* n0v04 written li7 Mr. Royle
sad le kis Brat.4.,. " Soldiers .f Furless,"
14 1e kis m.,* mater. wink, .tad narrate.
the adryotureo of a Theme West Pointer
who was (Imminent Inion the duodena .gd
treat to H•.adurae to sake • saute for him-
self as et..oIJter with a body of Ferran
No,,1.ta Is re romaaUu end aiventuroua In
•vary Pare, and the development of the
aero from ba 'bub" .tea, 10 • self reltao0
solJ:or b d.pluted with eyed u ore skill thus
tit. Darla has heretotor• .bows,-_wblub
means that It is a triumph 1■ narrative do
tan. 'rata Iwtatmeua •ad •ll other* will
bas ill ed by Walter Appleto Clark.
Toe ,Wry will rage through ter onmbers.
Tblr Issue °thistles the first of three littlest',
whluh nlrrlogly repreaeot the fife of the
fishermen of today --off btu AOlsutlo then,
oh the North Vas and uo the Britt,. James
B Uoaaolly, nae matt chosen to wr11t theft
*Mole*, thou' into ln:medlsto favor as •
writer of sea *toren with bu " A Chas.
oar Nrgkn" and amoral others 1n 8srtbn.r'.
last y..r. The Bret .enol. on "1'b. (lou•
theme labors/nth ' le oe Iatereating as oy
story of tar em, flims are many other
mood tbloge la this number.
111. Y, lteLeaa, el 1arorlb, aeulyes the
Liberal 11•ataatl...
Hweall, Maroh 29.- A very large
and repreeeatetive convention et 10*
Liberals of the South riding of Huron was
held ben today, over 250 delegates befog
manor. Toe gathering sen marked by
uottse.l enthusiasm, and oomfidecoe ID t
ability of the nominee to redeem the tidier
Mr, Factorial Nees, who reo.ived t
oomtiatloo about • year ago, tendered h
rnlenasten, and stated that owlog to
leg the Enter holldayo at her bogie to
Ooderloh Lowes61p.
Mamager Lewitt of me. Uodorlub Kolttlog
Co. made a nip the past week to
Toronto Lod Guelph.
J.• U. Maokopale, of Calgary, was la
Lowe for • few days last week yleltlno tele
Meter, Mre. MaoG181yrsy.
Mr. and Mn. R. 8. Robertson aged son, of
Stratford, were violator( at the residence of
W. R Ruberuuo durlog the week.
Joint Redford left Monday morhl0g for
Buffalo, to swum' ale position as maw 01
the 51.0mer Wyomlog for the INasoo of
Lurlob Herald . Misses Marlys and Roth
and Master Gordon MuN,vin fro ep.ading
Oa Ewan holidays with Dade Ltbsr at
M. A. Modooald loft on Saturday to
spend • taw day with his fraud, H K.
Jordon, at Brantford, and from there wan
to lases for Toroato on an utended 100x.
eshawa Mes See.,. that a,dd'e algae,
runs Cured nim .r 'armpit*.
Oshawa, Moron 31.t, (Spools). - The .x -
mamma oyer the oasts of Joeepb Brows
does not mon to grow lee., although it R.
sow over two month*.Inue his .worn state.
must was pi/Waned.
b• Mr. Brown hoe bosh and 1e .till beal.ged
c + with Inquiries from all over Canada. To .11
be ( of thsee be saw r.
i• '• Yes, Dodd'. Kielce, Pill. oared ms,
111 after all the phy.loaos leers had la 00,1
hospital at'rorohw bad glean me tip.
" 1 oould not nand alone. 1 bad no
power in my ley or item.. 1 was helpless
and ninety boneless.
Ino id • K,doey Pills oor.d ma fear
years ago, and 1 haus worked every day
health he was torted to retire from tae oot-
ten, his phy.toion having advised btm that
u would he doproos to undertake the
fatigue of it trampalga, Upon motion of
M I) D Wheoo, of Seolortb, and Alex-
ander Mustard, of Stanley, the resignation
.l Mr. Hees was aco•pted with regret, and
an exprea.loo of ooudd.nse as to his election
bad be hem able to continue the oonet.
