HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-27, Page 6- __ .. __ -.�-__ __. --_ _7__--
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'father, l a,u wilt al oto lake 'try SETTLERS' LOW RATES WEST wqr /Yww e1re�VHae�rvwwwv
NSO•"0 -% . .1 f wife back to town. tri -morrow•."
F + F - "WWI, 'JUi teat 1 utu nut t=A1jmfkiI Chicago t4 Northwestern Railway ; FROM 'I'M PLN5
to hear It ; for from whist you rakl every dray during Murch and April.
} ", , tit dinner I vonelude l you badrum-1 Culoalst uuu-wuY rwuuJ-Chat tlrt- tic
such proJoet In your brain." I oto at very Iuw rater from Chl_ ill' (TREAT MEN.
'i • i • •'Yost spoke to tills this afti'rurduh outgo to wintr la Colorado, Utah,
I.( t J In a manner whlt•lt Rreattly wlmond- Montana. Nevada, 1d.tho, Oregou, L^^^ m^s•e`s•
- i.`,., pili and lrrltntrd tier. titin I's n H'arkingtuU, California. Victoria ( aloin. a, atald a cN•ur-tu•ud•
{ nigh-r4lritiml girl, who hail not I)— n Vuuuouver, New Wntttaittater, Nei- ^d u[ the wurW, "they aril w
a } 1 :fl Li , Ipe.di to brunt control. 0.94 your tan alai Roseland and other points lit fluid The) ffulrh society. wan•
"J ,;nag^ appeared to her larultuag. At- Kootenay district. Alec special round aril-, - umunge. 1%orw Lind. "Coauniy
ter whhelt, 1t it quite Intp-1w.lblu that trip Ilomererkerr' tl -ketu on first and ,ere tltdr r,'111111. They embellish ora.
,t� I sho,tll nook ber to renutin In it libumfa third Tu•obays. Mrarrh. April nu,l fl-w.-f:nr+reo i.
LL - where she Ito longer (colo at her $ny. Full purticuleare from nearest
�y e.�," 1 ticket agent or Jr. 11. Bennett, Orn- A inno r:au k^rp another pwrw,u'r
"Had Lad)' Ethel III truthful In erul Ageut. 2 Fast King street, To-" rw'iel brttet t';"11 hie, utvn; It ,vu -
"o i -majan: fu our hcsuw of ease, repeating to yap what took Idtwe runt*, Out. wet", on Ilio couft•ary, iser[w 111'r
Cncertaln, coy, n nd hard to plsmte." thin afteruuun. Tlhou+aa, you • woull I ____ .p Lai a,ferh she tells aU others.
not r w ak of It to the terutr yon du. -Lai Bruycrr.
-there Ir oar thing the eprtafulr wilt ►Jenne ylwt i[ you get it, 1 i it Ho
that Ir UO\NOUN f'1:YL(1% 'IEA. . If any luoults petalled between us they , 1$ $ alta, Not Wealth, That R'fit+tr wnnlett love fir they forgive
%it rtwerr. Lead 1,te•keta. did nut proceed from mil. f never I lat9e a Womau Attraetire, ue ever aLl
g I Y tom : p•cvu our rrlwrr ;
Jtaawtltod a woman In tit) life. t►nd nm I %lien Ise)' dv nut hale un they µIre
-- 1" not likely' to begin with any d all 0 i D>7r. Duncan's Periodic Blood( Tablets i un credit for aut)llug, not rt.•n for
y,.,p,, ,p� ,,p,�p• ,,pr wifli" pt ave pale amt suffming due to our virtu^r.-Ituluu•.
za�sa�t+Yklv4.�t*41�it1�1�/V +$; Balt I thWk what pillager between weakness of the generative orgaor.l
_ - - __ _ _... _ - _ ---_t ion I,c, people, fat , r, aho1 be x11- There Tablets are nut lotenoe 1 to ,i bonnliful wua►..n with the qa"1-
cord. Lot tlwm mato up their little cure ever] allmeut, but are made ltletr of n aoG!r lata is itis •wort
r wWPI 11 t L t
r. Ir and w d II u oar u and o ift a •a i ria• wu It
l e Ut r n their u Y Y P •�• e
I+ not likely but that Ethel Woukl re- strengthen the genprtitlra organa. terttrt the er unsure; w " fault!"
THE EARL'S DAUNTER Nt•"t the Interference a third per- lle bituoan's Tablots aro the result tier Bruyere•wt•rlta jt both erzra•-
boa between tier husband and her- W the experlenee of a wotwessful pay.
14 "evil al-lan and &pe+lalimt In female trove• There are _t"huurr In u day Wall
"I spoke for n1y own make all well Wes. They are alike lawn,•fivinl to tb• not a utoinent In Ute :31 In whrh
__ _ _ _ r- _ = las your, Tflowaa. The 'little differ. girl In teens, to the warded woman I ,a womait nati nut ,•!lunge tier mind.
� ���a �� ��44,4'46 6+4&* �6� once.' as and tp h peilms ka mature am"C who ---
�y� ),Olt call tL•, wool cnrricd oil are I the period atur ail "Change lle• Finfxl.
99 mo pnbhcly nil to G.• pnleat to the of Llfa"
s n an
At (Irst Lr ulw:'ot !,; Ilevt-J tout t"ey ubla.` hou.+r i":. oLd wu " L,c.•win • llou,si:UarYl." \utirst p wt rt, whion 1 g
J 1. j Each foci fat TaGletr lwntalUe •
were true and was tempted to debprlr my Irl(:," Colour) ItalabridQe bit. his lip. full drerrfptfon of till fem:.lo dlseasN thw first tote -a -tete, whoa (herr to
the idea, but as time lengthened '•I motet Ionvv title place," stir wt'Itt "Bile to ha.ty, I know, bvt It Is with tYrfartlon.1 fn toll foil trentmrnt. l everything to nay, In1iw+ It W, the
and, their cruel eche bent lure die• 444. unhedu![ hls ud•tre+ar; "I 04111- soon over. Har meant nothing." Prlce,$1 a falx, or ti b,,ae+u for $J• ' last, wit" rvi-rytil)tk4 has been
lila d.. t u du
1 R w
, i ty ul.
