HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 6_ _ ____ _ oar riawralwa, __ ___ ___ ____._ _ _ _ __ weglJu't ..peculate Abut It.Spe:- K,uu In pupealaliuu of Ira than ;li 1 Mndlolue-Nruy other Hlraculuur %%ill bo 4 leatucua4tour fuflut a elution cveu b a want of (slat in per unit every tell ycnrm u,ad ars I Cures Iliruusht to Llaht. vreulthy Amecic•,u, aunt 'disttwgulrl urillugistowlllauwler•ali thlaga Plc-IcullI retLAtalThesn'dolrootesltill, to In- Oatwwa, Ont„ F'rb L't.--litw<ItLi- )rbf�atialy Who Fi s W edfwit "'}tut It He over wills It, auntie; 14luiru IDW the character of the la- ' Oil" effect of'ltr publwutlou Ate "I'l I lumetU •able dun hicrd ria u J e "t o throlIALL the perry at the mirieu. a 6 r b lr• leo opens the way los mc, cad � ctr;,rr,l uutnber, but rtKusd tCay ad- furtlacuIDlug crrcutuuy nu rho l►gh tueiktes all thin s rglooth, you would 111111uar a• evdenem to( pro rues. TO 1„us cure Loi u cure of 1•uralyris here K a in Osltaw'u Lar lapeaa t„ brlu to the "f u Lu;ge wnr,tlge fair W %%hint Ill,t keep me lAAck from it, would Uir. AntbaMy tit.• PopuL111oD growth K uttltig to -Ute auu)tltudo of buyer you ,1' is dal,lorublm It weaur, lu her u )tu- ar["am u gravat' wapy ala Surly wwi- 1 durlul and n'rN uualteuUrula,t cun,el ll� bOleo to ubtulu lie” prievo is e A, ,6. e. �p gyp, �. ,a, 0. waw "Keep you baht, my darling? You lull, the breilklug 1:uw,l of waver wltlt 1. the •cmc rcwtdy-Dudd'r hhhttl the r w"urtkt � � `�°Q4"4G °4` "a s` 'i _s_'s' + •s•*+.% uitght as weU sek me it 1 woof l kNep the euro of Lou r newton numb r of y lu uu•etluerura Avory pw.fbl - - -� you bank from entering Leaven. Nvr; &htllreu, to w'hour th, I an• uuubb• to 1 ills. Meant, to cu1L•,aOr their uwu Lou Afu,,'lli when all ,von ak of Kire the necerw or.s attention. 0(hr .11 r. Bruw'.u, u1tAi.e,l tact Loa tuusskl their ala W(' ala the •euauttub, 1, a aarxlert, 1111.41. ugbtcrr' Itoraly c heir comer to ,team, 1 will be tlw first to rrvager ucrr the Ili I o of a dr r leu r lit,) by .hr frwv a /r threl t r T * r'� Cn•aNe of marriages in pngwrtlun t0 'owing metluu.l, t/wl,luyul la the our Loi uubillt T�� ��� ���� T put tllat great ugly flux kite capliN,pulntluet, but ,lrrlr, that It Is 11aw+► 3[+tllcuble liana Workd. Bluce thew t cud UorouglA%nstlurug 11 * unJ end; feel upas your alenr Ilt- us.rinly duo to, the r, fu»lel Lot uung' tit" publlcatitu) Lot till• hot, of th• hA•ud: ua,l 1 don't think levulJ ) K11uou Lot theudrTril.rmout column Klvo mru to tut dcu thrwsvlcer with ware and Ila cure Ito Vale bveu neer- of Ute etx art ' you l greater prat of m, ,I wits„ a 1 obildreh. Tla• treason f r uhal[n d %rl•b It'tteirr of inquiry (rota ) journal+ well revs, pfetu red;nation thou tknt, my 4 flat a largo utuulref air iwotowloua _ __ Wool the fewer marringer wh!oh she r.f- nil over the country, cud •to muck of lr.aut _ ('� sweat, y gill;" std betwixt 41a4me lie unr,w•e•rs s.tnlfy:,' Y afuclorr ha ►'u cum• user (roc tt��'t�,yt-�-��`-`t�-�-t-��t�-.Y-.-,-�-"-- --.--��--" friar Ir thefncrt•t�drr,l tutrUtRence'uf .. 7�W` "W'9`'�V°'P°0°�p■••po `'- t6 86 Ob�esl�b 0i�:i�66 De�tlei� #A IOu�Itpg a+W Cry,Ag the two wu- ttuweu. who prefer to live !p w,me Yer, DoAd'r kidney 1'111N cured me the UDttrd tilntr•i and F'r:r4ce fu "\one knew then hat to love Ther, "'\nue unloved the„ but to prai.e,". ' It Ir rhngular that ""In" of Ihd' r)„vt betentiful hurt(•y PTe1 written la exactly :,pplloah I tit M INSOON 1'KYI.ON TF: A, For Longtellow' acne Font tl,iuklntt toe %f,)NyA)X 'IT.A when hr wrutP these linen. Mit they th•.a•.rihe lhi•+ e14.1h•j.Ii- IN•%, rugs %cry ;jv4, trateII, v .y . ,, But afAgii dl,l it ; f,•r to a•utrol aha lulu pin• cu"f+dence betweeq. %so- ... -. t 1 h ., .. the purpure. of repleul.hiug thei 1'urwd to, nelding to, or pruteudhti her inelinatl,tu hue Amo one of the "Arllirt Ic?4,4w Ilea el by hrr wen t1aAn cxirttd ba•twceu thaw levo, „ .,. . t glow ar111 a btiauppg t ng. asI1 llultr to whbh they bcluag, Fond, i ' doubt not, will recoiti v an excetr,l- � THEY CANNOT "I cwlL•wr i have taken, a great e issUE xo 11, 1s0;, 4_ _- - ♦11�oe11w���������t��e���♦ tag grunt rd. but titieu their murk utuJ. But nt pnvlrat, FEWER BABIES the . ggrteliag the oauele, wa ,tulle Dntase•1 br the singern,vA hes nll,ee etloce.l e 2 COMPLEXIONS FOR • - Al irgi thew. N'o `'`i`a' t"°` "m°'` " AMD MARE CQMFQRT, ' UND�BSTAND. to fedi oat of aAurch nu roan au curt )'ort DatALat' be j .trod. Aleut Lrtty ; there le rho weariuu, fur I rlo,ulJ rtorrl miss our and lw"rL" While It. Ir mail) hfug how• many' negbotod chl:dren escape Ile httir ulpri lawn to recel it Lot not 1 h few lettere from others Who too I iNL CORONATION. " �®��� liktio er Illtlu iAsirr oI mera,Y at home." "You ' Uta Amthouy --- hrete found Dalin w Kldiey !•elle a l,fr-saving lL fee+ of lode tluan lire I.vinear i i ndtloo and tre+ltmont. rilx wuattu ix Da say at prreeut,' Aunt betty, Do you think, thou It way ever come Ialkr t'lauruualy on birth arQ Mrrriase Italia. .Many People Still Enquiring ����w1NN���Ne�e.e�w�wN� rewedy when all cls hod faihd li_verul Lor 'khene, ,'deunru •till b to parr?" Inttuirod MAggle, earn t.. knew wbn !t Lv thaT had lu their 1 U111rk 1t is tllu That cowing ceiruuattuu fertivltlee fmrre•ereri by lite eel liar. :taut Jusrph Browo'tGast. ars bel&g eogeltil lUili fur%vnrd to rhe cou:d nut curb utilitli profess to be aurry for Iia%lug t ''lf your life Ir sparcJ, Hatt you contluuu w.041 "law u11ad, wydear, alio lWuw1D B. Anthony .lura not il,ko thu popular view of the ot)nrus 1 1 e ' by wtwteu of nit ugur wlau onus Th/,n tht•rer Ir Foto vaYiutr what may hon- repurttr. Must uetouw exurers dlrao— I u..n.n. u....,-. nor. _._ •_r,__ _ 111 wllnt it kuowu ns tb}, 'amort! .4t, for the upportuuitiav fur g,u,•allt were _ _ ____ _ oar riawralwa, __ ___ ___ ____._ _ _ _ __ weglJu't ..peculate Abut It.Spe:- K,uu In pupealaliuu of Ira than ;li 1 Mndlolue-Nruy other Hlraculuur %%ill bo 4 leatucua4tour fuflut a elution cveu b a want of (slat in per unit every tell ycnrm u,ad ars I Cures Iliruusht to Llaht. vreulthy Amecic•,u, aunt 'disttwgulrl urillugistowlllauwler•ali thlaga Plc-IcullI retLAtalThesn'dolrootesltill, to In- Oatwwa, Ont„ F'rb L't.