HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-27, Page 8T.iur.te%t, Feb 27,11509. ed jot ery In his legs. We hope that a theywil•he desks ks forto the scholars to This at to matter was ht Our Premiums Represent ��•.e seriously Mitred "�` athero• °l dlw°eel°° •tthe let.annual sooty he recovered. mott'.rrt of the notion to Uwsmber. ' Bins Cuts, FEn 24 - `O 200 yds. 100 yes. Total- A hen house was visited by a mink, (7raw4trd4'L 48 90 woluh took •e f three shad 1 awl Toe, A BigCash Discount1 Jebw l: o�M 21 47 vert time the termer mot hie unwcicctue Uta B a 28 35 63 visitor, and shot him. W. Sproel24 24 48 is useful, durable, Household articles of J. Black.... . ..• 32 69 Best Qualities. 37 26 49 PORT ALB I C saw(saw(39 77 lcar uAY, rob 25, THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. Have you thought of the A. l er Miss M. Smith I. home for • week. I, Y, K.mfll `aI 28 56 aDo ,Youuoh•ls e ou . Have you looks I ---, .rd"ormg 0 and A. Mahar Tl eb sunday day 10 G uJ.1 i oh. 'd t r It 'Treleaven.. . . 14 36 60 Mr. and Mn. Jo peat advantages we offer Premiums you for your trade. with �� We are willing to he out their cost for your increased twin COMPARE OUlt PRICES RI Theyro up-to-date. SCOMPARE OUR STY LES. Our Departments cover all lines of Dry Goods, Ready - made - wear, Garments for ladies, gentlemen or boys, Millinery, Dress Making, House Furnishings. Spring Goods are here in good variety, and the best values we have ever shown in New Prints, New Cottons, New I'luslins, New Dress Goods - New Silks. As for any Winter Goods, Jackets, Furs,or Overcoats. A11 going at REDUCED PRICES. Itook 16. lead. As • markuun Mr. Craw i ford will soon ba prominent la the sporllsg class. 1 hero, -The weather being mild and ' plri.snt b very erjay&Lls. The only draw tack 1. uumeruus bed plloboles on the blgh- ways. however the township 016 dale are I having Rood force., endesvottog to Improve the roads A "lumber of our citizens Imo storing Rood to optic's of toe to 000l their (perched laps in summer The annual Muting of the membese of Era hate church oat hell on Moodsy, the 17.6 The Maitland Presbytery wilt meet its W'lopt.am ore Tuesday. Marob 4:b. _ T.'. esteemed and pvpolor Rome of West tV.w.otah was recently prsisntul with a line teou. o.og belt to the manor. PEwt'aL -Andrew 1'ouog, Win Merge SOD and J. Mitchell, prominent tumors ID the township of Colborne. adjaoeot lc Carlow, vers recently is our village The easy friends of our es termed jawsller, who bas been 111, are oles,d to sty him able to rs°ume business Also Thomas Smlley. who has been for some Imsnw 011, i, gsoduslly recovering During lest week mutts • number of young people took la • social party at Uoderiub and report havmg had • good time. 'rimy returosd home In the email hours. lit course they spent the greater part of the next ture000s in the land of slumber and wet Mrs. McNair, wife of our esteemed gator of the Dungannon circuit, returned home duriog tut week after an extended yt.lUog tour to rel•tivee east el here. CASH OR PRODUCE. Smith Bro's & Co. -. CIODERICH TOWNSHIP - To -- - - -- O To minor, Yob. 95th. rRIDAY, Feb. 21. jay that Reeve Churchill w.11 W. N. H. bo.l ass 0 Wiagelliam merchant, bas re 111 from hits township council at the end Sold oat his business to W'tllbm Jones, Of sof •M ppai.t_we•r and will probati y te the 9th emaciation. succeeded by John Mldd'etoo. Mr. ('five The Rev Mr. Kemp will pratah to the hill may be a candidate fur the county Presbyterian church hare mut SumdSy and council. the Standby following. D.Al. Mr. Smith, our popular blacksmith, bas gess up Els burrow and bas gone to Dun. gueon. WB wish him every success. Mr. sod Mrs. 1'e.er Campbell. ot Amber ley, specie a few days .t the home ot Alex I ouog, ix Reeve of ,Colborne, on the Loeb Millon farm. Mr. Bothwell is hat mg his suet oo sale stout the middle of nest month and le pee paring to leave for the West. 1\ • with Mfr. B•rkwsll eyery su^.e,.e in the prairie country. 