HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-27, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. 'fao9aDAT, Feb. 27, 1902 6 W. Friday and BARGAINS Saturday February's Last Day AND March 1st. -vv-E w close February with this list of bargain offerings 11 N for quick realizing on many very desirable lines of goods which we hope our customers will be prompt to take advantage of. The here -mentioned goods, quantity and price are truly given and on sale for February '28th and March lst. 5$0 yards of f►ooy drew and blouse Wrap perste Io meat pattern. and 1n red end bl.uk Ibis obooks. regular 120 roods, Friday sed Satarday price, 5C. per yard 350 yards bevy wool dress Tweed, 40 and 42 iohes wide. la *ray, brown, green. and bine. This range 01 Roods has boon our roeular 25o musing. for two I2�C. days wiling •l per yard `ib; yard. of 42 b 44 inches wide black Simllans and Lustre* 01 flame quality, being our boot 60 to 76o good.. Tess are In mall and tory desirable patterns ..d 0o more servleable good. are 1a our errs, your chola.. at pet yd. AOC. 300 yard. of Sos even (bread whit. Victoria Lien for •prone, pto•lor•• or draftee, • regular 120 quality, .l per pie and Oft 40 pl.o.e Scotch Fanny F1.aa.letw, 34 and 36 loohe wide. best gwltty to fancy • irlpw, regular 12i) tor, per yard ... ....... .... 1 Oc. 300 yards cf 36 Inch *lits heavy Union Keret e. bl.C.rpet h° good pattens, regular 36: quality, •t per yard .. AOC. 200 yard. of W'lute Embroideries and In airtime In width from 1i ti 5 Mole. wide, bel.g regular from 7u to 143 • yard, a1 one prim' per yard 5C. 80 wde of Euglieh sod !Bawl. Carpet to I..gth. • 1 li yar'...otos llcalloy 1. from $1.00 le $1 50 per yard. They .re menu feel mole .oA price is este. 75C. ash pions 100 pfesm r.p..try Eads, similar to •boy e lsatle..d nilly ranging in prto., per yard Item 601.90., °leerlog at, per 5nC pima • COUNTY CURRENCY. he s en& mmol 0t sem aholend •toedThe of ayIn I the•. mut It with the lied, and as tber• was un way fur 11.e moil with the cutter to got around the load, he deotded to make the bores jump eorues Th. horse landed on .6. oppu1U• side e1 the bole with .6e outer, mrd without baron* touched the toed of hay to the bottom, •u be promaded oh his way rejetolo* over his good let'.u.• and r•&oh.d Winthrop wlthum% further oily Inv tare Cholas : Mr. and Mrs E. Holmes, form erly of Clinton. have bleu .p.udt•g o tow 1 days la Ottawa with their sou, this being their first visit to she atty. 8ir MeoKenzie ftuwdi and Mr. Holmes hold the joust honor os bolos probably the oldest wooers In the D.mlules. Sir MeuKenzlo le nearly d: mouths the juolor •1 Mr Holmes, wbu 1m bordering uu eighty years of axe, and both are well preserved, mentally and phystoolly &obis.. Mr. Howell a erred his aDpr•utloS- shlp at prlattug in 1834, but for • few years thereto", dropped out, Mr. Holmes barbed his to 1838. Both can today "stook typo' with the boot o•wpo•Itore, and would (ares hustle soma wee to roue ne • baud prima. W I.ghsm : Oe W edewday everting of loot week. Mrs. Vanelatyoe, or , tell, and oulorluo•tely broke oils of her &rule W ingbam . 1)t A J . lr eta ba• purohrasd Mr. Fesean.'• oumfurteble ',siderite oar owner of Pieriak end Centre streets. Chaim' : The boos. of Mr. and M.o. Neil Fog, of Murtha, Men., was binned on the 16th lost. by the arrival of • baby girl. Clinton : Coniston Bros. shipped about 1000 dos. sew 1.1d eggs reoeotly rod up wards et 4000 lb. of butter le tie Eosins market. lielerav• : George Proolor had the m s• fortune to get his baud into the gear of • maohio., emaahloe his baud .ad cutting off three o1 the fingers. B,ussols: Mrs. Will Broker, who was called to Bruseels owing to oho throes. of her sister. hie returned to net home at Boozer's Ferry, Idaho Seatorth : Robert Winter, jr., who bit been bald up for several morale by Milan - 'emery rheumatism has now recovered .u18. neatly to be able to drive out 000.elooel.y. Clinton : P clone are In progress to bays an addition made to the Cimino ho.plul. At proem there .re thea or torr oases waiting for rooms, all the avail able bode befog tilled. Loodesboro : Oa Wedoeeday, Feb. 19th. Rim Hlanobe, daughter of Marshall Br.