HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-4-3, Page 1THREE a eA.B e r
A01/' TS wet
Aces -vers
Fitt Wheat alwmuo*. Apr. 1, 1902
73 to 76
/lour. tonally. per owl..... ........ 3 40 tot 10
door, 004.04, per cwt. 2 31 to 1 tU
Brim. • toe-. _ - 16 0 toll OU
ebor4, • too IS 00 Io16 00
Horatio' boo. par ewt ............ 1 00 to 1 ro
1t7e. per bush 0 0J to 0 6'
Buckwheat. pr bosh 063 to 0 hi
Oats. • bush ,..,,.... 4'1 to 0 1i
barley. pr bash 00 to 0 60
ay, • ton 1 00 oto 60
1'uutoa. • bush„ 30 to 0 3J
Rutter. -..,.. 17 10 0 (8
(thee.,. oer th ......-_
.....Res 10 to 0 11
%g to, eaayseked. M d*a..., 9 to 0 10
kook. _.._..... (1 to t 00
Rides .......... -. ... 00 to 600
Pelle ,„-. iA to 060
Live Hon _.0106660
Dressed *1066......................lions0 to 700
B.00u ...Y ,. Itto016
Hem, per lb......... ...... ... .... 11 to 0 16
Land, per Ib.It to II
lrresaed Neel tore quarter 00 to 0 W
Mewed Beef. hind p0 to 000
Rxpptt M1 1 01
10 to 4 in
Notloe of manges must be left at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. TheOOP7 for cheers
mast he lett not 1' ter than Mon-
dy noon. Gomm/ Advertisements
sooepted 00 to nor n Wednesday of
each week.
fiftuations Vacant.
scats to take orders for our custom
madedr•eaeku•u, wakl.or skirts end ander
atria. Wr,te qulokly. DOMINION U•R
MKNT 00„ 0nelpb, Ont.
Teacher of ►fetcher music mesked, will re -
studio. above Mr. Nettol'e
fnsuneoeioMEoe. in at Hamiltton street. For °for -
motion apply either at studio sr st to eidetic..
84 Patricia street.
1 .
Methodist t
+March. twoher of piano.. pip.rOr-
Iran and theory Pupils prepared for al( ea•
amlo.tloea of the Toronto Conservator,' of
Athol.: . Will be pleased to noel,. •DWloa-
tio,..from all +boa ragtime; euob ortrno-
Boo at hie new studio over Thomson's mos to
store, 1'** of piano f,r prootic. may its ar-
ranged for. 6711
FOP Bale.
AcowFOR SaU.-P, MBCA • HY,
proof E-
eate Out I will tell for MS. Suit-
able for auto or o111ce. Having sold asv
bdA1 nose hate leo farther ten for R. P. T.
en, known*. Dail/ere Foote For par-
ticulars apply to IL UW. C. ATTRILI..
.L the west half of lot IS, oon. 7. Wear Wa.
wa°oab. amortising 511 acres. Apps 'o HKN•
AY FOWtKR, (rungano°, or to Philip Holt,
Bsrrietr Uodrioh,
FOR SALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 117, 118, 119
and 1410 In Huohiso°'s survey. all In
God•rloh. roe portionless* apply to
Maroh l/th. I1s10, Barrister, Lo., Goderlcb.
For Rent.
mat on 10*. oor.er of Brom oad Viotona
.from About tyre al•ases' walk from the
Square Apply to N. W. NOTT, Victoria
• tree'. it
set'. 6 roamed cottage on Neleoo strait, for the factories. A numbof
fruit trees, town water. Apply N. C. MCN
NINOS, Trafalgar street it,
town of Oodenenith one acre a land. le the
ooevenlent to the Sonora ;
good barn on premlee.. Rod tome obolce fruit.
Appy to IL 1. HA YM, Barrister, t4odeHch.
Rooms so Let.
street et present or -copied by E. N. Lewis
as 4w offices; 4111 change Into small store if
a"04nar7. Or roo-ne over MM. Cameron's
Mom with fronit and rear entrant*, K. N.
SPRING, 1902.
We has • full Il0e of fruit and ornaments)
trees, shrubs, etc. All oar stook Isguarantee,
to restrict', flnt_al*s,. To 'moors the vagi
*flee Iole want, orders should be placed early,
1'orrespondenee solicited.
75 m 13e0m114r, Huron Co.. Ont,
I''ubllo Notloe
of the aharebol'cre of the Oodsr(ch Curl
leg and Skating As.n 4tloo will be held in
the office of Dr. iloln, : 0girt hoar. Monday
evening. he 14th sat , at 1 oolook, for the
'lection of Wafters anti ether tosser& bal-
een. WM, CAMPH1I,I.,
00drlob, flail Mt, 1902.
1)ROF. 8. 1. TAUHK
I stA5('54cTcnexu otrnotAX'iep'-'PI(-
All kinds of 9
and 5701laes ssmade
07 e. De'ial atteatton given to dttle5 the
Orders by mall promptly attended to. Ho-
are of parties using my name, as I employ
no travelling 11.0). whatever
;31 gRICHMOND tTRiationottion 4 6'T W., TI ed 1/47 I.
bion afoe, eta
cHE• g (+RNKRAL ih9UR
A NCR and nal estate agent, Offlne. cno
most of P. O., (toderiob. Agent for the
Imola stook
flea In,nran,a nom ianle, and
R tok cam oni a
1l .motif)), and man afoot ring risks t
ower rata., (MB at trans,
Assontant awl lnannnoe Agent,
Rook* and 00000010 made cep,
Holldinge noted and rents nolleoted,
r)p0a Insurance to British and Canodl.n
Moo- fe Prondfoos Ik Has' altos
Oedemas. Woes Oedema
Fd. T. NAilIL, GENERAL. peg•
.1.•NURANO(YReal Rotate agent, i At *Rioted 03 mutest or rash pion 0
4 kiwi"
Ate 0saibleH* Rnitl4b
end Math
art Canadian companies rep.
rot .4,
0111 as next door le Marrow A (tarrow. no.
lirs HamutAa demo
DR %V. F. 'A1dAW, PRYMI('1AN
rngrvws noneene. O a la Hak of (tom
6911991 ,gr/' sept - m6* V
Sonora. 3.
