HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-27, Page 2Ye. SigABi
0 rusLi�
M U. Sr416&"%A riM.
Tit( N80AY�MARCH 27, TOO'_.
IIRAN 1'1,011011; WAl,KI\U hN.
Mr. M. J. Kelly hitte r"rignel the
pMltluu of SK -11001 luepw•tur fur
Brant comat), after more than thirty
yearog' service, and will now lite a
life a)( Pare, with plenty ,r( mean,$
W keep tile kettle. IRHllug. The -law-
tut b inn Ill..%. awl LL.B. as, well as,
HJ)., oat Ire harm on tap till uu•khaadt-
Ible_ atore of permunul and political
lafoe(uutlou.� He liar written, or .ho-
touch, a great many arlichw fur the
Timer as d other uewspep-re In lair
ttme;'but of late years Ike ha•U kept
aloof front ilia trai. lie was &I-
wayn particularly strung on hiogtra-
pliy, having the pedigree of Canada's
pdblWinen rind their relatives at his
Wn1jue'a eat. turd it neer[ to be u
trhik'wltn (lie Brantford boys to try
to,ralch film, when a name came up
in r6olversutlon, by such an Innocent
quiishou us, "Doctor, by the way.
wltu war lir. SO-And-roid@o•conti
wife ?" it the man hid a recund
wife, or IS. (bait, or t► think, Dr. Kelly
could tell all about them. 1110 war
born in a 1831:, unit was
at the h School sed
F le Mont cul, set) at the
rd ;h
nod UnlverNity, To-
r n%o, oft wan) roguing lite medi-
t at Edinburgh. Paris and
Heidelberg. The late May',tr Watcher,
of Hamkltus, was one of Dr. Kelly'd
pupils. Dr. Kelly Ir a bachelor, and
as, Flausclopahan In rPfiglon, althu ]gh
Ile rind to Attrnl the Presbyterian
Chdreh very freapuently in The time
of that late Rev. Wi1Nnm C'oarfsrsne,
v% h-,ta he greatly admired.
1'41 1:NI1'Ul'JotA1:K N(/a1K 11ANU-
IrAt'Tt' N 1:8.
A Toronto manufacturing firm hall
Imams") at bill it) Its, factory, which
, renals as follows:
"(It rmploye,ev are requested in
their private purchased, to buy '(aim
far as, possible) uDly gOode of Can-
udlnn manufacture, -which may tie
told by observing that the flame of
it Canadian manufacturer Is un the
guctb, or tea label, '!fade its
:uuufe.' " °'
This rzmrople in commended by lite
\ewo am one that should be adopted
by other f]rmyt because as the wosk-
logmnn'r "own litellhooa depends
upon the workJngmen in other lines
of industry purchasing what be
manufactures. It is only fair that he
ohould, In like manner, purchase the
gotdr suede by Tits folllow•-laborors.
For )ear. to come, no doubt, it will
he nevelowary to purchneprnmmiderable
quantltiet of Imported goods, but It
to those harm where Canadians excel
our own artisans would demand Can-
edian-made gtwdm, merchant@ would
tar only too rood' to supply that do-
mes tri."
r-lur eontewpm,nary might have gone
farther unf muggrntrdl that ilia Am-
ploSerm, nm well no lite employees,
shard confine their Inij'Ing to Can-
adian prodtieta, Instead of going off
(u ):oglatud and coming back with
enough clothing to last them until
the time connote for the next pleasure
trip, aloof generally managing to get
their "Imports" Into Canada with-
out paying duty. We it poor rule that
will sot work W'h ways. Perhaps
lige employ"■ might suggest that
their wages, havivis trar" honestly
ewrneal, belong to them, to do as they
like with, and that Lite Canadian
tuanufacturpr who wants their ene-
tcxe can get it by Offering the boat
goo.ld At the lowest prices.
M ----- 1Hri'a
A man died in a New fork street
yesterday of starvation and expel -
mare. Any night he tont city 11. adiredio
of familil•f mpent small fortuneo In a
single entertainment.
The Ottawa Free preens dubs the
wlrtlesg system oftelegraphy "n"rt)-
graphy." It won't In►e ; too ninny
syllables in the brat tour letters.
Why, nal nitglirlse lite word?
It to rumored that tete Manitoba
0overnment latethds to;alme the price
of the lands It controls. is that wise"
Why shoud the Dominion spend large
allies to get those lands settled It
the Province veto out to make It
harder to get ilia people upon the
I& al 1
Oomoollos Lacroix has paid the pen-
slty tot his double crime. The main's
conduct throughout the trial and him
rubs«latent Inenreerslion led many
to lovileve him Irrroponsible. The ot-
ficialm wild batt to AeaP' with bim,
however, were t4mvinced that he wag
remponnihle, and rte law took its
. . 'i , t... ,. , 7
-t 1. .
Thr Hail Jostle monal t Itus wruuyht Franc* owns 9.864AN dugs, 73 to yy 1 1 there. (eating a note MADE that,
great havoc In the orchards, of Ohio, every 1,000 lnhabttants Tho dogtr 511 11 INA mills ESE Noe had hseq a fabs wltsslw against
:ur.l It lam ttl•..0 necessary to diff up aro. registered aril so can be count- . Mrs,. Wlukowrltr, is that Mr.
\1'Ltkewrler Iwd promised to worry!
:uul barn Woodlands of Infected trees. ad (lernx►ny liar 2,1.'110.000. ---I- tier but wouda't.
Next bradon's fruit crop will logo oltort ----- ooww
The Arnett wwau reveredfro
am n consequence. (;on. Botha'. brother-in-law has Ophthalmoscope i oils of
I Iia' watt and to 1tlfNl gave feet'-
liewu captured. Wn'll moon bare tali lite wilily a st Wlskew( ler, appearing
That Niagara 1•'ulb frau, wire►gave Coming Apoplexy. tI: r mttit,ilt lm u divomte` .AIL
g faintly but the brad, aenl we would ht Mr@. 'A'luktmelor, which
tilt, Iratbrett" with whom he was willingly swap tilt) lot fur Idtu. ____ M.ra W " r won and got $8,
"Alittvia e61,4Y3 of hilt hand-sarued (300 u y albta Say
After Winkemeler denlood the
motley, muwl hate acquired its his 61 Tberl, W it law• providing a penalty TRYING TO PREVENT FATAL END. gl,ort story yesterday rhe coined till,
,%rurr of life it great confidence lu of 115 for offering Its, maple syrup the s•rvamte to and they laughoo
New York, W+n it 31. -Wi►h go'a't rand drilled sleir Anything
mansion ustureg t any art:ale toot the pure product of KIlkm n
paUeuue and with the who tiler of gluon.
the trice, it rlriltom us that there to a dtruuuutiug the future by defeat- Miss Wiilkem' ler',, aunt Suggested
On Juil. lot there were un the twit- chance for wtuebutly to wake a Trot Ing deuth. Ralph Braudrelh, ttva- Mutt the gh wt story wlght hove
carr` roll of the New fork Police ,or money just slow by pror(ruLing surer of film Braudreih Cuwpafly, of too -en dreulatod by some ane wlm)
:74 Cuoul street, tri tut Inmate u[ ,kJow
Department lib .ells,ufilcerd, 798 udultrratkrra► that Bluumisrgdale lusauto Ar)lum. want." to buy rho property.
ttWor and ltJB children of police -He to under obev
rstiisy and if hu
turn, a tutal.ot 1,11'4. Tete receipts flown at Ines. Kentuckj',;h re o unu gat a await periud wit is rut -
of lite fund last yt-ar were $75.000 1, ruck that flown whlmke ferutg — Ap oplettu or Jaralj etc MSAS DERIDED ASA MAN.
