HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-27, Page 8g T Iifarch 27, 1)D2. THEINIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Easter LliIlinery Opening WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26 AND FOLLOWING DAYS. First Showing of Sj5ying Millinery • WE believe this 1902 collection to be the choicest we have ever gathered and will leave it to your judgment. Come and view the latest creations in Bead -Wear. MISS GILBY will be pleased to show you through. New Crepe de Chene. The riobet material of this eeaeoe le bleak with dttlenies patter r e, 111.60 and $2.00 New Pophn de Boie to blast, eery hand.v,ne ...... .82.00 New French Voile Cloth In latest shades of bleouls, grey. rbc of roue, blies and russet, at ... ......... 76.. New Cheviots Latest gr.ve, onto', bream, black, old rose, greens, wide width.... .:1.00 LATEST TRIMMINUS FOR DRESSES. NEW FANCY BRAID. NEW SILKS. NEW LACES, NEW SATLNS. HANDSOME APPLIQUES. NEW LININGS. Neck Ribbons and Belts. Lovely este Taffeta Ribbons la new shades for Neck Ribbons. New Velvet Belta with uotarat.h able buckles 35o and 50.;. New Prints. You will ogre with as that you bought • better Print a1 120 than we are ,howlog the *Gam= .t 100 Fact Colon in blues, reds, lief, Tight colon, elnpea ant 6gores tor Waist* or Wrappers. New Muslin. WHITE ORGANDIE, LINEN BATISTES, PLAIN LiNENS, NEW BLACK MUSLINS. NEW COLORED DIMITIFS, NEW GINUHAMS. Boys' and Men's Clothing. The department la well prepared with new spring styles and the best vale's we bans ever shown. BON S' THREF.1'l F: E Sl'ITY, BOYS' PANTS, BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS. MESS' PANTS. MENS' SUITS. SPRING OVERCOATS. ['UN 1)}0:1):, of people to this 'Welty neve loud our PREMIUMS worth trying for; they are a free elft for year trade is useful and durable articles. 1:.:1 and see them. BAZAR GLOVE -FITTING PATTERNS IN STOCK. We also have a very desirable Book on Fashion called " Modes," issued by Bazar Pattern Co., of New York, for 50c a year. CABE OR PRODUCE. Smith\Bro's & Co. DASH WOOD. TUL•.Dav, Mar 25tb. Mie Jenne Hall le visit's. (reed. in London. Jacob Kellermaen war ea • basis,, trip to New York and Buten last week. tale (;illroy, of P.srolle, has t.keo the position o1 milliner In J. .1. Merner's store. Veit are pleased to state that Mn. Joe. Snell la reeovrtng from her attack of poeu- meale. Miss Kibler, of Brampton, has resumed her petition of milliner la the •tore of her .oil., Mr. Kellermeeo. The promotion •xamlaatlona were roe• dunked is the school en Ther.d•y and Fri day. (Jetta • oumtrr of the pupil. were saooeset.l. PORT ALBERT. TUI,DAY, Mar 26th. .john A. Hawki..ls home from Northern Id lohig.n. There will be divisor service in Christ oburob on Easter Mandy at 3.30 o'olook P N. Charlie Crawford mat with • painful •ol- dest Irt Friday •itrsons. getting his knee one le • ,.solar machine. The many trends of Mr. and Mn. R. Graham are pleusd to lura that they are dlebuy Improved to health. Q alts • number of our attire/no attended the tea meteor In the Abeppmrdton Me. libellee church last Friday *geeing, and re. pert • most pickiest time. DLUEVALE. TUanar, Mar 18th. Alex. Crete hu returned from Teml.tem toque Joseph Pugh, el Rloevale, visited his mother to Clinton last week Mi.. Lillie Young, of SVingh.m, visited friends In R1ee161e this week. Lionel Fiafater, of Morrie, visited at F. 11 Scott's In Rineyale on Sunday. Mn. Roberti Gibson and inn, William, of Wroxeter, visited R. N. Duff's oa Tor. day. Mies Joule Robertson, of Wronger. via. teed her sister, Mrs Robert Black, this week. Mow