HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-27, Page 1THREE ''A'8" Aov'ra Awe ACTIVE AQ -NTS W INN PLACA: IN THE SIGNAL ionat. LDADIN'CI NEWSPAPER OF HtTRON OOtTNTY_ FIFTY-FIFTH YEN& '2871 GODERICH, ON'!'ARIO. CANADA : FEBRUARY ` 7 1902. D. M°GILLICUDIJY, EDITOR. HAVE YOU RENEWED YOU SUBSCRIPTION _ -_- « �� R RIPTION FOR THE SIGNAL FOR 1902 ? I _ 1 THE WEEKLY MAMAct RIPORT Ooporalr, f.0, 26. tope Fell Wheat. 9 75 to 79 flour, family. par civet..,. 2 40 to 1 0 Flour. patent per owl 2 50 to 1 60 Bran, 1/ Wn. _-14 91 rola 06 Shorts. if toe ............. 19 19 1019 00 tk:roenlap, par •wt t W to 100 It7o,. per bleb 060 to u 6I Iluckwtcat per Web 0 55 to 0 55 Oats, • bum. ... ....... -_ ffi to 0 36 Pow book. . • ........7i to 0 U) Rader. per beak }tar, w too .,,.,........ .. 1 femme, P busk. ... Nutter.""".......••w......_ Oleos.. ere lA LesdUee annu• s lea Rildsas•.•••••••••••.,........� IJre B ~ Dressed Boom. Lard, per Ile. Brewed Heel Mare %garter Deemed Beef. he'd esttle, icport nary 50 to 0 60 („101050 V r00 S) 10 to 017 10 to 0 a1 Ili to 0 16 10 to 1 00 9040500 /110000 00 to560 40 to 7 (0 13100 le 15 to 0 16 11 to 11 00 to 6 50 00 to 657 75 to 1 00 00 to 1.° TO ADVSHTIBERB. Notdoe of ohanges must be left at this Offioe not later than Saturday noon. The Copy for changes mut be lett not It tar than Moo - lay noon. Casual Advertisements aooepted 00 to nor n Wednesday of each week. M lain. MISS COLBORNE, Teacher of Fletcher ober music method, td will n am pupils at ear studio, shag Mr. Mattel's inruranoe once. Kampf to street For tutor oration apply either at studio or at to eidetic.. at. Patriot a street q)1T• GLENN CAMPBELL, organist aad mucked director of North Street Methodist church, umber of peso, pew or- gies sod theory Puntla prepared for all .- amin.tlee. of s the Toronto Coaeer,atory of Nmslc. W W be pleased to receive •pplic- tionsfrom .11 Mow re.8lring such IO,truO. tine at his new studio over Thomson's mambo store. Um et team for [woollen may bs •r roamed for. 67tf For Bale. FARM FOR SALE - LOT 12. BAY Mid ares,. Dods eh ea, 112 acres 163 'leered. teems hard wood. with a large yuan thy of cedar on lar, to good stat* of caltlrs- nos, about net alive raft wheat. and mmwdn, ab a fall plowing dyne. Comfortata.e brink toms, largo barn *He stabling undo/math, drlr(agstied and other outballlingo About two aerieeveterd, mostly winter croft Wal *8toren never failing s. r•nM.t( creek aad two walla. Satm miles from Clinton and th(e. Nom Hayfeld. I'oa.es,uo at ear tin.. rev mashie tonna Applfr for further pparticurar• to CHARLES .IMO'S, 71 8t. levet a, Ood.rteh. 9511 LION. BALE -TBE. EAST HALF OF 1' the weer halt or to 16, eon. 7. West Wa- oos rot on SO scree. Appl RYy to H5N- WLNA, Dungannon, or to Philip Holt, Barrister. Oodeelob, POS SALE -}ATB 96. 96, 117. 118, 11 1j 1' sad IML la BONkleoa's survey. a8 1n Oodeetek les pr/gHyts apple to Mesta 11th. 11M\By w ilea eodertcrad, IluUsi, AND LOT FOR MALE. -LOT Al somber 715• Ailerons 9retst, Oode,eh, by Mr. Jobe Bal la von desirable r .dapte,.prlyto PHILIPHOLLT. sollagWr for executor. 0044,- rIeb *11 Fop Rent. fro LET.-uo)jyoRTABLE DWELL low home. with owe seem of /amt. Is the town of Oederleh, es.,•8le.t t o the Aquae* ; good bars mkprem1es. end rome obo'ce fruit. brain to 8.c, BAYS, Rarretec t 0llulrb. 1114 elltuation. Vacant. WANTED IN hHALL FAMILY. A Wood Olds soot, Wage to 008)944580 Mrs. 515 per .10.48. lteferesoe. required. Address LOCK BOX U. PARIS. UNT. 71 Publ10 NOWo. N(nick. 14 HEREHY GIVEN TO THE Mutual Fire toieura ref compeer, ' of Galt, that It has decl•rod another dividend of tyro,. It Pee,al, en all premiume oD the mutual or Vomitus] time elan for the year ending I)ec- *mMr14t, 1901, unless (whowW arranged. R. 4. STROH°°.. Mamie Charlie ew, g•o,rel agent, Gaffer (ah. r R Sp Orden by mall promptly attended to. M Im NOTICE lb HERESY GIVEN THAT norerf nes PDover, Brantford. 'Orlin and )'aril.ment of ('a •do at nowt session, foto r an Ant extend ie the time Inc the oommence- meot and oomn'r'ion of i)4 work chang,n Its name to ther rernelogR eh. amount of Re repeal moot, and wthonxen* the 0oae.rortton of Its Itne la sec toss and the mese of hoods with respect (0 such 000tInns wog for other puepces Dated 0t Wood,t0ok, %„arid, 17th D o,m. t1er. 1501. WALLA('K k LITTLE. Solicitor* for rho Company. 1)ROF. v, L TAUHIs 8441 ►a,Traten (mint*• Awn 1)0 All trade of Speouclee sot iytelaaee• made to order 5penial a'tention given t0 fitting the eye. Orden by mall promptly attended to He- erlen of partes 111155 m/ nem,. ae 1 employ no ?reveille MOM. wbatsesr S44ef.40 00 guaranteed. 00•t.bUlehed 1673. .et RICHMOND STRUM W., T')RONTo Inauranoe..to. ('1HAA. R. SRAW, GENERAL ihSUR- Vv ANON asd real estate agent. O0eo, toe I s00 *set of P. O.. Ooderieh. Agent for th- n mutual fire I .,they to mi.' enter and heeling Merman*, Nle and p m•nataeturlag Fleas t owe.'. rates. 0.11 at 0000.. 111' R. RORKRT.9ON. • s • Amooatant en4 Ituannoe Agent. Rote and aeoemo4 mad* np. H08411,2 routed ane rents oollente4, Vire laserame In British end Canadian Com al.s, OtaeM_ /a Preedfoot & Hays' Oboe. North trees Ooda,lek. 1!-tt ..I.'