HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 44 Taoftw.Yt Mar. i3, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODERIOR ONTARIO Our New Clothing For Men, Youths and Boyd is so liamt.ome, so right up to the minute 1u style and so good in every way that we (minuet rest until we herald the tidillgs to you and to'every other man interested in (food Clothes. ll u't think for a minute that our Clothing is like the ordiaafy ready- modes eadywwlos (except in the cheap grades), ours has leen wade to our Special Order and can be compared only to high-class morchaut tailor productions, excepting, in price. Fine imported Tweeds and Worsteds are used sud made by artists. SEE THEM ! NEW YORK HATS JUST ARRIVED If you want the Nobble/at Hats youti willt have to gut them from us. We W. Ce PRI DRAM Psrfeet Awing Ctor hive Hoses. IlLcLeao's Bleck. CLOTHIER AND FURNISHER the �ignai, 1s mincer•• -sur. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING Si t. Mediu YCataei QODIIUCH. THURSDAY. MAR,1% Mt PRINCELINGS AND CANADA, THE visit of Prince Iig11ay to Can- ada was short. 1f notsweet, and what he won't be able to tell about the Falb whoa he goes home will make a good sized story. These scheduled trips are trying to the nerves anyhow. and we are of opinion that HLNET of Prussia is heartily glad that the worst is over. His cousin the Prince of WALee went through • similar ordeal • few months back, and we question it he •has yet fully re- covered from the effect of the trip The whole thug is a humbug. 1l Euro. pan royalties want to see the world by all mans let them see it, but let (het see it as it is, just as the rest dews nee it Keep off the garish display and let everything be leen from • natural'standpoint. Throw the tomfoolery and humbug to the bow wows. We question very much whether the Prince of Withers enjoyed his visit to Heli. fax last fall hall a: well u he did his first trip, when u g middy oa one of Her Majesty's ships, he was able to move about MI • growing boy should without being hedged in by conventionalities and tied up with red tape - We will venture to ay that the time when he and anot .r •capegr oat Y kicked over Mn. SH•ePHSESEY'a apple atm'l and then hurriedly struck out for Water street to the accompaniment of the old lady's anathemas is mon stronglypsuallano. -upon his memory than the-hifz send-off which he got on the last ocsaeion After all the man who can't fix his owe route and his own scbe,lule deserves all the sympathy the neighbors can give to him. THEY ARE AGAINST IT. THE Toronto World, which has al- ways &demoted the interest of the liquor business, is against the Referendum. E. Kuru I)ODDS, the great anti Scott Act and roti Dunkin Act advocate, is against the Referendum. The sporting newspapers are against the Referendum The sporting men and the sporting wom en are against the Referendum. The partisan temperance men are against the Referendum. And the man who doesn't want to comet in out of the wet is against the Referen- a strong prohibituty xentimeut behind the act -Yes ; if there is not such a seutimeut -No. -Jiwwt' Itaeza.'eol, tho legal adviser ot the anti Prohibe, has his ear to the grouud, listening to the rumble from' the outlying districts., -_ -When • member risesiu th^ t,.gi.lature and says he believes one way ou the prohi- bition question and then votes the other way, iso t it about time for his constituents to take him home fur a rest, and send clown • Man to represent the riding. dum. -That story about a $60.000 g for a harbor at St. Joseph is still mpg the rounds of the Tory press. PROHIBITION POON+TERS' -There's many a •lip 2twixt the cup and the hp. -1 he politicians up and be noun -When politicians differ what's oome of prohibition! ill