HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-20, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICII ONTARIO. W. Acheson &Son Embroideries and Table Linens. We place on one large counter this 2000 yards, fine Embroideries in widths from 1 4 inch to 5 Sc. to 12 1-2c a yard, all at per yard 60 dozen full bleached Satin Damask Table Napkins, choice patterns, guaranteed all pure linen, $ z 1 size, regular value $1.50, at per dozen $1,00 300 y►rd. White Victoria Lawn for children's dresses, pinafores, aprons, etc., beat dress finish in * tine even wage°, free from dressing, regular 10c and 12c a yard, at week 100 pieces, or over in splendid patterns and inches, prices were from one clearing price, 5c 40 pieoes of 32 inches wide heavy and very soft Scotch Flannelette in nest stripes and patterns, pinks, blues. Our teqular 12 c quality, at per yard 10c 5 only, Ladies' Black Astra- chan Jackets, 27 and 30 inches long, farmer's satin lined and, in beat style, this season's make, regular $25 8c 004t, clearing now, at each 515.00 W. Acheson & Son. PROM THE NORTHWEST, A better re On /reddest of at. motive's (larch Woman's £U111ger7. rbe lollowle, letter from the lett J. Taylor, M. A , prieclpal of Emmanuel Cel lege, Primate Albert, was lately received by Mn. Tomball, pr,ddr.nt of the Ooderlob br&aoh of oho Urinals of Cu.l.sd Woman', Auxiliary Dear Mn. Turnbull Ev,ryreing your Aeliltary has so kladly menn hes reached tie safely. Think you very much for •11 your ktudessaes. N•soy sed Elwin were deh,hted with their oat• eta ; I ,hall hare them write to you se yea wish. Edwin ba. ,one boos for two week• to his parttime, to • price called te.g River, about 80 motive north el Primo' Aitrert, wines Dos father, an /adieu, and era • papal of Emmanuel College, leaches wheel and holds church sermon on Sundays Edeia b to standard IV. We are ora ming bale bo make • teacher of him. At the Jus 015minatle.• ha •t•od,.1 was ea follow. Out of 100 m.rks for each enbieot h. took In *ritual, 92; arithmetic, 95; 0ieratnra, 88 ; oompoeit.oa, 84 ; dio'arloo, 94 ; gee. Trapey, 71 ; grammar, 65 ; reading, 74 otal, 663, averses 83. At *be Jene •1►0Inetiou ftsoot's stud - Mg was a. fellows -Mee Miro Ie In @tendert, IV. out of 100 mash. for sub subject,: writing, 60 ; antbm.tto, 48 ; bteis'tors. 48; eompwttlo., 68 ; dictation. 94 ; geography, 68 ; grammar, 46; feeding, 72 Total JOS. average 64. I abet! ,cud you their mssear.m.IM Iota. W• .re workieg very hard to bung ear wheal op to • Welber place of ettoleooy,ead I am vary mane pleased at the program that ie beteg male guoeraliy. Yee, Nancy le food of waslo, to Neil Dearly LII our oblldre. ate We bare es urea. lm the wheal for our oupil•, sad when sobeol to oat there Is always wmeooe at the organ Mlle; Lars.• or playing for the breeds of the other pupils. During the last .t1 months I have pat the palette through s octane of mattery and physical drill, end ala woo. Oudot bow meoh good It doe, them. Thew drills are teething our bey* end girls to ear themselves r n properly when w.l.ltsg sad es the wise', meine/ them leer. *olive lm Unix moyemeate. We bare maaaaed to /other together onto old bead I5etrumean sad, •Ilboo,h oar heys have bad them only bve month•, they oats •!read► play •ety Mealy, so moots so that they hav@ played oe tws meadow; In the tows hell. Edwtb ploys in the band Our pupils are pr*Darin/ now for get enter• 1al.menl to be glyeo 1n winos Albert, the proceed• to go to 16• benefit of the band. Oer berg will appear on the platform with rifles sod bayonets', our girls with wand* in fair bieds. 