HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 3NERVOUS TROUBLES Mice Life a Source of Con- stant Misery. liar Sufferer L Constantly Tired sad Depressed, Wlll start!. e1 the Mllghteet Noise, sad Is K aslly leritated. There re oil torture more acute and lutulerable than uervuueumee A ner- ewe venom le lu 11. rtute of uuttrtaul ![rite tion by day and alemeItwntesa by ingni, The *sufferer inertia at every nwea' ; lr o)premtlui by a feeling that gonstth,ttg awful le gulag to happeli ; he shaky, depreeeed, and, although /u 11 ouurluntlY exbaurted •tate, le un- uWo to gut ur lie dtill. II you aro norvttue or worried. or rafter frust a outuutnatlou of languor stud overtop'. irritation. You need a nerve focal anti nerve tont, and Ur. tol;btutr' Pink pills aro abeetutely to, butt th nig in the world fur You. leu will feel utter teklog them that your teel.tllpr, of ctistrr * nod worry are Leung rapidly reelueed by etreegth, ouufeleuce, niel a (veting th;i.t yoni aro on tho road to full anti cengtletu health um' strength. Get rad 11 your nervouauess In the only peesible way -by building up strung, rte ady nerve% Mies Ino litemet, Bathurst, N. II., etas: "Wt4ilr fall me to adequately ,.Sprier what owe to Ur. Wd,lumN' leek Ylllr 1 war attackel by ht groom. the alter ef(eeta of oh eh took the 1ut'm of pervious ekhlu.tiou. The least bowie would startle me, ate' I would tremble for Nome thus 1 need ca•ttral W LCltr,r, bub tfioy it hot help me, an') itr time went ori I wait ►:roe aiyt ivorele, and mus w nervous thee 1 war afraid to rimalu alone In u room. 1 rhpt badly at night sud ae.ull lreoueutly awake wtttt a start toot w•tult °Angie' nto to srre,u,e Toe trouble tutu on not to ouch un ,:dept that my friooclr(earett for my recovery. At this time lily 410111 urgul 10e t., try Ur. 'Willi/one' h ink 1',Ilr, and after using right bI,ker 1 war o••mliletely rtatored to hualib 1 feel twit ig. Willitmr' link fills' ICrl tiv isle. not! riuoerely hove toy rvp, rieu a wilt beeelt surae other euf f er,•r-" There pills inner 1 *11 to retrtore health and strength In cases like the :dove. They web, new. rich blood with every doer, strengthen the 'ferrete laid thus drive dleeaw, Irt,at tee ryrtees, Lr. Wtl;Limm' link Pills gra o otwtaiu cure fur rheumatlwil. . L•itica, partial paralyrtr, hilt. 1'}tua' .i.tuoe, lntlig sti.ra, kidney bud liter trouble., au! the aLmetite that make the Urea, 0( so many women 1 router ;•f constant mleery . Bright ese, nifty cheeks n of an elartto step art, e' 11aLn to fohuw! $ fair use of that smut eine Ile acre that the full mime `lir. Wlllhittlw' 1'Iek Mlle for !'ale Popple" he on every but you buy. Al! others aro indeed/tor. 1f you du not Nod tatwa pola at your (leviers. they will be *mut poet pull at .rill •a.o o.teo a boa r alt hate. Tor $1.Cjtl yy TJr�tmitis L e Dr.1V(ilitiats Ilfedfclde 1 u., Brookville, Out. / tib Duwrw.rd Cerrae, FYret Monkery -,tail man watt COCO our motel Snood hockey -Yee, but look at lou auw. Long ago bo lust tasted. gal be frequently lower his head. - smut Set. 1•,ecrptioaet Opp..rtualtl.. To Shit all folate of the Ureat West for pleasure, e:ueatlon or Du/Meese. The Ua.00 Pacific ylys_f!uthwrlsml the foliowtui excareluu rates: Twenty -fico du;lure from Missouri kiwr plata to Calltorala, Oregon eat Wierhpngtua polate, overt daj oariag !Larch noel April. t L'Ib•gentevmlly low rates to the Paelno Coast and Intermediate points w11gk»trip ( lonlets tickets (ionto oil (luring the conning spring n141sum- mer. special routed trip etcursloa rates will be sold. to -Mk Pacltp+ roast at lees than our cent: per nilly rimier of routes returnee'''. people eleatlfip'I with local intrr- mitr tut various point,. eu route will ,law you every att., ntion. It will he to your advantage to make Ir- gmiry In regard to these low rates to the Pacific Cost..t before tlerbiling oh the grip. Call or address postal care} to 0. 0. Herring. G. 1.. 