now have to stand -There is a good deal of " Thou not " in the present liosnse system. to be shalt WHAT OTHERS AHE SAYING. AS SUITOKIAL AYUL0..Y. Household Word. : Two gentlemen 000e &t:eoded a temperanoe meeting, and, o0 returning home by • dark and narrow lane were thrown our of their 000veranee. The loc.deot was reported in the local paper, and the account closed wltb the words: "Fortuustely, tote men were .ober." The e ditor reward ao angry pto'ett from one of the gentlemen 0000erned, with s wiliest for ao apology. He was ,,i a.I to the oouanors 'Ie our aocouot of the uutortanat. accident to Me,s-a-,"wroto the editor, "se stated fleet, fortunately. both men were sober. It appears t t tat hoe•lear b.ggto witthdraw egiven lif•-Wch. HIS al'?ROFRIAT$ ieoTATIUN. Philadelphia Evening Telegraph: "Some years ago,''. std a remitter, "we ineaeurated to our Sunday se000l the prec'tos of oor children quoting Dome sonptural text as they dropped their pennies into the contr.' button box Oo the first Sunday in quesltoo, • little altev.I walked up and said : •1'ne Lord leach a cheerful River,' and is drip ped biep•cny. *enemy shell cover a mol• Muds of sons.' sad l0 dropped the nut xeme)v quoted the third, and so on. Just then up walked • little fellow with the aOmis, likable remnant of molasses moody on his cbubby Noe. sad, u h•dropped his suet, be bawled out : 'A feel and btu money are soon part ed.' HR tirwisUb01Sd"-iftuft iWG1t r,." -In more than one constituency the key to the political situation i• whis key. -The paseigisc,proltibitionist. will, nine times out ot ten• oke the old party compsu. -Prayers and platform ex•risee am all right in their place, but they don't alw'eyr win election'. -Be ye temperate io all things. This refers to what comes from the month as well as to that which goes in. -Some people expect prohibition to bring the millenium ; they might better expect the millenium to bring prohibition. - If the Prohibitionist don't make nut a ease this time, they should retire from the business for at lomat one hundred yearn -The preachers whn often do not. vote. and the wntnen who have no voles on the referendum, are getting their work in now - Will prohibition prohibit! 11 there ix STRETCH OUT. Waal" a man le enable to *trete& kis arms or legs because of rhettm- ag+` There is no *reuse for this seat* of afairs. Dr. Hall'. Rheuma- tic Oen •rill remove the disease in obese ardor th the oan* of Henry ▪ Wier, iliates, Ont . two bottles tarB Rim am rend as ever. Rs had mewed trees alveolar rk.nnt*- ra i. his arras sed Togo for two emeniay ..d was perfectly helpless. ▪ fasat Weed purifier is pat Up MMbo 000taioing tan days' all �ilrwsk. Pries 110 cents Mese owns or The Dr. Hall )Yodl- i Awa [lib's. Oat,, Dundas Banner: The annualsating of the Canadian frees Aaaccostingq, wee held In Ottawa last week and Der. Metidlicaddy of The Godsnch Signal was el.ot.d preddeot. Ism ti a character, and owns a dredge and when he took ha seat somebody called out "Ship ahoy." time titers alto he scoured an inter( s'.in a dredging boatrust In Gederloh harbor and cues thea he hat bad a Int of fun poked at htm In 0000eetloa with marine affair,, They .sed call him by a marine title, as 1 head Hnn. Mr. Retook the ot her night say' Hello, Admirer when he greet• s.1 him. It ■ been suggested that Den die 1. take he •v.00l..tr,n for its next ex ?ardion to he old country on hi. dred,e. H. is a d speaker and has done • lot of 0.mpal n work to the Hurons no the Reform side. / wiriest Via STRONG 1100 or TES CHURCHES °TAND. Toronto `fur : It is a fact of the highest significance at this time that el! the leaden of all d•nomteational churches, with the ssoaption of one man, are withholding their name. and their support