HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 3u
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�nal THE SPRING FEELING. 1=�� �_- �.« �««�f...+�..+:«:w.+...tet«}+.t+�,...t..}..�...+:..� tudium�ise do vote or o„trst. ga:.
f �'' WHY WOOLENS WEAR THIN WiLek Ub"iil (*uta lafa \valet litth
ant t �Q o X64 I BEAU 1 Y TALKS f OR WOMEN : -goo rWauu ►,,latl. f.I vurlbun a Whir
A Seas t■ a Urarcar'e Stara. -(puna l,ab� w 1Jt11 to stout fuer
tDiaw: u Variable S ria Weather Dis- ° o Sir' I lttlre y uR y turllrm, flip wbtoof nt Iter term aad
P wo Jura cuwu ruu1N1 tare were Uluru hl wovru A Professional Ulves a I cw flints oo t flit• plain Pl+•ee Of w:,lrri AI bi-Lvo :,.:.
CtUOYY. b + U to loll you that you have utr throughout. sad it war ugly by Ju
rulutrly r{,untNI a Puu• u[ bl'fukets tuuhlug the flu,, fibres fruits arch I Preserving Your Appcaralh rN hull lel the
estrous to Weak Peo le. uit wt•. y *Z r:, is wid,h all
AVN"t p ROPINESS iN MILK. I lusevel uUsar thou on Wife ded lit,, Alukol " i j ijur hauler lr arr.rILOW lin x, lar
„•-„I a fibra 1 fell un lhu devlutl of u*i11g jj+NNNiN.+i►+N.++4�►++t+.+�►iieiiiii+i+ahi++i++ia nit" want \r6ittl huN'prer, allg set
YON. rir, yuu have. gudn. 1 took a bit of blankot atsd i ,Ila wlal,St: ke ser augur hkr, ray be
s The all viouid condition of milk Buret Khuuld yU,l ,salt int to u:uuo aha ser color to m ,I:uk lurk, but rtyulrr ,v ftwl(sh. he urr•,Algtatr.0 tiny 1,0
M t4Y. y you pre wlrinke,, wadam. {+111 It lq s Tesrwl oath wxlr, :u(d tet br enrrfully wunf rlre• they look
......I......... t w ]Cres Usually Robust People root Run, bar beOu u 6uulee ut prrpleafty wuf l uta Int wi6tukets. l trot ruuuJ lw,fled It there, and ver l kkl keynutn to the ell Ir of the rorty rr,rrtwl, ser vnrlyd ficcordlug to
,abhulrenou t0 all drirJuutn sw4wllk w little bizarre, at present they art, wn,lo 111rte. awl it W yulte a change from
- Uuwa wad out of sort* at This ) girl a few days ugo fur life wool gut stale" away by tin gyring farhiour I dto,Ild uohrmftat- f14 gnNf noucenu girl slyly, wo ore flit• lunl(Itudival strl{w•r, wlllab are
a,•M•, Thee I r.W11Uams*'PIu4Yt11s dettlerr at one lime w• mauther. !t a guild rtruug wunp to Nurh out wxlm, sad there Nvts Iefl behindthe
Ireriasn,•",.. lit, Are the Very Beat Dprlug it q(dte eowwouly ru{,puded lit lee row" heavy tluugll. lit sell to lucellee cotton eel a kind Lo( skeleton -a Sort irgty and t•lleerfuily' reply--"pictur- by' use niettus chrup. %%'lilt the Kul- , "illi toucl, worn.
it 131.• .e..r W.. always due to a dfarused stair of 1 owed what yuu ,Seat ser, roti ale- set gaud -Of thO urlgh.nul tdunkrl 1 wquooasm;'-nut lit the rewxe of tit,• pipe ir14•tr ,uuu• few of our ►w,ld,v j Fur wk,ko. inq, tlu•rr nor w,mr Pty
exp, Neo.�red er Tellsic, tae "Aden, know" ale w•gal" but result lr Mut w' blaukre, alit rlegautrr lwf\,• Jared tO wear the, tical x,,rtn,; use+tt* of rhl..y, milk
Just out of which It wage taken. I men- . unce.beluvtM arthetic rlylr, of coarhe• 4'errunivreow, with J•Nrlle.l urusuueutx' ,ilerieum., \varruuted to retool the
'sod made'. 16 e., The Spring moutb,S are n trying weare toad In lar las/ erwerr' but- the rkrleluur W what they erre. uuu lhlr uerely to Indicate tuyun and use relation to that affect -1 by rrrtlttR on tl:r kiln"etc Droit. It it con- {wrkw of lhrreln alert we rru uuw uu-
letlu (runt the Cornell ez eriment 'Ilse are rotund, rir, and it's yuu' title pernielow elfactr set usitlgeaoar rde•uour, but tileelit yrwue Thet,-
rorrd, arr.,,:a floe to wort par,pl-. .At uo other Ntaualf that Unike is a •'mletnkan be- ],kilt .
dine of tlw year du health and x tit• ut.aterlals, which; whoa-Loploy-; certxlu wxlety IsJiew who ere !It tU I g ser a Ixuten
intoe wsnfed ,.;,1 1. cl Thera it "ropy_ milk" `hat les, bm" 1 6-111 wast 1 uatutlly ,.I strung by tht-...oefves, affout clothe thestiwelvem filler the manner IrrclAc.11i 1',... '1'hrwtrlcrl I watt ign light fiwl orally "mitt 1,
i, 001 uwedm ' rirength pram leu Iwrd to gain and' , glom lel nun ser Hurt sltudur, with u
,tit s w IN,Id. Vote du not furl that yuu Ir due to gt,, yl "14e way foram bit relxl lit such curer. Noollen artiolur lit this way, auk 1 or any picture. umt ser )rommut which fur yrh"le life, the ramp salac I teal $0 matcjl, warranted to stick
id •" ul•' rot i• err orally rick, Dut )use feel Bbuut ale' 1titowu by its )Irldiwg u11alnnxllug n %%'Intl + fi I lull* x Iris clfa,e their wl-uder (rot lit
you urunlly sees]. �u wUll- N'l14'h, even when test very wtrwig, the I:wey wldtr rGgcklugr, w accord with use ; the req• ns, Indispensable quota-
"���t°i���4•w r•r ..,, bad ale you outild if you were perk- tIwIJ or rvuo Uluoly rediwrnl. ltul der Afro. Moore, m u- ,tor, awn- N111 afore rluwl but with e.ualuer- ) I+oppen to udulirt• ale tlduk in tat too Of Ilrarrr rolurwf tulle, Iluwl
kJ.,atiat �p�i �`, ;;, uurty ill. That fe.•li use ht to be what the tuilkmau knows ale •'rupl' Wain, of her clutters wear( out; taut laird to A,sty„$ Iit., woollen L pe,,lew then %\'hat i tlivir }'"],ire vesotouem, flip rli, rmI Yr
rig g I wilt" Ir out that. Ther bullathi (ug Y• whir way rrrr wlm ,le, uiu4lurnel lttJe affulrm,ls alt' ,rltls white oldffuu, a'NJ baring Wit
lolt.t anytti,:,,,,t got rid of-aud it call be. Wiest yuu tells us flat thlr kind of leo I find yuu urlutlly gelid her the rrwe fibre.'
a ewsnr•rn.r i would rxprrrs it thiat gna•u used J , (dark ehenu'le ser velvet ts.
used Is a tonic to auricle the blooxl PY wilt •cagut \ohb 1 wtant to aril a duet he u)mmptry of oglfdltie ,rf•tall,th•fiuty of cow Vee. outarwl t ,cwt ler Stan erre polo
ifb. cuntantY IurcUv'ia kuuw11 lit w:1••nce y' 1 \\out to wav►r wllh lhrlt crrpr tuulcx lull �lulun lig.
type. 40"'„t vet and free It from taw impurities which , tar baclllur laetlr lelocurur. Thr Hut' wndrm. I always give mY walgflburr have had a tel► user tae furca anti colorin Komi I )erten ,t more of raceful rlul )e atoll clnwslo lfn(sx.