-leb- waite, was given es • Ills partner to Alfred Query. a prosperous farmer o'er Louden, at the rootdeuo• of the bride's father. Constance: Word was reunred ben recently that Jobe Clarks, of to llaru•y, had died quite suddenly of pn•amo.e He era the •ides* eon *1 George Cerke, and .on in-law of Mr. Rion, of seat h.r.. W .ogb.m : By the death of Thos. 0I1- moar on Friday, 14th boat., Turoberry hes lost another respected resident Leoeu.d bad bean • rwldanl of the township for annoy ver.. H. was 63 Sun of ago. , %Perham : A pi.•sing e•snt greed the reideuu of Mr.. Veneto°. o0 W'doesd•v. 19.h 'net , when her d.u,bter, Mies Margaret, became the brld. of 1.. A. Sirs., • prominent business man of Hamilton. Seatereh : A most wadding was .idem. o .eed at the residence of Peter Delay o0 I buriday of 1*.t went. when his s. ^*4 laughter, Bertha. became the wife of Nor. man H.11, of Marvvlhe, British Column's, eel forwar;y of Seeforth. Ethel: Ste Dominion (;o•arom.ot has bear asked, by a largely cooed p.tttioa, to appoint Meg Rebeoo. Spence as poslmtalrew .f the office berg as successor to her 4. - ceased fatter. Her appototm0ot would he • popular oe with the community. 0 W. Acheson & Son. • RECONSIDERING THE MATTER. threurb Took.remttb they can get It else. where, by iolog, es they mope'. by way T.rker.nilth Connell sad the Rletlrlr Railway. lel Clinton to Hayfield. H• said • nsolo• I Nes granting the right of way over the lbeotorth Kzpositor.i I hlgoway, could bo passed by thronuoetl. The Tuoteremltb maned met In Stroeg't and properly hedged sod safeguarded so as to protect the r1*6t. and Interese of the pall oil Saturday, F.brory 15th. All the people, and 11 le all nominee to think we smothers were preemie I)elega►loss, I could not get testes from 'mob oompaolw ., gsspu..d •1 Mayor J H. Hroadfeot and M. T. Mcleaa. from `teeforto ; and Messrs lieFrl• E Jackson, '1. Hill, Samos' M.- Qs•ue,and 1 others ft ore Eismondville, wilted upon the oe*ne..l to urge thag to great the right of way, for the propeaed electric rellw.y, over the pablto highway from ,eafortb 60 Brumfield. 1be first speaker to address the meeting was Mayor 1101, of E*moedvllle, who open d the discus.. os by remarking that there is no better tannin* land ta the world than we have Is Toek.r•mtab, and •0 more InLC. 1 lea and .ocowfol formers can be found anywhere. He sold we are Ilyug is • pee - greens age, asd, therefore, should try to keep sbte s% of the Nmea, and ooe of the ways to de so le to immure electric reilweye, and shut better pewee.' and freight rates. lie treaty a only in le 'stoney, sad will, no doubt, Oke the plc• of alarm as a motive power, and we, as • progressive peo- ple, should endeavor to secure all the ►d• wastages possible wherever opportunities prseen• themselves. and cusoluded by erg- Faroe It for farther 000etdorattoo Los toe cowed a *rant the fresohlee The next meeting w111 be held at Negro's Mr. Gwr• E Jaokwo was theta netted ball. Benefield, on Saturday, Marsh 15th, He did not think *bat horses frightening .t oars should be • .orlon+ oowlder•tioo. Afl.r • spirited discussion, whims lasted • maple of hours, the dele*•Uoe retired trod the council took the matter Into their most serious consideration. While the 0e000il can re.dlly pee the 000yen;c0ce euoh • road would he to oertalu parts of the nom minify, ant do not wish to b. • stomblier bleak In the w•v of the