HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 5THE SIGNAIJ : GODERICH "ONTARIO.
Taossosr, Mar. 13,11f02. et
W. Acheson & Son
NEW Spring Goods in patterns that are being shown for
the first time in Goderie}L We invite your inspection
before best patterns are p eked over. As to value, we have
never shown new up -to -d, te goods that represented such
good values.
Scotch Linoleums.
600 route yard• of Sof uh Linoleum' 2
yard. wide. A well assorted range el
new Borst bleak sad the dogleg., an extra
bevy quality fur halls, kit Aeons, dlalpR•
rooms, eta., speolal value .t
p.r square yard. 37 1-2c
English Axminster Carpets.
A large shipment of new goods just r.wteed
showy, the latest and but in popular
effects for the spring seuuo, beautiful
0 colorings m green, rose, blue, cranium and
brows., special value per yard
English Tapestry Carpets. New English Wool Carpets
A complete rano. et 2 of the most popular 36 Inches wide, new HIeh•Cless Designs In
makes. Tae d.ngna and oolonor are crim.oa., bite, green, browns, suitable
e.peo:elly (netters, imitable fur goy rocs for dining room., alttiog room., hall.,
or hell, splendid value, per y.rd, 5 c oto, vary .penial
at value, at per yard 50, 65 and 75c
W. Acheson & Son.
Olseassl.is gegardlag the Elevat.r sett
and the ap.elal
Toe town,:uuootl holt Its re,uler niv.Uua
on Friday evening,, with all the menden are
.ttendaoos and Hie Worship Mayor Came-
ron in ti. Asir.
Cummuotoatlooe from (Gordon Henderson,
F. J. T. Neftel, Chas. E. Shaw and Wm.
Campbell notifying the oouooil of the tepee
of tb• tularemia µ,Bole on the towu power
.teflon wee read, ea4 a metlon wan passed
th.t the policies tie resented as once, Mr
McKim Mooted the information that the
InsuranOe ng tb. power vitt oi and plant
win $8,000 ; he thought the amuuua .uout 3
be looraaee4.
The tr.Murer s stateo.ent for r'briery
was as follows ;
Boileau from Jannary, .. .. ... $3 468 11
Receipts -
lazes .- $626.25
/Zea r.ident tans 19.92
atu rates 742 00
lfretrio'itgbt rate. 178 37
Bmktaa fund interest. 80.00
M.ltlead o.m.teiy . 17 50 1 664 04
S.larte. $ 191.66
Printing and advertising, 27 11
EI.ottoo account 700
Fue d.pertmo t . 3 04
l'ublc works... llf.53
Chanty.,. ... .... 2.00
Datentnr• Interest 8PiA0
Waterworks in btntesa'M 1,303 38
rectrie Itoht '• 147.60
i'ubLo eobool M 0Ut, , , 684 te8 •
$Icotrio light contest.... 97.55
B lard of belt! 60 60
9ak.ng foul tat al) 00
11..Nl.naou,. 10.00
l' C k O expense...- 25 20
);levator Inter.* 678 10 4 317 85
Helenas tn hand $ 814 30
n oommouloetloo win received from the
Mayer sed oorpoeaetoo (toilette' of teeter
of Jerome, enclosing . petition, "'blob the
00uooil wee asked to endorse, r.geNtl.g the
Demotes Partitionist is segos l•glsl.ttoo to
D the Hell Telephone Co from in
measles its Wee to sab.onber•. and •Igo to
compel the Cumpeey to aup.ti telephone)
' smog to all who apply for same and whore
preml.ea au upon a lite of .apply, The
M.yor and clot k were aaibor,zd to ergo the
A oommatttcat ou tram Miss Sktmtoge,
stuang that 1,r • *wood unto she lid idles
oo tie sidereal' and goosed inluoy, and
asking zone computation from the aouoail,
win referred to the spinal oommlttee
A repeat from tb, Br- deo invent for en
sdrittlonel alltw.00e .•1 $2 :o each men at
towline every fire, tot a requiut,o for
game *loopiest fur 1 ie or ..,fe wens read.
