HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-27, Page 1THREE "A'e e e Aoirre Awg AOT/VE Ao'Jr8 WHEN PAC IN THE SIGNAL he FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR -2875 THE I4117ADINC3. N�]WBPAP�;7R OF HURON OOtTNTY. GODE RICH, ON 11ARIO. CANADA : MARCH 27, 1902. THE WEEKLY MArtwtt T REPOR T MH. CARNEGIE'S OFFER. Yooag, of Aabera, b• employed W i -n. Oonamlrn. Mar 116 MI5 ate Ne f• ar a Fall Wheat r lour. family. per cwt-....... Roar.ps toot Pee •wt,..,....,-. eBrea, tat...... bortat a too .,... _.. �.. certificates os to that value of to work 0 78 to 7* roe Prone 1 f.sr In a:Ne- done on the minium botal, on which metalrob-speelal tasted eeeslag, . 910109102 3J 1 16 3J to 2 161 2 W A special mesUog of the toweoouooll woe 1e 00 b10 00 belt oo Lluaday owning, 0614fiy for the W b t 00 purpose of ouosidrmg an offer by Aad Itre, IteeUt10h.........•• 060 to u 01 Bookw(aeat per buck 0 50 to 0 55 Oats. ► ghat ....... . !0 b 0 tt ark,.. Pees.•b.-_ „�..�..-75 b 060 Harley. per book 0 50 to 0 60 HV. • too 10 00 b10 30 Potsdam. a bush.. L'uttr, _..,. 1wens. nor 16.... .. WPate, trash mamas 04. i Salo • .: 1eo/ildes Lire Hors Dressed Hop Banos.......... �..-.. �.. Lard, per 1 k, 1).med Beal tore quarter Ilr•wd orlfitr. vs Beal, hind CeraieM. the multimillionaire, et $10,000 for • public Iibnry bui1dte4 In Uoderleh The offer was th• remit{ of oorrespoodseoe beswesa Mr. (carnotite anti the public library board, sad 1 members of the latter 50 to 0 10 body were premien to ooaf.r with the m ooaa- ITbOl6 cul b to. matter. 10 b 011 10 to 0 11 A..1. Moore, $:A , •oore4r rut►hs..( , Y to 1 W b be I rd• 50 b 5 W :Diel*•$ One olroumatanoes of the c9 b 060 00 10 566 50 to 7 c0 12 to 018 15 to 0 1e 13 to 14 00 to 550 00 to 5 51 00 to W 60 btu) TO ADVERTISERS. Notloe of onstage. most be left st this Office not later than Saturday noon. The Oopy for changes moat be left not le ter tthan Mon- day noon. Oaaaal Advertisements taooepted to to no. a Wednesday of each wash. RAND,rAuNK -I ASTER HOLIDAYS. I Lowest one way drat alms fore, sang Month 27th, cath, Neb. Mph and 91st. Ian returalog on or before April 1.1 11101 IH'HOo1. VACATIONS. pre sad one tbl•d. Maros 91st to 2911, ro turning on or beton April 6th, 1911. OM your ticket. and all information from P. P. LAWRENCE Tows Tieket Agent, U.T.R. Moo sties prem Son. 0 10 p.m. Music. MISS COLBORNE, -- Teaober of Fletcher music method, will re. calve pupae et her etedia. •owe Mr. N•Ds)'s ' toeur.aoe olio*, Oomitt m street For 1nbr motion apply either at studio or at re eidetic.. 8t Purim's street Fi . GLENN CAMPBELL, Orgaatet zed musioal director of North street Methodist oburc h, (.•ober of peso, pin* or - Mtn &ad theooy Puer T41s Po esrs'f for all extuni le. Will be pleased o receive saD�l 1( Fo Oonee Hoer hem all those motoring such Iluruo. Was at his new studio over Thomson's magic Mem Dee of ptaoo for practise may bs ar magma Igo Lite P oat' Bale. AFB FOR 8A68. -I HAVE A FiRE- w` rate tern 1 will .oil for F*5. Salt - hese. sr secs Mavis/ odd m• -•her tete tor It. P. T. BAWLS. R SALE ON EASY TERMS, PROP rtr known 0. Distillery Pima, pr par - Oculars apply to EDW. C. ATTRILL. "DOR BALE -THE EAST HALT OF 1' (6e wast half of lot 15, 000. 7. West W. wa.osh. comprising 50 acres. Apply to HION. RY F'OWLFtR, Dungannon, or to Philip Holt, 8arrt'tr. Uodrleh. 'VOR BA LL -LOTS 96, 96, 117. 118, 119 11' end 1N to Flatoblsoe's survey, W le (ioderloh. Par 'particulate Apply to PHILIP HOLT, RarHster, te.. Goderlc6. Mane 11th, 1900. finer( For Rent. Te) LET --COMFORTABLE DWELL llo/ bowie, with ooe acre of land, 1a the own of Oodenoh, ooneealent t o tk• &ears ; good tars on pommies.. .o4 .oma *bolo. fruit Apply to R. C. HAY.. Barrister, Oodericb. Ntf Rooms So Let. f[iU RENT. -ROOMS UN HAMILTON i1 surest M premed occupied by L N. Leine so law *Moor; will obsnee Into small store If ossuary. Or rooms over Mir Cameron'e More with front and rear entrance, K. N. 1.II W14, 71 Tandem Wanted. TENDERS WANTED Sealed Trawlers .111 b. received to Mroh 111th. 1101, addressed W the taste*. of Union eohoot Section No. 17. Ashfield and West W.- wam,•h, for the rection of a brick nehool boom on pert of lot 11 and part of lot 15. on the third oonomelon of West Wawanosh. I'I.n. and .peeleoatlon, oo be seen and other tntrmotlea obtal.ed en .oplloatlon to W M. BAILIE, Sec. of Sohool Board, Dongao. non P.O. rubric Notice THE ANhUAL MEETING OF THE ahareboldrs of the Bodorteh Elevator creel Truett Compp.any Limited. will be helot on T0eeday, the 115 of April nest, at 2:30 P M.. in the roots above the ohce of the town fre.•errr, for the purpose cf remaking retorts and •lea:ing ellrecton for the ensuring year, aleo for the consideration of hlows regarding the sale of ta bonds of the ( ompany, aid for to prrpa•e of raising money required In the interests of *to bas( r, el of the Comp*a/. H. P. MOO5Rs, (loderlob, March 2555, 1901. aeoreury. It [)Ror. &. L TAUBE lraNt•F•tTunitio oTnrtaw ANP ave •PSCIALIRT. All kinds of Spectacles/and Eyeglasses made Jorder Apaclat a:Mellon given to fitting the Orders by mall promptly attended to. Be - erste of pantos ming my name, 0. I employ 00lnvrnln, ammo whatever Manefaa.log g) B. guaranteed. ,tabC13 shed 73. 