HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 7are too fag
00 thin already,
r your habit, is
lore. Of lc,, is
1'0o tar, consult
n, Persistently
hat Cause, tsl,e
Of Cool Liver
' causes of get.
they all come
) heads: Loot-
k, if you can;
oil can Or not,
pulsion of Cod
glance yoursc!f
1'0u can't live
by it, t vu
;mit, houevt'rf
on of Cod Lil'er
diest cure for
ass it comes of
'ork--you car,''
strong, Without
ell J` ltv,�•
o. J'
all drugglate.
n it la. Rend den, r
wet ear Irian her n
sebenge and le,
0. (',nada.
TRADE meek',
The Patent
l'omoans, Pyo,;,.,
meatier sail .11 reale
Me.lwevests and slop
b ier toltet a... u.
mfsrtlarr,� er•eaoetb•nl
.6•r, loot. ler. Rent
rat' from pat.
'o tt14T. TH1, 1ft� i
t, u,.ek Apply to -1.
British Lose 313 Men
Peed Number 4t; Wounded, M7 - An
Took Place un March 7 Between
Took A11 iSritlsh Baggage.
who were aasiouo loaoerslag busi-
ness matters chafe! at the unavoid-
able delay.
The ketrurla reports having righted
Ute Mullen mall eterawer tier•!' us,
trout Naples, February :.:6th, for New
Yurk, hist Wednesday, Starch 5th.
Thu Hardegua snoop by, but eluding
rhe twuld be of no assistance, she
proceeded un her court*.
N 1. cleat' App....tun Erre Out.
The Etruria war laying to comu.un-
toat. with the North Ueriae.0 Lloyd
situatuer Krouprlus Wilhelm by wire -
fourterm telegraphy. But ter most -wire
broke la 'overall places, end she war
1 unable to repair it uuttl the weather
I had improved, when it was too late.
After the acchdent the plumage of the
liner was entirely uneventful, and
there occurred nothing of lutenist be-
yond the dally rump of the verge',
wb4;it ranged from 60 to 100 knots.
The Etruria will wait here fur the
arrival of the Royal mail steamer
Elbe, which left Southampton for
Herta yeeterriuy. The Elbe will carry
the fr trurta'e passengers to Euglaud,
The Etruria will then be towed home
by the fogy, which are now. on their
way out from Liverpool for tole pow-
The pueeengere on the Etruria are
looking Longingly toward the 'More,
and waiting for to -morrow, when
they to Ill Le able to land and be-
owwe acquainted with Llorta and the
'eland of Fayal.
011ker anJ Sou lien flleeing-Fight
tt'Inburlp end Lehteubur`--Boers
hemline March 10. 4.93 p. m. --(len."
tt, tlrucn nod four guns have been
Tturvl by lien. 1elotrey.
Methuen Wuueded.
:len. Methuen was wounded In the
,uirh. Three British officers anti
y men were k•iled. Five Britian pf-
le,•ere and 7'3 men were wounded.
tine British officer and .0U. men
:ire missing.
The fight In which (len. llethnen
. war captured took place before
.lawn on March 7th, between Win -
burg and Lichtenberg, Orange lit-,
ter colony. TJte Brttirh fence num-
1,.•red 1,:-'00 mea. The Boers captur-
e.: all the Brltleh baggage. General
tlethuen le retained as a prlw,ner.
Lord Kltrhener's Oreaprtel..
!'relorla, March 8. -Saturday. 1
greatly regret to bare to rend you
lard news of Methuen. Ile was mov-
ing with Moe hundred mounted leen,
• under Major Petrie, and throe hundred
infantry, tour guns and a pout pow,
(roma Wyeber•g to Lichtenberg, and
ear to meet greeted, with 1,300
mounted men, at Ituvireinee Fontein
to -day. Yesterday uoruing early he
nue attacked by 1)elarey'r force be-
' I a w•n Twebusch and 1'*1wletknlll.
The Boers charged on three riles.
'Five hundred and fifty men have
",one in at 1Warlbogs and Kraatpau.
'fairy were pursued by the lk,ers four
tooter from the scene of the action.
- They report that Methuen end Puree,
with the game begetter, rte., were
captured by Ike lkn•rr. Methnrn,
-_.r►heu lase seen, war prisoner.
Move no details of the casunl-
l_ tiee and sugeeet delaying publien-
r tion 1111 I can send definite ucwo.
1 think this sodden revival of activ-
ity on the pert of I'elnery is to draw
off the troops pressing De Wet."