I -m0 than the expenoea. muwe @liver Is left tell it fur a .hurl rurnnue t struhu hwileo leu rout brt, laid Ilio lit -
of ut lItSU,I)W, tout u
time unit the salter retired to a rate be will be lid of the tear of sudden
A ouutetuporary Is wurrjing later diatasce. The courto have tried to death. '
the prublew ut what a ""or"' filial 'Jut Its, secret, but without sun- 11 the uphthalwue,upo lied Mr. Her True Sex Only Revealed'
the pial coed her f Whet hurbaud. It Brandreth will be placed lit a poltl-
rertr• The people of the neighbor- lion to euroh lim heire ; if it reveal- After Death.
gees objections to "Aly lute bur- hood regard LV as, a sign of the near ed the truth he has only A brief
band," "My former husband.- land 1,pprorwh Of the millennium. time to live.
•'My ex-Iturtound." Why nut guy William braudreth. a brother of
"My unhumbue17" There's no eopj. __ - Ralph, told a reporter lair brother WAS MARRIED TEN YEARS AGO.
Tho Investment of U. f4 capital 1n UId been I'ap►.ily RCcowulalittg Ile•sh -
right nil that. of lute and had practicality given Canardnlgua, N. A"., Marcb 1:3. -Wil -
Canada to, generally speaking, to Ite up all forml of exercise. He had bad IJAW C, Haya-lonl tiled at lilt huwe !O
It r nirtvl the X -ria Dud :,q dealred, but wig do not like the idea ,@%oral eonverrutrwtr with lila bro-
y of ryndleater getting hold of Im- then abut the matter, and theist- thld town oil Friday, loavluff a wife
(operation to remove a hatpin trout mendli stretches of our Northwest tet' had admitted that perhaps, he wnl two children. He war 5O+tri [t In sltfd Ir being dune by yearo
lite otuumach of a young wuwan lu lands, hivd growJa a little bit too `10413Y."`10413Y."ar
y." of ago-. After Ili% death It wdim-
New Turk. Any mane young oral-Wildam Brnadreth was not watts- lam -
purchase from tlt0 (•. Ip. 11. if aimt covered That Howard alts n
noir ht to brow that the head fled wltl► the altuatiun, however, &lot
art of thin f.o,dyderrl+oped nvum)ta. He had toeeNr
as, the only part of the anatomy g goes on It will upon us the result of Jus decided
to inime tar.
Some people'a eynr to rte gigauUc hh brother finally dtoWed to b►creasu married !en j•eurr. Hill alto had all
through whaiub it hatpin can Ila Wunder made arbor the Country gave his policy in the Uatual Lite luxur- these yesro been kept Lt Ignorance
rauo m nv to W,000. The
wtcerulng Ulu tact that bar line -
Throat willi nationality. away n t(tg%km Ili area to aha pro- lroueurtice company aur duly uuUfi(l
-- moteral of that company. and two of their phyblununs went baa' war no: It Iran, At any rate
It seems that girls, no well as Moya, _ - to the Canal street officer of the that Is what rhe swore to before
of Rovkhavlkt Iceland, !lave oontruct- Tile Montreal Produce litrrchlantr' Bionadreth Company a wet•'• agolast tine coroner. Site held to tier urms
cJ the hatylt of sqµ kt cigarettes Tgemmlay to examine the npp.Icnut. u nurse g wbi only a few montW
gawking ii Amrueliation rends Out u warning Nothing of a particularly aturming oI I.
and the law fflltrw•s any "it man agatrwt the manufacture of che...c nature war noted by the, I11 "ICinnr The appwirunce of the baby deep -
or Wonsan who finds a Troy or girl nu tll they begrut to exaw oe Mr. emald thY myyetc. 'w much that tba
from faklrr milk, welch Is hrlJ to Brandreth's eyes with the o lethal- coroner decWotl u coil holding an no-
orrroidag W giro the young offender J P p
injure Canada's roputntiou in Uta talorCo Such wonderful progress
a a,mod spanitimg, and to eelse and L'e P L f H In Howard's
lu determine o the cause
ruurkets. It W urged that It will hl medical krwwledge has been made of 13owand'r dentle According /o
Jertroy any cigarette found In her pay W make butter from thin al'ilk by the recent great improvementsin Mrs. Howard, her httalk►ud complain-
ur hos, 1tsdPsrx,n• d and frill the stip milk to rtom•k, rhos thio d( prate invirwaput that ortilleta tall of not feeling well ort the night
Ire enabled to se" 11, the eye Itself he tiled. Ile had been treated by ;in
pre,m•rvlug for Canadian makers tlo• unmia.lakable indications of msn) out -of -to -To phi,victan for heart and
It takes eighty toast to make u (Jer-"grass, cheers" reputationsImport- iort- impending tlirearo not tile- lung trouble, and, us, pttaeJ
alta sup,
Susan dull. Each main tnuker a .mall" to Lille great lndnmtn. all tonus Of Im covetable by any other means. and tit) took a tore of the medicine 'ae
portion of Use doll, tut It In the sem. a short examination In this Instance prI•merltxvl. Taney retired for the
Wt all the time, and 1,000 dusem ylullr `- couvuteed the ciamiaere that their night, mad in a bjlurj tamp the laur-
Dr. S. Dana Hubbard, of the New' Patleul wits lit suds, a condition that bagal tiled, The autolet' mhowed drat
taun fa made(. f es, it .m en ill ter either a W
(i fsetecrler. After lbe own flainll Turk State Busnl of health, rays the apoplexy us, appearance
would %e aryl of
a natural living
death, the
g inevitably mute tem appearance um- venllct of the coroner b•Log tout
type of smallpox met with title year
Shia booIrolt•tioa Of tea ,toll the wt)- term urgent measures wore at otce death was due to heart dlnparP.
wear work begtsm. Thinly paint, dress W more waligtsarrt than that with taken. Two half-brutherm of Howard from
Time Hullo and Pasiek th(no fur the whleh the Board lied to deal last Mr. Bruodrelh and Ilia two brother, Wellevhlle were summoned. To the
year. He has a theory that relnfec- who were both present, were made coroner they rclatcvl the story of
ennrtet. tion bat been brought from tea aoqualuted will, the fact*. ,told It their abmter's strange career. They
g was decided thutt Mr.Brnedreth mhotild .aid she was born In Germany, and
The Ninees of King Leopold I. Philippines. Dr. Habbard advtxates 'mmodiately bit -put under the charge camo to thin country when two
causing alarn) fu Brussels. Leopold whlakey for smallpox patients. He or tk lied pttysdcittnr In the, Bloom- years of age; that the fam'Jy located
saym he end to t Lngdala Asylum it, Hor tellogville, mill oubtr•quentl re -
ah wefs Dorm April 9, 183.;, atol it W patient who drank Tlie phceiclans Impremaeal It upon mavtof to Williville, that the deoeamod
tnt•refore uiluort 67 years of age. four quarts in twenty -tour hourd and the brother* tiutt is,, time Should tie ln;er's name was Alice Jill. }coward;
lie line leen oil the throne of Bel. was greatly benefited by It. Now, Most. and the home afternoon Mr. tat the did not get along wlt!1 her
giuu► since 1883. He Is bort known (kon't gat off anti try to borome in- Brandreth, aceOmpmanletl by him bro- soother, and wheat 1S years of age
Cue Iib Interest hl African explor- fleclwl with rmallpaoz. ther William nal nal Intimate frh•ud, de,ermined to become a wait and
went to White /Tubas. carried Into effect leer determination
atlon and developwent, hnvingbeen - lir. William Bran ireth addeJ that by dont-Ing man'. attire; that she
practically tike founder of the Wngo Ru"la according to lite last hl.o brother wait lm a dlffnroot sec- changed her name to W. c. Howar t,
I ree State. coasug, has 19 tuwus wit,, 1(10,000 lion of the Institution from Ole lit- au l went to work In it neighboring
Inlabltaat@ or ovgr, 83 more With sunt- pntlents, nal was spending the county w k@b
u furitntl.
greater portion of laid time lit oxer- 11,00larrr Krpl T*)It.$ ►.