• J. T, NAFT*L, OI NIGRAL IN• S*)KAN(w a,,4 n, ufe Ase)A.ntsnd PlaitsGllai is Insoraawi000 *Ronal en motes& eve wish Hilae at lewest ,afar :00.11.1,. Bret RngttM aoA Candie 1)0s.pa,ls rep res red OSI se mart done e0 (Mrrsw k (Jarrow, Rat is ,r Ramtlrea 0tmet. e 21141tlau. IIR W. F. HALLOW, PHYSICIAN megtsahoodlad um ote. 000otoss.ffI� . Salk �of 0.. ale el bwslds ai reli . iffy. Pa..• 11. let AROUND TOWN. Tits 'Bus Craw -As the k.'teotury hotel 'bon was w/urnlag from the et1t)o0 with paper*ere from the tete tree one night last week It g ,t off the beatua track • td 00est. ,1 this K.ostord was thrown v O's•lly on bre back 5gat8.t the glass wlo do*, which brotu. mod two ober oepeov.re fell upon him. Although taken up town able, ho sustained only • dew •login cow an4 bruises. The c(.r pose.ogera wars only Mishits up. A Pixie Bentz -Only • handful 01 pato. pie turned up 5t the Opera House on Thom. del mining to hoar the Swedish Leder,' Qaartett• The oomp•oy decided not to put cm a program and ta• dorm or so who were pre•eet were to/traded their money Toe mrmbere of the oompauy are reported b. really Rood srtbte. They s804 to Now York and Toronto, and It is sold they were annoyed, no: 1o0•tar.11y, at their ooel rsosptioa here. UtATl or Ju't M, befit, Hrrr•u) - Jame. McLean, a former resident at diode nob, aad a brother 41 Ko'*rt McLean, deed e1 Buffalo o0 Saturday altar esveral week.' Moose from blood poisoning. He was about Otto fire ye4rs of age. and loam a widow and family of tsar boys sod two girls. Mr. McLean had been • reeldeot of Buffalo *Ina hie removal from Goderloh some thirteen tr fourteen years ago Robert Motwon west to Buffet° to attend the Niteroi, whioh took place am Tuesday, A TimesA*Nc■ C•14P•1oN - Th. God. club W oma'• Ceris',iao T.mp.rmce Union hos soared the **Yew of Mia, Charlotte Wiggins, of Toronto, lactones aad or,l►n ea for the Provraolat W. (2 T. C , for a week's cam i to .e a a t' D R der10h to 00 mmeo ceo o9uo da Moron 9.h, Y, Mother.' meetings well M hold in the •fletuoone at tits Temperance H.11, and foible meetlo9, lar the *vetoing. at plum to be sd.sstised later. Miss Wrttgtil. Is sell known as • Mediae e.mper. aims worker ted an able speaker. A Pirs reit M. Joao.N. -O. Satarday last the aviation* of tb. (I. T. H. I. club met at the room. of the president and pre. sowed H K. Jordan, who nu Lela Ueuurer of the club, with a b.aotllul pipe and cue. So.eeto. were made by Malcolm Maodon.ld, till. Grant, Cha•. Mo(:aw aad Chu. Shep- herd. A pewit ematog war spent, e IOmptuoas „put belay one of the more rm portant Motor., of the gathering At 11 30 Me members departed atter haying *lobe] Mr Jordan all emotes In liraotford. TNS tt'gATN.R.-Tbl, wade 4as }Han • s.00ss• oe of lively, bright days, and were U sot that It Is only the o,1 ot February cis wawld be tempted To beTlaro '.bat .prteg le very seer. Coder the •troog rays of Gid Sol the snow Is gradually going, 800 in town lbs math travelled roads have only • thio eotuog. le the country, however, then 1. platy el snow lsfr, and is maoy prow the rood Is level with tho (ease top., Ttt. winter has 13. ea • remark.b(. ons. Old ta- baoltaete cies hardly remember, owe that heo boon to steady Tne moo* ousts Orly aad .toyed, sod we have had sleighing uoln. tsrrept.dly for early three months. ?bore hoe sot been a tbaw, sod on the other band there tem been no •mneme ot oold P.rbaps two or three tens th• temp•rattire w.s as low as zero for a portion of the day. Cell the begtrtting of the m.otb, the Hest part of welch was stormy, the whiter w.. an TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF I'AYMKNTS }'Ott 1'115 YEAR 1901. It ZCII I'TS. To Ca•b. etcetera] from 4.8aods on re tirlog from Ireuorenh:p 1603 01 l'ollootloe for 1910 100 53 From sale of Cemetery Lot18 O) Lir ease Collected from 1900 190 biota's(' from 1901 56 09 Treasurers Note Cashed 1170 00 Cemetery .... T00 05 Writ Wawattoob Boundary Refund I3 tel TowD.blp Collection to 1)ato 6150 f0 Total ... 59114 43 PAYMENTS, By Cash, lalarlea and Allo*armee 5500 10 ('har(1 ate y5 00 Stationery and Printing .e... t15 90 Mis•eWneono . 75 No Roads and Bridges 7156 le ('Dunt/ Bad interest „ 7479 37 (Iemetery NM 9, 3381 7o Harmed Komi Paid acd In- terest 1752 00 Ikea'ce oa Hand 414.41 51M it .,) ASSETS. On }toll to eoltect . $507 70 Balance on )land 18 04 New Crmstery 100) (w) LIABILITIKH. WE 8; County (tate for 1901. ..51179 50 Cemetery Note due 15 Deoernt»r, 1902.. 10,1 00 51079 56 We. tl,e uederelon 1 An4ltore or the Muni. net silty of the Township et Colborn., have this flay audited the Tr• 8nret'e Cash Book and toucher• and and mime correct J -N. KRRNIOi(AN.' Ai mmrc+. 1081', eicIL WAIN,, 1 toted wt Carlow tale 11th day of len,. 1902. ret; Huron and Bruce Loan and Investment Co. GODERICH, - ONT. OUR SAVINGS BANK. Ws are prepared to receive Deposit* from Trusltee,t, Parente or Children, in sums of from Fifty Cent. to Three 1'hou.