o at 111 l hear i L n that t a said to ' I u 4 u tar t blit I e
• u ho tried ( all R Sent 1 ew11 un nor t o
tl11ctly on • 114 m..w ry tilt stay here after h securely eo1 r Ip f
per►uade hlmeelf that he also limit -moI it lo.pc,rllWe. 1'1.11 w{ll let rue cart+ Lady Ethel slio'dd bn 'taught prl•P, by the Canad,an agents. Parke
1weu to the wrung amt pro,ulied sir Lo [met to town to-m"rrow-w•un't that others tray misconstrue her t Parke, Druggirtp, liawillon, ('tan- Tile man that Icy Ilia hand upon
darling to an exhibition of lmpatietice, lvAl 7" with more urppeal in her rube tinnleanlnR worbr. I said nothing to mads. a Wuw..n, gave 1n the way of tta f -
for which, perhaps, rhe wits already than show had ever u1eJ to him Ia,• ,ver 711o,mvRop„ which, under the same near. to a wretch whom 'twr•rr
UrievIng as deep)y its Ila visa Milk- fore. eirennistatiee4e, -I should not have New York ('sutra) exd Hudson Hover ' grove fluttery to Mine a coward.
relL Tho tone ell+atkifte4l him. Nall to mil own daughter -that I Johip. .
HP knew that «Le .tear rmpriclons, •'Let you go? of ouuwo I will l whould not repeat. to-nlorrow, did the . I2Rule Is ---
slid at times uurearonabte; it was Ito you think I would wish Y9U to occasion for it arlra." i The abpvo name 104 » house -hold On great ucnriuus, It Is almurt
the fault of those who from tier child- pray two (tour to it httttso where.'oo "I call take caro of my wife my-' wort, and tilt) muld•rio± rarvellence of alwaym wtnnon who have given the
-,uud had surrounded her with flat- ittvo bruit m"uh•, unoumfortableIt day the roud shouLt bo su.fic•leut to at- eirnnireit proofs of virUte and dV-
ter • and adulation.: and lie o nlat•n, , mel/, thank yea, father," re}rbied tract m,drt le, but now that the,] votioL.-Montlholer.
} I you Ilttl•• know one, I cunt ('olooel lialubrltlgo, hastily. 1>•+oP
who wag go much the stronger, Influential wit" ray father can have• "I Ito , you call, but tate W the sawn+ U► New Turk and I
s>• y you who flntk ntA east " by other lines no fur- Nioard's Liniment Cures Dandruff.
and bound oven to protect her, bn•n thiutlnR of, to dare to sy►•nk a difficulty )n !t."
should have been more eareful to to you to soul► a !canner. It would •••Of cunree you are set again -rt her titer reef matien,latlon rhuuld be
sLle,ld her troll) the temptati,tn of not fwvo h:appeond It 1 had been at t,o mcoctult of fuer birth; but she ie somiKht. Everylo,ly "ill tell you it ilelpins a Fellow (Nall.
I"ling to much wealaneer. home l" no more remponalble for that than the batt. He (who ►tutters bftdlyi-I lul-lul-
nd after all, had mit her temper He ralpend himself up slowly no . hr I am for mine." I
1 T i
Wto )un moa -morn -I cul-iu•e you
rl4en bcausr ase wan disappointed spoke, untJ him lips m•'t herr : unit -You are quite wrong, Thomas, I he average man take. innre Inter- , wow-mum-mularo titan toll -int -Wages
at Itlr ,eavtn her-breause title did tit did almost timidly, lturlrond wet In what he suir.re•ti 111411 In what
R fey A4 may think }•ori hnt•o committed n cue tut -tut -morn than Int•ta-
riot Ilte to toe me «crated from nim. land wife both colored. he knows.
f mistake la bringing a woman n[ to•glktq cure tut -tut -
but but for a few howrm-anif felt Tills f+tot alune woubt have betray- lloble birth tato our family, but the ' :;our (rug#-rDo-D10 -'t .ori u -1w that
a iw,inge of Jealuuly, fool"th chill p11 W nn ,ObAervrr tiro footing un mor^ tact
can never ralsee.or lower I Monkey Brand 13oap will clean •hates clot nal ohnub nlphaUpl. •T+uwu
at him, apparent preference for the w•idelt they stool to one nnotber. I,ady Ethel In my- estimation. No, ' from cellagto roof, but won't week clothes. Tup:ca
aarclety of others? T:iat woo not the full frank enr,•sb Ito, my obJertloa to nay daughter-rn- I
.lr tills gouthfug flew (at Liao cameelf happy married love.,tut to C01011#4 law conmists In something of far t Pimosarer•lloidly Speaking. I ldioartl'r Liniment relieves Neu -
struck C'oluntA R,alnbrldiree 4mrlRiva- 11-11nlark>re 1t was a gltmpe><) of para- greater Importance. It Is that wbe' Little F.Imes (who has qn isgnir- ruigli
ttu11, tin forgot AIN prevfour puha, and ui•+. is both careless and Irreilgioum." Ing mild) -Papa, where Jo those
even (lie bitter,truth which It+tdocca -My darllnC." tut whkrpert•d pro--wt-ll, you trhl not have, ht -r hall pemalmikata, that we are always JOHN AIiKEED TO If ALL.
riUned It, In ido anxiety to reach Pe•ntly, "t -:II me oaly,tllat what yew rxuatple set before you mueh TOUR- reading shout, I've?
hove »mf awure his deareot girl, $old -(you rawmber!)-thane dr el- ,•r," returned Colonel Bahobsi.lR1•, g -
tlwt he Ind no pleasure In life ex- [tib wer[iN--ma they
he were not trur- Profeover Drondnuud�-On an is
c t when b her «Lie and wlulAter- that you did not mean thfgm r' And bumming hupaUmtly on the taWr land of egotism, In the moist of a Couple to ere Not Neu raA W Ile, Hat
t+p 7 with a opoon. alae of woe. �t He rod main.