151 Mott MOON ( wTtIEET Br•. TuRONTO. Insanity" erg, CHAS. S. /MAW, GENERAL INSUR- Amor e•tICEsadmtod mea* mo emtoe lootinutt of g OOodatleh. Agent for the looting mongol stn I neuraaes 001.0!00161 084Y stook eompmles Mern&ale and m•nafeatu$ng risks I owes rates. Call at Ngo, WR. ROBERTSON. . Aeoonetact and loennnce Agent llnoks and *000004 made up. 1.2,.1101111erented mod nate eolleoted .2,.la b &Web and Gee Committees tarotsRooderic °NoPromilitMA & R ,. t6fflee twM --- Fro T. kNy7*rrgiy OF.NERAT, IN. 1►Ir&, IA• ,UA osi',•E w Real Ott a*e agent. efferm 4 on mutest w t 1 `.arae lowest rote awl Met sus N Nwrr Ho t Itnglloh *ad rse M, °assdlas easeNNes rwp la ' next dor M gem*t Garvey. Bar Hamilton •M.eet. •sdlaal. DR W. F. 4A 0:11r, PSY4ICIAN . � flsresoo• `�}• la Ruth .� Ealk at rm{g,�M%mAMt 41,. alt caro, Nigh•- •gor. 1 h east dot mentioned by the board was $5,000, It w.. considered that tills was suttiu,eot to root • suitable bulld- log, sod as It was understood phot the town would bay. to oeotribute augustly tan per menti of the amount for mounts/most the board did not oar, to •ek the corporation for more than $600 • moor. The town now makes an mutual of $400 to the library. Mr. ('aroagls's ssoreluy intimat- ed, however, that his su,erlor did out oar* b deal with bots which would not guarana tee at least from 6750 o 11.000 annually ; but en t6• other hard the furtbr 000r.- spood•eue made It appear that the tea per coot. fur malat,nauote might loolud., b.. sides the ash grans from the boo, grants from osoer soureue, as well as electric light- 'ag and wooer mrylos slyea t.y the town. On bbl• bale tbe mom of $1 000 was mad* op, and badly e•me t5e ons from Mr. Green's of $10,000 for • library bulldog with the m to d moa that t he town famish ow f . ieh a site au du• v rade+ the library al en cwm►lotenoi 01 the I t of cotl Lu than $1,000. lir. Moors gave the following figures, whiob would more fico maim up the thous. mid dollars • Cash groat from the town, 8600 ; 0000ty grans, $15 ; annual ole of books aed oeriodlo.la, $20 ; sale of muds gar, ga, 575 ; el*ous, ltght,og-60 lights &t $1.80 snob, $258 ; groat from Ontario L' gklatur.., 8250 ; water memos, $25 These made • to al of $1,173 This would mean, from the own, an w- orms* of 1100 00 obs pr.wot grant, &boos forty -6•. additional Ilgbu, nod the water maim, cad the town would also have to provide the taw. Judge Do,5o suggested that the present market site would be 5 .unable Lilacs tcr the library. 11 was an eyesore now, but might be mode • photos of beauty. Oho market cool i be worst to the old fair grounds at tis toot of H•miltou error. The 0000cilton disclaimed the ena'ttr .t come leootb an4 th• unanimous oplolo0 semi$ to be in favor of accepting the t$.r. Tb.y found mom. Jiffioolty, however, io rr grd to tis question of • sits sod bears aoderfoklag the obitg•tion.loyolved In the am-p'aoce of 1Le propoetaoa they decided to take • few days to consider tis mat. Mr. Th. M.yor stat,$ that be would oall • Foible:,dioritesmeeting to diorites the question' (tat mouth, will be bold Friday mooing of MB* week at the court house) responw to. communication oohing at on to the attempt of ties Belt Tdspbooe to wenn Dominion immolation groom power to moot poles, etc , on t• pub. rocs wittiest 15. consent of Ow murl- aJrpontloo., the Mayor was author to wire Mayor Howtaod of Toronto g nim to represent the council on • ration which was belrg orgaaze 1 to In w the Mtouser of Jac1k* la oppo.l- 0 .mote Isslsla•too, Mayor'. suggestion that Jim.. In moa Co. wast 110 .t olpal 'zed aekla dept Mole floe t The NoUoe BENMILLER NURSERIES. WHINE. 1902. Ws have a full linear fruit and ornamental trees, ninth., etc. A11 oar stool is guaranteed to a strictly tint -•Imo. 'ro serum the v.rl sties you went. orders should be placed early, Correepoodeeoe u,l,cited, ESTATE JOHN "TEWART, 75 m BosmtU.r, Huron Co .Ont. Mortgage Bale MORTGAGE SALE. User and pan(•nt to the power of sale oke Mei day ofotivated in a t Jun, A. 1mortgage anandrimed. to the vendor., them will be sold by public sue. tion at flurton's Hotel. In the Towo of (lode - rich. by John Knox, auctioneer. on Tuesday. the (51h day of April. 1502, at 19 o'olock noon : the follow,iw property, namely, lot 51510 the mid Towo of Ooderfoh. Upon this property then fa a story .04 a half from, hoose; there are also anumber of fruit trees. Terms of We Ten per nen(of purchase money is cash, sod the balance. In thirty days thereafter Pr farther psrtloul.re apply to the auc- tioneer, or to the voodoo''ollc,or. JOHN KNOX, PHILIP I(OLT Auctioneer. Vendors' tblloltor. Dated 16th Maroh. 1902. 