Ths rnat:e of moor -m.1 eup.,l N win left
f■ the hied, of the B e o4.om.1 .e, and the
matter of mo ...est .1 o'setae win ref.rr•1
1) the op'e'.I oommitiee,
Ao •pplios'loo Ito n Mrs. Joel. Mois-
test Inc rsrrn..c• of tate• on lot 696 wes
sent to the court of outdot,
A. J. Moors's p nttoo on the public
library Mud havteg been showed by his
scoeotasoe of the position of aoretery, thin
amine! l.atraoted the clerk to prepare • by-
law for the filling of rte taiaooy. Nr,
McKim mentioned the name of F. N.
Lewis in M1. 000nectlon.
A report from the oemerery sexton, show•
leg six intetmute during the month of
Much, we. referred to the °sweetly oom
The Mayor read the following'letter 1' )n
St r. (,arrow in regard to the judgment
In the action between the town and the
e levator company :
" My agent Mr. Moss obtained after some
an appointment with Sir. Justice
Farrow°, wno says that he considered at
the time he indorsed the judgment that he
we. ordering a ten years' exemption from
that date, e.peolat:y in view of whet ap
peered before him, that the oomp.oy had
reacted no benefit from the free occursion.
1'11g of course determines the insular in the
form that the judgment win bust drawn up,
and 1 will now proceed to bay. the jade -
mut teaned ass oo-, . In order that the mat.
ter may be Diose'. Yours very truly,
J. T. GARtu)w."
Tb• Meyer tial lin had aeon Mr. Martin,
who was owe el Ilia represeatativs of the
town •t the trial, and Mr. Martin stated
that he 11.'1 ayoken to Judge Fergnenn
01.1 t title miter and explained to him the
the eremot mn wee to be for ten year/ from
the oomlde•:on 01 the elevator. Hie Wor
ship eked the or- unroll if they were Roto, to
!estrum bin to sign the bylaw glrtag afoot
to the lodgment He himself thought the
town abould retain Ito position at the bolder
of stook. He would Dot sign the bylaw un
1ees the to well compelled him to do e0.
Mr. Knox said that but tor Doe tangle an
additional ten years' *:eruption would hive
been greeted to the eompaoy at the ezplra-
tloa ot the first term.
Mr. McKim said Dos difficulty was e
homey from the old council which ehoald
net hay• bun left to them. He did not
went any more htlgation, end altaouuli he
thought the town was being tmposed open
h* considered 1t better to gar red of the die
dimity in the best manner possible. He
made this motion ; That in view of tie
fact that ,ursolicitor, lion. .1. T. (;arrow,
advise* th.t this council 1■ bound to stand
by the terms of the consent minutes pre-
re.pared on Moquettes from Mr. Justice
F•rgusoo at the Woodstock trial, am
Oboe zed by other a1tementa and lettere too
moved from Mr Gur0w. the council is of
the opinion that nothing is to be valued by
fun het delay, aod would request the Mayor
to dose the matter up and sten the nroN•
try ,greemcou towards ending the wit
hetweeo the town and the elevator com-
Mr. Murnev said the potat now at issue
had aver been before the old council at a11,
a the judgment was Rees .t the aloes of
their term.
Mr, Humber thought the litigation should
be Mooed up, and he .e000dd Mr. McKta'a
mottos, though he resented the fatter
geottemu,'s remarks a„o.rnteg the tarpon
' Witty of the ouonoit tut year. Mr. Elliott
also wanted to hot., done with the Ituga•
Hs It'oreh-p spoke very strongly upuu
tie pekoe that no one bud eu'.hoelt'd the
, trlem.ur white had b et reaobel ; oa the
oonttary, Mr. Menlo, who wire the only
representative of the council tn the ground
on the last day of the tri.l hal expressly
stated that the etemt t to was to late from
the oompletien of the elevator,
A'tot* Was tattoo on Mr, MoKIm'.
mottos, which wen carr r f oo the f"Ilnw nes
veto: Yee-Haa:her, M.•Kt o, Elliott,
Kans. Nay-Tbomp.00, Jl0roev.
The Mayor brouglit op the matter of the
deputation to Ottawa, stating that he bad
been usable 10 gamuts more than three poo
.ea, Mr. Elliott renewed Ili) motion he bad
made a% • previous meeW t: that the deism
:.telco oonalat of too Stator, Mr. McG.w
and Capt. Shepherd. This wag carried.
In reply to • 4ueetioo from Mr. Moray,
the Mayor ,rated that the epec.al audlt(r
had arrived In town,
The following a000uau were Mt to the
mann oommutee :, Oartoh Daniels Co.,
Ker kak, la, arresters for Meanie plait.
