HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-6, Page 7FOURTEEN MEN KILLED; MANY MORE MISSING. Buried Under Avalanches of Snow and Rocks. -'now-Slides Sweep Down the Mountain at Telluride, Cul , Wrecking Mine Works and Overwhelming the Workers - keswer• Sleuth b) a Setond Slide ami Fur.e4 to Abandun the Work --.Many !apposed to be Under the Debris. Telluride, Colo., Morel; 1.—F'uurtceu dead as many Injured and a score more tulrring are the result, far as, &stows, of the merles of retuwrllde %shicit occurred In the vicinity of the Liberty (Sell Mine on Smuggler Muue- 1.aiu. three and a foal( teller north of Telluride. The roads between ♦tree ami too Liberty hell are al- most t uparrable and drUtllr of the .,ectoieut aro hard to obtain. IL scents that no leer than four ,tlr- .uet slider occurred. each oue clalm- ug two or mora victim.. Several usher hive been recovered, but eeuttu a cumber of the known dead are still burled under the tons of ,.now, rucks and timbers by which they were carried down. 1 be Death Hero. The death list of the first elide, so far aa known. follows: Due Swan- son, crusher feeder ; It. S. Surumer- land, teem brakeman; harry Gulden, Waiter In boarding house; Uas Kraut, ruiner; J. P. Clentmer, steward ; Wade Crowe, miner ; R. Bishop, miner. The victims of the second slide were: Harry A. Chase. assayer; L.. U. Stanley, carpenter. Those who toot death In the third side were: Dui VonUntel, carpen- ter; John R. Powell, surveyor; Paul Dalphrese. miner. In the fourth slide. (barge Row - h, r and W. S. Gregory were killed. 1 he detest Mode carried away the building and blink Immo and the tram house oI the mine. About 250 men are regular- ly employed in the mines' and mill.. of the Liberty 'tell mine, but a large timber of men from the night shift were In Telluride and were prevented from returning to the mine by the terrible &dorm. which wan raging. Tate any shift had just gene to work, leaving but comparatively few nn- derground working ut the bunk The Aids name Without warning. The three large buildings were oar- rle,d down the steep mountain ride, a distance of alum 21100 feet, and literally ground to placer, not a buur t building left intaet. The snow and debris piled to .the bottom Of the canon, 25 feet deep. Week ut Rescue. Thele who escaped the slide at once Ix•gun the work of rescuing their !err lortuaate compsltIous. A dosen or more were taken out alive, some of them lordly injured however. 11'ord was merit to Telluride end a number of citizens lett fur the rceue of the disaster W std In the rescue of the vlellter. sweetest At stench,. Shortly after noon alone the work of tllggiug olft buttes war going ou, the rexxlud slide came down utmost in the track of the forst. The mountain ride le very steep atsl the descent of the row mare war mu swift that 24 of the rereuetr were caught, twu bcL,g &tiles!, Tbey,wcre Harry A. Chase and L. D. Stanley, and their bodies Lave not been recovered. The others were more or fess In- Jured, but trona was fatally hurt. svluppr4 Ike Wu. k. Superintendent Chore, Lf the Lib- erty hell mine, later ordered the work of rescue Puependud, declaring that It was uretars to redeemer lilt+ further while glider were running Several pestles started at Duca for Telluride. Two of therm pnrtlee were overtaken by slick's. In one. Gum Von Fonts', Jobe It. Powell and Paul Dui planate were killed, and in the other, ueorge ]tower and W. S. Gregory lore tht Ir liver. None of these bodies had beer recovered at tart accounts A Large number of men are mle.r- ing, and It Is thought probable that the death list will be swelled to 20 ural paw.ribly 80, when the bodies shah be taken from the snow masa Among titer killed. Raymond Bishop, Wade Crowe and Harry A. Chase were last year's graduates from the State &Thool of mines at Golden, Colorado They had taken posltktos with the Bell to acquaint themselves with practical mining They belong to good tamUie a In Denver and Pueblo. eleva•rai other elk's.