Ing to her wlmhre. til+ dark eyes sought Karg for an "'It would not much biguify If I "The oth,"r 1y13,' relatew a real
No thatorted brex,mes the JudgmentI +a,s►wer. But Lrady Ethel remained back d I : but you have bound yourself i VNIAI.r vageUL wh,. floes it cuumWer-
of men whose eyes are blinded by " In Iter chair, an.i closed her .own. to p;asr your )Ito beneath It. Ob. I As leave !1p►r,idn In dry grass, so agate 'bus,uww fu the hn,ure-re11ting
a ltmagbaate attachment ! . "Of soured' not , Ifnvcu't I told my dear son, you refusol to take floes no Inflammation in the throat. line, -a loan aril woman culled to ne
Th+ our' conch-ranchseemed to ytw lots of timet. that goo art'never any pretl'rtfa warnings; Lot as you grow clown into trip lungs. Den ale :,(rout mating it hunom\ Tit --
creep (sack to Cransthaw-s "n th•it tar ielleve anytldng I sty 7' -alae your wltc'N welfare and your promptly with it mid an wtllt a fiP, l won.au elkl ul; th,• u,fkiug unit turned
afternoon, fternon, and the rugRf'd I+at,1 tea "('hey were too cruel" iie mur- twit pence of min•1• oto not despfaa the uml when, you begun to cough L til the m.1n for confirmation or cur-
b+ thorn teellounly Imp1►rrable titan in,lrwd; 'they rang In, my ears tit, td,l•r I give. you naw-lU :Ili cases Alle•.n'g Lulug "iBa!n. h rolualtatawi. lie alwayagreed stili
#-tor, while
lie, by fila another In whole forenoon. Olt, Ethel! You ;••ntly, tett firmly, to insist al
L • n always agreed
1,11.1 did it ter) weekly.
Livia, " close carriage listening ther'I don't fluff know how atuch my 1taPpl• 'w8- IlotnR what you know to be !•' ,Well,' Alto tilt- wom,an,'I will NJ%"
unlattreiting rrm'trkt on (that th"y, items to buttnt'up In your afleotlon! right, i um qu to nwaro that , wullana'n IudiQerenee. I to til'., for th,• h',u+.e Won't we.
had fawn and hoard of Mrs. lludson'": It I thought for a moment that what In your prelm-nit of mind tug ' I'uMalai ton (proudly) -f can tra" III?"
t s
and longing with hit wh„I,• heart von atlo
l omld really b+ tow carr, aW
, 1 •oun"el may pp-ar unpalatae,per- my descent front William trip C'oe- "John*•• -lav(
n P
1 a' t 111 IrCIF - 1
that p eo Ili ills Ia► t t o til
Ila h ! etttgld ler•! tt-mpttd ode oy my paps, tnlne•ermnary; but you know qurrgr. I •'lour I'll iia) m; rent prrrnptly,
enceof late wife, an -1 revel In her eyes 1 "pill Obl whet' fools YOU women tba't I Have ta•ver yet Interft•rr•I In 114itnmltnw (calmlyI-Fell, gosh-nd' toxo; won't we, John?"
that all wag .right agaln-betw,lyln iwljG of us I"- )oar private arffairs without aaia• anti do it. if you feet Inclined. W*I- ' ,Ve&l •
tiu•m. Ile aPlznd both her hands to Ilia corn desire to do you good," 14tm the (conqueror Wont noted., � "'And I'll tnke R+to t care of the
Tb,y the ' cama
tle bout aul rarrh+d them to lite Iles, trod ''I know 'that, father, arra f thank Iii it• -tox-; won't we-, John V ,
riven o'clock, ptett, as the" oftuner- !•.,p,., 4t ,rulgiUg what to -Answer rat for the i:utereet you take in rue," •Yew.'
I,ung was sounding: rand 'files I.1+')d wr1 longing teau
Ito be aj3le to relw rtctuiai I Colooe•1 Bainbridge, whose
_." -tort IT take it for' three years;
And Maffgle M,+ndtars.Nt. dremet•d tail nee■s•If without of[rnJing him web heart fit surely dFvdled bvtwre.a its - aon'L we, Julio :" -
tTle rveadug. were pasting th"119. 1l ern the point of making some us- ,tfft-et{oa, for hits parents' amt nim , "'Te,I
the hall. urrrwnrg excuse for changing It^r wile; "unit- It Is not to b • expects Gentlemen, -While driving down a •• -But,' t in-luire•d, tam is usual In
Co"taill Bainbridge, finving hande'1 i Imedtiun, when. to her relief, o► tap Chat rvery,,one el►aitl feel the an me, ver) oteagp hill #tat Auggmt my horse' reel, c urs,'are you =a &oil wife'
Limp mother nut of tho carriage. hnr- I r•: tut, nppurtunely on that dour. and ,and -It imibsttvr we she,Ill
go; IS It atumWe+d and fell cutting hhamelf fear- ; - '1Left Into wife! exclaimed the
rigid tip the stairc:so t'► Lady Fthpl's ` C donel Bninbrllg,L with ail nn not •r., fully about tho hetul rued body. I u,rd w-.lan11, aha
room, Pxprct)n- to find 1re•r In the I nglirtllltau's diatnny at tho Idea "I[ Ladv Etltrl to bint upon R . UINARD'S. LINIMENT freely on film err we. Julia V '
faller of her tollet, I ,;t being caught love -making. ,ncxtl tIlc{deJly" returned hog tgoing,ather. 'atoll in a few days he was as well u" t *Nix my df�ar.'
But what (vas his aPtpmtishmrnt, on rpruug to lair feet, and rtaiuJ u" over. "-Wil.tt,' amaid 1, Intal man as/d
"Tile day may come when tills will
Primping the th or, to mee her clothed 1 tau opp"tu skle of ilio fire -plat) P• MR. I'J:AUCHF,HIS. , wife ?'
tris) t a ilii a
in a wfiltc drtwwtng-gown, with her, o return to Crane 1w brit. �rrlrrwkP, Qur• I
hkaC tlair rippling down her back. , lint no nail rntrreJ ; to then hicf- "'dol much.* ,Ile rrtortM. 'i'd have
whrthPr tit uo. (lis urs, h ulwaya,
t:,llun there only rereptftdJed �thr you kry,w, tea, that in this family
quietly st ntPaf by the tire; whl'n open to ,von and Yours, TfionaamJ'
e.hpprg voice of Maggie-Hrndprtpn.. we are wife :ami man ;that's ser, Isn't
IRpoism'• surrflowled by tarn mistreeh' ,t itl, it message front Aunt Lizsir, Colonel I1nlnbrWgu r;rn"ttel his fa- it, John Y
travelltag-cameo In every stag,• of pre- , flier's hard, b -it he could not speak. "Ala! John meekly aRromt." s
t„ t.t#- effect that the neon d?n-
perntfox► for n J,mrrney, woe rrcefy{nR � tars gang ILuI mundeJ .for nom, With all hlx bund Idolatry- for Lady _.._.
start obeying the directions Riven her. Ethel. lie believed In this Instance. T---- _--_
,, roue, unl that they were all 'wait' Th* North Wind Mout fail, Ill with
`'My denrtrt Ethel Ito eeeln)aard. ilia for Cousin Tbourte and Lady 'he lidght have beer•( tit& one In the No Need for 1►efur. It comma the twinge of rlleamatsm.
