HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-3-6, Page 1e
.A 8 •'
ADv'rs Awe
. .,s
• e • 1902
000•atott. Mar. 5, 11102
Yell Wheat, '1 75 to 76
Madly. mliy. per cwt.... _1 10 t 2 10
Flour, Jpetent. per owt...,......-2 S) to 210
Boo, . tun,. -, -. ,. _ l8 00 to18 00
Shorts. • too -. 19 00 toll) 00
Screenings. per ewt 1 00 to 1 00
Rye. per bush... 0 60 to 0 6
Hook whose. per bush 0 65 to 0 5S
0als, V Pub ..... 38 to 032
Peas. Daub..........._........._.. 75 to 0 20
Harley, per both 60 to 0 60
Hoy. r ton 1 00 toil) 50
Potatoes, a bath.. 30 to 0 31
Sutter, ................ ,..M Ib to 0 17
Cheese. tier lb..::'... IO to 0 00
[re*► astrmkd, it dM..... 1'i to 0 16
tO to1O
tildes. ..............•.A.. Ili. -,-.. • 60 to S 00
M...11 to it so
Llv -s., m0 to 560
B*at Sow.• 50 to 7 00
Ham, itmv lb . .... ,, _ .,, 12 to 0 1
15 to 0 le
Lard, per lb. 13 to It
Ureised Beat fore quarter 00 to 5 50
Dreamed Ilea. hind 00 to 1 S)
Cattle, Expert 75 to 1 60
W to 3 5O
Notioe of oranges mast be left 'at this
Office not later than Saturday
noon. The Oopy for changee
mast be left not it ter than Mon-
day noon. Casual Advertisements
soon tett
so to a
pWednesday of
each week
eltuatlone Vacant.
App it to MISS RODGVIN, Mit
111 to 410 a week Interest you 1 Wrl'e
for proppcs,sl((oe to represents ti 'or gnJ .. in.
Toile, prepare) tons. le orery town. PURITY.Y♦N
Welland Oo[
gond Meta Dour. Wages to oom9etent
Address LOCK r BOXth. Ds, I PARR', UNT. awl1-1
etcher of Pletobar music method, will rme
olive pupils at her studio, above Mr. Mattel's
tas mace *Moo 0amth,r' street. For infer.
09907 either at *turbo to at re eidenoe.
St Pe log • watt.
Organist •s
mato' director of North street
Methodist oho •b, teacher of piano. pion or -
Rt and theoryl'nplle prepared for all ea•
aminatioms of th. Toronto Cen.rnatory at
Meal°. W111 he eased to receive applica-
tions from all those reanirieg such (estrum
Mon et his new studio • ter Thomson's music
store, Uee Of piano f . practice may be ar-
ranged for. -
For Sal
the we", belt of lot 15, Dao. 7. W.et Ww-
wanm.b ooepprl.l.g:r) are. App to I11CN-
ItY FOWLKH, Dungannon, or to ip Holt•
..$fftµar Uoderich.
Volt S A L K. - W TS 95. 96, 117, 118. 19
JU and ite In Hutchison's survey, all
Uoderloh. For portloul•te apply to
Barrister, tc., Goderigh.
Marsh 1019, 1900. 1e4
8.10001 718, Anglifies 8'r.er. (Soden
meetly occupied by Mr. John Sallie. T
to a ter) desirable r•sld•ece. Apply t
PHILIP HOLT, solieitor for executor, mode-
rich. 70-1t
For Rent;
-Inn home. with (mewl* of land, la the
tow* of Oodcnch, oonvenlent Iv the Aque•e
p*d to ou eternities.
and mom oho:oe fruit.
NI, to R. O. MAYO, Rerrleter. Oolericb.
Vubllo Nottoe
shareholders an d patrons of Wait Huron
Chimes and Butter ('0, IAmhed, will beheld
t the Township Hall, Carlow, M,ndsy,
oh 17th, et 7 o cloak. when whey will be
w and routes arranged.
Pi s4ent. 722 Secretary
M Alwyn, UMW; OPTI('rAY ANI arm
All kinds of Phseotaolu and ltyeglasee, made
to Order Special it teotion Ri von to flttog the
Orders by mall prdm9(07 attended to. Be-
ware of parties tieing lay Dame, as 1 employ
so travelling proofs w t v r.
a tle s e
hetl*/ado0aarantce t
*•blklhed 5873.
Wotan 908 THE HoSP(Tal. Fr.rb,-'Th.
Daughters of the Empire ere prepared to du
all kinds of p'sdn sew.n4 for the booed( of
tins bospitai fund. Mre M. H. Morns *41
movies order. at her roma in the Bedford
bloat from 9 to 12 A M. C4ddren'e cloths.
a specialty.
A UooD OYSICIAL.-Wi0gh►m Alta'tce:
Ex Mayor Clegg returned last weer from
the couoly audit., He speaker highly of the
s alematio erreagetaeot of 'l'r•aeurer
Holmes' aocoaa',, and the facility wltb
which any Item of the petit forty years clan
be traced if nee nutty. Toe methodical
brit. to of the treasurer very much fa,ilitate
the work '.1 the •u lit The county treaur•
et le a good ttSu,•i,
MANY CLA1Ne Aar WIAK,-01 the 20,-
000 opplro+t10n forme whish the Urpartment
of Crown Lands bas sent out on toques
from persons desirous of obt•mlog the free
land grant. under the Veit.,..' Act: of lest
emotion. 19,000 h.ye been returned ntiel.o
toddy tilled to end gentle for final approval,
01 the other 10 000, mots are mill under
ooae,deration. but it is said that w largo
,.umber of taw( bay. Dot tooth liana buts of
"Toe MLOAN BLot•K."-Thle .til be the
name of the new block whole S 8. Oocp.r
will buil 1 to replace the burnt Smith block
which he :moonily hoorht. Mr. Ceoprr has
an gnats, Mr, Sloan, of Godoriuh, who tak.s
a greet Interest In his nephew's welfare
scam ha brought him to obie eo00try, to
to aro for oo0rteey'e eke Mr. Cooper has
taken the Bot opportunity and hie named
the o.w bloik after him-" The Slo •n
Blcek."-lChaco', Mew Ery.
- ILL gCONNTat'l.`r.t, NIT? Nt V Mst -
MaJer tmtotheeb..o( ('t..., Gov.ram.u-.