Of lite 478 ancleaet :uta • modern Above 50,000 and SS with,JO,000 kir else, using the gym''nelum au3 tile` Thu faintly finally lost trunk of Iver.
tranmlatiuus of the Bible, 456 have inure. The population yf Si. Peters- bowling allpya tO n great extent. He The nest hened of her was it) May.,
been made by mimrtunarl:s, and the burg to 1,57,000, Moscow 8138,80w, realised the gravity of hlot^situation 189'2, when they learned that she
nw) a•.d-rrtotl ill at h'mbnly hope lay Irtd been married in flornellevi t
annual clrcula►!On lu what are Warsaw 814,800, OIedaR 40:.•1100, le, X. coml•1'te newt from buslnesa cnrev 1'., to a alts tJtllth Dye, whuae fa-'
kuowi: am mission 1, little over three Lods $14,000, Riga _18J,000, Kiew and healthful exercl.,o, but ile M f rot tb•r was tit thtett time A well known
and it quarter tall• tia of volumes, 249,000, Kharlww 171.900, Tiflis lose falth In his ability W corgger ponsmenger engineer on the Weigh
largely pRortlunr, boat with nearly 170,000, Wdnn 18(1.000, Tashkent rl(pease. f
tnllroad. Tim father has .loco "ICN. J
tat let •-five thousand entire Bibles. 157,000, 8aratow', Kaman, lrkrtterl D:. Lyon., Mr. brnrolreth eonlhiss-1, Tho sister at that time was n milk
S r was unwillbtg to mike nny definite pp,idl. r to the City of Hornellrrtlle.
noslav, Rostoff, Astrakhan, Baku• statement its to the pnllent's out- One of the brothers mail that Af-
Nu Irtd than '100 separate photo- Tuln and Kiuohlnew have 10(),000 hook, bit had .glven him to ueder•mtnnd ter the marriage W. C. Howard ardl l
graprlue ad the Ensperor of lfermantr Inlwbittilte, that the chances for a cOmhlpt" re- wUP visited lite farmer'. Roma In
lire, extant, rays a Philadelpb.a Ilia- - covery were about even. Tho Lord— Wellrvtlle. and that the lasn.ly then)
tc rt rhrr. the M the must bolo- The Ila floes tart ,w nlnl,l.• I:►ct was ilia hit brother war thanought It their ditty• to Inform Mrs
ell ! t jt) facing n crinin which would not come Howar,i that her husband was not
icraaphe.i Ulan ullte, and In Ilia filo- in the guffawing at Methnen's mis- to it point before four or rix weak", a man. hint n woman. They dtfn't
turesis he ulw'Aym luoke tall, though an lap Its Iwing worstet In an engage- if the pnll •nt ohonl I fnee thin erl It ds oxo, hOwpyer, because the cavitate
I, tunttrr cal tact tie is, a little fellow merit with liw.rs In Brilioh milform. tucces fully he wood probably te. erpmwl to he Infatuated with each
cover estlrelY. Should he fond to perms other. The Mother Iwai I that Now -
.a fret 7. There are uv -r :1[10 photo- It says: "Ili our own w•ar-taw war It, however, either paralyalR or upo- nrvl gnat his wife Timlted Ilia old
graphiso d the King Of Engh-tad. among ourmelves---4t little hand of Plexy Was certain. laoroo a,•vral times afterwar(l. flat
,laral"vll C+mfederate cavalrymen - they find nover ttdJ Mrs. Howard of
Tt3itK, h.tp Wen destroying rain. masaineradbalg In blue unlfortns rate �n Ir h(r e),.fusion. thinking that she must
erholemale am a preventive measure one alght into C'wmberhan 1, MJ. 611D5T WAS t DD THI�• take
certainly have ftYumt' out her min
etgnhorf the, plague. Till■ disturbed (then swarming with Union soldlerm), airs. Ifowattl, when questioned
that religious scruples of Umatarn -- nbowt tier marded life, mnl:l it had
e bad waor-
Nn 1lllwl up at the dour of tea old 91.
get` Of Akasaka-kon anti Its LiteLitt+ Nlelp,inw hotel, took two Union tiff]- 1 e 1 m telit l 'will," p.
alcaiic"I her
gat) lQ wee rats at night. To get rd cera ,d high rank out of bevl, and Servant Girl Didn't t Mean to hmrbpitnd.'She said that after they
of th- afrentos he lane spent $1,000 carried them off )alto t'irglnlrt. Oar Iload beton marrIcol about a year they
in Initialling a alone pillar, L" feet rerrrlleetion is timt nR it ghat tram Sally Ghost, Anyway. ntk)Ptcrl a chill. which dial in about
high aoLl 8 feett thick, in honor oftired' vu that uocasdou,•• four years more they adople.t an
tin s Irlir of the killed ruts. other, which is *till livin with her.
P - When questioned about the nurming
11'h.Xagl that prur. rb nCout the beak SAW A SKELETON IN A CLOSET, baby, d wldch she to the mother the
Out of 4,_(10 wp,oc las o aatmgat;t- tnndn no reply axe to nay that
tredl In Europe for commercial pur- Imtini; fittest raw the borders? Just nm
pmr.em 011e -10110th huwe At plea.imgpter- Prohibillwm talk btcomcw iivrly cue
fume art] ore use•'to the maunractuee Oberkdaugh, of Binghamton, N. 1',,
or etaeats and ronptl. The cvtior If Wolin up with n patent wblRkpy.pellet,
7,1_1 .pedes Is whiter, J87 having n few pocket ltsq It li nnnounced list
perfume; 951 are yet 16
77 with A "by it proerse of distillation anti com.
cocgt ; 833 arc toil, bleu ani pression the finest brands of whiskey
olid vhulet, tire number of ,throe hay. ono Im+ c0tpprrrw0l and cnrrled I,ke
sunt IIT rerpoolh'ely, p{lir. The basis of that pellet Is pro.
(•ureal by obtaining the Component
Ing a Plrasaaut aloe bcl:lg 81, 31 parlor of alcohul Tho pellets can toe
A cheerful telephone .tory tri re,- dlrr(olved in the mouth, leaving all 1110
ported from 1I mars. A young wulpns tante and effect of liquor." Another
tat Magyar Crwlrnya In Hungaryrtok in Ute path! of Lite Dryer .
rolled Upon the long distance lel -- --
p,x)iw% by her swPgthwtrt 111 the town
Iaf Tatra. lie @ak1: " VI'ou,l you like
Tu hear how i shoot myself 7" Then
s;I" hoenrtl the *otln.l of A Phot. It Wass
f(nind afterward that tit,- wan lin-1
renally killtdl himself
,it rynietai bachelor jintrned to wool(,
wonitan who were dimcusdng female
muffrrege- and wns, mrked by otteuf
(hens for Was tlewm on the que@tluu.