•nd Dollars, and allow compound interest, added every *ix months •t rate, as agreed upon Cheques are given Dep0eitonl, so that they may drew upon these deposits at any time 3, 34 and 4 per Dent. interest allowoa on Deposits according to amount, and time Deft. N,R-Parshant to • late Act of Parliament married women and minoro have the right to deprNit soil draw out money in their own name. I)epo.ito roan be '.int by moil At the risk of sender. Remove from roar homier' temptation to burglar% and food for the flamer. TO BORROWERS. Thi. (1ompany is prepared to loan nn the shortewt notice any mum upon first clams meenetty. Terms are min to mit harrowers' Straight keno and eimplo interest MORTGAGES PURCHASED -For fnrliler particulars call at the Company'a tidHtm., corner of Market Mikan rind North Streik Oodericb. P. IMAM. PRw ioswr. Idol Das, aad ea tee whole It has ban the mat pl t termer for decades Now the first robin has been men, and soon w• shall be looking for intim algae of spring. Srerul, hi/mono ter ('uc4cti.,-A apeofal mstHog 0! th• tow o ooumoit was held os Tsosd., 1750485, All the members were present. A tyeew wan passed •ppuluttng R C Mooning, au i.taot samosa. A report war rocelvee from the pubho works onm• meters 10 reference to the grauollthlu •elk■ 8aetm.nt. The °ommlte•, reoommeod•d that the report promoted last Frldav viols • log M 8m•u,l•d by finking out th• linen. 0l• road motloo from the list of walks upon *blob the town pays 40 oer omit of the oat •0d add .g 1t to the lot of walk, aeon which the property owners pay the whole ocet. Tho oommtttee's reoommeod•tlon was adop4W. Them were t4• preolpa) hone of b0si0ses before the meeting. Prreaa- Matit.-A very petty wedding took plaits on the 25-h last at the bum• cf Mn. Ellen Ma'r, St. Patrick street, her d•nghter, MIN Ne111. (w•o bar hem en gaged to the topping profe.•loo), being united to the holy bond, of ooatrlmony to Chutes Paten, of Thls,letown, Elobtooke township, 'Yb• bride, who war 0oattended, was gowoed to • beoomt,g .pit of blue, with trimmings of whit• °biffoo. The ceremony war performed by Wm, J. W. Robinette, pato, of Vtotorla.,t, church, in tbs prreeece of only the Immediate friends of bath oo0tra4tlsg parties, after which • sumptuous' dinner war partaken of and • very enjoyable ,vector was Spent. The bride was the recipient of many uaful pros onto. The happy couple left on Wednesday morning on a short wedding tour. TAM' 19 M1011TY, AND WILL PKIVAII" - 1'4. . hof toto r of toe mooting t Lln O the U (2 1. Literary boowoy on Friday *riming was • debate on proteotto, and tree trade. Wesley Edward and 'Nits J. 0 Loughlto spoke la favor of the proposition that fru trod* would be more beaeOo(al to Canada ah.• protea loo, whll• Joho S, ('aryl. and Henry Martin 147008 cid the oegative, or promotion. aide. The epreobes wen gond, and the pointe on either side were advsood *1th form To. /edge*, Mean. Moore, Field sod Tbomp•no, of the entering staff. decided that the ltirmatl4e had the nett., of the argameot. Toe evening's program included a viola' .o%u by Chester Herten. a nictitation by Mtge Nellie Jamlesoo, so lutrumeotal solo by Wes Alto* Smith, th• radiog of the 0. l; 1 Journal by the editor ,s chief, George Webster, and an In •trume,tal duet by Norman Alla, aad Reggio Tye TM, E0tty.Tty -Tee setI.ates whim were broltgnt down at Ottawa tale week to clods item. of $10 000 'or dred5tog Gode r,oh harbor ata $15 000 for general repair* aad Improv,m.te to cooperation with our harbor ; 53.630 for ib. lieySeid *oath pier ; 510 000 for Southampton harbor improve. 'este ; 55.000 for • wharf •r et Janie ; 15.000 for the Clinton pcetof5» Molding. rade Mad end Empire had it that 550 000 sew to he voted for a whorl .t St, Jwepb, and • good many staunch i.iberals were oond,motor th• "lob' In unmeasured terms. However It was only s typographl 051 error en the port of The Mat and Em per• In adding a cipher to the oorr•0t amo0at. The sato In • reruns, 55,000 bay log Mom Owed lar the estimates for this purpose leas mesion. None of It bo yet been meet, and It 1s not likely that say sl ,t w111 be span until the Department Is ao0ytnoed that the public Interests would h. mimed thereby, Tug BAND Copo'car. - The Goderioh Marie' Band made thee, last anposraoc• ceder the leadership of 11. K, Jordan et tae Opera Route on Monday .0.0tog, Al- taome4 the hoo,e was far from a toll one thus who .41001.4 heard h good program, and • small cum est cleared, which *111 he devoted to tbe band fonds. The various esleotaons by the band were well rendered and mach appreciated. Mise Eva Aoheou sed Mise Mary Trios dellphted the audience with their *tog ng, the former of Henn, Parker's ' Sonw," the latter of " Tee Share el the Palm," from " F,ordo's," and each respondd to • hearty reale. J.. Thomson was on the program for • song bot wait un- able to be prevent A drill by a company of 0 (2 1 cadent, made • pretty'H+ersloo and was followed by a serious of dumb-bell exercise* 1, the cadets to uniform of white kotoken and red sweater,, which, *hide not faultless in exeoatloe. woo the 00ouioo of much amusement. A performer oompara. 