HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-20, Page 8g Tnul:suat Feb 20, 19011,
Our Premiums Represent
A BigCash Discount to You
in useful, durable, Household articles
Best Qualities.
Aare of this world's goods, int roorntl; ,, o u
porawid w ent•n*tv• form pr•p•rty a •e, t , u, uu.
One:.S,and tor the iso paw of x tato:• r. .
'si, .
d• ry w pogrom'. No colt em°•.g h .rn,
' 1
hie Opp n ne1! ass f r• s'60 k 1/
1 h.,• a
11 t4'•lt W•. inosh, vlalled I
vt'e a.ts, ve Tu •.lar. ' hr. 1:' h.
1•.1.4.as'i•rd h- summate of
mend Coops toot .-s':y t -Pt, Ho.
t 1 •..re•• et D 31 19'l, '
i u 1moot.. $9669113: tom,,
grttt•d, but alio by malty lrgeelvtae. IP
' Arhstli oe abbo,e *I
l hs dei'. t.. Y sW4i471
keep Your Feet
at Night
lite r•t.rC;;j4 .'_.-n•re 's \\Tarm
otter ports of the unsay wh••e his eo"
icy, hie good aawure rad nth- -'ort
Of quslll to were kuunp and re:con sed. .
Have you thought of the
advantages we offer
you for your trade.
►lueueY, F. 17
at our. We extend to our rerr•eo' ed reeld0, •
I Mr. and Mrs. Mit hi Foley, our tie: s.
Isympatbs' ma the sad dote that, :.v• -is
11 taioed In tbw death at their oldest deuol...r,
Mary' ( lire. Joreph Coobun), at le.00(autot.
on Thursday of last week. The Jeoeaa.d
'mot • kindly temperate'''. eo.1 w.• powtlsr
with • lerps oltcle of Maude an l Ivor.
who mourn for one euddeoly taken trou,
them In the midsummer of life. the we.
burled at Klrg.bridge on Stturdsy lost
after the funeral @etvtoee In the 1i. C
Have you looked
We are willing W be out their ,ot for your increased trade with
COMPARE OUR I'RI ySare up-to-date. OUR STYLES.
Our Departments
cover all lines of Dry
Goods, Ready - made -
wear, Garments for
ladies, gentlemen or
Milli nery,
Dress Making,
House Furnishings.
Spring Goods
are here in good variety,
and the best valt.es we
have ever shown in
New Prints,
New Cottons,
New iluslins,
New Dress Goods -
New Silks.
As for any Winter Goods,
Furs or Overcoats.
All g,ring at REDI'CI'U I I:ItI:'.
Smith B & Co.
DUNLOP bad roads of last Sunday. tbe attendee°, at
F.b. 11th. the °hutch*. was somewhat small.
Peter Coss, of Eteter, with his aster,
Mn. Rem, were *snidest visitors here „o
Friday oleb% as Mr. Allen's, %o visit their
brother, Dr. case.
Y.ARLY LAMBS -the first of 1902 la 1.01,
ssetto• were .t 1). Laweoo". oo Tbor.day of
last week, and they are progreestUg steely,
Oar easel Leathern termer' ase beblod se
Mope♦t, Feb. 10th.
Mrs. Kettles ,pant last week In t:oderlch
Areh. Msl)osegal has re, overed from E1.
Mies Ruby 'Stirling imputed to Ibtrat
se Monday.
Ileums. Glen end Wm. Mal/scald sea
settlor weed for Peter Mol)oigol.
Mr. sod Wes Msolntoeb, e1 Seiko th,
are rutting frleods ta tilt. 'Welty.
TcanDAY, Feb. 18.1,, 1902
Mies Graham and Mir Jardine great Sun-
day at Kioter, visiting M1.. Kvshaw.
Mn. E. P. Paulin telt yse►erday on a
vltll 00 friends to S'ingb.m and Krnseols.
Revival meetings are at present being
atedaeted In the Evangelical church hero
Tbs regular weekly meeting of the Y. I'.
A. woe bend as usual o Thunder eveolny,
Mn Ponape very ably led the meeting, Um
topic baler "The mtseloaary awebeotog
The teachers of this •!clotty are too
anxious to see another storm suoh as the
toe of last weep for some t:me to coot•,•s it
played sad havoc with the att.nd•nc..
Mosuet, Feb 17 h.
