HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 8THE SIGINAL : (IODERICH ONTARIO.
Dress Materials.
(C31 l' R Dress Ein1 department this season is better pre-
par ed than ever before to supply you with the latest
and hest materials for suits or dresses, with their correct
trimmings to match. We have made special efforts and be-
lieve you will be well repaid by a visit here and inspect our
styles. Make an early choice.
New Crepe de Cherie.
The richest material of this ammo
is black with diff patterns,
$150 ad $21,00
New Pophn de Bois
to black. very haadenm.
New French Voile Cloth
le latest shade" of biscuit, Frey,
ryes of rote., Woes sod r 1,
at .. 75o.
New Cheviots
tAtesl grove, castor, browo, black.
old rose, greeos, wide width.... .$1.00
Neck Ribbons and Belts.
Lovely soft Taffeta Ribbons le new shades
for Nook Ribbons.
New v.l,St Bolts with oolerDbh•
able buckles 350. sod SO:.
New Prints.
You Will ogres wlk as t►a1 yes
Goma bosukt a better Pettit s1
120 tb.a we an simile( fila
scacos c)1 10a.
Fast Colors la bless. rods. Illaos.
lipid talon, slrlpm and Agoras
ter Waists or Wrappers.
New Muslin'.
Boys' and Men's Clothing.
Telo department ire wall proposed with
sow prisg my lot sad the boat Talmo wit
hay. sass Mown.
I{l'+,DRE1)S of people to this •ieintty het. found our
l PREMIUMS worth trying for; they are • free gift
for yoar trade la useful aad durable arttole•. Call and
see Alma.
Wo also have a very desirable Book on Fashion called
"Modes," issued by Bazar Pattern Co., of New York, for 50c
a year.
Smith Bro's & Co.
Too ►osteal ..ruin to Knox ' borob for
sailors and fishermen will be held melt Sab-
bath evening.
The MsoGillirray Mission Bad of Knox
oberob .re preparing two cantatas, "Easter
Lilies" and "The Pnoce of Life,' which
they will shortly prompt to the public.
Farther particulars later.
The eleventh aortal mutation of the
Aobarn Velo. Sabbath Sohool Association
will be bead 10 the Methodist ohoroh. Au
baro, on Thursday. March 13.5. A good
program has been prepared and a comber ot
prominent speakers are expeoted.
At the meeting of the Epwertb Lague of
North area Methodist oh0rch next Tom
day evening there will be .0 open de5.ta o.
the following resolution : "That a union of
the yerloos Protest.ol ohurabes ot Canada
Into ooe meted Pret..taut church would be
In the Deet interest. of Chn.tlealty " It 1.
hoped that there .111 be e lute attendance
and u lnterestlog nlscussIoO of the abject,
1. whloh any who desire may take part.
ay Rev. Dees C.rwlobeel, U D.,
U.C.L., .t one time rooter at Chutes, has
been .laded coadjutor Bishop of Montreal
Te. hoodoo Fr.. Press polem oat that the
dioceses of Huron hoe furnished tea bishops
to the Church of England In Canada. of
whom Dean Carmichael G the latest. Tb.y
are u torose.:--Hlahop Mol./1a0, Bishop
Plokbam. Bishop 90111..0, Aloha Baldwin,
Bishop Damoullo, Bishop Helimath, Bishop
Faogabr, Hlshop Mille, Bishop Swestman
and Bishop Carmichael. it IS also este
worthy. .aye The Fre* Pres*. that the i)to-
oea• of Huron has sent missionaries farther
northward and southward than any other 10
COMING, Gorse.". -Walt for Arthur Sao
tel. the well paper decorator 6.4 paper•
hammer, who will be at the Bedford hotel
with a full Ileo o1 ample. of Ameneab and
Cenadl0e pmpr,n. No trouble to show you
the latest papers, from 5c to 11 per roll.
Ws give the people the profits, s• we have
no store root, no dead stook, and buy ,llreot
from the footnrt... ale also guarantee not
a paper, from our ..mplw, Nro, Joao'
hoose the same as Bro. smith's hoose with
any paper 25o and over. W e .111 tear
sample out of our book 11 desired so he w111
sot bet We to get It through ut. We •Ie"
do your deooratlne end paper hanglor. Re-
member the date -on and &ter the 17s6 o1
Marek. ARTHrls SNAOOL.
