HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-6, Page 5[pillss a' ., THE SIGNAL : GODERICH''ONTARIO. W. Acheson&Son OARPArTS, LINOLEUMS CURTAINS I NEW Spring Goods in patterns that are being shown for the first time in Goderich. We invite your inspection before best patterns are p Aced over. As to value, we have never shown new up-to-d,.te goods that represented such good values. Scotch Linoleums. 600 Douala yards of Ncoto6 L:nol.uoe 9 yards wide. A well a..orted range •f new doral bleak and the designs, ea sxera heavy quality for hall., kn.:bene dinfag• theme, oto., *pedal value at per square yard. 37 1-2c1 English Tapestry Carpets. A complete ranee of 2 of the moat popular a,akes. T. designs and coterie', are especially offer c ve, 101141,4. for any room orb•B, splendid value, per yard, tee . 50c • English Axminster Carpets. A lugs shipment of oew gooda lost removed ,howler the latest and beet 1, popular affects for the .prior tenon. beautiful ouloAOgu ,a grace, rose, blue, minium and Devotee, special value per yard, t at. $1.15 New English Wool Carpets 3b Inches wide, new lith -Close Dmigne is 6.realier. The lllustra►loos looted* aao6hor a the popular double popes of o.11us. sorb -1hla ►Ise " A6 Her Fun and :u Il •e Mous." By The Curti. Psbll.blo, Cum poor, Phll.d.lphla. O,. doi:.r a visor; ton 0.06. • copy. Ninth/DIST MAUAZINL AeD REVIEW roe limieu.-Oar* of the OHM Ieterettiin articles in lbl. number 1s that by 7..U. James, M. A , Deputy Min, of Agntu' tun, Ontario, on "The Irish Palatines," nihb porIrala. This le a story of unique Wetter, oon0.ollgg CLaadt.o &Jetbodism with Ins perseoutlag ware of Louts XIV. Ito outline of Sir 1 1wla Araold's new poem 4,w the drat olroumoarlgatlon of Afriva, with gee oversewn, s iwe strtktog , lustrattons of the " Urged (',nyoo of Amon," and plotters* and starches of the " Bleck Ile1,, are presented. 0i much lateral/ .e the pees et tempera0oe oriels le the Illa.tr•ted so coma of Lady Healy 8,oerset'e 5004• experiments to England. and a review o current lsgulation. " The pathos .r Humor vi Minion Life," by the Her J. C Mummer, end "Medoel Miscue Work in Cbio.," by Dr. 0 L K•looro, hay. au ace p0Htenees to menu/shin with the gnat ole mon convention to Toront. The story of Henry nroedhnr,t, the worklog melon who utered (Redstone'. Uoverom.,1, reads I,.e • romance. An E...r flavor is elven the umber by Labelle Horton'* esgalelte Suter tory, and by 1 fine };..t.r poewts. Prlootp.l Maggs write* strongly on "The word of the Lord Still Kdged," sod ('tan allot tier on "College Problems." Torobso: Wlltt►m Brlgg'c. Montreal: (, W. Coates Hsl,faz : 8 F. Homo&. $2 00 a year ; 11 00 ter six months. d 0 a crimsons, blue, green, browns, suitable for dtolog room., mored .come. halo, eto, very "p•olal Yalue, .t per yard 50, 65 and 75c cneson do Son. COUNTY CURRENCY. Sterility Chas. Pe*(ound, eon of Hoe Peatouod, or Stanley, had the oileforton to break his leg while working to the beta W tog8am : J. H. Gordon, formerly U. T K. agent here and cow at Woodstock, b bo promoted to the position of unit a Lo,don. Ethel • Dr, McDonald, MI' hat recom- mended Ib• appointm.at of Min Ketiecoa Spence se pwtm!alrese at Ethel and the now will be vaunted *bottler' Morro : Lae: week H. It Al000k, 6th hoe, purchased the one hui,dred mires op poe,te h:e farm, being Ni lot 15, u m. 7, from J... Seale, of