11,5 outdone S.b6,th reboot convention will take place to Auburn ea Much 13th In oeneeetieo with our Sun lay school .od that e1 Aubure. Mr Jackson, preglacial 5 S. seor.t.sry, n expected. H or Wu. Hi. h. -After • long period of severe suffering, Wm. Hoek putted sway o0 Monisy last. at the see of teveuty four years. Deceased was • native of Corn wall. Ecglaud, coming to Canada .t the age of twenty yo•rs and bootleg to Hosting' county, %Mere he remained fur a nun.brr of years, moving to Hurno read, t.oderich township, e• me thirty -ens years ago, whole he continued to reside until &lout fire yams ago, worn he meted to Holm...vette He war • member of the Metbod,et church for • meet marry years. Tn. remains wore interred in Conlon cemetery on 11.dnesday, R. Ache. son, J. McCartney. J. Matguis. A. J. C.ur- tlee, H. Kllurd aad IV -Stanley being the p•Ilbeeters. THE LATE Jou+ _ELYORD.-The-e died at the residuum of his son, Herbert, of Ho'meeviIle, en February 15th, John 1'.l ford, at the age of 95 year.. Ueo,asel was bete to Doretebire, Esgland, and 01010 to Canada in 1841. He lived for lout year, at Markham. Ile then moved te Siolleshy township. near Croeshill, whloh was knot, n as the Quern'. bush, there being nulling hue the our reyor's blur to travel by. I' or mar.) year. his log Atom was ate home of the preacher and only p1ace of worship in the towoehlp. The hrst Methodist melting house in the community was built oo the comer of hie lot. much of the colt being es awned sod the work largely done by him• self. For thirty years he filled the r Ilier of oleos leader tied exhorter in the Mehed,rt church. His remains were taken by by arty and interred 1n the family plc it Kish • cemetery, Wellesley teentblp. KECITLb THE SHORTEN CATE, 1110 1 --1'b• General Assembly of the Preeb,teliEn church m Canada gives • d.plom• W any Sabbath school pupil oummltting to memory the whole ot the shorter catechism and re. clung 11 .11 at one continuous sadist. Min Josephine McAllister sod blurs E ithel Duff.members of the R ble class In the Dungan• ath nos Presbyterian Sabbschool, met In the church on Tuesday. January 28 h. and .were examined by H. M. Duff. Sabbath school superintendent, Mark Wilson and Mrs. R. Davidson, teachers. Both yo000 ladies pawos ed the test suos fully, each re- citing the whole of the catechism without mskioit o°e mlsteke. The diploma were presented to the young ladies In the whorl last Sabbath. It ie expected that ' 1 others will be examined in tie near fu'ore. Mr. sod Mrs Pierson are siltation relatives la Lonesburcugb. Mr. EOerhart 1s able to attend 61e school duties again this week John McHnds b to (.04erich uodergolog medical ail seduce. from lir. '1'urnboll kin, A C. Hawkins �, j - and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. G rse0 yidted Mrs - Quaid to Dunlop last seek. Miss Mare, of Dungannon, I. ependIhg a few Boys with Mr. and We. It. l;rebaru. t1',Dt tut Richardson put ap sumo hundred clocks of toe for the Betel hotel, test week. A notelet of young folks