--litw<ItLi- )rbf�atialy Who Fi s W edfwit "'}tut It He over wills It, auntie; 14luiru IDW the character of the la- ' Oil" effect of'ltr publwutlou Ate "I'l I lumetU •able dun hicrd ria u J e "t o throlIALL the perry at the mirieu. a 6 r b lr• leo opens the way los mc, cad � ctr;,rr,l uutnber, but rtKusd tCay ad- furtlacuIDlug crrcutuuy nu rho l►gh tueiktes all thin s rglooth, you would 111111uar a• evdenem to( pro rues. TO 1„us cure Loi u cure of 1•uralyris here K a in Osltaw'u Lar lapeaa t„ brlu to the "f u Lu;ge wnr,tlge fair W %%hint Ill,t keep me lAAck from it, would Uir. AntbaMy tit.• PopuL111oD growth K uttltig to -Ute auu)tltudo of buyer you ,1' is dal,lorublm It weaur, lu her u )tu- ar["am u gravat' wapy ala Surly wwi- 1 durlul and n'rN uualteuUrula,t cun,el ll� bOleo to ubtulu lie” prievo is e A, ,6. e. �p gyp, �. ,a, 0. waw "Keep you baht, my darling? You lull, the breilklug 1:uw,l of waver wltlt 1. the •cmc rcwtdy-Dudd'r hhhttl the r w"urtkt � � `�°Q4"4G °4` "a s` 'i _s_'s' + •s•*+.% uitght as weU sek me it 1 woof l kNep the euro of Lou r newton numb r of y lu uu•etluerura Avory pw.fbl - - -� you bank from entering Leaven. Nvr; &htllreu, to w'hour th, I an• uuubb• to 1 ills. Meant, to cu1L•,aOr their uwu Lou Afu,,'lli when all ,von ak of Kire the necerw or.s attention. 0(hr .11 r. Bruw'.u, u1tAi.e,l tact Loa tuusskl their ala W(' ala the •euauttub, 1, a aarxlert, 1111.41. ugbtcrr' Itoraly c heir comer to ,team, 1 will be tlw first to rrvager ucrr the Ili I o of a dr r leu r lit,) by .hr frwv a /r threl t r T * r'� Cn•aNe of marriages in pngwrtlun t0 'owing metluu.l, t/wl,luyul la the our Loi uubillt T�� ��� ���� T put tllat great ugly flux kite capliN,pulntluet, but ,lrrlr, that It Is 11aw+► 3[+tllcuble liana Workd. Bluce thew t cud UorouglA%nstlurug 11 * unJ end; feel upas your alenr Ilt- us.rinly duo to, the r, fu»lel Lot uung' tit" publlcatitu) Lot till• hot, of th• hA•ud: ua,l 1 don't think levulJ ) K11uou Lot theudrTril.rmout column Klvo mru to tut dcu thrwsvlcer with ware and Ila cure Ito Vale bveu neer- of Ute etx art ' you l greater prat of m, ,I wits„ a 1 obildreh. Tla• treason f r uhal[n d %rl•b It'tteirr of inquiry (rota ) journal+ well revs, pfetu red;nation thou tknt, my 4 flat a largo utuulref air iwotowloua _ __ Wool the fewer marringer wh!oh she r.f- nil over the country, cud •to muck of lr.aut _ ('� sweat, y gill;" std betwixt 41a4me lie unr,w•e•rs s.tnlfy:,' Y afuclorr ha ►'u cum• user (roc tt��'t�,yt-�-��`-`t�-�-t-��t�-.Y-.-,-�-"-- --.--��--" friar Ir thefncrt•t�drr,l tutrUtRence'uf .. 7�W` "W'9`'�V°'P°0°�p■••po `'- t6 86 Ob�esl�b 0i�:i�66 De�tlei� #A IOu�Itpg a+W Cry,Ag the two wu- ttuweu. who prefer to live !p w,me Yer, DoAd'r kidney 1'111N cured me the UDttrd tilntr•i and F'r:r4ce fu "\one knew then hat to love Ther, "'\nue unloved the„ but to prai.e,". ' It Ir rhngular that ""In" of Ihd' r)„vt betentiful hurt(•y PTe1 written la exactly :,pplloah I tit M INSOON 1'KYI.ON TF: A, For Longtellow' acne Font tl,iuklntt toe %f,)NyA)X 'IT.A when hr wrutP these linen. Mit they th•.a•.rihe lhi•+ e14.1h•j.Ii- IN•%, rugs %cry ;jv4, trateII, v .y . ,, But afAgii dl,l it ; f,•r to a•utrol aha lulu pin• cu"f+dence betweeq. %so- inert sloppp:d upon ties moor, and hely each other In a tau anti jerteut Inch of Y nJe''r')re fin thrmaclrer Inttewt of Weurinc nut their like* In the rear• Parker all elle doctor* and h tial • wchit r.s hod KIce:I mu a ). I can ital i the purpure. of repleul.hiug thei 1'urwd to, nelding to, or pruteudhti her inelinatl,tu hue Amo one of the "Arllirt Ic?4,4w Ilea el by hrr wen t1aAn cxirttd ba•twceu thaw levo, 'eater int v1+rr'br lgN tea girl' quickly ttry pi betic eyes Ing of ehildrrn. "UhLI,. lhir wurld • 1 ••y'alk awl lu tt to j►e fed lum a baby u adJ to, uAl,t:uK clulrmr Lor b; rtl.torlag those that UTV faded Dunt Lett)•, th, Wnst-uiti Ind} "I cwlL•wr i have taken, a great C11.t11TER Y\t'1. There wow a HiLght ba- lac tlr; exclaims the veteran spin- carr, "is fewer of l.tren, anti those fur fuur muuths, but the piilr WWII fired we lel) lend f late been till Da, gone. the . ggrteliag the oauele, wa ,tulle Dntase•1 br the singern,vA hes nll,ee etloce.l fal. -y fur !u'r.' rale) rtabl, lo,agh►ng, "bac cuoin••md twrru ala bBi•1 Hrtxleraa,a dud irady better taken Dore o1 anti better (,nrle right ever .ince." 7'lleae practilloners ran only b conmulted by ter)• evealthy- to fedi oat of aAurch nu roan au curt )'ort DatALat' be j .trod. Aleut Lrtty ; there le rho weariuu, fur I ischia•! during the remalualt•r of that 4kal. Thu brad) to the and lw"rL" While It. Ir mail) hfug how• many' negbotod chl:dren escape Ile httir ulpri lawn to recel it Lot not 1 h few lettere from others Who too woman ale tiro moanert of thew would awn the strTbr war ornchsJerl. •'The ApPL't,•aT, Plant !" she wh't-' ; tl,luk It in mister Margcr.•t's eirerr that attracts chose resent Iaii, wunle that her husbagd'r cou- the'fute wh,ch'rermr inevitable, no hrete found Dalin w Kldiey !•elle a l,fr-saving lL fee+ of lode tluan lire I.vinear i i ndtloo and tre+ltmont. rilx wuattu ix Da lamed. "Ix.n't let them gl. without ,kite ep(%ating to them.