Little Mise Helen lllook hoe been 0100•
Joseph Pugh has porubaeed the wadoa
.hop formerly owned by A. Craig,
Mr and Mrs. Kn'gbt. of Ripley, y'ett.d
at Mrs, Toumas Coulter. this week.
Lorne Paterson. of Llloton, is yletttng
his uncle, Joseph 1'agh, to Inc villages.
A oar load of hog. was dapped Irons this
station to Palmerston lost F. trio ur r'''ug
Mn. O,borns and daughter. Mettle*, of
Elia, visited friends coat Bluev♦le last
Dr. Sohoale and wife, of S:. Cl.lr, Miob
ore vaeltiog the tor -mere ewer, MU- J'.h't
King, in the t111•¢e.
Frank S.oLt teat to Seaforth on Sitar
day owles to the tllosw of both bis father
and mother, wbo ars very old
i,it111tto RIM (.olsu,-A. R. MvKay, .�1
10 u w .•t tluti totes, N l.)•, rivets ug
1• n.. Now York A.:4. y. w• we Ir. has h-pn
tis' 'view.* unedited tar, is. toe.e'ur a4"4'
t,v,• w .• lie. 'sires"! he.w T•.urol.y logo.
D. too. „ ht. was ,o %04.an.0jtin ii,.
, b% M' u la 51 1 :. 4 rel. i. • • t Yr , , l.r..N
h.: 1tayee Coo hi. honey. • Roo a!oug at h Ms
au oeroue IlieUd■ were pleated to bear or
WA p sucoe.a and to see him Ienkl.g *1 11 rho
N, et bore' agreed with him 11. Iso u♦teve
GI I)an4et.ao., 1 ?
R. Mold.Lb. ot Wowr.
ham, and 000Jam0 of `
I'1 encu. dunuq last ,a,
wt,k vi.:tsd t h toot
! ether, wko is Ill. '
Riot,' F,tncrlcs, Fill. 3 --
200 yds. 100 yJ• Tool
A E •Tr.lea teo.... 14 28 42
D: Bee .........37 35 74
W Sproul 32 39 71
1' l' Allen 15 35 50
C._ Elliott 30 33 65
11 J Crawford 24 42 66
F.brusiy 10:
R J. C'r.wford.... 40 24 64
U. E Mott 35 26 51
T 4. Alley 27 31 b8
D:. B.o. 31 36 67
J. (never 27 30 67
A. E. Treleaven 26 31 66
A Diene• 20 39 59
F. bru.ry 17 :
11 .1 Crow fe,J 23 40 63
C K'O n o' s 14 37 51
t. t:..AI . 12 ' 42 54'
A E. Treleaven21 27 48
A. Diener 37 - 30 67
I'be annual meeting of the Klo.vale Fax
M♦uulasinriOW Company Ltd. will b: heal
1n the Forestsr� fish un Jatur.l.y, 1.06
Orgsoarr Thoma, A. Duff will idJ,.ie
so open meeting of the •L 0 L t'' Blesevle
on the evening ot March 1sT, 'Uttar evert
one wi•l be wvlcoutu.
The firth •p •.f Huron nee apyaetel Kt%
.1. t-'. S1o(;,...i,en. 4f Cto•iry re • t,_
Motorists. Toe Ketereoti'i:rna.m.o ie A
eon of John McCr_kro ''! the -Btasvels-:
Norms. -The local sgeney le Dnoganoon
for THE B:oNaLla at the oat *of U. Wu.1.
.1. 1'.. coos oyanoer. so,. who will receive '
orders for subscriptions. advert sing and lob
work. and t. •uthosised to give receipt* for
amounts pall for the same.
TcseuA:. 1 a!
1YPROVsMUT -Oar popol.r 1
mer.bant. H J. Crawford. has gist,
tract to built a Targe bro k b t thea s
sin dimities( home to G. Begley, '•rove r
red builder, to bo comme•oeJ tele in it r
spring, old uompletSJ donng rte .omtr.r ..
O,TICIAL ArDIT.L J. Buau-a at.d l\.
Ontdsn. kW:W le Mf OA ar^'•ut (1 it a ...-��...
PA'I.0ll c
To Manitoba and t'.waniao N rtb-Wet
.111 keys "r - Oto 55.11 '1(•hr UAV
during MARCH and APalL lilt.
laessnsorc travailed without Uve
Bock should take the tralu leaving To-
o. L151.•m.