profeot, Sot from what they hove been able to leen regarding the operating of eleotrlo raters,. os the hnhw.,s of other muotmip•htles they are to doubt as to whether It toed hs In the mobile interest to grant the right of way over the highway. They would prefer ear Eng the company purchase the right of way from the property meters adjacent to the highway, tor which provision 1s male in the Kleotriu Railroad Aot, and which the own oil deet not think womb( be • very onions or expensive matter, none It Is likely to he • benefit to the community through *Moir they porpme to pew. However, as It Is • moos eeroml matter, the mounml did not feet lite making a Boal decision, but will re. upon, and la bis apeolor rem•rke very truly stated that there ore two thing" In 'blob he kith •Iwan token • deep 1.ter511. •!z ,rood ..boot. .nd good roods, and he wee 'eating this effort bemuse he bobe••d t• to b. In tits beat tutees, of the whole township. H. believed good reads to be ..00..lty, hot they must lead to good elope, and le have good towns w0 must have good em- m,nloattoo with the oaelds world. He preload a map e1 the Proviso*, skillfully drafted by himself, to show the •d e•nt.etm se 10 O'olookA O. Na1.LIt, clerk. NO HEADACHE NOW. Aa Ope■ Utter Tolling tem Itaetaehe amid ReNarhe were ferni..esllr cured. VAL R.CI,S, (Ise.. Feb. 241h.-(Speolel) Emote. (;leaarr• is well •*airs and hes *lye° for habilitation • letter whfoh give to Dodd's Kidney Pills the oredit fur the cure 1. part it reads es follows 'For • Inn, time 1 suffered with kidney MoKtllop : Mrs. George Darla bay rented her tarw,o. the 5th concession of MoKtllop, to Robert Brett s, for • term o1 8y. years, as a rental of $125 a year, Mrs. Done re 11•18105 the use of the house sod other prtyl leges. The farm ant+hos filly sore.. Brussel.: List week C. 7.:Iltaz, of the Ceotral hotel. depo'ei of the hotel pro petty together watt the store omopled by J, T. Row, to George Brown, of (torte, the prem Wog $6,100. The new proprietor will ta1S poetesses 0o the let of May. Bebmiller : Gus. Vaneioce met with . vasty amldsnt last week : while working in the 'Helots he Stepped oil • nail whets pens traced his foot upwards of two Motes. By mr.fsl •tteatlo0 blood potsoula1 was avert rd, and we bops to see him ell right again B OW Windham : Mrs. Kingsley, of town, Is 10 • critical state as the result of a par.lyt.o stroke on Tuesday of last week. 8he had just reenlist from the entertainment given by the children in the Methodist oburoh, and was taking off her rubbers wbeo she was taken i11. Brussels : The family of Eph. Cober mored Irom Ethel to town last week and have ellen up house on i'rinoo.s stress in she residence vacated by C. H. Beertl.ff Toe latter he moved to the stone Mows. Toroberry street, formerly owned by the lath Kober t Barns. God•rwh township : Al.,. Welsh, of /he Bayfisld hoe, has . Book of seventy five less .blob pan bet the reword for l.yt0g eggs, yes, w• say to the township, for eines Deo let. they bye shipped over eighty dozen. Who eye the,.s no money It the feathered telt• to waiter. FIFTY YEARS_A MINISTER. Rev. far 'Wakefield, ■ Vernier raster of limit er. IRotbedat ll.ret. A splendid reoogsltton of the services ren- dered Ly the Rey. John Wakoheld, ll ll, es minister of the M•thod:et oburoh of Canada, 1n the firm of a jubilee bouquet' eras given la 11. Methodist church •1 Paris Out , oo Tueedey, lb h tort 1)r. W•ke8eld mitered the wloietry lo 1852 and, as tooufied by one end all of to, ep..kers et the 00ealno. h.. moo* the' nm• esu for h.moslf • • mohair to oho shoroh and among Its members whioh:few men nave attained, but whish might b. 