HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1902-2-20, Page 4t4 Tg1UMMA; Yob. 20, 1902. THE SIGNAL : GODER!CU ONTARIO We will not keep them I ASH Fa uOY, Feb. 14;► ' wttrmtttmmmtttttlimimrrttttrtrtttm We mean Our OVERCOATS, Including two FUR OVERCOATS.) IF you want bargains, and big .bargains at that, we have got them for you. Room must be made for the best stock of Ready -to -put-on Clothing that ever put in an appear- ance in Goderich. They are made to our special order from fine Scotch and English Worstt_.ls. We will tell you how they are made later on -in the meantime IBARGAINS in CLOTHING is our song. Every Overcoat must go. Our prices will move thele. Come early, before your size is gone. AMERICAN HATS. Stiff j� p .me.i,tiog of t.Mrem _Mt11t New York Styles in Soft and unjtil. q hs arst shipment of New Spring Hats have arrived W. Ce PRIDHAM ,afseb flitting Clotbiog House, McLean • UI.. k CIA/TRIER AND FURNISHER • The ,Wilgnat, •filen frees Aieoci►u,.d, which requested tM tovouvatluo and gathered the evidence presented to the oommlun-n e Tilt TkoliIIlITI1 ' BILL. la Irosuenm Montreal N Itnew : Mr. Ross, the Pro HTBRY THURSDAY MORNING mier of Oata•lo, hes, with great astuteness, VVfieli.SIL1JCI ? managed agreeably 1) surprise h•a fellow -sem- _ -- prohlbitlonisa Had he without previous 00')ERICH, T'hUREDAY. FEB.* NIL d,semigloo Interposed • refereea•tm In platy of direct legislation which his Government POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS. !foiled Har U ver Mowat'• bad promised If found within the powers of the legislature. ;the wrath ot the pruhih hooter• would bat• been great sit 1 they would have been bold Ing mesuogs, as in Manitoba, to repudiate it altogether. He sr msneged, however, that up till yesterday, the Proviooe not on.7 e rpeoted • referendum, but .heavily loaded ser. As we said, we refusel to believe l0 • loaded referendum until Mr. Roes eotuslly announced it, but it is certain that the pro• hibltloDi.tu had given up hope of an equal tight. They had g fly settled down to the belief that the t;overament was going to dowsed the support of rlxty percental the vote out. thus that was not the worst o1 It. Such • Ioa,itog of the scales would to dloaie • m•Ievo4ut feelicg oo the part of Goveroment toward. the measure aod they would have looked to see the whole mob leery of the Liberal petty •ottvel, imitated aeeioe•. Its eodortemeot by the people. There te now to reason for *nob di.rouran- ios augur's. The(,ocerument has provided against the matter teeng mined by •o irre- e poosible fraction of the people by r(qulrteg that as matey totes •hoold ho cast for probl• bitten as would be . majority o! the motes cast et the apornaeblog provioolal elections. and it may prove very difficult to get that number of rotes nut against the pressure that will be brought to bear to eat the people against 'Mame. A. for the reooeree to the referendum •t ell we cancot see bat that it involve a breach of promise on the part if the Government which promised r.rr• • referendum but • Igo. But gnveromente summed) to "force maj.0re ' We have re• psatodly said that we th, ught the referee dem in Itself desirable What the conn,ry want. *Coot so mach a prohibition low as e prohibition people There is oo edao•tive machinery irk. a pieb•emte or referendum. if there is .my quotation In the minds of any whether the people will gave • favor." le reply. that is .o far a rodioatbo of Its sub - minden to th.nt 11 the people do not want it, then on the pnootple of •.If government they should not hese It. Tne temper•ooe forme are now on their mettle. VIIMM [►e wosel meeting of the youth Huros Liber.! Aaaeet°tioa wUl be bold at HeoedH me Mama 4no. laslg F. H.yd. K C., of Toronto. hes lass geminated by the Liberals of Eget! ✓ bterta as their o.odtdae for the Legsls. Use. Hr. Floyd did good work tor the, 1llberale to the resist Lye.eleattoo in 'Sest Saxon. sod his speech •1 the nomination ttfsettay will long b, remembered. Rm. J. T. Barrow has • bill before the Legislature providing that the number of expert witnesses to ha called to any one / vU •.l1 *hail be Trotted to three on obeli std.. ex asp* by ie.