HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-27, Page 44 T=vftaDAY, Max. 27, 1902. H A S THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO The Finishing Touch .. . The mut who to taroful about his sp peor►uoe is anxious to hove Neckwear, 6hirts and Collars which will be becoming sud elegant We have novelties which oroust out in the fashion osntros. Plenty of assort nowt. Really attractive goods. well made end serviceable. HATS Wsare in the front rank its the Hat buainw Chiiety'a role - bested English stiff and soft Hata and also very swell lues iu Now York Fedora Hate, just im for the Easter trade. 1t you want the latest up to the moment Hats you will get them here. H A S W. C. PRIDEiAM, Padget leittting Clothing House, M,Lesu's Book CLOrHlEK AN Ft'KNI'1HER ��ht $x.gnaz, it Y rOst=ew EVERY THURSDAY MORNING D1 D. j4441ggyglpStNT OODStRIOR. THURSDAY. MAR. 7f. um. SNAP SHOTS. -Those pecks .f March dust are again in •ndenos. -Joni CuALLTON, h .P , doesa't seem to 'Ladd in fear of the fate of Bus RPMLEW • D OS. -Now that King EDwain ha. taken to w aft we may be thankful rehab he !mon': taken to drink. -There's a pretty large yellow streak in toe section of the British aristocracy, if the court records state the facto. -Jona Dltsox overlapped slightly when be called Caoranttrta • "damned liar." CRAMSneLa111 isn't damned -yet. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS. Gime of the $..cal. They Weak/tenter e■ the Commonalty. J. J. Irvine, of the township of McKillop, reseatly 000tribuWd the following totter to our ceetemporary, The Soforth F,tpwltor There is • feeling almost amouotleg to pre. judles In many ga•rt&n In oppo•ltloo 10 the "renown batt line of •lectrlo railways In the aunty of Huron, and 1t might nob be out .f plow to Ries some of the reasons put for. ward t,y tome of those who oppw the ■odort&ktog. The forst comes from an •Iderly I.dy who overheard me once.. the wish that the lino would be built. She bold up her hands In fright toad doolarod that It was horrid to Wink of It. Why, said she. they put the man who Killed the Presldot bo death that way, because It 1• worse than banging I logolred of her U she had over assn an electric osr. Oh no, she said, she aver had, nor 0 wanted to. 1 cured bar that there was not the allghteet danger to tier oorsonsl safety as far as the •t.otrto current was oonwroed, incept she Mow to *SSW la monkey shines sod climb Ibe trolly pole and grab too I1v• wire. And again. I hays mot musoular men, fellow• 1 aid to r • le leaser D who •r. not to the grapple with the urhewn monsters of the forest, and tomo of them ars entirely at home when they are 8egerlar around the ne1M, pinions and pulleys of • threshing mashlno and in olow toaoh with the Moth of the swiftly re volving cylinder. and yet they think that both themselves and their horses would be Roared at Ih• lamps on the .tsotrlo oars. Well, It most bo said that peopls who would get frightnod at this should bio plan tit In gilded rages, although exeroaiely uo• likely birds. And as far as the horses ars eoownod, I will deal with that further on This opposition to mato) underwklogs Is n othing new. A few years aro wheo the stem thresher took rho plow of the bores power marhice, many well meaning farmer, were very moor alarmed. i know tom• wbn went miles Lod miles away In March ot • hors* power 000wrn and failed to get one. And many of them pr•diotsd that people would see the day they would be sorry for having firs brought close to their barns. I. might do well enough for misty, mohsty Aritain but In our dry, hot climate, thing would his burped op. And OW •It this, It would M just interesting at th• pro sent time to Isere hnw many farmers to the seaety of Huron would choose to return t, bre old system. I relieve opposition 10 smith matters may be safely •ttrlboMd to the nature) 0000ervatl.m of the mantes, • wood thing In • wsy.exwpb when it Roes too