't,ely new to • Goderlob • iMacs was TA . McLeod, e1 elesfortb, who, we understand, is en applicant for the position of tend fader In .aoorn,lo0 to Mr, Jordan. He +(speared In • comber of comic) moega and won loud appleus from at lent part of the home. The band ander Mr. Jordan's leadership has attained • high.'8te of rffi nicety and we will be sorry to love him In that °opacity, 'l he s'oatioos rendered on this 000aslon lnoludd the following Narrate "The New Colonial"; waltzes from "The Vioeroy "; selection from " Ftddls ds.4.. e ; veal, Zea, " Woe Hell* " "Seemade Waltzer " ; march, " Hereon, " Mr. Jordan anted u acoompanlel, and the program oonoluded with God Seve the Kin*. A FORMIR Rasti,.NT or G01)10111'11, -CD Monday the remoras of the Isle J. F. C. Haldane, hareem, of Windsor, wart In- terred in Maitland cemetery beside those of his grandfather, the fats Rey. Mr. Campbell, the Hot rentor of the Fnglieh church in r:,Mrloh. Tho d.0eased wow the .I lost child of Mr, John Haldane, one of the early prlsolpala of the Go1erloh grammar .ohoel, who h still living 10 Tereeto, TM subject of this notice was bcrn to Godarlob in 1845; he studied law eider Mr, .lobe Boll Gorden, at that time a prominent •pruHtlen.r le this town, and later practiced law bets. l0 1867 he was married In (t.elph to Mia Agnes Galt, sitter of Mr, John Gall, of town, and • demand '. of Mr, John G.11 the novelist, who ram. to Cana4a In the twenties. Mr. Haldane remained In Goderloh for • short time atter hie a.rrtag., and •uMrgoently practiced in ,4.gloaw, Dundas aad Wlodeor, having moved to lbs las*-m.ntlonaA plena i. 1894. Three ohfeIr*n, .1 (i.le and the Misses Francs and Helen, and his widow surreys h m. Mr. Hobbes had suff.r.A ter *he pea y0ar or eat with a oompltotlnn of Atomism and perse4 sway on S.terdy s* mentioned above. The remains rsoohed here on the 11 o'olnok trala on Monday morning and were taken to Mr, George's oharoh, whir* merlon woe onedaoted Ir, the rector. Roy, Mark Tomball, in the afternoon, 1'h, beltte.rers were 1) Mo. 000011, 1: Campion, K. C , Sheriff Rey- bolds, s - bo1d., (1, tearer, 11 C. McKoy ani F .1, I. NsfWl. The lemma a were arremp.nied to town by Dalt Rddan. •el Meseta Pranne•. Widows of d.ommel, aad hy ,John Gale, who hart Ions en Windarw nn Samaria,. Mame Isyeeg (Iedereh Mr. Raldass has hese In tow. ea ...,ra1 noce•t•Hs on heel nese la eonseetioe *1144 4b Tr.feeSon, and he was well knows la legal olroise. (Item(. AT Trig SrtfOot* --0. Friday Imo KW Reek revered tet eeeseeti a with the pails *shoal Ie *Mob chs horn taught for smarm years. Miss Rall has moved Mp to the antral school Inn St P•trlo►'s ward, wber• she is euowedod by Mies Vesta Weuoo. Oa Friday afternoon MIs. Reek was prmeotsd by bot puvtl, *Oh • if"' o'clock tea set to token of their lows for her, Mies Rusk has dors Rood work and the town lows the wirehair' of an me Meat Moaner. A GROWING Boos Aso ST0Tlox5Rr BUM. NI1118.-1e is row about two years slaw Kidd 1 Ce. opened ort rebook sod station cry store, aad their trade has grows so moon fast they required to seek larger Premises. Conse,Jusotly they have had the sloes lately 000npied by Geo. W. T4om.00 & Som shelved sod decorated to the mat modern style, an have moved into (t this week Their now •tor• Is d.00r.t.d with • red ingrain paper acid walnut bo4hel skuly tog, tee *belying using of snob a dolga u to gies the store the appearance of • large library, which Is • cow feature to store fix curet to (iodated. Mr. Kidd intents ha0d• ling well pops on • comb larger orals this emson, sad hiving made • cosueotioa to New York Intend. Importing from tho markets of the licked States the ,alk of his fancy goods for tbe •meaing season's trade. Till L1IAMt1ON HARMO\ys -There war a b g crowd at the rink fast Friday evrniog to so the final tussle between the Dollar 6tghty and Harmony teams for the sham pro.bip of the hockey eagle. The tame were se follows : D. E.'., Harmony. K. MoKeod Goal F. MoLsobleb W. Hyeiep Point O. Black J. Modem cover-potnt 0. Hipgiosoa K C.etp'ell ( 1i. Mallow A. McIver Forwards 1 H Roberteo. D. McDonald J W'i wine ( F. Mtll.w J Geo. Lone e U Tbompos war referee. 44 first lbs towns moaned pretty evenly Wonted foe D. E 's are .00.uer boys than the Harmony., bot their skill sad pluok nesmed to be • Rood in stab for the superior physique of their opponents. As the ploy went ' 0n, however, the superior weight of lb. H•r roomy told lar their favor. 1a the first halt we mord was scored for the Harmony., Attu play was resumed the D. K.'s scored. them the Harmony. Rot two, the D, FL'. moorrd another, and toe last goal went w the credit of the Harm007., mabne the notal •core 4 to 2 is favor of the lotto,. Tb• coampion. hay• fairly won their 'ourcl., and are now the acknowledged" leach, among the junior bockey teams of the town" A 1'L.ASANT 41(N'u81. EVrOT -The Gode. rich brooch of the Women's Institute bold . 400111 (mottos at the residence '0t Mrs. (Ioodry, Britaoola road, oo'l'bar*d.y pose tog of last work. Thorn were upwards or one hundred members and guests patient About 6.30 the fr,eods boson to Barber eon 'bey were •sale 1 to en oyster supper the hod bee, provided by the I(d)s.. There was mh0-id5aos of provonme to whion ell •pp•.red to do full ju.L,oe. An 10rereett0y program was reod.'ot during the evening, ,0 watch Mr and Mr.. Date* mos vocal '38.6 wltb voter accompaniment, Mow* McCall mod Tree away, duet, little Mare Howie, an Irish pg. A voila solo by A. J. Cooper, s000mp.Dt.d by Mise Diastole, received a hearty encore. Mies Murray and Fred, Doty Rave **vend instrumentals oat the piano aad Miss Howrle a readtog. Ad• dreamt were given by loam Salkeld (who aote4 8e Maine an darner the evening), Mn. 1%• Can,o`ed, H Morris, N1r, Kerm.4an, Mn. Rohan, Charlee G,r,,n and W'm. W arnook, Hearty Oars• of thanks were tendered Mrs Gundry and her tamely for their kindness and hoepltallty, and to the