$33.88 ; Felrbanka Co., lfootr.al, oil niter,
$22,43 ; N. D Koo,vie, uppl:es for water -
work. departmeo', $93.73
The report of the buttes commttW re-
oomm.nded the payment of a number of am
roams and the publ:catloa 6t the auditors'
np,rt a required by statute. The report
w in adopted.
Aatthar letter from Mr. Garrow we. as
"Re eidowalk bylaws i wnutf be eery
glad to have the material for the prepare
tom o those 1.
1 owe as a .
y possible. I.
will take borne time 10 prepare. There
meet, as I pointed out before, be a separate
bylaw for each Individual meter, and as In
some oases you rift not pus • bvl.w, ep-
arently, autboriz'.ng proc.e .ling with the
work there will require to be • further •ash
mission of the amusement to • court of re.
vision. Tho matter Is extremely complicat-
ed by reason of the failure to pot the tot
11.1 bylaw, that 1., the bylaw which fol-
lows upon the 1 bylaw, end amber.
izes the particular work to be undertaken.
I think the session of the Hons. will he
over about the end of tee preterit week and
I will then beat Wine, but I would have
undertaken to out It through at any time 1f
1 had heed* put In p ins of the requisite
Information. May I urge upoo you to lose
DO time Is getting the matter par is shape,
h.raaoe I thiol It hes already .road Inc too
long• Your. truly, J. T. (:ARROW."
During the dtecoalnn which followed
over this matter, Treswrer Horton stated
that he had finished his work • week before
and had handed it to Mr. Meld, wbo he sop
Posed bad given It re Mr. Darrow. It had
Probably reached Mr, Garrow'a hands after
he wrote his letter, bat to make lure of It
Councillor Thompson wag coked to attend
the matter.
Mr. Marney wanted 10kri-O-T6enthlne
O ut the spooled auditor./ What sou he
Mr. McKim said he war getting into
poseNdon of the 'ate and was earning Ola
pay alt right.
The ani septi,, soothing and healing propetti,c of Angicr's Petroleum Emul•
atom esp,v Tally adapt. it to the treatment of s)mads and bowel dianrders of it
catarrhal, fermentative, ulcerative and tubertulat nature. it soolhea and dis-
infect. the entire alimentary. tract, checks fermentation, 1leansea away foal
mens and leavee the digestive organs Ina healthy co* d tion to perform their
functions naturally. The medical pro(e.sion prescribe Angerr'e Petroleum
Emat.ion for Chronic i iarrhrea and Dysentery, Gastric and Intestinal Catarrh
and Dicers, Tel** Me's.nterio a, etc. It has cured many long standing cases of
Chronic Diarrhoea after other re -medic* had failed.
dlPOatADf CLCITH: - /met fe.ern A/ 1, ,V,nenslrr, ,440, e.i.( son el vetted
.erne.,4, eta revs .,.J,r fwr ,w,nrn/ tine love treatment of In May, /107. Therm(
Mere* 101.• ere! / 4.,' fon ,,h/set, endue/goon w . era told /Awe I toned net lire
own Oen r r *vete 1 gadelreaye tweeted A'(ir'r /'etr.Jry,w Emu/earn treel/ Jn
sow 10 4, u o Maev the do7ror egos/.4 10 nve ryryvrre for roe, I ret n Fettle, end 'e/t the
lenmelelettate *pee few does, mar &RJw1Jean fnIin,,•.,meedo•itlme. /entowed
Pe Jeb it ass re SWerner', :307 end have nee tell axe tem .thee, ev ieee lr.dlyd nrfA
• .ere.srA dv arty, O,nl. .45 erre it wen keno... oh ,,An,/ kern, nod Ike river nn,f
111111111,1%011M ty,'A w) over a .a•. Orae bre. ghI from Arnth'e doer / nee,
JAMAS RA MBAR, Arrrreer. After, Il Butte St., Liwr/401, Neer.
All detsggb. Nil it, rem *se% se co. red l l.(O. bottleM. nor yon get ANI: IRR'S.