Teas Maeort ('Ao.1la' MA.auma.-
There is plenty of food for thought and en
tertatomeot 10 the !(arch t'.oedtan Mame-
/me. The lemons Loden Juggernaut is do
scribed, and some of the popular fellatio
ono erolnl the festival are explalsed •way.
The making of p.nimloaa or sun-drl.d meat,
is d..0ribed and illustrated. Professor John
Cox, cl Mcl, II, writes on commercial oda
051100 Iron • new polo) of Thew, while
three writers tln their views and much 1.•
form.tlon co0arotrg the movement for
1'erntortal autonomy. There are the usual
bright atomise and carefully edited d'art.
All parties getting their male bills printed at
this aloe will have a free notice inserted
in this act oo to the time of mal...
SATrItDAy, March 15th.-Aactloa isle of
bertha, harems, wagon.. seed drlll,barrow.,
household furniture and a Oaantlty of small
stuff, at I:uodry's •uotloa mut, Hamilton
Attest, Oodertob• at 2 o'clock. Tame Gen -
Der. matt
Trviiar, March 18 -Auction sale of
farm stook, implements and household
furoiture .t lot 3, oon. 8. W. D. Colborne,
property at Vedot.i*u bARKWELL. Sdewlth-
oat reserve as the farm is cold sod Mr.
Bark well 1. Bolo¢ to Manitoba. THuugf
GU/41,11Y, auctioneer.
WIDNES/JAY, March 19-Aaettoo sale of
form stook and implement*, property of
Moo Score, 2od coo. S•anley, 21 mites
south of Oman. 'l',s.ytbiar to be aid
without revery. u Mrs, Soots has .old the
farm. THOMAS GriDsy, 10011oe..r.
'1'nry 'gr, March 20 -Aoatloe sale of
farm stook, implements and bou..bold forst•
tore, at lot 7, roe. 8. W. i). Colborne,
property of koocRT N,tltoN, who has ..Id
his farm and le gltlog up farming. TsIottae
UCNrRy, auotlon..►.
TIICRADAr, Mar. 2015. -Acosta sae of
farm nock and Implements at lot 22, eo0-
oeesion 1, Wein W.waneab, commeootog al
1 P. M. Ham,.y Smelt, proprietor. JNo.
Knox, aootloo..r.
7ATURrAy, March 22nd. -dation mac of
good oomtortable dwelling. 1 .tortes, ten
room. ; also a 1 story dwelling Both
Sousse on lot 561. Sti'atrick's ea. Salem
action rooms, Hamilton street, .s 12
O clock noon. MR.I.SWAN NOm, proprietress,
THOR. Gr,nay, auctioneer.
TUESDAY. March 25 --Clearing suction
Wall Decorations.
mu ems eiewsWec-
sato of farm *took sad lmpl•mats, property
el Jooara Bast nLaa, Lake raad, Cuiben.
towaehip. The farm has Immo seated ted
.yerytklnm wall be dl.powd of. 'Inures
Coster. a•oU000ar.
Wwiisuay, Match 25. -Angela eel* of
farm stock. ewplsmaote, apo. , property of
Petals Gus. os•. 5, (iodation towwhlp.
Tele wile be • cleated ale without any
resat,.. TlsoMAs 1;rmueT, auottooeet.
W ♦mute-t'bolos roll butts. IBo. ; No.
1 umiak or fox, $3.50. Our daughter male.
of dress geode during January and Febru
try 1e worth miming calla to ase.
O. E Elmo, W'iorbem.
Tosruar, Mar 111b.
A. Yoaogwo, from o*u fat. Marys, is
'little' relatives here.
Jos. M.oNevlo hu returned from a most
element visit to /libbers town,blp, Path
comity, Oat
Tonuar, Mar. 111h.
At the last meeting of Nile L.U.L., No.
1052, the foltowlsg resolotloa was peeled:
Whereas fhb society steeds for 15. op
buildleg of the British Empire ; end where-
as the liquor traffic) 1• In our oetlm•tloo one
cf the greatest cornea In that Empire
thermions resolved, that wo, the members ot
LO.L., No. 1052, do pledge ourselves to
support who we ooasider to 0o tae bat
measure for the problbltlou of lb•t trsl$o,
and that tele radiation he forwarded to the
local papers and the S.atloel.
NEVER before have we been so fortunate as to
have our SPRING WALL PAI'El;•,tS sampled
and ready to do business the first week in March.
The crowning point in the Decoration Scheme
is the wall covering. ii The Beginning and The
End." Our Wall Papers are flt for Royal homes.
