The Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 44 ZUu111f D.LT April 3, 1902. rIOTI-IERS' DAY 1 TUESDAY, APRIL 8T". It is • pleasure to show Of Aim you invite all Ladies to come, whether have boys to clothe or not. All ladies like the artistic. We have it to show you. We invite you to come. We don't ask you to buy. Remember the day. TUESDAY, APRIL Sth W>.: have decided to have s day sot apart for mothers to come anti inspect the beet lot of Boys' Clothing ever shown in Uoderich. We are so pleased with our stock that we would like to show them to every Lady in town. Never before has so much attention been given to Boys' Clothing, and the Styles were never u nice as those we are showing this season. you these handsome mite. They are Works W. C.PRIDHAM, Rodeos P1ssMag Omitted Home, Mcloaa's Block. CLOTHIER AND FURNI`iHEK Inc $zignzX, La PUni-tilink EVERY THURSDAY MORNING RI lb. ■.elliJCaM'V aQDERICH. THURSDAY. APRIL 11, IIOL TO ACCEPT 1 HE OFFEN. hN/e IBeeebf Votes Taal the Town Re- ceive Mr. faraegle'e 0.111. 1u spat• of the rata, tbere was • good at- tsadeaes at the .esnue held 1u the oourt house en Friday •vonm, to sonsid•r the offer o1 910 000 (rout Mr. Carnegie for • tree pabIto Irbruy in Uderloh. The gathering was repree•aattve of all pluses of the townspeople aad included also • t u. • dozen ladles, who took an "Went townie la the proceed lase. Mayor Cameron took the chair and •z• plowed the proposition wblob had ooe,e through the pohllo library board. vit., that Mr ('arnegls would give 910,000 for a pub. lielibrary a t;oderieb, provided the town would provide • site and agree to the mini - Immo. of the library at • Dost of not Iwo than 91,000 • year. His Worship stated that the feeling of the oounoll deemed to be that the offer should be •ooepted 11 1t should be found that the oondlttons would not be nudely bordsu,me. Hie own optolen was that the offer ehoeld ont be throwo porde He had heard some objection to reosiving the money on •000unt of • book Mr. ('.r asgl• had written le which he mode adverse ooameots upon some English people ; but the fact that the people ot Eoglaod had •o *spud large some ot money from Mr Car sere was an iodisation that they did not osastder his writings • reason for refuel*, hie gilts. Tke point with him was wb.t her the tows could oadertake to gaar•atee lbs sum rvnutrd. It would not be oemesary to mooed the present grant of 9400 motor something additional In lighting and w• er seryloe. 1 hs (guns nothing op the amount for yearly maintenance would be Carib grant from tie town County grant Annual sale of periodicals, oto Cards and Angie. Electric lighting Water serytoe Legislative grant mom WEST HURON CANDIDATES. IT is now pretty well enderstlood that the Provincial election/ will be held either during the Lamar end of May or the bogie:nog of June. Prom beth parties in Wast Huron the call for a nominating convention has gone forth and by the end of neat week canotl date for each of the old political parties will be named. Already the newspapers and others are busy with names to come before the con• wentioss,and The Blyth Standard introduces (to line for selection as follows t to 00. Liberal anteroom we hear timi imam of tke following gigtlemes a [cwt. aeatioaol : Philip Holt. VI Dan. Y.