HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-13, Page 1THREE "A"8"
000WO11Mar. e . 1
I Wheat 76
Pour, family. 0 73 M
y, per neat.... _..,__- 2 10 b 2 10
(tour, patent. Iter eon Y a) to 1 !n
HMO.' No.,,,... `. 18 00 tole 00
Shona, g too 19 00 1019 00
/Creeping*, per meat
]lye. per bush, .
Buckwheat, pot bush
Oats,a bush ........„... ._
Peas. a bush.. ....�
Haler, ter bush
lla7, s ton ...
Potatoes. ! bush,.
('been. oar lb..,.
freak seasoned.. des.....
H dee,... �............. ..
Live Hors ew.
Dressed Hods
Kamm ,e..
fiat. perib: .,
Lord. per IS.
newd Beef ONO 1101111,111.
Dressed lien. klsl •
Cattle, Report
1 W to
0 e0 to
36 te
75 to
60 to
I 00 tot
;al to
Id to
10 to
11 to
10 N
50 N
e1 N 050
00 10 .5 60
50 to 7 00
12 to 0 16
15 to 0 le
13 to 14
00 to 550
00 to 6 51
75 (0 4 NI
00 to32u
Notice of onangel must be lett at this
Office not Inter than Saturday
noon. The Copy for changes
wast be lett not Ir ter than Mon.
(lay noon. Casual Advertisements
aosepted no to nee a Wednesday of
etch week.
Situations Vaoant-
1' Tari for light housework, MRH. D.
W LVIH, South street, 1L
APO/ to MISS R OUOV1E, 71•tt
trod sista coot. Wags to sompetent
person 115 per moot!. R.ferenae. required.
Address LOCK BOX 124. PARI), ONT. 71 4
M uaIa
Teacher of Yleteher mesio method, will re-
ceive pupil' at ser studio, bave Mr. Natters
'neurones °Moe, liamlit ra .frost. Yet !afn.
motion apply tether monadic aF at re N4aaos.
8t Patricia street. ---
Organist asd =anon director of Marta street
Methodist church, teenier of piano, ploe Or -
gm and tMory Pupils prepared for all -ea•
amination of the Toronto Coneervstore of
Music. Will be pleased to receive &poUee-
two. front all thou renairlek such 1°ttruo-
tioa at his new studio over Thomson's mat lc
store. Deo of piano for practice may be .r.
ranged for. 67tf
For Sale.
also • tberoarb•)w-d Mrkeletre boar, Ap-
Y to chATTRII.L, ItMltewood Park
the west half of lot 15, m0. 7. Walt Wa-
wanon . cow pritsing50.creg. ADPI) ro HEN -
KY FOWLER. Dungannon, or to Philip Holt,
Barrister Goderieh.
FO R S A L K. -LOTS 95.96.117, 118.119
and Its In flambeau's survey. all in
Ooderoh. Tor partioulms apply to
Barrleter, Ro., Oodso,h.
M•rob Ittb, 1900. e944
For Rent
I log home, with one acre of land, in the
town of Oodench, so°valent ti the Square
good bora oo promla,, and .oma choice fruit.
Apply 40 R. O. HAYS, Barrister. Noderlch.
Room to Lost.
1 street at oreaat oncopied by R. N. i.ewm
a law office,: ell) oLenge Into small store if
nommenry. Or room' over MIN Cameron's
Moro with front and rear .inane*, I( N.
Public NoUoe
Now 4 the thee to prepare for I:on•eoleas-
Ia( We take up, clean read relay carpet. on
Mort note. All kinds o' moored work done
aad ostlfsotlne guaranteed. Gall or drop
Patti. JONRP. BI108., Britannia Road,
Godert h. It at
In Europe my pro mire !n /MYOPIA *441
be oontinned by (tootle Manning Boort, M.U„
who will occupy my present offloe.
A11 amounts doe me up to March lel, re-
maining unpaid will be given to B. R.
Higgins, Rruoeaeld, who le fully Instructed to
melee the mime and grant robots.
•barebolden and patrons of Wat flume
Cheese and Rutter Co, Limped. will beheld
at the Township Hall, Carew. Saturday,
Match lMb,'•t 1 .i olook, when whey will be
sold and routes arranged,
President. 71.9 8ecrslagl_
M&Nt"yAcTt'arwn nrTlrtAN AND SYR
All Mode of 8
to order Monet
and Ew yeglaramade
pedal a tent ion given to fitting the
Orders by mail promptly attended to. Bee
ware of parties *Ing m/ name, as 1 employ
I10 tre?Nllny agents whatever.
Mot4,fantlon gnarantee4. EctahUehe4 1671.
Ineuranee, *to.
ANON sed rota ••tate agent, OIfi.. tae
door oat of P, 0.. Ooderleh, Agent for the
touting mutual fire 4n.uranoe ohm hoist and
leading stook somp1nlee.
Mernantlie and manufacturing risks 1
owrit rata. Call at oMoe,
Accountant and Inbaranoe AWL.
Hook, and aemanm made up,
'tallithim rented and sante nolleeted,
Yore hereat lo RrRbh and Canadian
� Aadoo{ ft Hors' o48Ia. North
SURANCt and Mol fseste agent,
rim Idle, Aolde•tand Plate Class In.nrsn.
sifsme4 e,9 mutual or .eh Plas at lowest
.ate :: owe blit.
Be r %owlish and Oana4ln mmpa,,M rep
rev ed,
Off/ a nett door to Garrnw R Darrow, Bar
Is row Hamilton street,
marss bawl WWI 44 of Aye rs.elN
eens at ^nseagg, Olen a . W. Phone M.
VPll11•le $158110, at Terw1, rserse1SM59
TI.. Nat44kh Atner(an, M New York. WM
In (leder/rib a leotards, le tbe latarssti of
4401.8 apl•adld j•seeal, wile) we believe has
gallas ssssb0r a( asbsa(ible5 to tile Musa.
CAMPBELL -Oa 21th Irebru►r1 , 1919, to Mr,
Yrs Hugh Campbell,
W t
sorest, ra •
GOLDTHORPE In Colborne, on Tuesday
March IUB, ThomAlbert, Infant .on of
Mr. and Mrs, A, J. Uo:dthorpe.