'oohed by all. The entire oburon was besot dully deoorated with eyerlrseos and bunt- ing. and the luoobeon wbioh wee served previous to a6• or•torieel treat wh.ob freer .d was partaken •f by upwards art 600 People. After all had retired to the aon 1)0,10m of the uourob, Rey. Dr. Grfo o.k tie cher, the dories of welch be de charged la .o excellent manner, and oohed upon the tollswtog gentlemen who e•oh in euro elicited m ohm higbwterm• to the •tri ot.00y o1 Dr. Wakefield as an 'smut rue pet preacher, • lead:dui w•"iter . d • t•a- freod .-Rev W 1. W l• m, R -y. Dr '+utherl.nd, Key. Dr roman, R. 1)-. Potts, Rev Wm Brugge and menu other• Address.• were red from the M.thodls' huroh of Parte and the Paris Muouterel Aseomation. to which Dr. Wakefield feel 'ugly replied. Musts was furnished by the ubntr, s he Telford family, W. H. Boukle• .red others. whish would be 'sallied by the proposed I trouble and a ernb;e pain In my book. l rod. 10 the way of making 0000motton with bad a dreadful headache pearly •11 the time the (2 C. R. at W roz.ter, thus forming • lee bed as to prevent me from getting mere eomoetlog 1111e with the G. T. R fnr oar I than a little sleep or root, and 1 wool 1 get freight and paapeoger itafbo. He nPtded' *p to the morning feeler more tired than horses trlghtslog at the oars to to only • I *h.. 1 went t. 1.0.' frivolous ebiwtlon,..nd said mrele portion@ I •„St.o. 1 completed a treatment el 1)r1A's of the highway hod only bum • crow Pesten Kidney Pills i hove not had any pato wboI• for .ea1ratiens,and .couldbemore properly', •ver My 6.1 sober' and 1 deep used by an electric railroad enmpees. ae soundly and .woke .iron* and refreshed uodas1od nee of t8e ohjeotiene urged ••i feel It my duty to male this pobl:o against snowiest electric oars to ran on the .e'smsot." yobbo highway Is that the mautolp.11sy might b. liable for •midente 000.eioomd LOYAL thereby, but be mold not see why an •*rse TrraDAT, Mob. 2.5. man(, drown op by .o expert, would be John MOPeee, of Detroit, is visiting kis any mon dlflloult 'nen draftier specifics- brother, U. F McPhee. Hone and °ontract for a house. He thought Wllfsm Bogle wears broad Sm i'n tbew there meet hews hes •flaw In the epee- days. It 1e • boy. (Jongratulatiooe, Billie. menu If the moaned of Waterloo lD 1111e Redmond, of Westfield. Is visiting were noun deleted to the s, In an-, .o*lsoiree' •1 WW1"'Jones'. brought to recover damages from the moot W y Howell, merchant at Carlow, bas atp•hty for *urea en.110ed by a farmer meld out hle store to Wm. .T000s, of Nile, and Ms wife, whose vehicle was streak by an electrle oar. He approval of the melon Tne Literary Soot.ty held • dohate on of last yen's oo*ooll, In ending their reeve prohibition last Friday eight which was Into municipalities where *kettle railways enjoyed by all. . n is operation to sonars all the Informs• Ms. Fuser, of Uoderieb, •idled at A. ten neestble, hit was sorry to Isere that (teen's last week. - 11'e verdict append to be of • negative Mr. Nelson has sold his farm to R. Bean nature, and hoped that this council wield for • rood bran, f ee their way olmr to reverse the demotes a tined Cern Samovar.el lest fail. The oxo speaker was Mr. M.Y. MaLmn. A marvel of obeepns's, at dfio•oy and o1 who said be .99.00.4 beton the cannon, promptitude, le contained In a bottle of that 0.6 to inte110.0 In Teoker.msb'e busmen, f•msote remedy. Putman'. Nines. Corn Re- tractor. I1 roes right to the root of the trouble. then ante gnlokly but so pdolwsly that nothing Is known of ire opentlnn soul ►h• ern 1s shelled. Beware of outwears. offered for Putnam'. Palrl.seCern Retractor -safe, sure and pelotas.. Sold at drug este'. Brussels : It 1. reported that Robert Watt has ret*oed his position as traveller for the tV•teroas Co., Braiittord, and mill be installed as manager of the Fire Ko*toe Works at London. Mr. Watt 1. • oom• potent .hand at the firs engine baeloms, having been