Ifo rpplied limit with great delilwr-
alion . "I (once heard of R woman
u hu wan tasked' how *h" hall vat --d
,at the recent -rection. 'in lily 1.1 un-
eolor „l gown,' Kar tilt- :tumwer.'
Then the eyuicnl baclwbtr bun, I
ata" am, -pod,
I fly ntle*Ing to It for 10 yearm (leo
T. Oambrill, of Baltimore, Iter■ anr-
Ilurpr'w Weeklf fsndn :t Ketol
t1reak even it) 'Cpnuuan,v. It naya:
"'i'anuunny hall line no neural right
to riele; it flood mltoldl etil to the
eunlmNtlity, lint it duem, too. an im-
nnpnne nnaemnit of charity work,
and fa*ttern an hurricane amount
of genintity fill(] relative coro-
fort among the tenor. For
that raAmon Tnnumnny (fall, or Atm-
Ilar Orga"Itatiolu, in W,te of the
great wholrmale711 for which they
nro, romponmlble. wtp continue to by
lmaw"fml, until it time when the re-
rorhnproi who rpprrmenl (hr mwept-
llemm and light Of that community
%lit bP not gnweari,dl lit :tit effort
to d„ rtiml in dnlrill, till they tare
now (ternmiuunHy vigorous in try-
ing t0 mtaillrp Out it wholesalA evil."
The Presbyterian Review )film bean
Incorporated vvllh the Weartminst1l
of Toronto, b•enn,n lite. Increase In''
the Pont or Imiwr, and aha' recant
marked ndrance In the cost of print-
ing, together "kill lhp Impofttio:v of
newaroap"rpostage, have ornate It
growlnlrly 4
1lfflcwlt for the low-lN1c.V1
papers to hall their own. The v0r1-
oolklation of nave•ral lmlpPrm rovering
The PRmP fl-ld, rts hell ire"n done by
the WPotm)nstor, makoa not onl.4 fair
erOnomy Mut for efflelrnry. The, WP*t-
minntpr tins n.o• only talkers a for--
munt toile- in CnnAdkan pournallmm,
taut in ability, workmnnshlp rural all
other ro pretd, olifform nolhle,g In
rompxartson with the boat r"llglnnm
wookl'Ps pnlrllahM In The ViAtwl
Metas. With a clear fl"Id and with
til* ItWr/"ar" and otrongth nlretdy
aegnfted, ito of"aofy progroRm In no-
ogrM And fin Illil.l promlee,m will lin
New York. abirch L'4. -"(1h o,t (titles
mervants fruits mifllonalre'd home,'
wad the title of a story printed In
a Brooklyn afternoon puper,resler-
(ity. Ilia story told how the ser-
vaute In the household of the Ince
Christina F. Winkemeler rs w the
face of their dead mnaxler and heard
Ilia voice culling h1 the WInkerueier
hone on Eastern Parkway, Brook-
lyn. Mr. Winkemeler made n mil-
lion dollars In w snufacturing camly.
liuere war another stury that a
tai es,1
y et nus w n o
u amt r attlrea bit black
attended the fuulral it few weeks
A Sun reporter wits, tole by MJdS
Anon Winkowefer that there wam
no truth In tiny part of Lite story.
an2Rthat the servant who had cir-
oulatutM ole yarn hold been dis-
clinrgod yesterday.
Mi** Winkemelrr, wile Is to rears
old, Hied In the house with her two
brutherm. Shortly before Mr. Wi ike-
meier died theyy hired n new *er-
vant. unwotl f•:llen Admuneun, a
Swede. A few days after she arrir-
etl In the house one of the other
mervtuntm met her In the kitchen and
whispered :
"Did you see the wuwan ►u black
int the funeral? Well, she was also
At the cemetery. I can't tell you
any nwre now, but there is it Rkelo-
ton in the closet In thaw house.
13,sh 1,,
I When the upstairs girl rcpt the
cook nate whimperod:
"Did you know there wits a ghomt
in the closet upatalt's? tt-sh! It
Imaker me slilver I"
ll10 cook met another Rervant
that night anti whimpered:
"Ella, the upetalre girl, saw a
host In ten rbsat last night, til'
d prpmarve ns"
And the servant to whom till,# was
told, hunted up the gardener And
ilskl :
'Mari', tiro cook, and 11118, the up
gta�trtt 4,111. saw tato ghost of nom,,
one adz times, and I've been hearing
wtranip nolapa myself."
Tile =bArdener thereupon went to
td1P s rlfrint who atnrt"d the otory
and nmkedt for further InhormntMn.
Tilts servant said that by " till,
mairrlr•ton In the closet" she moonlit
"Omethlng different from ghoot.
Than rhe Pzlllalgat how In lglil
ten nownpotpertl printed Polumn,,
.tbwut a dlvorrP *nit brouglet Ly it,..
lain Mr. Wlnkenteler agitnmt lits
aernM wife, ant IMw ten mannoktnPat
tae rq nh11t who refarroml tonin
"Llt I la Wllllp that a blonde yonni
woman named MlnnlP Ariwtt, rm
plOy"d In tilt) mn,ly fnefury, lane!
LPstltdrd ngeinat MrR 11'Ink"mnl"r,
who, lonweven, eon ten melt: tent
later Mlnnbl Arnott drove In aPnh
to the link"me•IPr home, %when the
Winkrm "as llvam ,.n the n-o•.._ -
Anti shot heroelf In the vRstllwilP
"Will"' thought the world Of It.
Voted IlegulmPiv.
IV. C. Iltrwurd wan well known In
Canandaigua, whore ehr wall seen nl-
ss4at.dallT-In the stores buying goo 1m
ah,, h ad a fe•m'nine manner. Her file -
wile perfectly nlnootlt, but no one
ever sltgppctevt ill at gee tuns other
than n man. Anrrih-r nienuoin wh'ch
ilow•nrrl took to conceal bar sex was
that Oil' foiti . fth0 voted regularly,
invariably casttbg her ballot for the
evnlwlatoo-on the Repubuean ticket.
flow•nrd'* holy lay for `d hours On
The bat whrre death ro^urretl. Aed
lhi evtr-wnteb'ul "wirer' pea sted Al'
effnrtw of the fripnds, neighbors, and
.ver, the onlrtakor who was called,
to touch the. body.
11 Is s.ul,l that there was Is ccim!-art
between the I'lo,wtrdo Ani Their rsln-
tivrw that th" Baty of "Will" should
rot Ito- towbad ardor drnth till the
half-ltrolhern arlvwd, when they r•x-
protpd to take it In charge. The an-
dpoolak"r, who arrived before the be -
I itSwl brostttrre, however, took ehaflge
of the body, Awl disclosed (1►P myo-
try unwittingly. _
tiv,drr"ti line Whom0 Iler Haaahnud
Nnrmrrl In hlvoret half.
Albion, Net)., Mitrach21. -= (flotfge
Thoar IT line at Mn hotel martnv
wcun wi, .3sawP9, For"y Is Ir n
shnlJnr condition at Ito hntr.O nt' n,I
Jird. IPatter@rrn, wife (it o ,,n of ter•
ni oma pronalnout atoelt I growers or
the county, la ander hrrpmt nothe
retrofit of n trtrept I, .";,I. here th
nftPrnonn hptweer, Dir*. go
lint] Mr. Tltovn3nou.