P•*.e0geto traveillog with Live Stork
.0.0014 take th.' trrlo loavle;r Termite at
('.:unist Sleeper w.0 be a'tscbenl to
r%, Irwin.
Mor full Device's:a and copy of "rLt-
t:ers' l:oidA'• *0110 to Mies M. A. Batt,
ACer.t; uo'terish. er to
A. •It, tiOTMR*1:--Ares. Bent. P.emr.
..11A0'. 1 Ktn. -trio-: Pae-, r Vito.
The Harris MIP. od Band purposes bold. _
log an open me. der on Ths evening of abs
25th lust , when Rev. 81r. Maxwell, of
Ripley, is expected to give an 'Adroit'.
1 •
Packing and Cold
Huron County•� �'
Malcolm 1t'eatherbesd, of 111... , U v Storage Company
present viairteg hie brother. ,don, 11 , who
has recently returned from '.n:• Fs. New
Mexico, where be had beau for several year*
for the bluetit of hie health, which we are,
sorry to say has not received the beasbt The Different Branches of Business to be Carried
whloh all booed for.
TUESDAY, Feb. 18th.
John MoGeo 1s home ter a short stay.
Some o1 the men o1 tills vlolntty are busy
laying to ice for next rammer.
Was Emmeline lintel.* of (iodation
bewasblp, I. vl itioe relatives here.
Mies M60gregor, el Ktotall, spent • few
day. with Min Altai* Crawford Inas week.
Mir Wehner and Mr. Knight, of Londe*
bengb, were gooses st ►he Royal over Sue
a... Mr. Goldberg w 1 000duat divine
...vies each Tbur.day eve o sand's Etter,
to the Eogllsh ohoroh here.
SATURDAY, Fab. 111902.
Min. 1,. Todd lest present vletti ' friends
In Wlogham.
R, h, Gordon was at Dooga0000 od‘kosi•
noes lot Tuesday.
Mrs. R. K. Miller is at promo% visite
friends In Goderioh.
J. Jove's, member of Zion school, was (a
our village on Saturday.
W. Tedd le busily s.gag.d preparing for
the balld!ng of Ne new house.
FRIDAY, Yoh. 14
Digo Ito Catcaoo -The older residents of
Ashfield will learn with regret of the destb
of Julia A. McKenna, widow of the 1st.
Aodrew Garvey, .4 1.er rs.U.nce. 3343
Wallace et , Chicago, on January 21.t. Oo
.deanery 240 the remains were interred to
(=aver), oemstery• The deoeased lady and
her let• husband were among the first sett
len et Ashfield, when they minded until
the death of Mr. usrvey occurred, about
eweoty-6ve years ego. Atter his death b's
widow removed to 1 h:csgo, where she resld•
ed onto she d.rd. Of a large family. there
still remote liv., o. three sone, A. F , W .
,( and C. J , and five daughter., Mr.. E.
Freon, Mrs. P. Brennan, Mr.. L. J. Doig•
hog, Mrs. Yimpelr sod Mrs. T. J. Cavanagh,
whim one daughter, Mn. J. E. ikeeman
sod a aro, Jou R'., hove .redeosassd her.
Dr. and Mho Reim Gordoe,.f Lu:know,
made a short vies at W. E. Gordon's on
Saturday. as cos of
Mr. Took. wh• has been to i11 hearth for gerres,ve rt
seats time, is we .re stet to say, somewhat °roe's, envie
prominent fe
llaprevel. hard worker,
Owing es the dl.sgr.sable weather sed warded, u h•
THE LATE Tltula0e Ht -*LY -Ths many
friends of Thon1A Hassey, tor many years
one of the beet known tendentt of A.4.6eld.
woo had, h„weysr, beep residing to Oeeo
:nomad during the past year, were greatly
■hock.1 in hear of his death to St. Joseph's
Hospital, Loodon. Up to tbree weeks .,'.
deceased bad slowegoy.d good hesleh
Thiek!ng • change would benefit Min he
lett Owen Sound let week for inodon
For • dew days hie Cass was not considered
dangerous, but cm Monday last, the 10th.
be became soddenly ill, and at two.'olook
pawed of that day he ped peacefully away, .n
the arms o1 isle daughter, sister M Polio
wof the oommueity of S!. Joseph.