Whoa homtnatlon■ were celled for, but nos
tame was proposal, that of Mr. M. Y.
M.L•a. of The 8atoreb Expattor, wheel
was rooeteed with /teat 'nsbudwm. Mr,
MoL, was nominated by Mr. Alex. Mus-
tard and Mr. 8 Strecker, of Stephen, both
of whom es
exprsed their 000fideooe to in.
o•ndidau'e ability to win the election. In
sooepung the 0ominatlon, Mr. Molestsex
horted ordeleg.te• to wort, as no man
could eta without the aatly support bud
00 op,rattoa of ole tractile.N. reviewed
the returd of the Uoveromeot, aid said In
w as • m1, for ovoid to vote mod work
for ouch a party sod eucb • platform Key.
t5'. J. Weddell, Met4edl•t Moister, woe
Present as a debases, end addrenel the
meting. Ho euloilxod the Government on
its spleadld record and progressive pottery.
He was . probibltlootn, but did not, wish to
fee o low paned without the sanction of a
suhebntlal majora p of the eleotorate, and
he thought the rot meadow was as fair es
the moot ardent prohibitionist could reason-
ably 'spool. Eaton. problbl$lonlst as he
Is, he did not ,bink he could ask for as(
ihi0,4 more 'Trimble and just than tb
policy u1 the Uuveromeot on tb1. gnosticl
Key U. H. Loot Methodist minister, tr
also preu00 as a delegate, and stated h(o
treetop o0 tb5 queelloo of tomperaooe and
hu 0000oction whltb the temperance con
nation held In South }forth last wink.
"pesobee were also made by theorem M0
Ewan, M. P., Vole/mina Rat,, ex -M. P.
A resolution of osdolance with the Hoo.
Geo, W , Ross in hu recent b.reayemeot
was passed, upon motloa of Messrs. D D.
Weight sod Y. )Soy. Another •xoreeslog
confidence ID the Government ware adopted
upon m°'ton of Meson, J.Ke)lermao,of Hay,
.ad H. Beattie, barrister, of Sealorth.
Mr. McLean reaigod from the prssidenoy
of the South Huron Liberal Association.
and Mr. J. G. Sunbury, b.,rlasr, of Exeter,
was doted In ale plane, Mr. Frei.rlok
Hoes booming fine ylo.-presldoat is plea
of Mr. Slaotury.
J. Story .pent God hrlday In Stratford
Clifton Gilford, of Clinton, spent Sunda
in town. .
Mrs. In sot. Shama' great I0. Easter sear
an at
Idles M.rion Parson went Io Detroit
to .pend baster.
Chas. H. Humber elelted Pore Rowan
darlog the boGdaye.
H C. Moore, of Toronto, male a brief
visit to 1000 los week,
Fred. Emile, of Toronto, wan ens of the
holiday vlsiors to town.
Mie. Jean Glh.00 ha. been spending 10.
Eater tenon in 1or000.
Min Porter, of Clinton, spent Good Frl-
Aay with friends a Lowy.
John Elliot*, B.A., of Leamingsen, was
•moag our Easter yl.11or..
Austin trotter, of 8e•(or.h, .pent flood
Friday and Enter in town.
Mr. Wm, Clark, of Istrolt, was among
trs Easter vlattore In town.
Mr.. Jas Smith, of Detroit, .pelt • few
days In teeth the past week.
Mies Hotel. Harrison, now of Norwich,
was bone over Enter Sunday.
Mb. M.rgiret Fkellon visited friend. in
Stratford during the paaq,week.
Benson Strorhan, of Toronto, •posh
E st hu home at Benmlller
Will. Steverson and Reg. Cnowo, of Cl'.-
ino, •kited Goderloh over Sm ally.
Min K Moll.. ,..pending the Easter
vacation at her home Io Stratford.
Min Mama, of ',moon, hail been visit-
ing her mother during the E oaer season.
The Misses Katie.nd Minna bile (Norris.