In n rtcuod despatch, dated Run -
'l. y March 9. Lord Kitchener warm
"`Parts h... come 1lV-1Lt1K
esus the remainder of the men. lie
r • is.,rt. that the column war moving
two parties. One, with the ox.
e.+gone. left Tweboach at 3 a.m. The
• tiler, with the mule wngonsh'tartnl
I Iwur litter. Just before dawn the
hoer," attacked. Before reinforce-
1,it me mold reach thein the
n:.r guard broke. In the meantime
u large number of Boers galloped up
on Loth flank... There at flret wero
checked Uy the (hulk parties, but the
punto and ILimpede of lite tuulee hptl
begun. and all the mule wagons, with
u terrlWu mitture of utounte. iii' ,
rushed part the to. wagon's. Ml
efforts to check them were uuavall-
lag. Major Parts collected forty men
and occupied a position a mile In
front of the ox wagons, which were
then halted. After a gallant but
useless defence, the enemy rushed
Into the ox wagons, turd Mcthuue
was wounded In the thigh. Purtr,
being eurruurated, surrendered at 10
a.m. Methuue 1r still In the Boer
Then follows the number of the
casnnittes, no already cabled. The
killed include Litotes. 0. R. Yenping
and T. P. W. Netrtanb of the 80711
Artillery, who were ball killed while
eerctag their guile with came -Shut.
Oen Mlethuen was the British com-
mander who lend the army to the re-
lief of the besieged town of Kimber-
ley, in Nov., 1899. In this expedi-
tion ile successfully engaged the
Boers; at Belmont, Gras Pan, Molder
River and Magerefonteln. The Brt-
tirh worn ruccessfut is the flret three
battiest', but suffered a revere defeat
rt Maerwtonteftt. The Lkor com-
mander at (Grad Pan war Oen. 1)e-
larey, els, has now taken Gen. Me-
thuen. It was atter the SMagere(on-
teln doteat that Gen. Lord Roberta
was sent to South Africa, where he
took personal command of the Bri-
tish minutes on Kimberley, and as-
■ hrted by Oen. French, relieved that
place, Feb. 181h, 1900.
Men Released.
A. Lord Kitchener announced thtt
Major Parte heel surrendered -and
'.1•o telegraphed that he had reached
Kralptn with the remainder of the
men, It omit! mea that the Boers
subaequen:ly released the Major and
hitt companions.
flew) In the Hawse.
Loudon. March 10. -Lord Kitchen-
er'd despatcher announcing the dte-
aeter to General Methuea'r forces
e real to troth the House of
' ( use
by Lord Roberts, the Commaaker-
la-Chief, and Mr. ltrolrick, the War
'eeeretary, reepctit ely. They both
paki tributes to General Methuen,
the former expressing 'tie apprecia-
tion of M.+thuen'e succors through-
out tho war, declaring; Lieu Lir tack
W forcing the Boer p,sitnm at Mtg-
ersfosteln Wail en almost Itnposv'lilc
• Opt.
'Row rACTOtl'_
eland. tile (to
m r)s Ca E,
thins nyrep nbould
Mimeo Teething. 1.
• th.rum•. curer wen'
telly fur Diarrhoea.
d tube ala egg'. pe"'a:
not. enema MA dr,,,/
he.t Pham, f. o. b yes,'
roe hhave *apt hiss ti
sa A. /tooth, 41 Xlrh
NAM- -0Ne or THa
Lagoa. Pehissila, ..
llauitrton on two rail
otu.h le to from
hold in one iar,el
>•� .,'ria l[ emit par
mrd hamate Addeo.,
u. Iwo era 4. •
4144 1044
taeo. fat. Anselm., San
MMus la ('alifurula ,
hroeterie I.be, Firs,
Marro rind Aerll. Pro
from other point. In
ria/ sleepers sad )lea
daily (rem ('Meer°
t tome. a ail ,.r write
n. Dm, hei1. (h -'mat
Toronto, Ont.
IT1 w
-1n00 teen/.,7".,r' tee
. workshop and every
Pod. ator, with to
,.re. hound In ,4oth .
end i1 Y,4,1 think into
noup, send ft hack foul
•e rn'•.1 ; chi: 1. a ten..1
re_ Walton, ltrtrr.
1 oror.to, Ont.
14 14 em, Ort 10 aermu
or 4heetnut ; 11.4 hitch.
'h .nares. or both geld
a, kne) makeupp gond
good klieg tool hock
le metre In tour min-
t right .vary way; will
A* seam: tamely ern'..
rice. P. F Alwyn, stn
Ithe core
hatseefeandh erware
lthnut the aid of ps.,ett
otek.rper', deltahr A
herr". "Armee ; . t jt' w
e -s e y .cry ro..
1' ,r et'- -
name to the Mengel'
., MaaateeterereTake
Dater .cod t.rcamary
1 to outrightor all
'ones.,•" invent,
w1 shat. Toronto. Ont.
is Wanted
in In Canada to Nell
Ind gilrte. man NO
re. (toed commis -
CO., TonneeTO.