They will he unrolled to hundreds of ad-
mirers, and we hope to count you among them.
Our prices are strictly cash, but rgmember
they are reasonable.
Oar Tolepinos is No. 100 B.
Court House Square, Giulia
i ,t
Momper. March 10th.
The followios 1. a het of the popd• of S.
S. No 11, Ashfield, who bees obtained tilt,
per *eat or over 1e the work, daring the
month of February. Filth oleo* --0Itve
Fater. Wesley Utahans. loortb etas --
Ras MaN.., Mattis Hawkins. Anots Bur•
rows. Third class sea.- Violet Bogle,
Edger Dougherty. Third ola.e, Jae -An
oto Yoaog. Second olae.,-WiIIt• Booty,
John Vrooman, Jamas Joho.too, Pt. Il -
Prow Yore', Regtoeld Barrow.. (J.lar to
stormy weather sod to vaccination may
were uoabls to attend regularly *sough to
obtain c5e nqulr.d mark. T. M. Go• ins,
Trm.oA,, Mar. I1th.
W. F. Young and bb •oo, Frank, ware
1a Meantime last week. where they par.
Chased • hoe three-year-old colt, which they
will break to with Lather fur • farm team
this oomlag spring.
Samuel Potter has lately returned from
Toronto. W bile there he bad the pi
.f.ealue Mrs. O'K.fferty, formerly Mir
May Bogle, who bad many *equities to
make after old Colborne friends.
RRPaATid Tot F.AT.-Last year we
recorded the fent that Da.'el Mcleod ted
James Yonog, jr., out 6•i cords of wood l
ma bourn' rime, o0tli0r down the trees,
sawing the wood with the loo¢ sw and
splitting and piling it le ..parer• porde, aloe
temente, the brash to the time et.tsd.
This year tie letter with lithe Cumming
made the mooed ie 30 minutes lees time.
-SAN Vieiri .Neer moot popular young
mew had a escrow soaps to this wood&
Ono ot this trios they were Ielllo/ .track •
handspike 10 felhog, among the handspike
to di pet one ot the moo ad gi.. elm a
severs blow, whish "tuomed ham for • few
minutes. Several days after the see that
escaped got aught Io his load of loge. and
It was with difficulty that b• eztrl•
cat.d blrseelf, being alone In s5e bash.
A few days .go we received the tidings of
the death of • former **heel fellow 1e the
pereoo of the late .lobo B. MaLareo, who
attended the (.oderloh grammar school in
1867, .t that time taught by John Haldane,
who is still atty. et the •de•ead age of 87
to tho..days the late Mr. McLaren, the
late Cello Habana sod the writer used to
walk to to Goderiob to attend oobool. then
held le the Temperance Hell. The follow -
retard.. 1* made by The Doily thew
lole of Muskegon, limb., So the late Mr.
McLaren :-Mr. McLaren was • man of
Unless energy end tedetatigable industry.
His mind wse alert, exoet and boast, He
affeotlo,s were deep, strong and tender ;
dud hi had amnesiac' sorrows that loft
him heart -broken, No obstacle seemed toe
great for hire to endeavor to overcome It,
and in spits of honest doubts sod deep ser•
roes he stsadlestly went torward la the db-
ohage of his duties u be paw them. His
life bad been • blessing to the oommuelty,
and at • time when It seemed be 000ld be
least spared, especially from the home otr-
ol., the summons Deme to him. But he fed
left • noble example and hie works would
fellow bird
relatives 1. Weedateok.
Mise0(:oaaor. of Kldgetewe, a tomer
resldeat of alta plus*, was here ca a b.d.oma
trip last week.
Joh& McBride re.
tarried from Uoderlh
ywterd•y, where he
had been unary Ito
wee t1 lir. Turobull.
Among those wending Sutdty la our
older from Goilencb were Miami '1'hurlow,
Eva MoGoaoslt, Una ('rawtord and Wale
Mrs. Ilugh.oa died yesterday moraio•
atter • Imes 1. Illoese o1 many oolbe'
doratto,. Besidm
Beside, her husband, elm de -
eased leaves • family of grown-up sew and
d.o.ht, r. Key. Mr. Oo'dberg 000daa'ed
the f I senle•s.
TUMIDAT, Mar. 10th.
l)ascan Soot t. .f Tools took , visited
(Jeorge McDonald this week.