Clinton, The price paid was $2 300. Morro : On Monday, hebruory 24, Jar.. W ,slum Dark, 11 miles south of Brunel., woe o.11ed away to bar reward, *gel torts six veers. Poeamnnl. *u the Dause of her deosese. Her maiden name war Maggie A Carter. BOOKS ANO PERIODICALS ry Tile Melo n �,'RIBVIR V - Ycribner's e Magazine fur hlarob beglos •0other of Ho . Important features for the current year - the remmisoeooes of Daniel ('. Utimao, *6o u beim Lisbon": Wo notice the death of Guru Oedtso1,, at the reeldenoe of ►,e eon in Park dale, near Toronto, oo Saturday. 22nd alt, at the .go of eighty -.Ares yeses. Mr lied bolt was an old int rer,aeted residue of the township o1 Cabmen'. and the remains Der. tweeted la that towaeblp on the fol lowing Meaday, Tookeremith : Will am Ct.p nso• of Tackeremth, says that forty three years ego farmers were busily engage, .i mettle' m.ple 5011r oo the 3•d of Merritt and had a splendid run of sap. The same year • good meoy wen eu•y see tog about lbs latterl Part of M.rob, bet there war some w►y wet, unpleasant weather after that. prey : Wrlll.m Toy/or. 16'h coo , has parob.eed . 100 nae farm three miles south el Clinton, le Stanley tows.bve, from Mrs. W Scott. He will remove, with hie family, to bot new home about the middle of March. Owing to the i,-jary received lest summer Mr. Taylor 1111 n t crop the farm very te•vriy het will ere sa_1oz •task gr.z o)(.o as to 1tso ism work. ter twenty five years was president of Job. Hopkona Uutyerslty. President Ullman. muted a now type of University la Americo, and one which has proved It. the ogee by the greet number o 1 scholars and distinguished men 'both it hoe already pro. duped tor Its Brut methods of study. Bullard Harding Dame makes a new de. peewee m b•61*0.od dew I1 with the bee rumour. He toll, Lbs dramatic blolraphy of • 6.11 terrier. Iron the point of view of the dog. Mr. Vended', unto: rye by ter• toles on aha "Comoerc,al Lawton.' and there :s also .a utlole by Brooke Adams entitled "War and Eoonomlo Competltloo The *bort stories '0alud. . tole of a *toter storm co the Great L.k,. ha amumug Adiroodock story ; end • tale o/ sentiment smiled " A Bridal Memory," There aro other IOtsreetlog feal.lee, and artlsecally tee numbs a miry beautiful. A PERMANENT CURE. a Platlaville lis Cored .I a Vers Severe tau Veer Veen Ase. Pletten,l., Oat., Mange 3rd,-(9peoial ) -Mrs. J. Berneit, whose nmvk.ble case hoe been reported in ovarly every oa'e.papar to Caoad., e1311 continues to rood health, le the sprlag of 1898 she *u a pbysioal wreck and a few weeks' treatment of Dodd'a Kidney Pills made bar • well woman. Many people then haltered that her too provemmt was only temporary but ail such bare now been slieooed for ohs a today In the thankful enjoyment of op'eodid health. Her former symptoms hays been described es Winos :- Nervousness. rheumatism la the We arm, los I 1 oolum0, and book of the head through 1h. 'nee, tee left skis of the body and 01oasio0• ally the right et,4• as welt, .o appetite and ooald not .l-ap at night." Dodd'• Kidney 1',IL cured her. t i•` 0 4,h* emll of 4,D. book ace the spinal A LifsluoY CURIOSITY. -A very marinas hi -literal tuner at,-ob h.. been dom.