Nellie Borges hu been eery Irl with pleurisy, but Ie a little better, we are glad to Rev. Quite a oumter from Klue►ale attended the box medal at Brown bows oo St. Patrick'. eight. John Gr.eo•way, who hes beset vieltleg relatives here for some time, returned t• Sault Ste. Marie on Wednesday. LEtBURN. M„v UA r, Marob 24tb. Alex. Bugle has goo" ae Dauphin Lab., Menitob.. A large ce•tlrgent of our young people book In tb. entrtelnmestiet Carlow Friday aunt of lest week. The death ol • former resident, James Thurlow, caused gotta • gloom In our see Hon, mod the deepest sympathy Is flit for his widow cod f.mlly Malty of his forma etgbbora bore attended the tones) front ►1a farm on the Bayfield road, Goderloh town- ship, os Thursday last to the pl.w ot inter• toot 1. Malibu(' cemetery. DUNLOP TUssnn, Marsh 25. Mies Tobin war the guest of MW Lu by, of Oodrloh, tble week. Our gaols! chief of police and Couaoillor Attritl have bean t binning out and pronto/ their .. sons poplar rses with saws end Wes Janet MaoKesz*e, reoeotly from Manitoba, now o1 l'ort Albert, tied Mir E. Pillow were the guests of Mir Frances Quaid leaf week. 1e August last we noted that • wild storm had male havoc to blowing down owe et the old apple trees of the township where eau tb• Crow? and Anchor hotsl stood in Galrbr ld. The other day Herbert Morris and John Sallow" out it up for house wood. KINTAIL. MOND), Mar. 24tb. 1/r. MacLa.nan intends moving to Ripley. Mies Sults (irlt6n has returned to Leak new. A few o1 our vows/ people paid a flying vial' to Pore Albert one evening lase week. James Lembertoa, Mb" Maggie Igor bertha and Orlando Or the have retuned from • visit to Walkerton and T.Mw.t.r. Orlando Griffin, who has been visiting Kintail and Kingsbridge, hu returned le his home In Goderich, Orlando, who is very popular among the fair sex, will he much missed. We notice a young lady wearing a black veil *nee hie departure. Cheer tip ; summer will mune again, sod selling will be Food. More New Wall Papers. Likes, and we have been EVERYONE Enjoying the friendliest kind of in- terest in, our New Wall Papers ever since we commenced showing them Another largo shipment just passed through the Customs. It is Fine in Texture, ()riginal in Design and Bewilderitlg in Variety. ' The floor may be carpeted, draperies may be abundant and beautiful, but without a hackgmund the effect is very poor. PORTER'S BOOK STORE i)+a, TtsIs,b,nn. ie No. 100 K. (lours Howes bans,*, (kNi•rir.h. SENMILLER. Tvsauar, Muck 2.54. A FINE Srectrttr.-A very floe epeetm•s of 6y,oe squirrel may be seen at Jew Oled- bile, woolen factory soloed on a sap. 111 was oaaebt by wave w. od choppers and prewoteJ to ibis old ge.tlsmen, who is particularly rued of pets. That pretty 1 tile sated was eery summon some renis ago, but dace the w tial• have been attuned le la tow almue etoe** in these parts. Dinar,* Aso aauau.-Wt*Ilam t'.oeto•e, of this vill.ge, ,woofed a handsome diploma from the Hon S.do.y Faber. Minister of Agriculture for the [tonaloteoo, ler his elbl bit of apples at obs t.t►vow • rhlbltioo tut leer. H. also is tb• fortunate pogessor of • d plows horn the Paris exhibition al the prenous par, .leo for apples from lite or- chard. Few crobardlet• can bout of two diploma" from thaw world renowre l raid bttloos, wblob goes to prove that old Bea. m Il.r stands blgb when it Domes to raising apple., -and "es • matter of course, don't you forget 1t " l'ui.noauk Cgrrrkay.