Fred McCraoken, o1 Brunel*. was 'Glide/
at John Gardiner's last week.
Miss Nettie MoEweo bas been quite III
with a very bad odd this week.
Master Roy Pah, of Firmest", was dell•
tog relate.. 1n Bluevale lea week.
Miss May Powell, of Turnberry. le v1lt•
log her soot, Mn. (leo. McDonald,
Mia Annie Richardson, of Hruseels, Is
visiting her sant, Mr". Jobe Ilargeea.
M1.. Mabel Thoma )eft oo Friday for an
ezteod.d elect wits relatives at Forth Fel,•
field, Ohlo.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ailey. of Wlogham,
are 'totting Mn. Ailey's sister, Mrs. C. R.
Brinker, this week.
James Maur ed to Dekote on
Monday after spending the winter methe
with relatives beret
Felty.,, Maroh 715.
UtarH or M. Ltrtnost -Oo Friday of
last week the whele oommua.ty wel shocked
to hear that Mrs. Lindsey, of the towable,
had passed away. She had bees ehgbtly
iodispoeed for mayoral days bot ■otbloa ase
lour wee expected. During Tauredey eight
eye b.oame much worse ted pawed .way
about midnight. Mn. Lindsay was the
elJe.t daughter of the late John Brown. of
the Bronson 11ae, Stanley. About t5 rtv
years ego .be, with her basb.sd, removed
to Goderich township and settled en the
farm oa w ch s5e i.,.: until bar death.
iter husband, Jam.. Lindsay, died fifteen
years neo Ste leases two sous read two
daughters to mourn the Iwo o1 a toying
mother. Her r, mals. were followed to lee
amatory, on Sunday, by a lags cumber of
tneode .ad oe gbbors.
Trig LATE Mir CANroioo We are cell-
ed epee to record the death ot a hltbly res-
pected reeldeot of this township, to the per -
.00 of Lary Ano Cook. repot of s5e late
David Ca tel.o, conesseloo a, who was call.
at benne on W.doesd.y, alter a lengthy 111
hen She bad racked the good old age of
eighty lour years. Her domees w111 be eerie
Iv felt by her many relatives aad friends,
Her late husband died about tee years ago,
and tote were of Irish dreamt. Mrs.
Caoaloo was a meet tied neighbor to
sveryooe and a triad when assistance w..
seeded. Her family lose • loving and .Qr..
Mobale mother, but the) ere remarried, for
she bas p.ee.d beyond to • happy home
•lave, as she was se earnest l'nnstate wo.
mu, b.vloe been • faithful member of fes
M.tho3ba obureh. T5e family left to
mourn see six coos and two daughters -
William, Pales, Henry aod David, of Clla-
ton, 5.00.), Adam and Mre. Cook, .f this
township. and Mrs. Kyle, ot Douglas, Moa ;
a aerobia, Mew MoKoberu, died shout
by. years ago 1e t.osdoo township. Doom,.
ed w* • motor of U. Cook, of Cltotos, •sd
also of Mre, Rodgers sod Mn. Uordna, o1
Strsewvtil.. The fa•aral takes plea this
(Friday) Maraca to Clinks cemetery.
MONDAY, Mar. 10.5.
The fellowisg Is the report of t5e pupils
of S. 5 No. 6. Gederlch township. for the
month of February arr•oged,in order of mer•
it: Earth Clue. -A. Koss, C. Roos. E. Hem
Irk. S, Koss, M. Wiboo, R. Jobo.tos, M.
Molllwsls, E. Johwtoo. L. Ed(rtatos, A.
Jobs.tob, J. Molllwsie Sealer Third. -
M. Kew, M. Blabss, R. Orr, L Johnston,
J. Johnston. 0. Eutott, W. Joboetos, H.
McAllister, A. Wittlumooi. Junior Third.
-.E. Wipes, B. Satoh, C. Molllwaie.
Senior Second -F.. Wil..o, D. Elliott, T.
Johnston. R. ohostos Jobs -
R. H oban J M
sea. Junior gamed -E. Edmaton. E
Molllwalo, R. Mellwaio, R. Johnston, B.
W llll.m.00. W. H. 13H1, Tomb's.
Tr•E.r*y. Mar. IDA.
Jolts teal Ise gas ee vat relatives In
the UMW Emtoo.
Ht. and tills. W111140 U..y aro yielding
MormaTl M•rob lOtb.
