HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-20, Page 72,000 LIVES LOST
they llud, t war re fur guue.
St inn,* Alpinist Ilse livery.
We burled poor Sloan to -day. lt1J-
wee is In the hwtpltel, shot all to
plecee ; end I um here, thank Oat,
with Mut one revere wound. Such war
the ending of the year for me. l ex-
- •4; poet to be Up again to about two
week.,, l have to go to Pretoria to
tell how the Joern III -used Corporal
Sloan before he died, troth he and
Mhiway bang stripped and left
mtikel in the hot sun.
I place away they started agile to
!shoot at me, but did not lilt me,
though 1 would not have cared If
In the Great Earthquake at
Shamaka, Russia.
Actual Extent of the 4:etertIlty Not Yet Kneen—Boer Emissary in the
United States .-_At Albany Now --Troubles at Trieste Over ; the
Strikers' Demands Having Been, Conceded They Are Back at Work.
Rake. Trnunt'nousta, Feb. 17. -De -
tette which neo &lowly reaching Bike
from Khamnkis. about seventy miles
from here, elbow that two thouaaod
penning, mushy women and children,
perlehnel or n result of the enrth-
yuRk•• lust week. and alsuut 1.(K)'J
lemma were deetr(3 rd.
Thirty-four tillage of the eouu-
tr•, rurreueding ti111uuaka none eu(-
14 rtti1.
'reedit tu the tureen. of ttie n. igh-
)orhocxt, n volcano near the village
.,1 Mnr(lsy to the eastward of Slta,n_
•ke her broken out into active
. ruption. A great crevasu nus ape
peared, whence Immense /lames and
etreatne of lava are being thrown
Ont. The eonrse of the river aeon-
/et/44e Isere been alteret In eonan-
')IIPtrle ut lis bed beteg dentinal with
earth which hag been diel.Hlgie by
he earthquake.
Battalions of guard■ and dr•tach-
tneuty of rappers, with tante, have
been despatched to $4oi'unkti to aid
In the work of reroute 'rite lied Croes
Society l.v active In alleveting def -
Brier Emissary ho the 1'. S.
New York, Feb. 17.-1t hats been an-
nounced that Ur Mueller, the former
Causal of the Orange Free dtitte to
Thu Ilague, war one of the passim -
tore on the eteamehlp $t. Pttul, which
errlve.l here yerterdny. 1t was olid
that fir. Mueller war railing under
the mine. of "F'. Cnetbere," 00 that
hie depetrture (rem Europe might be
kept a secret, Inquiry was male of
John V. L. ['rum eoaceruing the
that of Dr. Mueller. Mr. Preen Bahl:
"lfenry Mueller, thr rmirr;try,
hes been In title country' for a month
He hay been travetiing hrough the
western part of the State. I think be
is at Albany at present, lie will come
to they city very soon -Just when, 1
.lo not kuuw,'o .
rueste Troubles Over.
Trieste, Austria-Hungary, Fe 17.
-The etrkers here resumed work to -
any, tittle demands healig Lela o
E firemen Risk Lives Saving Dis-
secting Room Subjects.
(;anal of a Man Who Weighed 700 Pounds Twelve Bearers Carried the
Loftin ---Want Had Been Considerate and ,bade Burled a asy"— Danish
Minster of Pu►lk Works Valls a Vial* to Cancer.
Hammond, ,tai„ Feb. me -Wells= groped their wa
Nowak, the 3 -year-old .on of Mr. smt'ks tai dna y through (Ire le.
u.? Mrs. John Nowak, of this ally, ggrt. rix dead bodies
tato the street fn m He•turett Hov-
'• .akl to have deliberately wet fire
to tbo clothing of lilt baby sister,
c.n.l watched her burn to death.
At tbo inquest over the body of
the chtW, it developed that after
the father lsf the children, who la a
hyenas, had goats to Its work, the
,notlwr reprimanded the boy fur some
•rlfilag,fault, and Rocked both chit=
'irea la the kitchen while rhe went
to a'Srocery store. Io one eurnerof
(be kitchen was n CuplxoarJ, vuth0
)12.•1( of which were &toted matcher
TMs mother war" abeeut about 15
minutes. When she returned sed
opened. he kitchen door tb0 rick -
rum: ...dor of burning fleet' almost
overpowered her. Oa the floor lay
• the 111 -)moths' -old girl, writhing In
pin gad burner aluust beyond
recognlie . iltltlenbrotherawatchi gnear r why
1 • sees, winch had t ' the
begun to eat Into
ho pane flodr of the room.