(Hlliosddy, Wm. Lsnoand M.G. Cameron, of Goderich t James Snell, of Hallett; Alex. Stuart, of West Wawa - sash, and Morgan Dalton. of A•bfield. Amos( she Conservatives the following gwatieruen are mentioned: John Wilford, e1 Myth; D. E. Munro, et Auburn Fist Lockhart and D. Patterson, Wawaooeh t Dudley Holmes, ot (.ods rich; Robert Medd. ot West Wawaao•h, and James Connolly, of Wdericb towo- ssip. We notion that tim tames of three men. one of whom will get the Conservative nomination. are not on the hat given by The Standard. The miming names are Jorge M12'HELL, of Goderich, JOSEPH Bach, of Saltford, and Davin Ca1r711 . of Clinton. It Is claimed that Mr. MITCHELee well-known temperaooe reoord will give him the inside track at the Conservative oonventice. Of the Liberals named by The Standard 1t Is not aeoeseary to speak at any great length, as they are all fairly well known: Mayor Caritwi.of Godertch, is .on of the late Hon. M. C. Casinos. and has had load training In public life, having passed from ceuneillot to reeve and to hie present position with rho hearty approval •f kis f.11ow.lseton. He to facile prioc•pe in the riding as a political speaker and has a large and •nthasiutie following. P. Hot', B.C., is at present a district councillor, and also bee 0.4 a long muni- cipal experieooe. He is • lawyer by pro • teesion. He is believed to have a strong following. WILLIAM PRODD/007 has spent a num- ber of yasn at the town council board, and is President of the Wast Huron Reform Association. D MoOtLLtc0DDY is editor of Twit &seat and •z President of the West Huron Aesosiation. Hooded DALTON is reeve of Ashfield township, and is personally popular in that part of the riding. Wm. Leith 1s county clerk of Huron. Atrx. 13TOAn' has been through the municipal mill. and is an ex•m•mber of the ooanty council . Jams. Ss'u u standing is similar to /six. SMDilieu. We are, however, 1n a position to state that a number of the men whom names are mentioned on The Standard's Reform list tare not pining for ►hs nomination. THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO mmmmmmmmminnmmmm Garden Tools... HOES, RAKES and MANURE FORKS, SPADES, SHOVELS, PRUNING SAWS, PRUNING SHEAR S, PRUNING KNIVES, HEDGE CLIPPERS and SHEEP SHEARS. Ramsay's Ready -f lixed Paints are the best Paints on earth. Use no other. tee always lead to White Lead, Oils, Dry Colors and Varnishes You oars Save Money by Dealing With Us ALLAN & McIVER a 'Phone 86 The Lo.einig liardoare Firm. Honest Goats at Honest Prime. 'Phono 57 --oat 9400 120 75 288 2b 250 tag. lf the people of Goderich mold set toe floe building *rooted there. with its ['mutant furnishing. and fittiors, he be. limed thay would •Il be in favor ot coedit to the town. something for thorn to b. promi of. 11 cost them Ism than $5.000. and with 910,000 Goderith oould bays • ;sausage ot the town. He also thought this otark•t should be renso•ed to ths old fair grounds. He did sot %Molt the aooeptanoe of this grant would be any dill 00000 from the omeptanoe of the vont by the Chomp maple. (Applauee.) H. W. Ball asked the iimetion wh•ther the town mold grant rho market site, winch he believed had been donatod to the town as • market site. J. Keratihan mid he oould spook from the farmers' otandpoint, and in Ms opinion the towa had a market. F. Jordan said there had boon • great oonteatioa at the time th• preeent market plates wail 'sleeted for toe sti• of th• old barracks which we cell • market. Oo• party wanted it down near Thomp000'• olookemith shop ; the other party wontrod it at th• old burying grouod. He. with others. odwooated Mooing it whore it is Dow. However, the quettion of elite oould De taken up later. No one would oesstioo decided attorwarde. Regarding the gum. Won rolood by Mr. 1101, Nth markot site mite purchased for 111.000 by • numbor et Mayen. tot whom ke was one), and sold to the tows ter 9.500. H. I Straits s000ndsd this motion, and In doing so paid a tribute to Mr Moore for hie efforts. In cosiunct,on with th• other sem bets of tte board. to workiog up this pro pot. Il• thought