-mod t v tire Gallup tu„o,og through the drat rdiIcon. of B.or,a'. works, ha. emoted .id. interest ,n the liters, y woad Thu c phot comma of ties will of 'ire wrong toot letters at Intetvale, oomhleat,rn+ of thee. two let, tore le groups of bye constituting .o mph". bet. Toes. replt,ttooa of • wrong•foo► lee. ter mono: have hems matters ef (demure. lebether placed tbere by Lord Boon or by the ptinter re:nloe to doubt. If Oy the liter, they y re!n e e wonderful ipotence __ the the try otcQueen Etixabet6'e marriage to .0toutor w ob both were coo fined In the rower prior to title (Anne so- oserlon ; the birth of two isms, of whom Lord Beech was the elder, the Earl of Es- esc the other. or Boon ooneldered 6,m - self the heir to the throat, of England. The i bi-!intral cipher furth<r till. 16.4, (»,eon' l0 zate'h cocdemoed her awn 5o•, the Earl of Fseex, to death. The Cosmopolhao for mete coni.!.. me •photo by Prof. Garrett '. Seryies rally reviewing this rem•rk•ble meanie -1f it le concluded to hays 8.., lt- erted by 14, a printer -or tragedy It lamereed y Lord Ba000. As6detd : T0e friends and scrguai0'aooe.r of Walter Hackett will regret to learn of hie death, wt.uh occurred In Alberta on o t Janoaty 10'.h. Although he 8.4 been •iliei for emu time, re bre• hie illness with p•t1eeNy •.3 0•Imoeu, and whoa death Dam* it war 1 peseelsl end quiet motive to a Christian lit.. He was the only brother of Jame Hackett, of A.hfi.I4, an 1 wee for v oany von .resident of this tnweshtp, hue fi for Immo years past had made his home fa 1' Alberta. He 1 wile, tour sons sod l R three daughters to mourn 4h-'- ' Lamle' "Iowa JOna4At.-'rte Mayan number of The laltea' Home Journal is as dmlrable example of a real "home' egezioe. Flom the beautiful cover to the ery last page It m replete with dellghtlul otic• and l,t*resting "Wolin. The DOm- er opens settle the aoiges story of " The •1400 Who Ruled New Fork Society," by ',Blom Perrino, and the, comes h real eat, another " Lady or the 'flan. " story, t Y the eame Steckro, who Nave es that re it arkebte tale of aleatory. Tbtl one is • ailed " My 1111100n Hunt " Mettle Blare • hen Oulu" a settee o1 0neea.4 articles bout birde and their "personalities," and y The Domini*" tell. an am,si0g gory of e taunter In la E tr /lees& Maurer Wert a Arerlra. b The "Highlands of Ontario." C...4., are o oo eidtred 16e moat oharmjnv pl•oe for o summer omelets on the, nor: neer A thou. • mead lest above see level, puree( of air oo filer or murquilnes, poturestue roomed. h, Inge, mew modern hotel., good rail and steamboat serylee, pollee immunity from hey favor I. Hulett and pleasure to all situ g, the,.. Fell information and handsome', dO.onptige literature, giving Het of hotels, rates aro' all particulars, may be bad free en appliesrioo to M. C. [6.8..., Puemeger Ague, MHOS Station, Toronto PORTER'S HILL. Moe DAT, Feta 2411. iv 111 Beatty, of Ssaforth, span; lag 8.a• day .t Wm. Elliott',. Mtn Lizzie 01,dd•re, of Leeburn, Is ilei. Ing relatives to this vicinity. Mite Jarelme, of Kinoerdine, le the goe,t of heir friend, M•.. Amy C... Miss Leggit. of Pittsburg Pa., is v:sitj,lg her aunt, ears dna 'lorre,.ce MIS. Stark, of Woodstock. le the guest of her sister, Mrs. U W Potter. Mr. Johnston, of (;alt, is risking at the residence of h•. fatheriu•law, Jno Pickard, Mir Kate McDougall gave an (Motor 1sp- Der to some of bee youthful frisad* on Thursday .wOlog. Fred Pickard waists a good droop mac for aha summer and has secur, 4 the meows of Douglas %1otougal Cur is Luerssen he moved from the 6 b