for sad thou it terminates la oomplet• stag nation. Although lb mast bo admitted this to bettor than nitro radicalism, wltb I1. di. Sorbing and revolutionary ooneegaaw. Now Mr. Editor, 1 am strongly to favor ot the propeeed .loobrio railway and with your permission I will give at loose some of my reasons for being In favor of them. Ie the first pleat It is a CLR•N moot OF CONVEYAMc■ Oo the way down to Toronto last I, th• day belag my warm, I reload the window of the oar and .t interests smoke and oln den would pour to at rho opening In a way culte disagroeobts. While this was going on I could see rhs vohloles oo the o00ntry ✓ ends enesioped la • cloud of dust. but when I got on the .Irotrie oar on th0 etterswn of the some day ail the. was •hsoged, every thine bele bright and oloan se • lady's parlor. Secondly it IN a mmmmmmmmmIm►mmmmmn Garden Tools... malty grown up people in this 'mottos, born and orougbt up within twee r miles of Lako Holes, bays Dever seen 11. lake, although 11 wooed give them very groat delight 1 mtgbt writs pig« from this standpoint, but eruct forbids. Sudlos 11 to say that oleo - trio railways will, to • large ms«an, remedy this state of affairs. Asd another Importa0: Now In behalf of the system u that It U • sere WWII OF morn - Hallway trainer run at doubts the speed. and this, ooupled with th • - enormous weight, mak« the r.sul• •e'ribi. whoa any thiog does go wrong. nod there is always daogw lurk tog around who • skittish blood horse is attached to a Lop buggy. It 1s dlf t•rsnt, bowsysr, with the *loo►rto oar While riding oo thes there t. hardly tb• mallow possibility of getting hurl. 15.o arrow. then are many who du not realist the wonderful power wh oh this sys tem does possess, and its great carrying o•p.city, I was at the Ktog street subway. to Toronto ons evening, who the people worts rotundas home from the Industrial Fair. Here there Is 1 strop 'collet, perhaps as mattb ae then is to be fouod on any ot the roads in McKillop Two oars were at t•obed to eaob caber In lostanc•, ltd 1 think •itis oar carried fully a hundred passengers, and Iters war • promotion of these, only «p•rate1 from ♦aoh otbr by • few perobes, and it extended as far as 1 oould set both ways. And now the last rwoo, at the present time, I will assign to favor of lbs propreod electric railway to Huron is, that it will, to some extent, mbar HOES, RAKES and MANURE FORKS, SPADES, SHOVELS, PRUNING SAWS. I'RUNINO S H E A R S, PRUNING KNIVES, HEDGE CLIPPERS and SHEEP SHEARS. Ramsay's Ready -nixed Paints are the best Paints on earth. Use no other. We always lend lis White Lead, Oils, Dry Colors and Varnishes You oan Save Money by Dealing with Ute ALLAN & McIVER Tho leading Hardware Firm. Honest Goods at Honest Prices. 'Phone 57. a ?11u111�1U111111�1111�11111I1111�11�1111111C the money should be repaid. Mr. Wain- wright, of the G.T.R., was moo with regard to the desired Improvements at the *tattoo here, and the •reottoo ot a o.w station would oe pr0000ded with at naw. Mr. Mo(law had not returned from the toot, but Capt. MoGr.gor was prwo► and was asked te make asy remarks he desired. Hs said be had very 111►!m to odd to what Mayor Cameron had stated. Ho was ysry maoh plowed with the way the Hon. Mr. /'aro me them. Hs wined to know all *boat rho breakwater and 'tutored into their •iew• ootiroly. H. (Copt. McGregor) was surprised to nod that the $15,000 gets was not for Uodorlob, but they had got $6,000, and • "a half lost was better than no bread." Coaecillors Humber and Elliott expiated their view that the result et tat d.pate tion'• labors at Ottawa was very saiisfao tory, and the oounnll planed on record a re•olacloo to that effect. The J h. Ells Co , Toroato, wrote swain regarding iliumtoat•d dials for the court hoose °look, but the oonnml waned to take Mr. Murs•y's clew that at the prosiest time the towo oould not lnoure the .xp.os. Hon. J T, Darrow wrote u notify