sw have lodged tri your rtmtelm during, y curluLmOral what they ort for. lied -matter, slid we tare use gull to, g• I I K { 'Chute ooh„ havY not tr1eJ ntulur-
r leadh,a tel.. .. the winter, and which are remponsibig Ilve naturally lit Witter, and proven- yuu ulltpel a purucnlnr brand of Iwve our clulher nu.l hrtu,Jm ru1seed tuU"1rWanl) etyuisite Nurkuuanrhtp,j yfltteaq "nude of cobwebby Ino' are I Ing to a ttimrrndously hilly country
ter h u,sr v [ser your lreheut eoudltioll Ln 11'fl- th'.s toowsurea nru must Important. w,u 1 Kruaing lit favor, bill only' for thea- tug has b:rn of late your uurrerpuu-
1 P Yule would Iw\u bud it. lit thlr way. Fsaverul of our neigh- both In cut cud btftchery. F,very-
)tkor Attire,,. ,,,� , home ale- thew•: %1'-rrh auJ r,,ald , trul ale rrxtrturaut diAla•rg• awl it, me goirf fultntlil Isere u the f ll.
sf ate, llama 1'tnk 1111N IN tit- Duly rellnblr, lit- nulla utenrllr after use. \+rw(xf �a parlk•ubfr br"gid • IIUN' Irrrx who k11uw ►ueoc provtld to u* thin Ir
server failing luau• ulWlicl,w. There wow 1 to know anything of braado? that Wailing Sufe, !'otumis, Chlor- R tally nue few rcuerely loll thrur, its wacldeni m (nocivatiuu to the full.
'- Merely roaring then, will nut do Sort and tiwluty, from (loop mitten n11derrlrei, front � It it all „ ley well tlyhtg talLmg au
orATO Tna Nsr.l Pills muke new•, rich bl ool• wtre"g- Iia, trein way DP IutruJuetrl b cant B,cl 1 know better uuw, IID41 I know We u! Lion, filed '•roup wbstitutuel" which they burr rrulraf. 'Cha am .
atop • ts,or ,., thou tbY uerorr ,and bru.g health r11J Y \chat rulnld fey bla11krtr-auJ fey utvr isort iuJurlOur to clothes and
the lute luare tonne bttlY of th! l Y even well kept road at lightning ,
, r ea 1r s d.,t. q vlfallt to eery ser ,cr) act. Keep the cow"' udders , {grotty ant auwf(trtasit "fid show• , xDreat, that grasp tato+ W tine, but
Y K,afl In flip body. ell ail. Thio fluors u( nil r(M,wr ie,ndr rrtl ill a nun plight, too. plact. 'ily t alkali" in reaps it genre lailleur" hlav Mrn-put lit aI set( the nuuny mara•asitr• and other, (ser rzhat grin ►me leiutit and
sot to desired e.., They are au hA+ttl "Pring uiedlcin ,where rupy, milk it kept riwuld ter 1 c+ui arruire yuu• ntadnw. tart It practlenlly the calaYtlu wrda flint euruer, w.• wear our fru kr Irnlg and IF 'iii o without whicii our PATINIPllne I rtruug excifem(7lt try euaeting up
rehuuld in.,p,., mini the beat thing ill the world fur d,rlufeaaed wl`h r mixture u[ Ir out uiy derlre lit aelt utt)thing burnx the clothe*. N'hy. yuu Jur- I ser•\re, (rPlr clutters: leu lhry leu Iv ni hill, down lulu 4s u mol4r INsllt
all .urt•areg hnvfuK their orlgln In dlrr that will be Injurious to either lite . "set keep eettsstic. soba ill„a Lill ea"- feel Inure cuulfortable wt,h rometldng . PP
{,arlr of article rulphutie avid N•att, un d IPjov ths,refur• lt►ve a fair- I fur. Mils, N -ilk a e'hauffeur who un-
r.uea. twpurerlwluwl ser Iwpuro blood. Tae l„ U5 lurtulr see clufhurg set Wy rgr(uwrrr, iwl(tr; It leitlYt be in use rarthew Jnr, to hold up. find car Wrath themur
Parts of writer. All sunk I, long lite before them. cit.rtandr hug work, maul lit whome
e son tae Mea e" came 0f MUM fhdlo Cohoou, �%'flitr ate•nal11w should Ix, w•uldtd Latest •'nNl 1 rltall Ire glad to know flow ser It will •ren corrode the lits, pretty Inside ser out. in the ,'a�I I guiding puwere,uu have out !sone.
Aadw�for t1so'f.r,.. ltu•k ldlllr, N. d, it strung currob- thoroughly daffy. Never lel cull sou pro,O that what I sold you In- \ow. It's for•yuu to ]protide ties with '1'h.• ('u, YaNalu u.
orna, Aahbld and unslfou set t1weet "tatewpmtr• Bhp jurtrl your hlunketr and ,our hands. pars wmip without fn•e• Alkali, ser w•u of taxhion everyone may choohc I There jotuong Illy rya(]Pre who are. II it int offs poxtl•Idu set' tyachgau-
Nvfter sown lit cwtlact with utrueJlr fur herself aryl be her ow* misvrlrr, �•
r*yr: "Titres y(wrr age, thlN rpring uulrra the WPIC 1 war lelling Yrr. \fill fey few reset flat it elrew•here. ser cuurre, cul lit be lit tl aexl ing, blcycJ coast islg, ice ynohtl
Ire dfatrtct"'.&its Y are wowed bofurewleg , ` g yf i Montagur-ltnw^-Ing, and i should
I was rely ouch yuu down. Thr Irnrt tr(xlble, rill alar Icut me a little 31adetm, you •nl' hien one. Bas thrrr is sueaclhtn fur all, the tall, I „ntr aper ,r tlw cunvnuUuu, et intsgin- flying machinng. Nu Jolting.
tLseAA,tloae 4 T,ta sur milk again. kzerelrP the
rxOrtloe exhaurUrl m«•. I Neemed to rel Mee lit rrrenl ensu to clroeµf)( ''ultlllg, p;ml ►tern tt ir; yuu cur ean)'Soaps are aahYrtleed nx torr. g lit, nut have ,lune ur !Lf,k to eruSr�
P p ( the Nrurt, the slight, the roglu,dcd, the I y or own) ing, luzurlour air-cnrblousai
ILLI( UArdred lose umbltlOu and u ftY11oK of fang- water from the coolie thunk ettt rrmtal la. i that I real) took Mlle head to U;c l'luuuu'I. i f take a•omfurt in'
Ql Lbf t'UJt, - gK K sg y .hart, the fnlr. Ku oar lx 1 t0 ant Ili Y "ratty, fresh oxygen going Into your
Tat yrs".t, ver aa11 tingg►slxtesn tout f[r plgu:r• ir.tu the wllk. That gl4,eurrawm Iyy "llr. 8leteumuu Mucadaw. Lecturer airy difference between thew. ( C Ire thought the they will have a Jungle, It to exhUareLting as drinklnss
oodorHk,Oa, yIy appetite fail'.t fine fund fey sleep prubsbly tine mart vpmmun cameo('('° Chemistry, nurgeou'r liull, Ld- 1 have one• how•e\er. that hex the cull. lit the ntullrr of cormetr! fleetest rheore fuutlltlon set' Parka, lit champtgae, and more wholesumeuod
at nights will, disturbed used rept- 1 trubble front pup) milk. if water ,,burgh, de.s•riber the Jarlructfve assailant eertt(leatell of itm freedom ;dour, use Irwhion need Ire servile) Ftelle, at Earlwasuu .Ill llr lime I
J•rr. !n foot I wasp lit u pitlmMe you- pruprrf oc rata u n wool ver y hinting lit Ito offer:(. Nothing can
wort Int• '{tilt, red solu,ut, the emuo Y po y fruw free alkali. It is guarltnlenl followed, ,P.Ir of fremh =,. mpntr owl Int• surely be Itsore healthful for mead
Ult.:1. I!mI_ lhlluo. Aller tr)InK two ser th"'n standhiK In fee water whuuld beeoc-Itiraphk•ally. par•; skid the muktlrr offer 113,000 lw,rtatlwtm rw.uwlI Ilium the alld
wadiOluer without Iwnrfit, t •Atter wpettiouln how Stroll iii- reward to a Kite %'he I+ ]!deader bo117. It .