For Bale.
reeidas new. bevel Dmlerorfrsalgood
bargain. KOB
Rooms Wanted.
ii--alehat room*. for • gentleman. to •
artare in the town of uoderich: central
ty red. Addreee leas it 4050s 7t
Roots. 14 Let
t street as premed occupied by IC• N. Lewis
ea law oiliest: all' change tato small more if
0soe.tory. Or mons over Mies Cameron's
store with front end rear antranos. E. N.
LKWl3. 72
Node. to Oreditot.•
i* the natter of (A. garage of /William Mr
Domed, tote o/ the Townshi1(, of Indica
le the L'ou cal y of Huron, Yeoman,
Notice le )'•reby glean pursuant to 11.8 4)
11417, ceps 12,1, that til creditor. and others
having ol.lme •g►Inst the estate of the 1.40
R'illi.m McDonald, who died on or about the
1Sr11 day of Jawutry, A. U. 19)1. are required
nn or before the 31st der of b1.roh, A. 1),_1012.
tomer! by post, propeld, or to deliver to hilip
Holt, or the Town of ehoder ch, 'elicitor for
John Willie , and J*m. Young, the executors
of the said deter/eed, lull particulars of their
Gime, and the nature of the seourltses (if any)
d by them.
r said bait mentlon-d date the tali en-
tice e will pro08,1 to distribute the es rte Of
the d . •eased among the parte* enttIel there-
to, he, regard Daly to the china,' of which
they she then have notice and that the geld
ezeo0tore III not be liable for the said meets
or any Dar thereof to any person or persons
whose o me they atoll not have reeelved
sled 0th M
A. U 1901.
Solicitor for Kgeeutont.
Ica NV mailer of (Ar Kea of florid Orr, tate
Ver Ta„ neSipp or O, ter50h, in Me
County of Huron, semen,
Nottoe le hereby giros pore . at to R. S. 0.
1eD7, Cap. 119, .bat all creditor* 0d other.
booing .liana ageloet tee .crate the said
David Orr who died on or about th •0th der
of September, 8. D. 1900 are moil on or
before the list (ley of March, A. D, ' to
rend by post. prepaid. or d.•iver to H• •art
Orr, of the Townf Uodcrieb, edminiera •r
of the aid demoted. lull particulars of the
ole(me. and the nature of the securities 11
anti held by them.
After lest mentioned del, 15.o mid adminis
totter will proceed to distribute the assets of
the deceased among the parties entitled there-
to. having regard only to the olsiln" of which
he .boll then Aare noire, aad that the said
adminle'rator will not be Itab)e for toe told
assets or any part thereof to any person or
persons of whose claims he shall sot have
r•eeleed notion.
Dated stn
MarchA. D I911
Solicitor for Admlat,trator.
Ineuranoe, i
VV ANCIC end nal writ agent, os., 1.131
door Beet of P. O„ 0oderleh. Agent r the
leading mutual lire le,uraas° omit Bole and
feeding stook oomt tales. -
Merantlie and manufacturing risks t
oweet rate.. C+01 at *Mae.
• Aeo0untsnt and Ineirenoo Agent.
Boots and wocounta made up.
]sulldlu , rented end route 001)00ted,
Tire Iasuratios In British end Cemsetieme
OMoe- In Pro.dfoot & Helm' Mice j Nara
treat Moderloh,
• 8URANLA and Heel Kest, agent.
tend Plate O r
• e tae Inen sere
dstel on
(ureal or mush plan at IOwest
--late :awlble.
lA Rnglisb end ('anadl.n comptnlen rep
re. ed.
77m 3 nest doer to (Jarrow R Garrow, Bar
b o► Hamilton Street.
and Reaction. Offline 10 Rent of Corn-
ettist. building, wen •Ida el Miner.. Night
'afloat re ldesa. 8195. s . W. Pupae M,
Action Salo
.'oder and pursuant to the power of .11e
contained in a mortgage bearing dale the 1019
day of Nov.mh•r A. Ir. Mg. and made to the
Vendor. ard which will he produced at the
rime of eel., there cal 1 be meld by par Ile mon
tlnn b John retortion. at1Ottoneer, et Pole
os Mretortion.otel, le the VMage of Reynold, In the
['minty of }forum en Semestey, toe 29th day of
March. A.1) HAI, at U o'clock noon, the fol
(0*009 v0lnaMn property, name* alt sed
"instiller the south half of lot nor5hrr ten In
the lake road west Mfereaelmi (tithe Towneh:u
of Hay, in the Conn(.) of I(nrmn, leu that part
lh,reof heretofore sold.
This le a d et rias( property and now forms
Part of the Vlll sae of Rt, Jom.ph.
The sou le gond, and it is stetted *boot 12
miles from Hayfield aad 3 from Ury.dale, and
eltuat, on a `nota (travel road
T.rme of Solo: Tee per Dent. 011 the day of
tale end the helium* within thirty days there-
Roe farther 9artonl•,s apply to the *090-
El9eser nr le the reader's *rolled toe.
Dated Stb March. A. 0. 1932.
Aaottirege Visitor's Solicitor.
7C•fl oadertah.
Ike Huron and Bruce
Loan and Investment Co.
We are prepare') to retrive ilepo.11,
fro Tru,teo, Parente or Children. in
gem. of from Fifty Conte to 'Three
Thousa I Dollen. and allow compound
interest, bled °eery ;it month. at
ratoa a. ( upon Cheques are
given Depoei re. so that they may
'trmw erne t d•podt at auy time.
3• 3) an r
14 I10 t interest tt allowed
on Deposits
scconlir " to amount m ant Aad
time left.
N,B.-Pursuant to Tate Art of
Parliament married won) and rumen'
have the right to delimit as drew out
money in their own name.
Deposit. can be tient by mss'! . t the
risk of sender,
Ragtime from your bowies temptat
to burglars and food for the flames.
AN the Company makes loene only on
dr.t clam! farm property, depoeitore
have the strongest security for their in•
Thin Company le prepared in loan on
the ahorteet notice any .nm upon first
(-1st', mecum ty. Terme are merle to tont
hnrmwern Straight loans and Pimple
partirulare call at the Company's office,
corner Mi Market Square and North
Street, Ooderinh
Manager. Presidents
WM. PROUDFOOT, Vire President.
Loan PTaArnrnwa. J. M. Roes.*Te,
J. H. Comon..t. A*N*y HO*Toe.
Wt., Pivproot. PHlur HOLT. K.C.