"topptnR short upaxt the thrr•ahohla
ant forgetting everything hr had 1n- Ethel. wrong. "M: flnrl:ng," he the earth
..I Drivers Draw warmly, stay fnrtoors as much
"Tell them not to wall;' nhouti+ll+' news of their intends, depart- auula go 111 slut end of the Pnrtdr ins
tendeA to any to her, "a hr11 dot qt r'.1unel Bainbridge from thathearth. 'art- did not create the awatemcnC I rte yutr cult and rub the «far ,on. U•h-
tfil& mfsan"' yea." Ther,watl'adl_h pus' wile; dt•r rolrarcler with Perry )far ,o' I'aln-
ruR. •'I shall bo down directly,"' in the drnwlne-r«1m whl•h h& bald t tintlmeoreiltv►tra I.layed tri-mulou4 rug- killer. ::*, and "040 cents.-.
•'It means that r:nm sPonR book to nn.) then lie turned to his wife In- Inthiruated, for Mr. Ilafnbrhlge land
to-morrow;' she nnmwere d, ,1„irlt►ifl� related lilt- incidents of the afternoon I •' $dswpma'," alae saki. 'JJon begin
entt). "lit► rami• Into* the room, Col. "ref o1L m darit f" toAts wif-, and she ha,) already pre- your tray, It now."- Cicrelnnd i'l iLai , Ills Appeal.
tate, f tit tljI4R,d If -boc are coming. 7 T
unit Alaht thio fhrM' llnliirol ,ono ; you '•D nm not Ruing down, Colonel unr,41 `dire Lloyd Wad kiuq,;io to hf+.•1r Dreier• ! Little riecrrRi.• waw tnk•n by I:Iw
nre letting n meat loorrlM,• drought DalnMdgio. Miry can wind mf, tip Of "once chang'^. aunt W "tut (lie npwcouner. +►Real one•
hlntr right ultpml my trxtt ,moil, dinner here, or they nun leatIVV All the remarks that niet his an- - ! ( dny. Ile wow duly ani pru.'oundly !an -
Hr dht an mow drstrrd him, nml tool it nfone, pt's( :u they please; but ",It
were polite, rPRretr for ! DR. A. W. CHASE'S promtel with ill, Fprcimen and askf•at
1 wppall rather wtarve to dcnththno the sadden termlmatn.o- Ot the wed- n i,fi•'rt• the little brother came from.
Ills fila potitfott rat oho hrarthruO. I CATARRH CURE CG
girt hrtmnt of fico. - +it -rot the sante table with your Ilar vl"it, nn -l• harp -s that when tit.! •'• -4;ta tit it;'.answert•1 the aunt rev-
bndir" to town to -morrow Y' father P9111n." w. ether wall warmer the.v night t, .-tie dltrre to titin dt.rn4. Tile .
R r.;rrt)fa LnproreA hww.r. The answer mode a ,torn im ret►
he rrpo,tte,t ; '•yw morn be Jothls;, "I «hall crrininly drnlan,l moms ex• Ire Ludy Ethel there again ; gnat � V±aaa tee err„ u.,,. u,r.or p
Ethel, surely." Planation from him of fife conduct," 'olovel Halabr:dge nalRtcot from their P, ptwage■."w+drorpnK3In she a;ual on little GrorcidP, for haat aft,•r-
"I consider It anything but a Joke ronid l)q■ husband, as he walked awn.' voleeN the ring of genuine Rympa- threat ane ppeerrmanently e+nr• nasou he w:am sewn rnit 1" "the black
R Catarrh and HsyFrrrrNeibwrr ) r1•J gas jig oP into the drop Woe
to ban Dnsulled." l:.to •late drrs..ing-room, Illy whieh umonlly accompanied till . rut. All deakrs.or br.A. W t b,se , sty and b reading tits diminutive
"Installed T W110 tins dared te- fda- - This anutn rtaow, of "Complalaaner. th. til comments oil his artlone ; and ttedlc4n• Co.. TaRome •std B,d1a1a a
Ault you to I. late hours"?" .which It- had Ro IlnexpeeteJly re - -VAX at heart tot• want of It, he wrgand - npd, eap,ct rowtly Mho said. '•too."
"The owner of It !" And then torn- r •ivwl fro:u Lady Ethel land com- the fact of having preparations to ' Hr.1f, r.letase throw mw down unc.too."
Ing to her mak], with n row .wortleof sit -telt' carolled titan on her tilde; rant make for to -morrow as an excuse M11Jft i HAVE SAVED TROUBLE I
t:ermanl site diantleatvl tier from the a Ileo, rhortl) afterward. hu descend- for quitting their comnnny enrly. erATa *N Onao,('1TT OrTol.aaxr 1
LUCAa Cut Ntr. ria
room. Irl to the dining -room. It wog with (To Continued.) l'ruvou'fIwrehwlNeRlecte,i to Nolte FaAx=Zt'nsrcavnhakmoath that brMr•e-
Oolonarl Baintorlitgo uloid 6Careely u lowerldil coDDt811ance, and in *,very ■ Paas for "Isms , . Ior fsanner of the t rin of F -J. C/IaBay k Co.,
hplleve'that Ike had heard her aright. u;,,ltltiful otnto of mind.
A RELIABLE OF17ER Many etortr" olid+ ?tern tal.t ot.ttt� o���tl' e;RM:natia:i.ne'Irtrm.(rmpay
\[}' fattier, Elh •1" YrfR la tet t" eti }nail vette not cmttingdowSNtls literal ititerpretutlon which s,pme sot- the muga of erg HC\DNI71a f1ul.Lvl:y for
mlPt►aken: a ,,Tuning, Thnnaam'r" demnnded Mrs. -" tiers Inrr upon
'•'fttodaokPn! canon i bganlbhu'wlih ltninbrit o In Ata rlse as he entered 11UNEMI' Ill?1,/' FREF:'IU'fiitV, r i n their order", -Gut each
bei�redebyih«nR°fP nfAD•nL'a(ATA en
>Y P fan+ of tar meet Is told by etti rn til
any own e:oro+. I tell youa that tin hag flip u artmeat nlunr. 'I Ir a who la t rRt:. FRANK .r, r'11ENF.T.
dosulteel mil mft4t Irr idly, and WMIl V ffP --- Ffugla"R, tvLo final recently returns t Sworn tnloeforeme and milrm•ribrd in m
"ot poorly'N' We are authorized to xtntle b Mr. I from the Philippines, Minot nn Irlmh prmenee,thb-rtlhday „f Ikeeerutwt•.A.D.. Ra+rl.