the oouoml that Lb' appasl ores in Holmes vs. G od.riob bad bean argeed before the Sup- remo Court, but judgment would probably be delayed for some week'. A Oommaniwtlon from Chu. (Jarrow stated that the trial of M•odonald ye. Crede - rich had boo tiled for tis. 25th inst. Ow• ing to the retirement of lbs Hoo. J. T. Gar. row his was forming • p•rts.nhip with Mr Dickinson, at present of Wlsgham, who would t• on hand as oouosel for the town at the trial. A joint oommuolwtioo from W. T. Prl low, jr., and G. H. green etotad that they were about to build two osw dwellings in the south *Ids of Aoglesea street, ani they eked for • 'ewer exception from Viotorla wrest, they being willing to pay a portion of the owl. Th•rs was • 'Millar letter Irom F. W. Doty, who wished sower 000 oeotloo with the resldenos he hu boo.6► on !rock street. Thew oommunlcatlons wart referred to this public work. oommlttes. A letter from MoColi Bros. & ('a., Toron- to, was to lbs effect that they mould net ac- oop► an order tor only a portion of 100 malsrlil - wkloh they tendered. Coaooll- l.r Hersey Balled this • bit of sharp prat- tles. The oommittee had asked for tenders oe oil and wets, but the firm bad tendered on boiler oompouod •Iso. The oommlttoe •on•pted their wader oo the woods they wired for ; they did oat want the boiler oompoa0d The water and Eche oommlttee was • n atter, otho Ow m deal with , and may accept the Dart lowest tender. Eogloetr Kelly asked that ■e electric alarm be plaoed in connection with the standpipe to give ootlw at the pumping station whim it is full. This. Mr Marney explained, would seas water, fats and an- ooy•nw to tbs resident, new the standpipe', whose tailors are eometlmo@ flooded with the miaow. Th. matter was referred to the water and light oommiVso, and the some oommlttee was tnurnoiod to attend to .ho painting of the standpipe, for whlob the ooetraet was let lost f.11. An aowu0t of John Barker for $6 for pl.oiog .now on the Maitland bridge. filw times, rho township of Colborne baying paid a similar amount, was ordered to at pa•d, and the following •000uats were soot to the finance committee: U. C. Whitely, relief, eto., $98b; National Carbon Co., Cleveland, 1)., aarboos, $12 ; tloldis & Mo• Culloob Co , Galt. oil cop. *to., 12.20 ; J.mes Morrison Rraas Mfg Co , T..rooto. njeotor, stn., $1655; Iduolmp.l World, Sr. Thomas, debeotare register, 14 A oommuslo%ttoo from Mrs. 1). Patter son In regard to her taxes was referred to chs court of revision. The fiascos oommittee'• report, chlor , ootaioed a r.00mmendatloe that the win mlttee be empowered to oall 'vito.ose' in regard to the disputed account of the James ttorrlson Ryas. Mfg. Co., was adopted The mortgage to swat the town's Joao no the summer hotel cos in bre clerk's hands, and was soot to the figwort* commit- tee for oon•id.rotlos. E N Lewis was apolnted to rho Ool- legtsu Institut* board to suooesd chs lots J. M Shepherd. John Konlghan was appointed to the pablle library board to fill the position notated by A ,1. Moors, R A. Councillor 'Thompson said some of tit strep were badly In need of repair, and as gravel Gould be had at the present Mot at very little.rpaoas be asked to be allowed to bays thee. •tretts repaired. Mayor Cameron did not think that was the proper way to have the work don•. A statement of the work to be done and what it would cwt should be bronrh► Is, and e very member of the wonotl given a ahanne to oonsider It. The point ear premed very .troo7Iy by .ever•( of the waoolllon that there litre tomo dangerous rent• that should be at. 'ended to without delay, and the osmmlttee was anchovies(' to have this work dolga. Ths oonnotl then adjourned. 