HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-6, Page 44 THURSDAY, Mar. 6, 1902. THE SIGNAL: GODERIUH ONTARIO Our New Clothing - For Men, Youths and Boge is so Lan;Lotne, ito -right up to the minute, to sly!e aid eo Knoll in very way that ego cannot cert until we herald the tiditig',' to you and to every other man interested iu Good C other. D^n't think for a minute that our Clothing ie like the ordinary, ready - melee (except in the cheap grader), ours hay been wade to our Special r.. C):der and can be compered ouly to high -elate merchant tailor productions, me - i xceptiug in price,. Fine importerd d► Tweesla and Worrtedr aro used and 41"-- wade ►wade by ertista SEE THEM' toe- Msd►- 0- ir 4110.- AD" - NEW YORK HATS JUST ARR/VED 1 1f you want the Nobblert Hats you will have to get them from us We Lea,) in 11 tee W. Ce PRIDHAM, Perfect lootucg Clot/rive House, IdcLea.'a Ulo.k. CLOTHIER AND FL'itNIiHER alt . cfignat, le Cum.:solo EVERY TIIURSDAY MORNING DT a. IIeG0Weia�T DODXRICH. THURSDAY.. MAIL 11,, NIL SNAP SHOTS- -The HOTS-The Senate ie still doing business at the! old statin, and hut{ very far from the road u(d way. -The o .r "devil.' says the t going to the Pres. Association has had a ba4 effect on the ho.,e h ha. made P. P.A. at m WHAT OTHERS Aitc SAYING. tl R. aI 'TON'S LUCK. Montreal Herald : t1 h -o Mr. Siftoo enter. on a cemp.tsn ha goes into it wtta his wbole heart -ant geusral;y come. oat Of It with a wbo'e VI's IS caczL Toronto Telegram : Li Um Major ilattde is to hays cbatgs of Hat srraoCem.1ts tot receiving Pri.ca Henry at /be. .eedi.oand of the tiuspe..ton R -L I,., might contemn Fah.to go over the F.. is a barrel fee the e1.• d:slog o1 Cen.de.'s Loral Bast. Telt GIRLS clpunT QN. I Blyth Standard : Three week, .IX' we of tenet i S.d rt' r ! I s •o d tar it, Year to Oa* beet li''e yews,/ 1.11., a B.ytb that would get warned, the oder to hold ►old till April let. W • bid •°o idea that our cher would meet w'h span' recoil sc;:epteooe u it boo. Thts week no less than three Bi meal ladles tater lbs ranks t f mairen sed cerselueel:y Demme subscribers tble great irm!ly jou:cal. He ars that the name* 01 other ladle' will be added o our Ile. beton. many mote days pew by. The mere, the merrier. inolitH� Orilla AR., NOT WANTED. Dander; huiq.r; Caoedi is one of the beat cssrrwa*re eS the 1i01ted $laza, --1he_I,.Ittsd a:(S..ls _ nae o_f the beat customer . cl 'snad.., but theiritis betwceu the ten not caruei on . equal terms, the a n duty-reteal-tete ors American'lmeerth,t a tee America,, duty an C.nadtan impent John Coulton has made a wrong epees i tb. Linen of ('ominona stalest atm, 'tug at the Cub adieu duty should tie fusee u h u the Amer oaD duty. This le S.r n M:e- dogeld'• policy -a retaliatory tart Ila: is It cot ovtlog off cur no o to spit ,i °r (toa' Do the Americus' py the dart*• t• duty pard by the Canadian enolumet' m•, thrr. the lower the duty' is kept the bet. ter. Noon. want* to pay .oy higher duty than he pays sow. TRE c'IlAaug I% Ti., 4ESAT*. -treaties Advesilast ; An wain! tmmenae po1 tical inversesoo took place the other d.yr f y..