Eat,t,5; 5Awtea COrtstif.-Oa Friday
afternoon of last nook two well matched
teams of woodama mot 1n Geo. Young.
bush, Godertob township, near Hayfield to
oompete In friendly rivalry for the champ-
ionship of the towable. and a puree of
$20 • side. The mount had been well ad-
,ertl.ed and •boot two hundred persons as
..cabled to witness Om powers of the rival
tame, and the etmoet excitement prevailed
during the whole of the time that the cos -
testate were doom there utmost to seta
the coasted honor. The mach was carted
by the Hasa road team m•kiog it knows
In tea papers that they had sawn and split •
lays 'amber of cords In • vino time and
Irutog a challenge to any other teem that
they were prepared to maw all somas for $20
• side DY a /leen .ember of hours. 'la d.y-
6eld meo. Melia their reput.tIoo .t .tsk•,
Immediately accepted the °alleys aad all
arrangements were male to have the match
come oat as aforesaid A referee was ap
polsted wbe held tis tit,k.. ro both sides,
and the terms of the °outset were that the
putt would go to whichever party would
maw and split the 1 Dumber of cords
within four cooseoative hours, tee piing to
be dome by other p. -ties. The day oboe*.
was ell that could be dalred, for 1t was one
of sure lovely elternnone to early epilog
when all *•lore BOOMS rejoicing after. lose
'rioter. The rapid thaw of t5* previous
days had caused the snow almost to Map
peer, and It mold be sees only In a few
hollows that to 0o way interfered w115 the
match. Th* teed tame were wel)mslerl,
hes young muscular fellows. The Horrs
road was represented by Chas. Prate and
Hottert Lampbrey, ohamptooed by Allred
'1'.bbutl. The Hayfield moo were limb.
Year earl William Ceok, who had for
ohamplon Rich Burke, of ta. Bnybold road.
The trees had been felled *rid skidded the
previous day ad ooedsted of sound red
be.oh .ticks ay.rg:ng from twenty to
,w.oIy-foor inched, at the butt end. EraoS-
Iy at 6.11 pest roe the referee, Alfred Nat
tel, gars the signal and immediately the
sews a both sides were sent through the
timber with all the *peed and skill that ex
perleoced woodmen backed by youthful
muscles oo01d command, analog the hlooks
to fall off to rapid iaooeeslon Jost as soon
as one teee was out s5e .91111ing oommeoad
sod It was then that the meeoolar powers
of the contestants showed to .deaot.ge.
Frog the start It was plats to see that the
match was going to be a debt one and
that vletory would Ile with the mea
who oowid b...el.od the preerant.d .Main
Keep Your Feet
Warm :. at Night
A Not Water
We Have
Aov'rs AR/
r ^-
F. N. DUNMAN, Phm. B.
Corner of Wet at. and the &luare.
for four and hours ; sad keg before the
time attired both teams were v;elbly affect.
ed by the awful strafe upon them. To
wards the close, etoltemeot ran up to fever
heat, and the friends on both ,lase encour
aged the boys to keep up their courage by
passing .round 1 quid relreehmeots loo in -
Lox wants) ; and for one moment
ootid it be rid that either teem tla.ged, .l
though It was apparent to all se the Mme
wore on that 11 was wltb gradually dlmia•
letting strength the o00te51 was contioued.
Sharp at half put tit• u•ulook the referee
tired the gat which was the signal that the
contest was over, sod then oommeoc. l- the
important business* of towering the many
p11.. Stitt were to be oount•d to the credit
of the oontestaots, which •II told amounted
to elrteea and one efmbtb (stogie) oorde.
The Huron road team', quota was just algae
cord. and the B.,tlrld moo bad eight oardt
and the small balance of one aigbth ot •
oord to their favor ; so the I.t er were d.•
Mated by the n fere* to he the molars.
Everything went oo well from the start aad
the 0tmat harmony prevailed throughout.
The regulations were perfect and, although
there may not be soy "Queensberry rule"
or "acoordiog to Hoyle" reguletloos In maw•
iog acetate Ily, it was Spparent
th.t the desire o1 the promoters was that
Meg should be fair sod shoat board,
and this design was •trlotly curled out.
With reference to Om men as they appeared
to • disinterested onlooker, the rtotory wee
by the K•y6eld team was probably Otte to
the hurter weight of the moo, who bad the
advantage whim it cam• to splitting the
blocks ; bot otherwise they bate outhi.r to
bout el, for their opponaete were quite se
good with the saw sod the very small ad -
vestige gained by the winning side olearly
proved that their opponents wore moo to be
reckoned with and well worthy of their steel.