AuoUon $ado
John Knot has received Instructions from
Mr. Hoary Breen to sell bypublic auction at
lot Y4. 0000ewlon 1, est Wawonoh, o0
Thursday. March 10th. oemmencour at the
hour of 1 o'.•look r M : -1 team hoary draft
!lures l drivini Horse. 3 year. old, I amid
brood Mare. In foal to Morolog tlbr, 1 Bull 1
wean old, 3 Heller., 1 loan o'd, 3 brood Sows,
3 P19,, 3 mouth.' old. 1 tuiloh Cow, su oposod to
he in calf, a number of Tow.. 1 1, D. 8 situ
plot Engine, 12 hone -power, 1 Peeress Seper-
9tor, run four lean. 1 Water Tank and Pomo,
1 large .'oelag. Cutter and Blower attached,
1 Na 1 I. eurr Grinder 1 No.11 Noreen Moder,
I land Huller. 1 single Plow. 1 twin Plow.] est
of iron Harrows 1 Yanolog M141. 1 est of Bob-
sleighs, 1 tioutfer, t Ma.e7.Harne Mower, 1
Hal Mage, 1 8aed Drill. f Hay Rock. foe* top
Buggg:os, 1 oew (:utter, 1 set o' single Harness.
1 set of donbls Harness. 1 parlor Stove, Yorks.
Chains aod other art', las. As Yr. Bran 1.
giving up the (arm the alcove stook will be
Terms of Sale ; - All atom of 110 and under,
nub ; over that amount, 9 months' credit w111
be elven on furnishing • proved joint tori..
5 Der cent. per annum will be nlbwed off for
cosh on onfdu amounts.
Proprietor, Auctioneer.
Under and pursuant to the power of aide
coatined its a morrg•gu bearing data the 10th
Aar of November. A. u. 410)1, and made to the
Vendor, .rd which will bei produced at thm
Mae of al, there wi 1 be sold by pu.. loo sac
Hon by John eergu+oo. auolfouser, at I'ol-
laok'a Hotel, la the t',Ilage of Bay0eld, In the
l'ounty of Hurpa, O° Saturday, tbe39th der of
March. A.D. 49)1. et 11 o'clook noon, the fol
lowing valuable property, nomely, all aod
singular toe tooth half of lot number ten 16
the lakerad west c000eseloo or the Townsb:p
of Hay. in the 1'uuoty of Huron, :am that part
thereof heretofore told.
This 4. • fl et tem property and now forme
part of the VIII age of 81. Joseph.
The soil Is good, and ,t is 'hutted about It
miles from Hayfield and 3 from Donau.. and
elf oats on • good graved road.
Terme of Pole : Teo per 0.01. on the day of
sale and the balance within thlrcy day. thero-
tor further p.rlcal•rs a ply to the enc.
.boar or to the vendor's solicitor,
slated 5th M•reh A. U. 198),
Auctioneer, Ve•dor'. 8ollcltor,
I lay field. Ooderich.
NoUes to Creditor's.
is the wtotrer of the 1Hlade ul' fraiyam Mc
Dowale% fate of the Township of flullett
toile County of 1furan, Yeoman,
Nolle. le hereby giro° pursuant to R. 8 1).
OW, Cap. 12'9. that all creditors and othrre
having olalme against the state of the said
1f Nll•m McDonald. who died on or about the
Oat day of lanuvl, A. D. tellaro requ,r..d
00 or bolero the 31st del of March, A. U. 1932,
to •aad by poet. prepaid, or to dollen to Philip
Holt, or the Town of t►odetr.mh, solicitor for
John Wilson and Jamie Yonne. the szecut..n
of the said deceased, foil particulars of their
claims, and the nature of the securities (if amyl
held by them.
After said last mentloerd date the old so-
fteners *111 prooee l to distribute the as.ets of
the dammed among the parties entitled rebore
to, havio regard only to the encu. of which
they shall Then bar. notice aod thio the said
evocators will not be liable for the said nem
or any port thereof to and person or persona
of whoes claims they .hal) not have received
not Ice.
Dated 6th \tarok, A. 1) 1902.
72 3 801101ter for Executors.
ice :Ar matter of tSr Rotate of 10rid Orr, late
of the Totenolip of Oodfrer4, (. the
County of /furors. 1 ormani
Notloe Is hereby given pursuant to It. 0.0.
(897, Cap. Ira. that all creditors and others
baring clams scalper th, estate of the old
David Orr, who died on or about the !0th day
of .teptemlter, A. I/. 1900, are required on or
before the 3144 4&y of March. A. D. 1902, to
Brod b7 past. prepaid. or deliver to Robert
1)rr, of the Town of Oodrrlah, administrator
of the said deceased, full pardcnlar', of their
clime, and the nature of the seeurit1s 441
anti held by them.
After last mentioned due the end nodule
tr•tot will proceed to distribute the assets of
the deceased among the parties entitled there
to. heriog reward only to the ot.lme of who.
he shall oleo have notice, and that the said
administrator will not be liable for the said
assets or any part thereof to 807person or
persons of whose °I•,me he *hall not have
received notice.
Dated 3th Manch, A. U. (909.
Solicitor for AdmInhetntor.
! Heron and Bruce
Loan and investment Co.
We &re prepared to receive Depoette
from Trustee., Parente or Children, in
sums of from Fifty Cents to Three
Thousand Dollars, and allow compound
interest, added every nix months at
niter' an agreed upon Cheques are
given Depositor', on that they may
draw upon thorn deposits at any time
3. 34 and 4 per cent. interest allowed
on I)e patens according to amount and
tne 6.f.
N H -Pursuant to a lata Act of
Parliament married women and minora
hove, the right to dOpoolt and draw out
money in their own name.
1)epoita on be sent by mail at the
risk of sender.
Remote front your homes temptation
to burglar" and forst for the flames.
As the Company males loons only on
first class farm property, depositors
have the stronge.t security for their in
Thin Company it prepare.l to loan on
the sherbert notice any sum npon find.