from this 616;4311y attended • party at tam'1'Lurlow's to Uoder'cb last et Cling. Mr. 3•• Hayden, having sold h" floe team of horses for the 1001 of $490, has purchased • .poo of Dolts from Phomas Clayey, of Klogsbrldgs. At tate Lenten services tut Thursday mveo�0g Kiv. Mr. Goldberg Rave an Interest. tug and profitable address, basics his re- m.' as oo Psalm 27, 4. '1'o these asrytoes, o• which will be otlousd, everyone will be mato welcome. LEtBURN. Movo.y, Feb. 24. J. Wick, rsoently from Manitoba. was the moat o1 A. H. Clutton loot week. Stony 000gratuleti000 ere cow to be Nod. mod to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. U (bate, °oar Butternut Row, on the snivel of s ",'tic stranger at td.ir home, on the 17th toot. It is • son. lee arrie.l of early Iambi in It,tolop was mentioned but week in the c„rrepor deuce from that burg. Tis date was t6. 5'.h inst. 1) Statute le not tar behind, es hie arrived ear the 16th Tose. They are progressing well. Prohibition now is the theme of general debar. In many homes The lo Igo bore nag fleet • delegate to the big convention to aha Favilloe at Toronto, oe To.sd.y, palled the Dominion AILaoc,. Some of our young people took in the prohibition debate at Carlow oo Friday evening of last week. Gra Temper • Just as trying to toe 050905 as temper ex- ci e1 by ether onuses. H.voo't you beard of am's Praises Corn and Wart r.o- traetot ? Cure gulckly and painlessly ; others pain -maks mu •.ear -the tidies aomplalo-ncl so with Putnam's. All drug gists sell Tutorial's or It cal be east by N. C rtlwo & Co , Ktoge'oo, Oat., to soy ad deem In Canada or United Stets, oe receipt of 25 mote. DUNLOP Mox900, Feb. 17.h. Mr. and ran. Ju. Yells, were at Klsrr bndre on Weil oeday of lee/ week stteading the funeral of their brother lodsw, the late Thos. Hulsey. S1 re. E Morris, o1 Amain, who is down on • cult here. left on Wedoeaday e1 last weet with her two son', lien and Jo epb, for a yisll of some dove to relatives •t B 00.118ld and Exeter, - Quite • number of our young people and alio ot Loyal were guests at the A 0 H, eetert510meDt held m Goderioh so Moodsy light of let week. All ot them speak of having had a mutt pleasant time. DUNGANNON. Niericr. The local wont In Dungannon !cryo En. eye e, the o® teotJ.O. Ward. I', conruoer, ae., who will reaelPe Joespb Thomson was in the proem/Ws orders for suhoorip•tone, advert sing en.) lob burg of Dunlop last week, asehttog to draw- workend is authorized to give reoelpte for tog the doe for the Far •mount. paid for Ike same. °haoge hotelWhile there Jcs.ph woe suddenly ep,11011d u e mutate' of n Bre hugged. .sd, aesuterl by John Cemmlog sod Albert llosid as ladder men and some others, pat oat a file io a stable near the hotel Fortuoat•ly the lelazt was ch wearer! i■ time and was put oat before soy encu, damsre was done. If catarrh Is Tear Tremble. Sou will hod tbatant relief silt •hrolute ours In C►terrbofess; whlob kills the germ. that cause the disease, .urea the cough, pre vents dapples. In the thrust, relieve, enc• elation and prickly heel. the ienaeird membrana. Catatncosone cure. perfectly Om most ohroolo oases of osturh, lung end throat trouble. and is delightful, simple Tt•a.,DAT, Fab. 18. Mt.ttvul. COON, n, - The monlotp•I fathers of West Wawaooeh met in the town tall on Tuesday, the 13.h. All the mem• hors were present. Dr. Caen. M. H. O • being present, reported that these whe were troubled with mill Lox ware reeoveriog and that the di was check'. Ito lie pro grow, Alter the due consideration of 010.1 municipal hardness. louludiog the reapp0tnt men r of .1 11. Taylor, who has barn collector for a number of years, the meeting ad- j-11rco1. A.'