Single Windows Have Been let
For £42.
Ilrltala May Favor West India Sugar ---Duty ;lay he Abolished and Turn
Indian Sugar Toward Britain --Cunard people Are Not Worrying
About the Etruria -Russia Threatened With Revolutionary Out-
breaks at Several Points.
London, March 8. -Thea clty is al-
ready Hooded with illuditrleted tttera-
tnr0, pointing out the ndeantageoua
view p,lnte from which the Coronet-
thin parade may be wltnereied. Many
mingle windows opening on balconies,
at Nnrt. •• lnte ne Ludgate 11111, have
•Trendy re- • _ for L1. each. Single
meats in the Strand have been sold
I,,r L3 to L6. Single windows. with
exceptional approaches ol. the Sur-
rey side, have brough73.
}$penny elaborate rAans for view-
rtlg the nnvnl parade are already
in full swing. The demand for high-
, lams Steamers Is said to exceed the
^'1PPly. Theme tour. wilt Include a
Leer day cruLee about the channel.
From 10 to 18 guineas are now asked
ter a 'Ingle berth.
to )'refer Nest India M,i*or.
London, March e. -it la learned -GT'
the Arsoclated Prams that the Brltleh
v.'evernment Intends, in the near fu -
lire, to remove the half penny per
pound duty which la now impo.ed on
Wert Indian sugar. Thin will M-
emel the Wewt Imllne ►he relief they
have demanded until the Brus.el.'
convention comes In force.
Between now and September. 1
**Periling to the terrors of the con-
�Iat fl Ureat Britain can take any
*tape skis deems advisable to eefe-
t+ lntuetr . The abolition of
rd the v
the duty on Rest In.IYtn eager is
tantnmont to giving It preferen-
tial treatment over all other sugars.
though tole of course, Cwosea the mo-
ment the Brussels agreement be -
Comes oprrativr. According to the re-
prcrnntntfves of ton Irxading sugar
hooses burr, the tmmnlinte effect
will bo to bring the West Indian
sugar, which 1. now going to Ameri-
can market., to Brllinh perta. A dele-
gation of,lending West Indian'', whom
the Colonial Office coneultel this
week on thte matter, declared that
nnlees something of the kind was
done, the West lnikos world be ruin-
ed before the new arrangement com-
menced work.
%latching for the l'truria.
New York, March 8.-A rpresen-
tatan of Vernon Ii. Brown & Co.,
local agente of the Cunard line, said
to -clay that no anxiety noes felt bt-
.4aus° the Etruria had not been heard
from store aTlo WOW- opvkrn -by
Ottawa 400 milss west of Fayal en
Febrwiry :'8th. The Etruria, which
hall IoM both propellor and rudder,
wan then to tow of the Clyde liner
William Cliff, and wee being towed
at the rate of from r,0 to 60 miles
a day. The local Cnnartt line offlelale
think the ship may not be reported
908. before Tuesday or Wednesday.
Towed Into Fayal at Six
o'Clock Last Evening.
f'nynl, Az.wea, March 9. -The
1onrird lino et(atmer Etruria, which
eon disabled on the passage from
\rw Yost for Liverpool, nrrlval here
at 6 cielock thew afternoon. Tb(+
steamer anchored at 6 o'clock Ih
'evening. All on boned are well. She
had a eoatparatively uneventful peta-
eage except for the breakdown.
wb.ch ntonrred "tering the dinner
hoer of Fob. 26
1%pun Pxnntinntlon It waw fo1u.1
(hat the ahlp's propeller hod broken
off outside the tetwoind that the end -
der hall bees canted away b.r the
prnpelter. The 1:tt erlt then went up
r.rrkela, wh:ok wens 0014.3 by the Belt -
tab steamer William Clift. The latter
born down nal was alonged° in 66
unmans after the e,OMent. Noe .1001
by until daylllght, when. utter ser-
ernl attempt. she autateelej In pass-
ing n haw.e'r aboard the Etruria.
The tank steamer Ottawa arrival on
the eeeno at this time. The William
Cliff then attempted to tow the
1:truria, while the Ottawa attempted
etc steer her. The haweer, however,
oneppete Tke (lttetw'a 'stool by for
two days, and then left for }'eynl,
bearing the wrcottd nfftner of the
Rtrnrin to report the Monster mei
obtain nea;lwtnnoe. ,
Slimed. Jury Radler.