75.5 ! Moron and Bruce Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. SoLlclros-PHILIP HOLT, K C. BANssen-THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. OUR SAVINGS BANK. We are prepare( to roceivo Depo.ite from Try*tees, Parent. or Children, in *um* of from Fifty Cent, to Three Thousand Dollars, and allow compound interest, achied every six months at rate. as agree( upon Cheques are given Depositors. so that they may draw upon these depo.ita at any time 3, 3i and 4 per cent. interest allowed on Deposita according W amount and time left. N.i1-Por.aant to a late Act of Parliament married women and minor. have the right to l poett teed draw mut money in their own name. Deposita can he sent by mad at the risk of sender. Remove from your houses temptation to burglar. and ford for the dames. A* the Company mottos loans only on first dam farm property, depoettorw have the atrongeat security for their io• vest stent,, TO BORROWERS. This Company in prepared to loan on the shortest hotline any sum upon Ante- d... security. Term. are made to suit leorrowers Straight mans and simple interwst. MORTGAGR8 PURCHASED -Fix further particulars 0511 at the Company'e ogier, corner of Market Square and North Street, Uoderleh W. 1. HORTON, F. JORDAN. Manager. Prw,idente Wer. PROI'UFOOT, Vies President, DI REMORA : Imam Ntiorommo J. 65 Rnngars. FRANrTR JOR0AR. H OrNLOP Wte Pent/Drool.. HINNY Hoamie. D. J. Namur. Pamir Hou, K.U. 0.M. the Mayor may authorize the payment of • oorttou of the loan, was 000.pt.d by I be 0000015. A oummltte* woo appoiosed !o deal with one of the suite fur damages against the t Iwo, and the uouooul then adjourned AROUND TOWN. AN w k Bte1N sae. -- K . p W wtoby, who is well kgowu to our armors In Godertub, Ike opened a dour and provision store on Hampton street, la the More formerly oo copied by J. W, Broderick, H. Amodio. all land* of null produns, mode, oto , and is &goat fur the Loudon Mown bakery. His an0oub0.m.ot w111 be foa.d on page 8 of Obis issue of 1 N SIONAL K Not: (.I/t'k.'m OKUA51at.-The managers of Knox oburob have somopted the •ppltoa• turn ot Chas. l'aermore, of Brantford (or the positron of organist and moaioal dtrso- or of the abotoh. Mr. P•Mmmor• is the org•rlet of the Baptist church at Brantford, sod la reoommeoded by prominent musical authorities- 1t is expected 15.1 he will rake *bora of the orlon oo the 'mood Sunday of April. A SNAz5L, of Stratford, who was silver. Need to be in Galenoh at the Bedford tis week to take orders for wall papering. Wag unable to leave owing to pressure of work to Stratford. bat will be beret without fail on the 1.30 r. M. ruin on Moody, March 31.1, and will be pleased to tome Soy• Obs teal , 1& en D alb having •vm w►II• P par Irm dove call at oke Bedford Soy time submit' w ut to that to look oar hie samples. Broil Sa icaY Msonoto-Tbe annual meting of the Goderlob braoub of the Upper Canada Blois Society w0. held Wednesday evening of last wok la Kone church, with a good attendaooe N. C. Kit/mode .seat of chs 5oosty, •ddrs.aod the meeting. Tbs following r Ninon were appointed: President, J. H. Milltao ; via pr..ideot,, the mime - tars of the d5grent loco ohurc1e• ; boors Way, Jobe Lawson; treasurer, W. R Hob r•,o, ; depository, Wilmer Smith ; direct- or.. A. Strohm, Georg* Horne, W. Holland, D. J. Natal MAKIN,: Go,D 1'6tx Na,.. -1'h• briok- layers ars at wort oo the Bummer hotel, Sod with w oentlouaow of bio* weather it will not bm long until the whole building will be vaa.er*d. The lathing 1s finished all through the building and the pla.unra will soon be ahle to oomasroe their work The finishing and furolabing of the building 5111 take a few w•sks, but with • uont,se• ancr of the rap$ program that bo* bees mode 00 to the present In the work of caw etrootion the work will to ready for guests eorly In the season. A NoN,,:0501145 -On Sunday there Mend 0it ay coos of Goderiob'e oldest inb•tL face, Mrs. Mary Melver, relict of the lot. Murdoch Molar. She had completed oioety years of life. Sbe leaves four eons, Colin, Norman awl Neil, of town, and D.•., of (theta Sound, rod three daughters, Mrs. HcPhell, of town, Mrs. Dan. McKay and Mr.. Nril MoK.y, both of The.0lon. T'he formal took place on Tuesday •itermism from the rim daces of her min, Colin Mo• Deer, a1 the harbor, the tet.rmrat befog made to Mutlwd onmat.ry. BAIMIL WILI.MR'S DEATH -An old and well known resident of GOdenoh passed .w.y oo Thursday last in the person of Samuel Weller, who had reached too age of city fon, years. H. w0. • pump maker by trade, and for many years carried eo bust neo at the corner of Viotorla end Napier streets. T6• funeral took place oo Satur day afternoon Irom hie late residence oo Wolfe street, the Murmeot being male to Colborne temtery. Rev. J. W. Robin •on. poor of Viotorta street Methodist °baron, 000dnoted the anoint. A Sciomrrr, TRu• -M.yor Cameron's report of what he and his colleagues of t5e municipal deleg■t'on were able to acoem- pbeli at Ottawa, u published on page 4 of THE SIGNAL this week, will make good reading for our olhzea'. Although we are cot to bare a raimeotal armory, the ono tion of new buildings by the Grand 'frank, the repairing of the oommeret.l dock. and h• eallahng of the •vmosthy of the Mloi.ter of Public Work• for the break water scheme are three important m►t'ers which have been furthered by the labors of the delsgstloo. 1)CATH OF J040..