1 VTC r'OMPrrlTlON w ith the steam railways io connection with the marrying brad• of the wanly. It 1s mautdaed on Dearly every band that Gan •Sian rai!w•y oompaolse charge eshorbltan' rater for carrying Canadian produce and maoafwturee. W• send • large number of representatives to Parlismeot, part of their d uties ,t least bolos to guard tilt -tubllo In wrests of tis• •000try. Thew men. prat out to motoring Parliament, rev• always paid toll fare on ail railroads, out atter wards they are approaohid by lbs railway offotals and offered something egmyeteo► ce • goodly sum ot money. They swept 11, and, from that oo, anyone who bow any thio[ whatever about human nature will admit that the Indepsndenw of thew Webs lawn beoomes dwarfed, If not sourly obliterated. when dediog with railway matters. I know there le • rlghtaous seta 'loo In the onuntry In favor of a railway oommlasion, and I just hope It will be granted as it won't do any harm and might be produdtive of mach Rood. However, the groat maasloR claimer .r l0 the ...rat of this taking platy world be that those who win posed the oommission oould be just as easily approached by tis railway management es member o1 Parlismoot are, There is more truth than poetry to the words of the Amerloan ettto man that •' A volition key will unlock any door," and of the Canadian et.tesnia0 to the afoot that '' every man has his priory" Io •Ise of thea things oompetltloa 1. our only sure way of obtain mg relief TH1 HoR.era. 86 J. H. C�I4BoIr4 PATERNS 'Phone Z i1d (CENTS, New Spring Stock Now Nearly Complete. the o•talogue, sow almost at polsl ut lues, was of osoesslty delaysd Into the preemie Tsar, slthoogk Its exposes was «lulated to 00015 001 of the n•sous of 1901. Regarding the $400 above as a rewlpl from the town wooed, we aro told $500 is obarged to Ih• pobllo library in the town soon0om. $100 of this woe to the •ppro p tittles for 1900, but was not olstmod la temo to go Into the s000at of that year ; that We grant appears as $.500 for 1901. BOWLS. The figures below indicate the camber of books purobased io the various olwes of literature during the put year ; Up, total oumbmr of books in sash oleos to the library; and the number of tsetses in .oh with clan during the yew Purob•sed ta 11)1 Now, a word In regard to the lean which many people have that horses on the public highway will became trtrbtsned •od Daae. .wideete and psrbaps low of li'• It 1v well known that horses never take kindly to . railway I000niouvs To he sure there 1s someth'og terrifying with a railway •pile .0 motion that hardly anythtouelse dem pea gess Nearly all home were frrgbtoM .1.n they saw Ow first lady or Root on s 6loyole, but there Is now little or 110 Alosr .pprebendedfrom that qts . Hollow have eoorne .anestomed to this. I undorsteod hat there are hundreds of 01,1011 o1 electric railway In the mly of '1oronio. The farm en for thirty or forty miles wound make it heir market, and yet who over hsord of an .widest resulting from honeserten■ frightened at the emit oars than? to the swot of the line being built, people will jos, have to train their horses hy brio/log them to the oars sod getting them folly swat rowed to them, and the animals will soon know that there le no canes for fear Thanklor you, Mr. Editor, for @paw to your valuable caper, 1 am Yuan truly, J. J. levies, MoKillop, ' 010/1/4001 Comparison here again is the surest I«►. Worm 1 went to the Pan Amerinan Iasi year, atter •.sing the Krpositlen i naturally e nough wanted to see the fails of Niagara. Tlpon enquiry at the Grand Trook and IA• high Valley railway station, 1 was Informed by the 000rtwar agent Chet rho ratan Molests to the fails wore $1 hat that than would not be a titin doe for two or throe hears. The non day 1 stepped on an .leo trio ear and ►be oondnotor promptly handed mea 4401 at • nrot of 50 mete and geed Mr all day. Who i manias.' the foils. we were basieged hy a largo namher e1 banknote who wanted In dri•• at around i giggled out an unpnteetious ooh and 15. driver lnlnrm.A me that hs would take m. ell miles flown and honk *gain for $1 and 'be distance i rode en the et«tile ear was tNwoo 40 end 60 