1n the meenwh:lq the crow of the
1:Uur,n had mndn every efffort t0 reg
it Jury ruttier. The fleet aitch rudder
sena carrl(vl away lamerllately an at-
tempt waw mate to use it. After
further effort, hating for two ds yr,
n eeeon'1 Jbry raider was suCCess-
fully ndju'ae1, end U st111 to priwltiOn
The pnawingers of the Etruria were
"attacks( they were In no danger, and
they prefer+ the onto/act of the cep -
Lain and crew of the vowel. Atter
the areident the p s'ngers enema!
themeeivea with the 'tenni 'leen
.poets, ani concerte were l.eld in the
fleet and seated cabins. Only those
r� r
An Order to Vaccinate the
Students Issued.
There will be risme sore exam at
the Untverstty of Toronto tblr weak
and for some time alter owing to
an eeforct,d vucclnatou of all the
*tudente In attendance. Ou FrMuy
night a'sweat lour care, which after-
wards proved to be smallpox, was
lile.00vereal in the permit' of "Erule"
S,mpron, a fourth year Nehmen wan,
who was r• moved to the rawness
l'reekleu t Louden handed out the
fallowing statement on Smelly
As a snsplclous rare, possibly small-
pox, has occurred in the person of
a rctenceto 1e it of the Unlverslty
of Turontrd the provincial and local
health and oniverrtty authorities
hare carefully eooedered what steps
had best be tektite In connection with
the matter. attar have. decided to
require that nil students nttending
the unlverr4y be forthwith vacetio
ated, and that laboratories In which
Life Sentence Passed on the
Captured Boer Rebel.
Piet. en 111s Ileltelt by the Peace and
Arbitration eleaclety-iltockbeuse
"'apt ured --'Phe Use u1 Ox- W sauna
-Hoer N'eddlug Interrupted
Groom "loos to the }stint.
Berlin. March 7. -In extra edlttone
of the eveulug newepaperr here hi
publtrhed it report that Commandant
Erttetoger twbo WAS captured by
Baro, }'reoch la December. lust) was,
after being tried by court-martial.
cooalemued to death ; but that hie
reuteuaw well commuted to banish-
wl"ant for ole.
Ar' result o1 a eieetleeg of the
1'eeae Arbitrate a Society, a re-
quest, s •bed at behalf of We society
three tow mhers u( arIwm
cut 1".
A. CbaanUyg, 'lhuular Shaw, bud H.
J. Wilmot, was scut to King kdwnrd,
praying that clemency b, rhuwu to
Oen. Kritsinger. t
Hones ''sed shot I,uun.
llr'Sbrou, ()resign Colony, Starch 7.
-1 party of Goer* tubbed u Lluck-
houre oa the Frankfort leve, and were
euecess(ul la effecting ite eupt ire
Ar wort people knew, the Muck -
homier are louphnled to allow the M-
u tates to dlr:ltargu theirrifler with
a wiotneum of risk to themeeltee,
'tau aperture being .o mama that tbu
chanuo of a rlfbe bullet hitteug the
marksman' it cwrrespoudingly 4Wall.
lartead of usutg slue., howesee, the
Boers ured shotguns firing N 8
shut, which, aoattertng, invade.
found the open space ant did condi
arable damage to the little garr4
No Oa ; No Oa-t%'ague.
Tafelkop, Orange River Colony,
Margb 7. -The English papers lately
arrived appear to gloat over the
abolition of the ox-wagua with the
lag with Deeember exceeded the ow-
pendltgr. by $180,000, the harg.wt
Item of expenditure heing for wluea
'hon, $60,000, and the largest it,•m
of revenue, the Customs. $:105.000.
pilaw peace W uverlapplug the area of
war ba further rhuwu by the feet
that Canada, Auetralln, and New
Zealand are supplying, at ('haw-
Gerlalu's request, 100 tent re to
proceed to the loaner Boer uloolwt
et once, white tart ttaturday the
prtnclpal of the New Brunswick Nor-
mal College left Southamptou on a
three years' engagement as prin-
cipal of the Normal College at Prt•-
Yet the war perteNtis almost as vlg-
orouily ne ever, though, of course,
In urea gradually loosening under the
blockhouse tortoni.
1)0 W el'n Drlt err. 1)rsert.
tlellbron, ()rouge Colony, Mar. 9. -
The natives employed as cattle drl-
verr by De Wet are desertlug whole -
/tale to escape the terrible experience
of being compelled to drive their
beetle of cattle agalnat the nun 01
btoekhuure fencer In order to clear
It, and rho enable the Boers to break
'1 he ''ape Rebel..
Joluannesburg, March 9. -To what
exleitt the two extinct ltepubHe
have been indebted to the Cape Cul
oily fur actual as4Jrtence has loth•
ere been uuujeutural. Tine nutuber ut
Cape Colunletr who at Various + timer
have Julucd 111e enemy has been van"
burly estimated. Thu exact figures
compiled to,the end el -November lust
'show an appalling total of over 11,-
000 men.
