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The Signal, 1902-2-27, Page 7
ANARCIIY IN COLORADO. ASSAY OFFICES WRECKED. Series of Explosives Startle Cripple Creek. lfluuJhou•ds beet for to Trace the Miscreants- --Sleeping Families tlurie4 From Their sleds ---Other 010.,, dices Up -..--Death 01 Another of the Injured le the New York Hotel Fire. rector, Col., Fib. Qi.-CrippleCroek 'approximately as large Ph fiaven- i' in a etude of terror owing to a pre. Tort. 0•• -- cua•, rad attan>i upon all the lead- ing assay offtoes doing business In tile• etetrlet. Begloaing at 8oclock till, morning, and foilowuty In rapid cut'', Afton, six explosions were ch ck- d.l, ut an many assay u(fk:•str It, oho eeatres ranging (rote ti. for to Cripple Creek, and up to tiel•,feIt. In every lustttnce the ob- ject nought by the Inceudtaries war uiroaaphrbtd by the dcrtructbn of the offices, with their equipment of (14 6,411/ bs11alw:es. The raiders did rot ls:sltate Ld. jeopardise IUe, asall -brat eta: ut oho bu.diage was also oc- -up...t by sleeping families- As 0 war, LW; women ane children wore hurled out of their body by the rho k•, and Eertoue Injuries Inflicted. The full extent of the efamuge can- e ( Ir' c.timated. P !n this city (fie Davetaeort offset • wrcckee by two expluriorts, in - II .hin4(a ors of $1,200. Almelo at tin• sante time the array Wee., of V.;n•lerwniker. v &n & 11'Ha,nru.1 a. re treated likewise. The lows wee easel 11e 1' miner, wet sur y tajured in the expitmion et Williams' office. -He war passing at tie, tint, of the explosion. Feting debrlr struck him la the face, gash - toff hte eye, and limy result In total blindness. lu trlpple Creek BenJamtn'.r mutiny office, north of the Florence tout Crpple Creek depot, was blown O. Lt the town of Goldfield, about a mile ntkl a hell north, almost elinultnu- euualy, Mooed & Co's. att.t another urea) estnabhshmeot were a reeked. teeteea' rustily occupied an adjoieluu room The general Impreuston here thus morning is that the acts are the result 14 a general Movement to rid thealtetr,Ct of nit htglt grade ore pur- chasing lfrtltutlous. Ithealhoun,k, from ('anon Cily...have beets caller) for. .Another Fire Victim. New York, Feb. 24. -Mrs. Carolina 1.. 0. flail, tar Newark, N. J., who war hernal In the Lurk Avenue Hotel tare entunley mernhrg, died to -dray lu_ New leek 1lnspitol. She eau 8:, years, t'f age, ctrl Wait tha wlduw of tin Her. fir. Kimmel E. Hall, who Wan rteretary Any! tre,ayurrr of the Sea - menet Friend Society. TEEN LIVES LOST 50 PERSONS INJURED 111 a Great Fire in New a York This Morning. starlet in the 71st Regiment Armory and I:xlended u the Park ,Avenue fluted - (lreet Quantities of i'uwder ind fixed Am ration rxplodcd Wended*, the Work Perilous \oble 1\ ark at the omen- .tan Jumps from fifth Story and is Kilted. ltyir i.'rie-Be te112.,E1Kh teen per tegehr•ir lives and fifty or more lajsrttl 1'n- a fire which was comm tate: early' today from the Sere (Ira ite4,ment, N. Y. N. Fork Avwmae Hotel. The us:ry was destroyed, entailing a ertheitel at (630,(00. la ohooteXeh r maga was prlrtnipally lea Itcre Of roosts surroandiug oho %nee• r4ustte. The loss to the h IU:i•:in4; is e01'm.I0,1 at $100,1,101) let •ru:ti hosiers 1 o'o•ock flu erre di.eott•rai bursting from the roof of due armory. The flaunts had tfdivat lrcmeuJou.s hcudway, and by to. time the firemen arrivexl on (tic 'erne 1t won impossible to to any - 4I114 toward a*aaasst the magblfkaeut hjf.-aing. Severe) thaw flames were eornmualeatrd t . the car barer u: the .Yikl e.polltnn street hallway, but thneu WWI/quickly extinguished. T•.. h.•.et i1, tiro burning armory beonnac mete: r: nit more fete:woe, erne shortly eller- t: "clock flame* were diacoa- •rei running abate the Wtl taws and ter■••Murk of the (Uth floor at the hnrthe,ifat corner of the l'ark Avenue !Peel. einguoally nerves the street from the armory. This was entirrls anetp''etef, not the perm, u , to at lupe ti 1, { h the hue, tea ortndjacent Bete r/boe toward sea setae -*trestle. 