mitre, and all for 60 emu. Now, "oath reader, you can figure shin .p and firs w your owe oonelnsiens Ne.setkl.g meas 1. favor of the &learto sya tam M the sPtOU IT AMATO 1.111 15 walla de many of nor Mw. Mends menti Rood to earns amt and vets as le the wuntry 1a het weather. They 'weld romp is the lens and obese the betterlly ; pick r.epher rise mid .fbh1. the harvest apple,. and leek Nardi epos It all afterwards with phsanre As It 1. now a eonvvyan0e wets toe moor, sed bridr then an agony who would not less bbsess.lvr le drive a sorsa ARals. History 4.3 Rtography 3 Voyage & travel 4 21 Iltsn- 22 4 Stara - 8 Solrn« General taro Poetry hely .o. tare 1'lotion Miscellaneous 22 K•forow 36 Round wapxlnes 00 217 65 Estimated Total isLtbay 276 326 507 DRESS GOODS Elaok. and Oolorad 1N ALL '1HE NNW LINES. Issue. 1901 1711 66 934 159 152 000 118 33 173 1160 735 110 000 39 8487 1630 300 363 4031 13712 THE OTTAWA TRIP. Mayor (tamers. Gives • ttallsrartary Report or the Delegation's Work. The regular mooting of the town oeunoll w as held on Friday caning. Mayor Cam Bron was In the chair and all the oou.olllors were present. H1. Worship reporesd the result of the visit of the maalotpal dsl•galloe to Ottawa They had sea the Hos. .1 I. Tarte In ref 'resat to the oon•iraotlon of an outside breakwater, and frond the Minister fist y poeeoesad of the Isom la the owe. Ur Tarte said that to carry] out the whom. would wt $250,000. H. appeared to oo0 o lder the projeot fevorahir and .fated that he would D. to Uoderloh doily the oomlag .ammsr to loot Into the whole matter oars. folly. In reward to the rebuilding of the aommeraial dooks, His Worship said they wore surprised to learn that the sum of $10,000 for dreuglug was thew only cum to the as,lmates for lioderieh. The Wein 01 $15,000 for harbor, river and bridge Im pro,.ments whtoh followed In the .stlmates, sod whioh was supposed to refer to (lode Ilan, was for the whole Dominion. There was nothing. then, 1e the estimate* for the Anoka, but they nom.d.d In having the sem of $6.000 tot down 1. the.epplsmeetary adulates for the repairing o1 the dooks. Regarding the armory, an lntorylew w&' had with lord Aylm.r, el the Departs's% e1 Militia ; there was no hop• whatever e1 .h• ereetlen of an armory here. The Gov Gemini's policy In regard M the bosoms 0' • rmnrl.. in wonty testss had twee entirely nhan oA The 0 i.nt had reverted tat th. old polio, le this respoot, and outside of a few lo wtleh the Government le definitely Outgo,' no mon armories will he halll Is e nunry town., It Imolai bete d.ridsd thas.nah would net he In the Interest& of 'ha nrvte•. Tho d•loo.►lo loft with this member for the redly the question of pt stag Took Oho messy whish she town bad already .speeded, and lord Aylmer .b.Nd Nat be would we every 11.11 te w that THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Iflaa.elal Stewart for lh. rase Year -Rafts termed Nrts r IMI. Follower Is the financial report of 1M public library ter the year 1901 • Receipts. Balsam from 1900 $ 68 69 Foes from o.rd• sod floes 78 116 Grant from Ontario Lewblat0re. • • • 149 60 Grant from town oonecil .... 400 00 Greet from ooenty ooenoll. ...... 16 00 Selo of m•geslses and n.wspawsee. 2.30 1714.45 Kopodltares. Rent $ 48 00 Hent sed light 31.60 Salaries 150 00 Rooks Got fietle. 160 72 Reeks dation 33 34 ReskM.dl.g 2 70 Magazines and ag ewap.rs fee read• Ing ream 69 MNoon aeon's . 49 (16 Raise. to 1902 176 34 8714 45 Th. Torg. helium Is ewlag M the foot that • Indigestion est Ion and nervousness are often.