vial lit^ pdyfhtP"t i.rnvtloatlon, and l 7
refam to remain to tills house an "Hhn IN nut gaits wail," he repinxl. r'arl Kunz, $ •cord and Brady etrec't;, v•,lunlrer prlcnte, wlao was nrti •""� A. W. otlVASON,
with grave conrteey, "and site pre- ' n4 guard over a raptural 9panl'h (;=) rotaryf'ahlla
fateur longer titan for n,ef•w"nry." f .re to kir tier room this rvenlUR:' Davenport, Town, that any roan who ttornlaontsr, and had rarl,eel urderm
lilts It.okrttt ea IncAutlful, with lir[ P ilnll'sCatarrh Cur• i. taken fwteroaally, land
with n glancii towari him father. 14 nervous and debilltateil or who is to pare no one without n speelai or. Arta dlreetly un ltebilrod and muroummurLree
Iteatcd fuer•, and Iofit her Hattat4ravaliple un- "110, conack,nee-str)elien. bl,rled hit: ,uttering front any of tla various der from the provost marshal of ofthemymtem. Mesad for testimonials, free.
mundane roti• Ctwlotdrl Ilnlnbr{dRl''w flue., in hive Non late; "rn r Manila. General ll be:. was rovom�t F. J. CRRNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
mut like f•o option ons of 4 anent, P e p trhnp• roubles feiQTttng ten a trvnervon , j marmhsl at tho time, and when h" ?old by Iorngrinva, 'tr.
n F
girt will h+ kind other. o .z rase a e c o
k n enough. m t c e or abn• w oil ns n oto
, m , t Iv R .
u r
w e c i n Ire
am oft ikon were 1 11W eo Ra � aril r
R '1anII 1'ih th l,e•1.
hers, that, ween thcnrglu hiR tnthri• have her dinner aunt 11p to her." Ipbllity, eutnnated vitality, lost i4ew rarer the riorrtwpac ha foun;l ►
were til spappotad often ter, all Ilia "Of cours,c I will; bat dear I drar ! vigor, onreturaal drains and lc»atpa, Ido stomach very close to a triangu• - ---- - - -
ary-mp atldets ware pnllaled un her tilts Ir rad work, poor Lady Ethel luck of develoorupnt, late., can write lar Springfield bayonet and heard in
wideti and lir+ rPpllyd, warmly : it tag mo often lid tip. IN mite always o him In ittrlet co-'fileneo nml re- rkrh \tile.lan brogue: ,�IJD Kind: fol'
"Tell m^ about it, th•orrwt. I am •o tklicnte, Thomas?" calve, FREE, OF CHARGE, full lit- "HAIL t If yes come a atsp farrier 2OC.
not 11 to have yon annoy -ell In "Soh, 1s never robust -I don't think •tructions how to be thoroughly i'll Jam title Inter yes." nt.at•,aft,Rtm.i,.r',,,F taMoandnrw„
Why not?" askeal the (;porral .n.i■•re1^°... I,nm,•„seeR, •
title manner for nit tilt, relations uta any of the women in tier here of rayed, . Ion,n„rer,,,I,anm•,v,.,,Pr
Mr. Kunz himmpif wns, for a Imig "Slvvr moival," sold the private 'I r t+i Anm'r+•e, T--+.arw�• I+ Ib.
ilia work]!' Fie are. Ytrt must tato her tiring- a wrnrnla.Jo,R .,a,nr1 R.I—'at"
time, a buften+t from ntrlvo tromblpm, krapw. nip orders. 'Tie a pa mm yrx 1 thetr,.In.4:rnl„r nnr,I...I.. i.,t.. 1.
He threw hlmmadf oIliwn upon the ;in<I" t,,intr. cotisllnt-0 a And - raml at,er trying In vain man aclver- mn,tt have from the provost mar oel"l, I..Ir'.n toss It -Il
ltenrthnhR rola Ito, ap wk, ,' and e!n Np •d anti" -after n mwnrnt'm hoaitntlon- ) "hal." ,.e lnak,,Il1!.Uuany,u•,pra,t-
ldrehAudm about her ,Lal rlpico les, d and almost. la. .inland tie,,:
Ethel maiffr•rc,1 iT. It 1/15a1A Tint 11 vi "flits pinna i too bleak for her. l s tram. Fla. lrr)h I'm the provost mnrmhnl,'
nmRht lie•(, herr. first}• dlscouraRrd and ho>e - FowaOCenfdAosf'sY
isltDnitl Tutt have 11T 1111 ion txpnn•1e41 to nt1 old tnirl f:cnrrti IIInEhee" en alss♦.►wt..e l.wa- ne.tl.s,
been politic In 1Mr to rrpgl"e him Oh ! I haps ) on don't think It has y r vtO "r' T!a I that elon't r•nrr if . rz 1.r urygtwwratwgsrswow,
aliotio k:s l and b ,neat ndvlc„ a nabletl
now, for her polls ilk mandeed who done her any harm"" Auld Mre. the Prealdent. i)e vol n ftd,t )P'tl alt cn ».,. rLra.. a...ea.. ,
mlfoUfsl b& rm►ttM1 to r;nit iron- film to gw,viitly obtain a perfect nr,d ra e«,,,t bl .b.wwlq,
P' L'alnbridge, nnxiapelc. rmnnrnt Duro. Knowing to his own Inrfde there till ,viz mttoa mp ori• u.o •aw ".4 P"""
siNwm tin.i Nho htlew'Iehtr efmiA nOt ^Not eC." tin answered; RDA ttie"t p' R nee." u■e r..ut aas.ur.a s., -■►•a -
etc ori without hie aonavot. s -Orrnw that so mcttry poor vfaffeeerm P )e•a flit kf,:d• rornrelyfemi.lrag
people mlRht have seen he was are Wag Im;l osfed niton b unpern;lu- 'Phe'flen P?ifl drpty Wilt n blank bunk tgeretq "I e.t7mlmR laewlTir slag
"Your father has Inqullf,l nip most only lnnkln • nn excumla to fro ur } and wrrthblfvl n paw" I•as vin h t■ or rh-..v mftauayts,
bittrllY." rho carat ova, quickly, amt Y 6 1 111 lout quruks, Mr. fiuns eonsLlen It n.yM t.r Rirs mfr silver reI.+nra.