YOUR NAMe AND ATORr,S3 nes a roots' card .01 bring rnu a lyre r of ,t
b.ekt.1 e8M1tel Abt Voter Throat sed Longs " It true how to rare far the Throat, Leese
(iagw.eIt gives rood advice as to Diet sed Hygiene, s1.o Exercises. which an
Mr. Humber thought he should bene est sot .p ea tee roof et Wilton A Ta
some to to the mowed to 000eulr v, 1, boll's *'ore la scute way sod delor,a,. t •
Hu r
Worsbtp-W hat beoeht du y, u top deep 'rbureday Dim Dig it jump -4
pen he would get front u.ultiur woo any oaWaaa etAewa.k. a liaauce of smut, Ili
member of this °outull' 1140 thirty lest. atnpptog eo bu*J•uly o1 t
Mr. Morally thought the ouuucil ought eo graalitbto rather kot teed the pun out
know what tn. auditor was dors •std tie pussy but the feline wag.bawauely were
nide a motive that the work be. was to per- In:o the s u•. of the above meutoraed fir
form be dodged,, '1'b. Moyer ruled the and placed by the etnya wh welt *tot 001
.1 10.11t was worth 1 dead wt.,
n' I Ltyaaolty k INwerr.-The Lllsr-
et •ry home, y of Carlow will tr1Y• • aan0ert In
he i ' he towwebtp hall on Friday evasion, Much
"• 21.5. Toe program will consist of tome -
two.. setae, guartet1.a, dialogue, eta., by
weathers of the :soo:e:►. Erosy prep.auua
is bung mode for • rally good and Iuetruo.
ti" lima. nod sy•rybtdy s mulled. Ad 1 Newness .
06111111411 10 agate,
W'torhem : Mre. Holmes, wife ul Thomas
Holmes, nae ref the newt prnmiaeot ret
den's of Wrgbiui, *ad oto of the pioneers
of Huron oouaty, was laked.uddeoly 111 un
Tburoley, .04 although own ythlag possible
was duos for her posed .wey on Saturday
•yeutug. The memh•rs u1 toe !molly were
present trout iitatels. `tarot., Toronto sad
other pl.oN, h.yfog mom mooted by lsl.-
rraph, Mrs. Holmes war well koowh sod
highly respected lar the t two amt surround.
log country
Clinton : The Toronto Star made the fol.
lowing referent* to a son of William Canto
Toa, of towo : " W. K Quinn, • student
at the Central Business College, wh11e at•
tending the oollege reunion at the Temple
Building, Friday *vetoing. lost ols wallet
containing a check fur 8600. eodonad and
ready to cash, $40 to oa.h and some vela•
able parer.. The wallet was found try W,
F. Cenbloa, • Sohool of Pharmacy 'eidetic,
who, dlacoyuiog Quinn'. pard 1n It,
promptly handed the wallet over to the
Uliotcn: There pas.ed •way le Clinton
0o Friday, 2811 ult., H.rtlett R.dour,
relict of the late J. M. Barber, who has
been ill for some time .t the boute of her
hrother, J. kldout. the was of the ago of
Sity aloe years aod • faintly ere tett to
mourn the Jose of a kind • of Itvtoe mother.
Dwsased was • daughter of the lee Geo.
Kidout sad wag born In Toronto ; she wee
of a family of four eons and five daughters
and war • aster of Joho and Che.
Sodom., of town, and leaves. family of two
eons and boar deagktes.
l like r.plala'e Experience.
Capt. McDonald, one of Ktoeston's met
prominent mariners write : "For years I
have battled with the agonies or brohobitlo
•atbma, oftentimes e0 bed that 1 ooald not
clop for nlgbts at • time. I spent hundreds
of dollars on doctors and quacks without
getting relief, but one dollar'. worth of
l'•tarrbuzooe perfectly oared me." This
above testimonial was vivito two years ago
and, 1 the osptatn lately stated he was still
quite fres from bronchitis, It proves Catarrh•
ozone • veritable epeotdc. Catarrhozooe
two months' trutm.nt, gueraotesd to our.
brouceatl., price 1L00, small sire 25 ate.
Druggtet or Polus A Co., Kingston.
mutton out of order, ae foie bad already
beau duo. Mr. 'Thomson cid (0. oounuil
oug110 to know whets be started work and
when he quite, At $8 a day be would soca
swamp this little town. The Mayor toed
the auditor would do he duly aril that it
woult be better for the cower! not to loter-
fen with bout, .ud after • little further die.
cuaaion the matter was dropped and the
u•uaotl adjourned it an early hour.