- the result of homed meals. bbey EfTervescent Salt stimulates and tons.the digest- ive organs enabling the stomach to digest perfectly. Those who suffer will find Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective of all stomach disorders. Dys- pepsia cannot be cored by doc- toring the effect. Abbeys Salt removes the causes by enabling the stomach to do its work pro- perly. -A mild laxative. At all druggists. Black Voile. Black Chevaline. Black Panura. Black Poplin. Black Venetian. Black French Coni Black Serge.. Black Ilenrietta. Black Homespun". Black Brocades. Black Silks. Black Silk Grenadine". Black Satins. Black Satin Royal. Black Lustre.. Colored DRESS GOODS. Grey Homespun.. Brown Homespun.. Fawn Vonetiaus. Navy Venetians. Navy Serge". Navy Tweed C. Il, finish. Blue -Grey Venetians, Fawn Blue Ladies Cloth. Bine and Green Satin Royal. Fawn Box Cloth. Blush. Suiting Cloth. Slate Poplinette. Bronze Grey Butting. A Lot of Henrietta" in all the leading Staple Colon. Grey Luntres. BLOUSE WAIST STUFFS. Black and White French Flannel.. " " " " Detainei,. Embroidered Frtenoh Flaunnls. Plaiu French Flannel.. Figured Detainee. Figured Savannas. Plain Satanna". Fancy Silks. Striped Silks. Plain Silk. Cream Serge". Cream Henrietta". These Goods are all New for this !tering'■ Trade BED ROCK PRICES FOR SPOT CASH ANC) ONE PRICE TO ALL, WHITEWEAR. ( EMBROIDERIES ISllk All -Over Embroidery Big Stook 1a Gowns, Skirts. Drawers and 1. Laws and ksusho from 5 uta. to 90 cts. $1 25 and it 75 Corset Waists. 5 lar"• assortment. I All One L.0. -Whits aad Stook. OVER 5000 YDS. OF VALENCIKNNE., and 1'ORCHON LACE; FROM 1 CENT UP. A JOB LOT OF CORSETS AT 35 GENTS -GREAT VALUE. A BIG DRIVE IN CORSETS. 1 put In stook just 120 pairs of Simmer Weight t:orsets one week ago. Theo are about 70 pairs left. You .hoold hats toms m them. They are value for 50 Date. 1'o0 can buy thorn for Be cote a pair. Just think 50 tor 29. Our Print Stock is complete ranging from 5 cta. to 12i cts., and fast colors. A large .tock of Gingham', both Canadian and Imported, 8 eta. to 15 cto. J. H. COLBORNE. The members •1 ►he board aro: Appoint- ed by the public school beard --Inspector Tom. D. J. Naftali, J. A Fowler ; appoint- ed by the separate .obetl board -Judge Doyle, E. Campton, K. C. ; appointed by the town oouooil-J. H, Woreell. J.E. Bry dyes. Juo. Kenighsn. Tb• offiwn an : Chairman, J. H. Worsell. uwuror, J E Brydgs.; soretary, A. J. Move, 13. A. ; librarian. A. Doff. WORSELL'S� ....IS THE PLACE TO GET.... STOVES, FURNACES, EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING and DAIRY TINWARE CHEAP. EY? V 1 L, _ v 1 sup- .nntr 1 4T Coe%. •c n r The Division between goof and Indifferent Drugs and Medloines is •trooely defined here. The fndlf forest kind are oever order"d and never permi►tod to form part of oar stock. Only Roods of undonoted purity are offered to customers. About Toilet Soaps We woul like to 000vtooe you that this 1. by, loon odds the beet plans 1a Uoderloh to buy your toast .cap.. if yoe w111 allow as to show you what we offer and how ws have sough! year Interest you will be oonymood. Let us try. New shipment 1u•t to Oruge Juice aad Nora* Dew, crab o 1. worth at Last double. Oar Ik Oatmeal closing oat 3 for Ilk A large osso t be d srf ul and 15c per two. • Ws can give you beautiful From b sad Am•rtoan Soaps --Slash Roes, Vsroe•, Violet, Pan d'F:,pagoe, White almost, S•von Lartutloo, and many other& Thu le the plum for toilet soaps. About Your Lungs. A groat battle is eolog on against the White Plague, Consumption. Will you set join In for your own safety ! Coe Mmpttoo *Deme 10 orlgloete by the ab- sorptton of tuberculous germs tato lungs too week to resist thetr attack@. Uor Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, undoubtedly builds up and etreogtheoo the lour•, feeds teem, toots them. There are other* bet non. batter, to say the loam. 13e well advised, C•IK A FEW BOTTLES, IM't forgot Nr glarutoed Cold Care! W. C. CGOODE, Chemist, - BEDFORD BLOOK.. . Oar .took ,.f Proprietary Medlolnes 1s very large. Prima are low, F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL. 44•01010141010,010om1sirom, SHARMAN'S is the place to buy Shoes at lowest prices 3 for the 4,AtAii i otoAi1dnilli eiWnitNroiic i 3 3 j ▪ Boys 1 ▪ and Ladies, --; Men, ttufvforutufolufwfututututoP: iqu •. E TTTMkTTTTTTTT4 Babies. EVERY BUYER PLEASED .