• are reported this rictutty. Ono at the ramp Ulyd ]Woe In the Kw -ailed dtstrlet, result- ed In the death of one ratan and the prohdble fatal injury of three oth- ers. From the oosaUtion of the Know more elides are expected. IUTCIIENER'S DRIVE, 1,000 BOERS C New Zealanders lost Heavily in the Operations. Klerksdorp Disaster the Most Serious Reverse Since term- --Report that Botha Was Captured and Then Escaped-- - Death kale in Concen- tration Camps --Canadian Scout Dead—Four Other lsnaJuns Sic& OxIurJ Professors Protest Against Execution of Boer Officers, t .dun, Feb 28.—Caen. Kitchener tion for the furtherance of peace tie- ; the details of the4teaater which gutletton. In Soar is Afries. They the British convoy near Klerke- were referred to the imperial Chan - a 'ea Feb...—Nlzteen officers, in- cellor, Count Von BuaIow. Several ''ag CW. Anderson, the cummrtud- members of the Itekhwtag Indulged .ere captured, as were ale; 4a1 in unlimited vltuperntlon of (treat one officer Had 105 men have 1Rrlt1011, neserttng that the unit' Poe- • , Oven released. (leu. Kitchener sible explanation of the ra•fuenl to a no mention of the loos of guus. admit German Rai Crows nurser sand ,•retury of War Brolrick, ruler- nmbnlancae to Month-Afrtcn wes that ,t:.. 1-„, this matter In to, Itouws of the Brit eh w'bre ashamed to allow ' Pinions, said the Britian casualties the world to have a glimpse of the ,1 • re 120. • t *cumin lour condtlione prevailing Th•• peaty 9ewrnttles, tin apparent there. •" rt:,tn her of two gun., Htsl the cape — tut*, of nearly 500 British troops by Loudon. March 2 -!sort' Kitchener l'-., ra near Klrrke.kxp, will dull the reports that the Boer casualties dur- • etlitasinem caused by the encc.rr of ing the recent opertticme amounted 'lam. Kftohenrr's wester&! 1,4 delve. to 8111 men killed. wounded and cup - Tho prisoners w,li dra,btl•ss be rr'- lural. In detittl the Doer losses were oared, tel thele arms are gime, and tlfty men killed, ten men wounded .such Incidents In the post have ni- oral 795 unwounded men mode prat- e -aye teIkIei to giro heart to the otters 1n addition to these Lord Eines and stilt,. their resistntace. Kitchener Asyc that over 150 Boers. 111,5t• Kitchener'' first deshantok tee killed aw wounded, were carried of( •lasso lengthily snmonerlses the rerun rafter the attack on the blockhouse ,•1 a,sa•rni day's' combined operations line. Feb. 24. Throe figures, however, ill nu nrea oaf ♦out 2,500 slnarn 0111'1 1 he verified, so they are not mine. In which' the engagements of include I in the total of 811). The rill. 2:1 and Feb.::8 occurred. One New 'Le -al ;niers, who ixlre the brunt anent eat wits the kilt'rrir of the Boer of the (lLhting, hart eighteen killed Marler Mani, Braila awl :(G other n rel five . freers and fifty men woOnO- lt,•ers, 1n addition to the lessen pre- eel. .tpart from Ui8lawaeee of the New `'nu.ly reparthd, Tho Itoers made 'Z.ti3,,mler•s, the °other 1Iritish rasunl- "rt1er emelt attempts to Mrnk ties were only one officer ka h+l end through the l3, Itlsh Innes. in Lev,. fantr men wotttldel. The combined op- ciaee they sueoewleil. Thr 'argent orations of the columns terminates% e••up Wadi yrnteniny, when 4;.0 in drvttig the. Hoerw nitthlnet the Ilar- li•.re, iv1UI their rifles nn -1 horses, rtsasniU' sand Van Iteenen blockhtune were captured. Unofficial telegrams Inc.lThe River WIIge wee belt' by the iFtertbe this tin happening on the Leilwter iteg(lmeut and Elllotl'c 'e.t.a-Ornnlre River Colony border, yl uantei Infantry from 1Gtrrismith. laitcre Llrut:Cnt Itnwlineon, ee..erol- while the columns forced on the 48ttv one version, surrounded n Frankfurt and ik tie's Parr block - anger at dawn. tnetend of .!,mina ',maw liar, and atlsatwcd south. hold - Ore he went n me..anger giving the lege' the entire country between the Itoers one hour to decide whether WIMP and the Natal frontier. On the Ina l_ wrxtl.f f(brat night fight or eorrenaer. tiering