it woe a oroditabie desire of Mr. Commis to get rid of Bolas of hie money and pet Isa•• it all tor thelawysre lull hold of 'nor his (loath. Il• was in favor •f the market one (Applause ) Th• Moyer sa d the council had had the mates. of the market under oonsideratten, bat the difficulty to deskne with it lay io th• foot that they had hardly a dollar to do amyl -blue with. As only a par% of th• market grounds would be ithatiesary tor the librar•, they oould snippet of the remainder lor $500 or $600 and aria 1110 sum in fitting John W ynn roes and said that he did not H• wan Con other spookier@ had done. adian and wae proud ol 11, bat be would not be worthy of th• name 11 be did not protest against the momenco of this Wonder. Mr. Carpool* had ploodereti the people of this United States ; and whoa he workmen objooted to their troatment he had pot pollomma to shoot them down He d'd not want • building built with blood money (Ar dialscumu" 1lon regarding the pions tor th• bonding nrooght ont the mammon, by Judge Doyle that they were not °mama plan. but he Imitated they would ham to `-''',-"'""••'-'to•-• Total 91,073 Toe Mennen! el the building mold lo usod tor various porpoise ; there might bat • ladles' reading room, • privam room tor Liked a fall and tree discussion of the pro - 3. H. 'A orsell. ohairman of the public librory board, took tie floor, and, OW spooktho of the onsuitehisities et the pre. seat liorary room for th• purpose. stilton that when Mr. Coreegie's proporitiott came thelbeard had decided to mit His town for the front part of the market site. The prompt market woo not need and wag not • marks% in the prover mos* of the word 'Tilers was as moth mid n•w on Hamilton street as on the markot. Judge Doyle added to what kir. Worsoll bad said regarding the unfitness of tho present Wintry room. The board had thought of uthving tith old 11012D011 oh•rn Der, but if they moved at all they should have • place on tr.• ground floor, as moth sits, Windsor and other towels Do doubt coasidered thewiselvos as loyal ail we, anti he saw no obj•ction to helping Mr. Corneae to money in this way. Complaint bad boon mobs that t hit library doom not always oon• tans books thith are of th• boot ohorsotor, rher• was something in this complaint, het the membore of the board wore althe t• the matter and had ••••ral times discussed memo of diseovering and getting rid of the oblectionable literature. During his •x- perionoo of two years en the board hit know thoy had got rid of 000000 such •olomes and tett,' were exercising vigilance to hoop them ont. It woo not poesibl• to read ill the books bofore they were pat In. but they wor• reed ea soon as pmelble. Th• board at Srst had deolded to ask for 95.0(0. Hers Judge Doyle mplained lo doted how the offer of 910,000 cam* about, aa sr plained la Tem StitaaL last wick. The town could easily guarantee the expenditure ad 91,000 tor maintenanes. The hoard oohed ter not one cent more money, hut simply tor an leersose et lights and for 'rotor soryloo— these In addition to a site, which was one of the conditioas of Mr. Carnegie's offor. At the town oonnoll mooting the questilon arose weather ans portion of ohs $10,000 could b• used in th• equipment of that build'''. with furniture. shelving. etc. The secretory nf the hoard was asked i• write to other towns reosived to vet information on this point. Ile woe sorry Mr. Moore woo not prawns. but he hod seen • 'Mem which Mr. Moore had recolved from Cho soothtary of the Strat. ford board, in which It was stated that not only th• furnishings for th• librory, but books also, might he porehated with the mossy suppliod by Mr. Carillon* f Damao