+gtM et. w 'Passe Night
• large sad tntkwalasele Mattes at Ilia
tall •a 0a1arda7.
There wale a largo gathering of the eloot-
on of Aahtield at Young's Hall, Kintail, on
N•turday last, when the ,luustion of the
proposed Huron, Bruce and grey Electric
Railway was discussed.
The chair wen occupied by Reeve Dalton,
who eaplaiued why the meeting was called,
and stater( that the object was to get thu
voice o! the ratepayer., so that the council
would be enabled at an early day o submit
• bylaw for • grant to aid iu conetructinpl
the road
1). Motillicuddyy wan the first 'Tooker
rolled upon to address the meeting He
stated what had been done by the promot-
ers of the project in obtaining lranchiees
from the municipalities an.1 in getting the
charter from the Legislature He also
thawed that at other !welts where electnc
lino were in oper•tiou in Ontario they had
been universally sueoessful from a financial
standpoint What was wanted. he eon
Collided, was for the pimple of the situate).
palitiO4 to show that they had faith in the
propoae,l lune eo that outride capital would
become interested
Mayor Cameron, of Goderich, was the
tient speaker, and outlined the manner by
which municipal aid could be given accord
ung to statute All of the preliminary
work had been done at the personal expense
of four eloderich men and he was pleased
to know that the charter that had been ob
toned was looked upon favorably by out
side capitalists He was ass° pleased to
kuuw that the people of Aah6eld were tsv
drably impressed, and he believed that if
Oto o .i 1 asked for from the municipalitiee
soak k,rthcomin0• • portion of the road
would he built and in operation befog* next
toll He woo prepared to answer any qua
tions of which he had knowledge that
might be asked at this mooting.
W111iam Campbell. of 4odertch, although
not. one of the projector.', favored the
schem,. He went into a twtuputatiun
which showed that oo the present aase•5.
moot of Ashfield a bonus of $50 000 wool l
be a mere bagatelle if extended over twenty
yore On $4,000 farm the annual charge
would be 77 36 ; of a $3 000 farm, $5 52 ;
on • 52.000 (0101.13614 ; aid on the popu
lotion, 11 74 per heal. If the graft were
spread over thirty years the result would
be: 84 000 farm. $5 e0 ; $3.000 farm. $4 35 ;
$2 000 farm, $2 90 ; per head. $1 34 The
speaker well recollected Ashfield fifty years
0, hal seen It progress to its preaent con
ion, aid believed that it would avail it.
f of the present opportunity to secure
e most modern method of passenger and
tight traffic
H. W. 8411 was ot opinion that the ro-
omed line would greatly benefit the country
rough which tt would pans, and put the
pie in touch with mark. is and schools in
way' that hal not heed before The
I would be a great aid in building up
Major Heck had recently gone over the
ttopolitan goal north from Toronto to
*market, and hal rent how the road
worked. A line running north from
*rich, would run through a hotter sec
of country than that traversed by the
ropolitan, and he believers would do a
business, Everybody .bould unite o
h the road along
John Griffin. of Ashfield, who had to
e the meeting o drive o Uoderich.
e a brief but enthusiastic epoech in fay.
1 assistance being granted to the road
was willing to assist the enterprise in
ry way possible.
ooaoltlor liwol.y was also heartily to
r of the protect. He gave penooal 1x•
"noes 01 the hardships Involved in
h' n1 the narket from certain parte of
township, and wished to have the bard -
minimized by 000eiruotioq a rood
o0ectllor Moletyre, althougb he had
or o
rP erii
Mortgage Rale
Usder a°d oarsaant to the power et
ooete,,ed our certa o mortgage bearing date
the tit dal'rof June, A, D. 1697. and m •de to
the readorr, there wil be sold h7 publlo too
tine at Button's Hotel, In the Town of Gods -
rich, by John Knox, 100410oesr on Tuesday,
the 45th day of April. 4902, at It o'olo-k noon ;
the following property, namely, lot 515 to the
said Town of Uoderlch.
Upon this property there le • .tory and a
hall frame house; there are also a number of
Omit trees.
Terns of Salo : Ten per centof pporobue
money In rash, and the balance in thine days
For further partionlare apply to the auc-
tioneer, or to the tendon' solicitor,
Auctioneer, Veodore' 4olloltor.
Dated 96th Marob, ttyl. 753
The Huron and Bruce
Loan and Investment Co.
Sot.trimR_ PH 11.11' HOLT, K.C.
W are prepared to receive Deposit.
from Tru.tene Parente or Children, in
Immo of front Fifty Conte to Three
Thousand Dollars, and allow compound
interest, added every sit mo41413s t
Well os. agreed upon Chaplet' are
given Repositors, so that they may
draw upon theme deposits at any time
3, 31 and 4 per cent interest allowed
on Deposita according to amount and
time left.
N,8-Porsuant to a Into Act of
Parliament married women and miner.
have the right to tl'rp0tit and draw out
money in their own name.
Lepoeito can be sent by mall at the
risk of sender,
Remove from your houses temptation
to hurglare and food for the Barnes.
A. the Company mak.* loan only on
Bret elan' farm property, ,Iepooiors
have the strongest security for their in•
This Company i. preptre,l to fan on
the ahorteitt 00ti(a any mum Upon Ent
ciao. *.aunty, Term are mesio to suit
IN,rrowerl. Straight Iowa *sad simple
particular. call at the Company's Alm,
corner of Market Square and North
Btrest, (SvMrieh
Manager. President.
Wit. PROUDF(X)T, Vit* 1'reeident.
Loan ifTRATwrolo, J. M. Ronny..
WIN P00411)000T. Hewitt Unarm'.
D. J. Marta. 'PMtwr Hou, K.C.
not the same eaperleow as Mr. Barulay,
favored improved railway facilities. Re
cause 1. wan better located than others tit
,out louder him from wishing that 'vetyuue
should bays the beet possible advaotagee ole
fee red to bier,
Mears Roderick kloKeoz e, J T. Ortt1ii°,
James Crawford, Jana Hayden, J. L
Grant, (Jeo. Hawkine and others also spoke,
al of whom except Mr, Hawkins no.qu+vo
ally favored the project.