from this present clamor against the referendum, ant ars known advocates of the belief that prehibl Moo could not safely he applied anise' ds• mended by such emphatic request on the part of the people as that provided for by the Rose bill. '1'h• woe man who is an ex- oaptleo 1s Rev. Ur. Carman, and Ms .xwp tional pwitlo0 moa to be expented. Is the M•tbodiat ahuroh are Rev. Dr. Potts and Rev. Dr. Briggs and Chancellor !tumuli ; to the Presbyterian ahuroh. Rev. Dr. War den, Principal Ceyen, and Principal (.rant; le the Baptist church, Chenne'lor Wallace; to the Evaneeliod English church, Prloripal Sheraton --these and others, including the .dltcr, of the church papers, are all deeply Imp el with the serious nature of the propwal that temperance legislation shall en4 forthwith in a pnobibitary law. They all admit that the preparation of the country for so great n change must be aonoluelvely shown to advance of euoh a law. Unless the real publto opinion of the Province wenta the taw posed, sod would want It enforced and maintained coottouously, nothing ao onme of it but failure, and •herefore trio fer.aeeing meg of the ohurohes ere as desirous of having the teat vote media search ng and co:ideaies a are those oppa ed to such an enactment. It in all very bell for men o1 the "amalb pat, soon hot" variety to throw each onnstderstitme aside. hu• men who, through the excellence of their judgment have reached the highest places to all the church's are perhaps not .hewing less than their usual judgment when they feel that these wnetderatlors o.nnot. be !home 5.1,1e by them. 111111 a4Anl.AR Alit SUSINsee mnmrmmmmmlmrmmrnmmm ='' Ramsay's I Paints.... E They are "The Best on Earth !" t► 1-- ... For Sale by .. . d►- d►- �lulll�1111111111�1111111I1U�1�1111111� ALLAN & McIVER The Leafing Hardware Firm. Honest Moods at Honest Prices, 'Phone 57. I:mee ; hie voice stud souasel wen aaioae the mwt poteet la the development of Owens Ooll•ge. and the fonodatioo of Viotoris Uotversity ; he was for many years chairman of the great Wbltwor'h Company now amalgam.ted with that of Armstroor, and so vest was the oonfrdenae of thy late Sir Joseph tat bitworth to hie sag. s.i y and integrity that he lett him one of the residuary legatees of leu property, well koowhag that It would be caoecieotioosly and juiloleuely applied to the public purposes be bad at baro." W• oanhardly suppose that such men are plentiful even In England se this to a rare combination of the htgb•et scholarship with the keenest business ability but n 1s well to note such typo, so that the tendency tit the part of the mere man of bus,nese to despise the scholar es an idle, useless dreamer may be modified. THE %IT$Ut ON TIM RkYCKINUUM. Montreal W noose : W•- er1-recelyed e n umber of letter,, one of them chil.hahly torutttog, expressing disappointment that we base not joked those who want the temperance peop'e to repudiate altogether toe referendum off red by Mr. Roes. If the condrttons of it can be improved we shall b. very glad, but if the whole matter should be shelved at the request of the temperenoe people we should fear that it would take • very lone time to resueo,tete the questte° at all. S3 far as we eau gather the only referendum which our mentor. would consider a fair nos would be one seder wheat thei goveroment would an span •.r8(0 majority of wtutaver votes might be polled. Jappceiog .dices same ragwort' to he io • juttool posltio', wanting W find the upinlco of the people on some • utjeut, ou uet.ner .ir'e of which they were parentally nolletel. they would probably say that Of M. provision should be trade that there should os something more then so insignificant vote. A referendum vote meetly token in Montreal on an Impar not !menmal bone did not draw out half a dozen oily, • In the ely_tLi• govoreeneolgent waan CANTELoN'S oily, S.rely, • Ro►•tnmeot wanting b i hey. the substantial backing of the commun- ity in essaying new and untried legislation CANADA'S COMMISSIONER. a &Iglelseeat etateaseat sited, by Mr. J. C. Jardine of Tarsale. TO. Marol 10 b.