1). J. NAnuo.
military megtoeer, wee la town on Moo
and made as itsWrtton of the prop
ndlltary rifle range. He ezpreaaed htm
as greatly pleteed with the laoetrou and the
famous, for the formettoa of a firm. otos•
range, and stated that the Deportment had
made an appropriation for Min, along with
other ranges, that would enable it to be
built during the owning summer.b
WOO,11Eu BusNzb,-About 3:30 Sat•
urday Mer0509 the sound of the Sr. alum
iwiauated it.elf into the ateep of the citizens
end a strong viers was seen in the south
western Duo of th, town. It war from the
woodshed ot the St. Andrew'. ward school,
is *blob s fire had warted probably from
mime. The buddtog sere burped to the
ground. A woodpile lm 1h• shed and
anether just outside got • scormhtog, sad
abs tit • oord of wood was burned.
day omitting Oa 90.411,4y eyaniag they aad
owed r one hundred uvrted guest.. nod a very j 4'7
atilt snots' ea•bering at U.yton h Mo(7ormrok .
1'.5.oe Aorient y, 1r. o'lebrettoe of the eco•
mastul u000luaoa of their labors"
Inco W aLL Orr, rrr ArrAet,TI.y 1N
PO\t.TY.-A story aomte Irnm U.tloit
of a wont to, Mr.. Cathode* Regan, who
with buniredeof dollers in the bank,, yet
aae,aotly haunted by the tsar of p 101rty.
died in that olty reoenilV. Shegioo •tautly
pleaded her deetlture ooadltioo, Ihd often
wee 'robot', the aomm)0 oeesesartee of life.
She appealed to the p for commission for aid
end receival see stenos to procure prooeries.
Atone her death • bank book ghosting de
posit. of $1 103 bee been louod, sod when a
track belvog5og to the deed woman i• oven -
ed uta thought other naok now •howutg
smaller amounts will be found. Two oleo**
1.5. to Detroit, and it la said that names -one
0ephrw0 and clams live at Goderlohh,and
other parte of Coned.. Among them re
Andrew, John, M,obs.l and Jer.m1►b F
ben, and Mrs Ella O'Laughlin.
Wneon yo Wtt.;or.-lar the D,vieloaal
Court .t Osgood* Hell on Tuesday, before
Chief Juettoe F.laonbrtlgh tui Jaime**
Street aad Britton, A B. Aylwworeh, K.C.,
aro J. M. Best (seaforth), In, the de
feedlot, appealed from judgment of Mere-
dith, J , to •.tion by Mare/wet Wilton
against her mon Charles Wilson, to reooam
Om amount due in respect of a piomte.nrIf
Dote dated A,.v<mber 4, 11487, for 21,000
gn.o by him to her, with merest for bee
years peat, less 8643 82 paid on a',eount.
1 he defeedaot albves that he Is entitled to
turther credits in respect to the note, plesde
the .tvute of ilmitattone. and oounteralaime
for 11 175 for hoard and lodging of plaintiff
from July 1,1891, to May 1, 1899.at the rate
of 1100 • year .ad Interne. The Plaintiff
replied t0ae during the period to question
.h.ke t
o trona" for def.
e mot and looked
after bar children at hoe request, and has
not received anything for her s.rvto.s• F•.
RHolmested (3eafonb), for plaintiff, contra,
MILITIA ('HANG/in -1r. the (Witte order.
publl.h.d thle week •o.aechagga are mode
in tn. Heron regiment, at f flows :-1'o he
C.ptale, Lieut. J. R Verso., vies W. H
(sundry seconded ; to be Lhistenante, 2od
L•outeo►at. 0. J. Johne, floe J. K. Veroo.
promoted ; 11. C. Dueler). Tice W. H.
Gundry, promoted ; to be 23d Ltentenanr.
•uu.roumerary, 2od Lieut. J Cet.Verooe,
'iota f. C. Jarboe, promoted ; tuperaumerary
284 Looreaaot, H. K. Jordan, viols H. C.
Dunlop, promoted.
Sl) N
1 u in■
NBlllr OY COI.H.taNx -
Judge Doyle held D.vabn Loan here on
Saturday. The gte.ter part of the day
wee taken up by an aot'oo for damages
brought against the towa.bip of Colborne
by Allred Dodd, • reeideat of the township
Dodd's horse fell through • culvert in the
village of Seltford and? "attained soca In-
juries that It bad to be tidied. He asked
?55 damage", Rio Hnnor'd judgment w.s
in favor of the plvot,ff.xuept op • point of
law relied by the dere:news ; on this point
aad also
0o the question a o! Dees judgment
was reserved.
Mon meeting of the publio library board for
1902 was held on Friday evening last. J.
H. %%outell wae elected °ba•rman, J E
Heydges treasurer, A J. Moore, B.A ,
'000,11,7, and A. Duff litr.riao. Mr,
Fowler took bra seat a the new member
•ppolnt.d by the public ..hoot board. It
was decoded to hold the regular meetings o0
the fourth Friday of eah month. An ab•
suet of the annual report will be published
Imams ceIurnne usst week. A new catalogoc
mor -the library it now going through the
pries and will be Issued le • few week.,
T•MP0RANCr L0070RC, --- rhe popular
lecturer, Charlotte E. Wiggins, df Toron•o,
will address G0derich euthenots next week
11 follows : Sunday evening, man meriting
to North street Methodist ohuroh ; Mandel,
afternoon, Temperance Hall, " Home L f.
end (28114 Study," 3 P.n.; Tuesday even•
tng. Koos ohuroh leo are room, " The New
Century Edeale," 8 r. H ; Thursday eveoiog,
North street Methodist church, '• Humant-
'Y'• Bottle'," 8 t'. so,; Fri lay afternoon,
Temperance H•IB, mem meeting ot school
ohltdre., 4:10 ; Friday •5e1;10,4, Vietnnt
street Methndiai ohuroh, '• The New
Pat riotlsm," 8 r. M,
IT PAy, To Ab;BRTtt, 1N THU 81(17511, -
Oas day last week one of the young bu*I-
neat mon of the town came lot', this office
and proffered the statement that he had bed
an experience of the beoe6t of advertising
in Tog SIGNAL Ha had pleood a smell se-
nouuoemeot In oar oolumas palling attention
to a epeeist article, and bad had numerous
0191lr5.. for It. Several of but outtomees
stated that they had seen his advertisement,
and to gat sly himself he aced them where
they had seen it, eliciting the reply, " In
lite Smoot." Adventists meg ht allured
of the fat that the beet►dyertlemg medium
io West Huron to leased from this °Moe.
Dog, ANYONE KNOW "CRARtt, W,xn,,
GODERICH 7 "-Chief of Police Thoma w's.
palled cep by telephone on Friday by the
ohief of polios of St. Marys, who Informed
him that • man had been killed en the (i T.