1'elghtenell oecut on the at the h .tel mem eippeerot at every Aloha. and many wore immure iy the ir, mon, wh•• ran the ladders up le (leek reeler. in worn, unexplaln-',t Manure lire got lnto the beeemcnt of tor, elevator wi.tft, awl ate Its way agwaivi to the rue(. 1 e I. rr:wt 1:, plednes. In the hemiquartere of the Fifth 1'.rlgatde !n the 3ith street and Park ye, ono gmtrt er of the armory a burg' gnantfty of nnlnnmltlon, both Llauk amt b flet cartNCge, wee stored. Theme eartrteges soon began to ex- Jle le had added to the ttite+stse ex- rt'e'ment. Shortly after three expiry - /4010 haul c(aged the wall 01 the 33M street side fell Inward. Thin crass., wee followed by the explosion 01 eater one thousand ponmis ,4 porr,ler. yard to have been stores to lw tineentent of the armory. The lateen: M', lona terri(ie, but -the reopen leul Leen warned of (he desert. nod name of them wail In - awe. sunt( every! Dortlue of tae_-jyttildt . - It, were search et guests -who utagllt ave uul- been overcome by smoke.. Th r petrel' was rewarded, fur near! sty- I un esery floor and the 1141 tea) s ter) storey of morons were found ale, ar- lead been overcome In their efforts tune to reeott the uls•n air. ,t,J 11.11.1•11411 recurde snow that 20 perrune were taken to the Nee the York and •Bellevue ia.Ntutkuts, tie- Nearly double that nuaulmr were I:r- utel Wet:, 'rise Dred(. --- .1 Alexander P. Piper, O. IS he rPtl}nl identified' by ¥ajor-en• ere. ed gthe National Guard. COd. `Charier L. Llurdett,, of Con.nralkv�, 1M (r 11 Volunteer Iakfan- (,tj m noire and J. H. !vixen. 'Deny I dirtied CO. ntt•l°Wal by the H. A f1 -I F Walker. of Tendons te, identi- b 1' lettere found In clothing. M 6c Barnhardt, of (lticngo, Idr'ntt- 11lettere anti papers, • Nrrmen Acton, (4 Alabama. badly !erne, about the melte body . tiled ''t Godsons Hempltnl. Mot, Charlotte Bennett, of Ale- Ir•nn9, 23 yearn phi, burners about holy tiled At Bellevue, C, tn. R a'• Mrelinhl,. a tw'rmane ,t t trend reiterated nppo.lte the 'steams to her room. ate A, yetee ,a, Iporman^ 1t 1T• nrtesn•ts1 eaffeeated 10 hells1t h. Htnv, Dt other R. hldrattrlgetr• of rhtrmr, and Mrs. MrMerwis. Mee Felon Faster, Tomb* misslon. dry. Fero nebientifl,,) audios, n -hot nr" twine held et the itotet. The 10t of lie" ;MMrer/ Is n long one - rhe stork of 11,seoe, imintt mess were en Ilea from er)r). !mortise In the dlstrir;t. eit'nrea of gnosis were tekv prom the win- fd<inr he Bremen on the nuteele The rr1n nettle toted that the it del the l',101,117 fining with •musks, 'tart ar lir firemhOeen fur n tl*t, drnppr,) e wrist Morrie through • r tele twaule stricken en - eerier* t,. *staple'. and were given malleal as d un the spot. (1f the scoreir taken from elm•-whfwluwe of - the third, fourth and fifth ilaor,. tunny were shgluly turned and were hyrlerk'al from aboek. CM the dead, three were women. Deana in oacal 111111.111 flee wits caused by Vitro', or enffecaten, .with one etcery.tlun. One maul jurrpp.cd Isom the fifth story a induw to the tuner court. Ilia skull wan crttplhed and death Was imitate U1 a sous. All Might lease )...caped. W1103 the fire atoned 1n the arm- ory scores of guests in the Park ave- nue were awakened by the :hang 'd the engines and crowded to the hotel window s. 0 w.a, about 43 minute,., at - ter P ales were dlscut erect 1 . the armory 15•fun. they eprend ta the hetet, but in spite of thee many of Llan guest,. were in their roma, dressed In their night clothes, and rime of them were in bed. . The firemen :as moon as they !earn- est the hotel was in danger, decided to devote .ill of their efforts to the rescue of its occupant*. Men and wo- men al.penred nt the wimk,ws of the Park nsennn aide of the hotel,. and called for help A %% onuu1'. .lump" to heath. 