-The *entreat for plaet.og •rerrreeal sad otter tree In the sew C.Iber's cemetery has twee glees to the proprietors of the Beomiller nursery, who make • . p•oiali y of that sort of lend soaps gardening. Oar township fathers are b •autd,i.g the lot and show muds taste la the way that they have gone to work so far. A new ices fear with turned pets le to ret- pl•ois the old board tun, which bats ser•ed Its day, and when completed will reflect credit epos the gentlemen who ocmpose un,, oouoail beard, •howing that they aro • pro- graule..ad up to oats body of mu. Stoics or SpRj'iu.-Tb. snow 1. all gone; the rife is clear of toe; the dust le o s- maootgg to 6y on the neoesslon rude ; the young utile aro on the roads waiting for Me grim be grow ; the sackers are ouster up the river ; the orows are cowing ; the ball trete are in the woolsg bade... ; the robins a:e nestle. ; the Thomas tete ars out ser.oadrg the in 03 ; the ganders are strut- ting abet end aro g.ttIsg quite "saucy" ; the hooey bee •reliem'sg out of their hived ; the fell whet Gelds are ootomnoing to look gree; tit* barn -yard Arae ere 6114. the •1r with the ,wet m0alo ol their egg. lapse ~ale end the roosters us in the bet of ,pinta wood hie era the order of lobe day ; maple sae 1s runtime ; the plough. boys ►m getting their horses ready. sod 1..t though lees lest our girls are p%tlog their sprier bosaete and other mlIllsery onetime reedy far gulag Sonde, -well 11f that la sot . sine el.prtag. the what 1s h' DUNGANNON. NaTIOL-The local agency ta Dungaoaon for inc 8e.NaL tri at the office of J. 0. Ward, J. P.. oe.vey.noer, to., who will reoetve orders tor sabeoripaoe, adrertialeg and lob work...d 1• authorised 10 give receipts for amounts paid for the same. TUESDAY. Mu. 25th. Cote in.. AND Uotxo.-Mrs. Jibe Brydges, of Uodrtob, le eejoyieg herself ander the o.reat•I roof and totemic former actinide Wosblp.. Si .s. or SPRING. -We are hayloft very plum% weather and the roans are in excel. tent oosdittea. Hasb•odmw are making proprdtoss ler 'prise work in renevatlar term ImptemeoU, Mother I.rtb Is gradu- ally doeaiet( bei spring h•bllimats and all aunts le reviving In Ira varied forma. The leathered tribe ars hero and all egos unit un, this springtime U at hood. Co,vat.astr..,-The bumerou. friends of Mn. A. Pestl.nd w111 he pleased to know tb.t the venerable lady Is er•do.11y g.lairg nreagtb, sod hopes of her recovery .rs i more promising Mr. end Mrs. Ju. Walker, who have ben for some time as well, are a1.., recovering, and we, alo..g with their m.0y (nerds 1 ape that the venerable maple will goon be restored to good hse:th. l nt•tu'r Nitres. -Solemn beryline will be •ondsotad ere Good brlday la St. Paul's church, Duog.n000, •s 11 A .o , .ad in Christ church, ,'ort Albert, •1 3 r tt Ci 1- lutiosg will be taken up for Jewish mi.• N ese. Oa E.ster Sunday the ssvloes •t Sr. Paul's will be held at 11 A r. and 7 r R , with . celebration of holy communion at the dee .f merging servI,s. At Christ obatoh the service will he .t 3 r r , wltb . celebra floc of holy aontmunloo. Wsaki.y SHoor.-DOereneoa rifle club, Marsh 24th, Off hand off -hand 100 Yds 2ro yds. Total J Glover 37 ..., 79 B. J. Crawford .43 29 72 A Metier . .. ....35 34 69 C. Elliott .. .. ....38 26 '64 J Bleck 32... ..,.27 59 U Blok1 41 15. ....56 W. Sproul 36 12 48 M. Spr.nl ..... ....35 10.. ...45 V. Aueoettne .... .29 12 41 T. G. Alien 16 7 23 Ha'AYE VA,ArT.