end is now occupying Jnm. Yuuov ' • house on the gat line. 51 Lawra.00 bar Dor. °booed a Italicise machine and will do knit Ong cheap. _ REMARKABLE TESTIMONIAL• MacLeod Med ieine /'e. _ . Uodertch, Ontar(o. _. J M. MAcLgop, Dx.h ole, -A grateful heal prompts are 'u Rieke the foltow,pg eta emeut. I feel that 1 would be doom a, 18401 ,o* 'l 1 did not write you •,tatemeot of my cafe. At fiat 1 nfered with dy'pepeia, which to tome resulted la my not Nylon .hl. to ,*urn any solid food on my stomach for eemeral years As time wore oa 1 began to grow weak, and to make my condi* on worse bad several hemorrhages from .romach, which Jmos t ended my life. I succeeded to gas. jog a little stronger, bat neversteless thv needful di dropsy rapidly made Its ppearer.ce in all Its went forms. Heins ware of the wonderful cares of dropsy made by your remedies. I at once wrote fu, our Hermon'', and Immediately received earns per •:preen, with loll dlreotte's. The ret dose gave testant relesf, and after eon. inaiog the mode ire for ogiy a short time, 6l stone of drops. di .4,6 two 0011i• yastos.. " H a Mother" is a Lemmata t .tory by Kate Whhing fetch, sad the • fourth part of " 1'h. Russell" in Cnleage" • *hows m some more of tee old nustnm. Rod T ohareoteelstlok of the "Windy City." Th. 9 special feature of the editorial section 1s t tfr. Horatio:. W. Mabli a Ant •• L'terary Tait." Tam talks will appear monthly r am now njoy,og totter both) than for many years his medullae also brcugbt sway a large uantity of gall stones which omitted ate, ease pato. 1 .m yours, etc, Mats. A. E, Sura. Windsor, Ontario, 24:4 Feb, 1902 POR THE CiIRuN AFTER MEASLES AND SCARJLE1\FEVER IT MAKES PUNY CHILDREN STRONG AND ROBUST Angler*'Petroleum Emulsion, physicians say, is the best remedy pr all sorts of Wasting Diseases of children. The little ones take it, and like it. It agrees with thcir stomachs and has practically no taste, and no (Abr. Besides it has a pleasant, soothing, healing and cleansing action on the stomach and bowels. After measles or scarlet fever a tonic is Dgcessary, and T118 ONLY ONE. The man who says that all pa- tent medicines are worthless la a fool. For Lr. Hall's ltheumlatio Cure has 0o equal. W. C. Switzer, Har- rowwolith, 0., suffered with sciatic th.umatisn for tan years. Be tried every known remedy' recommended for t6e ours of rheum/tame without Obtaining relief. Six bottle* Of Dr. Ha11'e completely cured him. This great blood purifier is put up in bottle* eontaining ten days' treat- ment. Price 60 cent& at all drug store* or The Dr. Hall 11iNHaiw Co., Kingston, One. nLLLEVALk. Trast,Ay. Feb. 5.8. Robert Wont' hu beau quite 111 durlor the past week. Mw Nellie Wolfe visited blend. in Win/thaw lame week. Mrs. Alex. Klee, of W loahtm, Malted Mrs. Collie teat week. MI.e Mabel Coultea was visiting Mire Ethel Kolrht at Kepley lost week. Mrs. James Aitchison and Mise Annie Altobl,00 visited in Dementia ob Monday. Min Maggie Meltooagb, of Wlogbam, visited her trteod, Min Angle Herbert, 1161. week. lore's Fraser, of Turob.rry, was visiting Mrs. Geo. MODoneld • Lew days tact week. Mires May mid Maggie Kola, of Broom- field, were vjsltiog their uncle, Hugh Rote, Imo week. Mr and Mrs. M. H Elliott and childnc, el W'mv6•m, malted at H. N. Duff" lss1 Wedo.sday. Mr. and /gm Wm, Coffman, of 'krystel edy, Maoltoba, matted fiImola is bogie Mussels