Mars ee0unty. Terms aro made to suit
borrowers. Straight loan, and simple
M0RTt)A0101 PURCHASED -For further
poeticslara call at the Company's of6,'o,
'cotter of Market Square and North
Street, Ooderieh
Manager. President
Wo.. PROUDFOOT, Vire President,
LARD M1'*AT 1entta. 1. M. Rennain,
D. J. NAIPNI. Puma, Rom., 11.0.
! OWI.-
Ua eh. 28.h of
February last Arobtbe)d Edmon•tuae, for•
tardy • r•.ldeat of (Sodertub township,
now of Riyereide, California. .enured a
daolioo from Judge Norse, of the Supertct
Uour. of tn.t Ntate, annulling hie marriage,
wblob took plsoe at Liodertob some more
ago. The w,fe/ did not pat to an appsar.°oe
to objeot to the annulment of the marriage
Ho.'Kgy.---The hooky match at the West
street rook on Thursday evening last be.
twain the Laoknow and Goderioh tams re.
suited to favor of the home tot. The
score was 11 to 3 Mr. L.wreoce, of Look
now, was referee. Toe los was tea soft for
a first-olae. Raine ..The Bello tum
were adyertl..d for 1'usadey evening of
tate week, but as there was no too they did
001. r0t1
LITa tour *wirer -The regular m0sticg
of the Collegiate lo.titute Literary S7oiety
wee bald to Friday evening lost. There
was • large attendance, and • good program
was rendered, as follows : lwtrumeotal,
Miss Grows I)yae ; solo, Mies Irene Salts ;
radios, T. J. O'Loughlin ; trio, Ed. Bel-
cher, J, P Brows aod Gordoo Wigotm•s;
G C. I. Journal, Geo. Webster ; solo, Roy
Brydges ; club swinging, Geo. L Allan;
r.0stellon, 1.1)10 Natal ; goesttoa drawer,
Principal Strang ; instrumental, Miss Thlrz•
11fR)TSY LADMM' (01.1.001. -Thos. Mc-
Gillicuddy, of Toronto, reoently lectured to
tier Madera' of Whitby Collar on "Home.
ly People," •r:d was ghee • most hearty re.
ception. 10 touting to Mends about tbls
popular. lo.tltattoo Mr. McGillicuddy says
he was struck with three things, namely,
the ate and splendid tqulpwe,t of the
cuddles., the wholesome, Maltby appear
anise of the students, .od the .Ir of happy
•red bots Ilke sprit that prevailed in the
College. A large number of 11 stern On
tart, „Irl aro attending Whitby Lollies'
AM INr11'IgNT BLACK -About 8 o'clock 00
Saturday ereai0g John Hesse, the algkt-
metobware at the organ factory, delated
fire to some excelsior la th. Unsaid( room,
00 the third 11oor ot ID. factory. WItO ad
mtrab:* presence of oiled, hs used the
chemical •stiamuiator ant afterwards tam-
ed on the laotory hoar, and soot* had the
fire out, Word wee seat down town by
'.1apbone and th• firs alarm war rung, bat
whop tee brigade arrived llatebmao House,
with some esad.osnoe from other., had al
ready averted all danger of a oenfiagrat/on,
Unly dight damage was done.
W1D D1D 4411 CowAOo-Uo Monday,
March, 3rd, at the homer of James Edward*,
3,740 Langley •reap., Cbtogn, I11., tbe
wedding of Mr. Edward's' .soon(' dear, hter,
Jennie, to A bort 81r•0gba0, of l'apulpa,
Indian Territory, was celebrated The
(room is a goo of E hoard straughan, of
(ioderioh, and the Edwards family formerly
Ilved to Goiieric' township ; so many in this
violnity will hi Interested 4. the onnounoa
meat of the event. Mr. and lire. Sesotho°
trrlved In Godwin on the honeymoon trip
sad were present at the golden w.ddiog
anal y of the pareata of the groom last
A OOLDIN WcDDIND,-On Wednesday,
510 4... , two old and *summed residents of
Iowa, Mr, and Mrs. Edward Straugha,,
Nelsen street, celebrated the fiftieth anno-
y of their wedding by o fomtly Bath'
.ring. About fifty relatives and (mends
were present to join in the plosnant event.
The venerable couple received an midriff
from their brothers and sisters, and also one
Irom their children, *sob being accompanied
ley substantial token. of leve and affection.
We hope that Mr. and Mrs. Stroughon wiit
lies to Zook hack over many Tars to the
event which was to aaspicio.aly eelebrated
lot week.
AT ()NOWT'S HALL-J0dgm001 hart hien
given to the D.yulonal Coors to the ogee of
ri,400 v. Wilco, 00 the appeal by d.-
laod.ut, hard Maroc 4th, from the jade
meat of Judge Meredith m 101411 action by
M N,).on against tier an Charlet
Wilson, to reoover :he *mount doe 10 re.
•pent 0f a promissory note, date! 4,b No.
'ember, 1887, for $1,000 Elven by bit to
her, with Mimed f..r five years poet. 4...
164302 pail on account. Held, lh•t no
✓ eason wee Show° for Interfering with the
findings below on the (acts. Appeal di.
missed with coati. A 14 Ayle.worth,
S.C., and .1. M. Beat (yeatorth) for defend-
ant. F. Holmsie1 i'iratorehl for pinati6.
A (.RAN,. KzIPTI.iN.-11iss Nellie Mair,
of (;oderioh, whn wee lately marrl.d to
Charles Peters, of Thlatlstowo, arrived at
her new home, alter • short wedding tour,
on Friday, where • grand reception of about
eighty Men& and relatives awaited the ar
H irai of the happy 000ple. After partaking
of a anmptonu dinner, there wee 8 long
program, oonsisttog of speeoheo, r*olt•tIons,
mosioal selections, ate, The bride soil
groom ware the recipient' of many useful
presents, among which wee a beautiful large
bible presented to them by the their. An
eejnyable evening haying been apricot, the
many guests returoad to their reepaotive
homes, well satisfied with their eveolner's
Arr. groan A ('ALI. -"The itey. W. W.
Stoddart, of Louisville, has accepted the
pastoral• of the Brat l'reehyter,an church at
Lehmann. Mr. Stoddard Is . Canadian by
birth He Is a mama, ret' the senior close
of the Louisville Presbyterian Theologian
Seminary, and will erad0•te In May.