hpga.1 'red. CU•uhq", ee►tvr w,erhillg nml g g trY cup who c:w prove Jt ,•\lir eoergett, lutry irally, nkat It Islowa Awr All ('obwehe.
i 91111DR the nru set lit. N'llll11mr' flak 1'lllr rralding, virnuld muni! ❑psldr down lull• much ale pulawh and roots, title- ix toot furs, and further. I ant lite- 4'huOsea, maybe, the ,Utility, light rib- N,II be , real treat to'mauy" Who r
^- uuu( they rpe•edlty worked u change (t, preterit tho• aeeumulntfou of•inst umtrously uffect eottou, Ilneu find thorlsed to return the pun•hxrt• 1N)n-corkot; rhe who Ir given to fn\- perh:.pto fur the flrrt ti ,, willow- gives an appetite and Inevitably a
fur tilt- better amt by the (les , 1 had Loll the Meld,., wool, lie wuyr: wove to as one [Indio cure for center the Eel re st le (and fur ecru- good night'.+ repuan. 1 should think
:'RAi WAY. fired n hal( dozemboxcod I felt Stron Y Y g J+I ) I Juy u true care concert, Ven by
_ K "Oil one Occa ion I employ("I LIIia cumplalwt. Ing wear thin le udtru 111,)(11x11) weary real Ilse Parimt:ul artigtno w ilk tit •fr nothing' could be better as s relaxa-
ur then 1 heal done for years. I leave ---- property of 604:1. lit u u*eful w 1 ' tieni said refrelinient for writersund
y. het ase see It . %Yhy, gatinllght the trop(-ctly-awned Iilllu "burl -Dud- lits neatin rrla•rtuiregi, L guy
a elrlce "sat rho pllln In for rpring and (over ('roue rad ryrllllsers. 191ere war a large ytututity set laps It's s beautiful clean, frrwfl- ire,"-tho only Lint rmiwlble if thn . otherm who wa tbrlr brains ♦Igor -
p i1e rrrlltfhg o (llr Inst flint a the
.............11 N a"l. 1 iLW them :un r xct-llrn1. lufefc." Prof. 1. Y. (tolie,rta, Of Cornell UAl- blauketr' w•ut tet our of our looks soa fold this ocktn n Fm re Iluem are to be ri ht -and, otimly, of oo atrrp it might be over -
gig R Ira ig+ R entourage un.l IIIINP-rll•YCPI'd Il ire,
►.w 1-1, B«ranss of their lhurongh nti lrrrrlty, rays ('urrr cr,pr may In (elm, NJdch. when glcrn out, were .rhnp- is very handy. Ulvo we fhe fur the deme of heavlrr Iralld, lhrre il,r French ns they cure h- fes 1 •. "tlmulating to "hour tubo like to tnb
" "" .... C'u I"" I their root in s more oslm and IM.
prompt nctluu un the aloud nod a weaanre tsar, the leas of trrtlll- said h flu lip burr. i,r DI -nay of chole. -it ie to her the There will bit jo eluauce of picks purely farbhw. J. )C !]arid: stud lits
.Ass r a p )' patiblan to be tsot grocer.- his whole eor6etlere give* nedch brei, anti (fn- tip jolt Part,. of little uoveIlie•a It,• i rtpnd u i, e i Pwlrtt hof 1 hard
�: """ u.•rvtw there pill■ spuellly cure seer end wnnureN. They ore Dot, wuru llr flu• W blu11krts were, and 1 .�UL• the
14Af •.lea u,lrewla, rheumatlsw, relatica, pnr- however, a uuive.mil panaeea for all ttrat lel( t„ au luveatigntioo ale to nelghborhood lei ».dug tau :tfht doxp ger work In order to provid(% n mup- objec(o d'art to take buck with suit, ; f •lea w daofit" lamp( have Rlatel
tial para 'w m t %"
Ulla' Ilnlx:p, rCl'U- YUII rlrfkelelMlPY, neither are lacy a N'11et111'r (llr• binDketr worn gonulne' row. ! have IIU n1Ur,, l'U {l Disks . 1 Jwft Iw111 CUIptUrt4blC allti bet'Omhlg. illld i am tuld.thlugs urY to b,e Wld w id in my neightwrhood while on
>•tl PW fight la,w1 rru Ptlonm Ut flit- skin, tory'- full Y11lmailt lte til all cases fur ter- ser nut. Wey looks" well, and' Itavls no room II, :uy Y1.0r II/Int for You cannot go far wrong It )Uu ger to ax remanll:al,ly Its 1,11 their native
��- - slpplas, kWnoey and lifer troubles tillserr. There Is alwa s a wale field we hors , u alktng lour. Mr. Hewlett h s
- - Y Ig pruyrto and I got a I strum; M o I, If iunr or ul 'm po. u 1 nrlYleone out don't be int, IKted . roil. \ow ,rrr(ysr! I ,•ha lug motes, mo IN Mr. Barrie, co
crit• alwl the funMlorwal ailmeMr which fur the protllaWe ore of our dr nal hhanjtet In•11t to wee fur eznmlDnt lulu; but !t !r out flee 'pox r'r fault nru trusting )oar figura to the ten- These, unotlu•r Parisian flavor leas thf Sr lin topes elm well: to olh'n hs.
_ _ make the liver of so many women a use the Concentrated forms of ftrtL lion and te11alyxir. We !pend soon if the public: aro Alatirfl with der worelem of any other. .% friend already been im(eo,rtel, lit the shupu i a(ePmel wad „I• mllrnt, It not morose.
D.R. dolled o COpillis a 1111aery. Other «0• hserm names(, and !n want' curer there Ilett there wars aulton mined with autttmon wap'. Ir the Pub c ark _ set w4te lately tried a celebrated and of a union openod by flip great L, front li rptiving why'uess. He Ilk"
'larggow• mulled toudc pills an• m0rr iwitstlono V slats u epetnl plae0 for the exp of lit- wool,• fond the
tae Ysst U�ee set ttslN at prMu, reuevly. s:rt the quesitfon war ns fur Sunlight Soap-outagun' r-wo cartainly expensive London cornet- Worth -1101. set kAirlocuurt, but ill to stt'un u chair seer the duo r, /O
"A Issued work. a RPA- frrtillsers, thprrfurr fh0 wore reel to reparalhng the two, lacnurr gh'e It thew. (ere. who skull ase r1ilwelrYs, for come uses Burlilsgtwt 6trr1•t. (llr uuwar- ant to (Ire way nt the approach of
tater with the full untrue "Inv. %%ll- of honeut guxlm. Commercial fertiliz• _ _ Jer . 4t-truull tiqui l under lit• t10v Burli"11 cuulowrrr id u bee"
Ilam"' Ptak 1•;11. fur little err furulrb available lant fool, hitt g n strange f. )tat . r He 1s now wMt-
` Y,o I P innurrnt A�lu,Sfon flint all arUcls•N are urging this, step, ser it WL11 save lag n tx,ot o leo( "The Llttte N'hlts
.1- f.D.t,-ps�T.4, V �' x. the wrapper around res humus: The curer crop day th t Cheap }scunlesi to cruwrrlr' A RELIABLL' OFFER e,t de►igtintrd bore n strong fnmfly new o,ufy u ruoYh crowding. 1 It-,- I.Ird," the ,a• r IoW ht the resflon
,a�aoM+dd ne: h..de every lox. that Ay ell meliciue dial- Imria, bol It ►m owy tale to way that laevo jot the ,, rent, or them mature de
ra+erled: Ca at 04 err or wenn Dort paid fit 500 ento a the Plant tong In the former lire 1 -or Ute, u„•ethlg of tree 1"depen I- __ hkerifrrm. 1 shook my heed and , J (i of Kellsutgt,ln rdPnr, the bled an
h . (MID" s wow box ser rix boxnr fur ,0 by addrpw- more available than in the latter. el" Order of Foroestform ale Lod An- " thought "rhe will bC n •Yallder ana'n I facies, a week ser two back• there imagluary L1p(d, wt, you will Imow
1LswareswedA g"'y gplem, April •'Jill, chea) IIONK91' HELP Fi FE. rU is FN to""
s,ug Thr Ire. %%'illlnmr' %(ello•Ine Co , Cover eropN Imprurr the physical ] 1 round trip wiser woman. but hpld my own route- I toll about It ere loa ; sµ.1 I have ,jo"-
_ iSrookvlllr, Utrt contitlon u[ the writ Illtle ser ylirne. i rales wall b• Ln r(frot iia the Chlc3go, ,,r•I. 1,ater, i :eked, "llow dM )use A Havlrhing :Ihuw rll,ppd on t it my tem Int up, (AOA mallet
19ts humus furnished Union Pacific 4 W,rthwewtprn Ilne, %,a are authorized to saute by Yr. ,.