-pipeoial.)-Mr. J G Jardine of 305 l'r•wtord et who was J • H. COLBORNL3 (AdMr7rEN T6. + PA rIOltN3 Phone f.•r •.ie 86.1 r8 CENT 8. New Spring Stock Now Nearly Complete. DRESS GOODS Hlaohf: and Colored IN ALL '111}; NEW LINES. Black Voile. Black Chevaline. Black Panura. Black Poplin. Black Veuetiau. Black French Coni. Black Serge*. Black lleuriettn. Black 11omespuns. Black Brocades. Black Silks. Black Salk Grenadines. Black Satins. Black Satin ltoyal. Black Lustre&. • Colored DRESS GOODS. Grey Homespuus. Brown Howespuus. Fawn Venetians. Navy Venetians. Navy Serge&. Navy Tweed C. 11. finish. Blue -Grey Venetians. Fawn -Blue Ladle* :,'loth. Blue and Ureeu Satin Royal. Fawn Box Cloth. Bluetta Suiting Cloth. Slate Poplinette. Bronze Grey Suiting. A Lot of Henrietta& in all the leading Staple Colors. Grey Lustros. BLOUSE WAIST STUFFS. Black and White French Flannels. '• " 14 " Detentes. Embroidered Freuub Flannels. Plaiu French Flannels. Figured Detained. Figure.l Satannas. Plain &stemma. Fancy Silks. Striped Silks, Plain Silk. Cream Serge&. Cream Henrietta&, These Goode are all New for tale tiprings Trade. BED ROCK PRICES FOR SPOT GASH AND ONE PRICE TO ALL, WHITEWEAR. Big Stook tn Gowns, Skirt, Drawers •ad Corset Wants. 1 EMBROIDERIES 'Silk All -Over Embroidery in Lawn and Muslin Irom b oto. to 90 cls. $1 26 and t1 t'o , large aeeortmen'. I All -Over Lew -White end ltlack OVER 5000 YDS. OF VALENCIINNES sod YORCHON L.1CK3.FROM 1 CENT UP. A JOB LOT OF" CORSETS AT 35 GENTS -GREAT VALUE. A BIG DRIVE IN CORSETS. I pot In stook just 110 pain of Summer Weight Corsets one weak nun TOM,. are .0 ut 70 pairs left. Yon ekeald bare some them. They are vale• for 50 moot. You c.o buy them tor S8 , 1n' • . p.tr. Just think 50 for 29. ranging from 5 cta. to 12i eta., and fast colors. A large stuck of Giughems, both Canadian and Imported, s c'ta. to 15 ct.e. • m•n.ber of the l'.neduo oemmlulon to Our Print !;tock is complete the Perla Exposition has made • publla statemeet as follow.: "hurls& my stay In Pari. 1 found Dsdd's Kidney Pills invaluable to me e• • 1 all rouud tome when 1 fele worn out or run down. 1 had them by me at all times and found teem •Iways • sure e,4 lastest rem- edy for b•ckaobe and ttredoes., "1 reoommeoded them to many friends end acquaint ares and .ysryone was highly pleated with the results. "I regard Dodd'. Kidney }'ills as the very beet medicine for backache and • magoili• olent tonic for the system " Seaforth : A pair of very handsome fox tNr.ers, b.ta.gtme le Wm. Ptekar.l, Rot poisoned in some way and diel. EOPHEMIA A McLENNAN'S LINIMENT For external nee only, is a pwhive cure frr Spinal Dteaw, Hip Disease, lafl.mmatory Rbsumatism, L,me Back, Lumbago. Sore Throat. Week end )furs Lunge, Braise*. Sprains. Siff Joust., Rupture, and all him dyed diee.sen. It h.s also leen found a cure for Throat Affwtleos to hones. Nen. reutne without having the trade mark on labels and wreppers end E. A. Uulivoxo's Lament, G..deriob, Oat., stamped on wax seal '.n each bottle. Manefetar.d only by EUPHE:MIA A. hfcLENN AN,rolepe'entee and prat ratrees,Newest. et ,Godes iob,Oat. may demand some grater evidence of ze. than 10. Granting, the, that there should be Roma limit to the yote'e lns'gol& I anoe, the only gumtree that rema.w is what that 1 mit Arnold his. W• have hied no hint from any of these repnilatore of the referendum how they, ler their tart, would propose to secure • reesonable