11r,,. Qitrlott0 ttnnnett tine Ito, hushan,I, Herold, of Alabama. *ono' on a lalge of the fifth floor, Jest over the portico over the. neiln en - ten nee to the hotel. Mrs. tett was terror stricken alt! Beacret�lel again and again for some nt)h to rerr'ne her. Her 1autren.1 goitre., her, and from the crowd of outeuele gnth- erel In the ser t,, there were *bouts, wnrniqs - 'them not to Jump , R /erllr It wan seen that 514? Wie leteentitti1_?0 Jump. the ftrptnen g,athered Iti it mo- rin and stcettchdd art their arm,. With at flnnl desperate effort Urs. Bennett vvrem:lied helsell.,Ltee from her hnahand's grasp, end will' ii plrrelate scream flung herself Into the urn% of the wasting firemen, five srtd ries below. When she Jnnieed rum the edge on which air and her teeth -m.1 hard folie, (H4"f nurse -were licking out of the window behind her and around her form. The Indite of the room was all in Berney. ltr*. Bennett .,truck In the tiring et the firemen. Her weight caused them to sag. anal the woman Ntrnck tee pavement. She wart terribly hnrned about the tasty. She waw curried Into the hotel by n firetrra'n, and Inter wee taken to iellevue Ilospitnl, where she died. , HPr hnatwand, when Mies. Bennett lumped. fell bark Into the room. end was not *ren afterwards. it is be- lieved that he Wait burned or suffo- cated to 'tenth. A 1ortotto \hon Injured. 'elf relo, le V.. Feil. 22.-A nye. la despatch Inrlodrt the name of liar. ry L. nennett. of Toronto. among the 11.t of injured in the Perk Avenue Hotel fire. ulrs. Mn jar Jecnh Spittle. a Rorheeter, N. 1.. lawyer, Met has life in the fern Among the re remit Ideal was Mr* Fleeter. a mle.ianary. who devotee hrreelf to work In the Toombs )'revon The firemen. In wearrt.tng the hetet. (mind the' body of Mrs Me. Mn was paid tresly taw r/Prater *haft nue, ten elderly wmmnn 11 land was go badly burned a to be airtunrecognisable.ust unrecognisable. chitties V. U'Cuuuur and Bred. H. Hotly died of their !Ourlets In he hospital to which they were taken. One to the buds, awaiting Ideate ftoatlon war recognised by Henry Newman, of this city. as that of 11s elrre, Miss )':ether Sehlersitger, of Celongo, wile had come to New i York to buy goods for her employers In that tete. Ponce Oeptaln Delaney declared to -day that lie war notUled that the hotel war afire, while there was no thought of the etrueture bring en - damp roil from the Armory blase. The Park Avenue (hotel was bolit by A. T. Stewart. who ,pent $8,000.- 000 on 11s cunstructtun and furnish. 1n,ge THE BOER GOVERNMENT Was Nearly Captured at the Attack on Bothasburg. QUICK RUN TO CAPE TOWN. London, Feb. 21. -Tote transport Victorian, with the second rectlou of the Third Canadian Amounted 1U1Iels on betted, arrived at Cape Town yeetter- d•e!' afternoon. 1,r. Albse,•bt bleu a deport. Antwerp, Feb. 1:1. -Lr- Albrecht, who hes Jura returned from the Trento/tat. will proceed to -morrow to Utrecht to see Mr. Kruger, to whom he le said to bring all Importuut sou-' ret cumrnuniention front the Boer lea.ere fu South Africa. Lr. Albret•bt predicts the lung cdetiuuanoe of the war. !le says the Wookboure system will not affect the fatal result. It may cost the Bourg to few more men. but trey , will never fprrender, urn/ the Ilrtteh will never possess the Tra novae'. steer. Are Desnuretteed. Loudon, Feb. 21. -In it despatch fr'•m Pretoria , oorreegontlent of the Timor s.ty* there l• no doubt the Reeve. In the eastern Transvaal Col- ony are greatly demoralised, and that they are au hard preset! that emote are reluctaut to coutluue the struggle.. le au Intercepted tetter fn.nt Oen. Piet Viljoen to Mr. Behalf' burger. the writer urger the la t to to do street king to counts sect the spirit of emir* neer nal tee the Boer*. It le rumored that lien. Buttua and Mr. •`'eeltalkherller ere trying to arrange a meeting- in Spite of there Intitoauous FATUEAST Of °""s. AWOKE IN A MORGUE* CANNEO CHICEN Smallpox Among f ort Qu- 'Appelle Halfbreeds. DRUCCISTS AND WiNE. Montreal 11111 Teal 1 hrlr Right to sell It t1hoteeete l'r.aJp Wits Hack the Urugglris A (land Shoemaker 'firer of Late and shoot. II lnaaelr. ('algairy, N. W. T., Feb. .i. - A youug rancuer, named Eric A1cKay, had been pa,oged by eating moused chicken. lie well atter two duyr'di- nette heealipua Among Hal( -breeds. Indian Head, N. W. T., Fel). 