D.D.R 611,- Dgt. - - - - by the cover . Carl Kaes, tleeotxl and Br.1d like the S. I'. Carnets r' "%Yell• my of telaptlog frocks, and os M. Illte limp id tide, w It for nor gran.
moseb uw*rW" .t a 1 �f yY {, crops hw:reaser top kcrilaoitlty Lof 3Gur fruw Toronto $u::.l1U, and Pro- , 7 treets. deur, fur u few davy & felt finite . 1%urtil Is au Lughrhntan him6elf. Au rr,oir, titre-C1alr.
Oold saA tarod4ua It �8 Heaita, Di)t Wealth( That the plant (clod alms • in the. moil IrNtlotwtrl; Jrw r:ltrN from other j Darewp(Nt, ]Ona, tlwt Blly can olio uuwb, but after .a time quer el use,] none of ud uved ha\u ,,tri itiu ---
Io"N.w ale ala"'le'`a fertilizers do. tut. Cusser oro o shade 1"Hntr ler Cauudia. Three through td nervous and debilitated or who ds „them t"" Now, R 4ti.tIUM "ter btwcuuibiu lit Ilesheud-
rrt.•• to the rrn.r loaf a Woman Attractive. the laud Dail a,11w•rve muiwlpilre, Ivisiondoll,.• froom Chlrago, with Pull- rutfPring from r.nv of the varloAls U[ul cal-utiuur he utf�rr. 'the seal,• BRACELETS AND MLF,TS
was• ll�ealr, N. troublew recultlw \Alth }Tench Coreels
tr .dg IIT Durean'm l'erkolle Itl.rr, •Cables It in Im{xw(wiMp to acrarntply com- raffled, lourirl rltw{,rrm a od free re_ g from overwork, Proal our courcleuce aped 1\11 sea it -
paro the cr,Nt 0( terllllsen with the `luehlr rbnlr cares. ileleet the Mkt excesses ur abuse, such as nervous rf fret the first limp you essay ufi the mauru u[ our urge d, which C hsime, Snakes a•d (Yretete t With
Ill- preyeot p111n Ana rulfc•rtng nue to caret of aep•dd for the cover Propose, route, affording flutist mcenery an•1 dablllty, "xttauated vita11ty, lost th n that yon bare known thew toll gil.,y Prove Unegpual tuPthr mumd u[ Preeiews Stares Very Popular.
-BwHR1AT- gull wcmkness of the centralbe organR. ant the preparation of flu• moil for ,purke"r filar. ('h0icr o[ routes lin- v1R°r• uatulurnl drains and losses, you life; you ran 1x41.1 like a ilowrr tacos*sly asked for .rila'p owducti%e \
L O!w over f,.tt�mil These Tablets art- not lutende,l to them. The eget of Inereaein unrnlag. Full Information coact *Pec- lack of dovrlopmeat, oto., can write trlum Its. 'lit thaw; Nau neral have 1Lwtgh the anaouaoawrut las
R prO to him lit strict .onrldence and re- ill t e wi"ti, ser pick up n p«)rket P
care every allmeuf. test app made one off it lex:,-a tutlier, o the tell folder set Heim excursion ran lis � hand rrhief from flip floor with 110 sua•h fi14selwr, yl. Wurth will be been mitt_ that varrtAlgs are to
err of terUllsPn, hkr Iwyer PropN or eIlgent : (nim H. iI Bennott, ornerol l selrp, FREE OF C1i.AE(OE, full til- pour etfl! For evrnin• wear Iror- a rru( louse, and he Ir bound to win worn, one reed few earrings In tic
dtructlous how to Int (aoroAl hl t lite Yca:crse he.devervew. awry oaf \coo )'ark wooer. Agit`,
--awltltln'Ikn. wl.l sty auJ wholly to koro up oat be tail three ulrans, ran cul ht, dr_ .Agrut, Kae{ rtnrt cart, Toruntgl, g Y Itrturuul fur a rlcuucl lit hats,
-litre. .A,,d to stre hen the n,•r:iihe urganr termineol lI P14eh case by the farmrr,Un•• oared' Lel} n onjimedtilthe• crowt-''ou ltur g
1uL'tw •a at Andf•.� bit R'' Mr. Kunz hlmaelf was• fur a long t• ,hart• arc woe umefut one* lx•itel[ there Is use whisclow of doubt that
Y,t err I)nDCan'w Tablets nru the rrrNllt IntrrreUd. i ghr erplow• a ,Single ll -I Limo, a sufferer from ateuve troubled, �6. 1,111..1 r, n Princess frock, eapr-
the bracelet has cove Into itoowa
the etpnrlvu, v '•t a •airs"*fol ply- lArttatlun of what n cover clop con- Tine Mewrnt llr, In Nasser. sad nf:(w trying lit vxlu many adver- ,irally, hw rarlwruntr u\rr it ; IL IN rteuwu Jur bogtliug cud A{rurlr ill
a7Is igAAAIPTl.I:v rlclsD cud q,twlnumt In rsr,tale lrua• taiso, knowing that another cover ,ery tine Lngtixh htruw-• just us again.