R. track near that plwsoo We lneeday, and
they hod found on him a handkerchief with
'be name "Cherie. World, Uodericn." The
body was badly few listed, the head and
most of the Ambi being out off. It was the
1,,dy of a men ahon, twenty bre years of
mgr, 40d w.igbtog 150 pounds. H• had a
blue overooet and dark oloiliog, Mr
Thoma nephet that be knew of no such
man, and thengh he ha since made erg airy
he ha, been unable to hod the slightest
ace of any slob parson.
51 1 8100) LIP'Trnx,-Next Monday
soetil g. M.rrh lOth, K+.. I)r. Daniel wort
deli,., other of hie interesting temente
in North\ atm( Method et ohuroh. Toe
subject wt.'Kbe, "Oliver Goldsmith and He
Times." It.' not necessary to say anything
oonoerolnp Dr, infe!'s ability as a platform
et. . .
. k rt
1 le to
ell known
end tar til .
thee z d
hal) th
a angina
ox ot
the iatare alone
should be eafficient bring out • large
audience. Everyone w' o can do *o shoal3'•1
make It a point to be present, The ticketss
for the stogie leoture are 2% On aroondt
of the large number etteedine these lee.
tures, it has beer, decided b old them
bereafter in the auditorium of to °heron.
Everyone ie invited to attend,' '
Mona (+OA•aH:H ii.oi:a__so1... Ill
Aratr'A.-The Lak. Huron end Menet he
Milling CA. received a second order fro
the Dominion Department of Agriculture,
actin, for the Imperial War 0011,o, for flour
to he *hipped to South Africa. The order
..o for the same amount es the first. shout
175 tone, het was for the Company's hest
preheat, the Bret order bong for • ee000d
grade. '1'h )
• rill on e
mm nye
d shipping iD on
the order r on
•0A completed mpl*tad n
yeeterday. It Hummel that the DepAvt-
mew, will shortly place a larger or ler with
Om Company, With the "H -g Mill'." lire.
clam 8.or es a batt., there onn be no doubt
"omit the timidity of the foal. whtoo .re
served op to Tommy Atkin'. He dr.arees
the beet.
A Let }Hint; Fn. -Mark Young, a Dun•
pianos young man, wee the v!otm of a
r,ther peeler aomdear on Tuesday of foie
week. In company with David Seethe, •n
the, young man ot D.neen0on, he war
d Inv 10 10.0 1•ud.y morning, and Jud
nn t e taro ot the road above DOnlopi hill
he tuN ed nut to let another rig pairs. The
reed watt very roneh, and to turning la
.Wal. the cater amen. 111 was pitched
net and In nam t way his loft leg wae broken
just above the ankle. Netwlth,taadiew th.
injury tie held onto the lines and the ham
ran tevr.l rods before It wee stopped. H.
came on 10 Mot. Npeho•'e, In Mown, where
the limb wag sot by lit.. Whitely. He will
prnbehly not be *`,Is to Moto for a couple
of a ret,.
A llr,NR,Nrrt. \orMO ',ADV. -We are
pl•ieed to rattles the canoe.. of Mies Mary
EI!lott, daughter of Mn. Lewis Elliott, of
town, who toeoples a r.ponelhle position
as head m111i0., for Om wholesale millinery
arm of Clark, Ven Deli.dsr R Co, London,
(jot. The Free Prow hes • fe0gthy 10o0a•t
of the arm's opine display, from which we
t.k• an anti! : "Their work terms 185.
Veer were net upte4 by • staff of no lees than
one hundred aad fifty milliners, ►ed for
week, they were.nftaped, seder the d0ree.
tins of M W Inlet8, in ifr.paitlag for the
Tilt LAKs Hilton Srsvei.-Ia the
Hoene of Commons last week, Hoc, Mr.
Nutherlenl, to reply to a question asked by
Ur. Sproul., said that the officer is ctarps
had reported that all the work in oenoeo•
don will the hydrographlo survey on Lere
Huron ha been oo.lpl.ted, and the Am•rt-
oane having finished their work the whole
lake le therefore surveyed. The charts are
.tent oompl.t.od, aad ter• being engraved
by the nydrographto ot5» to Loaduo. All
the ob•rte that have been Issued except the
char• of last eeaon'e work have teen eo
et p ed by the hydro, raphte office, end will
be on sale by the open rig of navigation,
!first.tatton Mt Stewart will leave with
nu e'.ff on board thu Lord Staley for the
extern end of Lek. Superior, work .ng trom
Point aux Pare westward_ Although the
who•awork has tree completed on the Am-
erican ode there il only the d.meroatlon of
the ethers line on Abe Canadian side, and
311. M ewart think, that this work will
probably occupy sewed years.
Sag V75Ii l Tisin. -A Lay restid'mt of
town, who 9.', rowers! clever boys over in
Car, -le Sam'. land, the other day received
from one of them an expression of hip
f* liag•,le.uurxa The writer probably ,lid
not expe t hie lime to hr. taken Aso a classic
and will doubtless tai surprised to see them
in print but we bene.e the eentimenta will
touch a oymputhetie epot in the anatomy of
many aUoderic hboy who roads hie Stencil,
in sotpe distant part of the continent :
It ain't that I'm .ick -het 1 want to we -
\II the ramhlin .veers of the g,xd old town,
With the gra,..- cu'bs like they u.e.t to be,
An' the asayin .ren with their verdure 010.1
'1 he old 'Court House- and the "Depot,- too,
With in platf..nm wide when we used to wait
For the "7:p; that's the time it was due,
Nut the darn o1.1 thing was always late.
It ain't that I'm sick -jou t sway. yet
I've ewe an a9-wer case of htues,
Just (hmkin of thing. that 1 can't target -
1'ou know how a fellow will sometime. muse
Of folk. moil the place where he used to be,
An' we thin,. Nee 'em? Noe, Iiwe , -say,
There'vhe',! town clock just striktn' three,
1 can heard ode 400 as plain a. day,
It mint that lm aitk-but if I. only c:ndd
tat lack to the item for an hour or we,
'1 ,oho* Chet 1 .„sed and uada.000d
The g•r0.1 oil rimae of the lung ago :
If 1 only out1 r:,, then once more
(Now ihw is 7,.,5 men idle tatkt,
'I,. see, see thino a> they lorke'1 het re, -
I must 110 home 5( I have to walk.
1t ain't that 1m sick -het by night and .fay
1 sec every inch of ' ' street.
An' hear the boys as at " /Junco " they play.
An' the dray swish 018.0, running tet.