1 am sending you photos o1 the .obolar. .red taboo) bdNdiege, met, Its , whloh you will be able to reoeanlce your two adopted Children, Edwin Abenaksw and Nancy Suine .,tnuce Edwle were some of the clothes you gene him when he went boon now, and Liao the waffler that Muter Hogh Heaton mad. bio. I thank you very moob for all the Moe sat!elee, sod meet parteoularty for the Owe pain of gook. that were .set to me ; we de not Any .00h articles ken. All, s1 surge, is not bright, but we have been greedy bleren, and ere go forward sheered by the thought that we have many CbrNNa, friends who aro interested ha as sod who remember as to their prayers. WlNtag the members of your W. A , your. self sed Mr Turnbull ell the joy. of Chrei wise tide, believe in., Very slncenly years, Jamie Tartot Stec* the above letter was written Mrs. t Tareball has reoelv.d lettere from th. two 'adieu children above meatlon.:, well written and I0terestleg. feawegptlsa to I.feetle.., grimy pr.osot:on should be taken to pre. yeti% he spread of the " White Plague"; Pommy doming Into contract with cee• 0mpelves should inhale C.tanhrznts, neve- rel Does sent day se Is ie a powarlol destroyer of df.*... germ.,sed render. them Innoeures, (',tsrrhor-one I. • Inost.tliot.nt pre.Nllye and may he thoroughly nhad epos to promo'• expectoration, soothe the • o,agb, and bet.flt la many ways (monomer. Ins eanomer- ons to Emotion Horh from a medical and j esteutlee point of view Catarrhottoe. L. the most valnehle addition to the armament •gale.' ooa.ompttoo. Ito merit ouomoi be • too warmly appl.eded. Sold at all dro/ /tete, two menthe' ►reatmesl, Brio. 11, smell d • t.. 96n, sr by mail fres N. C. Polson & s (7n , Kteg.tro, Oat COUNTY CURRENCY. Eamondrulo: John 11oCea bar sold bis brick resideow to Egmo.dvtll., to Mn, Joh. Kyle, for $1,800 &wont, : Robert Willae hag oew gob oomlort.biy ..tiled to b!s baod•ome new roitdeooe loo Godenob street. Ethel : While Mr. Wm. Pewee°, *r Lae at Mrs. Doss Cole'. oho slipped outside and lo the fall nee her arra Woken Brussels : Mrs. R. L. 'Taylor had the mit• fortune to tell nome tune ago sod injure bet knee, trout wbto0 she le .till a prleoost l the house. Clinton : On Moodoy of last week H. PI°mgt.e,l an4erw.ot en op.rat,00 perform ed by Ora Guno and Shaw, of town, and Turnbull, of tier:knob Mruseeb: James Bro•ltoot. who was visiting here lett month from Antigooteh, Nowa Scotia, as now seriously UI wan ty phold foyer, he baying taken sick on Ate way home. Br000ib : A. sol Mrs. Baudaa5h, of Winnipeg, former residents of :his place, celebrated their china weddinvrecently . A number of old,trm, Braeeel,teo were among the assets. Holmw.dle : The other day a in rang* dog untie taro H. Eltord's yard, and 0000..d.4 la inflate • floe turkey, sed stripped the feathers from • turkey gobbler, before It wood be frightened off Clinton : Semoel Eagleson and ewe chit drum, et Mallon, N I).k , acid Robert Esglnsoa, Osaabrooa, N. O , have returned to that, home alter making • five weeks' vt.lt here with relatives and friends. Took.r.ml'b: S. Raid has purchased the Grey farm, oo the 1.1111 /toed, Tuck.remitb, 0o whloh b• bas been piing for eve year,, tram th• estate. The farm 000taine fifty. fear sores, sad he pars $2.750 for It. Holmesv111e • The remsioa of Mr.. both, lean were en Moodsy of lase week brought from Stratford sed Interred in Gittins smeary Sba wee formerly a reetd.ot of tele rl;Lys, having bred here for aper thirty ‚Mem. Brussel.: E D.wnlov, • former Brussels hey, who has been me oeraag . newspaper la Ul.dstooe, Manitoba, Was removed to Maple Creek, Asstsabeie, whore b. will start • newspaper of which 0. will b. the sole proprietor. Broesd. r Mrs. Clyde C. Phillip* and eon Leland, of Ulsy Cwt., Kanas, .re visitors a► John\TN'.. Q.... street Mr., Pnllbw It • olee,Mire. Tait pod a d.o,ht.r of Ur. Johoeter, formerly • well known ten. d.nt of Brn Is. Morris: Fhj.h Pease and Mies L rz. Young, 6th Dos, were married on Wedneg day. 5th tet , by 11... J J. Beetle, of Bel g rey.. Owing to the storm &od bed reeds Mi. Hassle had to Iso•, his brrse ata farm plans med walk. Seafortb : Wm. Patterson had tb• miefor. Cane the other d.y to have Soother finger shoed by • saw In the furniture fsotory. Dile i. the Demand .00ld.ot of • similar nature that Mr. Patterson bar met with