euh .arerfnof- .11 hers They aro alit•• bPnepclal to tit• a Not long ugu fhe wife of a Nest awed remedies, became ultsuet en- a homcwh t lnxurinum commodity, I
uaHr: o t. 1-1.1 .0 ser r case oturr ruedivanr might .ern Kull in Iwlitielau nr11MI hies tit' tirply dlwwurag-d suit hupelr"". Flii- i�4inte"s• fu etrrydny- wear. Jnnther nuppie mutt Ktexlble The rlbow sleeve war dew hound
ATW/ua4 tebrlei 01 girl lit teens, tet rho nmrrled wofaaa either Dol Ifr,rr ser Ipad exllwblr..y-- ;pr• ser tae 1'unutuu, ale crown eau br ruviJ-J that Jrwipiull
ant to th:glw) or nlatur' r s,kfp pW4tMs IuuK cuuuglr one, ally he sonfbted lit an old clergyman. genet moot without the tUcmt P y doesn't
are at the ,pmol ktiuwn aw "C'hA0 7 Tip to .. the latuer ill the gar- I whose k od and b. -nest nd%ie.• en:,bl,•d attarhment • the• "Plnr see Urolt," ucerdu the fashion, lilt• cowenualty
te' curia nal luym err Herr, the collow- i P' +ham t0 U obtalw n ,e fnxtrnlnK Inq lonely witl� no IarinR 1 ands thoa brat �auule tu'wpleJ rhupu noon to the ellww dlre,e the tlunkr
t den. Ile agreed to do It. After speed y { rtt.ct ;,fill fur n grad thing. A handsome
of Llfe^ msnent care. know behind, whirl ire" much, ri•tlyline down, turltle. field out. ,,ver way,
tNOW.ItAItI, til:- Each hoz of Tablrtr rontnlne • lnq: Nitro(fpte, 1:1►LiNl Ih.,;phoxphortc ,(►Rging fur u few muwtcr he weal P(r log to hiw own go up utsJ
iar„•ol.•-,Oo,l.r•• neld, 07.:(3 Iles..: prt�mh• 10U.VU Ibo, wrruiv t sae man P y
A full de ocrdptlon of -11 female dlsrsessr There Is removed try LS battle. wheat iul.0 tile- h nnmr 11.1.1 wei•I hp load [OUDq y favor enfferer" ) "lee fur 1.ruvrll41g ser yacht- bracelet txl a pretty urn it a joy
'Iurtae (lareow. I.I r tet flip tock. :.,\'lull
-- with dlro ttonx in full for treatment. t COM, Ile wabhed it off (tail it lis^ being imposed upon by urkmcrwpu- to the beholder. On un 1 aria
iARROTLIt, -1111 an'1 e.: phoopfferg strew• nitrogrn, Che Sp n{t •Jklru I Igni• (flea, fur the ludirperlmitble sigY
Pr1ee jl a Dux, ser o Mxae for j3. 1Nut•wu to nm) a hlhrr ,Itlarter. tae lour 4vacks, Mr. Knos conr4lers 4 , watt flee bruelrt uauy draw the flog of
ib.l:u. Uahvr.a .,lr 4:f lbs.: phtrwpheric sold, d) IbN„ nn.J him dot as an honest twin, to v r, than tr n bivart coronuliou
Homer t0 1i1.11 Beat wrurely seated on receipt of {,otnah _7 It's. It Is beiievwf that P,kt 11 ll Lir Jesus Aad wrut pact 1. gl • Oce in the main td the raulr tvpP I bund, with Iiia Mujerty's o4,uugram, crillckrw.
price, by the Canadian ageote. Parke mcr,t of the nitrogrn lnkrn up by In -!to work. 1'reheatl) liv went totile Jtl" fellow men the liene(It of hlm'et- llr tlursT car have res wraring, only :t whim of the wunteut, when every 'in chain bto fart ort with Cabo-
a Parke, Dru fsrts. Hawllton, Can- hi again and asked hu lied found perlence and uwimt to a cure. TincI,g more no. They or still slim above I thou stuneh a flrrt fnvurlte, aur
N, OAItItISTi R. - I I games fd wr•urWl the, the urlcom= Utlr fm endousf wad. tal.•utrr arc
wt1a. Innwlher Pain. lin warhlrl the dlrtoif nothing to cell, ha a.te for no money, :uxtfl fen' "' wt t r feet all round ►hexngh In rubinr, eweruWratsdsuah
,h;,H,. ]!lone/ �'� hired ellrugrn In the ntmorphere-, proal xatlatnctloAl nt ha':1•, ,e trAuenofuw Icutur- al yrereut,
Dt I)LHY 11ul.xtr'" The clover .161 not Add to either the set it, it wax n wilier flat( dollar. the g In flo r farhiow. T p color", soft• un1 the tendeny ►n to leave theta Precious grove, it roars beyond
Ne t it to hie an". •'I havew,orked done a gent service to one hi need, delirlour artels for t ^mom( part, reach of flip ordinary mortal• there
Homes In Callrornia. mtore of pho:pheric act,[ or potash. i+(I J` he rightly coweidery an ample reward are very ttcn Ps tally In the 'ale Plain ser plan cum boo at the ars braeeletm with the serol- recloese
BA1tRI9Tli», Ant. Thin plant t,rnk thein from the moil hard,' would ht- to his wife,; "I guest R, P toll, unl very Insaffuut below the Ir
d eonveruor�, (M1a itettred Arltiah "arty officer, redid- need made tit 111 take a mlu,rt n %Yhfen be for hit trouble. If you 11 to Mr. new (ace clo u, M raft, mo brilliant, nturrer which art- exce(xJtugly chic.
ate Ili; V lbnm. to fu amount deblrabl'a• wrtlon of Call• i 14vnilnblr. F. %C. 1(ud- lip' Knoz, a1Nl follow his advice, cll)(gw, Had Nn bre" drown u low -
w R fiwuke hP conal tlult his wllo hail you can too Itght. Amo the fa orita baso Unu brjoerlet of Ire • furl Sha
i•. d�fvects ►o Idea °e fotn4, has Afierry fur salt- of Ornngr, w,n, t.lve r k ('ommtd6lonrr. rely upon being cured and upon ableo- to choose from, Kier t n Prn dn-vs rt year ser lou Dsak cap `moi y
mat tabs -04L )'armed h•faon, olhe auJ much Orrhar,lx, ]ilttu - 'Ing fill th- remit of the potat,)eq Ittr socreo ds well. Palm to rhuuW Inn(x:c•ntly hove sewAl It hl Irerh water pearls, while• phnkand
I Itut She fuun't no cofur. It thradsw.1_ y etwmpagno, old or). Nn r•. NI{neP- up"We down, fur that Ir real) whut 'gray In coloring. caught tglgethor
_ tracts of un anpr0tel land. •tellable TINTS OF SEEDS. et upun her that mile had been Acidrens as above, *110[011„q n martur, and last, love feet the y by slender g(Nd links, murpawre7
ytvs►f•caa s.. aPv Lnforfaatton farufrinWl to Inqulrrro Starttp, No attoutlon will be given new• ca ucioe, a wfi Ny which it lunar like when cul out. A Dretly
ale t•k, sad reo.uv\se "worked."-ha"r,ar City Juurml. V way fg to nomas this t ht fltLa e,rn Its r,nerAid and ruby rivals fu
K h(rr (ng addrr•hwrr) vnrrl •pr to ''Cap- to those writing out of kilo curios hnr Inti )rt wnnJrrad ale f rm its Ig g chert ehunu, nod a chafe brsoelet
sued ools ale w11r };tper,mrutul t Alun 1'rogrwewwie fur it therefore state that y 1 p g unlade tool with two town or transparent met In opal" duuliuj front the luilky
>t.�to a..1.1.ur. i. ,w rain Rr. J. lL," Frrf•nuh's ftotei, 7. yon reale a Stu lacy PnriA, nlxl b
the Cvmlp •leaaos. used a ogre. iurertiow_with :int (•,Intal width of
,, Daft ale rraeaadl•e W Aulearw, Plnrrr lin.. 1'joPfornin. Torr- R cul) In PscluNlce mnlerJul , wl not whlto •luno with n heart o! flrO
A T RONT MA tiny 1.txk. bolos,,In_the ams Inrr
Lea tad ('sort at Arr,eea Irte mel. Hotel .tt (]slot. Thr Ontntlo Agricultural atxl Ex- d __ Juxl yet-. be. KrIN•rn 1. Tlie r• the to lhO deep ember upxl with flash-
er t'osst7 or Dtv,falr Ir,Do1 thrmmelrem to th0 bnlldTn of °ppt•aring round the widest part of
a$"Ullr•nrrroe,rur Pe•rimeuutl Union I" prr•prrel to falx- First \elghbor-Ilrllo! Sallln' cap the serge, umJ Ise uiu at thO wallrt. tug crlmrun nuA grtl-n lugbt■ was
UA T.O.add"W I)% Hrrmking It firefly. tribute for experimrnlal pnr{woven --- yrr chlclepne? the "marlpat nod dresst0at of a- f suuall rgtwr,, "Su book and (rout ,f wonder c,f color and beauty.