llsm (nil went wiw to follow ; , but lila dot am nn Mtnpmt man, to Iv The prlvntP mtirvey til It nrhd p:o mq t•I1,11 an •Mai t..n,e lana ilea
trylug lo,rtvr,hl the pnPmbtnate Rntn 7, give rill flrnPTnl Hr nRt R•a nn.nw ane w
Ito! ffxtal upon h'r Glc he name foto h tvtd11,1 havo (wen better to wnit lila fr•how roan the bine/it of nlq ax- " (Rhe^ with the rrmn rk : at a atinin inland eate-ltia,nn}Ieif
the dlaavin r nen flits afternoon ew 1 tilt the policing w^lN nrrce advanced: lx•rh•nco and aural"t to n ctur. Hating "Why didn't ypa do that without Zoe. in uazuatr" stoop,
R nnrt l nae dovaWfal nmr whether it nn(hing to srll, hr' arks for no molter• all thin palaver? J, )ONN A. SALTER tEED M.
vI mitlin� nl,rno, nn•1 t(ald mo that will The orulent In or- to keep tier ,tin prod satlefnetlon of hav1,R " 1.e Ctp■s, w,a
tail had overheard what we Paid In hero touch )orlgwr." duan n great service to one In need Minard'a Liniment for &ate erery-
t1^ dhling-roam oho must hurt- been R , where
llsttrdnR at the ak'or), and that I "Well, of courpr+, you moat do nor he rIalb'ly considers an ample reward -
w4P a mnws at fratal taad not go good Tau think hiwt, my dear,•' rejoinfr1 for hiR trouble, If you rrIL9 to lir. t:, a-111"pprr..
aP n dnlry-m•tld. NM tin wished yult Ilia moth", for Ieuly Ethnl'm Kanz, will follow 1114 ndTsen, yon rain Thistle a I-rMty (lied MrIend. Tommy' -Tire rnw"
health iv of the first ef:nsl,leration rely upon being rurell and a roti ah.o- R hrt0 ti has, ac-
hnd never mnrrleA m^, w{fila a great 1 TieMttt-I've tart my next frlptM. cor*11trg to its nleq 1•!f► tltiaemtn the
lulp sreree7 aq wPll,
elrvll room to the sttmP strain that to }on." :Ind filen conversation .twwptt 11'!y' daa't you ndt'ertlte kletlrtg power or an average man.
was e+gnnllp pplity. An•1 I decline to Arctmrrl to tine, for no one darf-I AddrellrN nil ALN,vp, rnolowtnR 1► for it? Johan
M nuhmittetl t,. arch nn Indignity to ndvo rntr, nn -1 no one rnrftil'to tamp. No nttpntlon will he R von );ewltt-R'hnt do Y ]who tion hent eAsrorlenceJ
g you mean? --Tt mutat be n warm time for the
again !" desweentro, the prltposrd drpnrlure. 't1 tho+ne writing ant of Win earlo•. Jewett -I thought you weld you nttng rilgloitrlppe•r who Rofvl n -court,
"Re me•nti-.nrd ynl In flan .Annie Bnt after the Iruil Ilhad Ir.ft the Ity, therefore «tote flint yon real
[yd lost yotar pocketbook.
Granth no n flair)-ninld!" exclnlmrd room Colonrl rtahiWi a drew hl" lien, n core, �ns jlt� flmla the old m.ln at Home.
her humpbind, indiannnlly. "Fthel, any chnlr molar to film `{other, with
)II•,nrrwl Mycan It U+ ill, my
^ ht- mast whom. tlexchf dinner tune, he snit Mon Mita lis•/ Mil SUWG,ff
ix• mad ! My o•vn Girl, my awn nnblr, scarcely atehn ve I two tdcudg, Hord Toronto to San Frnnt ]Nen, O \n-
r►eerlrste, lteuutlful Rfrl ! I kn,w, if plunged at Quer Into ihri mtlbJerl gels -le, Ann T>!p[fn ant many other
net ono Glen dues, arrant. an inanitul- that vvns vexing him. ,Ints fn Callfrtrnla, vla Chicago nn.1
ItorthwPNtarn Line, Earemrmdonor a.. Two washings withScapentail less strain REDUCES
___- _-.________ _ ----- - --___ .__..--- --- - Pry day during Mares and April. ihw.-
�AQC METAL OAT1�.S"`--" portlonatn low rates from other on oho lao.4 than washing with ion ure soR .Itf•M,but la p" pr,sntm in Cnnn-11A. Through Tourl4t pP EXPENSE
h'.Melt` -•R'1 • •,M1towetrt",drw'riel•a, tAt11a,end�rtrfrnnfrnonahMa,q, SlelperN\mrd Free Reellnlnq Chairor ON 0cf epnrtnlw!rwy innnop" r o -Ir -1 -hole k- law a I ar„areal Ili Caato dallytfrom ChlpAgo. Flne.ett mPrn- it Rit n Bar.rhm+l, waMlnI -wesmie,r (hent to tog. They ser ,tart I o� Qnlrk t time. Call or write for tent Rtsnpplp write to LIITES 11107'ATsflA
R;,p-wrmn,., anti U.t a I+r,.flteR, hill nM..yt ll rlr•krd;k.••y LI111TIT),ndlnr fall name and address, Wed A1 heyRremapph,.1,da, let. n•.whlfKpI)nw tbrro to Lr, 11 f llprtdctll tyf. A Ii. BPRnnit, (7rn- trim tar,pht Roep will he qnt yea filet of cc+!.
Aw,^hilt+-•r eeRy c„a •M+Nrrrt.InN 1'1+Ronly r,rd m..tnt ru caval Attett't, $ King Ntrort want, To- 7
{{lIoaowt M lior,ut rnr.o Qh ren" all farq, l,a rtmim.•m tit'♦ x,an mwka 1!br and oTnern nts roMO. tit.
�I,tat.s, Z Npm tpd au .les rM ort• *M• tutees til•., Nvja Nelkwvlt' ,
SOME Iss", No. lar 19()--.