•,of thepresidlog padre. 1. bill, white has resolved general °pprry at will .Erol • great. Davits of uoneccr•sary Asd rez•eloas *rpm's Premier Ross •enouaced to • depo'ettor Irl week that it the Government was tea terms./ %bey weal' be aspected to intrados* i si-eodmsnt oruyldmg that county asks- des.ball bo composed of the Rete. from ell Ohs ■aabipalitl11, on some pias provld. lids that the members' rot ng powers shell So apportioned to some way on the seems w1 nosy rep:moot. Mr. Faitulb, M P. 1' who was prelim:, pi posed that the law be wide optional. Prewar Row last wesk totroduoed in the Idtglslalae Lis prohibition ball. It is the M•mdwba riot, with plovleion for a rsfereo dem w be held en the 14 h of October next. 11 l required that the mites rust for prohl Melee small equal a majority of the number of vow willed at the lot tog Provincial armies' el.ctfene Should the referendum carry the sot will go Into effect en May 1st, 1904. 11* question of oompeneation I. not Cosi. with lo Ste b.h. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING 001.7 001 OUT 01 011. Liogetoo Whig : %'.'.,t F.Igto 1. quoted by every Tery touter as the field or stamp - fay 'renal of very had mea. Mr. Lee, in 05. legislature, has ooloted out that of .Ix reprewnt•ttves wbo hare been un...tei Io the Mooney, only one has been • Libor or Not IAA,O r•NTOI.ON'e DnraLI. Bromide Poet . '1u hear County Councillor ueotelen"e spesobes at ire county 0000011 and then read The Clinton News Reon•d t41Nr ate and nonoil hints so outsider would almost tbiok that the county coon Miler and the editor war° one and the game Mdlrldual. There is a bias given to thou nywete not always so notice►bl. wilco Cho- ses .hares to the count. NOTHln0 PITT A HIM0ANT. Owen Sound Advertiser . And now, the Llbvei Government h.•Ing orantically • asjedty to the Renate. the last hope of the "Itaw• Tories hes taken Imre to itself and ehoppesred In the woods. It hilly Iten- sele'' cheek wen to suddenly tell him, sod tea Blaney were to lore his trusty .wrap. k, there would . v�rtaslly r.thir.g .1: e1 a owe great 'Tory perry but • slight Aly• •th. valley etnell. w T Ie 00111 01 runl11111TIONInt+. '1-oront Nur : 'There le so muoh mis I repro:mote 'on .bout It 'hut reeler. of Moe oswsper. ell be .wrprt.ed when obey discoverRacily what the Kon r.*.,. sedum asks th prohibitionist* to do. it will surprise the.. to lean that to brine ab.ot prohibition t will be neoeu.ry to poll In las favor o. from 37 to 40 per reset. of the qualified tyre of the Province. Merl, It was neoeo ry that Drnvidnn Weald be made against •rohihttlon befog brought in upon . cornea? owe handful of lokes. 1. this not admitted . If .o. should ees than 37 per coot. be such ant to pees pr•hihltloo! hV• are oonliden that the Prerinea as • whale will say bat Mr. Roo' prspnsltlon goo ■■ far as le sale in the Intermit sl t.mn.renoe. If prob Rion 1.M Oen poll 37 to 40 per cent of the r •all- ned voters eke law will he thereby p if they oaneot do en the law should not passed. 1'rohlbltltiiLte Olin lay thee til loads 'lis referendum akoowtede° by their *template' bit the Province I. not reedy 1.1 prohthlttot. (11750 Tilt u11YIRNMINT . 