-Rev. 8. M. Wb•ly, of Mt. Helen's, conducted divine service fa Enkioe church hut Sabbath, In consequences of the renege/aloe of Ree R Fdrbdro. At the clots of the service he declared the church vaunt, t,folte • large number o1 the member" deep*, the necessity for the reverend gentlemane departure, who for twelve' years has Ito ar.idnouely'abort d and endeared himself to them, se .leo to may ethers In the oommuolty outside of the coogreg.tloo, by his kindly dieposltion and Christie charity. The reverend rentleman w111 be sorely m Wed In obie end carrowndle, vicinity, as h" was • faithful spiritual guide and pester and • h*gbly• e steemed clots*. His discontent were ot • blob order, fell of rood re•.o.Iep and In- struction. We, along with meny others, eaoset but feel that his ever.0ce as pater wUl be an besloolable loss to the congrega- tion. May he and his family hue the dl. vine blessing .,d protetlou wherever their lot msy be in the f . YM lame Mirk? No need of that now. Thee sort of pain esn he I, necked out in short order, tor Pel- ee'. Nervi,*ns, which is dr* times stronger than any other, penetrates •t once through the tient**, reecho" the stares of suffering, drive It not and the. given relief almost to. enmity. Not maglo, but strength that gives Poison's Norville' th'e power, you w111 think It m.rlo however 1f you try It, pais goes two quickly. Sold by dodders everywhere, la large 25 own betties. ------------- BHEPPAROTON• Tua.Dar. Mar. 25, h, Vine Abet U.&U ale•day moraine Gro broke eat 1a the petal, build's,, wbleb .oula.lw also Wm. Barrows' store and reel. device The huildleg wits deetreved, but moat .1 rho uuole.N were caved. It ls sot known, bow tlr firs originated Mr. Boar• rows es• •way at the t1.,.. A Mu,, nt,.rut. tntrnrAtn.INT 'lb• •upper sad .u-rtaiontat green an the s•ibodut ohu.ob...o Friday ovaoinggas eucceseful la •eery reepeot. 11 was • b, autlful ev: slag, and there was • large u tsd•no, the people g,tbenag from •11 polats of the oompu•. A eomutu.ius sup par was ase red sod was pellet's of with relish, cod tale wait followed by en ,gushy enjoyable least of mento. speech, ate. The eb.ir wn woospied by James Ulrvin, who discharged hl• dates 4 • tboroegbly eta - able maser. Bee T. R McNair, o1 Du. gamier, nava ea aligsest and Insplring.!- dress . [solos by Jam•• F. Thoarpsen, of Geduld), end • deet by the Mires Bryd gee, also of Ooderieh, were rendered very oao.b:y, and reoltatiors by lilts Hayd. , MHO Laura Brydges and Mir Cuneingb•m were heartily rewired. Tb. 51:. choir and oroh.etra also rendered valuable .,sistence. Altogether the ev..lsg'e program r[smee 1.0 be three's/hi, enjoyed by thio presses. AUCTION SALES. All parties getting their sole bill. printed a1 this oaks will 00v. • free notice 1aerted in this Iles a• to the time of '•1••, THURSDAY, April Srd.-Aaotioo este ot brewery plantaed fixtures •e the "Uoderioh Brewery," at 1 O'olook r u. Throe lecs- D•Y, agotloaer. Mo'Kt).zu k How.Lt. would he mush obliged to these baying Ameeloen Field Fenolog etretobers eat if they woold return them without daisy, ..'the rush for Asori o•n fenotag is es and we require every stretcher. CANADIAN (PACIFIC Settlers One- Way Excursions To Manitoba and Canadian el reit-West *111 leave Toronto every TU 1)AY during MARCH and APRIL inn. Passengers travelling without Live Stook should take the trate leaving To. rooto at 1.45 p.m. Passenger" travelling with Lire Stook should take the traits waving' Toronto at 4.00 p.0'. Coloolat Sleeper will be attached to soon tr.In. Por fu11 parHectare and coot of -Ser. Ould"apply to MI.,* M. A. Age e, Agent, 4►oderfon, se to A. H. NOTMAN, Amt. (teol, Ager. !gloat/tree! East. Toronto. Wall Paper. Wall Decorations. Each succeeding jeer .vt'w* to prompt artists to Surpass all previous years in the 11 -all Paper Art. It is then • matter of good taste how • merchant selects his stock from amongst the