t,itt a very severe ntletupl to crape tons Imlwa.w,hln they aur- lire ik through wile made) nt It point ra•ntierel uno0naltaonnlly. tarn. Klteh- between itim ngton•s and Ityng'ot col - tiler srly. Utast all the column., have umne and the New %enlnnoier, le her - net yet reported owing to the wide- rsl with great gallantry. The fight - noon 54 the dleteice • ing was at afr111e quarter., n1141 tin 11) aoldltlon to Rawiln.on'. meter.. Doers, as uennl, drove a',gree heti of the eombtnel operations remelted in onttle In front of them. Two thou - the capture or 2,000 berme', `5t,000 Pore? borers, 28.0(8) he:ot of cattle, cattle, 200 wage/!., 60.000 sharp, fl(10 2.01! wagons, 80,(81,1 sheep, halo .rifles, rlflee, 5,000 rounds of ammenllton, an.' 50.(8)11 reunite or nmmnnition felt and commandnnto Mayer and "Cru- Int., the fiances or the British. •cher, and several coraete. Den. A correa+ponslent of the Times, vele kitehener'. aalpntch rnnelnde.: Ing from Pretoria, says the empty of ''Therm .,ntlefartnry results are very tksrses lm, .1111 lamentably sh,lrt of ureroeprlate ten the Annlver.nry of the debpand, and mcnrnrly' a single ]In john " column -cart pinna Ile bit mounted I ,aa•ftielnl fcleprrnm. .,ay that lie rerenfrth h the field. T11n correspond - Wm. Latey., end Wessel'', with n Inrge ant nays the Doers ora thoroughly 'oily of follower'', aaeapnt before •lemvraltsarl by the rnnetnnt Must - "in cordon was drawn. 11 le pointed ling. The mesrrlty of prosicle•ac 1. 'il that the Boer lore. In tide drive Rio) beginning to tell rind the hope re propmr(lonately eanlvsient in i', nee. of the streamte Ie being Piss or 7,000 Rr►tiah her'atglit h in tv nil the irtrghcr• (net man Aualnphel,le. ' I aril., Feb. 2I11.—F,tlton. ,ream „: Rath.. I anlore,l •• -entM to the Relrlesteg to -d.) ,sgesting that this House take se- Oen. Lout, Botha war recently made prisoner aud gut away agate. Acuurdlug to the report the affair happeuod alter the capture el Buttner taager hear huapdaar, mod the as- tounding dutullr would out now be known had not a trick beau played Lon the lIrittrlt comer. The tidingr curve lu a private letter from au uf- ((eer In the field, the letter having been mailed by au intermediary at it tree port to nvold the censor'.. euru- tluy and certain mutilatlun. When Romiugtou'e troops made the night attack ut huaprtetar they cap- tured eeversl prieunere and the cutup equipment of the doers. Among the mon Oskar' wee (tee. Louie Botha, but the British did not recognise him, and the other prisuuers took care to *Meld him to every pitiable manner. After the pureult of the fugitive. had outlet' the captured men were di- vide' lute 'troupe, and itotha—(or- tuu:stely fur hits—wow lucluded 1u the number that were entrusted to the cure of the rear guard. Another force Of doers hearing of the diameter to the wain body, and that their general had been cap- tured, teeoaoeal the British command. In the confusion of the expeetood at- tack, the body of Ilrltlmh troupe that held Boum aa their prisoner, per- mitted a few of the burghers to ea - taupe, and a$onj the number was the redoubtable Botha.' 4)ely :in Deelb,.. Pretoria, Marc!, 2.—The returns from the cont_eutrutlun eumpa In the Transvaal fur week eatat Feb- ruary 2Ist show there were 55 deaths. us, eonskleratlon that there ars 80,000 persona of all ages and rexeo 1n the campr, the death rate compare/ favorably with those of the henithloet Engllrh towns. 5 rundl,tu Pivotal Dred. Ottawa, Out., March 2.—Lord Min- to ha. received the following cable- gram ;Istel February :-'8)th, from the C:tteautly Ilepartment: Charles Cameron, Canadian .;•out, died from enteric fever at Spriegfon- te1n. Next of kin, ft. G. Foster, 521 St. Petrack street, Montreal. A. Mlnmen, 8. A. C., dangerously 111 with pneumonia at Musarah. Next of i kin, Donal! Mlnren Dunlelth, N. W. T.; also It. Dorton Jackson, 8. A. C., ata EI tsi. f , .tela, mother, Mrs. Jack - n en, Morro [wine. Halifax. Theodore tioodntan, 8. A .C., -at Masurab, slater, Mrs. Doherty, Win- nipeg. A. W. Stouffer, 8. A. C., nett of kin, tether, It. Stouffer, Edmonton, N. W. T. CHICAGO HIT FOR REBS' RIOT. Must Pay About $1,500,000 for Mob's Work, WRECK DELAYS THE PRINCE Thr schuylklll River en the Rampage, - considerable Loom ut Property— , Water l'p 10 Itslswsy Cele Witte down -One Iiruwulu„ Chicago, March 1.