th• meeting doubt mu expressed teyeral epookore as to the oorrootome of th•t he might have read the letter wronolv. We hays storm men Mr. Moore, who was unable to be proem% Fridith 'yenta, on s000unt of serious Illness la Ole family, and he stales that moording to ths statement of shit Strati ord librarian the furnishings of the library. hut net any booths, may mute ono of tho 910,000.1 of tho boord that if the motile platted any •alee en the library at all, now gra" th• toms to moors • suitable place lor 11, whom th• tows was ptittin• on new y and looroming its sotivities In all dirootions. 11 the offer wore rejeoltesi, probably anothor earth would never siain he made. In re. gar/ to the site, hit thoeght so olio woril4 dispute the stateethat that the market and • diagram at Presont, and in Mao* of that two might bout • Minting that would b.. an ernammt to the town. The teems hod • reset sellable pl•oe for she Imitation of the market, and it ww• pot in proper shoos &ad *rime ledno•m•et hold out to the pimple to belley• that slim had • market plows they istiiht batty Doe he did' sot ons- tage lilt: %key Asti ono et all at predest It *hoar. (Apologies.) Irsposeet Teta. usittliter member of the hat redmilvo4 • domes. for • library 0.114 - SNAP SHOTS. —The alleged arguments of some of the clartriel partitions who bob up .0 minim? um conventions don't hold water. The •ote on lif. Porter', motile. wee then pot sind earned. there Wing ouly onis oontrary yote, so tar •• oar reportor Gould G ee The meotleg thou dispersed, tha moult el the promodings haring been a bb e xpromion of opioloo, as follows: (2) Thai the now library building should Ise placed on the site ot this prompt m•rket. (3) That the now markot should be 'mated at Me old fair grounds at the foot of Hama. ton street. sop Led . CO LBO RN E COSMOPOLITAN 1J. PAfor mi Nd ler •a. 16 CIENTO. New Spring Stock Now Complete. Pleuretle Pallas • Manger Signal. Prompt treatmeat to esernstial. Bathe th• tweet el palm immoduitety with Pol• *on' Norville* and quiokly Mud on a bet Madam sprinkled with Nerving's. Nrover known to fail. Curse almost instantly Nouralgia, toothache, rheumatism and lom bag° are °uteri by Ner•iline just art readily. Poleon'• Sterilise cures all pain, and to the Mat bouatho'd nutmeat Known. Loris bottle 25 11 Ls tooth/ that th• son1lue of 2 000 mounted men from Canad• to S,uth Afrioe aod of WO mon to the cormatlork may Inter tare with the holaing of the regal./ minintor military comps of instruotion. —Had the deeth of Corn. Elmo,. hap peried.tour yeses ago It is altogether likel that no war would have occurred in South --Oar Tory protibition (Honda who ar• wrathy against Hon. 0. W Roan for not holding the refsprendom on the some day al. the municipal election will plume fantr6rnhar proposition whoa it was made by Mr. DRESS GOODS IN ALL 111E NNW LINES. Bieck Voile. Bleck Cheyenne. Black Panura. Black Poplin. Black Venetian. Black French Cord. Black Serges. Black Henrietta. Black omespu no. Black Brocadee. Black Silks. Black Silk Grenadines. Black Satins. Black Satin Royal. Black Lustres. BED ROCK Colored DRESS GOODS. Grey Homespun'. Brown Homespuns. FaWn Venetians. Navy Venetians. Navy Serge'. Navy Tweed C. 11. finish. Blue -Grey Venettens. Fawn -Blue Ladies Cloth. Blue and Green Satin Itoyal. Fawn Box Cloth. Bluetta Suiting Cloth. Slate Poplinette. Bronze Grey Suiting. A Lot of lienrietteli in all the leading Staple Colors. Grey Lustre'. BLOUSE WAIST Bleck and White French Flannels. II 66 II Delainea. Embroidered Frenoh Flannels. Pluin French Flannels. Figured Detainee. Figured Satennas. Plain &tisanes. Fanoy Silks. Striped Silks. Plain Silk. Cream Serges. Cream Henrietta'. These Goode are all New for this bprinte Trade PRICES FOR SPOT CASH AND ONE PRICE TO ALL. WHITEWEAR. EMBROIDERIES 1Silk All -Over Embroidery Big sLook 10 Gowns. Skirt's. Drawers wad Lawa and Boutin) from 5 out. to 90 ctn. 91 25 sad 81 75 Corms %Yokota. large amortmont. Leos—While and Mask. OVER 10,000 YD8. VALHNCIhNNES aod irOttOliON LACES FROM 1 CENT UP. A JO LOT OF CORSETS AT 35 GENTS—GREAT VALUE. AcT?"650f045 A BIG DRIVE IN CORSETS. 