• t rfo nn want we quits. us ex �h ae rrerleelf." l "Ott, my dose, ltrrtr cal You toy a%D7 rill luld Rl,ukuu to la,•r, although her heart told Isar that the ' had hr'en I aril WPritad; af�h' felt tllnt tone can -tw,t ort the army of little ernes who are horn to ,(aluidor and ,n. donleal the dim )la•rt care witleAlt 1 rewedy when all cls hod faihd li_verul Lor 'khene, ,'deunru •till b uoate nt I:wrmi nt. Vuu (e lin ultra r re Y ) Y to puay ,a large t.. knew wbn !t Lv thaT had lu their 1 U111rk 1t is tllu any fmrre•ereri by lite ) G Y Urow•n'r liar. teem in Ih,t hu r gee need uptt Mrkrt UnbrScomlDg few I tum% I Avec caw:" rhe cou:d nut curb utilitli profess to be aurry for Iia%lug rr.undnead cit. slung Anthony s opinion. Itecunt stat- ; Lor. exuutple. have written 1 the Drapers re•p,rtinJr their They ofcupy, lar a Hite, flnt�l 4 batell litre bee11 ,, ref h a hurry ;there war ❑ttIP trhan: c of hrr b •lug dNi)IrPolnt- "Al d her name,. t+o," continued i he I raid what *lin shoukt bo oomlk•Iird to way over Iatlew prove what Common observa- I ea.ur, , nod Lill err %cry eutt,u••bart,c ill thAr Aristocratic «treetw-in Itelgrntl:a ttlu WaYtnlr-wlilvb are furu,.h.vl .4t, for the upportuuitiav fur g,u,•allt were I.'lrl, AU4449tY ; "i(urgaret-the ,raw, t a+ utfaa•—Wt MrwN w) curicnial Shut it aRaln di,i till, opportunity Occur. kind leo Milo Taft iiaSifv lithe! that 0101•,- tion euggeats-that it fA among the vvell•teswI I nnlh'.' americans that the pralrer of Ilii• wedirlua.. � Buk our eal:huu,tlor+ or all llr•se somtr uwu•ly' anti flttMl up with foetus. d kill h carina•. y to cure in that lu p -i of the aa)aa,try for to t4• eaf- ,rL..ull b+ leo, '•1tut, tN q•t ding l)Air aLattra!I ualu lu tIW ceIDjkllly Lot l'ulwu t iln[ubrhtgq taking hook rate of child-hlrth" hate declined error- muuNY, while the rte turnl Illenense of cared tear been u:A•reJ, uU,l it re, mm � to mato thew e+i. InRlerstaudaWe. arRl exlneurtfi L• Theas Ireople-m %ally hisporler+- N-foreln,rs ter a (-(h h b• Aore they had stx•k. n to 141 in r%90fI other. AIr1 the ApptcUNls, who ticukarlp rtrunR•( in fluff ; it 1r the .9 In end, her into her Mintier study, mat un a thA till-131duu iN ehi41Y unlacing the ltgnrovMent 4 The Kid ie.'w are B tturtem I+ ,od Ill- IwrArt that, with the rrlenl;fir h rtl - 1 I - o Ir cit th, b et men , 1, th •Y ween nut raw. nt appe:ating Colum,tarrt ix,sdWa in this cuitultr gown y'' ftrOtst Wl at MA foot, with her head rewting And rldftlPsr, Mhn bt•inlr rhlldren into tha• world with- term. If tit" Ki.inryd tire hea,lily till 1.mPrtrea atilt b•• cru make Foy waNnatl of u3, I vcn ol.lt•r, inptII there In nom pnnl' with A irirnd dr, r.- blatounusual aaDdstriii I#, man- fiat M aKKI) dhf Iv rt .Hower. ". un lilt kn,r and ulu•rnitull re,rW and oonrrrr(d with him until "Lot the hart dol«P nt rrrlxtpr{bR{tyI fur a 4..%j ft .'I Hud ex- i iw11M. D.xld'r Kidnr: I'i,ly cure the a )ear Lor )nun u•d IN K good Iuolai nn thA nrrr,g" weh-puewrrv,d annul•! nnlY tiro aWhatrW I. auhtj.,'• s1o: burrt uul pas• `riol:atrly, alter a br/ef "liuw tilt) gung rounded a eummunr to ritbAr Prcarnt r,r fu:nrr. jKLlney■ and thus ennld" Hiro to I throw Lff wu• can of ^O; prot111ng tl,ry ubmlt .1olt aluleuR what wvr d,ln t„ thuiumvIves th, tto the'Ir by nixlat plluse. i wl,l:u tlrat 1 r•e,ttld M, the same ale dinner. , 3ho thtuKht, utroo or talc durlpg M''DaWr Lfnluteot relieves Neu- slekileve ulna to protect l the busty from any and every us°uult tllem°e•Ires to tittle lrentrii fur ajr Bonfire ti (,R activalrlt- alrca� for the fm't. rh-P Iv. A life like that would cure the w xklatg for the tlrat ovcniug; that she Lau ht 1,a.l g Y ralj iaV of direu.e. or so. At preltent It Ir nn rvARRrratloR How rho Vuu do, A n. It+linbTWgeT e i (are J.e quota welt, ; endtcr Vki a tilt.+ lag .tial Lou• ry,or; waiting ton them t, .rel nursing th,•ap Ethel tWking rather wlatfutty la her dirrctl:,n, :adv though she avant(•'! OHttN.'itCArIUV)1. -- Ill help t•Iv,# Sna.•oth, to sante that their ro,um+ Ito crowded with perrrrarer end ttt'jr Aly c'm ali.4s Trimila'n ltemani -I-then, odlen and achipg th"m vc„old bt. nu time left (ante to bin frl,:n,ts ng:aln, and h4 -r tender !talart one Vera reellives of Vie are A milliner'« trick Id to henten A .11narhtPro, w'ho are iwey'InR eroriuuus t' at fag theNnlPr, nth,emlleij' pIrurantly II ani herd 0pr 1,'-Irn �_ja11 •, herself) to brorxl over o:n•'N reprtrach,wi Stu for being IIaM; but whpo Ali tri^d to May not dtaastatfulg to tBu tbuleatle strap of velvet over the first finger of the left 11o•km'etl nal nn' natbmiltillK fh"•.y_ r 11; to ,wt 11,'r fiand -111, Alar- RnrM; As .I sltpp qr I should call It "tty trouble°. Oa, how I wt,•h- I wt•te I could throw or •do ammetfdng to Follow that tjl,r a,�a,,s &Echegaer ale til P, frivellitied. It is hand, nap up, will,” hem- ming or eitherw'iaw at work on the rp,rat•otar whlel0 reni tlape of the tortllrn 1) I the 41,nnlrlr 111. et." w(th a mhrnr e%t the rhl,uldrrt off every tram' tont tltwt bksls m' to the world -that occurreacr of flap mornin wind for- g a blookwal tlelang that n had lel er "c+uulut r.lu the old r., K aK wrote little of veltot. Tile two a >M R 10 I et.ttloD -Qtr n ' r Y ntlU Newspaper. a d A l,4dt hall-tktrrre'I1 G, half-' a ; amt then airs. Appleton tow- I (cull fres that 1 had retnounced cv• ,rythine like soften' the rem' mbrnlloe of the tn- wit cart on tier owusln-on him -and lint whY, oh why, wort alar rrr(vtw au arA Lhen together, am! thare it no ti dnugrr of muttiult Lor lkuuttrnfog, or g'u r -ki r - Mlnard'm Liuimpat "Cures Datrlrurt. ro fret Tobe Fond ls+ttuuP confldPn- comfort and luxury forever. AW go forth among the N&A on her ooludn's tamlly, rose up to ohviour truth t If a man wants to w•in a woman's d" l the mart dr °hides. m tial "A gt,nrl creature, .Urw. Ilam- brldge thoroughly and tM+Ad ae fie did, and Y. „Irr•nd the prevont !t. And len they parted for the night respect he must t)ey firm ; ehP will I 1 llotilt "ping' swerenasr I.erus-prawn out 9nod and honer:, I Lefler -slut sadly udslakPn In hrr rest of tui life with Ure ul "UU pan think would ten with rite moist onllnary Inlutatlun, reo him a brut": but no matter,' booty hue alwuyN ( ASrn)ke Rand tA'addngton man 4Urjxnw that the Wakwai hat Aurr views, ins sae nturt. see." Vuu any it hAppler for it t' qul^tt de. Fold