—the C. it. Court of Appeals has affirmed the verdict In Judge Kohleaat'. court by which the Pennsylvania Road war award- ed $2,792 from the city of Chleago for damages to its property by rioter.. In the Debe• strike of 1894, The verdict was granted under the elute statute holding the city re- rponrlble for damage.. frow rioters. There are claim's aggregating Over 41,500,000 pending ngal„rt the city for Mileage.' growing out of this strike. All ut the taros which lutea been tried have been deckled udvereaay to the municipality, and It lute practically been admitted the city was liable. Drlaytug Prince Hrury. • Henry Portage,Pe. front Washrch ingtone 10 held here by a freight wreck sold to hove been tau viler west of here. 1t it ►udeflnite how lung i1 A will be held. Portage is near the summit of the Allegheny Mount - alas. sebuy (kill yet a her. Philadelphia. March 1.—What U said to twee been the greatest a flood ever experleneet along the 7 Bchuylklll River, cerculaly the moat m d)aastrous In recent years, tore Its way down that stream lust night and curly thlr morning, and from its •sour+co to Its ntoutlt-120 miles of —damage which relit reaeh into b PLoopiestKITCIIENER TELLS STORY OF KLERKSDORP DISASTER olio world came to !.tome. While Aor- tas, !Spate and the other t'uthd uountrlw of l:urohr have rent the Loopiest numbers, America 1e well re w preuteti by several bemired clergy anal luymeu of proms lueuce. Nuneruu Ounar•atulatury mewager reuchat the 1'utioaaif to -day, notably from foreign ruler. Thu Pupa looks remarkably well for a auto of kir extreme age, and the teuerable l'ontlff'r truly marvel ous vitality uud uulm►rllred meteor oooastou remark by all who eco hue. in spite of pereleteut and' npp•a eotiy well founded deulals Oust titer le any Imminent danger of the l'upu decease, the air is full of rpecul stlo and oppreheuetuu, ludlcuttug that hit aha is not courtdered far off. humors of Intrigue curl ;late -mak Mg, which It la imposelble to kee tram the uutrklo world, exude from every oretie. u( tow jealously guard ed Lauer preclncte of the Vatican. The Pope's cknteat attendant. la Nude hie tatthfui valet, Centro ; one chaplalu rued one ppnnlnor prolate, who constantly and tenderly gamed his nutterbtl comfort.. Hist mould are *erre) In Mr private apartment at 4 email table, at which none other, even A rrowneel !read, may at down. Ito feminluo hand terry tend or sJ,Otbs the august iaraRrl. It Is. worth notice that; out of ::8:1 occupants, of the chair of St. Peter, only five have retalnal It longer tb as Leo XIIi., tuolutllug the apostle Mtn - self. Since the reluru u( the Papacy from Avignon to Rome, ogly one Pon - 1111 has Ilveal to a greeter age, Pault! at IV., who die93. The record be- fore Avignon iv not always to ba de. vended upon, but Gregory IX. was almost 100 when he Bled. Y. British loss Totals 632 Men • and Two Guns. • The AtIatk Was a Most Determined One Driven 'Mf Twice, the Hoerr, Returned Attacking Rear and Centre, Stampeding flutes and Riding Down Separated !troops --Commandant Lrmmcrs Said to (cave Been KI1fPJ, r BATTLE WITH BUHCLAHS. Grocer Was a Good Shot and Winged Two,1 11 THREE WERE ARRESTED. Chicago, March; "—Iu :t brittle with hree robbers who attempted to hloroform him and his Clerk, 'Mg- tund Sowlesko, of 8,800 Bourton venue, !Went Chicago, early yeti - matey morning slot two of the en and knocked down a third. The battle was at Its height when the Boob Chicago police arrived and broke Into the place. alley found one the robbers uncomictoes, with n ultot wound in hie head, another PROMINENT MEN iN SPAIN'S CRISIS ii -L" 4 11If':f 4h 1 it'S74frin r r PREr%IER SAOASTA, OF SPAIN, Who Nes to Grapple With Great Riots in Several Cities+ CAPT.