1 hear the call yf the oM school bell,
Am' the bang and blare of our old town limo!,
1 ,an rant the water from the well, -
Dat 1 ain't .ort. Can't you undermine
FO*M*.0., LIVB° IN 14Cb**ICH.-Martin
Mose, engineer, ot 200 00 BeHw
mod, Avenue,
Toronto, 1.11 from a lender at the factory of
Seamen, Kent & ('n., Koro street west, to
that oity, on Saturday morning, and re-
aelyed anilines which proved fecal a few
hour. later The ladder had been plied o0
• oroj•ot1o0 at the first story and it reached
from there to Ihs roof, Mose had gone to
the top of the building to attend to 50,1,1,
repairs to an •zhmnat pipe. When Doming
down les turned as he reached the lar; rook
but one of the !elder end swung is around
with him. Ho sod it went over end 1.11 to
the ground, • nt1'ae01 of (welter) ' feet.
Mme case taken to the Western hospital,
where it wt.■ found that h• n•4 receive r
howl interest Injuria., and that a0 arm
c,( were broken. He died at 2:30
in a afternoon. • was 1 married
eaves a cal ow and two e)na,
midget o Godeirlc51 some years
n t
• ofr
y Ogtivue & Hutchison,
Go fer(ob on • visit, .
RAILWAY. -Oe Friday
en t G. T. R 'At
• track about heti
road crossing
andetill and it
wee a cedar
poet that had bets placed on thI rack, 1'
hal caught • of the front wheel t ck and
slid until the train ewe stepped. For oft
ly nn damage teas done, and the trate res
delayed only • few minaret, It mtlht *malty
beret Leen n'horwlse, hnweve-, and whoever
planed the poet on the track took the rlek of
measles a terrible accident It was • des-
picable a:, and if d.aovtred the perpo•rs-
tor shnold receive on04ign pnnbhm,.t. A
G. T. H, detteative •rrhed on M ,nday to
Investlsate the.ffsir, hot lett the sett day
without. giving any Indication at to the
Molt of his mlsslrn . ,Ute M',ady even -
log the same train int a mishap et sloths,
kind, hot 1t. ahem; the same place on the
flee. A track nn a coal oar broke and the
train use decayed for several hoot., pains
Into the rtatmn at eh iu' 10:30 This paeeteg-
ere welted fa by way of t9. Hares road,
Hotwzn 0440 No. II. -Ns non iory a.
11,51 for the county of Huron wore hot I on
Monday, the MPG' lee(Inp only a f..
hears. Jalge Robertson pr,, del. F. R
Holmge' second oto. •gainer the town of
Ged.rlch le the emit dt►put• earn* before
the ('0851, The Be'Iew war t.kee *gainer
(9. oe'pnretioe, against Jame.. W,leen a
Mayer at the tire* the proa.edinge com-
menced, against W. l,. Horten a. loon
tr•searer sad W. L. Ellet es 50001 mlsy.r
an I 1
o'olnc 1 h Il H
min, d I d
He wag • d f
and w
s w al) to '
it WWII' t
Lase veer h.■ G
M16n Ar, ON Th
e 001117 its. 7:40t -et 91
11170 50 Ob,Itllot, n 005
• mIe east of tb. Har
The train was brought to a
wee found the' the oh0lroOtie
of the Beat of Montreal, to restrain
them from uegoltedog or otherwise
de.l.ug with • note for 82,500 made 1* Deo.
ember last by the Mayor and the treasater,
chiefly for the purpowe of providing footle
as eecur.ty tor the oats of the town to the
appeal to the Supreme Court to the tire,
nation of Holmes verset the town. The
plaintiff ooateade that tb• proceedings to
oo0Oatlon with the drawing of the note
were mot legal. W. I'roadfoot appeared
for the pldoti8 sod Hon. J. T. Ostrow, K,
C., for the d.feudante. Hoe Lordship r. -
served j.tdgment. The only other matter
before the Douro was the came of McLennan
ve. MoLtooao, an •otlon between two
bro'here h.iog le A.hf.td township, in
*hien • Morello* wee mads to Ht. Honor
Judge 1)07le.
WALIANK - ROntKt,.-At Doom 01)
Tbaraday, Feiruary 27th, the wedding o
Mies F -ta, elder daughter of Jobo Roberta
of town, and Cherie* Walbaak, late of the
God.rlob .ogleer work., wee celebrated at
the home of the bride'. aunt, Mrs. Mul'oer•
11, Anglesey street. Rey. Ja A. Ander•
K.A , performed to. nuptial oeremo0y,
pr51anos of • go.'herleg of Immediate
of the bride. The letter looked
in bar cue'um• of blue covert
arry,og a bouquet of white ar-
nations en miles After the weeding re.
put Mr. and rt. t4albank left on the 2:30
train for Nag a F•li. and New York,
to take
muter on Ste n
t rd•
England. They grill 51.01 the groom'e
parents st Keit hley \'orkenire, and will re-
m.in In England until ',Iter the coronation,
when they will return to reside m Naw
York Tne Marine Rand, of which Mr.
Walhank was * va'ued m.m`tter, saw him off
at the station and pley.d .eviyal alsotious
Fa honor of himself sad hlo brt
W. L. H'RTUN MANAaks,-A the ad-
journed moieties of the sb•rebold of the
Huron and Brost Loan and Iow meat
Company Y l6e following win
ed di t
or.: Lord Stnt6000a, Framed* Jordan, J.
tl C dfwroe, Wm. Proadtoot; D. J. Natter..
J al Roberts, H. Dunlop, Henry Horton,
i'a4bp Holt, K (2. H. W . 1.11 and W. R.
Retortion were rte -appointed auditors. A
committee wee appointed to prepare a letter
ot condolence with the family of the let
m10ager, Horace Horton. On Monday
evening the directors met and •!sated
le'reeol. Jordan, pr..ldeot, Wm, 1'roudtoot,
vice president, and W. L. Horton, manager,
The new manager to already well known to
°caseation with the Company, bavlee held
the position of oahier •od a0000otant, and
his seleatloo ie •n indication that the busi-
ness of the eompaoy will be ooadooted upon
the lones which have made It 1n the past ao
safe and so substeolial an Institution.