. 11+0170 -,1• regret to have to state that two of or 0107.1 05 met with misfortune recently. (leo. Westbr000k, In throwing of --e belt from hls a1wtog machlre became 'mangled by hie mitten gotta/ sought to the bolt. His crm was Initial and in tom natal Dammer teed a Amertea. Toe "Wetlands of Ontario." C.oada, are omelet. ad the moat charming plum for summer tourists 0o Om outmost. A thou send let above sea level. permit of •!r oo 8 -es or muegaitoes, p:otaromas .urrouod- Inge, new modern hotel.. good rail sod st..mboat service, perfect immuotty from hey fever assured. Health and pleasure to .11 who g. there. Full information and h&odsomi desoripLve literature, g.eing list of hotels. rotes and all particuleri. may be bad fru on app:i,•itlon to M C. Dickson, P•sws/et Agent, Ust" Station, .Toronto. Tuesday night of last week the remotim of the late Thos. Hussey. formerly ot A.68&4, passed through en route to Ktogeb- lye t., be burled In the K. C. perish chetah)ar1 on Wednesday merniog after Iooer.l ser• Them to the church there. Toe decreased died to London and his remains came by Deice to Godertob, where they were met by •'embit- oT hid oTd eelghben trom Mb• tleii, wbo thus paid the last mark of respect to one who when he lived amongst Item was ever a true friend and counsellor to all of them. SCSDAY CART? -Of all nations under the sun the people ot bonnie Sotland bays the Dame of being the mut soropoluus 10 the ohs ervaoce of the Lord's U.y. The subj•c- was brought to your oorreepondents mind by the eleotrto rrlw•y projeut of the Gods rich people. and be has been woudsring whether t0ere will be • Sanday oar service to the different towns to whloh the railway wit! operate, for the 000ve°ieoe of those who want to go to ehuro6. Pardo!). • good many reader' of THD SI1RAL bay been In Edinburgh at some time durl.r their Ileo and know how the Sabbath was kept there in the pest. They may be sur- prised to read this item from The Weekly Mail of Glse.ow ot January llth " Sunday Society and Suodny Care, -At a meeting of the Ezeoul.ve Commit tea o1 the Edinburgh Sunday S,olety, held on Monday eight, the following motion was twrimouei► agreed to: 16.6 this society hardly approves of the iotroduotio a1 s Suod.y service of 011le care; thee*, the directors ot the E ltnhu'g't •od Dir trict Tramways Company. Ltd., for plaanr these at the disposal el the oitleos,..ed fruite that no employee tell be compelled thereby to perform more than six days' labor In any week " Ahou two years age we gave cur view. In the Dunlop cnrrespodeoos upon the goat ileo o1 • Sunday street oar service In (rode rich, but no one, minister or layman, toot as up, possibly for the reason that there was not at eb.l lime moot) I kelihoal of the question's .•tering Into praetioal affairs here. Rue now that the county ie movies, for 5o electric road, will its promoters be in favor of s Sunday service, lute our good Souttlsh friends in (;lostow, or not Your correspondent would 1 ke to hear the views of • Sant wbo has seen hew the day bas has been kept :n Si attend to the past. and este te nos. Catarrh°, toe in esu. t Ile seg0rn to he w1:1,.ho unable to do say sotk treatment highly Indorsed l y doctors sod tor some flee.. ...1. M. Robert.. when druggist., and sells everywhere for one on the way to attend the funeral of thal.1et doll.., small Use 25 ate. By mail Irom Harare Rotten, by same moles •ns thrower N. 4' Poison i (.o , Klnreton, Ont. net of the cutter and unfortunately .uotldh- ...FEBRUARY-SALE CONTINUED... Settlers One -Way Excursions Tn ldao'tuba and Cananlao N rth West will leave Toronto every 'TURBUAY during MARCH and APrill. 