Tne following resolution was then moved
and anted unanimously
Moved by Roderick McKenzie, se000ded
by Jobo Or16, : That the weeding 1s of
oplDioa that an Mlactrto road will be la the
beet loterest of the township of Arbfield,
and that the vitiators now present request
the oounoll to submit a bylaw to the rate-
payers for a groat of 750,000
The meet•og was then brought to • close
.sod the electors were requested to go for
word and elan the petltton to the couooll
o Koch Is requored by statute before mnniol.
pal action can he taken. A large anther of
•igoatura were obtained.
Similar marina will b. held a Carlow
on Friday, Aprol 14 at 7:30 P.M., and at the
Agnoultoral Hail, Doogaantn, on Satur-
day, April 5 at 7:30 a M,
HYpa„u0401IcSCRv1Y- Weuoderstond
that a has be.., posed moon b!. to have
the ne0a.ary repairs made to the Lord
Stanley to enable this boat ,o go foto oom-
mtseion this year, and the probabilities are
the* tit* protect season the Hayfield will
continue to truck to the bydrograpbto sur
" SWIM; Or THS CRNTCRY "-Thiele eh•
Nubject M the fourth of tit. aria or lectures
b7 Dr. Daoul, which is to be given in North
tiros* Methodist church nett Monday even -
lop, 7e11 inst. May have been locking tor
ward to Oa as the most Interesting Mature
of the settee. The admiato° Is only IQ
cents and the church ebould h• filled.
SHOOTING A04IDINT.-A *hooting soot -
dent toot ptac* yesterday at lisomill•r,
Jordon Moore befog tho unfortu.*t• one.
1• soon. that h• and Ssoord Hart. of Wil-
ton 'II drug *tors, who was *pendia holt.
days at hot home ther.,wer• haudllo5 it goo
when It welt of end Moore rw•1v.d the
°entente in Om leg. Or. Turnbull was cal
led out to stteod to the Injured man.
Ur', CLU. -Tto anal mooting of the
Goderioh suss *lob was held o0 Mondsy
emitter, when the lollow)a5 otboen were
sleeted : President. T. Multermott ; vice
president, R. B. Wallow ; reoretary trem-
ors?, A. Roma*: field marshal, E R.
%taloa°; committee -the o(Oiars nor: W.
Scan. Tb. memberahlp fee was (Mid at
$2 00. The olub intends shortly to resume
It. w..kly *hoots on Friday evenings,
To. BODY FOCND -On Monday morn -
lag he body of Murdoch McGu re, who wait
drew0ed on the evening of Sunday twee
weeks betas, was found oo the beach about
• mile above the harbor, !'her/ bad been •
w.s• ay wind the n,gbt before. '!be body
,eras taken to ibe •harttor, when It on.
taken charge of t y the undertaker, at
(oMrquently removed to d•oe•sed's 4'r
resideoa on W111iam street. '1'be fooera
took place on Timidity atter0000, 10. inter -
moot tang made lis Maitland oen.terv.
W. H. Tbompsou, who twee last mid
rammer h.d been aseiswot master 0.4 the
C.Ilegiae Institute, low week sent in hit
resignation, h•vlor aooeptad • position as
.0ie0os matter to the Essex htgb aohool.
Hie resignation was •ooepta.roy the board
ata special meeting, and Louis 0 Fleeting,
at present publlo school principal at Mi1l.
brook, was •ppo'nred to 611 the 'saucy, at
• salary of 76000 per .noun. The new
earlier 4 •x'mute I to he on bond about the
15 h lost. Mr. Tbnmp.on left town Tom-
dy morning put,
1'ItouterrroN CON0iNTION FRIDAY -The
Rdjoor0ed meeting of the Rest Huron
Prohibition Albano@ w111 be held to G .
rick on Itrlday of this week, at the Temp4r••
ace H•11. '!'here will ba two semitone
The afternoon session will commence at 2
o'olock, cod all iotereeted In the cause of
prohibition ora invited to atoned, In the
evening there will be a grand rally at 7.30
oolook, at which address** will he d*tIvered
by Moo' and outside speakers and a mu.Ioal
program will be rendered. A cordial tool
teflon le elta0drd to thy public to attend
this mteHoR, whioh well be totsrestlnp to
START ♦.N1W.PAyIR - We have re.
°need No. of The Maple Creek Siena',
Published at , Maple Crook, Memtboie.
(hie o1wepap.r venture -winch we hope
w111 own and stain permanent IUcese-1(
t0 °barge of • former (loderlob boy,
Ephraim Downing, • ooe of the late John
Downing, of Brussels. " Tae Signal,"
although • very fitting name for • news -
Paper, 4 by no moan. a common one -the
bast things an always the t -•0d we
hope that our namesake w111 grow In
strength sod In6asooe with the growth of
the new country whore interests It i. to
CnAN)g 07 }Urals Ise -After thirty-one
yon to the baking bu'me•., U (;anteloo
hes Wired end has sold his imam's' to D
.1, Curti*, of Clinton, who hoe taken charge
this week. Mr, Currie 1s a practical baker
and hopes to retain the patronage wbfoh la
the pot has beau extended to Mr. Caotelon,
In retiring Mr. Conlon desires to thank
bis many customers for their patronage, cod
51peol.11y some fifty or more who had dealt
with him during the whole period of thirt.y-
one yearn in which he °oodoolod the built
new. We may say that in leaving settee
huaioeae life Mr. Cantolon rotates the *anti
dart, and poodail' of the oommunity which
he has served tor to many Tara,
Dwelt KILL rut HMOs. -. With the
comtog'1 oolong and the town of the birds
there is luble to he • revival of tho practice
of deetroytng the little foot tiered 500404ers
with catapults and other weapons. Then
le no strut for this crust procure, and we
hope that the hoys of (;otorloh will employ
their aotdeittttlo protecting the birds, in-
stead of lnjnring them. It would be some,.
thing to het proud of 1f we cool/ say that
an tndooeot bird fe )ever wantonly killed In
Ooderioh. Natar.lite tell us that the bids
are n.ceasry for the ex)e4noe of vegeta
Hon, and It they were all killed off erect
and @Arul» and plante of all kinds would
se0ro.ly he able to withstand tho attacks of
the Instate which would i°fret them,
A ('aNTSMARTAO.-14,01al, Poet: Lest
Sunday, shoot 11 u'oloct A. w., the mint of
William Stey*ison took Its Bight. }ladled
•t the homestead, ion 13, at the adrenoed
age of shoot ono hundred year,. He 8.d
Mee 000fin.d to bed for the poet 60• years
from para'ysie of the ninths The out
4serl.m*e was horn In Kintyre, Sootland,
end some to Canada when • young man.