At the previous regular meting of the
couuotl a ra.wlomendauoo of the water and
felt committee wee passed that Mr Mar
oey's wester rate U16 a year. Me. Murney
state that tau is being mt.uederstood, and
that the/15 rate la for killing mimosas only.
Stanley : While engaged in cutting wood
A (1.lmour unfortunately out hie foot with
the axe.
Morris : Jame Agar, 0f Bolsa.vein, Maul•
lobs, formerly a reident.ut foto towo.bfp,
is 111 with smallpox.
Brussels : Leslie Kele 1a here from
S ratter Bur nee College and has resun.d
work on The Poet staff,
kgreondyalle : Mrs. Jame* Simpson has
sold her house and four gores of land, In
Egeuoudvlile, to her son Jubo, i.r 11,500.
floated. ; John Giddott., of this township,
=mooted suicide last Thursday Dight by
bowleg himself to an apple tree in an cr.
Womb,: R E. Breadfoot and bred.,
(nes Walker) left Brussels for fuer home a
lt.d.tone, Mao., to l'ueday morning of
let week.
Seafor,h : J. Archie Siete, the young sou
o1 James Suott, tell from a tree which he
was otmbing oo Wednesday, and was eau- '
slderably butt.
Ethel : Mos R. Sperms Was sworn to as
pcat•metee.a of Ethel olio° last seek and le
now legally qualified to attend to all poet -
ethos tutees.
Brussels : .1. U. at,' Mrs. Ronald have
gone to Los Angeles California, as the New
Mexico climate was pot egreelog with Mrs.
ltooald'a health.
Brussels : George Brows, of Gorri*, who
bre purohaed the Centra) Hotel In town,
will put up a brick stable to replace the one
destroyed by fire.
Seefortb : Scutt Brothel's who have been
is business here L r thirty years, have d1a-
p0..4 of their musical lu.trunient business
to (large Baldwin.
Exeter : Jos. Pert, tired of eftgle life,
Wel unto btmelf s wife on N ednesday
event', of lost week, in the penin of Miss
Hubbard, of Turooto. •
Litton : W. T. O'Neil woe confined to
the house for sums days by having a nail
ens Into bb right knee ; he we. able to to
to his store Thursday.
Varna: Dr. Little, of the Varna hotel,
has pun:hwo! Mrs. Furth'. hotel, Bruoe-
(iel.l, for the sum of 13000 ooh, aod eke.
pueawe:oo en May let,
startler: 00 6ondev, March 2ud. 10.re
p..sed away after a long lingering 11111040,
.f,.bo Cmerino of the 4 b 1)u., in the fifty•
e gbth per of his age.
Clinton : 1) J. l,.nteloo, of town, wbo
wee an appllcaut for the Chet of Po11oe of
Woodstock, has been appointed •*utast at
a salary of $450 a year.
Euler : ,Ire. Richard f)avla win bitten
Trfaoav, Mer. 4th.
Wm. Smith te IU 10 prewt.
EVm. Puree, of Wa.gham, vetted Clay •
too Duff on Thereto,.
Peroy Paterson and George Atoteseon were
to Molesworth oa Monday.
Mtge Brunton, of Tara, was visiting her
uousia, Mra J. Fawoett, tat week.
Mrs. John Robertson, of Wroxeter, vlaa•
e1 friends 1n Hluevele on Monday,
Mie Finale Toomp.on, of Brussels, was
visite, Mie Aegis Herbert this wok.
The liluevele Methodist choir were enter-
tainb4 at Albert Hughes' oo Friday sten
lleery. Mollonald acd Mss Mary
'(.11.d at Dr, Toole's in Brunei. an Satur-
Mines Joule and Winnie Porter. of Wing.
ham, spent last Thursday evealog .t K. N.
It'. J. Duff has the contract for drawing
the cream to the Bluevale nutter factory
the band by a dog, end e • con.equeooe, this *bison.
e ta hu since suffered considerablepia'a `'- 'arcs et yonns penile from Forestville
from the wetted toftatd. were the guests ot Mies Alice Detroit Thum
y •Venin,,
tl foghorn : Oat evening reo.nlly the
r•udene of Samuel Elliott, Dearl he brick -
rod win catered hy a thief, and the sum
of tweoty•bve dollars stolon.