1902. Psewogeve travelling without Live dock ahou'd take the train leaving To- ronto at 1.1S p.m Passengers travelling with Llee Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 0.411 p.m. Colonist Sleeper well be attacked to each train. For fall part titulars and cony of "dee- tlere' OuIAe.' amply to Mese H. A. BALI., Agent, lioderich, or to A. I1. NOTMAN. Amt. Gent. Pager. -.Agent. 1 King/Street Nave. Toronto. Keep Your Feet warm at Night A Hot Water Bottle - WILL DO IT. We Have Them- EROM T1114 CHEAPEn T '1'O 'I' HE HEs1 F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B. DHUGGIS r• Corner of West et. and the Square. SNOT Every Style for all Occasions. $3.75 They have that style and up-to- dateness that is demanded by the fashionable dresser, aid are 1110 EASIEST Shoes over made. TA* most popular acid satisfy- ing worming fOotWNP e b tain able. New Spring Styles in Stock. - KEPAtIUIvO.. Tomato Glebe : A depn•ati°o of three members of the Canadian Press Artooiatioe M H. J. Pott mime, M. I'. i'., Forest tree Prate ; Dao Micl.,llicuddy, Uederioh %Foal, sod John A. Comer, of Tb. Cana Men Magazine. left for Ottew• Inst night to (01tree oo the t:overcm,°t their claim that the reduotlon recently mode lo the paper duty was tnsoffvsol. 1 Gas ea the Stomach. Result of imperfeoi digestion preening op ag•Ibat the Lout. 11 excites alarming ',nip toms. Instant relief b afforded ny taking, half an he ur alter the mai. tea drop' of Polson'. Nat -Ohne In a little sweetened water. N.rvtlige aide Myr e'_Ion, expel. 11. gas and imparts a unto of comfort. N ervl- line is good for Tots M other tbiar,, sit 1 wise people keeps 25o bottle in abs boau for rheomstfem, cramp", newsiest, tooth ache. etc. Try 1lk 1 i It's not enough For the balance of the month we will close out the following Lines at Greatly Reduced Prices rwar7 rrlee. ' 500 Copies Cloth Bound Books, F, ble Beatenate e•eh ('n0,brine of the following Standard \V rtt.rs Soott, Dickens, (Toper, Dame. Th.ckery, Lever NO many ot the mon modem writer'. Over 150 titles to oelrct fr Note Paper and Envelopes. Spaniel Ltns nI Neil. Paper and Envelnpr.. February Sale. as•otly o.e hale n.u.1 retail price. Special Lineal Square Fsveloper .i package. for 10o. A paskage ef good Square Ent elopes for o. Table Tennis-" Ping-Pong," The very "•test Indoor game all the cries In Kurland, New 1 nrk, An. Spatial Fehtnsry price, $2 00, $2 50, $3.50 and N Co TNL*4y PN10118 AAE 8TRIOTLY OASN. SORTER'S BOOK STORE Oar Telephone is No. 100 H. ('Dort Homy, t4lnuc, Grviorir.h. Moroot, Feb. 24.6 Our sohnet had a visit from Ietpector Tom on Wednesday ot les'. week. At the elms of hie intimation be had a oonsiloatloo with est architect In regard to raarranglog Kilo Peteet SII. • VERY SWELL Fer Street "Isar 551 'NAT THIS TRADE NARK IS BRANDED ON EVERY 560E. Welted Sole. Extension Edge, Low Heel. React aepr.siaua .1 thus belle Shea. P. T. HALLS bole Agent for the two Fatuous American•made Shoes, QUEEN QUALITY for women and WALK OVER for men. Ayrshlle tante sr the 51. Leola tzpe•Itlea The breeders of daily cattle ID the totted Ba States are already begtootog to paper* for the Louisiana Purchase Expseltlon to be held to 8t. Louie 1n 1903 At the scoot meeting of tbs American Ayrshire Raeder.' 