-tht_-.1_'tmkles---ef--- botw Is /b• Sensto'.bet w.ea tbeTocee cf the Government and of the Opposition. firs -Nat took place over the oumpoeltfoe of the commit'ses, with the result that fee the brat t•me sties c s dawn of Confiders tion, the L beralg have bad a majority la he Damialoo Scaits. The three greet patttlsm se .poitp et Sir Juba ►lrodnn,hl were the FraD,obeie Aut. the patti•an Rene ate, and the (k rym.sder. The brat was repealed; the Sen5.'w has prectioally become Liberal ; and toe (1errymao8.r will be re ge.ltd next sewioo. \ The retest of the gerrymander could not ave been achieved wuhout ddotulty so loos the Senate re tai.,.., . m'j nay opposed a the (iov.rn• m•n'. (Rased, oil legieletto5. war at the .affer.nce r f he S.b.to: Prot Aletandur M.oks•.z a had a bard time with !bdSeenn, Ceamber ; sod many a good mesa's of h,e waw .tot tett) seedy into that limbo '• where aft th:ggs ate ferrottes TRI, citing OI AMEIICA11 PANSNTS. Jo the el -Lusty Lollies' Hums Journal Reward W. Bolt, fes editor, sap/wine him• sell very lorcih;y co the (meatiest of the Amerfo.a mei hoc of s.hroltr•g chili/et uo.ter fifteen year. of age. He begin* r,y 'kung ft we realize that at the last 'wheel ,arm 16.000 children between light son tourtse° wets taken out of the Lublin wboo)e b c aur their dermag system. were witched 'and their minds were incapable 7 - 6stag en any farther is tie tst.rwat mmlag system which exists 'oder in emir e.:a • le.'' Mr. holt thisk' tbnt no chit i .trot 1. An to tele•ed before h. is eaten year. of age, did he remolds as that sa the sue. ..t5ing *olio year' the rapid brain grow.t. begins to, tee. •'f* wag planned b. nature that beets tea the veers cf s.ysa and dfilts the child should hairs Leet.' Hui whoa fealty heppea.,to tbeneetale Child a' the alt's of eeyen' 1: c. kiss title period 4 Rut' Verily, no ! He eaten the school room and beeon,s. . vietidt of loot boon 0. 1 alinement --the fleet menb.l appltotlen n.e.d lou, the,. • he child h.e ever knows.' The oufortentts Is compelled. to opted house in ►tally at nipbt, uitbeugh`'warsiog -The prohibntonistrand the each saying, "orae to every risen and cation comes the moment to discitib," ur words to that, effect. -It is expected that the Legislature will close ,next week, awl the closing of the Legislature will mean the opening of the Pert Legislative campaign. -A public man 1 as a hard time to keep himself etraivht before tis world Hen. J, T. GARxew wart to Ottawa last week to attend a case in the Supreme Court, and immediately' the report war circulate, that be war after a judgeship. -In the recent appropriatione towards improving the French River fon trsuspur on .ur..*es. the esteemed Hamilton Spectator will poesihly ton, cause r a and may eek in novas wild, " N by not do something for some English river!" -The Star's commenta Mat week on the roil lobe afford a pleasing contrast 4. -the tone of its remarks ii connection with the sante matter a few months ago, about the time of the West Huron. bye election Elections are dcmor°lizmg tltingr, anyway. -This ie the time in the life of the Legis Ware when the member who.eeke re elec. tion is having a heart to heart communing with himself to and out if he has done thee. things which he ought not to have done and left undone those things which he ought to have done. -The editor of Tu. Sl,;'AL has receive.