Wtoehem : Mr. and Aire. 1). Cameron
and daughter Addle, who bad boo visiting
Mrs. Cameron's 1.1 ., Jaa Nelson, return-
ed to their home to Cypress, Mas., on Wsd-
n eday of Int week.
w i.gbim : Harry Holme, of the Bank
of Hamlltoc, 1s this week relieving Mr,
Lang. of the Blyth branoh, who has been
called home by the death et his father,
Mr Koox, of thasittoa. is assisting to the
bank hers.
Grey : The sceiety columns of the Detroit
papers cocoon,e 'te manage in that pity
of M;gs Isabel ('. Keac•r and A. F. Garri-
son, on the 20 It ult. Mr, and Mr.. Garr'
e on evil be at bone to their trtende at 760
Etat Fort et. Mie Kellen's home was form.
*fly in Grey.
Seslorth : A vary pretty wddiog took
place an Smile. at noon on Wedoeeday of
Tse% west, when Mts. Reheaoa Kyle,
daughter of Wm. Kyle, art Roxboro, near
Ssforth, boeame the bride of Arthur
Abbey, of Toronto, abet engineer of the
" Midland Qoe.n "
Wingbam : A pretty and Interesting
matrimonial event was wttosaned by over
lour hundred residents of the town, to t1.
n ew Methodist oburch, on Wednesday, Stb
0,t„ when Mtn Laurette. Louie, emend
daughter of Mr. and Me. F. G. Sperling,
became the bappy bride ot Willem Rotates
Sperling, M A., M.D., of Lusk, State of
55 yoming,
Kipper : Oo a recent Friday over One
hundred members and frieeds Iron. the Kip.
pen oirome.urprlsod their pastor and wife
hy taking po..wion of thele home and pro
■ rating them with a puree of money and
Mrs. hong with a beautiful setranhan coat
scoompanied with an address. The oresen-
tattno win trona the Chl.elhnrst, Kipper]
and Hill egreea nonur.gatloos.
lienmtller : Death came to the home of
Mr. Williams, Maitland oop., lett Friday,
Feb. 28th, where Mr. and Mrs. Flute have
mode their home pint. they wets': searrled a
year ago. Drv. Nunn and Shaw, Cilnton,
did all that medleal skill could supply to
save Mrs. rreeth'. life. It Is only a year
ago the day on which elle died that she was
nutted in matrimony to her now sorrowing
Blyth : A spools, metaleg of Blyth enhool
board was held In Industry hall on Moodey,
lust week. All the members protean.
Fight applications were read for the povttinn
of ptiocipal of Myth putOil =hoot Oo
motion of Trustee. Potter and Wettlaafer
the application ot J. J. Bailey, of Erin,
was aorepted. He is engaged for the bel -
atter of 1902. commencing at Eater. end
will be peed • salary at the nth .f 8500 per
Seeforth : John Thompson died at Brae•
rel., on Meeday 3rd init. Mr. Thompaen
we an old resident of Seafnrth. He lied
here for twenty ties yours provlon. to re.
moving to Brussels two years ago. He had
peen In poor health for some yuan. Mine
troubled with an aaeotlon of the hart. He
was a native o1 Blenheim, Oxford county,
He !emirs a widow and family of grown ap
none. Two daughters, Mtge Movie and
Mrs, John rioolt, 41e1 very recently,
Bros -els : An ate bodied John Thomas
If attacked by • wild beset • man
woeld try and defend himself. If afllict-
d with rheumatism fight the disease.
With Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Care the
battle I all one-sided. Thema Todd,
Lockm.ater •t Brewer's Mills, Ont.,
suffered for twelve years with rheuma-
tism In his .hnnlder and at times exiald
not work or dregs hlmeelf. Fight bot
of Dr. Hail'. with Climax Iron
Tonin Pills, affected a perinAn.et mere.
This great hhnod purifier is pat np in
bottles containing ten days treatment.
Pries 60 nen% at all drag storms or The
Dr. Hall Mediein. Cn., Kingston, Ont.
Mtge alum chaff left on Saturday to take
• situation se school teacher neer Elsinore,
Bruce Ooun'y,
1Ir.- Wm. Messer N our Wtogh•m this
work waiting on her father, Mr. McAlllsler,
who Ie very i11,
Min Reside Wright, of J•msarewa, has
returned to her situation as drp.em•k•r at
Mrs. Batiste's.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson, olSunshine,
♦bated Mrs. W•teon'• parents, Mr. and
Mn. Thos. tisewart, on Monday.