The boy, who is precocious anti
talkative. meld at the inquest that
he had lighted the twabeet Clothes"
)10 exhibited nu grief upon being
.-lbuwn the charred-bo,ly.
Tone., Ist(prua r,.. "-
Ynit;•, Crimea, Feb. 15. -Count Tol-
see* le 0l',n('what Improved to -day.
Him pal,* it 90, and lila temperature
• • es t•ath,faotory. The change fur the
it•otte in iia 00811(00 which occurred
Ye'stetday evening wan c;turrd by a
of to f the the right1lung. rThef Infiam-
0netton le beginning t I unbullo.
• .,ed 1)Imeretlntt Room \nhfr.•i..
i'hlcago, Feb. 13, -Firemen wit ,
p[sal, at lila and Iultoa streets, late
teal night, eurried on their her le
} labor In the brtlef that they weer
rescuing tearoom "rho bad been as=
phyxlatel. end hot until the (Eines
h(ul b •111 sub,lued tial thug !earn that
they bad been In the JWwecling root
of B(•n,e•tt llndlral•C1llr•go, end the,
the rescued bodies were from tie
el -quoting table .4 the 'eh'eol. yet.
oral of them were nettled, bailee
been brought to the school to that
rorwlltlnn. The dleseetlng room and
laborntery of the college were de-
stroyed, entailing a lime of *.5,000.
A soon" • f patients In the hoepital
were b•Wle frightened, but moue w'.re
Inbred. The firemen ]tad mpp*:ed
that the building was need exoin-
ettely for hospital purposes.
Iturvieg 8 toes) flan. ,
New fork, Feb. 15. -It required
twelve men to carry to the grave
the coffin t'nntaining the remain. bf
Dennis Leahy, whose funeral line
41rt been hell. The dead no/tn
W4lgttieti 700 pounds.
Ille o
ind been
"Required wittiin 111,, 18« f
t ten years
When he turned the ;;00 {tonne mark
two years ago, a physician pronounce
nl tale inert -nee In mise due to tatty
degeneration of the heart, arta told
Leahy 111.. (heath was may a totes -
lion of time.
uble hie Inter
menti mlgtttnccame len friends. Leahy
hunted up A place of reel lance close
to a crap tery, and It war necessary
to entry the mirth only n snort die
1)a111.1. )Ilnlsler Onset.
Copenhagen. Feb. 14. -Herr Hoe
rup. the lllnleter of Public. Works.
who had been suffering from enncer,
Ie dead.
\,,rt11 Bay, Feb 17. -john inane,
reef teed the following letter from
t x 9 Inclos aoT flim: ?--re
Wttpoortje, Jan. 1, 1102.
;a' 1r Father -Vteu will be saltprtleel
11 1 heseen
ou get ltuuaccount u1 the
if Ilr In the misses ere now. t went
Y''atellay, /theta n milts nn.1 a
from en Mil etch torp. Boa n cued
trlrerser name) Midway. We onae"•
'r Rotes nppronchtng and we lav
eewn end let erre sorra no when wee
reel and shot one dent(. Then In tetra
fee that l awn tell It we were Naur"
''n•led b nbt 800 Boers'. _They
"'lands nulands up 1" but we said
fs, fl we wrn111 din go me. It 'Vim n
t thing for us to do, as we
het only 50 roiled'. of rertrldgee.
We fired nt them at ',bout 50 yards'
ei"tance avid hod u•) aloes nt chat11101' had Mogver pl"•teie, and Midtwny
reeelved a In111nt in the face and
neether le the leg. Corp Bionn wee
.'hot In (lin breo.t nnl ht the neck.
Meer. N•v•r Quit 'grills,
`'nd 8)n kept right on Men. i had
m -o18 up my mind not to (Yell or to
'Inti up my heretic when Won ex -
'lettere!. ,. My GMs, Ingle., hock .nt
rhrht belend e. !'• They ware
reining on the fell gallop. We turned
on the neweetnern nn 1 they retr,.ntet
ehonfought. ny (hie time 1 hod the
fan of peeing three klhp,l, enol, no 1
tlr(.lght, ono Tronrulell, hitt too owe
1 ft without it diet or Cnrtrllgs, MO
hat) my rifle dowel nt ,pfd heed end
for flat ten the grouter The. ntiv•r
M'M'e were "trot ell over 1.y thin time.
Rfon't was tOonhing ttklway'e lit't'le
h1itaetMI ewe to Nome of the Bnera
"i eoebl nitl'>•vt hove-wpnken
riotWith them and they ^r.al,1
Mt Ire N(.rnehow..