within • few week,. Braeesl.: Go Monday of last week, Frei, .!deet .on of Cherie' Motility, died from diphtheria, after a short illness. Fred was • bright bey of twelve year. This le the only owe In town at pre..br and the house has been q load, Brng•sl.: The death of Wm. F., second e on of Wm. Bryan,. one sod • qu.rter miles north of Brussel., 0000rred o0 1 au. clay of last week, after • bred Sloe.. 01 pneumonia. was twenty one year. and four moethe old. Brussels: The millinery and mantle bed• paw of the late Mn I; Roger* has been rirohased by Mimes Mary Roche and Mabel Hayornft, youog ladies well Served to the millinery art and favorably known to the people of Brussel. and looallty Reamiller : A few days ago Moe Henry fisher had the misfortune to dip ontdoe the door, tailing upon her arm The malt wee a dl.lroatdon et the wrist and the breaking et ooe of the bones of the arm, wbiob will lay her tip tor some time Waltham : A very tote% but pretty wedding took place .t the reeldenee of Mr. sad Mn. Donald M. (lotdon at high even, or. Tuesday, February the ele•eoth, when their daughter ba became the bride of W. 1r1111vra, Reading, of El Poo, Tomas. Taokenmith : The many friends of Mr. o4 Mr*. Raoul Moir. of Iowa, will regret to lean the death o1 their fie year-old slighter„demi& The sed event took plus t the reeldenne of Mr.. B, 8m,111., on the ,nnd0o road, Tockersmtth, es the bee WM, Ai*ier3Emulsion . ■ OR WEAK LUNOS it benefits them almost immediately, the cause of the trouble being dispelled, the diseased membranes healed and the entire syatem invignrated and strengthened by the use of Angier's Pet trolcum Emulsion. Try it, and the chances arc that you will soon write us a letter thanking us for our timely advice and telling of the great benefit you have derived from its use. Bzrrrwe THAN COD LIVEN OIL :-1 Aarrghalf a know/idly of Assyiri r I',lrnliasn h'melrino for wormy ytarr, end hent brew *string It in my praeh'ri for ever lave years. (7f all !ht firnwhinn.r for throat ani len` lr,,whler it swrjaues them all. II is worth snort Mart a// end liver nil lirn0lrio,s 1h/, side of Jho Reeky rtlnww/aids for the l.wngr. 11'. 1'. FF,R(aUSO,V, rt 1. A., .Sa,la Awa. Calif. Y(11'R NAME AND AntP FOR on • portal curd will bring you • free eery et • vaMable te5.:.:t retitled, ".!het Year Threat ,n: I.,, .l it hitt hew to care for rhe Thrmttong., end Digestive Droneit erre gond whir, sato rNet end Hyden., elm R.,.rriwa, which she inewrwe.4 ANOIaa CNLMICAL COMPANY, ROSTON, MARS. Ulloten : W. O. Dohertydose Dsy Mdir, Algoma, for •MOM der. a,• ha retorts un W edees4.y of I.. .e. •sa+mp.med by Mr.. Debut), a.,ri alul I They will remein there for about 1 moatbe and teen rotors to Couto. W lode. Exeter • Mrs 1.u. Wegner, eh i hu t 6lit a two weeks' visit to her ••.'*r, ► Wm. Hale, left last wa.m for Memp Tson., where she will Jana her ,,,$s,4, pilon to their leay.ug for I'•, . u, M,'. , where Mr. Wages, a foreman la • *tare and hoop factory. Brouster: Madame Palmer, the palmistry *sport, left for kg -ostler gesture', •e her right to pronto, her art wn questioned by soon of our lows►peopIr. Br a hasty 6111 • number tf 0i:;zroe, hit lad oravd gentle! Ono, were taped obs Deere/ill of attead.pg noun ee wan Cr.ahrw k : Upon • reueut Aabbeth Rey, D. B. MoR•. wee unable to gee to his after noun •ppututmwt using to the badly drift ad road•. He may Wall De erouwd, bow• ever, as ibis is only the third fa lore le twenty-two peers, a go.,d record thee will be outdone by very few of the members. Svefnrth : Mus Beatrice Soot', daughter of James Some, pa...d tier sec.,od year's •l.mto.tton at the C ros.ryalory o1 Mu,io, Toronto, very •uooeulully, moodiog first ID the first mass bettor b.' Wu* R.y Dick coo, daughter of ri Mattoon, trod a oaptl of Mew McIau), pawed • very suoueutal exemtoatioo at the Gams lastnutlob. 1'ookaemltb : Coulee aoutledes, of Tuakar•mttb, reoe.