last week. flare a number of your*,peop'o ap.a a very enjoyable time at the resid.nok Hugh Roes last 1'hsredsy emoting Are Tow Nat t All amanitas le not curable, but dee6.re ante that ninety per cent, of l*palr 4 hear. log Is doe l.f.mma ion of the kuetsottien tutus, and eau to ,rated with certainty of themes by Cetarrhezoae, which gives instant '*lief to catarrh ,n any part of the sya1.m. (:atetrncczaoe is extreme p pleaesat ..d simple to e*y and rod from any form of deaf.ou are advised to uta it. Tboas.odo of cues ere 0m record where Cattaubozone has perf.otly restored tort beano,, and *that It lebe done for ethers 1t oa. do for you. Proops. Cotarrhosece from Druggist. Price ill, small size 2511, or be duel Irmo the Merry, 1Loklls and eosin from WHIM Welter", Hick and Yale were muob .o ysd. Aho,t•tbor lbs program was ace of lbs beat over placed iMere a R. B. .Smith 13.um:ller a aleuer, end .0 brought to a Store. close by the lramopbose tonging "tied Sue 86. Keg ■ew a Sprain •ee. Mari! Bat It 14,1'4, 4h. pais •lune that a Mended, 10.4 tblek of the lou of tint. sod wages. `Sprain* without *umber bevel bees gated by rubbing Pul.o,. Ner,iGu0 well into the Puree of the skin surrouodlog the joint. No matter whether le 14 a sprained wrist, ankle, knee or book, jest try Marmite" ow it, sud see how goioaly it will Dore. There is only gee Oatmeal that oats W depended Upon to our* *Oralae, strains and ses111nee, and that m Pul.oa•. Nery,lloe Large bottle Mums s. The Wtua6.m chow will be hold o0 Jan. 24 h hod 25 h, hod not on July 16th sad 1'1'6, as previously aanouooed. Rheumatism.. Tu usoar, Mar. 6, 1902 (*j CK I M' S Jordan Block. NEW 000DS / French Zephyrs. 811(.00 palters. of the newoet and moot stylish French Zephyrs 10 all the latest oolortog, of fancy stripe", m.roeriz.d dumb, as 203, 250, 3Do na4 400 per yard. Prints. Our stook of Priam Is very complete, all orlon., bo to 12i) per yard. Our apeolel a► 100 le the beee value we ever bad, eve. when Cotton Gude were at 1641, lowest, and we have 50 patterns to oboe.* from. Sateens. la Uric Acid In the blood. Hay, you goes those new Meroorlrwd Unhealthy kidney* are tie 8sbe.,o 61 pretty w *ay silk and sol half cause of the acid below the prices ' there. If the kidn.y..eya 4. they should the would strain the Uric they 001 of aha system and rheuma- tism wouldn't occur. Rheu- matism is a Kidney DI► ease" Dodd's Kidney Pail. have made a great part of their reputation et A Great Snap. Rheumatism. So `et at the ono. of those fearful _ Is our Ulnver Soap, at 50, a pound, of which we sell a barrel a week. This isn't our only soap, as we carry syerythlag that oan be found In an 1111 - to -date grouory *ton, and our prior are right. The fanners know that they 080 always get from are • snap for their produce. We draw the line at so legitimate trade - everythlug goes : ULesware or potatoes, garden stud in oholoset table China. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO Bedford block, Gsd.rloh Silks. W. *meld like to .hew ye. our Now 6118., We hare • very sp.oial Lae for wanks, at per yard Cambric. Our English Uambolo, Lonsdale Utak, tee 84. le • woodier. Yea would b. *Wag to pay al keel 104 for it, Flannelette. Two specials at 80 sad 12{1 Tiny are regular 10o and Iso Flana.i.Ne* One geed vides .e these prime. We get • burials and per tome ea to yen •e a. Reed 1244, OLOTHING BARGAIN$, M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. shooting pains and stngg aching joints. Then la but one mire way- odd's idney Pills '. 