The timber chosen was all of on• kind and
w need se possible •f th.sam size
1 • ,and the
aortae covered did not exceed one half of
an son. To 50sai• Writes" l5• coateetaata
drew lots before starting u to the timber
that they were to maw, a pr•autlon that
tan 0o codas preference to either aide.
The final woos of Ws bard. woo oobtest was
transferred, when the shadows of evening
fell, to the haplt.ble dwell n, of I: YouoF,
wiser the cake, were paid over by the
ref.res sod a •amptaoas ripest w.. served
to the cont.•tente end their lrvend•. The
young foils bam eyerytoirg prepared for a
dens, which luted well tato the smell
hoe's. aad all mat baste t.m.n.ely phloem
nave maria heavy purchases of all kinds of Fencing Malarial to avoid the
wire famine like last year, and buying in quantities we get better price.,
s0 we can sell cheaper. We aro therefore prepared to sell extremely low,
The American Field Fence.
Ws will sell and
et the
Best Fenoes
We sold over 4,000 ends last settees,
The Frost Pence.
Made of Po. 9 foiled epnog wire sad Na 7
The Gun or Carter.
Mule of No, 9 coiled wire and wove with
galvanised wire.
We are prepared to .e1l either at More or put up by competent builders
We have • very low quotation on Manure Forks of the heat grails.
Light as
A feather
They are Justly tutted for their stylish
ells gauce, superior fitting qualities
and up-to-date "tyles. A thoroughly
high grade shoe of unusual merit at a
*enclitic price.
All styles -from the light and dainty
drew shoe to the moat substantial
street boot,
ONE PRICE $3 ,7 5
Very Dressy. Exquisite Styles.
Solo Agent In Godertoh for Walk -Over and Queen Quality,
Suooereor to P. T. HALLS -'
with the day's fns, w5icb was just as 5E•
online (pakaps more so) that the Jel..t t on
the rel.reodum ou the door of Perltameot
tut week or the game of plog tong In other
cirri!*. At any rive. this awing control
will 1, long remembered hen for the lair•
sem and impart altty shown to ell parties.
and the heeater% with which it was fought,
Nan t5Tl.rlsu
W. have been &eked to puotiob the 1o1
lowing *iatemeet, aod in duan/ *o we do
sot wish to be uad.nteod u to any way en-
dorsing It :
It ie claimed that the sawing match be
area aha Huron r yid team, H. Lampbrey
and C. Proust, ted the 8•,6.61 reed nam.
W. Oook and K. You*,, which took p110.
os Friday, was not fair, and that the Huron
road team is not beat, or they can not Mat
them. use both teams alike. The Medlar*
Msaad by the Heron road foam veal to saw,
pot to maw and split. and the Modell road
team has not aosept.i this challenge yet.
They said they would rather t.5. a heat
than a bind ; .. they took the bluff. But
give h,th teams timber .115..od the Huron
road team an but them and did beat them
1f the wood was plod Wyly. The amber
ooneieted of two hunches of use., one boloe
Eve red hash sod dna white, the other
bunch fin white b.eob'aad ate red. 'a
bargain was W hate red beech. Tb* bergsia
was also to toss op for the ttmter the day
of the contest, but the Reynold rn.d teem
geld if they amid at have dkm dr,t•m.a•
Oceanid tree* they wo.M-aot taw -and (1.
Young said, •' Get out of aka boob." 8.
the Rar0 am took the worts ar s road te se
rather than have any disturbance. Al the
oonolaeioo of the 000tet1 is was feared that
the Ba 6e1d road team 5*) eight fords two
foot any the Huron rood team eight cords to
the four hour., whish was pretty goJ 1 work
ter both cries. It 1. said that if ate Huron
road team r wood wee piled Io oar, pile,
fairly, tbey would have woo the oo0tstt.
But .. G. Young sod G. Ste000mbe piled
the woad and befog both relett•re It le
claimed It was not oiled right, it was tail
whoa U. roost was piling the Hurno road
masa% wood he handled it like "loose aad
.b.a-FWaa t5. other* wood he handled It
lit. Nita Bat ksmesty b the best alloy 1
rky boos tam woe but did not get the
Settlers -
One -Way
To Manitoba sad Canadlae-N rib Weer
w11) leave Toronto every TULSDAI'
dories/ MARCH and APRIL 1901.
l'assrgen travelling without Live
Stook should tate the trais leaving To-
ronto at 1.13 p.m.