126 Woodwar.1 atrauo, Detroit, Mich. When Polite/tette Doesn't Pay. Ifemmn-if yfr.. Smith gives eon it piece of cake be mire and "ley 'Thank yeu.,• Fredtlle--What gnn.l 1* t h s t ? She never gives you any more. - Town and f omntry, A MOTHER'S ADVICE. Phe fells How Lltlle Owes Can be Kept Well, Contented and nappy. When baby is eros tend Irritable 7111 miy rivrt assured he is not well. even If you rite unable to see any "Smpton's of his Illnema other than fretfulness. It Is not natural for n hnhy to be crone and 'he Is_ not so without reason. De hat' no other 'eotvowelless telling isle uba crying.Whentsally 1s brows, give him Ditty's Own 'Job - lets, and they will tout[ make hint g*Nef•natured and happy: because they will cool his Ma little mouth. nope his sour little stunt ooh and hrip his obittftutte 1:ttte teethe through palnfa(! ly. 1heke TnMete urn Just what every mother needs for her little ones --and fur her cid ale children, too, Mre. Clarence MtKny, notteway, N. K. says: "1 find B:►hy'. Own lab - let. the beet inedi enc 1 hew° ever --•Wed for my llttte owes. alta• lay baby was four menthe old he wan .--very muck troubled wtUi lndlirstlon. Ile wotkl vomit Id* food nos axon ler Le took it, no m iiter what 1 gave hint, and he seemed to he niwayi I.tagry and! kelp thin eat delicate. Ile hien "offered frim constipa- tion. Atter giving hint' the 'tablets, n few days the vnmlting ceased and tin bowels heenme regular, and 1 meet say tient wine 1 began the one of the T;thteta i have had leg. trouble with this baby than I bat with any of the rest of my child - n, re" Tery mother shonl,I keep Itaby'. Own Tnblrts In the Meow:it all tImee-there I re.... Easter Hats the Topic :::eesCOOlate.20090000,x0000?3OO114000 :40000000 : Lesee Yr Avetsu dere are Described the Latest !hints Paestu . From New York anJ t.he:age. .31 av000t:9000x=Oc:rrxroZZS*C ZVZOrxox9x*xc. You will nee.! ILL. year three liikr It off well. Thu lateet veil is Easter lett*. A ,•,will roam( straw utile that le furtetinj hl the back turban, gayly triuuuud; u beat lint with a great epluhing bow. While trimmed w 1tJi Moser. fur cant • e t a very e(fealvr, Iluf! 1 1k r nod ItenpN ret wilt way. Upon tura lust. y f oi'pY. plc- uue Womoil it will look vary utas, but With th"..0 throegupon abother It Will be lueltively the Ulff i l tl along thrutigit the teener month. It dorste. Si with. nor become che ult Mollire- fact. art lent; iubro* l+ hitt to finds its way But the day how guile by tend faded There ie a three-oornrr0J or lel. t•erdede the top of tho hitt. At one ekte tutu "ould it htetury iv'leu a wu. toruli lett witch lucky very' will bud dr thyro it it mare t!( acwrbr, with fucose 03*1A could buy 011(3 hitt 1(111 wear 1* 4 Easter Calling Slats. There are bate almost of notbleg but oust eurllvg feather, which snit, btwle everyttilag rise from a (rout flow, unci leaver very little to los Muni from the back except an open- work brown, levy low and very flat. Among the *uutrt callwg hate or Shoup,, hate muy b.r uwuticued the aeoru hat. This it u ruuud uffalr of white tulle, with eoftly draped brim, the whole lying lu tunny (olds Over the white vhllfon there are laid largo green velvet- oak leaves, cut out atW appliqued uue Ly uue upon l: o until ►e prawn and brim a.. an 111,1*[ hat and latter uppea 1n 1t during 4117 the airing until th summer. C'oueolallons there urn lu the mat ter of later ailaptiveners. Yeo ca make your Eudter Motor() hat d for garden purlieu lit Augurt, Ant ,f you are clever, you will dee hu your little straw turban will an ewer ler a travelling hat and a outing hat. Ar for the neat flower trlwwtxl hat or tomtit, 1t will d for matinees ell the spring and for 1s entail hat in June, when 700 go out for the 1'. P. C. 0.11 - to tell people that you are going away, Dot It is well to reconcile your - pelf to the fact *lint boo will ttced- tlireo hair and to lank° suitsbl appropriation Its the purse line, fo most spend the money for them ami think ahead nm carefully for your Euatc•r headgear ley for your dinner gowns. Three Easter hate w thoutou st a Ishlrt ifyou or have twouan d they matt be In the new rbapes and color'. Dtt+uhtirly ndtpltel to tnoodling r oar later on. it it a hat with very es little triuuning, bdt It le NO cut 'In the, ktrnw or,.so beat that thermal u W u u cult, .Lualliki into grueu, ,1 hat of hart tan oliUfuu wag tatted tit uuo aide, wide the whole top leud brim war a mbar to the ehilfou. !lig nem cbwa to a peak right over tiee c8)8. of dark whet trimmed the oblt- imee, while the totem flare mad turn furl. Ulster Lilo 11fto1 ...de there were up n little and are caught with a 1uklr of white velvet, edged with bunch of velvet loops. Wank velvet, unxl theme were ur- Au hater .mistiness Itat, rouged like Outvote r" that their An Ett*ter but Out wise *dgenert my um tlaeutih they were the tits hat lactvws of u bout{. at Mt, but .ia how, wag told a few abotftor h*t had it to., of grey vel - Mete ago for motet a emu. It war vel, The front wit» eutt•r,v1 with a euhtel u matinee toque. 