He was mrrl.d to Stroh Rennie, el Pros
oot4, who pro donated him mantas ',sari,
aged eesenty two goon. Deo.ued Hrad
for many van In Grey toweShlp, and re.
Wesel hie fana)ties to a marital data.
Mr. Stamina was a Shoemaker In his
earlier pian. Thar* weft a+ght ehildran,
sit of whom are flying • Mr. Irwin and
Mr. OI•.gow, of Detroit : Mn. (;..b,
Oederioh : Mee F. Miller, .)as.. and Ml..
dseyaaeoe, of th:. Mwnehlp. The femoral
took plate en Toesday aftoraeoa, the sen.
vices befog conducted by Mr. Callan, of
Alma. lotetment was made la Brunel,
omelet y.
Puny ON • Waal. -Up at tb•Star roller
m1 • ii a kI*ta0 which bee peeked through •
moot temarkabio *spotless. On Monday
last, probably la ttylog to get through the
0000:04 r0 the floor of tee* engine resuu In
which the By -wheel revolves. It was °aught
Op by tits wheel sad°errted round I0 thy
cent to of rho oulyd* rim, befog held in that
pontioa by tha 'notion. The engl0eer had
not oonued the kitten, but its oris drew
hie •tteottou, and after quite a loos bunt
poor I'as.y war found in her wrong* pad
woo, whirling rouod at lightning .peed. 1r
w1e several mimosa before the .cab* 000ld
be stopped, and altogether the kitten must
have been twenty minutes 00 the whoa.
The wheelie twaoty.tw, feet 1n oircumfer.
.nee and airtime 112 revolutions per minute,
and Mr. Dietrich, jr., oalcul9ted that the
kitten had travelled nearly too mile.
When the wheel elaoken.d up, Poesy was
thrown off, .od, net aanatorally after load-
ing boob a fast Isle, .he wan yery dizzy for
some time afterwards. The meat day hes-
ever, .he seemed to be cone th. worse 1.
her onlqu. trip 'wires/.
Tac Him BANDMa,T1a.-AI a meant' of
the executive uommltia of tn. Moak•! So.
Witty yeaterday afternoon, the apphatioo
of Albert E. Baaelugthwate, of Toronto, for
tito position of bandmaster sat acoepted.
Then were sofa treaty applioante for tito
position and the commit tee le to be 0oo5rat-
ulated upon securing the 11rvlee1 of one
who is evidently so well qualified for the
portico. Mr. Haeio.thwat. 1. • young
man who oonee very highly recommended
by Ju'eo Levy, the renowned oor°euet, hat
inn taken a .,ane of 01Itruot)on under biro
at the Cuao ('oaeryatery, Eikbart, led.,
metalling tit• leadership of the Hr.odoo
band in order to take snob ooura. He al.
■o pl.y.d ands, J. Waldron, leader of the
Royal (' dlers bond, Tatum, and for
I seasons was with McDaniel', Brltish-
Amerioan hand, Atlantic City, N..1., as solo
atheist. Mery H.anngthwate t°teryiewed
be committee personally last week and It
1 E
ook out
fo the...
Bla Cat
1s. expeaod that he 6,11 take ch ge of the
hand to Om carat of R couple .1 weeks
H. 10 manned, hit will 001 move b family
fir a month or two.
('Ah?1015 LuIRARi(t LY CANAD -fa
v o. of the library proposal now helot- the
town of (.oderioh user readers will be int r•
toed la • 11.4 of other places In Oot•r
wht. it nave received gifts from Mr. tar-
t este, as Riven at the meeting of the Ontario
t.'trry Aesomatien at Toronto this weak.
The following plane bane aooepted Mr.
CarnegW. oobdlt(tloe.:
1, rides),
l,uelph .. ,,.„
St Catharine'.
Cornit all
1mit13'. Falls
Sr. Thoma
$ 10,500
100 000
10 000
12 000
20 000
10 000
20 000
20 000
7 000
15 000
15 000
Total 7264 500
Montreal aooepud 7150 000; W iootp°4. $75
000 ; VRncouver, $50 NO; St J000, $50.
000: Ha ifaa,$50 000, St. Johns, Ntld ,
$50 000.
H•Lr.-R(.K.-Thebom. of Mn lame*
Rusk, Elgin •venue, was the acsos of a
happy event 'wonky. when Mir Mary
Rusk was totted In m•trlmoer to Wiliam
E Hall, of tisk. The house wile prettily
40004.ud for the occasion with palms, out
flowers, ferns, Ole. Ker, J. W. Rolm:eon
performed the nuptial ceremony •* noun,
relatives and Immediate friends of the bride
comoalog the wedding part 7. Th• bride
looked well io • 'Moe away gown of Town
VO4elioe cloth, trimmed with Linen appli
one and pan velvet, pink silk wafer and hat
to march. She carried a lovely bouquetof
bride's roses. After a •amptuo0. wedding
repast the happy ooupie left o0 tits 2:30
train on a trio to Toronto and other potato,
prior to *alto," down to their home at
Dalt, where Mr Had 000dauts • boot and
shoe bosinea. There was a large number
of beautiful wedding pieteote, Inducting a
handsome silver tea 404 ono tray from the
bride's 1.0e0 fellnwoeaohen at the (;,Oita!
sobool. The 5rnorr. 5 gift ores a Sunburst of
pearls Maly friends m tioderieh wish ?dr.
and Mre. Hall all hsppinees and proetermv,
to which good withal li,. 8.141.1,. desires
heartily to join.
A MIMING W snurv,:. -A very pretty
wedding woe sol.mo,zed in hit. Peter's
ohuroh on Rawer Monday morning at 9
o olook, the contracting parties befog ,iamb
Webb, a popular young man of town, and
Mies May Steele, of Seaforth. The ogre
moot, performed by Rev. Father West,
was sono....) by • large °amber of the
re1•t1Yes and !Wende of the beide and groom.