24.- Stltultpox has been dlti'overed among the t,aY-ireede near Fort Qu'Appelle, and ata the disease baa been among them for some weeks the results are likely to bo wideeepread. el. ueinekr.t's tvulvlde. BattleN. W. T.. 'eb, 24 -William Jack, at trhoen , mi oil pule Bide Isere by shooting, aa a result of despondence from til -health. preexists and Wine. Montreal, Que., Feb. 24. -Thu rev- enue department of the Prostn a of Quebec has decided to enter a test cOho ligation a city druggL t for in- fraction ut the Ucenee law 0 smll- Urt, wine. A `rest many druggists sett considerable medicinal wino, or material welch 1s sold ay such and the court* wUl be asked( to aettle whether they have it right to do a. it le said the wholesale trade will trick the retaliate in fighting the case.__. Thier Well Reeontsasuded. Parts, Feb, 23.-A servants' reels - try office hear been fined 8100 for carele*snese In reoommendlug a no- torious thief aa a ruspeetatee coun- try girl to at Ming, a dentist. The girl stole two Mundane dollars' worth of jewelweed pints. 'rhe roes- -re leo tr Ilevtng that the war willttetimmexli- Ilse ntady over, continuer the Times cos- rhe y office land receival from the po- rt photograph of the girland a record of eight robberies for which was wanted. Were Testing t;aplualves When Woody Conflict Ensued. gleet d, Feb. E8. -There are now 115.000 Lona of freight awaiting Ulm charge at lioroelema. The meta! workers hart aereept.xt a utne-hour stay lu Cartelton, duel work baa been raeumed. The strike that wale tit- eued in the oaapital here has n alrerteri White three Anarchists were test- ing explurtves 11/ n field at Nana,, never Bareele ma, tu•day, they were eureets.xt by two rural guards, The Auarchlatr attackers them, kliltng one lied wounding the other. a tell guards who went to nttompt to rescue the rural., killed one of the Anarchists The other two esoaptat. LOBO HUOONALO 0, 0. C. No Mistake as to His R:ghts and Duties, BRITISH COLUMBIA JUDGESHIPS. Ottawa, Feb. 24. -(Special.) -Lord Luutiunald, who figured prominently 1n the Boutlt African wer, harticn- !arly at Colette() and fu connection with the relief of Ladysmith, it ill be the next Nether -General oommandlug tate Canadian mettle, if he accepts the position, the Ennio co atltions at- tach as were placed in the order appointing General Hutton in Aus- tralia. umtralia, The reas. n for this is to be !mind In the experience the Canadian bus ernment 'had when Gen. Hutton war here. The conditions are that the new General be under the ooutrot of the Citaadlan (:overnment,.and be arub'tollmete to the Manatee -of Militia. (teetotal Mutton disputed the right of the itlobeter to dictate to him, and demaieted certain other privilege,/ and eights because of tt'e being an Imperial officer. The term tel Major-General O'Grady. Italy expires' on June ,10 next, searing his stay in Canada he has been ex- ceedingly popuiur, and liar made many warm friends. The quertiou of appointing aChief Justice for Betted-., Columbia is now engaging the attention of the Gov- ernment. The likelihood now Is that Gordon Hunter, of Victoria, will get the ptwitlou of a puisne judge, and that Justice Irving will be pro- moted to the Chief Jaudkeshlp. Mr. Duff, of Victoria, is /leo mentioned fur a puisne judgeship. The state- ment that Att•. Morrison. M. P.. Is an applicant for the posltlon, 1s er- roneous. The new Jndgn will be eith- er Kr. Hunter or Mr. Duff, with the • ,MADE HASTY EXIT. Shocking Tragedy Ends a Chicago Courtship. ,,stern Men to t'rte U. S. Congress to extend Rttelproeity---Yates Linglishnaan Arrives la New York and (Jives filmset( Up as • Fugitive 1 hkt -U. 3. Senator Clark Sells Out immense Mining interests - Price Up In the Millions. New Work, Feb. 2t 1•'ounti frozen in to /snow drift and apparently dead, olive i- rktay'r storm, William berry, ie farmer, near Anthony, N. Jt, lay for ten homers 011 the cooling board of tin undertaker's shalt, surrounded( by e (fine and! the paraphernalia of dc,tlh. But fur the ubeenoo of the un- dertaker be might have been buried .,step Ferry wea (mind lying in the snotty. Thu body war void. The supposed °orison wits taken to an undertaking • site blisletnett4{, !lair a dune u iteieehbtre gathered to watch over the tody. The tlrk'uee of the undertaker prevented further action. 