.f London, have been ratting In Uod.rlob,
John E Bee, of S aforLh, spent • taw
days with Uod.,loh friends the past week
M. W. Howell visited hie home near
Hrasttord sod other points daring the pent
Pero, H. Tom, of the Wretern Medical
College, London, repent the holidays a0
Uso. L. Allo I. away en • ten days'
bn.lnne trip to Montreal, Rrookyllle and
Nat. Abbott and Alec. Mollie, Left on
Moody for Buffalo, to jolt the orew of the
tar W yom►ag.
MrJohn Wood, of London, spent the
Eater holiday. with 0.r deter Ind•w, lin.
E. W. Carrie
Min Claire Reynold., who has been ea
nndial school In Tor.InOn, 1s among our
Maier yleitores.
Miss Ethel Rhona', of the Ontario Nrr.
mal Gollrge. Hamilton, 1e home for the
Easter voo•tioa.
Miss Elia Moblath, .f Toronto, I..p•nd•
r""t0l13AM moot
4 Otis .Ia1riS
-lea noA >;trgl on noA
unite 'uo;idmp !sure l e
no( 1;»w/t1 owl nil
to rnld esJriryi on/
'ltouoq 120W lf'q '3(4I
/Amp orris mote
n 'slog psq w put 'lnddn
pooa r quAa nods v
At Atu'lun undo gee Oe3t1
stege*. n ptratil'nirl V.e
■. Slums, Jr. • Sale Lacal Ageat.
There is some sigoidoaooe to the report
that on Suod.y last sixty -wen persons
were received loco member+hip of tie
Esolid avenue Mahodlet nh0rob, Toronto,
without Rha usual tonne of a series of re-
vival ser.iose. U0 the oaatr•ry. It was ea
sided col to hull re•Ival meanies, whiob.
It woo olalmed, had nob atw.ya produced
the most lasting moults. Instead a corn
mitts of some twelve active menthes of
the church personally *anyasnd as many
persons s thay oould 10 • 11m1ted time, vibe
were thought to b. probable osndld.i.. A
coupon containing a number of questions
was left with each person, and as e reeoil
elxrypersoos, without urging or ex
ottemeot, idgolded thole. wlllinguns to jets
the ohuroh and were received on Sunday
anat. 10 is lnteadd to repeat the effort In
the oo0ret of • Iso weeks.
One of the most danger-
ous and repulsive forma of
Kidney Diose L
for which Dodd's Kidney
PBI, are the only certain
cur,. Ile Dropsy the Kid-
ney are actually dao...(
..p and thee water, which
should be expelled In the
form of urine, Bows back
and lodges in the sasse of
the flash and pules out tb.
skin. Remove the filth
which plugs hQ�t�he drain.
Reston the �Gidnoy. to
1 Kidney L.4irj
TBIJUUDAV, April 3, 1902. 5
Ladies Night Robes.
A full ream• of sill styles, and praise
600 0. 12.50
SKIRTS, lovely styles 46o to *3.50
CORSET COV ERS 250 to The,
DRAWERS 45o to $1.00
CHEMISES put holt pries
A few Cnemises we tarried from last year
at half price.
Fine English Cambric.
Good value at 120, for g;a
•peol•I •e Pi 00 had 11.26 and up se 13.00
Them are our special, made of
heavy tattoo, Ilan fronts and
baada, • regular 750 comity. 0
two tee ..7th
Ladles W. ondantond your wasting to have a Hat nollke say *tag la Iowa.
Don't seed away for eta, pay a Ole prion and run the °boner of getting one ilia* will
rooks you look a goy. MI>S JORDAN the trim one M your teats (yea don't hays t.
take It till 1t u) at Ices moony tons you will sty •sea• from home, sad gee the .ops will
lave one lila It, s .he makes no two 00. soma. MIM Jordan bas hot cooly winked la
largo ssIbltabmente bat bas bees is Marro of them !n fire years, Her espartos,* la
ample, bot we soy "Rothlag too good for Gdertob."
A Great Snap._I.►
le oar Uloaer Slap, at 60. G
pound, .f 'blob we will a barrel • week.