Special attention *111 be paid to the future
to the savings batik department, wblob *ill
be brought before -the public more promin
eet'y M a brat -ohm opportunity foe Invest-
10 t'
sloth, au
Mit. Joab*x FAvortAHLY RecIttvaD,-
The following from The Brantford Courier
will be reed with Interest and pita.ore by
our Uodericb rn.dere : "H. A. Jordan, the
newly •ppointol organist of the Brant
avenue ohuroh, summed his duties yester-
lay and the trnpr.aoo made was • most
favorable one. The 00x05 sus of opinion re•
gardtng hie ability wee of a most fettering
nature, end the °seclusion is realized that
to a most marked manner he follows in the
footstep' of hie talented brother who pro
ceded him. At an opportune time daring
the service the pastor,Rey, Mr. Adam*, ex
prettied his pleasure sod approval of the cep
onlotm•nt, and Intimated that the Trustee
Board of the oburon had made no mistake In
the !ideation. The eerylosa on both twee
tone were )urge:y attended, and the sabjeate
oboseo jot comment by the easter were of •
moat Interesting and leitmotivs character
At the morning servos the words *elated
wen,-• What do ye more than other,?'
and •t the event°, service The shooing
light,' witnessed by St. Paul the apostle.
the rnusioal porton of the voodoo was, u
u.u,l, of the highest order, and randered
arab risen and 'Moloney, Mr. Slight and
Miss Blanche Teeple tank prominent parts."
A Q011a'1ole Or LAW -The Malt and Em
mire'a legal column on Seturdsy beet con
d the 5,dtowtng : "J. L , God.rch -
Q e. -Can • married woman whose name Is
o, the aaeseme0t roll a the owner of a
farm yore for school trueree? (2) Can a
( farmer's deaghier whoa o.m• is oo the as
eeeement roll as the owner ot red estate
Vote on school questions ? (3) Can smother
en•l two daagh ere who are executors of
ttelr deo•ued fa►her's will, and are all ee
d for the re.l estate, vote on school
gosetlon.? Aos.-.taction 13 of the Public
• uhr
A t
1901 I
Y/- Every ret
pryer of the foil ape of Cereal Doe year.
who le a Paella School supporter of the
uo'!oo for whloh runs a person am • rate-
payer eha11 he entitled to vote at any else -
tion for **hoot trollies, or on any school
,10.tto0 whatsoever.' Ideation 2. p ph
7 of the Aot says :- • Ratepayer shell
mean any person entered oo the lot revised
a,.aaament roll of the school section for
Tubb. Pchool rates ' Section 15, "lib 'mo-
tion 4, ,t.es the form of declaration which
a ewer mmy he r.gair.d to take, If ohjated
to. The declaration toys nothing about the
sex of the voter, Frain the foregoing 11
would appear that females whose names aro
no the assessment roll as. Public, School sup.
porters, and who are of the full see of
t.eoiy owe years, save • right to ,ate."
CANADIAN t'a*3e AeitoCIATION -The an -
noel meeting of the Canadian Press Associa-
* held at Oaaw
. last we
ek.T n•
Beet •
g gal0et the miner onmblee war the ftp
tore of the executive committee's report.
During the year the siltation for • cheaper
imperial neweraper poral rate has hero
married on In trio domestic and British press,
and a 0115(an in the matter 1s Ammg pre
pared for submlrelon to the Secretary of
State fur the Col"nO.,, A discussion took
piece on the duty on paper, sod It wee de -
o riled to appoint a depotatio0 to wait upon
the Government, and urge that the reduc-
eon from 25 to 15 per Ment., made In 000tie-
goo,oe of the investigation of the p,ner
manufacturers' Combine, apply to all newt
rine, r.pardl,ee cd wham this price may be.
e ann0ai hanquat of the moclatlon was
he at the Kone11 House Thoreday evening
and • • great .anew., Sir Wilfrid Leur•
ler and r. Borden, the Opposition Nater,
gem addrr►.ee, magi. bleb compliments to
the C,eediate prise. The .lemon rel r Bioen
melded la theeeleotlon of D McGillicuddy,
rel fur SIn,A,., its preddent of the Assool►-
t'oo ; H .1 l'attypleo•, M P.1'., Ere" Press,
Forma, first v,oe p'Mldent ; ,lobs A. Corp.
sr, (lmedian Mem ns., forest, wooed
vto. president ; J. T. Clark, Evening .(tar,
Toroetn, Iroretary.treuorer ; M 0. Ham
meed, The (:I ,be, Toronto. assistant seam
tart : L K Jeekeon, Kra, Newmarket, and
!:. E fik,bud, laarmaeeotiosb Journal, lo-
ronte, gatherers ; A. 0.,11 (:olgnhoon, To
'onto :.1. W. Reidy, St Thoma, and A.
MsNe., Weed.r, mambo,e of meatiest
oomm)ttee. Vetoe, matters of intrest to
the pier. of Canada were dtsaa,wd sad
acted upon.
Tut Orebro NTrx-g SALK--Q.lte a
n umber from this vlolnity •eteeded the
rest asset cal. as. Guelph tate week ander
the aueploes of the Dominion Cattle, !)beep
and Nwlu• Breeders.' Associations. There
were ole.s on three tbeutood mannae pies
eat at the tole, including buyers from the
Marmots Prostaow, the N amerce States and
Canadian Northwest. 'there were of.
Wad to all one hundred and nine animals,
oomprs.0y 510,0(7 bulla and thirty-
two footsies. The bulls brought 27,40E end
the females 13,335, a total of $10,740, or an
go of surd) $100 a heed. Among
those In attendance were Lt. Col, Yazoo.
and James Chisholm, Colborn. • Joseph
Selk.ld, J. W. Salkeld, lease Salkeld, jr.,
(/.urge Aodrewa, J. Newoombe, Oodsr0ch
towoehtp ; T6cs. Uu.dry and Kobt. Mo.
Lean. )r., town, Among the sales mad.
were the following :-05ru, roan, calved
May Stn, 1900. Bred by A. Demean &
SAG, Cerluket, Oat. Contributed by A
Dupo•n & S,ns, Carluke, Ont. Sold to
Peter Torrence, Luokoow, $110 liana oak
born, red, calved April 29.4, 1901. Bred
by R. Uibeoa, Ualaware, Ont. Cootrlbated
by R. Utb.o°, Delaware, Oat. gold to Jas.
Chisholm. uaolop P. 0, $70. Wylie
37290, red and little white, oelved Doom.
her 7.9, 1900, Brad and contributed by
Win. Smttb, Columbus, Ont. Mold to Ies►o
Andrew, l.uokaow, for $85. Jestios39303,
red roan, calved Dee. let, 1901. Bred aad
Dont b
rl u
H K Fairbairn,
Oat. Sold to E )S. Aadsteee, Doaga000a,
for 1190 Minute May 3rd, Vol. 19, light
roan, alved Oot. 20th, 1900. Bred and
000trtuuted by A. & W. Wkiuelaw,(,baelp8,
Ont. Sold toJ•.. German*, So.Heleoe, $75.