190H _____ 11902 (` 1i (7 v � � (fol. www' Rfrter Isrr begfw Jaa. your malt from N. a Pulses d: Co., Kbga•a, Ont. LF0 1- � BENMILLER• Moiruer, March 3rd, CON vrNTI0N. -Thu union OmneSOtloa o/ ,h. llethodut and J.:v*0geh01i obarabrs of the townsh.p of C4,/bores held at Zion Methodist ohurob wee meet suooes.ful. The weather was most propitious and a very large cumber artood.4. !'n• paper. were of a very high orate of excellence. John 1r mow, ewteg to family *IllKarioe, ooald pot be present. Hi* topic emu ably taken by A. Millian. Mr. Rollie war absent on 0coo oat of ter M (.mea t. The question ,floe drawer wee ebly ooeduored by Rev, Roobard Hattie. of Wisgham. Tb* addressee b Key J, C. Mnrlook, of D.shwood, •n•4 Ns. A Hobbs, of W mrh•m. were able, elrqu sad spinta.: 7 be Er.oglioal, R-omill.g Bethel acd Z on .6o,re and the Alit, tri rye04.red vera .ffiolepr. mule nye. J. O Rare, of the }:v.ugeloal church, preached a most aopropi is . and mammal sermon o0 Sunday even4og from Eocla., 12:1, Wm, 4tetees.uoo.d, Chs., Treble as pro:ideal of the wociaLLun- Voted of thanks were auetdert the er ether, and the trtmde nitro ai kindly aol ubersily entertained the con ve0tion l'he coove0liop Is to be hold to Reomuler cert yes.. with 6pr rates are sea ecru►Ir our eau and the Fight La Grippe Who i', there that has not proved it so There are more physical wrecks to -day through e fooling with a cold than from any other cause under the sun. iJwanta GRIPPE CCCCapsule 080Tita SI'ri'aa. -TIM mutul tapper sad eatertalomvut of L 4 i B eo.tapte, No. 224, 8 U, E. war bid i, OledhiL'e ball o, Tuesday erector, February 251h, and w.. ohs moot.uooee.ful jn the hutnry of the lodge, there being a large turnout of mem ben and their f.mihe.. After doing Mediu to the bivalves and other deli/mdse. which by the way were evidence that the ladies' of Beautifier o1n,nt be excelled to mutton* out • good spread, the assembly wry celled to order by the president, Jae Jewell, when Harry-Morrl, WWI oalled to the oheir sed the program proceeded with. The o6.ir- mea's adders., together with the way he oonduoted the eotsrt.imneot,proved him to be qui • o.p.ble of lillirg that position. Amon, the principal attractions of the ay.0erg were the Nits orchestra, am awl by 11enmdler, welch played several talwtioo. kat were enjoyed by everyone, and Ward Medhdte 1r•mopIone, which is the larv..t and test we have ever had .he pleasure of listening to, and proved • gnat treat to all Willtam Wakefield, of Liverpool lodge, d.• livered an ad4r.,. to .hloh he gsys •a e0- oeat1gla1 report of the pregrsve made by tbie lodge. Bro, Hick in a neat .*dress which wan fall of patriotism expatiated largely on the feat that the brethren, beth Canadian born Rad from the old land, were true to the prtnolploa of Imperialism. A " Good wares make quick markets." Threctimesasmany pairs sold in 1200 as in 1896. The value of the first pair, Like the \talu , of the last, stamped on the sole by the Makers • "The Slater Shoe,'is) SKATES SHARPENED IN t 6a uu JF . ) y 'LATEST APPROVED STYLE _. _ j hd� `f vdeey►drwllNtt' LEE SgEPBdBD, _ 1Ym. Sharman, Jr. •Sole Local Agent. GADF.ItICH. CEO. is by far the hent, because it not only promotes a healthy