Some districts have given Invisibly
to tee rncwy. Wudeliuse, fur lu-
etuuce, the rent of Sir. J. X. Wert.
WW1, Woe time peace euvuy to ..ng•
Mild, produced 1,0.7 reticle, or a
bittlu wore than huff the number of
regtrtered voter. fur that dietriet.
Al the head of the list comes AllWal
North, neat of Mr. Sauer, ulmu some
time peace envoy to Englund, were
than tier entire voting etrength rue
lying to the Krugerhau banner.
'Hese figures Blow the exact
number whu:h were kuowu to have
joined the eucmy up to Novewteer,
:'Olh, 1901:
Name of Province.
Western (including Cape
Town)... ., 48
Northwestern (this figure is
rluoo believed to hate been
lacrea.ed to o50)... ... ..: 180
Midianite ....
Southeastern... ... ... .,. ...
theastcr0... ... ... ... ...
Paletic taur1 ....... ... 11
Orlyuntrue! West ... ... ... ... ... 2,401
Kenhardt....» s.
Brave Engineer Gets Gold Medals
for Life Saving.
Rescued Four Wunien 1 mom Death by Fire Three Newspaper Men
Woo nod by a stoat Copsleing Iwo Indian Territory 'len Fight in ■
Saloon and Both Are Kt1IiJ -A Schuul-macer Who Makes a Record
in Flogging Pupils.
Boston, M,talm., March 10. -The etrlke
of mho freight handleris of this city,
Which, according to votes passed by
limo labor un'tee yesterday threat-
ens to 4ivolce 10,000 men, was be-
gun early to -day. Tho tears drh•err'
1311100 embr:t.cing ubouL 0,000 'nen
ltd otf. Other unions followed and the
utilisers claim teat by to -night fully
10.000 will bo out. The ■trlkegrows
out of the Brine Tranrportatlon
CcrtnPady'r trouble with Its team-
sters, which began several weeks
ago. but was precipitated by the
refusal oo Baturday of members of
too Freight Haallerr' Unions to take
earn of merchaadlme cartel by von -
imam teamsters employed be the
Brine Company. A targe force of po•
Ike te on duty to prevent disturb.
4(800.3. The Team '1/serene Union
embraces nearly all the drivers hand -
Log freight in the city. TJie New
York, New Halon and Harttbrd Ratt-
raul ant the 11oetoa and Albany
Breech of (1w New York Central
Road aro moot directly* involve," to-
day, the Freight- ' Hanttlera' Union,
8,5_1' which began the fight Sat-
urday by calling out' about (i00 note.
beteg made up mainly, of men from
these two roads. •
Atbltralion Offered.
In view of the threatening aspect
of the strike, the State Board of Ar-
bitration- early to-dsy placed Ite.0
In touch with all concerned In the
trouble The member'. of the Board
did not Ponertl their opinion that
the situation watt grave ani• that
' the prompted of a porkies contort
wax unmistnknble.
Tho efteot of the atrlke war ap-
parent early In the day, wheu the
absence of teaming began to be
noticeable. As the forenoon passed,
however, there was no lege of dem-
onatratlon by the etrikrrs.
It wets learned thin forenoon that
the newspapers are exempt from the
_-01_-. the ttutnuttera And
their paper will
Ise -
nal, the mime at'
talc anal public suppliesloetito ho I-
Bravery Itreognlzed:
Kokomo, Ind., March 10. -The City
Council had voted a gold mmedal to
}sunk Wyatt, a Pan -Handle Rail-
road englueer, for bravery. The local
lodger ut the Order of Odd Fellows
and Red Mon gleno voted medals and
ouch to bion, although Wyatt 1s not
a member of either otder.
Wyatt lett bpd engine at three nat-
ural gee e\plorlond last week Undcar-
rteil four women out of burning belitt-
le"rustling through a mars of
flames to rescue them. The women
were: Mev. Ida Achay, Mr.. E Phil-
lips, Mrs. Mary Barrington and lira.
Mary Nporgeun. late two former
died of their lnlurhw, but the other..
may recover. Wyatt was Itimself
badly burned In pulling one of the
women from under a fallen chim-
Phree ,Neo 'metier Men Drewneb.
Everett, Waldo.,., Murch 10. -Frank
Church and 11. O. Jacob'', advertising
men of the Daily Jtecord, were
drowned by the enp tang of airmail
Croat In a squall. John Costello, a
boy, war rerecuotl. As the boats
overturned all managed to cling to
the gunwale, young Church cheering
hie' companions, Moon Jacobs re-
leased his bold, Church following
within a few seconds. The bodies
were not recovered'
Two DurN'st1 Kilted.
Ardmore, I. T. March 10. -In a aa•
loon timer plush Springs, J. G. Green
and James McGee quµ rrelled, and In
the fight that folkifted both `men
were killed.