11'hon he arrived the party gathertrf in another room fpuu their return to the cooling room. they were horrified to (end the eutppoeed curette mli etng• "Bede sattchere" w:1* their fleet thought. An disarm was tont out aryl a messen- ger hurried to ferry's home. Where he errlval bury waw disputing of u hearty Ideal. Ire elite he suddenly be- came etmecious,, at tI, observing his eurruutklinge, tial through a side door and hurried {tome. A (treat Mining Dent. Chicago, Feb. e4.-.% despatch Nene Butte, ike,t., stye: 'United States smatter W. A. Clark has sold Isis Colnrt-Parrot group of '(nines to the Amalgamated & Anaconda Company. The conetsderntlon ie with- held from the public, but the pricyq is under -Motel to' be In the millions. The purchases by the Amalgamated Cool,. twiny War made air a sottlemont ut litigation between the Anacodla nue eeuator Clark's Cetus., -Parrot Corn - (we ny- Thet great Anaconda Loire was In- rely'rl in the controversy, It having ts'rr, ch•trgtxl that there was a un - bort between that vein and the Colura- l'arrot vein, ani that the Anaconda had Hoes mining on the Colusa-Par- rot property. The litigation It 1s salt will now_be tllreastllnued. Shocking Tragedy It, Chicago. Chicago, III., Feb. 24. -Angered be- c:tune ills persistent demands fur n , ttowry'siN erten -tro give --tri a a start �. In honeekerping were retuneed nuts sicking revenge on the bunny of Itis sweetheart, George Chtldrose, a .tenographor, to -day shot and killers Henry 1leyerer, the glria father, and alightly wounded Emma Meyer- er, her Nlrter. Her mother tine an- other sister escaped other HMOs In- tended for them, by ruedting Into the street. Theft, believing be had kilt- ed the entire fatuity, Childrtwe scut a bullet through hie own brain and fell dead tat the door of his sweet - tweeter seem.' The couple became engaged last Tuesday, and the young man at pace begap his denutnds that the father, a retinal mechanic and Inventor, fur - Melt money to etart the couple Int housekeeping. The demand.; were so large and perrtstent that the parent-. al consent to the proposed union Was withdrawn: When he wan dismissed. Chtldrose vowed to k111 the whole family an,! the tragedy followed. Wu frena for Itrclprucitye - 'Chicago, Feb. 24. -Within the next few days a euoferenee will be held hero or the purpose of launching a movement to force uungreseional action on luternatiounl recipro:-1ty. Teta Western Reciprocity League, of which Governor W. E. 8aanlety, of Kalamai, la i'resklent, and denier Deering, of Chicago. Viee-President, was arrange for, the conference. They will endeavor to 'Luing together manufaotercrs who favor rectpruclty and other', interested In the move- ment. The appliaatlun of the prin- ciple of reclproeity to the trade re- lations between title country and al: foreign governments 0. sought. The ratification of the reciprocity trailer' with nine unisons, action on which hits beer' pending In the (Jetted Stater Senate for more than two years, will be eep•ctatty urged. Ile Wes Lonesome. New York. Feb. 24 -Wm Wyle, a young }ngilahnyan, arrived here yes- terday on the Kron Piens Wilhelm, and a few, hour., nits ladlgg gave himself up to the pollee, ray,(ng that the had robbed( the Btrminghnm, Eng., firm of \Vniah, Loavltt & Co. of jew- elry veined! nt $S,000 After the robbery he fled de, Lon- don' fund then to thin country. When snatched he had In illy clethee thir- teen large diamond ring'', some other Jewelry 11114 $211 In