The bride and bridesmaid, Mies F1,renoe
Slattery, looked very pretty lo sni,a of navy
blue lades' cloth, with white silk wont and
Nook motor, hat', oerryteg In their hands
prayer honks The groom woe aupported
by hie cousin, E mono Dean. Alter the
oeromooy the happy couple with their
(rinds and Invited oasts e*emblerl at rho
home of the groom's moths, Mr.. Webb,
where the woddinr dinner woo 0*rtaken of
•t high noon and when the you*" staple
mooned rho 00o(ratulatiofe of that many
friend. 'it he Arid. reoelv.d • large nomb.r
of u.efsl and mato prsee04., ahewiop the
este4m In which they are held by their
friends in. Potlatch. A pl .octal
limo wits spent during tit* evening The
happy coup!. loft for • trip east on the
early morning train Tuesday.
MR, .Tn,rIee (iAMu,w,,SatUMey'e (:lobe
had • fairly good photo of How J. T. Oar.
tow, and the following Ariel .ketch : " Hoo.
James Thnmp.on Ostrow, who was recently
appointed • ,10et1ot of th* Court of Appeal
In tonoseelno to tits base .lodge Defoe, woo
born a ('hIppawa, O.t , Marob 11, 1843,
of ti"nru.h potato Ho wee Maestro' at
the U.derloh High School, called to the Mt
in 1969 and created a Queen's (boost In
18H5. His early public honors Inol0d0d the
K.*v.Mip of Ilndorloh for a lengthen*d
corbel, and the *Mor of Warden of Hnrnn
County. fl. prart,..d law in (loder,nh,
whish has been his tome for many pears.
Rs Loral •ttainmento and hit splendid plat.
form gner1Rn.t.inne goon hrnurht him Into
ngoieltlne In poll, Incl onet'sr, and be wee
t'*tero"d to the L.Halatare at the mays!
•leutiuoe of 1890, 1894 yd 1898, and at the
byr•eleotton lis Dsoetuher last he woe elected
by • triumphant majority, Oa Hua Mr.
Roos 051(10)105 the Prem).rablp on October
17, 1899, he ohms* Mr. Garro*, as a mem
ter of bra Cabinet without portfolio, a pusi-
ton which he has since held. Although
cot lrequeatly takioq Dart in the debatee t0
the L.sislaure, Mr (Jarrow was at all
tuna listened to with the gluiest attention,
both sides reoogo(zt.g hie ulear dobatlo5
style, and bis power as • logtuiaa. On On
oommlttea of the House tits ab.11tes were
Moo displayed to advaalage, and i4 many of
the lotncate problems to be solved by those
bodies bio claw judicial mind rendered veto.
able service to the 00uotry. Mr. Gartow
married la July, 1872, Mary B.Ifour,
doughtor of Rev, Uh•rt** Fletcher."
The outman u1 Florence Nightingale Chop- The C'ouaarvatives of \Vat Huron will
ter are d tag of great or.dlt for the per bold their °onvention •1 smith's Hill a
sweat "Horn to adya000 the hospital Wedoe.d.y neat.
ab.me. With euoh indefatigable workers A. MoD. Altai ie reoovertng from • sever.
*1 themselves sod the members of the senior 00ld whect, by 000do,d him 10 tit. boa..
Chapter behtod tit. project, 1t Is uouod to for the past three week.,
summed The enters iam.ot on Monday
evening soy in oo°nnaatio,, of tit... prat•.
Mrs. M m. Cblshulm, ."altford, has bug
worthy silo's., •od although the °opteaaat very esnoesly 111, Dut ie cow, we ark glassed
weather at:Mattd against the daimon! tatt-
ooedt° know, Improying Induatim,
of the uodertokieg, sod the returns We have r*047.d a letter from "Citizen"
ere 005 at at/ oomnen.ur•t• with the •x on the library question, cod rear» that we
p dant' of time and y by the young have not space for It tbie week.
1. toe, rail there was • fair 0044.0oe and 1'. 'Tierney has b..o .ngag.d as ouetak.,
tit funds for the hospital have moved up • for the %octet. bowling green sod laws
pogo The program pre".0t.d was • very tsasla Maine for th...ason of 1902.
Ina ting one, and 00 the whole Was wet
node ed. "The Em.non Club" was a bit
of oon dy, a satire goon the toroidal mat -
too too, enoy, to wh'ch a °umber of 70005
141.es ..played very. oreditable •blllty,
Jit.. Mo area's pupils, Mimes Mabel Doty,
Irene S. 4, 0.1ve Goldthorpe and Louie
Treadle, * ye an exhibition of Sootoh done -
log which p .aged the sudteooe greatly. In
muco. to t•• 'poisons 111t1s Myrtle Coo
.:gney atom .d, and 131r petite torn. lead Th., S.aforth lawn bowling klub bave
'potted danct, took the hones by storm- fixed the dot.s kr their thous) tournament
AOotber little -!,l who .pond • decided on Tuesday and 43 edneeday, July 15 and 10.
enemas was bill
wt A delightful Tom.
fuwhoa, 1ao
tidos Wer. The anal spring trip down the river,
Mir Latin Atilton'e violin sola war. •a ''.•doled for (rood Friday, bad to to
moot weloomo coo tbutton to the lownetdispen'*d with thiswar year, 00 extant of the
preterm towp•ge of the warm.
and were .mons tit most pleasing teeters.of the e7.eihq. It • Miss Aobesoo's first II soy bed wafter for the Easter ben
Public appearance sin a her return from her net oo Sunday. Hetw.ea gala and snow
recent our, and alts sirea a very en• and a old raw shod, it was not • d.y for
th0.lastt0 noepuon by be aud',nos. also the display of spring hoary.