N'rlt Bullets Near Nim.
Well, :liter we stolsped firing they
kept at It For abiut -five minute*-,
I felt Iota of tine bullet," entering
the ground under me; they would
throw up the ground ngatn.t my
ribs. I began to think of my moth-
er, nod the next moment onn nfhr
Boers lilt oro on the heed with his
rifle. i got rip and be gratltea my
rifle, hat and tenet. When my shirt
crime off it young Ind etwut 10
years of ago, not more than telt
fret away, fired nt me, the hullo
entering my shoulder. it dill 11.1
strike (idy bone, but tore all the
flesh oft. Then theytookoff my
Moots; my eocke were knitted 6118/
end In trying to pill them off they
bromine fast on my heat, end they
dragged me over the reek', until
(hey enure off. -They nine took my
pante, In the pockets', of which 1
hnd 12 shillinge. I stood In the Itot
.un for 20 minutes, the Boers In the
Hlffing Nr With 'their %hip
nett Molt rgp. of their rifle. (crow-
ing wpnk freta the hem of blood, !
hnd to lin down, Mot they hit me
over rind over again unfit 1 wart
nlrllgm(1 to get up. Hy (lite time Corp
Sloan was dying, and to the Itht h.
kept erying "Ingles. Ingle., Ingleel"
My blood turned en111 when n big fel-
low mine tit to her end told me
they were reit* to otioot tee. I
.eav throe loading their tithe.; two
leen 111.0111 18 yeare of nee, were
going to put nn end to 111e. eget
ne 1 lhoterlit my lain moment Iced
comp, .OMP men tint* Inng whi.k,•rpi
temp rip 1111(1 41)1.1 mm to gn to enmp
and 0end n Morin? nod nmtwlnnse:
Mor feet nen* Needing end mit 'ego
blot, rewd, nn.1 1 voted net rentin
my '1'17 Lest. When I putt n little t
1t surprises me how 1 have been
cheered over and over egaln be
other troops for not surrendering.
"Cuttada For Ever," was painted on
nay lett. 1 *Aw my pante go uvur the
hill, the by the tuetuett to a Boer riati-
I must nut forget to tell you (het
when 1 mune in SO men "mut out and
were ales trapped and etrlpped, Cap-
tain and all. Roseate yesterday: On
our 01118, :; dead and 7 wounded;
Moore, I) dead and 19 wounded. Cele
talo rhea Y dead out of 8 that took
ldm. I-Ighteuberg was the Boer Oen•
They Were Raw Recruits From
Home and Easily Fooled.
Herman Libels Denounced by Germans ---hoer Laager Captured Charge
of tier Horsemen—Kilt-zinger's Case In Parliament-
--May. UrYY'rt
Would Rather See tier Husband Killed Than Captured ---Two (lore
Canadians 111.
London, Feb. 10. -Oen. Kitchener ' German press at home. Most of
reports to the War Office that a he speeches were in Oerwau. The
force of Mounted lefantry, while re- sstateteaerament• descrlbed the nawrpapsr
connultrin nr iorrible libels 8)d
g on Feb. 12th In the detilleh hes. They cited evidence
Zukerbilwiola Rawl, became engager! + to prove that the charges were
Ink '
it court loraWo number of Bo false, nod paid tribute* to the Brft-
loot 1 t kilted and 40 wounded
0 they reached the cover of the
The espatch add./ tiat a party ..f
Curate nary frame ii'aterval River
were r . died by a Boer tree on
1'eb. 10th, with lows.
A deopa - troth • Pretoria gives
these add(tl ,al details:
One hundred pd fifty Mounted In-
fantrymen, wh: • patrolling the Kilp
River, south of Jo oneeburg, on Feb.
u (or their good treatment of the
Germane here. They declared that al-
though they loved their Fatherland,
they honored the British (or their
attitude In the war, and condemned
the coasplracy agtunet them which
was meeting with support in the
German press.
hoer l.aag.r Taken.
Tn''k8etad, Cape Colony, t'eli. 16 -
Colonel Trice 'attached Weenie' end
Bester's oonsmaod nt ilaarfontetn,
25 mem to the northwest of rids
piece, early on the ;JOth Inst. The
Born at Belleville, June 21, 4$43 --Died at Toronto, Feb. 9, 1902,
12th, aiei'rounden a fnrm.b'•u.e, where
they suspected Boers.were L0 hiding.