-GENERAL IVEVLER, OF SPAIN, Whose Capacity to Deal With Turbulent Molls Will be Tested. The three last were 18 of eaterb1 teeer - en l:ebraury P. tors, .lanInrt ('oarl.Nnrtirl, London, March ".—]h. Edward Cabral, molter of Batliot Coilier, Ox- ford. cense to the Times a letter aligned by many prominent members of Oxford University, such as the Rev. Andrew M. Fn►rbnir,t Print•tpal of Mansfield College, Oxford; the Rev. John It. Magrath, provost of Queen's' College. Oxford ; Dr. John Rhyl, t'rinetpal (f Jame College end pro- fessor of Celtic at Oxford, rind Ar thur Slitgarick. this Neuter in (drank at Oxford, wide!' gtvro expression to a feeling that is undoubtedly Increase log among the general public. 'Tote letter says: "We cannot help viewing with the gra scot nppreltenulon the prnctlre Which rretne to bo gaining ground in South African of executing some of the generals of the forces oppo,- eiTii► u t si 'isi the--ittrtgMent of a court-ntnrtlat, it may be tree that these generale violated the latest)! war. We .do not doubt that the court martial acted with the 111) belief that by it few. •exahnplary «entenccem they watld deter :ape Colont.te trout rebellion, or protect natives, or revere strict ndhealnn on the twit of our enemies to the Lowe of war. Nevertltele.s, we pleuro that the policy sn:ty Ixe reconrider- t'it. Our opponents nett their wylapa- -tittserr w4W hardly teatime la the competence or imup.'rtiality of n [transit court-martial, when de• vides. upon evidenrn of come tvit- rarwsms, dout,tla.s enliven, given while the country I. seething with the priesinne of war. Serb sentence.' cannot have the moral effect aimed, rot In the ndntltl•,trMion of pun:eh- ment, It Is probable that the men suffering them will be regarded as nrartyr.a and their memory eller- boiled for gr•ter:atl,nn, while there Ie p9 'lumedintn advantage which can weigh ngnlnst the dlellonorahl. impntntionn to wh.ch Obi policy la salmon mare to give ;to. "Therefore, we conlldnr It desire - hie that no mnpitnl nentenee on gen- eral* of the airmen tg fortes should tin intik'tral at ON pra.rnt Jafnc- (Me.., 'fir Pail tint) finza.tte gnemhmw the prtflatbrttty nf' ronfirlenee i.n n ennrt consisting of A colonel. n rap - rain and n nni,nitern. The veneerer nal F,mpre.c of Her - London. Mnreh 32.--11 le reported.1 many telebreted the 21ot anniver- bnt the story is not rorltirmef, that eery or their wedding. huint reds of thousands of dollars has been don/r, Michael Ipso!, age! 44 years, was ;frowned this morning In the kitchen of hta home at Falls of Schuylkill. The bright of the fl,o,l was reached at 6 o'clock tike morning! I rutntbiy the greutert sufferer 1s the Baltimore St t)h:o ltnllroad Com- pany. The wetting rooms in the main deport at 24th anti thestnut streets were three feet under water, and to the trnln attest' the water was an high no the wlmhrW. of passenger conches. In the vicinity of Arch end Callow - hill streets, eel Sanaa•mq brad Ihoe nn.i Lombard streets, south of Mar- ket, the water reached ubovr the first floor. of many dwellings. When dawn broke to -day the roma .long the river woe rine rtf denotation, There wee defamation to be seen on every wile, rant ne the water receded thick laym•s of mud awl piles of debris were left behind. Several tune rind bhrgee were left resting on wharves where -they lmrt 1irrttte•1- rinrtng the height of the floor THE POPE'S 92NDMOAT Pontifical Jubilee Celebratiai,. Heid Yesterday, $200,000 CROWN PRESEPIi ED HiM Rome, Mortal 2. --The moored college toralaty presseutet to Pope Loo lte oun- grttulntL,ns upon the attainment of htr Wad birthday, ,Cardinal Oregila, the dean of theaaored college, read a hong avocets, to which the Pontiff for- ,n.,hy replied. Monday will mark the ae I '24th 11nutvaraatry ,f Ilia eorouatton `rt f,rt, Un the rconeion of Lon X(Ii'm. Pon. tlfaonl