`0 TRr-RLOW. - lam« Thorlow, of tee Hayfield road, Goderioh township, died oo Taeedsy, 18th Inst„ at the age of forty.efgbt years. He was formerly it roe deet of Ashfield, moving to Goderloh township about two year ago. He leaves a widow sod a family of six daughters end two sons, all at home. He was • wombs, of rho Mothoditt deaomlra neo and a Cowenatiye in pnli6501, The funnel tock place oo Thursday last, ander the imputes of the A O.U. vV , of which order th• deceased was a membr. The in - torment was made to Maitland oemotery, Di yH OF M16.. LLOYD, STRATFORD,- Mary Davis, wife of John Lloyd, Stretford, died in that c ty Ise{ wait afar • 111. nese of shoot • week, Toe demoted w* a daughter of tits late David Davis of Snef• Held, • eking. near Gott, and the loot of • family of five. Sim was a 0•61vs of South Wales, and come to Osnsda with her Porsota when but • little ,Irl. Resides her hush.,od the demised 1..ves two sone, Al ben 6{ , of Stratford, and Frankland W., ot Hamilton. She was a sister of the late Ma. Edward Armstrong, of this town, and Mr. Armeirone attended the funeral, which took plate at Stratford m. Monday. A New LAN. Flew. .Owlog to OS •p polntment of Ron. J. T. Garro* to Ili' (:Dort of Appeal bench the law firm or G.r row A Darrow ho .heed 4uselyed. A new ase hes berm Ietabluhed to les pram by Mr. F L. Dtokinsoi. of Wingless', and Mr. Cha•. (Jarrow, and the basis's. will he oar. rl.d on a. formerly In the offices at the oor nor of Hamilton street and the Square. Mr. Diokineon, who is well and widely keown le the county, will take up hie real. denim le Oodrioh se soon s he hoe among ad (.1+ *Rola In Wingh►m. This annoana- ment implies, of mono, that Mr, Dlckineon and Mr. Dudley Holmes have dlesolved their p••rtnenhlp. Mr. Holmes will hero Alter conduct 51. baskets. alone. CAD ct'v' Room (lowrrrtopor. -Myo( Heck of Lnndeo,in order to encosr•ge prantta+in rifle shooting among hoys attending school, has offered it handsome oh•llsome •hl.ld for .,ompstltion among the owlet companies of this military (nitride. He hes loft I5. or. rengement of mndit'ens In is hands of Lt. Col. Peters, 1). U C., Lord n, who propos es h06505 the m•tePes earthed eat belore dr after aha rammer yammer. 1 he M'lltla Department A about o Igoe • naw 'story o.rwidgi for nee with the i.sa 0ofl.ld rids, at the rate rel 51 per 1 000 anode: ministate ranges will be employed, at 26 arm 40 mart's, and • small forget will he and The rifles may be Arrowed from th• military nem pantos. Th. (:nlrteh Collegiate fnet.lrute oodst enrp• Is enterieg the rompetleten, and se soots as the ammeeltioet arrives Capt. t Iran) will have the hey* at prootic. !Team vane'. PRINTIi.. --The mole festers of the mooting of th. Cnliegtaa In. stab. !Armory Stookey loot Friday coming ems • $abate on the relate(.. Morons 1 so. etsty resulting tam 15. nee of prinsieg aed of steam. 1). Alllsee and George Webster uphe'd the view that steam woe Pm more ter6oiol, while 0. K. Wlghtman anti Hugh Bain took the oriel nary now cad espy►laced on rho benefits aoorulor from the art of prlat,rg. Ties judges, D J. Softest and W. H Tbumpouo, decided that ete•m had 15, and awarded the palm of visitor, to Messrs. Allison and Webetea Other ono. bre oo the ey.ul.g'* program were an In. •trum•ntiel by Mies Gni6th ; • violin solo by klieg (;lady. Whitely, aouomtwated on the piano by bar deur. &Dee Vitra ; the log of • number of qurum:Is Irom 15o questtoo drawer by Principal $:rang, and • thorns, '' A hero SJng," by the boys, weilob was armored lei ,vpltnl style and weo removed with rounds cf appiense. C If. Day p11y.d the piano •oo0mpsoienent. Tut TLCHI) W sorra!, a "Starr CAT" -- Toe Stratford Herald vouobes for the folie swing *tory: The Stratford l'ublio *ormolu' are bemtuUlog to fill up agala, ot the dill drsu have nearly reouvered from the epld- smlu of mmolu which visited the utty. They Dave to take b scbool • elootar'. 0.r- Wiesu that their home Is free from lofwtioa A CotiVocairr.-lo the HALL reg TORONTO UNI. Somecome back without the necessary valortr.-lo the rebuilding of the C•ipe. document, and are mot to get it. In Doe of any ul Toronto after (h. 8r. of 1890, the the primary rooms 'mob • mos ocourred, authorities found that Ibe *tato of lie And the teacher said: "Johnny, go borne bosoms did sot w t the reetot•tloo 01 .0d get • oertifio.te:" He went. WOG, no the old CJovoost(on H11. Stoics that time got ten be explained that his teacher had t6• claims of the Lambing d•prtments b.a told him he mus{ get • stiff car. He did boo so arrear as to tax the utmost sour. 004 kcow what it woe, but was quits sure nm of too University, aid tore L n0 pron. that snob ore his lnsrruottoo.. H.e parents 'sot of providing • 'pubho hall out of the were o•tunlly puzzled, and sent book word sodowmeete or rsvenaes of t6. University. that they ,mould get lots of r.ts and mum, A 0.0vemea0 hoe tonearly il eo or/mooed by but 5.1 no o► fo When the mistake was the Alumni Aum it the Coo espl.l•e6, their. was • good 4..l of amore- otiosity with • ball wthotwttlly Inge for the moot. This s • foot, and coon!$ be a annual oomme0ceme,t exercises and for wrbmg to parents tot all the telt their rations other meettegs of au academia or children bring from school are not reliable. mood abr.nler The great ezpanse tf the University in recent years demands a large hall for this purpose No ball on the Uoi amity grounds would now •0o0mmod•te • meeting of the etadente of .yea one of t6. taculties Tbe Alumni A.