A "Angle Boer broko away from the
house, and tin British )4tarted to
pursue him. The Boer cllubal a
kupJe, the UtltI.b fallowing. Domain
mealy a heavy tiro was opened up.,11
•11CM from tJgir,.o aide. The Brtllsh
found thcm.tfPee lis a•trap, ao(1 In a
{o.,l,tuu w o they were umubl , to
crake tiny tlefe:,oe. Eight of the Bell•
(eh office it made u gnhant eft„rt
and .dtfe ded the ridge with carbines
and re* vete milli they were even,'
eon"er The British litut two bid--,
1-81-0 1 nine men killed and sev"•nr)
offlc a and feet).,ni n wounded be.
fore the fermi wad able to fait back
n , ', corer 'K- a- blockhouse.
courting Al a sleet al •losg,atch
.m I'retorta, tine Mounted Infantry -
en who were trapped at K)ip River
vera all fresh from it nue and emoted
is/ Dans ;idler, 'Thu bulk or the
casil,ilttee occurred during” In- r'e:
.real of the 0rltb,h. T110 klliral In-
cluded MnJ'r 1h,w•eil, the commander
of oho force,
1'reaehh,g for I'rn.,',
Lorston, F'cb, 18.-Hiehop Hartsell,
mourning to the latest mall84141ces
front the Cape, has been preaching
with great force to lhitclt end Eng -
1,11 congregations in Cope Colony
on the moral aspect& of the war,
taking the British side with almost
paesioneto carneetness, and appenl-
lng to the Boer «ulster., after their
h.'rote renletanee, to be brave en-
ough to Iteknowl.dge defeat and de -
riot front warfare which could not be
Jeellfi'(1 no the groumle of expedi-
ency or umee«Ity. "The American
blshop neer, boldly prevlk•ted the re-
ensxt of the warring ',nee& In South
1frMA, nlniort e. eieeelily as the
North 011.1 Month had drown to-
gether After the Civil Wnr,
Ilor, Ible tonean Libel.
thirtieth ?Intal, Feb. I*. -,t largely-
ett.mlal rhepting.oi ()ermnne was
held to -day In the new (termnn Net -
ferment. An indignant • protest well
Nlgeed, temente on pertinent know•
l.lge the glanders on the frltieh
memo that have appeitred la the
enemy promptly retired, limiting their
laager tu our bands. tennmandant
iausyl was killed and two rebels and
81 horses captured. Our casualties
were all , • ,
Boer Cavalry Charge.
Cape Town, Feb, ]6. -While our
troop/. were engaging a party of GO
Burrs near the Junction of Wlige
/liver and Leeuwepralt, 100 men of
Weasels' commando crossed the attire
lower down, add rushed and drove le
the Light horse rearguard.
-7tMoat molting tnotdent then oc-
eorrert. Seventy ftoere, wearing Brit-
ish cnvnlry clunk@, In the rain, 1) (1
under elver of the lire o(n numiser
of Doer. who were In it kraal on n
hitk b'.k((y cheesed the l•ltent (terse
)w.sltlon, evidently with the object of
enpturing the light Moran porn -Powe
The enertly fired from their harem.
whit(' ch rging the hill, tett received
n heavy fire from the Light ((orae
iteteerther thio. INrr111x►rn, whbh err -
vended nil its nmmurdtion. The enemy
came within 5(X) yards, ami then
Hrtent end flee, the New Ze(tlnmlere'
MuxJat and pone -pout belplpg,to seat -
(87 them. Four Boers were k11IiYl end
army wounded.
Nri$,I,,ger•. (•.o,.
iwlnd04), Feb.' 15.-7he Wnr SOTO-
tory, Mr" Br•heek, Informed lure_
tIonern 1n the 1101140 of Comptons,
yeeterdny that he could not mutat
bike to give the acmes en opeer-
tnnity to dinning; the matter, should
the (tenth *entente' be patine.) neon
Commandant Kritsinger, who W;1 11
08(1(41704 hy (ten. French loot De.
coinneemrte. r, before the mentence wan
canoed out, Ile could not Interfere
With the dl0cretlOn of Lord iCitrh-
ard to
(lrodrk:k meld thererwna re otl.bjre
tion to her leaving math Afriea,
Mut mho would' not he nllowe.l to re-
cede in (ripe Colony.