1 pat la stook just 120 Pairs of Sumner Weight Coeliac one weak ago. Thoth are •bout 15 pairs Iola them. They are value for 50 mate. You out bay them tor Ele cmse. • pall. J oat think 50 tor 29. Our Print Stock is complete ranging from 5 eta. to 124 els., and fast colors. A large stock of Gingham", both Canadian and Ituported, cta. to 15 cta. You should bath soots • J. H. COLBORNE. For tsars were in her eyes. She looked up timidly — gotte token by surprise— Then, through heir fallitg tears A miler moils revealing, Sti• simply pointed to The onioo• she was pooling. WORSELL'S-- ROOFING and DAIRY TINWARE la tine Spring Your Horse Needs a Tonic Ow CONDITION t'Om DER 'applies the need. It repay• mitoy times 1ts swat. Notate, batter ime be Quid —250, 5 for $1.00. English Healing 011 La the tiptoe \ All are Benefitted CINE, which counteract& the 111 offeoto of confluemoot of winter. etc Stub • inedt• else is Sassafras Blood and Stomach Bitters me fee 1111.51t. Is thit groottiell heeler known for all Omni It is • good. pure, giros( goedleise vehloh 1 of scree, oats. eto. Keep It MI kosid-25o, , has •siselleas reeultg. Your inuwaty book if \ it doge you so good_ . We C. GOODE, , Chemist 9 we Parkas, Illar•e• nerds. israllara Pollak. Vol rellaals. tormaidehyde ter Omens la ests. It ()POND Hai ail bRNC1 1 et. ED e" -P —Citl Haim? Werrelisole, of The Louis • eery linos, suouln read up history and he mould loam that they tried that policy in 1812, and soms of thorn hays oactipied Dumas ever tonne. balding. Mr. Worsen said all they were oertain of was that they °mild not relet any portion of the Judo* Davis objected to tit* expressions made am of by Mr. Wynn Th• foots, he sold, were them : White Mr. Carnegie', workmen street they undertook to keep other men from tolstor their places sod to doing so mod •iolenoe, mid the authorities against law and order wore forsed to Are upon Om mob In defenoe ot their own lives, Th. charge of blood -mouthy was not justl• Mr. Wynn repeated his Marge and a ✓ em• of dloorrier ensued In whiob Mr. ynn found it dIffi el* to obtain a hearing. When the oommotioa mbeidert Councillor !Whitt spoke, and put In an ohjootion top cosamitting the town to the donation of a ▪ ontil they Gould decid• where they wore to get it. Thoy did not want to have to spend 91.000 for • mite even tor • dona- tion of 910,000. Jams. Mitadmil said the towo wanted a pees whioh gronld prom attractive t• the young men aod kelp them off the streets. Mr. Doty, of the engine work•, had &shod him to try to impress upon tho mooting that this town had no plsce for youog men to in the •ventost. and be had found dif- ficulty In getting workmen to rem* hero be. mom of this fact. The Mayor then asked for a standing •nto en this motion in !rotor of 11000111tIna Ora offer. A large number, including some of Mei ladles presmot, stood op to express thole approval. 