11111T. Stratford Herold : W• 'Ivo th. Dominion `eniinment credit for It. action in reducing Ms esty nes sews pr at paper from 25 to 15 ✓ e snot , 1n 0ese.140ence of the iuvsetir•• dies of Jasllos Tasohsu.u, who properly Owsloded that • undoes (silted. The s deelton of duty applies 1• Dose print Eg not over 2} sena per pound. This fletien should hayo been pot 0p to at li3 ate to to make the ...Amnon opera• tlfts A a wider range Mrs.'s. Hut the r,- asrino made, .•e0 It gingerly In this sedpset will still be et us. in cheating the ,iissewma of the potable.. It i. a r.flectloh n (ktsadten eoteeprbe that cur paper saline• .booed have hoiden b•h!od a wall of 111 per met. sad held up Canadian moue to lsiweea1r,_tmit �est�s�. esti of Meir power. lust.sd of going ws`wowerww•yInto the extort traits •n1 the s of Canada's rear urtwo for paper Pulp has been gstee out of •ate y✓t Ruel.Ulas to 00 used by EN.lei ,h. UNi.A Staten, hngland and where endue wsr• generally lower /w flawerto, the home of r he pulp siggrafilp TUI' pulp ,h•wid Le mad* mte Weems 'mule 1n Contd.. Wish She • aerestag• of e,nt g01ty toaopply, pope Miro• webs to be .tile to hell woo enrk•t at fair prim.. tel p.p.r M Pelode •1111 -folly the world'. mar • low kis r.deetian to duty will of putting ('l aJian enter• PIM es Its nate Ie. TAM Is the es A aro swore of 111 whit, 11.. Os 1110 reOssod 11• defy ander as -Argy "an of 1M tar.f► Tho sellas Is • father is tis asp of the C.. '''t",'"• ..,,rye, " "w ' tit•• . "lt;'t AUBURN. A Wgnn1,G.-On Wednesday evening, Febra*ry 5 to, Mies Anile Ferguson, dim/liter of John Ferguson, o1 this village, was aoit•d in wedlock to Henry Snyder, a prnepe,001 yosng farmer of Colborne town Mop. The ceremony took p'aoe at the residence of rte bride'. paren'e to the wet roes 0f • largo rumher of gout., the.optlel kora hang tied by Rev. ,Sohn Kennedy. Mtn elan:he Fergmnn. Is. young slaver et the bride, made • pretty maid of honor. Mr. and Mn Soyder will cermmr20e their wedded life on • !arm Deer NII;. LEtBURN• Mo'naY, Feb 11. Jseeph Raeobler has rented his farm and In'eode to lire In Gndench in future. Miss Mary Herein., of fort Huron, is ie'lug her gr,,l (father, Hugh Chb'rolm. .L,set.h y1.srNevio, a nor oma popular resident •moOgst u., is again to oor after • re.i fence of some time to the Cir. cola Town, where hs ;111 le*rood the trade of baking, end if ha dies n t1 sh-.rtly 70 10 Mastro,, a large number of the kind- hearted poetised' f ere and in Dunlop, in order to owe their wive• and daughter' trouble, wall endeavor to gat up • joint stook company for • bakery and get Joseph (o run It. FARIWILL TO Mt AND Mae MAC file - A large number rf the hired* of D1 Msil'eea and big family assembled at hr. house in A•hfleld iso the 7 b tort. for 11 0 purpose of .xteodlog to b m and lite famalv • friendly "good of!" ere the,' depart we Irom Aenfield. Regardless of the ..verity of the weather nod tee uotayorsble state 0t the roads on the •bore date, th. Ir.en 1. wended their eay to the rw,arnee e, 11 m Who was •bout to 1001010 11001 said town 1.t, p. this olearIy evtou.ug that leer .b.t.olr. f Indeed tie capsule of erotism or dlmtutebtor Ilthe fnetilobtp til the warm beamed 91.1.1- of Ashtleld l'0der mor. Iwureble cin elm O 1.005 the meeuog wou'd h•71 be.s larvae, but those composing It were a good type u1 1 the absentees, whoa* simnel* ow duo to ILe ,dIli:tally of *reveille, oo that particular sight. Haring skentsome time in !timidly oouysrea'ton on dive's 'objects, luooheou was wormed, alter the dtspoul of eh . b !Merges Daltos was;Aosta obaumaa oo the Ocosswo, and bis it Ihoiency .e such adr'o1 muoh to the eojoymeut of the meeuog. '1'.r r c6ai•ur.0 called upon J. J. l;r:ID.t to teal M* following adds•., which *peeks turn .1f This task M . Gr rho executed wh ' is sk.11 and etlio ahoy and at the clots of the i reading of the address two yeivable easy et airs were preeeutrd to the boat and homers : ('11114* WLD,IN,i -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thomson recently entertained • par T of rel.tivee and friend. in honor of th. happy event of Iwent7 years ago, at 11air how* herr. We moght nolo that they were mar ✓ od by the R.v, J A. Turnbull, of Toroa• to, then coadjutor pastor with the Rev. 1)r. Ute, of Goderioh. Thi. was the second mermen* that the Rev. geolbmao had, u he ban at that time only been lately on dittoed to hie charge to Goderlub. BLUEVALI R'►n�ran*T. -Web. nae 111.0, February 7, 1902. To Mr. and Mrs. Meol'hes W• unfurl we ate not • little Impreseel by the mousy memories celled forth ty the occasion whiob bee brought us toge'ber this •tootog Rev or loomed of your intended departure from ibis towoe119 to mak • (Jofertch your future Lome, we .ill upt0 you lite evealeg 1) say to behalf of your maty fro rids here 'bat we all deeply rogrot ane les* we are about to'motel° in )nor d• partare from amongst u' For many years past we hove looked upon you as • wise leader In oor midat. Many of u' and our oblldren as deeply Indebted to you for the wove interest you have always taken in the cause of education, not only to tbt• but to ether localities where you hey* mums 'fully taught In our puolio schools an I colleges In Ostarto. We are aIm well aware that your usefulness bis not been ouofi,ed to the school room alone ; you hero been avidly instrumental to lb. formation of literary socistle, which hays beau produot'ye of luting boostls to au. la all our delihera• Moos fcr the public good you w.r• our ack- nowledged leader and we were always proud of the manger in whiob you acgmtted your- self. We glen 11111,. to show our •ppreaa- 'ion of the many good ggall116e of Mrs M•cPhes who like yooreslf was alwa,. foremost is every undertaking for the pub• Ito welfare. In oo001u1100 we ask you and Mrs. Mullis* to'ooepe *hese easy chairs as a .mail IMk.0 of our gored wishes, and we . tao.rely hope 'bet you may live to tojov Chem for many Tura. Signed on behalf of your many friends, P. twig J. E. Srudy AN • Wo. MI liIwWABY T. U. Co'NOR W. RltstLI J. J. Guerin M. BUWLIO J. Loin P..1. At"wriv M. DALT,tN J. FLYNN J ``TILLS i T. MCCAOTH! WM LA:.it'N. The first part of Mr. MacPbae's reply to this friendly address was rather of a path•• fro oharwter, expressive of ho regret on parting from thou good friends and neigh bon among whom be had lived e2 long upon such amtoable term', sed from whom, In oomrno0 with his faintly, he had .iwsye received the kindest of treatmro'. 111e emDarr•umeot and 1o1a for words to fel y express lila grutltod* to his friends for their kindne., not only oo the present eooaafun, bur no every 000as.00, were Illear•tel h)' anecdote. His only ezoeptlen to the address and preesoi•tien was the Lot that the former attributed to him unmerited credit an 1 th* latter bestowed on him • favor that was entirely undeserved. He promised, however, that this e•Id.nee evinoed of their good-heartedness and generosity would re mato green In their memory, that their friends to A•hS,li would not be forgotten wherever their Int was cast. This bit of oon■olatlon wag reserved for them, that 1.. their abode would still be to the 1100ty A Marty invitation was then .xtendei to the friend' to call o, them, let It be bog or short, when in Goderich Several other ge0!h men addressed the mestiog, manifest - big clearly the. 10.t• le no lark of pubis •pecker. to Anofl•ld. 