Meanwhile he will preach amt monthly at
Lebanon," The above 4. trout The Lome-
tille (Reetsokyl Times ot Marsh 3rd, and
raters to a well known Goderloh young
rte who hoe been taking * theolegtoal
eau's at 1,0011041)., W• are inclined to
Mgtndes htm to the Atate., while at the
same time we shall hops to hear 0l his swo-
ons wh he may be. i.abinoh, we
understand, is • town of &boot the site of
Nitvrt4 ANT Crag. -It la a •logol.r thing
that no otos was ever discovered of Harry
Ilatxka, the Platteville man who dlappe.t.
ed fin* Baff•lo, where be was employed by
1.01• Adams Erma* Unreeling, • year ago
lest Armes, entre effort hos been made
by the family to dteceem some tram ot aha
wlwlep man, bot without aortas His
fatter d44A le Pl.t .r.11e leaving anew for-
dable preporty. The probability is that
Harry Oattka was mardersd for his ninny,
a he had 1 handl-eel dollars no him •
Ace days befcre his death whlteaor are on
• rite to hie parent.. H. showed up
e t the ezprees nffno eosin, though bto
motto'. celery of $00 who wafting him
thee,. q'aotfnrd Herold This man who
dropped so atraegely nut of the world woo
for • wife an .1preeo messenger en the
'4'. R. rneetng Mtn Goder(nh,
Mien 9Vtootei MnrTINo+ -The well.
known tempers.. !,marrow., Mule Char
tette K %Virgin., of Toronto. oemmenneel •
wok'. eerie. of mooting' In (4o4.rinh by
addr.*.Ing a man meeting In North street
Methodist nhnrnh glen the raged*, .stales
on Sada, **alai Miss Wl0ghs fo
float, knew" her e.hjeel wall and speaks
wlek elaaraans sad eea•Iderabl. teras. Oa
Monday dtern000 the •ddrsesed • meetlne
is the "
emW now Hell,
and on Tuseday
a mw meauug of the young
pwole* .w'•tlee of the town in the !suture
room of Knoa oh5rob, tet wh,uh there was a
large attendance. O.her meeting. thus
week will ba held as follows ; Thursday
.tenths, at North street Methodist church
at 8 r M. ; Friday afternoon, at the flea
pomace Hall, • mass meeting of soboo
ohlldr•0, .t 4:15 r.M, ; Friday events,. at
VIotoria street Methodist church, at 8 rote.
K Dow94K0 Uv Beet.sss Aua1N.--Leet
week E Dowoio/ purobu.d tare boot .ad
.hoe ethos ot P. T. Halls sad this week hos
taken pomaesioo of it and ls 000duoting the
business In the same stand. The store u
Ming thoroughly refitted, the abelying 10-
oommodation being increased aod other 10, -
movements made, and when thee* are mm -
Milted and the new *tock is plsoad the .tore
will be w. II tqulpped for the large business,.
which Mr. D,,wolag expects to do. '1'o t0le
peopl• of town and oouDtry Mr. Dowding
made no introduction, ae he is slreedy well
known to them through bis long balsas
exp.rl•oo. i0 Uodericb, and 19 be koowe
the boot and shoe 'meioses tborongbly h*
will be able to deal ettioi*eUy and aatafac.
toddy with the wants of the people In his
Ione. We are pleatd to know that Mr.
Balls 11 not to lean* town, for the prenot
at lust, but will remail. In the store with
Mr. Dowaing.
S„:Ny of SPRING -We don't like to be
too sure of It, for the weather clerk is o
000trary fellow, bat rosily this Tooke a good
Meal hk. epilog. The robins have coma
back ; so have the milliners. T6• .tde-
walks are clear of &now and 10. street. are
muddy, the air L full of mist and fog, Orem
th1°p0 are shooting up from the ground,
the river as broken up, shout of
" knu0kledown " aad •'hist none " 6oat
through the heavy almwphere, and now
and Ihen is beard the dtataat "sow " of the
crow as be pane, oyer us on the retard to
his summer borne In the eorcbera woods
Bettor alga than a11. the annual "tired
fechog " tae seized t pod the ylotm1 of
epilog lever, and wears willing to waver our
lam. yMrr'& bat that sulphur, crowns of tartar
and molaeee& ha made its appearance on the
bill of fare to may a household. A..very.
body says, it le very early, but it this isn't
eprtog, wall-_.
Tits Myergby ('I,gaoID UP. -A dos
patch from St. Marys states that the mye
tory which surrouddei the Identity of t01er
mea lobo as killed oo tba G.1'. R. track
near that town recently has been volved
The man ores Daniel H1o1.y, and he bad
beam working with bin cousin, Thomas Haas
ley, of Henson, The body was m0nlat.4
beyond recognition, but the olo'hes wen
identified by Thomas Hasley. The haed-
karohtef found did not belong to the uo-
fortunate moo, bot bed beau picked up by
him. The name on it was Charles Gnhl,
not Charles Wood, as at first thought
Ramey left hie cousin's plats on February
25.h, mooning to beat hie way on the
hampers to Part Huron. He had a mother
and sister 4.y og In 1'etefboro, and • brother
to fl•mIton. He woe • glue blower by
lead., hut ,pont hie summers as • tailor o0
the lake,. The remains ware hearted lm the
.•00etety at tit, Maros.
LAKs Loviis,-Jin the House of Com-
mons oa Moody Col. Bushell moved that •
Iot*t Csnadiar AmarroonoommiMte, should
be appointed to examine aod report upon
the diversion of toe waters between the
two oouotries. He eiploioed that *similar
tattoo had Deem mad. its the American
Yens,r, owing to the effect of lbs Chicago
dra4•gs canal and other works tending to
lower the loyal of the great lakes Mr.
Torte aid the que•tioe eras s0 Important
one, tut before undertaking to Mee the co-
operation of the United Staras we should
understand the Situation better, H.41 de.
partmant had agues surveys of the river,
aod next year it was proposed to do some-
th:ostiloog the lanes suggest' ed, but until
the work commenotd had been poeb.d fur.
th.r he thought It not desirable to yak.
Noah st,p. os Col. Huphr. •u4gestod, Mr.
,utberland said Ih, matter wee midst the
eoodderatiom of the American Senate, and
Mr. Hughes withdrew his motion.
second ammo) meeting of the Ontario
Library Anoot.tion will be held in Calle
Memorial Hall, Hollister University, To_
rooto, on Monday add Tuesday, March 31
and April 1 Paper► will be read oo the
following subjects : " Library Haildloge,"
Som. 1),tbcuities flet in a Small Library,'
" How to Secure the !'wage of • Free
Public Library Hylsw," " Canadian F:o.