good seed of IwtAng vurlrtler set Glrm B�eond Nelghbor,4aort e' batterin tumes fur 5 "'clocks and visiting, a '1 hp slender gold w'fre hMJing owN
"ilamaun, If people apart the watt- cro leu to an ,veru •e of shit'-ftrr t ('he Mr. Jardine Referred to I.Ives R ropy I.- rmbellilvhed by nn tndinit set the ne; k, Is see keeping. Ay lar e
- what. the) herr n onarr,I. don't { b Ju\vn the hmtcb, um It were. \w,kr x g calochun gPm Ir another
I lomne,ro in eneh county "n(] dl+trick pari(: � set garniture to tine way to - ppear below field yoke, with
s tOfatirig"Ci + in the Queen Cit bravelet mu, h hl Togue• and a haod-
t1w)-l" I of Ontario. Each rhon who w (rhes 1 Y' I el rwIle embroideries, Incrustation" t fanteuing conceald under thew
Ix' sates lops, cat'spel moonstone or
to coAl(Inct lin ex g set tiAie rkdr. OJJ cutixrx are very
)-A LAkUIt ,%!felt ]'T "i"ew. .trot." perim,•nt and Im will- Stape the Coo h of }'Iemleh, Ir1eh, or %'Paella, Ktd- other Cougwarath'uIY 1"ezpcndvo
,fur M,"eminent•] I"• "And if they don't upert tile, wait, Ing to "rip great c are and arcuraty end K'orkd UR the <'otd. pares, the new Illtle sig-snq (nary prpvaleut with bbuPer a■ with lit- clone Is often (rarticulnrl
Well Known 'rhrou hout ('orad• fes a coat6, ant liblo "neN, ser well ns y efrect-
on.1nt-cls.,. sear.•+'' they don't quarrel. do they?" I lit ilio work n:IJ r(elort the rPouIts R rlbbonse, (on the principle. of the Ive In stash it bracelet.
_ _ Laxative (horns-Qukninp Tnbl►te sere dg_zu Inept fen baro had u tun II ,v,,, tits biljug1pr,pared by the se(rre.
:Darrow. it?" tingling. Agit 'why du you' of th0 1rNt dlrnctlr after Iwraert one or f'A MUP" l wamt"slourts e-
Iltststtusl4• - yak T' IwhOall mebort the r•zaet ezpPNmrfet rue Drib lsttposlUuu-fila State- scold lA one Jay. NoCnre. Ne Pay. timet, ser whate io eery g y embroider i'lo"r ow•n i41 ex,u{- An 147jriil scarab e•t la a (las
wtent Is a A rry Voturbte oar On" Price 25 cents. popular, ora- I'sl, deadeal of la rru lule•u. ruN tdtJ wire un n Pivot so that It osy
Y AU('TIONKER AND "Well. It wasn't the rnit-rrlhrr I destred anti nppl. fur the Nnmr n" hsa been Itead vt til Markt Is,prest. br*gars and Greek demignw worked In les turned over. is
".Ont bat"Nottrtmbd Alpert; It was the Ink -lot." euon aw pr*aible. Tito material will "
ono a Ihtrnn t'u •t, the rlblxnh:nud• popular, and
soft caxhmere an.l cnmro tints, out'- even nu onllnar
aunts- _ be forwarded In the order In whicii IInW with old or miner threndo. leu"^ rel n JpJ, Y �7Ptlan 1aC
she applicattonm are n'c Neat u All th,o Toronto, )lar, h 17. ("penal.) - g R g. ono in fen t • is ,Rune. Net In tile same wa Is dear
NLRAh ♦UCilf`>stut Ai S. J. ti. JnrJ,nc, Nhure rtnlepnenl RUBBER BAND]. The rornage to qO with tltemr may Ill" n c, .tlttf • whulr edguJ N-lth ti Y'
ANOTHER IiAPPY MOTHER "IgMely tiny II mtueh(•,i I) I . Anufbrr lit a girl'w h^etc.
tor. omerk 0"t, if&, I failed 1. exhnuwted. Althou,th ,l, to. the wuuderfpI curative nod -- INS the blmuPe-bolero, the three guar- Ate ser Inal leroonlel made for a
, .Ported" a tae oda mALprhtl for act. alOro liWll OaL'-1`S- - temp: m rlie. '•f Fknui'r (CWnr ]•roc*H or Maklug Is Slmple and ter Coat, or, for a' dreRq costume.. sea i+++Ia" bl/la>•; Hes ' f fn - tOVT
h Int • prltl"a w db {,prlmTDt will bn went. to rash r- , i 'P'' y 1 vo tltr cr,l0r at4 the ?Tbbun crru tcuuhl w•"Man wltoro I'llob•tnd 1s interest-.!
4 lig-Adcttdn all err Tells How Her Baby of Klaht Noulbs I Ron. It might tx• well RN Pnrh ace I I (IIP hnx lepra publialhrct in ma„y Itus,ne•a Large. preference to n lwrultt ill grrul millrn, Ir formed of sma4
tt ►int,. (dense Mit w (poll' , or the veerte, on a "mall Praia. Thin ma be .m11rteu u 'a uacy r.-rgP true tvun-
W tw,p"I•w, iw is rrrWrnt of tbIn I g %Ywmhiuston.itsr.e Y' dInIoll rttagesl nu(fge,tw o! goM. Ilnto.) to•
nt sty S1wU tn►L sdn,•s� ProAtad by AA'Ide rrerts'ert. (cont to make n rrculNl rhOico for fenr.,•Ity, Him home i" at :)03 1'r:tw- in the name face cloth a" the skirt, Y• \ ` gather and fitting the arm clown
oils attaadod w J4+ flip first could not bo grante,l, "The little slartlt, rubber bond ser ,n (towered taffeta+ er V-
se...r. UNit ' Teething time Int the critical Age In ford street' dint too Ix,w11Jaye "rel ifs rxriuur \11 Ips, llr r Rro"-de- "1'aa leo a ore �torh N'orn Of Urieul:aI design aro fluely
_ 1.101 ser Kiprrlmrnto lose 1902. )fr. Jfirdou• wild Ihoeen an glue of P R ounl of (iip snore tone of esprit net over some soft rha,le wrought gold brffarlrar, from which
n chlld'm Isle. .lay dllght J{Rglrler lit' iter• Cnnrdotn ('om11tlshionrrm (o the lwtalnemorm In place of lone evetnn 'a" that (N tite Ciotti, only darker, of "ilk. Th,y' mini; very gracefully, fl pendent
gen 11JCK 7ta gg I ]poet" and Oriental
the stomach or boweir nt fhaC than 1. Three ,arirlkrs set onCn. t'nrid KxlN,xitiuti lwv )ears ngu,aad x siti]dr Port of thing, brit 'IPP In black. %\'illi fluwlug lin- hu l make f lila yet lurxpeu"Iru koro; pre thO flrtlblA aprpentY with
--iY►tu KrenNy Incrrunw,rr LhP prrcidhnP"R set *I'hrm vnrlrtlPa r,T dx-ronWl rrrfglrwel the• unt-ruur JuUcw ,rf that ttrrre ars rPwl U any, o! the andtl_ :''R'':tntes of old Inco at slrpre■ and home-,Jtuurr fpm er
--iY►1 I peehthy If Ilght- Jowc�al Pyer and uvnrvellcrtrl
g� bnrlr)'• twlin(rnr rtrtutlps meds oil of rub- I ;rttat, at"] [logo enamel butteend, pool wlh w,mu lar 4t y
urs t r the Illtle Dnp and may liner merlons suffice with honor t" him►rlf Aad tsothln aan Ips more -elite for Yw,n Dgtlllatlu trhn- wrr.ught'•ssolden scaler.