( e, many congratulation% utstil his election 1.0 the preaiden,v of the Canadian 1'rc•. Assoemt ion that he has been unahle to reply to thein individually. He therefore extend+ ,'tanks to all, and to the press men he says that. he hopes he will be alai. to the 04 much for each ami every one of there anise bright day, -As to the goo,l taste, or ntherwiee, which The Stat dteplayod last week in its "'seted•off" to a young man who has left town with, we believe, the gratitu,' of our citizens generally (or the work wh' he performed herd, we have nothing to ea We may be allowed, however, to express our symp.thv with our contemporary in ire being •• avoided " in regard w certain enter. t. nments We 'have somatimes leen treated in just rho same way uuraolves, notably in connection with events under the control of institutions with which Mr. Mrw ie.,.,. is identified as secretary, and if our reader. have wondered why thee' of fain -for in•tenrx, the Jassip leset •xtxr coneert of some week, ago -were not men tioned in THE 91nNA►, they have the replan .tion now. POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS. The Ontario (:•nerr,mtent h., deoided W Rive new Ontario four Lew men,bere,m.ktog Ogren in all. Nes't's Algoma el to b. divided lea, twn staetarel distracts to b. known as l'o't Arthur a,d Rainy River, aid Fort William and I..k• of the Wood., rUDeottvely ; ,..tern Alg, m,, th et Mt - Scioto, to b.. kno.,, reap -1 v.ly a. Saul St*. Barb, Mar•ttneltn ane Airier*; N'pt* sing, two Mowers, to be kestrel as E.tl Nipfasing ant Wein N ip,a,,ag, t.epsotiy.'I . Thee* °hong., wtil brine th• total momber• ship of the L.gtd.ter• go to 98. The Liherele have at left obtained eon trol of the S mote. Nominally the Cares'. gall',.. are @till to the faslor'ty, he, a ..Biotest nnmher of Cnse.rv.t,•e Ilebatnra are absent teem their ;Aeon to threw the balanoe the other way. it was expected that th.re w>uid h. a .treekle over the.p pftotment rat the erratics cr.nmttte., kit when Hnn. R. W Seine, Lifters/ levier in the Yeeate, mows,' the appointment ,.1 the rem mite**, amnion ere Liberals lett four Uon dsrv.tieea, !lir Maokeaaia Hewell mope.0 the taev.tabl.-awl did not risk a vete. A 816 HANDICAP. A sen with a lathe hack deg ant feel meth 1M working aad you cannot Llama him. Jeremiah Red- den, ca.9..,4r, No. 7 Cowdy St., Kiagwton, Oak, ead*red with rheumatism lo h1. beat (lum- bago) ler Imre years. Tlve betties of Dr Hall's Rh.nmotio ('waw mem- pletely eared him. This great blood pttrid0. la plat up in betties con- Jeinbag tan days treatment. Prins 111 wt. at Sal t.latae l dr steresii. or Dr. ttttttttttttttttttfmrmttttttttttttm USE . U Ramsay's Paints..,. They are "The Best on Earth !" . For Sale by .. . ALLAN & McIVER Thu Loydiug Hardware Firm. floocet (;uu is At Honest ('rices. 11 'l'hun,• • r .rs a put of them -.a ., absolutely u., , c.dlir eu.h sett 1. that to:rusted to �;;��Eli.'S than ''11ow to get these reform' for their ohtl inn is the nett step. They tan eu'ne .. , . Id THE PLACE TO GET. ILty through clo..r oar epsrstion of home and ,ahool. The teacher and perms mu•t eon. cluaer together. That is the run•, of the ureeeut writ Ooe mesos tower, tbr1. watt ;150 to lregn'nt wpf.rer„w tr,twcen moth,.; and t.•rher, s. t.+ {Le pprioti.. In one @cheat of wl.ch 1 know. 'Abs tree must butter thaw the Liaise. is ems, 0. 