•ootatloo hoe Is sued an appeal to the graduates, coder• graduates cod (hoods of the Uoiver.ity to provide the aeoessary funds bysubscript lost. end air Wilitam Meredith, the Cbanoellor, has warmly %stoadsd this appeal In an ar- ticle In the last number of t• 'University of Toronto Monthly." Sir Wllllam says this is a project in which the graduates of all the faculties are lat.reoted, and with • unarm effort on the part of all it sbould not he a d:f55, it matter to lace the required 1001, womb has been intimated at $60,000. The grodu.to members o1 the (acaltise have already subscribed $6.000 of this amount. It to Loped that the selfsaorifice utu ass - vasty reprb,,Ud 1y chi. subsormeloo will to appreciated and imitated by the gratia •fes to geeel•'. The work of securing nob- sonpttoos has berm token up by the differ eat years, mod • committee to each year hes charge of the subscription forms which .re now being c,rcoleted. Any 01 the ahem wno nave net hoard from their year cow minim will to placed in oommuntcotioi with them if they serif this!". nano.. to .1. C. McLellan, Ph. D.. Dean'. House, Uolyercty of Toronto, who is this Secretary of the Alumni Association CHURCH NOTES. too ut Walbrtm, (twit erperfmaster. Elliott. Morob 25; Clinton Mroh26; Hee- e•ll, Moab 27. It is intended, aa far ag possible, to hold • short mecum to the hall to t6o altr0000 of 1:30, sod at 3:30 the meeting will adjourn to • oerghbortoa or- chard, 'hue • practise,' dsmomtntion will h. !Prim ie preelog, grafting, etc., as well as • talk o0 orchard cultivation and method. generally p•rtalning to hull growlev. It le .rpeotel that the members of the Farmers' iustit uta .red Horticultural Sometime, as well as eysry farmer interested In the pro- duction of fruit, will 0. present and remove Iostlumioo ant tike port to the discussion. to the eveot05 • g.oroI meeting w111 be Mild for obs purpose of organlriog • local fruit growers' aeeoolatlon, '1'he objeot of them local associations *bail be to foetr the fruit industry. Such org•oaalloes already formed bays done good mark to discussing method•°( cultivation. the picking, pack tog, eroding and handling of fruits, 00 operative *hipping, co-operative buying of package., .to. E.asTitit Motour hvcvinu.-Follo5.,m is the program for the entertainment to bs given oast Moaday sw0i.g, at Victoria Opera House. uodr ties su•p.0 5 of Flor.00e N,ghtieaole Chapter, D.O.E., In aid of the hospital fund : 1. Faro.-" The Emerson Club.' CA,4T1 Or CHA4A, TARN Mrs. Mutes (emotes.) Miss Elias Tye Mrs Wyetb.... Mtm Lou M.seoo Mr.. Hooter... Wes Daisy Moiety Mrs Cooper.... Mtge M&bel S.r., Mrs. Young - husband .... if iu t L ate Dokter) Mrs Nowman...Mi.. Dora Price Mn. Gould... , Mn. lrso• Aune.o, 11. Sootob Dance„ Mus McLarea'e pupils. 111. Inst rumeotel ... M Ir Eiise Tye IV, Vosel solo .... Moo Aussbrook V. Reoit.'ion ..,. miss Mary Tom VL V0o.1 solo , . Mr. Brom Ira I)airymatd'e Urlll....5ixe., girls i tJL- Victim solo.... Moe Lours Aoheson IX. Mas10.-" A Uaineborough Lady " X. Tableaux, host " Moles Standish." Ntrrss 1560556 TIM 1...410: 0no6-Purim"' the wools grappling h•e bee. carried es ie the hope of reuovriog the body of Muldoon McGuire. but so far without.aocees, Some of the nota which were th• onus of the reo.ot f.olny have been recovered The work of reacting the boata In t5. hr• bee is preparation for ibe mason of oavtg• Von is keeping a number of mon employed. •... .At Mrlwu's shipyards Me (heti vessels budding than are progressing o. words oomp .doze William Leo bag re- oe:v.d n letter born W. II Rosevear, genteel tratfo manger of the A!goma Ceo l rel Reolway Co., in regard to the new ate goer which is to call at (ioderloh during the 0002,ir memos, and which is stated to be foot, nicely furnished and thorot silty mowort5y. Mr. Roe b.1 eves that. • much hairier bosuns.. mlgbt be done be tw.,. Sault Su. Maris mud (loderlob, apecl.11r In the matter of farm proluots, for which the dist: ice to the north offer. • good and expooding market. He oleo hopes for an locrea..d tourist trade Inc the Al Boma C.otnl Tice of 50..te. Mr. Lor will be the oomp.oy', agent again daring the .00.00 of 1902. Rielint ('5 ANU (il(g1Nnor1le B6 RNED.- F:.rly Smoky morning the re.ideote and 000111vaories of Mrs Bingham, at the wuthesetero eztreRiry of the town, were totally dsetroyed by lire. The bre was dim oowred in the rear portion of the residenos, and 1e supposed to hove maned from the ohimnay In ooe0Iotion with the heating •Dpsratu■ for the sreanbomee, As (he boat.. Is about a mile from the Court boom•, it woe s I minute* belore the alum Could be .ouoded. When the brigade sr rived on the Elena they touod they had not enough hone to reach from the nearest hy(• not to the boots and the hose wagon had to make another trip up town. to the meantime the fire made Wearily progress In the deo rootion of the building. There was hordly any breeze to Ian the 11amr, and alt5opoh the ballding woe • Irom one It burned very slowly, sod • goof portion of ,0 might have been saved it the &poliaao,. for fighting the 6re hod been .t band. A. D was, the house woe aloof entirely gone be- fore the water wan turned on. Hardly eny thing was rind Irom the upper portion of the hone., but • load deal 0t furniture and ober snicks were taken from rho lower story. There wog $1,000 Iusuraboe, but the toes will pn,btbly he twice that •mount. Genms; eymp.tby is lett for Mrs Siorh.m mid her son ord daughter In the destruction of their condonable home. The Lofts.' Aid of Knor church will set ye • hot .upper in the basemoC5 of the church Thursday, April Srd, from 5:30 to 8 o'clock, Come to the ooronatto• 'tapper Adm -salon 25 cents, All invited There *111 be rervlos Wmotrow morning (Good Friday) at 11 A M. in St. George's church. Oe Ester Sunday the seryloms wall beat8A.M., 11 A M. and 7 rM, .it5 • oelsbra(uo ot holy oommneaoa at both 01 the morning services Oa Sunday even ng last • memor al ser_ vtoo for the late Mn. Cosford was held In the North street Met5od'oo.. ohuroh. A large co0greg•tioo was present, and the pavtor, Rev. Dr. Daniel, preached an elm queue and touching sermon, There moo4 an appropriate musical srroe. 