1t was inane mead u( bolt,,, alk! right In the middle oat of pink ratio r'bbou of thte color of flit front there were two big Am- erican beauty niece with their lea%ta, Lamer t•leturr 11.,1-, The big brimwe'd, floppy picture hat will he a lecture. los not. confound it. with the Oategem ettgh, our with the u tea robe 'Tse r,hhuu was tour lather wile. O1er it war *neatened block trivet two inches wide. leav- ing a nuirglp 01 p,uk at each elite, The whole wu. trod to u big Owo- e Me bow,. with two hops at ouch cluerrte itumtwy, nor with the busboy, ur 1.410 and no ends. 11 reseu)Wud an too tt W cwUtwg of the tort. 11. in a Ablation, except that there were es rigleanly put together lilt WItit slcxlhlu bele of loupe at each silks ditu;;le ulna the ends of bud u tight Ireri,t to too mlddlu, luutt *teen* and bencher of tulle that Viol war to 1*, ret right upon the Wow in the breesees and big yell -like hair, to the noddle of the pompadour, streamer". which was a bow one. with a ruggee- Thews !lits are rntule of tulle, shlr- i trxn of it parting at one aide and rel over at wire frame, or they have will be Raster Colors.• The E rater oblora In different ports of the world are these: In Paris, white trimmed with flowers and lace, In Vienna, the black teat with brilliant trimmings. in London, the conser)utlto toned trimmed with purple and ,(ray. In this country there are daring color cotnbimttiuu, that evoke the admiration of milliners all over the earth. ' For the firm than la the hletory of American millinery there le a demand for the Amerle,tn Foteter lust abroad awl the. 'imported" is a feature of the best establishments of Loudon and Parte. Ttte Amerlcuu suitor ha' long been known oil the other ride, but the Faster bat out until title year. The straw hat of Easter is cer- tainly. odd. It is chic and very be- coming. There aro many varlettes of It, bud you can take your pick anti choice. Beit 1n thew till, and through them all, there ie the note of Wi- lt 7- Tate the little straw turban whirtl le to be No mush worn. It le made of satin etraw- It le 'love and **cure. 0: it le made of colored, cloth 1 a full wet of muter at each silo of the pnrtt ' Tito etruw tureau is au outlug hat and u wulkurg hat and a street teat. It to it 'trotting" hat and er1a, that le totai wort on all .com- uwtlpl+uo octeieloue. Tito turban aid Ica Cuubia,, the neat little 'round ',draw hate, are eh/tenting 11 their untrimmed' *lmplicity and many of them aro eixupletu with their bows of velvet without ell r decoration. The very ropily crushed flowers, the dolt mali,lrr aims chi(foud, the striped gumeee un 1 tho tulle's arta the soft atuif, of ell kinds, the beet`n*el up- on ego* 'ether etele of hat ,rather than upu:I tl1e:0 utility turbans, for th 3y +fro for wear am! tear'and art *1 tho ready -to -attend -by -you sort that will go yea through the vlelell- tudes of spring. \ Tho Eneter church ttn.t le alto the calling hat, for one can be very gaudy la ones devotion to Easter. And hero ose-cow,,-tea emelt more_ Intricate treatment, There is an Easter hat that le It roeo hat. It le supplied with a round crown, roverel ' with regime., not a slot of the hat showing ex- cept the roses; then there are roll - ng .Oro, oleo coterie' with rose, and nature Is es each box. 16u. the front and back am alt of roses. , A roee. hat it for their foundation it very open hoe etre w. Ther+raw is not stiff, but in woo). in the brim, tclklug en rhapea -according to the tiny and tho desire, Thew, big, floppy eh epee can he pulled down at each ride to look eumutltente like u puke; they can Ole lite' at tote buck to Olio the face an air tit wlstluiiie*r under the droeyn,K front brim ; they stn be raise! at ,•tie ?We u little and a rOm ret meter. hod J togthe Mike u( tht' picture, or there can be the cumpleoluu rose, which 1" righ the big pink rune, t over the ey mue- bruw, to t off Use 'beech tome' of