1 Aesoctatio0, 6eid at Provident'', K 1 , It was voted to approtrste money frim the treasury to pay the. expene5 of placing o hard cf Ayrebtra cows In the breed tet at that ezposltioo, and • oommitte was ap- pointed to take charge ot the soma. C.oa- dla° breeders who intend ec t ohlbit at rU. 't.outa Wald at o0e begin to prepeir• their stook. so that they will cot he taken al e disadv•°uge when tn. time for 161. gnat international contest at rives. rgains Still in Groceries IN MY OLD STAND. O Spick Te. worth 400 Ila 35o. Pickles, worth 1a, ter 103 bottle Baking Powder. worth 100 fax 63, oleo 20o coos for 12e. Jap Taw worth 25o for 183 pas Ib EO. STEWART. TSLarasis t1. ss. HODGENS BROS. Mill Remnants. of FLANNELLTTES. , -- 1.e Da Will Or 1 WOO.■AII1LT•a-ST. JI ON Saturday, March 1st, we will place on sal a case of 11111 Remnants of Flannelettes. They come to us direct from t mill -and are short ends that are not long enough to be put up in webs, otherwise they are perfect in every way. They come in assorted fancy stripes, and nearly all are nth e , heavy cloths -lengths are two to ten yards. There are nearly 1000 yards case, and the whole lot goes on sale Saturday morning. All are marked by the end and we cannot cut a piece in any case. We will sell them cheap enough to make it pay you well to lay in a good supply before all are sold. Mill Remnants of Flannelettes at less than Regular Mill Prices, Lengths 2 to 10 Yards. that you shouki have a good physician to prescribe for you, it's just as important that you should have the prescriptions he gives you dispensed by a drug- gist who realizes the importance of the trust placed in hien, and who, under all circumstances, aim's at co-operating with the physician for the recovery of the patient It's just such a co- opiration that we endeavor to give and do give physicians in the treatment of their patients. Honest, reliable, conscientious dispensing - dispensing which - cannot be bottered anywhere and which is certainly not equalled in many drug stores. Every ounce of oui drugs and chemicals is tested by our flew method bo - fore being used in physicians' prescriptions or used in any other way. Ask your doctor. He knows' JAS. WILSON New Embroideries. Telephone 43. Prescription Drug Store. xw' W e do not sett stamps or portal Garde. More New Embroideries came in this week. Most of them are fine Muslins and Lawns - many have insertions to match. They are the product of one of the best factories in Swit- zerland, and we think we are safe in saying that daintier and prettier patterns have never beton shown in town. One prominent feature of our Embroidery Stock is the large assort- ment of sets patterns we have, L1- sertions, All -overs, and three widths of Em- broideries to match. If, you are interested in dainty Em- broilleries, come its and seea new stock. is Embro Cambric 5,10 and 12c. Embroideries, Cambric insertions, 5, 8, 10 and 12c. -Lawn and rluslin Embroideries, 8, 10, 15 and 25c. Lawn and Muslin Insertions, 8, 10, 15 and 25c. All-OVErs, 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.25. FENCITNO TIME WILL SOON BE HERE 1 M°KENZI E c HOWELL Have made heavy purchase,' of all kinds of Fencing Material to avoid the wire famine like last year. and buying in quantities we get better prices, no we can sell cheaper. \. a are therefore prepared to Pell extremely low. We will sell and PUT UP THREE of the Beet Fences Made. The