respoaelb:e vete. We thank that • g ment which really wanted a large vote would bars. lf'i possible, arranged that the prohibition vote should be tattoo at rema time erten the h •,term would hare other atsraotiroe tot • roue, theuib It mast be admit ed that lees weight would attach to the additional vote e voked by that proo.ts. Teen b one thing however, about the attitude of these ardent prchthi,Innis to stools is inacmprebeooite to u. While dr.larlog 'her everyone who . rites away from the polls will he crowed is the raga.ne, they threaten if the referee• tum canoot be.sustl•d foetid thorned, es to t t.t somber. They ay rest soured that If t he vote is (ale.. what•! r defects may • tech to the math/Al, the attitude of the patter' te9srde prehlh tion for wary years Landon Ad•ertteer : A review In the Timos Literary Supplement poet* out (het In many rases the scholar could mate money it he wished to do so, but 0. has • different Ideal of life. The nary told by Aristotle abort Tbales id quoted as an Illustration. Thalee, the phlleenph.r, was reoroaof)sd for his poverty, which was supposed to show that. philosophy was so use, but having, by a skillful foreoaet, •ntlmpated ae ahundant erop of olives, he used the little mosey he bad to maks ''s comer." 1• olive presses and "when the harvest time mme and many aot.A them all et one. of a ..Adan he let. them out at any rate which he pleased, and mute • ga.ntlty o1 money. Thus he show- ed the world that ph Jesnpher• oan easily ha rloh if they 11•, hot their amMtios 1e of &anther arta' Thi. Illustrellnn from &natant (tense le mime! apropos of the Lfe of the Sat. Itinherd Uoplay Cnrlati•, • gentleman whn wee • f.vorlte 09 l of Mark rattlers at Orford. • professor at Owens C rilege, mod the fiee.penrmen if the "pure sohnlar"; • wise, that 1., who /kite hie red life to I,t.ratoee. This man whn enll.oted • 1.1 lawny sad gats It en the allege, rave oleo of hes own fends more than 1100 000 se Meld • library Inc Owese Oblast.. 0oa.• tine, et h•a betimes mord may os soltld fops% the statement. the% "Re was oh•ssmdp .f the Came os Mearbeater la very esitte•1 1nc,me r -'o t ✓ ose h o' rl•e evldenoe that can be drawn frets is as`to the strength of problb cion sentiment in the nrovioce. 7 hey accuse Mr. Ross of pl•vine nto the herds of the Lquor interest, and yet they props.. themselves to do exactly what the I:quor men would partlealarly wall them to do, ill certainly b , governed by the il, tit nesess•r Iv by whether It s Mr. Ross's presented requir.msne, 00. proportions of the vote and by Warts, 0.0,., Melee. Are either a meek of beauty' This would he a snggestive topic for debating societies. For th. tnforniatinn of agog, let is he known th Pot.o•m's Painless Corn }:stricter re- moves petal.vdy warts to a very short time. !herniate who sell the teat always sell Put - sun's Pandora Coro Retractor. Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolis,Mnce Pies and Lady Finers, Kisses, Macaroons, Maranpaea, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are as good as the beer made in any .:sty in Carola. Cantelon ie'.ds the trade in WEDDING CAKES Aces raivlLIVER KI DN E 7BOWELS► THE SYSTE CLEANSES M EFFECTUALLY; Ol5Pf: ,OLDMEADA feSERS• OVERCOMES rSTIPATION n4BITU,AL GOPERMANENTLY ITS 121' FIGiAL EFFECTS, BUY THE GENUINE-MAN'F'D BY FiCISWVII .:.tel, ,.,Pw 1'altr +tae, yrs e* •`,tY. f, lel. n Na, tar '" t^J 601 PWIEL,10c MLReaTn(, in fancy deafening auto ornament• ing and almond icing. J. . COL_BORNE. WORSEII'S, IS TH11 PLACE TO GET.... STOVES, FURNACES, EAVESTROUGIIING, ROOF! NO and DAIRY TINWARE CHEAP. rktlIEW :! rt ,y. t r The Division between ,;nod enI Indifferent Drugs and Medlotnem is strongly defined hare. The fedi fareot k:od are never orderel