'Ilia temaloder of the e vening was spent in song, gems11 and music Froaily the chairman lead in "For he's • jot y good te110W," ano all took their d•partore. " The d friends, elan, mast part 1" LIPS WONTH LIVING. Why not have the free use of your arms and legs. Drive out the rheu- matism and feel that hfe is worth living. Wm. Lae, gardener, No. 793 Princess street, Kingoton, Ont, oaf- fered for years with rheumatism in the shoulders and arms. Three bot- tles oStles of Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Care made a ow mon of him. This great blood purifier Se pat op in bottles oontaining ten days treatment, 50 center, at druggists or The Dr. Hall igedicine Co., Kingston, Ont. Mill Wood FOR SALE The slave is cut into stove wood IenAth and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orden received by telephone or left at residence, 128 Cambria street, will receive prompt attention: 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. Uutlerich, November 21st, 1899. 63.3m MI.. Bella Burgess was vintfog is Dorris. i . Hell. Morgue v . fed in (1,.,let 111► If Of .fan: and Cheater Pugh visited In Clio. ton 1.,c .. k. WIIL'am ford lent w John Spa Ale term las 0110511 k. nc. h.d t w k. visited friends In Clip a windmill mooted no Duff and Saw t shipped • earliest' o1 rollers on Wedow Mrs. Feinstnn and let Ella, of Brussels, slotted Mrs. Hines this eek. Misses Rdo• I'at.ren and Mshel Snell seer• visiting relative• 1• Wingh•m Iasi weak. Rey. Frank Rwae° walked his eh at Jnhn.'oo's and 0,henrs•T n ne to the had road. Minn M.hoI Mear.i.., Rdo• )onald I and Meter Merriest, of tlnl.wrrtb, sited their uncle, Ger res McDonald. this on ft,• Rlesyale Preehyterian nhn'r porpfne seeing a Mx 'metal In the Foreet.re' He on IPA tonging, of NS. Velenllmt's day, Feb. 14th. K.v, W..1 West here to alma np the et r. oleo 01 Kodle's chord.' Ia Tnenhnrry Ink Yten4•y 1011,1 In the h*4 rondl'ion of the 10.4*. (,tilt. a Leber from R'n.val• sod merrily .I ,s4.d the Ma.naio " sl home " at, Wingham en Friday night and report a very eel.yahle time. Prspriretnry s.rv.oes were held Is the I're.Lvter,en nhneeh 10.1 Fri :.t, w hen R... Mr. Stewart, of R.Imntw, prase',, 1. Ga Rnmlcv the •onr•menl n* obs lord's +nppme I wow dispensed. I t _ The Division between gem! and Indifferent Drugs and Medfels 15steamily defined here. '1 he Ind11. *went titled ar• ne.er ordered eni tamer permitted to form rent of oor stook. Only goods e* uedo0nted Hoy are offered to eoaiom„rs, Oe stook r l Propel tart' Medlolnes I• •.ry lkrg.. I'rloes aro Iew, E deo- ele▪ io Ow▪ - igger Brighter and etter than ever WE hay• jai'.finished painting our atoto with RAMSA'i S ItY.At)\ Ill .CK1/ PAIN 1', mid it isbc1Nioly a maned what • Ihick, riot, pure past it if. TLtrmi ts no paint o0 the market thist gives better.atlst•ctlon to the ur,r thio R•m.a)"., and It is made and (.UANANTLgh by potet maktre who hot* had 5.i1.s tiy. Nears' lsapert.0cs. What an Experienced Painter Says : The patuter wbo painted our store with R.msey'e Paint *rye that he no v., before u•ed .o pure and to h • oozed pilot .nd lL•t 111. 1N . 11100)'1 LLS' RL,',r1ollnh IT Tip TH1 YL'al.11' E- WE LEAD to all lines of Hardware, Paints, 0110 and Varnishes - ALLAN & McIVER dm- - '1'h.• LoOL,,,; ILu,L..,i• F,tni Nuu••al l;"..t• nt Huunst Price*. -+ 'Mow! 57. �11uU1111UI Ill Wut1111�111111111�1�1111111fi cC:lure°s ret, r, 4,4 is err fellows? Are reg maned a for a'.rirf • a'; P Its ter .ars gaytb le: shoat fbe:riot and qhs ! are b.'e i't abeat ihr (•renis s it which yeti live. diI their i'r WV Lr 14ef0.'r t {, f Da wT N jay wb.L;,ew,. asiadted :serif: rb.t 141' Is life t mer fare fir 6tsaty it amy ,/i:rAt t 1 Alto there ii +r Parlor; y:1 ,i (jt join dm army robe rtdd McClure's reaa/drty. New Rom ,A FEW EATt'RES FOR 1902 oiler tic Love Story by BOOTH T.IRKINGTON. anther of "'I Pr 'rotlnwdir fres Isdedrm " d ' Alanf,, or B,abrai, r," a tale of luve .eht d but triumphant, of gallant mcn and beautif.il women. it deals w life in Indiana at the nine of the Mexican A +r. Truc Story of the Standard Oil. K,• IDA M. T:iR- lP LL„ear'>r er " Lit? 1rp.lrtn," " (.r%r of rt.. A driro'tjc, Cumin story of theYlrst and still the greatest of di truoti-age do -e; ondmi:-trea-ise, best-2iv-exerting history. - _- ---------_ lir;.a st of the Ohl Mashers. Clara Morris's' Stage RlecNlec- l1v l;): 1.1 FARCE. Interest- lions. Stories of Salvini, Kern- -intend -In, • 1paperaon MkhcLn- harm, Mrs. Siddor,s and others. Athe of Millionaires. 