Amerieen money, beside* it few sover•elg w. lie decbar- ed that lads lonesomeness, on reenter hlmeelf in America, Jepreseed him leu that he thought tho boort thing to do was to give himself up. PARK'S SCOUTS LORI) KIPIBERLEY, Opposition Leader in British Lords, Who is Very ill. VERY REV. DEAN FARRAR, Who Recently Su',tained a Severe Fall and is Very Ell. reasp'nlent. The infuetioe of 1tte hoer lenders m,ly atilt prevail. awl in any eerie the m *Jorlty wou1•I refuge to be boon.) by the notion of the Boers in the .eastern TrnrtavnaL • 1Je%tt !poke 1 hrook h. Pretoria, Feb- 21. -Gen. DeWet. (with- 400 followers. broke back through the blockhouse line the night of the 10th Met., ten mare west of Lindley. ()tang, River Colony. The bleekleres.•t opened fire on the Boers, two of whom were killed. The re- maltnler get clear awny to their old F'reunl noir Rests. • Presorts, 1'eb. 21. -The numbers of lin Boer Goverment an'! Jack Hin- don, a train wrecker, hid a narrow ewenpe from capture on the occasion oT'ifite i' '1•nrks' attack oft- - Soth-•an•. burg on Frktny. Itrlttlnker', Trial Stfll on. r.,mbeq,_�'yJl . Brosrlck, !n the House oft mom ani irfirtrf�tlay, replying to a qurstl•rn, sale that the trial of Commandant Kritvinger was not yet cone/tided. The verdict ttonft suet he k .own until confirmed by- •berd-i4gtalseaer. IlrnrkvIlle 'l'rooper 111. 0. taw.,, Frit ^3:-A' suite message from the Ce lonlai Office nnneunre, h:tt Trtsrper 11. W. Mende, of the South Atrlrn) Conetnbrlary, le den- getonsi lel at Vet Itiver of Platelet - fever. lite next of kin is 8• Meade, of Brockville. 'i tt,• quirk lino* to unite twee u. )'Halifax, ir. 8., Feb. 28. -Tits Brit 1•h troopship Victorian, with the second .eetlon of the carnelian Mounted flfteet, under command of Ctel Ernes, made a record voyage from Halifax to Cape Town. Abe arrived nt the Cape on Titus iay, only 23 .toys oat from Halifax. This fa nenrl,v awe' k fnst,r than tiny we- t -lone transport, The Mat hat tan, which carried the first section, woe AO days on tke pneengn. 11th' t IN stetseF:ItLAVD. Woodsterk. Ont., Fele 2*2.-W. II. Van itgnn. collector of rnatnnie. Woolettfek. received a reefeere m thin turning from Davos Dorf, Msvit- rerfand, n,tnernteing the death of hb sun, Commander Gravely Yan Igen JUDGE SHOOTS BANKER. to Kcntueky Quick Shootlug h an .trcoutpll.nsuPnt. Lawrenceburg, levy., Feb. 21. -Alfred Witherspoon, ierestdont of the First National liouk here, Is In a pre- carious co -edition at hist home; nal Polar, Judge furter \%talker is un- der eureeillanee as the result of a duel to -day between them witit revol- t/err is tt dry(gwdr store. tiItherepdon last fall violated, the law by rueklertly firing a resolver In the town and shouting into some whielowr, WW1 Walker, as Jutige of the Police Court, fined' him chance,/ in fiver of litr hunter. All the Liberal members of Parliament from British Commits are suppnrt- ing Hunter. The Agricultural Department will mend on otfker from headquarters very conn to euperinteuti the receiv- ing of Caoadlian agriculte sal products at Britsh ports. Pro(, W. 1, i(c- Kinnon will leave for England tetrort- ly In connection with thea. A drpnt.ttnt In connection with the beet root snger Industry'. will wait upon the government -s1 ortl, to urge that a bounty be allO eee1 oh the m'anufeetore of It ha Ca�raaia. Sacco that time fueling between them A BUSY RFA'PE.R. lure beet) high. Walker heal gone Leto the store, In which le geeneratly to be Mend some whiskey. 'Witherspoon was there. lie cursed Walker, ads the latter went rcrose the street tine ate his iunchod.n He returned later and oskn.1 Witberspouts''to retrace his etatemente, R it herspaon, reallatng the tnennine of the return of his enemy, drew back to the door tine reached for his revolver. ants the bystanders ateppud askle. Walker drew first and fired at Wttherppx,n, who ducked to t In (ho ear. dge the esis rlevolterodail asbee me fastened in lain pocket nnel he turned to r'Ienre• it with him left hand when Walker tired a second riot, which grnseti )lie shosnkle.'