*1 1T 1-4 OUR SHOES SPRING ARRIVALS ! We have just received s large shipment of Spring Goode, which we offer at very low rates. Buttons Whit Flyer*, 9 Molt.. ...30c. •' " i& -,t,: ,55o. Galvanised Wirt, 9 3u 1b. Bok Wi11 and 12R•a e, 3 Ia Ib. Wirt, S�mpStaple,5o IL Mailable Iron Rakes. 12 tooth 25c eek Steel Hakes, ourvsd tooth, 12 tootb 45o " 8•esl Raker, curved tooth. 14 tooth 500 sanb S••el Hoes, 7 so. blade, socket Docks 3.5o " " " " soled o.o. 300 " II handle 8res1 Spades 900 Shovels 90o " Long h.nA'd round mnath'd Sb Pen W nn. Lead, any rued'! m'ko 6fo Ib, A o.rlo•d rat Saris Win is arrive April let 3o lb. N. D. RO UGV I E, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. ♦t M f' 4. OUR SPRING STOCK I. now ready for inspection, both in trimmed and nntiimmed hat.. Trimmed Hats from $1.25 up. Ready-to-wear Hats from $1.00 up. Sailors from 15c up. Our stock is complete in every line. Call sod inspect. MISS CAMERON, HAMILTON STREET, . . 1 Before Buying I see our line of HEATERS and RANGES.... 7',We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove folly Gnar.ntewi . LEE & WHIRR Coal! Coal! JUST RILUEIVRD 1 Car Massillon Washed Nut Coal. This Cod 1s good for stoves and grates -1s wily lighted anti gives out • great hear. 1 Car West Virginia Lump Coal. 2 Car Scranton Hard Coal. Mrtlleo Washed Net 30 ea. per 100 lb•, or l es.eso per tea. --GIVE iT A TRIAL. Wm. Campbell. Osdarlsh, Mreh jos j�902. W. A Special Tailo TN materials fo substantial cel ment and stand t: entire import she materials in all ti Stylish Englisl Veal/Gan aad brendt lawns, midst, 54 loch SIIk and Wool AsslWS, Satin CIN5 bud•sses sod monist boss, mseme aad w1 Lace Appliques A ewer se sews wit lastest Irse and da Dress Muslins, R.l Irish piloted dr «roll designs awl was 180 pairs of fin• Kid G1 porfeo% Smog .ltd la Psrrin's Kid GI yes New Neater Oloyos. 1 every pair warranted OA Special prices f our new good an ('urtains and Carl 120 pairs Nottlegbam Inc 47 to 64 trachea wide, 34 to new patterns. Inert*. regular prow $1.50 p leader, special at Scotch Linoleul 2 yards wide, to • yen urns, floral and elle pit W, as per 'quer lard We / COUNTY CUR Cliaba : K ork is lest I saw Sloan block. 9 S C sod will have tiro store moths Clinton : Therm passed *al burley. 13th inst., Keown, one of the reep.ol town at the ere of sixty s Uod.toh township Weir's, Kayfleid lior, was It having amounted W he $1200. Only one horse w bat the nnws brought Rom •beat $40 mob : d bis' Clinton A quiet ding too pito* Ictte on r Masoh 19.h, at the h. Carter, Stepletoo, when h ter, Sera J., one united 1 Match, of Auburn. ClIston : Andrew Ste James Stewart, cf Kiel How of Refire after a Mows from • malignant t Inc., aseceta1.4 with , other distaste, the worst elyia Clinton : W. MoMurra Weybon, N. W T., .Iter i,:•• for sewers! month,. J. Murray, and sister, M leave shortly for the som MoMurray bas a floe located Goderloh township : Morob 12 h, a pretty bt took plow as the home of Miohtgaa, tormerly of th bride beteg the sewed d• who was gi•en In martial Clarence Cole, of Laurel. Clinton : D .1. Centel received the appointment at Woodstock, has gone new offtoe. Just aft. position Mr Coastal or ander Poetma•tor Tina Height', a suburb of 1). Clinton : Jobe Reid an who have boon here rrdi for some time visiting til turned home a000mpaol Loreto Mr. Lew •, who a000mpanled by W 14.1 day lass week, w th • or the sees place Bromfield : J.e Alk chased Hector Hold's far 157, for $6 575 It is splendid buildings, wit brink holm. Mr. Atka pos.otslos until fall. k the prwo) crop This him property Mr. Al Statiley. FC it benefits they being dispelled, system invigora troleum Etttulsic write us a letter the great benefr BITTER Tt of Anrirr'r berm *sin( i Esmwlrmwr IJ it worth l Me Rocky M YOITE NAY! ANT booklet egwds4, "Atm r Orgasm Ioms• •110128 CI