acquainted with for year.. Se.forth : George McEwan, M. 1' , has 'sound the Seforth Bat mill and will oper ate fe during the miming seesoo. The tl.i mill is an important ludn•tr►, sod It. .0. p.01100 for sever•I years hes been • grew lose to Seatorth. Mr. MaEwan tan work Thor mill to good •dvantege in 000juootton with hls mill as Hensel!, Walton : Oavld Campbell has sold J his farm l0 Urey, neer the village, o obo Herrn, hos son to -law, and glees oomessio0 no the let of March. The I �oe1r. 0d 100 sores sod was sold for $5, 000. Mr. U•mpbell Intend taking • trip e Manitoba the Doming summer, and will probably remain there for • year. Dodd's are the o.17 medicine that will cure D1. - Kidney eater. Uk. Bright's Di.- eae We dIs- •••• was la - PMIS ura6lesre1. curedcIt- Dutton themsdvs coafase that without Dodd's Kidney Pil1s they are powerless ag&Lut Dia- betes. Dodd'. Kidney Pills are the first medicine that ever cured Diabetes. Imitations- boa, oameaad ised pill, are advertto do so, but the Madidw that ase CUSS Diabetes 11 1s Dodd's Kidneys Pills. Dodd's Kidney Pills are fifty cents a bot at all druggists. LINKLATER FAMILY HONORED. They Are Centime re Rookie 1. t.eib.0.5 ' Tewsehlp Arians. 1 (Stratford Bacon, Friday 1 Mr. John Ltukl•ter of Elites, who he occupied the Henry farm r u the rr.vel rood for the past tow years, but who wilt aborti) move to Gol.rtoh, was waited opoo bo Bloods sod oeigbbols let ermine sod pre mantel with . handsome chair, *0:1e his daughter was the riilpent of • be.atltai Lamp. Tbe following addreee was .leo real : Nr. Liokimer ani family Dear freed. :-W• have recently leered 18.t you .r. about to sever your 00o.eetiou with se •. .e ghbor.. 'l n. town* of fr sods at •.- 5 some is • sad •f.ir, but on by 0m•.ion it is mors .0 titan usual, sad It was with • feahog of the de.piet regret that we learned of your intended departure !tom our midst. "A friend to need is . friend Indeed," • o.1 donee your stay amount are you have amply Szemplifi•d this truth. :!.vest years 0*0 you nam• tato our neighborhood almost . petaot stranger, and now you .re leaving, but to the majority of is. you area n•rat ger ey no means. Dann* the time, slowly b0• .urely, we 6.,. heo..me more and more int* mate with you and your family. W. fed certain that we have been benefitted gra ly by this int meov and friendship We have •Iw.ys had you as an example o1 • man moa lamily, loading • true (26,15 tan life la • most foetidly Ivey to all with whom yea ems to 000eot. You were aiw•y• willing to help them in their wale and dittiouttlen. nod always ready to lead • helping h.od to any• one whether he was neighbor or stranger. In short, you have proved yourself • kind n.lghh.,r, a tried frit nd, and •o honest man Your departure will thus (nom, . gap le the neighborhood, the full effect of which ere shall know only when you .re gone Aceordingly we, as neighbors and friends, desire to bid you and yens family farewell. and al,o ark you, Mr Linkl.ter, to sooept balloter, the di L ok this ohelr, .e you, Mw lamp It 1e nolo on moment of thole peoutiery value. but merely as tokens of the high regard we hove had for both of you, and also the other members of the family, while you hays been with us. V. now sincerely wish you all the greeted •uooew and happiness fo your new home and hops thee these may serve to call a0 pleasant memorise of the time spent •1000* your old neighbors. This was signed by the renewing neigh• bore : Stewart Campbell, Andrew Fenton, David W ('lark, Jo. Qmnl.n, T B. John• .on, N C. Smlt.h,1Chra•0pher Miller. Mr. ',initiator thanked hie friends for 'herr tangible szpreeion of regard and on:newt.: teat he might find In his new Mono friends •s kind as tame he lett In Perth oaat y. tont Names. h. 1. IOtereeted 10 the road ler Ye•torlh's ehe, and what 1s is 8eafort6's leterest is also in Took.remtth's. He said he had Bele doubt bet that le a short time there would he a ..t -work of eliectrio lines over the *emery, se they aro bound to oome. If the promoters cannot get what they want MierYs!