multitude of rtmples. If he has the whole range of the manufacturer what an oppor- tunity he give. you to *elect from. This is what we do! We carry 3000 samples -the whole manufacture of two of the largest producers in the United States and Canada. We guarantee to de- liver any order in ¢5 hours. In addition we carry • well selected stock of j10$S$S and others of New and Pretty designs. Select your Paper. We will take the contract to decorate your room, for • stated sum, and you wi'I know exactly what it will cost. KIDD'S BOOK STORE, Wall Paper Debartment, Ooderich. FENCING TIME WILL SOON BE HERE M°KENZIE tile HOWELL Have made heavy purchases of all kinds of Fencing Material to avoid the wire famine lit, last year, and buying in quantities we get better prices, so we can sell cheaper. We are therefore prepared to sell extremely low. The American Field Fence. We sold over 4,000 rads last The Frost Fence. We will sell and PUT UP THREE of the Best Fennel Made. .Salon. Made of No. 9 coiled spring wire and No. 7 upright. The Oun or Carter. Made of No, 9 coiled wire and wove with galvanized wire. We are prepared to sell either at story, or put op by rompetmnt builders We have • very low quotation on Manure Forks of the bees grade. McKENZIE NO W ELL THE PLACE TO RUY ALL HARDWARE CHEAP. Keep Your Feet 1 1 Warm at Night A No Water Bottle---•• WILL. DO 1'l'. We Have Them -0 FROM THE CHRAPEST TO TfE BEST F. N. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DRUGGIS r. Coarser of West et. and the So u.re. Mi llEret, & HowaLL ars prepared to band • pretty lawn tenet, le. sad made jest se yea woald like lt. Oar prloes .re moderato. Can etre • neat (Naos et 10e per foot, few Flour, Provision and Seed Store, I have opened out the store on HAMILTON STREET, next to T. Hall's Shoe Store, with a stock of all kinds of MILL PRo- 1)t(1'$, BREAD STUFFS, BREAK- FAST FOODS, SEEDS, etc., etc., and respectfully request a portion of your trade. I am agent for the London Steam Bakery, and will deliver Bread to any part of the town. Leave your order and my wagon will call at your house every day. Best brands of Flour, includ- ing the Lake Huron and Mani- toba Milling Co.'s and Star Mill product.. BREAKFAST Fooi,' a Specialty. SEEDS for Field and Garden. garA call solicited. W. P. WBBTOBY, Hamilton Street. Goth Top. LS ShrOj''1'J 0-ifig / gar THATTH-IS Ali / r 5 BRANDED ON EVERY sNOti Light as A feather They are justly tallied for their stylish elegance, superior fitting qualities and up-to-date styles. A thoroughly high-grade shoe of unusual merit at a sensible price. All styles -from the light and dainty dress shoe to the most substantial street boot, ONE PRICE $3.75 Very Dressy. Exquisite Styles. Sole Agent In Ooderloh for Walk -Over and Queen Quality, E. DOWNING, Suooeesor to P. T. HALLS Public Meeting A meeting of the ratepayers will be held on FRIDAY, the 28th MARCH, itl the MIT 100M at tie COURT ROUSE, at b t'.H., to consider the offer of Ir. Andrew Carnegie to contribute 3110,000 for the erec- tion of a Public Library in Gode- rich. It is proposed by the Public Library Board that the site should be where the market now is, and that the market should be removed to the old agricultural grounds. A large attendance is requested. Seats will be reserved for Iadiue• NII. IITC11ELL, M. 0. CAMERON, Town Clerk. Mayor. March 25th, 1902. J. W. SMITH wishes' to announce that he is handling the celebrated 5 STAR brads FLOUR 3 STAR of.... made by the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling Co, and is prepared to fill all orders promptly at the following