Alnigle began to thtak «hr r.rrrtly ndmlrr+l the boast. Y Ch•ans wnl hrighteru but .tenn'an w111 harp to s1N 11 "OI+. i ha r Hat t" marmnell Afrr, 7 mance. �liilnl l,luyrl. atter a *hurt , «!weld it %Ary RL•ad when Lull• E.Ir 1'w r(rlt lauf arm* to n r(/nctu«Ion. , There b Dotldng more coIDfortlDg' everything, woD t wash clothe■, c ,rrr, ,i,j nntll the ur.11rnI I'm c,nupn In ,titp.rt ut Islas lfwiubrid,r", awlrt her;ahawl cl„rer g- ara+nrl hrr alienee, "Foot:fit : d4ifng .Talo nezt .IaY waw favuribh•. than to feel when the wind Llama 1 ndurrP■rfal M tomer e.p,lnL)Folar Hinter 6 a rip ti tlfL• with ale On" v& to fear of the infecti4ul Itt" wort. .Rout Lrl- ty T to a walk; Anel llavtug taw• from the east that there is moneY p Y• "I n )'unag w(sgnu, whose xlxhing, as o{ Int Ary flitLtxl ihnr)gb• her '1 I w"Oder you Ann aNk tam alnPrtl"ll." crrtnJnml tt►nt A1rr. Rafubrl.lgeMnA tit the purse avM coral ill• tilt bin- I offer you my love," said the le" cle.seribia" it, had nu rugaglpR initial. he rd that th(r,• kinJ "'Slut Ivui 1 eo drne to Borthwick uaut t.W • nK Illus. with 1•itt"rneve, --F, os IgfnaLty; but %ilha waw ao nmLlble latrialydid so urlct a ,. the poor- sort %w re len, .Hila ri(ydd it Is/ 1[l+ trnrk. tel "hl�tl? That 1r rho I shnu!d moult not rr4lulre )Lor atlenlnnce. AiaKR;ti's �)tAi N'earnmeaa�unmh(Pl• afterntnrmis oiler me your hl"ndAhlp aMl Irou ffer s! \u. Pwhrattlta, there ne-I carr.-t••t11iM7e1p Uual h sPlpm fOind,heart to rebuke her. m I mus print 41PNlrer tariA&I toward rile- the relief when an obeetUllnte, pitiless I can I,e ao ruck reciprocity a■ that One'(hey, ahs appeared be(ire ort • way sA" replied her Foe ohne, rPt„ro- Ing thanks sell.", navy "lt htw nlwayr - Irugh; eta, was riot sure whether, at- oolngh hav been dfiv"__pway by AI- lea's Lung Bralsam, No opium In It. j I)ltween Lor two." "3(a then;' him intik a "early written lett.•* fir a "r'r(ra for thv Lob: 1 tildtrrhawt Of Euglaud. "Ah, wc•11. br(.n coneldarett aa•., rePIie4-Mnggie, dublouyly. tar flee ooa%ers0tloAt she had hell a With Augt Letty, The good effect laterite, TnkP,a hot- siYaT'a>: ynttnR wo war)• coldly, ••Ir.'s &unfiltI,Pa 4,r rvrrrosise•aa}ea 1 r kr l 1: ucrr. we inn"" not JtadgA : and r w h w b, dF, Yes. for &onto r•u tle-some w hl, to ! l it would ti t ib.lul a be ty,1 b ah R J there. tie home with you this Ili ! emitting, 1e It ?" .. It "litre, ' Ire sr;f.l, y(nl'trr atwlferl par thing; overworkexl tet'roia.lf, believe, to night ach4eolr, or sant.• of tt 'a" "cent-nierially eatlel,• by load of frteala and consPyurnt exemption to guing "You know, ,hoar," uta mall frankly !tire I.IOyd, "that w•e'eh,all be 1 Front Arutt•w Flew. , , H,ttards Linitttent for Salo every- lel For "a -u R R n -r ' + Che yewng w,puan IeN,kex1 &t It a gx- traerdfeary Dew tRwtitutiony t6•• . have ) Erupt hnmeticaN, to make O(ad'rfam- Num Ify their town. But t0 talk ntn)at tier work' awl ! Wltat is this world? A dreamt wila'r4 moment critically, Alexi then hrr (nee tNijtfitened a+ sAe & Rut up in I,ORduq.:end hnr tine here for a few weeks to you never eunIA the, hm'WIT10 that a womuan was ubeyfug 11y. ruled of her rleterho,xl, and all other delightty any I shu'n't be w1t IJu a . rirAam-Foe we grdw older ,tach strep is an As it Ir 8..1,! ti ltosten. r(q,iled: " t; • I ltl Ilea ran l,•«w nt mr ; recr,iit r 1(eFitth- ltirw af� /Into" votee !,y I"avulg Iter 11 r :ibin .9910 au•1 :•lie reeuu I N'"I m,nlier '*fur to ,file( wl.h.M • b just a little; awaltrlling The )oath swot AA h•' fr,•m child- Little Emerson-llarri I find nn i don'L err II"1v I�,Ip• to leave oat the •tt."'- ",AnA'g t', rf"11 v t(''etllf, tU"t,anl'C) a •ainst And b their wuthrs, 00, If r )'ort think ft tart rnr me li , ass t)eN'd-tbn lerll grown slow uesPiced mwK1nD1 Dute In ellx Wlitl fu Lot thl.. IupaDlo,t. , I hate j,wt b.rn trllipg your j oe t„ gu awl wait fgx,u trot to go, I will elctnll an excuse in- the! purstllto Lot youth ale visionary- exprp"in, wltleln I ubnerve ire - - - - s��t, HuM Mla}sli she c,.ol Pled, rating h(•r )a, a 1,,r Lor o 4-wupl.l you t" •'•10111 tau) old man look« un mnghual For & quently to uccnr [n mY %ohtma Lot "Pall Talo ccur in g y oo i enrM D hnt•se of the tuiCC ngafn CO attract I t to, I eagipuve not " fou lou ptomlao hoe, agK r. 1 bnt4,f maD,gw ultil llll title t4 I C Ile notice of Maggie tlenler,am, I erefure, while we ilava dotter who wait alrently talking pregerly with SurNr Margaret, "that my curl- at 11 .) waiting; fur tin to fulfil, ; I d,tl' think wo should .eveq let win has b§69 111 lately a t +••••• CAMOwi. dwe1L_tiAo +nsrtr..l. Fop to itoetle'L11pA lengll iii tlTw t�'r Heetti•ill air WN) do for hers" t•ftflit i WITCTi 1s not Ilk-.. y (T "Oh. ,t will ( her good i I ant j i,eeupy,• - o nal wIIWI&...ill all • pro►atlrllio" we MronW relish ts) 'eater int v1+rr'br lgN tea girl' quickly ttry pi betic eyes I butter titan u r prlvreut one,' if we to flue strnuger'r tae.; "it is sufreah nl"1 luvigorat{ng. blia "i Shall ilii able ill du any- tiling mare for N yo11 stay Stere lung,^ "1 than I do now, i nt that rale;' ,said :199148 heaving 1kNu't know, but I etc nut ; ikat a dere +d$b• ' me to say, 1 tllust Ko back to my Writes ,)t hMAIA a"le l - Don't, ray that, my dear. "bible." "Ane: ,el+m your work take, uP ooh i Whvre%'1•r woe are lacld wr' i 7ltart strivo to of y(Air time :' Iilrlcr Marg t aWled progress, : daily. •laid hcVrlyi ,In a fnt- ( "Ail or it -every •; fUm••pt of our duties � totb owanl lulu m,.m4rnt-I hnr at,t our naJppllborr," not Dao to spare." 'But that mast be very try,nR; But sate, Gnat, I laavu btw d am - ' '1b' *tach haravoaly nt, woQdrt• It tell.& uPurt your hrahh ; lead a dreans 1 tiroN •ht , It would b) leu 11i W rive yin do rut look strong euough fur up, a ,:Ila ng off all this morrow %list of hard work Are Vuu rut often treed . "10, hAltiedl f swacr aria ler etnt keep.