Heart tailors was the immediate mom of
death. The teaming were conveyed from
London to the old home to Ashtield, where
rbe family bed reeeeemblel. and were lo•ee
torrid In St. Jnph'e amatory, Kings
bridge, after moss 'las uelebrated nn Ash
Wednesday Deceased was a model Chriot
Ise, Midland end father, and before hie
death was fortified by the rites of the R C
°bomb, ot ',blob he was • devoted mem-
ber K..ldes his willow, deceased leaves
bre. sons -John. of Ashfield, Joseph, of
en S000d, end Thomas, a student of the
f1 Semleery, Moatreel ; and Gym
term, deers Eaphemle and Philomen.,
don, and Nellie, Jeannie .ed Annie
The deceesed was widely known
:tremorA.h6e14'e :tremor en i moat pro -
dots, and b.. activity i. moil
and pn'Io.1 matters was a
lore of hs lite. He was •
a • o hie term. were not ant
d •oou nuletsd • goodly
on by The Huron Pork Packing and Cold Stor-
age Co., Limited.
At the meetiu2 of the direetnre he,d et.
Clinton on Monday, daneary 20.4., sono
three propoeltiOOs were mad" 'aast'Aemer
Pon from outnds ceptte int., the cos etsrod
trlow being the one taken up. It te oon
ti•!en'ly behrvel that Ihn ,teak will be
rapidly taker up, and work on the pleat
oemmeno•d at an early dale.
'the comi'eoy hove eocepte•i W. R. Bel
Aeon's game for the err0tn,n eat a 4e'rup of
buildlage 1•,r hooking the 'lateral., to of
This will Inolaie a pork factory, wi.
:apaolty for Impelling 1,500 Ooze per *cob,
together with a limited boomer of cot, ie,
. p olrry fintehlop station equ,ppal ne Meg.
•f.er the style of that In nee by • Kot.a..
city packing house No lolo••ry rooneoted
of 1.
at hem
Al Hot Water
Bottle --f
W 1 LL
1)O 1'1'.
We Have
Them. -
FROM 11116'
F. M. DUNHAM, Phm. B.
Corner of \fret st. and the onuses.
Tun Lars Mee. O'Cov06I.-We eisaeri.
ly rvgr• t co hay to report the *adds*
dealers et Mary El.a.beth Foley, the b•
loved wale of aur genial v oiuuler. J.
O'Connor. wbiah fork place co Thurrday
,re fag. the 13 4., atter two week.' t dots.,
the cruse of date bong dowse of the kid•
stye. Her tremolos were loterr.d in Ktogr
bridge cemetery on Sitardry, the 1510.
befog escorted thither Irons her late rssl•
docs by an unw.ually large oortere of ,or
rowing ra!a'.tve. and .ympsth•s ogscowal.r
*twee. The ohs. rower were coaduothd a.
401.4;a4 to ale ri ea ot the oburob of wb.oh
the deoteseJ wasp °operetta'. and zealots.
memher, fry the It, v Fo.ler McCWmlok.
pato: of K:aga.r:'re f•..dac, %to in b. re
m..rks "dent 1 to the el. csesed's readiness
for Oct h. Her oro wee thirty a x year.
an' a!1 It..ath'. J'hr:c west, pneent th'
loucr..l r.lattv.• fl..,, Got:•, o and L1odon
.5d a1her 4..twn.l.,,ints The p.11 b,.rer'
wee h.. brothers It 1 one bred grain dew :
SN0oA202 l/Oji1ly
Every Style
for all $3.75 Kid.
They have that style and up to-
datenesc that ie demanded by the
fashionable dreaaer, and are the
EASIEST Shoes ever mad.
The most popular and satisfy-
ing woman a footwear
For Street Wear
IS 00000010
Welled Sole,
• Extension Edge.
New Spring Styles In Stock. ,Aar Heel
'suer keprodooton o1 00. Style blow.
Sole Agent for the two FcWOui Aw.rican•made Shoes, QUEEN QUALITY
for women and WALK OVER for men.