the fuott It 1e On the big picture hitt that the grwttewt coloring i ,seen, for the Dread -len tuner orb 0001 in wonderful color acltt•mea, and there are pinke end bitten and garotte and white ibat Ile all together in one lovely (hover gnrden, all nestd(ng In a bed of tulle. ‘The or draped brim. Ito mS• covered how wide it le sewn, le bent t'L\ oatwleted to look web over the Tame - TO CORMA COLD IN Obit OAT. Take Laxative Bromo Qnlnine Tab-' lets. All druggists refund the motley, If 1t (alt* toours E. W. drove's *ig. 1«, with the only trlm- and straw tweeted together. it It ming coneieting of a small aigrette nosy be of ch00111m Alia straw t ter- In front, t, with Ow. rhinestone at the twfasd with a eseptelort eT_a foot tM_+DJgrrtte._ oheted stitch. Any sled tunny a wry gaster Church Hat. tt L pat together. until It makes I Velvet and chUfon tell be much rite ettles, - L'itteeu-M:ubtm, Poe - PANE do you per- ,Nt In pouching me. with your um- Madhtm-I want to ruiike you look around so that I can thank you for giving me your seat. Now, dr, don't you go off and .ay that women haven't any manners. "Charley, dear," said young 11(rs. Torklns, "there 1s one favor I. want to ark you. I hope you will realise It is for your own good tial not get angry'" I want .you to .olamnty promlee me, that you will never bet on a OUR FARMERS' SUPPLY OF FOREIGN -GROWN SEEDS. lay U. N.Clark, Il. it a. (O'er of Sind Division, Department of A,1,: ,)iu,a,) atlrtrNNiMAMA 1141" lfi *ANIar A".• •04.04 yiµ1, If the farmer* of Canada were ac- tlx, reed .trtele hart to it great ex - (minuted with the es,uroee of supply lout becu puaalrtg from 11114 luatu}a of their rout crop reale, and the ave- of *re probe who devote all their Mow through which Ahoy parr before touts to u etudy of acute bud the renoiiltig term, they wool.) bu 11 great heel treat., into t'lo, handle of Iwai deal more particular witeu 'nuking; Mateo'. t'ufurlumtdy, lute uuwpe- tbelr purch:i,w„s tetkro lit the revel trate is practically .Practically all %Looted for our root lugeu.dWe, 'taro the appearances of erupts lei grown in foreign cuuutrles. moat cowmtrciul'.miss l* but a slight However Important it may los that 1►wlbwtiuo of tlulr 1411(1 lulus.' TIN Shu peed foe such crime be grown In competition hum beets. mid ill too the country ohere it w wanted fur largelycuotluel to pricer alone. Muwlug, the cheap labor In those It 1. well to tueatloa, 'lower*# 1:urupeun cu0utritw, whtrh *lure tw that lhrsxlglt the pruKnreite spirit nils': Ute vend garden* of the world, u( setae reliable Need Iwueew it Ilm- her made the reel growing utdurtrY Itc,l Miele of the Inert .8a ice et betel specialist*. W Cuululhus turmnraor ruin erupt, w'exlr luta bot*1 (urteref, unprbred spec'l,list.. ars! there it little dailetlte exltgrt- uur emptily til foreign grown seeds ,.m.o,I amuug intd;igettt firmer.. In 1* (a,oght tit..d impt»•tal prwedlult9 by guttiug tbo beat 91111117 of real* mile larger wi,xl firw't- They may make 1pnwak.t they go alit. right way htdr pure/rowel tether by pay- about it, and aro willing to pay a lug a commensurate prat, to reliable teenntens u ate ,rice. Dui much of Europeen reel g, men who ties root crop beetle rota to enema% 1_'rua• root) from ',elected pedigrre'i aro retailed to the. fanner ata price nowt/ rt, cli to Ul i may txti `Betel lel n , une) ur low tido oto Canadian &cal lower gleit-n--aoert Hot i* grown t by men whom, chip( tom has been to tamlmes into to Lay reputed European produce a large quantity, indt'peud- evil grower[ fur the beat reed front let of the quality of the crop it will winded prellgretrl [took. luoe, In the former yaw, the vee,} Offklul wlrrfcreuw In the weed own (rota selected plant[ -froze trate, may lotto objectionable tett- e which 'tore uu 4l041:l Ws, bud lure••. Perltapw the 111O.t' tusking mot are kuowu to be -true 1„ '-iiuwple of where legislation has Leen Applied In lii prow the coach - For xnetnno,t, an ileal turret, to etp3 1 11'41« meter which co:amerced role haying small u,ck. nal top growth. oro sok'. 