1... - To tare at'ere la Tweaty.TNr ream. There tt 1 e t no lank o so milled t( cares 1„t' *tiros. The vegetable, unmet. sus mice rill k'ogdoni• bare been rematched for curt.. its a simple matter to remove ewes atilt- , out pain, for If ynn will ao to any armlet rrrar m.dfeihe .heater sad hay a he( tt• .t 1'u, ith awmL Peinle.. Corn end VT sr' Ex:ract-r 6" ,,,.-/ aadf.psly-tees dufotet: tba.iesig. N _dune._ told Met Patna..'.,■ aad se whits. tin besot again and again •ouoded ,bit, 'the troth mental interset of the child of Wiese tweeot be &deantegeou,ly held lar acte.t;Rtt --,Slit COD iota, Ire minutes at a time of any ,•oe sohj•ot. It has been proved that the health of the child between seven and ten ,anrot eland more thee 'hirly.6vs minute' of wady Hitler( soy single twenty -toot 9- bra . We aro °neaten' 1y admnt.lab ing bunter to ..ea tnat,bay. D.u.tmteentigao their work Iter nightfall. I'nyeielans warn men of ills, sad *MA eo to nv-Insis 0'M their fluttered*. ' !hunter the candle et both weds' hat kited throat al Mary man as Pacer, nay noes' 'gators. ho one oil do. neta lbs e'eerttee. Mea of cemates a -on know that aieht work atter a day of (,oat err+ is vita'ly tt:jurinn.. Ye• rn the', own homes I, pre.t n'ea. ett•nnot er•ty ern, re .h. sobltme p•o'ur- •' rht:dren paring from ono 10 two beers ever lemons for the nett day. And whi a the ;some 'e te the child erectly what the bnrin,ee prnt,i,m 1a to the man, w• warn men of meting urewth agaiset th• very thing wbtch ire allow nhi/tires to da Whet a superbly con,1•Wat people ere are, 1• be sore! What le Amen 1 of cur school .751... i. tIte fir., step, and if a chH•1, when he reaches the as. of Mc-, t., hoe bean taurht 111 rest sloe 1 ptea.aa, iy an4 inteln,ently, n wet'e fertbty, bo epwH cntreoIly, 10 erre p e•• h•m.oIl shorty to a Ittt r, to con t car •'o 7, to o. , b,ot maw, h,m., l', to ie. n t floater% gra mitt hie has d. w,II to a help n t Int in ea►eiteg hie fielar-List la .1 h•• et (told h. tenet t.A of the WO, •i,h,, ty or .1 I. (bat b swank ter swiss y•• • • ^,ro ne art Ili• 111, 11. So ntstive period , 1'e, "There mint he mh•wtor hoer.' lied e, 01.4.1e • ale entennt N bear. 'terry bele•t the age of flet. en, it el ewes after ahMn a, Pennies ',n.tyd an beer. "0 r .Midi eest no looser b• th. prey .' itent.nt sad easas.00el•ee holi1ol.nc who lather cosiest est beards of sissies • DASHWOOD. Tt•.aoav, dd r 4 , 194 Another caw of .mail pet tree oete.up••d about three melee west of Geo 'inane. . Mrs, E. P. 1'anlin returned home en rhn•e•lay from bit v;.it to friends in JFrrg. tnrmsedkerp•ist., _ There is a great deal ofo'cienees In sad efeaw•t--uhab.Y ehangeablew.a of the weather. Oeieg to the warm weather the pest Werk the snow has yearly all di•sppeereJ, with the exc+pion of room of the Hoe. la the country which are tea very read cop titles. The re'ivtt services ere still bete„ ons. dented In the Evangelical church. Tre p aver is bions assured by Rev. Ur. F,nk h„ter, of Z_deb, .ad Reg. ►fr. Litt, of STOVES, FURNACES, EAVESTROUG ROOFING DAIRY CJHEAP. and HlNO, TINWARE 'Phone 86. JJ. H. COLBORNEI COSMOPOLITAN PATTESNS for ..1. 