H OTxL 0000IIC H. -
W.13. Mmleb has been
pushing forward the work on the new Num•
mer botel during the pat meats. A fairly
good Idea of how the big betel *111 loot on
the Inside when oompletod 0011 now be
gained by a walk through tee building.
The quality of the mewls!
balite used is of
the beet, and strength, Brmo.ss end dors.
Witty In the mariner of ooa.lruotioo *mane
to bs the order throughout the building.
The three Boors are all laid with natural-
dr..d hardwood and .1104, the partitions
tare all placed, three distinct circuits of elea-
ttio light wiring are being put lo, the sant
Mee plumhtoy to well under way and the
larbteg will be oommeoo•d ibis week. Two
lure fetuaosa of modern type .re to be
plical to the basement titi there will be a
number of tiro grate. throughout the build-
ing,. The . bath room., complete .lt8
modern sanitary arrangements. are being
oosy.nieuily pI.oed on the different tloor.
The kitchen and laundry department. .111
be thoroughly up to -date to their appoint-
menu, A Targe refrigerator, now belap
o.mplet•d, w111 be a Gesture til the hotel.
The main diving room 1e to by 42
feet, and capable of 'maths( one hundred
aad forty people at one time; adjoining tie
two emall.r dtolog rooms for awe privately
or otherw(.. There are a number of large
petters and sitting rooms sod the hello sod
oorrtdora are .ld• and atty. There le no
suggeetton of orowdtog for alpaca -plenty of
room everywhere. 'There are moral 'altos
of bed rooms on the ground floor with
moiler* 000venteno.e in connection. Theta
will be forty large bedroom. In which one
bed will to pieced, and fcr0y-five double
sized rooms in which two or more beds oar'
be placed t all the rooms will be thoroughly
furnished, The bedrooms on the brat and
aecood float. will .11 hays clothes oloseu 1st
oonn•otion, and 00 the third floor largo
proems will be provided for the rooms.
There will be no oar9et1, rug. being used
(stead, Mr. Smith states that he will be
•bls to aoommodate two hundred and fifty
people whheut crowding the 0.paolty of
the hotel. No; the least feature a 1h• large
rotunda, which w111 be the main e0trana
to the buddtog. In this..too there will
he a restaurant and confectionery stand to
t6ie right of the /treat door ; to the left will
be a lounging and smoking apartment ; the
burins. olfioe *111 be placed in the north•
eat corner, and the grand otairw.y .111
rise from the oorth.weet corner, Altogether
the hotel w111 be substantially built, admire
ably laid out and oomplete (1 ne appoint.
intents. Mr. Smith expects to have It reedy
in rood time fur the op.o0og of th. gorilla*
..rico. 1f soy cd our citltow take an
Interest to the method of oonetruotioa Mr.
Smdth will be plead to her• them pall •t
the hotel and "ermine It thoreuehly, and he
w111 give any tntormation that may ba d. -
Tito X RAI,. --A rep r.eeotatty. of 1110
BI.INAr. had the privilege Doe evening lately
of befog one of • party to whom Dr. J, L.
Turnbull Ravi" • demonstration of t6e
P.».otg.o rays, more commonly termed the
it -rays. 1)r. Turnbull evidently believes In
keeping abreast of the times, for his oftios
Dtalb. many
wonderful ce0irlvaowl
the employment of electricity for media!
and surgical purposes, among them a static
machine Mitring a voltage of one million, try
mean, of *blob, with Ion various etteoh-
meet, he produced • whole ,erten of
startling effects to the manipulation of the
eleotrto fluid. But moot wonderful of all
eyes the z•ray,. $looe the diwov.ry of the
phenomenon a few years ago the papers
h■y teemed with enrolee upon the abject,
but to fully •ppr.0ete one must see the re-
markable results obtained by the time of the
ray,. The fingers of a bled were placed
between the light and the eye, and the
hone. end joints of *soh beget oonld be dim
tinotly seen. Theo the boom. of the wrist
and arm were seen to auooeralon, almost as
olearly aa if there were no Intervening flesh
or rlotklog. A leather purse was held ha
torn the light, and one could count the cola,
1 . AI•
de'''. heed bagwas sen to
fain ,De°t
ale, (which were moo 0
l eed in
tame.), needles, • thimble and ether •rtlrlem
-not dimly, hot each article distinctly
outlined. A wooden box •boot floe
inches wide' wee held up, with • bunch of
at• plated .oma coin. io 1t, and not only
, ouid the coins and RSV, ha sero. but the
boos, of the hand on the ler Md. ot the box
o•,nld he seen through the two thloknossee
of wood Intervening!. A Dopy of "Th. Man
from Gl.s .rry" wee produced and • sole
planed within the leave., •boot midway,
When held up to th• light the ooln could nos
seen as (dearly es If the mind which pro
daoed the bo, 9 had retained Its.
nonoeptloos In their Immaterial form,
What seemed very remarkable wait thee the
glees bulb In which this powerful light war
drveloped onuld be gazed at with the
naked eye with no more dlecemforl than
would he canoed by looking at • tallow
treadle. The nee of the g rays in surgery,
w a detective windy, le well known, but
we believe it is not • matter of onmmnn
knowledge that it le used also ss a Altai
onrative le mem, aah as nanner, loniplent
tuberculoid', eco., where the disease 1e local
t0 It (diameter. Its value In this repeat
is now generally reooan rad, so Dr. Turnbull
Informs a., among the mediae! profession,
Ootelde of the largest ettlee the z•raye
separates le in be found le very few places
he Oatarle,bet Dr. Turnbull is an anthems.*
in matters pertaining to sieetrioity as 1p.
plied to eargery and medicine and ooald on,
nomad., h5. *9otpmee* eernp5.te whiten.
prnenring It (:nnelderable power (e re-
quired se roe the mashies, and es moon as
eonneiotlon nae be made with the teem
water system he will have a water melee
pat Is lee tbl1
Alined Statements -- North Amer{ Per•
Life Assure*** Company 4
Aaoouao•meat-J. K. Hrydges 1
AoaouDusmeot-Fur l a Keltsiag MUM,
Hesplar, Oat . 1
Our New Clothing-N.C. Penitent.... 4
New Wall Ueooratlena-Perter'. Beek
Store . 8
Manare Forks -N. U. Ro.gyle 4
Rooms Wanted -Boz 43, 910*AL 1
ADpouaoemeot-Kidd & Co 1
Situation. 55'aoaot -Parity Mfg. G,
Welland, 0,t 1
Kam.ay's Petals -Allan & McIver ,.,, 4
A Battu Store--Hodeen. Brea. 9
Carpet.., Linoleum*, Cattalos - W.