ladies who had provided ro abond.ntiy the good things for the Ione, man, and after the singing of the .dops anthem the (deeds and guests of tho W moan's lostltule dispersed to their serer .1 home. 6"GooD•BYg "-Oa the eve of ale depot, tura for Brentford H. K. Jordan was Me meat of honor at a banquet given on Tusedey night by some of his friends among rhe young men of the town The affair was bred at lltnck•tone'., bstweea thirty and forty belnp prosect, *acludi.g, as the vlow chairman e•td, yu005 men ( f every run and creed, of all politic.! stripes, and r.prese0u tog • great v8ne'y of prot...Iona and 0.11 togs. After dee attention had been pat'( to the bountiful sed elegan% spread provided by rho host, the chairman, W. W Mao Vicar, called ono,, 13 D. Grant, who read +D address In which the opinion of thr aesmtled tympany regardirg Mr, Jerr.o was fonh In very candid terms. One •ultimo* of the address may well be quoted. Speaking of the many d,fferent ways Its which Mr. Jnrdea tont • Tart In the life of the tows, It told : ''It 1a this variety of bfr sed th• uotlrtnp energy with which you hove catered into thee. many enterprises 'bet have ea4aared you to of and that makes as weep for fear we cap never find aro her man who will do to much work for us, at pooh a low price." Dr. L. M. Mabee, on behalf of the company, presented Mr Cboloe breakfast bacon 8t STRWARVII .cordon with • tennis raconet, with a.vit grocery. Abl* engraving 1. alive,, Mr. Jordon to reply expressed hie hppreoatioe of the good w111 which had beep shown him, not on this ncoadne only, bat throughout hie •toy to IJnle ich, and ep(ke also of the deep regret with which he contemplated he departure from the towntpr,che• erre peon by J. h. O'Coen,II, who occupied the v,oa chair, Malcolm McDonald, W. C. Goode, Joe. Kidd, Dr. Hotter and cites„, all expressing regret that their guest woo is l•ars Gad,. nob hot wishing him every stemma In hie now peeltt0e. Toa program was tartod by intuit (005, from Jas. F. Thompson, (♦ Day ear Harald Klackslone and a oernct 'solo by Mr. Jordon, and was brought to a close with the singing el '"An,4 Loop Syne" .0d "He's a Jolly Gond Fellow.' Mr. .lordan left for }Stamford W.,30 day morn ing There woo • long. party at the •tet10, to see him off. in ducting the Marlow Bind, who playod alms! a. re le honor of their departing loftier. TORn,rrn'a Hypos Ot.n Born -Ahont four howbeit per.•,, att,ered tho anodal "at home" of the Homo Old (toys' Awns). tion In abs Tomple /bolding, Toronto, 00 Friday night. The "at home" took tb,, form of • concert, dsno, anA •app•(,. and ovary part of the pro,r.m was Darted ea in the Mgt of form The Mate at the eon cert was oo.apud hy tb+ preatdent, Col Otter, who m5As • toad •pe*oh e0eeratol81. Ing the saon4tlon upon the seeeerful eat Ina last ,July, which h+ had pet had the pheasant of attending. The lug* nomb,r 9108001 *bowed Maltho gorse OA Rnye were feet as eneeaestal In organ's 0e sne'sl affairs In the env as tripe to rho O,n Ooe.try Among these pretest on the platform with Col, (.tor were R'bert Holmes, M. P., Daniel Mothtl)oardy, John 8herrltt, M. P., Hach M.M.th, M.jnr Rall, W. R. Mater, .J. Rfcedfeet (Moyer of Seeforth), I),. Mime, J. Mltehsll, yV Prnerfont, (in.arleh ; and 11r..1. F. Elliott, Those who took part ie that program w,rs Maedaalwe W. W. Rhee, A. Gulfs, S T. Chuen, kiwis Antis Watson, Miss Kelly Solway. and Masers. J. W. R. twee, A. H )iuel1, vol S. T. Church. Atter the oM:ert the hall woe cleared for 4800405, and sapper war carved by Caterer K. J Lloyd 8000'. midnight. Among those prate sent wore : Col, sad Mrs. 0.ter, Mr, and Mrs. J. S ttdltws, Me. and lin. Hugh 00.44.th, Mr and Mrs E Floody, Dr and Mn. Sloan, Mr tad Mrs. 1:. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs, It. A. Walker, Mr. and Mn- J A. Mao/area, Mr. and Mn, S T. ('hurob, Mr. and Mrs. c0. P•ederReet, Mr. and Mrs J R. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scot, Mr. and Mrs. T U. Soole, Mr. and Mrs. H Cluou, Mr, and Mn U. C. Rom, Mr. ►oat Mro. l' S. Mot)ooald, Mr. and We C. K Cooper, andMrm. Thomas o011licadd♦,o Mnr. o d Mrs T. W. Gibson, 1),. ,lobo Ferguson, Mr, M. P.rkto.ow, and Mr. John A,Cooper. A WORTHY CITIZEN. like tate Narrate -Norton Laid at .eat atter s. elmered Left. On Tborday afternoon the ramalns of the late Homo* Horton were laid ,n their hut resting place la Maitland cemetery. The funeral Wok place from deoe•ssd's Iota rwideoce at tit. Georg*'. Urso0O1, to the 91014004 of • large ■umber of althea. assembled to pay the last trtbut. to • man who nad kited •moon them a long and b000rabl, life. The obsequies wen one darted by Rev. Jae, A. And.reoe, B. A , and the pall b.u.n were Pell -rt Holt, K. C , W. Prom/foot, F. Jordeo, Capt. A. M. McGregor, John Acheson, Daniel Mo Doaa14, Chu Seager and ')r, W. J R Reline•, The late H. ?soli H.rhaii was bora sov.sty else vests ago 10 the minty of Kan*. England, .cid R and crowed d *4. Alla. aro whom only • child, He settled in God.nob ware hie parents to 1832. sod had he lived anti( toe summer of this year hie period of resldeaoe l0 lloderic4 would h•,• bees a lullwyeoty year.. There must be, v.ry few Indeed who'., aryueiuta0ce with Goderlob Roos book so lar re did hie, coyer- ,nR the whole history of this pl.oe as an