18 CENT G. New Spring Stock Now Nearly Complete. DRESS GOODS Hlaolh: and Oolored IN ALL 1.11IL Black Voile. Black Cbevalinet Black Panura. Black Poplin. Black Venetian, Black French Cord. Blank Serge.. Black Henrietta. Black Howeapuns. Black Brocades. Black 8ilkd. Black Silk Grenadines. Black Satins. Black Satin Royal. Black Lustre.. Colored DRESS GOODS. Grey Howeapuur. Brown lfoworpuur. Fawn Venetiaur. Navy Venetians. Navy Sergei. Navy Tweed C. Ii. finish. Blue -Grey Venetians. Fawn -Blue Ladies Cloth. Blue and Green Satin Royal. Fawn Box Cloth. Bluetta Suiting Cloth. Slate Poplinette. Bronze Grey Suiting, A Lot of Henrietta., in all the leading Staple Colon. Grey Lustres. BLOUSE WAIST STUFFS. Blank and White Frenchlaltuel.. I' " It betaiuea. Eutbroitlered Frsuoh Flannel'. Plain French Flannels. Figured Detainer. Figured Sateen'''. Plain Satennaa. Feucy 13ilka. Striped Bilks. Plain Silk. Cream Serges, Cream Hecriettar. These Goods are all New tor this !spring's Trade BED ROCK PRICES FOR SPOT CASH ANC, ONE PRICE TO ALL, W1-IITEWEAR. B g Sock Is (:owns, :Witt, Drawer, Corset Wauter. i EMBROIDERIES Silk All -Over Embroidery acd to Lawn and luu.h° Iron 5 one. to 90 eta. $1 25 sod 91 75 1 large assortment'. ( All -0..r Loos -White and Black. OVER 5.000 YDS. OF VALENCIF.NNIL7 sod t'OKCHON LACIsi FROM 1 CENT UP. A JOB LOT OF CORSETS AT 35 GENTS -GREAT VALUE. Our Print Stock is complete ranging fro(,. 5 ata. to 12i eta., and fast color.. A large stock of Gingham., both Canadian and Imported. 8 cls. to 15 clow J. H. COLBORNE. Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Shore Bread and Creat tnlis, Ene Pias and Lady Filers, Kisses, Macaroons, Mara,aines, di' Snaps, Etc, stall.... gots! a• ,hu ben made in any city iu Canada. Camelot) levels the trade in V/EDCING CAKES The Division between good and Indifferent Drugs and Aaedlolnea is strongly daubed here. 'I he indif- ferent ktid are ee•er ordered and never permitted to form part of nor •tock. Only Rooth of uodouotel purity are offered to cua'oaers. Our stook .1 w fancy dtstivnln& ane Ornament. Proprietary Medicines iuq anti almondi i.•:rg. 1. very lues. Prices are low. Ge.ess.rmm*vrver ami your wt. intact Ian witi le aasurol E P EMIAA McLNNNAN'S LI NIMENT - SOY ex', reef use oalr. f. &Poa!tiva rue* for Bp u'a7 D erre, Irp-'tri•I'aze;ir_ -- Rb•umatism, L Lack, Lamheg,, .Seri 1'hro.t, Weak s Yore !.rags, H•o4,ee. Spr.ne, Stiff Jointer, sprat*, sad all deed dare»e.. it has solvers found acure for Throe. Aff otiose :n borsen hen* genuine lei hoot having t ,cede mark oa I .h'1, and wrapper' and E. . M.•Lgrx*tie f. n,nant, Grrl.rictr, 1),.'., e o pad on w.t Nett on earh bottle. Ma.•ufecte d only by HUM Mil IA A- IfcLKNNAI4.ro'wester. and propri,uer•,Newgate st ,Godurton,Ont 401:0411:121171.' .a Do You Need Boots? The Best The Cheapest at Sharman's it's wonderful how we can sell a shoe like this for $3.00 BUT we can and do, and n o w that Spring is n(ari`Ig with its wet walking, your feet should be protected. Why not $4 buy to -d' iseemiewmasintegneseimeasemesagoag Win. Sharman, jr. (iojerich, - Ont. 1 r. 1 D. CANTELON, WEST -S T. F. JORDAN, MEDICAL HALL. About Toilet Soaps. It's w.o11 like to 000vieee you that this 1• by long odds the beet plass Is Godertch to toy your to let mope. if yea willw 1 alto at' t.. a ,uwr cu what we odH rind bow we have magi.. Soar mote', you .11 he m.oyloc.d. Let us try. New .5,omeo1 jolt In Orange Jaice aad Moraiag Dew, :°V.1°°, worn at 1,•.at,lo11,h, Our IIc Oatmeal closing out 3 for Mt' A laree a.eortment at Sc. Wonderful vdur at 53e and 3c par hoz. Ws inn give you beautiful French anal American S..l••-Blosb 11..e, Verona,' Violet, Pn,a 11 5. o.gne, White Almond, Swoon O.rn.uuo, ud many etber. Tbs 1s the place for toilet sops, About Your Lungs. A great tattle its doing on ►garnet the W Atte Plague, Conaumptioc. 