prices for SPIT CASH : 5 Star Brand, $3.90 bbl. 3 66 a. 3.60 t. He will also handle the Kee- watin Flour. J. W. SMITH, East Street. ITs4rm11iODUENS_BROST • tug 111110111 won e/ alA1L.Fll•e!. an assortment At $1.00. STER GLOVES. THE best Kid Gloves made in the world are made in France. The best French maker is Trefousse, of Paris and Genoble. There are more Trefousse Gloves sold in the United States than those of any other maker. The best stores everywhere sell them. Our best Gloves are all Trefousse make. They are per- fect in fit and unequalled for wearing qualities. The New Gloves for Easter are here all are soft fresh skins, and the colorings and stitching the newest. You will not find as good any place else in town. THREE STANDARD QUALITIES R.sl Frenoh Kld Moves, 6ne goality, e ele.0.;w, dome fasteners, newest e titobloge, is black, greys, fawns. tea., all axes. the egad et may =1.25 01.,.,, per pelt . .... .....81.00 ALL GUARANTEED. At $1.25. Real Fritsch Kid Gloves, fin. quality, soft pl able ek no, newest out. dressed or undr..rd, dome t.ot mere. newts: stitohtne, to bl.ok, sweetie. bursa, Na .od brows., ail slur, per pair At $1.50. Real Fr.noh Kld (;loves. extra 600 quality. esieted skins, soh sad pl1- .b!e. People lobo bay We glove nom do not oars to wear airy ether make, dome fute.•rs and pewee% 11 25,1 .Utehing, black and leading colors, 81 .k1 B. & I. Corsets. The highest development of the Corset Maker's Art is represented in the B. & I. Patent Bias Filled Models. The Corsets are Boned with the finest quality of ribbon spring steel wires and patent whalebone. The shapes are produced by numerous gores, bias seams and folds, and the Corsets are as carefully put together as though they were custom made. A fresh stock of these famous Corsets came in this week, and we strongly recommend thein to our customers. Styles to fit slight, medium and stout figures. The prices are $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00. Lustres for Waists. ("olored '.metres are much in favor for waists this season. This week we opened a complete range imported direct from Britain. They will make stylish and inexpensive waists. Ordered i n.tree, 42 inches Extra fine gnality Colored wide bright finish, will Ln.tre., rieh stiky finish. wear well, in diadem of 44 inches wide, in navy, cream, pink, sky and .ky, pink, green I , 75c. yardrisen, Par 45 cu. soil nream April DESIGNER Ind PATTERNS Now in i Extra qualities in Black iA.tree, .ultehle few *1,1,15 or .kirta, will hold their nolor.r aril .. , . SOc, 7d do $l, Laces. This is going to he the greatest Lace season known for years. A costume is hard- ly complete unless it has lace on it in'isome shape or form. Take up any paper and read the report of fashionable gatherings and you will find that lace was iised on nine out of ten dresses described. Our importations of laces are on a larger scale than ever. From England, from France, from Switzerland the stock has been gathered, and every kind favored by fashion is repre- sented. You can make nA mistake if you do your lace buying here. a.glle0 Istmeeteaes galea, 4. S .■d a eta Steel Fteaeb ♦sleeeteses Lees., s. w tie esti IS eta. lawrateu te meelt. s evilest* laces S. t0, llama o esa. - Flatten hares .04 leees* .., N, la and Petite P..,y Trimming lae•w, U, u •sod AO el.. Meek cream, whine, esu sadse sfa New Neck Ribbons New Neck Ribbons, all pure silk Washing Taffeta, in sky and tur gnoille blue, mar, white and cream, per yard 20 and 30 cts. HODGENS BROS. • (30DERICH. THREE "A'8 " Aov're ACTIVE AGr-41T: WHIN PLAC C (1 THE SION, F[FTY-FIFTH Y THE WEEKLY MANNrte000.111011. Yell Wheat F lour, Canal,. per owe Flour, patent, per cwt.