. Before Wlthnrepnon could bring his revolver Into action Walker had flrryi A third shot, which street Witherspoon in the hack below the right abwthler, telling him. TheJu'tge gave himself up to the 'authorities, and wee release' on his awn recognlz anter, while Witherepbon was re- moved to his home{ 'there de little hope of waving him life. Witherspoon belong+ to a wrnithp faintly, and 1* a prominent bnalnemm men - Hoe brother, Hortirn withnrapnnn, after killing two men• was killed by James Portwood. in nbrrlletiee t'r the Pvpressol teeth Of the ftwolfet i'artimment, the 00v- ernm,nt line ordero.l rnmmen,ars fit ibe army en/erring the new com- petes)." adv to permit rnnnelentfna,, obJPrtor* to twittery nerviee to he exempt frOrn marring uniform• end currying nrmv. Mut re. perform In- aten,l rfertenl and other earful work is eoneeetjon a1th the array, Deaths and Accident. nt a More of Leo. sr, teem Nature. _ Windsor, Ont.. Feb. L'2._�,•" Jelin U. Coventry, Medical Health Officer, .Meet at 8 p. m to -day after a week's Ilinees of pneumoten ffnit, Feb. -Wm. Proem, shout 73 yours of age, 'troppn.t dead In a store herr ioelight, where he had rollers W. pureareet groceries. He ens at work to -My, apparently In less usual health. Thorold, Feb. 22.- iIItarn Puree sort, fernier, of ieer'ew F'alie, while engaged in &tingling, tell from the roof _ht. Jda.barn. A_dietance of over thirty feet, this attermeen. and kai-' tnlned fret -term of tan arm ane a thigh, and was otherwise badly le Jared. Wind -or, Ont. Feb. 22,--.T. F C. Hahlane, who. pra..deed law in Wie- 'w,r .1nen 1801, Mot early this morn Ing In hie Merle on Itruee, nv.•nne tie heel suffuse for the past year or wt with a complication of die. eases. Lngereoll. Feb. 28. -.-The death of John W. ('.s.kn, who team well ane favorably known, Dec -erred t hie morn - leg% alter ori Illnnmm M several yearn. Mr Cooke bad been Identified with eheene tnfi,etrlen for the past quar- ter ref a eentnry- Ottawa, Fob. Mt. -John Mem-hea- ter met how death nt etanley', Cot•. neve, ten miles from bore, on eater. tiny, thrrntg�'h helping n neighbor in '!stream Tensa., HIII'w chimney took IJ. nt up on the SURPRISE BOERS FOR CZARS NAVY. iierawa ietraus Pilau New Works In Russia. Louden, Feb. C.1. -The report comes f' -::a If.. whore that two leveling Ger- man firms, engaged respectively in manufacturing arms and in Alp - pudding, contemplate e$te.blialeng juintlb 1n Rwreta lilt arsenal and verde for Infilling and equipping warsWpe and turning out material for railways and public works gen- er+•lly. A r,prewentative of one of these /inns In,s just gone to 81, Pet - re meg to arrange the prellrndnaries. Thee amndwiacemebt may be taken n conjunction with re uiessltgs to the tnumeted from Berth yesterday morning declaring that R,ssrla can- t honest butld til warehlpe called for by. tow. recent i lnl vote, and t{ (hitt vote Is th©a t to be, as Is suggested, Russia's reply to the An - u -Japanese treaty and the United Otters note, It Is a more brutnrq fil- en unlosa the eleps are actually t on the stocks, whsle the aesocl- tion of Germany with the scheme may be meant to be n assent expret- on of European solkfarity in face f the new Britten position in the Fur et. ptured 164 Men aild Two Field Cornets. OMINOUS QUIET iN SPAIN,; t, t papers Cannot het 1 uilpusll or,. -Ttestot's Peed Near. - Madrid AAI- gl tilos. try to tiring About sup- -.'H. m porting strikes- rhe ilarreiuua pt, Rioters (int !'here lttey.' lienee. rt Undue. Bela, 22--A desputchfrom b Lord Kitchener, rifted Pretoria. Fri o stay, Feb. 21st, says Col. Park, with ha three hundred Mounted Nutlon,il. Scouts, recently sae -prised a hoer force at NUoltgudttaltt, Trnnstae Colony, and. captures! 161 prleatner together with a quantity of muni done of war and a number of borers ,and waggons. Thee were too British uaaualtlea. The prisoners. inciede Field Cornets Joubert and 'bitter •end Lieut. WIIJoon. tt',y U,Nar (,101st in iinterlunt. Barcelona, Feb. 22.