1.011 you not jots to for your own .afe, y • C a gumption seems to (Werner* b he •n. 9 1 ar.t ttuo p of taberoaloa* germs Into lanes too weak tf resist their attacks our Emulsion of Cod Liver Ott, undoubtedly builds op sad •trmgtheos the laov., feeds them, tones them. There &'.others brat son. better, to say lbs least. Re well advised, URS A taw BOTTLER, Don't forget ear gaaraateed Cold Core! W. C. CiOODE, Chemist, ID BEDFORD BLOCK. . . 1a/A ri anurePor We have just received our new stock ot-forks. Every style, but only one quality -- Twenty -Hist-- Annual Statement . --THE BEST. North American Life Assurance' Company. ()F THE IHEAI) OFFI('E: 112-118 KING STREET WEST. TORONTO. For the Year Ended December 31st, 1901. Dec. 30, 1900. To net Ledger meets 43,773,60ts Ott RECEIPTS. Det. 31, 1901. To Cash for Premiums 492293502 To Cash Income on Investments .. . 176.461 56 I 099,396 DISBURSEMENTS Dec 31. 1901. By Payment for heath Claims, Profits, etc • a0 other Payments Dec. 31. 1901. 1�y Mortgagee, etc $1.2004s96& Debentures (market. value 4747,205 99) ..sr.r., 737 848 ft4 •' Sto hr, and Ronde (market value, 41.371 315.70) 1,322,168.92 n- Real Estate including Oompany • budding . 416,936 41 " Loin. and Policieir etc 271 215 827 17 .44 ' Louts on Stocks (nearly talon call) 0,00 \f' Cash in Bank and on hand 22,868 65 ASSETS. $4 872.904 66 .$3s6,688 35 291,906.70 678,595 05 , 44,196,309 611 Ptiftf ttium. outstanding, etc. (leas met of collection) Intere.t and Rents due and accrued Dec. 1 31, 901. l o nlee Fu'tAl. 1 60 900 00 " Assurance and-,Lnquity Reserve It'und 3 808.229.00 45,103 Oi '. 43,913,332.01 .. ....1507,441.37 LIABILITIES. Death Losses awaiting proofs, etc 4 Net Surplus Amlitr•d anei found correct .(. N. LAKE, Auditor. tae aasieelal pasIUsle et be colossus Is ria lief lilt peresftage at sot.srrslu M IIaMlUles 'crests Men O/ af7 Whet 11.n,. rampant'. New Deur.' t). !led during 1901......... 45,520,06700 Fs^eedinl ilio beet previoar year in :L,: 1, •(r -y ,' the Company by neer B,194.309 61 178 581 95 47,881.92 44,420,773 3N half .. a:ll;on lunur.mce to forte at end of 1 • 1 ,:'' $27,977.791 Cr PREfil CST : aJONN L. BLAIKIE. IAS TH0Its;URN, M,U. /ION SiR WILLIAM R MEREDITH, K,C, MIRR(rr•R* : HON. Alt:YATOR GOWAN, K.C., i1. L, C. /4.4:. Y. GURNEY, E.y. L W. SMiTH, Ig.q., KC., DC L. J. K. OSBORNE, Esq 1), Wt1RAF. E.q., Guelph, 9.CRta111s eisiaTelt: NM.-W°OAEE, LL.B., f.l,A., F.S.S. sw'etkttat: L. GOLD/IAN, A.1 A. 11t. 