James, E:.. Robert, Mlohsel and Ktoherd, Bargains Still in Groceries
sod Wm. O Brier, of I:m.1 o. Th. do
°eased woe highly respected as a kind and
obliging °Olson by all wbo knew her, She ire law (QLD BT ANI3.
will be sorely missed by her bereaved bus -
bend and other rslativee as also by the I have put to an sourly New Stook
Ionians of Duuea000a end vlclutty ,od the of Orooenss thle week, baying bad my
,ween sympathy of the suttre community old atom .utas!, and will be pleased to
is ext•aaad to aha tmaimed hatband an
The yesrNr:y booed of t )no 0
eircmt at its Feist Safi' 1,040111 whish a se
see all my old customer. and as msay
new once as possible, who will reostvs
.env b,et satiation.
I re /till g wing 1u.1 as GOOD BAR.
*TAINS .o different lines as when the
F w
wall attended, excenurd .. braid awl uw• t• tido a. 0a.
aaimoueinvitation to the :tutor. K . T.R.
McNair, to torula for tee third year.
Mitt' NONE Oe. 03.
erET 1ST
The New Ernbroideiies.
More Embroideries, better Embroideries, daintier embroideries
than e to be found in any other store in town. Values too that are hard to
equal, let alone discount. This is the universal verdict on our Nit► Embroidery
Stock. It Is now practically complete. Nearly all lines are to had and if you
have any Embroidery buying to do there is no time as good as no, when the
range is much better than it will be later on. Many patterns and all wanted
widths in the delicate, fine Muslins and Lawns, or the stronger Cambrics. In -
'was and alt -overs to match any of the -patterns.
d ' pI oot .rever tt. v can be soli to the
mos: .dvant.ie'0A ar
rer Faint,: re nee.,
las areueseols' 1. Ctli0i0ce th.oj al the_
beoa6 a ibey n:il recites 'by hsviog Mo
▪ h•odisd in this manner. Inas Popp
w hat wer hare Into desire). 'pat bioi.oric
,., to Prmud,:st Pry defiette
barns not been r
eseleev -kt+tp
mud,: .1210./11.144
t artar one pro. ..!ante' in al a o.r.trt.
of.o tertik i 1 ' - •tar t'Ii,.tun 4, s WIC/ ,
I.e.' •:+ ,f r0rn e9*11,
y.,,,, 1 .,r r I ani'* et 1 siva u•
110 1. v 1600 r0.
•;, „ .. , pt. .-I. ; o.1 Mill it allot viait-
eat ,,•n .. w : .t hers ..r, growu.
MOO - .1 it yvrald bi mach maoe
pro:.t rave rho., pr0doon we already
t pot.. n hid si,:ch to 1..
with the firm is more proh• sl ;. than .i'1•b '• '•'htoh loop, pint 5100 000,1n
ralsicg of poultry, 'het s, where formers �T : - • I a plant 504 equ p to I
have facilities for fin'.hrng them severely • • belayed a like roere•'e to
A Ibis plant .1i poultry will be re^ -to .,. or. ' n tin in erp.ve, nutter .n.1
and properly krlled,drrsted and ,r.:'1, pot ;.i, • 0'' eoeompltsbid by hsnol:n(o
then whipped to-lhet cisme rod Great l -c,: _m.
Residesh.othoofowl for the former he
hnlldloq 5'11 be eqo-pied &.malar rn the
shove rs'.'r.d to p.et,pg hone•; 't .r:re
1,000 000 0. ,.t!ers sr. gtowu sad marketed i
antuoIIy 00.1er a .''.atom eotitsIL ae•y 10
Along w r • L i ha hr•e.d:.4,t _ otiongL-. Oet'-1ty.
sod prt0trv, a mea Ierb ,,Id at41111g. Wald.