1t,nnt, than Agra Mr. I'nttprnon fel.
oil muit for dl.nrrn ngnlnnt etawd.e
nnming Omrgw Tltonlp*Ota no co.,re(rpondont, t the willie time
he brought fault ngnin"t T'homp.
anti for Ill la, 000 roar nllen-
Atilli hi* w•irr'n attraction".
11:11 dlvorOe Cnof, clime to trial to-
day, rind ThermPP"n gave dercag-
Ini tPstintmy. After len Ona" had
,,PP" given to the jury rind while
the crowd from the court hone" wns
in the streot n,iJoinlni Mrd. Pat.
trm,n and Thomlt*On met face to
Mra I'ntlormru Arew n r"volvar
!Hann her pmr•ket and taking dellh-
Prnte men flr,N) ,at .Thampme.n. He
In tarn pullpl Ills Lain and licith IT,
man firing. Alrn. 1'mttornOn wasvery,
Pool. After the Rhonrtingo tittrini
a-hMle inch tiro•! .1, tllncm, Thomp-
win wile fnlln'l to Ila fatAlly
weiln•led, three Photo hnving tnkwm
effect. Mrs. lh(ntlpesrn WAS With.
nut it arratch.
,Tnnipx Forey. n hvillnnater. wan
merlonsly wnur•ipd. Mrs. Thovhlpsnn
rofns"o to any why she shot.
rr • ';'^' Ws, t., ' v"L.I"%,y ;-a 4 , t .. 7..m;.', ! ,:. .::. y�*n rr-^a
entailed In eolloctng 4t.56 from the
A itorhoarler woman is noting for
Baltimore i Olrlo Road, an over
annulment of her marriage on the
Oharg., on a whtxt shipment In 1883.
gnounl (lint site woke under a hyp-
The company tgsor0d his claim at
notior irpell when alta entere.l Into
first, and he finally began to boom
the mntrnet. Wily should Phe syurnl
1 bawl the ef11.1a1s with pwntRl .endo,
uhwt it little thing like that? The
wldvIi be dent by the thoumnnst
covert rain nmonr0 tier that therearp
Tit•n he tont to writing .mint,•
Were mi11MnP who,Ilkp tier, Pr mailer
I orrrltM aOttM. got' tent f"trllPti tho
to spell whon they tient to the
• rnllrund, wldeb had )nat mottled the
altar. only they don't all wake up
e"I'an. .
so 1NMn or ret completely.
sl■ No"" ............ ."""' Y
mcralig. 1,99 bueruels ,offering . TLe
'nil- butch proven porstst@ In nlled-
Cp tat R'iarton tea cher Huy n❑
I Ing to Mr. Krttltor as ten "President
abtnrd ran on it I.nnk was minrl.•,1
I ,if UIP Ihwtrw," end graal Interrat
nM film offle•Iatm were kept balmy
c,,ntinnpa, tole, l alcan In film. Ilia new
for dome bourn paring Out money.I
,Itwolp 1* rallied Oranjolumt. It Is owp
1hw (unaRp of it Is wAld to b- mlorl,•n
! nrnte,l from lite high road by ail iron
told Ip R former Ptuplo,yPe, and tar -
Trouts and It ettn(1w In a small gnr-
flewe to (o M fashion ng.rinst If tit
' 4en planlpd with tmtsltoo And with
14 takes very little to minions the
A Nor^ (of ntekwork In (Alp eontro,.
dm•sll dryodtor, Who is Dol a mtmi-
;111 nr(nind tail" have !leen plant(nl
writ of flnanas, and whuge every
in sueli a way that their blooms will
sltlhlrrg repr"mnto ata mtr•Il mwonl
repr,mince, WA "Vlarlil"ilr" }1st ilialot
anti eelf-dPnlwl.
Pam 1'msl'd window.
Ilurpr'w Weeklf fsndn :t Ketol
t1reak even it) 'Cpnuuan,v. It naya:
"'i'anuunny hall line no neural right
to riele; it flood mltoldl etil to the
eunlmNtlity, lint it duem, too. an im-
nnpnne nnaemnit of charity work,
and fa*ttern an hurricane amount
of genintity fill(] relative coro-
fort among the tenor. For
that raAmon Tnnumnny (fall, or Atm-
Ilar Orga"Itatiolu, in W,te of the
great wholrmale711 for which they
nro, romponmlble. wtp continue to by
lmaw"fml, until it time when the re-
rorhnproi who rpprrmenl (hr mwept-
llemm and light Of that community
%lit bP not gnweari,dl lit :tit effort
to d„ rtiml in dnlrill, till they tare
now (ternmiuunHy vigorous in try-
ing t0 mtaillrp Out it wholesalA evil."
The Presbyterian Review )film bean
Incorporated vvllh the Weartminst1l
of Toronto, b•enn,n lite. Increase In''
the Pont or Imiwr, and aha' recant
marked ndrance In the cost of print-
ing, together "kill lhp Impofttio:v of
newaroap"rpostage, have ornate It
growlnlrly 4
1lfflcwlt for the low-lN1c.V1
papers to hall their own. The v0r1-
oolklation of nave•ral lmlpPrm rovering
The PRmP fl-ld, rts hell ire"n done by
the WPotm)nstor, makoa not onl.4 fair
erOnomy Mut for efflelrnry. The, WP*t-
minntpr tins n.o• only talkers a for--
munt toile- in CnnAdkan pournallmm,
taut in ability, workmnnshlp rural all
other ro pretd, olifform nolhle,g In
rompxartson with the boat r"llglnnm
wookl'Ps pnlrllahM In The ViAtwl
Metas. With a clear fl"Id and with
til* ItWr/"ar" and otrongth nlretdy
aegnfted, ito of"aofy progroRm In no-
ogrM And fin Illil.l promlee,m will lin
New York. abirch L'4. -"(1h o,t (titles
mervants fruits mifllonalre'd home,'
wad the title of a story printed In
a Brooklyn afternoon puper,resler-
(ity. Ilia story told how the ser-
vaute In the household of the Ince
Christina F. Winkemeler rs w the
face of their dead mnaxler and heard
Ilia voice culling h1 the WInkerueier
hone on Eastern Parkway, Brook-
lyn. Mr. Winkemeler made n mil-
lion dollars In w snufacturing camly.
liuere war another stury that a
tai es,1
y et nus w n o
u amt r attlrea bit black
attended the fuulral it few weeks
A Sun reporter wits, tole by MJdS
Anon Winkowefer that there wam
no truth In tiny part of Lite story.
an2Rthat the servant who had cir-
oulatutM ole yarn hold been dis-
clinrgod yesterday.
Mi** Winkemelrr, wile Is to rears
old, Hied In the house with her two
brutherm. Shortly before Mr. Wi ike-
meier died theyy hired n new *er-
vant. unwotl f•:llen Admuneun, a
Swede. A few days after she arrir-
etl In the house one of the other
mervtuntm met her In the kitchen and
whispered :
"Did you see the wuwan ►u black
int the funeral? Well, she was also
At the cemetery. I can't tell you
any nwre now, but there is it Rkelo-
ton in the closet In thaw house.
13,sh 1,,
I When the upstairs girl rcpt the
cook nate whimperod:
"Did you know there wits a ghomt
in the closet upatalt's? tt-sh! It
Imaker me slilver I"
ll10 cook met another Rervant
that night anti whimpered:
"Ella, the upetalre girl, saw a
host In ten rbsat last night, til'
d prpmarve ns"
And the servant to whom till,# was
told, hunted up the gardener And
ilskl :
'Mari', tiro cook, and 11118, the up
gta�trtt 4,111. saw tato ghost of nom,,
one adz times, and I've been hearing
wtranip nolapa myself."