American Field Fence. We sold over 4,000 rods last season. The Frost Fence. Made of No. 9 coiled spnag warp wad upright No. 7 The Gun or Carter. Made of No, 9 coiled wire and wove with galvanised wire-. We are prrpared to Bell either at store or put up by competent builder's. Vte have a very low 9 on on Manure Forks of the hest grade. McKENZI& HOWELL TRH PLACE TO HVY A HARDW ARK (HEAP. New Dress Goods. The first of our New I)ressGoods arrived this week. What are here already are but a foretaste of what are to follow. There are enough, however, to give you an idea of what will he the season's favorite fabrics and colorings. Come and see them any time, whether you wish to buy just yet or not. New Cashmeres. New Serges. New Voiles. New Broadcloths. New Suitings. In black and all the popular spring colorings. New Scotch Ginghams. It is haul to get anything as good as Scotch Ginghams for children's (tresses. They look well, wear well, and wash well. New lines for spring aro here and we are showing some very dainty stripes and checks in hlue and white, pink and white, and red and white. They are fine qualities and you can depend on the colors being absolutely fast, at 121-2c 1.1 and 20 cts. _ NEAR -THE .SND. We are gutting down near the end of the Winter Stocks. Every (lay they are getting smaller. We want to clear them out completely, and remind you again of some of the money -saving chances that are to bo found in Winter Goods at this store. Mantles. There are ,lusta few 1Y1al1tIes left to sell. We set Out to clear ut the entire stock and are going to do it. There are not a great many left, but if there is one in the lot that will fit you, you will miss a big bargain if you do not get'it. Children's Reefers $ 1.50. 7 only. ('hileir•e'e Reef•ts, plain reties el.Me end Ravers. enhhv httb nrmente, regale? $4 00 mad $4.50, 4%11, • ble for early miring weer. W • want to clear thorn all tat, t* they to no male at your it I . N cholas for JV Cloth Capes $1.00. 3 00ly, li sok Cloth t et 01 gnalllt, ammo) teeth. full sweep, $ .00 regale 83 50, olearlog i March DESIGNER and PATTERNS Now In Mantles at $1.98. Jae, • few o1 throe left now, hit if there 1. ODA te Bt yea, yen get s mood nest for eery little money. All ruin New Mantle. that.nld Inc $•5, $6 and $7, von ! 1 .9R get your 0holoe now for •D Mantles at $3.98. Lefties' Mantle. .11 new title meson., lost the last garment* we heve left v ,.9p that sold at $10 anti $12, °heli. Fingering Yarns. 125 skeins of Mora Mersey rl.sering, 11 celesta of oink, bleu. red end whit*, 7c. regular 124a, olearieg, per skein... Hosiery 35 cts. We are bound to clear out the last of our Winter Hosiery, that is why we are selling these 50c lines for :ff)c. We would rather take that for them than carry them over. 50 pairs iadle.' Welles "d Wonted Hass, plate or ribbed, math geed mall 35C. ties, reviler 50e, elearisg, per pair Hosiery 19 cts. Old pairs of Ladles' and ( fArea's Wools. Hew. plata •ea ribbed, all line Inc UM tsell at 95" stud 505. swarm/a HODGENS EROS. THREE "1:4'99' sA 8es AOV' TS API ACTIVE AG 41 TS WHIN rLAGt IN THE SIONAI FIFTY-FIFTH YE HAVE THE WEEKLY MAnwsT R 00910109, Mm 0 F•II Wheatt� Ylour, Pettily' per cwt ....-- 9 Flour, Bravo. sea. -. -.._ �. la shorts, 0 toe .......... _.. -.--. 19 Hcreenlogs, per own 1 ltye, per boat, 0 Huukwbeal, per Duet 0 Oats, bush ............. It•rler. per Dnsh 10 Hq, r pa; route.., Y N o Rutter. - 0 ('bees•, oar lb.... ............... tamm. fresh anpaokod, 1 dos...- 0 1.115 -------- ... 