'CAL DIAL. .....: .1. THOkDURN, It1.11, i 1' ,in The report containing the pron.eflie , of the Annual If eking. held nit Ja taut, showing marks( saIA h fwlrl`iat will t f proof. of the co:.tinm.l prngrsw and ,wi1M position of the naryompany .111 hw gent to pot, y holden Pamphlets explanatory of the *ttrective in.e.t.m,nt plane of the Company, and a copy of fhb Anneal Report, Nhowing ite onexwlted dnancl,l e °rndahe,I on application to the Head (Nan or any of t*e Com pany • anseeite. We are selling these at very dose prices. N. D. ROUGVIE, The Cash Hardware Store. Goderich, Ont. RELIABLE jr4 URSsetegegglegt, .H+ee.. E never did advocate shopping away from home when you could- tlo as well there as anywhere, But there are things which, it stands to- reason, one call( -buy better in a centre like Toronto is, and one of these is FINE RELIABLE FURS, because to get the variety and to get- the guaranteed qual- ity you must go to the larger market. We aro exclusive fur manufacturers. We make everything we sell, and we guarantee every- thing we make. • Wo shall be pleased to welcome you to our showrooms -the largest and hest appointed in the Dominion -if you are passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our n'w 1901-e2 Catalogue for the asking. We rare ,making a special feature of warm fur .rackets i,ADIKS' ASTRACHAN JACKBTH,-Our special.. $25 LADIES! ASTRACHAN, COON AND WALLABY JACK RT8 $2‘443 $50 ••• 48$0 to10 eb40 I.A1/i5S'KLRCTRIC SEAL •iACK E'Te, Pini)..., LADiF.8' ELECTRIC HRA1, JACK F.1 s -Trimmed J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84 YONGE-ST. - ,TORONTO. 1 W. Acheso AARP: TS, LII CURTAIft NEW Spring Goods in patterns the first tizne in Goderich. before best patterns are p ::ked over. never shown new up -to -d, to goods good values. Scotch Linoleums. 600 suuare yards of d utob Ltool,ums 9 Suds wlds. A well aseort.d range of new floral bleak and tile dreigns, an salsa bee•y g1.lt►y for ball., kit.;heas, dlnug. rooms. -, la) value at PW 37 1- 2G. English Tapestry Carpets. A complete ranee of 2 of the most popular makes. The designs and cotorlav are esperols(ly effective, eatable for any tools: or ball, splendid value, per yard, at 50c Engli A large sbowtr ideals coterie Devoe at. .. New 66 inched erten° for du eta, v wales, W. Acheson COUNTY CURRENCY. Bp( Sterility : Oka.. Peafoued, sea of Henry TUB 1 Pinioned, of Stanley, had 'Le mlefortnns Magazine to break his leg while working to the hare. lmportao the rem( for tweet Hock .oe created Amertoa, ossa by Matinee' ducted b Riehsrd patters 1 .uec r. N of a hull the dog. tlufea o° there :a a entitled The atter storm t Adtrcnd entitled ether Int the num A LIT hi.htenl to kir. edition. interest reinstate at Isnot, ten In g bet. Ti. ter mann Nether W,oghtm . J. rf. Oordoo, formerly O. T. R. agent here sod now at Woodstock, hu been promoted to the position of agent at London. Ethel • Dr. McDonald. M.P., hoe ream - mended the appointment of Miss Rebet000 Spence as poetm!etrees at Ethel and the same will be gazetted shortly' Morris : Ls. week It. IS Alcock, 6th line, Daro a sed the o r h wA reg mores op pow. Ira term, being Ny lot 15, eon. 7, from Jae. Seale, of Clinton, The price paid was 112 300. Morrie : Oe Monday, Fsbruery 24, Mr.. N alum Dark, 11 miles meth of Brussel., wee nailed away to her reward, amel forty ail veers. Pceaeuenl• was the wuer of her draftee. Her maiden name was Magale A. Carter. Ushers' : W• ootid. the death of George Oedbol., at the reeldenee of kis son lar Park date, near Tomato. on S►turd.y, 22n1 alt., at the age of °tghty.,hr•. years. Mr Cod holt war an old and reenacted rsetdsnt of the ►owo.h,p of Usboroe, end We remain* were