112 V.rr'1 'ollowrra,
Details of that Ines of Cbl, (reline'e whilch v r wee m
Rhowm otnble t1•,011rnnlo ti0
OO 1-07 dl.'clnlp' n Inrgor floor 11,18- nnmher M "(.mmlttslu ere: 'I'nrn•,tn,
(teas then the earlier despaleheea,)- 1:N. f.rvndon, SHE, Fort William, 7:1;
Mattel, bet otherwise there het whit^ the Increases were, nt O'tawa,
been no Braise nitsliap is a bas 240 ; Sudbury, 40; Woodstoek, 83;
period, DeWet'r force, originally ea- Seddon sant New Zealanders
cloyed by Inter der)attchee to 0110
Ululated at ::,000 ten, had beou re- , eulved W unetat lu ta
rillging the wet'
to nu end, aisfl If it its outlet h cult -
quarter of that number, and (teener tingnut were require
u cheerfully.
Sign t1 the star's F.LU.
g ven for the roan:lining burghers 1
the Orange Free State are &quell
t'lustic Oen. Kitchener Is ('oneen
truting his efforts teem he eaptur
of this force, with D,•Wet tied Step'
lir the tihort eat and 141001 ef(octly
8)01120(1 of ending the r*r.
Hoer I►rteaalr.,
!Amnion. Fab. 17. 6 u• en-:ti;cord-
lug to the Aneterekam eorrerpu(Wunt
of the Deify Mall, Boer delegates
Wolmrtriter and W0rwele have been
encouraged to leave for the United
.4tates by the statements of Mr. Wand thi
J. Bryan and reueut notiun In
lie Colorado Senate In favor of
(:un rear taking at tion. They [a-
lign' exploit the diplomatic) tils-
elo.uror respecting whit they term
Brltaln'r duplicity ut the titan of
the 19pst)dgh-Ancr1can war, while
they place considerable hopes/ on Mr.eDutch
Roosevelt'', decent front rtoh or-
e London, Feb. 14. -Tito army nal-
. ! mutes dlselore 11 rawlutel0) of thirty
e 1 thomend eau on the pay roll', le
8t)plh Africa, and a materiel reluc-
tlun In the general (meet of the mer-
Tlibs is an th t the Boer op eraofficial operations, t
eel lie well-nigh at as en•i,
Nen' %rnl..ners 11,ur.1.
Wellington, N. Z•, Feb. 16. - With
the departure of the ninth corals'.
cent front Auckland to -flay, New!
Zreilatsd has sent 3,0(Xt) men to the
front, a number wbleh, un u pope -
lathy' basis, was equal to 38,0o0,
from Canada, 1:4,000 from Austral-'
la, and 271,000 trout the Unit,vt
KI agile n.
111 a1Alrtwlng the mon, Premier
1►rt'set's A lir,
iurbiu, Feb. 18-11re. De Wet, in
as tutertlow held at the Marttxburg
conenutrut,oa cum p, 1x111 that two of
her aunts were mull flgltugg with
tittle father. She regretted that the
lioterumeut had not permitted her
to ecmmunkato with her husband,
and mod s110 war ecrtaiu that be
would never surrender. ]ler, De '1'1,.t
demised she would rather wee iter
hustittuJ ilio than submit.
loo l'aaedlanw 1)1 1tIt1, Fever.
Ottawa, Feb. 111. -Thus Governor-
General receive.' a cable utersage to-
day antounciug the •taugerour 111.
041)4► of Trooper Martin A. Conway,
of (ho 13. A. C., front enteric fever,
at Ilebleiberg. /lie brother, W. J.
Conway, of Kingston, le next of
kin. Also of Trooper Wm. Downing,
ut Vet River, from entero fever.
Ill,. slater ie Miss M. Ilowutng, 50
Bta0ley )4treee, St. John, '
Paris, Feb. 17. -Dr. Leydo, the cetera. In other quarters. however.
European Agent of U,e Boers, who' the imireeeton obtains that the )our-
ia now In, this city, was questieneil Ivey la prompted by the developments
by the Aseocp,te,l Preen Correepon,l-
cot to■lay rtl;ordiug the object of
the miwalon to rho United Stater of
the Boer delegates. Afovars. M'eseele
soft Wolmaranr, who Netted for New
York from Boulogne, Feb. 1l, on the
ettompr Rotterdam. ire r.•p,l••,l that
they were merely going to America
heti sponse to luvltations front Amer-
man pro-Boere, with the view Of
relching an arrangbmeut for the thin
trlbutlen of funds and other assist
Ansh.(;ermnn controversy nit
O. the attitude of the powers pre-
%loue to the Spivtd4h-1uvrican War,
wl.k'h tin members of the Boer dege•-
teetlon brilevr, haspraluce) a change
of Ie•hltment In Ilse United Stn ter lo -
ward's Great Ilrituln, on ae4e11nt of
tin• pro-SpenlNh action attributed to
Lord P0uncefete, the British Anne, -
weber at Wa.hlrgrton, In April, 'M'J't,
The Boers hope to utilise this rule
Pratte revulsion of feeling In an en -
encu eontrlbnted by the people. of the' eminent oto modlfyet the nlletaStatee ttitudeCtto-
Unitetl States towards the Boer + w::r,ls metlatlon. -
Cannibals Treacherously Attack During the Night d Party of
French Scientists, Killing Twenty-five and Wounding
Thirty-three A Survivor fells the Story.