•ed • ler•• 1ro•n bis son, Jobe, who 1. in Iodan Heed, Northwest Territory, a yo,( that be bed met with ea •ooldeot, berme bad the bone of h e right hood broken by • wheel pumas( ever It, Dat •1 the tone the loiter was written he was gett.ng bora, and hoped to be ell rlgnt 0000. Jessie had rootreoted a cold, but Dothing venous was thought of It uagl the olght preen.. to bar death, whoa It developed Into me,mmatt.,. of the lsryo.. Seafortb : The many fused. of the MILAN Moore, daoghter. of William edoore, for malty Years librarian of the Meohantoe' lo. stilton In tete town, Mit now of W,a,ham, will be glut to beer of tn. gold leek watch bait wan their way. The followlo, ps,a- graub from The '.V .gh.m A tvse.* fully v.. pla'oe ft: " Ins M,sse. M .ore, 410.0 •aeoh.ru, .1 town, tiers received no, ic. trout F;uoleal that then, le a y.lu•hie estate to their orodit there. Legal stew have bean taken for the vele of the property, whine :s •.land at nearly stty thousand dollars. from I MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. TeoeaoAT, Feb. 20, 1902. 45 •4.• bruertAblirli18 .RIC HT'S •n- l'urooil mar F.,u(Yert 6 h. Men.hrr. •l. hies present Waiver of eu•rio4• tsss•t.4g read re• end adopted. Cheque. were liaised for the fu,loweng am'Wn.a : 1/40.lu.p41 33.,.,,4, ler nmood supplier. n I elp,0.0 nu Iwo p...el• WOO lar. 14.60 ; ft eat ..1 $10 1•.r Dyne 40.0, PYbt•. his, L r-.. p; t' t• t•k uutl.au, rep iineg bill. A R. 3 504 4, $2 ; Joke Boyle, our plonk. 1.56 '10. auduure p.r•aoted .1.0 r upper! .•1 . oelpte and elpeodttmei for .b. y a 1901. whits .buts • bateau* of $982 64. Oe mo::oo of Idalotyre acd Barkley, to. report inn adopted ea presented. Moved by Hooter and S:others, that ash °own:a loe he *Bowe! to •lpeod not motet than two hundred dollars In road leprous• Went In their ssyer.l dlylaruny. Council adjourned to meet *gam oo :he 62udd.y of Moron. 1Vc STorti IAD. • Cfe,k 1.01 10 514 1. Wmoham; George Stewart, of M.lits, Men , is visiting in town. He le to the tailoring business to that town, baying I d 04 trade with A W Webster, of Wi»gbam. 11 U thirteen ye.r. stood be loft her., and be has many surprise, to mart. Mr. Mewart 101,0, Manitoba is all right. 1% hen he settled ,n Mehta ten years ego, land was .ell og al $3 per acre, now It is twenty. Another W'togb.n, tis, J J Anderson, who formerly owned the sawmill of McLean & Son, is R.... of Mehra M. Aadereeo hes dope well to th. West also Nr. Aodersoo propneed at the committee to tu,ld farmer,' e'eraron et the important porno to the mauortah'y, and oil We plat- form was elected. Mr. And le well worthy the hams " Long John," by which he was known here, both le pby.wal 1.41 mental vepacity. Heotall : On 13'«tee.de, mernies, 12 h I0.t, s young moa named Slablo Swat'z was found dead in the engine room of ('ook Krim'. large grie• mill, barging Im soros m.o. per roams In 00.taot with the machinery and MA his neck broken. It is not known bow the r.0. tient heppen.d,as yo005 Swartz war .lona in the engine room when the trefody o corral, and tet• employees to the upper part of the m,01 did not know of et will the speed of the machinery sl.okened, and o0 investigating found rhe young man, no above slated. Saar.z war brought op 1. Stephen township near Cr.dtton, both his permits beteg dead. He has a brother hying near W.11.le t y 1 1.stated the noir • day or so before one of his (.11nw.workmen can Cloned Swart about welkin, through olr tele parte of the room, rrmarkta/ that be avoid M killed therm gime day. when Swartz replied, " Welt, I war boyo to b- k.11el anyway," sod It le thougbt that be met 616 death at this spot. LADIES SHOULD KNOW There le a Remedy tat will sere all fe- male troubles -4 W.oe,reck Experience, Woodstock, Ont , Feb 17t11,-(Sp.ci.l -A remarkable ease neppooed bare recently mad has rimmed not •'tile wonderment Mrs. Wm Rowe, of 311 Wade. street, had been • sufferer Irons Ismaili weakness of the moot stubborn type for over twely. years. Everything that teemed at all likely to help