And even fatal resalto• It I" impr,o• 8. Tivis carletien of hullemd barley. •,.relit to him cuuntry, her. fur which lhorie is such an sat- x rt g/ y ming and edged tell UIene new feltlo• These aiwke bracelet, will be ptr-
rlble to take Jou great care of your' of siN mer'GIrttt) sen'I two ,nrlptics It iN to hip,_exlmrrirnce he the orneonn demen.l, e�solall. be the P nt Joys• r keli;sag ribtwuN, Thio Jett" In Ili tkulut'ly fnv.Qred uR armlets If, n*
b„e. tom{want' litat W\by'x health during this prrinrl, and tl reuvil cfipitai -tit lhlm time• that i ilo-I I tatem," remarked n w(i)fe- 11w/e ,err 7ttilT T.ew, plWour ser (lila, sift atnru un to I" prophesled, the fashion of tmi
". 'two v11rlrtlew o! bit, Lwhea(. on an r In rulNr handtt In Yoe ■till flat wllh feathers or honplPs" cream cal i y g Y
b., better remety tlsan ilnb}'s Own )!r. Jurlhnn wakes pactlenlnr r Jt_ Prl. nrn,nKtrl rausrurv•ut1 uI n heat nrmlrt above tae .•1-
� Tablets Is known for the minor ail- 8. Three cnrietlps of (sold {)(tin for riwe he tile' pubtimio•Q ■falrusint lit Yotk to the, writer the other day. fitlildN coiling round the brim, per- o\er ruse colored chi it milk, look bglw iN to bef the. nest step Int the
years upJ and wrnl mento of chlWhooxl. AmonK the Norihrrn O.Itardo. w'hiel, hp mn)m: ` "tin thus (xnxtry pion number of rnh. Isotope hanging over thn low colffur0, (,harming, ehprcially w Lie two ser bracelet renaissance.
p new br111gr flips• mrthern who hnvr nivel flip worth T. Tau \arlMlps of lntg-print riell ••haring eay wtuy In Pnrl■ I felt Iwo Wtn•1N wW In cxtw year amnunlm and held lit pin(te h,v n blq pearl or thrp0 tomes mi41e ill phut rourRelitir Already aerrral famhlonable Nrw
to afrtut 400,1K)U KroIM, Or G7.0(N).- mtrnoN cab»rhnn. Thr JauRtnq scarf I f,zia to lit^ side of the o lin heck. York wotuen 11aTP appeared with
llr thin medicine• It L.R. It. Alcllartpr, nw f/'a
0 lip nen four fret JN many Imp" spilt(• twirl down owing
S. Cow s and two v'arlellem or to the• eon,pirt'• cl,n14g.• ,1141 to flip (•0.) hingln banlm. At least 00 per elect" of lace" Ntill revall, flowers on I A littl„ ten mack i" made In le "amp linn'1"oeae armletm uccelituating tile,
r the, workmen Cookstown. Out. iter little baby girt Soja or i%i)oneeo Leung. 4,014(, of the ,od■ are made In ei% file gond hatw are of rarer order Y• skirt, ruunlod wilitcueer o[ their u
cables. Tho [•"'t wan sufferin from tbN a)eabinWl w•or•tex effect work of our b»ainesom R' P rnyln to be worn wllh un a
,nner•trd by nnrn,io. R 8. Thur ratirticw-"tv(-Itm.ttierr rovow. 1Tle. i;.- I ellffi'i,-•il nut ip IilUp will,-'Yairk and the rent nre produced in than formeriv, eampllan, Tehpt nmi comt+s tri very omefully wt1 I ;ion , I•Par
trials of Inde eallon. coned lion and :neN, and oar young matrua, nut-
nre [ so 10. Throe arrector" of oulgar er tuekWche, wail gener:Il feeling of fnotorlf.w lu•"ted In New Jermey atm( Krnpra, Chrlmtnone rom.-" and »ncom_ zero, htaying In ror the eTral"K• hey fill for like bpnaty of her arm,q
,ill workflePn teethlag, nnA the uothrr'o ■trrnR(h 11. Toon lea rlr+l les set nlgnr brei"' Now }:w In M. fit New York there hang toglsrl: from u. lily yoke, nil wonrt constantly half way too-
lhrsp when aromritl� dpprr�wion, MId 1 fotinti Uenld'm Kid- R mon foltnge bring preferred t0 goers, I
)ridge to Woollier, wits severely fated by the rontinu- for feeding purpomeR• ,Ir•) Pillm imaillable, are a het( dozen f"t torlro tinvnte.i violet N, rte., which have been I ,tet edged with littlo em(rtlt ref tween the o11Nrw and the shoulder
onn care the child terr,Md. A dol)L of 12. Three enrlptiem of 9wedhAh tar- •'i had le,arlr,.t 1hr vnhir ,lir this partly or excluti,, y to the mauu- worn the ser some hap {ace ill "Yarns' ehaAt•
ardet this weirnhrtt• il.th ei'm Own Tnblrtm, however, made nl l farture of rubber bnnlo. year In aml year of her left arm, n very heavy tired
rp from one of the h an Im vrmrnt drat �frd. Cali- p1711. KiiTiT T(nTiT 1tT,T T1r6 Ysif•flt1:Y' use -alt "'Cif+• r,NeRm b, whirTiiTip ipanclk out , WILL , alta Lata oua roast Sowe J'zerslua_ysaoka perfect!
w Y pistil elMirt of .lull v!b-
geo to the n•,I 1jj4. s ,11a II t�w r' ent tutir hr ' Mr- of fall karate". `l Imil It tory "(raemle,nlly fur brick. aro made to m. In The rAlMrPrike jo NOtur chnrming n(nv comhs catehng' In a black -find -white urrunxurn,-nt low' gold.
get his b0lnnco, %Yh'as rebs wblch 1 found it relleyel al• P tip lits bock Iglats, shell, APaornted' hnto Irern nppruprbttl•Iv arrnugel for -
pe"11- 14n when I went Ilfinld state I" nooldod Into) t , IIW with fruit In natural lints, such as Lt-nt. Thre itndrrskirt early hr'uf af,ft wouA.'In eau cut nu undarl •
l:oen, thn furpmm�, "It Riven mol ICrrnt plrnrutp 14. PareglpR aril two varletleR o 11uumt hlPtuntfy:
to teotlfT to tae ralAe cif AnbY'e Owd earr(rtt lit, l'ar r.l.wa,n•aaew[ul. to tai" sllL. .'of akerr suittlblo for Ilertsing the ell ferries w Rrap(r; with guPet lraTpr wirtte tnffrtn?, r Ww -
irkpre and bri,lR••aleII 7lvte of Shp a %alli. "My y'by o[ 13. 77�tee varle(ie" of folder or all= rrie momt- u . lhir m• fnvorlto tela• small eecl mPP(dlimu tnrletles of bands. ser ...irmc RfRT-trarrk sit (hp• act alntiuscr by simply look( da
near by• r'll:ia:r a r caTn. ) %%'tSPn the tabinK Ir ready for nu• gold. They give a pretty touch hettton ; the overiromr of white net, gerM. Jt[ g
rich• months wan m n•h trouhlel g' ed;•.
they Naw hill' Inrr' with eonsfi{Nlflun anti IndlRertlon. 18. Threh varieties of millet. -Every tine iwait threntrordwith It d" pnt Into n rapid running oa-
ntter soarer" e1e •n,l war very reatleRis nt night. ( l7. ThrPn TBrlellss "f aorRhum. n r, tarn Lof the Umlblc I lamed n chine, havlog krehes, which Put ser -�-'-- - ----- -- __.
1 t0 the water.'rhere pr N•gred n sot of ltnhy'n Own Tuh 18. Ornmm ergo" nml too" tnHelfer few ihnld'.r hldnry 1`Illm, anti rnmm�y sdkr the ribber into barvlx,. The - -
rylportlw on the rhrr. Ii le Of TetclerN. they tiid not dim" , rat nee. Ther I larger iellnda core lint by mnehinrrt
enol h to help. aaA the, rcanitR were so nntlm-
ug fU. D,wnrf lEgePet prep anti usual• ,t re llr light rordh•Dlnr 1 know 0f t^ from flat ahertd of robber and Jotut-
t the water h►,a'I f„rtory that i hnvr• not tined any brand bonder] kale. t,Rrr a the me -110 r WI together with the old set heal
'eat splash. 110 n^aP ether mM1Mnr rinnr Al'v Mthr Rlrl '10. Three varieties of clover. p R nrrnlly anrt Anil n reNm mnehine.
atones Inter. but hu- h now rerntar anti hendthy-onnd get- they do certainly relieve btcknehp P an
Jit N.1Infun Lucerne, 11ml iturnet. inslnatly,' "Rabbrr bsenda ,goo rondo In only
again, hill hat ft" t- ting her treti, error+ mach pnaler• w•+ Fi%o vareptle•m of graasea• Whitt Air. Jirdtne IIAs Pat(] IN am two colors• black tin,] brown. Tlw,y
re he rose 111111 f•'" ant] Roe• rent" a great drill better. P Are Necessary to Cood Health Both Result From the
r hr TAP 1 3:5. There tnnptteN of fleid bMAaN. ly tx,nuP ,mit by many ulhPrN in thN range In use fmm ono-fiunrtprs ul a of Dr.