ormelted community. Io r d to Mimeos mottoes, Mr. Hor roe war one cid God,rlrh'. coat 1a000.lal etym.'s. He gmmed la the committees and Ineurona bueltttos, and by b4 effort* quire.] a •ub.t.etul oomp+t.ocy 1n 1885, maloly through Mr. Horton's efforts, res. Huron and Bruce Loon one loyuIm.ot Company was formed, and from the date of ,,. tnoeptlee until 1111 death be esu thee earner of ,be company, end 000daoted IIS bu..0855 with •mlaent $uooeae, Mr, Horton always took .m interest In 0ubno quesuoos, and by ability sod htm lee re to advance the intuitive of his town •ad oointry were Iodate z.d by ht■ *oleo •.too for honor* 1n oo.00tiom with both muo'o(psl and Parliamentary .dalr.. He was .1.cted . member of the first oeutwit after the moorpo•.t,on of i'04044oh u • loan la the sew 1850. He old thes positron daring mane yo.'a, and •as mayor of tho town In 1872, 1873 and 1874, .cid also for I year. at • later vowel. He war . Ju.tioe of the Paos for he county of Huron ..d performed hes tete. In that OapaOlty with dignity anti •fot.00y. 1. 1874 4e wee slowed to th, Dominion Parliament for the riding of Cosine Huron, and to 1878 was re`.leoled H. pave up he seat, however, in Amor of Sir Richard Cartwright, who bed beep 4.lelv(.d m Lennox. This uoesl5.h act on of Mrs Horton in giving un a •l• seat lot • palette! sheet hes morays been reocgo ze.• ny Mot Lioorials of Huron es the ao'loo of . man who placed public Interest above hu ,en personal feelings or amblc,00•; and, .lt4nugh r .ever raoeived any material r.ongeltiofrom hie party, nor *ought any. tor hie sacrifice at that time, his Dome h.. de, boos montlooed a that of so who wai worthy of • place of honor. At the time of tee Fenian r.rd of '66 14r Horton served his ooustry ea a member of tee (lod•rtoh oration company which went •0 Nares(. In *hoe rroubloue rime Atter ..r4, he formed a bnm• guard ie (ioderioh He held a modal for the *cremes which he ren1erel at the time The decsaerd maned in 1855 Hannah, decaliter of this late Sheriff Gibbons. who turret's*, him, with two eons -William L.. ,tos pre.ldent of the Goderioh Elevator Company sod town trea.erer, and Philip H., teller of the GOJer,ob branoh of the Honk of Montreal -and tote daughters - Mee. A. G. Gamble, of Neeon, H G H.mitron, widow of th• late W C.yloy Hamllroo, K. C , .f Reelna, N. W, T.; ter. Bettor, elf. rel ('.Ft. M. R et, N. W T. Mounted Polls., and Mho sloe. at hone,o IM.r Horton • good (Olsen h passed away. M',diet and unamtunlag In ,all he ways, kindly bo all, careful In the dltbhpgo of his publ'o and prh ate duties, lila memory will ling(r long la th• teem and county of *Molt he was we prominens • res'rs., ANNOUNCEMENTS. Broken sodas 5o per Ib. at STtwA*r'., Then ate still *nape to gentlemen's .hoes at PRlra'o fire *ale. Doa't miss the movleg pictures at the Opera Holts toeigho. You shouldn't miss the bargain* !n ohrldren's shoes at l'ou't'•, firs sole. Tho beautiful weather of the loot few days 5hnnt4 remind you that 11 you want a light overront for spring wear It le high time NI °MAer It, Style god '1t R,uar•nteod at ;Old.ham's. W ANTR),-%bolas roll butter, 181 ; No 1 mink or foe, 13,50. Our eeaght*r *ale of Arem goods daring January and Fekro 8ry le worth 0omleg mhos to see. G. K Ktxo Wiagb.m, Ov*ter•, always fresh, at the old relleble resit* hone*, Vtotnria RorteOrant, West et., In bulk or served 311 *tyles, lore cream, fruit, confectionery, OIR•re eta, 0. HLArtt. mmxa Bea thereat moving potteries of on . navy, P'.i4*.t McK,mist'. funeral nod thr great bone race, at the Opera Homs to olght, Aemisine : children, 160; adult. 26 and Ale. "Rin Mn.r,' Phnnorar -Any quantity of the "R 5 Mill' brae, *Aorto, heft cid, D.mone 3 Star ami 6 Star grades of flour - he very best en 'his marker -Mr aril* of 4,h Feed and Shod Emporium, W, Kr*Rnw, l Soo, Hamilton *trete, 2t Lease run* oar by 1.t April. thying ep nerrt►ge hn.rn•n, gelling eR cheep. II 71 n want aeyrbin* In boggle', wagnn.,„Linn. or cotter., either .*owed kan4 Or mew, nos • your opportunity ; area weekly. Iten neon (.'arms* Work.. .1 E. RRyre,R.. 2 My stook of spring weds has arrived, le eluding .sed nate, harts,. clover and tem 8th,, hug proof pea. and all et Mr •ade fin farm and garden. 1 here the largest Meek of moods In Om meaty, sed *neon. want lnr anythlag In my hno nae get It here, of the test (Imlay and at the !most prion Fwd nate •e4 earn bed the bat linos of hustle door also on heed, laoladto5 the stat breed of " 1tie MII4" Ger. -A. J. (Joorst, Hso11(w street. THE RIGHT WAY 4140 THE WHONO jog* against Mr. Humbet and not those. WAY` against Meters. Mulvey and Knox, to whose eredit be it acid that they did nob waver in what theyoonsiderd was the right course. If Or. Holmes were acting a.' a ratepayer in the interests of the town he would hays pilloried Mr. Humber along with the others, 11, 011 the other hand, 4• is using this means of furthering kis own interests u the plaintiff in a suit w(aioet the town, it ie time that the people know it. While we are on this matter, it may be fust as well for us to state that in regard to the main dispute between Mr. Holmes and the council a groat many of the ratepayers have been lets astray. Every little point in favor of the plaint ire position ban been Zealously piaoed before the