her had been tried, hot ,he got no better. Fiomlly she began to read of ladles who heti tem pored of female trouble by Dodd'■ Kidney Pills. rift. Imps : '"rhe dooton told me I could newer b. ogred. I hod soff.red for Iwelys years and had tried everything with no good result. At last I read of Dodd'. Kidney Pills and began • tree bm.ot. They completely oared me. 1 owe my life anti health to Dodd'. Kidney Pills and to nothing elm." FARMERS' INSTITUTE. The Morro leterfrree with the Program of eepPlemeatary McMinn% Owing to th. storm the supplementer./ meetings of the West Heron Farmers' In statute some tnnrly attended, end the Fort Alhsrt meeting was oaneelled. At Auburn on the 5'h meeting. were held In the Temper.00e Hall, &Isernnon and eys°lop, with Vloe President R M. You.g in the. obeli. Addressee were delivered by F. J. lileightholm, on "A Year's Record of a Comma Cow,' and C. W. Nab, oil "Eos• mise of Wheat and 1'e. Crop " Mr. Sleaghtbolm showed that by kindly treat aunt and proper management this common now goys • net return of $47. lo beating o1 the enemies of the wheat orop Mr. Nash gave the life history of the Haman fly .nt the way ro obeok Ir. ravages He reoom mended sowing trap stripe of wheat in or near mein atop, whloh should he ploughed under shoot 20th el September. No wheat should he Down before the date, os after ((15 no flea are on the wing Pea we,rlls should he treated by threshing p_as and grinding Immediately titer hereon. The pees remslniog for seed and other porposes should he treated by planing to • nlare .3 or. of oarhna 0tsolphtde to every 15 toniode en th, peas, whtoh should he in •trtlane bob or hie. This channel will prove fatal to •11 hogs in the pea. Mr. Nash also gay. a recipe for killing lips nn all Kinds of stock. which e,edsted of 4 or.. pyretbeum and 1 lb phenyl•, pewter, thoroughly mired and flowed oyer the stook. This mutant also ante as a deterrent ac' the horn ey At the eyenlnv mooing addresses were delivered by the 'erne •ee'I.men, inter • opened with muslo and phouogrephi0 ..leo- liou•. At Boamulrr • very •ooneefol mating was held, though the attendance was • .l(. ler, $leightholm addressed the m..1.+ng on "Sommer Fading of II loh ('rows." H• &demisted either the an of en dl.,. nt green f.44ers daring the summer months to supple reset 95*t.,.. At the erasing tnseting Mr. Nash ere•• an yxre111st •.Idr.es on " tier F. i.nd., t h. Bird.," He de.orlb.d • few of the moot common 'peones and ,l..10 enm• plana ler to orwutrg their eerrl:e:• Heal.. dr. •shed Mme rpwoks of ben5eoi.l ir..e0r11, ted rfn»4 erii a ri'rieg appeal for the yang m.n to .t.y on t he tum M. Stelehth, la, Pro • very Inrmotive owl •nter'sut,ng nn " D.IRcol'los of Pam Boner Making end How to Diatoms Them." A gosmtiQe drawer Pas np,n.d an 1 g,.sttons en d•fi., rot M.erhp11 of farm work were *e.war,f by Mestere. Noah shad 3lergnthr tat, Mum war famished by .yard (lle4hdl on ha e1 esllen* gtlus. kese. UAYLriw, Feb 11'0. 1901 Tits council met to the tuwoohtp 0.G , oil the members pronto 1'b. 11130145 ill I0, le.t meeting were reed and argued by the Rwvo and clerk. A Oo4un300•11en front M. O. Je heaths, r* Dodd, way reed. Oa motion of Alas. Rolm/Loon and tt m. H.11 501411010/3 war 160.0la the a,attnr. as, 0.41(11.11sta 5.... b..o mad. to the oou,. 011 that public' 0141*000514 stat le tins town- ship and praying that theism, he removed; It war moved by R. Jewell and •.000d•d by Wm. Hill, that Alex Roherteuo and E. C. Aurill be a committee to get Irlormatioa regarding ' he alleged melons, owls power to sot Carr ed. The following a000uaw wentpsaeed. D• A t; Huot,r,5read.00e on 1:..0 Little, $200; 9 ar, octet tog. $14 00 ; Aadr.. B.00.u, breaking rots., $1.50 ; W N. Howell, 1hoY•hog snow, 60 ion e The auditors' report was reed. It wee mow. eel by Al.. Robert.00, emended by N m. Hill, that said report b- a copied and tee auditors moth rete,.. 