K'bel Mbomou was her tier', •ccompanlet P aviIr•tion is opening up t° tb. lake,
Mir Au.uhrook'a yooal Bolo, "For You,` and during the pest low days a largo nom
was rao.fved with well . rated applause, her of nation have left for varioas ports to
and Mtge Elise Tye's heft.. enrol solo sou o,mmaoce their season's work.
also favorably race':red. he illustrated Mro. }loather and Mr. Evans wore as
rscttsttoo, "A Gnat borough Lady," was • V.roaa the past walk atteodlog the kunst
quaint conception, and tit dairymaids' of their moth.,, Mn J. Amey, The do -
drill and the series of tableau llloaratlog cesium( had reached her ninetieth year.
"Th. Ooart.bfp of M'1*. 9t dish" were
pretty and interesting.
'I'he•Areal of floe weather resolved some.
thing of a sot book this week, but It will be
here sooner or later, andou 'Mould be 're
Pored fur it with • new suit made to the host
awe end of the best and newest m•teriale by
l'rldotam the tailor.
Come, gentle spring'
Regular mating of the public school
board neat Moody .venlor.
There will be • .9.otal mating of the
esnooll this (Tbureday) 1010105.
K. Dowutog'a obann of •lyertlsoment
was noeived too late for this lreue.
Stewart ha4 • msgoitioont duple', ot
flowers o0 Saturday, fur this Easter trade.
W. Warnock o few days ago resolved a
diploma for fruit. exhibited at the Parte ere
position of 1900.
I'. '1'. 11.44 la i11 of typhoid tater. So
fat the 1od104'10,s are not aolaroraole, sad
we Most h. will at bay. a urere attack.
Rua started at noon on Good Friday and
oo°rloued throogho0t the •lesr0000 and
evening, making the d.y a rather dull one.
Tb. M•odonald and Radolife oases
11110.4 th. town for damages have agaro
boon p**trooed, this tlm, to the 10:6 lost
A 1rararvt PARTY. -One ex fns tut
week the mea bete of the choir of Viotort•
•i rest M.thodut oh ch, togstb with
some invited Moods, getb.r.d *t t e rest
deco. of Mr. Shaunoo, Cambria read Mr.
'4ha0000, who is basalt a membe, o the
hour, bee shown mono kindness In (rel , n+•
!T entertaining his fellow member• at .is
home, -s° t eI as opportunity
t.n•ify, in some dogree, thole •pprec atlo
of hu goodwill and liwplr•hty. st boo th
oompaoy had assembled J. W. Broderick, •
f„rmer ohoir master, wog appointod chair-
man, and after a short speech he requ(ated
Mr. Shannon to 000e forward. He then
ad the following addrts., at eh• close of
oh Mia Vida Bell promoted Mr. Shan-
e ith a bwdsome leather bound Bible :
M John MIao0oe :
-MA SIR ANI) BacT11111,--Tbie gather.
tont ht is the natural result and out
me of t *prominent para you have taker
d the 1. west you bare ,•v:ooed in our
urch and the choir of sista you are to
rthy • out .ere Phe other membra 01
choir tont t Is only tittt°g and dealt-
• that we mho d testify our aporeoietroo
your effort' In .stewing the etboienoy
the mueloal part of the •err)oes to o0r
rch, and in order , demonstrae• our re
Dltion of your real a d service,, in some.
0q more tangible themere st ord., we
o ask too to .coapt fro . as this 8 hie
in the future may thea ht of Meyer re -
4 you that the valuable aloes which
has rendered to our eh oh and the
tee, and the active interest 00 hove
on In 6vervthing whloh petals is ebe
aoosmont of the interest. of t tame,
• ban thenkluhy appreciated by 1 who
e been in 000ra01 with you wltbl• tho
lel of the obnrcb. IN tithing you • lo
py nor Lrosperou. life, on bohalt of n
saw. a+en.bcrs, we hay* b der sub.
bed our names,
1. W. HManstueg,
F;. r BoomaR,
oierioh, March 24, 1902,
Shannon was quite taboo by surprise,
was able 10 respond to a very pleaslrg
nor. Theo Mr Belcher, leader of the
r, woo called forw.rd, cod while Miss
le Md)igan read the following address
Mmr.ie titokee presonted him with a
rmater'e baton
EAR MR BEu'uER,-We the member.
wtorla street church choir take this op
unity of addrrenog You In order to et
onr high •Pprectatiou of y, to services
r loader and ohn'master We roam
ri s
t• k
of V
es 0
the •
the g
bat o0
i0 th
the p
the o
Mr 1
M se.
duet ;
Mr. W
solo ;
11r S
seaa th
to the full rho n°6.gging teal you hays
n in the management of the obnir,the
and judgment this', have ch•raoter)zed
wle0tlonl, the exoelleot instrnotbon In
4r of .205'04 that we hays resolved,
real help your vase hu hoed In the
Rion of the mualo, and lastly the un
g 000rtesy with which the whole het
don.. We hope yon 64111 long remain
u• .n that the ohoir and o,ogregatlon
further benefit by your labors. In
of our affection and seot)manre to
m 700, whloh are *hared (y evert mem
f thn (Moir, we present you with thl.
We hope that yoo will lona as
e tams oapao)ty and a. • reminder of
resent °coylon. tinned on behalf ,oi
hoeing M MIIJ.IOAN,
derich, March 24, 1902
ieloher gas an appropriate nilly. A
0(n nt speech, song and musk was then
dad with, the following taking part
• Shannon and Roll, Instrumental
Miss May and Bert Hale, vocal duet;
ontton, .pesoh ; Mr. Broderlek, soot
MMo.. Sh•anoo, inrrume°tai solo; Mr.
ler, veal solo ; A Cook, Instrumental
W. H 1'homp•on, iamb ; Meese.
t and .1ohntton, Ihstrumantal dual
hannno, toroth : Site. Soke., fo*tru
I solo. A ohoru, by the choir ono
the program. A samptuoae supper
eel moored, and aha remaodr of the
4 woo spout 1n games 00d m0.4.,
Brussels Post : School has been oloasd In
S. 8. No. 2, known em Turnbull's school
hoose, o.t(1 the middle of April and the
t.ash.r, Mia Oven, of Uod.rlch, allowed
to 50 home owing to a (oarc)ty of oblldren.