+ me ak�lrn, lu gu Ir"I"" get weary where 1 l ie nothing to do, War-. 1 to th,• world and gma cur tbuNe• wlu, hl, 1F.1:n tire,} at I ha%'e. rite V OonrtADtl)' empluYenf tttarr. v it H,nikr,t tau raNy-au dfllglttftil; Ito time W U11nk about one's melt.I •'Aryl and ; 1uw You Irl that it can never b,..' do, you do It all fur lore t" • "'No. Ilfaggl8, I OMi rot Kn leo far OSI. a, , MY M l*ter renya me well." returned the winter• brightly; and the aN ttadt• I t ily 11 (an 1, I HID cure that Mn words met with a rwuly 4,chu ill hrr .Biwter nrr4 w•rseltl bo flow flr,at UP uphold Fotntement) that halarrrt breast, UnanrtBtbnhnyr7 Ynu :" ShA CNe41, len- w•.. u. m vt rrcrt tm n f � R q we can ecru I heel by font► ng tine dull(•" The etraD ler lobital nt R her, Yen, 1i�Fotter phArr,l tr•tore , In mvier I A) perform other" there were all her Nice the trnert of suffering, unmletaknblo to thso w•h,l w we think 1 will Iv• nNi,ro polr,inrtvn W ifs glory. IIB krows tx•mt hA,l Alm) suffered -marks th•(t the about 111e ley ; 011 win have to /k) ant w•r%`Fm 1N to nAlt lied rrcrlvrd Its Ihtipttanl Ii mor,. obey litm,' . the gv)ld been dipped In thv reffuer'r "Thin o1i You think that vier ; And hrr bnterrsl in the. yix u,4 girl ons Immrsll:11i ant„k, nod. w Pn aro et e{ )yg11t to lea%e pY)rn( nrsf mmr Bitter Marafaret maxi bare had members or a AlAterlaxxf T D Pott thtnit that Sinter line nrrt ratl,l g• great experience In grief to have. Jrnc%sArd the troth et qu'.cklp, fur I Akllit y nor sen lend b•Lice titan she la r1o1nR Hero r• 1 .Mn i ' ow sur ow .e Rg r 1111 t dr > ' n t tr t M n 1 . lh + tt eRhgeritnl of r h r beauty', fl hvi elf d, 1 .For Y k tr,%ry n r ,t t n R ntrrnit 1 a 'w•aN as duan that Of Indy I•:thel: scall the . . l,t •r HarRurot : I r+p •nklntg only or Yournakif. YtM would Ilk” to 1110'00 Of (t were only, to IA. met run, away tical (lr•aert us all (we value yon ,alt in thin eh:u•len(wl glance° of tier eye, And the. penAve, tremulous more than ever, you know Haxii expromdop of !)ler mouth. 81149 nryw that y(wlr roaaln s4rM4r lost to Hsi, and hrmk waw suffering, but not Nn dOOPly as mY heroine ; for there Your poor old UDCln'S heart, ant I verily bpIIPT" i Wag no bitterness nor self-reprutch yon wo ull. An order to arm Your mites of work to the roinglel with t1T•lr-ib7p-b181ta(Y Pcrierienewi help •bre.awlerout ft of whirh t,n..ly hnn4R--hnmts-brat-p,,r- haps leave hl, anA dependent on t heat 15the1 knew, nothing. -tailoring Among thn poor.^ And prutstbly aWpr Margaret gue"110d 11((mrthlnK of that truth "Oh. nn! Aunt Lrttty, that tin not te""," ""1441 M-IMlr, '•You &b wnrmly ; knolls I woull never (lwr•rt yah : I Yerhnpe f may flee y4m ngnin wh110 I would roonnr din." nm nt lf,mme-xp-Cil5uah.^} nw the I "WA1L darting. yon Mont do coni t. sA iwotr(t,Ally, inrti4•w iwrrate, "I wltali ire tf}+±d if It lin A'r." + 'Oh. U,InR ii Yon mot try and he- hove that, d11oA you ]SATA been pia(• - ret nmi gtven dMtrw iters. tt mty 1 Cnnm an'I t:'ilt I„ 7rs(L111An i will ronli tu-u,nrruw•, wnum IPA tmplowihle, untler prk"neit efreum- t rrf11(PJr Mtl le (lagerly,u) ,a lli Stations, for you to verve Ood (leu well M anywhern else." that Ail,nla id(T.1 Inuerhod, ,In ilio VAT lineae, at her haw -Irons cuthumi- "1 will h"ll"ta It," replIP,l the Adin for Mrs. Appleton'. cousin. girt, in a low vokwi., ll'PY wire walking toRettler arm• can gnUe nndrrstand your In -arm n%er the mnonti in the style I ruin my,"tlonnt+%ly.DtI,Yo IoTed ; rnr the day had that di tnrnnd r,F4� hare. Mort a grn(at Auld mortifying dfAsp- "'It not lea, Mong d and pt �riage that they Alxndonrd thin ewrrlAI, pntntment, anti ,Yon w(uld Ili,• to to lir. anti Mrr. Bainbridge, ami '00%Kke Off, not only the grief, botall prnferr(vl In fln,l their wny M-wP on fent, rmprihrannr nr It. to rhnnge phaco and work and eompentuM ; to Change ('Monet BalnhrhtK^ Itaving Alden forwar,l lung beforn, even y,Atna•(f, U tfrat were ponslble. illi,• onovistenthr gain that prumlice of his t„•Inced wlth 11(Ity Anil Rratitu in, It tin tao wben A1. Llu d neg'in h,•r (rot r►,wnlbir. Mag- Rin : awl. then?ore, yore Fount no( R• Myd a,•n- tie quitstn N n v "In,•e„•,1 even Intinlgw y'•tlrgdf b► dreaming of It. No nos anuli Ironnr tHn Mer .rat flight, An 1 prrea�d Fop r1,.a. I er to her. There nater torn( nnhlA Stmterhrtoda of the whole Cntholb grent,.r (horolt more than I cin. Th,•y Are WIRE Ft } z f- , - - � - iiia rlbe Pep etanAard f( fear F'.are, m.d,• ,.f _ __ "Pwpn" wire wh,rh I, twtre win, Thr ron►Irtu•.tn r„,t. nrwa wary I lek fa IrerxwMnt owtna to URweAtan I'limate n■ atrr,og win ap).Parand.n sllu•ra far Ax(.adatort serf rnn lice oprfght nrentth A eMw,t 11011 ix,�nA. If mwdw TP •ler rrnRth of m,ir--t M1n'r,ea"`F wires an fl mM ptrwl of Ptoryn, „r.t1(-i at "'It hmis"MI tha w■ ►fso rnait-.!lits.. (wnd=."I I %wnrw nrtt,n i .anti ,ea Ir. For lea arra far • Ca. l.IwwN r"Nlr 1, Y I is all right, if.you are too &11 r and all wrong, if too thin already, I Fat, enough foryour]IaIIIto ;t l healthy; a little more, or less, is no great harm, ToO far, consult r s doctor; too thin, persistent'y i thin, no matter what cause, t:n!,e i Scott's Emulsion of Co(1 1,,,,, l Oil. . There are many causes of get• fing too thin; they all Colne under these two heads: ,,,,,- work and under -digestion. Stop over -work, if you ['ani but, whether you can or trot, take Scott's Emulsion of Cud Liver Oil, to balance yours(If with your work. You can't lite on it—true—but, by it, you can. There's a limit, howet�crr you'll pity for it. Scott's Emulsion of Cod liver Oil is the readiest cure tar "can't cat,' unless it comes (.t your doing no work --you cal,'! long he well an(i strong, with,)ut some sort of artivity. The genuine has this picture on it, tike no other, tr�f yort have not ed It, send for free sample, Its n- Kreeable taste will _ S68TT & BOWNE ;� Chemists, -,e Toronto. 