83.00 for their ser 1.101 Carried. Tb. petition asking for change ID the b' unitary of school emotion No5, Colborne. war t.kss up After bearing the 1 perilous ooaceroed, It wag moved by Wm. 11111, seconded by Alex Robertson, tb.r no action be token. Moved in am•ad meat by E. C Attrtll, •eooaded by Wm, Jewei ,that lot 16, L. R. W. be oe an d l,om S Sec, No, 5, C alums, to N„ 11 U. S S.o. A.btisld Tie Reeve vot.d rt h the mo1Iun, whish was carried Ir wee moved by R J.well, seconded by E '(, Ail. rill, teat a byline be Dessed to •ppo:01 alt inepeolor to o.rry out the prov.uoo• of tee Iew In regard 10 the 0Dttleg of nouns. 4.0.45 through the township, s000rdteg to env uta. (,cried. It watt moved by Won Hill, seconded by E C Attrtll, tbet bylaw No 9 be amended by inserting the word. "sheep and lambs" alter the ward "ram" Cart"' Tia clerk was .o.rructed ro sant. some of the d•Sereot careerism for prime of °memeate! tree, for 'he c.metery, Th. regular number of pathm..ters, Pound -hoop e re and trenoe.ytewers were •ppototed .n w,11 be notified The council th.,,.tijou't .d to mar &gate oo the 17 b day of March . ' 2 •,'lois k r r W. McDoaana, Cietk. safest nesegme leseart la Alamos. The ' Wahl.ade o1 Ooe.rlo," ('.Bade, are nr,ard•red the most ohermiag plass to. Bummer ro0ruta oo On continent A tbou•aod feet oboe. eea level, purest of err no 11 es or muegoitnes, picturesque tor 'uundings, new modern hotel', good rail and steamboat servile, p.Nsor Immunity Iron bay fsyer assured. Health ah' pleasure to .11 who go there. Full later o netime and ben biome descriptive literature, gtvu,g tut of h"tel•, rete, Bad all oartt. u. !ere, met. be h.,, free oo •oD(.c%too 40 M. C O.okron, Patwnger Agent, Union Sta. Doe, Toroo'o •0050►e tet. Beet$y Lies. Serol., February 8. -Toa Important an 0nunoeme0t ie maple Demi 001 pally tut the Nor r the oNtru ave a or. Coel li + 1 s l.n g 'end has ..guile I •11 the cook of the Nnrrn taut I'm0sportataoo Co , more popularly know,. es the Sable. or Booty line of steamers, w hich run lrnm the port to Stott Stet Marie end L.k• Saper,or ports. About • veer apo the Colhovweed Company secure. a controlling int.rast ID the tto::k, and en Imrtsf4otory wee fpr b*sioew list year that the oomya,,y lost no tore In 4 qu ring the test of the stock I he lines ilio. amalgam w,ll 10 all proh.bthty be uod-r nee maoag0meot, %bough ibis point will or 1 In de5eltriy decided upon for • few day. Naw aeergy will be pot !oto the ..rete11 tr.•m tete port by the addition of the magna flout steamer Hornet°, now approaching completion at Collingswood fansdtaa ('.111, Is Aberdee..hlro. The removal of the Brash embargo on Canadian cattle Is evidently owl a lira gasmen ID Scotland, as shown by the fol. lowing item from • recent two. of To. North British Aert.ulrur'et, a pew that has •troovly oppoeed the free .dmteslou of Caned tan •'stores." " A rather curious debate for a literary sootety, ' Should the restrictions on Cana- dian o.ttle be removed?' wee held to the pobl.o bell, New Deer, under the wepiovs the !noel literary sooaty. The lora' paper■ •tato that Mere was a Carpo at Lead. &Doe, sed coo.der.bl• 'n greet was 1.0., m the debate Mr Milne, oo&obnui:d.r, supported the negative, sort Mr. On4et5.,, of Main. of Fsdde••te, the afrminye M• Mike meds an able speech to favor of h,. . ode, pointing out the injury th.o would be done to .m.Il tarmers and °miters who de. pend manly 013 their stock for • 00105, were C.o•di&oe admitted ; bot Mr. 0.4.. men, who argued mainly oo free trade theorlee, was ono r0o many for him and in the sad parried the •ffirmettee by a non eider&b1e m.jnnty. The greet D-.ji,rity of 16cey present were not le.rmer..t .11, bot the tuts shows bow opinion may go even ID this large oattlrbrsdleg 00000,y." smartie Morse. the Meet, Montreal, Fen. 9. -Col Dent, poral army remount afloat.. who &my here on SSturd•y, tutted the the hor..s which had been porohesed 10 Canals for Ibis u.. of the B"ti*h loran in South ALrtoe answered best of any the