Joh ten, which ons celebrates( to -tiny, enol wilt beeoratnued on Mon- iny. Carinal Reap!ghh the L'ope's lour -(,'neral, and President of the International oomndttre for the Julie floe festivities, prem. toel life ifoline m with at proems." trirearno (tri In 1 Crown; made of {toll, encrusted atitth Ohmmeter Anil relater, the value or which vereee,le 1,0(*0.00 lire ,QtLllu,- CalOa The Pope will mayor t51e trl- regno on Easter !Mediu during the , seMemn ocrmmony of thanksgiving to be rwlehrntn,i In Nin Peter's Foe the JnhdeeeeIebrntteNn headrest, of phgr,ots irom all parts of the Cara I shot through it leg--asd arm and the third carrying ou tttu fight itt tin darkness. - - 1 Shortly alter midnight Stanow- i ski woe awakener!. ire heur,l some- ) one walking mtealtltliy .across the room, rind he feared that he and Ida employer were to he attacked. With a cry be leaped frau bed. lite cull awakened Sowic,ku, who jump- ed to the floor, turd from a bureau drawer took a revolver. The robbers, knowing that their tntended vietiurr were awake, rua.lt- eti no them. tiuwieeku tire,!. The in- vaders returnetl the fire and the battle began. Lying on the floor to avoid the lwllete, the two facetious fired shot after shot. Sow►esko held at bay the throe men and ott+auow- saki scugltt shelter in one corner of the roans, ns he !tail no weapon. Trite only guide by w'hk tt to nim waw the flash of the tireerws, lett Sow- loako aimed well. Pie - ;Mooting_ was heard at thet &kith Ghkin`o jio�co'rZuTTi>o'Z'ip`( George Stabppy end' .tae detectives resited to the corner from which tilt ominal_cudue.-n1tt1_Cuuld theatheur the fight in lite grocery. Breuttug in the front dour, the detectives it -ere st,gaped IV It BL•telt of revol- vers. They (hula men the flash unit the reports e,'iroed through the room. Captain Shippy atom) at sero aide sod explainnel to the belilgercnte that t5., iuli,Ilug Wrtr glliiia1ej nisi that Pit of the-porttctpstrte-tn the ftght Were ander arrest. The fia•ittg rtup- l.et1 ami the rh'taxsti,es et reek n match and lit tint gas. On the floor they found the three allcgcal rob- ber... They were: Malkm, Edgar ; shot through the head ant/ found uncotoiciou*. Greesarnlvltch, Joseph (i.; shot thrvssgh right Mg and right nem. Flora, Phillip; brniset about face anti Axed, ter grazed by bulltft. In another part of the room and on the flour was Sewieeko, uninJurest Rterowrki wan behind shelter an,: terta abs. enhnrrned. The roohherm, with the exception of the one who was nnconecloue from hls wounds., offered reetstntlee when tlw, (K.ltrm arrival,- nth! heti to he eva•rpowrral. Their nmmnnition wen forme, however, and they crania not *boot. after the man Ileal Troll .nfeav pftr'M Ih the p itr.1 wagon the pollee mnde n 'rnrch for aslb•nen. The txit- (i' , plrtls t 11',1 with ehloroform, wan (011110 In n rorna'r of the room, and! Saa,wleskn's pillow war Still wet from 1t, Lon.:ou, March S, --Its it tle'apatoh from Pretoria dated to -day. Lord Kitchener tenets detain; of the dis- aster to oho escort of the convoy of empty wagons at Ye/minuet), W)uthwest ul Klerkedorp, Trans- vaal colony. The British casualties in kiIkxi, wounded and uton made prlrunere, reach the total of 632. In u.iultioa the Boers captured iwo guns. - Lieut. Uhl. Anderson. who corn'- tuttustvl the British force, and who Imo returned to Kraalpsur. CapsCol- uny. with nine officers and 245 men, reports that when hie nalvaaue guard woe within ten miles of Klerkr- dorp, during the morning of Feb. 25th, the jkx•rs opened A lieeve !011e Mire e. on the troops frau the scrub. The burghers were driven off ruvl the lotto) resumed its march, when a more aetcrngie.I attack was made tin the votive) '♦ left. (Intik, tho flotsam getting within a hundred yards, anti 1.i/impeding the melee harresved to 55 number 01 wagon's. The attackers were again drivers oft, .lt at"nt'6,1(J In the morulug, the rear guard Wall attacked by a strong Lorre of Poore and etwultaneoualy an- other holy of Doors baldly charged tltr ('enure of the cornea and stampeded the mules In all dir- ncttura, throwing the ereort into eun- fnaduu. -luring which the liners chttrg- et unit re -charged, riling down the sepxtrateat fietttsh unite. The fighting lasted for two hours. t�uring whish the two 1(rllleli guile and n pdrht pan almost txhaurtel the ouuuunition. A alelaehufmat of two uudreat mounted infantry front Klerk urp uttempteti to reinforce the Del h bet 1 were held in check by the t rm. Lieut. Co . Andorran adds that the strength of t • e Boers wits estimated at from 1.2(1) . 