11 the auth r of "Wall Stretetr.es." The Forat Mauer. serial Tale of the Michigan Woods. Josephine badge Dastaln More Uhi:d Stories. Emmy Lou Stories bv GEORGE MADDEN MARTIN, erdo, Raph., Reudxandt, etc. , their finest picwrc: •produced in tints. Mr. Dooley on itis Travels. His vic.t s .ipon the typical defy Yorker, Philadclphis't, Bos:onian, 'and in- haiti'an! of Chicago and W\Ishington. Wiiliani Allen White on Tillman, l', ;t, Clcteisnd otld'othen. 11/4mated !••spenel, drr•rrbiey in flat/ w.•^v '1411 Jove, ✓.r /- •e 1, ea, eJJ•• • S. McCLURE CO., 141-155 Eatt 25th Street, New York, N. Y ONE DOLLAR A YEAR But at any price THE „PEST j BDP11111e 1 ucLNNAr'SIyrORSELL'S-.w L1NII6NT For external 0.e only, 11 • 9.atli7• cure for Spinal Useaae, A p 1)'reue, 1. ft.01nstory Rh,uma•iem, Lune L'.ck, Lumbago, Pot. Throat, Weak sail Sore Immo, Rroues, Spr.vn., 8 iff Joints, Rtpture, and ,t'1 kin- dred douse,. It has also been fount a curs for Throe' AR,otioos ra horses. Ikon, genuine wrhoot having the trade mark on libels sed wrappers end E. A. McLaoNAN••. L nim. ot, Or aericb, lint., stamped on wax •nal on ewoh bottle. M.nnfortmed only by ECPfl MIA A. McLRNNA11.•o14pa:sotte sod propnstrar,Nswg.te et .(ioietieb,Oor, I CHEAP. ...,n1 THE PLACE TOGET ... STOVES, FURNACES, EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING and DAIRY TINWARE F. JORDAN MEDICAL HAI i 40,1114X-• I i "•iox:,eg.e• P3°J'. :i'? , 1 s>•IIIM& F. ii er did hoe when anywhere. stands to centre li !Ft advocate shopping away from you could do as well there as nut there are things which, it. on, one can buy better in a oroMto 14,-aad• ono Af these is FINE RELI* LE FURS, because to get the variety and ge e guaranteed- (1ua1= ity you must go t the larger market. We are exclusive fur ma ufacturers. Wo make everything we sell, and guarantee every- thing we make. We shall he pleased to welcome you to our showroOnls-the largest and best appointed in the Dominion -if you aro passing our way, but if that's not pos- sible we'll be pleased to serve you through our Mail Order Department and promise you absolute satisfaction. You can have a copy of our new 1901-2 Catalogue for the asking. We are making a special feature of warrn fur Jackets. RELIABLE F LADIRR' ASTRACHAN .JACKETS. -Our spectra. SW LADIES' ASTRACHAN. ((K)N AND WALLABY JACK- ETS . $29 tip NO LADIES' KLFATRIC HEALJACKPTS.-Plato 90 M .40 LADIat8' ELECTRIC MEAL JACKETS -Trimmed 45 to tom. J. W. T. FAIRWEATHER & CO. 84)YONQE-ST. - ,TORONTO. NEW GOODS For the Early Spring Trade. 0 Colman Patterns for Sale WHITE GOODS In Corset Waists, Night Gowns, Under Skirts and Drawers. NEW EMBROIDERIES 4500 yards of New Laces from 1 cent to 25 cents. 4000 yds. New Prints from 8 cents to 12 1-2 cents. Guaranteed fast colors. NEW GINGHAI1S - in all the leading patterns and colorings from N cents to 15 cents. These goods aro all Now awl will be mold amp for SPO' CASH, weer•• them Worn you stake your purchases - It will pay you. We have still left of the winter stock a few Furs, one Fur Coat 630 for 1120 Half a down Cloth Coats at half prion, and some Drees Goods you should as if they .aro any use 50 you. J. M. COLBORNE ': About Toilet Soaps. We would like to 00.010ne yon that this 1. by loog odds the best pines is tioderlob to boy your toilet soaps. 11 you will allow we to show you whet we dist sod how we bay. ooughl your interest you will M 0007wiced. Let u. try. Nsw.Alp-eat lust In Orange Joie aid horning Dew, ;