appetite, aids digestion, and a THOMSON_ SON' ItAICH lungs. anC.d1I jiSli$t s SEEDS. SEEDS! -- builds up the child's health and strength, but it also soothes the.lu - tifnsic end Merle Dealer, (iOD, relieving the cough, which is such a frequent symptom, and preventing lung complications. ' For scrofulous children it is certainly without an equal in promoting nutrition and building S Oats up sound healthy tissue. it is also used very largely by the medical profession for wasting bowel disorders, whether tubercular or fermentative. Island, soothing, healing and mixing Seed Barky , 0 4e treatment doesn't fool with a cold for a minute -It at- tacks the " root of the evil "--kills the cause and prevents grippe, catarrh, consumption, nervous dis- orders and general debility. Don't be vrithout Uwanta Capsules, 11 your druggist hasn't got 1t, enclose n cents for • box direct to UWAMTA M'rG CO.. gena.. Ottawa. Oat. 1 ret stud thorough and practical, roes p al. �Itsad for our Journal'and see what weo 00 01 of etude. enter ea any time. Two oogMte of etude, CommeroW and shorthand 0. A.'LEMIINNG, A. L. McINTYHU, Pres, Owen Sousl. t lmowl, Seo Jr*all Reset 8O ' ns Massillon - Tho beat Soft Cul IS ' • market for domestic purpose., also &S rat -en Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING ALL COAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SCALES. Sosrolty of oars 1a likely to ,Ault a coal far ta. during the nut two monthb, would thereto,. advise purchase of your Coal Dow. Wm. Campbell. Goderioh, Noe. 13th 1901 Before �-- Buying . see our line f of - 1� HEATERS and�� RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. }:very Stove t AaMntedt. Clothing 1 have put into stook •lute of heady -trade Clothing of Ant class manufacture, and at prices 10 suit the times. Ordered Clothing le still my specialty. A good range of clothe to select from ; and workmanship the best to be had. If you treed an overcoat:this fall call and WO me. A number of lengths of piece goods to be cleared out at oust, 11. DUNLOP. woos .el 11citnlop Estee* Fire Issuance Ca FARM AND IHOLATRD TOWN PROP- ERTY INSOKnD, 1901 lue of Property Wowed up to Janssen'. et.trss rmisb orvecaa. AND DIRE TOlts. J. B. Medusa. pre". ; T. Fraser, sloe -pros,: Jos. Connolly, (5. Della. W. 0. 1'ireadtoo4 J. Watt, Jac !vans, J. 0. Orleve, J. Baanewe e, directory; W. 0. 8roadfon, Seafood. Meyer ter of losses ; T. 11. Hays, Beatorth, a*o.wtary. treasurer. Au INT*, J. W. Yeo, Holmeevdle; James Cumming Sgntond,llle; !t. MoMilleM 8..f.rtb ; Smith, Harlook. Policy holders oto pay araruan1. and Ira their cords r.oelpted at Mr. Co.,'. Clluto., oe at McLean Brae.' Palau Clotb/ag More, (iede rich MiU Wood FOR SALE The above ie cat into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders reoeived by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, receive prowpb atieenljjpp, 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Ouderic6, November 21st, 1898, 53 -dr J.BROP &ZON - THE LEADING - e\ D�reetort;atrrJ. Y�. nom\mere. Orden e-aref*lls"aaeaded M Y all bean, alien or day, it settee Serw.a, OJIR 13'ieiness has grown to such dimensions that we have decided to move to larger premiss., and will in consequence offer our whole stook of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, ,° Music, Sewing Machines, &c. at Genuine Bargain Prices until the 15th Feb., 1802. Remember, this is a Genuine Bargain Sale, and the chance is one you may never meet again. 