&E1h111hsi0R FOR CHILDREN'S COUGHS A bottle of Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is sometimes worth its weight to gold, especially when the little one awakens you in the middle of the night with its harsh, croupy cough, --That's the time when the supreme value of Angier'. Petroleum Emulsion is emphasized by its quick action inrct1'evmgn and effecting a cure Read this letter: -- TONSILITIs AND NIGHT COIJOS : - My little girl has been hruMrdd .'r some time with tnespecially silit isl accompanat ied with a very rrVerr akin` cowg4, beings (' We rave her several bottles of cod huff Petroleum giving o r arty r*1Uf al al/. We thew brad Angier's and Toilets awd errs agreeably sterpris'd a1 the crick result, the first bottle (rrrnQ hrJ', if. HOWtARD, Toronto, Ontario. The above ottera 1 i a Sample of thnmandi we rem. r telling of great benefits derived thmugh the use of Angier's Petroleum I.mulsion. will bring y "�hse VOUR NAMR AND Aner RS" on a postal inn" card will lass en rare for to 'f'hmst. Longs, sad hti emitted, e.O en. trees good .deice as uu, Feet and Hygiene, Olin'.,eerie, .6.6 .r• �i sed Oven. It gives good A1101 SR CHaMiCAL COMPANY BOSTON, MASS ne All Mouser sell it. Two des. 5,1 et•. and e t De • bottle. Ae mr• v^•t get eon ,, f ..SI „ „ a ISN f Wlogham : The nuptials of Key. Walker Meloolm, Presbyterian 9.110� 6 Manilla. 1.of the ., and Miss Coventry, partment of the Imperil, wore pleasantly oelebrat•d at the residence of Mr and Mrs E out, W mmpeg, Man , on Jon. 30 h, R., l',of. Riddell ofbuutnoq. Tee bride's potential hems 1. at Wmgh•m. Brussels : Cupid soared another •lotory on Wednesday evening of last week when as this reeidenoe of Tho. Walker, brother of the bride, Bra -esu, Robert E. Brosdfoot., • well to co young merchant, of Uladaons, Manitoba, and Miss Joao Walker. nee of gru•eele popular daughters were jol0.d to • matrimonial •lli.Oce by the a1d o1 Rev. John Koos. B. A. Hensall. The f 1 of the late Mn. Donald Stewart, recently of Taakerlmrtb, who has been losing to Hornell for Rome months with her tin to law .red d.oih1r. Mr. and Mr.. John Shepherd, was very largely attended, on Tuesday •ftern000 of lie week, showing the repeat ,n whioh she . as held. The &praised was to her n,bty e ight year, and esu well and favorable known. Brussels On Monday of last week. John Barnhill, formerly of Brueeeta, passed away •1 thti residence of hie son In -taw, Andrew lsldl.w, Klma township, atter an Illness of shout Six woks. Deceased had neon • 1.alde0* of Brussels for withen Mr..nd Barnhill,. ear little oyer a yart, went to him& to reeve. He hod attained the ripe old age of eighty one leers and aux months. Relief From that Cold "in one night" Reads too -nice to be true - but don't discredit it until you've caught cold yourself and tested the efficacy of this perfect cure- UWANTA GRIPPE CAPSULE never fails -thousands of cases of cold and Grippe are on record as " cured in a night " by Uwanta Capsule. w, x. Wilms, of Ottawre rays : " I had • bed `rlpyy cold -I took three Capsules .as direct- ed, and I got relief im- mediately." Ask your druggist for Lennle Capsule, or en- close is cents for • bon direct to UWANTA )4'1'6 CO.. geed. Oti.wa. Dot. R. B. Smith Store. McKIM'SlJordaBinnk. NEW GOODS French Zephyrs. Sixteen patterns of the newest and wont stylish French Zephyrs in all the latest colorings of Noisy stripe. meru.riz.d finish, as 20o. 25o. 36o and 40u per yard. Prints. Our erosb o1 Prion Is very complete, all priors, 5a to 124 per yard. Our spoon' at 10o a the