- Attie.) here we* sov00 resuscitation of or floury life In this city yesterday it was Inrgrty artificial. A few public estabilehmeuts reupeued under the ownpulrlon of the authorities, but preetirelty no bualucsr was trans- acted. The *tree! mare eengWI run Meg nt plight in tote evening anti the nevyvpepers wore unable. to it&. pear. There was some isolated of tray., told attempts to sack bakeries. -luring which five ecotone were wounded. It wee reported to -day Limit w uuasbsr-4t._rturkmem . were caught In tote act of preparing l tomb*. 1'1.1,.1'. Fend Neer. til. Petersburg, Feb. 22. -The lit. eat news received here from Yalta, Crimea, is to tato effe that Cait(1'nt Tolstoi In at tine vent of death. Mee, 1.1 t14.aatturtl, feu. Metirtd, Febc 2Lte-Agitatesr are ac- tively urging the etch tredve of a great strike Imre, Fele. 24th, 1n supe port of the strikers in Barcelona. etIvIeee from Valencia way the strike there hoe been suppressed, but that the workmen are clamoring for the rela,se of their arrested comrades. More factories have been re -open- ed ut fiaraguses rain! Saba,lell. f herr l)ny N' ti l'at'h. Bare, Iona, Feb. 22. -The captain - general Ions allows -I the mutest three days gr,aeo In which to deliver Up nil their term.. After the expiration of 11'41 time After person pound In tstssesslon of arms will be trines by tilnmhrad court martbdl. Order,. have been Waled to *11 oibuns, to clo.P at 7 eel irk in the wens g, and ctlizerte are not nl- Ieaved to Iw• ons of 1 ha 1r rr'sldenees ter 8 t,m 0, end Mnnrdar'stc'r ws of roof to brie mn ottlnRnleh the (Inmost Hill *lipped, nue to auto himself cluteherl Manehrs1Pr Both foil to the gt•easel Manrhnrter wee klllal rsll right. Hill had hits hip brotea The (1 . r,','1 Police Dapartmant ham My 11 rale ith.l i tint (:. 11ttha•k, Allan 'rot' Rull:wk, leas been ernlnnr,r! 0t Ftlnynatnu to la. hanged on Merah .nth for the murder of L. 8talitut..' STII L STARVINO HIMSELF. )tome' Celle Murderer Fest ['realties Down Under:strain. Ottawa, Fob. 23.-Btael.laus creole, the coodenutat murderer, yell refuses to eat anything Ills last natal • waw (hotter oda Thursday Slime (bee he has refused ell food. Fester- terday he took a couple of Mpg of water. The enforced fast and the terrible mental teed nervous strain ho is suffering umnr are developing ogee of a break In hie health. Unless 00 partaken of food soon there will be is collapse, followed perhaps by death. Ie normal health he war a robust man. There is nowt a drawn, 'lag- gard took about Itis farce, the high cheek -bones accentuating the gaunt app:., ranee. before he received news t -hg hie eaten was hopeless Carrott spent a great port of hist time reading reli- glrnts books. Un does so no longer. The phantom of the gallows memo to be alway, bot htamanta, eye, and he canmr,t got away from It. He 1e watched tiny and night by a rkaihle guard, MAKES FOR TEMPERANC Wldrntag London street* Abnllgh )laity retitle Monsen. Landon, Feb. 2e'3. -ft 11 it Met ex- pensive temperance work that the London [Jaunty Council le at pre- sent carrying out, bot 1t Is not de• - *[gnat .Pel an such, nor as the general ,ublic nwnre of the fact. Yet with- in the text three years the London (tlunty conned has devoted more than si.25o,o.t1 to the practiced work nt temporalee. it 1e one of the coneopnences of the retentive Imptovernente being made In iwtndon at pre*ant. When net/eh-Inc property for the neeee- aary widening of different streets, many mailer! bottoms. wtth ItceniP.a and good -wilt, come Into the Ma- ansston of the Othinetl. These proper - tine are very reliable. het the (Mun- cie, Instead of renewing then for prrmtsea in Ihn neighborhood. la de- liberately giving thein up. aiming:et the same time that 00 new IM,enar, for theme Ioralltles ere ieinted. In title way the waters of public house.. In Lenders hen been :limn. Wheel try 10:1, whkt ware valued at 11.1372,150.