In,erred in that toweeb,p on the fol towing Monday, Teekaremltb : Wilton) Cmopmae. of Torkeremitb, says that forty three years - ego ferment wars brolly eeesee.l maklag Mapl. BUMF on th•3•it of March and had a Oplsodtd ran of sap. The @time year. good 15.. ono many were bury steadies about tbt latter prison% Dart of Merob, but there wee some 'wry wet, uoplesaaut woath.r after that. Grey : William T.ylor, 16•h coo , has purchased a 100 sore Arm three mils. wroth e1 Clinton, le Stanley towasbip, from Mr.. W Scott. H. will remove, with hie family, to ble new home about the Wadi. of Itf•rub. Owing to the iejory r.o.i•ed last summer Mr. Taylor .111 n t Drop the farm very 5••vebr est *44-po la lac etoc.k gneipg so u to lighten his work. the story the Ear/ fined to oe'.lon ; Lord Be sex the self the bt•literal F:1 rater el Keen March Ashaeld : The friends and scquain'aooes roman.° of Waller Hackett will a learn 01 served b hie death. whish occurred to Alberta on by Lnrd January l0.b. Although he had been ailing for some time, h• bare bis illness with patients* and oalmoees, and when dr.lb Mins It was . pose -fed sad q.let .ding to a Christian lit.. Ifs woo Ilia only brother verrner•z1o of James Hackett, of Ashfield, an was for fiy ill many rests a resident of this lowuhtp, Out her e. a for soma years put had made hie home la her open Alberta Hs 1 wife, fear was and Yox too three d•ughtsrs to mourn their low. w".. tow. LAW number admlrab Ilae.i awwt•s, Resort to Awerles. Tb@ "Highlands of Ontario," Canada, are 000sld,red be meal charming place tot' summer tourists no the cnoua.at. A Ihou- load hot ahoy sea level, purest of sir o0 Met or mosquitoes, p cturesque surround.. Inge, new modern hotel., good rail lend eteambott eer•to,, p'rlwr Immunity from hay fever morel. Health ao•l pleasure to all with, g, there. Foil infermatron and Multistory) da.uripiiee literature, giving list of hotels, rates sed all particulars, may be had free s° appliestioa to M. C. D,okeoa, l'ue'ager Agent, Union Station, Toronto b► lbs s markahl trailed ,, shut about b " The I hie liar pia,onr. story h fourth show' n ohersot angel el Thr. 11 Turk." FORT AFTER ifitBAS L IT MAKES PUN Angier's Petroleum Enfu1ston4 Diseases of children. The little and has practically no taste, and cleansing action on the stomac always. -n vMryt and • is by far the best, because it builds up the child's health an relieving the cough, which is su For scrofulous children it is cert up sound healthy tissue. It is bowel disorders, whether tiiberc with milk. it is without doubt th IIITFSTTNAL CATARRH:- / rrnn/d Not M wilhnwt i1 „jlr' Catarrh rrllh Wrest satitfaa r t ford with it, and I knew of an WilEl:'LE/', ,11.1)., Los Anse $PIOMTB DISEASE:-/ ha dente. for a/mNi /1,4rh, flan'. rn drnpry and nlhner,n War all•fnr doctor.. with /fright's l)i.rease an and hat'. Nsed it In hundreds of Rtjode Island. DI*88HODA : - For the last fled it to De p.r/ataA/e and read,/ to the dientire nrgnnt, 11 is 1'e arid in relievine l'errnnnrrin, Cnnsww,plien, / depend tit on it noted with /peat satisfaction th whin treated with this remedy. All Arenhytss, ..H Anew, Panlsew Pew, YOUR ,'IAMB AND Anf5ty3058 ea a ,.weal R AT AND 1.11544)6." 1t teas her re si Myra**. also Ilrerel.es, -hlrlt riI E R C N E M 1