Robert Slmmle, formerly of Blaevale, has
lately been appointed chief engineer at the
water week= depertmeot, London, .t a good
salary, Mie .1d (reeds here will be glad to
Debt of his •dvenoemest.
A toy ie,arier's Weak
1e alweyg found in a crottle of Pelson's Ner•
*ilio*, the beet household liniment known.
It owres rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache,
budaohe, sick stomach, In fact le good for
everything a liniment ought to be good for.
Mo; here hnd it the aafet thing to rob on
their children for sore throat, oeld on the
ober, sprain. and bruise. Nevar be with-
out Poison's Nervlltae. It w111 ours the
osineand ache of the entire family and re
Ley* a rat amount of suffering every year.
The Collegiate 10.tt/.te trustee board met
00 Thursday last and passed two aaoeanW,
'judge of nothing at
first sight."
A shoe may look
well, and fit badly --may
fit well and yvear badly.
The shoe with a five
year record, and the
Makers' price stamped on
sok is a sure thin, even
if bought in the dark.
"The Slater Shoe"
R. B. Smith Jordan
Store. Mc K I M'S , Block.
1. a symptom of Kleineey
Uls.ia.e, A well-known
doctor has .aid, " 1 sever
yet madea pont-mortar .a•
amination i n • cine. el death
from Heart Disease wk's -
out finding the kidneys
wereat fault." Tb. Kldts.y
medicine which was And on
the market, most fu.oue-
ful for Heart Esteems* sad
all Kidney Troubles, and
most widely imitated Is
' Signs
Sneezing -running at the
nose -pain in the head -
pain in the back -chills and
fever -and a general "ache -
all -over " feeling.
What are the " Grippe"
consequences? Catarrh-'
Bronchitis - Pneumonia -
Consumption -Nervous
treatment cures the Grippe
and prevents its consequen-
I " I am pleased to add my testimony
to the curative power, of the Uwanta
Capsule treatment for Grippe. I
was attacked very suddenly and very
violently with thio mai.
f`JWABTA ady atmut one year ego.
I had found this treat-
ment • certain remedy
for colds and I applied
it lathe '(;rippe.' I of
relief in Meson r
time then it tales
it -and it cured me."
11 SMART. Toiorrvo
Wm. Sharman, Jr. - Sole Local Agent.
Seed Oats
Seed Barky 4_
Seed Corn
Timothy and Clover
Bug -proof Peas
A ton of choice seed_
and all other erode from thn beat grower%
for farm and garden,
Largest Stock i1. the
A large variety of Feed
Oats and Corn on hand.
(.oxide delivered promptly to any
part of the town.
A.J. Cooper, •
r r wuArt carnaa mist roue ne0GGil
cvcr.oss aye -e .mots 70 Tars -
r WANTA scrim CO., Led.
Ottawa. Oat.
I see our line
We will save
you money and
give you the
choice of the
best lines on
the Canadian
I•:vory `Int'c ttiHy
1 %narantt',' 1
'.� oil. MCH.
Coal! Goal!
.1 DOT Rh(;EIVI.,D
1 Car Massillon Washed
Nut Coal.
This Una' , gond for stoves
and prates Je easily lighted
004 gives out a great heat.
1 Car West Virginia Lump
2 Car Scranton hard Coal.
Mgsillna .v ethed Nut ;30 me
per 100 Ib*, Or
Sts.rso per to.,
Wm. Campbell.
()oderloh, March 10th 1908.
Pervades in every department, and you will adroit that the New
fluids are beautiful. Last week at the Toronto Millinery Openings we
secured many of the very newest, not alone in Millinery, but in Dress Fabrics
as well.
W • have • full range of those lovely Organ-
dIN la white, bluok, o•rdlnal, pink, blue,
and the new elude of *trey, all double
fold, and the prtu. is Outy, 11,,
per yard 20c.
The newest la a Black Organdie with a
white worked spot.
They are beautiful. 17C and 25c
Linen Lawn.
Thee light Linen Lawns this *,aeon are
more v,*15c, 20c and 25c
Zodiac li miry, very sheer and vary
new, at per yard .. 20c
French Zephyrs.