Parte, Feb. I6. -Let Petrie today I number, j received a blow on the
puWleben a letter, received from Ur! bead from a club 08(1 fainted. When
correspondent, el. Rouyer, n sur- 1 rec0varo't Conelclounnesr, it ref:
elver of a maneacre of a French u th,ek in tlw mor i foo 1 found iur-
self tial hand and toot, t+qd rtur-
acienUfie Weston, by cannibals, at ' rounded by tatvegee, who, believing
4lleraka, New Guinea, Jan. lat. 'M. ' Eno to 1503 deed, were keeping me for
Rouyer relates that the yacht Pal- tletnscices.
anttl, with the misrlan en board, '1 raw tits hotly of Duron Yitlars
Isnd anchored off the coast of New near 1141, tO0itd to u tree, Ill. -baby
Guinea, and that a ctuniber Of the ? aper'. 1 tet iiyerrluw.3 be.', googhead had ol out
explorer's landed, ,after an appar- eud hir grow aur horribly tuutllal(xl.
('nay friendly reception from the ria. i Tlw taunt da tiaint Re1uy uuJ twexi
tines, the latter tronclierool decapitated. and hie beat stuck oa
S" at- j the eel of a spear as a ftropny
tacked theta during the night, nor- I Y' Ilagculxrk was sp;tt0et utt n
eiertflg 23 of - t e_ptrtyi._Fne+a,)iig t-tttsrr. Thea_sa+J% 11 were elx ut tuuual
Ikarus 'V4iIare, Count do tlitint Remy hire up. T wattel my fate. I was
and MAf. Hogenbeek awl Frier, and afraid to move. My haul hurt dread -
wounding 33, Including the writer fully. All around n)o tho gronmi
oft the letter, M. ILonYer, the elite) _was etre tttt''''n with corpse,t
'Suddelc' a grant clamor wro1)7
of the mission, and another French-. followed by a fesd.do" I opened my
man, named Reimer, eyes and saw 1)r. Forster a -el the
M. Weever writer: "We were all remnlader di (ho mlerion from the
sleeping peacefully, when there war yacht firing on Clio atmnl).ale. I
a gent uproar, .111(1 we were ut shouted, and the reneuere ran to nu'
reeked by hundred.. of netts -ere cer- en.l eut oor•.lr which bound me to
foci the greeted wt•thi elute, 32 dead. late e. Nevern1 of UM were LIM tree. The eclott stem of M.
Il:ttcltets and elw•ers. Others were : wore found, hat hie booty wan mise-
utprpunvered, carried away and leg. fie had evidently twee devour.
1101111)1 to trees, 1 wets among (111, 81 during the night,
Till) r.Rue•l, t Traueeaoasla, F''b.15.-
Two hundred les of victims of the
earthquake, w h destroyed the
town of Sham, , .heti been rac.w-
era! up to last ening.
It appears certain that'leveret hue- 1
droll bodies are bur d in the (1. -
sores and debris ca'gaed by the
shook.', Tho quakes continue at in-
tervgls, And the work of excavating
In search of the victim& therefore
(thenad ere tunny ein with owoumen y who at the
time of the prim:mei 'Mock, were eon-
glcgatee ie• the variety bath
St . Petersburg, Fob. 15. -The latch
news received Lore from Slinmak:t
confirms the appalling character of
the earthquake at the place, anti
I mita that 301> corps,'" have alrendy
been taken out of the ruins. The pile',
of wreckage are too vert that the
search 1e neeesearlly slow. Most of
tho victim" were M(laouimano. The
miuvlvors aro encamped outdid() the
ruins of the alt
Trust('. ,tnetrla, Feb. 1:5, -Crowle
thr(.need the Ntrenl. th1ss morning,
tete . wrtiKnrw'-preterdie !corn .l; lkmra
and public generally circulating. All
the .quare./ and public building. nro
rtrmtptert by-.oMtere wed inrre t.n-
eingente el NM"set4Jiasy. forces :aro 111 '
rendln aline for Imme.liute motion.