Hon.' " Canadian Perlodlml,,'' " Uaf.l
Method. Is • Small l'ubl,o Library," " The
Traloiog of Librarian.," "The Paella
Documents of Canada and the Provlow of
Ontario," " Tits Volo+ of a Public Library
to a Commonity," " V,cluHudee of • r'ab
4)0 Lihrary During Fifty Years." Every-
one intereated in library work is Invtred to
amend. The secretary, E. A Hardy, Lind
ay, will be gled to furnish Inform•t)od to
anyone on application, aod e.proialiy re
quests that any librarian or memhr ot a
library board )oiling to revive • printed
announcement will write tar same.
A Meana(, Trig GANo LAwe.-In the
Logia! Legislature on Friday Hoo. Mr.
Latchford moved rhe *emend reading of We
bIN to ameud the game protsotloo at, aod
In doing so said Ila flea% obtuse provided an
neon season for moose from October 15 to
November lb In each year io the region
earth of the main line of the C. P. R , and
between Mattawa and Port Arthur, and
south cf the main line ao own a•5o0 for
mate and oaribon from November 1 to 15.
For some time 1t had been aldose the low
to •hoot the. game animate, but the policy
et pro'eetion had hare ••tended with shah
faynrthte remits that It was no longer de,
dreMe to maintain It. Ih. quail shooting
seams *mild hi oonflned to the month o1
November ,.Ione. In d to wt. 00 toil
rabbits. M'. Intrhfnrd exolateed that the
hill authnr.red the owner, leen, or occupant
of tondo, his family, nr persons having writ.
ten permission from sloe, to shoot them at
any time wh.retor It was found that they
were doing d•m.ge. The bill reoai.ed Ice
second towline.
Mtge I.AI'Rt A.'nu6011', RI'rr'R11.-Mtn
Lahr► Anheeon r.tur•.d home ae Saturday
after her winter ,00r with the Boston
ladle/. Symphony Oratories. 'Pee tour
metered five months, darlwg whleh the
onmosay travelled const.tly, 1olog as far
west as h.hra.k• nod Oklahoma, and
among the Atlantic 01.t,, os lar south as
Maryland. A good many °enemata meml
given In tin border States, bet only on* did
the nnmpaov eater Canada, g.riog • per
lormtnee at London to their way aorta
Southern Ontario. Miss Anheeon had
many novel and Interesting exp0►bneea
during the tap, Det nn•emompanlrd by •
good dal of hard work. 7 he toot wee •
01117 1111•0•114/01 ane, a. the Ro.ton fwdles'
Ornbwtra le tewgn)z.d as oats .l th• prem-
ier males' nrVN'estnns to the Sista. 1t
aeseprlee. tw.nty 4d).., whored .rem all
porta of the Iloftod Stales, and, In v.aw of
ear nines toweewowae'• reamherehlp In ii,
w0 imam add. (heads. ala. M4. Aoh.oa
sued the tatigs• .4 tesvellieg 700.7 well
end r.turned home In •ioelfeat health ; but
*bile 1 the voles* Os ex
Dari•ac • whin •
snared in this trip, which ,odeed uas her ob.
001 in um a t
d r •clog It, abs thinks onto is
enough ad is not incised to roast It
HOII.0190 PRoer• ere roe 19902 -Io con.
wlr1altoa with t!e leadlov buildlog 000-
traotors of the town during the poet few
d•ye, '28. 81ue1aL saluted that the pros.
pate are bright for another good butldu04
treason dunes the oaring summer. The
new summer &d•) will keep • goof Dumber
of workmen bury for eons wake yet, and
16.re a sou,• prospect cf the oonstrootloo
this year of the proposed ho•:deal and the
719:019045)9710017, Wield. of those, there
wall likely be quite • number of r..ld•nose
to build. Few 000traoto have yet ban
siva, bat quite • number of °atrium are
talklog of butldieg A good dal of re.
mod•lhagaria refitting is going on among
Iha stores, and there will doubtless a the
usual amount of &mall work to be done o0
r•alde.ttel buildings. Buohanaue R Lew -
eon baa.• two story brick (firstling rood a
baro to build for R. L Young on the Huron
road, and a email .tore in .yin. Andrew's
ward for Cep*. Alex.'Mcl.eod, who live.ds
to put In he time duras him declining years
di hoopla • stock of groo.rlea and nth.,
merchandise for the 000venteece of th•
raldeote of that part of the Iowa. The
some firm are bnildmg the new Prosbyter•
San oburcb at Bayeedd, the sew Methodist
church oar Behest sod ties new school.
bona ae Nile.
R'oRK ►oa N.1:Lgt,TgD C11IIJJS.N,_ W.
hen• received i oopy of (0. ninth report of
tea Superintendent of Negleoted and 1)e
pada; Children of Ontario. The report
me0tato. • good deal of in4rsettog informa-
tion of the work being done by the Child,
ren'.' Atd Societies and Industrial Sahoolsol
the Province to befrlandlnn neglected and
destitute or orphan children and plaoleg
them In surroundings where they can grow
op tato useful ad Industrious °MUzeoa.
There aro .t the present time In Ontario
thirty Children's A)d Societies operation
under the proye:ons of the Cnlldreo'. Pro-
tection Act. and la the various orphanages
and children's home• there are Dearly 2,000
' hildre0 at an manual expense of 1100,000
It has been found that there 1s no scarcity of
prlval• homes for children of almost any age
-all (bat is required Is that there should be
proper aotiylly in finding out .uoh bores.
Experian* hos shown that children taken
from evil surrounding' •e an only age and
placed to • proper •nvlreemeot very seldon,
turn out badly. There Is also a deport .p
pended oar "Jawed. Immigration," There
oils eight reo*IvIog houses to this Provlo*
from which parties of children are placed
out in situations rind ah.rwards sup•rvl.ad.
l'01e number of children reordered to OS4rlo
dories the year was 1,105, .n increase of
.bout 100 over the previous year.