Schoolmaster Makes a Record.
Menchmetor, Conn , March 11. -Pro•
fewior le A. Lillie. mudoale principal
of the Eighth District School. Iart
week made a ;more for clhasllse-
ments. The list wan 49 punishments
Irl 3T minutes, including ruler beatomstnand general drubbings. The pu•
pled voted to run after a minstrel
parade, and when the bell rang for
school to begin only a few were pre.
Prof. Lillie bided his time till the
Inst straggling one returned Then
there war an lntereeting executive
1 be drNverell as
w- !Polon to the basement anti. the
I great record wee mute Prof. Lillie
jdries tpreesiveiy Irl tote choir of the
`ConeerMetlonal Church and Is a great
!!!!! router fpr the Hartford ('lub. He
}cM.tleoa mita with a rubber hose.
Charged With Inhuman Torture of Filipino
Oldest Canadain Senator, Who Was 98
on Feb.I9th
the rodent he question worked be
properly fumigated , awl to expedite
this end vaccinators will nttead at
the'oolvermtty and all affiliated in-
etltutlons for such purpose at hours
.0 be hereafter appolntef. t'Sbgnedl
P.- E8rrrcEbar MIs
.uncleao�'t11am Odrtitt.
hail been ennlptatntng for
a week, nod on }'rtdayy bight. bad lilts
dinner In the university dining hall.
He had been mingling with the stu-
dents up to Ute time of ole removal,
nt 8 o'clock to the isolation bospltal.
On 8rttnr'tlay afternoon. Simpson
was removal from the Isolation
Ifoepbtal to the Soles tbttage Hoe-
pitnl, w''cre smallpox cases alone
are treated. The case, which had
been under observation since Fri-
day night, was diagnosed as small-
pox by the attending physician. -
Birtgosnn roomed on feabella street
end took hie meals at the University.
The ambulance took him from Isa-
bella street, ,
The house nn Isabella street Inns
not yet been gaatnntlned'.
&intnllpnx on Heard.
St, John, N. 11., March Q. -The
Lake Mield a arrived thls
Morning from the Igoe • F' -her
titnl.len voynge. the rettett -1.'h. 2Y
for 8t: John and coaled at Barry.
Two eases of m reillevie were ,aboard.
Smallpox of Aurora.
Tlere ere said to be ,ix cent' of
smallpox In Aurora. A clergyman
le one of the 'lathes.
Untied Siete* Want to Build a Dom
at It rad of Nla:ere.
Washington, 11. C., March 9. -The
Committee 00 Rivers and Harbors Po-
teh"tl It. bill Saturday afternoon, and
it wIli bo reported to the House on
Monday,-Arnoag the general price Wong
of the, bill 1s one which restated to the
teion g .4 n dam morons the Niagara
!fiver nt the outlet of Lake Erle. The
bill provl.tcr for too formation of as
international commission to bo com-
pose.) of three members from the
United State* nal three from the
government of (trent Britain, to
reprrhent the. Dominion of C'alwda.
1R 00 event of Great Britain aa0-
ce'pttot the Invltatlon, the Prete-
(leat 1t' authorized to Appoint one
United (States engineer. one civil eu-
glneer, newt one Inwver am commie-
eamrrt from ton United States.
The proposltioa Is to rake the
waster tw.t or throe feet nbnve the
Mw -water level of the lake That
will glop the InmreneM depth to ell
the porta of Lek"' Fete es far nest,
it is believed, as the Detroit Riser.
cotumne. This "allot - lOu ie. how-
ever, baited oo a (Mob idea of the
intuit tan). The ox -wagon uee nut ac-
company the motile cunt,but Is
parktd at a point from w • night
marehee eau hest be made.
11 the costume had
els to envoy
with .0 days' supplier It count_ emaln
out for a month without ret sting
to perm:went depots. for it, we
traneport can carry nearly ten d. r'
food. The abolition uI the ox tr
port. however, prevents this, and th
column must return to the blockhouse
lino oftener.
It ti,, however, only fair to the
military authorttice to elate that
the abolition of the ox -wagon with
flghling colutmir t. duo to the mar -
city of oxoo. �• ,
A aces Wedding.
AmOterdnnn, March 7. -The follow-
hiig Interesting contribution to the
hbtory of the wet appears In the
lace1 pnpera. It is the nlory of a
Boer marriage 1n war time.
"Re were on commando outside
Lidley,' *eye the narrator, "when a
young Boer came to me with a re-
quelrt for pine. I asked him what he
re utrod them for, but gladly gave
him my available rwtpply of n.ellcal
safety pins when he toltt me (hat he
wile to be married in the morninit�t�
tun" that h'.o Orkin had no thread
handy for her costume.