Tale an t oar only snap, as we nary
•verything that oho be found In an ao-
Oo-dato groovy sore, and our prow
are right. Thee farmers Scow that they
can always get from us a snap for their
produce. 't1', drew the line at no
legltlmmn trade - everything goes :
Ul.esware or potatoes. menden stuff or
oboloe,t table Cama. We deal in all
of them.
Redford black. oaderlob
1 hays received my New you .f
Suitings, Trousering8,
etc., for Spring and
Summer Wear.
1f you ars mining • new spring soa,
. light,verceel, or anything in my !lot,
1 o.a plea.el you to goods, fir and prise.
./'heady -rue (letting la stork.
For externs) use ooly, 11 a positive cure for
Spinal Dimas*, Hip Doieaoe, Inflammatory
Rbtomatism, Lame Book, Lumbago, Bare
Throat, Wink and Sore I-unt., Bruen.
Sprains, Stiff Joints, Raptors, and all kin.
dried diseases. It has also beta found a 0010
for Throat Affections in burin. None
genuine without having the tr.d• mark on
labels and wrappers and E. A. MCLiNNAN'5
Liniment, Ooderlob, Oat., *tamped on war
seal on saoh bol l.. Maonfaorord only by
EDP/1E111IA A. McLRNNAN, role patentee
and proprietress, (Jnd.,ion, Oar.
First in 1888 -
Foremost ever since.
To have been "first"
merely proves antiquity.
To have remained first
proves merit.
Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Son
Bread aad Cre3m Roils, Lice
Pies and Lady Fingers, KiSses,
Macaroons, Manilla,
Brady Snaps, Etc.
are an giber •e the heat made:in any
city in Osnad•.
Contrition Leede the trade in
In fowl demeaning and ornament
ing and almond lining.
lllve him sn order *nil your sat
i sfmctinn will he mmanna&
Wga r -e T.
loB Hard Cod
Al Coal weighed on cbe blanket Bogies
when eon get 9000 Ina fora on.
left et LSE R Qg=p�.111)11
Ston promptly attended te.
1808 -- •-- L90611
le moving airwave, Winter Mem bugles ha.
1, IWt. Oar rate. s resonaba, hag.etases
of study thorough and practical. 5udfr w
Journal and sea what we teeth. atnd.sos girl
'user at any time. Two oaruw of stud/.
Commercial and ahorthoid
Ow,n Bonne. anomie
WWI" Nrtu Fire iwruoe G.
Value of Property Laurel nee to Jangearr,
armor's AND Dmm1a yosa,
.1. R. McLean. pre% ; T. Fraser vice -eras. •
Jea (:ooh G. Dale. W. G. t�irwrook
Watt, Joa��at, J. G. (;rase, J. 11*aaewels,
directors; W.O. droadtott, eeaforth, Ia•peo•
or of loves ; T. L Iia/•, Baatorth, ..Garan.
J. W. Yeo, Hol.vt1flle
m. ; James Comatlag
Egmoodvnle ; It, McMillan, e.aferth ; ri
8mlrh, 'betook
Polloy-holden can par 10Omm501a and get
their Dards reoelpled at Mr. Cools'. Clinton. or
•at hMoL*•o Bros.' PalacesCloth's* 8tore, God,
Mill Wood
The above is cut into store wood
(en.Ztb and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day as
Orden received by telephone or
left at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
'Phone 98.
Guderich, November 21,1, 1899. 66-3m
- Tan L1AD1No -
Vwnera‘ Dlrfittort anti
Ernoctk nets.
ONen earorally"at1N.d M r all
hears. wheat or day.
Eno bee Street.
R Business has groan to such dimensions that
we have decided to move to larger premises,
and will in consequence offer our whole stook of
at Genuine Ba
Aad all after
Mesial Winnow*
Machines, &c.
Prices until the
15th Fek, 1.902,
Remember, this ie a Genuine Bargain Sale, and
the chance L one you may never meet again.
Music and Bicycle Dealers, e e . t30DERICH
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The stepladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full sst"rtment.
Telephone No. 91. THE GROCERS.
S'17.7M=M- dt Co.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, Ooderich, Ont.