The nnmtn5 Eno weather will permit n1 a
law of she Botta* •Itonting, therohy
eopp)yf.g the row mstenal 1r the school
maim. It would be a dtflioult moue, to
equal this Datlnn In the earolty of obll4rsn
et *Mosel ago and the only thing to do 4 to
compel the ba*helnra to get married and
make the heroes alrady este1h.hed when
the profit* of s betty le net heard adopt
room okra& and thereby has the supply
*anal Um desaaad,
At the regular mating of the C. O. F.
held on Tuesday, Thos. Burrows was ohoeen
unanimously as a delegate te stteod the
High Cart meeting to be held at Owen
sound in June.
Stratford 804000: Mr Fred. Shaunoo,
who has baso attending the buffo's* college
Inn, left for Godertoh today to take 0P his
former oisrtlos wltb (Jarrow & Grrow,
Wha. to the cosy he mad* many (needs
who will regret hie deflators.
Before Police Maglstrato it
seaf.f raster.
day mortal• •ilem.
adios pleadedguty to th°hags of
eating • °apestees square Women, to
H o), Dodd. The oats was •ejourned to
to y i0 order that Some further 1110)14..
Mfg - t be mode.
Th oahb. dempatobse State that King
Kdw• ba ezpraved • dame that his
blrthda be eelebrated In England on May
.60 4*, • Dominion Parliament may pass
,041.4.410 se the present Session providing
that H•.-ajmity's birthday•hall be alit
bested on t . • 114th of May every year.
George V. . °ahead, of P.rkdale, of the
firm of Ho.. od Bros.. & Co , fruit and
oommoe.ioa me °hann, Colborne, strait, To
root*, died on . tordey *yaoiog as the re.
sun of an •team of pneumonia. Deceased
was this isoond so, of Henry Hu.band, flak
villa, Oat, ; also a c note of Mrs. R. Header
gen, town,
Additional personals • , page 5,
J. G. k"iobardt spent ter in Stratford.
Deo. R. Morrie was up (You. Guelph for
K. Heston, of Toronto, wan In town this
J. K Sherman, of Woodetook, was home
for Fester,
6fia [Seattle, of Sesforth, le v ltiog the
Issas Patios.
ho Snell le home from Pinkerton for
be 'serer scetlo0,
Hu • Dunlop spent a few lay. in Threat,
during t • week.
Jos. Do it, of Moleoo'. Rank, Wingham,
was home t. Eater.
M PS Bo..: rang IS home trom Grimsby
for the Kate, oattoo,
Mn. Seager le letting nor ono, Rev, 1 ,
A. Seager, In Tor to.
J. I) Leslie open his Eater holiday
with Waives in Chest
Allen D 0130oa, of S6ra ord, spent Eater
Monday at the o1.1 home
Jas McPherson was home .from 1'earol04
for s few days last week.
Mir Mogan made a visit to htr home In
Stratford during the week,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Red, S.aforth, visited
relatives In town on .Sunday,
Mrs. .1. Story has been visiting to Suitt•
ford during the Easter .east,°.
Fred. Shephard has returned home and
w ill be in town for a law weeks.
.I, M. Heat cod Masers Russell aril John
rant Sunday with friends here.
Miss Holdall Whitely, of Clinton, soy
,,siting in town during the wink,
Lindsay Williams left for Toronto Mos -
lay morainic to visit friend. than,
5110 Italy, of 8e•fortb, visited tier sister,
Mrs. .1. IR O'Coneoll, the past week.
Wm. (irahom, of the O. T R. station
agent7s staff, anent Fester at Prato°.
Capt. and Mr. Wm. MoLeaa, of Detroit,
were among the Easter visitors In town
Stratford Beeson : MI** Joao. Mallon
ham gone to Potlatch for Feint vacation.
sister, Mi
es bait. 4. Toroonto •(tee
erton. la
•4.11205 at the home of Mrs. k
West t.
Mies Flo Connolly, of 9s. Marpanrs
Collage. Toronto, 4 home for the Easter
Mlle Maggie Hata, nl Chinagn, m►d• a
visit of • low days at her home here the
pees w.,k
Moos Era Aoh**0c has hem spending the
Kama ammo I0 Toronto with her friend,
Mrs. Cook
Mrs. W C. Hotton, of Rutter, has hemp
'panting the poet wadi with her mother,
Mrs. Rook.
Mir Florone* Tarot', teacher at
Donnybrook, i., spending the Easter satia-
tion In town.
.1. Aides Fowler was la Toronoo Aortae
1be IF•19 ss e delegate Neon bibs public 1)b•
racy 1.4td to the *Marto Library A6.Na•
1)00 0.,ttog.
Alb.rt Johnston left Meaday tot 5ea*t1.,
State of Wuhingoo, to try his tartans 1a
that Dew ooaatry.
Mies Kate W•Mon 1s al madam the mesa
log of ►ho Ootorlo llduo.Uoaal Amesdatloa
10 l'oro°to Oros week,
Howard Uses, of Port Huron, With b
town a few days the past worth, slag the
goal of Jams Payne.
Joe Tilt, who is •tto°dlug the Oestred
Bustoe** College, Stratford, hw bees.p.ad•
log the noltdays at home.
John Joh°stoo, of New Westminster,
was In towa for enteral doors darter/ the
'rook yls'uag relative* bore.
Mose Olive Boghossian, of Toronto finia
varsity, snout Kates at the boos ot hoes
parents, Mr. and Mra James Bo.th0nan.
Mom Jolsotta C. Collinson loco on Monde"
for Auburn, whet. she ha. teen °harr/t et
the millinery d.partose,l for Mrs, Marshall,
Robert H, MoTavleh, of Huron town.
ship, ouosty of Brace, 'post • short time
Iasi week with his uool. ►sad aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. R Henderson.
Chu. Chisholm was home from Brantford
the pmother. Mrs.ast
e000mpanted blmlms d will remota
here for some watt.
Mr, and Mro. Stoll, o1 Listowel, left fee
noose on Tu**day after a vols of two weeks
64 the reeldmcs of th.1r rotative, N. D1.•
trio), Trafalgar street.
Jas. S Tait and Tho.. Borrows of t►. 0,
0 F. wen to Clinton on Friday attending
the f 1 of W. H. H.aoom, the dammed
Ming • member of the order.