beet value ire Suer hod. even when Cotton Goods wore •t their loere', sod w. h... 50 patterns to shoes from. Sateens. Have you seen thee new Meroerized Seises,. as pretty •e any .111 and not half the price , Mill Wood FOR SALE Silks. Ws would like to show you our New &lite. W. have a very &peolal line for mesa, et per Sud Cambric. Ou E .gl.h Cambric, Loosd•w 8nl.b, al 8%3 i. • weeder. You would be willing to pay a1 least loo for It. Flannelette. Two special. at 8n sad 1240. They ere earner 10o and 15o Flenoel•etes anti good value at tithes prices. We gar a bargain •.d paw tient on to you as flu and 124o. CLOTHING BARGAINS. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. About Toilet Soaps. W• woull take to oortvinoe you that this i. by long odds the best place is Uoderloh to buy your twee some. 1f you w111 allow us to show you what wo offer sod he* w• have sought your interest you will he oonylpa•d Let us try. N.W •h[Dmeot 10.1 to Orange Juice and Horsing Dew, oiIe ly b a x,Oo ,,r 1. et I«s.t double Our Ik Oatmeal closing oat 3 for Ilc A lucre eseurtmeot at So. Wonderful r.lue at 25o nod Ito per box Lno ogive you beautBla hIful Roser Verona, each and Am.r.riceo 5o•De- Violet, Pe.0 A'E'p.*De, White Almond. Saloon U.roatloa, and many other.. ' Don't This is the place for toilet eo•pa. About Your Lungs. A great haul. i• going on against Ito White Plague, Consumplloo. Will you not jots in for your own safety t Coa• somptlon seems to orlgtoate by the ab- sorption of tuberculous germs into lopes too week to resist their attacks Our Emulsion of Cod Liver CII, undoubtedly builds up and strengthens the loo*., feeds (hem, tooth them. There are others but none bettor, to soy the least. B. well advised, 09E A FEW BO6TLF.$, forget our gsarastoe4 Cott Care ,/ I� BEDFORD W. Co.fio OODEj, Chemist, ni Goal! Coal! The a' ovn is cut into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day es ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt) attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWANa (L,lerieh, November 21st, 1899. 65.31• 1; Moons died en ftroeeeb �. Mrs. WM.y S.turd•y mormo*, 15th lost , After a bref Illness Doomed else. birth to • bete danahter a week previous so was no. phy.t cosily In good °nd11100 to Withstand .n Meet of pneumonia. Her maiden name was Maggie Hanna. and she woe a dangbter of Hngh Henna, 6 h Ilse Morels. :+be was 37 years of see and nal been married to her how bergs husband a little over a year. 8e.forth Menh inverse and may deep regret was fell on Wadnesd•y of tut week on IN h•noming known tet Dtinoan Mo Gregor, of thus town, hod departed the hf• Very few wore aware of hie Ulnae, and few had meet his f.mlllar form from the street. Mr Mot;resor bad been 111 only about a week, peeomenia being the retie of death. Ha was mitt eon* years of age. He hod rent. been In 'Omit health Inr some years, and for this rlmnn he retired from Iola farm In M Ailey shoot two years ago, sed oast* to reside In S••lorlh. R..brth : Th. roads arm Md dew. this way. The F.tpoellor [elle this toile : A mon eras drWag Moog with • lore and natter (le semee a tise edews Into 11 , of the pisoh• heim .I be evpod endd Welds* Just Removed 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, 78. Bost Solt Coal In tomwtto purpose., also A Great Snap_ U nor plover Snap, at 50. • pnaod, of which we sell a ferrel • week. This isn't our only snap. as we oars' •verythIhg that oa0 be found In an 00 - to -dote grooery sere, and our prime are right. The farmers know that they oa0 always get from um a seep tor their prodnm. We drew the line •1 no Isogamete trade - everythlug goes (il,ssw•re or potatoes, garden stuff or ohnio*t table Chum. We deal In all of them. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Bedford block. Osdertoh the market for 1 oars of Scranton Hard Coal NOW ARRIVING Clothing ALL GOAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SCALES• 9oarolty of cars 1. likely to ousel • mal lamins oaring the next two moot Ms, would herefore advise purchase of your Coal DOW. DOCTORS AT SEA. Many a man has to abagndon he u desk because of neuralgia tor- ture sometimes is almost upbeat:. he able. E. C. Deas, city editor of Daily British Whig, Kingston, the tons, suffered with neurtegi o for twelve months. Six physicians failed to relieve him, bet throe bottles of Dr. Hall's Rheum at ic his Curs oompletely cured him. great blood purifier is put up in bottles oontaining ten days' treat- - mest. Price 50 cents at all drug stores or The Dr. Hall Redeems Co., K1n`stoa, Ont. The township of Stephen 15 reported free of smallpox. SEEDS! SEEDS! Seed Oats Seed Barley Seed Corn Timothy and Clover Bug -proof Peas A ton of choice, seed Ma ngels l BROPREY & SON -- TUX 1.01.4 DIN.I - Vwi.vTilt\ \iVTeeuoc1 and V,tYkooXt Avev.. order. carefully •'treaded te Y all Your. islets or day. Matter 'tinsel. Wm. Campbell. (3.+eebh. boy. 13'b 1901. and all other seeds from the beet grower, for farm .nd garden Largest Stock in the ...County. A Targe variety of Feed Oats and Corn on hand. (Goode delivered pr mptly to any part of the town. a Ialitss A. J. Cooper, • sty,., I SEEDS 1 SEEDS' 1 Before Buying -- 1 HEATERS RANGES.... see our line of "Gather thistles, expect prickles" Hret "bargain ar a in sales" and expect dis- satisfaction. Good things don't go a begging, and insurance is worth having. Sure value, up to the Makers'rp ice. "The Slater Shoe 600dycer nkhcd" Wm. Sharman, Jr. • Sole Isocal .&gent. 1 have put into stock a line of Ready made Clothing of first class manufacture, and at priced to suit the times. Ordered Clothing I. still my spode ty. A good range of clothe to aelec:t from ; and workmanship the beat to be had. If you need an overco.t'this fall call and .ee me. A Dumber of lengths of prem goods to be cleared out at poet. H. DUNLOP, West Street Melillop Mdnal Fire hears) Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TDWN PROP- ERTY INSU Value of Property In.urel up to January, 1901 ._ 1113,sas,EI.ee urrlcclbi AND DIRECTORS. J. B. McLean, pre. ; T. Fraser, vloe-pr... I Wate. t Jae.. *0.0*, Dela. W. Vo, 3 bi0. �fewet., director.; W. t1 Bro•Afo it, deafo'tb. Inapeo- tor of looses ; T. L. Hays, Seatorth, moreery- tre•eurer. Aa1NTh• J. W. Yeo, Holmesellle ; James �fo m6 1 Rhg K*moodvllle; 1t. Molt:Ulan, Smith, Harlook Policy -holden ono pay assessment. sod get their cards received at Mr. Coats . Clinton. or as McLean Bras.' Palace Clothing More, Code rich HELLO THE OLD' RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ScrI1t011Scralitoi Bard Coal IN THRs MART ZT 411 Coal weighed on the Market scales where you get Mao lb.. for a too. WM. LEE. Order. left at LZZ & I1811Pa,&BD'8 Stan promptly attended b. Fire Sale... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on the Canadian market. Every Stove hilly l;naranteeet. . . . LBB k SIMPBARD, R1( II 1 OUR Businnsd has grown to such dimensions that we have decided to move to larger premises, and will in consequence offer our whole stock of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, 4 1 1 0 a 8 1 l And all other Musical Instruments, Music, Sewing Machines, Scc0 at Genuine Bargain Prices until the 15th Feb., 1902 Remember, this is a Genuine Bargain Bale, and the chance is one you may never meet again. SKATES SHARPENED IN LATEST APPROVED STYLE CEO. W. THOMSON & SON Music and Bicycle Dealers,- - GODERIEH ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MIIcLEOD'S ; SYSTEM ; RENOYITOL A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactur.d • bV J. Ma MacLEOD, Qoderich, Ont. .Mess... - ..a.Ares►