1.700. Commandants 1lriarey, Krmpw, Celllerr, Lemn(er, Weimar/tie and atgleter were all prart'nt, Commandant Lemm r 10 said to have been killed. REVOLUTION IN ITALY NIPPED IN THE BUD. Strike Involving Nearly a Million Men Failed. t Gigantic Socialist Plot Averts - - A Civil War Would nave Polfowei ere The Strlme Was to tlave Begun Last Friday, But Premature Action Spoiled the Plan ---Why the Government Called Up the keservlsts— 1 he Banger Not Yet Over. - London. March 2.—Tho world at soldier. under virtue. Then the riot- lnrgo hum been kept in Ignorance of r weer taken In hand Nerlously. The the tact that a eltil war—poeslbiy a lxtvnlry made use t wild charRcr, successful rePolutioa—in Italybaa anti "(X) mote. were badly hurt, rind at tenet 1,000 pervious arrested, moat of whom are still In prison. it wns a big Job, amt rugga•ats what might • helm heppeneal hurl the scenes In Turin been ;simultaneously enacted all over Italy. It le Inllaosatble to regard the serl- our situation In Italy anti the rtlll ggrreater outbreaks of violence at �'Prteste, •ftuchnrest arid Bar..etous as it mere coincidence. They oonrtltute ns, n whole an indication of the eco- nutohs condition of Europe, which it far more alarming thou Is generally Imagined. A decprttch to the Morning Leader from Rome sante' that an extraor- tUn'ary riot has occurred at Cassano, in Calabria. A mob who demanded the construction of rnitwnyu sacked and barna! the Tori Hall. The town noune)ltore fled fur their lives. The night. passed with the town in total aLarkaoes and with home's; bar - Headed. This morning troops arrived antl restore! order. The Rome rorrerondent of the Morning foot sends it long despatch to flint paper, renting between the lines of which, in the light of the situation In Italy, ham can.lderable lntereet. It rye that the decree etall- Ing reeerves to the colors ("rime ,lust 1n Time to ship it rtrlke; which word 5. veryyr euphemistic. The correspondent, hani- -peened--by • the centers -ship, rays- It le well Worth the Government's while to posy the 7.3,000 lire tinily entailed by tire eutionon)ag of, the reserve., for as week ago a Tattle rermat likely The correepalala„t points out that the 3ltSt,s League of Reelstarice Immr- dlnta•ly removed unit lila ei11 its pampers nal money for fear that the Minleter of the Interior might under the (engem to be diepadveal and Its prem- ise.. searched. Ile adds that this may yet be dont, beonuse the tact that the railway tern are now plaerlt ta4• agricultural u oI on a muitiry footta.g deprives them the country• • of the right to belong to any atom 1,1gha un /he '1 roleblr, dation r cognizing tiny discipline ex- cept that of the army. Thu eorre- t corresponden-i;-iv1i4;-1tf-ticthtatse-- rputadent - f} }n;, s epee the extraor. of the warning of the nuthorltie., Illnnry precautions which hnve been sent it telegram from the Owlets iron- taken to prraervn pubilc order, tier Friday night, rays: rs{,rclnlly the drrpatch of warships "Tho Central Commit wan to to onrtnuw )Norte, which more Nan have given the word for action on created it eenent!on. The correspond- lento ttntWhortat gey +etrwait a'Iw be- afraid tor weak !Lunt e4,.1. avl!apt so gun. The revolutionary plans were tar ex to ea 1 �` Nr of 7 "Tho era, who, 118. uI set b��y' the stupid haste of Signor of the ('ebrb'ro Della Sera, who, 1lks Storgatnt,'"TTn'" HuTilffiC"ili9tnty