500. anti $1.00, all drMilistrt. HI'8114 LISR ('HA_ht-ii__ LAMB FOR RYAL JMTATF: flit Mt ,r l ad"', N matter w►Pn It to land d,•., I hes ta” emb prk.a and het our M.. for r ire "mh beim., Patent gtcdhan,�+ reed In. •� u-nl aerelpaay, Tmurrs. CiRss1� - - PATLNTA, CAVIi TRAIIX MARKS. etc- llmmr tr l--irm,�uacuad.� olotad. Hookist ns paurt. me 1f Ln Mensa karharse 1%nd I"I'm ent ('ompamr. PyLbumu dlnilding, Toronto, Ont. DR. WHITE'S ELECTRIC COMB Sure CUre fur Htaddesa u 4 all wait, IlalAnaata The Poland covo�k tK toil«'~+.,, un,_ U„ t.I war• u."I e"ndoruAg, owsonu•'ei Iw.unhfetlm-. Indtr-6'c. Oeat. Mr. Ren, Vrdt+id ow eeceit•a,f Dnea bast JAr•.ls". Agrnry, 13 me, Juhn :a4, NosltuaL u d ane ulster Margaret, nuf a t'fe r -nu, I. jN uta.• last and finial 'l• Wl'•hT. V Biue& trrOR f r. Indulge fn that sort of cunrerwatiott lwutening-811 ti'alter Scott. Ixetatloo of ih" inreOT ('IICI-tpOPflBlt 3At'?TDEIttl, C, ritrelelaer+<Lo�sd.,a p„t""'v ppttLo lett Van will nyeat W her faith- lifammn-with la teal IiIb. my UalhouRle. JWIJ what you told m� yesterda son, cnmmonly occurn'111 Wry tnlrw : YSI,YaT P1tc If+1. IRON JFACTOItY. u. m remarks ttp(xt It "' y' H,n&t*d's LinlDi^nt cocas BntM0, etc. rnnr father nften returns from din- I cured A borne Itndly torn try is t WdtertIC work, eM isa TO }I . .yea, aulni-f�h000ftl-have oo -_-- catarinl excural'ms w1tL Inttrt IPitl'h ark. with Ml%%ItIa':t I,INI_ �tme�t Nun�nrnlmyortingl'a•Lapt,r, rhe \ew Pb1In ImPrtth. 7%0 phralor• in troch Instaiwer, IAeed4m4 gblet t.iop to do so sok EUN'.UOL L1NL1Ef: "Well, then. go, my dear, by all Are+ you eurpriae,t? Bo Is spring however, has no ►IRnificance as Fop- Hca wlwrlAws P4nthing h Fop .hoard m Ca s , D t %1 (?r 1 all) 1 q to ) otic a r L the batt r Loo aha I g e lei„ lex al q ri' b l e o e p l t o, i e riL TIa Pel h T h n,( t l i l n r 1 M osM 1 r r +len. /Ye hr'Ve t Y eter'tf._f,;.- $„ leg o ('hilh .• t tTisthing. Ir alar• do Tray, And that her wtue., you'll b) nN aril pleare,t. the (irh.' bit 1. merrJy an elastic I cured a horse of a Mid elwdll relthee the rnuA, eN,n en•rhrrum•. curdy wtwd will el) Vuu muco gnat tL&A mise." --- term of dubb Ar" an +njug and mus- with MiN.AIl i)'fi LINiNF.YT. ` eek ael� t■ rho be.t remMy rnr nlarr6ied. And no. wuunt(od tan bee puny and 1`tclour nrigin, utUil-d, n, I fans,. ANTED - AT uNr'F: Ht'TTRit neloomftnnhvt by two or threw favor- 'But wo Haider rmpPrt we're cotnn+ Tilg i W. 1'AYNIC W Ilko the Iaatsdrtotm in the desert, ;.trendy In11m1t M, Nimply treruupo Lot fathurnt, ti, Lj eeeanldryrve. and huh "i'di aggspn lel ite !trips, ALagKto cot Off fin Ilueee- whop least e: od rhe sTunrtb)n which It haw gn lnr'rl by teed heasa Is.c oa"r, hon.,), lunl,"ra aaA 1r1«ae• ;Ip-CleuRh Wrretly after lunebei Nr• t nuetnmara' u(m R - npDlea anA will ettr nilRhe-c rt• -r, Ito Irl luh;Y tnler Pn- •IAtioa:mo.weryuirki/ ro'.,hwresmythliIt to N.'IC of{d gat ees imdY Ethel befurw -- rrnllr. lir) Y,u comprehend, Feuer- _ mrrr in th"o IlnP«, Ueo. A. lsecokso IrtPh. starting, fur, either from laziness Lor Netrsrtbeleaa trying to lift a maga- Aon ? rilde-li os Life. did• •e root, (ALAW. ill-•hutD•-yr, the brllo had Iden In bel ;zine off the press nt the IunR eat of Ideal^ F.mer°rm-Perfertt�, mnrnm:l. Lot° Of proPla purges a literary 7,�li EARN TOR BALI[-oN; or THE again that morning ; anti when shot I'a levet•• li tl•ouRaml miles away, -,fad^ ei career, but few °uceeerf In eatchin9 .i' Eoeat to the Warns li..I.r, a. 'ICWPI;ded to the IUnc•hetm-room, Iia a 111i more difrivalt _titan tire - ap with it. Malmo, 10 mites from H.oriltoi on two eau mann time Filter the men•! had been unlnitiatei might •imagine. But the A Word oftine.m..l rime l -When days alshy A titan who claims to be wed. wit)'., ts, sreea in Nll, 35 ale hN h tr m )req nnnnnneP 1, efts kunJ It drRurteol by 1.dttair is now flying toward the h4,me are Beat and nlghtle nn• InOR Am} dnt to his art can't prove it. mo,iy pddwkea WIII to sola )n Ane ,arrel w Coll . tee ' In tr dt"tetad ,Foto tot, For d e tel .„ser 4 •a+t ear nil rxorpt hr"r hutbvid, was,, with Vluu., and will ra,[1 !,e ort l,aDd to P j Prey Dar}, Pnlntittr•r ht J'lag to kilt times women of ehae•ra T►t.l. a ddelllM bdtsala da.'«• t,4 hands thrust lulu the side-pcckvtA, romine personal ellarl , the house, It In your fnithful friend, uneertaln y'Mrn Low^ A lot of powder Jene/seen (karpentor, p. U ba ,IR t kion• Lot a I(xwe velvet cunt, was tounxinr, I I ant tt iron your parents' friend• Etc- It Isn't the L•.10 horse that traveiw unaarim _ O"Altly cpm tho hearth -rug• There It Is Health, Not Wealth That !lakes i ternal and internal tow. the furtbawt In a day -- a4♦ ----- -- t I erld,ylUy bon s,me dlfteretoe ' Itumulty fault m,-CFMXA,rlly +t vlrtnP. illi I►i4 •41 th. t nuornin w WomwS AttraeflTP. ,) Tormato W tion Pranriaeo. Inc Anwrl-. se, q ;lot though Lally Ethel , toil_ lowly onlun would be just as 1)leeo and roan ,Mita .,1 the dlning,rc,um with soma Dr• Dnncnn'a periotic Bloat Tnblets PULLED MIS PATRO�i S LEG. raak if It grew on a tree. y other Doinu In e.h40" UL . clatU revenl In ltd l'hirdgo and .ort hwodt•rr 1•Isc, F'u•ur seri /Mn len two Oq tslwken P PA aD1f rtafiaring dUr t0 -- _-s_-- alunw every day during NliM, and Aphl. I•ro c rmPln tin ngniRat the dnmrstle nr- wPatRPm of the gcnMntire urgnns. Ruch to the Horror of the llales>aas -- portbnale tow Fair• from cher potat+ In - - 9T s ►Tt O► )1110 ('t l' a e 1--TLrsa--TaWcta a ler or 1 so a. r D rm re iktt lntendeJ to Tuaa:uxe, IM ad Tbrousb Toarl,t 1^leepera ra4 F;'r ft 07 rue& hairi). b - Lott but ibe )(ember Carne o1T. IA ('A- COUNTY, 1 Racllning C hair (own Awdy from I Ilieagn with inn fru.& hi/ av,tbn. bat CnTP every wtwily Mlt ,(ler made RItAAit J. CIMTRT tnrkan oath that horse”. F Inert scenery. Quirke -1 Un)e. r all e, writ; with sent c"N rind grnaciy fixed safety And wholly to tore (tR ttati INl. York 1tt a ne.l mrxith ClxttI Fol to ase stehdfastly rtreulti the generuthe or anR John I)1rhl, of I:ottcntrerg. N. ,f„ fur par,nri of lied grtu of F. J,t'or.