deg will ht sr.o•.+d, with • cipac.1 ter
h*nil ng e11 the hater r..d •pr•lee Huron
0,0'5 sod the trobstall tow.sbips can
Farmers have year alter Soar in•' ten
heavily +* appka that many have oreoola•led
that It does not ply to grow them. Al
though almost ev.rythirg hes le.n done l.y
transport compon'ss'ha cm he done, vs 4,-.! ae'1 stock 1• taken appythe time the
they oaoro. do 311, and eh!e ret must he hal ideas ate romp rto4. there iso he co
done by t.hm farmu• .1 they wish 10 roay •'onnt of a ri per neon'. divrdeod the first
ti r b•rofi • fn ni . •verem 11 shiriptr¢ trip y -ear,
I:,,v rnm•ot hw. done en mull ti tent••., Mr. Boldin, who Ora bowl ...lotedmin
1t has been e.ttinated that In 1899 Huron 1 Phi. line of business for roma years, 1s a
county Inst in apples aloes over 5100 000 by ornate:el farmer, and on the acoeptabce by
not havlog a cold s'orag• station. Thu him of the to Icon of herd of the °rgoeoe-
lag staff of the above company, he has
resigned hie on•ttlon ae director of the
Formers' fork Factory at Palmerston. Ile
enters this work 'n • praotfoal manner by
subsoribing 51,000. Htyo.a the *moat
faith In the business he will devote his
wo'ire Wn a 0 maklo4 this company • strung
For the balance of the month we will close out the toll* ins
1 -fines at Greatly Reduoed Prices :
BOO Copies Cloth Bound Books, "Vag.:":.;"*.
(',maist.n■ el the following Soodead Writer.. Scott. Dickies,
(', np.r, Dome., Tbeck, ry, !.ever and mate of the more modern
writer' (Iver 150 titles to select from.
Note Paper and Envelopes.
Ypenfal I.In• .1 Note raper and Onvelnpee. February
.m.nlly eau halt usual r.t.11 pea, r
Sp.ri.l I.Ine of Spore F:e•elop.. 3 package. for 100.
A packed. e1 good Ygoarl Kove!npes for Eo.
Table Tennis -" Ping-Pong;
hog:'. Tire • ....mooted tort of cheer bull,
doge, ors .lull*,' qutj,pid, to $75,000, with
a estr.t'trf rn• o:ak:tto ear- meawrl tiara °Syr
of $1 000 000 '. rth 1 farm produo:a.
These ! n,:diove . t ho Ptosed in Clio
tem, w i doh will beacocesable to
f.ea'•ri living •ikso6 ih4ffi•at,iy lloU0 talmudism
n}'y. ,Tway les Ung to Kincardine, Goderkh,
Ese:or, 01'titforli and Rra.0041
• A ready over 520 000 .sort of stock hs•
been solo,' and es let m. r. in geherel , 'rote
to on tie use of tt see building* the comio0
Mayon, 11 is corhPeo'ly Lettered ave.,*
dell it of *took will he soot le , few rlioutha
This 1. uudoub:e.t•ly what should he dnae,
ther^by esv,og In a tot sad utber arson..
esa'•d `y u.luq h.rrr•wod mosey If every
.tendo will send packers throughout O4.,
country to Its own shareholders: they will
properly grade and pork the fipple.,tners
mg each barrel exactly as they o.I for.
When the apple, are delivered at the seas -
lion, farmers will be pail a at price for
each grade : the apples seat to Our storage
.holes, end as the winter a4vsoo•s, w111 be
Cambric Embroideries 5, 7, 10 and 20 cents.
Cambric Insertions 5,-7, 10 and 15 cents.
Fine Lawn Embroideries 5, 8, 10 and 30 cents.
Fine Lawn insertions 8, 10, 15 and 23 cents.
All -overs to match 50, 75, $ 1.00 and $1.25.
Our Three Specials.
These aro the best embroidery values we have had for many a long day. It was only
by buying a big quantity that we got them to sell at these pnces. They are firm, strong
edges, all good quality Cambric, and will wear well.
At 5 cts. At 7 1-2 cts. At 10 cts.
400 yet lie n' road (',mbrlo Enohr w:darts, o. 300 yard, at tong Cambria Embroider pr, 250 yards etroog Cambria Embroideries and
soiled widths an4p.tyrrnr,,',odqu.1:•t firm odor. end ;rad ,{u.bty,will weir lo•rr•Ino.,.0.orl•.1widthssad Pit twos.
extra 'fiend y 1w , pox well, rear. •reu.al •, 1-2 CtS. extra Brod value, et pet 10 Cts.
yard 5 Cts. yalur, tor yen. yard .. ... ....
Are You Going
New Scotch Zephyrs.
We,have opened out, some
of our New Scotch Zephyrs.
They are very fine quality and
fast (colors, and genuine Scotch
make. '1'Ile patterns are neat
checks and stripes, and they
come in combinations of blue
and white, pink and white,
green and white, and red and
white, and are suitable for
childrens' garments, aprons or
waists. There is nothing will
wear bettter. The prices are
12 1-2, 15 and 20 cts.
i New Cashmeres.