FAR11 kRn' IN,TITrTJ Marrie,,s --Meet.
loos will be held eodar the auepioes of the
West Huron Farmer' Institut. at Orange
Hall, 4:h oono1sion, Godertch too nobly, 00
March 14, and at the court boo.., God.rlob
on Saturday, March 15.6, both meetfog.
oomm.00 0g •t 1:30 P. M sharp. The pro
gram for the Orsng, Hall mating*
is os follows : "Tim Management and
Care of Farm Steck," Jas. Saell ; "The
Draught Bores," Jas. Mitchell ; "How to
Got the Hat Remelts from our Oroberds,"
A. McD. Allan ; "Lessons (rum the Special
Judging Course," W. Titslt
be a oolon meetlog,Chas, and theh,telyams e0hjrowits
as aonouno*d below for I Jodenob *411�r
distutead. 1'h. ladiare specially love.
The (;oderlob program is: "Cold Storage
and Transportation," A. MOD. Allan
''Agricultural Fin." Ja. Mitchell ; "The
G 1l'arveuCow,"It. Frame; "Fatten.
Ing Cblckees for th. Home and Fordgo
Makes.," F. C. Elford. The Woman'.
Iatit9t., of Wert Huron will hold a meet-
ing tin this greed jury room, In the *pat
Immo. at this ante boor, when .ubjeote per
tatelng to the home velli be discussed. Tb.
presideot, Mn. H, /Word, of Bolero/wills,
and other Iodise will address the meetings
A oordiel Sewilstloo to extended to all to
attend and take part in the discussion..
There will be no evening mooting.
A SPLINDio 10I7TORC,-Perbaps this most
enjoyable yet of Dr, HAMlel'' lectures wan
that which he gave la North street
Methodist church on Monday .7.0400 lost
on "Gl,yr Goldsmith nod He Times." It
mos an intellectual treat, of a kind whlob
we seldom have an opportunity of sojoytog,
and the large cadence heard it with evident
appreolatlon. The lecturer triad Gold
•moth'. obegwro'1 from his birth,
through his boyhood and school .od college
days to the time when pe sat out on that
strange p)Igrimage through Europe which he
turned to such good account in later yarn,
Then the e,ol.itud.s of his Inelorlou. life
In London, until the bursting flame of
genloe dlaaoy.red him to the world and
gave him an enduring name 1n literature ;
61e friendehlp with Dr Johnson, Sir Josh•
us Reynolds and other great men In 1M days
of h w proap.rity, hie Irrepreee,hle *mantel.
olttes and other phones of hie Ills aod ohs,
aoter were dealt with to n manner to Inter.
est and beetroot. Some Insight also was
given, although necessarily very briefly, In
to hoe literary produotlons and tit mimeo of
their charm and power ; end In 00m:dualno
tae leotorer attamptod to draw some lessons
from the life and death of til" man In whom
with some ignchle .5ualrtlw woe mingled
mach that was grand and good and boautl
f0). Knowe the lecture • 1010 eau rendered
by Mee Aunebrook in • very pleseing man -
Tux Fnet? Mattes Ar -r -A. McNeill, of
Walker,llle, inepeotnr for Western °Merle
under the Fruth Marie Act, wee ie low.
lost Thursday and addrosead a meeting of
CM fruit (lolon, of the ;.own at the Hntieh
Btahanpo hots) In the alternm°. Nearly
all of our merchants who handle fruit were
moment. Mr, McNeill explained the par -
pore End the main provie.oas .,f the Aot,
whioh 1& inte°ded to pre..ns the dishonest
packing of fruit, tools se tin topping of a
barrel of apples with a layer or two of 6rnt.
class fruit while the Wanes to of decidedly
inferior quality. One of the chief clauses
rel the Aot It one which maid*. that every
elided paok•ge (sorrel or box) man have
marded upon It too+me and e44r..e of the
parker and the variety and grade of the
unit whioh It nnntalm. The grade marks
may he.Ry such se are reoegnited in the
'rade, t..., freer of the beet grade may be
markt-ft "No. 1," "ohclw," "extra," or la
soy ether way which will obesely dletln,aleh
it. For only one grade, and that the fine,
1. a arandard estehlehed by the Aot ; fruit
so marked most he of good size shit fain for
tM vanety aod ninety per Deet. free from
wormholes, iaabe; Amara or other defects,
Tole Is applicable to melt fruits as apples,
pears, peseh., eta Asot.he► Manes pro
yid', that all trait In either olo••d or ores
packages, including atrawherrlee and other
email fruits. most be ao packed that the
aortae .hall be the ams as the fruit
throughout. Te allow for aneident., In pack -
leg, on •Ilnw.n0. of Afe.on per nen.. 1.
mad*: hue not more than hlteen pet one
shall be substitution, Inferior to tlte.melon
fruit (°thee pales m.tlneed were that
peaces gad ..floe ars beak bad r..possible
udder the Aot, and this earns of the pooker
oo this twould
as Mebe important
as. pro
teeNuu to l hs .altar ; anyo°e can soler a
eo0.9)84 t wader th. statute, Mr. MONalli
uat•d that he would dap.od largely upon
Out oo operation of the trait &rebore In the
eatotcsm•,t of the An.
If you want the Dottiest [.rode -to order t ortng
overcoat obtalnabl• you will bare to go to
Prldiusuia, :et afoot leo guaranteed.
le Ills really natio Spring 1
Bloyolw .re being tetraed out of their
winter quarter.,
The beet breakfast b•000 and pork rolls
at STawSar'e.
A thunderstorm during Moody nigh
eau 005 of the signs of the timet.
14 le likely that ahs moalolpal depu4tioo
w111 leave for Ottawa timely Welt week.
You will have • nap of rearm equal to •
40o one if you partbMe:FrIW.RTe 253 per
J. J. MoMath on To.Way broag01 ue a
bunch of snowdrops from his garden. They
are early meese°g.10 of spring.
Paul Turnbull has resolved • promotion
from the Chatham iraaoh of the Kook of
Montreal to the heed ethos at Motorail.
Tho store formerly 0000pled by Ss George
Prior Is being ovrbauled sod will he ooeu•
pled by Rbynas A 1'iroeil, the uodertaaere.
Hoo. J. T. Darrow had soother °ase at
the Supreme ('oars In Ottawa this week. 1%
was a Hrttteh Colombia 0w ; lad/merit
wee teetered.