Tile =bArdener thereupon went to
td1P s rlfrint who atnrt"d the otory
and nmkedt for further InhormntMn.
Tilts servant said that by " till,
mairrlr•ton In the closet" she moonlit
"Omethlng different from ghoot.
Than rhe Pzlllalgat how In lglil
ten nownpotpertl printed Polumn,,
.tbwut a dlvorrP *nit brouglet Ly it,..
lain Mr. Wlnkenteler agitnmt lits
aernM wife, ant IMw ten mannoktnPat
tae rq nh11t who refarroml tonin
"Llt I la Wllllp that a blonde yonni
woman named MlnnlP Ariwtt, rm
plOy"d In tilt) mn,ly fnefury, lane!
LPstltdrd ngeinat MrR 11'Ink"mnl"r,
who, lonweven, eon ten melt: tent
later Mlnnbl Arnott drove In aPnh
to the link"me•IPr home, %when the
Winkrm "as llvam ,.n the n-o•.._ -
Anti shot heroelf In the vRstllwilP
"Will"' thought the world Of It.
Voted IlegulmPiv.
IV. C. Iltrwurd wan well known In
Canandaigua, whore ehr wall seen nl-
ss4at.dallT-In the stores buying goo 1m
ah,, h ad a fe•m'nine manner. Her file -
wile perfectly nlnootlt, but no one
ever sltgppctevt ill at gee tuns other
than n man. Anrrih-r nienuoin wh'ch
ilow•nrrl took to conceal bar sex was
that Oil' foiti . fth0 voted regularly,
invariably casttbg her ballot for the
evnlwlatoo-on the Repubuean ticket.
flow•nrd'* holy lay for `d hours On
The bat whrre death ro^urretl. Aed
lhi evtr-wnteb'ul "wirer' pea sted Al'
effnrtw of the fripnds, neighbors, and
.ver, the onlrtakor who was called,
to touch the. body.
11 Is s.ul,l that there was Is ccim!-art
between the I'lo,wtrdo Ani Their rsln-
tivrw that th" Baty of "Will" should
rot Ito- towbad ardor drnth till the
half-ltrolhern arlvwd, when they r•x-
protpd to take it In charge. The an-
dpoolak"r, who arrived before the be -
I itSwl brostttrre, however, took ehaflge
of the body, Awl disclosed (1►P myo-
try unwittingly. _
tiv,drr"ti line Whom0 Iler Haaahnud
Nnrmrrl In hlvoret half.
Albion, Net)., Mitrach21. -= (flotfge
Thoar IT line at Mn hotel martnv
wcun wi, .3sawP9, For"y Is Ir n
shnlJnr condition at Ito hntr.O nt' n,I
Jird. IPatter@rrn, wife (it o ,,n of ter•
ni oma pronalnout atoelt I growers or
the county, la ander hrrpmt nothe
retrofit of n trtrept I, .";,I. here th
nftPrnonn hptweer, Dir*. go
lint] Mr. Tltovn3nou.
1t,nnt, than Agra Mr. I'nttprnon fel.
oil muit for dl.nrrn ngnlnnt etawd.e
nnming Omrgw Tltonlp*Ota no co.,re(rpondont, t the willie time
he brought fault ngnin"t T'homp.
anti for Ill la, 000 roar nllen-
Atilli hi* w•irr'n attraction".
11:11 dlvorOe Cnof, clime to trial to-
day, rind ThermPP"n gave dercag-
Ini tPstintmy. After len Ona" had
,,PP" given to the jury rind while
the crowd from the court hone" wns
in the streot n,iJoinlni Mrd. Pat.
trm,n and Thomlt*On met face to
Mra I'ntlormru Arew n r"volvar
!Hann her pmr•ket and taking dellh-
Prnte men flr,N) ,at .Thampme.n. He
In tarn pullpl Ills Lain and licith IT,
man firing. Alrn. 1'mttornOn wasvery,
Pool. After the Rhonrtingo tittrini
a-hMle inch tiro•! .1, tllncm, Thomp-
win wile fnlln'l to Ila fatAlly
weiln•led, three Photo hnving tnkwm
effect. Mrs. lh(ntlpesrn WAS With.
nut it arratch.
,Tnnipx Forey. n hvillnnater. wan
merlonsly wnur•ipd. Mrs. Thovhlpsnn
rofns"o to any why she shot.
rr • ';'^' Ws, t., ' v"L.I"%,y ;-a 4 , t .. 7..m;.', ! ,:. .::. y�*n rr-^a
The Signal
r ru@11i
� w� WW- 111111,11111"97111"
I oreute Parisser✓ ?Iarket.
r.rwe of mueeerlptted,
Jilaruh 1'e.-Urtalu rtxetyla wore
Onto month, a advanN...............
� .- 1 q
Three rowel ..
11w►vlar Lou hue rU•adtlt warket tlalr
sl■ No"" ............ ."""' Y
mcralig. 1,99 bueruels ,offering . TLe
Uwyrr. " ......��..�.......... t 61
.Buttm were stoutly.
_. _.___
Wheat Wum eteallJ, L'W burheld of
Ad-ertletar Isateet
WIALO Yelhtyf ;it 70 to 8d 1 :1s, per
Legal said olh,.r .r,,:: A1V.r4eelaMp, N,,
ktiaacJ, 5W bUdlleb of gtxor0 at s7
y.r ural t ,r n -to L rL!„ .,, t 't,, nN yr line
to 07 1 :;c per buiumel, auJ ILA) hurls-
for a..ch al „
ab•ouont lu.e,.a m M4uurd ms,
elm d uprl(tg At Oy lu flllu per barbel,
a """ oormil a ale.
Ihulnea• oard. of alta It -.we &aid .Mer. go
Barley war rt(wdy, 30d bushels *oil.
/e.r. Dea
at 54 to 0Uu per 4"101.
Adverli.enteute of Lust, roue", W,r coo
rtluatloae Vati-m nttua.loun want%,,,,
to were sturdy, 8W beaheis
selU'og at 43 Lu 47c per ImtsIto '
Au.lnt., ('Munro• y1'a.,44, not ba:er41 r s
airy was steady, •-U load■ relling
Ila+r u,,Pp• rill. _/ per wqy M.
ll•,,r.r•on:lrle►tad 1'sttlae •n 11,04.
at 41 W ids per tun fur t)motlyy
Lad 48 to 610 par _ - [us, cl r.
dtrww wile rtesiti, 7 Jostle rel,Ug
exceed 111„@& 61 for fit ,l squl),, 5n,,„, b
wqueut mouth. i.err ra.lvtt to So, 't .1
eke unity boa
Any 4pnolal entl e. the uIs of vv��f,ljnr"anti
at 4S W 4J or tun.
$'.twat, wi to, 7U to 80 1-2c ; " do.,
►eoaou (re, of rd
ual or eo,tanray. t , be eugelliYatl aN old I i I
trent and nlar:rat a •nor IP !y.
real 7th to 7'7e ; do., goose, 67 to 47xc;
Local Doti cal h, nunlaar,df 11 ye one ant y.f
word• no not tee leen the4 Y6o.
du., rpril , (I`J to 9lle ; rye, 58c ; bar-
1.oaal n.alore In erfinary reading type I rat
key, bl to 110 1-�c ; Oslo, 45 to 47C;
rents per wort. Ne uoltee for lr.. 11,4, y.,.
p�sr, S:%c ; read• par cwt., job, &talks.
alit to 417; du., rest clover. $7.50 to
Not""”' forehercher dud ether ewltthitu 4 4
istinerolont lndtltlatloua, halt rata.