Among our late arrivals are
some New Cashmeres. These
goods are having a big run
for waists in the larger places.
The line we show is extra
special value. It is of pure
wool and has a- nice bright
silky finish, comes in cream,
pale blue, pink, old rose,
navy, and two shades of
cardinal. The price is
50 cts. per yard.
English White Cotton.
We do not want you to for-
get about the English White
Cotton we are selling. It is
the best value in the trade. It
is easy to sew and washes well.
It will give excellent wear,
and is equal in appearance to
Cambric. Three prices -all a
yard wide
10, 11 and 12 1-2 cts.
If so, - Why not use the Best?
The city engineer of Toronto gi.PS by tent a .tatenleot that PEN-
INSULAR PORTLAN D is ,47 per coot. stronger thou any other centel.t
sold in town
Thaw means Peninsular will cement more gravel together with
gi .n quantity of cement than others, making as good a job at Iran coat
to t' user.
Sale, Tliat ,how. why our Peninsular gave us such unisersal;s wtisfactiuo
the past season.
Wers give you other brands of Por'dand Cement at ieao root per
barrel, but ca
is the che'ape'st and heat in the end. We goaran
tee entire wtisfaction
The very 1.1•.t twiner game --all the near* 111 England, New 1 nrk,
Ra. Np•elal Fshreary pried. $2 00, $2 50, 53.50 and $4 0(1
Air Tdephnoo is No. 100 H. (;port Wee* Square, (lodsrich.
Cottonades. -
We have two lines of (ottonades that are extra good value. They ,just came in this
week, and you will not find better in the trade -it is a question if you get as good.
Heavy Moleskin Co'towde, ussortel p.ttetr.,, teff, Best quality Mgtg•kln Cottoned*, soh, heavy wslrht,
„ • • , 20 Cts. the very herr di ,1.., tweed patterns, satire special, .
wiK net Ea', sp60ul, at par y.•td ase yard. 2 gCis tB
The Last Things.
Here are some more of the last things of winter. They
are the odd ones and twos that are left of the different lines
of winter stocks. We want them out of the road just as
quickly as possible, and air, making the price induceinents
(+� 'ton ltlb .
money out of them, not of leaking a profit.
Last Things in Waists.
I l '+hitt WCaistr, made of venni quality
Wrap)erette, 0051 Darrow. sit.* Dim. dark
color,, olearing, •t eaob....38 Cts.
17 Fenny shirt W.I.a, as.orted p•tt.ru lis
Americo IA rapyerelte, d.rk color., will
wash w•11, dined thtnaghnitt, regular
I 51 el t
ares , esring w 60 Cts.
r,eh .. ....
Yry 1 g .lust now it is a question of getting the
The Mantle St')ck is getting done, ,just where we want it.
There ate just a few more to sell and then we will not have
any to carry over. If your size is in the lot, you can get a
st lish Mantle for less than half the original price.
' I' y
We have sold a/odd numher of A X ES, M I TTS and
the reduced price.%ra left yet, which will Ise cleared
prices. -
(BELLS at At 51.98. ',At 53.98.
at Bargain Alt u.r M.n,twr up h... felt that sold at No ouch C1a ate hereon stroll neer ghee in
x.09, 5/, o0 end 87 00,' his ,0 eon'. garde., . 'owe, your . hole* mf .'1 Our Meseta *h..t
ey1Mh wed sapid) date, yens et .98 cold st 5800, 510 se ' $12, t ear
Okoter for sod squibmoose's, e•nb.... 53.98
THE 01.11.K TO 11111( A1,1. HARDWARE UHEAI'.
March Designer I
INow Iii.•.••...
Last Thing3"In Gloves.
50 pairs 14 4 (nota•, asserted Meeks sad
004.0 a z'■ 5 3 4. 6, 64, In.t mess e1
81.00 end $1 25 Innes, ()leering
at, per pair 38 cts.
{Last Things in Hosiery.
lio pain el o4.iliren . ly'nnl.n Ho... ribbed
awl pl.lo, swot..s feat, gond weight, last
pain of lieee that. 4,14 as 25 and 30 eta.
olearing now, at your oh0:es 19 cts.