Hyder Williams, eon of R S. Williams,
was transferred loot week from the Wladeor
branch of the Book of Commerce to the
S,mow branch.
J. J.rdime, bowie and lot at the ooroer of
Regent 'tree ono Brtt•ao45 rad wee soli
by notion o0 Saturday, Thos. Gledhill be-
fog the purchaser.
Ham. Matte, a wed) known l:od.rtob
boy, has started a gweral bu.lnw at Utter.
burn., Mao., a plaa about thirty miles
from Winnipeg.
Thaw interested should rememb.r tho an
Dual mooting of the Children's AId Society
to be beld is Mr. loos6 odes tomorrow
attor000d at 4 o'clock.
Mr. and Mr.. 0. A. McGaw have maob
sympathy In the serious !Mans of their !tins
daughter, who Is In • very orttlal wodltlon
from a oomplla•tlon of diseases.
The i* jam In the river broke up gradu-
ally daring the week, and there Is now •
door chancel through to the mouth. Thor*
woe no great overflow at any time d'rlag
the break ap.
The engine works motions eery busy.
The men work four horn overtime daily to
keep up with the orders. Tat. week •
shipment of • oarload of machinery was
mrd. to Brae Minna.
The Stratford Herald says of • former
resident of 1lodorloh : i)eputy .'0.t Master
A M. Kay has porokwd from Mr. Wm.
Macklin • fine rnldeow on Nllert. at pro
sent ecoupl.d by the Mimeos Blair.
Remember the meetings of the Farmers'
Institute at Orange Hall, Oodsrlob
too/whip, on Friday of this week, ad
•t the court house, Godertah, oo Saturday,
4006 00mm.n0ms at 1:30 o'clwk
At the •Hotton sale at Ju. Matinee's,
Baybeld road, on Tondty, the homestead,
memorising sixty-eight sores, was gold to
J. EIllott, of Goderlob township, for $3,000.
The farm stook and other article manta
rood prima. T. Gundry was O0. auotleneer,
Hrouel• Poet : A quiet wadding took
place at the Methodist p•rnoage io this
pia*, oo Wednesday, when John A Mor-
gan and Miss Cotha,loe .1, Heodoreo°, both
0f Goderlc6, warn made bu•band and wife.
Raw. Joins Holme tied the matrimonial
The Cleveland Record stater that the Ab
mono Steamship Co will plane on the To -
).do -Sault Ste. Marie route, to run in o00 -
junction with the Oss1fr95., (h, side-wbal
steamer King Edward. Eats boat w11)
maks one trip weekly. Particulars are not
at hand regarding Cho opacity or the speed
of the Kim; Kdward, and local marla men
do not know the boat.
Mrs. F:!wood is 'natio, in Toronto,
Geo. Horde left Monday 10 . trip M
Mrs, U. Melyor ba returned (tom a visit
to Toronto,
Peter Bbeett returned last week from hie
Mwltoha trip,
Rlohard glllib left Towday on his return
to Brandon. Man,
Miss Tladall, of l)eanybrook, left for the
Wait on Tuesday.
Chas. W. Hall, 01 Clinton, 1s speeding a
hew days at hie home here.
Gare Hattie,- of Uoderlob tow..hle,
left on Tsesday for Calgary, N. W.T.
Mrs. 1). MoJ)onald has retar..d from a
lengthy visit to Toronto and Ottawa.
A. Yaaoder• left yos4rday morning on •
trip to Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa.
Mi.. Wm. MoLan ha returned to 8•9 -
forth after speeding some months in town,
Mins Clara Sharman hoe been this game of
Ipel\40ella Harland at Clinton the put
Mise Jordan, of Winnipeg, hos arrived te
take ohargs of W. A MoKlm'. mllll.ery
Miss trilby hes retuned to town and has
again taken charge of the millinery depart-
ment at Smith Kroe.' emporium.
D. Maher, of A1110 k McIver, Is In Buf-
falo this week making purohase, for 'prise
and armrest hostages,
Wilbur ()Deet was In London this week
•trending the Kpworih League convention
of the hoodoo cenlere,o•.
J, H. %,'ors.11 is in Toronto this week ato
tootling the m.Uer of the Supreme Circle
of the Order of Canadian Hems (dols,.
('has, Charnel, of the London Rogb.•
S°ppK•, CO.. has baa In the town ter
several days en balsa" for the onmpaay.
A Mal). Allan and M•tnr 1 -oohs at-
tended a ma►Ine at Cllntoo on Monday la
eeenattno w18h the Huron Cold r54reg.
M►. and Mrs. .1. T. Novell left yeaterd97
morning for the latter's hems at Mltehell,
to attired the wedding of Mrs, h.,.11', s4 -
Rev. ,To, A. An4er,en Is in Totowa* .44 -
tending the 1 meeting of the home
Weida oommitteo of the Pr"bytertan
Harvey Howell, of R*ffalo, was Ie tows
for • taw day, this was. Man old fries&s
were glad to no and shako hood* with Mink
former townsman.
Mr. and Mr,. HE.Herfrie., Miss Emma
('srsp1U, Min Clara Sharron, Mho Allem
*adviser end Mins Idakeld .tesaded the
sasaiag .1 Wesly Amok. Malan. *Mak
Notloe-Dr. W. H. PalLter, B.76e14. Patio
Don't m t l'
oa Kaow-
W. K
r 4
Now Drees MaterlaII-Swtth Bros, A 0. 6
Asotloe Sale --John Keo. 1
E.4rintomant-Carl•w Literary S.obty 1
Syrup of Firs-Uallforaia Fl; Syrup Co. 4
Coal -Wm. Campbell 5
A meat -Ladles' Aid Vtotorla-es,
Churob . 1
New Uoodi-W, A. McKim" 5
A Big Drive in Corneas -J. H. Lelbers4
(ju.e. Quality -8, Dowsing 8
Important 80 Hooeekeepers-J.00 Bros 1
Uodarloh Seed Emporium -Wm. Bur-
rows R Son 1
Servant Wassel -Mrs, 1). Malyer 1
Direct Importtions-1e4gsss Bret,.,8
Bear and Sows for 861 Id. Aur111..., 1
Anooanwmat - Geo. Vy. 101..,.. &
AonounoemuM-Geo, Ste
took pleas lest Sanday most.nepl.