Pacersaars trevsllieg with Live Stock
should take the testa laving Toronto at
colonist Simper will be attached to
each trete.
for fail particulars and eo,y ef 'tots' Guide,' apple to Mine e et
Area. Ooderiol,, or to
A. H. NOTMA ., Asst. vital, Paiur.
Afoot. 1 ):Int Htrtat Moat, Tarosto.
Bargain Still in Groceries w
(Black Tea, worth 40c for 35:.
Pickles• worth loo for 10.. bottle
Baking Powder, worth 10: for 6:.
also 20o cans for 12o.
Jap Tee, worth Ma for 18.. per lb.
W• g•
'e•4 T tg515
T1115 week we passed into stock two big shipments of Dress Goods, Silks,
Trimmings, &c., imported direct from Britain. The coming season, more
than ever before, have we gone direct to the fountain -head for our sup-
plies. In every case, where it has been to our advantage to do it, we have passed
the middle man and bought direct from the maker. The greatly increased out-
put we now have, made possible by having stores in both (ioderich and Clinton,
has enabled us to buy in quantities that we could not touch had we only one
store. Buying in quantities means at closer prices, and closer prices for us
means closer prices for you. The double outlet means that we show better as-
sortments, more variety and less sameness In stocks. New goods are pouring
in on us almost every day, and as quick as we can get them through the Cus-
toms and marked off, they are passed into stock. We have planned fora bigger
business than last season, and will have the goods and values that will bring it.
We remind you of our special lines of :11I -Wool Cashmeres. These goods are
popular for waists, and are having a big run in the cities. The two lines we show aro
wool and have a rich silky finish. loth are extra good value.
All -Wool Caabmere, Bos quality, rood weightf will wen well, Extra 60. quality Wool Cashmere. This is a very spools) line,
double fod, shades 0) pink, pale blue, old roes wills slob silky Babb, aomse to old rose, perk,
and °ordinal, per y.r.i . . .. .. ..., 40 cts. sky blue. and two dodos of cardinal, per -yard 50 its'
New Veilings.
March winds and March sunshine aro here and a Veil
is ahnost a necessity. Some particularly swell lines came in
this week. They -are very nobby, and there is a better as-
sortment than you are likely to find anywhere else in town.
Plain or Spot Veilings, Silk Net or Chiffon,
Blue, Brown, Black and White grounds,
Self Colored or White Spots,
25, 35 and 50 cts.
New Neck Ribbons.
The Best values and prettiest Neck Ribbons wo have
had for many a day are among this week's arrivals. ('ome
and see thein.
p.A11 Rebbee., rofa flo145, will sot malt Fanoy striped Nook Rlhhone, 4j lichee wide,
or eat, full 6lentos wide, In white, orient. will not crash, new patterns la pink tad
sky, tearooms, pink, old rerie anti matte, white, tnrgnoleo seri wilt*, eayy sort
• realer 35o or 40e rigidity, per maim. black end white and h•lltrnpe
yard 3U5 . and wk*N. 1yard 1s sash plass 35c.
Now in
At 15 and 20 cts.
We have just opened up
.some New Silkalines in pat-
terns suitable for comforters
or draperies. The destgns are
decidedly itew and out of the
ordinary. They are a full
yard wide with a clear silky
finish. They come in green,
pale blue, cream, red and but-
cup grounds, fl oral or
rstriped patterns of contrasting
Prices, 15 and 20 cts.
nit WEEKLY MAttwtt T REP
•Oers9m, Mar. 19
FallW�oslt_ 1 t
Four. nasus p.r.wt....-...... ! le l i
Plour, lestest. per cwt .....,..... l SO
too....-..�. _ M M 5
.-.. . IP tea .......... -;. �-.•
lbreealap. per Ort 1 M t
E7o. par bush.... . • 40
)tuokwbeet, per busk 0 M 1
O•Is, a busk .................-49
pima, r bast................-..-• 4
Parlor, per bask 0 h
Hat. toe 11 00
1'uttoes. V busk..
Yutter. 17 Si
Cheese. fret lb. ............... a 10
Moo aalMckeO• a MO..-- 10 b
Wood ......-... t0 k
Pella .......-......... �...... j0) u
Live 11Ws ...........
lO r
It 14
10 k
Lard, per lb. 13 to
)tressed Hoof tore wanes 00 tc
Bream Beef. blad - - M
nem pate 1•...,t ....•....