1 with milk. It i4 without doubt the very best remedy for such diseases. INTrgTIRAI. CATAn6a: - Am glad /o .ray a good mord f;r Anglers Petroleum Emulr/on, n/d nnl Ae tui/hon/ 11 nj/er >vtrr etperi.nee with it. / prescriAe ie id frits of Intestina/ Catarrh with most Ja/i.rfaclor renal/.... .4 ease of %ulk•rc*lnst} is now berg treated most satirfac- ll gorily with it, and / know of one Lase of most obs/ixate Catarrh cured by it. FRANCIS W. W/lEEL_ER, M. D., Los Angeles, Calif, •ts*tSIitT'A DUOLLOV:-! ha/e used Angiers Petroleum Emulsion in myprar/ire, in Prov/- denee. far afoot sigh/ year... in constenrp/io,r and in building up eases of Bright's /)r:reuse after dropsy and a/hrroarn roar allgnne, with kr eat snrre.u. / have one roan who Will .7.4.1l rip hp his do(tors tui(h /bight'.sDisease and Consumption. / used .1'rgiershum/sum for 1,1, /11040 d:r.'sJ,' and hove rued it in hundreds of rases moth great succus. K. Al. DELANO, M.D., Providexet, Rhode Island. f \ Dukititt3OEA1-For Mt last six yearn / have been unix•(. Aneier's Petroleum /sn,utrinn, and _ ihd it to be palatable and rradi/y rrtairrr,/ Ay the Norm. b. 11 /or.rases appetite and giver vigor to the digestive organ... /fir very heating i;' i, fla,nme,( 4411,, our mernbranr.r, and it an efjirhve n�rNt in rrlirvin,P /'nntrhronta, AMh aewte sad chr,nr.c. /II of rneljfent and advanced stages of (on.tnn,ption, / depend totem it to accomplish all that anything tan. 1er my own family / hat)*noted with ('ets(.racirfaction /he immediate and rata improvement Ver requent herorr -44.,, when treated with this tweedy. ,74,. C,R/•F.F/ / /„ Af,/).. I-tows/one, Y. All dr.ggrete men Angler's Petroleum' Resul,ktn. ow, tire* !,(1 cent. *0d $1.00 • Mitre. 41 erre you god 4640165'5. YO(J!t NAM; AND A/WWI/PHI on a postal cord wilt bring you a free copy nf • vdu.Me how,k*t emitted, "snotty y SOAT AND 1118014." It Mho bur hte rare ter 4,M Twee, 1-1105. and O0Se5tive organ.. ft ',NoeN gond 'd,..af w Myriam. Ys. ILerenes, *Irks are 1Rrratrg014. Seed Corn Timothy. and Clover Bug -proof Peas A ton of choice seed Mangels and all other groin from the hest growers for farm and girder), Largest Stock in the County. A Targe variety of Feed Oats and Corn on hand. Goods dolicernl promptly to any part of the town. HELLO ! __ - THE OLD - RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TRR *454T crap I0ll or Caal (`t TICK_ MARRY. WANT A STEP.LADDER? We give dne away with each pound of Pure ('ream Baking Powder purchased from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone wort,h the price. Try a package of our Hop Tett--not a medicine, but a care- fully 'elected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a scientific manner with specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have • fnl Eater.. rtment. rtlephone No. `11 syrvR=Yw dr, CC% THE (GROCERS. ■**�`u ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR All Where 1N (hs for a trm.on the artat tL•lw. p..r oD1� ;SYSTEM , RENOVATOR. A. J. Cooper, flsmiltas GGG 444LLLE iJ a Street... win. wM LEE A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IM PURESEEDS / SEEDS lod..8le1get.0 ally etteii;,e;IER CHEMICAL COMPANYt BOSTON, MAS- BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J, M: MacLEOD, Oodrarich, Ont.