OHMD+) /Nall Tlgl itiw. 4Vt o1.k i, r I.
eN•.••.t•r whore it m Mvnd A. ..
flea /tai float prdro nod fret our p-., t,.. ,,
1115 9 O ettrenl Ynleul RC na sa• uud L ,
ateat (Jorel,•aY. 1'utoato. ('anrdt►
Does your Horse "feel his --------
oats"? Nli'hatadifference be
u♦1'JCM , CAVEPArItNTe. AM TRAnx M.NI;t•
tureen the gain -fed and the i eta 1[oweur forvien tracurwlrr„t ,"
d. Buoklvl , hrtvut• ore. Thu pill,;,
Exchange Rod 6imptm•at Company. L•l n.. ,,,
grass-fed llor�e I The first aaildlng. Taronte' out•
strong and full of ginger, the ( BRICK a'ru1tr, TO RENT, Tut. hi.
ooru•r stawl a Bo tueirla ApN1a. I„ i;
second flabby, lveak and tired I lMtrulhere, Loudon, lint. ---,-- -
out before he begins. The � Mfa N'tndor'n scathing 14 -_
alwwya be 11atlA for Children •et los ,,
eoothsa the.blld. •uften„lh•runt• cu,aM .,:,
feeding makes the difference. valcicaad tothebo.tremrdyforbfajn.L_,,
Children are not alike either. 1 LvRUIT ►ARM tR a
ON t,r IH
1' Ace" In We Nlaarn Yeohuuta,
One is rosy, brl ht -e ed full WWlr+oru, IOn+ua. frouo ITmll. un tut„ roil
�, Y I were, IL carve iu RII E6 of whoa h la w fruit,
pworUr Dtrulrsa R•lil Ito sold In nye i,rener nil
of life and laughter, another is (,ILrWed Into leluof Ib io su .eta. te •wt ,,,,,
ekerrs TMal fe a deelded be in Addie.,
pale, weak and dull. The feed- i J � t.lLar►, 1•• u• be: tug Wlauu.
Ing again is responsible. I- -
IJI'ANTttD-tt ) H1 11XXKk:
Sicklychildren need special knu,r that .1c 111uh-hink,b
,I ,1,,-Iok"lypn•pated •101.
r"'•u• .II„
,. jr weUery and ell Ili tbt tuelal. take ,-
feeding. They don't feel their; w
"Or lwder whAl rrt.e. La re u,nd
11 h+ful ank•lu. Prl.r .. mut., l4dd '.
oats".. Scott's Emulsion adds EIfnfie vee rat, ,teener a ,viva"o, r
Ilomh.for' hiluus& l'•.. Hnmttten. Th,-fli_
est the right richness to their t Co.. at. CALIM1rinc.. Afford aawd &A.1
1 tn, r•ytlebl,
diel Itis like grain to the WANTED Rehr"Ie tl, �, ,
horse. The child gets new crPrh
thruuri,uul i'
t lotaedueo r n
u u • tw+kt u
flood , r
ea to [ruay. 1
strong � •er. xae rwdarr tl.,,,.
appetite ands g ib ala
LIr,+N, wl•u ti istrl11utiotf .luelf u�l,tr
Scott's Emulsion is more jimiter. f raglual.,.wn or .atter), qw. . -
utunth Rad expe-lo- not to rat...] 1: •
than food. It is a strong
tat. Ntemady rmpluynient to g,m.t, hen, .
lie IN, well. X. ex rleece dR.dfu1- wh
medicine. It rouses up dull
fulle'L.1"al am Out.-- r.IwrlaY. xRt►la p
children, puts new flesh on thin - - - - ----- - ----- -
ones and red blood into pale' a 1 , '
ones. It makes children growi
Scott's Emuhion makes ordi- EASTER HOLIDAYS
r nary food do its
This pirtut• repve""te will he IasgRd NIL
the Trade NI ,,l of I:mSco's 81NCLERMT,i FLARE
ul• 'n and is ott
n tike
wlApprr of Caenbottle. Golog March Soh. Lob, Sol'. .191, a,„t it, . .
c ura,e, "tun-inff up IN and alcltdl«a;
!(mod for (rite sample Aer W, Iw.-.
14 (Yi'T A NOW N -F.. Retwoen All stations In Canada.
All east our. h. ('•nada W rs,l Lront 1,. - ..I
TOIA)n 10 C'ANA DA wad Purt Huron. Mach.
gtk a+,d ft. all do ggiets. All stwtlam, 741 bait not ritosl ►turn, ,` •
ITI a k Ita-k. X. V., V I►rars Fblt. % 1
- I eau„ Millar. % t
,.f `,clinch and abllege.. ori rurretitL, •
ACommon •a,-dwnl Cart Rcate darned by rryactpal, I-
I ilagLR FIRST-CLAgg FARE A110 saE•Taima
Bred Cow 1-;-i- Man h ll.t to lath, in, loai+r, ort•. .
at, to rand IfNduding April ata, fol
wheat loneAnpfarForfartbrrierticula,iRpplyt.,.sr,,..
Ivick'a Blood Puri i It. `,.ler.,
lies will give as ! ill. k': Unaswra. hM.1arAgeul,Twa. „•
much and u rirb I -----.______
milk sea bill
Jersey c wgiv VERY L O W
Jersey cowgiwa
I . I
i .` upon or•
f, Binary
Fred and
1.� r Cow when
I � 'w.. cow when
Every day dsrftW title nP,alt„ •'!
DICK'S IJrrch il pril, 190-,', the I
\ PACIFIC sowiltAsell (iplon)rt on.• ..y
BLOOD PURIFIER tickets at the, follovring rate.,:
inerarRal we opi.,a, r,fa.te _-
of milk. It rates feed too, because 11418,401 &I Hrt'ICR
a smaller amount of well digesttd
food sat%firs 1%e)u wands of the
of hour•
$20, 00 Te Ogden and r.lt
s stem still ever particle
L.h• carr.
authment cticka.
50 cents a package.�$2(�
oo To Suite. Anreuude
L.&ollslag, Mlles A Co., Agents,
c+� and Helena.
. $ 2 2 5 0
Write for nook on Cattle anne. d HMfree.
To Spakwwe.
._--- ---- - -- -
$22.50 Tn Points on the
Ready for the Rush.
great N u rt h e, •
They haat been drifting about In
Hy-- i"pol,aun Io Wenatchee rue., %I*
the open I»nt mevrn t1.ays, and all
I Lluntinstun sed ospekase.
were now unix flrath, when the half
famlrhivi sail,)r I'1 the blew leaped Ilp$26
00 To Points oil Great
and cried, "A atoll' A snll!"
Northeru Hy.,,%ei4
"Whatt, n hnrKnl .tale:+" ehrl-•k,.J
1 of Monatebee via Iluutlugtoo and
the• half -lend i% 111 pluet-"WT. uR
who hegnu L:m tit for her r,urmr,--
Bad,im'rce Worl,l
j $n.00 Tn1•nrllaud,lseurne
C� And ,rerttle.
Mlnnrd's I,inlm?nt cures Durng. etc.