"You should have seen that wel-
ding t The young couple were 'vetting
for Joy' among the rains of n home-
stead. The bride wore to white gown
pieced together with safety pins. The
gloom wtta appareled to an-neelent
suit of broadcloth (p?Obabty looted
trent a entailer man, and that a loyal
Britblltee) ; his tri„nears and sleeves
were quite three Inches too sport, hut
a pnlr or dancing pumps and a red
tin made up for ell atiorteominga
"The nuptial eanquet Onndletea of a
fried pig deemed with 'mettle' pap,'
etel Kaffir Leer waw the wine. tiering
the moll our people were fighting,
fiercely two meets off, but a veldt har-
monium drowned the more dlatnnt
'Staklenly the merry nw0embly was
interrupted by a me+n.enger from 11e -
Wet, who mime with the Summon,
'ton 1 every available man was to go
out no .reinforcement.' The groom
obeyed with alacrity, and went out.
nw 'a reinloroementa'
"Next morning, hol*ever, when he
come to reclaim his bride, he found.
much to Kw chnp(rin, tont the BrItboli
had culled et the farm overnight anal
rammed her for 'eoacentrntlon,' "
London. Mnrrh 9.-Tn-day's Bloem-
fontcln rahlegrems show that dn-
spite the warblk• dl*tnr nrrs, the
Orange River Colony hair enceeeelrvl
In e.. far re-ostaMlehing !feelf that
the revenue for the sex months end -
Beller ,1 tg have joined shoe
compliatien of i:eturn... -. 400
Orand total of 7ebels... 11,8)8
it W worthy of remnrk that. the
electoral Metrlots repre*ente.d by
members to ked
H on an aver
age three rebels for' every one who
neural from cottetltuetielea reprelient-
el by Progrereives, \
Melt Proal the Queeen.
Copenhagen, 'Mare% 9. -At a ra eet-
ng of the United BreweriesC'ompany
Wee etnnounced that tauten-.eleven-
11 4 graolut sly acotpted_a gift of
1, )0 bottler of Crown melt extract,
ma ufnotnred by the King's Brew-
ery-, Copenhagen. for dlstrlbutlun
am those invalided 1n the war. A
card ... ring the Inscription, "A
gift fr „ 1ler Majorty, with best
wimples f n epeedy recovery,' ac -
compete • ench bottle.
"P. Kru4te fres. /'ape Colony."
London, Mn 8.-.t. cOrtespondent
writes the Sta . rd stating that it
friend of h41 fou 1 In the ruing of n
factory nadir Fret ria a small statu-
ette of Mr. Krug' On the base of
lhtr_slatuelLtwho_ was of terra-
cotta ware, wore the ords,TiilluT88
"P. K rug,r, Prentder. 01 t'ape Vet-
ony." The factor), lei apparently
been largely, if not cull Iy, devoted
to the mauufastnre our t • statu-
e'ttee, nohlm ton correagrond , 1, and It
is very eitnttb:tnt lint it 1 been
blown up by the iolerw before tar t.d=
cup:atiou of Pretoria.
Grea ' Quantities of Stores and
munition Taken.
A Maxim (Bun, heliograph Telegraph, Etc., In the Cache -Natal Resolves
en Compulsory Milker Servke--K110de1 Rumors Rather Conflicting
Chinese Rebels Ilialway In Kwang-SI--Looting end
BurnOng Villages,
T.ocdon, March 8. -Lord Kitolteiae
la n despatch front Pretoria, dated
tottnY. report's the discovery of a
Boor magazine In 0 cave northeast-
ward of Rietz {Orange River Colony), r
containing 510,000 rounds of rifle
nrumunittou, hundreds of uholld and
fumes, 1:00 pounds of powder, a.Haxtm
gun, helios, field telegraphs anti
quantities of stored. Thirty-flve
Boers have been captured in the
same neighborhood 11We March 4.
The magnttue was diet:overel by
Canadian /scouts, commanded by Col-
onet Rose. a
14hodra (11; Ithodr. Kill.
Lond0tt. Match 8,-Wbilo private
telegrahte from Cape Town tu-day
report that Cecil Rhoden is la a
critical condition, the officials here
of the "British Chartered South Af-
rica Company say Mr. 1(hooioe Is con-
ocltng hie buolttesr correeponelenoe
usual. In two' caWo despatched
etved from Mr. Rhodes this morn -
lag hie Illness was not mentioned.
)he Keeng-al Itebrtn.
• hong, March 8. -The inwaug-
81 rebe have reached Kai-Uhou, it
town 80 miles from Kwaog-Ction-
•Yuan. T1 ■urprlseJ the local mate-
dartna, over were" the garrison and
released the'prisooers, who joined
the rebellion.