public, chiefly through the medium of The Star and by street talk Although ex•Councillor Mar• tin'• spea;h at the nomination meeting let in • good deal of light on the mater. Lb* council's ease hese never been fully plaoed before the public. The result is that the ratepayers -many of them, at lea.1-bave an incomplete and therefore a wrong orsocep• two of the merits of the case We do not think that ler. Holmes can properly base his claim against the town on morals, cora• ippon sense or law He has chosen to go to law ; and although we should trot object to a reasonabl atsettlement otth e Dass -it • c u h could art be had-weconsiderthat under the crrcumatances u,theyQ,tand at present the coun•'il should let the action at law proceed. Etat) if the town should loss the case, the Adair will be • lemon to poeib • litigant, of the rotors that the , outwit is not to be bull- dozed into taking a course which would neon the desertion of the inter,ete which as 'members are sworn to defend. It they go to tow, they will have to take the own .01)00n ea, and not expect the town to take all the risk and bear .11 the expense. -A movement is on foot to unreal two members of the town oouneil. In owe of an °pontos the name of JAMES A. Melm• 770811 has been mentioned. He would make an excellent councillor. WF, are pleased to learn that JOHN CAMa1WN, the veteran editor of Tho Lou. don Advertiser, has been appointed- post• master at London, 1f there is one man who deserves well of the Liberal part7 it is Joao (J*eltaoo, who in the dark days of adversity, when Liberalism was almost ta- booed to London, hold tho Reform banter aloft and stayed in the battle until victory was achieved. Long may he live kr enjoy the restfulness of office, atter the wear and tear of public service without fee or entolu- moot which is the usual portion of the party jountalist. And while on this litre of public appoint. maut we may say that the celerity with which the London poet-offlon.wM filled is in pleasing anti striking contrast to the way matters of • similar nature ore attended to in Huron county. Here month*, and at times years, elapse between a vacancy and an appointment In Clauton a postmaster ship has been vacant for months and in Godench a rogistrarnhip hos been vacant for years -over throe veers --and we know of no gout reason why such should be the case. It to time this truckling to exigency should comm. No position should be left vacant in any constituency longer than thirty ■.and when we se h'wnit lel 4 Y Rhnilar appointments aro tilled in other plaree we begin to wonder if there 1e not a ..'row hoose in the Huron representation. The hardest work a member has to do - to deal properly with the distribution of patronage in bin constituency, and the beet way to get ahead in Ole game is to lox no time In giving the p sitions to the moat de- serving men. Hoktiog over a job for • more propitious time is • bad business, and the member* always bred that out to their cost, West Huron in the Local has already, had a tough experience, and if the vacancy that has been ort this tenter -hooks for over three years be not tilled soon there in bound to be more trouble ahead. The Rata° thing •pplN. W the Clinton post -office vacancy. Fit. the positions at mine, and get the agony •mer. n t e gauge (res Times, ddno.ed to Oho Hoo. J. M. GIR1oN, " ,set a gait on!' THE LATEST IN THE COAL CASE) In our -report of 154t. Friday ev0siug's town council meeting reference i4 made to s•,11ie negotiations for the settlement of tbe ocotillo* which have been going on between Mr. Holmes end the council Thin regttjre, a• me expatiation. Under date of February 7th F. Barlow Ho nee placed III writing the following offer of settlement : I agree to accept the decision of the Court of Appea' and will give the to•n 5300. or wil take 5300 in 1i*,u of my costa." .This war.ubmttted to a special meeting of the cohne.l held on the haltering day, February lith, at which all tho members' of the council were present, and it *so tooted by Mr. McKim, seconded) by Mr. Elliott, that, having ootrei'lere/1 Mr. Holmen' offer to accept the judgment of the Court ot Ap peal lows $300 in the coal case of Holmes vs. tiodarich. this council is of opinion that the proposed reduction in not sufficient, and in• struot without prejudice the following offer by the Mayor in writing, that the town pay for the coal and tabs pott.ession, and that each party pay his own coato throughout, including the second action, and all pro• Cee(linge in hoth suite end at once, 'I hue motion was carrie t, Metter.. Thomp• son and Marney dissenting. At the regular meeting last Friday even- ing there wan a let'er fro. Mr. Holroa r•• jectinv the rvnmcil'e offer and asking turn„• eidgr'atiuli of hie own Mr McKim mood to split the difference of $300 and wan eupporto.l by Mr. !Elliott and Mr. Mabel'. The motion was de• feated, however, by the vote. of the Mayor and Metier) Thompson, Murnoy and Knot. There the meta, rate, In so far as the legotiatione for settlement are concerned. n connection with this came there is, ho ever, another matter with which the citi . e of Goderioh should not be tense. gnain .1. Somweeks' ago Mr. Nolmem gave notice that he Vas sitting to institute proceeding). for the unseating of Councillors