0 Decol.iv ova ... ,a DHose oo �. Ham• per ilf...'~.....,_-...,..-, Lard, per lb. .. ....... pressed Heel fore q prmf. resd B, hind Cattle, Kr port Ordinary , To ADVERTISER Notice of cnanges must be lef Office not later than 1 noon. The Oopy for mast be left not Ir ter th Clay noon. Carnal Advert seoopted so to not 9 Wein each weak Situations Vaoan GENERAL SERVANT W1 App l7 to 111198 ROeti It. SITUATIONS VACANT' - $l l to $17 a week Interest yo for oropp3slti aD to rspreoeot•tl yes '° T�pplle' I'r.pave'loostteererltown. MANUFACTPIUNO CO., Wella. WANTED IN SMALL FA stood .talo 00ot. Wages 10 passim IDS per month. R-fereaoe Address LOCK BOX 1.21, PAR1d, U M usto. MSS COLBORNE. 3�her of Fletcher music mstht re Duellist her studio. above 1 ranee olio', tlamtit to .treat. rl . ' apply either at studies or at ba • strut. t(1T0.'.N16 CAMPBELL, TT . Organist as. •.0s1 -s1 director of 1 Methodist obu -6, (5.06er of Diol gran and theory ',Pupils prepared ionisation' of it - Toronto Cons Mosler Will be - eased to race lions from all those requiring ear Dun at his new studio , ver Thom store. Use or piano f , practice ramrod foe. 6. For Sal FOIL SALE. -THE BAS the wait half of lot 1S. con. 7 wa.oeh comprising Y) in r re. AP 147 FOWLKN. Dungannon, or to Barrister Uodenoh. IVOR SALE. -LOTS 95. 96, 11 A' and iM In Ilutchison.p a Ooderloh. For particulatl IIpb,p 11 Barrister, km March 1416.1900. HOUSE AND LOT FOR 14 Demur 71d. Aogieeee Sae moonily 00,°010.1 by Mr. John la a desraide residence PHILIP' HOI.TS 'elicitor for axe rich. 70-21 Foga Monti, mu LET -C0b(FORTABL lig 60050. with one acre of town of Oodrrech, convenient t taro on premises, and -oma pplr to R. O. HAY ,H.rN.tei littf Public Nottoe NOTICE --A YF.ETIN .harehollere and patrons a Chew and Butter (0'Amite.' t the TowrShlp 11.11, Carl oh 17th. at 2 o'aloak, whet so and routes amused. 1 J. FYIN, R. President. 77.2 pKOF. tl. L TAUBE Y a,i•VAAt'yURIwO OPTICIAN "raclu ao4 t Allr kinds Mofi&a, pen b order Speclai a, pennon girl eye. Orden by mall prt)tnptli Mt ware of parties using Mr came. 8traveil ins, agents Satisfaction guaranteed. t . r a 154 RICHMONBTRKICt ' Ineuranoe, e CHAS. E. SHAW, GENF ANCK and real estate 5g door out of P. 0.. Ooderlo6. leading mutual Ilre Insursnoe leading stook eomt,nles. Meroa5tlle and rnanuf.at) owtwt rates Call at oleo,. WR. ROBKRTS01 • Aeoountenr and Infer Books and account§ merle Buildings rented and rent. Fire Ineuraaoe In British Companion. Otlfos- In Prouelfoot t 111 trees Roderloh. 1?J T. NAFTEL, G • BUIIANJt and Ree Fire, Life, Accident and Plata effected on mutual or Duh 15te ;oralble. He Realists and Canadian reg ed. Off4 a next done to Darrow is of Hamilton 'street. Mdloal DR T. ()ALLOW and Rnrgeon. O1noe 11 mems building. west elle of cells at real/emu Klein a . R Auotttton 111AObTIuHBALS FARM PROPRRTT. Under and pennant' t contelned in • mortgage IeNm day of November, A. 1'. I Fender, •rd which will tlt time of sal., there sol 1 fro s lion by John Fereneon- a look's Hotel. In the Village 1'onnt7 or Harm, on SawedMarch. A. H. BM, at IJ o'e ,owing voluble property, Angular the south half of the lake road west 000eetsstc of Raz In the Cunntl of 111 th. root heretofore sold. This 1e • f1 et clue prove part of the Mtge of Rt. Jo The soil to good, and ,t I 0111x. from 144701,11 sed 7 0 elt nate on • good 'travel rot Term" of lent.: Ten per Wile and the %Menne within atter For fnrther particulars alae.', tw te the vwdor'. 5. Dared Ah march. A. D. 11 TORSI itR0U0ON, O