1101..' WEIR AT .NT PETEI'S Thursday, high mass at 5:45, A.M. Good Friday, mem of the piesaootlfied ne 10* M , and the Way of the ('r•'.• at 7:30 P M. Saturday, high maw at 7.30 A.w 6.st•r Sueday, low moss 8 0.5 ; high mus 10:30 A. M. ; vespers, 7 r.M Rey. Father MoCor mock will prea, 11 •t vespers. ins anooa entertainment of the Maolilll(- vray Huston Hand sae held to the body of Knox ohuroh last Friday mooing. 10 this •beeooe of the pastor, Jae. R00Aaaao dls. thorned the choke of chairman, and intro. ducted the following program ; Cantata, "Emterr Liles ;" recitation. All: &colon ; solo, Margery Aitken ; ra0ltatioe, t'earl McGillivrasolo.011ieSrecitation, tsta,'The I'riooe of Life," Theo.ntuam were take, port in by a Inge bomber of to* members of the Hand, mostly girl., and Con/Peed of ohoro..e, solo., reoitatloos, dialogues, and Scripture read. log and wen of • °tweeter appropriate to the lost approaching Euler season. A gen- erous emplane. was a000rded all who took part in the program. 1i.(nre the oblldree'e part of the entertainment and daring the "fermi..loo Mlm Campaigns played tome selerro,e on the organ vary eooeptably, !ANTER .rNDAY EVRyl41.2 AT NORTH STRIIT MRTHoDI6T .alit R•'H The order of mrvloe at Nrrrb street _MATH OF A PROM1NINT Ru1DRNT.-Oo Methodist ohuroh (Rev Dr. ilaniel, ;motor) Thr.day last the morsl remain.. of one 5. Filter Sunday evening will be as W- ormhadbeen for many years • prominent low.' re•tdent of the tool th. ft's ,lame. M. Posology, Shephard, were lead i0 their Ian resting inv0o.tl 5, plaoe in Heiden$ mom tory. Death co- Hyo lit ,, carred retbr suddenly os Teredy oiler- Prayer -Pastor, noon of list wank, although the deceased Anthem-" Life from the Dead "Herbert 11.4 teen in prerartous health for some First loo•nn. moonho with a0 sgacfi0n of the Gere, oom Solo-" Rrarrection Morn "-Roddy, hived with stom.oh trouble. For a 000ple MMR E\•A ACOsan(x,R of works previous to h1e death he had been Second lesson residing at Dr. Hooter'., in rdr that he Aethem-" Halblej.k "-Hmhrs. might be order Immedote medle•1 o.re. A Soprano Sok, MINN MARY Pillot funeral maim was 6614 at St. George'. mob, Ma. ALIR/D Cubit church on Thursday 0frernooe, and was hymn 175. onodamuA by the rector, Re► Mark Torn Sermon-Paatnr, bull. The Widmann* were Philip Holt, Solo -" Hrighte•t and Beet "-Rablostoln, K C , Wm lhnnuloor, ('has, Seam, J H Jae F. TII1M60N. Colborne, F N L•wreooe and F. Jordan. Hyms 174. The Asoer*d mos sirry.(eur years of ago. Horodl Oj,5 For many years he °arrbed 00 a grotery I'".tladn, Orlon -W, GLENN ('A MPM[LL, business 1n partnsrahip with the late It L. Mwfesl dlreol+or, Strachan and mom very sueoessful In his - -_. mer0a0tds life. lie rat om, from buttons s LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF. assentor of years .g0. He hail carved o • Th,rei are Inst two oI member of the town oo0Dell sod st 1 he time f racrdinar, aed the orvl• l M pMh -aha er of he death oar a m•mher of the Collsmaau 1510.600 grant to the nogg or e gyl o thei A pas.. and for an a*amDL of ann d overr7yd and Institute trustee hoard •nd of the municipal all the des oecurrente mire toe atomtate *sus- boatd of health He mom • mamba of the Notion in tailoring to be had at I'rlAham's. Mason10 order and in pot Ucs moa. • strung Prices modrato. Liberal. H. totem one doughtier, Mrs. W. The sotools oto.s today for th. Kamm W. Thompson, of Leaden, sod two sons, holidays Chariot, of the firm of Lee & Shepnrd, Brahu been hbees reduced to mote a small Wen, and Herold IMI R ryelee on the streets are neo.w joy more and more numernns Now the milliner openings Mrs enraging the attention of the beth half of the nom tonally. O0 to the poblln meeting tomorrow even - log and esy what you think about the frmo 'theory prnjeot R Mel.mn bas .nee out of the hotelier haunoes •n0 en S.turd•y had • pale of hones, wenn., harness, no, Mr. Harry (!Aeon T'•4.y mornl*g •rlpp•rt nn . mat a1 5.r home and Wilzig broke her right ren at 1114 cartes. Tomorrow Is God b delay sed a psNle Oltr itARn IN./Tryon M.ITINne - -At the last reseal mooing of the (int•rlo Prole Growers' As.nriot.nn, the secretary, (1 C, (keelm.a, Parliament itialhimg,, 1'ornso, semngn.eud t, arra nye fnr • eerie of or. 0h•rA lostflutr stetting., peetlonlrly Ihreugh the *rein dhslruot•of the Prod/meld Ontario, Slam the heginnln, of (he yea, the amatory has Mom oorra.pnod,np wlt5 Trait grower. throigholt the rnnn*ry to reformist :n the beet lettere* to bola coma m.et(egs. and the dater and spooks lot Hilo mower hove bore alfVged 0oo0rdlee to the I.