Nettie Is Ntle)Iendeeb
A numb' of those who were wOun'1-
e Lae
Grande flrert rekIslny InL 111 sane
yesterday a(te tease, killing .Lt and
• tweet), pyre's., have
OUR JAIL POPULAfiON, tlhnit Ste, Mnrte, 38. 11'Imutnn, '24.
laytui[n, 2G, Tin cs'mmlttnls Yr
Figures About It reeler. tit.• crimes agnlnet the perm. we're 656
•M•lnr h 11bHl
0111el.t1 itrpurt.
The revert et the Inspector of pri-
RIMY an.l reformatories of the pro-
vince 8)1111 111 1. 1111 the table of the
Leghbaturn )'e.+ter.lny, It .hese'.
that tho remmltt:,It during the peer
were 8,548, 1411 loos than le 1900.
Thin 44 t he 1019(vat nnmlwr of prlRnn-
er-, wl,h rhe exception of two yearn,
einem 1873, when the committ,IR
reached the high 4bgure of 1:1,500.
'Ilse cnmtnittaln of men. over «lateen
yore of ng", were ale, lege. The
enmmitnit of boys, under wixteen
years of erre, were loon by 34: of
girt.. anter sixteen veer, of Rg.r, the
IBM by 4- In i rind the
lotveet 111 f li ' pant twenty-fi8r yeare.
The committals for crimes (delimit
pblle mr.rnln tend decency were levy
by 58. ('ominittele ((15141141 ''1,5' nett
ps•aee were lean by 89. A11 other
crime. for whlh e(.$mittnln wer.
mode, bete by 24. C•,mmItt.tle 1,4
drunkenness worn In cleans' of last
year by 14.5, Thls Inerenen wan In
the hail, nt Ottew•n nal Mnr,lt".11in
Island, while there were. deereneno
In the rn(mher( at Tornt o an
Thomas, 1'Inton, Brantford, IJrelph,
Fort Wihllnm and 8•uryrron Ville.
The oast • f meint(•nnnee of the pet..
In plinth. dur,nrf the peat yens writ
$1f17,348"43, hong rl•Rhlle 1800 th'►n
trm►rr the re -rehire yen r. The trot il
tiers' 1tnv Of prisoner, In tit" 3 11.
wive 207,0*3 , there were 7,514 mile
p(wrIenters Add 1,•282 I' ,1., erne:nor.,
Tw(.thlrrle o1 title nmmlw•r were in-
grruttr, ant) one-third nest.) not
read Dor write.
Dr. Cummings, of Hamilton,
Has a Successful Case.
The days of miracles, ars supposed
to ibe past, but the next tieing to
ttyylwithin8)the Iart [ wum ntths, anti
tai Qufotly and unostentatiously that
but few people know of It About
three years ago Mr. Edward Bethune,
who le a wehI-ku.,wn rwWont of rite
city, hating lived hero for forty-
eight yearn, war stricken with an
ufflcttou on the face In the furor of
it caueor. it started under his eye tend
spread very rapidly. As It was the
cause of Miro dirftguremeut, lir.
Bethune committed several doctors,
who prro1ounced the trouble
that form i -t maltttf(uaat ulcer to whicbeh
la reeogn,u,d by the profeot'on as
cancer. Theyy advised un operation,
bel as Mr. Bethune is a man ad-
vanced hu yatra ho tad not like the
Idea of taking chl•roform• For
months he tuck all kh501r 01 medl-
clue for 111* blood, but the lnrl)lous
disease crept on and attacked his
name, and Air. Bethune felt that Ise
was in danger of 1.'aing thin sight.
Being one day In Dr. t'umnlings'
the doctor puestloned him about the
trouble, anti dingn.wed It as cancer.
Fie nlggested that Mr. Bethune sub-
mit himself to X-ray traetment, anti
Mr. Bethune eagerly embraced the
opportunity, tor, as he himself etatee,
he felt that he wag In dire straits.
Dr. Cummluge begat) the treatment
in July and a complete cure has been
effected. To -day Mr. I3etltune
Is in the beet of health, his 'Ale la
bright and clear, and there L noth-
ing on It10 (see to show that it hnd
puce beer unsightly from the effects
of a m*Jlgnttl,t disease.