Jas. Terri, tits new principal of the
Oodsrtoh public schools, Is attesdlag the
msetog of the Ontario Edaatlonal Astro -
Motion at Toronto this week,
Mies Daley Komball, Food sad Jack
Romball, of London, •sited at the real -
deco* of their uncle, E. J. Ramball, Rest
street, during the past soak.
Rlobard Pinion and family hare movd
to town from St. Auguatl . sod are reeld-
log la Mr. Dosow's house oo limy* strew,
W. letdown* these new readmit. to .01
John Tighe, who has boss 0, C. Wbltely',
assistant for some years, lett es Saturday
for Sault Ste Male, caber* h• has a post,
tion W. via him good look In his new
M►tter Harry and Mies Lizzie Gram. of
Wlogeam, returned to their dome en Tor.
day lifter 'pendia" the };ester holidays In
town with their unole and amt, Mr. sad
Mrs. R. Hend.non.
H. 1 Strang, B.A., left on Mooday foe
Toronto to attend the •aoual meeting of the
Ontario Edao•tlonai Aoomarlon. In hblry.
.11 yeas Mr. Strong bas 001.4 only Iwo of
the sonual meetings o1 tit* AroolaUoa, and
he now taker the lsutor trip to Tensa as a
matter of worse.
Among the eohool taoben wbo hats
come home for the Enter voo4Non are Mime
Lome* Andrews, from %arloh ( Mise Jessie
Robertson, from Exeter : the Mies Ls.
Tooted, Mia label Farrow, Mies Qs•enl.
Robertson, Lindsay Williams, Ms. (les•
trude Graham, Mia Jardto., .11 from th.
'oolhrn part of the comfy ; idles Edina
Oast, from near Brussels ; Mies Emily Rae
ohanao, from KI°gev111e,
A mating of the 000gre0atlon of North
strati M.thodlet aura wag held last even.
tog to oot•Id.r the advisability of snails(
• new ohuroh.
The altars at Ht, Peter', ohuroh Roam
Sunday had • great abuoda°oe of palms and
flower, of all kind*, sed to the eYeolag
neyer looked more b..otlfal. The fablest
of the.1rmoh at vesper/ was the Rosarr.o.
tIso, Tbere le no ooll*oll.a taken moat St.
Peter', Sunday ereoo,..
At a joint meeting of the Prerbytor)an
onngrwatloo1 of M000hester and Smith',
Hill, held at Smith', Hill as Monday last,
Rev. Jas. A. Andersen moderated 1n a
unanimous oall to Rev A. E Vamp, B A.
This Dell will be dealt with by the Presby•
tory of Huron lee IM regular megalith IS
C11010, 00 the 8th lost. It 1s to be boiled
that Mr. Camp may ,.a hie way ciao to
accept this all, as thew oo°4n1atlens b.re
hoes without a stated pastor since February,
On Tuesday armee of this weak shoot a
dotes persons of the Naptl.t oenuwlen met
at J. K. Lewlet'a house, where they were
addressed by the Rev. Mr. Dunlop, Raptly
Morey man at Clinton. hell Tuesday
evening then will ba a similar moot.
ung at the rend,00e of Mrs, McColl,
South swat, when key. Mr. Dealop .111
•goln,peak. A cordial in►ito/iso° is ex-
tended to all Raptlets and their Meade 10
the tow°, se the la4.blrehmen* of a mlaton
here In 000aeotloa witb that denomination
le In contemplation.
The I vestrymesalnp a1 St. Peorge's
+March was held in the 'oboe] room on Ease
tor Mooday evening Gorton to thio earl cote
of Easter this pear the churchwardens' Onan•
*fol statement was not ready bat will bit
prsee0rad at the adjourned mooting o. Moa•
day 'weakly 0.11, April 7th when the res.
tor'. repo of the work of the ohuroh will
also be res Philip Holt, R. C,. and Om.
Porter were re .Iestod 'radon*, and the
elitism*, for a year are t J, Platt, F. F.
Lawn0oe, ,S, oV, Lloyd, F Jordan, W.
1) Tye, D. Hoa o, D. J. N•ite!, Joe. Sal.
kelt/, E. N. Lw la, Lionel Potion. and
Harry Sturdy.
1 ha eery me •1 7tt Otorge'e °bomb last
Sunday were appreprlse• to the Ester f's•
t al, and the .cored bedding wee prettily
ormooted with palm*, Mies and other
Ptah This m0a4o by t. eholr Inotnd.d
Sortie •'e T. Darn and Mist*, Brown's
(noels 1. gambits, (ho ant ltdi no "Pod Hath
Aopolo h Day,' by Tour*. and the in-
strumental ' nolo was applied by erne,
flute, clarionand horn, Oho tiMyere hatng
the organist, ' A H. Cup(, H. 13lukstoas,
H. (tuff and W. '•. Maoviar, p 1• elle).
eat rhndering of th mastoid pastiest' of the
Derrieres refloated obedit on .11 0004 r4.d.
1 he speoiel Easter 1H.rtery am•o 4.4 se
.boat 7180.
The esrvlcee at North strait Ida4hed4t
church on Komar Sunday ware especially la.
tension, le Wiie Sahhath.ohoolwt
andab the motelshe / ser lof e,
the pastor, Roy. 1)r. Daniel, addressed k.m•
self to the memare of the shoal, and Iho
singing was ohs6y by the obit/free. Is the
alnreon° • mase mooting was hold, pro.ld•
ed over by the Sabbath ge4eet sup.HastiO-
dent, W. C. Prfdham. Reports of the
Masora and morality for oho pest year
were road, a program et recitation@ and
tong* was given, and Dr. Danl.t mad. as
Int.reetlny •Adross, is the amniag the
Easter .os." lows** was atom AT the atom.
The motto !notated the anthem "LH* from
Om Dead," the sole "R*turr*ot(oe Mon,"
by Mie. Aoabreok, the anthem "Rattan.
j•h," 67 Harbert, with solos by Wee Mary
Prlo..nd Mr. Cook. and th. linln''Brt(bl-
est and fleet," by .pas. P. 1 hosts». T►a
wryly w.. *armed nut "my elAelontly aid
was oraditabl• Mika to the ohnlr sad M
thole d'restew, W. Oben Campbell, who
display, hath energy and ability la bb
1M as.an weasel 9sd maM*al dben eo el