'Chore wets only two dimes - The qusetiou ot the site was thee taken up. and • motion by Judge Doyle aa 1a ereotor Tom that the town grant the pros sat market Ate, •or each portion et it aa should ho emeesory, was platted before the woe adopted, with ouly one oontrary yote. D. J. Netted, that the !parkin he looatird tit the *Id agrieulthral armada hart made •t • previous stags of the meettno, that thou, was an understonding that the hospital trust was h•v• this old fair ground• as a pito. They should not doprivo the hospital of • Met In favor of Om library, sod he asked that if the °outsell took this the helest•• of the ground at the presont market and they mold sell 'tend ass the ta1 was •ewitid a• welt! as • library. Mayor Camerna tit* eounnil had not hosed themselves to grant that old fair /mends, and Jade* Doyle bad stated to the hat that site. as an old burying Wm. Complicit wanted mow stork mi from one ward to anothor. Counellior MoKim wasted to hook. where weelki root 93,000 or Ibt 000 se At ep 1111114101 plam Inthewor Tote 411 net Mint It won14 nett eri ninth. Tn. Mayor paid the rarapaarTil witiht rely ones the eonnell to pot op proper helltlialre few a marks, CO ITS BENENCIAL —An ambitions legislator should have Otber qualifioatioss than that he does not drink intoxicanta. What tamperanee man wetikl employ a man to do expert work whose only qualification for th• jot. was that he drank orator Totot ithetivionoo is a sped thing, hut it is no ignorant«, of Whew* or esecuties ability in a Diedlissem Alpe, bombe. el Oases* Int V. Allis, alt teem. ersa be *harts el mai et the testae sr bad ths dim/Atreus mi. is tea death et Some swamis. Cho babes woe seeeed by *be faller* el floe itf eke 1•1111WWO so imam int hie warn. ,i!FINIAiruSlf PUP@ 42 The Division bidwiien good and ladiffsrent Drugs and Medicines le strongly Wood hero. 'I he indit• never port:kilned to form part of onr stock. Only goods of nedounted purity ars offored to customers. Our stook r•1 Is very lareo. Primo ars low. F. JORDAN, F.DICAL HALL, SHARMAN'S 3 is the place to buy Shoes at lowest prices for the 3 3 3 and Babies. Ladies, Men, Boys Cc EVERY BUYER PLEASED OUR SHOES WOTTFIA SPRING AR VALS ! We have just received • large shipment of Spring Goods, which we offer at very lo or rates. Buttons' Wire Titers, 9 inch 30o. Black Wirt. 11 and 12 goatee e lb. Malleablo iron Kaken. 12 tooth 25c mob Stasi Relies, ourved tooth, 12 tooth 4be " Steel Rakes. °arced tooth. 14 tooth 50e each Ousel Hot., 7 in. tIode,itoc kits smoke 35e " t• solid newt 30o " D handle Stool Spades 900 " Lowe tiane'd resod mouth d Shovels 90o " Pala VV Mae Lead, boy Gla1111'i Mire April 1st So lb. The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, iati OUR SPRING STOCK Is now ready for inspection, both in trimmed and undimmed Trimmed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Sailors from 15c up. Our stock is coniplete in every line. Call and inspect MISS CAMERON, HAMILTON hats 1 Before Buying I see our line of HEATERS and RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on market Coal! Coal! JUST ItilAJKIYED I Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. This Uoal la Saari for stoves sad grates—ll easily lightod and gives out trews hoot. 1 Car West Virginia,Lump 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Mmillon Washed Net 30 oto pm 100 lbs, or —01Y E IT A TRIAL. Wm. Campbell. Gaierleh. Ranh 10eh 19M. W. CUR now stocli for spring Lfiglish in goial pat at per ya 1630 yard Tapestry 20 tirst-c colorings we ever yard, spe Body Br sels Carr and $1.11 1000 yards stem chi at 36 inchee versible bright ai ings, at at errisC:tiTt. where he will Clinton bola, either* a rimmed to C whose Mimi the looel Mound/hi will was *ailing a day of haat helper with lisle, of the ter Broaden inghaln they [stood Brussels take up boo the Letitia yews He 0:1H1:er.O.711H: warehouse et the ttlit Intend ren .1 await* Straehan tart* An mooed ter. the *stole her home Hess,saill MIN mad whir rase Tie met Nei