%xTra Ca_ A tall Osrt jra1ar+. "H, A. n:-nnelt. (irnerat R tar's a waxier 1 Mtt the wrtUlClal w1I Awl ha,laP./ ID the (tr7 of T,drde. (',.maty �'a' 9 Kong .ttro..t rd.e, Torenae, thea, into the fire ; th �u,rh meh will b" Lunenn'A TlLbirts )urn the terult taleafcre.aid wail I ateald firm welt ter — - Inkrrt fn and lard over and over of the exPrrIpiwe of a anceewsful ji (Out recetvrki just le lewd treatment the sum of Ultlt 1l(. \DkgD 1K,LLe" /or gAYlt YOIt !F![N ITi WHAT' t L911i a" It° tont". :tin It matter of ed4.h and retry case Of ('ATA Rn that ran- rrlopleae itecivea. .IMO taenl*. r.r t►• A{;nln by the ter. lett whrrprneva in W ltd and re tliker a female from- fact, 4 homs,farm,Imhorwtw nor !)e eatrM by the a.e of HAtr.'A (•ATARRn r. workshop amt lerdFr Inv(• th, m, nth„ler, f•rr Int Ford even n irlrs. They nrr nljkk” brnetlrlAl to thn l)l''hl ratites prefer" the woodaD IK t'Uwe. rHAtiK J, ('HF:\FY. dr ,ar,ma*1 For human endtator. with fnli profneolev, m;u1". It doings nut trite girl In teen A, to the Married woman, to lho Other, (or, ta„ hp mays, ••h pl'k- Mwern I*beroremP kind marine tPeil in m ln'1d: torontcor■;-WparP , boundIn,loth. next t0 tho11n of mntatr t "il out the Wooden One m pfe■Pn e, lhN tt6 dmY of lice ■el lord A. D.. I' esd *.S rent -for snip,, and If yea think rhe thew l,n; to elhlks o martyr Fond rub Ycan who a Peach." YwU and lLoa r 1 A. W. nf,KASON, book d mot war h Ihr maser, send,it hook an,l tint Ir r),yr nn•1 leee. hot nnreRpnndrd "r^ nt the period known &s '•Ch&age �`sAt. } your mone� wu1 DP nturnrs ; 161. a d snof of Llfe.' Such an elteellent member of pool Notary' F'ahll" ride Yne or canr;s "': Willtsm Brind4 . to, may ,ljau mat le r At rifer•, tett ety 1N W91111s wrxnlPn Ir lnlethodlat BaN,k ,l4w,m Turor.la. Ant. it G ryulle Imp%1Sslbiw thn Il eh,*Itl4i finch tins bf TahletS contnlna a g that ata 11iCatarrhCaret.take" lnternAlly And cull drecriptlon of all female diarnaen owAer is aW.+ to walk with mearcetY act.dlreoNyanthnhlralwndm,emte.nrtdeed HONiYN1tR, ATTR\TION-WAVTF:B_ t A Ire c 11 r T h t)rl in d d r,t r t n ,r r t n u 1 Lot t he Y sir r m. a I. r rir•nA for sc )L , Eeerl 1 I.11m l' •, monad. D { .Uwe I f with A p urD see • dlrt%Ctlon In I o tl nth t , fol f r ter q Y en mtrA 1 atm" r ma do n -rt " nt. n n Ic wr R tact V mare hod r r Ir, oar h 6r lir J. CH \ ' ' Rm A walke.l 1 t fir F.1 •( rb to wr. P„ In P, Yrnt t;i l t10Z, A 8 Iroxnr for a3. o A u rdwe,and nL UMun Yold L k L )•• To1Mo, O. years Fold; tear. brown or rhestnrt ; lade blah. M. th,l herxPl ,m „sly in h sent, HJII, N. J., yPstrTdAy and .stmt flex rI . F-1 , TLc. wa,rhI r,4Ii,e t IA): iw,th more. or both told ma rnlf° u n various dlshe Awl (gent securely srytle(1 nn rM rapt of Hdll'm amnia PlllaArm the beat, fRodR rovk II l,t,d; of MekseJ makes id IPctc roust hrr, declared t rt Prick", by the G►raidlan all A, Parke I a Palle of °hors the flPrk nnticrd Doth• roll s. n, w wnd Ioflw; rqd tma na or In unusttni about I,In t , )ears ,•e. It - ' k & Parte, Uru ' t I p four mjw was tilirtR of the table tit ) gglste, iiutnlltnn, CAti- wit Ixr npparonl from vrhat followw C I ala,• 'Ausa•� _o.nd "Fill lsht every w•y; win lent, am titeD, InrldeglY throwin nom• Hutt IMk"hl Is i)ossejuked of a ler_ !SO �'nfif for °s sosd/I ler ferenrh m •cam; mrrray tIv e:owa h^r a sat fork, tarred t•nuD'1 marlii fine ncnge of his . gttl,l 20ca ra� de.cry l n sect prked e. P AnaaP, 0u• on h►m hte little fury,. Af me Rlwk. Ira to tam oh1lRinR cler�i; t(O.rutm.twwl,.• Al', st,lsannevwer i ode s, 11" t• H1eb• "'Wily oe at•th don't Vuu any the 010 -Oh, Cyt Lein p (f mmO A ( r .i•.•f• ,,,.i,nr,,..rrnmror P prawlPr, I pair O' bnttun ShoPm" .nd n,I I.I.1 1. .,, ANT11inr mumethiaR+-gt, lnR there, f,cfure do ton your skates nnd'Nnow mr wt,llA the rlPrk wa.N getting down t■Anr^'"a It.^bn+s�(r�'itra W sanitMetn�Pet"OUMliYtEC1111e h soo • w.nwn l,,4 n(rr.1.n ,ru,Renar fcall "g .lou nt•.', Aro tit 41g Of o oqe inti the f Foy i.-MYw ienr hit make. the tg(xxka IN hl until* hims hiN wood. tha pied„„non t rnr rrwkr r, Ill Rad dlllbrlR mel alrlwi�l nut Ae aWi„trw ea'. y'uttrNa If ? You tact Do more mon- (-Apt n 9. -Aly ,teats rhlid. I'm only en hg Fond prrpnredl FdmrteIf for the , °"s'• r111'nie r , IMerF rlN,nn For all er • n'. rhe hnn.rk Jtcta_tidA �•” ___ _ ___-___a_ tr 1D r_ t can't make un (1 mrrrl Nmt that war to follow. Thrl v'•.'rsMrrtNrolluemm�ntwe PPper'Kdeliji .o But the only answe that lie made orp". -� � ■in" mow: lime,• queen aid hand%: crier ti rent. ; mtjew -,- �•�mrrr N1,1d;�a 1, r -w a . it"��r��_�IIA._._ her wait to mote tow fd the ,tour. Little of -Rat HAlwl mold yon 'the worgawt shoe of( the blrtwry F u�irtwl.w,w„ae„a,, t„n,lhon,I,ea,dAion j s )R^''� "(onion^I B:Unbrldge!' wills an were skatln yewtenlay And cut & limb, and Diehl 1,h.A%r%•ed It, remark•1 ` trw•ea+d•a.a»"au..a... 6 ,,aeRr a ('a. Tero (F4irRnolia^1i,tt1"'ri,i ImpAtlrnt tno%ememt of )er fnnt, ridlete our flgu ing; n.IW-66.b.,....,--,, 1 "where are You Wa i Y ml ht I � 2,=1...)-u..•.a,.",,,, -��mylr, send two coat ,tamp to fhe afonar,'h a a Aw, bend yer tack, why don't y,i n•ri-.ea s..rrn, , 1, std r'wtMrtnm, Ont . Nw:.utnrtorcr�ieke have lite civility , reply when - --_ - ._._ __- . -.__ Kinder atlr•kw, ,!rnl•t !t T Rnld HIP a■'m,,Pn#, rvre„-r.,r, no.obe)frnte. O y 4., aro fn • I Id, rind■ ry,ali,r! A,_tQA`, --- apate ltrq. _ .. ALA.W uIerk, pi-loswntly Wlth that he hent )mr,rl..,r rh.rnins T_» ,,A -- Then hl, hAllerl, came ha��knY' �e� • ��� vii• brick ws mf ly_thet hPerre• t ,.nna,or chs.. %.r•,.r,,,, CSA/ p i hnek Into the ceintre of the roO , SIrlT1l�IIN CII ass "l,d Away Slto,•, frr)t. Intg nnrl alk And tom.. �Itn rmn «Fr%1 `"s�"rme E Y1/ A D EGGS W nnr inn .h,et T,+e1„re .nd lora I np•I ler.