1e in 'the tctntn of Maine, leech a uot when planted will pro- i wile!" all eoeJ° sold moat be iwooni- duce It c mparutively email growth puttied with a statement, showing til s,tnlka, tui oonseemeutly a entail t11: percentage of porn toot vital 41m:uut of ,off, but the real (roti *cel*. extended They have eaY'ta n rcytt «apt to praiucp u crop tical trtuh• a modification, of the Act like the mutper rout wthich war which Is ,t*ed ire Catiacln to regutnte planted. On t''. other hand a &mall the gnntity of eotaroerelat fertilisers, turnip having vernl root pronged 1 tool the results linos clearly demote awl an exciw..Iv: growthWanted of top erns- rntet that, whnte*er toile may log front two or Irbe separate nick , ctnnpauy 8a enforced guarantee growtitr, will nttsmit tt, tike sY*tetu in tw:motion with the seed through the semi tin nkt crop. 1 lutrtwle, It is tin .eff e'tivo way tolno- Nnea} o;,n be grown cora inoch route provo the ten?lily' of commercial 'noels more elle 'ply t1 111 fruit relent- I *cot}•, rirpc'aolllr of clover not '•1 roots, boo lute, In t e first place, grommrs, of which a great devil le snit the mother recite are , site, an.1 arejj In were' ,lletrk'tm In Canada, tont out as valuable for retell. meant' *leo- rnntnln* large quantities of nnxlnue ondly, they w•111 prnine, n muchWeed see!*, and Ir it amide! inhtry, larger gtu,utlas of meet ['not only to tilt' farmer who buy. 11. During the Inst ten or Elft n years 1 but to the locality where It ingrown. it TIME'S A FE TCHINU ONFa hnndrome, firm material from whin a lust Is built. The ',hope of the straw turban j . circular and turned up nil the way around ah it the brim nearly as high an the crown, yet nut quite as nigh It 1' nut the distinct pleat elm's, wloh lil•t), aider that conceal the top but a boat -shaped turban. The brim 103*0 out a little (melt Ohs, WUP1r lttlll --lel, etc, is b i used together. Chiffon, Which has s tween %d terborn ealted ltnn 1) 1e 1mm�gr holds link its ee own tils sn*,i n anti more than holds Ls own,- while Ve4Yet etlpm in as A , ' lompanlon. Velhet ix good} every- where and 0.1,11 velvet nod chiffon , one cannot go far Betray. A Oulusi:orouge, not n picture hat, , but n mad let Oainehorot 1 tho Nr1 -- -......g wenn vmerwencey may srl.r. NIP Three Tablets are a certain parr for all the minor ellntent* of lit - Ile nner wink ns eonetlpntton. tn- dlgnstlott, delle, d!rtrrlloen, 000r colonel', and elmple fryer. They break qo on)de, prevent droop, and a tiny the Irritation n0eompony1wg the entting of teeth They nee 110131 nosier a wearenller t,. nnwtaln wn '+{data or other 7 -,r,nfnl drag, find diaenl►eA In 'enter. 111)7 be give, with nbsolate .nfrty to the yy•oung- est Intent, Meld try nil dn►ggfets nt `IS er0Wte t not, or sent past pniti t„ periecily round in .hap.•. Bet wh you have tr!mtuel it there is niore WI( r.Ity. At inch elite Yea `hover proiwthly roughs it up with a group of bind ruing.. and under the wing* you harp placed a Ora it let velvet. Tar i:a,Iet titre:tn. Thr -earn'; tf yen etre net -kW vortex effect, le green with scarlet u, It. More tiler ntttumrr it woul,l aee.at leo nee rettrlet in tete 11.,1 LAnuning, bit though it i....pring you will flint that there los man;; ,1 tomrh of the flutnIngo, lie. the hat be caught high :,t enott site of h the flim ng rid vii 'go In which there ie sumo black, ;led let the ribbon be. sty, a lett green, In two realm, t► dark leaf anti a Illrltt lent. Atenol the crown let there be wine velvet Intl In n double roll anti lel the Mork Irl there be a velvet how with the loop; polnthig hotte ways _ to mt,kn, rt newt Heidi. if the tutban be cat cion•• at the h•ieljthe "nwl* of the velvet can ile }limon the hair. Oiberwiwe a ribbon bow cnu Me *et undern,ath the heck of the )'rich. There le another turban color cum• Mention. This iN grey and violet with a tomb of green. lied lovely i 1t Ie The lett w)rirh Is In grey i•r Irimmo1 it Itlt Llnck wings. w hite toiler eel, i1 '.m iw;.te�l aroead the r,rown nod vi 1', velvet ids, off the wing/. 1 Martlinu et}ie of hat le that Worm., bit yen meet he .t vll.I to rear D. Llkn the new veil it M- gnlroe *ono Peeell•,r ric,rm of man- ner and earring,* of the head be receipt of try- 3h" Dr. Wllllamq^ 1llalloiw* No aruekv111e, Ont. l..th-Stipa level . ►,1 tgi'._si:m Ai t,( a;rtf(on awl velvet, the elt:f(on be. Lig ever the velet. The top of the 'tail, the ' Mteaa part, is 1'flVerme with bar, 1' 1.it'cord., wounei round and rourml like l'nught at the front 1+ a very lung. very thlek, plume, and this extentle over the top- ofAbehat and fall.' at the Mick, until It toilettoe the 11;ilr anti sweep. 