Knox and Humber o the ground that Iaet year they voted fora •law authorizing the burrowing by the corlwr tion of a larger num than the law 81in*.. the tone be took nee/aloe to state our 'pi.eatiafaction with Mr. Rolmew' cond,t't in dintriminating against these gentlemen meet in favor of Councillor Murnoy, who wao equally guilty, if there *mg any gnllt in the matter Mr Holmeo apparently took our advice in grind part and added Mr. Murnoy to him bla.,k lint, which. Rave hie proceedings at any rate an appear- ance of consistency. Luft Friday evening, a tow hours before tie council meeting, Mr. Knox was served with a fnI'ma! notice of motion for bin anal seating. Mr. Murnoy aid not get bio until the rinse of the meeting that evening. He nays Mr. Holmes' bailiff woo looking t'w him in the afternoon, hot minne,i him. Mr. Humber did not got any at all. and, strange to ay, his name im rro4 ere tit of the doru• mentor where it originally appeared along with the some of tense. Murttey and Knox. How thug happens a known best to Mr. Holmen Mowers. Murnoy and Knnr de.etihe the action of Mr. liniment as a dnllherate *t• tempt to intimidato them in the matter of thou Pool cess, which wee l0 1•nma before the on0ncil that evening. This is' a mnrinaW cheege ; hut .t any rater Mr. Holmes ohnukf •xpiai* how he ova to drop the proceed. REMARKABLE TESTIMONIAL. MacLeod Medicine Co., Ooderlcb, Ontario. J M. MAcLsop, D(AR bra, -A rrat.le4 hoar& promp(. me '0 make the following •m• anent. I feel that 1 would be dorog au Injustice if I did not writ* yon a statement of my caee. At first 1 *offered with dyrp.p•ia, *41 4) le time evoked In my Dot Delos able to r.tala say solid food 00 my .lomooh for several Viers. As nme wore on I been to 510* stook, and to meas my condition wern* had several hemorrhage from stomach, which almost .tided MT life. I auooeeded la get- ting a buds stronger, but .verabel•e thin Areodl.l dis.4.e dropsy rapidly made Ite •prear.oc's in all its worst forme, Being •wars of th• wonderful ours, of dropsy marls hy your remedla, 1 at ons wrote for your Harmony, and Im8Shcatoly r.wlred ame par express, with full direction*. Ts. -test dome p.,• instant rebid, sed after 'sea* loalog the mod, loe for only a sheet tent, •II sfros of dropsy disappeared. I sot new •r'inyiog honor health than for .,any years. TMs medicine also brought away • Write quantity of gall .tons *heti o•sa.d m. In• o.. pig. 1amyuan,.1..,MRS.A.E.Seus, Windsor, Ontario, 24,h Feb., 1902. AUCTION SALES. SATORDAY, Marob 1st. -Sal, of a ear let of good miloh cows, the property of Rlobard Peen, Byeobyllle, at Mr. T11t'. bora, South esrmt., Goderioh, oommenol14 at 1:30 n'olook sharp, TuoIA1 Ouwn.Y, anis. }.Deer, TrsoDAy, March 4.-Auotio. sale et elm. tno light plant mod atteohneenta De be or,14 as m (ming oeno.r,) se the power boom, Wroleter, .t 1 o'olo0*, THOMAS Or,s *T, •aottoneer. Tilt:MAT. March H. -Amnion aisle of tw• good farms, farm .took, Implemoote sed heo•eaoi4 furniture, property of J5M.e M1 HNt5N, Hayfield road, Goderioh *ow.• .hip 1 hie will be • ideating out male se Mr. 1foBrien v Rolm to Manitoba and the farms must be sold or ranted, TRONA. OrNu*Y, auctioneer. Tvc.DAT, Month lit -Auction sale of farm stook, Implements aad household tandem .t lot 3, o.n, 8, W. D. Colberso„ Property ot WII"L(AM BARRw.IJ. 8►1.w)N• out reserve as thew farm io sold sad Mr, Rothwell Is gran* to Manitoba. THoM11 GI;HDRY, a0otl*neer, W *DNt.DAY, Month 19--AantIoo sale Mi farm .tock anti implements, property of Moo. M..orr, 2o4 mo. Stanley, 21 miles south of Clutoi. Fnerythl,F to he .old without reserve se Mrs, Smolt 4as sold the farm. I'HOMAw Ooxnar, auctioneer, 1'HDs4Dey, Marco 20 -A notion mato of farm stook, impl*moote.nd household fornl• tore, at lot 7, Fon, 8, W. A Colborne, properly of ROMIRT Nr"1404, who has weld hle farm and is Riy1DR up /armee. TROY*. GQNnRy, auOtIo0e.r. TDgenAY, March 25 -Clearing auntie, sale of farm stook and Implement', property of JOSEPH R*s1RLRR, L.k. rod, Colb.rse loveable. The faro, hu boon noted and syerytht,p will be disposed of. '1'How*e IlnxnRY, auotl0neer. Wgn4R5DAY, Much 26. -Amnon sale .t Mem stook, Implement,, *to., property of PwnR Goo, 00n, 6, Goderleb township, T410 will be s clearl5R sole without say rearm.. 18014*. GDNDRY, a.tlo*eer. BORN.' OWEN --At the tonneau', imeksow,t�,:• On February 17th. to Rev. sed 1drm, O )H. P. Owen, a remitter. MARRIF D. 0RAHAi 00100IN5_At 11 /dul, Turon o. 0n W.Snesd1y, Rah. e1900 447r lh. Rev. J. w. Clark, R. A., mleuter of tl�opse8. a van n, Pr4.hy(er1►n obnreb, WTIHam (40Or•ha0etr.m,01, Toronto, 00 a. !huh til.wteu of Hruoefieff, Stanley township, Harem SIiIRRAY URQUHART. 0n Febrnary IS, 81 the reel4.noe of Ino twirl.'. father. 29 0,. ford street. Toronto, be the R... S, 8, Hate•, David Shirrs,. of Hensall. Ont., to Mary .1. Urquhart, Whore 00,dl..1 **mere Fall. To ogre r.umattem, and all .Ae time yew muffs* drr.Afolly, why dews you get abetted,' of i'elao.'s' Nerv,line and try Mittel Rd It Into your.tlff joists, sore aroma haoe bash ba. .heol4*n wh *h. pal. 1. NerpHln. bas conA pieoty of peepl• 1..hi. way, and that o.pht tribe proof se egk Mat it *III cora yon toe. It a aa'58na117 servo, Ilalme.t that etres rheumatism la w.nally cobra Mat* Best basso heldl3.i• meek hams. 26 m.Ha