{gal !dN aehfui ryes t h ' Ph, ro lbs al,aaa.d Innalni on hie Iser-k Info the bargain ('■,n,n anm„w .nn warn<,P,,,,•n lrrN. Win), _ __ .----- r.ru ale rh, t meM .rawer. R'bk"q taw tSwt mPiipf--.tlwt sr.d s, ,,,• „ I, r,nd. len , ,In t.r w A N TEO "'l Ahunld hArdl,v tense thrxuAi ►tun IM• ntcn r,e•re the ant fnw whip hP' hart r1anP � � sea iR tyuaru,,, •'••■c► 1,r1M A,pDlre 1':'ultrr. Ua:n .rwl Creamerny p•+rger, amp. ale ,n la rM IM wa11 rrTeT” /OHM A. fatf[g °Ef0 Ce.. i ut'er. ,tions*. , U:. W'14 bn% oultLmbt. or adN you took Ace mock interest lit my D g" wheimed with horror. I on rommlwh n. ,nrr*. thr,.at anA prrori , • lA Crone, will Don1l n,, JR"Il nt, ItAlrrmr'Atw, Etlwl: I ,►In gulllK with C•rarrhardl N) Per. Bbe►v "ltr,at 6g g R" •f4t''sI'� 11 r, 6;mp,,d.., JUHN J. RRa, my mother to Itorlhw)ck,” hr•. All dealer.. Lor L,r. A. c 1111dq•l to m -mean to rho It Ir Frons .trent cast Tomnts, fklt. "•To Bortlawlct-what for T" tfedtnae Cr„ Ton.". etas Thn grnlnl Mr. IXrhl wnm int le In �^ "To are nn Fold irlenl!" _____ the (ACP, wlrlle n n ler } P agents Wanted f - -`- - "What friend? �w Moat rI porter mor Lad A Allrk"'a ItPrnrm. b, started nn the ran rnr y gentsWanted "No one, I think, my you world aq ambulance. Am °non so Dlrhl corn to li•nr .tont-m,v gnJmother, : LrXtt°s-A1b�,hAs qu{t R)ving brldel ooald w}rnrA timA /mm the hofdln ' inPTP retie A[rd, ilerihon." Irrnlraf A. % ler ler Fond town In ('.nada to dna into ahtM, hA renMa ltd t0 Lhe Nnlaa anA ,.%•r rewfa The gnP.r. mOartN jn In every rlllagd and inwA {n Cwnnd. to sail •' i n,l who lm AAP —w grrycPr'm wlfe2•' Ethr!—$ow gnewr f R'hat hrr hrr r i fnlawn CI(M k ; (own r,ld. MwAr In mrMllre. (io„d Mp.data- r•MIPa ./arkrla, Rrtta mnA Arrirte, man roll "IW(, RAO la Ixit A trwtAvtt t Itat'w mil right. ,YonMq frUry, tent tlm.• Fur pinhlrul»ler orad and rsmAn to roPdNun, eac,dA rommn- groccr'a wig^; ' 1• Nit a -QP, ll, ade t o111 - h,• nnmwerml, enlmly, ,Ilnr'P ardle All" XAYA %%hnn n wed. Yr• w nt to for careful bow alnn, rear Alin r fnvltatloh c,f4mm Ah" fell, h, Ynttl *kart ChOWN TAtt,O>tt r(t CO TORO1rTp LfA• in,olrror Fol hrr remark, Plithn R b 'ie plk"r It the tithes Meme m"no f t0 pu my Irg." (RuwX TAILORtNf7 Cf►.. T(11tr11yT0. It f okho•,1 p hat, ly w she dee oral Y Amt i •hl %t i gAv-a At s rate that - - _ It ; "whe In thin w1,1ow of n Pnrrnl ��' hsrSrff n new Ix,.t 4ui !'raw- la^ himsw y _�w��I R client Cl rnntsls admitted was local reafFna- In ill*) army." able Oh, dwtr par nth tt nrlatnoratio -- - cory my inn For,• getting smolt, villi I ani .for Ihr* gfnrrnl'w mono I I�; netNt wait t,w Lha Plraanre of eeeing yrwt, loon "nn't gn thle afternoon, be- Cnlon 1 want y+rat.' '•Ott. Fake! d.•Arrwt "' hP excl+timed. , One woman with Sunlight Snap moll to IIM eye" 1(ithting Fop with; Pxeltowlent, "I -bvty I thouitht yrwl did vvAnt Me- better work than two will with imrtuc soar, itt:,1 Mr farrter•'nopo were la Any degree notmolnrr to, y.rnr trap 'naw M t REDVCIA EXP11i p t yon I Anti for the ortnjl•,n hrr If no that It V alt a v. P, and tent ' if year�recer le"i ■ loPl7• -rite to LIVI]k llltryr•rgsgp If f wtmkl fi htxn" tr. plPnse ooh, I 1.i KIT , Te»ete, trnA,n}r her Hams and aAdr.ee, add a %rwI wrukl preMAly Shut . "rO(Mf up.j to year rowan for thin whale M the I trial .ample of gaslight Roar, wlll M sent yon frac of rat AftAtrtn"n. l'Ib be m,Itlntai i P MADE NO HOOps, u F NO JOINTS, EDDY flND v NO LHAKti. INDURATED FiB_REWARE arta wooly, ni"rt.r to khe weoda0ware lartlatl,a for de�.ntyg em& TRY TtlfeiM. Iri r sale ky all nret Ala« der lde , BOERS 57 6EN. ME' British Los !)rad Number 41; WOundl I Look Place un Marc luuk All British Fir t.,•nitou, !Sarah lo, i.3.' ,t,�tl,u•'n ,trial four guns �laur,xl by (fen. DOW Netbueta tYuua, Yell. methueu our wua thigh. Three Brit,all , y in' n were k,llt•L Fiv li,•erd land 72 wen wee on" British uffWer au, :,re missing. The fight in whieh t; war captured took p dawn till Marek 7th, bt burg :tiva L chtouburg, v,•r Culuuy. Tile British t,eroal 1,::W meu. Tito ..1 all the British bagtg Uethueu Ir retained u li Kltrhener'a 1 Pretoria, lurch Ii. greasily regret to have u:l,l news Lot Afalt leen. .ng with nine hundred „oder sl aj.,r Pkrim, Low} t fuur unit au, n,hui ley, g Ir.rw Qynberg to LIe•1 war to meet OroanfeI 1mn llitd mall, at Ituvlr tn-dsy. Yesterday mor .t Lor ntiaoked by Delar I ween Tweboweh &tail The Ifoere charli Lou fire hundred and ft 4 -,ate ill at Nuribogs 'Thry ware purtaued by nr•1rs from the scene 'flat-) report that Huth %%,th the guns, tingga �.1)tured by Ilie Ifs, I, of 11 last seen, wag it 1 (cave no detatlba unt1 suggest dell ,.(,o till I can send I think this sudden re ,ty un the part of Del ,df flu, truuj,n pressl& Int rt secured despat da:v. March 9. Lord K with the remalnder of relurtr Shut the colo ,n two partlest One, Wilson*, left Twebose „then, with the mule ,u hour later. Just tater* attacked. Be utrnta could *enc .rear Runrd broke. I :I large number of SEATS S Single W 1:rita{n Mey Favor Indian Sutar About the L breaks at Sieve 1,undon, March R. ready flooded with tare, pointing out view Willits from w tion parade may lilt mingle windows ope at mori, .- ,nus A4 I already Int • f, seats In the Sunt h ler C'S to C:,. 0iln ,. xcepLlunnl nppro rey side, have broil . Equally elaborat Ing the naval in full swing, 'M "Ia11s Steamers Is nnpply. 71 aP t • rour day crulde from 10 W 18 gul f ,r a single her _ -_ I"o Prefer Ne London, MKarch the A*aorinte,l Pr ,:"w•rnment Vole t ,ria, tO remove rsn+nd duty whlcl Wowt Indian gag :7M that w4rvt I have demanded Cimventlon rom Between now a LTRURI Towed Into O'Clock PASSENGERS I'nyal, Ataw r unnr'ad )inn wt, %%Oa disabled \ew Yort for I :It h o'clock tl ,+u•wmer analic ,•vrning. All or ,la,l a Oooapars •.Foga exelept r %vrt•ch ruwurrr, hover of fish. 2l Upon Pxnmin that the ship's off ngtaMw the der had lrPPnl r propr•it^r. The rncii wh.ch krt stPanor w