I $25100 To A.bfnnd, Ureg.
rod Iulernir•r .
Points, Invludlsg ftra„rh Lips— ..
S. P. CO., •ouch of Portlwnd, „n
lnta imb.•erion of ila,e/p %i -fl . to roti
r"ar"nd, Rlth hnnsr, Welhrr•nt man, who
l�}� To Xan Vessels . a,
would apl,wittle a toed wife. flux 2.frrt,
Toronto. Ont.
Y� Lor Angrlrs ., •,e
other Vallfornln rotor..
good Payingheiness Forkle
Full InfermnI I,, r, , I,eftfn.11y r,r
Wsl� on application
Baker-hni,. teatatirenl. oaten u,a••�r�. trivia.
r,irrl,nt In beat
our Oftho' town- h, IInn,lnbn:
�icoeo a.. fore treed LRkar: price !17m'•stilt
124 x_ eedw4brd AG•aue.
been, hallo -e In „nit• Far_ppw•rtienlnra apply
G AX.ap1A ILLAut Pal \ r I ,,,,Ita1111iWn, CAtMig.
Iletvolt, hurt.
Every Household Requisite
TO ^(VY ^01MIME813
Of Nl`1W SPRING GOODS trent as often as flesii, -l.
and Special Attention given to Mail Orders.
Hf1DE Oy
o �F�K,- :
"rat vwmtly rrlynrlor tut the nrllln Wry
TUBSweedese►ar• art Wes for dotatestdn rise.
]fir Gals by all first Wit Agalao,
R„w un I heir Way to Kroor
What the LonJun
Abide by Decl.woo'e
Preparing a counter D
itrussels. Ill+orrn :-'1 -Ace
,e statement made by the '
LegutluU herr, Lord Kitel
r,• itived the ri-ply ul Air, f
Ido.. 8chalkburgrr to the
4 Minn of notes recently t
Im•tween Great 11rltain amt
Tho hoer lenderslu the if
r to into a otia tions '
to n r
riot boreal upon complete I
It war stated in the Hour
mops shortly after the p
W the Dutch note unit !L
reply thereto, declining to
B.1or deltgator In Europe t
the lkler leaders In the fie
N Iew to bringing the war
th+tt the currerpoodence I
-lit to douth Africa for
t,„u to the tlghtli'tt'Boer
tiger Prlsovrr• FIN
Lwa.kru, ]lurch 21. -In t
,rumps of Bermuda a term
of prlasaoers of war have
.lath of allegiance.
The admli lstratlun of tit
witerul prisoners now cot
Hawking' Island recently
to It serious Incident, way
vorrpwiporafeut, writing on
LA. A week before, oto Ica
arverul of their fellow -pro
inure moderate views had
oath, a party of the Irri.
attacked the former, and
to drown them In the (Ir
The attempt was Irustral
silitatry gunr,l, find the poi
are nuw undergoing a per
opllue In the ailuttary pro.
1'he trusty of M'"Ir
lundon, March -'I.-The
trek during which Lord Me
Ipturnl uta■ practically,
I:1I,1UJl *, the last wnl•11 lite
intruded to make. After
1,4Irst hard work of tra
lull town the country, Ill
nrr intending to take up
1,.•adquarters, maid from tit
/,idler Lord Kitchener'a sup
uwrxl the operatwns of l
1 n 1111 district, Beddoo. he
npuld that the ounvuyr who
et-t-umpaoying were
., veil to Justify the empl
,,, ,,-fileer of his rank.
NotrapLilpf of Ilot•r 1•,I•.
London, ]larch i!1. -Tho
figures repreveat the num
prleonerr, inelu•ling lhove I
Libation camps, will) ht
tartly surrendered. The
rom tit elattRat returns:
A. Helena ...... ... ...... .....
1'w•rmtala ...... ... ...... ......
„olio ......... ......... ... .........
Ceylon ...... ... ..... ... ... ..
-4twth Africa (mit In ca
lit various localltfen ..
Captured duce Feb. -16,
proximately ...... ...... .....
.ttralem, only, In the con
traton camps ... .
Over and above these It
Are shout 5,(11)0 men In
Domes and on owir own
lu►rols, thus raalsinR the 1
of Boors and Gorr it) input
I,atds to 52,617.
The Doer prisoners at C
hu, have refused to sign
,Which Is the eoadioiut of
A" Simla for the hot weal
.,u,•ntly they will remsla II
,Ilife h nre already uncomR
Toe Boer officer, Smoren
. wnped from St. Delman
,and was recaptured on
Ypam been tried by a cru
'Iairy and released. It a
slut.[, he did not break Iib
Ile got lnlo the' box trial(]
and was rent away by
Trooper Illuore ,►road a
Ottawa, March _'J. -Th
Impartment to -dor notni
rrtlor'-fleneral ur tit - dealt
I I ,r) (it Trouper It. C.
If— Canadlon Mounted R
hauled from Moosoinln• A
!ler Word of RI
Ottawn, I.�la
awn rob' '-
iia 1,
fo•nlght the Minister of
"tit ri celved any reoly t
about the alleged outbrefi
pox amongst the Cwtuall
):files In Month Africa.
Ilolhr'a 1'osltfo
lryh�eld, mireh 2I. -G
da11111ton hag a&oertalrlec
lkptho, with 800 men 1
oai his own form, 25 mite
all this place.
flandrrd• %ought
',a•onto, March 22 -
r,,rphlatyl are being obi
lthlbtfr of Education, to
lm%e hoen already deflnit
t,. go to South Afr:oa, An
fR•r In being ohowan tit of
will he three held In rnmr
at Ottawa In came an
whatM be annble to go. If
court saki yesterday the
l"f -fill nprAlranta burr,
c.,nnftt yet he made pub
polvierteetl teeehers h'ddln
tints• were proficient 1
find pr0duced medleal rp
to wlronK physique. "I h
:lpplicatlotts Iltferally far
'Of Indlrw willing to Ifo."
i elonkl havePer+ural in f
-") eligible candirlwten,
rint,r"w hod they been r
ArhtRr• :af nnpi'eantm, be
certainly evNenee d e
tints, nail d"Mre for tie
A I.eflor torn," the
i•ondon, March 21 -A
C,Annri of Tpomanry
tiPnnral mane Uamlltom
to It memb.r of file H
Inner. mays: Ninon imet n
eaintel for brrtwateft
R^Prw Of courts" it has
pn„farknw work STA
mnreln,.m, generally tllr
&►Ark four, great lit