`9.75 ; do., timothy 47 to $8. E5 ; •
mnberrlb►n who tall to receive T
timothy, $tom to $13; do., clover.
to $10; straw, IIr1 to 49; butter, Ib.
rag,adrt,. mill a!;I kroner d filter 11
qualm lug us of the tack m► w wolf • e.t..e
rolls, 18 to Y21c ; du., crocks, 15 to ITS;
tggal, new haled. l3 to l&1.
\Vh,•n a obaafte of addr.ea 1• domlyd. Go m
Lradin, Wheat darkets.
tlsaloldadtreuew addr.eso
ekuld %.g1,..
Following taro the closing quota-
Publialkerd Neuee.
tluur at tuipurtaut ceutrer to -day.
Cash. July.
J. W I.e ' ouerl. tar (Indene►, r.. b -gi .p
New York ... ... ... ... 788.4 72111.8
polntrd ).oral Tesita,lling Agent for th,. Iwai,.
*hips of Ouder", llolltoroe, A.Ld.id .tad
ollo-lig') ... ... ... ... ... 703-4 726.8
Toledo .. . .. ... 78 751.8
L"o°I Owtrnnaten over the "Luted tare .:•4
Duluth, No. 1 Nor... 701-4 7. 1.4
empowered to we we .ubee
ertpdods i` I Ila
Duluth, No, 1 (lard... 781-4 --
A'I eMMWLLwuore onset w a,Mrestd
Turuulo little*. heal. 'fellow, Kte-
D. MaO11 LTire 9 auaa,�
ltoroutu, %larch 24. The local kids
TolSNere Can 1e, (icd,g%
quiet At nchastgtsl prices.
atrrkel it u
_ \
No. 1 granite steers, W IW. and up-
warallr, Sc; No. l cows, 70; No. '2
TIiUl^!alN. )I %1t4 11 :.1- i ;, \
cows, tit,; eureJ 71-:4. to 7:3-4t, for
Ootrd, ural SL -L' to Ile for steers.
TILAydm.1AN0 Lt Stop.
Lttfskine-C,tchauged at llh for
NO. Ito for No. S,
---- L - __ _
1 green, and at
dhet•ptkins=the suorket Is firm..
1 dcalrrm paying 85 to 900.
Wuul•.-IJn• twirket for fleece to
��1tr„d . 1126 T
et int Lit). tali,) unwambed at
rofferings of new fitegue yet.
)1 11 and Rep -e•. ......
1.16p le,
Nir<d ..... ,.. .. •NV.,,
Pulle„1 wool dull lit 144j to 13C for
Main .nil L., -els ..... ...Safe "n,.
supers. anti at Ible ter extras.
'Irttapw-Thr market it, firm, with
doalore tl2 tip. for render.
area sM R:rroer.. ................ r.I$ a tat
a and Lapeer . .. ............... f va -,"
paying per
11.; p ,,:
ell. and _:1-t to 3l- + for ruugU.
this -11 fold of rau Jere" all at q 1 -;SU.
1 or.t.,lu uwrtry Produce.
- ---..
Tomniatl, March .4.-Ifutter-The
eelrrll eowewer,
L►uk,•i is uiso-haapthd Intl W hufferling
Roovueorodu W Ydet HROL
m.c!. ,he c,•uikautvl offere ugr Of
rWing. •w■ am4 Be14ae wad •
kr,v gradu and medium dntrkpm, and
Rsf Ydoui'
even par odd lute of creamerler.
Pricer, tire stensly an ills demand for
altulce bluff is very go" We
L M. MAALL. D.D.S. ,Drs,--1)SNT.�t
a surgeon -Meet sontiapine.pl,a.trud.
tiv all den W Itis.wwr Q❑Q
Creamery, prints, to 31.TC : oadW.,
111 to ::;;e l@, 18 dairy.
S&L stroll +soul& .pegialmh) Oske:Id t.r n...
. action to :'oe ;
@L sad poi.are fV eealytl. Latiume. sow bet
p> rulie. choice, 1R to 19C o large
Telepbou« Na Is.
evil rhulue. U3 I-_ 10 17 1 -ate , albs,
14 to l6t• . w,dlum an 1 low. IU toM.
TUttNBULL D. .a, LD.rI.-DLN.
J Merreot.
e tot tl ootoo, oa.eMll111 ,rl r
Dr. Mason. at t(nntrowl t (Mld RL
milt k• •t r m lard oteioly
►t.unbty at 11c. (Nfrrllrga wary
pot adrul a 'd d, u► Ind tour good.
drttaolal teeth traeentM a fade us, rtp s
~� r "'Us attsometw slrea a t s �r V*
torah troth. u
Putrltoer-rgcrr IS a guo.l dtm in l
= sMew~kbsk. M WU
toot potatoes. and thr prudpectr are
that tU.•rr n%' I. .nota Vs, tr•lter otter-
Ing. It the t,.A 1l•r cuatlnued pull.
lanes *:Iilia• ,l r n•a
,, k 1( • re quo( cd at
Noaary at,' OMWO over Iadlaal
00:1, agt•are, OodMle4
W to 68'. 1'outtuem tat tit store
@s Il n. 7' to J30r, `
1'oultrj'-fattervugw ale Ilptlit alp"
- _
`` O. JONNSTO*1F-AAltl ill rVi.a
1'l. •four. ('oswem�•lone. ��/ Mou•y .
tit- Acman l 1, mlruag. We quote:
Oflor: Cei- HamWon mill ill Amir.•
Fr-ebh 111 ,d til: it •yy+ al 12 to l:: 1- n,
tet'` (ledorlch. Oats. s,
mill ' k • im al 7t) to toe. Frutrn
to k •v,. air.- q wled tit IU to Ile. as !
pROunroOT a �IA
i a notrk's sat 4tT'k)`r
espp..,s, tip, Ir,IL.
d'1 -kilns it � i to .',Or. Duckm are
q;;ut,Q at $1. I
Ie, 1301e CCutt, tc, O ,1T, a , nor,
SIO,AL agilkle. Pnvsie)'uada t.rlr.d u
Is.Set rates �t IwN.ra,sL
Ball Ib,y-D,mand it Soodl at.d
w, ritOUDiQOT. 1t. c. lmj ',,.
tU• Sam 'knt to mtvmb tit $10.25 on
track h'r • for No. 1 denude>-.
I'nh•1 8,rnw•-Offering-,
G AI Molic(totm.EALhi,p�It,
nor fair
r, Oarrew, t4, '.. t:kdrlda (iarrea. !L 11a^
an t there it :t gwml di urard. I Ic••g
ate ..pad,- at 4i„ 00 pts track UPro.
ttr. t lob 1,1..• I'ltork a'lotrlidts.
13HILIP BOLT, ¢ C.. HAr„Rl.•'�'FR.
1 9.J10lter. Notary t'uk114_ oleo C�t118d`hasa
1<onb.t, Jhirrlt
side®Oert,b,Io" spu&m to Iwo as
Ili,- n"
all, hit ge.l ill 1_ t-3 to .18 1-20 per
Ib. dre-tto l w ei Ili . rt trigrrntor hot•I
rated, ofluterlt.
Wat Rt, lct•W.