Thou hew firemen Zephyrs of .or ewe /o•
port are use lovely to dogteeth*. The
newel oomltlwttoa skips, et wails,
dream, grey, blue, pink, yellow, gross,
Ao. S)zeeea of the armrest paterss at
the lowest
pylae. ... 20, 25, 35 and 40c
Tb. New Lieu hoods es thin as a oohing...
IlaUels are 'light.
a l5c and 20c
Oar 10e Palate are good ea say we ever
before bad at 120, and 50 pater.e to
eleot (rem. We have Sc to 124c
the Now Prete •t
Nimble fingers directed by tstelllgeot mends well sued en the latus fashions' Madge
are busy g.ttlog your keter net •r Koran ready. W111 1.11 you mere •boat 11 late.
A Great Snap.
la our Ginger Soap, at bo. a
pound. of which **sell • barrel a week.
This isn't our only sap, u we oarry
everything that can be found In an ey-
e -date grocery store, and our pekoe
are right. The texture know that they
oats always get from us • snap for their
produoe. We draw the Ilse at no
legttim•te ted* - everytblug goal :
Glassware or potatoes( garden stuff or
oholoest table China We deal In all
of them.
Redford blook, Otderloh
1 have put into %tin k a line of Ready mein
Clothing of first claw manufacture, and
at prices to suit the times.
Ordered Clothing
I. still my specialty. A good range of
clothe to select from ; and workmanship
the beat to be had.
If you need an overcoat`this fall call and
sen me. A number of lengths of piece
goods to be cleared out at wet
Wel 8lr.et
L/STO -;/x%
ede7 A 67/ l Y
Io moving Mrwe.d. winter tans bowing Jan.
I, 1901. Our rates nr• reasonable. our wanes
of studythorough and =epithet Sind for ear
Journaand see what we teach. Students mai
enter at any Lima Two musses of study.
Commercial end Shorthand
Prim. Bu
Owen 130U114.1 eow.t
Mcki'I°p Mgt* fire Issnrawe Cls.
1 Valeo of Property lsaurei ap m January.
1901 ♦i,eet,MI.ee
omit 000 AND u1R.crOha.
J, H. MoLettn, pros.: T. Fraser, vlospre, ;
Jets l:onnouy, O. Dale. W. O. Brodtoet, J.
Watt, 4... Krona, 4. (1. arleve, J. Raanewels,
directory; W. O. Broadfott, meeafort0, laspeo-
for of lova ; T, 1:. Hays, Seitorth, •.oretary-
.1. W. Yes, Holmevllle : James Commies
lgwntoodvula ; 1t. MoMtlllan, Be•lerth : R
Smith, Harlook
Policy bolder* can pay a.anmeota and spa
their cards recelpled at Mr. Coate'. (,ltosoa, or
•atMel.eaa Brom' Palaoe Clothtng More, (lode
Mill Wood
The above is out hibo stows wood
length and will be delivered to any
part of the town the same day ea
Orders received by telephone or
lett at residence, 128 Cambria street,
will receive prompt attention.
Oudericb, November 21.1, 1899. 63-3w
SCrfflhloll Hard Coal
All Coal wet h.d on the Market Scales
where you get Ibe. for a ton.
Orders left at I.$$ Ile 88ZP$d2.D1
Store promptly attended t'.
- SRI Manila...
'u .tro\o Dvrtetovt OA\&
ONers rar•FI II, '•ektaIed N are all
hears, slake lir day.
/wile *ower.
O1; it Business has grown to such dimensions that
we have decided to move to larger premises,
and will in consequence offer our whole stock of
Pianos, Organs,
Violins, Guitars, gl°;';,a
Music, Sewing Machines, &c.
at Genuine Bargain Pries until the
16th Feb., 1902.
Remember, this is s Genuine Bargain Sale, and
the chance is one you may nevnr meet again.
Music and Bicycle Dealers, ---- _ _ - a GODERICH
We give one away with each pound of Pure Cream Baking
Powder purchased frotn us. 5Oc a Ib. The step -ladder alone
worth the price.
Try a package of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care-
fully selected Indian and Oeylon Tea blended in a acientifie
manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful.
Now is the titne to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a
full;asst rtment.
Telephone No. 91.
sfrv= az CO.
THE ORO01118.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured be J. M: MacLEOD. Ooderlch, Ont.