8e !r anxbrne •tltnt everybody
should kno'tr what has been done for
ham. in order that others afflicted
with tb1Y dreatlfes diem*. may be
cared. He eves at No 80 John street
north. ilanlllton• Illy. Het Ilene Attlee
that bo telt n.l pun from the treat-
ment, and from the. very first there
was n !narked improv (•m••nt 1 hir
conditlen, Mr. Bethune assure us
that widle treating with the doe or
ho rum several other casette( cane
'talented in different parte of th
body from lila own winch to his cer-
tain knowledge were cured, and that
other patents afflicted with a
dreadful disease called Lnpus, or Con-
Nnmptbn of the skin, wero com-
pletely ('erred to n very short
time. 111.. friends nay that he
wise suffeeing from cancer, end that
lie tram undoubtedly' terribly under
Ins power before treated with
Dr. Cummings was seen in refer -
rho case, but expre.wed a
strong dlaike to eayfmg scything
whatever feu ),uellceitlose
Customs Officer at Bridgeburg
Said to be Short.
Buah.l). Feb. 17.-tlapreatet-tete.
W, Lewis, who for 28 years was em-
ployet' by the Caatulbtu Gutern:ncat
In flue customs-houso at Brl)geb: ug,
Ort., has been suspended and his
dlemiosal from the service Is x11.1 to
lax but a que0tioo of 1 few days,
Juneet Lawmen, collector of cutsto:ne
for the port of I3rhdgecintrg, rays
Lewis stole *1.1100 in 11101, alai that
hu lute probably boon mie(tpproprl.
at tn1 neo ey at that rate for 120
Lewis was suspended about Febru-
ary let, nt the Instigation of a
Government inspector (rein Toronto.
At that time
that hie books were not in the con-
dition they r11ould be. Suboequeut ln-
vc•ett re t:n 'moan the big ehlppers
of thin city by b'auadian Inspectors
rovenh,d the stats of affairs to a
certain eXtent. It wen learned that
Lewis had been stenting from the
Government indefinitely. HAN VOW -
t)(}11 !n t1500 Dridgoburg custom&-h)uee
wan acxt to Impurta8co to that of
eollrotor. Ifo handled all the money
and wee practically deputy oo;leetor
of the port, ns well ae cashier, Mr.
Ln.wetrn said yeeter.lay that he had
had Implicit tnith in Lewitt. The en-
tire community thought well of 5lm
and tho rumor of. his defalcation was
a 0ltopk to the people of Bridgeburg
and Fort Erwr,
t:ollector Lawson explained to n
reporter yesterday the manner In
which Lewis' doubtless nec'omp)lahnd
him entered embezzlement. He Nall
moot of the Buffalo @hipper.' hod
their rfrelght ele,tred at Bridge -
burg in the Interests of expedi-
ency,'11,e duty ens bald et Bridge-
Irltrg the freight wn■ relenmel and
the Comedian Government had no
more to do With 11. Mr. letweon said
Lewis' meet have destroyed the re-
port, Itmnlfp1t, Invoice and entry
after he clenred n ehipmnnt tine ee
there 8)n.' nbNOlutrly no trate. 44 11
left In the Of(1Ce, if "ha)mmntm
(leered to that way were recorded
in any of the b'yk. In the office,
the bottle' have dl1appenre4.
The atpp,nitlon, therefore, Is that
Lewis @Reply p00keted the money
pub! 011 many of tion Mg ehtpmentn
, I:menet:ent was never the
It IN stld In Bridgeburg, although
it cold.) not be verified ye0torday,
flint the aninninty company her re*. from Iwwh Ile home.
IN mldwuy between Fort Erie and
ftrtrue a - r •lustere ler n• con 4 he
RA were skyey" exemplary. 10 hal►
buil\rfmirinn n.V.U.W
Hrndlustrle'etf o1 Itstes Wel be 11,'
Chief Tapir I)lmrussed,
Toronto, Feb. 12. -Tee reedju,t•
meet tto1'Ie thatwillcome befll be ore the A.0
U W. ('onventlon for Ontario, to be
held In Amsrx'Intlnn Hall next week.
Tilt will be the 2lth annual gather -
leg. and between 1013 and 00e (tete-
atee ern expectM to he present.
There will be n meeting of thin lxecn•
tlye nR 8 p m. ,st Monday next in
the office" of the Order. Confederation
Lae Building, nod the grand Lodge
wtll.open Itn seselon at 9 a m.
Aiww't,ttlon 111111 nn the iVednpp,lny
(ollnwtr,R. The convention w111 pre"
iwhly Io0 two day 0. The 454
edges" In ntarkl ttnve a mefnberrhip
of over 42. permons in g co(1 attire'
Ing, rpprent" tint about *70,000.000
of Snonranee.`7'. 11. Cornett. of Oen
annalist, „40 Ile -Mester Wnrk8Rn
Amine high-iou,, Ung nems& entry
more weight on vlhtting nur(ls than
Oil abegaea,