and never permitted to form tart of out stock. Oaly gond% of widoao'ed purity are offered to customer. our stook •f Proprietary Medlolnee I. vary tares. Prices aro Itw. Give him an order and your cat. isfaction will he assured. F. JORDAN, D. CANTELON, I WEST -8T. MEDICAL HALL. 40,01010,010,010,0,010,0401 T. Don't You 3 Know that 3 Sharman 3 �t�t����WNu�I,N,N,►1y���WN+�w�WIG r r e - r r e - 's i 3 3 3 3 3 3 Is eel ling a Special Line of Easter Shoes, neat in appear- ance and low in price Ladies, Comfort and Daintiness can lis. secured At the lowest rates. We have a new lino to show ynu. Call and new 14 EVERYBUYER PLEASED W 1 T 1-11 OUR SHOES About Toilet Soaps About Your Lungs. We woull 114• to uuurluce you that this i by long odds the brat plan. 1a Oedertob to buy your to let soap.. If you wall allow us .Itow you what we oaw mod how we have .ought your !attest you will be oocytooe't. let us try. Nem ehi'upset ju.t in Orange Juice and Morning Dew, : worth et iota., duuhie. Our Ilc Oatmeal closing out 3 for Ik A great balls is unto. on aptnst the White Plague, Consumption. Kell you not join in fur your own .•tory! Coe• sumptioo rsems to originate by the ab. sorption ot tuberouloss germs into lunge too week t, resat their attacks. Our Enuleion of Cod Ltver UJ, oodonbtedly builds op acid atreogtbeoe the lugs, feeds them, tense them. Therettfeseksn bat now better, to say the lest. Be well advised. A large areurtnient •t 5c. Wonderful talueat'.Cicand 3.Se. per box .-._USEAFEW BOIrLES, We cao give you beeutiful French and Americo Soaps--Blu.h Rose, -Vetoes, Ytulet, Pow d'}:•pages, White Almond, Javun Caruatton, mod many °then. Don't forget our gnomical Cold Cart! Thu a the plow for toilet soaps. 144T -C. -000 -Mt --"_ CI w aLoCRO AI trialiti fIanure Forks. We ,have just received our. new stock of forks. Every style, but only one quality -- THE BEST. We are selling these at very dose prices: N. D. ROUGV I E, The3Cash Hardware Store, Goderich, Ont. REL/ABLE Ff_LIRS, yfE, never did advocate shopping away from home when you could do as well there as anywhere. But there are things which, it stands to reason, one can buy better in a centre like Toronto is, and one of these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get the variety and -to get the guaranteed guar ity you must go -to the larger market. We. are exclusive fur. manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. We shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest _and best appviuted in, the Dominion -if you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our now 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making a special feature of warm fur .Tackfytg. LAl►I1{H' ASTRACHAN .TACKETS.-(Mr wools) $25 LAMS' ASTRACHAN, COON AND WALLABY JACK - KT% $25 10 1150 SO to 40 45 to 65 LAMM' ELFrCTRIC HRAL JACKETS -Plain LADiFs ELIC(TRIC MEAL .iACKRTet Trimmed J. W. T. FAiRWEATHER & CO. ;r; 84 YONOE-ST. - TORONTO. W. Ache CARPETS, CUR NEW Spring Goods in 1 Y the first time 111 God before best patterns are p cls never shown new up -to -d. i good values. Scotch Linoleums. WO rotate yards of S,u:ub Linoleum yard• wide. A well assorted range • w floral block and tile designs, en sr btavy quality fur balls, kitchen., dint rooms. •w., spools' value at .l•% per square yard. English Tapestry Carpets A complete rano' .t 2 of the most pops makes Tae designs and *Gloried o peo:ally ((scars, suitable for any ri or hall, splendid valor, per yard, at W. Ache THE TOWN COUNCIL a.r•utewa aeaardlad the &levels sad the Special ,a0dltes. Too town uouooil held Its all theug r ;nee 0o Friday aviator, vith ber atteod•ooe and Re Worship Mayor C. roe in the chair. C'ummuntoatloni from Gordon Hoarier F .1. T. Neftel, Cbas K. Kbaw sod I Campbell notifying the ueuootl of the I ot the tnsuraow to'iotl, on the lowu pe .tattoo wets lad, Dori a motion was pe that the policies be renewed at once. McKim elicited the Information that toearanos no tho power stet u•1 and r was 58.000 ; he tbougbt the amuuut .0 b ioor.ased. The tr.aarer'a statement fur ...stir was as follows ; Blanes from J•oUary... .. ... if3 1 Kecelpts - 26 25 Taxes 19.92 /14.0 :modest taxes 71292 / Water rates $f.otrio light ruts...... 171 37 Staking food interest. 