Notice of cnangee wait be left at
Office not later than ,Satti
noon. The Copy for ch
utast be lett not it for than
day noon. Caecal Advertiser'
accepted so to nor n Wodntrd
Mob weak.
Situations Vacant
Apple te NM is OV11 V IN, 725
gond N'1e 000s. Waren to oom
parses $U pals .oath. K-fera•oes req
Addles& LOCK BOX 121. PAKI*, UST.
Teacher of Fletcher music method,
oetve pupae at mer etu'fi,. ab ore qtr.
Item rano* o•fire, tlanilt .o street. For
matron a7911 either at 'Wan. .r at le
Mt. Palmed attest
Organist aad magnet director of North
Methodist church teaeb.r of asso. pi
'aa and theory PuuW pesteeed tar
amination• of the Toronto (leesetva
, s . Will bre lease 1 t0 motive a
M tc 1 D
none from all .home ern nlrleg .00h 1
tins at his new .nodio over Thomwn's
store, 14e or perm for practice may
ranted for b70
For Salo. .
ab1.p'for h • tit i e. Having will sill for
bnamees hews se fretka ser. foe h
H A 1.1.8.
A` .n, kaswn a Ubtlhey- rims. F
Maim apply te MOW. C ATTRILL.
.L siva tborongh•W d Mrkebir. bo
10plyt T w
X. ♦1 TWA.
atm. Godes fob.
jv Who wen half of lot 11. con. 7, We
wano.b mompvrlelsg30 scree AOp1). •
BY FOWLKH. Uuogassos, or to *DV
Borrower tioderiok.
FOR SA LE. -LOTS 96. 96, 117, 1
and IM In Hotobloo•'s
Ooderlab. For partlauleueapply 10
Bordner. R,0., God
March 1115. 1900.
For Rent.
isg with oat acs of lad
tows of Oodetah, oay.nItat to the
weed bora so _twosomes aid -Oma oho
Apply to 10, V. MAYS Barrister, Go
Rooms so LAM
lb mat at No, 7/4 Note* a tree
(0E.Glei1 If a-o.1Mtt. Pour ailed
from 15. O C 1. Apply on the prim.
1 500.1 at presser occupied by B.
BO lw Onkel: .11) cheese Into ,me
•*sassy. Or rooms over Mies C
More waft front and rear entrano-r.
Tenders Wanted.
Settled Tenders will h• reeeived t
19th, 11.)9. addresser to the trotters
School Section No. 17. A.hfleld ani
wanosh, for the erection of a Art
Annul on part of lot 11 and part of 1
the third conoa•elon of West
PI in. and rp.ciflratlonR ao be
Other Informntlon obtained en &opt
tt•M BAILIN, Sac. of School Board
000 P.O.
Public Mottos
Now t• the time 10 prepare for It
lo g. We take up, clean and rein?
ehoa sotlre A1) kind* O' general
and eattafantlnf Rairsnte*A. Ital
pro•tsl• JONES. 131t09.. Hrlaa
plum. 4. L TAUItk
M*MY/ AC7pst1wa OPTinths, Am
spm -Ii Li5T.
A1) kinds of 11peot•etee and 'rest
to order Speolal atentten given t
Orden by matt nromntly attend
ware of parties using my seine. a.
no Ira, Milne' age e t a whatever.
MaUsfantlo0 guaranteed. 'Ptah
Insuranoe, •t•.
ANON aad nal Beate agent.
door east of P. 0., Ooderloh. Ag
leading mutual Are {Immo,. nom
lending .t -et oompants.
Meranut• a -,d manufacturing
Qwest rotas. Cell at adios.
• Aeenattant anal fnen-an,
Boots and snno, me made rip
iodatingt rented and rents nI
Flee Inenraaoe In Within ea
°Moo- fe 1'rnadroot & Hags'
twit Ooderleb.
Atilt tR and Real
Fir., Life, Aenld,nt and Plate 4;1
effeete7 on mntnat or °ash eta
..ate . 0..1hin.
Itw 9nRli.h and 1 'anadlan e
ree ed.
OM o nett deer do Narrow k 1
b or Hamities area.
DR W. 8'. °ALLOW. P
aol8askssvga. aaM B
i at
hnlldlesosg, amost tM0
rs.)d. NI91. eA �.