•lnwing 11.1: Np.k.N-G C Ca.. Wm of Or•INwn1, Preellset M 4e (atarb Trait Gnwsea' AsessisMses A. X Bberrlea D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS - MAR 27. holiday, 'The po•teffic• w111 be epos 10 to 11 0 M., and from 2.30 be 3:30 r, M. Es baodmasur Jordan w111 be In Woe oa11 wok, .o4 le isrumoreOm d ni w111 be a bend ow:mer6 o0 the `Squire on Weans/day1svening, k. MoL.sn le oettlug together • Immo cumber of boreal for the ooze inspeotlon by to army officers, who are •:pooled b be bore within • week or two. Tim harbor mill is working on .1111 an. other and • Immo ordr for flour from 16e Imperial War Ofce. This order 1E for 224 toes of the 0.lebrated 5 Star Brood, It le bolos slimpp.d to St. John, N.B., and chime to South Africa. JUDGE GARROW. lama/ ea lis apseal .'vert eesc5 5111ed by Mr. Garrote' appmstseem$, Ottawa, Mirth 19, -Hca. J. T. Gamow, Moister without burtfollo to the Ontario Government, bas been appolot.d to to vacancy on the beach of the Ontrlo (bort 01 Appal canoed by to lamented death of the lais lir. Justin L'strr. Mr. Grrow has been prom/neatly tdant15ed w116 public affair. to Ontario for many years, sad as member for W..{ Harm loos 0000pted • seat to the Legtelatnre. Bs took au &otlre pert to holt.", to p••• the legislation totes ducted Into the Roue* of Assembly from Om* to time, bat advice being esp.rtatly useful where measures of a mumolp•1 et legal character h&r& t o er ware under to low. He, oho p lel view ware by ro moos szlrem•, in fan he 5., always been of • rather lode - politica coat of mind Mr. (Jarrow bas all the quslIflootio0e looked for by the Bar and the pub/to to one selected for ao bleb a positloa. oofobly • sound knowledge of law, • high woes of honor, sad ibe determination toted miaowjustice with ualulmg Imp.rtl*ltty• A POP1'LA1 AI'YVINrY ENT, Toronto, Ont., March 20, -The sppolot• mane of Hon. J. T. Grrow to the Court of Appeal 1* well reoefred to Nigel cooks, both Cuesen•tl•es and Liberals porn, a Inbot• to the judicial temperament of the new judge. Mr. Grrow's oppololmeot Is timely for titre are fifty two Court of Appel oases on which judgment has not yet isms de. lies,$, and not • few of them may 5.ve to be re heard as • resale of the death o1 Jo.• floe Luber. the Globe says : By the •ppolotmeot of Hou J. T. Grrow to the ('ours of Appeal the Legislature loses • represeetale• of the best type, •od toe Heooh is thereby ohs seiner. Toe member for West Huron bold bet 511.110 isurest In the details of p01180., and tale presence In 6be Lyuleture was more due to his desk* 16 do what to him lay to euetato what he behaved to be the came of good government to Ontario then beo.uee of any 1011reet he felt In politics u a yam. Although not frequent punier pant to the debates In the Howe, h. otos • use tut sod weloomie one. Hie clear, logical faculty enabled him to toss aside too Miele vera and toramportant and lore the matter of oontrovsny 10 Its plain and db* propor tions. ii. has losg been tedopntzed w one of the aoaadwt law yore le the I'royiate, and Gm well merited repulatio, cf 10. ( curt of Apical will be well maintained by the learn. 1ng,Ird.stey sod conscientiousness of the rod* Mjurd. ge,arroT...r.Uequsarnllm,ot,be o0obsaR.rscsulaled en the •ppoioImest COMING AND GOING Chas Habil left this week for Dstrolt A. .1 C roper was In Clinton on Sunday. John Wynn has morcel from Toronto. P.triok Lyme, Jr , let &sturdy morIteg for Detroit. Albert Slattery left on S•tur1•y for Chatham. Harvey and Al. Flatter left on Monday for Cleveland, U. WIII Given left Let week to take • peel tio,lo H•mlltee. Mr. arm Mrs. W H. Smith aro .poodtig • few dans to Torootd. John C. !loan., of Oran Sound, visited Me uncle, 8 Sloane, over Sandy. Frank Malmo°, of Stratford, moa. to Moro for a few dye the put week. Peter Bissett retaros,l to Manitoba this week to attend to hie property there, Geoffrey Holt, of Trinity Unlynity, 1s speodm, this Easter vraoatlon to Uuderleb. E. C. Attrill has been appointed on the berm osmmietee of Pm 'A esters Folr board. O. . Green went to ronto on Hto join Mrs. Grego, who bio th• cityMonday • few day*. Mr, Michael Farr, wife and children, spent Sunday In Blytb visiting the lady's patents. J A Va.ato,s, 1,16,5ler for R. Klippen beimer & Co, olottars. Chicago, mom the moot of his cousin, Mise Edith Van*to0e. Mrs. John Walsh arrived yesterday from Montreal, being called home by the serious Illoe.e of her mot her, Mrs. Wm. CMsholm. A. Kg...r Is !0 Toronto this week attend- ing the (;rand Council of the Can0Aian Or er ofAlm. Ch0./0 Friends. Mrs. Egmer le dwf'.h Mhos K'vel V•nstooe, daughter of to late Charles Violation*, of Marshal, Missouri, is 9 the".'tree, guest of her 0004111, 6154/1 Edith Van• Mr. .od Mrs. Jamie Mofrlen and Mr. foand Ma. r David PilotMonied, Mon , *h re they will Rag* In farming. Capt and Mr.. Baxter and son lett last wok for 1 'hloag0 and w111 probably remain In the west for a few wools. le the hope of heseflttlee Mrs. Baxter's health. .*oho McAllister, of Koteeevlu, Mae., 50 ha g his father le 10 ing• h m, spent .