purposes of the mounted infantry The flower of these, Colonel Dent maid, had Dome from Ontario ; the greater part of hose that had Mei teat OW had been pot Mimed In that provtnae. is ha 1 neem sug- gested tint he had not been finite lair to Queheo in this matter, hot the toot was the Qu• beo borne were lees •oirabie, The Fronob Canadian gave lees intention to she breeding of the right kind of hone titan the Ontario farmer. Colonel Dent has not received any orders to disoontIn,e ogling In (:.nada, anti the prob*bdlty le that rater the war le ov,r Ganda will still oontioas to be • mark. ► for Imperial remounts. l'olnewl Dont de Miami to disease the remount warid.le now before the fleapits Parlament, hot moon tallied that the piens h. had pad for hove*. In Conde, sod which wnwld to round diem. •ver.gw 8143 10 8150 • hood, not he sot menet .o any other quarter of the slot,. IT COST MOUSY. Yapy it man has spent all his earnings in trying to get rid of rheumatism. It coat Kr. James Da vison, f)cnnto, Ont„ between $1,000 and $2.000 before he tried Dr. Hall'. Rheumatic Cure. He was a help- less invalid for .is years hut ,uf fared from sciatica In his Lip joint for tan years. Six bottles cured him o0vgletely and he is now working his Arm. Thi, great blood puri- fier le pot up in ',cutisin containing tan days' trenttnent, Prints B0 cent, at all drug stores or M. Dr. Hall Mailidas Co•, Himastoa, Oat, DISEASE V the deadliest and mast painful malady to which monk indissubject . Dodd'. Kidney Pelle will cure soy use of Bright's Disease. They have never failed (a one singlet case. They ars the only remedy that ever has cured It, and they au* the only remedy that oats There aro inutatioe. of Dodd's Kidney Pi11.-•PW, boa and name -but I.da- tion• are dangerous. The original and uuly Fascias cure for Bright's Disease he ODD'S KiDNEY PI LLS Dodd'. If 1dney Pill• are II fifty cents a box at an druggists. -Head Colds mean " seeding " time for catarrh germs -that dis- gusting plague which taints nine -tenths of the human race -and when yon expe- rience the first 'sniffle," feel the faintest dullness in your head, or have watery eyes, resort to Uwanta GRIPPE Capsule They act like a charm in clearing the head, relieve headaches, reduce inflamtna tion, heal irritations; head colds succumb to the treat- ment surely and quickly. Vo., druggist should hays 11. 11 he hasn't, order direct enclose roc. to VWAPNTA M'1'•G CO.. Ltd.. Ottawa. Oat. SA YEARS' EXPERIENCE PATENTS TRADEA MARKS D[slnna COPYRIGHTS &0. Anyone sending . .tetoh end dr.ernpt Inn w.p 4.1011y 0S,Yr1e111 nor 0101410. free whether, as 10re0111..0 40 prob.blypatentable. fnmmu0lr&- tlnne *Melly eonenen(l•i. I l.ndb..k on Patent. sant free. ()Meet &aggene? 10, •000r,,,, pete,•te, t'et.nu t.0en through Munn a (u. rendre .►.rkd none*, wit heat charge, In the Scientific American. A handen,ney Illnefr&0 4 weekly. f.trgest cfr• laden .d any eetenttDr )0nrna1 wms,o.a aiMv NNr&Cth,, 5,04yallNnMerko341Breedwa .ew Bra°oh Oece, ill t Bt. W*Mingtoo, 0. A Great Snap le our Glover Soap, at 5o. a pound, of which ere Bali • barrel a week This isn't our only snap, ea we carry everything that nae be found ,n etc up to -date grocery store, and our pious are right. The termer* know that they ono &!ways get from 0, a seep for their produce. W* draw the hoe at Do logltimare trade - everything gee fa,■ew5re or potato!,, warden muff or uhmort table Cbina. We deal in all of ' hem. T. G. TIPLING & CO., Raiford hlook. 0 -starch i BROPBEY & SON - SDI L.ADIKO - F WnerD.retc'totriz'tart(a Yirittoe.krnera . Order. carefully arteeded le al all bars. auxin ar def, ember Mreer, 1 Before Buying I see our fine of HEATERS and RANGES.... We will save you money and give you the choice of the best lines on t h c Canadian market. Every Stove Idly Cn•rant.evl . LEE to SHEPaARD, R. StB. oreSm.I Bloith Mc K I M'SJordan ck. CELEBRATION SALE. WE are so pleased with the result of our Third Year's Business that we feel like celebrating. We want you to join us. What better way to celebrate than by a FEAST ? A Carnival of Bargain Prices. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 218T, the tables will be ready, and the Feast will last till Sall:RIMY, MARCH THEIST, or while any goods remain. CARNIVAL PRICES ON Dress Goods, Clothing, Flannelette, Overcoats, Cottons and Prints, Suits and Pants, Table Linens, Overalls, Embroideries, Laces, etc. About 1000 Remnant. of .11 blade iv riser out *ad at pekes you will be pleased Whet the sod of our third year In Ooderlub, which war better lifts,, any pr*oedtag year. better then we expected, and we toil l.k• treating you to more than an ordto•ry every• 7 CELEBRATION SALE, Friday, Feb Slst. to - Saturday, March tet. tnellu.lre YOU ARE WELCOME. M°KIM'S BUSY STORE. Coal! Coal! Clothing • •lust Rice, veil 80 Tons Massillon Lump Coal, rhe beet Soft Coal In the market for lomeetio ourpcaoe, •leo several oar. of Scranton Nard Coal NOW ARRIVING LT, GOAL WEIGHED ON THE MARKET SOALES Soarolty of oars 1. likely to rause a oo*l famine during the next two 000nrbte, would heretore advise purchase of your ('.sol ouw. Wm. Campbell. lioderloh, Nov. 13 h 1901. "Contentment cannot be too dearly purchased." Footcomforta n d ohape. rctcntion,are never dear, at the expense of mere fleeting finish. Contentment to those who wear only that foot- w.ar which is priced and f pledged by the Makcrs- ` kers-'The Slater Shoe" 400dyeir wiled.. Ma. Siarala, Jr. - Sok Local Aaeat. 1 have put into stock a line of Ready orale Clothing of ant class manufacture, and at prices to quit the times. Ordered'Olothina 1. still my specie ty A good range of Inthe to select from ; and workmanship the best to be had. If lou need an overcoat:this fall call and nee me. A number of lengths of poop g.xoln W be cleared out at wet. H. DIINLOp, West Street Ik[Ulep 1stu Fire iasaraaco G. FARM AND IOOLATID TOWN PROP- 1tRTY INSU&3D. Value of Property leisured up to Jenaary, 1901 1113,10114.175.41111 pr/ICDxs AND DIR Tnita. J. R. Mole.., Pres T. P••••• vlo•-••••. ; Jas l:0000a7. do. Dale W. O. 8r0•droct, J. Wet, Jae, Evans, J. ti, Or ere, J. He.aew.te, dirt clots; W 1 Btu. loo .1, .404(0 .114. laepeo- tor of homes ; T. It. Hata, deafurth, wera4ry• treasurer. aa5514, J. W, Yeo, Holtneeville; Jamas Cumming almond vole ; R. Mv'Jl.tl.n, Seefortn ; R Smith, Harlook Policy-Irotd•n sae pal eaertwmw4 and gem their oards receloted at Mr. Coati Clinton ac' at Mclean Bros' Palace Clothing More. God. rich HELLO THE 'OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF . COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THIt HEST Scrafltoa Hard Coal IN THE MARKI'r All where you get !t)pui tis, weighed for a• ton. the 6oa1a WMe LEE. Orden left at L,aI$ gERpg_1, Sten promptly attended tis. Fire Sale.. . � 1; It'tunnies! has grown to such dimensions that we have decided to move to larger premises, and will in consequence offer our whole stook of Pianos, Organs, Violins, Guitars, Music, Sewing machines, &c. And all ether M$sil.al iastrastate, at Genuine Bargain Prices until the 15th Feb., 1902. Remember, this is a (leonine Bargain Sale, shed the chance is one you may never meet again. f SKATER SHARPENED IN LATEST APPROVED STYLB CEO. W. THOMSON & S Music and Bicycle Dealers, - GODIRIOE WANT A SPEPLADDEII? We give one away with each pound of Pure ('ream Baking Powder pureF,ened from us. 50c a Ib. The step -ladder alone worth the price. Try a pacltage of our Hop Tea -not a medicine, but a care- fully selected Indian and Ceylon Tea blended in a .scientific manner with .specially prepared Hops. Delicious and healthful. Now is the time to buy your Garden Seeds. We have a full acs, rtment. Telephone No 91 STrvRWY dt CO THE (lli()CM▪ INN. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR LLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RE rOVITft A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Qoderich, Ont•