Wooer otroometanos..
Sealorth San : Mr, Wm. 1' Mer, who
has been employed •t the Boll aline works,
left Tuesday morming for u.derl.b, where
he bas ssowred a sl.aNaa,
tela, Hoboes ha returned from Detroit
aod Toronto, where slit *soared the 1ates0
"Wei to millinery. The date of her opting
opeala( will be annoaom id later.
Miss Eva Menotti, of Goderfob 4wahip,
left on Saturday foe New York City. Bhs
is entering Moan* Sisal bespttal there, M
take a moires of tralateg as aura.
J. R. and 1). W. Soothe. of Doe assns,
lett yostardy for Oobre Rite', Man. They
were a000mpanled by tbelr brother, who re-
turned to the West alter a visit hot..
George Lora was •t L4swei tb. past
week attending the funeral of h4 *!enter,
Mdse Etta Lora, who died at her home te
that town at the ye of ►wary two years,
Min Ida Harland made • brief volt to
Clinton this week and was present at the
eotertalament bid Monday .geodes la nee
minion with the .penlog of the new °harsh,
V% IIfr14 Williams lett on Tuesday te yaks
• pceUlon In the Ytatbord kraoeb of the
Bank of Montreal, "Commodore" 4 a gw-
anl (avorit* •40099 the ;mead psopls.ad
wlllbe 101.1.6,
Mrs. Robert Mallows has thila Md w eQ
home, Brno* at., after a OW e/ levee
months with her son la Listowel sad her
daughter, Mrs. Jas: U. Long, of Wtyhom,
and also wleh friends la Laoknow,
saeeeaaleilly Carrie Oat by Two lw.or
wserleb Reye.
The followlog, from The Dolly Nowa.
Record, of Sault Ste. Mart., MUM., refer*
to two former Godertob Wye, resp01ewe of
U. MOLaren, Vtotorla mires, one el whom
worked with the late 1). K. Straehas :
" Wben the lorry Algoma was oat oat of
*mmtwlon lase fall by • broken shoe ad •
damaged rudder, It was expected that the
boat would bave to a taken w Colllagw.ed
and dry docked In order te make the sear -
wiry repute on bet, Is we. 100 late In t6e
aeaeoo CO tak, the boat through the Ayer
and she was laid op at the old e'er. Brady
pier to await the spring breakup,
" W. Y. Edward, of the firm of Edward
Bros., after making an 11amtn•tlo0 of the
boat's damage, wee of °pl.io. .bat .he
could be repaired here sod was told M go
ahead by the ma.a9.meat of the Foray
oompaoy. The Algoma wee Cowed to 16s
north pier and the work of ropatrl.g her,
begun some wake ago, bits just been eons.
plated to a mangler that is entirely eat4fae.
tory to tb. Ferry oompaay and folly ea good
sell aim hod Mao gene se Collletgwtnd.
"So far as known this Is the only loutan*
where ao entirely new shoe ha been put on
a boat unties In dry dock. 1t was a moat
dlthoolt job, as the work bad M a dome by
divers, and Mr. Edward himself wee for
Ione aod one -halt days under water le a
diver'* suit euperinteadIng the work. The
new shoe Ie about four times 446o s4wg►b
of the ens le replaces.
" A neer aod larger rudder wee shipped,
and 10 order to do this • portion of the
*tern had to be out away, gad replamod
Th• whole was • mat blokllah plea of
work, but so carefully was 41 pioneered sad
so skillfully .deuced that net a slosh alas
hap 000urred,
Kdward Bros. have • well earned repo.
tattoo as export machinists, and thele latest
mimeos I0 soo0mpi)sbing what all load
marine men oldmed to be en leopewlbillty,
has gained for them high prise from all
who have walohed the wort."
"' Beet value in hlook tea for 25o, 300 std
350 at S?Z*ART'., ee°ao44 be .ganged 9ey-
where for eh *money.
Oysters, always (rah, at the old reliable
oyster hoose, Vtotorla Restaurant, Wat-
st„ In bulk or saved all styles, 10. *ream,
frolt, onnfeotfooery, (Agars eta, 0. BtrO(-
!MOr a.
Grote -If you watt work welt* to Ts*
Foshu KOITTINn MIM.. of Hestpener, One,
They are 9dvertldng for rile, or f.mll)ee
with boys sod girl* Item eblr►... ran .41
up. Moe work, good wages, your pay
every week, oto. Write them,
Norieo. The r,llsoton for the hospital
fund will *11 1n a few day. for the money
wblob has been promised, and it will be •
very greet moveolenoe and help to thole If
aubeorlbers w111 kindly have It ready, es
that they will net hays togs over the gismo
ground swim.
The Ladles' Aid of Vtotorla .t Me•hu41.1
church wilt hold an •atertolnm*ret 1. this
h,em•nt of toe ob°reh on the sveeing 9t
Monday next, 17th Inst A goad U05gr.m
will be ronder.d and refreshment wilt he
snood. Admission, Ilion. Dore open at
7:30 ; program to oomme00. at 44 .'cheek.
All are Invited.
Gores*H:M Seen F.Yr0R,OM.-The sub.
merger" would tespeetfelly nommenthat
they have • full stook of Bold mid /sedan
.erode no hand for the se•*se's erode. S.m
new kinds of orals for geed purpose* have
been Introduced for the brat tine and well
he found of greet been, to 4401* grewnr.
We are leaders In seed Dern and lenag94,
mod sur stook, as In the pat, will he feud
reliable. Wu. Rawaown Jk you.
Get year hleyele else, stet tars It lead* a
gelid as new with • eat et •.sseel, tine
overhauled, *to., ere. Our reale depart.
want 4 folly equipped for all kind. .f ro-
p•Ir work, and le In George of sae •f Ile
Just repair mea in (1•ad•, wk* will de his
week In the latest and hest style, Leave
weed at ear sere er telephoner to as, No.
92, mad we shall 011 far 7Nr wheel. le
will .nrprta yea to se hew flee year wh.tl
will leek fee •• mall as outlay, pall s.4
w ear saw sed 0.0ed.01554 buyN.a, Oar
law *glen 1111 surprise F'15• OM W.
Tatem ! Son,