11 a Idttle. The orad?i 'iitnlTicr lan(rttd of going crit Ig venting in, and yon w,il Nee manor a featilpr,ewept hat llrent, long. t•nrling rwtrlch plumes are fi,tnniel at one elle of a rouGd hat, and the plume le n !lowed to come acrote the flout and to fall off at fIre side in very pretty ',tyle, giving whit h In the front of the hat. The plume may dirt quickly and cover the hat with its aloes tendrils. The little flat-topped hat of shir- red tulle le another medium for the o.trlch feather. it may be lnrse, without firing Inrge enough to be a plrturo hat. while right In the mid - die of the top le it dreier of Iaee. Around the brim there eerie a p1ntae whleh 1. ((netted all the way *rotife from the left nide. &orcins the front, over the right .Mee lend dew* the ttftek until it gracefully eare.see the neer The way In Attach tide is ap- plied mum -ate the way lo wMeh a ion W worn *rowel the throat- trae1tt cwrpdeteety mound - stop* the Conga and Work* tiff the ('Nd, Lasstt'. (Orono Qnlnine Tablets Mare n cold In nit., dee. No Care, Ne Pa'. Pete* 2i *Gents. Second -Flat .Lady-Yy huelstnd told me to tell you that your piano dim Wide; him all day long. l'btni-FInt Lely -Wali, telt-film 1 can't sleep at night for has organ. Second -Fiat Lady -Organ? Why. We hn ve 110 erl-ah. Third -Flat Lady -Yee, year hus- band's espial ergao. Tell him to try A clot/ow-pin when 11e snorts, Jilted Lorere-Yotr ars cruel. 1(sh. -i 441,1 not do everything for you, did I not spend my lea penny to give you plennttre. and now you want to discard me like that I Cummer girl -That's Just It ; how can I marry finch a spendthrift 1- Fllegende DJ/Letter. "Mary. did that tramp beat the carpet after yen, gave him that piece of rhubarb pie?" "Yee'm; he was ,O mad because it wasn't strawberry that, lie beat hard for two hours. Professor --You know that In our country a men can marry only one wife. What I. the special term for this? 1Vell, speak np, air ! Mono- mono--" Student -Monotony 1 - Filegondo Illaetter. She -Oh, Jack 1 You didn't shoot that poor little bird, did you ? lie -Why, yes. dear; i thought you'd lake It to trim it lint. "Oh, how good of you 1 It'm perfect- ly lovely 1" "1 could face starvation itself for your sake," he exclaimed an he drop - pt on hie knees, "You mean that you wish to marry me?" saki the heiress, .,Ah, yea" "1ty dear Iitifr,-T wish you would kindly explain how you think star- vation can get Cloee enough to a family with a" much money aa ours to give you a cleta,co to face It." eparkling wine lest night. - T elura-Deonner nen have improved with age, 1 pregaime. Bachelor -a am told that a mar - rte t man can live ten half the in- come that a single man requires. Married Man -Yes, Ile hos to. fn Hpwnt1'a leaver, - There to one gbemetlo never laid own n k. r pimps. There le nothing whleh so beautifies the face as n happy expression -the outward 'Ogee of the rendition of the mind. Ilapptne,s le unnething which ratty be Cultivate'*, it come. lees from circumstances than from the will to see and make the beet of things. It 1s a help to health, too. !fate your*pif happy. Think Always of beautiful thingre "For the thoughts yon d0 not speak Ahlne tent in your Ili. enol ryes," The great itnelmel •aye In her memore that mite game,! her twat/4,y by looking ricer after hour at ets- tuee anvl thinking much of them. �1 SOCIAL LUMPS. . Women Who Cannot Entertain or be Entertained, YET THEY GO INTO SOCIETY. (Toronto Globe. 1 A ouwwunicatlou how been put into my hands for (publication from the correopoudeit of au eastern paper, headed "Social Lutupet," which read* as follows: " Hoeteeaes at parties of varloue klodsatven for tho enter- tainment of ladies are always odlgel to net a certain number who think that they need not contribute In the leave to making the time pass pleas- anti/ leasanti/ for others; that they bate only to dress, and go out' seat then. - ..elves and absorb whatever they can tet enjoyment. A room full of thew would regnire a profertrlonal en- tertalner. In the first place. one wonders how Irunleu bun be so Btu- pld, or why, being tee, they ear" load thcu)Ielver on other people. Even bears, It t* wild, whim they weal to ruck their power, remain, seoluiWn, On the other liand, who doer not welcome the chatty, agreeable tee- nier'. who lour from one to another, radiating geniality. Oue of them. on being linked how she enjoyed a re- cent 14111Cneun. reified, 'I rat between two luwpv drawled In womee'sclothe'. I started every topic of conversation I could think of, and they were all beheaded. 