TICKINt30X a-_�VT_"1i-1MRM-
it gnoled at lel to i0 1-4c per Ib
L rDti Qoi aHeN U
1'uruulu Live 'Stock Market.
Lcpart rattle. rhoioe, per Owt. K oil to 06
do median, - J.50 eq i til
citor. notary and aonvQpa�oer.
do eovv 190 to 3 60
On tIs'11toll etre et ora"to the C .
But,•ber rattle, �t,•ked...... o ,Y to Selo
Hetol, O(•AertoL Private twos to lead oe
,hive t Intoeest. Parries
cat le, r oltol ....... 4 16 to 1 IIS
Hutches,.' cat ate. fair............ a is at, t
do common ........... ..... a 25 U I
MM at per cent
do cow. ... ............. a oil% 1
do buff. .... $ 0 to 3
* O. W ARD. CONY311 Qat
J e tosumsauleaer for tai te�
Ioe•den, cohort -keep......... �. oda to t RI
te!ef,rranor of M4 &Wavt,e w nll♦ttrr
do medtnm ....- a b to t ?it
Btwxer..• VoTatW I,Ite The......
tteM. ol.•pda+Llooe or "leen da ol►r►neee it ne-
ammi-awrii, nil any actino, or it
OU to 1 all
do light. .. tin to \ .e,0
alt prwee•Yar
the Huh Golurt •f Justlte. the covert df A►ere,
MSlrkrt,wm t.alOk... .......... W to 50 el
p, ewe,t ye! owl ..... ., a 6t, to a 010
b+. 1'„arimed. @ef cwt...1 ti to 5 30
for OoMrie, or In any (ewaty we DieWec,
(Jour!. All trUN LIOM rre(ully and
executed. ReeisYd
deoe d It. O. dtem-DeAb
o ep 11", a1 -b ........a b to 6 00
oto. rt, ,hr, per ovula . ........ o tall to a an ,
N"vt s, Out. l�
--- --
yry, 11*ht, per tat... a 7S to n (w
USM fat. per owt............... i 70 to a W
Rrad@tr ett's an, read , I
Revisited at Montreal Wbees fair -of
ONST TO 1.i1.T>-A LAB:Qa 400
of PrivW r'unds for Int~ �ti IO�
actio this week.
V 1 The orders
us wwand expands on Ili 0 tom► '�'
Apply a oar,ww a Oanew,
fYbm ripe traveller@ for spr110 sand
summer goods are numerous amicall
r '
for liberal gnnntliles of goods. At
bar ymJJ+IMailr�ta ri,tit
Q'irbe•c; trade conditions are ptttpk
_. -«_.
about the *ame An lite preceding
wank, The egoR during the middle
TOi?<df NNQZ ; - -- -
d 11,d,l � ,1nNLI A,p, �,(J
ave_. `e4..ar .atn.I1.1,R ler(ej w
of ter Week had a d -miraod effect
''O'' . dtdable expertness
In the country dlntriet@, in wine
Oe .term merchandise belay; at a,
standstill on account, of tad, ,
therougk r .0 as,
tt 4c bo Is wr.�t1A b
wlroe0sd to 4s,. ( 4b al
• • Hotel. ar sent lrftaJl lb aid
rtdk P. O. edrK, • J(
u uAadoa rs
rondo. Terra ham tx+eu • fair
UZ. C:oedq ♦wet(eReer, Mer -ti
amount of actl%lty ht Toronto shote. i
find" trade circled this week. Tw
nugpber tit country buyer■ Is -110
Olt' hoe not been large As 11'/ Sail -
erg are busy r•Oei6lug oprlapt ��
getting it in Ahapr, far un earl
•tponing Al Harniltoa � hue week
tArre Ions been a fate; r .acv low w In
who►aaale trade. T . wrnent In
MOuwPA are lo
seryy klaV shipping goods
to various lrnohe W nares of tho eoun-
t'T' and thPN shipments Indicate
bow large eke In, la
ready. 4otwe,thetauying [insbeen
tamPy in es, ernt years among the re-
riau depend more on sorting
tocNC�than formerly. TIIP vAluee Of
e~ --stir' stsoples art. firm. The fae-
,rtcs And udllm tare busy on oMere
and It does not look as if they will
bare any alerphim mtrg:k of arty se -
Stalinist to job till. next few months.
Trade at Wimdp"g hall base @"rl-
Dttxl imtaHared with the past week
by tea hna,y nnoWetorms. Trad•)nt
Ac fic (_
onst cities has boom rathpr
Vqet, lint the grneral und"rlyingPon
dttlonw npprar to be hcalthy ani the
prOepeuts for Mralness the coming
se•rtaon are not at all unpromifaing.
at iOnd
or t Ar bel
on mcl(ter-
ately active ter peat work. At Ot-
tawa this week there has been a
`noel demand 0zpt•rie,l srtofrom conm-
try retallera for the spring. Stock
Il( winter Ifn*alm have baso pretty
tIs11 olean0ol out Md there aaM
tie be very little heavy etnff IPU!
to carry over to next sesma.
The funeral of thio late I'Mmund
Yei(sh, of Toronto. took place at
Rion ntRyrd.
Itsax C. Mayer. formerly It partner
In tion hanking firm of itathbornp,
MA,ier A Rathh„rnp, who wan ar-
rnat(rl Rt itAyonnp, N. J., charge)
with emhe• 21Magnt, sit bellevotl to
tstvp tnkon at (Past 4100,(100
«'1'110 Teaen Onnnwl, a farmor, near
KAlndar, fitatirm. On the C. P. )t.
wns driving In his ,book recently, IS;
found a nugget 011 lib farm, whloh he
"as hall a*mnys•1, anti two -finds non- 1
Trained $70 w•c.►th cif gold. Afr (inn -
tad f
will *w" If this moan* that he
bale a gold mine' on him ,and.
rT a LANm, �gp� q� t -
To Dei,elop Electricity ,I
Niagara Falls.
Nbtgara Falls, Ont., Mart It 24.- In
tike prtwenera of it large nambe•r of in-
trPetwrl *p^t•tntors the first Pool.1AU
rte work of the Ontario Puwvr Co.
wags turned tcrda, In the (4ue•n t Ir -
tuna Niagara Fallm Park.
Ureter the company's Pin" of de-
tohrpment writer will be taken from
the Welland River from n point In
the lolling" of Chippewa and Pont I') -
e1 through An open canal and enn-
Ilult* lu the Cliff near Thble Wo'k
Hoarse, nt the )forme IHto" Fnllm. The .
Initial tievPlopmest will he for I^:a.:
(100 bores power. M be Ineren-A nm
the demarol reapelroea The firvt w,r*
titan of the Power Honwe which will
lie eongtruoted brlot► the Cuff will
have it capacity of $2,5W elvetrirnf
horrtl powar. This power will he 114ml
locally by Rleotrolytln AadL other he
dustrlax to tee Pstsbht*hel here. And
n inrgn quantkt,y will he lranamittrd
to Toronto anal other ('nnndlan ritieal
Thin company exp*cto to generate
and supply power within fifle^n
nsonthm from ditto and will fnrnlPh n
rontlnnflne •ripply of Pleelrleal pow".
without interruption. nm under Ito
plan of dpvpinpmtmt the Rearinn* stip-
pa def OansPd by Plnnh and rw,b(pr
ten commas to 1bm umn„1 m"that Of
T nklni ant"r from rapohtP of (#fill-
rnnning Rtro•nm* will he entirely
avold ed.