' 75 pole hat tonality Worsted HOMO. plata
.04 ribbed, Ao isle kin,. and Iowls, rem•
1.0, fent, *II sand any 'amount of hard
term.. uvular 60o. w4 de nos west to
,Petry a pair over, so pot the wheel,
lot nn sato et yent thane, per pair •;•�
THREE s •A 8 s '
AG -017
Fall Wheat. ._...
Thur, family par owe....
Pleur. patent, per cart
Kean, • ton.. ......... -
Abor-ta. • toe
11creenter.. per ewt
ttrr, par bitch........ .......,
Buckwheat. pet butch
Oats 0 book
Yate.. btlah.
Neale.. pet L:.h
Ilse. t toe -••
Potato... 9 beth.
trotter.lige% ergo Ih '-.•.--
llbe.ee• .or salsa. - i
1.1.. Non •'
Dressed Nons..
Ham. per 10 .. ............»....
1•ard, per lb. ..
Iwawa I4•51 forequarter.
leered Beef.
. bled
`(gall •.
Notion of changes must b
Oboe not later the
noon. The Oopy
mast be left not b to
,lay noon. Casual Ai
accepted no to no, n V
mob week.
11E Us1e.
Tesober of Pletcher music '
es,re pupils at her station. ah
Maenad este. t4mUt se at
mu too apply either as studio
tet Patriot'a street.
Organist sad modral dinette
Methodist obercb, timelier of
sea sod theory Pooh' prei
aminatb0oe of the Toronto
Music. Will be pleased to
loons from all those re..iri,
nos at his new studio over '1
store. Use ear Mame for pry
reseed for. 671f
For Sale
field nes.. Osde lett it
(leered. bottoms hardwood. v
illy of cater on h,, toood
Boa, shout nee acres Tall *41
able fell plowing d one. l%t
noose. large barn with stab
driving shed and other putt
too sores °retard. meetly wi
watered never falling e. r.n
walla PoOSO miles from C
from Barfield. I'osseeslo. •
reahie terms Apply for ft
to CIIARLCI UIMO'vtl. 71
.1 the weer half of let ls,
waasnb_ tstlsls. 00 Oars.
• K SAL.L-LOTS 96.
• sad Ifs la Bsto0W
0.4.01. lar parsoaWPt
Marsh 11th, 1100.
11 somber 711 Anglaise*
reoaW 000up0d by Mr..
le • tea desirable rate
PHILIP BOLT. solicitor Ic
rieb. 70-11
For Ren
1 dot beeea, with Dns act
Lowe of Oedrrroh, eoevernrn
good hereon premise., and
Apply to R. C. BAYS, flea
Situations 1
rood per month.
000:. yV
Addy ssson $LOCK BOX LII. 1l
kubuo N(
.4.0 paltry bolder, 4t
Mutasl Pte teleran,* C.
that It has declared •both,
ly pee neat. on all premiut
Premium note elan for th
eonbar Met, 11111. unless ott
Oharin R. Shaw. genera
Orders by mall stomp
M Im
ibe port Dover, Lire
(loderich RAU *y Comps
Parliament of ('i .Oda at I
an Ant evtendl,.g the tlmt
neat and oomn'r'ion of it
name to the fir MO Valle)
red fief o lbs amount mf ti
authorizing the 000e'.rurh
Loos and the 1.000 or nod
such 'ecotone and for othr
hated at Wooditoot, (
her, 1151, W A I.
l)RGF. 1. L TAU11
0551 Y5 ','l •l5n 001
*rge'1 A1.
A11 Made or Spectacles
to order ipenlsl a.tootle
Orders by mall prompt
ware of parties u.ing tar
no ,nvellier ago eta who
Ratief•otbou Itttaranto
151 RICHMOND 8711.11
ANC6 sed real ental
door east of P. O., Oode
mallei motwal fool rear
Iwsllwg stook eompawlee
Mereaatlm and man
°wool rates Coll at of
' Aroouhtant and
(looks and eemo0ou
uladlegs rented sod
re lwrs•ee 1• El
OtBes_ is Proudfont
trent Ooderleh.
1s1J. T. NAlrl'KI
f` OIJRAIV1U an,
Tin, Life. Ad(dentsn1
.Raetei en retest ear
1 r RI
t sh and Oa.
ribs rel.
(MI se sett door to (35
to ear Hamlltea Nave
i1R W. F. (1A1.
memo of rgsos.
Mils at neldssss, moss