1 told my beet Jokes, let which they feebly ruffled, then 1 ark - e1 questione wideti were briefly uu'- wered, and I cullapetett, resolved Dever °gala to try to bo agreeable to wo- men too stupid or too indifferent to respond.' There are eo many who I%1) enter into the feelings of my lively friend that I would Pike to try and awaken pleasure -seekers to n ammo of duty towards their hooters and her sweetie 1f each ono would make an effort to keep the ball roll- ing It would be more interesting to alt. I non, of course. addrem.ing the sliy, the tltoughtlese and the Indifferent. There be no use saying anything to lumps," This letter cer- tainly sums up the atmosphere of malty a luncheon where the femin- ine sex is alone represented, I fancy. Ilut who Lo to blame? There are a certain number of people who really gutter from a wort of dumb hysteria, which mlakee It 11U- pn.stbie for them to te1711 utterance to exprouLon before thetr follow.,, Very often they are not at alt of tho "Loopy" .pedes, Out min- ettive to a degree, and only res- iuiiding at rare intervnta to the in- spiration afforded by 11110813 inter- course. 1 have au often been atreok with the urltereal power of ex- preeslon of w-umen In this country. Some people are cruel enough to suggest that Ole facility of exprse- pti tncltnee- to 'Igllbsess,"- but nae- tainly ttie usual imprereiun convey- ed' by the hubbub of an afternoon tea, where the female sex are great- ly In the majority, to not ose o1 a Quaker's meeting ! It has been of- ten remarked that the brilliant light of the ran will extinguish the lesser ligtit of the wool fire, and powlbly the woman who piste forth great ef- fort to ultimo bright/has-that "con- dole -um" power, which takes the vir- tue out of so much that to perfect, when spwontoneons-crushes the spirit who, under other circumstances, might expend In the gentle warmth tit n less vggro.Ntve species of fem- inlne.brllllaney, Unlnan there le the .mick appreciation of the melange presented by a owlet gatherhore we* the almost intuitive "touch" which gives the pace to the largest porthole of those premie, there la nope of o gentle, (or "octal art la tbe boat- er tuteillgent guest wko Sipes up th situation. are et the Ears. -- - Never meddle with the ear 11 a foreign 1 y, then, as a head. tribe ton ur se: enters, Leave It abed. lutoly alone but have it elucidate attend to It, says Women's Life, Moro damage o been done by In- 11u11clour altelsp a at the exttac- tion '6f a foreign body tlian could ever colge from its 'rerene. in the car. Never put anything the ear for A cntittair Nd MODEL the relief of toothache Hero 1.. n cllermtntr wxwlel'wji;ah p rumlarw_to he lgyorite ivy OwWoer- Never apply a poultice o the Me spurts. The llluotr:ctinn Wee merle In greetli.th covert, with. belt. cutin an.T gineN. D1 the canal of the pa . ' Never drop anything in he eta uulese !t has been previously warm - collar of dark velvet. Tho effect waw etriklfl)$ • _ +4OF ETTER DAIS. •___ ettttf fitief feeet hNa Into the *booed -liana shops of the metropolis" 1N continually pouring a arenm of finely made ung 111 tie worn garmolte of good mntertnl that tell a end story of decline from better dnyo by there who part with the clothing. Btyll.h tremens or finest *loth, of milk and satin trammed with Ince, no longer propel nf,nr ttnanetal re - venom, go into these Shope, and bring to the former wearers I* few (loiters that, under changed condltlone, mean so much more than d41 the large emits p)n1) for them. And Into t)teee )hops go perchneers w l they can effort! to bey in the first- hand Aland *toren, and eo, from threw wile are going down to those who nre rtrugghng up, gn the finery. and rnip'tantIif garments that are fitted to nerve two matter., Into ono of three .flops, near Moretti limisher lost Friday eight. there came it timid looking wmmnn, and. what, 1enw her -I stepped Iden a corner darkened by n profusion