In. Each lim w TAbleto tire a great. help to 14, Three varlrtfea of NwPet corn. ,'Ity whnRe' e,o )rrier(rR ]lave blew nn Inch to nix inehea In 1pngth.Thr r
s and WAN Prol",bly little Ori when teething." f 2;. Fertilisere with NVIY corn for I smallest bonds are oee-s(zteentil of Chases Nerve Food.
Aed dlsapPrnrel """" • Baby's Own Tablpta are Runyan- I Inwrking. anti arse frpmK Pabffshr,, fron lir day on 4toh wide ami the lar est are .
,Ily reache,l lite m{r,t. el"ef to aontafn no cepinto or ollwr J0. Ferfillsers with 9wellRh hnr• �ninly wi /,oat nil e� alrr(w" n moll- ono aced one-Mlf lnebee wide. The '• Aboiit ones fifth of all th^ Moal tined n the bam,an bmlr IN sent dirrel Io the brteln, ,114 n, t of this b
not r lcoverel kerknfnl &rug. They prolluee nit- n1p0. smallest bands aro worth :.4 cents created the nerve force, whirl contr(>fn anti reg,ehaten the, tic If I of i11 1 I wtN or{rnnm.
w workmen err, ", ,Iral ole - rine for a," ti whO arP ' (Irt•Il on t,'
wort "p• M+canaw 4hpv rrgtilnt,• the S7. QTrowlwg (i•tatery on the level •.,_»n down," llr ' uNel np.•' I pr gross, while the medium-Nlte„1 Whcu Jhp hl'xwl grtn thln and vrafpry,.. nN It onunlly d,N•N lit this lhne of year,. tilt, newer ore first
a death that otomnebarmf bowels anti romrori flit- nMl In'idna. IP"1d'r Ki,hry PII1P here bort, 0f,_ tmttisl" sell at from a•� to ,to rente t" "offpr; they tire htnrved aloof rxhnuRted. Ife,,ia,lip, dizzy Him.,,N, I 1111, tion, wmk ncllnn set the h0nrt,
if the day wage """ ■vrreN ThPY promptly rwrP mush 2y• Two vnrieltien of very early po- ,irrrxrd marl lu•nrtlly by all OItAMrs. I lerr gmsN whofemnt" I.,trger sellers Inngrlld depreampd trelhigge, wPAknp"a anA lnlctional deranietvient" of tho boolfly llr
reported the in.lil',l trnublw ns eoilr, w m stglmnre. ran- tnt(rew. colt from $1 a0 t n tie per gr me. Yule ran fee•I Dr. Chn"r-'m Nerve F(r'ml dol Wtnt nor Ili,• rnrult.
"T1P, 1K 7Mi Rvad day by dny,aN It Muted nt the nIf o! tronMP
police, nml wild lit.,' sel(rntlon, Alnrrhorn, wore,, Indit!r"• @t►• Plnntlltg lint potntotrl wlrlch T„gen--f don't think 1'll runt get np Rreutrat r•onmamrrN o! rut} nn.l rrmt,w ares, rich Moo'I. You ran pr(n•O that It IwIiLIN up new llwurx n1N1 nctdN flrmh If you opts•]
sphere hp lived. ell" find OdnMAp fever. Tlipy I)r••nk tr^ve nn,l which have Ant bren coat- , nongh ennrngr to net yOa t0 faarry her handle fire drgfgista na.1 Kro. yourpelf ra01i week while arcing it.
r - I'D"Mds, prevent eronp And AIIAy ,hr 11I over with (nnl plMtpt. rer". They lien the amnlleNt. nn'1 p
mal )'on,conn fnhlt ilrnrt never wOn Mr. .T. nfp It"l, CAT enter, you ewsanK arrnnP. Torent0, ertalee: I have lttetvl Its. Chanr'm Nerve
irrltat1cm AeoOmpanrinq the• cutting 10. 1lnntlnt Turn In rows ty In fnlr Indy." for p t ing bind" in pinrP of twine 1'u0'I t't get in% In•Ilr,vtlot, nrrvounn.dw. nn l Inability to ahecip, Anti new, After ,e, thorough test, i „m plPnapd
olh ROm"n l'atl",lie of tenth. i)fasoh-Pd In wntrr. ihry "'r►aren tern etreilrnt vwnet Of for ttltR ti small span PR 'the u) gen that m. n,Ttrxlr N rodrgt fl'in Iferea built Up, anti f revdt ares) sleep well. f Alan iwerok very bighiv d
�t prisoners of the 1 _ Y Apllr IMagrltlnae -B-hal 1'fa A ►rat- � D D R y
bath tt�enNllt'I fahenhtte asfrty raynterinl for Piither number a3 or ''tar byeo0nrt nof[ic ria. law nrs,Arhnnk� thio Pr rstlrelr, tnOwln It tO a tti, total dy "I I Mato er ( to find in other noodles"
R Meal M. geverll, barn uncloton nrennit 'I'hold to, rJtatON "i tie ( Dr (heap's Nvr%e fool a splendid
have haul lO wnr•hip
t PON A -vs Onrat've r
bitll'll Agit nolo' '' irq gr n sat. 8oM by warder A r *horn[ wail hes for- res Arm( mmmpe a. for (IIID band- m,sslblaw t waw very mu Aran ti(rwn hl health. hae� dlrfy fsppllm, one gattr tert•rrwta, ,Ind wan troubled a
or Newt tl Irk at 3 TO CtTRI! A l'UhD IK UNK 1)AY.
S_^z t4 rat In "I z.. '" T'to at"• dr al e file of by It willN, rapt for parte of r•etltw aM paperN. Nn rubber bxmlR ggiTsat dMl frost InoigovHfo» 'rho sws ref Dr. Chnop m Nerve Forrll has
for the exclutlor I'' Ill;nnr I]If by aActvP"alr1R IhP Iry, the othertt It will brt spat by mall Tab Lssative Promo Qnloisa Tab• are imported Into thin f-n,►ntry, lot Dljr a+rrvew err st,xdlrr. my dlRwatMn ,e R,lpl, nml 1 lin„• nM Iwvn tronhlrll�'lllmilhtilfs(t(,v,rf1elnir."Rr)gprally.
CnilealMa, Underti,tic nt Mrllelnr t'o.. Rrockvlile. C. A. Bevilt, Agrfesillareal (!ollegP, tete. Ail druggirto refitted the money a few Afgrtlrnn rubhror hands am Dr. Chnoc'm Nerir reol In for tit, hl„otl, :Int well ft .the her,rm it. rnr,w rut•h ,til Prcry' alllsrll( rrPglt-
IhOwpr txtlha 11rr hr- free swnvp►r serf (HI wpptlrs- (InNph, Oretwrto. If It fakir to ours. E W. (,revs'• sig- I PxPWted Cr file %%set Indies amt Ita,C frost lhln, w,ust, ,\'atopy bin'el 11 , enrPd nor errm:urr,,, h
rhlrlt wilt di"Pl.,rr Iter iwatlen this paper Oue1N, March 13111, Id)0_'. satyrs Is as sash bot. 36a. Smith) American cuuntrlro." dspfated Sells. fill Pie a ,mix, a boxes fits ] 'R nd"w It rrst(re" nmd rsv"A""" Iter Nnedoed aft
�•IIO, at All al•aJ•rw, or F,dglatson, Dntlen ih Cat, Toronto. ,