It is reported that the member* of
too Trial Secrettety have loinoe1
mhgo rebelsvlllalges. and aro k tog and burn -
MussetrviceServe the` tate.
Pietermaritzburg, Naim!# March 8.
- le
Tho Natal Legislature hal adopted
a resolution In favor of oompuleory
, +
Prelates 1a
Mere $ante. 1 hal
The Cellitua
Arty bi'ifletln No. 6, to whisk
'Atlun of Canada is claimed aimording
to sexes moil ounjugnl condition, hoe
latter term being need to asp
tbo.rcl,Mt)on of the population to t
Institution 01 marrlago. ilio "F11%Frt
of divorced persons Is published for
Boer*' "Stow.. - Fr4.k.
Landon, March 9 -Tho story of l •e
recent raid by the Bores upon th
concentration enmp nt )'Irterehurg
was dents., by Mr. Brodrick in the
Haase of ('ommnne In nnower to a
question by Mr. Lloyd (ieorge. Ant
150 men left the romp to Join the
enemy, for. aroor,lIng to Mr. Bron•
Iteyrrs managed to get 150 men
Into the camp. apparently nos refit
zero, and they Induced 160 surrender
eel iNurjtiers to go out Roil Joln the
Shat For Killing I'ri.oner.
T.nnrb,n, unreel 9. -cabling from
Ionanneeberg. the mrreepon'tent of
the 11ehy Mall cites the fleet report•
t'1 e'sett where itritish troopers tinve
been shot for mlecoreklet.
Thn eorreiq,nnMnt soya two Irre
milers. who were ronvlcted by n
oourt•martlel M ahonting n none at -
ter lin had snrrrnarretd, wrrw eh,t
test week nt Pretoria.
The Metropolitan Street hnllwny
Company, of Now Ynrk, haw e.ttb-
Itehe•d n pension eytem far .neer-
annuatel employees,
.JlrltAima lin teraminatie0 et
sched':)es show; that Tteral *191(n•
ton was oonsidrlrorl by vomit "num•
orators to Imply tee amine conditlun
s divorce. Acoureingly 'tneaauree had
t e het taken to prucnre to ret.lun
of • very retorted case. The 'ocean
of , 'tied ma1o+s Is explained by the
fact tint in certain lumbering and
mtnlr • .Ustricts ntarrttel men have
.been c• ntegl whose faniltiem, nt the
time of •numeration, wero living In
1110 Hilt .e Otates, Newfonn'llnnd and
other nrmn lee.
The flgttr for the Dominion and
the i'ror Ince • Ontario 1'1110
Canada. Ontario.
_ ,7:.1.413 1.090,041
,460,471 1,009,487
619,518 1,01(6,108
2.768 1,014,88i
Ma Ins, 1901
melee 1891 ...
Verne beo, 1901 .
Frannie -0 189t -.2,
Single Males, ...
1901 .... .....1,74 682
single malas, „„.
11[91 -
Single remelts"' ..•`•
1901 ... .. ...... 1,063,4:t'9
Single females ....
Me l 1,4b1.ti ;1
Married males ...
1901 ... ... 9131,915
Married moles ...
1891 , 790,1$6 668,060
ILarrled telltales ,
Married fsma)q , 906,031 688,668
1891 791,902. $82,7pe
TCial(iweil ealeg' - ---
11101 - , , ..e MAW- :-69,35 - --
Wklowed mottos ..
189102,777 27,7711
W klowed- females
1001 . 150,7011-r WHO -
Wbknwed females
1897 1^.9,010;"k _.
'tureen males..
reed- Teale -s, 39 . a"
-' 111
322' .-". 1111
Other l'rovinees,
British (` elemhle bei. 114,081 mates
and 64,576 fermles. Manitoba, 118,-
832 males end 116,815 female.
North -wart Territories 87,473 males
and 71,497 Conning. in British Col-
tunbi4 there are 80 (Premed persons,
In Mani/uba lti, Its New Brunswick
80, he Nova Scotia, 91, In Prince Ed-
ward Island 14, in Qtrebec 5.8, in
Northwest Terrltorlea 19, Yukon 36.
Iwmdon, Mnreh 10.-1 deepetch to
the IMtly Chronicle from Berlin says
that the ltussIan General, Orlb.kl,
who wee rewpnn.lhle for the men -
/snores at IYagnvestchensk, has been
dtsmlgeetl from the ariny.
Aecorling to reports of the P.bngo-
Ttl.tchensk massacre abont 6 00i)
Ch111e00 Were drdve0 bj lits Russians
Into the Amor Meet. Resslan troop',
on the bank. Nabbed or shot any
who Attempted to land, anti ton
elver bank was strewn with mrpspe,
for miles.