of, hanging garrents, for I thought :hat rhe Inn! entered 'weenie she believes! the woman In nttendnnee to he there alone. She arcked to eee ,w,e,e street divines, and r* number were shown to her. The bargnlning wn. pra- traetecl: TI ,u1Ir«wtemnn In..lmt,'I that her pricee were lo,v and tint rhe was really asking no profits on her goodie, yet t he other heeltate't,• while dream after dross was laid i• before her. - Finally n grey street dress was /spread before the metamer. `That Is a great barf(attr," sold the shopkeeper; "yon ran have.Itfor go„ i The woman rnl.ed it from the counter, and, Instnntev dropping It, hurled her fare In her hands nn'1 IrNt. his a' WT(alTi Site• den t tt'r'1" asked -the trttter n Goo 0 6enutjt. it is hap- A nowt fAea. "Whitt it erow4 of lady ehnppare titer., are In the shoe department to -day," remarked the saleslady. taarkvrl-AOwn emir, 1 temp v.p ?•• "Yoe," replied the .ales -Selene. man, "n11 the Mellow number shim era marked down to nunlh,r fngr, and w) on." ed. Never ben anything hilt a sy nge and warm water for cluanldug he Pure. Never strike or Irak a cidld'sean. Shia tete boon ku',n to rapture the &Anal -amid and ranee incurable tlafe 410.0, Never wet the hair if you hate any tendency to deafness ; wear an oiled silk cap when teething. and refrain front diving. Never scratch the ears ovltll nay. (}ring Me the fingers if they Itch. IM not use the head of a plu, hair- pins. pencil Uipi, or anytle:mg of that nature, , Never Tot -the feet become cold and damp or sit with the back to - Never put milk, fat Or gay oily sulertnnce into the ear for the re- lief of pith', for they /loon become rancid and tent! t', incite lnflt'mtun- .- tp e-ornrnr-water- will •e•- awer the parpose better than any- -Mee,, Neper lw• alarmed if an insect en- ters Ike ear, Pouring warns water Into the canal will drown It, when It will generally coolie to the ow - (nee, and ban-eaelty he removed ivy trip finger*.-- t-..?ew pride M emote h1ov-n into the ear will stupefy tho tenowt; "Thnl wa. MN' (trees " .h» nn*wer- id. solehing, ".11191 a ypnr ago when nit -fortune mertoak me ( M144 it to I An nil .lothee mon fa} j-'. ' .j Won't buy +4 chine to -night." tV1rh nn •filer) an• 4,oIr:1f,e4 her 1 t11$l1". n'1pel her rrdarn,'d •vrv, ` Walked from the eh•ep. - N. Y. Her•abe A Sufferer From Backache Several Years of Kidney Disease A Prominont Merchant Cured by DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS. Etcry day Addle erorem of nn,,:en to the long bet of pertro►la who havo been curet by Dr. G'h*N's iCh!- rt*y-Liver PILI., nod anemic tlwo,e when ore now eathu+!amt* ht Itrni.Ing this. greet medicine le Mr. W. 011- roy, the well-known merchant of htlertllelm, Oat. Liles many other., Mr. tlllto.v now w41*k'k re 111ty 4.0 did net new Or, (totter'. kMFney-Liver 7)1110 to ds first phew', Instead of eslw•rim'•ntitue with Iwerf•Innel.el ,,w1 marled remr.Nr.. There (e no *doubt about the ea- eeptional virtue. of Dr. ('hn.e'r Kidney -Liver pill., They net cliree,tly ern tho kidney., Ihor root bowels, alsd thoroughly euro eomplient,■1 filaments which concert he rencl,el by ordinary remcn}le,.. Mr. W. ittlroy, g'n'rni merchant, klenhrtm, Ont , /fetes: "I am rather ertehn.la.tie In the praise of Dr. Chase'', Kidney -lever Pillo, And M•Ii,pe 1 helve good renown to he. For Nweral 'etre 1 was t great sufferer from kidney dimetea, and had pained in my bark alatnet ennetantly 1 tried a great many rem'di.w, but MI not snron,d In ohtalning more thee .tight temporary relief "A friend of mina advised me to try Ili• Chairs'. M Iney fetter P111e. nail 1 d1.1 arv, with great e*tldaotloe. 1 hail rex taken half a hoe before I begot, to reel in tier, nal Mgr region fMet t irmve entirely- rfieec.e,6 1 often wonder now why people go effete new fnngtprf rrmMlnv when tide tried amt proven wledlrins is w redly ohtatnsd. nod .n 001(0)11 t. dire' MoniesDr. Ms KlrhteyLiver PILIe have the hearty enektreetnent of good rltitelea 1*. neerie every city, tegrl and vlilaege In (.vn1At They are peobnhty the mos[ p.,p,Il:v remnty that wee aver Inerrw4l*M Into this erninI ria, and their rnertnnne tiniest are rine t,. the Inco that they rntlertlly rgro merlon" and ehronh' Ala,allh. One p111 it drew. ',t„jr a *roe at All tlealere, or Edmanenn, f(nte. & Co, T ,-into•