80 00 /dettland wm.i.r y . 17 50 1 tit 55,1 Disbarsemanu.- Salaries $ 191.66 Pristine and advertlslrtl, 27 11 E1.011 o eccouot .... . 7 00 Fire department. 3 04 1'ablto works 111.53 Charity... .... .... 2.00 Detester. neaten 895:00 WVaterwork• m.loteo& w 1.303 38 E'ectrtc light •' 147.60 j'ubli0 .obool ace. est68488 Rlcotrlo Irght c.u:tal97 .3.5 B .ard of beel' c BO OD .S ktog food tot•re.t . 80 00 M .eelenmous. 10.00 C . C A O eapen.«... 25 20 Elevator Intens 67810 4: 13.lenw e0 hand $ 1 n oommuoloattoo was received fro Mayor and oorporattoo couusel of It of I°room. eac:atng It petition, atilt *outwit was uk•d to *adores, requests Dummies Parliament to *ram leglelet p the Bell T.Lphon. Un ir. Greenies its rates to auh•cnber', and compel the Company tar. supoly tele maims to all who apply for sena and premises are upon a Ito of supply. Mayor and clot k were author zed to n petttoo. A oemmustut ou tram Riles Ski stating that for a second tome she had on the .id.wela and euff•red tnlao &eking some compels/' -ion from ter• was referred to the ■pec:.l oommltte, A regosst from th fi'- deo irtnent •dnitlo..l allnwsooe .•f 92 :o eaah en toit•eer.ry fire, sod a requi..Li some guppies fur 0 •e nr l.1* were Tot matte 01 proms -in. seppl.ed or 1s the hind• of the 1 e u..am.* se, s matter of 100'.•• S1 .410 040.41 wN r 1' the ep o.,..1 committee. Aappitloo bo n li n w' n. Jessie tea for r.mt•.rnn of taxes no let t sent to the uourt of revielo t. A. J. Mnors'e p=ltt•oo on the library board braise been seemed acwotanw of the position of versa commit Mistreated the clerk to preps law for the filling of Met ,Mane; idoKim mentioned the name of Lewis in thl. 000aectloo. A report from the oem.tery sexto leg six interment during rhe m, March, was referred to the omelet mot. es. The Mayor read the fnilowing'let Mr. Darrow in regard to the ji to tan• aotioo between the town elevator oompanv : " My agent Mr. Mose obtained al difficulty an appointment with Mr Ferguson, mono saes that he Done the time to Indorsed the judgmen was ordering a t.n years' exempt that date, e•peolally In view of peered before him. tha•• the comp reoetved on benefit from the free oa 1'0i. of ()corse determines the enol form that the judgment was hr.0 a and I will now prcceed to leave t went Issued a0 o0" In order th.t ter may be olo.e'. Yours very tri .1 T. (l* The Mayor 1.4i,1 1•1 had ee.n Mr who was e.i el tit• repraesotatty town .t the trial, and Mr. Mart that he bed spoken to Judge 10,4 t this m,tter sod explained tr the exemption was to be for tea 3 the oompletton of the elevator. .hip naked the craned if they wet STOMACH A The antieepti. , .nothing ane cion especially adapts it to t catarrhal, fermentative, nice' infect the entire ailmcnta mucus and leaven the lige, functions natu1 ally. the Emulsion for Chronic 1)iart and Ulcers, Tahoe Messmer Chronic Diarrhoea after oth .•roMAQt MAIM:._ Neem A, u/ mce r.A.r few M...2 aged Aird I An.aI r moor Moo e•rer.Ai IAe.l es? ,rke a r4, el.. I. A,Nrrr of it Os IFN /e... Acer to rake it., to SolO•e.A•r. 11 aV ele.earA /a arty was 1 elopoio from Pr thaw, It mo I JA MA.S Rr All dr.eel.w eslt i,. Two .;.05. YOUR NAMI ANT) APPR0 badder •ntltbd "Abe.t Your r sad Digestive (Yule&. It glees tllenweed. .01e011t11 CH=MI(