Tar "mem of ble eoliesswer.,, hoe heat his Turin, who, six days before the up- telegrams melted, writes that on pointed date, ordered a general sirlke Monday Leat nil the ahtps entering in that city. Title (vetted the rye. the harbor were Kettrelad for arms u( tlao Government, and by the tarsal war ms.tar5ai. If this Is truw proemial mobilisation of .the acorn li seems ne though the Government personnel of the railway system of hnl renin. Ca'tnnr K TAr(tlas onitTy the country, 110,000 mr•n, nal the onitmrnk." entlfttg to 4he eetorwu( lir reree,vlat■ JIe cunrltslre by enylssg that If n ut the ciarr.ot LST8, aumtterlug OOr res'olntt•unry modrmrnt rhonld hunk (1t1U men, two formtdeble blow -e ware oaf nicer Iw naw nearly 90,000 roan devnit at the revolutloulrts, under mor.' tiu►n Inst week nt the dl.ps,lnl which they aro atilt staggering. of !hn (lovernment to malntnln The tiuvr•rnmrnt next, by decree, dos- order. mired all the ehambere of labor and all .t1111 Ietgnaw Of re.i,laraae ; and to -'any the plotters are reduced to what the tovernmrnt hope* may prove to he permanent inaction," From all of whloh It may to cern that the Italian revolutionist.' are not made of very stern .tui(. • 1 hey showed . • 1./11, however, nt Tairin, Pest (het Impor- tant elty MU! pramtically In the hands of the mob from &,tnrday morning to Mon isy night'. letting the perliel an Imma•n.e nteonnt of damage wits door to property. The trouble began with ,a general ,trikr of gas worker's. Other trndcm Joined nut rind Lha howling mob of from 1.�.- 000 to 20.000 men null dolmen. with Murgant et Its heal, paraded the Fawned Better, St Lem.. most pre- .trod., overturning tram pare, tamp minent fremoeratie politician. ham pout., aryl rserringes, end' *meshing been indicted by the February grand windows and plunging shops. Troop* fir,; far nttrmptM helices in eon- were' hnrrlel into the city, lentil hr neetlon with thw elty gerbege re - Monday afternoon there were 213,(X..1 duction contract. been escaped by the narrowest mar- gin in tiro last few days. The only news sent abroad bas been of the mobilization of nearly 200,000 troop : ent aseump- ttuu of control on all the railroad.. In serdef to avert a naticnel--.hike ut retiroud employees. Tits far greater truth .was supprersed,part- ly by the censorship acid partly, by official intimation.. to furclgu cor- respondents that the trunswltriuu 1,f alarmist report.. would be fol. wowed by severe dlecipboary wea- ✓ ules. Italy it in lite presort, of u Su- cluJiet plot of enormous proportions. Tie Socialist lea/Jere base wtthia a year organized all the papular forces of tlw cuuutry, while the Uusera- ;neut, etrrurgedy' enough, her rot at- tewptod any interferetwse, being up-.. parceliy 1g,uoruut of the real ul,- j.r:tr w the wover:at. A chamber of labor was created iu eaury ,town, nal u great cumber of leaguer of eyelet:time. Ludt Blurb of wurkw_•u nus Ito longue, and encu league ut,eyer the tocol Ciiuwbar• Nearly' eh the worker '1u -Maly -awl u largo prupurttut of the agriculter- rats acro graodnnNy carolled, - unto tato leagues themrelses numbered Lien tlrouetuel. . u til the total utem- ucrchip, more than 1,000,t1U0. Thu whole of this togpnlzation it under the control of u central committee au nous', which is arslually. the par- liamentary tSucialirt body. This gs'utup guwed such ytrongth that it war within t ,s power to sc'ttd 1,000,- 001/ naso tato open revolt, and to pare')re in 24 hours the industrial, commercial, t Ut NOT SETTI-I'I) VET K. 0. T. 31. Dersullrr 31a) have to Marr ('oust. Port lemon. Mich., March 2.—There M a movement on foot to secure the. arrant of 1'. 1). Thompson, the defaulting flnnnee keeper of the Su- preme Tamt, K.o.T.M., although an - der no circumstances will the Sd- premr•, Tent offirnte n.k for the wer- rnnt. The expert employed to sack Into Thompson.'. Aeeonnlu has (mind a deffeirncv of 624.0810, while Phnmp- rrm inn mnnfscnma,t to a defielt of 11•r,7,000,