- • • tea...... -... 1 Shore. a ton ... Soneolo.e, per cwt .......••••••• Rio. per bush Buckwheat. per bush O.U. a bush ..............--. _ Barley. per bosh Hay. a ton l'utstos, t1 busk, Butter. . Cheese. ter Ih ................... lE.ga, fetch snpsok.d, a deo..... Rides, ........ Pelts Lire lire flap• _ Dressed Hop 11am, par Ib .. La.rrl. per Ib. Premed Heel fore quartet Dressed Bee(. hind Gale, areal Ordinary TO ADVERTISE Notioe of changes must be 1 offtoe not later than noon. The Oopy for mast be left not l- ter Clay noon. Casual Adve nooepted UD to uor n Wed each week. elituation. Mona WANTED-KELIAHL • aseaute lake orders for madedreee little. walklog skirts estrts. Wr.te ouloklr. DUM1N HENT CO., Quelpb.0ot. Music. MISS COLBORNE, Teacher of Pletcher music meth onto pupae at hr stadia. above losurecoe office, Hamllt•s street. nation apply .10s at studio or at tit. Patrice" Bret. W. GLENN CAMPRKLL, Organist sod mu.L-al director of Met bode' eburcb, ,weber of p1. gen sad theory Poolle prepared emloetloes of the 'Toronto Coo Muelo. Will be pleased to reoe tb..s from all itee reoslrtel, au Hoe at hie new studio over Thom , ton, I'm et piano for Draotloe nosed tor. war For Salo. AW W FOR SALE. -P. Y Oodrlcb. SAYE FGR SALE. -1 HAV proof ears that I w111 sell f able for house or offi.•e. Heel busio.ss have no further nu f HALLO. FOR 8A1.11UN EASY TER arty known se DIattlxer, nit ticalsse apply to EDW. C. ATTR 'OR SALK -THE EAST 1' the west half of lot 15, con. 7 wanoeb, em leg Ser acres. A RY FOWLER, Dungannon, or to Barrister 0oderloh, FOR SA LE. - LOTS 95, 96, 1 and IN In Hutchison', s Ooderloh. Por particulars app i I'IIILI Barrister. k.. March 11th. 19110. For Rent. HOUSE TO RKNT.-A rent oD the corner of Hraoe streets. About fire minute.w Square. Apply to N. W. NO street. HOUSE TO RENT, -A .N• 0 marred cotta a o0 cenven,ent for the fa.•torles. fruit trees. town water. Appy N1NOS, Trafalgar street rliCILET-(;OMFOKTABL Dir house. with one acre of tows of (Wench, convenient t-. good Warn on peemt.ee, end .on Apply to IL C. HAYS, Ilsrrlste $412 Rooms to Le rilu RENT. -ROOMS ON 11 street as present occupied se law office"; will obange Into necessary. Or rooms over Ml More with front and rear tint LEWIS, 71 Notion I)KNM1LLER NURSER! SPRING, 1902. We hay, • fait Ilse of frult a treat, Shrub., dr, Al! OOretOc to t e strictly flat -slue. To am titles you went. orders should Correspondence enlic.ted. IMITATE JOHN r! m Benmllier, 1 b'ubllo Nott NOTICL-THE ANNUA of the sb•rebol!ctw of the legend Skating Asenol.Uoo the office of Dr. ,,atm :', Court evening. he 14th lest , at 9 0 election of dtraotoys and ooh t e.. WIC oorieHob, April 1st, 1902. [5807. S. L TAURK I at amt. r ice t'R.Nu nPTttna All kinds of 3 sr.,lm.. T. D•otsele and to order HOWIIM attentlen giy eye. orders by matt Promptly alt ware of parties using my name I11) travrlling ageing whatever ',31 RICHMOtNDu STREET nsuranoe. t _ (THAM. E. SHAW, ORB door east o P 0...((Ooddeer some bowleg menial Ore I,.nr.n Marling stock oom6.nlee. Mercantil* and manufaetl sweet rates. (1a11 at aloe. W R. KORKRTAO Aomnntant acid Nen Rooks and aononnte made Buildings rented end ren Fire Insurance In British Companies. (Mos - In Prondfoot k R Swot noderteh. FJ. T. NAFrKI., G Tire, •1J m, Ares 405 and Plate *Footed on annual or mak ,athin e Re.onil lldi and Dance .n res ed, 000 cc next Anne to Herta* Teton H•milt.e Street. DR W. 7. GALLOP! .,d flar.sen. O(7ee I stern, handing. WEN .td• ,songs residence, MHO et, (t s