Aoh.uu & Son 5
Comtag, Comlog-Arthur 8aasel, Seat -
ford 1
Mantels for Sale -Kldd's Beek Seeew,,, 1
A000e000m.ot-J. H. Glb....... 1
Rooms to Let -E, h. Lime1
Auotlo. Sal. -Philip Hole 1
Notice to Creditors -Philip Holt 1
Notice to Creditors- Philip Holt 1
Meeting - W est Huron l'o•em. aad Bane,
Co., Ltd. 1
Servant Wanted -Mom Rourvie - 1
AaDOODameat.-Osco. 8.wart 1
N. B. Smith was i. Torero thio week.
John F. MoA.oy spent a day 1. Stratford
last week.
a.a l
S tier left e ea Monday ter Merl•
towoo, Wis.
Mrs. Rd. Tighe, of W (o.b•m, 1* vlelMart
lrteod• In town,
Miss Haley left 'l'seeday morning •n a
visit la Detroit.
Wee Urum Pulley 1. ablt(nq tylod. la
Clinton and Luokoow.
))avid Buchanan, of Montreal, le vie Ball
Ns palmate at Saltford.
Wm, l'rootor, of Stratford, Is 1a tows
• few days oo business.
iMrs. Robe Mathew and little damning/
ase visiting la M.aforth Otte week.
S. S. Cooper and Jioob Taylor, of SW
-Ne were Int town o Monday .veslev.
George Header••, left on ['steads, fort
Brantford, *hes• he tee • position,
la.peotor Paleley, of Clinton, was la levee
on Saturday and •gala on Wdaseday,
M1.. Louise Holmes of Clinton, was tee
guest of Mw 84.111e Harr!* daring trie game
Walter Hearn, of kl Dedham, +pone
. 1 days of the pat week with trends be
Stotorth Sun : MW McKm.zle, of Ged•.
lob, is visiting Mrs. T. O. Soot., of Sparlly
Mute Mona W'retb.reld west to Onelpe
lace week to toter tae hospital es • mimes
Joe. ,Nware and Ml. Llrale Stewart, ct
Kmmill•r, want to Emir 71.terdey M at.
tend a wedding there.
W111.14 Elliott and Eph. Tweedy return.
ed home Friday al•bt from London, awe s
course of **grit weeks at W•l141.7
Mime Floreooe Wet.00, of Ltet•wel, psi
Miss Teem' Jenkins, of Cllnt•o, have bees
rhe inmate of Mies Lal0bwaite, Elgin ave-
nue, the put week.
John MoVloar, who had been epeadlog
o yeral weeks with his meter, Mrs. (Capt.)
McKay, Qu.beo street, left Get week es We
return to Kenova, West Virginia.
11.o. M. Cox, formerly of Ueder5ob, wee
ID town lest week on business. H. Is new
'Draped with the whole's/is drygoode Aral
of Gardoo, Maoky t Co., Termite.
%%'Ingham Advanta : Mrs. Coati. of Ude.
rich, was the onset of W IDgbam friends 1•o►
week ; she war on her way to visit a rode.
titre In Grey who is 105 years of age.
Mr. and lire. Jahn Ro*•rteon retuned
on Tuesday Irom Delrot , where they spent
the winter. They had a very plea/sant time
during their visit to the City of the Streit,
Mee. Fred. Thomson and oblides rt.•
tanned last week from Lion's Head. Mr.
Thomson hes gold out the bosoms whleb
Ms wart oonduottng there, and remained be-
hind to malls up affair..
Stratford 1 rd Herald : beak •G1. Vwrcoe, •(
(loderioh, wboe. eon, Limit C. S. Varoe.
i• attendlog the (n.ltal Boalaew College,
spent Monday and Tuesday la the Silty.
He wee the guest ot Maier G. T. (leeks,
while hers.
Broken soda 5o per lb. at HTawAas'6.
('hole breakfast h.00a at. SrgwAat'e
A big drive in oore•t, 120 pain worth
50o, for 29o. Some of a fatery'o
A area% bargain, •t, 1, H. CoLoo.NYe.
Oysters, alwaye fresh, at the old tellable
oyster hoe.., Vloterie Restearant, West.
et,, la hulk nr served all idyl's', loo Dream,
fruit, confectionery, cigars etc. 0. %Ace,
Buggies, R
ee boggles, Rr
lee w•Re
be w
Lenr,Ieivn a eepat the Dominion Carrie/pi1\oate,
tee 1 am going out of b0.taam..
wheel harrows, bloyoles, •wood heed ries
of all kinds. J. E. RRtpits.
"Rio Must' PRODUCTS, -Any quantity
of the "Rig Mtll" bran, short, and their
lemons 3 Stet and 5 Star grades of Swar-
th* vary best en the market -for sale as tb.
Feta aad Seed Emporium, W, Bf*aowe t
son, Hamlltos street- 2s
Gime -If you want work writ t• Tan
Volute Kerrr1Nn MILta, of Heep.ler, O...
They are advertising for girls, or families
with boys and girls from thirteen veers old
ap. Nine work, gond wage., year pas
every week, eta. Write them,
The following new toeke at KroD'S lead.
leg 'theory : "Th. Men From Glaegerry,"
"The Fiery Dawn," "The Beeefe.are.a,"
"Marlette, "Tee Devoe'. Seised Wind,"
"New Canteehery Tales," "The Right of
Way," "L.plde' the Cesoar►es," -*Lave
Letters et an Americas O1,1."
Comoro, Cowen-- Walt for Arthur Sea.
eel, the well paper dacereear and paper -
bearer, who will be at the Bed lard hotel
with a full line of tanneries .5 American and
Canadian ostlers. No trouble to eh.w yea
the latest paper., from he M 11 per roll.
We give the people the profits, es we bam
no store met, no deal *mob, sed bey dine.
from the !eateries. 1N• al. 900reetee set
to paper, from ear samples, Rm. Jesse
house the ram. ae Ree. smith's hew with
any paper 25n tad ever. We will tear
sample nut of one heck If Misdeed es be will
net M able to ret It tereagh to We glee
do your deoereMne and paper baaillan• Re-
member the dew -es and alter Ob. 1709 of
Merle. Annum arraeau