• couple oof dove loot week with his sister 1, -kw, Mrs. S. L: Hook. There woe quit* an *rodur to th,. West on Taesd.y. The lolloeine wont by 1' P. R t ,1o., Andrews, to Qu' Appetite, Asea.; 1) Moore, to Oarewrieht, Man.; Rert Martin,to Wioelpap, Man ; Mies Mn/.mo., War. nor W. Walter aed Leonard Walter o Morris Moo. ANNOUNCEMENTS• A refrigerator than refrigerates can be !red at M, Krnug R How ELL'* They have the best Remo you ron t6ei up to date display of F,ute r novelties as t• Balmoral Ca(*, IleAford block. To OA onto mot -10,000 be package mode, 10 packages for 25o. (7le.,,, Timothy, spells, sewn whest, oto., for raw clan. E. Ki.,, WIngham. O , always fresh, .1 the old reliable nat,r hose, Victoria Restaurant, Work. et,, In hulk or weed •II styles, la cream, bell. eoefectlosrv, altars els. O. RLACR• Wren E. Unpslh'II Melo 1twpoetic ,. -TA• nh smilers weol4 respeettully that they have • fall stook sl Reid and garden mode on hand for the moon's trade. Some sew kited• of (rain for weed pimp -ram hays Men INrafa.w4 for Gm fire* tem. •n4 w111 b* footed of great Meet 'o the grown.. We ore leaden in .eed morn arm mneme, and our stook, ea to 1ke past, w111 he forma reliable. WA. Bassoon A Sow. The Place to Buy Shoes-Stearman's,..,4 Abbey E8rvesoaoe Balt 4 Whlu (1..4 Salo --W. A. McKim g Aoaoueosmeol -- Lodi s' Aid of Kees Churn),1 Public MosOing-Town of Ged.A,b.,,, 1 N; rotor Glories- Hodges. Bros m 8 Amaral Meetlsg-uodrioh Elevate* & Tranaat Co., Limited 1 A000unoemot-A &nisei ..... .. 1 New 'ors-- W. P. Wrsteby 8 Benmlllr Surmise -Est. JM. Siemer* 1 Flour J. W. Smith Montage Sale -Philip Holt 1 1 Annouooammts-McKenzie 4 Howell1 Watt Sures Commotion -W. Prost/feet 8 HON. J. T. °ARROW APPOINT ED TO THE BENCH. THE many friends of Hon. J. T. asluow in Humor county and elsewhere will rejoice that he has been elevated W the Bench of hs native Province. That he is eminently quaiNie.l for the exalted p0sitiou no one who knows him will question. For nearly forty years he has Moen • resident of G alone h and 1 to that ...nue has travelled front the student's desk to the lawyer's Mhos, and from the law oitioe W an exalted pl000 oat the Senuh of the Court of Appeal of Ontario Between atom he has given freely of hie time and talent& to the pub(io in various municipal positions and uta the floor of the Legslature. and has made kw himself a name amungat the public men of the Pro. voice, The toe* responsibilities of Hou. J. T. ('0alww, will, we understood, cause his re• movol Irom Galench, and we nay say that his removal rid that of his estimable family will be a distinct loos o flee town. -South Huron Rdorarvca eatio0 will meet at Heusall, Saturday, March 89, to nominate a candidate, to 000teet the riding, as Mr. Haas, the former nominee has decided to withdraw owing W 111 health. - At a meeting of the •recutive cont. " mitres of the West Huron Liberal Aasocia. Pon held in Gm -fetich Monday last. It was de"`iderl to hold a convention at Dungannon on Monday, April 7th, to select • caadidate to coronet the constituency at the ensuing election, - Our esteemed mmtemporary, The Star, when it would be fight and airy, hae the ease and grace of an elephant. In its last issue it copies from The Toronto Telegram an article -purporting to deal with • poetical effusion on the Hon. L A. 4ea2CIPro1Ut which that newspaper at•ribo5d in a .pint of banter to the editor of THE StINAL, amt* by heading and tailing the article take* away what little canoe for merriment the article originally pos.esseet The writ.( in The Star knows, If he knows anything. that the poetry in rlueetioo was not written by the editor of THE Smoot.; also he know. that the verse beginttil6g •'Hurrah for Tart*, A,J bnght and *enact," brilliant and enthus• ing lee it undoubtedly is, did not oregtssee with Tree SPINAL, but be kat lied about the matter so often and .n persistently that he hates W give it up. Personally. what Tho ,Star says is of little concent to the editor of Trig Bt,RAt. The people of Huron know the merits and demerita of the respective editors, and they know that when The Nur editor publishes what be,knows to be tale on this occaoion he is only'ntlwvorimg to koep up the reputation of a convicted libeller which he eaniel some ten years ago, when • grovelling apology wail made amid •'crow, with all the feathers and no gravy e" was the order of the day. Get your btovolo out, and h..• le made M goo.* 01 new with • coat of enamel, tires ovrbaslrf, .W., roe Our retiair depart - went Is folly equipped for all kends of n• put work, and I. to onrge of one of the boat repair moo in Canada, who will de 66 work In the latero and boot seple. Leave word at our More or telephone to es. Na. 92, and we @h.11 oall for your wheal. It will surprlm you eo me how fine your wheel w111 look for ee small .n outlay. Call arm see our new and second-hand bloyelos. Oer low prices will surprise yes. Oso. W. THosso1 tri Sole, BORN. STEW A RT. -Near O.lesbarm, Dakota, os the 16th of M.nh, 1961, the wife of W. (1. Pittman, of • daughter. CARR -On the Mb of March. tae wife of r'rank Carr, of • eon. PRICC-On Thursday, March 90, W Mr, and Mrs. Et Cenrge Primo • ooe DIED. WKLLER -- lo Or; odeoh on Thursday, Moab 90th, 1909, 8amnel Weller. aged 115 years. Mt•1VEIL-_pn Oederieh, on Sunday. Month Med. 1902, Marr Molter, reIIot of the Ino oh MardoMcIver. aged 90 rears and 10 dare, W. HURON LIBERALS The annual meeting of the Lib- erals of the West Riding of Huron will be held at DUNGANNON, ON Nonday, April 7th, 1912, at I o'clock pm. In adoition to the regular busi- ness of the meeting, the conven- tion will select a candidate for the approaching election to the Pro- vincial Legislature. Foch polling sub -division is re- quested to mend delegates. W. CATS, W. MOMIST, Ssereloay• Proddist